Hydrographic Cruise: 09AR20141205

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

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Unmerged Data as Received

Files listed here are the most recent version submitted by the cruise scientists, but have not yet been checked for consistency and merged into the main Dataset. They are provided "as is". If you are unsure of which files to use, stick to the Dataset files above.

These files are not yet in the Dataset.

Filename (Download) Size Date Submitted
au1402.zip 7.8 MB 2020-08-18
09AR1402_woceexchange_version11oct2017.zip.gz 4.8 MB 2020-08-26

Data History

  • File Generated CCHDO Website Robot

    09AR20141205su.txt (download) #67bb6
    Date: 2023-10-12
    Current Status: dataset
    Sumfile generated from 09AR20141205_bottle.nc (41023)

  • File Created CCHDO System

    09AR20141205_bottle.nc (download) #47014
    Date: 2023-09-18
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    09AR20141205_hy1.csv (download) #878aa
    Date: 2023-09-18
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    09AR20141205_nc_hyd.zip (download) #5c965
    Date: 2023-09-18
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    09AR20141205hy.txt (download) #5e807
    Date: 2023-09-18
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge Vincent Johnson

    09AR20141205_woceexchange_version01.csv (download) #c4790
    Date: 2023-09-18
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Vincent Johnson

    09AR20141205_woceexchange_version01.csv (download) #6bb37
    Date: 2023-09-18
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Vincent Johnson

    09AR20141205.exc.csv (download) #a5a44
    Date: 2023-09-18
    Current Status: merged
  • Bottle Data Online Vincent Johnson

    Date: 2023-09-18
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Website Update
    AU1402 2014 09AR20141205 processing - BTL
    Vincent Johnson
    id    date       submit by       file name           
    ----- ---------- --------------- ---------------------------------------
    18704 2021-03-29 Robert Key      09AR20141205.exc.csv
    16083 2020-08-13 Bronte Tilbrook 09AR20141205_woceexchange_version01.csv
    16086 2020-08-17 Bronte Tilbrook 09AR20141205_woceexchange_version01.csv
    * Updated CTDPAR name to PAR
    * Updated CTDPAR_FLAG_W name to PAR_FLAG_W
    * Updated PAR units from 'UEINSTEIN/M^2*SEC' to 'UMOL/M^2/SEC'
    * Updated NITRAT name to NO2+NO3
    * Updated NITRAT_FLAG_W to NO2+NO3_FLAG_W
    * Populated SAMPNO column with BTLNBR values
    Previous changes:
    * Updated all rows in column SECT_ID from '09AR1402' to 'AU1402'
    * Updated parameter name from 'BLTNBR_FLAG_W' to 'BTLNBR_FLAG_W'
    * Updated parameter DEPTH units from '' to 'METERS'
    * Updated parameter name from 'TCARBN [umol/kg]' to 'TCARBN'
    * Updated parameter name 'TCARBN_Flag_W' to 'TCARBN_FLAG_W'
    * TCARBN units updated from '' to 'UMOL/KG'
    * Updated parameter name 'TALK [umol/kg]' to 'ALKALI'
    * Updated parameter name 'TALK_Flag_W' to 'ALKALI_FLAG_W'
    * ALKALI units updated from '' to 'UMOL/KG'
    * Updated parameter name 'CTDFLUORO' to 'CTDFLUOR'
    * Updated parameter name 'CTDFLUORO_FLAG_W' to 'CTDFLUOR_FLAG_W'
    * CTDFLUOR units updated from '' to 'MG/M^3'
    * Updated parameter name 'CTDPAR_FLAG_WCTDTRANS' to 'CTDPAR_FLAG_W'
    * Added column parameter 'CTDXMISS'
    * Updated parameter name 'CTDTRANS_FLAG_W' to 'CTDXMISS_FLAG_W'
    * CTDXMISS units updated from '' to '%TRANS'
    * CTD_XMISS_W units updated from '%' to '' 
    * CTDPAR units updated from 'UEINSTEINS/M2.SEC' to 'UEINSTEIN/M^2*SEC'
    * SALNTY units updated from 'PSS78' to 'PSS-78'
    * CTDSAL units updated from 'PSS78' to 'PSS-78'
    * Updated TALK [umol/kg] from NaN to -999 at the following:
     * STNNBR 22, BTLNBR 13
    * Updated TCARBN [umol/kg] from NaN to -999 at the following:
     * STNNBR 56, BTLNBR 5
     * STNNBR 66, BTLNBR 5
     * STNNBR 77, BTLNBR 11
     * STNNBR 79, BTLNBR 18
     * STNNBR 79, BTLNBR 11
     * STNNBR 136, BTLNBR 6
    opened in JOA with no apparent problems:
    file                    converted from       software               
    ----------------------- -------------------- -----------------------
    09AR20141205hy.txt      09AR20141205_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    09AR20141205_nc_hyd.zip 09AR20141205_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    09AR20141205_bottle.nc  09AR20141205_hy1.csv cchdo.hydro
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp            
    ----------------------- -----------------
    09AR20141205_hy1.csv    20230918CCHSIOVAJ
    09AR20141205_nc_hyd.zip 20230918CCHSIOVAJ
    09AR20141205hy.txt      20230918CCHSIOVAJ
    09AR20141205_bottle.nc  20230918CCHSIOVAJ
  • File Online Jerry Kappa

