Hydrographic Cruise: 06MT20110624

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:
  • (CCHDO) Meteor 85_1
  • (CCHDO) M85/1


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

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Data History

  • File Merge Elisa Aitoro

    06MT20110624su.txt (download) #6cea3
    Date: 2023-11-30
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO generated sum file replaced with user submitted sum file

  • File Merge Elisa Aitoro

    06MT20110624su.txt (download) #6f4cc
    Date: 2023-11-30
    Current Status: merged
    CCHDO generated sum file replaced with user submitted sum file

  • File Merge Elisa Aitoro

    m851.txt (download) #e5b4b
    Date: 2023-11-30
    Current Status: merged
    data included in dataset as of 2023-11-22 by Vincent Johnson

  • File Merge Elisa Aitoro

    MT851.SEA (download) #84db5
    Date: 2023-11-30
    Current Status: merged
    data included in dataset as of 2023-11-22 by Vincent Johnson

  • File Merge Elisa Aitoro

    m851btl.txt (download) #5eef6
    Date: 2023-11-30
    Current Status: merged
    data included in dataset as of 2023-11-22 by Vincent Johnson

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06MT20110624_bottle.nc (download) #2efc5
    Date: 2023-11-22
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06MT20110624_hy1.csv (download) #e44b4
    Date: 2023-11-22
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06MT20110624_nc_hyd.zip (download) #e6297
    Date: 2023-11-22
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06MT20110624hy.txt (download) #5804f
    Date: 2023-11-22
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge Vincent Johnson

    06M320110624.exc.csv (download) #fe078
    Date: 2023-11-22
    Current Status: merged
  • Bottle data online Vincent Johnson

    Date: 2023-11-22
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Website Update
    A02, AR07W 2011 06MT20110624 processing - BTL
    Vincent Johnson
    id    date       submit by  file name
    ----- ---------- ---------- --------------------
    13919 2018-09-17 Robert Key 06M320110624.exc.csv
    * TIME parameter created from MT851.SUM and MT851.SEA files
    * Changed EXPOCODE from 06M320110624 to 06MT20110624
    * BTLNBR changed from -9 to reflect SAMPNO numbering
    * Updated flag values for all entries of CTDOXY at STNNBR 794 from 2 to 9
    * With confirmation from the PI, the following flag changes have been made:
     * Updated flag value for OXYGEN at STNNBR 795, CASTNO 1, BTLNBR 15 from 4 to 9
     * Updated flag values for parameters CFC-11 and CFC-12. See README for more info
      * Flag values updated from 4 to 9 for CFC-11 and CFC-12 at the following:
       * STNNBR 706 - CASTNO 1 - BTLNBR 7, STNNBR 736 - CASTNO 1 - BTLNBR 9 and 16, STNNBR 750 - CASTNO 1 - BTLNBR 18, STNNBR 804 - CASTNO 1 - BTLNBR 20, STNNBR 809 - CASTNO 1 - BTLNBR 1, STRNNBR 813 - CASTNO 1 - BTLNBR 16, STNNBR 826 - CASTNO 1 - BTLNBR 6 and 13, STNNBR 836 - CASTNO 1 - BTLNBR 19, STNNBR 848 - CASTNO 1 - BTLNBR 1
      * Flag values updated from 4 to 9 for CFC-12 at the following:
       * STNNBR 807 - CASTNO 1 - BTLNBR 11, STNNBR 703 - CASTNO 1 - BTLNBR 13
    opened in JOA with no apparent problems:
    file                    converted from       software               
    ----------------------- -------------------- -----------------------
    06MT20110624hy.txt      06MT20110624_hy1.csv cchdo.hydro
    06MT20110624_nc_hyd.zip 06MT20110624_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    06MT20110624_bottle.nc  06MT20110624_hy1.csv cchdo.hydro
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp            
    ----------------------- -----------------
    06MT20110624_hy1.csv    20231122CCHSIOVAJ
    06MT20110624_nc_hyd.zip 20231122CCHSIOVAJ
    06MT20110624hy.txt      20231122CCHSIOVAJ
    06MT20110624_bottle.nc  20231122CCHSIOVAJ
  • File Online Andrew Barna

    06MT20110624_ctd.nc (download) #8bf54
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file

