Hydrographic Cruise: 316N138_12

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

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Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    316N138_12_bottle.nc (download) #0351b
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    316N138_12_ctd.nc (download) #9db06
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p19c_316N138_12trk.gif (download) #7787f
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p19chy.txt (download) #37fbe
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p19cdo.pdf (download) #ed6e7
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p19csu.txt (download) #4c569
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p19cdo.txt (download) #dc4ab
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p19clv.txt (download) #606b9
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p19c_ct1.zip (download) #1d6ad
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p19c_316N138_12trk.jpg (download) #ae754
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p19c_nc_hyd.zip (download) #f3aa0
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p19c_hy1.csv (download) #fa963
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p19cct.zip (download) #a566c
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p19c_nc_ctd.zip (download) #6e48b
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • Remerged DELC13; online Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2004-02-10
    Data Type: DELC13
    Action: Website Updated:
    Remerged DELC13 with two decimal place values into online file 20020812WHPOSIODM using file c13final sent by Bob Key.  Put his c13final file in original/20040210_FINL_C13_KEY.
    There was one value that was not merged.  Sta. 299, cast 2 sample 44, DELC13 0.14.  There was no SAMPNO 44 for 299, cast 2 in the bottle file.
  • Data Online Dave Muus

    Date: 2002-08-14
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Updated:
    *See THETA entry.
  • Data Online Dave Muus

    Date: 2002-08-14
    Data Type: CTDTMP
    Action: Website Updated:
    *See THETA entry.
  • Data Online Dave Muus

    Date: 2002-08-14
    Data Type: THETA
    Action: Website Updated:
    Merged revised ODF temperatures into current web bottle file. Replaced CTD files with revised ODF files. New bottle and ctd files now on web with new exchange files.
    Notes on P19N  merging:
    1. Merged P19N CTDTMP and THETA from ODF Revised Temperature file:
    /usr/export/ftp/pub/HydroData/woce/p19c/p19chyd.zip into bottle file (p19chy.txt 20020607WHPOSIOSA)
    2. Replaced CTD data files with Revised ODF CTD files with corrected temperatures from:
    /usr/export/ftp/pub/HydroData/woce/p19c/p19cctd.zip. Changed file names from ssscc.ctd       
                 to p19c_0sss.1.wct for Cast 1
    				     to p19c_0sss.2.wct for Cast 2
                 where sss = Station Number
    	           cc = Cast Number
    to conform to present WOCE file name format.
    3. Made new exchange files for CTD and Bottle data.
    4. Checked new data files with Java Ocean Atlas.
  • LVS data linked to web site Karla Uribe

    Date: 2002-07-01
    Data Type: LVS
    Action: Website Updated:
    large volume sample data was linked to website.
  • File needs to be linked to web site. Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2002-06-28
    Data Type: BTL/SILCAT
    Action: Update Needed
    Found file p19c_lvs.txt in p19c/original. Checked format. This file needs to be linked.
  • Exchange file online Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2002-06-07
    Data Type: DELC13
    Action: Website Updated:
    Copied QUALT1 flags for DELC13 to QUALT2, as the QUALT2 flags had been set to 1. This was brought to my attention by SE. Made new exchange file.
  • Data Online Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2002-06-04
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
    Corrected minor format error in headers brought to my attention by SE. The placement of the ending * was not in the correct column.
  • Data merged into online file, new CSV file online Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2002-05-22
    Data Type: DELC13
    Action: Website Updated:
    Merged DELC13 into online file p19chy.txt (20020321WHPOSIODM), DELC13 was retrieved from Bob Key's ftp site in May of 2001.
    Made new exchange file and put online.
  • Data Online Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2002-05-22
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
    Merged DELC13 into online file p19chy.txt (20020321WHPOSIODM), DELC13 was retrieved from Bob Key's ftp site in May of 2001. Made new exchange file and put online.
  • Data merged into online file, CSV file added Dave Muus

    Date: 2002-03-21
    Data Type: HELIUM/DELHE3
    Action: Website Updated:
    Deep Helium and DelHe3 from John Lupton /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/pacific/p19/p19c/original/2000.04.13_P19C_LUPTON-EVANS_He.Ne/p19cwoce.csv.txt merged into bottle file (20020318WHPOSIODM) and put on line together with new exchange file. No HELIER, DELHER or neon data.
  • Data merged into online file, new CSV file online Dave Muus

