Hydrographic Cruise: 06MT18_1

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

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Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    06MT18_1_bottle.nc (download) #7572b
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    06MT18_1_ctd.nc (download) #96dae
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06MT18_1_hy1.csv (download) #25c02
    Date: 2021-10-25
    Current Status: merged
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06MT18_1_nc_hyd.zip (download) #38efc
    Date: 2021-10-25
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06MT18_1_hy1.csv (download) #09dd4
    Date: 2021-10-01
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06MT18_1_nc_hyd.zip (download) #ce562
    Date: 2021-10-01
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge R Pillai

    a01e_hy1.csv (download) #33033
    Date: 2021-10-01
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge R Pillai

    a01e_hy1.csv (download) #33033
    Date: 2021-10-01
    Current Status: merged
  • Fixed flags, converts to netcdf R Pillai

    Date: 2021-10-01
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Website Update
    R Pillai
    id    date        submit by  file name
    ----  ----------  ---------  ------------
    3227  2021-10-01             ao1e_hy1.csv
    file                 converted from    software
    -------------------  ----------------  -----------------
    06MT18_1_nc_hyd.zip  06MT18_1_hy1.csv  0.8.2-61-g3353cfe
    06MT18_1_hy1.csv     ao1e_hy1.csv      0.8.2-61-g3353cfe
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp
    ----------------------  -----------------
    06MT18_1_nc_hyd.zip     20211025CCHSIORKP
    06MT18_1_hy1.csv        20211025CCHSIORKP
  • Fixed flags, converts to netcdf R Pillai

    Date: 2021-10-01
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Website Update
    R Pillai
    id    date        submit by  file name
    ----  ----------  ---------  ------------
    3227  2021-10-01             ao1e_hy1.csv
    file                 converted from    software
    -------------------  ----------------  -----------------
    06MT18_1_nc_hyd.zip  06MT18_1_hy1.csv  0.8.2-61-g3353cfe
    06MT18_1_hy1.csv     ao1e_hy1.csv      0.8.2-61-g3353cfe
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp
    ----------------------  ----------------
    06MT18_1_nc_hyd.zip     20020919WHPSIOSA
    06MT18_1_hy1.csv        20020919WHPSIOSA
  • File Created CCHDO System

    a01e_06MT18_1trk.gif (download) #f1b4a
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    a01e_nc_ctd.zip (download) #74310
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    a01esu.txt (download) #c21d3
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    a01ehy.txt (download) #50906
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    a01edo.pdf (download) #380b4
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    a01ect.zip (download) #21b71
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    a01e_06MT18_1trk.jpg (download) #2710a
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    a01e_nc_hyd.zip (download) #19890
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    a01e_ct1.zip (download) #86e98
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    a01edo.txt (download) #38b67
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • New PDF and text docs online Lauren Coartney

    Date: 2002-11-15
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
    New PDF and text docs online.
  • Data Online Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2002-09-19
    Data Type: He/Tr, DELC14
    Action: Website Updated:
    Added TRITIUM, HELIUM, DELHE3, DELC14, TRITER, HELIER, DELHER, and C14ERR to online file. Made new exchange file. 
    Merge notes for a01e:
    Added TRITIUM, HELIUM, DELHE3, DELC14, TRITER, HELIER, DELHER, and C14ERR from file 06MT18-1.SEA_NEW found in /usr/export/html-public/ data/onetime/atlantic/a01/a01e/original/1998.08.03_A01E_HE.TR.C14.ARNOLD into online file 20000414SIODMN.
  • See Note: Adel Hajrasuliha

    Date: 2001-12-19
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Internal DQE completed
    created *check.txt file. Could NOT create *.ps files.
  • Exchange file online Karla Uribe

    Date: 2001-12-18
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Updated:
    CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.
  • Exchange file corrected, file reformatted Karla Uribe

    Date: 2001-08-09
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
    Bottle exchange file was corrected. The wrong file was online. Bottle file was formatted by S. Diggs.
  • CTD CSV File Added, BTL CSV file modified Karla Uribe

    Date: 2001-06-21
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
    The exchange bottle file name in directory and index file was modified to lower case.
    CTD exchange files were put online.
  • Exchange file online Karla Uribe

    Date: 2001-06-20
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
    Bottle file in exchange format has been linked to website.
  • Expocodes updated Karla Uribe

    Date: 2001-03-16
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Updated:
    Karla and I have edited the expocode in all ctd files to match the underscored expocode in the sum and bottle files. New files were zipped and replaced existing ctd files online. Old files were moved to original directory. 
  • Caroline is scanning Morozov's CTD dqe report Jerry Kappa

