Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
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These files are not yet in the Dataset.
Filename (Download) | Size | Date Submitted |
58JH19920712_hy1.csv | 109.2 kB | 2014-01-09 |
This file has already been merged into the dataset
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
From CARINA Collection
From CARINA Collection
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. ar18_58JH1092_1.pdf
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 58JH19920712_hy1.csv
2011-12-23 AR18 1992 ExpoCode 58JH1092_1 merge notes - NUTs/Oxy, pCO2/TCARBN, DELC13/DELC14 C Berys SUBMISSION 58JH19920712.exc.csv submitted by Bob Key on 2009-05-07 containing updates and new parameters merged into online file using merge_exchange_bot.rb (JFields) The following parameters were added as new parameters (* with flag ): TCARBN* PCO2* PCO2TMP DELC13* DELC14* C14ERR THETA The following parameters had changes to data (* with flag ): CTDSAL* OXYGEN_FLAG_W SALNTY* PHSPHT_FLAG_W The following changes were made to the submission file: Station 964 deleted CTDPRS units changed from "DBARS" to "DBAR" PCO2_TMP changed to PCO2TMP, units changed from "DEGC" to "DEG C" C14ERR units changed from "O/OO" to "/MILLE" THETA units changed from "DEGC" to "DEG C" DELC13 units changed from "O/OO" to "/MILLE" DELC14 units changed from "O/OO" to "/MILLE" PCO2 units changed from "PPM" to "UATM"; ORIGINAL The following changes were made to the original Exchange Bottle file: DEPTH units changed from "" to "METERS" MERGED FILE All comment lines from original file copied back in following merge NetCDF bottle file created using (S Diggs) WOCE bottle file created using exchange_to_wocebot.rb (J Fields) Exchange and NetCDF files opened in JOA with no apparent problems
Expocode: 58JH19920712. Ship: Johan Hjort Woce Line: AR18 Note: Yet another error fixed. This time, latitude for station 947. Note that you have other vresions of this file on line. In particular Has the same error in the SUM file for the BE entry. The matching Exchange file is OK. The CARINA version has many corrections and additions relative to the one at the above URL This file can replace the version sent a few days ago for the CARINA collection..
Action: Place Online, Updated Parameters Notes: Yet another error fixed. This time, latitude for station 947. Note that you have other vresions of this file on line. In particular Has the same error in the SUM file for the BE entry. The matching Exchange file is OK. The CARINA version has many corrections and additions relative to the one at the above URL This file can replace the version sent a few days ago for the CARINA collection..
Action: Place Online Notes: Replacement for file included in CARINA tarball. Additional TCO2 values added and others calibrated based on additional information. Do simple file swap.
9/6/06 Cruise dates:7/12-7/28/1992 Chief Scientist:J. Blindheim J.Hjort; 58JH0792_1; WOCE line AR18b (at WHPO at 58JH1092_1) Region: Around Iceland 31 full depth stations; with 12 place Rosette, 10l bottles
New PDF doc online.
merge params into BOT. Database should take PI name off CFCs (no data for that param and table shows * for it)
CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.
Bottle file has been converted to exchange format and put online.
Bottle file was converted to exchange format and put online. Sumfile was missing WOCE SECT names. It was determined that it should be filled in with AR18.
I was on these two cruises and have data on pCO2 and TIC from them. I did not measure pH or C14. If Johann has sent you data from me then it is from from my submission to him a good while ago. In that case a correction is required. I suggest that you send the files (SEA and SUM) you have received from Johann Blindheim. I can then inspect the pCO2 and TIC data and inform you if and which corrections are required.
I have attached the c14/13 files sent by Dr. Blindheim. If you could please advise us on the quality of the TIC (DIC in file) and PCO2, it would be greatly appreciated.
YES, you may release this data to the public as you may do with all the other tracer data we submitted to WHPO several years ago (see ftp.log file attached). 98.08.03 13:38 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT14-2.SEA --> /INCOMING 06MT14-2.SEA 98.08.03 13:38 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT18-1.SEA --> /INCOMING 06MT18-1.SEA 98.08.03 13:38 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT22-2.SEA --> /INCOMING 06MT22-2.SEA 98.08.03 13:39 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT27.SEA --> /INCOMING 06MT27.SEA 98.08.03 13:39 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT30-2.SEA --> /INCOMING 06MT30-2.SEA 98.08.03 13:39 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT30-3.sea --> /INCOMING 06MT30-3.sea 98.08.10 14:24 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT15-3.SEA --> /INCOMING 06MT15-3.SEA 98.08.13 14:04 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT22-5.SEA --> /INCOMING 06MT22-5.SEA 98.08.14 12:12 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\58jh792-1.sea --> /INCOMING 58jh792-1.sea 98.08.14 13:43 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06BE73-1.TRH --> /INCOMING 06BE73-1.TRH 98.08.18 13:13 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT3023.LVS --> /INCOMING 06MT3023.LVS
I return to your e-mail of 31 March 01 and my promise of returning to the helium/tritium data. I have now contacted Dr Reinhold Bayer at University Heidelberg and understand that he has already sent the Helium/tritium data to you. He also writes that last week he was contacted by you when you acknowledged the receipt of his data from AR18 for the 1992 and 1994 cruises. My message is that the helium tritium data you received from me via James Crease are unknown to me. I can not identify them and I can not imagine how they have come into that file. You should use the data you received from Dr Bayer and erase the whole file from 1994 which you received via James Crease. All data from AR18 may be made public.
