Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetFiles listed here are the most recent version submitted by the cruise scientists, but have not yet been checked for consistency and merged into the main Dataset. They are provided "as is". If you are unsure of which files to use, stick to the Dataset files above.
These files are not yet in the Dataset.
Filename (Download) | Size | Date Submitted |
32OC434.sea.txt | 41.5 kB | 2012-08-15 |
The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (42036)
The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (42036)
Generated from (42036)
File created in the CCHDO system
32OC20061118 processing - CTD 2024-10-31 Elisa Aitoro Changes - Changed TIME for station 13 from 3131 to 2131 opened in ODV with no apparent problems. Updated Files Manifest file stamp ------------------- ----------------- 20241031CCHSIOENA
CLIMODE3 2006 32OC20061118 processing - CTD/merge - CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,CTDNOBS 2017-01-20 SEE Submission filename submitted by date id --------------- ------------ ---------- ---- Lynne Talley 2012-08-15 8593 Changes ------- - converted WOCE format sum and ctd files into Exchange format. - changed expocode from 32OC434 to 32OC20061118, put former in comments. - renamed files to match exchange format, put original file name as comment. - added cruise comments. - did not put woce ctd files into dataset: incorrect header format. - DATE,LATITUDE,LONGITUDE in Exchange files are from EVENT_CODE BO in sum file. - DATE in WOCE ctd files are EVENT_CODE=BE: not used in Exchange files. - DEPTH from Event_CODE BE in sum file. DEPTH is uncorrected. added comment. - WOCE ctd files have incorrect header format: first and third header lines. - added unit comments. - Changed Station 11 DATE from 2006-11-24 to 2006-11-25 because TIME was not recorded for EVENT_CODE BO. Using EVENT_CODES BE and EN, the DATE and TIME of 2006-11-25 00:00:00 is within 1 hour of the CTD being at the deepest depth. Conversion ---------- file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------- 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 20170120CCHSIOSEE 20170120CCHSIOSEE :Updated parameters: CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,CTDNOBS opened in JOA with no apparent problems: opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
File was created on or before this date
======================================== CLMD3 2006 32OC20061118 processing - SUM ======================================== 2014-08-28 G Ratnam .. contents:: :depth: 2 Submission ========== =============== ============ ========== ================ === filename submitted by date data type id =============== ============ ========== ================ === 32OC434.sum.txt Lynne Talley 2012-08-15 CTD/SUM/WOCE BTL 869 =============== ============ ========== ================ === Process ======= Changes ------- -Put SUM file online. 32OC434.sum.txt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _merge: Merge ----- 32OC434.sum.txt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Directories =========== :working directory: /data/co2clivar/atlantic/clmd3_32OC20061118/original/2014.08.28_SUM_GR :cruise directory: /data/co2clivar/atlantic/clmd3_32OC20061118 Updated Files Manifest ====================== ================== ===== file stamp ================== ===== 32OC20061118su.txt ================== =====
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 32OC434.sum.txt 32OC434.sea.txt
SUM file
Expocode: 32OC434 Ship: Oceanus Woce Line: None Note: CLIMODE: 3rd cruise (mooring turnaround). We don't have a cruise report. I'm gathering information to put one together.
WOCE bottle file
Expocode: 32OC434 Ship: Oceanus Woce Line: None Note: CLIMODE: 3rd cruise (mooring turnaround). We don't have a cruise report. I'm gathering information to put one together.
CTD file
Expocode: 32OC434 Ship: Oceanus Woce Line: None Note: CLIMODE: 3rd cruise (mooring turnaround). We don't have a cruise report. I'm gathering information to put one together.
Over the next few days I'll submit data from the 5 climode cruises. I don't know how you'll want to specify them on the maps - they are not WOCE lines, rather this would be a special study area between the US, Bermuda, and Newfoundland. However I don't see any special study areas on the CCHDO maps in this region, so I'm not sure what you'll want to do. Parts of the sections lie over A03, but they are not A03 sections. The two long cruises are Climode 2 and 4. Right now I'm uploading Climode 1, which has an extraordinarily long cruise report but not in the format you've come to expect.