Hydrographic Cruise: 316N19810401

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

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Data History

  • 316N19810401_bottle.nc Online - 2023-07-24 - Andrew Barna

    File Online Andrew Barna

    316N19810401_bottle.nc (download) #c7769
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • 316N19810401_ctd.nc Online - 2023-07-24 - Andrew Barna

    File Online Andrew Barna

    316N19810401_ctd.nc (download) #de145
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file

  • anas1_19810401_nc_ctd.zip Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    anas1_19810401_nc_ctd.zip (download) #bdecf
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • anas1_19810401_nc_hyd.zip Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    anas1_19810401_nc_hyd.zip (download) #174ef
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • anas1_316N19810401trk.jpg Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    anas1_316N19810401trk.jpg (download) #d39b6
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • anas1_19810401_hy1.csv Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    anas1_19810401_hy1.csv (download) #8cd64
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • anas1hy.txt Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    anas1hy.txt (download) #9f722
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • anas1ct.zip Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    anas1ct.zip (download) #e1519
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • anas1_316N19810401do.txt Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    anas1_316N19810401do.txt (download) #8fb0f
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • anas1_19810401_ct1.zip Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    anas1_19810401_ct1.zip (download) #3913f
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • anas1_316N19810401do.pdf Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    anas1_316N19810401do.pdf (download) #cad09
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • anas1su.txt Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    anas1su.txt (download) #421c4
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • anas1_316N19810401trk.gif Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    anas1_316N19810401trk.gif (download) #ecd14
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • New Text version online Jerry Kappa

    Date: 2011-08-31
    Data Type: CrsRpt
    Action: Website Updated
  • New PDF version online Jerry Kappa

    Date: 2011-08-19
    Data Type: CrsRpt
    Action: Website Updated
  • Scanned, will be typed Jerry Kappa

    Date: 2006-05-25
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Prelim. PDF ready to go online
     I just put 2 docs for the ATAS cruises in my whpo directory:
    /home/jkappa/public_html/ATAS_1982 TAS cruise report.pdf
    /home/jkappa/public_html/ATAS_1981 NAS cruise report.pdf
    They can go online right away.  They are just scans of the original hard copy.  Kimberly is typing them, since we both decided that would be faster/easier than trying to use the OCR software in this case.
    Once typed, I will make a better set of PDF and text files.
  • From CDIAC Website Dave Muus

    Date: 2006-02-10
    Data Type: CTD/BTL/SUM
    Action: Website Updated:
    NAS Leg1 notes
    Original bottle data from CDIAC website Feb 10, 2006.
       Contains pressure, temperature, salinity, nutrients, alkalinity and total carbon.
       No machine readable data available from SIO/ODF.
    Helium tritium merge file:   nas_he3-tu.orig.Z  from WHOI P.I.: W.J. Jenkins
      Received from J.L.Reid office Jan 19, 2006.
    Added missing NB 69 from PACODF data report SIO Ref. #86-15
    Tritium merge file:  nas1-7.c14.orig.Z  Believed to be from Univ. of Miami; P.I.: H.G Ostlund
      Received from J.L.Reid office Jan 19, 2006.
    No Miami rosette sample data for Leg 1.  
    Notes for Leg1:
      Temperature for Station 2, sample 101, 14db is Reversing Thermometer not CTD temperature and
      and appears 3 deg low. 
    Original CTD data from NODC Mar 8, 2006  ocldb1141845224.17339.CTD.csv.gz
      Low Temperature and Salinity on Station 2 above 120db are as shown in NODC data. Left as is.
  • From CDIAC Website William Jenkins

