Hydrographic Cruise: 18DD9403_1

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:
  • (CCHDO) 18DD19940906


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

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Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    18DD9403_1_bottle.nc (download) #36277
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    18DD9403_1_ctd.nc (download) #2fa2b
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file

  • File Created CCHDO System

    18DD9403_1_hy1.csv (download) #16c2c
    Date: 2021-11-17
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    18DD9403_1_nc_hyd.zip (download) #92ea8
    Date: 2021-11-17
    Current Status: merged
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge R Pillai

    p15na_nc_hyd.zip (download) #a125c
    Date: 2021-11-17
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge R Pillai

    18DD19940906_hy1.csv (download) #20ddb
    Date: 2021-11-17
    Current Status: merged
  • Passes netcdf check R Pillai

    Date: 2021-11-17
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Website Update
    R Pillai
    id      date       submit by  file name
    -----  ----------  ---------  --------------------------
    12197  2021-11-17             12197_18DD19940906_hy1.csv
    4282   2021-11-17             4282_p15na_nc_hyd.zip
    file                   converted from              software
    ---------------------  --------------------------  -----------------
    18DD9403_1_nc_hyd.zip  18DD9403_1_hy1.csv          0.8.2-61-g3353cfe
    18DD9403_1_hy1.csv     12197_18DD19940906_hy1.csv  0.8.2-61-g3353cfe
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                   stamp
    ---------------------  -----------------
    18DD9403_1_nc_hyd.zip  20211117CCHSIORKP
    18DD9403_1_hy1.csv     20211117CCHSIORKP
  • File Created CCHDO System

    18DD19940906hy.txt (download) #a384a
    Date: 2016-04-20
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    18DD19940906_nc_hyd.zip (download) #6d986
    Date: 2016-04-20
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge Carolina Berys

    p15na_hy1.csv (download) #3dd49
    Date: 2016-04-20
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Carolina Berys

    p15na_nc_hyd.zip (download) #a125c
    Date: 2016-04-20
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Carolina Berys

    p15nahy.txt (download) #cfc0c
    Date: 2016-04-20
    Current Status: merged
  • Flag change for salt, oxy, nuts Carolina Berys

    Date: 2016-04-20
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Update
    P15N 1994 18DD9403_1 processing - BTL - flag change
    C Berys
    - flag set to 4 at 025-3-401-S10 for SALNTY, OXYGEN, SILCAT, NITRAT, NITRIT, PHSPHT
    file                    converted from       software               
    18DD19940906_nc_hyd.zip 18DD19940906_hy1.zip hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3
    18DD19940906hy.txt      18DD19940906_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp            
    18DD19940906_hy1.csv    20160419CCHSIOCBG
    18DD19940906_nc_hyd.zip 20160419CCHSIOCBG
  • File Created CCHDO System

    p15nact.zip (download) #953a8
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p15n_18DD9403_1trk.jpg (download) #95928
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p15n_18DD9403_1trk.gif (download) #87efb
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p15na_ct1.zip (download) #ff4be
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p15n_nc_ctd.zip (download) #cf30a
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p15nasu.txt (download) #e51d6
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    p15nado.txt (download) #9ec34
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • availabe from ftp site Don Spear

