Hydrographic Cruise: 316N20040922

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:
Related Data DOIs


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite Dataset

Unmerged Data as Received

Files listed here are the most recent version submitted by the cruise scientists, but have not yet been checked for consistency and merged into the main Dataset. They are provided "as is". If you are unsure of which files to use, stick to the Dataset files above.

These files are not yet in the Dataset.

Filename (Download) Size Date Submitted
Cruise Report Knorr KN179-05 NOTEParticipantsPg36(Pg40of59).pdf 4.1 MB 2019-04-16

Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    316N20040922_bottle.nc (download) #a8d77
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    316N20040922_ctd.nc (download) #dbfd3
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file

  • File Generated Andrew barna

    316N20040922su.txt (download) #db72a
    Date: 2022-10-10
    Current Status: dataset
    Sumfile generated from 316N20040922_bottle.nc (33919)

  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20040922hy.txt (download) #afa37
    Date: 2022-08-17
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20040922_nc_hyd.zip (download) #79c03
    Date: 2022-08-17
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20040922_hy1.csv (download) #d2e2f
    Date: 2022-08-17
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    316N20040922_hy1.csv (download) #fdf92
    Date: 2022-08-17
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    316N20040922_nc_hyd.zip (download) #73381
    Date: 2022-08-17
    Current Status: merged
  • Bottle data corrections Andrew Barna

    Date: 2022-08-17
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Website Update
    316N20040922 processing - BTL
    A Barna
       id  submit date    submitted by    file name
    -----  -------------  --------------  --------------------
    16488                                 316N20040922_hy1.csv
    * Deleted empty line, STN 16, cast 1, sample 271726
    316N20040922_hy1.csv and 316N20040922_nc_hyd.zip opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    note: converted and put online by E Aitoro
    file                     converted from        software
    -----------------------  --------------------  -----------------------
    316N20040922_nc_hyd.zip  316N20040922_hy1.csv  hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    316N20040922hy.txt       316N20040922_hy1.csv  hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                     stamp
    -----------------------  -----------------
    316N20040922_hy1.csv     20220817CCHSIOAMB
    316N20040922_nc_hyd.zip  20220817CCHSIOAMB
    316N20040922hy.txt       20220817CCHSIOAMB
  • File Merge Rachel Tam

    316N20040922.exc.csv (download) #6791c
    Date: 2020-12-11
    Current Status: merged
  • Bottle Data Online Rachel Tam

    Date: 2020-12-11
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Website Update
    KN179-05 316N20040922 processing - BTL
    R Tam
      id   date        submit by      file name
    -----  ----------  -------------  ---------------------
    13806  2019-04-16  Robert M. Key  316N20040922.exc.csv
    * none
    3316N20040922_hy1.csv, 316N20040922_nc_hyd.zip opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    file                    converted from       software    
    ----------------------- -------------------- -----------------
    316N20040922_nc_hyd.zip 316N20040922_hy1.csv 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp    
    ----------------------- -----------------
    316N20040922_hy1.csv    20180125PRINUNIVRMK
    316N20040922_nc_hyd.zip 20180125PRINUNIVRMK
  • File Submission Robert Key

    Cruise Report Knorr KN179-05 NOTEParticipantsPg36(Pg40of59).pdf (download) #2738a
    Date: 2019-04-16
    Current Status: unprocessed
    My collection of Davis St. bottle files and the one report that I have. 
    NOTE: This 2010  cruise is not the same as the one for which CTD data is available (If you don't have CTD for a different 2010 let me know)

  • File Submission Robert Key

    316N20040922.exc.csv (download) #6791c
    Date: 2019-04-16
    Current Status: merged
    My collection of Davis St. bottle files and the one report that I have. 
    NOTE: This 2010  cruise is not the same as the one for which CTD data is available (If you don't have CTD for a different 2010 let me know)