  • File Generated Andrew barna

    06MT20110624su.txt (download) #6f4cc
    Date: 2022-10-10
    Current Status: merged
    Sumfile generated from 06MT20110624_ctd.nc (30868)

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06MT20110624_nc_ctd.zip (download) #70e59
    Date: 2020-04-15
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06MT20110624_ct1.zip (download) #b4583
    Date: 2020-04-15
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge CCHSIO

    m851.zip (download) #23159
    Date: 2020-04-15
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge CCHSIO

    m851_exchange_ct1.zip (download) #faaf3
    Date: 2020-04-15
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge CCHSIO

    m851_exchange_ct1.zip (download) #3f49b
    Date: 2020-04-15
    Current Status: merged
  • CTD WOCE and SUM files reformatted to Exchange CCHSIO

    Date: 2020-04-15
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
        2011 06MT20110624 processing - CTD/merge - CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY
    filename              submitted by          date       id  
    --------------------  -----------------  ---------- -----
    MT851.SUM             Reiner Steinfeldt  2016-09-20 12314
    mt851.txt             Reiner Steinfeldt  2016-09-20 12310
    m851.zip              Reiner Steinfeldt  2016-09-20 12312
    m851_exchange_ct1.zip Caroina Berys      2017-12-03 13788
    m851_exchange_ct1.zip Robert Key         2018-09-17 14171
    m851_exchange_ct1.zip (id 13788) and m851_exchange_ct1.zip (id 14171)
    	- These two are exactly the same, semi-Exchange format.  Both files archived to 
    		History without being used in this update. 
            - WOCE format .ctd files reformatted to EXCHANGE using the file MT851.SUM (id 12314)
            - Renamed files to match EXCHANGE standard. Put original file name in file as a comment.
            - Added units and cruise comments
            - EVENT code is BE,  only event in the SUM file.
            - Changed NaN's to -999.0  and the corresponding flags from 2 to 9
            - CTDNOBS not transferred to Exchange files, all values are -9
    	- no changes made,  left in "As Received" for this website update.
    	- no changes made. Information about the CTD files,  left in "As Received" for this website update.
    file                    converted from       software               
    ----------------------- -------------------- -----------------------
    06MT20110624_nc_ctd.zip 06MT20110624_ct1.zip hydro 0.8.2-57-g8aa7d7a
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp            
    ----------------------- --------------
    06MT20110624_ct1.zip    20200415CCHSIO
    06MT20110624_nc_ctd.zip 20200415CCHSIO
    :Updated parameters: CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY
    opened in JOA 5.2.1 with no apparent problems:
    opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
  • File Merge Carolina Berys

    M85-1_SCR.pdf (download) #fbd0c
    Date: 2019-11-27
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Jerry Kappa

    06MT20110624_do.pdf (download) #f3e99
    Date: 2019-11-27
    Current Status: dataset
  • File Merge Jerry Kappa

    06MT20110624_do.txt (download) #880b8
    Date: 2019-11-27
    Current Status: dataset
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    m851_exchange_ct1.zip (download) #3f49b
    Date: 2018-10-15
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission Jerry Kappa

    06MT20110624_do.pdf (download) #f3e99
    Date: 2018-09-24
    Current Status: dataset
    The pdf and text versions of AR07W_2011's cruise report are ready for the data set.  They include all of the PI-provided data reports and CCHDO summary pages and data processing notes.

  • File Submission Jerry Kappa

    06MT20110624_do.txt (download) #880b8
    Date: 2018-09-24
    Current Status: dataset
    The pdf and text versions of AR07W_2011's cruise report are ready for the data set.  They include all of the PI-provided data reports and CCHDO summary pages and data processing notes.

  • File Submission Robert Key

    M85-1_SCR.pdf (download) #fbd0c
    Date: 2018-09-17
    Current Status: merged
    My notes say I submitted these data back in February, but I could find no other evidence, so here it is.

  • File Submission Robert Key

    m851_exchange_ct1.zip (download) #3f49b
    Date: 2018-09-17
    Current Status: merged
    My notes say I submitted these data back in February, but I could find no other evidence, so here it is.

