Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetFiles listed here may be useful and are provided 'as is'. Files might include raw data, intermediate processing, or other data collected on a cruise that is outside the current scope of CCHDO.
Role | Data Type | Format | Filename (Download) |
residual | bottle | exchange | 09FA20010524_noncompliant_hy1.csv (4.1 kB) |
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file
this was merged on 2010-06-23
this has already been merged into the documentation
Sumfile generated from (33929)
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
09FA20010524 processing - BTL 2022-10-03 A Barna Submissions id submit date submitted by file name ---- ------------- -------------- ------------------------- 3395 p15s_09FA20010524_hy1.csv Changes * Converted data in exponential notation into decimal notation * Extracted rows with no pressure (but with data) in to residual file 09FA20010524_hy1.csv and opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions note: converted and put online by E Aitoro file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- 09FA20010524_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390 09FA20010524hy.txt 09FA20010524_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390 Updated Files Manifest file stamp --------------------------------- ----------------- 09FA20010524_hy1.csv 20221003CCHSIOAMB 20221003CCHSIOAMB 09FA20010524hy.txt 20221003CCHSIOAMB 09FA20010524_noncompliant_hy1.csv 20221003CCHSIOAMB
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
2001 09FA20010524 processing - CTD/merge - CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY 2022-04-11 CCHSIO Submission filename submitted by date id -------------------- ------------- ---------- ----- CCHDO Dataset 2015-01-13 7060 Changes ------- - Changes made to CTD files for programmatic conversion to CF-NetCDF. - Renamed files to match EXCHANGE standard. Put original file name in file as a comment. - CTDTMP,CTDSAL: if parameter value is -99.0000 AND flag is 4, changed value to -999.0000 and flag to 9 - CTDOXY: if parameter value is -999.0 AND flag is 4, changed flag to 9 - STN 70,84, added header "DEPTH = -999" for consistency with all station headers for this cruise. - added cruise, units, and citation information. Conversion ---------- file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390 Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ----------------------- -------------- 20220411CCHSIO 20220411CCHSIO :Updated parameters: CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY opened in JOA 5.4.0 with no apparent problems: opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
======================= 09FA20010524 processing ======================= 2015-01-13 A Barna .. contents:: :depth: 2 Process ======= Hand edited (vim macro) exchange ctd files to correct units line, which needed an extra comma. Changes ------- Stations 70 and 84, removed "DEPTH" header as they only contained "NaN" Conversion ---------- ======================= ================================ ================================= file converted from software ======================= ================================ ================================= hydro 0.8.2-40-g569f4c2 ======================= ================================ ================================= Updated Files Manifest ====================== ======================= ======== file stamp ======================= ======== 20090717 20090717 ======================= ========
From CARINA Collection
From CARINA Collection
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 09FA20010524_hy1.csv
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. Franklin_Voyage_Summary.doc
2011-12-19 P15S 2001 ExpoCode 09FA20010524 replacement notes - btl C Berys SUBMISSION 09FA20010524_hy1.csv submitted by Rebecca Cowley via email on 2011-03-24 replaced online file. The file contains the following new parameters: TIME The following changes were made to the submission file: CTDPRS units changed from "DBARS" to "DBAR" THETA units changed from "DEGC" to "DEG C" REPLACEMENT FILE NetCDF bottle file created using (S Diggs) WOCE bottle file created using exchange_to_wocebot.rb (J Fields) Exchange and NetCDF files opened in JOA with no apparent problems Working directory: /data/co2clivar/pacific/p15s/p15s_09FA20010524/original/2011.12.07_jamstec_cberys/original/2011.12.19_update_cberys/
Date: 2001-05-24 Action: Updated Parameters Notes: Missing time field inserted into bottle results.
20100622 DBK Reformatting notes for the p15s bottle file p15s_09FA20010524_hy1.csv NOTE: The updated file: 09fa20010524_hy1-1.csv sent on 2010.06.07 by Rebecca Cowley was compared to the last sbumitted file (from Bob Key, as part of CARINA sent on 2009.01.27) and were determined to be indentical. Therefore, the most recent submission was used. EDITS: -edited DBARS to DBAR -edited DEGC to DEG C Ran file through re-ordering software to check format and re-order. Created netcdf files. Checked files in JOA, which did open and display the parameter names and data correctly. It did not display header or data for THETA. File named was placed online. Created WOCE formatted file, however no summary file exists in order to format check at this time. Added date/time stamp and place file 09FA20010524hy.txt online. Ran update script. Emailed notes to Jerry.
Date: 2001-05-24 Action: Updated Parameters Notes: Update of bottle data, nutrients updated and more header information included.