    09AR20141205.exc.csv (download) #a5a44
    Date: 2021-04-05
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission Robert Key

    09AR20141205.exc.csv (download) #a5a44
    Date: 2021-03-29
    Current Status: merged
    I started with the file recently submitted by Bronte and Steve. This version contains an edited header, format corrections and QC of alll bottle variables. 
    There are several odd flag errors in the original and few QC frlag changes. Suggest that you take this this file as a start point.

  • File Merge Jerry Kappa

    09AR20141205_do.pdf (download) #ab08c
    Date: 2020-11-05
    Current Status: dataset
  • File Submission Jerry Kappa

    09AR20141205_do.pdf (download) #ab08c
    Date: 2020-11-05
    Current Status: dataset
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    09AR1402_woceexchange_version11oct2017.zip.gz (download) #4626a
    Date: 2020-08-26
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Submission Mark Rosenberg

    09AR1402_woceexchange_version11oct2017.zip.gz (download) #4626a
    Date: 2020-08-26
    Current Status: unprocessed
     VOYAGE AU1402 (i.e. 09AR1402) CTD and BOTTLE DATA 
    - data version 9th May 2017, WHPO "exchange" format
    Here's the latest version of the CTD and Niskin bottle data for 
    voyage au1402 (i.e. 09AR1402) (Totten/Dalton/Moscow university Iceshelf region, 
    Mertz region, and southern end of SR3 transect),
    Aurora Australis Voyage 2 2014/2015, 5th Dec 2014 to 25th Jan 2015.
    NOTE: all data here are finalised
    The data originators (ACE CRC, Australia) should be acknowledged in any publication,
    including internal reports, published reports, journal articles, presentations etc.
    The following reference can be used for the data:
    Rosenberg, M. and Rintoul, S. (unpublished) Aurora Australis Marine Science Cruise AU1402,
    Totten and Mertz CTD's and Moorings - oceanographic field measurements and analysis. 
    ACECRC, Hobart, 2015 unpublished report, 69 pp.
    The above data report, in the file a1402.pdf, gives important details on data processing and
    data quality.
    Please do not distribute these data without this README file.
    Thanks very much.
             Mark Rosenberg
    The CTD stations are as follows:
    1         TEST
    83-133    MERTZ REGION
    134-141   SR3
    Data files:
    *.ctd = CTD 2 dbar data
    *.sea = bottle data
    *.sum = station information 

