Description of U.S.GEOTRACES Revised ODF Data distribution: rev. 30 October 2014: prev. release: GT10_NAZT.1 (KN199-4) March 2011 GT11_NAZT.2 (KN204-A/B) December 2012 GT13_EPZT (TGT303) August 2014 These data are updates to the previous ODF distributions of Bottle, CTD and Event/metadata files. Since the mid-August 2014 GT13/EPZT data release, GT10/NAZT.1 and GT11/NAZT.2 were reviewed and updated to be more consistent with GT13/EPZT. A few data issues arose that also affected EPZT, so all 3 data sets were brought up-to-date. Metadata changes: Updated McL-Prof pump cast metadata for all casts based on scanned logsheets and pump group spreadsheet submitted mid-GT11. (GT10, GT11) Added FLT metadata to events (GT10/NEMO, GT13/ARGO) (date)/time/lat/lon fixed for station 12 cast 7 McL-Prof cast (GT10) "BTM_DEPTH" (vs "DEPTH") label in the CTD and/or bottle file headers, to distinguish it from individual bottle depth. (GT10, GT11) A few rounding errors were fixed in some bottle trip date/time stamps: i.e time 2400z values were manually fixed to 0000z and next date. Depth calculation issues: The ODF Saunders-Mantyla (S-M / integrated) depth calculation had an error, found after the EPZT expedition, now fixed. The Fofonoff-Millard (F-M / non-integrated) depth calculations, also used by Seasave software, were added as an option to the ODF routines. (GT10, GT11) Separate columns of S-M and F-M depths ("SMDEPTH" and "FMDEPTH") are included in bottle and CTD files (previously F-M_DEPTH and S-M_DEPTH in GT13/EPZT release). In addition, "ODF_CTDPRS" is an added column in the bottle files. This may differ from the main CTDPRS in the bottle file only for GT13/EPZT GT-C casts, where Seasave-processed CTD trip data were used. Bottle file changes: Quality codes added to bottle and CTD files (vs using defaults), down and up. Example: All CTDOXY values coded 3/questionable (not calibrated to btls) in GT-C files. (GT10, GT11, GT13) The column CTDDEPTH now uses the F-M depth calculation (for consistency with Seasave-processed data). Added column SALTREF and SALTREF_FLAG_W (GT10, GT11) Parameter REFTEMP is now REFTMP (for CCHDO compliance) (GT10, GT11, GT13) bottle serial nos. now prefixed with "NIS-" for SIOR Niskin, "GF-" for GT-C GoFlo, "McNIS-#" for McLane pump niskins, and "SRFCPUMP" for samples taken from underway surface pump (SIOR sample 13s). (GT10) CTDOXY values are now shown for all bottle trips (both SIOR and GT-C), after a program update mid-2014. (GT10, GT11) GT-C CTD trip data generated by ODF now use 5-second averages (vs 3 seconds previously used by ODF for NAZT). 5 seconds (used by Seasave processing on all 3 legs) was confirmed as the optimal time for Go-Flo trips based on a few experiments during GT13/EPZT. (GT10, GT11) GT-C trips were better matched-up to the CTD data by using bits flagged in the hex files at trips, vs elapsed-time previously used in ODF processing. Most trips shifted up to 5 seconds. (ODF/SIOR CTD trip data were not changed.) (GT10, GT11, GT13) GT-C CTD trip data (PTSO) from Seasave .btl files were used only for EPZT/GT13. The Seasave ".btl" files available for the two NAZT legs were incomplete. ODF-processed CTD trip data were used for both NAZT legs, including CTDOXY. An overlay plot showed the NAZT ODF-processed CTD oxygen values were much closer to the bottles taken on the ODF casts than the Seasave-processed data for these legs anyways (likely due to lab calibrations 1-2 years old). (GT10, GT11) CTD file changes: Metadata for CTD casts contains the bottom-of-cast time/data, not start-of-cast, to be consistent with bottle data files. (GT10, GT11) CTD depth data used "default" latitude 45 for depth calcs after sta. 3 for CTD data files - fixed (GT11) No CTD casts are extrapolated to the surface, down or up. (GT10, GT11, GT13) As a result, some near-surface data may have changed (espec. CTDOXY) all ODF CTDOXY changes >0.3 umol/kg are <=14db prs all GT-C CTDOXY changes >0.3 umol/kg are <=7db prs EXCEPT: GT11 station 23/1 (changed up to 2 umol/kg near-surface due to not extrapolating above 8db) Added 2 comment lines to headers re: DEPTH parameters. (GT10, GT11) Added "SECONDS" as elapsed-time unit in UNITS header lines. (GT10, GT11) GT13-only CTD File changes: Using Secondary TC CTD data for 4 GT-C casts (1/14 4/1 5/1 7/5) due to primary sensor cutouts. These 4 casts will be substantially different from previous releases sta 1/14: now 543db deeper (no TC cutouts in secondary data) sta 5/1: now 300db deeper (no TC cutouts in secondary data) Some CTD cast data were mis-aligned due to different start pressures or gaps in primary or secondary pressure-series files; fixed. (problem apparent in all columns after FLUORM_FLAG_W in CTD files) UPCAST ONLY: GT-C sta 1/1: using secondary sensors (cutouts in primaries) SIOR sta 1/15: surface starts at prs=1dbar now (was prs=0) In addition to individual data files for each CTD cast, a "ctdall" file is included with each CTD data set (GT-C and ODF for each