Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetCCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file
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File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
Changes were done to the original CTD files, the columns were slightly off and the NUMBER OBS. column was empty so it was replaced with -9. The files had an extra empty line at the bottom which was making the NETCDF files create an empty inventory. The problem was fixed, new CTD, CTD in exchange and NETCDF files were made.
Worked on the bottle file. 1- moved first 10 Rows for pressure transitions to occur smoothly. These include cast one and two. 2- moved QUALT1 column to the left by 1 space.
Changes made are as follows: 1- Changed Header in Sumfile to fit format and renamed some of the column titles. 2- moved DEPTH, ABOVE BOTTOM, NO. OF BOTTLES, PARAMETERS COMMENTS Columns to fit format. 3- tested with sumchk script and no errors.
Changes made are as follows) 1- Changed Header in Sumfile to fit format and renamed some of the column titles. 2- moved DEPTH, ABOVE BOTTOM, NO. OF BOTTLES, PARAMETERS COMMENTS Columns to fit format. 3- tested with sumchk script and no errors.
CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.
20010831 AH: In reformatting the sum file, I found this line on the bottom of the file: Notes: - At the stations No. 3 to 56 the depth of the sea bottom Was calculated from the calibrated CTD data and the altimeter height above the bottom. - At stations No. 1 and 2 the Water bottles Were tripped at the same depth for test and calibration purposes. a- Added a few missing WOCE SECT ID's. b- changed column heading to WOCE SECT from "WHP_ID" c- Aligned the data columns to fit WHPO format. d- Added the first header line. e- came across a problem, can't solve: The heading below is not listed in the "blue book". BOTTOM HEIGHT NO. OF DEPTH AB.BOT. BOTTL.
Bottle data has been converted to exchange format and put online. Sumfile has comments on the bottom of the file that were removed for the purpose of putting the file in exchange. Online bottle and sumfile remain the same.
I declare the following data as 'public': Line Expocode Parameter AR07E 06AZ152 BTL AR07E 06AZ152 CTD AR07E 06AZ161_2 BTL AR07E 06AZ161_2 CTD I hope that the data can now be included on the version 2.0 CD-ROM set.
1. Broke down originator's ctd data file AR07E_96.CTD to individual station files per WHP Filename Format instructions. New file names are ar07egxxxx.wct where "g" is repeat cruise sequence designator and "xxxx" is station number. When more than one cast was taken on a station "...xxxx_c.wct" was used where "c" is the cast number. e.g. ar07eg0002_2.wct 2. Changed header to match instructions in WOCE Manual for Data Reports Table 4.6. Included adding CTDOXY header, OXY data (-9.0) & OXY QUALT1 code (9). 3. No INSTRUMENT NO. given in original data file so do not know if more than one CTD used. DOC says "SEABIRD 911 plus" which is MODEL number only. 4. Units header for CTDTMP is " DEG C" instead of "ITS-90" as prescribed in Table 4.6. The documentation file does not indicate which temperature scale was used so left " DEC C" as is. 5. Plotted CTD temperature and salinity vs pressure for all casts and found data to be reasonable. (No ctd oxygen.) 6. Ran wctcvt on all new files with no error messages. 7. Added version number to each file. 8. Left NUMBER OBS. blank since none provided. D. Muus Dec. 9, 1999
1. Broke down originator's ctd data file AR07E_96.CTD to individual station files per WHP Filename Format instructions. New file names are ar07egxxxx.wct where "g" is repeat cruise sequence designator and "xxxx" is station number. When more than one cast was taken on a station "...xxxx_c.wct" was used where "c" is the cast number. e.g. ar07eg0002_2.wct 2. Changed header to match instructions in WOCE Manual for Data Reports Table 4.6. Included adding CTDOXY header, OXY data (-9.0) & OXY QUALT1 code (9). 3. No INSTRUMENT NO. given in original data file so do not know if more than one CTD used. DOC says "SEABIRD 911 plus" which is MODEL number only. 4. Units header for CTDTMP is " DEG C" instead of "ITS-90" as prescribed in Table 4.6. The documentation file does not indicate which temperature scale was used so left " DEC C" as is. 5. Plotted CTD temperature and salinity vs pressure for all casts and found data to be reasonable. (No ctd oxygen.) 6. Ran wctcvt on all new files with no error messages. 7. Added version number to each file. 8. Left NUMBER OBS. blank since none provided.
bottle file: UNFORMATTED, Salts RVStmp RVSprs only sum file: UNFORMATTED ctd file: UNFORMATTED doc file: Hard copy only