Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetCCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
74DI202 processing - BTL 2022-08-15 A Barna Submissions id submit date submitted by file name ---- ------------- -------------- -------------- 4121 ar09_c_hy1.csv Changes * Remove empty STNNBR column * There was a duplicate Bottle 7 at station 45 cast 1, values are slightly different, relabeled the without oxygen as 7a 74DI202_hy1.csv and opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions note: converted and put online by E Aitoro file converted from software ------------------ ---------------- ----------------------- 74DI202_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390 74DI202hy.txt 74DI202_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390 Updated Files Manifest file stamp ------------------ ----------------- 74DI202_hy1.csv 20220815CCHSIOAMB 20220815CCHSIOAMB 74DI202hy.txt 20220815CCHSIOAMB
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
Checked problems pointed out by R. Locarnini in his Sept. 15, 2005 email. The .sum file had the correct dates, but the exchange file did not. I have no idea how that happened. I separated sta. 72 into two stas., 71 and 72 using the original data files to determine levels went with which sta. Added -9 in the sample field so the exchange program would work correctly. I put the corrected file, new exchange and netcdt files online.
Please, notice the following problems exist in your online database, 1. The dates for stations 67 to 73 are wrong in file 2. The data reported for station 72 in the above file and in file are a combination of the measured values for stations 71 and 72. Notice that each bottle reported for station 72 has measured values at different depths.
CTD files were reformatted and exchange files created by Sarilee. The exchange file names were edited to conform to exchange standards and rezipped. NetCDF files and inventory file were generated. NetCDF files were checked with JOA, and although no formatting errors were found, station 24 ctd file contains data to 5100 DB however the summary file indicates an uncorrected depth of 2700M. This shows up JOA as a cast over bottom topography. It would appear the the 2700M value is incorrect, since ctd data is present down to 5100DB. Web pages were regenerated and all files are linked online.
Reformatted ctd files. Converted oxygen from ml/l to umol/kg. Made some corrections and additions to the .sum file. Put new zip file online, made exchange file. Exchange file needs to be put online and netcdf file needs to be made. The word Unformatted needs to be removed from the web page. Sent notes to Jerry. Notes on ar09_c ctd formatting: ctd files Reformatted the ctd file found in the parent directory. Oxygen was in ml/l, converted to umol/kg. Stations 8-74 had an extra 0.0 db line, 0.0 18.3296 35.4401 -9.000 with the same values for every station. I deleted this line from stations 8-74. Stations 1, 2, 16, 18, and 19 are every 4 db. All the other stations are every 1 db. Stations 17, 38, 39, 48, 49, 57, and 64 would not convert to exchange. There were -9s for UNC DEPTH for these stations. I changed the -9 to 5000 for the conversion to exchange only. I put the -9's back in the .sum file after the conversion to exchange. There were no QUALT1 flags, so I made them all 2's where there were values. sum file There was no information in the sum file for stations 1, 2, 16, 18, 19, 38, and 74. I added these using the information in the ctd files. There is no bottle data for these stations. The day in the sum file for stations 67-69, 70, 71, and 72-73 did not agree with the ctd files. I checked the original bottle data file from which the .sum was made and found the .sum to be incorrect. I changed stations 67-69 from 050893 to 053193, 70-71 from 050893 to 060193 and 72-73 from 050893 to 060293 in the .sum file.
The cruises you mention were part of the BEST programme (BEnguela Sources and Transports) which was a NSF project of Arnold Gordon (LDEO), Silvia Garzoli (then LDEO, now AOML), and Dale Pillsbury (OSU). The project was to deploy inverted echo sounders and current meters in the Cape Basin, supported by a CTD validation cruise, to measure the transport of the Benguela Current, monitor its variability and determine origins and ratio of Agulhas Current and South Atlantic Current source water masses. The cruises were Mooring Deployment Jun/Jul 1992 Africana V105 Bailey/Garzoli CTD survey May/Jun 1993 Discovery V202 Gordon Mooring Recovery Oct/Nov 1993 Maurice Ewing Garzoli The project was US-funded, Africana is a South African ship, Discovery British, Maurice Ewing American. I was not chief scientist on any of the cruises, although responsible for CTD data collection on the deployment and recovery cruises. The published data reports from the cruises are BELINNE, D.J., MELE, P., HUBER, B., and A. GORDON, 1996. Benguela Source and Transport Project (BEST): CTD and Hydrographic Data Report, RRS Discovery Cruise 202 (07 May - 03 June 1993). LDEO-96-01, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY. GARZOLI, S.L., MACCIO, M., MARTINO, A., and M. COLWELL, 1994. BEST Data Report: IES/PIES/XBT. LDEO-94-1, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University , Palisades, NY. PILLSBURY, R.D., BOTTERO, J.M., PITTOCK, G., ROOT, D.C., SIMPKINS, J., and R.E. STILL, 1994. Benguela Source and TRansport Project (BEST): Current measurements off the coast of South Africa. Woce ACM-4. June 1992-October 1993. 157, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon: 69 pp. The CTD data from the deployment and recovery cruises have not been published in data report format.
Bottle exchange and netcdf files were re-made. There was an inversion in the salinity and temperature columns. I believe the problem was caused by lack of values in the SAMPNO column in the bottle file. The column was filled with -9 and problem was fixed.
Format CTD. create exchg file
linked sumfile created by S. Anderson to website. Attempted to make bottle exchange file, however, station 61 contains bottle number errors that need resolving before conversion can take place. will take this up with SAnderson first before contacting data PI. Created station track files and edited index.htm page to reflect number of stations in summary file. linked in station tracks to index.htm page. CTD files still in need of hearder reformatting before conversion to exchange format can take place.
Exchange bottle file created and linked to website, no errors were detected during conversion. Used corrected WOCE bottle file created by S. Anderson earlier today.
Reformatted ar09_c bottle data file retrieved from Phil Mele's ftp site. Using header information in bottle file created a .sum file. The sum file needs to be linked and an exchange file created and linked .hyd Reformatted bottle data retrieved from ftpsite: Converted oxygen from ml/l to umol/kg Added QUALT1 flags for BTLNBR, CTDSAL, SALNTY and OXYGEN. Assumed Q1 flags to be 2 unless value was missing. .sum Using headers from the bottle data file created a .sum file. Converted decimal degrees to degrees and minutes. Assumed EVENT CODE to be BO. Used UNK for NAV. Used ROS for CAST TYPE since documentation indicated rosette casts.
AR09_b expocode 74DI202 is now online. Data for this cruise was moved from /usr/export/html-public/data/other/NON_WHP/CM_HYDRO_2001.03.09_JCREASE/ CURRENT_METER_WOCE_CRUISES/AR09_ACM04. It was determined by dates that this data belongs to ar09 whpo assigned letter b. Directory was created and index file is now online.