Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
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CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file
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File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
============================= 77DN19910726 processing - BTL ============================= 2014-07-14 R Lee .. contents:: :depth: 2 Submission ========== ==================== ============= ========== ========= ==== filename submitted by date data type id ==================== ============= ========== ========= ==== 77DN19910726.exc.csv Robert M. Key 2014-03-17 BTL 1143 ==================== ============= ========== ========= ==== Parameters ---------- 77DN19910726.exc.csv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - CTDPRS - CTDTMP - CTDSAL [1]_ - SALNTY [1]_ - OXYGEN [1]_ - SILCAT [1]_ - NITRAT [1]_ - PHSPHT [1]_ - CFC-11 [1]_ - CFC-12 [1]_ - TCARBN [1]_ - ALKALI [1]_ - CCL4 [1]_ - DELO18 [1]_ [3]_ - DOC [1]_ - THETA [3]_ .. [1] parameter has quality flag column .. [3] not in WOCE bottle file Process ======= Changes ------- - Initialized CTDSAL, NITRAT and PHSPHT flags from flag 9 to 2 - Changed CCL4 flag -999 to 9 Conversion ---------- ======================= ==================== ====================== file converted from software ======================= ==================== ====================== 77DN19910726_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-7-gdf4aeee ======================= ==================== ====================== All converted files opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Directories =========== :working directory: /data/co2clivar/arctic/oden91/original/2014.07.14_BTL_RJL :cruise directory: /data/co2clivar/arctic/oden91 Updated Files Manifest ====================== ======================= ================= file stamp ======================= ================= 77DN19910726_hy1.csv 20140714SIOCCHRJL 20140714SIOCCHRJL ======================= =================
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 77DN19910726.exc.csv
Bottle data file, QC of bottle salt data
Expocode: 77DN19910726 Ship: Oden Woce Line: none Note: I added CTDSAL from the file you recently posted into the bottle file. The CTDSAL values allowed a better QC of the bottle salt data, and about 15 additional SALNTY values were flagged 3. Header edited to reflect the CTDSAK addition. Otherwise, file is same as that checked by Dave and noted in your records.
I added CTDSAL from the file you recently posted into the bottle file. The CTDSAL values allowed a better QC of the bottle salt data, and about 15 additional SALNTY values were flagged 3. Header edited to reflect the CTDSAK addition. Otherwise, file is same as that checked by Dave and noted in your records.
=================================== ODEN91 1991 77DN19910726 processing =================================== 2014-03-14 C Berys .. contents:: :depth: 2 Submission ========== =============== ================== ========== ========= ==== filename submitted by date data type id =============== ================== ========== ========= ==== Courtney Schatzman 2013-11-18 CTD 1105 =============== ================== ========== ========= ==== Parameters ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - CTDPRS [1]_ - CTDTMP [1]_ - CTDSAL [1]_ .. [1] parameter has quality flag column .. [2] parameter only has fill values/no reported measured data .. [3] not in WOCE bottle file .. [4] merged, see merge_ Process ======= Changes ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - added comma to units line - added END_DATA .. _merge: Merge ----- - none Conversion ---------- ======================= ==================== ======================== file converted from software ======================= ==================== ======================== 77DN19910726_ct1.csv hydro 0.8.0-110-g7da02f9 ======================= ==================== ======================== All converted files opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Directories =========== :working directory: /data/co2clivar/arctic/oden91/original/2014.03.14_CTD_CBG :cruise directory: /data/co2clivar/arctic/oden91 Updated Files Manifest ====================== ======================= =========== file stamp ======================= =========== 20131118ODF 20131118ODF ======================= ===========
From CARINA Collection
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. oden91do.txt
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO.
Only 3 CTD exchange parameters present in CTD files.
Expocode: 77DN19910726 Ship: Oden Woce Line: None Note: CTD Data from older 1991 cruise. Only 3 CTD exchange parameters present. Data requested to be put online in exchange format by Jim Swift.
CTD Data from older 1991 cruise. Only 3 CTD exchange parameters present. Data requested to be put online in exchange format by Jim Swift.
Notes on ODEN_1991 bottle data. EXPOCODE 77DN19910726 July 7, 2009 D. Muus 1. Data file is an exact copy of CARINA: ODEN/ 77DN9107/77DN19910726_hy1.csv received from Bob Key Jan 26, 2009; Java Ocean Atlas was used to check the data. 2. DELO18 is used in place of O18O16. CCHDO parameter mnemonic changed to DELO18 to reflect its more accurate description of the values given. 3. SAMPNO equals BIONBR. 4. CTDSAL not included. Reason unknown. 5. DOC has some unusually high values that are flagged 2. e.g Sta 48, Ca 1, Btl#s 24-21 17.9,499-601db Sta 55 Ca 1, Btl#s 21-24 799-957db Sta 12 Ca 3 Btl#22 2499.8db is high with flag 3 so someone did check quality.
Thanks for the corrections. I've updated my files accordingly. The updated datafile and README are attached (with the final EXPOCODE). This cruise was part of the Jan. 07 CARINA distribution. - Key ODF did the CTD data this cruise and our longitude for station 19 cast 2 is 118 deg 29.8 min E and station 20 cast 3 longitude is 127 11.2 E. ODEN departed Goteborg, Sweden, July 26, 1991. Our date for station 4 is 8/17/1991 not 7/17/1991. - Muus