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    au1402.zip (download) #3f4be
    Date: 2020-08-18
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Submission Jerry Kappa for Mark Rosenberg

    au1402.zip (download) #3f4be
    Date: 2020-08-18
    Current Status: unprocessed
    TOTTEN AND MERTZ VOYAGE AU1402 CTD and BOTTLE DATA  - data version 2nd June 2015
    Here's the latest version of the CTD and Niskin bottle data for voyage au1402 
    (Totten/Dalton plus Mertz region), Aurora Australis Voyage 2 2014/2015, 5th Dec 2014
    to 25th Jan 2015.
    The data originators ACE CRC Australia should be acknowledged in any publication, 
    including internal reports, published reports, journal articles, presentations etc.
    The following reference can be used for the data:
    Rosenberg, M. and Rintoul, S. (unpublished) Aurora Australis Marine Science Cruise AU1402,
    Totten and Mertz CTD's and Moorings - oceanographic field measurements and analysis. 
    ACECRC, Hobart, 2015 unpublished report, 69 pp.
    The above data report, in the file a1402.pdf, gives important details on data processing and 
    data quality. 
    Please do not distribute these data without this README file.
    Thanks very much.
             Mark Rosenberg
    The CTD stations are as follows:
    1         TEST
    83-133    MERTZ REGION
    134-141   SR3
    * SeaBird CTD 704 was used for the entire cruise.
    * CTD data are in text files named *.all, containing 2-dbar data.
    An example of file naming convention:
    a14024010.all -  a = Aurora Australis
                    14 = year of first CTD
                    02 = cruise number (i.e. voyage 2 in this case)
                     4 = CTD instrument number
                   010 = CTD cast number
    * Post-processed bathymetry data for the cruise are included in the
    file headers and station data file. All bottom depths are corrected
    for the local sound speed at each station.
    * The CTD 2 dbar files consist of a 15 line header with station info,
    followed by the data in column format, as follows:
    column 1 - pressure (dbar) 
    column 2 - temperature (degrees C, T90 scale) 
    column 3 - conductivity (mS/cm) 
    column 4 - salinity (PSS78) 
    column 5 - dissolved oxygen (umol/l) 
    column 6 - fluorescence (manufacturer supplied calibration giving
               units ug/l)
    column 7 - photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (manufacturer supplied
               calibration giving units uEinsteins/m2.sec)
    column 8 - transmittance (% transmittance, referenced to clean water value)
    column 9 - number of data points used in the 2 dbar bin
    column 10 - fluorescence, upcast data
    column 11 - PAR, upcast data
    column 12 - transmittance, upcast data
    column 13 - number of data points used in the 2 dbar bin, upcast data
    * CTD data are all 2 dbar averaged values, for each even valued pressure bin.
    * columns 2 to 9 are downcast data; columns 10 to 13 are upcast data
    (both downcast and upcast data are supplied for fluorescence, PAR and transmittance).
    * All files start at 2 dbar, and there is a line for each 2 dbar bin.
    Any missing data are filled by the null value -9.0
    * Temperature/conductivity/salinity data are from the primary temperature
    and conductivity sensor pair for all CTD casts.
    * Station information contained in the headers is described below in the
    section on station data, with the addition of:
     lastbin = deepest 2 dbar pressure bin (dbar) for the cast
     pressure (dbar) at the minimum altimeter value
     local sound speed (m/s) used for correction of bottom depths
    * Note that all oxygen values are volumetric (i.e. umol/l).
    * Note that deeper fluorescence data are slightly negative in value,
    due to the calibration coefficients supplied.
    * Note that maximum transmittance values are slightly less than the
    expected 100%, due to a small calibration error.
    * All bottle oxygen data are finalised
    * Note that all nutrient and oxygen values are volumetric (i.e. umol/l).
    * The bottle data (hydrochemistry) are contained in the a1402.bot text file, with the
    following columns:
    column 1 - cast number
    column 2 - ctd pressure (dbar)
    column 3 - ctd temperature (deg. C, T90 scale)
    column 4 - null data (i.e. -9.0)