    Date: 2006-01-12
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Submitted
    I have put the file CCHDO_1.zip on MEDS ftp site for you to download. 
    Most of the meta data that we have is embedded in the surface parameter fields of the data record. Once you have had a look at the format and the available information, I can try to track down any further ancillary data that you may need.
    All of the data arriving here is put into our inhouse format.
    For the 1993-16 cruise aboard the Ak Nesmeyanov, I have the following profiles only,
    Water Property Data includes:
    C	CTD Pressure
    C	CTD Sea Water Temp
    C	CTD Salinity	(+ data quality flag)
    C	Bottle Salinity	(+ data quality flag)
    C	Oxygen:Dissolved	(+ data quality flag)
    C	Silicate(SiO4)	(+ data quality flag)
    C	Nitrate	(NO3) (+ data quality flag)
    C	Nitrite	(NO2) (+ data quality flag)
    C	Phosphate (PO4)	(+ data quality flag)
    C	CFC-11 (aka Freon-11)	(+ data quality flag)
    C	CFC-12 (aka Freon-12)	(+ data quality flag)
    C	Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) (aka TCO2)	(+ data quality flag)
    C	Total Alkalinity	(+ data quality flag)
    C	pH	(acidity) (+ data quality flag)
    C	Delta O18  (O18/O16 Isotope Ratio)	(+ data quality flag)
    and for the 1994-03 cruise abourd the Tully, I have:
    	1 Sample_Number	n/a	104	124
    	2 Bottle_Number	n/a
    	3 Pressure	dbar	501.1	4201.2
    	4 Temperature	'deg C (IPTS68)'	1.4988	3.8189
    	5 Salinity	PSS-78	 34.0755	34.6804
    	6 Flag:Salinity	 ' '
    	7 Salinity:Bottle	PSS-78	 34.0613	34.6795
    	8 Flag:Salinity:Bottle	' '
    	9 Oxygen:Dissolved	umol/kg	20.2	 143.7
    	10 Flag:Oxygen:Dissolved	' '
    	11 Silicate	umol/L	 102.8	173.1
    	12 Flag:Silicate	 ' '
    	13 Nitrate	umol/L	 37.8	 45.6
    	14 Flag:Nitrate	  ' '
    	15 Nitrite	umol/L	 0	0
    	16 Flag:Nitrite	  ' '
    	17 Phosphate	umol/L	 2.7	  3.31
    	18 Flag:Phosphate	' '
    	19 Chlorofluorocarbon_11	pmol/kg	0	0.388
    	20 Flag:Chlorofluorocarbon_11	' '
    	21 Chlorofluorocarbon_12	pmol/kg	0	0.777
    	22 Flag:Chlorofluorocarbon_12	' '
    	23 Carbon:Dissolved:Inorganic	umol/kg	2316.2	2396.4
    	24 Flag:Carbon:Dissolved:Inorganic	' '
    	25 Alkalinity:Total:CRM:Correc  umol/kg	2323.1	2443.2
    	26 Flag:Alkalinity:Total:CRM:Corrected	' '
  • Made changes to NO2 Q2 flag Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2004-12-17
    Data Type: NITRIT
    Action: Website Updated:
    P15N event log by Sarilee Anderson ( / xebec.ucsd.edu)
    Expocode: 18DD9403_1
    Bottle: (nitrit, qualt2)
    Made changes to NO2 Q2 flag re Talley and Whitney on station 50. Made new exchange file but unable to get netcdf to run and cannot determine problem.
  • values corrected Frank Delahoyde

    Date: 2004-12-16
    Data Type: NITRIT
    Action: Data Update:
    If we can assume that nitrite should be zero for these samples, then nitrate needs to be increased by nitrite values: 
    p15nb,   EXPOCODE 18DD9403_2,  
      stnnbr   castno  sampno  btlnbr     ctdprs    nitrit       flag               nitrate 
         094       3    2119      12      1247.6      1.44            4             41.0 
    p15na EXPOCODE 18DD9403_1   
        stnnbr   castno sampno  btlnbr  ctdprs      nitrit   flag   nitrate 
         050       3                1087      18     400.3      0.24      4 17.4 
    This correction removes a minimum in the Stn 94 profile. 
    The third data point was collected by the PMEL cruise along P15S. 
  • bullseyes S E

    Date: 2004-12-14
    Data Type: NITRIT
    Action: Update Needed
    Lynne,  Here are the three bulls eye data points you wanted for p15.   sharon
     p15nb,   EXPOCODE 18DD9403_2, 
      stnnbr   castno  sampno  btlnbr     ctdprs    nitrit             flag
         094       3    2119      12      1247.6      1.44              2
    p15na EXPOCODE 18DD9403_1   btlnbr  ctdprs      nitrit   flag
        stnnbr   castno sampno
         050       3    1087      18     400.3      0.24      2
    p14s/p15s  expcodes 31DSCG96_1 and 31DSCG96_2
         stnnbr  castno  sampno  btlnbr    ctdprs         nitrit   flag
          52       1      125     1233        372.2        0.18      2     
  • Bullseyes Lynne Talley