    Date: 2002-03-18
    Data Type: He/Tr/delhe3/ne
    Action: Website Updated:
    Tritium, Helium, DelHe3 and Neon from Bill Jenkins merged into bottle file and put on line together with new exchange file.
    Notes on P19C merging     March 18, 2002    D. Muus
    1. Merged Tritium from: 
    and Helium, DelHe3 and Neon from: 
    into current web bottle file (20011012WHPOSIODM).
    2. Quality flag 2 assigned to all helium, delhe3 and neon values at WHPOSIO.
    3. Quality flag assigned by originator for tritium.
    4. QUALT2 same as QUALT1 for all merged values.
    5. Made new exchange file for Bottle data.
    6. Checked new bottle file with Java Ocean Atlas.
  • See Note: Adel Hajrasuliha

    Date: 2002-01-22
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Internal DQE completed
    created .ps files, check with gs viewer. Created *check.txt file
  • Exchange file online Karla Uribe

    Date: 2002-01-08
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Updated:
    CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.
  • CFCs merged into BTL Dave Muus

    Date: 2001-10-17
    Data Type: CFC/BTL/SUM
    Action: Website Updated:
    July 2001 CFCs merged into Feb 2000 bottle file.
    Removed ^M and ^Z from summary file and modified first line of header to look like summary header instead of bottle file header.
    1. New CFC-11 and CFC-12 from:
    merged into SEA file from web Oct 12, 2001. (20000229WHPOSIODMB)
    SEA file QUALT2 words all "11111111111111" so made QUALT2 identical to QUALT1 prior to merging.
    2.  .SUM file: Removed ^M from end of lines; were giving bottom depth error. Removed ^Z from end of file. 
    First header line starts like .SEA file header: changed to be more recognizable as a .SUM file:
    new: " P19C  R/V KNORR                        CRUISE DATES 022293 TO 041393" 
    old: "EXPOCODE 316N138_12   WHP-ID   P19C     CRUISE DATES 022293 TO 041393"
    3. Exchange file checked using Java Ocean Atlas.
  • Status changed to Public James Swift

    Date: 2001-08-27
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: Data are Public
    Steve - Please make the following changes from non-public to public.  All Jenkins Pacific/Indian data are public according to an email he sent 2/26/2001, hence P19C 316N138_12   The He/Tr data were cleaned up by S. Anderson.  So when you merge them, please make them public.
  • precision outside orighnal WOCE standards; meets "relaxed" stnds David Wisegarver

    Date: 2001-06-27
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: DQE Complete
    The detection limit of CFC-12 during p19c appears to be higher than CFC-11; CFC-12 reaches a concentration of 0.000 while CFC-11 still has a significant signal, before decreasing to 0.000.  At the low concentrations the pCFC ratio tends to be high.  This data set does not meet the original WOCE quality standards, but does fall within the relaxed standards of 3% or 0.015 pmol/kg.
  • Processing error corrected, revised data available by ftp Mary Johnson

