Hydrographic Cruise: 18HU19990627

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:
  • (CCHDO) 18HU99022_1
  • (CCHDO) 18HU19990627


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite Dataset

Unmerged Data as Received

Files listed here are the most recent version submitted by the cruise scientists, but have not yet been checked for consistency and merged into the main Dataset. They are provided "as is". If you are unsure of which files to use, stick to the Dataset files above.

These files are not yet in the Dataset.

Filename (Download) Size Date Submitted
AR07W_1999do.pdf 522.4 kB 2012-10-10

Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    18HU19990627_bottle.nc (download) #f8dee
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • File Created CCHDO System

    18HU19990627_nc_hyd.zip (download) #d775c
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    ar07w_18HU19990627trk.jpg (download) #a5139
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    18HU19990627hy.txt (download) #5885d
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    18HU19990627_nc_ctd.zip (download) #37fe3
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    ar07w_18HU19990627trk.gif (download) #4682d
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    ar07wksu.txt (download) #12a8d
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    18HU19990627_ct1.zip (download) #2eae9
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    ar07wkdo.pdf (download) #80b32
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    ar07wkdo.txt (download) #19dda
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Merge Carolina Berys

    18HU99022_CTD.zip (download) #b1548
    Date: 2014-03-12
    Current Status: merged

  • File Merge cchdo_admin

    18HU19990627.exc.csv (download) #dffe4
    Date: 2014-03-12
    Current Status: merged

  • File Merge Carolina Berys

    18HU19990627_hy1.csv (download) #4fe79
    Date: 2014-03-12
    Current Status: dataset
    CFC flag

  • CTD, bottle and CFC updates Carolina Berys

    Date: 2014-03-12
    Data Type: CTD_BTL-CFC
    Action: Website Update
    AR07W 1999 18HU19990627 processing - CTD/BTL
    C Berys
    .. contents:: :depth: 2
    ==================== ============= ========== ========= ====
    filename             submitted by  date       data type id  
    ==================== ============= ========== ========= ====
    18HU99022_CTD.zip    Jeff Jackson  2011-10-26 CTD       738 
    18HU19990627.exc.csv Robert M. Key 2012-10-10 BTL       897 
    18HU19990627.exc.csv Robert M. Key 2013-06-21 CFC flag  1016
    ==================== ============= ========== ========= ====
    - CTDPRS [1]_
    - CTDSAL [1]_
    - CTDOXY [1]_
    - CTDTMP [1]_
    - CTDPRS
    - CTDTMP
    - CTDSAL [1]_
    - SALNTY [1]_
    - CTDOXY [1]_
    - OXYGEN [1]_
    - SILCAT [1]_
    - NITRAT [1]_
    - PHSPHT [1]_
    - CFC-11 [1]_
    - CFC-12 [1]_
    - CFC113 [1]_
    - TCARBN [1]_
    - ALKALI [1]_
    - CCL4 [1]_
    - MCHFRM [1]_ [3]_
    - BTL_DATE [3]_
    - BTL_TIME [3]_
    .. [1] parameter has quality flag column
    .. [2] parameter only has fill values/no reported measured data
    .. [3] not in WOCE bottle file
    .. [4] merged, see merge_
    - none
    .. _merge:
    - none
    ======================= ==================== ========================
    file                    converted from       software                
    ======================= ==================== ========================
    18HU19990627_nc_hyd.zip 18HU19990627_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-110-g7da02f9
    18HU19990627hy.txt      18HU19990627_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-110-g7da02f9
    18HU19990627_nc_ctd.zip 18HU19990627_ct1.csv hydro 0.8.0-110-g7da02f9
    ======================= ==================== ========================
    All converted files opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    :working directory:
    :cruise directory:
    Updated Files Manifest
    ======================= ===================
    file                    stamp              
    ======================= ===================
    18HU19990627_nc_hyd.zip 20130610PRINUNIVRMK
    18HU19990627_hy1.csv    20130610PRINUNIVRMK
    18HU19990627_ct1.zip    19990708DFOBIORAC  
    18HU19990627_nc_ctd.zip 19990708DFOBIORAC  
    ======================= ===================
  • File Submission Carolina Berys

    18HU19990627_hy1.csv (download) #4fe79
    Date: 2013-06-21
    Current Status: dataset
    various chlorofluorocarbon flags CFC-11, 12, 113, CCL4 have been updated by Reiner Steinfeldt (a CFC expert)

  • Available under 'Files as received' CCHDO Staff

    Date: 2013-06-21
    Data Type: CFC flag
    Action: Website Update
    The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO.
  • ExpoCode changed Carolina Berys

    Date: 2013-06-21
    Data Type: ExpoCode
    Action: Website Update
    18HU19990627 processing
    C Berys
    .. contents:: :depth: 2
    ExpoCode changed from 18HU99022_1 to 18HU19990627. 18HU99022_1 added as an alias for the cruise.
    :working directory:
    :cruise directory:
    Updated Files Manifest
  • File Submission Key, Robert M.