    Date: 2004-12-13
    Data Type: NITRIT
    Action: Data Update Needed
    Frank, Howard, and WHPO:  looks like there are some nitrite bullseyes on P15 that we're just catching now, since we hadn't made full depth sections before.  (The atlas will have sections only to 1000 meters.)  These most likely need to be flagged 4. 
  • Station 31 position correction re Lynne Talley e-mail Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2003-08-07
    Data Type: SUM
    Action: Website Updated:
    Corrected position for station 31 BE in .sum file to agree with BO and EN for sta. 31 re email from Lynne Talley. Made new exchange file sent notes to Jerry.
    Notes for p15na position correction.
    Changed the position for station 31 BE to match the position for station 31 BO and EN re Lynne Talley's email.
    On August 1, Lynne Talley wrote:
    There's an error in the sum file for P15NA (first leg of P15N).  Station 031 BE should have the same location as Station 031 BO and EN rather than the location of station 030.
  • Error found in SUM station 031 Lynne Talley

    Date: 2003-08-04
    Data Type: SUM
    Action: Update Needed
    Sarilee and Dave and Frank - there's an error in the sum file for P15NA (first leg of P15N).  Station 031 BE should have the same location as Station 031 BO and EN rather than the location of station 030.
  • Data Online Dave Muus

    Date: 2003-04-29
    Data Type: SUM
    Action: Website Updated:
    Corrected summary file per information from Frank Whitney. Merged new TCARBN and ALKALI received from A. Kozyr April 2003. Put new woce format and exchange format bottle files online. Details in "notes" file sent to Jerry.
    Notes on P15NA sumfile corrections and Total Carbon/Alkalinity merging 
    Apr 24, 2003.     D. Muus
    1.  Original summary files on record at WHPOSIO are
    dated Feb 20, 1998, and contain INT Navigation entries and COR CDEPTH.
    Don't know if these were from WHPOWHOI or were made at WHPOSIO.
    Excel files sent by F. Whitney Apr. 8, 2003, do not have INT entries and accompanying message explains "unorthodox use" of Event Codes and Cast IDs. Down cast is CTD cast number with BE and BO for start and arrive down. Up cast is a different cast number for ROS data with BE for start up and EN for arrive up. No COR CDEPTH.
    Removed all sumfile lines with Navigation "INT", changed BE on ROS up cast to BO per F. Whitney suggestion.
    Reordered sumfile lines by Station and Cast numbers, rather than date and time, to facilitate conversion to exchange format.
    Left Station numbers, suggested by Lynne Talley and Frank Whitney in a series of messages starting Sept 1999, relating to the differences between PRS01(Station Papa), PR06 and P15N, unchanged.
    Comma Separated Value version of new excel sumfile placed in
    2. Sumfile for Station 041 has special problems:
      Sumfile from Feb 20, 1998, with Station # modified per WHPOSIO notes.
      Sta Ca       date  gmt    lat        long        nav Unc D CDepth  dab
    mwo  maxP #btl Param.
      041  1 ROS 092994 1404 BE 35 29.94 N 164 59.91 W GPS    -9     -9   -9
    -9    -9   -9
      041  2 ROS 092994 1413 BE 35 29.89 N 164 59.98 W GPS    -9     -9   -9
    -9    -9    1 1-8
      041  1 ROS 092994 1413 BO 35 29.90 N 164 59.97 W GPS    -9     -9   -9
    -9    -9   -9
      041  1 ROS 092994 1413 EN 35 29.90 N 164 59.97 W INT    -9     -9   -9
    -9    -9   -9
      041  2 ROS 092994 1416 BO 35 29.88 N 164 59.98 W INT    -9     -9   -9
    -9    -9    1 1-8
      041  3 ROS 092994 1420 BE 35 29.86 N 164 59.98 W GPS    -9     -9   -9
    -9    -9   10 1-8
      041  2 ROS 092994 1420 EN 35 29.86 N 164 59.98 W GPS    -9     -9   -9
    -9    -9    1 1-8
      041  3 ROS 092994 1428 BO 35 29.82 N 164 30.02 W INT    -9     -9   -9
    -9    -9   10 1-8