  • File Submission Robert Key

    06M320110624.exc.csv (download) #fe078
    Date: 2018-09-17
    Current Status: merged
    My notes say I submitted these data back in February, but I could find no other evidence, so here it is.

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    06M320110624.exc.csv (download) #fe078
    Date: 2018-02-14
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission Robert M. Key

    06M320110624.exc.csv (download) #fe078
    Date: 2018-02-13
    Current Status: merged
    NOTE: I've used the updated ID for Meteor (M3) rather than the old (MT). The attached exchange file was created from the SUM and SEA file that Kieke submitted.  The CTD files on line in the ZIP appear to be correctly formatted and have been calibrated.

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    m851_exchange_ct1.zip (download) #faaf3
    Date: 2017-12-03
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission Carolina Berys

    m851_exchange_ct1.zip (download) #faaf3
    Date: 2017-12-03
    Current Status: merged
    CTD data converted to Exchange format

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    m851btl.txt (download) #5eef6
    Date: 2016-10-10
    Current Status: merged
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    m851.txt (download) #e5b4b
    Date: 2016-10-10
    Current Status: merged
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    M85-1_SCR.pdf (download) #fbd0c
    Date: 2016-10-10
    Current Status: merged
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    m851.zip (download) #23159
    Date: 2016-10-10
    Current Status: merged
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    MT851.SEA (download) #84db5
    Date: 2016-10-10
    Current Status: merged
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    06MT20110624su.txt (download) #6cea3
    Date: 2016-10-10
    Current Status: dataset
  • File Submission Reiner Steinfeldt

    06MT20110624su.txt (download) #6cea3
    Date: 2016-09-20
    Current Status: dataset
    RV Meteor
    Cruise M85/1
    Brest - St. John's
    24th June - 02nd August
    Chief Scientist: Dagmar Kieke
    Subpolar North Atlantic
    WOCE lines A02 and AR07W

  • File Submission Reiner Steinfeldt

    MT851.SEA (download) #84db5
    Date: 2016-09-20
    Current Status: merged
    RV Meteor
    Cruise M85/1
    Brest - St. John's
    24th June - 02nd August
    Chief Scientist: Dagmar Kieke
    Subpolar North Atlantic
    WOCE lines A02 and AR07W

  • File Submission Reiner Steinfeldt

    m851.zip (download) #23159
    Date: 2016-09-20
    Current Status: merged
    RV Meteor
    Cruise M85/1
    Brest - St. John's
    24th June - 02nd August
    Chief Scientist: Dagmar Kieke
    Subpolar North Atlantic
    WOCE lines A02 and AR07W

  • File Submission Reiner Steinfeldt

    M85-1_SCR.pdf (download) #fbd0c
    Date: 2016-09-20
    Current Status: merged
    RV Meteor
    Cruise M85/1
    Brest - St. John's
    24th June - 02nd August
    Chief Scientist: Dagmar Kieke
    Subpolar North Atlantic
    WOCE lines A02 and AR07W

  • File Submission Reiner Steinfeldt

    m851.txt (download) #e5b4b
    Date: 2016-09-20
    Current Status: merged
    RV Meteor
    Cruise M85/1
    Brest - St. John's
    24th June - 02nd August
    Chief Scientist: Dagmar Kieke
    Subpolar North Atlantic
    WOCE lines A02 and AR07W

  • File Submission Reiner Steinfeldt

    m851btl.txt (download) #5eef6
    Date: 2016-09-20
    Current Status: merged
    RV Meteor
    Cruise M85/1
    Brest - St. John's
    24th June - 02nd August
    Chief Scientist: Dagmar Kieke
    Subpolar North Atlantic
    WOCE lines A02 and AR07W

  • Prelilminary Bob Key

    Date: 2013-09-19
    Data Type: StaLst/Doc
    Action: Submitted
    Regarding our recent GO-SHIPS conversation about Monika's reported occupation of AR07W in 2011: 
    Today I received the following note and attachments from Reiner Steinfeldt. This will be
    06MT20110624 with an alias of Meteor 85_1
    I didn't bother to import the station file, but this cruises seems to be a superset of AR07W as is their normal practice
    They don't follow the same data delivery deadlines as the U.S., so it will be awhile before we get these results. In addition to the CTD numbers they measured bottle values for salt (limited), O2 and CFCs