Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetFiles listed here may be useful and are provided 'as is'. Files might include raw data, intermediate processing, or other data collected on a cruise that is outside the current scope of CCHDO.
Role | Data Type | Format | Filename (Download) |
ancillary | documentation | 2015 P16N Cesium Measurements.pdf (101.2 kB) | |
ancillary | bottle | 33RO20150525_cesium_data.txt (42.6 kB) | |
ancillary | uvp | UVP_Data_Archives.pdf (57.4 kB) | |
ancillary | uvp | text | UVP_Data_Archives.txt (1.5 kB) |
raw | chipod | netcdf | (4.2 GB) |
ancillary | chipod | netcdf | (21.8 MB) |
Files listed here are the most recent version submitted by the cruise scientists, but have not yet been checked for consistency and merged into the main Dataset. They are provided "as is". If you are unsure of which files to use, stick to the Dataset files above.
These files are not yet in the Dataset.
Filename (Download) | Size | Date Submitted |
P16C_2015_N2O_20241022.csv | 25.8 kB | 2024-10-23 |
Quality flags update for nitrous oxide (N2O) data. No need to update N2O data but it is included for reference. Units are nanomoles per kilogram.
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file
Sumfile generated from (33910)
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
P16 Leg 1 2015 33RO20150410 processing - BTL/merge - CHLORA, 14C-DOC, 13C-DOC, DELHE3, HELIUM, NEON, ARGON, KRYPTON, XENON, DELC13, DELC14, N2O 2021-07-09 C Berys Submissions id date submit by file name ----- ---------- ------------ ------------------------------------ 15468 2020-05-19 Robert Key 33RO20150410.exc.csv 14204 2018-10-04 Robert Key 33RO20150410.exc.csv 14247 2018-12-07 Robert Key 33RO20150410.exc.csv 14278 2019-01-17 Robert Key 33RO20150410.exc.csv 14611 2019-07-31 Robert Key 33RO20150410.exc.csv 12173 2016-03-18 David Wisegarver p16n_2015_n2o.txt 14442 2019-05-15 Carolina for Ellen Druffel 33RO20150410_D14C-DOC_D13C-DOC.xlsx 14638 2019-09-13 Carolina leg1-only_P16_Helium_Isotopes_and_Noble_Gases_hy1.csv 14563 2019-06-25 Norm Nelson A_PrelimChlCLIVAR.txt Changes * changed fill value to -999 for DELC13 and PH_TOT Merges * p16n_2015_n2o.txt (12173) merged into 33RO20150410_hy1.csv (13985) using hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe - Merged parameters: N2O N2O_FLAG_W * 33RO20150410.exc.csv (15468) merged into 33RO20150410_hy1.csv (13985) using hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe - Merged parameters: 14C-DOC 14C-DOC_FLAG_W 14C-DOCERR 13C-DOC 13C-DOC_FLAG_W 13C-DOCERR DELHE3 DELHER DELHE3_FLAG_W HELIUM HELIER HELIUM_FLAG_W NEON NEONER NEON_FLAG_W ARGON ARGONER ARGON_FLAG_W KRYPTON KRYPTONER KRYPTON_FLAG_W XENON XENONER XENON_FLAG_W DELC13 DELC13_FLAG_W DELC14 DELC14_FLAG_W C14ERR * A_PrelimChlCLIVAR.txt (14563) merged into 33RO20150410_hy1.csv (13985) using hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe - Merged parameters: CHLORA CHLORA_FLAG_W Conversions file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- 33RO20150410_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe 33RO20150410hy.txt 33RO20150410_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe Updated Files Manifest file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 33RO20150410_hy1.csv 20210709CCHSIOCBG 20210709CCHSIOCBG 33RO20150410hy.txt
role to ancillary
UVP data archives and access instructions.
role to ancillary
Information about UVP archives and accessing Eco-Taxa archive.
Email dated 2021-05-13 Here are instructions for UVP data access via Ecotaxa: Navigate to Login or register From home page, Click "Particle Module" You will see the P16N data there on the map. In the "Particle Project" field, start typing "p16" and you will see the dataset show up: (uvp5_sn009_2015_p16n & uvp5_sn009_2015_p16n_goa) the second one is the east-west portion of the transect across the Gulf of Alaska Click "Apply filters" button Click "Export selection" button Select the type of data you want, then click Start Task You will receive access to a zip folder containing the data
The last 2 versions of this file that I submitted had a processing error with the C13 data that was discovered by Nico Lange. It is corrected here, but NOTE that the C13 data for this cruise (both legs) have not been QC'ed. I can't do that until I can return to my office.
Resubmission of leg 1 data only. For original file see P16_Helium_Isotopes_and_Noble_Gases.xlsx in history.
Ellen Druffel DOC14/13 added
P16N 2015
Sent via email on 2018-09-22, this data is included in file from Bob Key on 2018-10-04
D14-DOC and D13-DOC data GRL citation in header Flag "5" when a sample was lost during transit or processing.
Added final C14 and C13 data
Added text to the header indicating there that the PO4 data for Sta 1:59 was bad. Tired of having to answer this question repeatedly. Suggest you copy/paste edits since there are not data changes, but up to you.
