Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetCCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
316N151_2 processing - BTL 2022-06-29 A Barna Submissions id submit date submitted by file name ---- ----------- ------------ ----------- 3237 a24_hy1.csv Changes * Changed unit of PH from 25_DEG to nothing (ambiguous scale) * Added PH_TMP column with 25 in all places with a PH value note: unresolved flags for CFC-11, HELIUM, DELHE3 316N151_2_hy1.csv and opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions note: converted and put online by C Berys file converted from software -------------------- ----------------- ----------------------- 316N151_2_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe 316N151_2hy.txt 316N151_2_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe Updated Files Manifest file converted from -------------------- ----------------- 316N151_2_hy1.csv 20220629CCHSIOAMB 20220629CCHSIOAMB 316N151_2hy.txt
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
Please move the following 3 docs currently in the a24 directory to the original directory: a24do.pdf a24do.txt a24do2.txt and replace them with these new cruise reports: a24do.pdf a24do.txt which you'll find in my public directory.
They're supposed to say, last updated nov 27, 2006, right? They're up.
New cruise report, pdf and ascii versions, include: • changes discussed in Mary Johnson's 11/3/06 email • CCHDO Data Processing Notes • Alex Kozyr’s CO2 report • Hajrasuliha’s CTD data check
I caught a buglet in the documentation - Appendix A, the T(t**1) column was wrong and wasn't separated from the first column in the plain-text version. It's now fixed; the difference in the value is fairly negligible, but when I noticed the bug while doing something else, I thought I should correct it. I re-did the main ftp releases, but also made one with JUST the documentation files. You can find the doc-files at: The files called a24final-doc.{zip,tar.gz} are the new doc. No data files have been altered, and only Appendix A in the doc has been updated.
Final A24/ACCE data are now ready to go, with calibrations checked, CTDOXY data refit, and CTD data despiked as warranted. CTD data are coded for despiking and problems, and a few bottle quality codes were updated (codes for CTD data in the bottle files). Kristin gave us an updated bottle file with the final quality codes and CTD data, and an updated .sum file with theancillary codes added. The documentation files have been updated with post-cruise info and final comments. These were older cruise data without the database, so we do NOT have exchange formats available. However, Steve Diggs said he could handle that for us. Since all of the WOCE data have been declared public by the WHPO, the files are available for immediate access. CTDPRS CTDTMP CTDSAL CTDOXY THETA SALNTY OXYGEN SILCAT NITRAT NITRIT PHSPHT
The documentation files have been updated with post-cruise info and final comments.
The ORNL/CDIAC-143, NDP-082: "Carbon Dioxide, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V Knorr Cruises in the North Atlantic Ocean on WOCE Sections AR24 (November 2 - December 5, 1996) and A24, A20, and A22 (May 30 - September 3, 1997)" is now available online through CDIAC web page: The hard copy is in production department and will be sent to you soon. Please let me know if you have any comments. Special thanks to Ken Johnson: even after retirement, he continues to supply CDIAC with all information needed for this and other NDPs.
Merge Notes: Alex Kozyr noted that the missing values for cfc11 was -9.074 and for cfc12 -9.048. These were the values in the file 20020410.123042_LEBEL_A24_a24.dat from Lebel found in original/20020410.123042_LEGEL_A24 that S. Diggs merged into the online file 20011130WHPOSIODM on Aug. 20, 2002. I changed the missing values to -9.000 for cfc11 and cfc12. Merged the HELIUM, HELIER, DELHE3, DELHER, TRITIUM, and TRITER sent to S. Diggs from B. Newton found in file A24_helium_tritium.csv found in original/20020522_A24_HE-TR_NEWTON into the online file 20011130WHPOSIODM (This is the file that S. Diggs merged the carbon and cfcs into, but he apparently didn't change the time stamp. Sarilee Anderson
Excel files and CSVs submitted and placed in home directory. Excel files (along w/ CSVs) were submitted to ODF email address and decoded and placed in home directory for A24 data files.
I've noticed that CFCs missing values in the A24 bottle data file a24hy.txt are -9.074 (CFC11) and -9.048 (CFC12). Seems like it has happened when one added a constant correction for all cfc numbers. Same in the a24_hy.csv file.
Updated all bottle files for A24. Merged TCARBN (Kozyr: 20020820), and FINAL cfc-11 and cfc-12 values from D. Lebel (20020410). Made new bottle Exchange files and NetCDF, as well as inventory files.
Merged TCARBN (Kozyr: 20020820), and FINAL cfc-11 and cfc-12 values from D. Lebel (20020410). Made new bottle Exchange files and NetCDF, as well as inventory files.
