Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetCCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
========================================================================================== 316N145_8 processing - DELC14 units change; BTL/merge - DELC13_FLAG_W,TRITUM,TRITER,DELHER ========================================================================================== 2014-05-14 SE .. contents:: :depth: 2 Submission ========== ============== ============ ========== ========= ==== filename submitted by date data type id ============== ============ ========== ========= ==== i3c13flags.txt Robert M Key 2013-09-09 BTL 1056 ============== ============ ========== ========= ==== Parameters ---------- i3c13flags.txt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - station - cast - bottle - c13 [1]_ - c13f [4]_ .. [1] parameter has quality flag column .. [2] parameter only has fill values/no reported measured data .. [3] not in WOCE bottle file .. [4] merged, see merge_ Process ======= Changes ------- i03_hy1.csv ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Changed DELC14 units from "\\MILLE" to "/MILLE" to correct a typographical error Merge ----- i3c13flags.txt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *NOTE*: File received (from Bob Key) with DELC13 values and flags for use in WOCE Indian Ocean Atlas. Merged i3c13flags.txt into i03_hy1.csv using hydro 0.8.0-31-g0e34600 :Updated parameters: DELC13_FLAG_W i03hy.txt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *NOTE*: There are 4 digits after the decimal in the original submission for TRITUM and TRITER, but the i03_hy1.csv file only reports 3 places after the decimal. Therefore, merged the WOCE formatted TRITUM and TRITER (which reports 4 digits after the decimal) into the i03_hy1.csv file. Merged TRITUM, TRITER into i03_hy1.csv using hydro 0.8.0-31-g0e34600 :Updated parameters: TRITUM, TRITER *NOTE*: There are 2 digits after the decimal in the original submission for DELHER, but the i03_hy1.csv file reports 3 places after the decimal (the third place being "0"). Therefore, merged the WOCE formatted DELHER (which reports 2 digits after the decimal) into the i03_hy1.csv file. Merged DELHER into i03_hy1.csv using hydro 0.8.0-45-g50f4c01 :Updated parameters: DELHER All comment lines from original file copied back in following merge. Conversion ---------- ==================== ================================ ================================= file converted from software ==================== ================================ ================================= i03_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-117-g2f13399 i03hy.txt i03_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-117-g2f13399 ==================== ================================ ================================= - Exchange and NetCDF files opened in JOA with no apparent problems. - Exchange file opened in ODV with no apparent problems. Conversion ---------- ============== ============== ======================== file converted from software ============== ============== ======================== i03_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-117-g2f13399 i03hy.txt i03_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-117-g2f13399 ============== ============== ======================== All converted files opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Directories =========== :working directory: /data/onetime/indian/i03/original/2014.05.14_BTL_SE :cruise directory: /data/onetime/indian/i03 Updated Files Manifest ====================== ============== ================ file stamp ============== ================ i03_hy1.csv 20140514CCHSIOSE 20140514CCHSIOSE i03hy.txt ============== ================
Expocode: 316N145_8 Ship: R/V Knorr Woce Line: I03 Note: Update DELC13 flags that were used for the Indian Ocean Atlas, as given to Lynne Talley from Bob Key.
Update DELC13 flags that were used for the Indian Ocean Atlas, as given to Lynne Talley from Bob Key.
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. i3c13flags.txt
The U.S. WOCE Indian Ocean Survey consisted of 9 cruises covering the period December 1,1994 to January 22,1996.All of the cruises used the R/V Knorr operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. A total of 1244 hydrographic stations were occupied with radiocarbon sampling on 366 stations.
As per Lynne Talley's email and Bill Jenkin's clarification, the tritium Q2 byte has been changed from 2 to 3 for station 490, 1211.7 dbar. It was determined that the tritium measurement was erroneous. All files have been remade and previously online files have been renamed and moved to the original directory.
Hi Bill and Peter - I'm working on the I3 Indian Ocean Atlas section. I'm suspicious of a tritium value on station 490, at 1211.7 dbar - the reported value is 0.2177 and it really sticks out on a vertical section (surrounded by values that are nearly 0). Can you check this value for me? The quality flags are 2. I note that the Data History says that you expect there will be some minor problems with the data set - so this might be in that category?
