Hydrographic Cruise: 325020100115

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientists:
  • (CCHDO) TN246
  • (CCHDO) 31TT20100115
  • (R2R) TN246
  • (MGDS) TN246
Related Data DOIs


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite Dataset

Supplementary Data and Documents

Files listed here may be useful and are provided 'as is'. Files might include raw data, intermediate processing, or other data collected on a cruise that is outside the current scope of CCHDO.

Role Data Type Format Filename (Download)
ancillary float matlab allprofs09.mat (52.1 MB)
ancillary float matlab allprofs11.mat (76.5 MB)
ancillary float matlab allprofs10.mat (107.0 MB)
ancillary hrp hrp_netcdf dimes_microstructure.zip (1.6 MB)
ancillary hrp hrp_netcdf dimes_pacific_microstructure.zip (6.0 MB)
ancillary ladcp_horizontal netcdf LDEO_IX_Jul2012.tgz (566.6 kB)
ancillary ladcp_vertical netcdf LADCP_w_Jun2016.tgz (329.5 kB)
ancillary sadcp netcdf 31TT20100115_sadcp.zip (751.2 kB)
ancillary met 31TT20100115_met.zip (34.2 MB)
ancillary xbt sippican_edf 31TT20100115_raw_xbt.zip (3.0 MB)
ancillary nav mgds_ascii 31TT20100115_nav.zip (6.4 MB)

Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    31TT20100115_ctd.nc (download) #d1d06
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file

  • File Generated Andrew barna

    31TT20100115su.txt (download) #1c66c
    Date: 2022-10-10
    Current Status: dataset
    Sumfile generated from 31TT20100115_ctd.nc (31224)

  • File Submission Lynne Merchant

    31TT20100115_nav.zip (download) #7064b
    Date: 2018-02-13
    Current Status: ancillary
    Replacing previously uploaded zip archives from R2R and/or MGDS with renamed version. A readme file describing the data source is included in each archive.

  • File Submission Lynne Merchant

    31TT20100115_raw_xbt.zip (download) #3f411
    Date: 2018-02-13
    Current Status: ancillary
    Replacing previously uploaded zip archives from R2R and/or MGDS with renamed version. A readme file describing the data source is included in each archive.

  • File Submission Lynne Merchant

    31TT20100115_met.zip (download) #be93e
    Date: 2018-02-13
    Current Status: ancillary
    Replacing previously uploaded zip archives from R2R and/or MGDS with renamed version. A readme file describing the data source is included in each archive.

  • File Submission Lynne Merchant

    31TT20100115_sadcp.zip (download) #fbe9f
    Date: 2018-02-13
    Current Status: ancillary
    A readme file describing the data source is included in the zip archive.

  • File Submission Lynne Merchant

    31TT20100115_long_cruise_report.pdf (download) #9d627
    Date: 2017-02-28
    Current Status: dataset
    Long cruise report for Dimes US2.

  • File Submission Lynne Merchant

    LADCP_w_Jun2016.tgz (download) #fddbf
    Date: 2017-02-21
    Current Status: ancillary
    LADCP vertical velocity profiles, including README; filename indicates processing date.

  • File Submission Lynne Merchant

    LDEO_IX_Jul2012.tgz (download) #189ed
    Date: 2017-02-21
    Current Status: ancillary
    LADCP horizontal velocity profiles, including README; filename indicates processing date.

  • File Submission Lynne Merchant

    dimes_pacific_microstructure.zip (download) #8ed53
    Date: 2016-11-21
    Current Status: ancillary
    Microstructure data for DIMES US2 Pacific in netcdf format.

  • File Submission Lynne Merchant

    dimes_microstructure.zip (download) #c09de
    Date: 2016-11-21
    Current Status: ancillary
    Microstructure data for DIMES US2 in netcdf format.

  • File Online CCHDO Staff

    allprofs09.mat (download) #9f810
    Date: 2015-10-29
    Current Status: ancillary
  • File Online CCHDO Staff

    allprofs11.mat (download) #28cb7
    Date: 2015-10-29
    Current Status: ancillary
  • File Online CCHDO Staff

    allprofs10.mat (download) #0093f
    Date: 2015-10-29
    Current Status: ancillary
  • File Submission Andrew Barna

    allprofs10.mat (download) #0093f
    Date: 2015-10-29
    Current Status: ancillary
    EM-APEX Float data
    System Message: Submitter requests file be attached to cruise 801

  • File Submission Andrew Barna

    allprofs11.mat (download) #28cb7
    Date: 2015-10-29
    Current Status: ancillary
    EM-APEX Float data
    System Message: Submitter requests file be attached to cruise 801

  • File Submission Andrew Barna

    allprofs09.mat (download) #9f810
    Date: 2015-10-29
    Current Status: ancillary
    EM-APEX Float data
    System Message: Submitter requests file be attached to cruise 801