    Date: 2001-02-20
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Update Needed
    done: 4/12/01, see shared folder
  • Linda Huynh

    Date: 2000-07-10
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: PDF & TXT Versions OnLine
    Both pdf and text docs have been updated and are online.
  • See note: Stephen C. Diggs

    Date: 2000-04-14
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Data Update:
    Since the original merge was in error, David Newton re-merged the CFCs for A01E (Meteor 18) and I checked them for accuracy.  Data checked out fine, and I placed the new file on the web.
    All files and tables updated.
  • More complete doc now online Linda Huynh

    Date: 2000-04-13
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
  • Data Online Stephen C. Diggs

    Date: 2000-02-22
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Website Updated:
    CFCs for cruise 06MT18_1 (A01E) have been updated and placed online.  Notes
    from David Newton follow.    -sd
    Changes to a01ehy.txt       R/V METEOR CRUISE 18 LEG 1  WHP-ID A01E 
    Corrected EXPO code from 06MT18/1 to 06MT18_1.
    Merged in updated CFC's and CFC QUALT1 flags.  QUALT2 flags unchanged.
    - David Newton  24Jan2000
  • DQE Complete Alexander Kozyr

    Date: 2000-02-14
    Data Type: ALKALI/TCARBN
    Action: Final Data Submitted
  • See note: David Newton

    Date: 2000-01-24
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Data Update:
       Changes to a01ehy.txt       R/V METEOR CRUISE 18 LEG 1  WHP-ID A01E 
         Corrected EXPO code from 06MT18/1 to 06MT18_1.
         Merged in updated CFC's and CFC QUALT1 flags.  QUALT2 flags unchanged.
    - David Newton  24Jan2000
  • sent to D. Newton Stephen C. Diggs

    Date: 2000-01-19
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Data Ready to be Merged
    CFC data from Roether's lab (courtesy Birgit Klein).  Reported it in different units and done some flag corrections.
  • CFC-11/12 data resubmitted, see note: Birgit Klein

    Date: 1999-09-12
    Data Type: CFC-11/CFC-12
    Action: Submitted
    I was preparing a CFC data file for John Bullister for the North Atlanic CLIVAR activities. While I was checking the hydrography data of the file that you have at the WHPO I noticed that all the CFC-11 and CFC-12 quality flags in qual1 had been set to 1. Therefore I am submitting the CFC-11 and CFC-12 data again together with their quality flags. The only change is that the
    CFC-11 and CFC-12 concentrations are now reported as SIO93 while the earlier data set was reported as SIO86. The data file is called m18cfc.woc and the corresponding meta information is given in file m18cfcdoc.txt.
    Dr. Birgit Klein                                      Tel. +421 218 2931
  • Status changed to Public Birgit Klein

    Date: 1999-06-10
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Website Updated:
    I now declare our consent to have CFC data public for this cruise.
  • a01e_notes.pdf added Jerry Kappa

    Date: 1999-04-30
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: PDF Version Updated
  • see note for contents: Jerry Kappa

    Date: 1999-03-09
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: PDF & ASCII Versions Updated
    a01e_cfc data.pdf
  • North Atlantic cruise list Fritz Schott

    Date: 1998-04-07
    Data Type: Cruise ID
    Action: Data Update:
  • Alfred Putzka

    Date: 1996-08-28
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Submitted for DQE
  • Jens Meincke

    Date: 1996-03-04
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Data are Final
  • pdf Jens Meincke

    Date: 1995-05-04
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Final Data Submitted
  • paper only Jens Meincke

    Date: 1995-03-28
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Data Update:
  • Alexander Sy

    Date: 1995-03-21
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: DQE Report sent to PI
  • Jane Dunworth-Baker

    Date: 1994-10-14
    Data Type: s/o/nuts
    Action: Data are Final
  • Eugene G. Morozov

    Date: 1994-09-10
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: DQE Report Submitted
  • Alexander Sy

    Date: 1994-08-01
    Data Type: NUTs/S/O
    Action: DQE Report sent to PI
  • David J. Ellett

    Date: 1994-06-21
    Data Type: NUTs/S/O
    Action: DQE Report Submitted
  • Jens Meincke

    Date: 1993-12-29
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Submitted
  • James Crease

    Date: 1993-12-16
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: DQE Begun
  • David J. Ellett

    Date: 1993-11-03
    Data Type: s/o/nuts
    Action: DQE Begun
  • Alexander Sy

    Date: 1993-08-27
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Data Update:
  • Alexander Sy

    Date: 1993-01-21
    Data Type: BTL/SUM
    Action: Submitted for DQE