A. Cruise Narrative: A01E A.1. Highlights WHP Cruise Summary Information WOCE section designation A01E Expedition designation (EXPOCODE) 06MT18_1 Chief Scientist/affiliation Jens Meincke/IfMH* Cruise Dates 1991.SEP.02 - 1991.SEP.26 Ship METEOR Ports of call Reyjavik, Iceland to Hamburg, Germany Number of stations 64 60°00.00' N Stations' Geographic boundaries 42°30.60' W 14°15.20' W 52°10.10' N Floats and drifters deployed 0 Moorings deployed or recovered 6 moored current meter arrays Contributing Authors A. Sy, M. Bersch, A. Mittelslaedt, R. Bayer, B. Hoffahrt, A. Putzka, K. Blusiewicz, G. Fraas, B. Schneider, K. Johnson, L. Mintrop, H.-J. Isemer, J. Sußebach, H. Sonnabend, D. Ellett Institut für Meereskunde € Universität Hamburg Troplowitzstrasse 7 € 22529 Hamburg € GERMANY Email: meincke@ifm.uni-hamburg.de € phone: 49-40-4123-5985 € fax: 49-40-4123-4644 WHP Cruise and Data Information Cruise Summary Information Hydrographic Measurements Description of scientific program CTD measurements 18 Conductivity 18 Geographic boundaries of the survey Oxygen 19 Cruise track (figure) Pressure 20 Description of stations Salinity 21 Description of parameters sampled Temperature 21 Bottle depth distributions (figure) Floats and drifters deployed Bottle Data Moorings deployed or recovered Oxygen 25 Principal Investigators for all measurements Salinity 25 Cruise Participants Nutrients 26 CFC-11 and CFC-12 Problems and goals not achieved Other incidents of note Underway Data Information DQE Reports CTD Navigation S/O2/nutrients Bathymetry 14C Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Thermosalinograph and related measurements XBT and/or XCTD Meteorological observations Atmospheric chemistry data Methodology and Calibrations References Acknowledgments HYD/BTL HYD/BTL CTD and hydrology measurements APNDX 2 CTD Instrumentation 13 CFCs CTD instrument calibrations 13 C14 CTD and hydrology data collection techniques Water sampling methods 14 Hydrology analytical methods Data Processing Notes Abstract The METEOR cruise no. 18 was aimed at contributing to the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) in particular to the one-time survey of the WOCE-Hydrographic Programme. The survey line from Ireland to Kap Farvel crosses the North Atlantic just to the south of the major convective regimes, so that transport estimates for the warm and the cold water masses can be used to estimate the North Atlantic overturning rate. This quantity is one of the key figures for the ocean's role in climate. Measurements were carried out as outlined in the WOCE-documentation, i.e. the full suite of hydrographical and nutrient parameters and tracer substances as tritium, helium, CFCs and radiocarbon. In addition the quantities relevant to determine the ocean carbon cycle were sampled. The measurements on stratification were complemented by direct current measurements, employing an acoustic doppler current profiling system for the upper 300m and deploying long term moored current meter arrays at six locations along the survey line. The quality of the data obtained was generally confirming to the standards set by WOCE. Zusammenfassung Die 18. Reise der METEOR ist ein deutscher Beitrag zum World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), in diesem Falle sum sog. 'one time survey' des WOCE- Hydrographic Programme. Der bearbeitete hydrographische Schnitt von der Sudspitze Gronlands bis nach Irland quert den nordwärtsgerichteten Warmwassertransporte und die südwartsgerichteten Kaltwassertransporte bilanziert werden, un die für Klimabetrachtungen wichtige Umwalzrate des Nordatlantiks zu erhalten. Das Meßprogramm entsprach den Vorgaben von WOCE, d.h. zu den hydrographischen Parametern wie Temperatur, Salzgehalt und Sauerstoffgehalt kamen Nährsalze und Spurenstoffe wie Tritium, Helium, FCKWs und 14C hinzu. In enger Absprache mit dem internationalen Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) wurden die Komponenten zur Bestimmung des Kohlenstoffkreislaufes im Meer ebenfalls gemessen. Zur direkten Bestimmung der Strömung kam ein akustischer Profilmesser für die oberen 400 m vom fahrenden Schiff aus zum Einsatz und es wurden an 6 Positionen Stromungsmesserketten zur Langzeitregistrierung verankert. Die Datenqualität entsprach generell dem WOCE- Standard. 1 Research Objectives The North Atlantic Ocean is characterized by an intense meridional circulation cell, carrying near surface waters of tropical and subtropical origin northwards and deep waters of arctic and subarctic origin southwards. The related "overturning" is driven by sinking of water masses at high latitudes. The overturning rate and thus the intensity of the meridional transports of mass, heat and salt is an important control parameter for the modeling of the ocean's role in climate. Certainly such estimates require more than one survey of the study area and therefore the METEOR cruise no. 18 was one in a series of cruises, which started in March 1991 and is expected to continue into 1995. This effort, which is a joint project of the Institut für Meereskunde, University of Hamburg and the Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie, Hamburg in cooperation with varying groups from other marine institutions, serves two purposes: On the one hand it is a German contribution to the international World Ocean Circulation Experiment, WOCE- Hydrographic-Program, in particular to the WHP one-lime survey of the eastern part of the hydrographic section A1 and the repeats thereof (ANON, 1988). On the other hand it serves the national project WOCE-NORD (North Atlantic Overturning Rate Determination). Its objective is to determine directly the overturning rates by means of seasonally repeated hydrographic sections between the southern tip of Greenland and Ireland in combination with current measurements from long-term moored arrays (see Figure 1). The location of the section was chosen to be to the south of the major wintertime convection regions to avoid water mass formation processes and to stay away from shallow topography in order to avoid difficulties in applying the geostrophic method for volume transport estimates. The occasion of the cruise M 18 was also used to contribute to the global study of the carbonate system, which is carried out in the framework of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study in close coordination with WOCE. 2 Participants Name Specialty Institute --------------------------- -------------- --------- Bassek, D., Technician Meteorology SWA Bayer, R., Dr. Tracer-Physics IUPH Beckmann, U., Technician Oceanography IFMK Bersch, M., Dipl.-Oz. Oceanography IFMH Bos, D., Technician Tracer-Physics SIO-ODF Braun, W., Guest, State Dep Oceanography IFMH Brunßen, J. v., Dipl.-Phys. Tracer-Physics UBP Bulsewiecz, K., Technician Tracer-Physics UBP Falk, G., Technician Tracer-Physics UBP Fraas, G., Technician Tracer-Physics UBP Isemer, H.-J., Dr. Meteorology IFMK Johnson, K., Dr. Geochemistry BNL Korves, A., Technician Geochemistry IFMK Maus, S., Student Oceanography IFMH May, H., Technician Oceanography BSH Meincke, J., Prof. Dr. Oceanography IFMH Morak, A., Technician Geochemistry IFMK Muus, D., Technician Tracer-Physics SIO-ODF Nesemann, M., Student Oceanography IFMH Paul, U., Dipl.-Oz. Oceanography BSH Putzka, A., Dr. Tracer-Physics UBP Ramirez, R., Technician Geochemistry BNL Reichert, K., Student Oceanography IFMH Schneider, B., Dr. Geochemistry IFMK Stelter, G., Technician Oceanography BSH Sußebach, W., Reg. Rat. Meteorology SWA Sy, A., Dr. Oceanography BSH Verch, N., Technician Oceanography BSH Wenk, A., Technician Geochemistry IFMK Wüllner, H., Technician Oceanography IFMH Participating Institutions BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory Oceanographic and Atmospheric Sciences Division Upton, NY, 11973, USA BSH Bundesamt fur Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie Bernhard-Nocht-Str.78 D-20359 Hamburg IFMH Institut fur Meereskunde der Universitat Hamburg Troplowitzstr.7 D-22529 Hamburg IFMK Institut fur Meereskunde der Universitat Kiel Dusternbrooker Weg 20 D-24105 Kiel IUP lnstitut fur Umweltphysik der Universitat Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 366 D-69120 Heidelberg SIO-ODF Scripps Institution of Oceanography Ocean Data Facility La Jolla, Cal., 92093, USA SWA Seewetteramt Hamburg, German Weather Service Bernhard-Nocht-Str. 76, D-20359 Hamburg UBP Universitat Bremen, Fachbereich Physik Postfach 330 440 D-28334 Bremen 3 Research Programme 3.1 Physical Oceanography The physical oceanography programme consisted of two parts: Along the section between Greenland and Ireland 64 hydrographic stations were occupied. On each station the vertical distribution of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen content and nutrient content (NO3, NO2, SIO3 and PO4) was obtained, using continuously measuring CTDO2-sondes as well as water samples from discrete depths. This data set will allow to determine the distribution of water masses and to estimate the relative transport distribution during the summer season. At six locations near strong gradients of the bottom topography current meter moorings were deployed. These records will allow to quantify the transports of deep topographically steered boundary currents as well as their temperature fluctuations over the period of one year. Combining this information with the hydrographic data will result in total transport estimates of the various water masses present. Throughout the cruise continuous current profiles using the ship-mounted acoustic doppler current profiler were measured as well as sea surface temperature and salinity. To increase the spatial resolution of the hydrographic sampling, temperature and salinity profiles up to a depth of 800 m were also obtained by use of expendable sondes (XBTs). These data were transmitted directly to the IGOSS (Integrated Global Ocean Services System) data bank via satellite. 3.2 Tracer Oceanography Measurements of geochemical and radioactive tracers of anthropogenic origin allow an age determination of water masses if the atmospheric input function into the ocean is known. Thus they complement the classical hydrographic work for the determination of watermasses. Tracer measurements carried out on the hydrographic section between Greenland and Ireland may serve as northern-boundary values, as needed for evaluations of Atlantic tracer distributions. The observations will specifically give starting concentrations for the North Atlantic Deep Water. Tracer concentrations within the overflows will moreover yield information on the turnover of the water masses feeding the overflows. Tracer measurements in the area have been carried out repeatedly since 1972, but for the first time, a complete section valuable in determining the temporal evolutions further on. The point is that the main information content of the distribution is contained in their transient nature, as well as in differences in between the various tracers. Measurements were carried out of the CFC's F11 and F12. Samples for 3He, tritium and 14C, were taken for sample preparation and measurement at Heidelberg, the 14C- measurements as such being carried out at Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH). A new seagoing 3He sample extraction was tested, that is expected to improve sample quality and reduce the time lag until measurements can be made available. All measurements were to meet WOCE quality standards. 3.3 Marine Chemistry The focus of the chemistry programme was on the carbonate system, which is studied globally within the frame of the JGOFS and which is tightly co-ordinated with WOCE. CO2 partial pressure difference (pCO2) between the atmosphere and the sea surface was measured along the section. This quantity is the driving force for the air/sea exchange of CO2 into the ocean, provided sufficient information about the global distribution of pCO2 is available. Vertical profiles of the parameters of the carbonate system were determined at selected stations. Such data, in connection with oxygen and nutrient concentration, may be used to reconstruct the conditions in pre-industrial ocean surface waters and thus identify the anthropogenic signal. The stations were partly located at positions where previous investigations of the carbonate system have been made. This will allow to assess the seasonal variability, partial pressure, and pH. By this over-determination (two parameters are sufficient to describe the system) the measured data may be checked for the thermodynamical consistency. The chemical analysis of all components of the carbonate system was performed on board. For the coulometric determination of the total carbonate, an additional system was used by a colleague from the Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA). This allowed an intercomparison of methods and data. 3.4 Marine Meteorology The meteorological part of the cruise was aimed at instrument developments to measure precipitation. The ocean's thermohaline circulation is driven by density gradients that are to a large extent influenced by the freshwater balance at the sea surface. Hence, measurements of precipitation at sea are needed. Also, ground truth is still lacking for verification of both, numerical model results as well as satellite measurements and algorithms. Unfortunately, reliable methods to measure rain from ships are not available, and hence it is not possible to rely on the several thousands of voluntary observing ships that by routine provide the bulk of reliable values of other parameters for weather forecasting and climatology. During METEOR cruise no. 14, newly developed rain measuring equipment with novel techniques has been tested. The experiences gained by these tests has led to improvements. Two advanced instruments with mechanical and optical gauging techniques were tested on METEOR cruise no. 18. This cruise was especially suited to test rain gauging equipment since the cruise lead right into the centre of the Atlantic storm activity. The meteorological program is a contribution to WOCE. In addition routine meteorological observation were made from the met-station aboard METEOR, to provide: … short term weather and sea state forecasts, … synoptic observations (every three hours) and radiosonde measurements (every twelve hours) transmitted to the GTS for use in the world-wide weather forecast centres, … continuous registration of basic meteorological data for use by the scientific working groups aboard METEOR. 4 Narrative of the Cruise (J. Meincke) METEOR left Reykjavik on September 2, 1991, 11:00 UTC. With heavy south-westerly winds for the first two days the progress towards the starting position of WOCE section A1/east (see Figure 1) was rather slow. Two stations for testing the CTDs and the rosette sampling system were carried out en route to Kap Farvel before the hydrographic sampling was resumed with station 558 (see chapter 7) on September 5, 13:40 on the SE-Greenland shelf. The dense station spacing over the slope, in conjunction with quiet weather, made the establishing of the necessary routine in the station work a fast process. However, electrical problems with the sliprings of the CTD winch, the failure of a diode in the CTD fish and irregularities in the rosette bottle-release interrupted the routine on September 6 and 7. On September 9, the first two moored current meter arrays were deployed over the western flank of the Reykjanes Ridge (Positions A and B on Figure 1), then hydrographic station work continued until the deployment of mooring C on September 10 and mooring D on September 11. All moorings were deployed over rough topography, appropriate locations were found by means of short hydrosweep-surveys preceding each launch. Meanwhile winds had steadily increased, coming from SE. Upon completion of station 591 on September 13 all sampling had to be stopped for 16 hours because of winds with gale force up to 10, turning from SE to WNW. CTD work was resumed on September 14 without the rosette because of heavy seas and swell on stations 592 to 595. These stations were oriented normal to the WOCE section and up slope over the southern flank of the Eriador Seamount which forms the southwestern tip of the Hatton Bank. With this station arrangement, completed by the deployment of mooring E close to the intersection of the two hydrographic lines it is expected that the regional effect of topography on the flow pattern can be resolved. The WOCE section was continued with full hydrography and reasonable weather conditions on September 15 and 16, only interrupted by the necessity to replace the electronics of the rosette underwater unit. On September 17, work had to be interrupted for about 9 hours, because of winds up to Beaufort 10 to 11. Measurements on station 606 were resumed with the CTD without water samples on the next two stations only 12 out of 24 sampling bottles were mounted on the rosette frame to minimize the risk of damaging gear and cable in the heavy seas. This "reduced" sampling again was restricted to another short hydrographic line normal to the WOCE line at the southern tip of Rockall Plateau. The WOCE section was continued with complete profiling from station 611 onwards. Although the weather remained rough with SW-winds around Beaufort 7, all stations and the deployment of mooring F could be completed. The WOCE section was finished with station 622 on the Porcupine Shelf on September 21. Because of the weather forecasts the original plans to return to Hamburg via the northern route through the Pentlands in a partly repeat of JGOFS-CO2 measurements during the METEOR cruise no. 10 were dropped. Instead, the vessel set course for the English Channel and reached Hamburg on September 25, 06:00 LT. 5 Operational Details and Preliminary Results 5.1 Hydrographic Measurements (A. Sy) Hydrographic casts were carried out with a NBIS MK-III CTDO2 unit mounted on a GO rosette frame with 24 x 10 litre Niskin bottles. EG&G's Oceansoft rev. 3.1 was used for data acquisition at a rate of 32 ms/cycle. The "NB3" CTD underwater unit was provided by IFM Kiel. Pre-and post-cruise calibrations were carried out in July and December 1992 by the calibration laboratory at IFM Kiel. This instrument ran without major problems during the whole cruise . However, all the rosette systems used proved to be poorly adapted to the CTD system and/or were subject to various mechanical/electrical problems. Three different systems were used. Nevertheless, tripping failures occurred more or less at most stations in particular at nos. 596 to 613 and additionally, CTD trip recording problems were experienced at station nos. 599 to 613. Repeated checks on board and several careful verifications with the complete bottle data set, however, should ensure that all the samples will finally be assigned to their correct pressure levels. The bottle sampling sequence was as follows. Oxygen samples were collected soon after the CTD system was brought on board and after CFC and 3He were drawn. The sample water temperature was measured immediately before the oxygen sample was drawn. The next samples collected were pCO2, TCO2 alkalinity, 14C, 3H, nutrients (NO2, NO3, SIO3, PO4) and salinity. Salinity samples were drawn into dry 200 ml BSH salinity bottles (Besser, Hamburg) with polyethylene stoppers and external thread screw caps. It was found by KIRKWOOD and FOLKARD (1986) that these bottles guarantee best long-term storage conditions. Bottles were rinsed three times before filling. Samples were collected twice, once for shipboard salinity measurements and once for the possibility of cross checks by later shore-based salinity analyses. The rosette sampling procedure was completed by readings of electronic (SIS, Kiel) and mechanic (Gohla, Kiel) deep sea reversing thermometers (DSRT) for a first quick check of the scheduled bottle pressure level and for in situ control of the CTD pressure and temperature calibration. Sixty-four CTD casts were carried out along section A1/East (Figure 1); one cast failed and had to be repeated. Four casts were used for rosette sample quality tests by means of multitrips at the same level. The number of water sampling levels was 1208. A distribution of water sample depths is given in Figure 2. An overview of activities, occurrences and measured parameters is summarized in the station listing (chapter 7). To meet WOCE quality requirements, the processing and quality control of CTD and bottle data followed the published guideline of the WOCE Operations Manual (WHPO 91-9) as far as their realization was technically possible on this cruise. CTD data were processed at BSH. As a first step, physical time series were generated from raw binary data for which the EG&G standard hardware calibration file was used (no laboratory calibration was applied at this stage) to allow pre- cruise, post-cruise and in situ correction comparisons as well as comparisons with the sensor history. It turned out that the pre- and post-cruise laboratory calibration of pressure and temperature was stable (no significant differences) and thus this function was used for the final correction of the field data. The difference between in situ and laboratory correction functions of the low- gradient temperature domain was found to be +1 mK to +2 mK which corresponds well with the results of a temperature calibrations intercomparison carried out between 4 laboratories in January 1992. Whereas up to 12 electronic (SIS) DSRTs (calibrated in July and October 1992 by SIS, Kiel) are used in a rotating mode for in situ temperature comparisons, this cruise had at hits disposal only 2 electronic (SIS) DSR pressure sensors which were insufficient for in situ correction. In addition to the electronic DSRTs, 12 lowrange Hg DSRTs were used in the same mode. These were calibrated by Gohla Precision in Kiel in July and October 1992. However, whereas the reproducibility of the Hg DSRT readings was found to be better than 3 mK (reproducibility of electronic DSRTs was better than 2 mK), the much larger difference between the CTD and SRT means was interpreted as a DSRT calibration problem. Thus Hg DSRT readings were not used for CTD quality evaluation. The salinity correction was carried out using in situ data only because it was found that the laboratory calibration facility was not sufficiently accurate to meet the WOCE requirements. For salinity measurements a standard Guildline Autosal salinometer was used on board as was 1 ampoule of IAPSO Standard Seawater (batch P 112) per station. Salinity was measured 1 -2 days after water collection. Owing to temporal conductivity sensor shifts, the correction was carried out for station nos. 558-566, 567-602 and 603-622 separately (Figure 3). Because oxygen sensors cannot be calibrated satisfactorily on the laboratory, field calibration is the only alternative. This procedure was carried out in line with the guideline given by MILLARD (1991) by merging the down-profile CTD data with corresponding up-profile water samples. Oxygen residuals of the final fit versus stations are shown in Figure 4. Oxygen and nutrient measurements were carried out by ODF-technicians: The bottle data were made useable on board. The final state, however, was obtained later by complete recalculation and verification at ODF in La Jolla. After reading the water sample temperature, oxygen samples were drawn into 125 ml iodine flasks which were rinsed carefully with minimal agitation, then filled via a drawing tube and allowed to overflow for at least two flask volumes. Reagents were added to fix the oxygen before stoppering. The flasks were shaken twice - immediately and after 20 minutes - to ensure thorough dispersion of the Mn(OH)2 precipitate. The samples were analyzed within 4 to 36 hours after water collection. Dissolved oxygen measurements were performed via titration in the volume-calibrated iodine flasks with a 1 ml microburet, using whole-bottle Winkler titration technique after CARPENTER (1965) with modifications by CULBERSON et al. (1991) except that standards and blanks were run in seawater. This parameter is reported in ml/1 units. A BSH technician, using distilled water with a commercially prepared standard, drew samples from most of the test rosette stations and ran them on the BSH Dosimat dead stop indicator titration system. She consistently got lower values, from 0.20 ml/l on the first test cast to about 0.11 ml/l on the others. Standards were exchanged, but the difference in standards was much less than that in data. The reason for the difference was never conclusively determined. Laboratory temperature ranged from 20° to 22°C in the hood where the OXY-ring was set up based on periodic checks with the draw temperature. Several standards were made up and compared to ensure reproducibility of the results and to avoid basing the entire cruise on one standard. A correction was made for the amount of oxygen added with the reagents. Combined reagent/seawater blanks were determined to account for oxidizing or reducing materials in the reagents. The oxygen thionormality values and blanks were reviewed for possible problems and smoothed if necessary. Nutrient samples were drawn into 45 cc high density polyethylene, narrow mouth, screwcapped bottles which were rinsed twice before filling. The water samples may have been refrigerated at 2° to 6°C for a maximum of 15 hours. Nutrient analyses were performed on a Technicon Autoanalyzer. The procedures used are described in HAGER et al. (1972) and ATLAS et al. (1971). Standardizations were performed with solutions prepared on board from pre-weighed standards. These solutions were used as working standards before and after each cast (approximately 36 samples) to correct instrumental drift during analyses. Sets of 4-6 different concentrations of shipboard standards were analyzed periodically to determine the linearity of colorimeter response and the resulting correction factors. Phosphate was analyzed using hydrazine reduction of phosphomolybdic acid as described by BERNHARDT and WILHELMS (1967). Silicate was analyzed using stannous chloride reduction of silicomolbdic acid. Nitrite was analyzed using diazotization and coupling to form dye. Nitrate was reduced by copperized cadmium and then analyzed as nitrite. These three analyses use the methods of ARMSTRONG et al. (1967). Nutrients are reported in µmol/l units. Property sections from CTD data as well as from water sample data, calculated by means of objective analyses, are presented in Figures 5 to 11. CTD data processing and quality evaluation will be discussed in greater detail in a separate data report. Moreover, a scientific analysis of all hydrographic data is in preparation and will be published elsewhere and thus preliminary results are not presented here. All hydrographic data are submitted for independent quality evaluation to the WOCE Hydrographic Programme Office. For test reasons only, XBT measurements were carried out at selected CTD stations in parallel with CTD casts. The following probes of two manufacturers were tested: 24 SIppian "Deep Blue", 12 Sparton "Deep Blue", 12 SParton "T-7", and 13 Sippican "T-5". Acquisition systems used were Sippican MK-12 and Sparton BT. The purpose of this test was to provide data from the North Atlantic for the international co- ordinated re-evaluation of the probe's depth fall rate with the aim of developing community-wide accepted recommendations for a new depth formula or a revision of the standard coefficients respectively (SY, 1991). A similar XCTD versus CTD test sequence failed to take place because the manufacturer was not able to provide probes in time. 5.2 Current Measurements (M. Bersch, J. Meincke, A. Mittelstaedt) Two types of current measurements took place during METEOR cruise no. 18: The recording of the instantaneous near surface currents by means of an acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) and the long-term recording of currents by means of moored current meters. For the ADCP measurements a hull-mounted system from RD Instruments, San Diego, was employed, using a pulse frequency of 150 KHz. The data were sampled continuously and averaged over intervals of 4 minutes, starting September 2, 18:00 to September 22, 10:37 UTC. The parameters recorded were: A Horizontal and vertical velocity components relative to the ship in earth coordinates (due to coupling of the ADCP with the ship's maingyro) in 30 depth intervals of 16 m thickness in the upper 500 m. The velocity components were compensated for pitch and roll. B Navigation data of the Global Positioning System: latitude, longitude, ship speed, ship course, pdop. C Sea surface temperature recorded by the ADCP for the computation of the sound speed. There were no larger gaps in GPS data available. Small data gaps of a few hours in ADCP measurements were caused by bad weather conditions and computer problems. In rough seas, which occurred only a few days, the depth penetration of the ADCP pulse reduced to less than 200 m. Most of the time the penetration depth was greater than 300 m. About 7000 velocity profiles were recorded during the cruise. Spatial resolution was about 1 km. On the Icelandic and Celtic shelves bottom tracking was activated and the ship speed was activated and the ship speed was recorded relative to the bottom, which enables a correction of the ADCP velocity data for misalignment of the ADCP transducer and the ship's keel. Figure 12 shows the distribution of the currents along the ships track, integrated over a depth interval from 70 to 380 and the tides eliminated (BERSCH, 1993) The moored current meter arrays were of standard design by IFMH (moorings A, B, C, D) and BSH (moorings E, F). The deployment procedure was "top-buoyancy first- anchor last". Since all moorings were deployed over sloping bottom, a hydrosweep survey was carried out prior to deployment. This avoided effectively misplacements of the systems in the rough topography. The location of the moored arrays along the WOCE section A1/east and the vertical distribution of the recording instruments is given in Figure 13 as an overlay to the temperature distribution along the section. The recording instruments were all Aanderaa RCMs of the type 4, 5 and 8. Pre-cruise calibration of the sensors was provided by Aanderaa for the instruments in moorings A to D, and by BSH for mooring E and F. Details of the moorings will be part of the data volume, that is expected to be published after recovery of the systems. So far, Table 1 provides information about the basic instrument locations. 5.3 Tracer Oceanography: Tritium/Helium and Radiocarbon (R. Bayer, B. Hoffarth) An overview of the total of the stations occupied during M 18 is given in chapter 7. The tracer sampling program was performed with regard to the WHP sampling scheme but due to the restricted measurement capacity for tritium 3He/4He and 14C the sampling density particularly for these tracers needed to be somewhat coarser. The basic horizontal resolution was between 30 nm and 60 nm with a smaller station spacing near ocean boundaries and large-scale topographic features as the continental slope and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The vertical sampling density was guided mainly from hydrographic features encountered with the CTD during the downcast. Special emphasis was given to obtain a representative tracer data set from all the watermasses involved in the North Atlantic Overturning. All samples were drawn from 10 liter Niskin bottles mounted to a 24 bottles rosette/CTD system. Helium and tritium regularly were sampled parallel and only from bottles where also the CFCs were done. 450 tritium/helium pairs were derived from 43 stations, i.e. the tritium/helium coverage is about 35% of the total of water samples taken on the section (the lower limit recommended from WHP is about 20%). The typical sampling frequency varied between 10 and 14 sample pairs per station. Radiocarbon sampling was restricted only to a few stations to characterize typical watermasses and a total of 80 samples was obtained. Due to the extremely low concentrations of our tracers special care has to be taken that the tracer content in the water is not altered by contamination with ambient air. To verify that no extraordinary levels for helium or tritium were encountered from the ship both air samples were flame sealed and water initially free of tritium was equilibrated with ambient water vapor repeatedly. As the other samples these background control samples will be analyzed under routine conditions. The measurement of tritium/helium and radiocarbon requires extraordinary laboratory equipment and cannot be done at sea. For that reason our work during the cruise was restricted to the sampling program. The data subset reported below was obtained during 1992. The complete data set will be available until autumn 1993. Due to the very low solubility in sea water, helium isotope analyses is very sensitive to any contamination and for this reason the water was sampled in an all metal pinched-off container. In the home laboratory the samples were degassed in a vacuum extraction system. The extracted gasses are transferred to a special mass spectrometer, where helium is separated from the other gasses and both the 3He/4He ratio and the 4He concentration are measured subsequently. The achieved precision is about ±0.15% for the 3He/4He ratio and ca. ±0.5% for the 4He concentration. Most of the helium isotope samples obtained from M 18 were processed during 1992 and the remaining measurements are scheduled for 1993. Samples for tritium analyses were taken and stored in 1 liter glass bottles. All analyses will be applying the 3He ingrowth method. For this the sample is degassed and sealed off in a glass bulb. During an appropriate time 3He will ingrow from tritium decay. The measurement of this small gas amount is performed on the same mass spectrometer used for the helium isotopes. All the mass spectrometric tritium measurements are scheduled for 1993. The tritium detection limit will be 0.05 TU or better and the measurement precision will be around ±1.5%. The tritium data shown in this report were obtained by low-level counting. The accuracy achievable with this classical method of tritium analysis does not fulfill the WHP requirements, but it comes very close to the standard recommended for the Northern Atlantic. We plan to compare our mass spectrometric tritium measurements with the results obtained by b-counting. Table 1: Details on moored current meter arrays Bottom Instrument Date of Mooring depth type/depth deployment ID Latitude Longitude [m] (Aanderaa) 1991 ------- --------- --------- ------ ---------- ---------- A1 59°08.8 N 34°01.0 W 2855 RCM 8 263 9/8 RCM 8 876 RCM 8 2088 RCM 8 2551 B1 59°01.0 N 32°48.6 W 2110 RCM 8 209 9/8 RCM 8 822 RCM 8 1534 RCM 8 1996 C1 58°10.9 N 2937.9 W 2067 RCM 8 171 9/10 RCM 8 784 RCM 8 1496 RCM 8 1958 D1 57°22.4 N 28°11.4 W 2633 RCM 8 238 9/11 RCM 8 851 RCM 8 2063 RCM 8 2526 E1 54°18.8 N 25°52.2 W 3123 RCM 8 222 9/14 RCM 8 822 RCM 8 2022 RCM 8 2872 F1 52°20.5 N 16°20.1 W 3481 RCM 8 210 9/19 RCM 8 510 RCM 8 810 RCM 8 2010 RCM 8 3010 RCM 8 3460 For 14C analyses the water was transferred from the Niskin bottle into an evacuated glass bulb. On-shore the total inorganic carbon contained in the bulb was converted to carbon dioxide and the latter was extracted quantitatively. Afterwards carbon was reduced via combustion and pressed inside a so-called target. The carbon isotope ratio of the material derived is determined using accelerator mass spectrometry (co-operation with ETH-Zürich, Switzerland). The precision of the data is estimated to about ±0.5%. An outline of the tritium distribution on the M 18 section is given in Figure 14. Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW) derived from the Icelandic Sea is clearly indicated by high tritium concentrations in a deep boundary current at the western continental slope of the Irminger Sea. The tritium values are close to the recent surface level and reflect the rapid renewal of this watermass. The same feature is visible at the eastern slope of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where Iceland Scotland Overflow Water (ISOW) is spreading southward. The tritium concentrations are moderately lower compared to the DSOW and display both the higher age of ISOW and the stronger dilution by mixing with surrounding watermasses. In the deep eastern part of the section the tritium values drop below the detection limit. Here also extremely low CFC concentrations and an increased silicate content were observed and may be indicative for a northward moving watermass originating in the south. In the upper water column on the west and on the east side of the section the East Greenland Current and the North Atlantic Current are delineated with relatively high tritium concentrations down to about 400 m depth. In intermediate depths there seems to be a west to east tritium gradient with higher concentrations in the west where the water column is renewed by winter convection more effectively. Figure 15 shows a part of the helium isotope data actually available (only some of the data obtained from below 1600 m depth are included) together the hydrographic measurements. The helium values are given as d3He (the relative deviation of the samples 3He/4He ratio from that of atmospheric air), and the numbers are plotted at their respective positions in the T/S diagram. Apparently the DSOW obtained in the deep western Irminger Sea (stations 558-566) shows the lowest d3He values (4.5- 5.5%) in this part of the section. The samples obtained above and east from the DSOW (stations 558-577) show in three different branches the transition to Labrador Sea Water (LSW, d3He ~5.5%) and to Gibbs Fracture Zone Water (GFZW, d3He ~7.5%). On these branches from west to east (left to right in the Figure) d3He tends to increase slightly and reflects the successively growing influence of waters derived from the Northeast Atlantic. Directly east of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (stations 578-599) d3He varies between 5% and 7% and in the branch connected to the IOSW a relative uniform distribution of d3He (~6%) is observed. The lowest d3He values obtained from the M 18 cruise were sampled in the deep eastern part of the section (2%0.5 pmol/kg and 3 fmol/kg for concentrations <0.5 pmol/kg F12: 0.41% for concentrations >0.5 pmol/kg and 2 fmol/kg for concentrations <0.5 pmol/kg Mean water blank, detection limit: (Has been measured in the lab after the cruise) F-11: 0,00096 pmol/kg +/- 0.001 F-12: 0,0044 pmol/kg +/- 0.002 Air measurements: Individual air measurements performed during the cruise (SIO 93 scale): Quality byte: F-11/F-12/F-113/F-10 1 2 3 4 Idx Stat Rec F12 F11 F113 CCl4 Volume Ratio Luftflag --- ---- --- ------ ------ ---- ---- ------ ----- -------- 1 563 11 510.64 267.61 1.00 1.01 3.45 -1.47 6699 2 563 12 510.44 266.66 1.00 1.01 3.45 -1.46 6699 3 563 13 514.02 271.11 1.00 1.01 3.45 -1.48 6699 Mean value F12 = 511.70 Error = 2.01 rel.Error = 0.4 Mean value F11 = 268.46 Error = 2.35 rel.Error = 0.9 31 571 21 504.25 265.57 1.00 1.01 3.45 1.49 6699 32 571 22 506.62 265.90 1.00 1.01 3.45 1.48 6699 33 571 23 505.98 266.07 1.00 1.01 3.45 1.49 6699 Mean value F12 = 505.62 Error = 1.22 rel.Error = 0.2 Mean value F11 = 265.85 Error = 0.26 rel.Error = 0.1 34 581 15 511.46 267.72 1.00 1.00 3.45 1.50 6699 35 581 16 510.55 267.01 1.00 1.00 3.45 1.50 6699 Mean value F12 = 511.01 Error = 0.65 rel.Error = 0.1 Mean value F11 = 267.37 Error = 0.50 rel.Error = 0.2 36 584 28 516.07 270.90 0.98 0.97 3.45 1.53 6699 37 584 29 514.32 268.06 0.98 0.97 3.45 1.52 6699 38 584 30 518.84 268.97 0.98 0.97 3.45 1.51 6699 Mean value F12 = 516.41 Error = 2.28 rel.Error = 0.4 Mean value F11 = 269.31 Error = 1.45 rel.Error = 0.5 39 585 21 515.44 270.09 0.97 0.96 3.45 1.54 6699 40 585 22 514.60 271.50 0.97 0.96 3.45 1.56 6699 41 585 23 515.37 270.09 0.97 0.96 3.45 1.55 6699 Mean value F12 = 515.14 Error = 0.47 rel.Error = 0.1 Mean value F11 = 270.56 Error = 0.81 rel.Error = 0.3 42 588 11 509.35 266.34 1.01 1.02 3.45 1.54 6699 43 588 12 510.74 265.86 1.01 1.02 3.45 1.54 6699 44 588 13 510.82 265.78 1.01 1.02 3.45 1.53 6699 Mean value F12 = 510.30 Error = 0.83 rel.Error = 0.2 Mean value F11 = 265.99 Error = 0.30 rel.Error = 0.1 45 591 13 509.07 267.53 0.98 0.99 3.45 1.54 6699 46 591 14 511.89 269.60 0.98 0.99 3.45 1.55 6699 48 591 13 509.07 267.53 0.94 0.95 3.45 1.54 6699 49 591 14 511.89 269.60 0.94 0.95 3.45 1.55 6699 51 591 33 508.84 267.64 0.97 0.99 3.45 1.51 6699 Mean value F12 = 510.15 Error = 1.59 rel.Error = 0.3 Mean value F11 = 268.39 Error = 1.10 rel.Error = 0.4 55 1409 14 504.81 263.20 1.00 1.01 3.45 1.52 6699 56 1409 15 506.40 263.38 1.00 1.01 3.45 1.52 6699 57 1409 16 506.27 263.96 1.00 1.01 3.45 1.52 6699 Mean value F12 = 505.83 Error = 0.88 rel.Error = 0.2 Mean value F11 = 263.51 Error = 0.40 rel.Error = 0.2 Idx Stat Rec F12 F11 F113 CCl4 Volume Ratio Luftflag --- ---- --- ------ ------ ---- ---- ------ ----- -------- 1 591 13 510.43 268.66 0.94 0.95 3.45 1.54 6699 2 591 14 511.34 270.74 0.94 0.95 3.45 1.55 6699 3 591 15 509.45 270.39 0.94 0.95 3.45 1.53 6699 4 591 33 512.34 267.73 0.97 0.99 3.45 1.51 6699 5 591 34 511.01 272.03 0.97 0.99 3.45 1.53 6699 Mean value F12 = 510.91 Error = 1.07 rel.Error = 0.2 Mean value F11 = 269.91 Error = 1.71 rel.Error = 0.6 8 1409 14 505.68 264.23 1.00 1.01 3.45 1.52 6699 9 1409 15 507.31 264.43 1.00 1.01 3.45 1.52 6699 10 1409 16 507.20 265.02 1.00 1.01 3.45 1.52 6699 Mean value F12 = 506.73 Error = 0.91 rel.Error = 0.2 Mean value F11 = 264.56 Error = 0.41 rel.Error = 0.2 21 603 11 497.86 261.22 1.02 1.05 3.45 1.51 6699 22 603 12 499.20 260.17 1.02 1.04 3.45 1.50 6699 23 603 13 497.65 260.89 1.02 1.04 3.45 1.51 6699 Mean value F12 = 498.23 Error = 0.84 rel.Error = 0.2 Mean value F11 = 260.76 Error = 0.54 rel.Error = 0.2 24 1709 11 496.76 261.76 1.05 1.09 3.45 1.49 6699 25 1709 12 507.09 269.18 1.05 1.09 3.45 1.51 6699 26 1709 13 507.28 267.15 1.05 1.09 3.45 1.49 6699 Mean value F12 = 503.71 Error = 6.20 rel.Error = 1.2 Mean value F11 = 266.03 Error = 3.83 rel.Error = 1.4 33 613 33 505.17 261.63 0.92 0.93 3.45 1.40 6699 34 613 34 504.71 261.21 0.92 0.93 3.45 1.40 6699 35 613 35 502.87 260.98 0.92 0.93 3.45 1.40 6699 Mean value F12 = 504.25 Error = 1.21 rel.Error = 0.2 Mean value F11 = 261.27 Error = 0.33 rel.Error = 0.1 36 622 11 506.14 263.15 0.98 0.97 3.45 1.12 6699 37 622 12 507.01 264.92 0.98 0.97 3.45 0.83 6699 38 622 13 505.59 263.88 0.99 0.97 3.45 1.43 6699 39 622 15 506.56 263.99 0.99 0.97 3.45 1.34 6699 40 622 16 507.21 264.38 0.99 0.97 3.45 1.35 6699 41 622 17 506.77 263.09 0.99 0.97 3.45 1.52 6699 42 622 18 506.89 262.49 0.99 0.97 3.45 1.52 6699 43 622 19 505.18 263.10 0.99 0.97 3.45 1.52 6699 Mean value F12 = 506.42 Error = 0.72 rel.Error = 0.14 Mean value F11 = 263.62 Error = 0.80 rel.Error = 0.3 Quality byte: 1 = Air from outside (good measurement) 2 = Air from outside (too high, first measurement) 3 = Air from laboratory 4 = Wallace Standard 5 = Bremer Standard 6 = Ueber wasserteil 7 = bad measurement to high 8 = bad measurement to low 9 = no measurement Seagoing He-Extraction He-extraction is a shorthand for transfer of the air dissolved in a water sample into a sealed-off glass ampoule. Later on, this ampoule is connected to the inlet system of a mass spectrometer to analyze the He-isotopes content. The standard procedure is accomplishing extraction in the home laboratory using clamped copper tubes to collect and store the samples. An extraction at sea avoids storage of the samples and allows one to shorten the required analysis time later on. The conventional extraction method could not be used at sea. Our recently developed seagoing system includes a new type of sampling container: glass pipettes closed at both ends with special valves. For the extraction a defined amount of water is admitted from the pipette to a previously evacuated and leak tested extraction port, consisting of a glass bulb, a water cooler and the glass ampoule. The water is heated in the bulb. The cooler condenses most of the water vapour provided and leads it back to the glass bulb. A smaller permanent stream of vapour continues into the glass ampoule which is held at room temperature to condense the water vapour, thereby pushing the gases released from the water sample into the ampoule. The glass ampoule is flame sealed after about 12 min. The extraction system includes 8 extraction ports, vacuum pumps with gauges and a quadruple mass spectrometer for leak testing. The work at sea included tests for all stages of the new procedure. More than 150 samples were extracted, extraction efficiency tests for real seawater samples were completed and 48 standard copper tube samples for inter-comparison were taken. The main concept of the extraction system was successful although critical points in handling and equipment were found during the cruise. The tests under real conditions on a cruise proved to be indispensable in order to establish the seagoing extraction as a standard procedure for future He-tracer work. 5.5 Marine Chemistry: The Carbonate System (B. Schneider, K. Johnson, L. Mintrop) Extended measurements of the parameters of the oceanic carbonate system were performed during M 1.8. The CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) in surface water was measured continuously along the WOCE line and also between Reykjavik and Cape Farvel. Hydrocast samples were analyzed for total carbonate (TCO2), total alkalinity (TA), and pCO2. However, due to the time consuming analytical procedure, not all the samples could be analyzed. TCO2 was determined for each second profile, whereas TA and pCO2 were measured at 13 stations for 12 selected depths. The CO2 partial pressure The pCO2 of surface water along the WOCE line (Figure 18a) varies between about 330 µatm and 280 µatm and corresponds to a partial pressure difference between seawater and the atmosphere of -53 atm to -73 µatm. Hence, this area acts as a strong source for atmospheric CO2 during this time of the year. But the pCO2 is not evenly distributed along the transect and as a first approximation to regimes may be distinguished. Between Cape Farvel and the Reykjanes Ridge an extended area (150 km - 650 km) of relatively high (320 µatm) and uniform pCO2 is observed. Nitrate surface concentration also show elevated levels of about 9 µmol/kg. Moreover, the pCO2 changes only slightly with depth (Fig. 18b) and is close to equilibrium with the atmosphere even in depths down to 2000 m. This indicates that deep mixing occurs, inhibiting primary production in surface water and consequently preventing decomposition of sinking organic matter in deep water. These findings are consistent with the oxygen distribution in this area (Figure 7). East of Reykjanes Ridge (800 km) the pCO2 drops to values of roughly 285 µatm, but is then increasing to about 310 µatm, west of Ireland (2200 km). This increase is superimposed by strong small scale fluctuations with amplitudes up to ±15 µatm. Low nitrate concentrations in this area indicate that production of biomass has drawn down the pCO2. However, nitrate concentrations cannot explain the increase of pCO2 between 800 km and 2200 km as NO3 is decreasing from about 3 µmol/kg to <0.5 µmol/kg). Therefore, the trend in pCO2 has to be explained by the increasing surface temperature and possibly by an enhanced uptake Of CO2 from the atmosphere due to an earlier onset of the spring bloom in the Southeast. The distribution of pCO2 with depth (Fig. 18b) in the area between the Reykjanes Ridge and Ireland shows a distinct pCO2 maximum with values up to 410 µatm between 200 in and 1000 m. This is obviously an older water mass that is enriched in CO2 and consequently depleted in OXY (Figure 7) due to the decomposition of sinking organic matter. As this layer is close to the surface, local upwelling may introduce CO2-enriched water to the surface and is thus causing the observed small scale variability of pCO2. As no pCO2 measurements for the winter months exist for the North Atlantic, the depth profile for TCO2 and pCO2 at station 607 (52.5° N/20.0° W) were used to calculate the surface pCO2 for the months October through March. It was assumed that neither primary production nor respiration takes place during this time and that only convective mixing, cooling, and exchange with the atmosphere (20 cm/h), the state of the carbonate system was recalculated in time steps of one month. Figure 19 shows the results of these calculation and also obtained during other expeditions in May and June. As this approach is very sensitive to the choice of the maximum of 335 µatm it gives only a first idea and has to be examined by direct measurements. Following the same procedure, also winter NO3 concentration were calculated and are presented in Figure 19. Total carbonate and total alkalinity The evaluation of TCO2 data is not yet finalized. However, a plot of the TCO2 distribution using preliminary data was produced and showed a pattern of consistent with that of the pCO2 distribution. The alkalinity profiles of the stations sampled showed rather uniform characteristics: relative high but varying values (around 2330 - 2350 µeq/kg) in the samples from the upper 40 - 60 m and a decrease to values below 2300 µeq/kg at depth between 1000 and 2000 in, corresponding to oxygen minima and nutrient maxima. This was more expressed for the more southern stations (station 591 and higher), where nutrient concentrations approached zero at the surface. Below 2000 m values gradually increase toward the sea floor and reach again values like at the surface or even higher (up to 22370 µeq/kg). Disregarding the contributions of different water masses, this behaviour can in principle be explained by remineralization of nitrate at medium depth, leading to alkalinity decrease and dissolution of calcium carbonate at greater depth, thus increasing alkalinity. While the nitrate effect will only be of minor importance (approx. 10 µeq/kg), dissolution of carbonate particles has a strong impact on alkalinity. The substantially higher values at the surface therefore might reflect the properties of different water masses. Superimposed on the alkalinity profiles is a salinity effect, since alkalinity often is regarded as a rather conservative property. Since salinity variation is low in these profiles, however, the normalization of the alkalinity values to constant salinity will not alter the profiles significantly. A more detailed evaluation of the carbonate system of the part of the North Atlantic requires the compilation of all hydrographic and chemical data available and is undertaken at present. 5.6 Marine Meteorology (H.-J. Isemer) During the cruise, the Department of Meteorology, Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel tested newly developed rain gauges. The high relative wind velocities necessitate special construction for rain gauges to be used at moving ships. The mechanical IFM ship rain gauge was deployed at FS METEOR together with an optical disdrometer. Comparison of both provided the first in situ calibration of the ship rain gauge. The high wind speeds encountered during this cruise were extremely favourable for this calibration. The result of the cruise further led to an improvement of details of construction. Since cruise M 18 a mechanical ship rain gauge is in continuous use onboard METEOR. The instrument has been replaced in mid 1992 with the improved version. The help of the personal of the Deutscher Wetterdienst is acknowledged. 6 Ship's Meteorological Station (J. Sußebach, H. Sonnabend) Cruise M 18 began under rough weather conditions. A low with S to SW winds of gale force 8 to 9 Beaufort moved from the Irminger Sea into NE direction. The following quiet period until September 10 was characterized by warm and humid air masses with weak fronts over relatively cold water, resulting in extended fog coverage of the central and southwestern Irminger Sea. On September 11, a cold front of a low pressure system between Newfoundland and Cape Farvel developed a wave, which intensified into a large scale storm system about 400 nm SE of Greenland. With pressure failing to 980 hPa, its center passed METEOR slightly to the north and moved into the Norwegian Sea. This development resulted in two days of unfavourable weather conditions with wind from cast turning through south to west and gale force 8 to 9, gusting up to 11 Beaufort, and wave heights reaching 8 m. Extreme temperatures up to 18'C were reported on this occasion from Narssarssuaq in S-Greenland, which was caused by foehn at the edge of the a.m. depression. Following another period of 3 days with relatively quiet weather, an initially minor low approached from SW of the Azores. It suddenly deepened and in passing METEOR slightly to the NW of her position it brought an outburst of a SSW gale with 10 to 11 Beaufort for several hours. There were two other days with reasonable wind conditions, before a rapid succession of two lows with S to SW winds up to 9 Beaufort brought about difficult working conditions for the oceanographic programme for the period September 19 to 22. En route to Hamburg via the English Channel the strong winds related to the warm sector of a low near the Faeroe Islands were from astern and helped with a fast journey. The statistics of the cruise are given in Figure 20 (winds) and 21 (waves) in addition to the actual observations at the synoptic hours (Table 2). In total 187 weather observations were taken. 186 of them were transmitted into the GTS, 40 radiosondes were launded (0 and 12 UTC) and automatically transmitted into the GTS. Table 2 (see pdf doc) Graphical listing of weather observations during METEOR cruise 18. The standard meteorological station code is given for the synoptic hours 00, 06, 12, 18 UTC. The positions at the synoptic hours are indicated on top of each entry. 8 Concluding Remarks The 18th cruise of METEOR turned out to be an extremely rewarding effort with respect to participating expertise on water mass issues for the northern North Atlantic. We expect from the Joint analysis of the most complete data set describing water mass properties in eddy-resolving section mode a reliable quantification of North Atlantic overturning rates. A large portion of the success of this cruise has to be attributed to the captain and crew of METEOR who provided a reliable and enjoyful platform for our work under not always nice environmental conditions. We appreciate the support from the Bundesminister ftir Forschung und Technologie (WOCE) and the Deutsche Forschungsgerneinschaft. 9 References ANON (1988): World Ocean Circulation Experiment Implementation Plan, Vol. I + II. World Climate Research Programme, Pub. WCRP 11 + 12, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva 1988, 145 pp. and 128 pp. ANON (1991): WOCE Operational Manual, Vol. 3, Sect. 3. 1, Part 3.1.2: Requirements for WHP Data Reporting, WHP Office Report WHPO 90-1, WOCE Report No 67/91, Woods Hole 1991, 71 pp. ARMSTRONG, F.A.J., C.R. STEARNS and J.D.H. STRICKLAND (1967): The measurement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by means of the Technicon Autoanalyzer and associated equipment. Deep-Sea Research, 14, 381-389. ATLAS, E.L., S.W. HAGER, L.I. GORDON and P.K. PARK (1971): A Practical Manual for Use of the Technicon Autoanalyzer in Seawater Nutrient Analyses; Revised. Technical Report 215, Reference 71-22. Oregon State University, Department of Oceanography. 49 pp. BERNHARDT, H. and A. WILHELMS (1967): The continuous determination of low level iron, soluble phosphate and total phosphate with the AutoAnalyzer(r). Technicon Symposia, Volume 1, 385-389. BERSCH, M, (1993): On the upper layer circulation of the North Eastern North Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research (submitted). CARPENTER, J.H. (1965): The Chesaspeake Bay Institute technique for the Winkler dissolved oxygen method. Limnology and Oceanography, 10, 141-143. CULBERSON, C.H., WILLIAMS, R.T., et al. (1991): A comparison of methods for the determination of dissolved oxygen in seawater. WHP Office Report, WHPO 91- 2, 15 pp. HAGER, S.W., E.L. ATLAS, L.D. GORDON, A.W. MANTYLA and P.K. PARK (1972): A comparison at sea of manual and autoanalyzer analyses of phosphate, nitrate, and silicate. Limnology and Oceanography, 17, 931-937. KIRKWOOD D.S. and A. R. FOLKARD (1986): Results of the ICES salinity sample bottle inter-comparison. ICES C.M. 1986, mimeo, 16 pp. MILLARD, R.C. (1991): CTD oxygen calibration procedure. VVHP Operations and Methods, WHP Office Report, WHPO 91-1, 27 pp. SY. A. (1991): XBT measurements. WHP Operations and Methods, WHP Office Report, WHPO 91-1, 19 pp. EXPO- WOCE Sta Cast Date Time Position Bottom Meter Max. # of CODE WHP-ID # # Type UTC Code Latitude Longitude Code Depth Wheel Pres BTLS Params* Comments ------ ------ --- --- ---- ------ ---- ---- --------- ---------- ---- ------ ----- ---- ---- ------------- --------------------------- 06MT18 A1/E 558 1 ROS 090591 1340 BE 60 00.0 N 042 30.3 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 558 1 ROS 090591 1346 BO 60 00.0 N 042 30.4 W GPS 185 170 175 14 1-10,12,23-25 06MT18 A1/E 558 1 ROS 090591 1414 EN 60 00.0 N 042 30.6 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 559 1 ROS 090591 1548 BE 59 58.0 N 042 10.4 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 559 1 ROS 090591 1607 BO 59 58.0 N 042 10.5 W GPS 504 479 483 18 1-10 06MT18 A1/E 559 1 ROS 090591 1652 EN 59 58.0 N 042 11.