Hydrographic Cruise: 35A3CITHER1_2

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:
  • (GLODAP) 35A319930213
Related Cruises


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

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Unmerged Data as Received

Files listed here are the most recent version submitted by the cruise scientists, but have not yet been checked for consistency and merged into the main Dataset. They are provided "as is". If you are unsure of which files to use, stick to the Dataset files above.

These files are not yet in the Dataset.

Filename (Download) Size Date Submitted
35A319930213.exc.csv 1.1 MB 2014-09-19

Data History

  • a06_nc_ctd.zip Replaced - 2025-02-27 - CCHDO CF Robot

    File Replaced CCHDO CF Robot

    a06_nc_ctd.zip (download) #45729
    Date: 2025-02-27
    Current Status: merged
    The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated

  • 35A3CITHER1_2_nc_ctd.zip Generated - 2025-02-27 - CCHDO CF Robot

    File Generated CCHDO CF Robot

    35A3CITHER1_2_nc_ctd.zip (download) #4d973
    Date: 2025-02-27
    Current Status: dataset
    Generated from 35A3CITHER1_2_ctd.nc (42866)

  • a06ct.zip Replaced - 2025-02-27 - CCHDO CF Robot

    File Replaced CCHDO CF Robot

    a06ct.zip (download) #3c3c2
    Date: 2025-02-27
    Current Status: merged
    The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated

  • 35A3CITHER1_2_ct.zip Generated - 2025-02-27 - CCHDO CF Robot

    File Generated CCHDO CF Robot

    35A3CITHER1_2_ct.zip (download) #28ff7
    Date: 2025-02-27
    Current Status: dataset
    Generated from 35A3CITHER1_2_ctd.nc (42866)

  • 35A3CITHER1_2_ct1.zip Generated - 2025-02-27 - CCHDO CF Robot

    File Generated CCHDO CF Robot

    35A3CITHER1_2_ct1.zip (download) #0f75f
    Date: 2025-02-27
    Current Status: dataset
    Generated from 35A3CITHER1_2_ctd.nc (42866)

  • 35A3CITHER1_2_ctd.nc Created - 2025-02-27 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    35A3CITHER1_2_ctd.nc (download) #aea5a
    Date: 2025-02-27
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • a06_ct1.zip Merge - 2025-02-27 - Elisa Aitoro

    File Merge Elisa Aitoro

    a06_ct1.zip (download) #89519
    Date: 2025-02-27
    Current Status: merged
  • CTD Data Corrections Elisa Aitoro

    Date: 2025-02-27
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    35A3CITHER1_2 processing - CTD
    Elisa Aitoro
    - Changed duplicate instance of CTDPRS = 2222.0 to 2220.0 for nearly every station
    35A3CITHER1_2_ctd.nc opened in ODV with no apparent problems.
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                  stamp
    --------------------  -----------------
    35A3CITHER1_2_ctd.nc  20250227CCHSIOENA
  • 35A3CITHER1_2_bottle.nc Online - 2023-07-24 - Andrew Barna

    File Online Andrew Barna

    35A3CITHER1_2_bottle.nc (download) #fb12a
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • a06hy.txt Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    a06hy.txt (download) #5b770
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • a06_hy1.csv Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    a06_hy1.csv (download) #e6c2d
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • a06_nc_hyd.zip Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    a06_nc_hyd.zip (download) #16301
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • a06_35A3CITHER1_2trk.jpg Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    a06_35A3CITHER1_2trk.jpg (download) #2fc6f
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • a06su.txt Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    a06su.txt (download) #ef14f
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • a06_35A3CITHER1_2trk.gif Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    a06_35A3CITHER1_2trk.gif (download) #76a63
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • Available under 'Files as received' CCHDO Staff

    Date: 2014-09-24
    Data Type: PH
    Action: Website Update
    The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO.
  • 35A319930213.exc.csv Submission - 2014-09-19 - Robert M. Key

    File Submission Robert M. Key

    35A319930213.exc.csv (download) #cf207
    Date: 2014-09-19
    Current Status: unprocessed
    PH_TS, PHT, and PH_TS_Flag

  • 35A319930213.exc.csv Submission - 2014-09-19 - Robert M. Key

    File Submission Robert M. Key

    35A319930213.exc.csv (download) #cf207
    Date: 2014-09-19
    Current Status: unprocessed
    Expocode: 35A319930213
    Ship: L'Atlante
    Woce Line: A06
    Note: I will be sending a separate e-mail in a few minutes with details for this one. These changes are critical.

