Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetCCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file
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File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
SUBMISSION 06MT19970815.exc.csv submitted by Bob Key on 2009-04-23 replaced online file. The following parameters were added: BTLNBR BTLNBR_FLAG_W DATE SILCAT SILCAT_FLAG_W NITRAT NITRAT_FLAG_W NITRIT NITRIT_FLAG_W PHSPHT PHSPHT_FLAG_W CFC-11 CFC-11_FLAG_W CFC-12 CFC-12_FLAG_W TCARBN TCARBN_FLAG_W BEDFORDNO THETA The following parameters could not be included in the new file: DATE TIME CTDRAW The following changes were made to the submission file: EXPOCODE changed from 06MT19970815 to 06MT39_5 CTDPRS units changed from "DBARS" to "DBAR" THETA units changed from "DEGC" to "DEG C" BEDFORDNO changed to BIONBR REPLACEMENT FILE NetCDF bottle file created using (S Diggs) WOCE bottle file created using exchange_to_wocebot.rb (J Fields) Exchange and NetCDF files opened in JOA with no apparent problems Working directory: /data/repeat/atlantic/ar07e/ar07ei/original/2011.11.29_key_cberys/
File 06MT19970815.exc.csv containing updated OXYGEN flags, submitted by Bob Key on 2009-04-23, available under 'Files as received', unprocessed by CCHDO.
File 06MT39.5.csv with accompanying 06MT39.5.csv.Readme containing bottle data including multiple parameters, submitted by Bob Key on 2007-03-08, available under 'Files as received', unprocessed by CCHDO.
File 20020423.110236_LEBEL_AR07E_meteor395.dat containing CFC data, submitted by Deborah Lebel on 2002-04-23, available under 'Files as received', unprocessed by CCHDO.
Action: Place Online, Updated Parameters Notes: QC redone on oxygen data relative to file included with CARINA tarball. We may eventually get another update on these oxygen values,but they are too good to all be flagged 3 as they were in the tarball version.Timestamp and header notes updated to reflect change.
This data file contains additional stations and parameters relative to current on-line version, including the project VEINS, stations 451-506. See README
Expocode: None Ship: None Woce Line: AR07Ei Note: File: 06MT39.5.csv Type: ascii, csv with unix line endings Status: Public Name: key, Bob Institute: PU Country: USA Expo:06MT39_5 Line: AR07Ei Date: 08/1997 Action:Place Data Online,Updated Parameters Notes: This data file contains additional stations and parameters relative to current on-line version. So far as I could determine, this data is as good as, and probably better in every case to what is now online. It was also a tremendous effort to acquire the values and do the various merges for numerous reasons. I am still trying to acquire the other tracer data (H3,O18,SF6). The lower stations are from the same cruise, but were not part of the WOCE line. The project of the low station numbers was called VEINS. All units WOCE standard, my usual parameter names. My README 5/13/05 Initialized README file Meteor cruise 06MT395 (met39.5) 8/14 - 9/14/1997 Occupied parts of WOCE sections AR07Ei and AR25 + VEINS 110 stations with 24 place Rosette Chief Scientist - A. Sy Hydro: Who - Sy; Status - final; S Plus - up to date Notes: Data from R. Steinfeldt 3/1/07 Nuts/O2: Who - BSH; Status - final; S Plus - up to date Notes: Data from H. Thomas Converted to umol/kg with CTDSAL and assumed temperature of 22C TCO2: Who - H.Thomas, B.Schneider; Status - final; S Plus - up to date Notes: CRM??, Method?? Good data, compare favorably with 06MT39_4 and GLODAP See Thomas and Ittekkot, 2001 TA: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus - Notes: fCO2: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus - Notes: pH25: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus - Notes: CFC: Who - M. Rhein; Status - final; S Plus - up to date Notes: All CFC-12 flagged 3 or worse. Due to poor chromatograms the CFC-12 data are unreliable. CFC-11 are ok (confirmed with R. Steinfeldt). C-14: Who - ???; Status - no data in file; S Plus - up to date Notes: measured according to cruise report Some data on file at WHPO but not downloaded/merged/etc C-13: Who - ; Status - ; S Plus - Notes: H-3/He-3: Who - H. Hildebrandt; Status - no data in file; S Plus - Notes: measured according to cruise report Other: Hildebrandt: O18/O16, SF6. Thomas: underway pCO2. Keir: CH4 References: Thomas, H. and V. Ittekkot, Determination of anthropogenic CO2 in the North Atlantic Ocean using water mass ages and CO2 equilibrium chemistry, J. Mar. Sys., 27, 325-336, 2001. Upload directory: /incoming_data/20070308.111819_AR07Ei_key,_Bob