The measurement is from our lab at WHOI. I agree with you that it doesn't fit in, but there's nothing in our analysis information that indicates that there is a bad measurement per se. I checked back through all our documentation, and the degassing and the mass spectrometer analysis appear nominal, and there's no notes on the sampling. The only explanation I have is that maybe the sample was drawn from the wrong niskin: this seems unlikely since the nearest niskin that would have the appropriate tritium level would be bottle 23, and the bottle assigned to that sample is bottle 18. Moreover, there is no suggestion that tritium samples got swapped (all the the other tritium points seem fine). Our records show that someone from the LED group (initials "DS") drew the samples, and perhaps Peter might know who that is.
Remerged the DELC14 and C14ERR from a new file sent by Bob Key into online file 20020816WHPOSIOSA. There was only one Q flag so I copied it to both Q1 and Q2. Remerged the DELC13 from file 20020401.095934_GERLACH_I03_whpo_i03.txt found in /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/indian/i03/original/ 20020401.095934_GERLACH_I03 into the online file to replace one decimal place values with two decimal place values. Only one Q flag so I copied it to Q1 and Q2. Remerged the deep HELIUM, DELHE3, and NEON, data from file i3HeN3.SEA found in /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/indina/i03/ original/2000.06.02_I3_DOC_SEA into online file. Only one Q flag so I copied it to Q1 and Q2.
HI Sarilee - thanks very much - yes, please copy the flags from q1 to q2. I think that Schlosser must have sent the data. Lynne
Lynne, I don't know where the -1.9 came from. It is certainly incorrect. I back-checked my files all the way to the data report issued by NOSAMS and found no such listing. At any rate, good catch. I've attached a dump of all I03 C14 values from my master in case the WHPO file was somehow corrupted. The correct value for 507-1-13 at 2627.4 is -186.00 +/- 2.21 flag=2.
Lynne, The original data has more decimal places. I'll remerge them and let you know when they are finished.
Lynne, The file from which the deep delhe3, helium, and neon were merged only had one flag and no indication whether it was Q1 or Q2. I can certainly copy the flags from Q1 to Q2 if that is what you want. There is no indication of who submitted the data.
Hi Bob - Working on Indian Ocean sections for the atlas now. On section I03, station 507, 2627.4 dbar, the reported value of delc14 is -1.9. All surrounding values are -185 or so, so this must be a mistake. There is no quality flag indicating a problem. Can you check this for me?
Hi Sarilee and others - it appears that for some reason the qualt2 flags for delhe3 at depths generally greater than 2000 dbar are all set to 9, but there is data, and the qualt1 flags are 2's. Can someone check into this? Sharon - can you remake the I3 delhe3 section using the qualt1 flags?
Hi Bill and Peter - I'm working on the I3 Indian Ocean Atlas section. I'm suspicious of a tritium value on station 490, at 1211.7 dbar - the reported value is 0.2177 and it really sticks out on a vertical section (surrounded by values that are nearly 0). Can you check this value for me? The quality flags are 2. I note that the Data History says that you expect there will be some minor problems with the data set - so this might be in that category?
Hi Sarilee and all - the delc13 values on I03 are given to 1 decimal place. Did the data have more decimal places? If not, then I'll write to Bob Key to see if he has a different version of the data.
Merged the deep HELIUM, HELIER, DELHE3, DELHER, NEON, and NEONER into online file. Made new exchange file. Merge notes for i03: Merged the deep HELIUM, HELIER, DELHE3, DELHER, NEON, NEONER data from file i3HeN3.SEA found in /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/indina/i03/ original/2000.06.02_I3_DOC_SEA into online file 20020812WHPOSIOSA. The 00_README file in the above directory indicates that these data were moved from the ftp-incoming directory and that it could not be determined who submitted them. My guess is Schlosser.
*See DELC13 entry.
*See DELC13 entry.
