Hydrographic Cruise: 32H120030721

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:
  • (CCHDO) Baffin Bay
  • (CCHDO) Nares Strait


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite Dataset

Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    32H120030721_bottle.nc (download) #f727c
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    32H120030721_ctd.nc (download) #bfc2a
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file

  • File Created CCHDO System

    32H120030721_nc_hyd.zip (download) #15a72
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    caa_32H120030721_ct1.zip (download) #2dcde
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    hly301_32H120030721trk.gif (download) #afc9c
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    hly0301_32H120030721do.pdf (download) #a5993
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    caa_32H120030721hy.txt (download) #cfb09
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    hly0301_32H120030721do.txt (download) #cab82
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    hly301_32H120030721trk.jpg (download) #20843
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    caa_32H120030721su.txt (download) #9b3df
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    32H120030721_hy1.csv (download) #8eb1c
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Merge Carolina Berys

    32H120030721.exc.csv (download) #70493
    Date: 2014-03-04
    Current Status: merged

  • Exchange and netCDF files online Rox Lee

    Date: 2014-03-04
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Update
    32H120030721 processing - BTL
    R Lee
    .. contents:: :depth: 2
    ==================== ============= ========== ========= ===
    filename             submitted by  date       data type id 
    ==================== ============= ========== ========= ===
    32H120030721.exc.csv Robert M. Key 2012-08-15 BTL       865
    ==================== ============= ========== ========= ===
    - CTDPRS
    - CTDTMP
    - CTDSAL
    - SALNTY [1]_
    - OXYGEN [1]_
    - SILCAT [1]_
    - NH4 [1]_
    - NITRAT [1]_
    - NITRIT [1]_
    - PHSPHT [1]_
    - CFC-11 [1]_
    - CFC-12 [1]_
    - TCARBN [1]_
    - ALKALI [1]_
    - CCL4 [1]_
    - DELO18 [1]_ [3]_
    - BARIUM [1]_ [3]_
    .. [1] parameter has quality flag column
    .. [3] not in WOCE bottle file
    - DELO18 units changed from 0/00 to /MILLE
    - AMMONI changed to NH4
    - NITRAT data values 0 flag 9 changed to data value -999.00
    - TCARBN and ALKALI empty data value flag 2 changed to flag 9
    - ALKALI 105-7-5 (STNNBR, CASTNO, BTLNBR) has decimal data with flag 9
    - BARIUM units changed from UM/KG to nM/L based on original file ArchiveHLY031bottledata.xls
    ======================= ==================== ========================
    file                    converted from       software                
    ======================= ==================== ========================
    32H120030721_nc_hyd.zip 32H120030721_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-100-g92744bf
    ======================= ==================== ========================
    All converted files opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    :working directory:
    :cruise directory:
    Updated Files Manifest
    ======================= =================
    file                    stamp            
    ======================= =================
    32H120030721_hy1.csv    20140304SIOCCHRJL
    32H120030721_nc_hyd.zip 20140304SIOCCHRJL
    ======================= =================
  • Available under 'Files as received' CCHDO Staff

    Date: 2012-08-21
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Update
    The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO.
  • File Submission Robert M. Key

    32H120030721.exc.csv (download) #70493
    Date: 2012-08-15
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission Key, Robert M.

    32H120030721.exc.csv (download) #70493
    Date: 2012-08-15
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 32H120030721
    Ship: Healy
    Woce Line: CAA
    Note: This is almost the file you already have. Changes include:
    1. all parameters run through QC, few flag changes
    2. Alpha stations translated to numeric
    3. Exchange format output with your old header retained. The "CAA" line is from your file.
    4. Copy sent to Alex and to K.Falkner

  • QC'd data to go online Bob Key

    Date: 2012-08-15
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Submitted
    This is almost the file you already have. Changes include:
    1. all parameters run through QC, few flag changes
    2. Alpha stations translated to numeric
    3. Exchange format output with your old header retained. The "CAA" line is from your file.
    4. Copy sent to Alex and to K.Falkner
  • File Merge Jerry Kappa

    HLY031CruiseReport092603.pdf (download) #8949f
    Date: 2012-02-17
    Current Status: merged
  • New Text version online Jerry Kappa

    Date: 2012-02-17
    Data Type: CrsRpt
    Action: Website Updated
    I just added a new text version of the cruise report (hly0301_32H120030721do.txt) for HLY0301 to the co2clivar/arctic/HLY0301/ directory.  This doc is the text equivalent of the pdf doc currently online, dated Nov. 2010.
  • File Merge Carolina Berys

    HLY031CTDO.zip (download) #2ca20
    Date: 2010-11-23
    Current Status: merged

  • New PDF version online Jerry Kappa

    Date: 2010-11-23
    Data Type: CrsRpt
    Action: Website Updated
  • Exchange file online Dave Muus