Added H3 and all the noble gases from Jenkins. NOTE: file has new parameters. I generated reasonable names. We will want to archive these variables ARGON, KRYPTON, XENON with associated errors and flags
P16C 2015 33RO20150410 processing - BTL/merge - bottle CTD params, SALNTY, TRITUM 2018-04-19 C Berys Submission filename submitted by date id ------------------------------------------------------------- p16n_kem.sea Kristy McTaggart 2016-02-09 12100 P16N_2015 Tritiums.xlsx William J Jenkins 2018-02-01 13812 Changes * updated tritium status in header comments Merge p16n_kem.sea merged into 33RO20150410_hy1.csv using hydro hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb. :Updated parameters: CTDPRS, CTDTMP, CTDSAL, CTDSAL_FLAG_W, SALNTY, SALNTY_FLAG_W, CTDOXY P16N_2015 Tritiums.xlsx merged into 33RO20150410_hy1.csv using hydro hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb. :New parameters: TRITUM, TRITER, TRITUM_FLAG_W 33RO20150410_hy1.csv opened in JOA with no apparent problems. notes: N2O not merged, preliminary. Cesium not merged, need to verify sample numbers with PI. Conversion ---------- file converted from software -------------------------------------------------------------------- 33RO20150410_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb 33RO20150410hy.txt 33RO20150410_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ----------------------------------------- 33RO20150410_hy1.csv 20180419CCHSIOCBG 20180419CCHSIOCBG 33RO20150410hy.txt
Cesium data
Cesium data
spreadsheet contains one sheet with the tritium data and a second with the replicates.
Tritium data for GO-SHIP P16N_2015. File contains two spreadsheets: first is the data submitted, second is replicates data.
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
P16N/1 2015 33RO20150410 processing - CTD update CTDBEAMCP in existing Exchange file 2017-09-18 SEE Submission filename submitted by date id ------------ ------------ ---------- ----- 2015P161.TXT Wilf Gardner 2017-06-01 12772 Changes ------- - With W.Gardner's permission, for a few profiles, removed the first two and/or last samples') of the submitted CTDBEAMCP profile to match the pressures of the existing CTD file. - Merged CTDBEAMCP data from Wilf Gardner - 9 Exchange files did not have corresponding CTDBEAMCP data: fill values and flags used. - added header and cruise comments - removed XMISS - removed FLUOR, because the instrument was broken (as per N.Nelson) - removed obsolete comments. Conversion ---------- file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------- 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 20170918CCHSIOSEE 20170918CCHSIOSEE :Merged: CTDBEAMCP,CTDBEAMCP_FLAG_W :Removed: XMISS,FLUOR opened in JOA with no apparent problems: opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
P16C 2015 33RO20150410 processing - BTL/merge - CFCs, SF6, ALKALI, PH, DOC, TDN 2017-08-11 C Berys Submission filename submitted by date id ----------------------------------------------------------- p16n_2015_cfc.txt David Wisegarver 2016-03-09 12149 33RO20150410.exc.csv Robert Key 2017-06-05 12775 Changes * Added principal investigators and citation Merge p16n_2015_cfc.txt merged into 33RO20150410_hy1.csv using hydro hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb. :Updated parameters: CFC-11 CFC-11_FLAG_W CFC-12 CFC-12_FLAG_W SF6 SF6_FLAG_W 33RO20150410.exc.csv merged into 33RO20150410_hy1.csv using hydro hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb. :Updated parameters: ALKALI ALKALI_FLAG_W PH_TOT PH_TOT_FLAG_W PH_TMP :New parameters: DOC DOC_FLAG_W TDN TDN_FLAG_W 33RO20150410_hy1.csv opened in JOA with no apparent problems. note: N2O not merged, preliminary Conversion ---------- file converted from software -------------------------------------------------------------------- 33RO20150410_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb 33RO20150410hy.txt 33RO20150410_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ----------------------------------------- 33RO20150410_hy1.csv 20170811CCHSIOCBG 20170811CCHSIOCBG 33RO20150410hy.txt
Robert Key Updated file for leg 1 includes DOC and TDN data received from Craig Carlson via Alex Header updated
Wilf Gardner's CTDBEAMCP final data to be merged
P16N/1 2015 33RO20150410 processing - CTD/merge - CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,CTDNOBS,XMISS,FLUOR 2016-03-23 SEE Submission filename submitted by date id ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ----- Kristy McTaggart 2016-03-15 12155 Changes ------- - only included leg1 stations 001-112 - added UNITS comments - changed header SECT_ID from P16N to P16N/1 - NOTE: flags for XMISS, FLUOR not submitted by Originator. - renamed ct1.csv files to CCHDO filename format. Conversion ---------- file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3 Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 20160323CCHSIOSEE 20160323CCHSIOSEE :Updated parameters: CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,CTDNOBS,XMISS,FLUOR opened in JOA with no apparent problems: opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
The N2O data are preliminary and flagged 3 until we have the opportunity to apply corrections for the data set.