    column 5 - ctd conductivity (mS/cm)
    column 6 - ctd salinity (PSS78)
    column 7 - bottle salinity (PSS78)
    column 8 - phosphate (umol/l) 
    column 9 - nitrate (umol/l) (i.e. total nitrate+nitrite)
    column 10 - silicate (umol/l)
    column 11 - bottle dissolved oxygen (umol/l)
    column 12 - bottle flag (1=good,0=suspicious,-1=bad, relevant to
                salinity values for CTD calibration i.e. not applicable to other bottle data)
    column 13 - niskin bottle number
    column 14 - ctd fluorescence (units as per CTD note above)
    column 15 - ctd photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (units as per CTD note above)
    column 16 - ctd transmittance (units as per CTD note above)
    * Columns 2, 3, 5, 6, 14, 15 and 16 are all the averages of CTD upcast burst data 
    (i.e. averages of the 10 seconds of CTD data from 5 seconds prior to 5 seconds after each bottle firing). 
    Temperature, conductivity and salinity data are from the primary sensor pair.
    * Any missing data are filled by the null value -9.0
    A summary of the station information is contained in the a1402.sta file
    (this station information is also included in the matlab file a1402.mat).
    All times are UTC. The data columns for each cast are:
    CTD cast number
    date (dd Mmm yyyy), start of downcast
    time (hhmmss), start of downcast
    latitude (degrees and decimal minutes), start of downcast
    longitude (degrees and decimal minutes), start of downcast
    water depth (m), start of downcast
    time (hhmmss), bottom of cast
    latitude (degrees and decimal minutes), bottom of cast
    longitude (degrees and decimal minutes), bottom of cast
    water depth (m), bottom of cast, calculated from pressure and altimeter at bottom of cast
    time (hhmmss), end of cast
    latitude (degrees and decimal minutes), end of cast
    longitude (degrees and decimal minutes), end of cast
    water depth (m), end of cast
    altimeter (m) - minimum altimeter value
    maximum pressure (dbar) for the cast
    decimal time, start of downcast
    decimal time, bottom of downcast
    decimal time, end of downcast
    * All times are UTC
    * Decimal times are decimal days from 2400 on 31st Dec. 2013 (so, for example,
    midday on 2nd January 2015 = decimal time 366.5).
    * Any missing values are filled by a blank
    * In the matlab files, column number for each array corresponds with CTD cast number.
    * In the matlab files, NaN is a null value.
    * In the matlab CTD file, profiles are padded down to 4400 dbar.
    * In the matlab bottle file, the rows 1 to 24 are the shallowest to deepest Niskins respectively.
    * CTD data are in matlab format in the file a1402.mat, which includes station info.
    The array names have the following meaning:
    all times are UTC
    "start" refers to start of cast
    "bottom" refers to bottom of cast
    "end" refers to end of cast
    "dectime" is decimal days from 2400 on 31st Dec. 2013 (so, for example,
    midday on 2nd January 2015 = decimal time 366.5).
    "lat" is latitude (decimal degrees, where -ve = south)
    "lon" is longitude (decimal degrees, where +ve = east)
    "time" is hhmmss time
    "botd" is ocean depth (m)
    maxp = maximum pressure of the CTD cast (dbar)
    lastbin = deepest 2 dbar pressure bin (dbar) for the cast
    ctdunit = instrument serial number
    "ctd" is the CTD 2dbar averaged data, for the parameters:
       cond=conductivity (mS/cm)
       npts=number of data points used in the 2 dbar bin
       ox=dissolved oxygen (umol/l)
       par=photosynthetically active radiation 
       press=pressure (dbar)
       sal=salinity (PSS78)
       temp=temperature (deg.C T90)
       fluoro_up=upcast fluorescence
       par_up=upcast photosynthetically active radiation 
       trans_up=upcast transmittance
       npts_up=upcast version of npts
    date is ddmmyyyy date
    altimeter = minimum altimeter value (m)
    press_alt = pressure (dbar) at the minimum altimeter value
    * Bottle data are also in matlab format in the file called a1402bot.mat,
    which includes some of the station info.
    The array names have the following meaning:
    "ctdbot" refers to upcast CTD burst data, for the parameters:
       cond=conductivity (mS/cm)
       par=photosynthetically active radiation 
       press=pressure (dbar) (also in array hyd_press)