  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20040922_nc_ctd.zip (download) #b86e0
    Date: 2018-10-11
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    316N20040922_ct1.zip (download) #a64a3
    Date: 2018-10-11
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge CCHSIO

    ds2004_CTD.mat (download) #fc5f5
    Date: 2018-10-11
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge CCHSIO

    dnk179-05_2004_CTD.zip (download) #c68b8
    Date: 2018-10-11
    Current Status: merged
  • merge CTD data into Dataset CCHSIO

    Date: 2018-10-11
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    KN179-05 2004 316N20040922 processing - CTD/merge - CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,CTDTRBDTY
    filename               submitted by   date       id  
    ---------------------- -------------- ---------- -----
    ds2004_CTD.mat         Carolina Berys 2017-04-18 12707 
    dnk179-05_2004_CTD.zip Jason Gobat    2018-05-16 14037 
    ds2004_CTD.mat - did not use this file, submittted 2017-04-18, because there were no station 
    	 	 numbers to match the bottle file. Filed in Data History as merged.
            - Converted SBE files to Exchange
            - CCHDO assigned all CASTNO=1, since CASTNO not in SBE files.
            - Renamed files to match EXCHANGE standard. Put original file name in file as a comment.
            - Used t090C and sal00, as per Jason Gobat for this cruise.
            - No flags submitted for parameters, therefore no flags in Exchange files.
            - Changed CTDSAL units from PSU to PSS-78
            - Used "System UpLoad Time" as Exchange headers DATE and TIME
            - CCHDO changed Station header in file d17905001.cnv, from "Station 1" to "1"
            - CCHDO changed Station header in file d17905032.cnv, from Station=31 to Station=32
            - CCHDO changed Station header in file d17905076.cnv, from Station=73 to Station=76
    file                    converted from       software               
    ----------------------- -------------------- -----------------
    316N20040922_nc_ctd.zip 316N20040922_ct1.zip 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp            
    ----------------------- --------------
    316N20040922_ct1.zip    20181011CCHSIO
    316N20040922_nc_ctd.zip 20181011CCHSIO
    opened in JOA with no apparent problems:
    opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    dnk179-05_2004_CTD.zip (download) #c68b8
    Date: 2018-06-07
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission se

    dnk179-05_2004_CTD.zip (download) #c68b8
    Date: 2018-05-16
    Current Status: merged
    SBE CTD files to replace the matlab file
    ds2004_CTD.mat,  which has no station numbers

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    316N20040922.exc.csv (download) #6791c
    Date: 2018-01-25
    Current Status: merged
  • File Online Carolina Berys

    Cruise Report Knorr KN179-05 NOTEParticipantsPg36(Pg40of59).pdf (download) #2738a
    Date: 2018-01-25
    Current Status: unprocessed
  • File Submission Robert Key

    Cruise Report Knorr KN179-05 NOTEParticipantsPg36(Pg40of59).pdf (download) #2738a
    Date: 2018-01-25
    Current Status: unprocessed
    New cruise
    Second of Davis Strait time series (first was a  Hudson cruise). There will be about 8 more of these. Might want to have a new "group" so they can all be accessed  at the same place.

  • File Submission Robert Key

    316N20040922.exc.csv (download) #6791c
    Date: 2018-01-25
    Current Status: merged
    New cruise
    Second of Davis Strait time series (first was a  Hudson cruise). There will be about 8 more of these. Might want to have a new "group" so they can all be accessed  at the same place.

  • File Online Carolina Berys

    ds2004_CTD.mat (download) #fc5f5
    Date: 2017-04-18
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission Carolina Berys

    ds2004_CTD.mat (download) #fc5f5
    Date: 2017-04-18
    Current Status: merged
    Downloaded from https://arcticdata.io/catalog/#view/doi:10.18739/A25G9Z on 2017-03-20, NSF Arctic Data Center. 2009. CTD surveys from the Davis Strait observational array. NSF Arctic Data Center. doi:10.18739/A25G9Z.