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 560 1 ROS 090591 1815 BE 59 55.9 N 041 51.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 560 1 ROS 090591 1855 BO 59 55.8 N 041 51.2 W GPS 1823 1825 1811 24 1-10,25 06MT18 A1/E 560 1 ROS 090591 2000 EN 59 55.8 N 041 51.4 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 561 1 ROS 090591 2200 BE 59 53.7 N 041 30.5 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 561 1 ROS 090591 2242 BO 59 53.7 N 041 30.6 W GPS 1898 1872 1885 23 1-10,23 06MT18 A1/E 561 1 ROS 090691 0016 EN 59 53.2 N 041 30.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 562 1 ROS 090691 0210 BE 59 52.0 N 041 12.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 562 1 ROS 090691 0251 BO 59 51.8 N 041 12.0 W GPS 2042 2013 2031 24 1-10,12 06MT18 A1/E 562 1 ROS 090691 0417 EN 59 51.3 N 041 11.8 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 563 1 ROS 090691 0609 BE 59 50.1 N 040 52.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 563 1 ROS 090691 0657 BO 59 50.0 N 040 52.0 W GPS 2330 2302 2322 24 1-10,12 06MT18 A1/E 563 1 ROS 090691 0818 EN 59 50.1 N 040 52.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 564 1 ROS 090691 1043 BE 59 47.2 N 040 13.2 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 564 1 ROS 090691 1138 BO 59 47.2 N 040 12.3 W GPS 2631 2600 2629 23 1-10,23-25 06MT18 A1/E 564 1 ROS 090691 1306 EN 59 47.6 N 040 11.5 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 565 1 ROS 090691 1528 BE 59 42 3 N 039 35.3 W GPS CTD signal noise & offset 06MT18 A1/E 565 1 ROS 090691 1624 BO 59 42:3 N 039 35.4 W GPS 2807 2782 2808 23 1-10,12 at 2480-2595 dbar downcast 06MT18 A1/E 565 1 ROS 090691 1816 EN 59 42.4 N 039 34.9 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 566 1 CTD 090691 2104 BE 59 35.4 N 038 35.9 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 566 1 CTD 090691 2205 BO 3013 2870 2875 CTD signal breakdown at 2875 dbar 06MT18 A1/E 566 1 CTD 090691 2253 EN downcast (under water unit) 06MT18 A1/E 567 1 ROS 090791 1038 BE 59 30.5 N 037 37.7 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 567 1 ROS 090791 1139 BO 59 30.3 N 037 32.9 W GPS 3129 3109 3139 22 1-10,12,23-25 06MT18 A1/E 567 1 ROS 090791 1336 EN 59 30.4 N 037 31.9 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 568 1 ROS 090791 1610 BE 59 24.5 N 036 39.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 568 1 ROS 090791 1701 BO 59 24.1 N 036 38.9 W GPS 3130 3088 3130 24 1-10,12,23 06MT18 A1/E 568 1 ROS 090791 1858 EN 59 23.5 N 036 38.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 569 1 ROS 090791 2106 BE 59 20.4 N 035 57.3 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 569 1 ROS 090791 2210 BO 59 20.1 N 035 56.6 W GPS 3116 3101 3128 23 1-10 06MT18 A1/E 569 1 ROS 090791 2356 EN 59 20.4 N 035 55.7 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 570 1 ROS 090891 0241 BE 59 14.2 N 034 59.6 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 570 1 ROS 090891 0348 BO 59 14.0 N 035 00.1 W GPS 2861 2788 2820 23 1-10,23 06MT18 A1/E 570 1 ROS 090891 0533 EN 59 13.9 N 035 01.0 W GPS 06MT18 ACM8 571 MOR 090891 1113 59 08.8 N 034 01.0 W GPS Mooring "A1" deployed 06MT18 A1/E 571 1 ROS 090891 1155 BE 59 08.7 N 034 02.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 571 1 ROS 090891 1222 BO 59 08.7 N 034 02.2 W GPS 2855 1959 1962 24 1-8,10,23,24 ROS test #1 (multi-trips) 06MT18 A1/E 571 1 ROS 090891 1302 EN 59 08.8 N 034 02.3 W GPS at 1960 dbar 06MT18 ACM8 572 MOR 090891 1829 59 00.1 N 032 48.6 W GPS Mooring "B1" deployed 06MT18 A1/E 573 1 ROS 090891 2327 BE 59 08.3 N 033 59.6 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 573 1 ROS 090991 0035 BO 59 08.2 N 033 59.6 W GPS 2734 2703 2736 23 1-10,23 CTD trip recording probs 06MT18 A1/E 573 1 ROS 090991 0212 EN 59 08.3 N 033 59.3 W GPS CTD trip recording probs 06MT18 A1/E 574 1 ROS 090991 0405 BE 59 04.5 N 033 24.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 574 1 ROS 090991 0453 BO 59 04.6 N 033 24.2 W GPS 2521 2504 2529 24 1-10 06MT18 A1/E 574 1 ROS 090991 0641 EN 59 04.6 N 033 24.3 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 575 1 ROS 090991 0843 BE 59 00.7 N 032 46.1 W GPS CTD signal noise & offset at 06MT18 A1/E 575 1 ROS 090991 0920 BO 59 00.8 N 032 46.3 W GPS 2063 2041 2066 23 1-10,23 434-638 dbar downcast 06MT18 A1/E 575 1 ROS 090991 1058 EN 59 01.0 N 032 47.1 W GPS CTD trip recording probs 06MT18 A1/E 576 1 ROS 090991 1331 BE 58 56.6 N 032 07.8 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 576 1 ROS 090991 1401 BO 58 56.5 N 032 07.7 W GPS 1752 1722 1742 23 1-10,12 06MT18 A1/E 576 1 ROS 090991 1518 EN 58 56.6 N 032 07.5 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 577 1 ROS 090991 1719 BE 58 52.6 N 031 30.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 577 1 ROS 090991 1754 BO 58 52.8 N 031 30.0 W GPS 1538 1510 1532 ROS failed 06MT18 A1/E 577 1 ROS 090991 1928 EN 58 53.4 N 031 30.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 577 1 ROS 090991 2008 BE 58 52.5 N 031 29.8 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 577 1 ROS 090991 2040 BO 58 52.9 N 031 29.4 W GPS 1550 1537 1537 22 1-10,23,25 06MT18 A1/E 577 1 ROS 090991 2202 EN 58 53.9 N 031 29.8 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 578 1 ROS 091091 0013 BE 58 47.8 N 030 49.9 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 578 1 ROS 091091 0041 BO 58 47.9 N 030 49.9 W GPS 1272 1262 1255 19 1-8 06MT18 A1/E 578 1 ROS 091091 0157 EN 58 48.0 N 030 50.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 579 1 ROS 091091 0406 BE 58 33.7 N 030 23.2 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 579 1 ROS 091091 0437 BO 58 33.7 N 030 23.2.W GPS 1736 1700 1721 24 1-10,12 06MT18 A1/E 579 1 ROS 091091 0607 EN 58 33.7 N 030 23.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 580 1 ROS 091091 0815 BE 58 19.5 N 029 56.6 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 580 1 ROS 091091 0858 BO 58 19.3 N 029 56.5 W GPS 2369 2361 2370 23 1-10,23,25 06MT18 A1/E 580 1 ROS 091091 1034 EN 58 20.2 N 029 56.3 W GPS 06MT18 ACM8 581 MOR 091091 1443 58 10.9 N 029 37.9 W GPS Mooring "C1" deployed 06MT18 A1/E 581 1 ROS 091091 1513 BE 58 11.1 N 029 37.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 581 1 ROS 091091 1547 BO 58 11.1 N 029 37.1 W GPS 2070 2023 2039 22 1-10,23 ROS test #2 (multi-trips) 06MT18 A1/E 581 1 ROS 091091 1641 EN 58 11.0 N 029 37.1 W GPS at 2036 dbar 06MT18 A1/E 582 1 ROS 091091 1901 BE 58 05.2 N 029 30.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 582 1 ROS 091091 1944 BO 58 05.1 N 029 30.0 W GPS 2252 2220 2248 24 1-10,23-25 06MT18 A1/E 582 1 ROS 091091 2125 EN 58 05.2 N 029 30.4 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 583 1 ROS 091091 2337 BE 57 51.1 N 029 04.2 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 583 1 ROS 091191 0020 BO 57 51.5 N 029 03.4 W GPS 2333 2318 2341 24 1-8 06MT18 A1/E 583 1 ROS 091191 0200 EN 57 52.1 N 029 02.3 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 584 1 ROS 091191 0428 BE 57 36.9 N 028 38.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 584 1 ROS 091191 0519 BO 57 37.0 N 028 38.1 W GPS 2420 2398 2422 24 1-10,12 06MT18 A1/E 584 1 ROS 091191 0723 EN 57 37.0 N 028 38.1 W GPS 06MT18 ACM8 585 MOR 091191 1153 57 22.4 N 028 11.4 W GPS Mooring "D1" deployed 06MT18 A1/E 585 1 ROS 091191 1230 BE 57 22.2 N 028 09.6 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 585 1 ROS 091191 1321 BO 57 22.2 N 028 09.5 W GPS 2645 2614 2647 24 1-10,23 06MT18 A1/E 585 1 ROS 091191 1515 EN 57 22.2 N 028 09.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 586 1 ROS 091191 1916 BE 56 54.7 N 027 50.7 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 586 1 ROS 091191 2005 BO 56 54.7 N 027 50.4 W GPS 2922 2897 2926 24 1-10 06MT18 A1/E 586 1 ROS 091191 2205 EN 56 56.0 N 027 49.6 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 587 1 ROS 091291 0150 BE 56 27.3 N 027 30.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 587 1 ROS 091291 0242 BO 56 27.6 N 027 29.6 W GPS 2779 2758 2781 13 1-8 CTD signal loss (cable), no 06MT18 A1/E 587 1 ROS 091291 0441 EN 56 28.0 N 027 29.0 W GPS bottles above 1271 dbar 06MT18 A1/E 588 1 ROS 091291 0849 BE 55 59.5 N 027 08.6 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 588 1 ROS 091291 0950 BO 55 59.5 N 027 07.5 W GPS 2819 2793 2832 24 1-10,12,23-25 06MT18 A1/E 588 1 ROS 091291 1113 EN 55 59.9 N 027 07.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 589 1 ROS 091291 1441 BE 55 32.0 N 026 48.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 589 1 ROS 091291 1545 BO 55 32.0 N 026 48.0 W GPS 3194 3185 3213 24 1-10 06MT18 A1/E 589 1 ROS 091291 1724 EN 55 31.8 N 026 47.7 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 590 1 ROS 091291 2045 BE 55 04.3 N 026 27.5 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 590 1 ROS 091291 2159 BO 55 04.1 N 026 27.6 W GPS 3378 3376 3376 18 1-10,23 CTD cable problem 06MT18 A1/E 590 1 ROS 091291 2345 EN 55 04.6 N 026 27.7 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 591 1 ROS 091391 0400 BE 54 36.6 N 026 07.5 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 591 1 ROS 091391 0505 BO 54 36.6 N 026 07.1 W GPS 3420 3398 3445 23 1-10,24,25 06MT18 A1/E 591 1 ROS 091391 0652 EN 54 36.6 N 026 06.3 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 592 1 CTD 091491 0125 BE 53 52.5 N 026 16.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 592 1 CTD 091491 0256 BO 53 51.9 N 026 17.1 W GPS 3643 3638 3670 06MT18 A1/E 592 1 CTD 091491 0406 EN 53 51.9 N 026 17.2 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 593 1 CTD 091491 0547 BE 54 02.0 N 026 00.8 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 593 1 CTD 091491 0256 BO 54 02.0 N 026 01.1 W GPS 3319 3295 3338 06MT18 A1/E 593 1 CTD 091491 0745 EN 54 01.9 N 026 01.5 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 594 MOR 091491 1135 54 19.9 N 025 51.4 W GPS Mooring "E1" deployed 06MT18 A1/E 595 1 CTD 091491 1318 BE 54 15.9 N 025 36.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 595 1 CTD 091491 1407 BO 54 15.9 N 025 36.0 W GPS 2554 2529 2562 06MT18 A1/E 595 1 CTD 091491 1506 EN 54 16.0 N 025 35.9 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 596 1 ROS 091491 1639 BE 54 22.6 N 025 57.0 W GPS CTD signal noise & offset 06MT18 A1/E 596 1 ROS 091491 1741 BO 54 22.6 N 025 57.0 W GPS 3229 3210 3249 21 1-10,12,23 at 830-859 dbar downcast 06MT18 A1/E 596 1 ROS 091491 1952 EN 54 22.5 N 025 57.0 W GPS ***: ROS mechanism problems 06MT18 A1/E 597 1 ROS 091491 2155 BE 54 09.0 N 025 46.4 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 597 1 ROS 091491 2254 BO 54 09.3 N 025 45.7 W GPS 3156 3147 3186 13 1-10 *** 06MT18 A1/E 597 1 ROS 091591 0053 EN 54 09.4 N 025 45.7 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 598 1 ROS 091591 0225 BE 53 55.0 N 025 38.2 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 598 1 ROS 091591 0334 BO 53 55.2 N 025 38.2 W GPS 3622 3612 3658 11 1-10,23-25 *** 06MT18 A1/E 598 1 ROS 091591 0600 EN 53 55.0 N 025 38.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 599 1 ROS 091591 1010 BE 53 40.3 N 025 25.6 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 599 1 ROS 091591 1120 BO 53 40.3 N 025 25.5 w GPS 3626 3584 3632 24 1-10,23-25 *** 06MT18 A1/E 599 1 ROS 091591 1333 EN 53 40.3 N 025 25.3 W GPS +++: CTD trip recording probs 06MT18 A1/E 600 1 ROS 091591 1610 BE 53 27.9 N 024 41.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 600 1 ROS 091591 1715 BO 53 27.8 N 024 41.1 W GPS 3570 3565 3605 24 1-10,23 ***, +++ 06MT18 A1/E 600 1 ROS 091591 1939 EN 53 28.0 N 024 41.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 601 1 ROS 091591 2226 BE 53 16.0 N 023 54.2 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 601 1 ROS 091591 2340 BO 53 16.0 N 023 53.9 W GPS 3718 3703 3749 24 1-10 ***, +++ 06MT18 A1/E 601 1 ROS 091691 0206 EN 53 16.0 N 023 54.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 602 1 ROS 091691 0444 BE 53 04.0 N 023 07.7 W GPS Jellyfish in C-sensor at 2360 06MT18 A1/E 602 1 ROS 091691 0559 BO 53 04.1 N 023 07.8 W GPS 3875 3884 3923 24 1-10,12,23-25 dbar downcast 06MT18 A1/E 602 1 ROS 091691 0825 EN 53 04.0 N 023 07.3 W GPS ***, +++ 06MT18 A1/E 603 1 ROS 091691 1111 BE 52 52.0 N 022 23.2 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 603 1 ROS 091691 1236 BO 52 51.5 N 022 22.6 W GPS 4005 4001 4057 24 1-10,12,23 ***, +++ 06MT18 A1/E 603 1 ROS 091691 1450 EN 52 50.5 N 022 21.6 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 604 1 ROS 091691 1728 BE 52 40 0 N 021 36.8 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 604 1 ROS 091691 1846 BO 52 39.3 N 021 36.8 W GPS 3990 3996 4045 24 1-8,10 ***, +++ 06MT18 A1/E 604 1 ROS 091691 2106 EN 52.37.8 N 021 36.6 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 605 1 ROS 091791 0006 BE 52 28.0 N 020 51.9 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 605 1 ROS 091791 0114 BO 52 28.0 N 020 51.8 W GPS 3739 3739 3787 23 1-10,12 ***, +++ 06MT18 A1/E 605 1 ROS 091791 0300 EN 52 28.2 N 020 50.9 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 606 1 ROS 091791 1136 BE 52 39.8 N 020 00.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 606 1 ROS 091791 1226 BO 52 39.6 N 019 59.6 W GPS 2593 2573 2594 06MT18 A1/E 606 1 ROS 091791 1325 EN 52 39.3 N 019 59.3 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 607 1 ROS 091791 1503 BE 52 29.9 N 020 00.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 607 1 ROS 091791 1601 BO 52 29.8 N 020 00.0 W GPS 2803 2782 2816 12 23-25 ***, +++ 06MT18 A1/E 607 1 ROS 091791 1710 EN 52 30.0 N 020 00.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 608 1 ROS 091791 2000 BE 52 10.1 N 020 00.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 608 1 ROS 091791 2123 BO 52 10.5 N 019 59.6 W GPS 3783 3776 3826 12 1-18,10 ROS test #3 (multi-trips) 06MT18 A1/E 608 1 ROS 091791 2300 EN 52 10.3 N 019 59.3 W GPS at 3815 dbar 06MT18 A1/E 609 1 ROS 091891 0231 BE 52 21.8 N 020 27.8 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 609 1 ROS 091891 0345 BO 52 21.5 N 020 28.1 W GPS 3646 3588 3627 15 1-8 ***, +++ 06MT18 A1/E 609 1 ROS 091891 0606 EN 52 21.9 N 020 28.3 W GPS leaking bottles (rough sea) 06MT18 A1/E 610 1 ROS 091891 0809 BE 52 20.0 N 020 00.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 610 1 ROS 091891 0920 BO 52 20.2 N 020 00.0 W GPS 3308 3275 3309 22 1-10,23 ***, +++ 06MT18 A1/E 610 1 ROS 091891 1140 EN 52 21.1 N 019 58.7 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 611 1 ROS 091891 1348 BE 52 20.3 N 019 24.7 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 611 1 ROS 091891 1459 BO 52 20.2 N 019 24.7 W GPS 3600 3630 3651 22 1-8,10,25 ***, +++ 06MT18 A1/E 611 1 ROS 091891 1715 EN 52 19.7 N 019 24.3 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 612 1 ROS 091891 1942 BE 52 19.9 N 018 37.8 W GPS Offset in S at 4034 dbar downcast 06MT18 A1/E 612 1 ROS 091891 2103 BO 52 19.4 N 018 37.2 W GPS 4329 4331 4391 22 1-10,12 ***, +++ 06MT18 A1/E 612 1 ROS 091891 2351 EN 52 19.4 N 018 37.4 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 613 1 ROS 091991 0240 BE 52 20.1 N 017 49.8 W GPS Offset in S at 3974 dbar downcast 06MT18 A1/E 613 1 ROS 091991 0402 BO 52 19.9 N 017 48.9 W GPS 4292 4331 4370 22 1-8,10,24-25 ***, +++ 06MT18 A1/E 613 1 ROS 091991 0632 EN 52 19.3 N 017 48.0 W GPS 06MT18 ACM8 614 MOR 091991 1253 52 20.5 N 016 20.1 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 615 1 ROS 091991 1740 BE 52 20.0 N 016 59.8 W GPS Mooring "F1" deployed 06MT18 A1/E 615 1 ROS 091991 1859 BO 52 19.6 N 016 59.3 W GPS 3931 3927 3981 22 1-10,12,23 06MT18 A1/E 615 1 ROS 091991 2121 EN 52 18.4 N 016 58.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 616 1 ROS 092091 0008 BE 52 20.0 N 016 12.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 616 1 ROS 092091 0119 BO 52 19.5 N 016 12.1 W GPS 3465 3451 3492 23 1-8 06MT18 A1/E 616 1 ROS 092091 0337 EN 52 19.0 N 016 11.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 617 1 ROS 092091 0552 BE 52 20.1 N 015 47.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 617 1 ROS 092091 0706 BO 52 20.3 N 015 46.3 W GPS 3273 3264 3305 23 1-10,23-25 06MT18 A1/E 617 1 ROS 092091 0912 EN 52 21.2 N 015 46.7 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 618 1 ROS 092091 1110 BE 52 20.1 N 015 30.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 618 1 ROS 092091 1207 BO 52 20.1 N 015 30.1 W GPS 2839 2805 2830 20 1-10,23 06MT18 A1/E 618 1 ROS 092091 1358 EN 52 20.6 N 015 29.7 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 618 2 ROS 092091 1611 BE 52 20.0 N 015 30.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 618 2 ROS 092091 1657 BO 52 20.1 N 015 30.0 W GPS 2834 1955 1978 23 1-8 ROS test #4 (multi-trips) 06MT18 A1/E 618 2 ROS 092091 1748 EN 52 20.2 N 015 29.9 W GPS at 1855 dbar 06MT18 A1/E 619 1 ROS 092091 2223 BE 52 20.0 N 015 13.