Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetThe CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (42287)
The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (42287)
The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (42287)
File created in the CCHDO system
74AB20020301 processing - CTD 2024-11-15 Elisa Aitoro Changes - Removed empty parameters FLUOR and TRANS - Removed duplicated values from station 24 opened in ODV with no apparent problems. Updated Files Manifest file stamp ------------------- ----------------- 20241115CCHSIOENA
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
this has already been merged
corrected pH and TAlk values from this file have already been merged
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
From CARINA Collection
From CARINA Collection
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 74AB20020301_hy1.csv
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. i05_2002ado.pdf
2010.05.05 DBK Created netcdf bottle file from i05_74AB20020301_hy1.csv. In order to make the conversion the following edits were made to the bottle file header: PHTEMP was edited to PH_TMP File converted without error. NetCDF files were zipped into and checked with JOA. Zip file along with edited bottle file were placed online and linked.
05.03.2010 DBK Created netcdf files from exchange and placed online. No errors were detected. Files were opened with JOA with no errors. Files zipped into
The pH values have been updated. This file was part of a batch of replacements sent as a tar archive.
- Added Marta Ãlvarez's Database Corrections report - Updated these Data Processing Notes
I unfortunately posted a 20070417WHPOSIOdm version of the Exchange file made from a March 5 version of the WOCE format file. The correct version, 20070418WHPOSIOdm made from the March 9 WOCE format file, is now on line.
I have a question about the I05 2002 cruise, specifically i05_74AB20020301.csv and i05_74AB20020301hy.txt. The column headers for cfcs in the WOCE file (txt) have pmol/kg units, but the cfc column headings in the Exchange (csv) file have pmol/l units. Can you tell me if/which column headings are correct (at a glance, the values are not identical in both files)? My problem is that I need a csv file with pmol/kg units to read in ODV.
Notes on I05_2002 CTD data reformatting. EXPOCODE 74AB20020301 July 25, 2008 dm 1. Original data taken from from newcchdo:/admin_home/sdiggs/BODC_DATA dated Jan 24, 2006. Individual files are dated Jan 12, 2006. 2. Station data from i05_74AB20020301su.txt dated 20070417CCHDOSIODM. 3. CTD Oxygen units in original data given as umol/l. Same problem as bottle file oxygens. Cruise report says CTD units are umol/kg. Brian King msg says bottle oxygens are umol/kg Assume when units stripped for MATLAB files the wrong units were added later. Used umol/kg 4. CTD "CPHLPR01" (chlorophyll?) units in original data file are mg/m^3. Fluorimeter units given in Cruise Report are ug/l. WOCE fluorimeter units are MG/CUM. Assume all are identical. 5. CTDTMP and CTDSAL each have two values in original data file. All are 3 decimal places and were averaged and reported to 4 decimal places to show the trailing 0 or 5. 6, The original data file had flags "M" on some values which appear to be questionable. Used WOCE flag "3" for the "M"s. If both temperature or salinity values had "M"s they were averaged and flagged "3". If only one of the two values was flagged "M" it was deleted and the unflagged value was reported to 3 decimal places and flagged "2".
This file contains the measured alk and ph data from M. Alvarez in addition to the "corrected" values which were in previous versions of the file. Under separate cover I will send the documentation describing the "correction" procedure (Alvarez, unpublished, 2007) and a copy of my README which contains a bit of additional information for pH and Alk. Since both the correction method and the flagg assignment were objective, but unusual, I think it important that the Alvarez document be immediately available (and obvious) as accompanyment with the data file on the web.
Expocode: 74AB20020301 Ship: C. Darwin Woce Line: I5 Note: This file contains the measured alk and ph data from M. Alvarez in addition to the "corrected" values which were in previous versions of the file. Under separate cover I will send the documentation describing the "correction" procedure (Alvarez, unpublished, 2007) and a copy of my README which contains a bit of additional information for pH and Alk. Since both the correction method and the flagg assignment were objective, but unusual, I think it important that the Alraarez document be immediately available (and obvious) as accompanyment with the data file on the web.
Additional information mentioned in web submission "note". Alvarez 2007 mentions corrections to data other than pH and alk, however, corrections were NOT applied to anything else, i.e. they were only to to produce phcorr and alkcorr. In the data file the measured and corrected values are flagged separately.
Here is the new bottle data for CD139 (I05-Bryden/SOC). It is in CSV format. Please let know if you have any questions relating to the submitted data.
Station dates have been corrected in the I05_2002 sumfile and bottle exchange file on the CCHDO website.
