Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetFiles listed here may be useful and are provided 'as is'. Files might include raw data, intermediate processing, or other data collected on a cruise that is outside the current scope of CCHDO.
Role | Data Type | Format | Filename (Download) |
ancillary | (54.5 kB) | ||
intermediate | ctd | sbe_ascii_cnv | (935.8 MB) |
raw | ctd | sbe_hex_xmlcon_24hz | (442.9 MB) |
raw | chipod | netcdf | (6.8 GB) |
ancillary | chipod | netcdf | (35.1 MB) |
Files listed here are the most recent version submitted by the cruise scientists, but have not yet been checked for consistency and merged into the main Dataset. They are provided "as is". If you are unsure of which files to use, stick to the Dataset files above.
These files are not yet in the Dataset.
Filename (Download) | Size | Date Submitted |
documents.tgz | 9.5 MB | 2024-11-01 | | 1.1 MB | 2024-11-01 |
CDOM data previously submitted from SeaBASS
The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (42043)
The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (42043)
The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (42043)
File created in the CCHDO system
Updated POC and PON data received from Joaquin Chaves via email. Supplementary documentation from original submission included here.
Updated POC and PON data received from Joaquin Chaves via email. Supplementary documentation from original submission included here.
Updated POC and PON data received from Joaquin Chaves via email. Supplementary documentation from original submission included here.
320620170820 processing - BTL/merge - POC, PON 2024-10-31 Carolina Berys Submissions id submit date submitted by file name ----- ------------ --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 41398 2024-02-11 Carolina Berys 42041 2024-11-01 Carolina for Joaquin Chaves 42042 2024-11-01 Carolina for Joaquin Chaves Changes * Samples coming from multiple bottles were copied to each bottle * Flags were added as 6 for samples with bincount > 1 otherwise 2 * Renamed 'poc' as 'POC' with units 'UG/L' * Renamed 'poc_sd' as 'POC_ERROR with units 'UG/L' * Renamed 'pn' as 'PON' with units 'UG/L' * Renamed 'pn_sd' as 'PON_ERROR with units 'UG/L' * funnel filtration data renamed as _ALT_1 (eg PON_ALT_1) note: CDOM data not merged with this update Merges * (42042) merged into using cchdo.hydro - merged parameters: POC, POC_ERROR, POC _FLAG_W, PON, PON_ERROR, PON _FLAG_W * (42041) merged into using cchdo.hydro - merged parameters: POC_ALT_1, POC_ERROR_ALT_1, POC_ALT_1 _FLAG_W, PON_ALT_1, PON_ERROR_ALT_1, PON_ALT_1 _FLAG_W opened in ODV with no apparent problems. Updated Files Manifest file stamp ---------------------- ----------------- 20241031CCHSIOCBG
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
CDOM, POC, PN from file NASA_POC_CDOM_ap.tar submitted by Joaquin Chaves on 2022-10-01. DOC_NASA and TDN_NASA were merged on 2022-10-31.
320620170820 processing - BTL/merge - DELC14, DELC13 2024-02-11 C Berys Submissions submit date submitted by file name ----- ------------- -------------- --------------------------------------- 41030 2023-09-22 Carolina Berys C14_C13_P06_2017_CCHDO_leg2only_hy1.csv 37856 2022-11-19 rolf sonnerup C14_C13_P06_2017_CCHDO.txt Changes * added parameter mnemonics and units * rounded to two decimal places * note: C14ERR multiplied by 1000 for /MILLE units Merges * C14_C13_P06_2017_CCHDO_leg2only_hy1.csv (41030) merged into 320620170820_hy1.csv (35243) using hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe - merged parameters: DELC14 DELC14_FLAG_W C14ERR DELC13 DELC13_FLAG_W 320620170820_hy1.csv and opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe 320620170820hy.txt 320620170820_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe Updated Files Manifest file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv 20240211CCHSIOCBG 20240211CCHSIOCBG 320620170820hy.txt 20240211CCHSIOCBG
Leg 2 only of file C14_C13_P06_2017_CCHDO.txt (37856) originally submitted on 2022-11-19 by Rolf Sonnerup
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file
These are C-14 and C-13 of dissolved inorganic carbon measured onshore at the National Ocean Sciences AMS facility. The data are for both legs 1 and 2.
These are C-14 and C-13 of dissolved inorganic carbon measured onshore at the National Ocean Sciences AMS facility. The data are for both legs 1 and 2.
