Hydrographic Cruise: 316N20101015

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:
  • (CCHDO) KN199-4
  • (R2R) KN199-04


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite Dataset

Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    316N20101015_bottle.nc (download) #04105
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    316N20101015_ctd.nc (download) #69531
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file

  • File Generated Andrew barna

    316N20101015su.txt (download) #6a574
    Date: 2022-10-10
    Current Status: dataset
    Sumfile generated from 316N20101015_bottle.nc (34654)

  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20101015_nc_hyd.zip (download) #4d42e
    Date: 2017-01-24
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20101015_hy1.csv (download) #4cc71
    Date: 2017-01-24
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20101015_gt_nc_hyd.zip (download) #d9843
    Date: 2017-01-24
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20101015_gt_hy1.csv (download) #d14db
    Date: 2017-01-24
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge Roxanne Lee

    README_1410.txt (download) #bb099
    Date: 2017-01-24
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Roxanne Lee

    GT10_NAZT_Bottle_Data.zip (download) #e4c80
    Date: 2017-01-24
    Current Status: merged
  • Bottle data Roxanne Lee

    Date: 2017-01-24
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: New
    GT10 2010 316N20101015 processing - BTL/new
    R Lee
    filename                             submitted by                   date        id
    GT10_NAZT_Bottle_Data.zip           Mary Carol Johnson             2014-11-12  8108
    316N20101015_hy1.csv (ODF bottle data)
    - DEPTH units from CORR.M to METERS
    - CTDPRS units from DBARS to DBAR
    - REFTMP units from ITS-90 to DEG C
    316N20101015_gt_hy1.csv (GEOTRACES bottle data)
    - DEPTH units from CORR.M to METERS
    - CTDPRS from DBARS to DBAR
    316N20101015_hy1.csv (ODF bottle data)
    - gt10_SIOR_hy1.csv merged into 316N20101015_hy1.csv
    316N20101015_gt_hy1.csv (GEOTRACES bottle data)
    - gt10_GT-C_hy1.csv merged into 316N20101015_gt_hy1.csv
    316N20101015_hy1.csv (ODF), 316N20101015_nc_hyd.zip (ODF), 316N20101015_gt_hy1.csv (GT-C), and 316N20101015_gt_nc_hyd.zip (GT-C) opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    - GT10_NAZT_Bottle_Data.zip contains two bottle files (gt10_SIOR_hy1.csv and gt10_GT-C_hy1.csv) from two rosettes (ODF/SIOR and GT-C).
    - In 316N20101015_hy1.csv (ODF), bottle serial numbers have the prefix "NIS-" for SIOR Niskin, "McNIS-" for McLane pump niskins, and "SRFCPUMP" for samples taken from underway surface. BTLNBR_U contains the bottle numbers without the "NIS-" prefix.
    - In 316N20101015_gt_hy1.csv (GEOTRACES), bottle serial numbers have the prefix "GF-" for GT-C GoGlo. BTLNBR_U contains the bottle numbers without the "GF-" prefix.
    file                    converted from       software
    316N20101015_nc_hyd.zip    316N20101015_hy1.csv    hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3
    316N20101015_gt_nc_hyd.zip 316N20101015_gt_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp
    316N20101015_hy1.csv       20170124CCHSIORJL
    316N20101015_nc_hyd.zip    20170124CCHSIORJL
    316N20101015_gt_hy1.csv    20170124CCHSIORJL
    316N20101015_gt_nc_hyd.zip 20170124CCHSIORJL
  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20101015_nc_ctd.zip (download) #5fbbf
    Date: 2016-10-20
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20101015_ct1.zip (download) #da1ee
    Date: 2016-10-20
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge SEE

    GT10_NAZT_ODF_CTD.zip (download) #152da
    Date: 2016-10-20
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge SEE

    316N20101015_nc_ctd.zip (download) #a52e6
    Date: 2016-10-20
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge SEE

    316N20101015_ct1.zip (download) #8ad81
    Date: 2016-10-20
    Current Status: merged
  • Updated CTD exchange and netcdf formats SEE

    Date: 2016-10-20
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    filename              submitted by       date       id  
    --------------------- ------------------ ---------- ----
    GT10_NAZT_ODF_CTD.zip Mary Carol Johnson 2014-11-12 1814 
    - Renamed files to match EXCHANGE standard. Put original file name in file as a comment.
    - Changed the header name from GEOTRC_EVENTNO to GEOTR_EVENT
    - Changed the header name from BTMDEPTH to DEPTH
    - Changed the parameter name from TRANSM to XMISS
    - Changed the parameter name from FLUORM to FLUOR
    - did not create Exchange ct1.csv files for station/casts because no data in submitted files:
    -	001/02, 003/07, 007/07, 010/07, 012/07, 005/07, 009/08, 011/07
    - did not transfer submitted parameters SMDEPTH and FMDEPTH to Exchange files.
    - added cruise and header comments
    file                    converted from       software               
    ----------------------- -------------------- -----------------
    316N20101015_nc_ctd.zip 316N20101015_ct1.zip 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp            
    ----------------------- -----------------
    316N20101015_ct1.zip    20161020CCHSIOSEE
    316N20101015_nc_ctd.zip 20161020CCHSIOSEE
    opened in JOA with no apparent problems:
    opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20101015_trk.gif (download) #5c139
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20101015_do.pdf (download) #5bb92
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20101015_trk.jpg (download) #e61e9
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Submission Mary Carol Johnson

