Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetCTD exchange files contained an error caused an unattended error in the sumfile. The files were remade along with the netcdf files. The new files were plotted and the latitude and longitude values are now accurate.
Sumfile was reformatted. Columns were aligned. EVENT CODE, NAV and UNC DEPTH were added in the header. The appropriate values for unknown data were filled in for the file to contain the necessary elements in the header. Bottle was converted to exchange and put online. NetCDF files were made accordingly.
Some CTD files had the wrong leg in the expocode. They were matched with the sumfile. Changes online.
I changed the sum and bot files to reflect that leg 1 corresponds to line PR13 and that leg 2 corresponds to line PR11.