      041  3 ROS 092994 1436 EN 35 29.78 N 165  0.06 W GPS    -9     -9   -9
    -9    -9   10 1-8
      041  4 ROS 092994 1459 BE 35 29.70 N 165  0.25 W GPS  5820   5860   -9
    -9    -9   -9
      041  5 USW 092994 1511 DE 35 29.70 N 165  0.25 W GPS    -9     -9   -9
    -9     5    1 1,3-6,34
      041  6 ROS 092994 1605 BE 35 29.45 N 165  0.61 W GPS  5820   5860   -9
    -9  5928   23 1-8
      041  4 ROS 092994 1605 BO 35 29.45 N 165  0.62 W GPS    -9     -9   -9
    -9    -9   -9
      041  4 ROS 092994 1605 EN 35 29.45 N 165  0.62 W INT    -9     -9   -9
    -9    -9   -9
      041  6 ROS 092994 1701 BO 35 29.14 N 165  0.84 W INT    -9     -9   -9
    -9  5928   23 1-8
      positions corrected    ##from Frank Whitney email April 9, 2003##
      P15N Leg 1 on R/V John P Tully
      STNNBR CA         DATE TIME         LATITUDE     LONGITUDE     NAV UncD
    MaxP #btl  PARAM
        W041 1    ROS 092994 1404  BE     35  29.94  N 164  59.91  W GPS
        W041 1    ROS 092994 1413  BO     35  29.90  N 164  59.97  W GPS
        W041 2    ROS 092994 1413  BE     35  29.89  N 164  59.98  W GPS
    1  1-8
        W041 2    ROS 092994 1420  EN     35  29.86  N 164  59.98  W GPS
        W041 2{3} ROS 092994 1420  BE{BO} 35  29.86  N 164  59.98  W GPS
    10  1-8
        W041 2{3} ROS 092994 1436  EN     35  29.78  N 165   0.06  W GPS
        W041 3{4} ROS 092994 1459  BE     35  29.70  N 165   0.25  W GPS 5820
        W041 4{5} USW 092994 1511  BE     35  29.70  N 165   0.25  W GPS
    5    1  "1 3-6 34"
        W041 3{4} ROS 092994 1605  BO     35  29.45  N 165   0.62  W GPS
        W041 5{6} ROS 092994 1605  BE{BO} 35  29.45  N 165   0.61  W GPS 5820
    5928   23  1-8
        W041 5{6} ROS 092994 1758  EN     35  28.82  N 165   1.07  W GPS
       Bottle file has 10 samples for Cast 3 (6.0-495.7db)
                         1 sample  for Cast 2 (598.4db)
                        23 samples for Cast 6 (601.0-5929.0db)
       Changed new Whitney values to {} values to match bottle file values.
    3. Station 26 has bottle samples for Cast 8, the apparent down cast per
    times, and no bottle samples for Cast 9, the apparent up cast. Sumfile has parameter numbers for Cast 9 not Cast 8. Left as is.
    Station 044 has bottle samples for Cast 1, the apparent down cast per
    times, and no bottle samples for Cast 3, the apparent up cast. Both old and new sumfiles and bottle file agree. Left as is.
    4. Merged Total CO2 and Alkalinity from :
       into web bottle file (20011017WHPOSIODM)
    5. Make new bottle exchange file using new sumfile.
    6. Checked new bottle file with Java Ocean Atlas.
    7. Checked present CTD exchange files (20020204WHPOSIOKJU) with regard to new sumfile using Java Ocean Atlas. Some times are different where old sumfile time was from "INT" entry. No changes made to CTD files.
        Sta Ca Date   CTD_time Sumfile_times
        023  3 092494   1024     0931-1118
        027  1 092594   1136     1003-1310
        041  3 092994   1428     1420-1436
        047  3 100194   1105     1055-1116
  • Data Online Dave Muus

    Date: 2003-04-29
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
    *See SUM entry.
  • File moved Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2003-04-10
    Data Type: TCARBN
    Action: Data File Relocated
    Moved file with TCARBN and ALKALI left by A. Kozyr in a non-ftp to ...original/2003.04.09_P15NA_TCARBN_ALKALI_KOZYR.
  • File Moved Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2003-04-10
    Data Type: ALKALI
    Action: Data File Relocated
    *See TCARBN entry.
  • Exchange file online Karla Uribe

    Date: 2002-02-04
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Updated:
    CTD has been converted to exchange and put online.
  • new cfcs merged into online btl file Dave Muus

