Hydrographic Cruise: 58JH0894_1

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:
  • (CCHDO) 58JH19940723


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

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Unmerged Data as Received

Files listed here are the most recent version submitted by the cruise scientists, but have not yet been checked for consistency and merged into the main Dataset. They are provided "as is". If you are unsure of which files to use, stick to the Dataset files above.

These files are not yet in the Dataset.

Filename (Download) Size Date Submitted
58JH9408.csv 344.3 kB 2006-10-20

Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    58JH19940723_bottle.nc (download) #f6ff3
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • File Created CCHDO System

    58JH0894_1hy.txt (download) #2faf5
    Date: 2022-08-18
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    58JH0894_1_nc_hyd.zip (download) #74269
    Date: 2022-08-18
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    58JH0894_1_hy1.csv (download) #2b73f
    Date: 2022-08-18
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    ar18_dhy1.csv (download) #fcc0d
    Date: 2022-08-17
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    58JH19940723_hy1.csv (download) #35cd6
    Date: 2022-08-17
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    ar18_dhy.txt (download) #fb714
    Date: 2022-08-17
    Current Status: merged
  • Bottle data corrections Andrew Barna

    Date: 2022-08-17
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Website Update
    58JH0894_1 processing - BTL
    A Barna
      id  submit date    submitted by    file name
    ----  -------------  --------------  -------------
    7383                                 ar18_dhy1.csv
    * Evaluated ASR files, found file 10700 (58JH19940723_hy1.csv) to be more complete, contain data that has gone though QC with the original PIs
    * The other file (6483) is not in a standard format and should be evaluated later
    * Changed O/OO units to /MILLE
    * Changed DEGC units to DEG C
    * File 10700 marked as merged
    58JH0894_1_hy1.csv and 58JH0894_1_nc_hyd.zip opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    note: converted and put online by E Aitoro
    file                   converted from      software
    ---------------------  ------------------  -----------------------
    58JH0894_1_nc_hyd.zip  58JH0894_1_hy1.csv  hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    58JH0894_1hy.txt       58JH0894_1_hy1.csv  hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                   stamp
    ---------------------  -----------------
    58JH0894_1_hy1.csv     20220817CCHSIOAMB
    58JH0894_1_nc_hyd.zip  20220817CCHSIOAMB
    58JH0894_1hy.txt       20220817CCHSIOAMB
  • File Created CCHDO System

    ar18_58JH0894_1trk.jpg (download) #7d013
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    ar18_ddo.txt (download) #b5feb
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    ar18_58JH0894_1trk.gif (download) #2abd2
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    ar18_dsu.txt (download) #14cbb
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    ar18_ddo.pdf (download) #e5ec8
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    ar18_dct.zip (download) #e0c07
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Submission cchdo_admin

    58JH19940723_hy1.csv (download) #35cd6
    Date: 2014-01-09
    Current Status: merged
    From CARINA Collection

  • Available under 'Files as received' CCHDO Staff

    Date: 2014-01-09
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Update
    The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO.
  • Available under 'Files as received' Carolina Berys

    Date: 2011-04-11
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Updated
    File 58JH9408.csv containing TCO2/pCO2/pH/TA, CFCs, NUTs/Oxy,
    He/Tr, and DELC13/DELC14 data with accompanying readme file, submitted
    by Bob Key on 2006-10-20, available under 'Files as received',
    unprocessed by CCHDO.
  • File Submission Robert M. Key

    58JH9408.csv (download) #0e01c
    Date: 2006-10-20
    Current Status: unprocessed
    AR18 bottle TCO2/pCO2/pH/TA, CFCs, NUTs/Oxy, He/Tr, DELC13/DELC14

  • File Submission Key, Robert M.

