Hydrographic Cruise: 06M320150501

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:
  • (CCHDO) M116/1


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite Dataset

Unmerged Data as Received

Files listed here are the most recent version submitted by the cruise scientists, but have not yet been checked for consistency and merged into the main Dataset. They are provided "as is". If you are unsure of which files to use, stick to the Dataset files above.

These files are not yet in the Dataset.

Filename (Download) Size Date Submitted
06M320150501.exc.csv 466.6 kB 2018-03-22
M116.pdf 1.6 MB 2018-03-22
meteor-expeditionsheft-113-116.pdf 1.0 MB 2018-03-22
06M320150501.exc.csv 505.8 kB 2018-05-04
met_116_1_ctd_rel0.zip 4.7 MB 2018-05-07
met_116_1_btl.txt 356.9 kB 2019-05-21
met_116_1_report.txt 4.8 kB 2019-05-21
met_116_1_settings.m 6.2 kB 2019-05-21

Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    06M320150501_ctd.nc (download) #ededc
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file

  • File Generated Andrew barna

    06M320150501su.txt (download) #b3df5
    Date: 2022-10-10
    Current Status: dataset
    Sumfile generated from 06M320150501_ctd.nc (31334)

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    met_116_1_btl.txt (download) #6362e
    Date: 2019-05-21
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    met_116_1_report.txt (download) #21e67
    Date: 2019-05-21
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    met_116_1_settings.m (download) #bf167
    Date: 2019-05-21
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Submission Carolina for SE

    met_116_1_settings.m (download) #bf167
    Date: 2019-05-21
    Current Status: unprocessed
    from file met_116_1_ctd_rel0.zip, dated 2018-05-07

  • File Submission Carolina for SE

    met_116_1_report.txt (download) #21e67
    Date: 2019-05-21
    Current Status: unprocessed
    from file met_116_1_ctd_rel0.zip, dated 2018-05-07

  • File Submission Carolina for SE

    met_116_1_btl.txt (download) #6362e
    Date: 2019-05-21
    Current Status: unprocessed
    from file met_116_1_ctd_rel0.zip, dated 2018-05-07

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    06M320150501.exc.csv (download) #a90e3
    Date: 2019-05-21
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Created CCHDO System

    06M320150501_nc_ctd.zip (download) #2e300
    Date: 2019-01-25
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06M320150501_ct1.zip (download) #1fdc1
    Date: 2019-01-25
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • processed CTD files from "As Received" to "Dataset" CCHSIO

    Date: 2019-01-25
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
        2015 06M320150501 processing - CTD/merge - CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY
    filename               submitted by  date       id  
    ---------------------- ------------  ---------- -----
    met_116_1_ctd_rel0.zip Robert Key    2018-05-07 13994
            - Renamed files to match EXCHANGE standard. Put original file name in file as a comment.
            - converted files from a text format into Exchange format.
            - CCHDO assigned CASTNO=1 for all profiles, since cast numbers were not included in submission
            - added cruise comments
            - added unit comments
            - change expocode in the CTD files from 06M320150430 to 06M320150501.
            - removed tim,z,ss,sth,voltage6,chl_raw (all values are null) from the CTD files
            - waterdepth (DEPTH) values for STNNBR 80,81,82 were changed from NaN to -999
            - Changed variable p to CTDPRS
            - Changed variable t to CTDTMP
            - Changed variable s to CTDSAL
            - Changed variable o to CTDOXY
    	- Added FLAG_W=2 for all parameters.
    	- In the .zip file were three files other than CTD files,  which were forwarded (emailed) to CCHDO to put into "As Received"
                met_116_1_btl.txt       - a bottle file dated 2015/06/02
                met_116_1_report.txt    - information that should be in the cruise report
                met_116_1_settings.m    - a matlab file,  includes information on originator processing
    	- Did not flag this .zip file as merged.  Left it in "Unmerged Data As Received" until the three 
    		additional files have been added.
    file                    converted from       software               
    ----------------------- -------------------- -----------------------
    06M320150501_nc_ctd.zip 06M320150501_ct1.zip hydro 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp            
    ----------------------- --------------
    06M320150501_ct1.zip    20190125CCHSIO
    06M320150501_nc_ctd.zip 20190125CCHSIO
    :Updated parameters: CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY
    opened in JOA 5.2.1 with no apparent problems:
    opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    met_116_1_ctd_rel0.zip (download) #8cc28
    Date: 2018-05-08
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Submission Robert Key

    met_116_1_ctd_rel0.zip (download) #8cc28
    Date: 2018-05-07
    Current Status: unprocessed
    Calibrated CTD data to accompany bottle file
    Rcd from  Tanhua May 7, 2018

  • File Submission Robert M. Key

    06M320150501.exc.csv (download) #a90e3
    Date: 2018-05-04
    Current Status: unprocessed
    Updated version. Few corrections scattered throughout file. New Ar-39 data  (in % Modern) added. Recommend wholesale input/replace rather than individual edits.
    Revised file from Tanhua May 3, 2018

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    06M320150501.exc.csv (download) #ae777
    Date: 2018-04-05
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    M116.pdf (download) #ebe8b
    Date: 2018-04-05
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    meteor-expeditionsheft-113-116.pdf (download) #92d55
    Date: 2018-04-05
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Submission Robert Key

    meteor-expeditionsheft-113-116.pdf (download) #92d55
    Date: 2018-03-22
    Current Status: unprocessed
    Thought I'd previously submitted an earlier version of this file, but search did not find and I couldn't locate receipt notification. Regardless, this one has clerical edits for CFC12, SF65 and SF5CF3 fields. Here I've also included all the documentation I have for this cruise.

  • File Submission Robert Key

    M116.pdf (download) #ebe8b
    Date: 2018-03-22
    Current Status: unprocessed
    Thought I'd previously submitted an earlier version of this file, but search did not find and I couldn't locate receipt notification. Regardless, this one has clerical edits for CFC12, SF65 and SF5CF3 fields. Here I've also included all the documentation I have for this cruise.

  • File Submission Robert Key

    06M320150501.exc.csv (download) #ae777
    Date: 2018-03-22
    Current Status: unprocessed
    Thought I'd previously submitted an earlier version of this file, but search did not find and I couldn't locate receipt notification. Regardless, this one has clerical edits for CFC12, SF65 and SF5CF3 fields. Here I've also included all the documentation I have for this cruise.