Merged the DELC14 and C14ERR sent by Key, the DELC13 sent by Gerlach, and the CFCs sent by Wisegarver. Made new exchange file. Merge notes for i03: Merged the DELC14 and C14ERR from file I3.C14 found in /usr/export/ html-public/data/onetime/indian/i03/original/20020410_KEY_I3_C14 into the online file 20020214WHPOSIODM. Merged the DELC13 from file 20020401.095934_GERLACH_I03_whpo_i03.txt found in /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/indian/i03/original/20020401.095934_GERLACH_I03 into the online file. Merged the new CFC's from file 20010918.170817_WISEGARVER_I03_i03_CFC_DQE.dat found in /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/indian/i03/original/2001.09.18_ I03_CFC_DQE_WISEGARVER into the online file.
316N145_8 currently labeled as I06S rather than I3, you have the C14, should be public
The file: I1.C14 - 87908 bytes has been saved as: 20020410.072032_KEY_ALL†INDIAN†OCEAN_I1.C14 in the directory: 20020410.072032_KEY_ALL†INDIAN†OCEAN The data disposition is: Public The bottle file has the following parameters: STATION, CAST, BOTTLE, DELC14, C14ERR, C14F The file format is: Plain Text (ASCII) The archive type is: NONE - Individual File The data type(s) is: Bottle Data (hyd) The file contains these water sample identifiers: Cast Number (CASTNO), Station Number (STATNO), Bottle Number (BTLNBR) KEY, ROBERT would like the following action(s) taken on the data: Merge Data, Place Data Online, Update Parameters Any additional notes are: I've included the C14 from the French occupation of I6S. All files are same format. Tool does not accept mput syntax
Moved data from /usr/export/html-public/cgi/SUBMIT/INCOMING/20020401.095934_GERLACH_I03 to /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/indian/i03/original/20020401.095934_GERLACH_I03. Directory contains a readme from the data submission page and a file containing DELC13 data.
Moved data from /usr/export/html-public/cgi/SUBMIT/INCOMING/20020401.103755_GERLACH_I03 to /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/indian/i01/i01w/original/20020401.103755_GERLACH_I03. Directory contains a readme from the data submission page and a file called 20020401.103636_GERLACH_I01W_i01w_desc.txt which lists the individual flags for the replicate values, it is a detailed listing of those stations which have c13 flags.
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 09:59:34 -0800 (PST) From: WHPO Website <> To:,, Subject: WHPO DATA I03: OTHER from GERLACH This is information regarding line: I03 ExpoCode: 316N145/8 Cruise Date: 1995/04/23 - 1995/06/05 From: GERLACH, DANA Email address: Institution: WHOI Country: USA The file: C:\My Documents\C13-project\whpo_indian_march02\whpo_i03.txt - 11131 bytes has been saved as: 20020401.095934_GERLACH_I03_whpo_i03.txt in the directory: 20020401.095934_GERLACH_I03 The data disposition is: Public The file format is: Plain Text (ASCII) The archive type is: NONE - Individual File The data type(s) is: Other: flagged 13C data The file contains these water sample identifiers: Cast Number (CASTNO) Station Number (STATNO) Bottle Number (BTLNBR) GERLACH, DANA would like the following action(s) taken on the data: Merge Data Place Data Online Any additional notes are: If there are questions, concerns, or problems, please contact: Dana Gerlach ( or Ann McNichol (
I have placed the updated dqed CFC data sent by Wisegaver in the I03 directory .../indian/i03/original/20010918.170817_WISEGARVER_I03 included in this directory are web submission form README file and data file containing CFC11/12 and flags. Data have not yet been merged as of this date.
