Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetCCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
06MT45_4 processing - BTL 2022-09-26 C Berys Submissions id submit date submitted by file name ---- ------------- -------------- -------------------- 4511 ar25_h_hy1.csv 7198 06MT19990813_hy1.csv Changes * CTDPRS units changed from DBARS to DBAR * THETA units changed from DEGC to DEG C The file in as received replaced the dataset file without changes to the data, new CFC/tracer data in the new file. 06MT45_4_hy1.csv and opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions file converted from software ------------------- ---------------- ----------------------- 06MT45_4_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe 06MT45_4hy.txt 06MT45_4_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-61-g3353cfe 06MT45_4_hy1.csv cchdo.hydro Updated Files Manifest file stamp ------------------- ----------------- 06MT45_4_hy1.csv 20220926CCHSIOCBG 20220926CCHSIOCBG 06MT45_4hy.txt 20220926CCHSIOCBG 20220926CCHSIOCBG
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
From CARINA Collection
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 06MT19990813_hy1.csv
I believe that the P,T,S data you currently on line is preliminary. The file(s) also have no bottle/sample. I have in my hot little hands the final calibration file for P,T,S provided by Norbert Verch at the request of Meincke. I also have the final CFC data provided by Reiner Steinfeldt (Rhein's group). The CFC file appears to have the final T,P data, but not S. Two CTDs were used during the cruise and the T,S calibration info is segregated accordingly. Could one of you, who is more accustomed to dealing with the T/S calibration files (In order of importance/help): 1. let me know if my interpretation is correct 2. update the online file 3. add the CFC If 2/3 can't be done very quickly, let me know and I'll take a shot, but I'd really appreciate input on (1) asap. The calibration file (MT45-4.calibration.txt) and CFC file (06MT45_4TS.txt) are attached. As a heads up, I also have data from legs 2 & 3 of this expedition which I can send along. For leg 3 only, I have the CTD zip file which I haven't touched. Both bottle files are "complete" so far as I know.
PDF Version: Added pdf links from figures, table of contents, and WHPO-SIO Summary page to relevant text passages Added WHPO-SIO-generated station position track PDF and Text Versions: Added WHPO-SIO Summary Pages (1 & 2) Added these WHPO-SIO Data Processing Notes
For the purposes of conversion to exchange and netCDF files, minor edits were made to all files recently reformatted by Sarilee. Notes on edits were sent to Jerry Kappa. All new files were placed in parent directory, old files moved to original directory and web page files regenerated to link all to website. Here are notes for edits that needed to be made in order to finish reformatting and conversion. All files are online and linked now. CTD: 20031102 DMB In order to convert CTD files to exchange and netCDF formats the following edits were made to all files: -Edited station number in station file 511 from 151 to 511. -Edited station number in station file 512 from 152 to 512. -Added missing value (-9) to Oxy and No. Obs. columns -added asterisks to all columns along with a Q1 byte of 2 for valid (present and assumed good) values and 5 for any missing values. This was needed for conversion purposes. Converted all files to exchange and netCDF and created inventory file with no errors detected. Linked all new files online and moved previous files to original directory. BOT/SUM: 2003.11.02 DMB After experimenting with several edits in order to convert bottle file bottle and summary files: SUM: Removed "H" from line designation AR25H. Removed "COR DEPTH" empty column. BOT: Added missing value -9 to both SAMPNO and BTLNBR columns. It was necessary to add Q1 bytes to file in order to convert it to exchange and subsequent netCDF. A Q1 of 2 was added for all valid (present, assumed good) values, and 5 for any missing data values. File converted to exchange and netcdf with no errors. Inventory files were generated and all previous files were moved to orignal directory. New files placed online and webpage files regenerated.
Formatted .sum, .sea, and .wct files. Sent notes to Jerry. Needs to be put online. Reformatting notes: Sept. 2, 2003 Made a .sum file using information from file ar25_hhy.csv. The .sum file has EXPOCODE, WOCE SECT, STNNBR, CASTNO, CAST TYPE, DATE, TIME, EVENT CODE, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, NAV, and UNC DEPTH. After looking at the documentation I assumed that the cast type was ROS and the nav was GPS. I made the event codes all BE. Made a .hyd file from ar25_hhy.csv. The only parameters are STNNBR, CASTNO, CTDPRS, CTDTMP, and CTDSAL. There were no QUALT1 flags so I left them blank. Made individual .wct files from ar25_hct.csv which has all the stations in one file with no headers for the different stations. There were no QUALT1 flags, so I left those blank. There is CTDPRS, only integer values, CTDTMP, some integer, some to one decimal, some to two decimals, some to three decimals, and CTDSAL, some one decimal, some two decimals and some three decimals. The ctd casts are every decibar.
The data for this cruise was copied from NON_WHP/CM_HYDRO_2001.03.09_JCREASE/CURRENT_METER_WOCE_CRUISES/AR18_ACM8. Cruise Expocode is 06MT45_4 with date August 13 - 31st, 1999. It was decided from the Mooring chart and other ar25 directories that this cruise should be assigned the letter f. There are Bottle and CTD data in CSV format online. Documentation was provided via 2 htm files that were linked to the DOC section online. Small modification was made to the second DOC link so it would read the map it uses. The file name was changed from 19990123.gif to ar25_fdo_2.gif in the htm file.
attached is a cruise report that covers METEOR cruises 45_1 thru 45_5b. We already have cruise 45_4 up and online and Schott has been contacted about obtaining data from the others. All these were 1999 cruises on the METEOR.