  • File Created CCHDO System

    31TT20100115_nc_ctd.zip (download) #1180c
    Date: 2015-07-30
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    31TT20100115_ct1.zip (download) #f2652
    Date: 2015-07-30
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge CCHDO Staff

    DIMES_TN246_CTD_corrected.mat (download) #85274
    Date: 2015-07-30
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge CCHDO Staff

    31TT20100115_netcdf_ctd.zip (download) #f56a6
    Date: 2015-07-30
    Current Status: merged
  • CTD online, exchange and netcdf formats SEE

    Date: 2015-07-30
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    DIMES US2 TN246 2010 31TT20100115 processing - CTD online - CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY
    filename                    submitted by date       id
    --------------------------- ------------ ---------- -----
    31TT20100115_netcdf_ctd.zip Steve Diggs  2015-06-01 11858
    DIMES_TN246_CTD_corrected.mat  - used to make the exchange file.
    	- DIMES_TN246_CTD_corrected.txt
    	- DIMES_TN246_CTD_corrected.mat - used to make the exchange file.
    	- DIMES_TN246_CTD_corrected.nc
        DIMES_TN246_CTD_corrected.txt - contains the description from the netcdf file:
    	'DIMES US2 TN246 CTD data 1dbar averaged downcasts with calibrated 
    	and uncalibrated conductivities/salinities and oxygen  as well as 
    	WOCE flags: 1=not calibrated; 2= acceptable measurement; 4=bad measurement
            C. J. Sellers 25-Sep-2012'
    	- Units for latitude and longitude are incorrect in this file.
    	- converted matlab file into CTD Exchange file.
    	- LATITUDE truncated to 4 figures (.4f) because submited data not defined.
    	- LONGITUDE truncated to 6 figures (.6f) because submited data not defined.
    	- CTDTMP flags not submitted; therefore not included in exchange file.
    	- CTDSAL and CTDOXY truncated to 4 figures (.4f) because submited data not defined.
    	- Added comments and headers to Exchange files.
                 # CCHDO converted matlab files to Exchange format
                 # DEPTH not submitted
                 # DATE_UNITS = YYYYMMDD; unknown time-zone reference; unknown positon in water column during cast
                 # TIME_UNITS = HHMM, UTC; unknown time-zone reference; unknown positon in water column during cast
                 # LATITUDE_UNITS = degrees_North; unknown reference location
                              # LATITUDE: reporting 4 significant figures (.4f) because submitted data not defined; unknown positon in water column during cast
                 # LONGITUDE_UNITS = degrees_East; unknown positon in water column during cast
                 # LONGITUDE: reporting 6 significant figures (.6f) because submitted data not defined; unknown positon in water column during cast
                 # CTDTMP: flags not submited, therefore flags not included in exchange file.
                 # Changed CTDSAL units from the submitted "salinity units" to PSS-78
                 # CTDSAL: reporting 4 significant figures (.4f) because submitted data not defined.
                 # CTDOXY: reporting 4 significant figures (.4f) because submitted data not defined.
                 # DIMES US2 TN246 CTD
                 #      1dbar averaged downcasts with calibrated salinities and oxygen
                 #      Flags are WOCE: 1=not calibrated; 2= acceptable measurement; 4=bad measurement
                 #      Author = C. J. Sellers
                 #      Date = 25-Sep-2012
    file                           converted from              software
    ------------------------------ --------------------------- -----------------------
    31TT20100115_nc_ctd.zip        31TT20100115_ct1.zip        hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3
    31TT20100115_ct1.zip opened in JOA and ODV with no apparent problems.
    31TT20100115_nc_ctd.zip opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
  • File Online CCHDO Staff

    DIMES_TN246_CTD_corrected.mat (download) #85274
    Date: 2015-07-28
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission SEE

    DIMES_TN246_CTD_corrected.mat (download) #85274
    Date: 2015-07-28
    Current Status: merged
    resubmitted single file from zip file for bookeeping purposes
    System Message: Submitter requests file be attached to cruise 801

  • File Submission Andrew Barna

    31TT20100115_do.pdf (download) #d8c2c
    Date: 2015-07-16
    Current Status: dataset
    Microstructure Data and cruise report for the DIMES US 2 cruise.
    System Message: Submitter requests file be attached to cruise 801

  • File Online CCHDO Staff

    31TT20100115_netcdf_ctd.zip (download) #f56a6
    Date: 2015-06-01
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission Steve Diggs

    31TT20100115_netcdf_ctd.zip (download) #f56a6
    Date: 2015-06-01
    Current Status: merged
    System Message: Submitter requests file be attached to cruise 801

  • Roxanne Lee

    Date: 2013-06-11
    Data Type:
    Visit http://dimes.ucsd.edu/ for more information