    GT10_NAZT_ODF_CTD.zip (download) #152da
    Date: 2014-11-12
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 316N20101015
    Ship: R/V Knorr
    Woce Line: GT10 (NAZT.1)
    Note: Please see README_1410.txt for explanation of changes since August 2013 submission.  Bottle data from two rosettes (ODF/SIOR and GT-C=ODU), and ODF CTD data, have been updated.  The data are all public at this point.  Numerous columns from the bottle data files need to be stripped out, as before, to eliminate non-CLIVAR parameters.  In an excel-like spreadsheet, relevant fields in the GT-C bottle file are columns A-AI (through PHSPHT_FLAG_W), plus some of the last 7 data columns (JB-JH). For the SIOR/ODF bottle files, columns A-AK (through REFTMP_FLAG_W) and FL-FR are relevant.  CFC updates and carbon/talk data were submitted to BCO-DMO post-cruise. BCO-DMO is only now receiving the ODF October 2014 updates, but please contact MCJ if you need and can't find the CFC and carbon data (which should now be public) at: http://www.bco-dmo.org/datasets.  The file "*ctdall.csv" can be ignored.  The sum-file may not be in a standard format, but I tried to follow the CCHDO website page for example sumfile (until the description truncated).  There are no updates to documentation for GT10/NAZT.1.

  • File Submission Mary Carol Johnson

    README_1410.txt (download) #bb099
    Date: 2014-11-12
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 316N20101015
    Ship: R/V Knorr
    Woce Line: GT10 (NAZT.1)
    Note: Please see README_1410.txt for explanation of changes since August 2013 submission.  Bottle data from two rosettes (ODF/SIOR and GT-C=ODU), and ODF CTD data, have been updated.  The data are all public at this point.  Numerous columns from the bottle data files need to be stripped out, as before, to eliminate non-CLIVAR parameters.  In an excel-like spreadsheet, relevant fields in the GT-C bottle file are columns A-AI (through PHSPHT_FLAG_W), plus some of the last 7 data columns (JB-JH). For the SIOR/ODF bottle files, columns A-AK (through REFTMP_FLAG_W) and FL-FR are relevant.  CFC updates and carbon/talk data were submitted to BCO-DMO post-cruise. BCO-DMO is only now receiving the ODF October 2014 updates, but please contact MCJ if you need and can't find the CFC and carbon data (which should now be public) at: http://www.bco-dmo.org/datasets.  The file "*ctdall.csv" can be ignored.  The sum-file may not be in a standard format, but I tried to follow the CCHDO website page for example sumfile (until the description truncated).  There are no updates to documentation for GT10/NAZT.1.

  • File Submission Mary Carol Johnson

    README_1410.txt (download) #bb099
    Date: 2014-11-12
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 316N20111106
    Ship: R/V Knorr
    Woce Line: GT11 (NAZT.2)
    Note: Please see README_1410.txt for explanation of changes since August 2013 submission.  Bottle data from two rosettes (ODF/SIOR and GT-C=ODU), and ODF CTD data, have been updated.  The data are all public at this point.  Numerous columns from the bottle data files need to be stripped out, as before, to eliminate non-CLIVAR parameters.  In an excel-like spreadsheet, relevant fields in the GT-C bottle file are columns A-AI (through PHSPHT_FLAG_W), plus some of the last 7 data columns (JK-JP). For the SIOR/ODF bottle files, columns A-AK (through REFTMP_FLAG_W) and FQ-FV are relevant.  CFC updates and carbon/talk data were submitted to BCO-DMO post-cruise. BCO-DMO is only now receiving the ODF October 2014 updates, but please contact MCJ if you need and can't find the CFC and carbon data (which should now be public) at: http://www.bco-dmo.org/datasets.  The file "*ctdall.csv" can be ignored.  The sum-file may not be in a standard format, but I tried to follow the CCHDO website page for example sumfile (until the description truncated).  There are no updates to documentation for GT11/NAZT.2.