    58JH9408.csv (download) #0e01c
    Date: 2006-10-20
    Current Status: unprocessed
    Expocode: 58JH9408
    Ship: None
    Woce Line: AR18d
    Note: File: 58JH9408.csv  Type: ascii Status: Public
    Name: key, Robert 
    Institute: Princeton 
    Country: USA
    Expo:58JH9408 Line: AR18d
    Date: 08/1994
    Action:Place Data Online,Updated Parameters
    I started work on this data by downloading what was available from WHPO on 4/15/04. Those data had not been through the normal WOCE QC procedure, so I assigned flag values for the "routine hydrographic parameters" as well as the CFC data. Toste Tanhua who participated in the cruise double checked/edited  the flags I set for CFC. 
    I requested and received TCO2 and pCO2 data from Jon Olafsson, merged these data and QC'ed the values. Jon checked/edited my flags. 
    I requested and received H3/He3 data from Reinhold Bayer, merged these data and QC'ed the values.
    The C14/C13 data in the file are not published anywhere that I can find. Nydal and Jorunn were responsible for the samples. I believe that they were measured at Arizona. I found these data in a copy of an e-mail message from J. Olafsson to WHPO. These data were manually entered and QC'ed.
    WHPO currently has this cruise designation listed as 58JH0894_1. This listing is inconsistent with their normal scheme and with that used for this ship. I will request that their records be modified to the name listed in the subject. 
    All units are WOCE standard with the possible exception of He concentration, which was listed as Nml/g, and assuming the nutrients were correctly labeled in the original file.
    Any corrections, additions, etc. can be sent to me. I am responsible for any flagging errors or other errors produced during this procedure.
    A copy of my README follows:
    Initiated 9/6/06 
    Cruise dates:7/23-8/16/1994
    Chief Scientist:J. Blindheim
    Ship and cruise designation:J. Hjort
    EXPOCODE 58JH0894_1 (WOCE AR18d)
    Region:Around Iceland
    74 full depth stations;  with 12 place Rosette
    Hydro: Who - E. Buch; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
    	Notes: Sea-bird 911
    	Guideline 8400 Autosal; IAPSO batch P124
    Nuts/O2: Who - F. Rey; Status - final?; S Plus - up to date
    	Notes: Visual endpoint with auto burette Winkler for oxygen
    		precision better than 1umol/kg
    	Replicate nut. precision:NO2 - 0.1%, NO3 - 0.25%,
    		PO4 - 1.5%, Si - 0.2%
    TCO2: Who - J. Olafsson/T. Takahashi; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
    	Notes: Data from Olafsson 9/15/06
    	CRM Batch 16 used; Precision of 1.3umol/kg 
    	Values adjusted to CRM with factor of 1.0029 applied
    	See Chipman et al., 1993 for method
    TA: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -
    pCO2: Who - J. Olafsson/T. Takahashi; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
    	Notes: Data from Olafsson 9/15/06
    	FID GC; measured at 4C
    	Values reported for wet air at theta
    	See Chipman et al., 1993 for method
    pH25: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -  
    CFC: Who - E. Fogelqvist/T.Tanhua; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
    	Notes: CFC-11,12,113 & CCl4
    	Stds supplied by A. Watson
    	See Fogelqvist et al. DSR-I, 50, 73-102, 2003.
    	Data show significantly more scatter than expected
    C-14: Who - R.Nydal/J.Gislefoss; Status - final; S Plus -  up to date
    	Notes: Unpublished ata for 2 stations rcd from 
    		J. Olafsson via email copy of 
    		message originally sent to WHPO
    C-13: Who - R.Nydal/J.Gislefoss; Status - final; S Plus -  up to date
    	Notes: Data for 2 stations rcd from J. Olafsson via email copy of 
    		message originally sent to WHPO 
    H-3/He-3: Who - R. Bayer; Status - final; S Plus -  up to date
    	Notes: Data from Bayer 9/28/06. Unpublished Reference to PI and
    	Institute of Environmental Physics, Univ. Heidelberg
    	H3 as TU; He3 as %; He4 as nm/g, with 0.5% standard error
    Chipman, D., J. Marra and T. Takahashi, Primary production at 47N and 20W in the North Atlantic: a comparison between the 14C incubation method and the mixed layer budget, Deep-Sea Res., 40, 151-169, 1993.
    Fogelqvist, E., J. Blindheim, T. Tanhua, E. Buch, S. Østerhus and F. Rey, Greenland- Scotland Overflow studied by hydro-chemical multivariate analysis. Deep Sea Res. I, 50, 1, 73-102, 2003.