ctdtmp, theta, tritum, helium, delhe3, neon, triter, helier, delher, neoner, qualt2 Merged current web CFCs, CO2s and CCL4 into new ODF bottle file with corrected temperatures. Merged tritium, helium and neon into new bottle file. Replaced CTD data with new ODF files. Changed parameter numbers in SUMMARY file to show current helium and neon. Notes on I03 merging Feb 25, 2002 D.Muus 1. Merged CFCs, CO2s and CCL4 from current web (20001024WHPOSIOSRA) into new ODF bottle file with corrected CTD temperatures: odf ftp/pub/HydroData/woce/i3/i3hyd.tar.gz 2. Merged tritium, helium, delhe3 and neon from: /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/indian/i03/original/2000.11.13_I03_TRIT_HE_NEON_REFORMAT_SA/i03_he3_neon.txt i03_trit.txt into new bottle file. Tritium data set has 5 samples with duplicate values. Only the first value was used. All agreed within error values. Tritium value reported for Station 499, Cast 1, Bottle 27, 457db: 1.1203 TU with error .0044 TU and quality code 2. No sample recorded on Sample Log. Do not know why one sample taken at this level only, or if this belongs to another station. Value looks high for this level compared to Stations 496 and 501. Changed QUALT2 code for this sample to 3. Deep Helium (Schlosser,LDEO) data not yet available. 3. Added QUALT2 identical to QUALT1. 6. Added parameter numbers for DELHE3 and NEON to web SUMMARY file where appropriate. 7. Replaced web CTD file with ODF revised temperature data. Changed file names to match WOCE Filename Format. e.g. 44301.ctd is now i03_0443.wct 50502.ctd " i03_0505.wct Only one ctd cast per station. 8. Made new exchange files for Bottle and CTD data. 9. Checked new bottle and ctd files with Java Ocean Atlas.
CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.
Created check.txt file. Created .PS files for this cruise.
This is information regarding line: I03 ExpoCode: 316N145_8 Cruise Date: 1995/04/23 - 1995/06/05 From: WISEGARVER, DAVID Email address: Institution: NOAA Country: USA The directory this information has been stored in is: 20010918.170817_WISEGARVER_I03 The format type is: ASCII The data type is: BottleFile The Bottle File has the following parameters: CFC-11, CFC-12 The Bottle File contains: CastNumber StationNumber BottleNumber SampleNumber WISEGARVER, DAVID would like the data PUBLIC. And would like the following done to the data: merge final dqe cfc data Any additional notes are: Submitted for D.Wyllie. CFC data on SIO98 Scale
New documents were put online. Old ones were replaced and moved to original.
Finalized PDF cruise report and ftp'd it to NEWDOC directory to replace current online pdf file.
CTD and bottle exchange files were put online.
ODF has discovered a small error in the algorithm used to convert ITS90 temperature calibration data to IPTS68. This error affects reported Mark III CTD temperature data for most cruises that occurred in 1992-1999. A complete list of affected data sets appears below. ODF temperature calibrations are reported on the ITS90 temperature scale. ODF internally maintains these calibrations for CTD data processing on the IPTS68 scale. The error involved converting ITS90 calibrations to IPTS68. The amount of error is close to linear with temperature: approximately -0.00024 degC/degC, with a -0.00036 degC offset at 0 degC. Previously reported data were low by 0.00756 degC at 30 degC, decreasing to 0.00036 degC low at 0 degC. Data reported as ITS90 were also affected by a similar amount. CTD conductivity calibrations have been recalculated to account for the temperature change. Reported CTD salinity and oxygen data were not significantly affected. Revised final data sets have been prepared and will be available soon from ODF ( The data will eventually be updated on the website as well. IPTS68 temperatures are reported for PCM11 and Antarktis X/5, as originally submitted to their chief scientists. ITS90 temperatures are reported for all other cruises. _______________________________________________________________________ Changes in the final data vs. previous release (other than temperature and negligible differences in salinity/oxygen): S04P: 694/03 CTD data were not reported, but CTD values were reported with the bottle data. No conductivity correction was applied to these values in the original .sea file. This release uses the same conductivity correction as the two nearest casts to correct salinity. AO94: Eight CTD casts were fit for ctdoxy (previously uncalibrated) and resubmitted to the P.I. since the original