Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetThe CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (41991)
The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (41991)
The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (41991)
File created in the CCHDO system
06MT20050813 processing - CTD 2024-10-25 Elisa Aitoro Changes - Removed first entry from each cast. Each of these entries was missing CTDPRS and parameter values matched that of pressure level 1.0 - Set DEPTH for every station from SUM file opened in ODV with no apparent problems. Updated Files Manifest file stamp ------------------- ---------------- 20241025CCHSIOENA
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
06MT20050813 processing - BTL 2022-10-04 A Barna Submissions id submit date submitted by file name ----- ------------- -------------- ------------------------- 10396 AR04_06MT20050813_hy1.csv Changes * Station 562 had some crazy overlap going on with bottle numbers, the history notes for the file indicates myshen pressure sorted things and I suspect this didn't go quite right. * Examined the submission that myshen pressure sorted, found that there were at least 3 distinct casts. These were disambiguated by incrementing the cast number note: Note that the times are missing, the online sumfile also does have times but these are more easily fixed in netCDF land (so can wait till later) 06MT20050813_hy1.csv and opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions note: converted and put online by E Aitoro file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- 06MT20050813_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390 06MT20050813hy.txt 06MT20050813_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390 Updated Files Manifest file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 06MT20050813_hy1.csv 20221004CCHSIOAMB 20221004CCHSIOAMB 06MT20050813hy.txt 20221004CCHSIOAMB
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
I've placed 1 new version of the cruise report: AR04_06MT20050813do.pdf into the directory: co2clivar/atlantic/ar04/ar04_06MT20050813/ It includes summary pages and CCHDO data processing notes as well as a linked Table of Contents and links to figures, tables and appendices. It will be available on the cchdo website following the next update script run.
2012-08-29 AR04 2005 ExpoCode 06MT20050813 processing notes - BTL M Shen SUBMISSION 06MT20050813.exc.csv submitted by Robert M. Key on 2012-08-28 containing bottle data processed and online. M661.SEA submitted by Reiner Steinfeldt on 2011-11-17 containing bottle data. Used by Robert Key to create 06MT20050813.exc.csv with CTDOXY added. Omitted in favor of generated WOCE bottle file from Exchange with CTDOXY included. The file contains the following parameters (* with flag column): CTDPRS CTDTMP CTDSAL* SALNTY* CTDOXY* OXYGEN* CFC-11* CFC-12* THETA The following changes were made to the submission file: * Reordered rows for each station by non-decreasing CTDPRS. FORMATTED FILE * NetCDF bottle file created using (S Diggs) * WOCE bottle file created using exchange_to_wocebot.rb (J Fields) and header copied in from M661.SEA. Added METERS as DEPTH unit to get script to run. * Exchange and NetCDF files opened in JOA with no apparent problems working directory /data/co2clivar/atlantic/ar04/ar04_06MT20050813/original/2012.08.28_bot_myshen
Exchange Bottle file
Expocode: 06MT20050813 Ship: Meteor 66_1 Woce Line: AR04 Note: Sorry for not getting everything done at once. This version has the CTDOXY values interpolated from the Exchange format CTD files you recently posted. So far as I know, this leg is now finished. I"ve also uploaded a copy of the full cruise report for Met66 (legs 1-4) bob
Expocode: 06MT20050813 Ship: Meteor 66_1 Woce Line: AR04 Note: Sorry for not getting everything done at once. This version has the CTDOXY values interpolated from the Exchange format CTD files you recently posted. So far as I know, this leg is now finished. I"ve also uploaded a copy of the full cruise report for Met66 (legs 1-4) bob
2012-08-24 AR04 2005 ExpoCode 06MT20050813 processing notes - CTD myshen SUBMISSION M661.SEA submitted by Reiner Steinfeldt on 2011-11-17 submitted by Reiner Steinfeldt on 2011-11-17 containing CTD data processed and online. The file contains the following parameters (* with flag column): CTDPRS* CTDTMP* CTDSAL* CTDOXY* The following changes were made to the original SUM file: * Changed station 399 cast 2 to cast 1 * Renamed to AR04_06MT20050813su.txt The following changes were made to the original CTD files: * Removed records with all NaNs except for CTDPRS from 06MT66-1S551C001.ctd (515 records from CTDPRS 125 to 639 inclusive) * Renamed to FORMATTED FILE Exchange CTD file created using libcchdo. NetCDF CTD file created using (S. Diggs). Exchange opened in JOA and ODV with no apparent problems. Working directory: /data/co2clivar/atlantic/ar04/ar04_06MT20050813/original/2012.08.23_ctd_myshen
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 06MT20050813.exc.csv M66_final.pdf
Sorry for not getting everything done at once. This version has the CTDOXY values interpolated from the Exchange format CTD files you recently posted. So far as I know, this leg is now finished. I"ve also uploaded a copy of the full cruise report for Met66 (legs 1-4)
Identical to recent submission except for updates to the header lines
I reformatted the SUN and SEA files you previously received from Steinfeldt to EXCHANGE. Once the CTD data has been reformatted to Exchange, I can add CTDOXY to the bottle file. I also did minor QC. It is possible that the metadata in the header might change a bit. If so, I'll reprint.
Files M661.SEA (containing bottle data), M661.SUM (SUM file), shortcruisem661.pdf (Cruise Report), submitted by Reiner Steinfeldt on 2011-11-17, available under 'Files as received', unprocessed by CCHDO.
SUM file
Expocode: R/V METEOR CRUISE 66 LEG 1 ( Ship: Meteor Woce Line: AR04 Note: I submitted the data years ago, but they are actually not on the website. Please place the data online.
Cruise Report
Expocode: R/V METEOR CRUISE 66 LEG 1 ( Ship: Meteor Woce Line: AR04 Note: I submitted the data years ago, but they are actually not on the website. Please place the data online.
WOCE Bottle file
Expocode: R/V METEOR CRUISE 66 LEG 1 ( Ship: Meteor Woce Line: AR04 Note: I submitted the data years ago, but they are actually not on the website. Please place the data online.
CTD files
Expocode: R/V METEOR CRUISE 66 LEG 1 ( Ship: Meteor Woce Line: AR04 Note: I submitted the data years ago, but they are actually not on the website. Please place the data online.