    Date: 2001-06-20
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Data Update:
    ODF has discovered a small error in the algorithm used to convert ITS90 temperature calibration data to IPTS68.  This error affects reported Mark III CTD temperature data for most cruises that occurred in 1992-1999.  A complete list of affected data sets appears below.
    ODF temperature calibrations are reported on the ITS90 temperature scale.  ODF internally maintains these calibrations for CTD data processing on the IPTS68 scale.  The error involved converting ITS90 calibrations to IPTS68.  The amount of error is close to linear with temperature: approximately -0.00024 degC/degC, with a -0.00036 degC offset at 0 degC.  Previously reported data were low by 0.00756 degC at 30 degC, decreasing to 0.00036 degC low at 0 degC.  Data reported as ITS90 were also affected by a similar amount.  CTD conductivity calibrations have been recalculated to account for the temperature change.  Reported CTD salinity and oxygen data were not significantly affected.
    Revised final data sets have been prepared and will be available soon from ODF (ftp://odf.ucsd.edu/pub/HydroData).  The data will eventually be updated on the whpo.ucsd.edu website as well.
    IPTS68 temperatures are reported for PCM11 and Antarktis X/5, as originally submitted to their chief scientists.  ITS90 temperatures are reported for all other cruises.
    Changes in the final data vs. previous release (other than temperature and negligible differences in salinity/oxygen):
    S04P:	694/03 CTD data were not reported, but CTD values were reported with the bottle data.  No conductivity correction was applied to these values in the original .sea file.  This release uses the same conductivity correction as the two nearest casts to correct salinity.
    AO94:	Eight CTD casts were fit for ctdoxy (previously uncalibrated) and resubmitted to the P.I. since the original release.  The WHP-format bottle file was not regenerated.  The CTDOXY for the following stations should be significantly different than the original .sea file values:
    	  009/01  013/02  017/01  018/01  026/04  033/01  036/01  036/02
    I09N:	The 243/01 original CTD data file was not rewritten after updating the ctdoxy fit.  This release uses the correct ctdoxy data for the .ctd file.  The original .sea file was written after the update occurred, so the ctdoxy values reported with bottle data should be minimally different.
    	WOCE Section ID		P.I.			Cruise Dates
    S04P			(Koshlyakov/Richman)	Feb.-Apr. 1992
    P14C			(Roemmich)		Sept. 1992
    PCM11			(Rudnick)		Sept. 1992
    P16A/P17A (JUNO1)	(Reid)			Oct.-Nov. 1992
    P17E/P19S (JUNO2)	(Swift)			Dec. 1992 - Jan. 1993
    P19C			(Talley)		Feb.-Apr. 1993	
    P17N			(Musgrave)		May-June 1993
    P14N			(Roden)			July-Aug. 1993
    P31			(Roemmich)		Jan.-Feb. 1994
    A15/AR15		(Smethie)		Apr.-May 1994   
    I09N			(Gordon)		Jan.-Mar. 1995
    I08N/I05E		(Talley)		Mar.-Apr. 1995
    I03			(Nowlin)		Apr.-June 1995
    I04/I05W/I07C		(Toole)			June-July 1995
    I07N			(Olson)			July-Aug. 1995
    I10			(Bray/Sprintall)	Nov. 1995   
    ICM03			(Whitworth)		Jan.-Feb. 1997
    	Cruise Name		P.I.			Cruise Dates
    Antarktis X/5		(Peterson)		Aug.-Sept. 1992
    Arctic Ocean 94		(Swift)			July-Sept. 1994
    	Cruise Name		P.I.			Cruise Dates
    WOCE-S04I		(Whitworth)		May-July 1996   
    Arctic Ocean 97		(Swift)			Sept.-Oct. 1997
    HNRO7			(Talley)		June-July 1999
    KH36			(Talley)		July-Sept. 1999
    "Final" Data from cruise dates prior to 1992, or cruises which did not
    use NBIS CTDs, are NOT AFFECTED.
    post-1991 Preliminary Data NOT AFFECTED:
    Cruise Name	        	P.I.    			Cruise Dates
    Arctic Ocean 96		(Swift)			July-Sept. 1996
    WOCE-A24 (ACCE)		(Talley)		May-July 1997
    XP99			(Talley)		Aug.-Sept. 1999
    KH38			(Talley)		Feb.-Mar. 2000
    XP00			(Talley)		June-July 2000
  • See Note: James Swift

    Date: 2001-06-19
    Data Type: CTDTMP
    Action: Update Needed
    An oceanographically-insignificant error in CTDTMP data for this cruise has been found (ca. -0.00024*T - 0.00036 degC).  A data update is forthcoming. In the interim the corrected data files can be obtained from: ftp://odf.ucsd.edu/pub/HydroData/woce/crs
  • may require minor revisions William Jenkins

    Date: 2001-02-26
    Data Type: He/Tr Shalllow
    Action: Data are Public
    It was brought to my attention that the WOCE Pacific/Indian He-Tr data was  not as yet made public. After submitting it to you last year, I had intended on going through it one more time to ensure there were no problems with it. Unfortunately, I have not had the time to do this. Is it possible, therefore, to release it as public data, and if there are any subsequent minor revisions, to make changes? I suspect there might be a few samples in the set that might have got through our initial quality control.
  • found in 'sum file' directory Karla Uribe

