Hydrographic Cruise: 49NZ20170208

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite Dataset

Supplementary Data and Documents

Files listed here may be useful and are provided 'as is'. Files might include raw data, intermediate processing, or other data collected on a cruise that is outside the current scope of CCHDO.

Role Data Type Format Filename (Download)
ancillary 49NZ20170308_tsg.csv (2.6 MB)
ancillary AL5400_POC_P17E.xlsx (15.6 kB)
ancillary Boss 06-22 report.xlsx (111.5 kB)
ancillary MR16-09Leg3_recal_post_pco2_cal_v511.csv (391.2 kB)

Unmerged Data as Received

Files listed here are the most recent version submitted by the cruise scientists, but have not yet been checked for consistency and merged into the main Dataset. They are provided "as is". If you are unsure of which files to use, stick to the Dataset files above.

These files are not yet in the Dataset.

Filename (Download) Size Date Submitted
49NZ20170208.exc.csv 408.2 kB 2018-11-21

Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    49NZ20170208.exc.csv (download) #e17e0
    Date: 2024-06-14
    Current Status: unprocessed
    It was found that the pH data from this file was not successfully merged into dataset yet, restoring to as received.

  • File Merge Andre Dos Santos

    MR16-09Leg3_recal_post_pco2_cal_v511.csv (download) #a775b
    Date: 2024-03-09
    Current Status: ancillary
  • File Merge Andre Dos Santos

    Boss 06-22 report.xlsx (download) #a95fc
    Date: 2024-03-09
    Current Status: ancillary
  • File Merge Andre Dos Santos

    AL5400_POC_P17E.xlsx (download) #fbde0
    Date: 2024-03-09
    Current Status: ancillary
  • File Merge Andre Dos Santos

    49NZ20170308_tsg.csv (download) #188b1
    Date: 2024-03-09
    Current Status: ancillary
    Thermosalinograph data

  • File Created CCHDO System

    49NZ20170208_bottle.nc (download) #a11f1
    Date: 2024-02-16
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    49NZ20170208_hy1.csv (download) #c842b
    Date: 2024-02-16
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    49NZ20170208_nc_hyd.zip (download) #66f81
    Date: 2024-02-16
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    49NZ20170208hy.txt (download) #2e488
    Date: 2024-02-16
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge Andre Dos Santos

    49NZ20170208.exc.csv (download) #e17e0
    Date: 2024-02-16
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Merge Andre Dos Santos

    49NZ20170208_hy1.csv (download) #092fc
    Date: 2024-02-16
    Current Status: merged
  • Bottle files online Andre Dos Santos