  • Critical updates Bob Key

    Date: 2014-09-19
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Submitted
    I just uploaded file 35A319930213 to both sites. The file currently on line has significant problems with the carbon parameters. These were discovered by Anton Velo investigating the original data submission. The following action strongly recommended:
    1. Delete the alkalinity values from your existing file. These values were calculated
    2. From the file I submitted today import/add the PH_TS, PHT, and PH_TS_Flag values. The PH values that are currently in your copy of the file are at in situ conditions and only have 2 decimals. The ones in the newly supplied file are as measured (total scale at 25C, 3 decimals)
    Unfortunately, you can?t do a file swap. Your copy of these files include N2, Ar, and CH4 data. My software doesn?t know the EXCHANGE name for these and thus I had to skip printing. Fixing that is another problem. Regardless, you should be able to just cut/paste the new pH values from my file into your existing file and then delete the existing pH and flag.  This file is the reason for my earlier message regarding ?official? names for N2, Ar and CH4.
  • New PDF and text docs online Lauren Coartney

    Date: 2003-04-16
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
    New PDF and text docs online.
  • Data Online Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2002-08-19
    Data Type: TRITUM
    Action: Website Updated:
    DELHE3, HELIUM, and TRITIUM was merged into the online file by SE. Made new exchange file. 
    Merge notes:
    Started with a06/original/TRACERS_19990311/WOCE_A6A7.dat and in a06 & a07 (in original) under 2002_KLEIN A6hy.txt & A7hy.txt
    Merged ( using mrgsea ) delhe3, helium, and tritum into EACH of the existing files A6hy.txt and A7hy.txt sent by Birgit Klein that contained the changes in the quality flags mentioned in e-mail.
  • Data Online Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2002-08-19
    Data Type: HELIUM
    Action: Website Updated:
    DELHE3, HELIUM, and TRITIUM was merged into the online file by SE. Made new exchange file.
    Merge notes:
    Started with a06/original/TRACERS_19990311/WOCE_A6A7.dat and in a06 & a07 (in original) under 2002_KLEIN A6hy.txt & A7hy.txt
    Merged ( using mrgsea ) delhe3, helium, and tritum into EACH of the existing files A6hy.txt and A7hy.txt sent by Birgit Klein that contained the changes in the quality flags mentioned in e-mail.
  • Data Online Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2002-08-19
    Data Type: DELHE3
    Action: Website Updated:
    DELHE3, HELIUM, and TRITIUM was merged into the online file by SE. Made new exchange file. 
    Merge notes:
    Started with a06/original/TRACERS_19990311/WOCE_A6A7.dat and in a06 & a07 (in original) under 2002_KLEIN A6hy.txt & A7hy.txt
    Merged ( using mrgsea ) delhe3, helium, and tritum into EACH of the existing files A6hy.txt and A7hy.txt sent by Birgit Klein that contained the changes in the quality flags mentioned in e-mail.
  • BTL files identical, dicrepancy with other data, see note: Stephen C. Diggs

    Date: 2002-08-16
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Update Needed
    I have something for you/Sharon. A06 & A07 He/Tr and CFCs (mostly flag changes for CFCs).
    HE/TR (A06/A07)
    He/Tr file is in:
    a06/original/TRACERS_19990311/WOCE_A6A7.dat and it's a CSV file.
    in a06 & a07 (in original) under 2002_KLEIN
    A6hy.txt & A7hy.txt
    Here's what Birgit had to say about these data:
    a6: the bottle data files we used and the one at your side are identical. The CFC data (F11,F12) are from a french group, we have notified them for minor changes we made to the quality flags. The quality byte 2 now contains the revised quality flags for f11 and f12. We also controlled the tritium and helium data set for this cruise. But it seems they have not been submitted to you yet. I will write to Jean-Baptiste and ask him, if he wants to submit the data. The helium data for this cruise turned out to be very poor quality and we have flaged them 3 for the entire data set anyway.
    a7: the same comments as for a6. the bottle data files we used and the one at your side are identical. The CFC data (F11,F12) are from a french group, we have notified them for minor changes we made to the qualityflags. The quality byte 2 now contains the revised quality flags for f11 and f12. We also controlled the tritium and helium data set for this cruise. But it seems they have not been submitted to you yet. I will write to Jean-Baptiste and ask him, if he wants to submit the data. The helium data for this cruise turned out to be very poor quality and we have flaged them 3 for the entire data set anyway.
  • new file contains tritium & neon & updated QUALT 2 words Birgit Klein