       sal=salinity (PSS78)
       temp=temperature (deg.C T90)
    "hyd" refers to bottle data, for the parameters:
       ox=dissolved oxygen (umol/l)
       sal=salinity (PSS78)
    flag = the bottle flag described under the bottle data section
    niskin = niskin bottle number
    nitrate (i.e. total nitrate+nitrite),phosphate,silicate = umol/l
    station = CTD cast number
    note that hyd_press is the same as ctdbot_press
    WOCE EXCHANGE FORMAT   - xxxnot done yetxxx
    CTD and bottle data are also available on request in WOCE "Exchange" format, as follows:
    *.ctd = CTD data
    a1402.sea = bottle data
    a1402.sum = station information
    * All oxygen and nutrient data in these files are in gravimetric units (i.e. umol/kg).
    * Any missing data are filled by the null value -999.0
    * The following CTD 2 dbar data are suspect (not removed from the data files)
    (this same information is in the file sussctd.dat):
    stn  parameter              pressure (dbar)       comment
    ---  ---------              ---------------      ---------
    54   temp/cond/sal/ox       2-18           sensors possibly frozen                        
    94   ox                     4-20           possibly high by ~6umol/l
    * Bad salinity bottle samples are listed in the file:
    * The following nutrient data are suspect (not removed from the data files)
    (this same information is in the file sussnut.dat):
    stn   Niskin bottle
    18    5              low by ~3.5%
    37    17,9           low by ~3%
    54    5              low by ~2.5%
    62    15             low by ~3%
    79    24,1           low by ~3%
    90    5              low by ~2%
    141   2              low by ~2%
    stn   Niskin bottle
     -     -
    stn   Niskin bottle
     -     -
    * For Antarctic shelf data (stn 1-133), when lowering or raising of the CTD slowed down
    in regions of significant vertical structure, high variability was at times evident in the profile data.
    Examples of this are sensor spikes near the bottom of stations 50, 55 and 72.
    This variability was also evident as sensor drift during bottle stops. In all these cases
    any unusual features can be seen in both the primary and secondary sensor data, however
    the primary and secondary sensor data mismatch is more than usual. Possible reasons are:
    - highly variable ocean structure (more likely)
    - sensor time constants (possible contributor)
    - interference from ice crystals forming as the CTD slows (speculative)
    These data are not flagged as suspect, but are perhaps at the limit what the CTD can accurately 
    measure in a highly variable environment.
    * Many shelf stations were taken around highly variable bottom topography, and in a few cases
    (e.g. stations 3 and 114) a mismatch occurred between bottom depth from the 12 kHz sounder and
    bottom depth as measured by the CTD (i.e. pressure at bottom of cast + altimeter reading).
    Clearly the CTD does not always lie in the measurement cone of the sounder; and bottom picking
    of sounder data (during the quality control) can be difficult in highly variable topography.
    * 2 dbar upcast fluorescence and transmittance data do not always match the fluorescence and
    transmittance upcast 10 sec burst data - due to the difference between 2 dbar and
    10 second averageing on what is often highly featured data.
    * A full data report is in the file a1402.pdf.  

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    09AR20141205_woceexchange_version01.csv (download) #6bb37
    Date: 2020-08-18
    Current Status: merged
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    09AR20141205_woceexchange_version01.csv (download) #c4790
    Date: 2020-08-18
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission Bronte Tilbrook

    09AR20141205_woceexchange_version01.csv (download) #6bb37
    Date: 2020-08-17
    Current Status: merged
     submitted this on 13 August and cleaned up the file header information a bit. This only fixes a couple of issues with The comments following # at teh file beginning and teh data remains the same.

  • File Submission Bronte Tilbrook

    09AR20141205_woceexchange_version01.csv (download) #c4790
    Date: 2020-08-13
    Current Status: merged
    We thought this was submitted. The attached has final carbon data added to the referenced CTD data