    Date: 2000-12-11
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Submitted
    2000.12.11 KJU
    File contained here is a CRUISE SUMMARY and NOT sumfile. Documentation is online.
    2000.10.11 KJU
    Files were found in incoming directory under whp_reports. This directory was zipped, files were separated and placed under proper cruise. All of them are sum files.
    Received 1997 August 15th.
  • See Note: Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2000-11-13
    Data Type: TRITUM
    Action: Reformatted by WHPO
    I have put the Jenkins tritium data into WOCE format.  There were no quality codes so I set the TRITUM to 2.
  • See Note: Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2000-11-08
    Data Type: HELIUM/NEON
    Action: Reformatted by WHPO
    I have put the Jenkins helium and neon in WOCE format. There were no quality codes so I set the HELIUM, DELHE3, and NEON to 2.
  • Preliminary William Jenkins

    Date: 2000-10-17
    Data Type: TRITUM
    Action: Submitted
    *Files for Tritium Data: 
            WOCE Indian Ocean = WITrit.dat   Contains all legs
            WOCE Pacific P10 = WP10Trit.dat
            WOCE Pacific P13 = WP13Trit.dat
            WOCE Pacific P14c = WP14cTrit.dat
            WOCE Pacific P18 = WP18Trit.dat
            WOCE Pacific P19 = WP19Trit.dat
            WOCE Pacific P21 = WP21Trit.dat
            SAVE South Atlnt = SAVETrit.dat
    *Column Layout as follows:  Station, Cast, Bottle, Pressure, Tritium, ErrTritium
    *Units as follows:  Tritium and ErrTritium in T.U.
    *All data are unfortunately still preliminary until we have completed the laboratory intercomparision and intercalibration that is still underway.
  • Preliminary HELIUM, DELHE3, NEON William Jenkins

    Date: 2000-10-17
    Data Type: HELIUM/DELHE3
    Action: Submitted
    *Files for Helium and Neon Data: 
            WOCE Indian Ocean = WIHe.dat   Contains all legs
            WOCE Pacific P10 = WP10He.dat
            WOCE Pacific P18 = WP18He.dat
            WOCE Pacific P19 = WP19He.dat
            WOCE Pacific P21 = WP21He.dat
    *Column Layout as follows:
    Station, Cast, Bottle, Pressure, Delta3He, ErrDelta3He, ConcHelium, ErrConcHelium, ConcNeon, ErrConcNeon
    *Units as follows:
    Delta3He and ErrDelta3He in %
    ConcHelium, ErrConcHelium, ConcNeon, and ErrConcNeon in nmol/kg
    *Null values (for ConcNeon and ErrConcNeon only ) = -9.000
    *All data are unfortunately still preliminary until we have completed the laboratory intercomparision and intercalibration that is still underway.
  • ctd dqe report added to pdf, txt versios Linda Huynh

    Date: 2000-08-24
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
  • Mark Rosenberg

    Date: 2000-08-14
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: DQE Report Submitted
  • pdf, txt files online Linda Huynh

    Date: 2000-08-10
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
    waiting for M. Rosenberg's CTD dqe report.  He's sent it twice, but we haven't been able to read it.
  • Mary Johnson

    Date: 2000-07-14
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: ODF Report Submitted
  • Status changed to Public Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2000-04-19
    Data Type: DELC14lvs
    Action: Website Updated:
    As per Bob's email, I have unencrypted the P19C bottle file and updated the tables to reflect the public status.  Danie
  • See Note: Leigh Evans

    Date: 2000-04-13
    Data Type: HELIUM/DELHE3
    Action: Submitted for DQE
    I just ftp'ed 4 files to your /INCOMING directory i8nwoce.csv   p13woce.csv   p16cwoce.csv   p19cwoce.csv ... of the same form as before, comma delimited columns of  station, cast, bottle, %delta He3, delta He3 data flag, molal [He], [He] data flag.
  • Data Online Stephen C. Diggs