release. The WHP-format bottle file was not regenerated. The CTDOXY for the following stations should be significantly different than the original .sea file values: 009/01 013/02 017/01 018/01 026/04 033/01 036/01 036/02 I09N: The 243/01 original CTD data file was not rewritten after updating the ctdoxy fit. This release uses the correct ctdoxy data for the .ctd file. The original .sea file was written after the update occurred, so the ctdoxy values reported with bottle data should be minimally different. ======================================================================== DATA SETS AFFECTED: WOCE Final Data - NEW RELEASE AVAILABLE: WOCE Section ID P.I. Cruise Dates ---------------------------------------------- S04P (Koshlyakov/Richman) Feb.-Apr. 1992 P14C (Roemmich) Sept. 1992 PCM11 (Rudnick) Sept. 1992 P16A/P17A (JUNO1) (Reid) Oct.-Nov. 1992 P17E/P19S (JUNO2) (Swift) Dec. 1992 - Jan. 1993 P19C (Talley) Feb.-Apr. 1993 P17N (Musgrave) May-June 1993 P14N (Roden) July-Aug. 1993 P31 (Roemmich) Jan.-Feb. 1994 A15/AR15 (Smethie) Apr.-May 1994 I09N (Gordon) Jan.-Mar. 1995 I08N/I05E (Talley) Mar.-Apr. 1995 I03 (Nowlin) Apr.-June 1995 I04/I05W/I07C (Toole) June-July 1995 I07N (Olson) July-Aug. 1995 I10 (Bray/Sprintall) Nov. 1995 ICM03 (Whitworth) Jan.-Feb. 1997 non-WOCE Final Data - NEW RELEASE AVAILABLE: Cruise Name P.I. Cruise Dates ------------------------------------------ Antarktis X/5 (Peterson) Aug.-Sept. 1992 Arctic Ocean 94 (Swift) July-Sept. 1994 Preliminary Data - WILL BE CORRECTED FOR FINAL RELEASE ONLY/NOT YET AVAILABLE: Cruise Name P.I. Cruise Dates ------------------------------------------ WOCE-S04I (Whitworth) May-July 1996 Arctic Ocean 97 (Swift) Sept.-Oct. 1997 HNRO7 (Talley) June-July 1999 KH36 (Talley) July-Sept. 1999 ________________________________________________________________________ "Final" Data from cruise dates prior to 1992, or cruises which did not use NBIS CTDs, are NOT AFFECTED. post-1991 Preliminary Data NOT AFFECTED: Cruise Name P.I. Cruise Dates ------------------------------------------ Arctic Ocean 96 (Swift) July-Sept. 1996 WOCE-A24 (ACCE) (Talley) May-July 1997 XP99 (Talley) Aug.-Sept. 1999 KH38 (Talley) Feb.-Mar. 2000 XP00 (Talley) June-July 2000
An oceanographically-insignificant error in CTDTMP data for this cruise has been found (ca. -0.00024*T - 0.00036 degC). A data update is forthcoming. In the interim the corrected data files can be obtained from:
The quote of mine (9/29/99) about the Ba WOCE data summarizes the present status. I have not received supplementary funding to re-run the samples in a manner that includes an index element that could be related to the original salinity values. They are all archived here with the hope that it could happen at some point. It's a hard sell the the funding agents unfortunately.
My group collected radium samples on several WOCE legs in the hope of being able to analyze them "in the background". We never received any funding for this work and the analytical capability no longer exists at P'ton. It is safe to assume that nothing will ever come from this effort. For those sample collection efforts currently recorded in WOCE bottle files, the simplest thing would be to drop the column altogether. Lacking that, all recordings on U.S. legs can be flagged 5.
It was brought to my attention that the WOCE Pacific/Indian He-Tr data was not as yet made public. After submitting it to you last year, I had intended on going through it one more time to ensure there were no problems with it. Unfortunately, I have not had the time to do this. Is it possible, therefore, to release it as public data, and if there are any subsequent minor revisions, to make changes? I suspect there might be a few samples in the set that might have got through our initial quality control.
following up on bill jenkins's message, i would like to ask you to make public all ldeo woce tritium/he data that have been submitted to you. because the tritium/he community has not yet finished the final calibration of the data, i might have to apply minor corrections to these data once the intercal. effort has been completed. our acce work was funded over a 5-year period that ended in 2000. consequently, this data set is further behind in quality control before submission, but i expect that we will get these data ready soon. SR3 was never funded in a 'regular' fashion, but i used noaa corc funds to keep the measurements of this sample set moving. i expect to finish the analyses this summer and submit them in fall.