The data disposition is: Public The file format is: Plain Text (ASCII) The archive type is: NONE - Individual File The data type(s) is: Other: final CFC data The file contains these water sample identifiers: Cast Number (CASTNO) Station Number (STATNO) Bottle Number (BTLNBR) Sample Number (SAMPNO) LEBEL, DEBORAH would like the following action(s) taken on the data: Merge Data Place Data Online Update Parameters Any additional notes are: These are the final CFC data, including QUALT2 word. Scale is SIO98, units are pmol/kg. Data were recalibrated last fall, and these changes are incorporated as well.
CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.
The following are results from the and code that were run on this cruise. Not all of the errors are reported but rather a summery of what was found. For more information you can go to the cruise directory, and look at the NEW file called CruiseLine_check.txt. Two plot files are also present. and and files are created for the cruise. No problems found in the BOTTLE and CTD file.
Merged Carbon data received from A. Kozyr, May 2001, into bottle file and placed on web together with new exchange file. REVPRS and REVTMP columns deleted. Notes on A24 Carbon merging Dec 3, 2001. D. Muus 1. New TCARBN, ALKALI, PH, PCO2, and PCO2TMP from: /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/atlantic/a24/original/2001.05.04_A20_A22_A24_CARBON_KOZYR/a24carb_wocefmt.txt merged into SEA file from web Nov 30, 2001 (20010406WHPOSIOKJU) No QUALT2 words in SEA file or new data file so added QUALT2 identical to QUALT1 after merging. 2. REVPRS and REVTMP columns removed. No reversing thermometers used. 3. Exchange file checked using Java Ocean Atlas.
The exchange bottle file name in directory and index file was modified to lower case. CTD exchange files were put online.
Bottle file in exchange format has been linked to website.
I have put the final CO2-related data files for the N. Atlantic Ocean WOCE Sections A20, A22, and A24 to the WHPO ftp INCOMING area. There are 4 CO2 parameters: Total CO2, Total Alkalinity, pH, and pCO2 (with pCO2 temp) with quality flags. Note, that these data are different from those you have in your data base for these cruises on WHPO web site. Please confirm the data submissio
Expocodes for sum and bottle were modified. Expocodes in all ctd files have been editted to match the underscored expocode in the sum and bottle files New files were zipped and replaced existing ctd files online. Old files were moved to original directory.
as mentioned in my recent message, we will release our data with a flag that indicates that they are not yet final. We started the process of transferring the data and we will continue with the transfer during the next weeks. I had listed the expected order of delivery in my last message.
I asked Mke Mccartney what, if any data were taken on AR24 other than CTDO data. He said that no tracer data were collected on either of these repeat cruises, and that nutrients were collected only on the first of them. Thus, it seems as though the only tracer data collected in this region were on the A24 cruise when Lynne Talley was chief scientist. Her latest message, and one from Ray Weiss, state that the CTDO, nuts and CFC data should all be public now.
I received the correct a24 cfc file from Peter Salameh and have merged it. On whpo INCOMING please find: a24cfcmerg.tar.Z it contains the merged file, the corrected CFCs, and my notes. a24cfc_weiss_salameh_wocefmt.2000.02.24.txt on whpo in onetime/atlantic/a24/original/2000.02.23.A24.WEISS_SALAMEH.CFC is bogus (Quality codes not reordered with data) a24_cfc_salameh.2000.02.21.txt in that same directory contains an error at the last bottle (replicates not averaged) Those two files should be deleted/buried . -david Notes on merging CFC into A24 EXPOCODE 316N151/2 WHP-ID A24 merging went fine. no problems. D. Newton 13Mar2000
Please make the CTD and S/O2/nut data from the Talley A24 line public (and unencrypted), as per the message just received from Lynne. Thanks. Jim - funny you should ask minutes after Worth's note about making A24 public. I told him that A24 should be public now, so please have Steve make the necessary changes. I would be interested in seeing what you find for the EGS. Lynne
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you on this! My software is supposed to take means of replicate samples before creating the file for WHPO, but obviously there is a bug when the replicate sample happens to be the last one in the list. I have now fixed the problem and attached a new version of the data file.
Both txt and pdf doc versions are up
pdf file is waiting for figures from Lynne Talley and the txt file is up.
To the best of my knowledge (and our database's) we did not receive any updated CFC values from you until today. We realize how important the CFC synthesis is, so I will put merging these data at the top of the list.
In the list of things to do, there are new CFCs from Weiss/Salameh for A24 ready to be merged. They are in the following directory (I converted them already to WOCE format for your program and ran the file through WOCECVT)
I have revised the A24 doc file (a24do.txt). I have added cruise summary information to the front, very slightly reorderd the information in the narrative section, including the tables, and removed the page separators. I have placed the edited file in the imani ftp site. Please replace the version in the website table with this one.