  • Data are Final, QC'd Robert Key

    Date: 2006-10-20
    Data Type: TCO2/pCO2/pH/TA
    Action: Submitted
    File: 58JH9408.csv  Type: ascii Status: Public
    Name: key, Robert 
    Institute: Princeton 
    Country: USA
    Expo:58JH9408 Line: AR18d
    Date: 08/1994
    Action:Place Data Online,Updated Parameters
    I started work on this data by downloading what was available from WHPO on 4/15/04. Those data had not been through the normal WOCE QC procedure, so I assigned flag values for the "routine hydrographic parameters" 
    I requested and received TCO2 and pCO2 data from Jon Olafsson, merged these data and QC'ed the values. Jon checked/edited my flags. 
    WHPO currently has this cruise designation listed as 58JH0894_1. This listing is inconsistent with their normal scheme and with that used for this ship. I will request that their records be modified to the name listed in the subject. 
    All units are WOCE standard with the possible exception of He concentration, which was listed as Nml/g, and assuming the nutrients were correctly labeled in the original file.
    Any corrections, additions, etc. can be sent to me. I am responsible for any flagging errors or other errors produced during this procedure.
    A copy of my README follows:
    Initiated 9/6/06 
    Cruise dates:7/23-8/16/1994
    Chief Scientist:J. Blindheim
    Ship and cruise designation:J. Hjort
    EXPOCODE 58JH0894_1 (WOCE AR18d)
    Region:Around Iceland
    74 full depth stations;  with 12 place Rosette
    Hydro: Who - E. Buch; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
    	Notes: Sea-bird 911
    	Guideline 8400 Autosal; IAPSO batch P124
    TCO2: Who - J. Olafsson/T. Takahashi; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
    	Notes: Data from Olafsson 9/15/06
    	CRM Batch 16 used; Precision of 1.3umol/kg 
    	Values adjusted to CRM with factor of 1.0029 applied
    	See Chipman et al., 1993 for method
    TA: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -
    pCO2: Who - J. Olafsson/T. Takahashi; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
    	Notes: Data from Olafsson 9/15/06
    	FID GC; measured at 4C
    	Values reported for wet air at theta
    	See Chipman et al., 1993 for method
    pH25: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -  
    Fogelqvist, E., J. Blindheim, T. Tanhua, E. Buch, S. Østerhus and F. Rey, Greenland- Scotland Overflow studied by hydro-chemical multivariate analysis. Deep Sea Res. I, 50, 1, 73-102, 2003.
  • Data are Final Robert Key

    Date: 2006-10-20
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Submitted
    File: 58JH9408.csv  Type: ascii Status: Public
    Name: key, Robert 
    Institute: Princeton 
    Country: USA
    Expo:58JH9408 Line: AR18d
    Date: 08/1994
    Action:Place Data Online,Updated Parameters
    I started work on this data by downloading what was available from WHPO on 4/15/04. Those data had not been through the normal WOCE QC procedure, so I assigned flag values for the "routine hydrographic parameters" as well as the CFC data. Toste Tanhua who participated in the cruise double checked/edited  the flags I set for CFC. 
    WHPO currently has this cruise designation listed as 58JH0894_1. This listing is inconsistent with their normal scheme and with that used for this ship. I will request that their records be modified to the name listed in the subject. 
    All units are WOCE standard with the possible exception of He concentration, which was listed as Nml/g, and assuming the nutrients were correctly labeled in the original file.
    Any corrections, additions, etc. can be sent to me. I am responsible for any flagging errors or other errors produced during this procedure.
    A copy of my README follows:
    Initiated 9/6/06 
    Cruise dates:7/23-8/16/1994
    Chief Scientist:J. Blindheim
    Ship and cruise designation:J. Hjort
    EXPOCODE 58JH0894_1 (WOCE AR18d)
    Region:Around Iceland
    74 full depth stations;  with 12 place Rosette
    CFC: Who - E. Fogelqvist/T.Tanhua; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
    	Notes: CFC-11,12,113 & CCl4
    	Stds supplied by A. Watson
    	See Fogelqvist et al. DSR-I, 50, 73-102, 2003.
    	Data show significantly more scatter than expected
    Fogelqvist, E., J. Blindheim, T. Tanhua, E. Buch, S. Østerhus and F. Rey, Greenland- Scotland Overflow studied by hydro-chemical multivariate analysis. Deep Sea Res. I, 50, 1, 73-102, 2003.
  • Data are Final, QC'd Robert Key

    Date: 2006-10-20
    Data Type: NUTs/Oxy
    Action: Submitted
    File: 58JH9408.csv  Type: ascii Status: Public
    Name: key, Robert 
    Institute: Princeton 
    Country: USA
    Expo:58JH9408 Line: AR18d
    Date: 08/1994
    Action:Place Data Online,Updated Parameters
    I started work on this data by downloading what was available from WHPO on 4/15/04. Those data had not been through the normal WOCE QC procedure, so I assigned flag values for the "routine hydrographic parameters"
    WHPO currently has this cruise designation listed as 58JH0894_1. This listing is inconsistent with their normal scheme and with that used for this ship. I will request that their records be modified to the name listed in the subject. 
    All units are WOCE standard with the possible exception of He concentration, which was listed as Nml/g, and assuming the nutrients were correctly labeled in the original file.
    Any corrections, additions, etc. can be sent to me. I am responsible for any flagging errors or other errors produced during this procedure.
    A copy of my README follows:
    Initiated 9/6/06 
    Cruise dates:7/23-8/16/1994
    Chief Scientist:J. Blindheim
    Ship and cruise designation:J. Hjort
    EXPOCODE 58JH0894_1 (WOCE AR18d)
    Region:Around Iceland
    74 full depth stations;  with 12 place Rosette
    Nuts/O2: Who - F. Rey; Status - final?; S Plus - up to date
    	Notes: Visual endpoint with auto burette Winkler for oxygen
    		precision better than 1umol/kg
    	Replicate nut. precision:NO2 - 0.1%, NO3 - 0.25%,
    		PO4 - 1.5%, Si - 0.2%
  • Data are Final, QC'd Robert Key