    Date: 2024-02-16
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Website Update
    P17E, P17 2017 49NZ20170208 processing - BTL
    A Dos Santos
    id    date       submitted by             filename
    ----- ---------- ------------------------ --------------------
    41311 2023-10-31 Andre for Hiroshi Uchida 49NZ20170208_hy1.csv
    14240 2018-11-21 Robert Key               49NZ20170208.exc.csv
    Name Changes
    * SECT changed to SECT_ID
    * SBE35 changed to REFTMP
    * SBE35_FLAG_W changed to REFTMP_FLAG_W
    * XMISS changed to CTDXMISS
    * XMISSCP changed to CTDBEAMCP
    * FLUOR changed to CTDFLUOR
    * CDOM-325 changed to CDOM325
    * CDOM-325_FLAG_W changed to CDOM325_FLAG_W
    * CDOM-443 changed to CDOM443
    * CDOM-443_FLAG_W changed to CDOM443_FLAG_W
    * SVLSAL changed to CTDSVLSAL
    * AMMONIA changed to NH4
    * AMMONIA_FLAG_W changed to NH4_FLAG_W
    * CDOM-370 changed to CDOM370
    * CDOM-370_FLAG_W changed to CDOM370_FLAG_W
    * TURB changed to CTDTURB
    * TURB_FLAG_W changed to CTDTURB_FLAG_W
    * CDOM changed to CTDCDOM
    * CDOM_FLAG_W changed to CTDCDOM_FLAG_W
    Unit Changes
    * TIME units changed from 'UTC' to ''
    * LATITUDE units changed from 'DEG' to ''
    * LONGITUDE units changed from 'DEG' to ''
    * FLUOR units changed from 'MG/CUM' to 'MG/M^3'
    * CHLORA units changed from 'MG/CUM' to 'UG/L'
    * PAR units changed from 'UE/SQM/S' to 'UMOL/M^2/SEC'
    * POC units changed from 'UMOL/KG' to 'UG/KG' (note: no data in the file)
    * HPLC units changed from 'UG/L' to '' (note: no data in the file)
    * CDOM units changed from 'MG/CUM' to 'QSU'
    Parameters Removed
    * The following parameters were removed and not included: (per PI's request)
      * BERYL7
      * BERYL7_FLAG_W
      * BERYL10
      * BERYL10_FLAG_W
    Other Changes
    * Removed rows with fill value for CTDPRS and no data
    * Sorted data by STNNBR, CASTNO, CTDPRS
    * TIME left padded with zeros to match the time format
    * Changed BTLNBR from -999 to "BUC" for bucket samples where SAMPNO is 0
    * Changed BTLNBR_FLAG_W from 9 to 2 for bucket samples
    * Changed CTDPRS from -999 to 0 for bucket samples
    * Changed CTDPRS_FLAG_W from 9 to 2 for bucket samples
    * Added CCHDO citation information
    opened in JOA with no apparent problems:
    file                    converted from       software               
    ----------------------- -------------------- -----------------------
    49NZ20170208hy.txt      49NZ20170208_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    49NZ20170208_nc_hyd.zip 49NZ20170208_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    49NZ20170208_bottle.nc  49NZ20170208_hy1.csv cchdo.hydro
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp            
    ----------------------- -----------------
    49NZ20170208_hy1.csv    20240216CCHSIOADS
    49NZ20170208_nc_hyd.zip 20240216CCHSIOADS
    49NZ20170208hy.txt      20240216CCHSIOADS
    49NZ20170208_bottle.nc  20240216CCHSIOADS
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    49NZ20170208_hy1.csv (download) #092fc
    Date: 2023-10-31
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission Andre for Hiroshi Uchida

    49NZ20170208_hy1.csv (download) #092fc
    Date: 2023-10-31
    Current Status: merged
    Submitted via email by Hiroshi Uchida, with changes based on discussions with Dr. Sasaki, the Principal Investigator for CFC/SF6/N2O measurements.
    * Data Quality Flags for N2O have been updated from "1" to "3" due to the determination that proper quality control was not possible for the N2O data.

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    49NZ20170208_ctd.nc (download) #a5bbf
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file

  • File Created CCHDO System

    49NZ20170208_ct1.zip (download) #a196e
    Date: 2023-06-28
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    49NZ20170208_ct1.zip (download) #31189
    Date: 2023-06-27
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    49NZ20170208_nc_ctd.zip (download) #11cc1
    Date: 2023-06-27
    Current Status: merged
  • CTD data corrections Andrew Barna

    Date: 2023-06-27
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    49NZ20170208 processing - CTD
    A Barna
       id  submit date    submitted by                         file name
    -----  -------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------
    12688  2017-04-04     SEE Submitted for Katsuro Katsumata  49NZ20170208_ct1.zip
    * Reprocessing of original submission
    * Copied data status header from SEE
    * Set flag of CTDSVLSAL from 1 to 9 since all values were -999
      * notes: 
        * the cruise report indicates that sound velocity data should exist for leg 3  
        * none are in the file (and we have no 'owed data' flag for CTD parameters)
    * Removed XMISS: CTDBEAMCP takes precedence, transferred flags from XMISS to CTDBEAMCP
    * Set units of CTDCDOMF to QSU (quinine sulfate units) with the following justification:
      * cruise report has QSU as the result of applying the calibration equation to this instrument
      * The values are too large to be either volts or Raman Units
      * MG/M^3 is ppb for water and the usual QSU is ppb
      * the data values themselves appear to be roughly oceanographic for QSU
    49NZ20170208_ct1.zip opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    file                  converted from       software
    --------------------  -------------------  -------------------
    49NZ20170208_ct1.csv  49NZ20170208_ctd.nc  cchdo.hydro
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                  stamp
    --------------------  ----------------
    49NZ20170208_ct1.csv  20230627CCHHYDRO
    49NZ20170208_ctd.nc   20230627CCHHYDRO
  • File Online Elisa Aitoro