    18HU19990627_hy1.csv (download) #4fe79
    Date: 2013-06-12
    Current Status: dataset
    Expocode: 18HU19990627 et al
    Ship: Hudson
    Woce Line: AR07W
    Note: Here are the 1999-2004 Hudson data. These are the same as previously submitted except that the various chlorofluorocarbon flags CFC-11,12,113,CCL4 have been updated by Reiner Steinfeldt (a CFC expert). 6 years here, the remainder in the next submission

  • Updated flags Bob Key

    Date: 2013-06-12
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Submitted
    Here are the 1999-2004 Hudson data. These are the same as previously submitted except that the various chlorofluorocarbon flags CFC-11,12,113,CCL4 have been updated by Reiner Steinfeldt (a CFC expert). 6 years here, the remainder in the next submission
  • File Submission Robert M. Key

    18HU19990627.exc.csv (download) #dffe4
    Date: 2012-10-10
    Current Status: merged
    Bottle data file

  • File Submission Key, Robert M.

    18HU19990627.exc.csv (download) #dffe4
    Date: 2012-10-10
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 18HU19990627
    Ship: Hudson
    Woce Line: AR07W
    Note: None

  • File Submission Robert M. Key

    AR07W_1999do.pdf (download) #996b6
    Date: 2012-10-10
    Current Status: unprocessed
    Cruise documentation

  • File Submission Key, Robert M.

    AR07W_1999do.pdf (download) #996b6
    Date: 2012-10-10
    Current Status: unprocessed
    Expocode: 18HU19990627
    Ship: Hudson
    Woce Line: AR07W
    Note: None

  • to go online Bob Key

    Date: 2012-10-10
    Data Type: BTL/CrsRpt
    Action: Submitted
    1. All of the data labeled NITRAT are actually NO3+NO2. This is noted in the header text, so if the column header is corrected, then the header text should be edited accordingly.
    2. I ran all parameters of each cruise through QC. Many flags have been altered relative to the original submissions. In several cases I went back to the PI and got updates (mostly CTD calibrations).
  • Available under 'Files as received' CCHDO Staff

    Date: 2012-10-10
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Update
    The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO.
  • File Submission Jeff Jackson

    18HU99022_CTD.zip (download) #b1548
    Date: 2011-10-26
    Current Status: merged

  • File Submission Jackson, Jeff

    18HU99022_CTD.zip (download) #b1548
    Date: 2011-10-26
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 18HU19990627
    Ship: Hudson
    Woce Line: AR07W
    Note: None

  • Available under 'Files as received' Carolina Berys

    Date: 2011-10-26
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    File 18HU99022_CTD.zip containing CTD data, submitted by Jeff
    Jackson on
    2011-10-26, available under 'Files as received', unprocessed by CCHDO.
  • to go online Jeff Jackson

    Date: 2011-10-26
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Submitted
  • SUM missing lat/lons, UTC time needs editing, no CTD/BTL data Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2006-10-12
    Data Type: SUM, BTL, CTD
    Action: Update Needed
    PI needs to be emailed.  SUM missing lat/lons.  UTC time needs editing. BOT and CTD not submitted.
  • SUM missing lat/lons. Needs editing of UTC TIME. BOT and CTD not yet submitted. Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2002-05-01
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Update Needed
    Either write Clarke or DROP FOR NOW
  • See Note: Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2000-12-28
    Data Type: SUM/DOC
    Action: Data Reformatted
    The zip file bio_ar7w_labrador_sea_1999_2000_from_isenor.zip* contained 2 cruises 
    99022sum.txt      cr99022_1.doc           belong to ar07w_k 18HU99022_1
    HUD2000009sum.txt    crhud2000009_1.doc belong to a new ar07w cruise 18HU200009_1 it is unclear whether this cruise is in the WHP repeat data base but files were moved to the proper directory and entered.
    Renamed the 99022sum.txt file to ar07wksu.txt and edited the following:
    -changed backslashes to underscores
    -aligned columns to the point where sumfile.pl would run on it, in an attempt to create a navigation file for a cruise track map.
    -removed all hard carriage returns.
    -line 199
    -line 163       all have casts out of chronological order
    -line 275
    -ran sumchk with several warnings produced from missing lat/lon on stations 1, 2, and 3; also non WOCE cast type codes.
    no other errors produced.
    -ran sumfile.pl to make station track and navigation file.
    -moved all new files up one directory to original subdirectory and put sumfile and station tracks on line.  Edited index.htmfile to reflect this change.
  • Data reformatted Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2000-12-28
    Data Type: SUM
    Action: Data Update:
    Reformatted original sumfile located in subdirectory 1998.07.21_AR07WI_DOC_SUM
    SUM:  Changed "/" in expocode to "_".
    Removed hard carriage returns
    Added time/name stamp
    Renamed file ar07ewi_su.txt
    Ran sumchk with following errors:
    lat/lon missing on stations 7, 19, 20, 40 , 99
    Bad time on station 6 73
    Warning on record 146
  • Anthony W. Isenor

    Date: 2000-08-25
    Data Type: SUM/DOC
    Action: Submitted
  • pdf, txt versions online Linda Huynh

    Date: 2000-01-20
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
  • File added to website Heidi Buck

    Date: 1999-11-29
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
  • Jerry Kappa

    Date: 1999-06-10
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: PDF version made