    Date: 2006-10-20
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: Submitted
    File: 58JH9408.csv  Type: ascii Status: Public
    Name: key, Robert 
    Institute: Princeton 
    Country: USA
    Expo:58JH9408 Line: AR18d
    Date: 08/1994
    Action:Place Data Online,Updated Parameters
    I started work on this data by downloading what was available from WHPO on 4/15/04. Those data had not been through the normal WOCE QC procedure, so I assigned flag values for the "routine hydrographic parameters"
    I requested and received H3/He3 data from Reinhold Bayer, merged these data and QC'ed the values.
    WHPO currently has this cruise designation listed as 58JH0894_1. This listing is inconsistent with their normal scheme and with that used for this ship. I will request that their records be modified to the name listed in the subject. 
    All units are WOCE standard with the possible exception of He concentration, which was listed as Nml/g, and assuming the nutrients were correctly labeled in the original file.
    Any corrections, additions, etc. can be sent to me. I am responsible for any flagging errors or other errors produced during this procedure.
    A copy of my README follows:
    Initiated 9/6/06 
    Cruise dates:7/23-8/16/1994
    Chief Scientist:J. Blindheim
    Ship and cruise designation:J. Hjort
    EXPOCODE 58JH0894_1 (WOCE AR18d)
    Region:Around Iceland
    74 full depth stations;  with 12 place Rosette
    H-3/He-3: Who - R. Bayer; Status - final; S Plus -  up to date
    	Notes: Data from Bayer 9/28/06. Unpublished Reference to PI and
    	Institute of Environmental Physics, Univ. Heidelberg
    	H3 as TU; He3 as %; He4 as nm/g, with 0.5% standard error
  • Data are Final, QC'd Robert Key

    Date: 2006-10-20
    Data Type: DELC13/DELC14
    Action: Submitted
    File: 58JH9408.csv  Type: ascii Status: Public
    Name: key, Robert 
    Institute: Princeton 
    Country: USA
    Expo:58JH9408 Line: AR18d
    Date: 08/1994
    Action:Place Data Online,Updated Parameters
    I started work on this data by downloading what was available from WHPO on 4/15/04. Those data had not been through the normal WOCE QC procedure, so I assigned flag values for the "routine hydrographic parameters" 
    The C14/C13 data in the file are not published anywhere that I can find. Nydal and Jorunn were responsible for the samples. I believe that they were measured at Arizona. I found these data in a copy of an e-mail message from J. Olafsson to WHPO. These data were manually entered and QC'ed.
    WHPO currently has this cruise designation listed as 58JH0894_1. This listing is inconsistent with their normal scheme and with that used for this ship. I will request that their records be modified to the name listed in the subject. 
    All units are WOCE standard with the possible exception of He concentration, which was listed as Nml/g, and assuming the nutrients were correctly labeled in the original file.
    Any corrections, additions, etc. can be sent to me. I am responsible for any flagging errors or other errors produced during this procedure.
    A copy of my README follows:
    Initiated 9/6/06 
    Cruise dates:7/23-8/16/1994
    Chief Scientist:J. Blindheim
    Ship and cruise designation:J. Hjort
    EXPOCODE 58JH0894_1 (WOCE AR18d)
    Region:Around Iceland
    74 full depth stations;  with 12 place Rosette
    C-14: Who - R.Nydal/J.Gislefoss; Status - final; S Plus -  up to date
    	Notes: Unpublished ata for 2 stations rcd from 
    		J. Olafsson via email copy of 
    		message originally sent to WHPO
    C-13: Who - R.Nydal/J.Gislefoss; Status - final; S Plus -  up to date
    	Notes: Data for 2 stations rcd from J. Olafsson via email copy of 
    		message originally sent to WHPO 
    Chipman, D., J. Marra and T. Takahashi, Primary production at 47N and 20W in the North Atlantic: a comparison between the 14C incubation method and the mixed layer budget, Deep-Sea Res., 40, 151-169, 1993.
  • data to follow soon Robert Key