    49NZ20170308_tsg.csv (download) #188b1
    Date: 2023-05-22
    Current Status: ancillary
  • File Merge Elisa Aitoro

    49NZ20170208su.txt (download) #bbf13
    Date: 2023-04-14
    Current Status: dataset
    sum file moved to the dataset

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    49NZ20170208.exc.csv (download) #e17e0
    Date: 2018-12-04
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Submission Robert Key

    49NZ20170208.exc.csv (download) #e17e0
    Date: 2018-11-21
    Current Status: unprocessed
    This version has several edits to the header and includes Andrew Dickson's pH data, flag, temperature. The Japanese bottle file includes some CTD  parameters that I do not carry (DNSSAL, SVLSAL, XMISSCP, TURB) and those are NOT included in this file. If Sharon can provide the proper exchange names for these (and units) I can add to my table for future printings.
    Bottom line:  recommend extract 3 pH columns and merge into Japanese version fo the bottle file.

  • File Merge Jerry Kappa

    49NZ20170208_do.txt (download) #b0992
    Date: 2018-06-20
    Current Status: dataset
  • File Submission Jerry Kappa

    49NZ20170208_do.txt (download) #b0992
    Date: 2018-06-07
    Current Status: dataset
    The text version of the p17_2017 cruise report is ready to go online as merged.   It contains all of the PI-provided data reports as well as CCHDO summary pages and Data History notes.

  • File Merge Carolina Berys

    Cruise_Report_MR16-09_20170725.pdf (download) #64290
    Date: 2018-04-25
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Jerry Kappa

    49NZ20170208_do.pdf (download) #38917
    Date: 2018-04-25
    Current Status: dataset
  • File Submission Jerry Kappa

    49NZ20170208_do.pdf (download) #38917
    Date: 2018-04-25
    Current Status: dataset
    The pdf version of the P17E_2017 cruise report is merged.  It contains all the PI-provided data reports, CCHDO summary pages and CCHDO data processing notes.

  • File Merge CCHSIO

    49NZ20170208_ct1.zip (download) #4454c
    Date: 2018-02-15
    Current Status: merged
  • Update CTD exchange and netcdf files CCHSIO

    Date: 2018-02-15
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    filename             submitted for         date       id  
    -------------------- -------------         ---------- -----
    49NZ20170208_ct1.zip K.Katsumata           2017-04-04 12688
            -  added units comments
            -  added cruise information as commented header
            -  changed file name to match CCHDO format
            -  SECT_ID: changed header SECT to SECT_ID
            -  XMISSCP: XMISSCP_FLAG_W not submitted, CCHDO copied XMISS_FLAG_W to XMISSCP_FLAG_W
            -  CTDCDOMF: Changed parameter name from CDOM to CTDCDOMF
            -  CTDCDOMF_FLAG_W: Changed parameter name from CDOM_FLAG_W to CTDCDOMF_FLAG_W
            -  CTDFLUOR: Changed parameter name from FLUOR to CTDFLUOR
            -  CTDFLUOR_FLAG_W: Changed parameter name from FLUOR_FLAG_W to CTDFLUOR_FLAG_W
            -  CTDPAR: Changed parameter name from PAR to CTDPAR
            -  CTDPAR_FLAG_W: Changed parameter name from PAR_FLAG_W to CTDPAR_FLAG_W
            -  CTDSVLSAL: Changed parameter name from SVLSAL to CTDSVLSAL
            -  CTDSVLSAL_FLAG_W: Changed parameter name from SVLSAL_FLAG_W to CTDSVLSAL_FLAG_W
            -  CTDTURB: Changed parameter name from TURB to CTDTURB
            -  CTDTURB_FLAG_W: Changed parameter name from TURB_FLAG_W to CTDTURB_FLAG_W
            -  CTDXMISS: Changed parameter name from XMISS to CTDXMISS
            -  CTDXMISSCP: Changed parameter name from XMISSCP to CTDXMISSCP
            -  CTDXMISS_FLAG_W: Changed parameter name from XMISS_FLAG_W to CTDXMISS_FLAG_W
            -  CTDCDOMF: Changed units from MG/CUM to MG/M^3
            -  CTDFLUOR: Changed units from MG/CUM to MG/M^3
            -  CTDXMISSCP_FLAG_W not submitted, copied CTDXMISS_FLAG_W to CTDXMISSCP_FLAG_W
            -  CTDTURB, CTDCDOMF, CTDXMISSCP, and SVLSAL are not defined in Exchange format. 
            -  PAR unit UE/SQM/S is not a defined unit for PAR in Exchange format
            -  CTDSVLSAL_FLAG_W: changed all flags from 1 to 9 becaues all CTDSVLSAL values are -999
    file                    converted from       software               
    ----------------------- -------------------- -----------------------
    49NZ20170208_nc_ctd.zip 49NZ20170208_ct1.zip hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp            
    ----------------------- --------------
    49NZ20170208_ct1.zip    20180215CCHSIO
    49NZ20170208_nc_ctd.zip 20180215CCHSIO
    opened in JOA with no apparent problems for the netcdf file 49NZ20170208_nc_ctd.zip.
    JOA did not properly display the full depth for the file 49NZ20170208_ct1.zip, probably becuase CTDPRS_FLAG_W is present.
    opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    AL5400_POC_P17E.xlsx (download) #fbde0
    Date: 2017-11-01
    Current Status: ancillary
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    Boss 06-22 report.xlsx (download) #a95fc
    Date: 2017-11-01
    Current Status: ancillary
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    MR16-09Leg3_recal_post_pco2_cal_v511.csv (download) #a775b
    Date: 2017-11-01
    Current Status: ancillary
  • File Submission Carolina for Robert Key