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 619 1 ROS 092091 2251 BO 52 19.9 N 015 13.1 W GPS 1262 1250 1259 12 1-8,10,23 06MT18 A1/E 619 1 ROS 092091 2353 EN 52 20.3 N 015 13.3 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 620 1 ROS 092191 0154 BE 52 20.1 N 014 56.0 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 620 1 ROS 092191 0220 BO 52 20.0 N 014 55.9 W GPS 839 832 839 12 1-8,23 06MT18 A1/E 620 1 ROS 092191 0312 EN 52 19.8 N 014 55.7 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 621 1 ROS 092191 0452 BE 52 20.0 N 014 38.7 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 621 1 ROS 092191 0508 BO 52 20.2 N 014 38.6 W GPS 417 391 404 10 1-8,23 06MT18 A1/E 621 1 ROS 092191 0530 EN 52 20.1 N 014 38.6 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 622 1 ROS 092191 0715 BE 52 19.8 N 014 15.4 W GPS 06MT18 A1/E 622 1 ROS 092191 0737 BO 52 20.0 N 014 15.2 W GPS 335 314 320 10 1-8,10,25 06MT18 A1/E 622 1 ROS 092191 0805 EN 52 19.8 N 014 15.2 W GPS ***: ROS mechanism problems (multiple uncontrolled, mis-, or double trips) Stat #569 through 613 +++: CTD trip recording problems (CTD values not recorded in bottle file for multiple trips) Stat #599 through 613 * Parameter numbers according WOCE Operations Manual, WOCE Office Report 90-1, July 1991, Rev. 1, Table 3.5. WHP Water Sample Record Format Description One record is required for each water bottle sampled on each cast. The individual water sample records are then compiled into a -.SEA file for submittal to the WHPO. Include only those variables measured during the cruise. All parameters assigned a number and printed in BOLD require a quality byte in the quality word. BTLNBR, CTDSAL, and CTDOXY also require quality bytes in the quality word but the definitions for these quality words differs from the water sample flags. The first data record in the -.SEA file is preceded by four header records defined in the formatting notes. Parameter* Parameter Units Parameter FORTRAN Number Mnemonic Mnemonic Scientific or see note no. Range Format STNNBR character (Note 1) 2X,A6 CASTNO integer (Note 2) 5X,I3 SAMPNO character (Note 3) 1X,A7 BTLNBR character (Note 4) 1X,A7 CTDRAW (Note 5) 0,11000 1X,I7 CTDPRS DBAR decibar Pressure 0,11000 F8.1 CTDTMP DEG C °C (ITS90) Temperature -2,35 F8.4 CTDSAL-1Ý PSS-78 PSS-78 Salinity-1 0,42 F8.4 CTDOXY-Ý UMOL/KG µmol/kg Oxygen 0,500 2X,F6.1 THETA DEG C °C (ITS90) (Note 6) -2,35 F8.4 1 SALNTY-1 PSS-78 PSS-78 Salinity-1 0,42 F8.4 2 OXYGEN UMOL/KG µmol/kg Oxygen 0,500 2X,F6.1 3 SILCAT UMOL/KG µmol/kg Silicate 0,250 1X,F7.2 4 NITRAT-8 UMOL/KG µmol/kg Nitrate-4 0,47 2X,F6.2 5 NITRIT-8 UMOL/KG µmol/kg Nitrite-4 0,15 2X,F6.2 6 PHSPHT UMOL/KG µmol/kg Phosphate 0,5 2X,F6.2 7 CFC-11 PMOL/KG pmol/kg Freon 11 0,10 1X,F7.3 8 CFC-12 PMOL/KG pmol/kg Freon 12 0,10 1X,F7.3 REVPRS DBAR decibar (Note 7) 0,11000 F8.1 REVTMP DEG C °C (ITS90) (Note 8) -2,35 1X,F7.3 9 TRITUM-2 TU TU7 Tritium-2 -1,100 1X,F7.3 10 HELIUM NMOL/KG nmol/kg Helium-2 1,3 2X,F6.4 11 DELHE3-2 PERCNT % Helium-2 -10,100 1X,F7.2 12 DELC14-2,3 /MILLE per mille Carbon 14-2,3 -300,250 1X,F7.1 13 DELC13-2,3 /MILLE per mille Carbon 13-2,3 -5,5 4X,F4.1 14 KR-85-2,3 DPM/MG dpm/1000kg6 Krypton 85-2,3 0,5 3X,F5.2 15 ARGON-2,3 NMOL/KG nmol/kg Argon-2,3 0,10 2X,F6.2 16 AR-39-2,3 PCTMOD %modern Argon 39-2,3 0,100 2X,F6.1 17 NEON-2 NMOL/KG nmol/kg Neon-2 0,10 1X,F7.3 18 RA-228-2,3 DM/.1MG dpm/100kg6 Radium-2,3 -1,10 2X,F6.2 19 RA-226-2,3 DM/.1MG dpm/100kg6 Radium-2,3 3,80 2X,F6.2 20 O18/O16-2 /MILLE per mille O18/O16 ratio-2 -5,5 2X,F6.2 21 SR-90-2,3 DM/.1MG dpm/100kg6 Strontium 90-2,3 0,100 1X,F7.2 22 CS-137-2,3 DM/.1MG dpm/100kg6 Cesium 137-2,3 0,100 1X,F7.2 23 TCARBN UMOL/KG µmol/kg Total Carbon C-T 1800,2300 2X,F6.1 24 ALKALI UMOL/KG µmol/kg Total alkalinity A-T 2000,2500 2X,F6.1 25 FCO2 UATM µatm9 Fugacity fCO2 200,2000 2X,F6.1 26 PH none pH 7.6,8.3 2X,F6.4 n Additional parameters4 n+1 | n+x V Parameters requiring expected error data column 9 TRITER-2 TU TU7 Tritium-2 3X,F5.3 10 HELIER-2 NMOL/KG nmol/kg Helium-2 2X,F6.4 11 DELHER-2 PERCNT % Helium-2 4X,F4.2 12 C-14ER-2 PERCNT % Carbon 14-2 3X,F5.1 13 C-13ER-2 PERCNT % Carbon 13-2 3X,F5.1 14 KRP85ER-2 DM/.1MG dmp/100kg Krypton 85-2 3X,F5.2 15 ARGERR-2 NMOL/KG nmol/kg Argon-2 4X,F4.2 16 AR39ER-2 PCTMOD %modern Argon 39-2 4X,F4.1 17 NEONER-2 NMOL/KG nmol/kg Neon-2 4X,F4.3 18 R228ER-2 DM/.1MG dpm/100kg6 Radium-2 3X,F5.2 19 R226ER-2 DM/.1MG dpm/100kg6 Radium-2 3X,F5.2 Quality Words EOR QUALT1 none (Note 9) mA1 N+1 QUALT2 none (Note 10) mA1 8 CONCLUDING REMARKS The 18th cruise of METEOR turned out to be an extremely rewarding effort with respect to participating expertise on water mass issues for the northern North Atlantic. We expect from the Joint analysis of the most complete data set describing water mass properties in eddy-resolving section mode a reliable quantification of North Atlantic overturning rates. A large portion of the success of this cruise has to be attributed to the captain and crew of METEOR who provided a reliable and enjoyful platform for our work under not always nice environmental conditions. We appreciate the support from the Bundesminister ftir Forschung und Technologie (WOCE) and the Deutsche Forschungsgerneinschaft. 9 REFERENCES ANON (1988): World Ocean Circulation Experiment Implementation Plan, Vol. I + II. World Climate Research Programme, Pub. WCRP 11 + 12, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva 1988, 145 pp. and 128 pp. ANON (1991): WOCE Operational Manual, Vol. 3, Sect. 3. 1, Part 3.1.2: Requirements for WHP Data Reporting, WHP Office Report WHPO 90-1, WOCE Report No 67/91, Woods Hole 1991, 71 pp. ARMSTRONG, F.A.J., C.R. STEARNS and J.D.H. STRICKLAND (1967): The measurement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by means of the Technicon Autoanalyzer and associated equipment. Deep-Sea Research, 14, 381-389. ATLAS, E.L., S.W. HAGER, L.I. GORDON and P.K. PARK (1971): A Practical Manual for Use of the Technicon Autoanalyzer in Seawater Nutrient Analyses; Revised. Technical Report 215, Reference 71-22. Oregon State University, Department of Oceanography. 49 pp. BERNHARDT, H. and A. WILHELMS (1967): The continuous determination of low level iron, soluble phosphate and total phosphate with the AutoAnalyzer(r). Technicon Symposia, Volume 1, 385-389. BERSCH, M, (1993): On the upper layer circulation of the North Eastern North Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research (submitted). CARPENTER, J.H. (1965): The Chesaspeake Bay Institute technique for the Winkler dissolved oxygen method. Limnology and Oceanography, 10, 141-143. CULBERSON, C.H., WILLIAMS, R.T., et al. (1991): A comparison of methods for the determination of dissolved oxygen in seawater. WHP Office Report, WHPO 91-2, 15 pp. HAGER, S.W., E.L. ATLAS, L.D. GORDON, A.W. MANTYLA and P.K. PARK (1972): A comparison at sea of manual and autoanalyzer analyses of phosphate, nitrate, and silicate. Limnology and Oceanography, 17, 931-937. KIRKWOOD D.S. and A. R. FOLKARD (1986): Results of the ICES salinity sample bottle inter-comparison. ICES C.M. 1986, mimeo, 16 pp. MILLARD, R.C. (1991): CTD oxygen calibration procedure. VVHP Operations and Methods, WHP Office Report, WHPO 91-1, 27 pp. SY. A. (1991): XBT measurements. WHP Operations and Methods, WHP Office Report, WHPO 91-1, 19 pp. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OXYGEN AND NUTRIENT MEASUREMENTS The oxygen and nutrient data were entered into ODF's ship board data system and processed as the analyses were completed. Pressure and temperature information were given to ODF by the German group. The bottle data were brought to a useable, though perhaps not final, state at sea. ODF data checking procedures included verification that the sample was assigned to the correct level. This was accomplished by checking the raw data sheets, which included the raw data value and the water sample bottle, versus the sample log sheets. Any comments regarding the water samples were investigated. The raw data computer files were also checked for entry errors. Investigation of the data included reviewing plots of the station profiles and comparing these to nearby stations. If a data value did not agree with other nearby data, then analyst and sampling notes, plots, and nearby data were reviewed. If any problem was indicated the data value was flagged. The Bottle Data Processing Notes section includes comments regarding investigation of flagged samples. The WOCE codes were assigned to the oxygen and nutrient data using the criteria: code 9 =Sample not drawn. code 5 =Data value deleted. Value did not fit station profile or adjoining station data comparison. Comments were made that clearly indicated a leak and contamination of the samples. This code was not assigned to any of the data in the .sea file. The data that has been deleted from the .sea files are included in a separate file. code 4 =Does not fit station profile and/or adjoining station comparisons. There are analytical notes indicating a problem, but data values were reported. ODF recommends deletion of these data values. code 3 =Does not fit station profile or adjoining station comparisons and no analytical notes indicate a problem. The data could possibly be real, but decision as to whether it is acceptable needs to be made by a scientist rather than ODF's technicians. code 2 =Acceptable measurement. code 1 =Sample for this measurement was drawn from the bottle, but data was not received and is not recoverable. The following table is a tabulation of the number of ODF samples with a count for each of the different codes. Stations 558-622 REPORTED WATER SAMPLE CODES LEVELS 1 2 3 4 5 9 Oxygen 1183 0 1163 4 16 63 15 Silicate 1183 0 1176 0 7 63 15 Nitrate 1137 0 1031 45 107 63 15 Nitrite 1183 0 1073 2 62 63 61 Phosphate 1183 0 1073 23 87 63 15 Number of reported sampling levels: 1198 Samples were collected for dissolved oxygen analyses soon after the sampler was brought on board and after CFC and Helium were drawn. Nominal 125 ml volume iodine flasks were rinsed carefully with minimal agitation, then filled via a drawing tube, and allowed to overflow for at least 2 flask volumes. The sample water temperature was measured immediately before the sample was drawn for most samples. Reagents were added to fix the oxygen before stoppering. The flasks were shaken twice; immediately, and after 20 minutes, to assure thorough dispersion of the Mn(OH)2 precipitate. The samples were analyzed within 4-36 hours. Dissolved oxygen analyses, reportable in both milliliters per liter and micromoles per kilogram, were performed via titration in the volume-calibrated iodine flasks with a 1 ml microburet, using the whole bottle Winkler titration following the technique of Carpenter (1965) with modifications by Culberson et al. (1991) except that standards and blanks were run in seawater. A German copy of Culberson's manuscript (no reference to publication) was made available during the cruise which stated distilled water should be used for standards and blanks. Unfortunately, the ODF technician was not aware of the manuscript at the beginning of the cruise. Some comparisons between seawater and distilled water standards and blanks were run at the end of the cruise. A technician from BSH drew samples from most of the test rosette stations and ran them on the BSH Dosimat dead stop indicator titration system using distilled water with commercially prepared standard. She consistently got lower values, from .20 ml/l on the first test cast to about .11 on the others. We exchanged standards but the difference in standards was much less than the difference in data. The reason for the difference was never conclusively determined. Lab temperature stayed within 20 to 22šC in the hood where the OXY rig was set up based on periodic checks with the draw temp thermometer. Standardizations were performed with 0.01N potassium iodate solutions prepared from pre-weighed potassium iodate crystals. Standards were run at the beginning of each session of analyses, which typically included from 1 to 3 stations. Several standards were made up and compared to assure that the results were reproducible, and to preclude basing the entire cruise on one standard. A correction was made for the amount of oxygen added with the reagents. Combined reagent/seawater blanks were determined to account for oxidizing or reducing materials in the reagents. The oxygen thionormality values and blanks have been reviewed for possible problems and smoothed as necessary. The temperature of the samples was measured at the time the sample was drawn from the bottle, and are included in this data submission. On several stations, the thermometer used to measure the draw temperature failed to operate properly. On these stations the in situ temperature is reported and comments to this effect are in the data remarks section documentation. NUTRIENTS Nutrients (phosphate, silicate, nitrate and nitrite) analyses, reported in micromoles/liter, were performed on a Techni- con(r) AutoAnalyzer(r). The procedures used are described in Hager et al. (1972) and Atlas et al. (1971). Standardizations were performed with solutions prepared aboard ship from pre- weighed standards; these solutions were used as working standards before and after each cast (approximately 36 samples) to correct for instrumental drift during analyses. Sets of 4-6 different concentrations of shipboard standards were analyzed periodically to determine the linearity of colorimeter response and the resulting correction factors. Phosphate was analyzed using hydrazine reduction of phosphomolybdic acid as described by Bernhardt & Wilhelms (1967). Silicate was analyzed using stannous chloride reduction of silicomolybdic acid. Nitrite was analyzed using diazotization and coupling to form dye; nitrate was reduced by copperized cadmium and then analyzed as nitrite. These three analyses use the methods of Armstrong et al. (1967). Sampling for nutrients followed that for the tracer gases, CFC's, He, tritium, and dissolved oxygen. Samples were drawn into ~45 cc high density polyethylene, narrow mouth, screw-capped bottles which were rinsed twice before filling. The samples may have been refrigerated at 2 to 6šC for a maximum of 15 hours. DATA COMPARISONS The oxygen and nutrient data were compared by ODF with those from the adjacent stations. DATA COMMENTS Remarks for deleted and/or missing samples or WOCE codes other than 2 from WOCE NORD A1/E. Investigation of data may include review of data plots of station profile and adjoining stations, rereading of charts (i.e., nutrients). Comments from the Sample Logs and ODF's results of investigation of oxygen and nutrients are included in this report. Station 556 1all Test station, no final CTD data was submitted. ODF has included the oxygen and nutrients in a separate file. 106 OXY .13 high on calib station (all bottles tripped same level). Calc ok. Note on data sheet "strong blue return" Nutrient ok so probably over titrated, not bottle trip problem. Footnote oxygen bad. 118 OXY .27 high on calib station (all bottles tripped same level). Calc ok. Note on data sheet "slight blue return" Nutrient ok so probably over titrated, not bottle trip problem. Footnote oxygen bad. 122 Sample Log: "No samples taken." 123 Sample Log: "No samples taken." Station 557 1all Test station, no final CTD data was submitted. ODF has included the oxygen and nutrients in a separate file. 108 108-110 Appears .07 low on calib cast (all bottles tripped same level). PO4 calc ok, peaks poor, no notes. Other nutrients & oxygens ok. Footnote PO4 bad. 109 See 108 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 110 See 108 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 123 Sample Log: No samples taken. 124 Sample Log: No samples taken. Station 558 1 all 14 bottles. 101 @ 171db - Nutrient: "Begin End NO2, NO3, PO4 must be SSW being used - too much bio activity!" Same problem Stations 558 through 560. Footnote NO2 bad. Footnote PO4 bad. Footnote NO3 bad. 102 @ 171db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen agrees with duplicate trip data. See 101 comment, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. 103 @ 151db - See 101 comment, footnote #2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. 104 @ 131db - See 101 comment, footnote #2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. 105 @ 111db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. 106 @ 99db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. 107 @ 86db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. 108 @ 66db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. 109 @ 47db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. 110 @ 27db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. Oxygen: "Noticed a very small bubble in burette." Data looks ok. 111 @ 9db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. 112 @ 8db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. 113 @ 8db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. 114 @ 9db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comment, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 bad. Station 559 1 all 18 bottles. 101 @ 477db - Nutrient: "End NO2 STDs no good, use begin" "SSW affecting stdizations!" 101-118 Same problem Stations 558 through 560. Footnote NO2 bad. Footnote NO3 bad. Footnote PO4 bad. 102 @ 458db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 103 @ 439db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 104 @ 419db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 105 @ 398db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 106 @ 377db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 107 @ 329db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 108 @ 278db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 109 @ 229db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 110 @ 198db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 111 @ 156db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 112 @ 97db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 113 @ 57db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 114 @ 26db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 115 @ 8db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 116 @ 8db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 117 @ 8db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 118 @ 8db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. Station 560 101 @ 1805db - Nutrient: "New batch SSW - try to alleviate STDs jumping around. Didn't help much. We need to have a supply of filtered sterilized low nut. water for universal use!!. Use be NO2 F1 for end. Bugs screwing up NO2 too fast!! NO3, PO4 use begin F1 for F1E." 101-124 Same problem Stations 558 through 560. NO3 values about 1.0 high. Using original F1E would make values even higher. Possibly standard was deteriorating when 1st set run. PO4 values about 0.08 high. Using original F1E would make values even higher. Possibly standard was deteriorating when 1st set run. Footnote NO2 bad. Footnote NO3 bad. Footnote PO4 bad. 102 Sample log: "No oxygen, no Nitrate, no Phosphate, no Silicate, no Nitrite." 103 @ 1744db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 104 @ 1693db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 105 @ 1642db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 106 @ 1592db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 107 @ 1493db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 108 @ 1395db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 109 @ 1297db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 110 @ 1198db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 111 @ 1100db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 112 @ 997db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 113 @ 902db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 114 @ 803db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 115 @ 692db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 116 @ 591db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 117 @ 493db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 118 @ 397db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 119 @ 297db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 120 @ 196db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 121 @ 97db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 122 @ 58db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 123 @ 29db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 124 @ 9db - See 101 comments, footnote NO2 bad. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. Station 561 101 @ 1879db - 101-123 All nitrates appear 0.5 low compared to adjacent stations. Calc ok. Changed N-1-N & Sulfanilimide after this cast. 102 @ 1831db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 103 @ 1814db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 104 @ 1748db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 105 @ 1647db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 106 @ 1596db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 107 @ 1545db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 108 @ 1496db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 109 @ 1395db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 110 @ 1294db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 111 @ 1193db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 112 @ 1092db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 113 @ 990db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 114 @ 890db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 115 @ 789db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 116 @ 688db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 117 See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. NB24 came up open, sample log indicates probably forgot to trigger one bottle after NB16. 