    Date: 2000-03-01
    Data Type: TCARBN/PC02
    Action: Website Updated:
    I have merged Alex Kozyr's updated  CO2 values into P19C bottle file.   Merged were TCARBN, PCO2 and PCO2TMP.  The current bottle file was replaced and all references for this line have been updated to reflect the change.
    There are both a public  and proprietary file (C14 is nonpub).
    Both files were replaced.
  • Data Online Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2000-02-28
    Data Type: TCARBN/PCO2/PCO2TMP
    Action: Website Updated:
    P19c_carb.txt - file from Alex Kozyr obtained from WHPO.
    P19c_carb_edt.txt - above file with header text edited out, and all missing data values changed to appropriate WOCE format.
    p19chy_carb.txt - final merged file with new TCARBN, PCO2, PCO2TMP values. 
    -edited out leading text in Kozyr's file.  Changed all missing data values to WOCE format with correct percisions.
    -used David Newton's mrgsea for merging TCARBN, PCO2, PCO2TMP.  Columns were already in WHPO bottle file and contained values.  Final merged  bottle file was named p19chy_carb.txt
    -ran wocecvt on new file.  Warnings created pertained to uncorrected bottom depths in the sumfile.  No bottle file warnings were created.
    -ran "diff" on final merged file and bottle file obtained from WHPO, with no differences returned.
    -ran maskhyd to add date/name stamp.
    -masked out C14 and C14ERR from public file.  Encrypted complete file. updated all tables and index pages.  
  • DQE Complete Alexander Kozyr

    Date: 2000-02-04
    Data Type: TCARBN/PCO2
    Action: Final Data Submitted
  • hard copy of report is in the mail Mark Rosenberg

    Date: 2000-02-03
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: DQE Complete
  • Data merged into online BTL file David Newton

    Date: 1999-11-29
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Website Updated:
    CFC merging.
    Changes made 29Nov1999 David Newton
    Fixed line length on headers.  Fixed QUALT2 on 2nd header. CFC11 and CFC12 merged in.  No changes.  File of new CFC's contained 20 samples from STNNBR 999 which were not merged.
    CFC11 and CFC12 merged in.  No changes.  File of new CFC's contained 9 samples from STNNBR 999 which were not merged.
    Changed expocode in p17nhy.txt from 325021/1 to 325021_1. CFC11 and CFC12 merged in.  No changes. File of new CFC's contained 8 stations (85 samples) that were not in existing .SEA file.  sta/cast were:
           105/1  110/1  120/1  188/1  189/1  190/1  192/1  194/1  
    Removed <cntrl-M> from end of each line.
    CFC11 and CFC12 merged in.  No changes.
    Changed FCO2 header to PCO2. CFC11 and CFC12 merged in.  No changes. File of new CFC's contained 8 stations (135 samples) that were not in existing .SEA file.  sta/cast were:
           1/1  2/1  3/1  913/1  82/1  84/1  91/1  161/1   
    CFC11 and CFC12 merged in.  No changes. File of new CFC's contained 3 stations (46 samples) that were not in existing .SEA file.  sta/cast were:
           1/1  2/1  3/1 
  • Debbie Willey

    Date: 1999-10-20
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Final Data Submitted
    This is a follow-up to last month's message requesting that all of our Pacific and Indian Ocean CFCs be made accessible to the public.  Our cruises are; (Pacific) P17C, P1716S, P06E, P19C, P17N, P21E, and (Indian) I09N, I05W/I04, I07N, I10. 
  • See note: Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 1999-08-18
    Data Type: DELC14lvs
    Action: Data Update:
    The full p19c data set is back out on the public table (the current public file only had 324 stations) there are 422 total stations and the public version has C14 masked out. The complete file is also out but encrypted.
  • Arnold Mantyla

    Date: 1999-07-22
    Data Type: NUTs/S/O
    Action: DQE Report Submitted
  • Working on it in Aus. Mark Rosenberg

    Date: 1999-05-13
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: DQE Begun
  • Arnold Mantyla

    Date: 1999-05-12
    Data Type: NUTs/S/O
    Action: DQE Begun
  • prior to dqe by a.Mantyla James Swift

    Date: 1999-05-06
    Data Type: CTD/BTL/SUM
    Action: asked s.Anderson to reformat
  • See note: Lynne Talley