Hi Jim, Sure, I would be glad to look over the Indian Ocean data for you. Sarilee has started plotting up I01 for me to start on. - Arnold
2000.12.11 KJU File contained here is a CRUISE SUMMARY and NOT sumfile. Documentation is online. 2000.10.11 KJU Files were found in incoming directory under whp_reports. This directory was zipped, files were separated and placed under proper cruise. All of them are sum files. Received 1997 August 15th.
I have put the Jenkins tritium data into WOCE format. There were no quality codes so I set the TRITUM to 2.
I have put the Jenkins helium and neon in WOCE format. There were no quality codes so I set the HELIUM, DELHE3, and NEON to 2.
*Files for Helium and Neon Data: WOCE Indian Ocean = WIHe.dat Contains all legs WOCE Pacific P10 = WP10He.dat WOCE Pacific P18 = WP18He.dat WOCE Pacific P19 = WP19He.dat WOCE Pacific P21 = WP21He.dat *Column Layout as follows: Station, Cast, Bottle, Pressure, Delta3He, ErrDelta3He, ConcHelium, ErrConcHelium, ConcNeon, ErrConcNeon *Units as follows: Delta3He and ErrDelta3He in % ConcHelium, ErrConcHelium, ConcNeon, and ErrConcNeon in nmol/kg *Null values (for ConcNeon and ErrConcNeon only ) = -9.000 *All data are unfortunately still preliminary until we have completed the laboratory intercomparision and intercalibration that is still underway.
*Files for Tritium Data: WOCE Indian Ocean = WITrit.dat Contains all legs WOCE Pacific P10 = WP10Trit.dat WOCE Pacific P13 = WP13Trit.dat WOCE Pacific P14c = WP14cTrit.dat WOCE Pacific P18 = WP18Trit.dat WOCE Pacific P19 = WP19Trit.dat WOCE Pacific P21 = WP21Trit.dat SAVE South Atlnt = SAVETrit.dat *Column Layout as follows: Station, Cast, Bottle, Pressure, Tritium, ErrTritium *Units as follows: Tritium and ErrTritium in T.U. *All data are unfortunately still preliminary until we have completed the laboratory intercomparision and intercalibration that is still underway.
pdf needs reformatting, txt needs odf report inserted.
CTD online and on CD2.0 site have been replaced with FINAL data from ODF (M. Johnson - Sept. 1998) All expocodes are now in the new format (without '/') and all tables and files have been updated.
The I03 bottle file from ODF has been remerged with existing cfc data and carbon data from Alex Kozyr. New file has passed diagnostic formatting routiness and has replaced the current online bottle file. ODF sum file has also replaced current online sumfile. Table and index refs have been edited to reflect this change.
Moved directory from ftp-incoming.2000.10.23/ Files contained were i3HeNe.DOC* i3HeNe.SEA*. Files contain no header, not email was found. Could not determine who sent these files. The date they were sent on was June 2, 2000. Path is indian/i03/original/2000.06.02_I3_DOC_SEA.
I've just put a total of 13 files [carbon data measured in Indian (6 files) and Atlantic (7 files) oceans] to the WHPO ftp area. Please let me know if you get data okay.
I have put the final CO2-related data file for the Indian Ocean WOCE Section I3 to the WHPO ftp INCOMING area. There are two CO2 parameters: Total CO2 and alkalinity with quality flags.
The quality of the Ba data from most WOCE legs in the Indian Ocean turned out to be quite poor; far worse than attainable analytical precision (+/-20% as opposed to 2%). We recorded many vials which came back with loose caps and evaporation associated with that seems to be the primary problem. The only hope I have of producing a decent data set is to run both Ba and a conservative element simultaneously and then relating that to the original salinity of the sample. We will be taking delivery on a high resolution ICPMS here at OSU sometime this winter which would make the project analytically feasible and economical. I do not presently have the funds in hand to do this and so have archived the samples for the time being. I don't think the WHPO would derive any benefit from the present data set. KKF
I've merged updated cfc-11/12 values (from Ray Weiss) into the i03 316N145_8 bottle data file, and updated the table accordingly.