117-124, No CTD trip data for NBs17&19. ODF has included the oxygen and nutrients in a separate file. 118 @ 388db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 117 comment, bottles did not trip as scheduled. 119 See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 117 comment, bottles did not trip as scheduled. 120 @ 236db - See 117 comment, bottles did not trip as scheduled. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 121 @ 236db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 117 comment, bottles did not trip as scheduled. 122 @ 100db - See 117 comment, bottles did not trip as scheduled. See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. 123 @ 60db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 117 comment, bottles did not trip as scheduled. 124 See 117 comment, bottles did not trip as scheduled. Station 562 101 @ 2027db - 101-124 Preliminary data appears 1.0 high. Note on data sheet says "only 10ml std added" with concentration of 8.75 used from calc on data sheet "NO3 = 8 + .75 = 8.75" Believe calc should be NO3 conc = 11.25*2/3 + .75 = 8.25. Recalculated data looks much better. 124 @ 9db - Delta-S .130 high at 9db. All water samples indicate NB24 closed near 790db (NB14). Leave for now. Foot- note oxygen and nutrients bad. Inform PI that bottle tripped incorrectly. ODF suggests this be coded leaky bottle and samples bad. Station 563 1 all Nutrient: "NO2 STD - only 10ml? =(.5)" 101-124 "NO2 pipet not delivering right - use 1.62 for F1B & F1E" NO2 appears to be okay, agrees with Stations 562-565. Station 564 1 all Nutrient: "NO2 pipet wrong, use 1.62 for F1B & F1E" 101-123. NO2 appears to be okay, agrees with Stations 562-565. 107 @ 2323db - Phosphate .1 too high. Analyst suspects contamination. Footnote PO4 bad. 117 @ 508db - Bottle leaked as per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients do not indicate a leak. 124 Sample log: "No oxygen, no Nitrate, no Phosphate, no Silicate, no Nitrite." No CTD trip information. Station 565 114 @ 1195db - Sample log: "No oxygen (o-ring problem)" Bottle leaked as per final data submission. Nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 117 @ 496db - Bottle leaked as per final data submission. Oxygen appears .07 high, footnote OXY bad, leak affected the sample. Nutrients appear to be okay. 121 @ 58db - OXY appears .5 low at 58db. Calc ok, no notes. Other water samples ok. Footnote OXY uncertain. 124 Sample log: "No oxygen, no Nitrate, no Phosphate, no Silicate, no Nitrite." No CTD trip information. Station 566 1 all No German trip information as of 27 May 92 kms. ODF has included the oxygen and nutrients in a separate file. Station 567 102 Sample log: "No samples taken." 103 @ 3141db - Bottle leaked as per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients appear to be okay. 117 @ 1007db - Bottle leaked as per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients appear to be okay. 124 Sample log: "No samples taken." Station 568 102 @ 3132db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen agrees with duplicate trip data. Station 569 103 @ 3103db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients data appears okay. 105 @ 2947db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 113 Sample log: "No samples taken." Station 570 117 Sample log: "No oxygen, no Nitrate, no Phosphate, no Silicate, no Nitrite." Station 571 101 @ 1956db - 101-124 No NO2 run, calib cast, all samples at same level. Footnote NO2 not analyzed. 102 @ 1956db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 103 @ 1957db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 104 @ 1956db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 105 @ 1957db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 106 @ 1957db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 107 @ 1957db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 108 @ 1957db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 109 @ 1957db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 110 @ 1957db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 111 @ 1957db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 112 @ 1958db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 113 @ 1957db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 114 @ 1958db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 115 @ 1957db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 116 @ 1957db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 117 @ 1958db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 118 @ 1958db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 119 @ 1958db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. Oxygen: "Apparent overtitration." Added 1ml std and did normal overtitration procedure. Oxygen okay. 120 @ 1958db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 121 @ 1958db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 122 @ 1958db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 123 @ 1958db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 124 @ 1958db - See 101 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. Station 573 123 @ 13db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients appear to be okay. 124 Sample log: "No oxygen, no Nitrate, no Phosphate, no Silicate, no Nitrite." No CTD trip information. Station 574 114 @ 794db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. Station 575 101 Sample log: "No oxygen, no nitrate, no phosphate, no silicate, no nitrite." 103 @ 1899db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 114 @ 847db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 116 @ 538db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. Station 576 101 Sample log: "No oxygen, no nitrate, no phosphate, no silicate, no nitrite." 102 @ 1687db - NO3 appears .7 (3%) high compared to adjacent stations. 102 - 124 Calc & peaks ok. No notes. Leave for now. Footnote NO3 uncertain. 103 @ 1637db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 104 @ 1586db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 105 @ 1535db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 106 @ 1484db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 107 @ 1435db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 108 @ 1333db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 109 @ 1233db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 110 @ 1132db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 111 @ 1031db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 112 @ 829db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 113 @ 728db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 114 @ 569db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agrees with duplicate trip data. 115 @ 569db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. Oxygen: "Small bubble in sample." Oxygen agrees with duplicate trip bottle 14. However, OXY does not agree with Station 577, but it does agree with Station 574. Will leave data as is, not even footnoting. 116 @ 468db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 117 @ 368db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 118 @ 303db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 119 @ 203db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 120 @ 173db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 121 @ 127db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 122 @ 90db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 123 @ 40db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. 124 @ 12db - See 102 comments, footnote NO3 uncertain. Station 577 201-203 Sample log: "No oxygen, no nitrate, no phosphate, no silicate, no nitrite." No CTD trip information. 223-224 Sample log: "No oxygen, no nitrate, no phosphate, no silicate, no nitrite." No CTD trip information. Station 578 1 all 19 bottles. Station 579 103 @ 1615db - Bottle leaked as per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients do not indicate a leak. Station 580 114 @ 698db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen agrees with duplicate trip data. 224 Sample log: "No oxygen, no nitrate, no phosphate, no silicate, no nitrite." No CTD trip information. Station 581 101 Sample log: "No samples taken." 102 @ 2033db - 102-123 No NO2 run, calib cast, all samples at same level. Footnote NO2 not analyzed. 103 @ 2033db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 104 @ 2033db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 105 @ 2034db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 106 @ 2033db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 107 @ 2033db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 108 @ 2033db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. Oxygen: "OT". Sample okay after overtitration procedure. 109 @ 2033db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 110 @ 2033db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 111 @ 2033db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 112 @ 2034db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 113 @ 2033db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 114 @ 2034db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 115 @ 2034db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. Bottle leaked as per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients do not indicate a leaky bottle. 116 @ 2033db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 117 @ 2033db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 118 @ 2034db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 119 @ 2034db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 120 @ 2034db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 121 @ 2034db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 122 @ 2034db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. 123 @ 2035db - See 102 comment, footnote NO2 not analyzed. Oxygen .03 high with duplicate data, nutrients appear okay. Footnote oxygen bad. 124 Sample log: "No samples taken." Station 582 101 @ 2245db - NO3 appears 1.0 high. Calc & peaks ok. Note on Chart "Probe stuck" during first set standards, no apparent harm to data. NO3 & PO4 F1s higher than adjacent stations. SIL F1s & data ok. 101-123 Reason for high values unknown. Footnote NO3 uncertain. PO4 appears 0.1 high. Footnote PO4 uncertain. 102 @ 2194db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 103 @ 2144db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 104 @ 2103db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 105 @ 2053db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 106 @ 2002db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 107 @ 1952db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 108 @ 1901db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 109 @ 1698db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 110 @ 1495db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 111 @ 1293db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. OXY appears .1 high at 1293db. Calc ok. No notes. Salinity min. Nutrients have normal gradient. Footnote oxygen uncertain. 112 @ 1091db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. Oxygen: bubble (1/8" dia.)" Oxygen appears to be okay. 113 @ 889db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 114 @ 637db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 115 @ 586db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 116 @ 485db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. Oxygen: "bubble." Oxygen appears to be okay. 117 @ 385db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 118 @ 284db - OXY appears .3 low at 284db. Calc ok, no notes. Other water samples including salinity have bump this level. Delta-S .000. ODF suggests this be coded leaky bottle and samples bad. Footnote oxygen and nutrients bad. If tripping is resolved, then code PO4 and NO3 as uncertain. Inform PI that bottle tripped incorrectly. 119 @ 184db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 120 @ 84db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 121 @ 43db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 122 @ 23db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 123 @ 13db - See 101 comment, footnote NO3 uncertain. See 101 comment, footnote PO4 uncertain. 124 @ 13db - Sample log: "No OXY, NO3, PO4, sil or NO2." Station 583 103 @ 2242db - See 101 comment. Oxygen: "Bubble - strong blue back(?)" OXY appears .14 high at 2242db. Calc ok. Other water samples ok. Footnote oxygen bad. 114 @ 702db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen agrees with duplicate trip data. Station 584 109 @ 1379db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen does not agrees with duplicate trip data. OXY .05 low. Footnote oxygen bad. 115 @ 596db - Bottle leaked as per final data submission. There is a feature at this level which does not show in the adjoining stations. However, if this is not a real feature then bottle 14 is incorrect also. Station 586 115 @ 1173db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 117 @ 969db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 119 @ 470db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 124 @ 14db - NO3 appears 5um/l high at 14db. Calc & peak ok. Delta- S .129 high at 14db. All water samples indicate NB24 tripped just below NB23 at 34db. It did not trip with bottle 23, but rather between bottles 22 and 23. Footnote oxygen and nutrients bad. Inform PI that bottle tripped incorrectly. ODF suggests this be coded leaky bottle and samples bad. Station 587 111 @ 1465db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 124 No CTD trip data available. ODF has included the oxygen and nutrients in a separate file. 114-123 Sample log: No samples taken. No CTD trip information. Station 588 1 all Oxygen draw temperature was not recorded. Used in situ temperature. 114 @ 712db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 121 @ 105db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. Station 589 101 @ 28db - NO3 appears 1.5 high. Calc & peaks ok. Notes on nutrient data sheet: "New imidazole buffer". "STDs look low! 4%!" F1s a little higher than adjacent stations. 101-124 Other water samples including silicates ok. Footnote NO3 bad. PO4 appears 0.05 high. Footnote PO4 bad. Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen agrees with duplicate trip data. 102 @ 28db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. Oxygen: "Small bubble." Data okay. 103 @ 3215db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 104 @ 3165db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 105 @ 3111db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 106 @ 3063db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 107 @ 2964db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 108 @ 2802db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 109 @ 2597db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 110 @ 2392db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 111 @ 1986db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen agrees with duplicate trip data. 112 @ 1986db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 113 @ 1784db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 114 @ 1696db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. Oxygen: "Bubble." Data okay. 115 @ 1381db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 116 @ 1195db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. Oxygen: "Bubble." Data okay. 117 @ 585db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. Oxygen: "Bubble." Data okay. Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen agrees with duplicate trip data. 118 @ 585db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 119 @ 585db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 120 @ 480db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. Oxygen: "OT" Data okay. 121 @ 383db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 122 @ 286db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. Oxygen: "Bubble." Data okay. 123 @ 188db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. 124 @ 99db - See 101 comments, footnote NO3 bad. See 101 comments, footnote PO4 bad. Station 590 1 all 18 bottle tripped. 108 @ 1813db - Bottle leaked as per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients look good and do not indicate leaking bottle. 114 @ 104db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 117 @ 19db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. Station 591 103 @ 2998db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 124 Sample log: "No samples taken." Station 596 101 Sample log: "No samples taken" 107 Sample log: "No samples taken" 123 Sample log: "No samples taken" 124 Sample log: "No samples taken" Station 597 102 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 104 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 105 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 106 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 107 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 109 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 110 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 111 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 112 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 113 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 115 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." Station 598 102 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 103 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 104 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 107 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 109 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 110 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 111 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 112 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 115 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 121 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 122 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 123 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." 124 Sample log: "Bottle didn't close, no samples." Station 599 122 @ 64db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 123 @ 34db - Sample log: "No nitrate, no phosphate, no silicate, no nitrite." Station 600 102 @ 3556db - Oxygen: "Bubble." Appears .05 low. Calc ok. Footnote oxygen bad. 122 @ 94db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. Station 601 1 all Oxygen: Draw temp no good, -0.6 vs 3. Took therm apart to dry out. No oxygen draw temperature, used in situ temperature. 106 Sample log: "No oxygen, no nitrate, no phosphate, no silicate," no nitrite. 