Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetFiles listed here are the most recent version submitted by the cruise scientists, but have not yet been checked for consistency and merged into the main Dataset. They are provided "as is". If you are unsure of which files to use, stick to the Dataset files above.
These files are not yet in the Dataset.
Filename (Download) | Size | Date Submitted |
20020410.124051_LEBEL_AR04F_ar04h.dat | 305.2 kB | 2002-04-10 |
33LK19960415_hy1.csv | 564.6 kB | 2014-01-14 |
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
33LKETAMBOT2_1 processing - BTL 2022-10-04 A Barna Submissions id submit date submitted by file name ---- ------------- -------------- -------------- 1591 ar04_h_hy1.csv Changes * Removed rows with no data (including pressure) note: this update only corrects errors and does not address the files to be merged in 'as received'. 33LKETAMBOT2_1_hy1.csv and opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions note: converted and put online by C Berys file converted from software ------------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- 33LKETAMBOT2_1_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe 33LKETAMBOT2_1hy.txt 33LKETAMBOT2_1_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe 33LKETAMBOT2_1_hy1.csv cchdo.hydro Updated Files Manifest file stamp ------------------------- ----------------- 33LKETAMBOT2_1_hy1.csv 20221004CCHSIOAMB 20221004CCHSIOAMB 33LKETAMBOT2_1hy.txt 20221004CCHSIOAMB 20221004CCHSIOAMB
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
From CARINA Collection
From CARINA Collection
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 33LK19960415_hy1.csv
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. ar04_hdo.pdf
File 20020410.124051_LEBEL_AR04F_ar04h.dat containing CFC data, submitted by Deborah Lebel on 2002-04-10, available under 'Files as received', unprocessed by CCHDO.
For some time now we have been trying to clean up the last of the repeat cruises and incorporating current meter cruise data has fallen into this category. We were forwarded CTD data and two email correspondences by Jim Crease for the KN04 cruise. I am working on formatting these CTD files into a WOCE CTD format and a summary file. I am having some difficulties with the inconsistant lat/lon values recorded in the files. The values in the files that we obtained are are of differring precision and in some cases exceed any possible lat/lon value. Can you please help? We have no cruise or data documentation for these files and presently do not even know who the Chief Scientist was on cruise! Could you please forward a data contact with whom I might correspond to regarding these matters? We would like to button this up as soon as possible and any information you could give us would be greatly appreciated.
Changed expocode in CTD file from 35LKETAMBOT2 to 33LKETAMBOT2 to match SUM file and HYD file.
These are the finalized CFC data for Etambot2 (AR04H). Scale is SIO98, units are pmol/kg. Includes QUALT2 word.
The file: ar04h.dat - 305211 bytes has been saved as: 20020410.124051_LEBEL_AR04F_ar04h.dat in the directory: 20020410.124051_LEBEL_AR04F The data disposition is: Public The file format is: Plain Text (ASCII) The archive type is: NONE - Individual File The data type(s) is: Other: final CFC data The file contains these water sample identifiers: Cast Number (CASTNO) Station Number (STATNO) Bottle Number (BTLNBR) Sample Number (SAMPNO) LEBEL, DEBORAH would like the following action(s) taken on the data: Merge Data Place Data Online Update Parameters Any additional notes are: These are the finalized CFC data for Etambot2 (AR04H). Scale is SIO98, units are pmol/kg. Includes QUALT2 word.
CTD has been converted to exchange and put online.
Bottle file has been converted to exchange and put online.
I have edited the file to correct the missalignment of the missing station data and also the other columns as well. There is a new file for this cruise online now. My student and I are also working on the others on your list you sent to Steve to see why they haven't get gotten into exchange. It's usually just minor reformatting that keeps these cruises in the exchange queue. Karla is going to investigate and generate the easier exchange files. I'll tackle any remaining ones, and we'll keep you posted on our progress, or you can keep checking the website for updated files. On Fri, 21 Dec 2001, Tom Haine wrote: Steve, I've been looking at the repeat .txt files. I think the FCO2 data are missing from STNNBR 042 in ar04_hhy.txt. At least, there's 1 less column for this station.
It was brought to our attention by a user that the station 42 of the bottle file for ar04_hhy.txt was missing the column of values for FCO2. PH and QUALT1 columns were shifted over. QUALT1 column was missing quality byte for this column as well. Added -9.0 values in the FCO2 column, and added a 5 quality byte (not reported) to the QUALT1 column. Added place holding zeros to all leading decimal values (eg. .07 to 0.07). Added place holding zeros to all trailing decimal values (eg. 1. to 1.0) Realigned first three data columns and headers. Realigned and corrected spelling of QUALT1 header. edited date/name stamp (previous stamp was: 20010323SIOUCSD this is incorrect). ran wocecvt with no errors. replaced online version with newly edited file and RCS'd this action.
It was brought to our attention by a user that the station 42 of the bottle file for ar04_hhy.txt was missing the column of values for FCO2. PH and QUALT1 columns were shifted over. QUALT1 column was missing quality byte for this column as well. Added -9.0 values in the FCO2 column, and added a 5 quality byte (not reported) to the QUALT1 column. Added place holding zeros to all leading decimal values (eg. .07 to 0.07). Added place holding zeros to all trailing decimal values (eg. 1. to 1.0) Realigned first three data columns and headers. Realigned and corrected spelling of QUALT1 header. edited date/name stamp (previous stamp was: 20010323SIOUCSD this is incorrect). ran wocecvt with no errors. replaced online version with newly edited file and RCS'd this action.