    Date: 2010-11-23
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    Notes on CTD Exchange format data posted on cchdo website Nov 23, 2010.
    1. Original data file received from K. Falkner Sept 10, 2010  
    2. Original data file parameter line, units line and first data line  
    for Station B1, Cast 2 are shown below:
           4.0,      4.0,   4.6157,   4.6155,  31.7874,   25.170,     
    3.520,    354.9,   108.96,    325.7,       92
    3. Matt Shen wrote program "hly0301_convert.py" (Nov 2, 2010) to  
    convert original format to Exchange CTD format.
       a) CTDOXY MMOLE/M^3 was converted to CTDOXY UMOL/KG by dividing by  
    (1 + CTDSIGTH/1000).
       b) Quality Flag 2s were added to CTDPRS, CTDTMP, CTDSAL and CTDOXY.  
    The other parameters are not on the Exchange parameter list and were  
    not reported.
       c) Station plots looked good when checked with Java OceanAtlas.
  • File Merge

    ArchiveHLY031bottledata.xls (download) #635e0
    Date: 2010-09-02
    Current Status: merged
  • Exchange & WOCE format files online Dave Muus

    Date: 2010-09-02
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Update
    "Notes on Healy 0301 Bottle Data Reformatting   Sept 2, 2010/dm
    1. Original data received as Excel file: ArchiveHLY031bottledata.xls,  
    from Kelly Falkner, OSU, March 24, 2010.
    2. Assigned Expocode 32H120030721    Cruise dates July 21 - August 16,  
    2003 per Cruise Report
    3. Used SECT_ID "CAA" (Canadian Arctic Archipelago).
    4. All data in volume units converted to mass units using  
        OXYGEN conversion used CTDTMP.
        Other conversions used 25 deg C.  
        TCARBN & ALKALI received as UMOL/KG.
    5. Station B01, Cast 2, Bottle 24, 12.3db, OXYGEN flag changed from 2  
    to 9. Missing value blank on Excel file changed to -999.
    6. Many values are blank on the Excel file with Quality Flags 9. Added  
    -999 for missing values.
    7. Many CFC-11, CFC12 and CCL4 have apparently good values but blank  
    Quality Flags. Added 2 for missing Quality Flag.
    8. Station KS01, Cast 45, Bottles 6. Bottle flag 4,         SAMPNO  
    blank in original Excel file, No water samples, deleted
        Station KS09, Cast 48, Bottles 11 & 12.  Bottle flags 9, SAMPNO  
    blank in original Excel file, No water samples, deleted
    9. CTDTMP is average of temp1 and temp2.
        CTDSAL is average of Salinities from CTD 1 amd CTD 2; except  
    merged CTDSAL#2 only for Casts 39 - 50, CTDSAL #1 missing.
    10. NITRAT is NO2 subracted from NO3+NO2.
    11. DELO18 calibrated with Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW)."
  • File Submission Berys, Carolina

    HLY031CruiseReport092603.pdf (download) #8949f
    Date: 2010-08-10
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 32H120030721
    Ship: HEALY
    Woce Line: HLY031
    Note: This cruise report is already online in the queue/additional files section. This submission is for tracking purposes.

  • Available under 'Preliminary/Unprocessed' Carolina Berys

    Date: 2010-08-04
    Data Type: BTL/CTD/Cruise Report
    Action: Website Update
    ArchiveHLY031bottledata.xls bottle file and HLY031CruiseReport092603.pdf cruise report submitted by Jerry
    Kappa on 2010-03-24 and HLY031CTDO.zip CTD files submitted by Kelly
    Falkner on 2010-04-08 available under 'Preliminary/Unprocessed',
    unprocessed by CCHDO.
  • File Submission Kelly Falkner

    ArchiveHLY031bottledata.xls (download) #635e0
    Date: 2010-07-28
    Current Status: merged
    HLY0301 unprocessed bottle file in Excel format

  • File Submission Kelly Falkner

    HLY031CTDO.zip (download) #2ca20
    Date: 2010-04-08
    Current Status: merged
    HLY031 CTD files

  • File Submission Falkner, Kelly

    HLY031CTDO.zip (download) #2ca20
    Date: 2010-04-08
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: HLY031
    Ship: USCGC Healy
    Woce Line: None
    Note: Meta data file to follow

  • To go online Kelly Falkner

    Date: 2010-04-08
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Submitted
  • File Submission Kappa, Jerry

    ArchiveHLY031bottledata.xls (download) #635e0
    Date: 2010-03-24
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 32H120030721
    Ship: Healy
    Woce Line: HLY031
    Note: the rosette was stopped to 
    trip bottles for cast 42

  • File Submission Falkner, Kelly

    ArchiveHLY031bottledata.xls (download) #635e0
    Date: 2010-03-24
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 32H120030721
    Ship: Healy
    Woce Line: HLY031
    Note: None

  • methodology exception Kelly Falkner

    Date: 2010-03-24
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Data Update
    rosette was stopped to 
    trip bottles for cast 42
  • To go online Kelly Falkner

    Date: 2010-03-24
    Data Type: BTL/Cruise Report
    Action: Submitted
    BTL file submitted via email as an excel file.  CTD to follow, also public.