113 @ 1412db - Bottle leaked as per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients do not indicate a bottle leak. 121 @ 205db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. Station 602 114 @ 989db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients appear okay. 121 @ 103db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. Station 603 120 @ 304db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen does not agree with duplicate trip data .02 low. Nutrients agree with duplicate trip data. 122 Water samples indicate NB22 tripped near NB13 at 1814db. Leave for now. No trip information received. Station 604 122 @ 102db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen .03 lower than duplicate trip data. Footnote oxygen bad. Nutrients appear to be okay. Station 605 1 all Oxygen: "No draw temps. therm read 1.6 at 1st NB, T=2.5" No oxygen draw temperatures, in situ temperature used. 119 @ 201db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agrees with duplicate trip data. 122 @ 32db - All water samples appear to be from about 300db instead 32db intended. Delta-S .074 high. Inform PI that bottle tripped incorrectly. ODF suggests this bottle be coded leaky and all samples bad. 124 Sample log: "No samples taken" Station 608 101 @ 3818db - Sample log: "No samples drawn." 103 @ 3820db - Sample log: "No samples drawn." 105 @ 3820db - Sample log: "No samples drawn." 107 @ 3818db - Sample log: "No samples drawn." 109 @ 3820db - Sample log: "No samples drawn." 110 @ 3820db - Bottle leaked as per final data submission Oxygen and nutrients also indicate that this bottle leaked. Footnote oxygen and nutrients bad. 111 @ 3821db - Sample log: "No samples drawn." 113 @ 3819db - Sample log: "No samples drawn." 115 @ 3819db - Sample log: "No samples drawn." 116 @ 3819db - Bottle leaked as per final data submission Oxygen and nutrients also indicate that this bottle leaked. Footnote oxygen and nutrients bad. 117 @ 3820db - Sample log: "No samples drawn." 119 @ 3818db - Sample log: "No samples drawn." 121 @ 3818db - Sample log: "No samples drawn." 123 @ 3821db - Sample log: "No samples drawn." Station 609 103 @ 3534db - NO2 .24 high at 3534db. Calc & peak ok. No obvious relation to spike noted above. See 104 comment. Footnote NO2 uncertain. 104 @ 3444db - There is a spike after 103 & 104 on NO2. Analyst did not indicate any mechanical problem. NO2 .04 high at 3444db. Calc & peak ok. No obvious relation to spike noted above. 110 Sample log: "No samples." No CTD trip information. 114 @ 1180db - Oxygen: "Small bubble." Data okay. PO4 appears 0.1 low at 1180db. Calc & peak ok. No notes. Footnote PO4 uncertain. 116 Sample log: "No samples drawn." 117 Sample log: "No samples drawn." 118 Sample log: "No samples drawn." 119 Sample log: "No samples drawn." 120 Sample log: "No samples drawn." 121 Sample log: "No samples drawn." 122 Oxygen: "Small bubble. " Intended to trip at 58db with NB23 but water samples indicate it closed deeper. Nutrients appear to be from about 500db and oxygen from about 1700db. oxy may be bad titration. No CTD trip data or bottle salinity available tho sample log indicates bottle salinity was drawn. 124 Sample log: "No samples drawn." Station 610 110 Sample log: "No samples taken" 118 @ 304db - Oxygen: "Bubble." Sample log says flask 1041 for this sample as well as 116. Other stations using this box indicate 1043 as shown on data sheet is correct. Value appears high based on gradient but vertical sections indicate it is probably good. Footnote OXY uncertain. 122 Sample log: "No samples taken" Station 611 119 @ 100db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agrees with duplicate trip data. 122 Sample log: "No samples drawn." 123 @ 11db - Delta-S .237 high at 11db. All water samples indicate bottle close between 100 & 200db. 124 Sample log: "No samples drawn." Station 612 119 @ 63db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agrees with duplicate trip data. 122 Sample log: "No samples drawn." 124 Sample log: "No samples drawn." Station 613 110 @ 2078db - Oxygen: "Small bubble." Oxygen high compared with station profile, but agrees with Stations 602-611. Footnote oxygen uncertain. 119 @ 90db - Oxygen: "Bubble." Appears .07 high. All other water samples same as NB19. Footnote oxygen bad. 120 @ 90db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Nutrients agrees with duplicate trip data. 121 Oxygen: "Small bubble." Data okay. All water samples indicate NB21 closed near 1000db rather than intended 22db level. No CTD trip information. Footnote Oxygen and nutrients bad because bottle did not trip correctly. 122 Sample log: "No samples drawn." 124 Sample log: "No samples drawn." Station 615 113 Sample log: "No samples drawn." 119 Sample log: "No samples drawn." Station 616 116 Sample log: "No samples drawn." Station 617 116 Sample log: "No samples drawn. Station 618 203 @ 1850db Oxygen: "Small bubble." Data okay. Bottle leaked as per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients do not indicate a bottle leak. Data agrees with duplicate trip. 121-124 Sample log: "No samples drawn. No CTD trip information. 215 Sample log: "No samples taken" Station 619 101 Sample log: "No oxygen or nutrients drawn." 103 Sample log: "No oxygen or nutrients drawn." 105 Sample log: "No oxygen or nutrients drawn." 106 @ 797db - Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Oxygen and nutrients agrees with duplicate trip data. 107 @ 797db - Sample log: "No oxygen or nutrients drawn." 108 @ 797db - Wrong pressure assigned. Suspect this tripped with 106. Send inquiry to J.Swift. Done, and data changed. Didn't trip as scheduled per final data submission. Data looks good with corrected pressure. Oxygen and nutrients agrees with duplicate trip data. 109 Sample log: "No oxygen or nutrients drawn." 111 Sample log: "No oxygen or nutrients drawn." 113 Sample log: "No oxygen or nutrients drawn." 115 Sample log: "No oxygen or nutrients drawn." 117 Sample log: "No oxygen or nutrients drawn." 119 Sample log: "No oxygen or nutrients drawn." 121 Sample log: "No oxygen or nutrients drawn." 123 Sample log: "No oxygen or nutrients drawn." Station 620 1 all 12 bottles tripped. Station 621 1 all 9 bottles tripped. 107 @ 98db - Oxygen: "Small bubble." Possibly a little low per %sat. Footnote OXY bad. Leak must have affected the oxygen. Nutrients appear to be okay. Bottle leaked as per final data submission. REFERENCES Unesco, 1983. International Oceanographic tables. Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science, No. 44. Unesco, 1991. Processing of Oceanographic Station Data. Unesco memograph By JPOTS editorial panel. WHPO SUMMARY Several data files are associated with this report. They are the a1e.sum, a1e.hyd, a1e.csl and *.wct files. The a1e.sum file contains a summary of the location, time, type of parameters sampled, and other pertinent information regarding each hydrographic station. The a1e.hyd file contains the bottle data. The *.wct files are the CTD data for each station. The *.wct files are zipped into one file called a1e.wct.zip. The a1e.csl file is a listing of CTD and calculated values at standard levels. The following is a description of how the standard levels and calculated values were derived for the a1e.csl file: Salinity, Temperature and Pressure: These three values were smoothed using the following binomial filter- t(j) = 0.25ti(j-1) + 0.5ti(j) + 0.25ti(j+1) j=2....N-1 When a pressure level is represented in the *.csl file that is not contained within the CTD values, the value was linearly interpolated to the desired level after applying the binomial filtering. Sigma-theta (SIG-TH:KG/M3), Sigma-2 (SIG-2: KG/M3), and Sigma-4(SIG-4: KG/M3): These values are calculated using the practical salinity scale (PSS-78) and the international equation of state for seawater (EOS-80) as described in the Unesco publication 44 at reference pressures of the surface for SIG-TH; 2000 dbars for Sigma-2; and 4000 dbars for Sigma-4. Gradient Potential Temperature (GRD-PT: C/DB 10-3) is calculated as the least squares slope between two levels, where the standard level is the center of the interval. The interval being the smallest of the two differences between the standard level and the two closest values. The slope is first determined using CTD temperature and then the adiabatic lapse rate is subtracted to obtain the gradient potential temperature. Equations and FORTRAN routines are described in Unesco publication 44. Gradient Salinity (GRD-S: 1/DB 10-3) is calculated as the least squares slope between two levels, where the standard level is the center of the standard level and the two closes values. Equations and FORTRAN routines are described in Unesco publication 44. Potential Vorticity (POT-V: 1/ms 10-11) is calculated as the vertical component ignoring contributions due to relative vorticity, i.e. pv=fN2/g, where f is the coriolius parameter, N is the buoyancy frequency (data expressed as radius/sec), and g is the local acceleration of gravity. Buoyancy Frequency (B-V: cph) is calculated using the adiabatic leveling method, Fofonoff (1985) and Millard, Owens and Fofonoff (1990). Equations and FORTRAN routines are described in Unesco publication 44. Potential Energy (PE: J/M2: 10-5) and Dynamic Height (DYN-HT: M) are calculated by integrating from 0 to the level of interest. A constant value of specific volume anomaly is assumed. Equations and FORTRAN routines are described in Unesco publication, Processing of Oceanographic station data. Neutral Density (GAMMA-N: KG/M3) is calculated with the program GAMMA-N (Jackett and McDougall) version 1.3 Nov. 94. Directory WOCE0: A1E.BAK; 1 18-JUL-1994 - original from ellett A1E.DJE; 1 18-JUL-1994 - manually fixed duplicate trips A1EDJE.CMP; 2 20-JUL-1994 - o/p compqual2 NUTOX.TEM 14-JUN-1994 - temperatures used to convert liters to kg A1E.STA; 2 22-JUN-1993 - raw sum file A1E.SUM; 1 2-NOV-1993 A1ECFC.RAW 28-AUG-1996 - raw cfc data ftp'd to sun from A1E.CFC 28-AUG-1996 - A. Putzka A1E.CRB Alex Kozyr =- tcarbn and alkali METEOR18.SEA; 1 8-SEP-1993 - raw hydro data, needed re-formatting contains nutl and oxyl temp cols. A1E.HY2; 1 2-NOV-1993 - hydro data A1EL.HY2; 1 26-OCT-1993 - "" in liters A1EDQE.OLD 2-AUG-1994 - A1E.HY2 + A1E.DJE (SALNTY, OXYGEN, SILCAT, NITRAT, NITRIT, PHSPHT) 15-SEP-1994 - letter from Sy accepting dqe q2 bytes except for 3 samples. q1 bytes flipped accordingly 25-Jun-95 - reply to Eugenes dqe. modified only what Sy agreed to. A1E.DQE 13-JUN-1996 - RE-CALIBRATED pgm CTDSAL C CTD-Salinity correction for salinity error: C IF(ISTA .GE. 558 .AND. ISTA .LE. 566)THEN SADD1= -0.0177 + 0.000689 * CSAL ELSE IF(ISTA .GE. 567 .AND. ISTA .LE. 602)THEN SADD1= -0.2116 + 0.006299 * CSAL ELSE IF(ISTA .GE. 603 .AND. ISTA .LE. 622)THEN SADD1= 0.0793 - 0.002217 * CSAL END IF C CTD-Salinity correction for pressure dependence: C SADD2= 8.3E-5 + 1.374E-6 * PRS - 9.45329E-10 * PRS**2 + & 1.117E-13 * PRS**3 C SALnew= CSAL +SADD1 + SADD2 DATA QUALITY EVALUATION DQE OF CTD DATA FOR THE 18-TH CRUISE OF THE R/V "METEOR" WOCE section A1E in the Northern Atlantic. (Eugene Morozov) 1995.MAR.21 Data quality of 2-db CTD temperature, salinity and oxygen profiles and reference rosette samples were examined. Vertical distributions and theta- salinity curves were compared for individual stations using the data of up and down CTD casts and rosette probes. Data of several neighboring stations were compared. The distance between stations was not less than 20 miles and the stations were often located in different water structures so that comparison of many stations was not reasonable. The data were compared with the 91/1 cruise of the r/v "Tyro" carried out in the same region of the Northern Atlantic. Measurements made in April, 1991. The data were also compared with the atlases: "North Atlantic Ocean Atlas", vol. 2, L.V. Worthington and W.R. Wright, WHOI, 1970. "World Ocean Atlas" (USSR Navy, 1977) Questionable data in *.hy2 file were marked in QUALT2 word. It is necessary to calibrate CTD salinities in upcast measurements. They are on the average lower than bottle salinity measurements by 0.01 with lesser differences in deeper waters. As CTD oxygen measurements are concerned, it is clear that more work is needed to make the data acceptable to the requirements of WOCE. The resolution of the sensor is about 5 Umoles/kg that does not make vertical oxygen profiles smooth. This may be due to truncation of the original data before conversion to Umol/kg. There are serious problems in the measurements in the upper 200 db where the differences between CTDOXY and OXYGEN measurements can be as large as 50 Umoles/kg. Beginning with the station 600 unacceptable differences are found in the entire water depth. These discrepancies can be caused by an incorrect temperature compensation for the oxygen sensor as well as by many other reasons. The oxygen measurements made with bottle samples seem correct. Nevertheless some questionable data were found in these measurements. Duplicate determinations of salinity and oxygen made from rosette samples at the same level indicate that bottle measurements are a high quality data set that match WOCE requirements. Listing of results from the comparison of salinity and oxygen data. Only those stations are listed which have data remarks. Sta Pressure Remarks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 559 56.7 SALNITY low by no less than 0.01 compared with downcast CTDSAL. 458 db I do not agree with D.Ellett that OXYGEN is high enough to flag it 4. It is high only by no more than 1.5 so flag 3 - questionable is better. 560 96.8 SALNTY high by no less than 0.01 compared with downcast CTDSAL. Upcast CTDSAL exceeds SALNTY. 691 I agree with D. Ellett. OXYGEN data exceed norm by 2, the flag is 3. 561 990 OXYGEN measurements exceed norm by 3.5, and no other data show a maximum here, so I flag it 4. 562 9 db I agree with D. Ellett that SALNTY is high. 565 58 db I agree with D. Ellett that OXYGEN is low. 496 db I agree with D. Ellett that OXYGEN is high. 568 27.1 db SALNTY exceeds upcast and downcast CTDSAL by no less than 0.01. 571 1958 db sample 19 I agree with D. Ellett that OXYGEN is high. 1958 db sample 23 I agree with D. Ellett that OXYGEN is high. 573 2535 db I agree with D. Ellett that SALNTY is high. 2586 db I flag SALNTY 4- Bad, it is lower than downcast CTDSAL. 574 around 566db CTDOXY low Changes of temperature are observed near around 726db CTDOXY low these levels. around 890db CTDOXY low CTD data should be checked for temperature compensation or these CTDOXY extrema are caused by intrusions as well as temperature and salinity changes. 1000-1400 db CTDOXY high, not supported by bottle measurements. 575 30 db I agree that SALNTY is high. 59 db I agree that SALNTY is high. CTDTMP and CTDSAL in the interval 436 - 636 db seem to be linearly interpolated. It should be flagged in the quality word as 6 - interpolated over 6 db, if not by 4 - bad. around 516 db CTDOXY high, CTD measurements do not repeat OXYGEN minimum registered by bottle measurements. around 1200 db CTDOXY high, the maximum is not supported by OXYGEN measurements, but it may be true. This maximum can also be seen on station 574. 576 around 960 db CTDOXY high. The minimum is not supported by OXYGEN measurements, nor there are any temperature or salinity extrema that could indicate intrusions. 578 300-380 db CTDOXY low, this minimum is not supported by OXYGEN measurements, nor by temperature or salinity extrema that could indicate intrusions or bad temperature compensation. 579 8.1 db SALNTY exceeds upcast and downcast CTDSAL by no less than 0.01. 300-380 db CTDOXY low, this minimum is not supported by OXYGEN measurements, nor by temperature or salinity extrema that could indicate intrusions or bad temperature compensation. 580 240 - 530 db CTDOXY low, this minimum is not supported by OXYGEN measurements, nor by temperature or salinity extrema that could indicate intrusions or bad temperature compensation. 581 2034 db sample 23 I agree with D. Ellett that OXYGEN is high. 582 around 1290 db Unsupported CTDOXY maximum. It could be supported if OXYGEN measurements at 1293 db were not flagged 3. below 2198 db CTDOXY is decreasing to the bottom instead of increasing which is registered by OXYGEN measurements 583 2242 db I agree with D. Ellett that OXYGEN is high. 584 197 db SALNTY exceeds upcast and downcast CTDSAL by no less than 0.01. 2349 db I do not agree with D. Ellett that SALNTY is high. Downcast CTDSAL agree well with the SALNTY. I flag it 2. 585 200-730db CTDOXY very low, CTDOXY measurements above 200 db are bad as noted in the text in the beginning of my report. 586 33.7 SALNTY exceeds upcast and downcast CTDSAL by no less than 0.01. 63.9 SALNTY exceeds downcast CTDSAL by 0.01. Upcast CTDSAL exceeds SALNTY by 0.04. I flag SALNTY 3 - Qble. 104 db I agree with D. Ellett that SALNTY is high. 587 2674 db I agree with D. Ellett that SALNTY is low. 589 1783.5 SALNTY is lower than downcast CTDSAL the flag is 3 - Qble. 591 2998 db, sample 3 If the bottle was not flagged 4, 1 would consider SALNTY acceptable, 34.598 is not so high compared with 34.596 for the duplicate sample and agrees well with downcast CTDSAL - 34.596. I flag it 3 - Qble. 597 38.2 db SALNTY exceeds downcast CTDSAL by 0.1 and SALNTY is less than upcast CTDSAL by 0.04, the flag is 3 - Qble. 68.5 db SALNTY exceeds upcast and downcast CTDSAL by no less than 0.01. 209 db SALNTY is less than upcast CTDSAL by 0.02 and SALNTY is less than downcast CTDSAL by 0.05. 