New cruise reports, both text and pdf versions, now contain a report on Nutrient data processing, and are online.
New cruise report inludes: 1) Original report submitted by PI 2) Data reports available at CSIRO website: 3) Data processing notes
Expocode: 09FA20010524 Ship: Franklin Woce Line: P15S Note: I have 2 documents that should accompany this cruise. I will send these via normal e-mail with the expocode as Subject.
Status: public Action: Place Online You will get another copy of this file when I submit the CARINA tarball. I seriously doubt there will be any differences. If there are, it will be reflected in the datestamp within the datafile.
Introduction; Data was collected in the Southern Pacific Ocean along P15S during 2001. The nutrient data from the voyage was known to have large errors associated with it, particularly with nitrate and phosphate. The data has been reviewed and re-processed, comparing it to the DISCO 1996 voyage along the same section. This report discusses the reprocessing method and results. All final results are reported in umol/kg. Nitrate concentrations refer to nitrate+nitrite. Procedure: 1. Re-calculate concentrations: From about run 40 to near the end of the voyage, it was clear there was an issue with the Alpkem in both the nitrate and phosphate channels. It was discovered at the end of the voyage that there was a growth in both flow cells. This resulted in depressed peak heights (see figures below ? ?first set/second set? refers to the first and second set of calibrants in each run). The re-calibration method uses the f values for each level of calibrant, and the sample results were calculated based on the f values from the next-highest calibrant. 2. Final plots to flag outliers: The final results were plotted against ctd pressure and theta to identify outliers. The outliers were flagged as ?bad? (with a 4 according to WOCE standards). Any results where pressure was missing were flagged with a 4 and any where oxygen and salinity were missing were flagged with a 3 (questionable).
Metadata to accompany data submission of today. The version of the data I started with originated with Alex Kozyr (12/22/04). Most flags in that file were "1". I did primary QC on all parameters. Some notes included in the README file attached. Bottom depths estimated from global topography. All calculated parameters with my functions (depth, theta, sigmax, aou). I have not tried to get H3/He3 data from Lupton. Permission received from all PIs to submit/post. I will notify them that I submitted to you and to CDIAC. All units and flags WOCE standard. Place Data Online 1/25/05 Initialized README file for Franklin re-occupation of P15S S. Wijffels Ch. Sci. EXPOCODE: 09FA200105_1 leg 1: 5/24/2001 Dpt Wellington, NZ 6/16/2001 Arr. Tonga leg 2: 6/16/2001 Dpt Tonga 7/7/2001 Arr Apia, Western Samoa 24bottle X 10 liter rosette Splus name p15s2001a Hydro: Who - Wijffels; Status - final; S Plus - up to date Notes: File from Kozyr 12/22/04 Bottom depths estimated, bottle depths calculated Flagged Salt: 76-1-14 See Johnson et al. 2007; Roemmich et al. 2007. Nuts/O2: Who - ; Status - final(?); S Plus - up to date Notes: Deep nitrates are about 1umol/kg lower than NOAA 1996 occupation Flagged NO3: 5-1-19,31-1-10,103-1-17,107-1-23,122-1-15 Deep phosphates are about .05 umol/kg lower than NOAA occupation Flagged PO4: 1-1-24,5-1-19,96-1-20,103-1-17,109-1-8 Deep silicates are very similar to the NOAA occupation Flagged Si: 5-1-9,53-1-5,64-1-1 Deep aou are very similar to the NOAA occupation Flagged O2: 8-1-10,40-1-11,58-1-18,64-1-1,78-1-16,107-1-23 Note from Wijffels 4/10/07 - nuts still need more QC. TCO2: Who - B. Tilbrook and C. Sabine; Status - final; S Plus - up to date Notes: Batch 52 CRM Shipboard value for 66 samples 2005.45+/-0.83 Deep tco2 are very similar to the NOAA 1996 occupation Flagged: 10106 14105 24113 53105 78116 78115 107123 111101 113121 113110 115119 115107 128119 TA: Who - B. Tilbrook and C. Sabine; Status - final; S Plus - up to date Notes: Batch 52 CRM Shipboard value for 37 samples 2224.72+/- 1.03 Deep alk are very similar to the NOAA occupation Flagged: 8108 10114 11115 12110 14107 14105 20107 28110 30103 37120 53105 58124 81124 91105 99104 106119 113110 116103 fCO2: Who - f; Status - not sampled; S Plus - Notes: pH25: Who - ; Status - not sampled; S Plus - Notes: CFC: Who - M. Warner and J. Bullister; Status - final; S Plus - up to date Notes: full cfc-11&12 with partial CCl4 C-14: Who - ; Status - not sampled; S Plus - Notes: C-13: Who - ; Status - not sampled; S Plus - Notes: H-3/He-3: Who - J. Lupton; Status - no data yet ; S Plus - Notes: Other: References: Johnson, G. C., S. Mecking, B. M. Sloyan, and S. E. Wijffels. 2007. Recent bottom water warming in the Pacific Ocean. Journal of Climate, accepted. Roemmich, D., J. Gilson, R. Davis, P. Sutton, S. Wijffels and S. Riser, 2006. Decadal Spin-up of the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre. J. Phys. Oceanogr., in press
The date should be > 2000 9 27 23 53 15 that is 2000-09-27 @ 23:53GMT - add 12 hours to your date! I've attached the julian/gregorian .m files we use. The other values look correct. I've attached ascii versions of the hydrology data which should be pretty easy to figure out for checking date and location translations. I've also attached pdf's of the hydrology data processing. Please add a caveat if possible, that the nutrient data are suspect on both cruises - bottle salts and oxygens are good. I'll send the CTD data processing reports along in another email.