    Date: 2006-09-29
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: DQE Complete
    In addition to the H3/He3/H4 data from Bayer:
    I have QC'ed this entire cruise. This morning I received QC flag confirmation/edits for the CFC data from Toste Tonhua who worked with Elisabet Fogelqvist on these measurements. The CFC data are noisier than usual because alternate samples were analyzed on 2 different GC streams and the two instruments weren't sufficiently intercalibrated.
    After months of digging, I have received printed lab reports from Jorun Gislefoss who worked with R. Nydal on C14/C13 samples. I believe these reports contain some results from this cruises which I will have to manually enter. These data have been particularly difficult because of Nydal's death and the fact that Giselfoss is no longer in oceanography.
    I have not been able to contact F. Rey, who was in charge of the nutrient measurements for this cruise. Fortunately, the nuts/o2 for this cruise aren't bad.
    This is the same cruise that J. Olafsson recently sent to various places (9/15/06) because he had added the TCO2 and pCO2 data. I immediately followed his submission with a recommendation that the receipiants of that file "do nothing" until I had QC'ed these data. I completed my QC of the carbon data and submitted these back to Olafsson for vetting and requesting additional details which are required for pCO2 data. I now have his reply.
    There are 2 minor problems with the file currently on line (http://whpo.ucsd.edu/data/repeat/atlantic/ar18/ar18_d/ar18_dhy.txt). The ones that gave my software fits are the 2 names "CFC-113" and "CCL-4" which should be "CFC113" and "CCL4" (ok,ok, my code is archaic).
    Bottom line: I will complete my work on this cruise soon and will immediately submit to you since this is an official WOCE cruise. Everything will have been through primary QC and there will be several additions. Jim, Dave or some other high latitude expert may want to double check the salt flags I have applied, but otherwise the new version can simply replace intoto what you now have.
  • Data are Final Reinhold Bayer

    Date: 2006-09-28
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: Submitted
    Dear Bob,
    as you will not know our activities in the ocean where terminated several years ago and all the people involved in tracer data production are gone (except me, but my new tasks in the institute are some sort away from science). Before this happend and the files were closed all our relevant data was reported to WHPO.
    Fortunately you are not the first who asked for 58JH0894 data set during the last years. Amongst others I sent the data to WHPO at least twice (wondering what they are doing...anyway), thus I was able to recover the data set on short notice (see enclosed).
    I have no longer any record how many samples were sampled (143 as you wrote sounds reasonable) but totally 114 tritium/He3 and He4 data were derived from this cruise. A part of the samples was lost, another part discarded, and all corrupted data was erased from the final report. This is the reason to state that all our reported tracer data is "good" (this with respect to quality flags which are not included in the appendant file and are not accessible to me any longer).
    Please feel free to use this data however you like. There are no related publications to cite, referring to the
    Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg and me as PI ist sufficient.
  • Robert Key

    Date: 2006-09-28
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: Submitted
    Tritium and Helium analysed by 
    Institut fuer Umweltphysik der Universitaet Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 229
    D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
    PI: Reinhold Bayer - email: <mailto:reinhold.bayer@iup.uni-heidelberg.de>reinhold.bayer@iup.uni-heidelberg.de
    File: 58jh894.txt
    Date: 01.10.1999
    58JH894/1     WHP-ID AR18     CRUISE DATES 072394 TO 081594
    Column Identification:
    1 = Station No.
    2 = Niskin Bottle No.
    3 = Pressure (dbar)
    4 = Depth (m)
    5 = Temperature (deg C)
    6 = Potential Temperature (deg C)
    7 = Salinity from CTD (psu)
    8 = Salinity from AutoSal (psu)
    9 = Tritium (TU)
    10 = Tritium-Error (TU)
    11 = delta 3He (%)
    12 = delta 3He-Error (%)
    13 = 4He (Nml/g), the standard error of the 4He data is 0.5%
    Columns separated by TabStops
    5599	1	299.7	296.5	7.62	7.59	35.168	35.170	1.87	0.17	-0.9	0.2	3.905E-08
    588	1	321.3	317.9	7.98	7.95	35.234	35.234	1.52	0.12	-1.1	0.2	3.897E-08
  • Jon Olafsson

    Date: 2006-09-16
    Data Type: TCARBN/PCO2
    Action: Submitted
    I have assessed the TCO2 and pCO2th data from the 1994 R/V Johan Hjort  Nordic WOCE cruise and entered it into the data file from the whpo website (http://whpo.ucsd.edu/data/repeat/atlantic/ar18/ar18_d/index.htm). The product is attached.  This data is now submitted to the CARBOOCEAN &#x201C;Carina collection&#x201D; and to WHPO.
  • Unencrypted online Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2006-03-15
    Data Type: CTD/BTL/SUM
    Action: Website Updated:
    I have unencrypted the bottle and ctd files for the cruise 58JH0894_1 (ar18_d) and have updated the website to indicate that they are no longer encrypted.  I have also responded to Dr. Blindheim that this problem has been solved.
  • Johan Blindheim