    Date: 2001-10-29
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Website Updated:
    Merged July 2001 CFCs into bottle file and placed new woce format and exchange format files on web. Made minor modification to Summary file. Changed Quality Code 1 to 9 where appropriate.
    1. New CFC-11 and CFC-12 from:
         merged into SEA files from web Oct 17, 2001.
          (20000908WHPOSIODMB) for P15Na
        Prior to merging:
          Changed all "1"s in QUALT1 to "9"s and then copied QUALT1 to QUALT2.
          Changed all missing values for DELC14 from -9 to -999.0.
    2. Summary file modified by putting Station P13 Cast 1 before Station 13 Cast 2 BE and putting Station P18 Cast 1 before Station 18 Cast 2 BE. Both were between Cast 2 BE and BO in correct time sequence but wocecvt "skipped" both casts and the exchange conversion duplicated both casts. Now in correct cast sequence but out of sequence for times.  Both wocecvt and exchange conversion okay.
    3. New exchange file checked using Java Ocean Atlas.
  • Exchange file online Karla Uribe

    Date: 2001-06-22
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
    Bottle file in exchange format has been put online.
  • Funding now available to analyze Robert Key

    Date: 2001-03-15
    Data Type: DELC14
    Action: Measured as per .DOC
    Got word from Eric this A.M. that he will fund NOSAMS at the rate of 1000/year to analyze previously collected, but unfunded C14 samples. Highest priority will be to fill in Pacific "holes" starting with P14S15S (NOAA), P15N (Wong) and P1 (Japan). Policy decision supported by WOCE SSC. Eric would, if possible, like these data to be included in the atlas. In reality I don't know if this is possible/practical, but I will do everything possible to expedite. Scheduling at NOSAMS will be complicated, but order listed above is the "scientific" priority as of now.
  • found in 'sum file' directory Karla Uribe

    Date: 2000-12-11
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Submitted
    2000.12.11 KJU
    File contained here is a CRUISE SUMMARY and NOT sumfile. Documentation is online.
    2000.10.11 KJU
    Files were found in incoming directory under whp_reports. This directory was zipped, files were separated and placed under proper cruise. All of them are sum files.
    Received 1997 August 15th.
  • David Wisegarver

    Date: 2000-11-29
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: DQE Report Submitted
  • Data Online Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2000-09-11
    Data Type: BTL/SUM
    Action: Website Updated:
    2000.09.11  DMB
    At the request of J. Swift the PR06 and PRS01 segments of the P15 cruise were reinserted back into the P15 bottle and sumfiles.  The table entry for PRS01 and PR06 will be linked to the P15 index.htm page
    1.  PR06/PRS01 data were obtained from the directory 
    these files were originally extracted by D.Muus these files were inserted into the current online summary file and the previously formatted bottle file of 1999.10.01 by D. Muus.  
    2.  The current online files were moved from:
            p15nahy.txt to /original/p15nahy_rplcd_2000.09.11.txt 
            p15nasu.txt to /original/p15nasu_rplcd_2000.09.11.txt
    3.  New complete files were renamed p15nahy.txt and p15nsu.txt 
    4.  Added name/date stamp.
    5.  Ran sumchk - no errors.
    6.  Ran wocecvt -  with errors corresponding to stations 13, 18, 39. error output stated that following station/cast combinations could not be matched between sumfile and bottle file:
                    PR06    13/3
                    PR06    18/3
                    P15     013/3
                    P15     018/3
                    P15     039/5
    all of these station casts are in both bottle and sum files so interpretation of this output was difficult.
    7.  Edited CTD file headers to match changes made by D. Muus to summary and  bottle files so station designators would match bottle and summary station designators:
    changed expocode in all files from 18DD9403/1 to 18DD9403_1 removed "W" from all station numbers changed "FREON" in station designator to "9992" as per D. Muus.
    8.  Ran wctcvt - with errors corresponding to stations 4,13, 39. error output stated that the following station/cast combinations could not be matched between sumfile and ctd file:
                    P15     004/1
                    P15     013/1
                    P15     018/2
                    P15     039/4 
    all of these station casts are in both ctd and sum files so interpretation of this output was difficult.
    9.  moved current zipped ctd files from p15nact.zip to original/p15nact_rplcd_2000.09.11.zip moved newly formatted zipfile into p15nact.zip  
  • btl file reformatted, see note: Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2000-08-18
    Data Type: ALKALI/TCARBN
    Action: Data Update:
    Bottle: (tcarbn, alkali, qualt1)
    Total alkalinity and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon have been merged into P15N_a and P15N_b by D. Muus. In doing so, he removed the PRS01 and PR06 stations from the P15N_a bottle file. This creates a missmatch between the current P15N_a sumfile and the new bottle file, since the sumfile has retained PRS01 (but not PR06). PR06 and PRS01 have been split off into separate sum and bottle files for this cruise and need to be put online. This matter should be rectified, and correct stations be placed in the P15N files before any further events take place on this line.
  • Data Online Dave Muus