320620170820 processing - BTL 2022-11-09 C Berys Some of the samples for DOC_NASA and TDN_NASA were omitted from the update on 2022-10-31. That merge is corrected here. For update details see "Bottle data update - TDP, DOC_NASA, TDN_NASA - Carolina Berys - Date: 2022-10-31" 320620170820_hy1.csv and opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe 320620170820hy.txt 320620170820_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe Updated Files Manifest file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv 20221109CCHSIOCBG 20221109CCHSIOCBG 320620170820hy.txt 20221109CCHSIOCBG
320620170820 processing - BTL 2022-10-31 C Berys Submissions id submit date submitted by file name ----- ------------- -------------- -------------------- 32441 2022-08-29 Zhou Liang P06_320620170820_TDP.csv 33576 2022-10-01 Joaquin Chaves NASA_POC_CDOM_ap.tar Changes TDP * none DOC_NASA and TDN_NASA * data from file * selected rows with sample type 3 (collected from CTD/rosette Niskin bottles) * measuruments from multiple bottles were entered into all corresponding samples * flags assigned 6 if replicate samples were more than 1 from _bincount, otherwise 2 * DOC_L to DOC_NASA, DOC_L_sd to DOC_NASA_ERROR * TDN to TDN_NASA, TDN_sd to TDN_NASA_ERROR Merges * P06_320620170820_TDP.csv (32441) merged into 320620170820_hy1.csv (29719) using hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe - merged parameters: TDP, TDP_FLAG_W * from NASA_POC_CDOM_ap.tar (33576) merged into 320620170820_hy1.csv (29719) using hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe - merged parameters: DOC_NASA, DOC_NASA_FLAG_W, DOC_NASA_ERROR, TDN_NASA, TDN_NASA_FLAG_W, TDN_NASA_ERROR note: CDOM, POC, PN is not included in this update 320620170820_hy1.csv and opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe 320620170820hy.txt 320620170820_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe Updated Files Manifest file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv 20221031CCHSIOCBG 20221031CCHSIOCBG 320620170820hy.txt 20221031CCHSIOCBG
Sumfile generated from (34111)
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
TAR file with POC, CDOM, and a_p (phytoplankton absorption). Protocols and other ancillary data are included
Here are TDP measurements for bottle data. These TDP data belong to the program of DOP measurements with the investigator Angela Knapp ( ) for the cruise 320620170820.
320620170820 processing - BTL 2022-08-17 A Barna Submissions id submit date submitted by file name ----- ------------- -------------- -------------------- 16795 320620170820_hy1.csv Changes * Changed D15N-TDN to D15N_NO3 as per cruise report * Changed D18O-TDN to D18O_NO3 as per cruise report * Fixed float deployment information in header comments * Changed expected units of POC to UG/L * Changed expected units of TON to UMOL/KG * Changed AP to BEAMAP * Documented other unknown params in params DB 320620170820_hy1.csv and opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions note: converted and put online by C Berys file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe 320620170820hy.txt 320620170820_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe Updated Files Manifest file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv 20220817CCHSIOAMB 20220817CCHSIOAMB 320620170820hy.txt 20220817CCHSIOAMB
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
role to ancillary
P06 2017 320620170820 processing - BTL/merge - CTDOXY, OXYGEN, TDN, DOC 2021-02-19 C Berys Submissions id date submit by file name ----- ---------- --------------- -------------------- 14598 2019-07-18 Kenneth Jackson 320620170820_hy1.csv 14824 2020-01-31 Robert Key 320620170820.exc.csv 16556 2021-01-25 Robert Key 320620170820.exc.csv Changes * none * note: a further update could be expected for CTDOXY, OXYGEN, and flags Merges * 320620170820.exc.csv (16556) merged into 320620170820_hy1.csv (14237) using hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe - Merged parameters: TDN TDN_FLAG_W DOC DOC_FLAG_W CTDOXY_FLAG_W * 320620170820_hy1.csv (14598) merged into 320620170820_hy1.csv (14237) using hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe - Merged parameters: CTDOXY OXYGEN OXYGEN_FLAG_W 320620170820_hy1.csv, opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe 320620170820hy.txt 320620170820_hy1.csv 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe Updated Files Manifest file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv 20210219CCHSIOCBG 20210219CCHSIOCBG 320620170820hy.txt
file includes final TDN data submitted by Craig Carlson 1/18/21 (to Alex). Merged with QC 1/25/21
New in this version are Craig Carlson's final DOC values with QC check. Final carbon (alk,ph,dic) submitted previously
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
P06E 2017 320620170820 processing - merge CTDBEAMCP, and remove CTDXMISS 2019-12-30 CCHDO Submission filename submitted by date id ------------ ------------ ---------- ----- 2017_P06.txt Wilf Gardner 2019-12-13 14756 Changes ------- 2017_P06.txt - merged CTDBEAMCP data from Wilf Gardner into existing Exchange file - added comments Conversion ---------- file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------- 0.8.2-57-g8aa7d7a Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp --------------------- ---------------- 20191230CCHSIO 20191230CCHSIO :Removed parameters: CTDXMISS, CTDXMISS_FLAG_W :Updated parameters: none :Merged parameters: CTDBEAMCP, CTDBEAMCP_FLAG_W opened in JOA with no apparent problems: opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
final BEAMCP data
Removed CTD WOCE format from dataset because it is preliminary and does not match final CTD Exchange and NetCDF data.