    Date: 2006-03-09
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: public/encrypted online
    Dr. Robert Key (key@Princeton.EDU) recently contacted me regarding data from the WOCE AR18 line, telling me that these data from 1994 are still encrypted. This must depend on some regrettable misunderstanding, and I ask you to make the data public.
  • New BOT and SUM from Blindheim are excel and need converting to WOCE. Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2002-05-01
    Data Type: BTL/SUM/CFC/He/Tr
    Action: Update Needed
    New file is missing CCL4 that previous BOT had and CFC flags. New HE/TR file sent by Bayer needs merging or is possibly already in Blindheims new BOT. Need to email Blindheim to straighten out problems and for PUB status (currently all NONPUB). Email Blindheim for file clarification and PUB status. Rfmt files and create exchg.
  • pdf, txt versions online Karla Uribe

    Date: 2002-04-29
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
    TXT and PDF documentation have been put online.
  • CSV File Added, data encrypted, see note: Karla Uribe

    Date: 2001-12-18
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Updated:
    CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online. According to data history this data is still non-public so exchange zip was encrypted as well.
  • See Note: Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2001-04-26
    Data Type: CO2
    Action: Data Request
    It sounds like it would be better for us to have the measurements you took rather than the poorer quality values contained within the C14 data file we received.  May we obtain the DIC values from you at this time?
  • See Note: Jon Olafsson

    Date: 2001-04-24
    Data Type: CO2
    Action: Update Needed
     I have looked at the DIC data and it is clear that they are not from our work in Nordic WOCE 1992 and 1994.  The data you sent me seems to be from the work of Dr Reidar Nydal who participated in the cruises.  His team carried out DIC by vaccuum extraction onboard.  I have seen his results from the 1992 cruise in a technical report dated 1995 where the results were 0.010 mmol/kg higher than in your message.
     I have some DIC data from the two 1994 stations you list made by coulometric measuremenmts, quality controlled with Dickson CRMs.  The agreement with the data you have is poor, differences are both +ve and -ve and amount to several 0.010 mmol/kg.
  • Reformatting needed Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2001-04-17
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: Submitted
    Tritium, delhe3 and hel4 and error values from Bayer have been placed in the original directory for 58JH0894_1 in the subdirectory 1999.10.01_AR18_TR_DELHE3_BAYER These data are not in WOCE format and need merging into the bottle file data are public as per Bayer.
  • Data needs correction Jon Olafsson

    Date: 2001-04-11
    Data Type: CO2
    Action: Update Needed
    I was on these two cruises and have data on pCO2 and TIC from them.  I did not measure pH or C14.  If Johann has sent you data from me then it is from from my submission to him a good while ago.  In that case a correction is required.  I suggest that you send the files (SEA and SUM) you have received from Johann Blindheim.  I can then inspect the pCO2 and TIC data and inform you if and which corrections are required.
  • Sent to PI for correction Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2001-04-11
    Data Type: DELC14
    Action: Update Needed
     I have attached the c14/13 files sent by Dr. Blindheim.  If you could please advise us on the quality of the TIC (DIC in file) and PCO2, it would be greatly appreciated.
  • See Note for list of all submissions: Reinhold Bayer

    Date: 2001-04-05
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: No Data Submitted
    I am wondering, whether the latter submission ever was acknowledged and the data was further processed by WHPO. In case of the cruises with Johan Hjort you mentioned in your email request, there were in deed several inquiries by WHPO staff maybe in 1999 or 2000. As our activities in oceanography were shut down with the end of WOCE in 1999 I cannot further do any work on this data sets. If re-submission of our WOCE tracer data as specified in the ftp.log file 
    is desired please supply detailed instructions how to do this, by then I may relocate the files from 1998 and may send them just as they are.
    98.08.03 13:38 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT14-2.SEA --> whpo.ucsd.edu /INCOMING 06MT14-2.SEA
    98.08.03 13:38 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT18-1.SEA --> whpo.ucsd.edu /INCOMING 06MT18-1.SEA
    98.08.03 13:38 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT22-2.SEA --> whpo.ucsd.edu /INCOMING 06MT22-2.SEA
    98.08.03 13:39 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT27.SEA --> whpo.ucsd.edu /INCOMING 06MT27.SEA
    98.08.03 13:39 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT30-2.SEA --> whpo.ucsd.edu /INCOMING 06MT30-2.SEA
    98.08.03 13:39 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT30-3.sea --> whpo.ucsd.edu /INCOMING 06MT30-3.sea
    98.08.10 14:24 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT15-3.SEA --> whpo.ucsd.edu /INCOMING 06MT15-3.SEA
    98.08.13 14:04 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT22-5.SEA --> whpo.ucsd.edu /INCOMING 06MT22-5.SEA
    98.08.14 12:12 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\58jh792-1.sea --> whpo.ucsd.edu /INCOMING 58jh792-1.sea
    98.08.14 13:43 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06BE73-1.TRH --> whpo.ucsd.edu /INCOMING 06BE73-1.TRH
    98.08.18 13:13 B C:\DATA\WHP-FILES\06MT3023.LVS --> whpo.ucsd.edu /INCOMING 06MT3023.LVS
  • Data Public, See Note Re: he/tr Johan Blindheim