    Date: 2000-08-17
    Data Type: TCARBN/ALKALI
    Action: Website Updated:
    TCO2 and TALK from C.S. Wong files P15NLEG1.dat and P15NLEG2.DAT  have been merged with the p15nahy.txt and p15nbhy.txt files. (TCARBN & ALKALI)
    Uncontaminated Sea Water (USW) data are not included in the .SEA files so the TCO2 and TALK data for USW were put in separate files after conversion to mrgsea usable files:   p15naUSWalkco2 & p15nbUSWalkco2
    PR06 and PRS01 data from P15NA were recombined and the corresponding TCO2 and TALK data were merged:  pr06_ihy.txt   pr06_isu.txt
    "i"is the sequence designator used during my reformatting last year. I am not sure it is still the proper designator.
    Data discrepancies noted:   
    016    3  all         ALKALI present but QUALT1 = 1
    052    3  all         ALKALI present but QUALT1 = 1
    PR06   26    8  117 2800.6  ALKALI missing but QUALT1 = 2
    USW  64    2 L113    3.0  ALKALI 2305.9  but QUALT1 = 9
             79    3 L126    3.0  ALKALI missing but QUALT1 = 2
             96    2 L143    3.0  ALKALI missing but QUALT1 = 2
           134    2 L181    3.0  ALKALI missing but QUALT1 = 2
           136    2 L183    3.0  CO2&ALK missing but  " both 2
           138    3 L185    3.0  ALKALI missing but QUALT1 = 2
           140    2 L187    3.0  TCARBN missing but QUALT1 = 2
           142    2 L189    3.0  CO2&ALK missing but  " both 2
  • D. Bartolocci asked D. Muus to do reformatting Dave Muus

    Date: 2000-08-11
    Data Type: ALKALI
    Action: Reformatting Needed
  • Lynne Talley

    Date: 2000-07-19
    Data Type: CO2/O18
    Action: Data Request to C.S. Wong
  • needs extensive reformatting C.S. Wong

    Date: 2000-07-19
    Data Type: ALKALI
    Action: Submitted
  • See Note: Robert Key

    Date: 2000-04-20
    Data Type: DELC14
    Action: No Data Submitted
    Unfortunately, I can provide no new information on the C14 status for cruises P15N and P24. I do know that acquiring data from CS Wong (P15N) has been very difficult. I'll try to investigate.
  • Arnold Mantyla

    Date: 2000-04-04
    Data Type: NUTs/S/O
    Action: DQE Report Submitted
  • See note: Dave Muus

    Date: 1999-12-07
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Reformatted by WHPO
     NOTES for P15N bottle and summary file changes by D. Muus Sept 30, 1999.
                 p15nahy.txt  p15nasu.txt
                 p15nbhy.txt  p15nbsu.txt
     1. Changed silicate Station 069, Sample 1534, 1751.3db from 0.00 to 141.6.
     2. Changed STNNBR "NEWS" to "9991" and STNNBR "FREON" to "9992" per Lynne Talley and Frank Whitney messages Sept 22, 1999.
     3. Changed longitude Station 9991 Cast 1 Code BE from 123 degrees to 158 degrees to make all longitude degrees for Station 9991 consistent with date and time. 123 deg was Longitude of first station of p15na.
     4. Removed letters "P" and "W" from STNNBRs  per Lynne Talley and Frank Whitney messages Sept 22,1999. Left letters on STNNBRs not in bottle data file.
     5. Moved all Left-Justified BTLNBRs to Right-Justified. (All were 2nd (shallow) rosette bottles with "S" before numbers to distinguish them from main rosette bottles) p15nbhy.txt: Stations 72, 73 & 74 all cast 2.
     6. WOCE SECT PRS01 (old weather station Papa?) listed in summary file with station number P26 but has station number PRS1 in bottle file. Summary file has bottle samples indicated for Casts 5, 6, 7 & 9. Bottle file has bottle data for Casts 4, 5, 6 & 8. Lynne T. questioned what we plan to do with PRS01 data. Probably should go back to originator to be straightened out before we do anything. Left all PRS01 data unchanged in p15na files.
     7. Swapped CTDSAL and THETA data columns to match Manual format.
     8. Moved PR06 data out of p15nahy.txt into pr06_ihy.txt and p15nasu.txt into pr06_isu.txt to avoid duplicate station numbers after Item 4 above.
         Summary of PR06 sequence designators:
                       Dates                 Vessel    Ch Sci    Status per Web
    a)  Oct 17 - Nov 1,  1991    Endeavor  Bellegy   WHPO
    b)  Feb 3 - 14,      1992    Tully     Whitney   WHPO NP
    c)  Mar 26 - Apr 13, 1992    Endeavor  Perkin    WHPO NP
    d)  Sep 8 - 29,      1992    Tully     Whitney   WHPO NP (See PR05)
    e)  Feb 26 - Mar 17, 1993    Tully     Perkin    WHPO NP
    f)  May 14 - Jun 3,  1993    Tully     Whitney   WHPO NP (See PR05)
    g)  Feb 7 - 21,      1994    Tully     Perkin    PI   
    h)  May 10 - 25,     1994    Tully     Whitney   WHPO NP (See PR05)
    i)  Sep 6 - Oct 10,  1994    Tully     Garrett   WHPO    (See P15N)
    Moved to separate PR06 files Oct 5, 1999
    j)  Feb 7 - 23,      1995    Tully     Whitney   PI
    k)  May 8 - 26,      1995    Tully     Whitney   ?
    l)  Aug 22 - Sept 13 1995    Tully     Boyd      ?
    m)  Feb 19 - Mar 8   1996    Tully     Whitney   ?
    n)  May 6 - 30       1996    Tully     Boyd      ?
    ADDITIONAL NOTES Oct 19, 1999,  D. Muus
    9. Moved PRS01 data out of p15nahy.txt into prs01_hy.txt p15nasu.txt into prs01_su.txt Awaiting resolution of prs01 cast numbering problem before making final prs01 files for Sep 11, 1994.
    Addition to summary of PR06 sequence designators:
    o)  Aug 14 - Sep 4   1996    Tully     Whitney   WHPO (*.XLS files in 9618.ZIP)
    10. Re Item 7 above: When CTDSAL and THETA columns were swapped, I forgot to swap the 7 asterisks denoting QUALT1 numbers.  Swapped the 7 "*"s today (Dec. 6, 1999) and placed the corrected p15nahy.txt p15nbhy.txt in /usr/export/ftp/pub/WHPO/MUUS/P15N.
  • Arnold Mantyla

    Date: 1999-10-11
    Data Type: NUTs/S/O
    Action: DQE Begun
  • passing along to S. Anderson Lynne Talley

    Date: 1999-09-08
    Data Type: SUM/BTL
    Action: Update Needed
  • Robert C. Millard

    Date: 1998-06-15
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: DQE Report Submitted
  • Garrett, orig chf. sci. is retired Howard J. Freeland

    Date: 1997-10-28
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Data are Public
  • Howard J. Freeland

    Date: 1997-09-05
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Data are Public
    For your information, John Garrett has retired and I am the custodian of the P15N data.  The data (CTD and bottle data) have been processed and submitted to the WOCE Hydrographic data Centre.  I have absolutely no objections to you making use of the data.  Please request the data from the data centre at Scripps.  I will send a copy of this note to Lynne Talley so she will know to expect a request from you.  The data are listed in the centre as being proprietary and to be released only with permission of the owners.  I don't understand why this is so and would much prefer that the data be made available to anyone on request.
    Anyway, feel free to request the CTD and bottle data files from WOCE.
  • with jswift's OK Robert C. Millard

    Date: 1997-07-02
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: DQE Begun