2017 320620170820 processing - CTD/merge - CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,CTDXMISS,CTDBBP700RAW,CTDFLUOR,CTDRINKO - all with flags 2017-12-11 CCHSIO Submission filename submitted by date id -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----- Kenneth Jackson 2019-07-18 14597 Changes ------- - These CTD files are the final submission from ODF/SIO. - Renamed submitted files to match EXCHANGE standard. Put original file name in file as a comment. - Added units and other descriptive comments. - Added cruise information as comments. - Replaced DEPTH header value with DEPTH value from bottle files because submitted CTD DEPTH values appear to be pressures instead of depths. Bottle file submitted on 2019-07-18 was used for replacement values. - Replaced DATE,TIME header values with those from bottle - the CTD DATE,TIME are 7 hours earlier than the Bottle DATE,TIME, probably due to CTD processing error. Assume the Bottle DATE,TIME are correct. Bottle file submitted on 2019-07-18 was used for replacement values. Conversion ---------- file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- hydro 0.8.2-57-g8aa7d7a Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ----------------------- -------------- 20191211CCHSIO 20191211CCHSIO :Updated parameters: CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,CTDXMISS,CTDBBP700RAW,CTDFLUOR,CTDRINKO opened in JOA 5.2.1 with no apparent problems: opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
Final P06E CTD data with updated CTDOXY values and flags.
Final P06E CTD data with updated CTDOXY values and flags.
Phytoplankton pigment concentration in SeaBASS format:
These cruise reports replace those currently online at CCHDO. They add HPLC & POC to the Emmanuel Boss entry on the PI table.
These cruise reports replace those currently online at CCHDO. They add HPLC & POC to the Emmanuel Boss entry on the PI table.
P06 2017 320620170820 processing - BTL/merge - processing, TCARBN, ALKILI, PH_TOT 2018-11-18 C Berys Submission filename submitted by date id --------------------------------------------------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv Andrew Barna 2017-11-20 13770 320620170820.exc.csv Bob Key 2018-04-17 13982 320620170820.exc.csv Bob Key 2018-08-28 14145 Changes * SF6 at station 214, cast 1, sample 28, value 99.0000 with flag 5 changed to -999.0000 * PH_TMP units from DEGC to DEG C * removed decimal from DEPTH Merge 320620170820.exc.csv merged into 320620170820_hy1.csv using hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb. :Updated Parameters: TCARBN, TCARBN_FLAG_W, ALKALI, ALKALI_FLAG_W, PH_TOT, PH_TOT_FLAG_W, PH_TMP 320620170820_hy1.csv opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversion ---------- file converted from software -------------------------------------------------------------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb 320620170820hy.txt 320620170820_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ------------------------------------------- 320620170820_hy1.csv 20181118CCHSIOCBG 20181118CCHSIOCBG 320620170820hy.txt
This version updated with final alk and pH data from Millero's lab. QC by me.
Started with file posted at CCHDO Created header (still needs edits) Added final DIC from Dana Greeley Split into 2 legs (E & W) for now.
The text version of P06E_2017's cruise report is ready to go online as merged.
The pdf version of P06E_2017 is ready to go online. It contains all of the PI-provided data reports as well as an LADCP QC report.
2017 320620170820 processing - CTD/merge - CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,CTDFLUOR,CTDXMISS,CTDBBP700RAW,CTDRINKO 2018-03-05 CCHSIO Submission filename submitted by date id -------------------- ------------ ---------- ----- Joseph Gum 2017-11-20 13773 Changes ------- - This is a GO-SHIP Cruise: CTDOXY flags are all uncalibrated - added cruise comments - removed DEPTH from header, as all values are -999 - removed space before DATA header - changed SECT_ID description from nbp1707 to P06E - changed parameter name from CTDBACKSCATTER to CTDBBP700RAW (and flag) - renamed files to match CCHDO format - RINKO: no stations have RINKO data: data were submitted as "0.0000,1" Conversion ---------- file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ----------------------- -------------- 20170305CCHSIO 20170305CCHSIO :Updated parameters: CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,CTDFLUOR,CTDBBP700RAW,CTDXMISS,CTDRINKO opened in JOA with no apparent problems: opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
These data can go online in the dataset, the cruise report will be submitted as soon the CTD/Bottle residual plots are updated.