    Date: 2001-04-03
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: Data Update:
    I return to your e-mail of 31 March 01 and my promise of returning to the helium/tritium data. I have now contacted Dr Reinhold Bayer at University Heidelberg and understand that he has already sent the Helium/tritium data to you. He also writes that last week he was contacted by you when you acknowledged the receipt of his data from AR18 for the 1992 and 1994 cruises. 
    My message is  that the helium tritium data you received from me via James Crease are unknown to me. I can not identify them and I can not imagine how they have come into that file. You should use the data you received from Dr Bayer and erase the whole file from 1994 which you received via James Crease.
    All dat from AR18 may be made public.
    Johan Blindheim
  • See Note: Johan Blindheim

    Date: 2001-04-02
    Data Type: He/Tr/C14/CO2
    Action: Status Update
    58JH0894. Please do not use the file I sent to James Crease. I have now clearified that this was a file where we applied a correction procedure recommended by Seabird, which they later admitted were not as good as the final one we used. So, keep the file you have received from WHPO. 
    As to the Helium/tritium data, I must admit I was a bit surpriced to see them in the file. What I remember is that the people at Heidelberg wanted to submitt them directly. Anyhow  I must have received them somehow, but as I was not by that time aware that I should be asked about this all these years later, I did not write a a complete log of everything. Therefore I do not dare say now that the helium/tritium data in the SEA file I sent to Jim Crease are good. I shall send my file to heidelberg to get them checked and then let you know.
    I attach the C14 data from the two profiles we collected in 1994. I have finally received them myself.
    For CO2 data from 1994, the status is as for 1992.
    Finally, use the files you received from WHPO, not those from Jim Crease.
    Sincerely,  Johan Blindheim
  • To Johan Blindheim; See Note: Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2001-03-30
    Data Type: CFCs/He/Tr/CTDSAL
    Action: Clarification Request
    Jim Crease forwarded on to us new data files for 58JH1092, and 58JH0894, as well as the emails containing the status of outstanding data and their contacts.  I'd like to clarify what we received with you just to make sure we now have everything that is available.
    58JH0894:  The new bottle file sent by Jim has helium and tritium data in addition to the parameters we currently have.  Our current online file contains CCL4, which the new file does not.  CFC values at first glance appear to agree with values in our current bottle file, however the new file has no quality flags for the CFC values. Also, CTD salinity values differ between files.  As I understand from your letter to Jim, there were only two stations of C14, and they are being looked into.  Can you please instruct us as to how to handle this new bottle file?  We can use the new file as an entire replacement to our current bottle file and merge in the old CCL4, but it is unclear what to do with the new CFC values which do not have flags.  Can you please advise?  And finally, can these new data be made public?
  • To Dr. Bayer/UH Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2001-03-29
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: Request to make Public
    The WHP office has received helium and tritium data for two repeat WOCE cruises: WOCE line AR18, expocodes 58JH1092_1 (during July of 1992) and 58JH0894_1 (during July-August of 1994).  Our documentation lists you as the PI for the data for both cruises.  At present we have no information on the public status of these data and are hoping you can help.  May we release these data to the public at this time?
  • Alternate data files, not clear if they replace curent data; see note: Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2001-03-28
    Data Type: BTL/SUM
    Action: Submitted
    Data files are Excel spreadsheets and will need to be converted to WOCE format. Bottle file has ctdpress, ctdsalt, theta, bottle salts/oxy, nutrients, cfc11/12/113 as well as helium/tritium.  Columns for C14/13 are blank. No CCL-4 was included.  Quality bytes for all but CFC's are present, but they are contained in columns directly following the parameter column.It is not expressly stated whether these files may be made public, and Blindheim will be contacted for public status as well as confirmation that these files are to replace the current online files.
    Current online bottle file has ctdpress, ctdsalt, theta, bottle salts/oxy, nutrients, cfc11/12/113, CCL-4.  Has Q1 and Q2 words.
  • Expocodes Updated Karla Uribe