33RO20150410/33RO20150525 final CTD data files
CFC data for p16n2015
P16N leg 1 2015 33RO20150410 processing - BTL/merge - nuts, oxygen 2016-02-20 C Berys Submission filename submitted by date id --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mary Carol Johnson 2015-05-16 11835 P16N Nutrient Data_160106.txt Eric Wisegarver 2016-01-07 12054 33ro020150410 discrete oxygen and quality codes.txt Chris Langdon 2016-02-08 12098 33RO20150410.exc.csv Bob Key 2016-02-17 12119 Merge, P16N Nutrient Data_160106.txt, and 33ro020150410 discrete oxygen and quality codes.txt merged into 33RO20150410.exc.csv by Bob Key, renamed to 33RO20150410_hy1.csv. 33RO20150410_hy1.csv opened in JOA with no apparent problems. note: some unresolved flags for PH_TOT Conversion ---------- file converted from software -------------------------------------------------------------------- hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3 33RO20150410hy.txt 33RO20150410_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3 Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ------------------------------------------- 33RO20150410_hy1.csv 20160217PRINUNIVRMK 20160217PRINUNIVRMK 33RO20150410hy.txt
The attached file includes the final oxygen data from Langdon, final nuts from Wisegarver and final DIC from Greely. For Leg 1, my software will not tolerate the variables called "2TLN2R" nor "BTMDEPTH" so they were dropped. Obviously, the latter should have been "DEPTH", but I didn't fix. I have no idea about the first. All 3 new parameters run through my QC software. If you plot "SAMPLE" vs "BOTTLE" for this cruise, there are a few strange ones. Fixing those is above my pay grade..... and left for the ChSci. or on-board data person. For leg 2 same additions, no oddities, but I've omitted BTL_LON and BTL_LAT from this printout.
Final discrete CTDO and salinity data for P16N legs 1 and 2. 5400 records in WOCE .SEA format.
Column K and L contain the final discrete Winkler oxygen data and quality flags for P16N 2015 cruises on the Ron Brown
System Message: Submitter requests file be attached to cruise 1317
P16N/1 2015 33RO20150410 processing - CTD/merge - CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,XMISS,FLUOR,CTDNOBS,CTDETIME 2015-11-17 SEE Submission filename submitted by date id -------------- ------------------ ---------- ----- Mary Carol Johnson 2015-05-16 11837 Changes ------- 11892_whp_exchange.tar.gz - Changed name of exchange files - removed DEPTH, DEPTH_FLAG_W, and UVP from Exchange files - changed Parameter name FLUORM to FLUOR - changed Parameter name TRANS to XMISS - changed Header name SECT_ID from P16N to P16N/1 Conversion ---------- file converted from software ------------------------------ --------------------------- ----------------------- hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3 Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ------------------------------- ----------------- 20151117CCHSIOSEE 20151117CCHSIOSEE :Updated parameters: CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,XMISS,FLUOR,CTDNOBS,CTDETIME opened in JOA with no apparent problems: opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
P16N/1 2015 33RO20150410 processing - CTD 2015-11-03 C Berys * Leg 1 files restored Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ------------------------------------ 33RO20150410_ct1.csv 20150514NOAA 20150514NOAA
P16N/1 2015 33RO20150410 processing - CTD 2015-11-03 C Berys Submission filename submitted by date id -------------------------------------------------------------- whp_exchange.tar.gz Courtney Schatzman 2015-06-30 11892 * files replaced with leg 2 submission * CTD files processed * NOTE: some parameters not in parameters table Conversion ---------- file converted from software -------------------------------------------------------------------- hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3 Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ------------------------------------ 33RO20150410_ct1.csv 20150617NOAA 20150617NOAA
P16N/1 2015 33RO20150410 processing - CTD 2015-11-02 C Berys Submission filename submitted by date id ----------------------------------------------------------- Mary Carol Johnson 2015-05-16 11837 * CTD files processed * NOTE: some parameters not in parameters table Conversion ---------- file converted from software -------------------------------------------------------------------- hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3 Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ------------------------------------ 33RO20150410_ct1.csv 20150514NOAA 20150514NOAA
System Message: Submitter requests file be attached to cruise 1317
PDF and text version of cruise report available.
System Message: Submitter requests file be attached to cruise 1317
P16N Leg 1 NOAAS Ronald H. Brown 10 April - 13 May 2015 expocode 33RO20150410 Leg 1 documentation close but not quite ready - chief scientist(s) will submit this within the next week or two.
P16N Leg 1 NOAAS Ronald H. Brown 10 April - 13 May 2015 expocode 33RO20150410 Leg 1 documentation close but not quite ready - chief scientist(s) will submit this within the next week or two.
P16N Leg 1 NOAAS Ronald H. Brown 10 April - 13 May 2015 expocode 33RO20150410 Leg 1 documentation close but not quite ready - chief scientist(s) will submit this within the next week or two.
P16N Leg 1 NOAAS Ronald H. Brown 10 April - 13 May 2015 expocode 33RO20150410 Leg 1 documentation close but not quite ready - chief scientist(s) will submit this within the next week or two.