600 3556 db I agree with D. Ellett that OXYGEN is low. 604 101 db, sample 22 I flag SALNTY 3 the bottle was flagged 4. The difference between SALNTY and upcast CTDSAL is not very large, upcast CTDSAL was not calibrated, and the vertical salinity gradient is very high. Anyhow the difference between duplicate samples is acceptable (35.183 and 35.181). OXYGEN seems OK. 616 500-700 db CTDOXY low 2120 db sample 8 I agree with D. Ellett that SALNTY is high 2721 db sample 6 I agree with D. Ellett that SALNTY is high 618 1849.8 db sample 7 1854 db in the report of D.Ellett). The value of OXYGEN is 277 compared with 278 for duplicates. I flag it 3-qble not 4 as D.Ellett does. PRINCIPAL SCIENTIST'S RESPONSE TO CTD DATA QUALITY EVALUATION (DQE) (Alexander Sy) 1995.JUN.23 As noted, the CTD oxygen data are truncated. Provided with this document are corrected *.CTD files with oxygen data at a resolution of 0.001 ml/l. All data except oxygen remained unchanged. However, I disagree with many of Eugene Morozov's further comments concerning salinity and oxygen. CTDSAL is calibrated from upcast and bottle data, CTDOXY is calibrated from downcast and bottle data. That means salinity calibration is sensitive for gradients, and oxygen calibration is very sensitive for gradients and for temporal variability. Strong vertical and horizontal gradients in both salinity and oxygen are dominant features of the upper layer. The eddy structure increases and deepens from west towards east (see vertical section plots attached). A considerable temporal variability does exist in the upper layer. Because residuals (Bottle - CTD) in the upper layer increase significantly with decreasing depth of the rosette sampler, the in-situ calibration of both salinity and oxygen was carried out by comparing data from a gradient-free domain only, i.e. from deeper layers (at least deeper than 1000 dbar). Thus, as already stated, a definitive decision whether measurements within the upper layer are good or bad must be questionable. WOCE accuracies are essential for measurements taken in the deep layers where conditions are relatively stable in time and space. In the upper layers, however, measurements with a lesser accuracy should be acceptable. Attached you will find copies of the listings with Eugene's QUALT2 recommendations. My comment is either a "Y"(Eugene's flag accepted) or "N" (not accepted). A gradient zone appears east of the Reykjanes Ridge from top to bottom (see section plots). Consequently Eugene found differences between bottle OXYGEN and CTDOXY (see his comments for M18 stat. # 574 ff. and V129 stat. # 18, 19). I assume these differences are due to a high mesoscale variability caused by the Irminger Current (see also Bersch & Meincke (1995), WOCE Newsletter, 18, 28-31). Eugene reported about unacceptable differences between CTDOXY and OXYGEN in the entire water depth beginning with M18 stat. # 600. Attached you will also find a X-Y diagram which shows the final fit of the residuals of the in-situ oxygen calibration versus station no. There is no step at stat. # 600 detectable. INPUT FILE: A1E.EGM THE DATE TODAY IS: 21-MAR-95 STN CAST SAMP CTD CTD CTD NBR NO NO PRS SAL OXY SALNTY OXYGEN QUALT1 QUALT2 PI AGREE? --- ---- ---- ------ --- --- ------- ------ ------ ------ -------- 559 1 13 56.7 34.7470 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 559 1 2 458.3 287.9 ~~~2 ~~~3 Y 560 1 21 96.8 35.0370 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 560 1 15 691.5 290.3 ~~~2 ~~~3 Y 561 1 13 990.1 293.4 ~~~2 ~~~4 Y 562 1 24 9.0 34.8860 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 565 1 21 58.0 269.3 ~~~3 ~~~4 Y 568 1 24 27.1 34.7540 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 571 1 19 1957.6 278.3 ~~~2 ~~~4 Y 571 1 23 1958.1 279.3 ~~~2 ~~~4 Y 573 1 5 2534.6 34.9400 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 573 1 4 2585.8 34.9370 ~~2~ ~~4~ Y 575 1 23 29.8 34.8630 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 575 1 22 58.5 34.8820 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 579 1 24 8.1 34.9700 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 582 1 11 1292.8 279.3 ~~~3 ~~~2 Y 584 1 19 197.2 35.1180 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 586 1 23 33.7 34.9800 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 586 1 22 63.9 35.1190 ~~2~ ~~3~ N 586 1 21 104.1 35.1160 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 587 1 3 2674.3 34.9590 ~~3~ ~~4~ Y 589 1 13 1783.5 34.9080 ~~2~ ~~3~ Y 591 1 3 2997.5 34.9580 ~~2~ ~~3~ Y 597 1 23 38.2 34.9670 ~~2~ ~~3~ N 597 1 22 68.5 35.2630 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 597 1 20 209.0 35.0610 ~~2~ ~~4~ N 604 1 22 101.5 35.1830 ~~2~ ~~3~ Y 616 1 8 2120.0 34.9510 265.9 ~~22 ~~43 Y 16 1 6 2720.7 34.9520 ~~2~ ~~4~ Y 618 2 7 1849.8 277.0 ~~~2 ~~~3 Y EXPOCODE: 06MT18 WHP-ID: A1/E STNNBR: 622 CASTNO: 1 NO. RECORDS = 157 INSTRUMENT NO: NB3 SAMPLING RATE: 1.25 HZ CTDPRS CTDTMP CTDSAL CTDOXY NUMBER QUALT1 DBAR DEG C PSS-78 ML/L 2.0 14.8242 35.3166 5.259 2222 4.0 14.8251 35.3173 5.268 2222 6.0 14.8267 35.3184 5.275 2222 8.0 14.8259 35.3183 5.273 2222 10.0 14.8252 35.3180 5.269 2222 12.0 14.8260 35.3185 5.259 2222 14.0 14.8269 35.3191 5.250 2222 16.0 14.8289 35.3190 5.244 2222 18.0 14.8294 35.3188 5.237 2222 20.0 14.8264 35.3188 5.227 2222 22.0 14.8234 35.3192 5.193 2222 24.0 14.8219 35.3193 5.145 2222 26.0 14.8198 35.3196 5.113 2222 28.0 14.8185 35.3198 5.119 2222 30.0 14.8129 35.3199 5.161 2222 32.0 14.8048 35.3204 5.202 2222 34.0 14.8035 35.3207 5.228 2222 36.0 14.8096 35.3200 5.241 2222 38.0 14.7849 35.3212 5.245 2222 40.0 14.7137 35.3253 5.241 2222 42.0 14.6527 35.3280 5.229 2222 44.0 14.5664 35.3291 5.209 2222 46.0 14.4222 35.3340 5.172 2222 48.0 14.3506 35.3391 5.160 2222 DQE EVALUATIONS DQE OF BOTTLE DATA (David Ellett) 1991.JUN.21 64 Hydrographic stations were sampled, using a Neil Brown Mk 3 CTD with General Oceanics rosette frames carrying 24 x 10 litre Niskin bottles. Full details of the equipment and sampling methods are given in the cruise report (Meincke, 1993). In the data received, the oxygen and nutrient data Q1 flags had been set as a result of a detailed examination by the Scripps' Oceanographic Data Facility (ODF), whose technicians carried out the analyses on board. The cruise report and ODF report contain no analyses of duplicate determinations, though some information is available from four stations where all sampling bottles were triggered at the same depth, including oxygen determinations by a second method. Both reports should be consulted for full details of the methods used and the corrections applied to the data. Salinity: Salinity was sampled in duplicate, one sample being determined aboard and the other being kept for determination ashore if required for cross-checks. It is assumed that the present set of salinity values is from single determinations and not the means of duplicates. Calibration of the CTD salinity values listed in HY2 is being assessed by another DQE and they have not been examined except as providing a guide to relative changes. Samples were collected in 200ml bottles with polythene stoppers and screw caps and measured 1-2 days after collection with a Guildline Autosal salinometer, using an ampoule of IAPSO standard seawater of batch P 112 per station. No statistics of the reproducibility of salinity determination are given in the cruise report, but the number of samples giving rise to queries is very small. Of the total of 77 samples in the four batches of replicate samples at the stations, where all bottles were fired at the same depth, all outliers of the salinity values fell within +0.001 to -0.OOlpsu of the mean for the depth. And the precision of the salinity data thus appears to adequately meet WOCE standards. Oxygen: These were the first samples drawn from the Niskin bottles at each station, and were determined on board within 4 to 36 hours by ODF technicians. The whole-bottle Winkler titration technique described in the WOCE Operations Manual was used with the relevant corrections applied, differing only in that standards and blanks were run in seawater. For the four multi-sampled stations the ranges of values, discarding a small number of outliers, were 0.6 to 1.3 ymol/kg (about 0.015 to 0.030 ml/l). Towards the end of the cruise some comparisons were made between seawater and distilled water standards. Consistently lower values by 0.20 to 0.11ml/1 were obtained by a BSH technician using a BSH Dosimat deadstop indicator titration system. But despite exchanges of standards the reason for the difference could not be determined. It is assumed that no further corrections were applied as a result of this investigation. Nutrients: Nutrient samples were collected in 45ml polythene bottles. Some may have been kept in a refrigerator at 2× to 6× for up to 15 hours. Analyses were performed upon a Technicon(r) AutoAnalyzer(r) using the techniques of Hager et al. (1972) and Atlas et al. (1971), silicate, nitrite and nitrate being analyzed by the methods of Armstrong et al. (1967), and phosphate by that of Bernhardt and Williams (1967). Working standards were used before and after the determinations for each cast in order to correct for instrumental drift. At the multi-sampled stations, silicate replicates, after discarding outliers, had ranges of from 0.20 to 0.29ymol/kg. Similarly, nitrate replicates had ranges at the four stations of 0.00 to 0.20ymol/kg and phosphate of 0.01 to0.03ymol/kg. Nitrite levels at the multi-sampled depths were minimal and thus do not yield useful data about precision. General remarks: This is a high quality data set with little for the DQE to query, which has not already been flagged by the originators. Some analysis of duplicate determinations would have been of value for comparison with previous cruises by other laboratories, but the evidence of the four stations where multiple samples were obtained is that the data fully match WOCE standards. Queries relating to salinity, oxygen, silicate, nitrate, nitrite and phosphate samples In the following notes, a question mark implies a flag 3 has been entered and flag 4s are specifically noted. STN. SAMPLE CTD QUERY NO. NO. PRESS. 558 All depths Nutrients flagged 4 in Q1, so flagged 4 in Q2. 559 All depths Flag 4 in Q1 adopted also for Q2, 559 2 458 Oxygen high. Flagged 4. 560 15 691 Oxygen high? 562 24 9 Salinity high cf CTD, flagged 4. 564 7 2323 Phspht high, flagged 4. 565 21 58 Oxygen low, flagged 4. 565 17 496 Oxygen high, flagged 4. 565 14 1195 Phspht low? 568 2 3132 Silcat high? 569 5 2947 Silcat high? 571 1-5 1956 Phspht high? 571 6 1957 Silcat low, flagged 4. 571 8 1957 Phspht high? 571 19 1958 Oxygen high, flagged 4. 571 22 1957 Phspht low? 571 23 1958 Oxygen and silcat high, both flagged 4. 571 24 1958 Phspht low? 573 5 2535 Salnty high cf CTD? 574 14 794 Silcat and nitrat both high? 575 23 30 Salnty high, flagged 4. 575 22 59 Salnty high, flagged 4. 576 2-24 All depths Ql flagged 3 by originators, so adopted for Q2. 576 14 569 Nitrit high? 581 2 2033 Phspht low? 581 22 2034 Phspht high? 581 23 2034 Oxygen high? Phspht low? 582 1-23 All depths Nitrat and phspht flagged 3 in Q1, adopted for Q2. 582 11 1293 Oxygen high? Flagged 3 in Q1 and Q2. 583 3 2242 Oxygen high. Flagged 4 in Q1 and Q2. 584 9 1378 Oxygen low, flagged 4 in Ql and Q2, silcat low? 584 3 2349 Salnty high? 586 24 14 Oxygen and nutrients flagged 4 in Q1, adopted for Q2. 586 21 104 Salnty high? 587 3 2674 Salnty low? Flagged 3 in Ql. 588 21 105 Nitrat high? 588 15 712 Silcat high? 588 14 712 Nitrat high, flagged 4 in Q2. 589 1-24 All depths Nitrat and phspht flagged 4 in Q1, adopted for Q2. 589 17 585 Silcat low, flagged 4 in Q2. 591 1 18 Silcat and phspht high? 591 3 2998 Salnty and silcat high cf duplicates? 596 4 2801 Salnty flagged 4 in Q1 and deleted, flagged 9 in Q2. 596 3 2998 Salnty flagged 4 in Q1 and deleted, flagged 9 in Q2. 599 23 34 Nutrients flagged 9 in Q1, adopted for Q2. 599 22 64 Silcat low? 600 22 94 Salnty high? and silcat low? cf duplicates of samp. 23. 600 2 3556 Oxygen low, flagged 4 in Q1, adopted for Q2. 603 20 304 Oxygen low, flagged 4 in Q1, adopted for Q2. 604 22 101 Salnty high? Oxygen and silcat low, flagged 4 in Q1. 605 22 32 Sal., oxy. and nutr. flagged 4 in Q1, adopted for Q2. 607 2-24 All depths Values deleted by originators, flagged 9 in Q1 and Q2. 608 1 3817 Values deleted, flagged 9 in Q1 and Q2. 608 2 3819 Silcat high, flagged 4 in Q2. 608 8 3820 Nitrat high, flagged 4 in Q2. 608 10 3820 Oxygen high, silcat, nitrat & phspht low, flagged 4. 608 16 3817 Oxygen high, nitrat and phspht low, flagged 4 in Q2. 608 24 3819 Silcat low, flagged 4 in Q2. 609 14 1180 Silcat, nitrat & phspht low, nitrit high? Flagged 3. 609 4 3444 Nitrit high, flagged 4 in Q2. 609 3 3534 Nitrit high, flagged 4 in Q2. 610 18 304 Oxygen flagged 3 in Q1, adopted for Q2. 610 1 3311 Nitrat low? 611 23 11 Oxygen & nitrit low, silcat, nitrat & phspht high, all flagged 4 in Q2. 613 19 90 High oxygen? flagged 3 in Q1, adopted for Q2. 613 10 2078 High oxygen? flagged 3 in Q2, adopted for Q2. 616 8 2120 High Salnty, silcat, nitrat, phspht, low oxygen all flagged 4 in Q2. 616 6 2721 Salnty high? 618 3 1850 Silcat low? 618 7 1854 Oxygen low, flagged 4 in Q2. 619 6 797 Nitrit low? 621 7 98 Oxygen flagged 4 in Q1, adopted for Q2. 622 10 22 Oxygen low? Note for WHP Office of Q2 words needing modification ~ METEOR WOCE AGE (Where two or more bottles fired at the same depth and sample values were identical it was possible to update the Q2 word on the screen, but only one set was updated in HY2.) STN. SAMPLE CTD Q2 SHOULD BE NO. NO. PRESS. 558 13 8.0 11222444 12 7.9 11222444 11 8.5 11222444 1 170.7 11222444 559 18 8.3 11922444 17 8.3 11922444 16 8.4 11222444 15 8.3 11222444 14 26.1 11222444 13 56.7 11222444 12 97.2 11222444 3 438.7 11222444 561 20 235.6 11222422 562 21 97.4 11222222 1 2026.6 11222222 563 7 2045.4 11222222 565 16 700.7 11222222 14 1195.2 11292223 13 1194.9 11222222 568 1 3131.9 11222222 569 24 28.5 11222222 5 2947.2 19223222 571 1-5 1955+ 11222293-all 6 1957.0 11224292 7 1956.8 11222292 8 1957.1 11222293 9-18 1957+ 11222292 19 1957.6 11242292 20-21 1957+ 11222292 22 1957.5 11222293 23 1958.1 11244292 24 1957.9 11222293 574 14 794.3 19223322 575 16 538.1 19222222 14 847.2 19222222 3 1899.2 19222222 576 24 11.8 11222322 14 569.4 11222332 578 6 998.7 11922222 579 5 1519.5 11222222 580 15 697.6 11222222 14 697.6 11222222 581 2 2032.9 11222293 3-21 2032+ 11222292 22 2033.8 11222293 23 2034.5 11242293 582 24 13.3 11299999 583 14 702.0 11222222 8 1788.2 11922222 584 23 9.4 11222222 22 28.9 11222222 9 1378.5 11243222 586 18 470.0 11222222 16 968.6 11222222 14 1172.7 11222222 587 11 1470.3 11222222 6 2576.8 11222222 588 23-22 105.3 11222222 21 105.3 11222322 15 711.8 11223222 14 711.8 11222422 1 2831.7 11922222 589 1 28.0 19222424 18 584.8 11222424 17 584.8 11224424 11 1985.9 11222424 590 17 19.1 11222222 14 104.2 19222222 591 23 17.7 11923223 22 17.6 11222222 4 2997.5 11222222 3 2997.5 19323222 596 15 594.6 11222222 4 2801.4 11922222 3 2997.9 11922222 599 23 34.0 11229999 22 63.6 11223222 21 63.6 11222222 600 22 93.6 11323222 21 93.6 11222222 601 20 204.6 11222222 602 21 102.6 19222222 20 102.6 11222222 4 3504.8 11922222 603 21 204.9 11222222 19 304.0 11222222 7 3425.8 11222222 604 22 101.5 19343222 21 101.5 11222222 7 2597.3 11222222 605 18 200.7 11222222 607 2-24 various 11999999 608 1 3817.7 11999999 2 3819.0 11224222 3 3814.6 11999999 4 3816.6 11222222 5 3820.4 11999999 6 3819.3 11222222 7 3817.7 11999999 8 3820.5 11222422 9 3820.2 11999999 10 3820.3 11944424 11 3820.5 11999999 12 3821.0 11222222 13 3819.0 11999999 14 3819.2 11222222 15 3819.3 11999999 16 3818.6 11944424 17 3819.6 11999999 18 3820.6 11222222 19 3817.7 11999999 20 3817.5 11222222 21 3817.5 11999999 22 3921.2 11222222 23 3821.1 11999999 24 3819.0 11224222 609 14 1180.2 11923333 6 3004.2 11222222 610 21 64.4 11222222 20 104.4 11222222 24 3307.3 11222222 611 23 10.6 11944444 18 100.0 11222222 8 2066.2 11222222 612 19 63.4 19222222 3 4041.7 11222222 613 19 89.9 11232222 616 8 2120.0 11444423 617 22 64.8 11222222 618a 10 1315.1 11222222 618b 1 1853.5 11222222 2 1851.6 11222222 3 1850.3 11223222 4-6 1850+ 11222222 7 1849.8 11242222 8-17 1854+ 11222222 18 1851.4 11922222 19-24 1850+ 11222222 619 8 796.7 11222222 7 796.7 11999999 6 796.7 11222232 622 1 316.0 11222222 PI RESPONSE TO BTL DATA DQE The suggestions made by the DQE were accepted by the chief scientist, except for 3 salinity samples: Stn. no 562, 575. According to the chief scientist these three samples existed within a salinity gradient and a decision as to weather or not they were good or bad wasn't possible. The measurements should be marked 3 instead of 4 as suggested by the DQE. WHPO DATA PROCESSING NOTES Date Contact Data Type Data Status Summary -------- -------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- 01/21/93 Sy BTL/SUM Submitted for DQE 08/27/93 Sy BTL Data Update 11/03/93 Ellett s/o/nuts DQE Begun 12/16/93 Crease CTD DQE Begun 12/29/93 Meincke DOC Submitted 06/21/94 Ellett NUTs/S/O DQE Report rcvd @ WHPO 08/01/94 Sy NUTs/S/O DQE Report sent to PI 09/10/94 Morozov CTD DQE Report rcvd @ WHPO 10/14/94 Dunworth-Baker s/o/nuts Units converted to umol/kg The oxygens and nutrients in the original sea data file were in volumetric units. In August of 1993 a final .sea file was received from Alexander Sy, also volumetric. Two of the columns in that files were NUTLTMP and O2DTMP (nutrient lab temp and o2 draw-temp). The *TMPs were removed from the file, and used to convert the oxygens and nutrients to umol/kg. Occasionally temperatures were missing for samples; when that happened a nominal lab temp of 22 was used for the nutrient conversion, and potential temperature at the depth where the bottle was tripped was used instead of the oxygen draw-temp. 03/21/95 Sy CTD DQE Report sent to PI 03/21/95 Meincke DOC Data Update 03/28/95 Meincke DOC Data Update paper only 05/04/95 Meincke DOC Final Data Report @ WHPO 03/04/96 Meincke CTD Data are Final 08/28/96 Putzka CFCs Submitted for DQE 03/09/99 Kappa DOC PDF DOC Dir. produced a01e_ar7e.memo.pdf a01e_cfc data .pdf a01e_cru_pln.pdf a01e_data.hist.pdf a01e_doc.pdf a01e_odf.rpt.pdf a01e_s/o/nuts.dqe.pdf 04/30/99 Kappa DOC PDF Directory Updated a01e_notes.pdf added 06/10/99 Klein CFCs Data are Public I now declare our consent to have CFC data public for this cruise. 09/12/99 Klein CFC-11/12 Resubmitted I was preparing a CFC data file for John Bullister for the North Atlanic CLIVAR activities. While I was checking the hydrography data of the file that you have at the WHPO I noticed that all the CFC-11 and CFC-12 quality flags in qual1 had been set to 1. Therefore I am submitting the CFC-11 and CFC-12 data again together with their quality flags. The only change is that the CFC-11 and CFC-12 concentrations are now reported as SIO93 while the earlier data set was reported as SIO86. The data file is called m18cfc.woc and the corresponding meta information is given in file m18cfcdoc.txt. 01/24/00 Newton CFCs Data Updated, put online …Corrected EXPO code from 06MT18/1 to 06MT18_1. …Merged in updated CFC's and CFC QUALT1 flags. …QUALT2 flags unchanged. 02/14/00 Kozyr ALKALI/TCARBN Final Data Rcvd @ WHPO 04/13/00 Huynh DOC Updated doc online 04/14/00 Diggs CFCs Data again Updated, put online Since the original merge was in error, David Newton re-merged the CFCs for A01E (Meteor 18) and I checked them for accuracy. Data checked out fine, and I placed the new file on the web. All files and tables updated. 03/16/01 Uribe CTD Expocodes updated, put online Karla and I have edited the expocode in all ctd files to match the underscored expocode in the sum and bottle files. New files were zipped and replaced existing ctd files online. Old files were moved to original directory. 06/20/01 Uribe BTL EXCHANGE File Added to Website Bottle file in exchange format has been linked to website. 06/21/01 Uribe CTD/BTL Website updated The exchange bottle file name in directory and index file was modified to lower case. CTD exchange files were put online. 08/09/01 Uribe BTL Exchange file corrected, reformatted Bottle exchange file was corrected. The wrong file was online. Bottle file was formatted by S. Diggs. 12/18/01 Uribe CTD Exchange file modified, put online CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online. 12/19/01 Hajrasuliha CTD Internal DQE run produced *check.txt file. Could NOT produce *.ps files. 09/19/02 Anderson He/Tr, DELC14 Data merged into online file Added TRITIUM, HELIUM, DELHE3, DELC14, TRITER, HELIER, DELHER, and C14ERR to online file. Made new exchange file. Merge notes for a01e: Added TRITIUM, HELIUM, DELHE3, DELC14, TRITER, HELIER, DELHER, and C14ERR from file: 06MT18-1.SEA_NEW found in /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/atlantic/a01/a01e/ original/ 1998.08.03_A01E_HE.TR.C14.ARNOLD into online file 20000414SIODMN. 11/12/02 Kappa DOC Final PDF, TXT versions compiled Updated pdf and txt cruise reports now include Eugene Morozov's CTD DQE report and Alexander Sy's response to it; Wolfgang Roether & Birgit Klein's CFC report; and these Data Processing Notes.