  • File Submission Mary Carol Johnson

    README_1410.txt (download) #bb099
    Date: 2014-11-12
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 325020131025
    Ship: R/V Thompson
    Note: Please see README_1410.txt for explanation of files submitted. Note "public" restrictions below.  Bottle data from two rosettes (ODF/SIOR and GT-C=ODU), and ODF CTD data, are submitted.  After stripping out non-ODF parameters, the data can be public (per J.Swift).  Numerous columns from the bottle data files need to be stripped out to eliminate non-CLIVAR parameters.  In an Excel-like spreadsheet, relevant fields in the GT-C bottle file are columns A-AI (through ODF PHSPHT_FLAG_W), plus some of the last 7 data columns (PR-PX). For the SIOR/ODF bottle files, columns A-AK (through REFTMP_FLAG_W) and OT-OZ are relevant.  CFC updates and carbon/talk data may have been submitted to BCO-DMO post-cruise, but are likely not yet public. BCO-DMO is only now receiving the ODF October 2014 data submission. Please contact MCJ if you need but can't find the CFC and carbon data - for which Jim will have to get clearance to publish - at: http://www.bco-dmo.org/datasets.  ODF CTD data also include data for unprocessed TRANSM, FLUORM, TURBDTY (turbidity) and NOAAORP (ORP) sensor voltage data.  These should not be released without permission from Jim Swift and/or Chris German (cgerman@whoi.edu); Chris provided the turbidity (quasi-LSS) sensor, and I'm not sure who the PI is for the NOAA ORP data. The file "*ctdall.csv" can be ignored.  The sum-file may not be in a standard format, but I tried to follow the CCHDO website page for example sumfile (until the description truncated).  The ODF documentation for GT13/EPZT is also included in this submission, in both pdf and txt formats. NOTE: your beta site submissions fail, as far as end-user sees.

  • File Submission Mary Carol Johnson

    GT10_NAZT_Bottle_Data.zip (download) #e4c80
    Date: 2014-11-12
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 316N20101015
    Ship: R/V Knorr
    Woce Line: GT10 (NAZT.1)
    Note: Please see README_1410.txt for explanation of changes since August 2013 submission.  Bottle data from two rosettes (ODF/SIOR and GT-C=ODU), and ODF CTD data, have been updated.  The data are all public at this point.  Numerous columns from the bottle data files need to be stripped out, as before, to eliminate non-CLIVAR parameters.  In an excel-like spreadsheet, relevant fields in the GT-C bottle file are columns A-AI (through PHSPHT_FLAG_W), plus some of the last 7 data columns (JB-JH). For the SIOR/ODF bottle files, columns A-AK (through REFTMP_FLAG_W) and FL-FR are relevant.  CFC updates and carbon/talk data were submitted to BCO-DMO post-cruise. BCO-DMO is only now receiving the ODF October 2014 updates, but please contact MCJ if you need and can't find the CFC and carbon data (which should now be public) at: http://www.bco-dmo.org/datasets.  The file "*ctdall.csv" can be ignored.  The sum-file may not be in a standard format, but I tried to follow the CCHDO website page for example sumfile (until the description truncated).  There are no updates to documentation for GT10/NAZT.1.

  • Numerous changes, see note Mary Johnson

    Date: 2014-11-12
    Data Type: BTL/CTD
    Action: Submitted
    Please see README_1410.txt for explanation of changes since August 2013 submission.  Bottle data from two rosettes (ODF/SIOR and GT-C=ODU), and ODF CTD data, have been updated.  The data are all public at this point.  Numerous columns from the bottle data files need to be stripped out, as before, to eliminate non-CLIVAR parameters.  In an excel-like spreadsheet, relevant fields in the GT-C bottle file are columns A-AI (through PHSPHT_FLAG_W), plus some of the last 7 data columns (JB-JH). For the SIOR/ODF bottle files, columns A-AK (through REFTMP_FLAG_W) and FL-FR are relevant.  CFC updates and carbon/talk data were submitted to BCO-DMO post-cruise. BCO-DMO is only now receiving the ODF October 2014 updates, but please contact MCJ if you need and can't find the CFC and carbon data (which should now be public) at: http://www.bco-dmo.org/datasets.  The file "*ctdall.csv" can be ignored.  The sum-file may not be in a standard format, but I tried to follow the CCHDO website page 
     for example sumfile (until the description truncated).  There are no updates to documentation for GT10/NAZT.1.
  • Available under 'Files as received' CCHDO Staff

    Date: 2014-11-12
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Update
    The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO.
  • File Merge Jerry Kappa

    gt10_CruiseReport.zip (download) #35c9f
    Date: 2013-10-30
    Current Status: merged
  • New PDF file online Jerry Kappa