Notes on i05_74AB20020301 bottle data. D.Muus March 27, 2007 Bottle data taken from matlab file received from Elaine McDonagh ( on March 5, 2007. Justin Fields made text files from the matlab file. No cast, sample or bottle numbers in matlab file. Used cast #1 for all casts per Elaine McDonagh. Used BODC bottle # for sample and bottle #s No units in matlab file. Used standard WOCE(per kilogram) units per Elaine McDonagh. BODC# 159713, Station 50 10.8db has only one water sample value: salinity 34.7746 qf=2 which is 0.9 low. BODC# 159712, Station 50 10.6db has complete set of water samples with salinity 35.6755. Deleted sample 159713. Over 150 samples in matlab file have CTD trip data only, no water samples. These were not in the BODC file so have no BODC #s. Most were duplicate levels. These samples were not included in the CCHDO files. TCARBN, ALKALI and PH had no quality flags. Used "2"s for all values.
I've obtained some more data which goes with the CD139 (I05-Bryden/SOC) bottle data I sent to you a while back. The data are salinity, temperature and oxygen extracted from the CTD sensors at bottle firing depths.
Please find attached the cruise report for CD139.
Here is the bottle data for CD139 (I05-Bryden/SOC). It is in zipped, CSV format with the parameter information in a flat ascii text file called cd139_bot.hdr. Please let me know if you have any questions relating to the submitted data.
The data (in question) are not yet at CCHDO, but, as this is important to Argo, the BODC has allocated resources to the task of submitting CTD/bottle data to CCHDO. CD139 will receive top priority, but they (BODC) have a list of 20 or so post-WOCE cruises from NOC and other labs that also need to be submitted. The BODC does not hold all of these data yet, but will begin accumulating them in the next few weeks and will try to set up a fairly routine transfer of data over the next few months as we had during WOCE.
Thank you for your emails about the Indian Ocean I5 data from 2002. Here in Southampton we have been working on the bottle data this year, re-combining chemistry tracer data (carbon, helium/tritium and so on) with the physical data. The most recent bottle datset was submitted to our national data centre (BODC) in late October this year, and they acknowledged receipt of it on 1 November 2005. The CTD data were submitted to BODC a long while ago (at least one year, maybe 2 years ?). Our expectation was that the data should move rapidly to CCHDO, so that they could be made available in standard format, for the convenience of all users. But it is obvious from the CCHDO website that they do not yet have our data in their database. By copy of this email, I will ask BODC and CCHDO to find out where the data are, to set a high priority on passing them through the system, and to provide the recipients of this email with an estimate of how soon the CTD and bottle data will be available on the CCHDO web site. Hopefully it should be trivial for BODC to forward our files to CCHDO if they have not alrady done so. Since Jim Swift reported at the repeat hydrography workshop that CCHDO presently has spare capacity for taking in and reformatting data, I am hopeful that the data can appear at CCHDO very quickly. I would be grateful if BODC and CCHDO could email me directly if they foresee or encounter any difficulty, so that I can help resolve it.
We corresponded last December (messages included below) about our Charles Darwin transect of the 32S section across the Indian Ocean in 2002. We have just finished our quality control of the bottle data (includes CFC's, carbon components, some helium/tritium as well as standard salinity, oxygen and nutrients) and we have just sent the bottle data set to BODC. As I said last December, the CTD data was finalised earlier and sent to BODC as well. We would be happy to have comments from CCHDO on the 32S data sets and to have them included among CliVar resources easily available to interested scientists. Can you get the CTD and bottle data sets easily from BODC? I generally prefer to submit a data set only once to avoid any possible confusion about origin; but we would be happy to help you access the data sets if you have difficulty with BODC formats.
The only change is that the subject line now has the related WOCE line number and expocode so that we can more easily reference this message and insert it into the relevant data histories.
You can find the information for Indian Ocean in 2002 on Charles Darwin cruise at: and 26∞N in the Atlantic However we do not have any data submitted by PIs from these cruises.
We did go across 32°S in the Indian Ocean in 2002 on Charles Darwin. I was Principal Scientist. We sent the CTD data to BODC but I think we have not yet finished our own quality control on the nutrient, CFC, pH and alkalinity bottle data. I prefer to submit data only once so there is a single data set. Do you want to ask BODC for the CTD data? When we finish the bottle data we could send it both to you and BODC at the same time.
This file contains the measured alk and ph data from M. Alvarez in addition to the "corrected" values which were in previous versions of the file. Under separate cover I will send the documentation describing the "correction" procedure (Alvarez, unpublished, 2007) and a copy of my README which contains a bit of additional information for pH and Alk. Since both the correction method and the flagg assignment were objective, but unusual, I think it important that the Alraarez document be immediately available (and obvious) as accompanyment with the data file on the web.