Kozyr and I are currently working on a SR03, 2001, Franklin cruise. The files include CFCs and carbon as well as the routine stuff. I've contacted Susan Wijffels to try to clean up a few questions on flag values for the routine measurements and to make sure iit is OK to submit the results to you.
Kozyr and I are currently working on a SR03, 2001, Franklin cruise. The files include CFCs and carbon as well as the routine stuff. I've contacted Susan Wijffels to try to clean up a few questions on flag values for the routine measurements and to make sure iit is OK to submit the results to you.
Copied files submitted by A. Kozyr from INCOMING to .../p15s_2001a/original/20041210_KOZYR_P15S_2001. Bullister gave this file to Kozyr. It is in exchange format and contains all data parameters measured duringDeep-Ocean Time-Series Sections (DOTSS). This data needs to be put online.
This is information regarding line: P15S/SR03 ExpoCode: FR05/2001 Cruise Date: 2001/05/24 - 2001/07/08 I received the hydrographic and CO2 measurements from Susan E. Wijffels (CSIRO), made all QA-QC and sent the data to CCHDO on 12/10/2004. From: KOZYR, ALEX Email address: Institution: CDIAC/ORNL Country: USA The file: fr0501_woce_exchange_cfc.txt - 827435 bytes has been saved as: 20041210.131553_KOZYR_P15S_SR03_fr0501_woce_exchange_cfc.txt in the directory: 20041210.131553_KOZYR_P15S_SR03 The data disposition is: Public The bottle file has the following parameters: SALNTY,SALNTY_FLAG_W,CTDOXY,CTDOXY_FLAG_W,OXYGEN,OXYGEN_FLAG_W,SILCAT,SILCAT_FLAG_W,NITRAT,NITRAT_FLAG_W,PHSPHT,PHSPHT_FLAG_W,CFC-11,CFC-11_FLAG_W,CFC-12,CFC-12_FLAG_W,CFC113,CFC113_FLAG_W,CCL4,CCL4_FLAG_W,TCARBN,TCARBN_FLAG_W,ALKALI,ALKALI_FLAG_W The file format is: WHP Exchange The archive type is: NONE - Individual File The data type(s) is: Bottle Data (hyd) Documentation The file contains these water sample identifiers: Cast Number (CASTNO) Station Number (STATNO) Bottle Number (BTLNBR) Sample Number (SAMPNO) KOZYR, ALEX would like the following action(s) taken on the data: Place Data Online Any additional notes are: This is an exchange formatted file I received from John Bullister with all data parameters measured during the Deep-Ocean Time-Series Sections (DOTSS), Repeat Section P15S/SR03. I've made all QA-QC on carbon-related measurements (TCARBN and TALK). I also include a cruise report file for your information.
I have just submitted an exchange formatted file I received from John Bullister with all data parameters measured during the Deep-Ocean Time-Series Sections (DOTSS), Repeat Section P15S/SR03. I've made all QA-QC on carbon-related measurements (TCARBN and TALK). There is only one file I could submit at once using your web page, so I attached here a documentation file for P15S/SR03 cruise.
I have a file with all hydrographic, CFCs and Carbon data from P15S section from Australian scientists. I have put SR3 sign for this section instead and could not understand why I cannot find P15S. I have also a cruise report. Do you have all hydrographic data for this section and non of the carbon-related and CFC measurements? I will make all necessary QA-QC work as usual and reformat these data to WHPO format and send the file to Steve.