    Date: 2002-06-19
    Data Type: NEON
    Action: Submitted
    The whpo file was basically fine, but compared to our file 22 tritium values and 56 neon values were missing. I therefore included the tritium and neon values in the file I am sending you. The quality flags in byte 2 are updated for the tracers. CFC data are from the french, they were notified about changes in quality flags.
  • Final data rec'd @ WHPO Alexander Kozyr

    Date: 2002-01-31
    Data Type: ALKALI
    Action: Data Update:
    I have put 3 data files in WHPO ftp INCOMING area. These files are the final CO2-related data and quality flags for WOCE sections A14 (L'ATALANTE 35A3CITHER3/1), A13 (L'ATALANTE  35A3CITHER3/2), and SR03/S04 (P12, 09AR9404_1).
  • Exchange file online Karla Uribe

    Date: 2001-12-21
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Updated:
    CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online. The bottom half of the sumfile is missing the WOCE SECT ID. This was causing a problem with the exchange code. For the purpose of the conversion the column was filled in with A06.
  • CSV File Modified, see note: Karla Uribe

    Date: 2001-12-21
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Updated:
    CTD exchange files were slightly modified. The stations that were missing the SECT ID were given a name according to the cruise name. CITHER1L2; standing for CITHER 1, leg 2. This naming convention will be a standard for sumfiles missing the SECT ID.
  • See Note: Adel Hajrasuliha

    Date: 2001-12-21
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Internal DQE completed
    created *check.txt file for the cruise.  created .ps files.
  • CTD CSV File Added, BTL CSV file modified Karla Uribe

    Date: 2001-06-21
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
    The exchange bottle file name in directory and index file was modified to lower case.
    CTD exchange files were put online.
  • Exchange file online Karla Uribe

    Date: 2001-06-20
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
    Bottle file in exchange format has been linked to website.
  • found in 'sum file' directory Karla Uribe

    Date: 2000-12-11
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Submitted
    2000.12.11 KJU
    File contained here is a CRUISE SUMMARY and NOT sumfile. Documentation is online.
    2000.10.11 KJU
    Files were found in incoming directory under whp_reports. This directory was zipped, files were separated and placed under proper cruise. All of them are sum files.
    Received 1997 August 15th.
  • J. C. Jennings-Jr.

    Date: 2000-12-01
    Data Type: NUTs/S/O
    Action: DQE Begun
    Not to worry; I just went ahead and tackled A17. I don't think we need the French text or figures.  We're almost finished with A17 and hope to transmit the QC'd data file to you later today or on Monday. Our current subcontract has run out of both time and money, so we'll be sending Jim another budget shortly.  The only data set left of the South Atlantic legs that we
    originally undertook is the A06 leg.  Do you have any idea of what your next priority will be; and do you still need us to look at the A06 data?
  • CTD/OXY dqe for A06 and A07 added to doc files Linda Huynh

    Date: 2000-09-19
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
  • See note: Stephen C. Diggs

    Date: 2000-03-08
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Data Update:
    I have separated 35A3CITHER1(1/2) which is A06/A07.  The CTD and HYD files now have different files which reflect the contents of the SUM file.  All tables and HTML files have been updated as well.
    In addition, I have corrected the EXPOCODES in all of the CTD and hydro files.
  • pdf updated, txt version added to website Linda Huynh

    Date: 2000-02-29
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
  • See note: Michael Alfultis

    Date: 1999-11-11
    Data Type: SUM
    Action: Data Update:
    Two stations appear ro have incorrect longitudes - station 51 has a longitude of
    13 59.90 E and station 72 has a longitude of 26 29.97 E while all the
    surrounding stations have Western Longitudes.
  • See note: Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 1999-10-14
    Data Type: SUM
    Action: Data Update:
    I have reformatted and separated A06 and A07 into individual
    .sum files, leaving in the stations that were previously missing.
    The files are in my ftp area on whpo in subdirectory A06A07.
  • See note: Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 1999-10-14
    Data Type: SUM
    Action: Data Update:
    I have replaced the old incomplete sumfiles with the newly split and reformatted versions, thanks to Sarilee.  I have also regenerated the station plots for both lines to include the additional stations, and have updated the table to reflect the change in sumfiles. 
  • See note: Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 1999-10-13
    Data Type: SUM
    Action: Data Update:
    Hi Sarilee- it was brought to our attention that the sumfiles for A6 and A7 
    are incomplete.  They were split from one large file, and are currently 
    missing stations.  I have put the original all-inclusive sumfile in my 
    incoming ftp area under A6A7 subdirectory along with a readme file.  The
    sumfiles need to be re-created from the original.
  • a06-7_notes.pdf, a06_cruzpln.pdf, a07_cruzpln.pdf added Jerry Kappa