    MR16-09Leg3_recal_post_pco2_cal_v511.csv (download) #a775b
    Date: 2017-11-01
    Current Status: ancillary
    Downloaded 2017-10-25 from http://www.jamstec.go.jp/iorgc/ocorp/data/p17erev_2017/index.html

  • File Submission Carolina for Robert Key

    Boss 06-22 report.xlsx (download) #a95fc
    Date: 2017-11-01
    Current Status: ancillary
    Downloaded 2017-10-25 from http://www.jamstec.go.jp/iorgc/ocorp/data/p17erev_2017/index.html

  • File Submission Carolina for Robert Key

    AL5400_POC_P17E.xlsx (download) #fbde0
    Date: 2017-11-01
    Current Status: ancillary
    Downloaded 2017-10-25 from http://www.jamstec.go.jp/iorgc/ocorp/data/p17erev_2017/index.html

  • File Submission Carolina for Robert Key

    49NZ20170308_tsg.csv (download) #188b1
    Date: 2017-11-01
    Current Status: ancillary
    Downloaded 2017-10-25 from http://www.jamstec.go.jp/iorgc/ocorp/data/p17erev_2017/index.html

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    Cruise_Report_MR16-09_20170725.pdf (download) #64290
    Date: 2017-11-01
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission Robert Key

    Cruise_Report_MR16-09_20170725.pdf (download) #64290
    Date: 2017-10-25
    Current Status: merged
    Cruise Report here. Other files sent here and to Alex at NCEI via  e-mail. See details in that message

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    49NZ20170208_ct1.zip (download) #4454c
    Date: 2017-04-12
    Current Status: merged
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    49NZ20170208su.txt (download) #bbf13
    Date: 2017-04-12
    Current Status: dataset
  • File Submission see

    49NZ20170208su.txt (download) #bbf13
    Date: 2017-04-04
    Current Status: dataset
    Submitted for Katsuro Katsumata at JAMSTEC
    Final SUM and CTD files
    Dates: Feb 8 - Mar 5 2017
    SHIP:  Marai
    ChSci:  Hiroshi Uchida
    Lines:  P17E, P17S
    Collections:  Pacific, SOCCOM, Southern?
    aliases MR16-09
    Expocode 49NZ20170208

  • File Submission see

    49NZ20170208_ct1.zip (download) #4454c
    Date: 2017-04-04
    Current Status: merged
    Submitted for Katsuro Katsumata at JAMSTEC
    Final SUM and CTD files
    Dates: Feb 8 - Mar 5 2017
    SHIP:  Marai
    ChSci:  Hiroshi Uchida
    Lines:  P17E, P17S
    Collections:  Pacific, SOCCOM, Southern?
    aliases MR16-09
    Expocode 49NZ20170208