    Date: 2001-03-26
    Data Type: CTD/SUM
    Action: Website Updated:
    Expocodes for sum was modified. Expocodes in all ctd files have been editted to match the underscored expocode in the sum and bottle files.  New files were zipped and replaced existing ctd files online. Old files were moved to original directory. 
  • found in 'sum file' directory Karla Uribe

    Date: 2000-12-11
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Submitted
    2000.12.11 KJU
    File contained here is a CRUISE SUMMARY and NOT sumfile. Documentation is online.
    2000.10.11 KJU
    Files were found in incoming directory under whp_reports. This directory was zipped, files were separated and placed under proper cruise. All of them are sum files.
    Received 1997 August 15th.
  • not yet submitted, see note: Johan Blindheim

    Date: 2000-05-18
    Data Type: DELC14
    Action: Data are Public
    The He/tr and C-14 data are still with the PIs. I have been in  contact with Prof Nydal (now retired) about the C-14 data and he promised to  mail them to you. It is only two profiles. I hope that Dr. Bayer at the  University of Heidelberg also will be able to provide the He/Tr data.
  • See Note: Reinhold Bayer

    Date: 1999-10-08
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: Submitted
    As I indicated last week the situation here has not changed and the data available will not be modified any more. Again attached, I send s set of 114 tritium/helium data from the AR18 repeat cruise in 1994 and the summary file for all the WOCE cruises where we did tracer sampling.
    This week Johan Blindheim showed me a data file from the 1994 Johan Hjort cruise which included a much higher number of helium/tritium data we ever measured. Also, the few data points I checked were pure nonsense. Please use the data I attach here once more! 
    I just mentioned no quality flags are included for the single data points. The reason is that the few questionable data points were erased (and are not available any more) before this file was edited.  So - the quality of all our data listed is "good".  This is what I finally can do with respect to the 1994 AR18 cruise.
  • Needs reformatting Reinhold Bayer

    Date: 1999-10-01
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: Submitted
    By email from September 29 you requested information about tracer data collected during the AR18 cruise of Johan Hjort in 1994.
    In deed a member of the department of tracer oceanography of our institute (which does not exist any longer) took part in this cruise and collected only a few samples for analyses of tritium and helium isotopes. The sampling was focused on the characterization of overflow water masses and does not meet the sampling scheme usual for WOCE cruises. So only 114 sets of tritium/helium data are available, which were not reported to the WHPO so far. You will find this data attached to this message and I hope you can use it as it is. 
    The error of each measurement is indicated. The people who analyzed the samples and evaluated the data did not specify any quality flags, but usually the quality of our tracer data is (very) good. The name of the attached data file is 58JH894.txt, columns are specified in the header and separated by TabStops. 3He is reported in the delta notation which gives the per cent deviation of the samples 3He/4He ratio from that of atmospheric air (which is 1.384E-6).
    By the way, I also add a summary file (SUM-WHPO.txt) of all the WOCE tracer data processed in Heidelberg. As you will see, most of this data has been reported to the WHPO (via INTERNET) in 1998. We never received an acknowledgement for the submission, and I have the feeling something may have failed. Maybe you can check this? Please come back to me if resubmission is required or if further questions arise.
    All our data submitted is free and may be used by the scientific community working with WOCE data.
    Sincerely,  Reinhold Bayer
    Content-Type: TEXT/plain; name=NoName; charset=us-ascii
    Content-Description: NoName
    Content-MD5: XuyL4ziNCNXt+U73NnuiFg==
    17.08.98                            WOCE-Summary
    >---------- --------------- ---------- ------- ------ ------- ------- -------------------------------
    >06MT14/2   AR4W,AR4E,AR15  1990           304    258      19         submitted to WHPO
    >06BE73/1   IR04            1990,1991      107    153                 submitted to WHPO
    >06MT15/3   A9              1991                           64         submitted to WHPO
    >06MT18/1   A1E             1991           428    429      57         submitted to WHPO
    >06MT22/2   AR15            1992            74     78                 submitted to WHPO
    >58JH792/1  AR18            1992            82    108                 submitted to WHPO  Nordic-WOCE
    >06MT22/5   A10             1992,1993                      74         submitted to WHPO
    >06MT27/3   AR15            1994            67     79                 submitted to WHPO
    >06MT30/2   A2              1994           452    415      62     140 submitted to WHPO
    >06MT30/3   AR7W,AR7E       1994           537    523      32      70 submitted to WHPO
    >58JH894/1  AR18            1994           114    114                                    Nordic-WOCE
    >06MT32/4   ISS2            1995           150    270      70
    >------------------------------------- ------- ------ ------- -------
    >                               Total:    2315   2427     378     210
  • line, data added to website Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 1999-09-29
    Data Type: CTD/BTL/SUM
    Action: Website Updated: