Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetCCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
Sumfile generated from (33663)
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
============================= 49ZS19921203 processing - BTL ============================= 2014-06-20 R Lee .. contents:: :depth: 2 Submission ========== ==================== ============= ========== ========= === filename submitted by date data type id ==================== ============= ========== ========= === 49ZS19921203.exc.csv Robert M. Key 2010-02-12 BTL 547 ==================== ============= ========== ========= === Parameters ---------- 49ZS19921203.exc.csv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - CTDPRS - CTDTMP - SALNTY [1]_ - OXYGEN [1]_ - SILCAT [1]_ - NH4 [1]_ - NITRAT [1]_ - NITRIT [1]_ - PHSPHT [1]_ - TCARBN [1]_ - PH_SWS [1]_ - PH_TMP - CHLORA [1]_ - THETA [3]_ - PHAEO [1]_ [3]_ .. [1] parameter has quality flag column .. [3] not in WOCE bottle file Process ======= Changes ------- - AMMONI changed to NH4 - PHAEO changed to PPHYTN - Changed empty data values -9 to -999 Conversion ---------- ======================= ==================== ======================== file converted from software ======================= ==================== ======================== 49ZS19921203_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-132-g2c852f6 ======================= ==================== ======================== All converted files opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Directories =========== :working directory: /data/co2clivar/southern/49ZS19921203/original/2014.06.20_BTL_RJL :cruise directory: /data/co2clivar/southern/49ZS19921203 Updated Files Manifest ====================== ======================= ================= file stamp ======================= ================= 49ZS19921203_hy1.csv 20140620SIOCCHRJL 20140620SIOCCHRJL ======================= =================
============================== 49ZS19921203 processing - Maps ============================== 2013-12-09 R Lee .. contents:: :depth: 2 Process ======= Changes ------- - Created maps from 49ZS19921203.exc.csv Merge ----- Directories =========== :working directory: /data/co2clivar/southern/49ZS19921203/original/2013.12.09_maps_RJL :cruise directory: /data/co2clivar/southern/49ZS19921203 Updated Files Manifest ====================== - 49ZS19921203_trk.jpg - 49ZS19921203_trk.gif
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 49ZS19921203.exc.csv
This is one of the CARINA cruises. Also known as JARE-34. In the original file I received the column labels for nitrite and NO3+NO2 were reversed consequently what I sent you inherited that error. It is corrected in this version
Expocode: 49ZS19921203 Ship: Shirase Woce Line: SR3S4 Note: This is one of the CARINA cruises. Also known as JARE-34. In the original file I received the column labels for nitrite and NO3+NO2 were reversed consequently what I sent you inherited that error. It is corrected in this version
In the original file the column labels for nitrite and NO3+NO2 were reversed, they are corrected in this version.
The pH values have been updated. This file was part of a batch of replacements sent as a tar archive.
Replaced the original file sent with the CARINA archive with the one Bob Key submitted on 2009-03-11. Dr. Key's note mentions an error in the original file's pH data.