leg). These file were created for the ease of uploading all CTD data into programs such as Ocean Data View, and should contain the same data as the individual files, with extra metadata on each line. These files were previously labeled as ".txt", but are now correctly named ".csv" files. Any ODF(SIOR) bottle or CTD data in these files are up-to-date, including a thorough re-check/update of metadata associated with the casts. This would include dates, times, positions, and CTD trip data. There should be no changes to SBE35 temperatures, bottle salinities, bottle oxygens or ODF nutrients. Any bottle data, or GT-C (Cutter) CTD data, submitted to BCO-DMO since the end of each leg should supersede data in these files. The ODF CTD data files are fully processed for PTCO. Lab calibrations were applied, except for CTDOXY; then shipboard corrections were determined and applied to all 4 primary parameters using ODF software. The ancillary instruments were recorded and reported as raw voltages. The PI for ODF CTD and bottle data for all 3 NAZT/EPZT legs is: Dr. James H. Swift (UCSD/SIO) Questions should (also) be directed to: Susan M. Becker, ODF Supervisor Mary C. Johnson, data processor The GT-C CTD data are not processed, other than basic block-averaging and application of SBE lab calibrations for P, T and C. GT-C O2 data in the CTD files are not calibrated (no bottle O2 data were collected for the GT-C casts). The PI for GT-C CTD data for all 3 NAZT/EPZT legs is: Dr. Greg Cutter (ODU) He should be contacted regarding any updates to GT-C CTD data (as processed with Seasave). In addition to standard WHP quality coding schema, two non-standard quality codes may also appear in the GT13/EPZT GT-C bottle file, as noted at the start of its bottle file in a comment line: # QUALITY CODE 'A' WAS USED FOR DATA VALUES SUBMITTED AS 'ABOVE DETECTION LIMITS' # QUALITY CODE 'B' WAS USED FOR DATA VALUES SUBMITTED AS 'BELOW DETECTION LIMITS' This was at the request of two different PIs. Format descriptions can be found at: ---------- zip files in this distribution are described below ------------- Exchange files with ODF-processed data (CTD data in 1dbar pressure-series): GT1? = GT10 GT11 GT13 gt1? = gt10 gt11 gt13 ??ZT = NAZT NAZT EPZT sss = station cc = cast_no up = up(cast) GT1?_?? Bottle data files (exchange format) gt1?_SIOR_hy1.csv (gt10,gt11) gt1?_ODF_hy1.csv (gt13) gt1?_GT-C_hy1.csv gt1?.sum (duplicate) GT1?_?? downcast ODF data files (exchange format) GT1?_ODF/ssscc_ct1.csv GT1?_ODF/gt1?_SIOR_ctdall.csv (gt10,gt11) GT1?_ODF/gt1?_ODF_ctdall.csv (gt13) GT1?_?? downcast GT-C CTD data files (exchange format, not fully processed) GT1?_GT-C/ssscc_ct1.csv GT1?_GT-C/gt1?_GT-C_ctdall.csv GT1?_?? upcast ODF CTD data files (exchange format, not fully processed) GT1?_ODF_UP/sssccup_ct1.csv GT1?_ODF_UP/gt1?_SIORup_ctdall.csv (gt10,gt11) GT1?_ODF_UP/gt1?_ODFup_ctdall.csv (gt13) GT1?_?? upcast GT-C CTD data files (exchange format, not fully processed) GT1?_GT-C_UP/sssccup_ct1.csv GT1?_GT-C_UP/gt1?_GT-Cup_ctdall.csv GT1?_?? Misc. Event (Metadata) files a few metadata updates, and consistent formats for all 3 legs ??ZT*Event_Log*.xls* most current ODF Event Log (may be superseded by BCO-DMO updates) gt1?_EventsTable.html html version of ODF CastEvents (as posted on the shipboard website) gt1?.sum modified WHP 90-1 ".sum" format (modified format: see for .sum-files only: updated database query to get correct metadata for McLane and AOP casts (GT10, GT11, GT13) used MCL vs PMP for McL-Prof casts (for consistency with GT13) (GT10, GT11) gt1?_casttimes-start.txt start times from cast events (when acquisition or cast was started) gt1?_casttimes-in.txt in-water times from cast events (when cast entered water - CTD only) gt1?_casttimes-btm.txt bottom times from cast events (at max CTD pressure) gt1?_casttimes-out.txt out-of-water times from cast events (when cast exited water - CTD only) gt1?_casttimes-end.txt end times from cast events (when acquisition or cast was terminated) gt1?_casttimes-otherdeploy.txt times for other deployments (i.e. floats) gt1?_waypoints.txt cruise waypoints file (used for determining ETA) GT1?_?? Navigation and Map files (large files) Navig_Maps files are likely identical to those in any previous distribution gt1?_Navigation.asc Ascii version of 1-second ODF Navigation + Bathymetry file NOTE: no Bathymetry for GT10 due to computer crash and limited RS232 inputs gt1?_Navigation.fmt format for Navigation.asc file gt1?-cruisetrack*.pdf pdf version of full cruisetrack (GMT map) gt1?-cruisetrack*.png* png version of full cruisetrack (GMT map) gt1?-cruisetrack*.ps ps version of full cruisetrack (GMT map) ---------- approximate file sizes in this distribution are listed below ------------- zip-file sizes expanded sizes (in MB) (in MB) 0.08 1.3 2.6 18.8 1.7 12.4 2.6 18.9 1.7 12.1 0.23 0.35 52.0 134.4 0.16 2.6 5.6 41.9 3.7 27.9 5.7 41.9 3.8 27.7 0.26 0.48 64.0 198.0 0.35 8.5 11.3 81.4 7.1 50.9 11.3 81.5 7.1 51.0 0.16 0.56 77.4 288.6