    Date: 1999-04-30
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: PDF & ASCII Versions Updated
  • Jerry Kappa

    Date: 1999-04-20
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: PDF version made
  • Philippe Jean-Baptiste

    Date: 1999-03-11
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: Submitted for DQE
  • Claude Oudot

    Date: 1999-02-10
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Report at WOCE is correct
  • see note: K.-Peter Koltermann

    Date: 1999-02-10
    Data Type: NUTs/S/O
    Action: DQE not begun
    I agreed (to do the dqe) but never was able to get the software of Terry's to work. I told him and still we never succeeded. So at one time I had counted myself out.
    I am not sure how go from there. At that time I had time and interest, but that faded away when it didn't work. I might reconsider if things are easier now and Viktor might help on my end of things.
  • K.-Peter Koltermann

    Date: 1999-02-09
    Data Type: NUTs/S/O
    Action: DQE Report Requested by js
  • S/O2, NUTs, CFCs, CTD Stephanie Guinehut

    Date: 1998-12-03
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Updated:
    Pressures are not always in ascending order.
    The pressure 2220. is everywhere replaced by the pressure 2222..
    The CTD data are not reported in a uniform pressure series in order of incresing pressure with a pressure resolution of 2 dbar. The CTD data have a pressure resolution 2 dbar in some files and of 1 dbar with large gaps with no data in most of files. For example, in the file CTH10123.WCT there are no data between 78. and 82. dbar and between others pression on depth. 
  • Data still w/ DQE Claude Oudot

    Date: 1998-07-06
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: PI OK'd Public Release
  • Data are Public Michel Arhan

    Date: 1998-02-10
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: DQE Issues Resolved
    "Following my previous letter of November 13, 1997, this one is to confirm that we are releasing the CTD-O2 data of the WHP sections A6 and A7 to the public domain". 
    Best regards,
    Michel Arhan
  • asking for est. time of DQE completion Claude Oudot

    Date: 1998-01-22
    Data Type: Tracer
    Action: Submitted for DQE
  • OK to use at WOCE S.Atlantic workshop Michel Arhan

    Date: 1997-04-04
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Conditional release
    You have the data and we agree (on the following condition) that the workshop participants can visualize them, but not hard-copy the graphics, nor get the data.
    The condition is that each visualization should include the following informations:
    - Name of cruise: CITHER-1
    - Ship: N/O L'ATALANTE
    - Dates: 2 Jan.-19 Mar. 1993
    - Principal Investigator and affiliation (dependent on the displayed parameter):
       CTDO2:    M.Arhan(LPO/IFREMER) and Y.Gouriou(ORSTOM/Cayenne) for A7+35W.
                      H.Mercier(LPO/CNRS) and B.Bourles(ORSTOM/Cayenne) for A6+4W.
       Nutrients: C.Oudot(ORSTOM/Cayenne) for A7+35W
                      C.Oudot(ORSTOM/Cayenne)+ P.Morin(LOC/UBO) for A6+4W
       CFCs:       C.Andrie (ORSTOM/LODYC) for A6,A7,35W,4W.
       He3-Tr:    Ph.Jean-Baptiste (LMCE/Saclay) for A6,A7,35W,4W.
       CO2 system: C.Oudot(ORSTOM/Cayenne) for A6,A7,35W,4W.
    In this way any workshop participants interested in a parameter for a given line will directly know whom the corresponding PI is, if they wishes to contact him.
  • DQE Report sent to PI Michel Arhan

    Date: 1997-03-14
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: DQE Complete
  • CTD DQE report rcvd from Mueller Thomas J. Mueller

    Date: 1996-10-03
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: DQE Report Submitted
  • K.-Peter Koltermann

    Date: 1996-09-18
    Data Type: NUTs/S/O
    Action: Sent to DQE
  • K.-Peter Koltermann

    Date: 1996-07-09
    Data Type: NUTs/S/O
    Action: Agreed to do DQE
  • Thomas J. Mueller

    Date: 1996-07-09
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Agreed to do DQE

    Date: 1996-03-28
    Data Type: Tracer
    Action: Submitted for DQE
  • Claude Oudot

    Date: 1996-03-01
    Data Type: BTL/CFCs
    Action: Submitted for DQE