    Date: 1989-08-31
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: Website Updated:
                          WHOI Helium Isotope Lab
                   Data Release #3.0   August 31, 1989
                Tritium and 3He from TTO-NAS and NATS 1981
    Dear Colleague,
        The files on this disk (TTO.DAT and NAT.DAT) are a listing of
    tritium, helium and hydrographic data taken on two expeditions which
    took place in the summer of 1981.  The TTO North Atlantic Survey took
    place on the KNORR on seven legs with a variety of chief scientists
    (see the data report published by Scripps Institution of  Oceanography,
    ref SIO No. 86-15).  The NATS (North Atlantic Tracer Section)  data
    (AT-109, legs 1-3) were taken with C.Wunsch, H.Stommel and D.Roemmich
    as chief scientists.  We are indebted to all for their help.   This
    work was supported by the National Science Foundation, grants No.
    OCE79-21378 and OCE81-17998.  You are free to use this data as you see
    fit, but an acknowledgement of its source would be appreciated in any
    resulting publications.
        There are a total of 3235 tritium and 2893 helium measurements.  
    The data are organized as simple ascii files with two kinds of records
    in a repeating pattern: a station header record, followed by a  number
    of depth records.  Ancillary hydrographic information is included  for
    your convenience only, and we make no claim as to its accuracy.  Cast
    and bottle numbers are included to permit referencing the actual
    hydrographic data released by the PACODF group.  We present the
    helium-3 data in two  "units" for use at your own discretion.  Null
    values are indicated as -99. We have made every attempt to ensure that
    there are no errors in the data  (eg due to mis-labelling), but if you
    find any "fliers", please notify us (telemail W.Jenkins) of the cast
    and bottle number and what the problem  appears to be, and we will
    investigate.  Don't forget to include the data release number.
    The data can be read by the following fortran statements (contained in the
    file "test.for"):
     100	read(3,110,end=300)ista,ndeps,stalat,stalon,id,im,iy
     110	format(2i3,2f8.3,3i3)
    	do 200 i=1,ndeps
     120	    format(2i2,f6.0,2f8.3,f5.0,3f7.2,f7.1,f7.2)
     200	  continue
    	go to 100
    c   .................................
     300	close(unit=3)
    The program test.for has been succesfully used under both SUN OS v4.0
    and  Microsoft (MSDOS) v5.0 fortran compilers.
    The variables read are
    		ista	station number
    		ndeps	number of depths to be read
    		stalat	station latitude (N positive) in decimal degrees
    		stalon	station longitude (W positive) in dec. degrees
    		id,im,iy   station date (day, month, year)
    		icast	cast number
    		ibott	bottle number
    		pres	pressure in decibars
    		temp	in situ temperature (deg. C)
    		salt	salinity (PSU)
    		oxygen	dissolved oxygen (uM/Kg)
    		trit	tritium (T.U.) at time of station
    		sigt	uncertainty in tritium (T.U.)
    		he3	excess helium-3 (T.U.)*
    		del3	helium isotope ratio anomaly (permil)**
    		che	helium concentration (ncc/g)***
    	* the excess helium-3 is computed according to Jenkins (1987).
    		Uncertainty is .035 T.U.
    	** relative to the atmospheric ratio.  Uncertainty is 1.5 permil.
    	*** uncertainty is 0.1 ncc/g [ncc = 10^-9 cc(STP)].
        The data reported here are the result of the work of a number of
    people (both present and past) in the Helium Isotope Laboratory.  They are
    	Scot P. Birdwhistel
    	Richard D. Boudreau
    	Marcia W. Davis (Pratt)
    	Philip A. DesJardin
    	Peggy A. Dickinson (O'Brien)
    	Heidi Hinds
    	William J. Jenkins
    	Danuta G. Kaminski
    	Dempsey E. Lott III
    	Gary Newhart
              Jenkins, W.J. (1987) 3H and 3He in the Beta Triangle: observations 
                    of gyre ventilation and oxygen utilization rates.  J. Phys.
    		Oceanogr. 17, 763-783.
              Lott, D.E. and W.J. Jenkins (1984) An automated cryogenic charcoal
    		trap system for helium isotope mass spectrometry. Rev. Sci.
    		Instrum. 55, 1982-1988.
  • From CDIAC Website Unknown Unknown

    Date: 1987-04-07
    Data Type: DELC14/TRITIUM
    Action: LV Only-not merged
                     TTO NAS TAS TRITIUM and C14 DATA              87/04/07       
                                DOS DISK                                          
         The files on the floppy disk include only samples on which Cl4 or T (or  
    both) have been measured.  Missing data are indicated by blanks.  Files are   
    ASCII characters, forming integers of the actual numbers, multiplied by FACTOR
         File format is DOS, as it comes on the IBM PC.  One long string of       
    characters as follows:                                                        
    BYTES   WIDTH   DATA, (right justified)                                 FACTOR
    1-6     6       Station number                                              1 
    7-12    6       Cast, Niskin bottle number                                  1 
    13-18   6       Depth in m or pressure in dB, supplied by PACODF            1 
    19-24   6       Potential temp., see pg. 5 in Data Report 15             1000 
    25-30   6       Salinity, in S-units, supplied by PACODF                 1000 
    31-36   6       Sigma Theta, see pg.5 in Data Report 15                  1000 
    37-42   6       TU in old scale at time of sampling                      1000 
    43-48   6       Error, 1 Sigma, in TU                                    1000 
    49-54   6       TCO2 in  moles/kg. Note: On TTO there are TCO2           1000 
                      data available on more samples, not listed here             
    55-60   6       dC13 (o/oo) vs PDB, of our CO2 preparations              1000 
    61-68   8       DC14 in internationally adopted scale                    1000 
    69-72   4       Gerard sampler #                                            1 
    73-78   6       Available                                                 -   
    79      1       CR                                                        -   
    80      1       LF                                                        -   
         The Tritium Lab is responsible only for the TU, eTU,dC13 and DC14 data to
    be accurate.  For up-to-date hydrography, TCO2, and other parameters, please  
    contact Scripps Data Facility.