    Date: 2013-10-30
    Data Type: CrsRpt
    Action: Website Update
    I've placed a new PDF version of the cruise report: 316N20101015_do.pdf
    into the directory: co2clivar/atlantic/316N20101015/ .
    It includes all the reports provided by the cruise PIs, summary pages and CCHDO data processing notes, as well as a linked Table of Contents and links to figures, tables and appendices.
  • File Merge cchdo_admin

    gt10_ct1.zip (download) #fe4c3
    Date: 2013-10-14
    Current Status: merged

  • Exchange and netCDF files online Carolina Berys

    Date: 2013-10-14
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    316N20101015 processing - CTD
    C Berys
    .. contents:: :depth: 2
    ============ ================== ========== ========= ====
    filename     submitted by       date       data type id  
    ============ ================== ========== ========= ====
    gt10_ct1.zip Mary Carol Johnson 2013-08-07 CTD       1045
    ============ ================== ========== ========= ====
    - CTDPRS [1]_
    - CTDTMP [1]_
    - CTDSAL [1]_
    - CTDOXY [1]_
    - TRANSM [1]_
    - FLUORM [1]_
    - DEPTH [1]_ [3]_
    .. [1] parameter has quality flag column
    .. [2] parameter only has fill values/no reported measured data
    .. [3] not in netCDF 
    - files renamed 
    ======================= ==================== =======================
    file                    converted from       software               
    ======================= ==================== =======================
    316N20101015_nc_hyd.zip 316N20101015_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-50-g4bae068
    ======================= ==================== =======================
    All converted files opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    :working directory:
    :cruise directory:
    Updated Files Manifest
    - 316N20101015_ct1.zip
    - 316N20101015_nc_ctd.zip
  • Map created Rox Lee

    Date: 2013-08-20
    Data Type: maps
    Action: Website Update
    316N20101015 processing - Maps
    R Lee
    .. contents:: :depth: 2
    - Map created from gt10_SIOR_edit_hy1.csv
    :working directory:
    :cruise directory:
    Updated Files Manifest
    - 316N20101015_trk.gif
    - 316N20101015_trk.jpg
  • Available under 'Files as received' CCHDO Staff

    Date: 2013-08-16
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Update
    The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO.
  • Available under 'Files as received' CCHDO Staff

    Date: 2013-08-16
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Update
    The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO.
  • Available under 'Files as received' CCHDO Staff

    Date: 2013-08-16
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO.
  • File Submission Mary Carol Johnson

    gt10_CruiseReport.zip (download) #35c9f
    Date: 2013-08-07
    Current Status: merged
    Cruise Report

  • File Submission Johnson, Mary Carol

    gt10_CruiseReport.zip (download) #35c9f
    Date: 2013-08-07
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 316N20101015
    Ship: R/V Knorr
    Woce Line: (GT10)
    Note: These are the first half of what GEOTRACES calls "NAZT" (North Atlantic Zonal Transsect), which was cut short due to a broken shaft on the Knorr after station 12.  The transsect was resumed from the other direction in 2011, with stations again starting from "1".  These are the CTD data from the "SIOR" rosette only.  Jim Swift has the bottle exchange files to review, and will submit them separately.

  • File Submission Mary Carol Johnson

    gt10_ct1.zip (download) #fe4c3
    Date: 2013-08-07
    Current Status: merged
    CTD files

  • File Submission Johnson, Mary Carol

    gt10_ct1.zip (download) #fe4c3
    Date: 2013-08-07
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 316N20101015
    Ship: R/V Knorr
    Woce Line: (GT10)
    Note: These are the first half of what GEOTRACES calls "NAZT" (North Atlantic Zonal Transsect), which was cut short due to a broken shaft on the Knorr after station 12.  The transsect was resumed from the other direction in 2011, with stations again starting from "1".  These are the CTD data from the "SIOR" rosette only.  Jim Swift has the bottle exchange files to review, and will submit them separately.

  • to go online (1st half) Jim Swift

    Date: 2013-08-07
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Re-submitted
    These are edited version of the bottle data files at BCO-DMO for the ODF and Cutter rosettes from the two US GEOTRACES Atlantic cruises. The files contain only the routine hydrographic data. The ocean carbon data from the ODF rosette casts will be added when available. ODF rosette bottle data files have "SIOR" in the file name. Cutter rosette bottle data files have "GT-C" in the file name.
  • to go online (1st half) Jim Swift

    Date: 2013-08-07
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Submitted
    These are edited versions of the BCO-DMO files for the ODF rosette data from the two US GEOTRACES Atlantic cruise legs, here containing only the routine hydrography data. The ocean carbon data will be provided when they are available.
  • to go online (1st half) Mary Johnson

    Date: 2013-08-07
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Submitted
    These are the first half of what GEOTRACES calls "NAZT" (North Atlantic Zonal Transsect), which was cut short due to a broken shaft on the Knorr after station 12.  The transsect was resumed from the other direction in 2011, with stations again starting from "1".  These are the CTD data from the "SIOR" rosette only.  Jim Swift has the bottle exchange files to review, and will submit them separately.