Please refer to your e-mail on the AR18 data. In general the data we sent to WOCE Hydrographic Program Office, WHOI (C. Corry) were our final version. There was also a screening which we responded to. But as you mention, some data were missing. The SUM and SEA files I sent to James Crease were meant just as information for him with regard to EXPOCODEs which he asked for, not for distribution. He did not inform me about how you are working so I just found some old files and frankly, I did not even know whether they were the final ones. 58JH1092. The C14 and C13 data has probably been added after the SEA file was submitted. I see that we received them from the principal author in March 94. I attach the file we received so that you may check the values. The file is very far from WOCE format, I hope you will be able to open it with MS Word2000. At least I finally succeeded that way. The PI for the CFC data is now retired with illness, but as far as I have been able to clarify, she hesitated to submit the data because she meant they were of too poor quality. I guess you mean helium/ tritium when you mention tracer data sent to you by Matthias Arnold. We have had some dificulties with getting those data from University Heidelberg, Germany, that collected them. However, if you finally have received them from there, I think they are good. We never received the carbon data (CO2) which were collected by John Olafsson, Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland, with assistance from LDEO. As far as I remember, I have earlier forwarded requests to him. Finally, do not replace the bottle file you currently have if you have received it from WHPO.
Jim Crease forwarded on to us new data files for 58JH1092, and 58JH0894, as well as the emails containing the status of outstanding data and their contacts. I'd like to clarify what we received with you just to make sure we now have everything that is available. 58JH1092: The new file sent by Jim has C14 and C13 in addition to all parameters we currently hold. We should remove CFC's from the file. Tracer data was sent to us by Matthias Arnold and is now being merged into the newly sent bottle file. Carbon data is still outstanding. Can you confirm if the bottle file sent may entirely replace our current bottle file, and if all may be made publicly available?
on 2001.03.20 Jim Crease forwarded a new bottle and sumfile to WHPO from Blindheim. AR18SEA92.xls excel spreadsheet containing new bottle data additional parameters are c14, c14er, c13 and c13er. No confirmation as to if this new file should replace the current online file, however it is implied (see email) File needs reformatting. AR18Sum92.xls excel spreadsheet sumfile. Needs reformatting. No confirmation as to if this new file should replace the current online file, however it is implied (see email). ar18_blindheim.txt email from Blindheim to J. Crease.
New data for ar18_a 58JH1092_1 can be found in the original subdirectory for this cruise. ar18_a/original/ 1998.08.14_AR18A_HE_TR_ARNOLD contains helium, tritium, delhe3, helier, triter, and delher which were submitted by Mathias Arnold 1998.08.14 to ftp-incoming. These values will need merging and clarification of public status. A new bottle file sent by Blindheim through Jim Crease is located in: original/2001.03.28_AR18A_BOT_BLINDHEIM along with associated emails. This new bottle file contains all previous parameters plus C14,C14er,C13 and C13er. This file is an excel spreadsheet and will need reformatting. Confirmation of public status and whether the new bottle file is to entirely replace the current online file will need to be requested. As per Blindheims email, no CFC's will ever be submitted for this criuse. Carbon data is still outstanding with PI John Olafson. new sumfile was also sent and will also need reformatting before going online.
The WHP office has received helium and tritium data for two repeat WOCE cruises: WOCE line AR18, expocodes 58JH1092_1 (during July of 1992) and 58JH0894_1 (during July-August of 1994). Our documentation lists you as the PI for the data for both cruises. At present we have no information on the public status of these data and are hoping you can help. May we release these data to the public at this time?
2000.12.11 KJU File contained here is a CRUISE SUMMARY and NOT sumfile. Documentation is online. 2000.10.11 KJU Files were found in incoming directory under whp_reports. This directory was zipped, files were separated and placed under proper cruise. All of them are sum files. Received 1997 August 15th.
Some of the information in the (SUM) table is not in agreement with the Woce Handbook. Bottom depths are corrected according to sound speed worked out in real time from CTD data. Unfortunately we did not observe hight above bottom. Neither did we note the meeter wheel reading. The short cruise we had from 12 to 28 July 1992 was in a way a pilot cruise to learn how the groups from different nordic institutions could work together (It was necessary). Its EXPOCODE was 58JH1092/1and there was no 58JH792_1 cruise. It seems there has been some confusion with the EXPOCODE in the AR18.sea file from 1992. We observed CTD, oxygen, nutrients, CFCs, Helium/tritium, Carbon dioxide and c14. The Helium/tritium data was observed by Heidelberg University, PI was reinhold Bayer. We have not received any of those data. They said they would submit them directly from Heidelberg. I have previously received more than one request about these data and conveyed the request further to Heidelberg. Prof Elisabet Fogelqvist was PI for the CFC data. They have not been submitted because she did not consider their quality good enough. Now she is disabled by illness and has retired, so it seems there is not much we can do about those data. John Olafson, Iceland, was PI for the carbon dioxide data in cooperation with some people from LDGO. We have not received any of those data either. As to the C14, I received a request from the WHP office at Woods Hole some time ago and directed them to the PI, Prof R. Nydal, University of Trondheim. He has also retired, but i phoned him to day and he told me that he has sent the data. In 1994 it was only 2 profiles in the Irminger Basin. I shall however look closer into this and contact you later. For your information I attach the SUM and SEA files from 1992. I hope it is Ok with my version on an Excel worksheet.
This file was sent by Matthias Arnold on 1998.08.14. File contains bottle salts/oxy, ctd tmp/sal, theta, nutrients, as well as new parameters of TRITUM HELIUM DELHE3 TRITER HELIER DELHER. These parameters need merging as of this date. Public status of helium/tritium data is not known at this time and Arnold will need to be contacted.