    Date: 1999-05-03
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Edited Doc file
    I just edited the p19cdo.txt.  There was a typo (section A.7 was labelled 7.), I added Rana Fine's email address and I added the final publication reference (Tsuchiya and Talley) to the narrative, which already mentioned the preliminary publication in WOCE Notes.  I also added the geographical boundaries.
  • Data and/or Status info Paul D. Quay

    Date: 1999-04-29
    Data Type: DELC13
    Action: Data Requested by dmb
  • data are public Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 1999-04-21
    Data Type: ALKALI/PCO2
    Action: Website Updated:
    Yes, If you (WHPO) received carbon data from me, these data are final and 
    public. Thank you for double check with me, it means you care the data should be 
  • 1999.05.15 William Jenkins

    Date: 1999-04-16
    Data Type: He/Tr
    Action: Projected Submission Date
  • added to encrypted btl file OnLine Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 1999-03-31
    Data Type: DELC14lvs
    Action: Website Updated:
    the encrypted bottle file for P19c (316N138_12) now has DELC14, and and C14ERR, in it as well.  CO2 data (from yesterday's addtion) and C14 data are proprietary pending word from the PI's.  The table has been updated accordingly.
  • encrypted btl file OnLine Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 1999-03-30
    Data Type: CO2
    Action: Website Updated:
    now has an encrypted version of the bottle data file that contains pco2, pco2 temp, and total carbon, in addition to the public bottle file.
  • Data Online Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 1999-02-17
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Website Updated:
    P16s(31WTTUNES_2), p17c(31WTTUNES_1), and p19c(316N138_12) have all had cfc data from Rana Fine merged and updated into them.  The tables and files have been updated to reflect this change.  Data are public.
  • See Note: Debbie Willey

    Date: 1999-01-19
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Submitted
    I received the CFC-11/12 datasets for the following WHP lines:
    EXPOCODE        31WTTUNES/2     WHP-ID  P17S,P16S
    EXPOCODE        31WTTUNES/1     WHP-ID  P17C
    EXPOCODE        316N138/12      WHP-ID  P19C
    EXPOCODE        318MWEST_4_5    WHP-ID P21E/W
    EXPOCODE        316N138/3       WHP-ID  P6E
    Each file looks fine and has been placed in the proper archived directory on our machine so that they can be merged in with the rest of the values.
    -Steve Diggs
    I just ftp'd our cfc files to the /INCOMING/RFine_cfcs directory.  The files named *.sea are hydro files with our final cfc values and quality bytes merged in.  The files named *_cfcs.dat are files that include station, cast, bottle, cfcs and quality bytes.  Please let me know if you
    have any problems and I'll let you know if we have any changes (hopefully not...).
  • Reformatted by Sarilee Anderson Mark Rosenberg

    Date: 1998-12-03
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Sent to DQE
    I have done what reformatting was needed for P19C and put in anonymous ftp on whpo in INCOMING. I have let Mark know where he can find these files on whpo.  
  • John E. Lupton

    Date: 1998-07-08
    Data Type: HELIUM
    Action: Submitted for DQE
  • Alexander Kozyr

    Date: 1998-03-13
    Data Type: CO2/PCO2/TM
    Action: Final Data Submitted
    Yes, If you (WHPO) received carbon data from me, these data are final and public. Thank you for double check with me, it means you care the data should be right.
  • Status changed to Public Lynne Talley

    Date: 1997-04-15
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
  • DQE report sbmtd too, Release 11/99 Robert Key

    Date: 1996-07-10
    Data Type: DELC14lvs
    Action: Final Data Submitted
    I have provided hyd files for all these cruises, QC'ed by me, albeit not in WOCE format.  I can resend if needed. Other than format, the only strange thing about these files was that I supplied a flag for revtmp, which I think appropriate given the number of things that can go wrong. Lynne may have these files reformatted since she has been using the results in the atlas prep.
  • Lynne Talley

    Date: 1995-10-16
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Submitted for DQE
  • Description of measurement techniques & calibrations ODF

    Date: 1995-01-11
    Data Type: CTD/BTL/NUT
    Action: ODF Report rcvd @ WHPO
  • Calibrated pressure-series CTD data processing summary & comments ODF

    Date: 1995-01-05
    Data Type: CTD/O
    Action: ODF Report rcvd @ WHPO