File: 06MT39.5.csv Type: ascii, csv with unix line endings Status: Public Name: key, Bob Institute: PU Country: USA Expo:06MT39_5 Line: AR07Ei Date: 08/1997 Action:Place Data Online,Updated Parameters Notes: This data file contains additional stations and parameters relative to current on-line version. So far as I could determine, this data is as good as, and probably better in every case to what is now online. It was also a tremendous effort to acquire the values and do the various merges for numerous reasons. I am still trying to acquire the other tracer data (H3,O18,SF6). The lower stations are from the same cruise, but were not part of the WOCE line. The project of the low station numbers was called VEINS. All units WOCE standard, my usual parameter names. My README 5/13/05 Initialized README file Meteor cruise 06MT395 (met39.5) 8/14 - 9/14/1997 Occupied parts of WOCE sections AR07Ei and AR25 + VEINS 110 stations with 24 place Rosette Chief Scientist - A. Sy Hydro: Who - Sy; Status - final; S Plus - up to date Notes: Data from R. Steinfeldt 3/1/07 Nuts/O2: Who - BSH; Status - final; S Plus - up to date Notes: Data from H. Thomas Converted to umol/kg with CTDSAL and assumed temperature of 22C TCO2: Who - H.Thomas, B.Schneider; Status - final; S Plus - up to date Notes: CRM??, Method?? Good data, compare favorably with 06MT39_4 and GLODAP See Thomas and Ittekkot, 2001 TA: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus - Notes: fCO2: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus - Notes: pH25: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus - Notes: CFC: Who - M. Rhein; Status - final; S Plus - up to date Notes: All CFC-12 flagged 3 or worse. Due to poor chromatograms the CFC-12 data are unreliable. CFC-11 are ok (confirmed with R. Steinfeldt). C-14: Who - ???; Status - no data in file; S Plus - up to date Notes: measured according to cruise report Some data on file at WHPO but not downloaded/merged/etc C-13: Who - ; Status - ; S Plus - Notes: H-3/He-3: Who - H. Hildebrandt; Status - no data in file; S Plus - Notes: measured according to cruise report Other: Hildebrandt: O18/O16, SF6. Thomas: underway pCO2. Keir: CH4 References: Thomas, H. and V. Ittekkot, Determination of anthropogenic CO2 in the North Atlantic Ocean using water mass ages and CO2 equilibrium chemistry, J. Mar. Sys., 27, 325-336, 2001. Upload directory: /incoming_data/20070308.111819_AR07Ei_key,_Bob
The above listed cruise file ( has vanilla data + CFC for stations 506-574 in your records. This cruise actually started with station 457. Station 457-505 were north of the line you have (sections perpendicular to Greenland) and apparently for a project called VEINS by the people aboard. On 12/18/06 I received CFC data from Reiner Steinfeldt (M. Rhein, P.I.) for stations 462-573 (+ pressure and sample id info). Much earlier (5/11/04) I had received TCARBN data for stations 457-574 from (I think) Helmuth Thomas (inadequate id, but T,S,O2,TCO2,depth?) I'm trying to reassemble the entire cruise data set, but don't have T,S,O2,Nuts, for stations 457-505. Could you please check your old files and see if these data exist in some previous iteration. If not, I'll look elsewhere.
After discovering a conversion error, Sarilee remade the WOCE and exchange CTD files for this cruise, I created netCDF and inventory files and remade the webpages to link all together. This cruise is now finished.
Added a -9 in the .wct files for NUMBER OBS. column. Rezipped, remade the exchange files and zipped and put online. Notes on reformatting: Danie was unable to make the NETCDF files. She determined that the problem was because the NUMBER OBS. column was blank. I put -9s that column and the exchange files now have the Q1 byte. Hopefully this will solve the problem. Sarilee
Formatted the ctd files. There were no Q1 flags so I added them and made everything 2. Corrected EXPOCODE in .sum file. Made exchange ctd file. Sent notes to Jerry. Exchange file needs to be linked and the (unformatted) comment removed from the web page.
Resolve duplicate file issue and WOCE format the CTD files. CTD needs major reformatting. This file is a duplicate of ar25. Still need HeTr
Changed incorrect expocode in bottle file to match correct expocode in sumfile.
New pdf & txt docs online. Copy of A02 doc used for all of the following cruises. AR12 06MT39_2 A02 06MT39_3 AR07W 06MT39_4 AR07E 06MT39_5 AR25 06MT39_5
New pdf & txt docs online
These are the finalized CFC data for Meteor 39/5, including the QUALT2 word. Scale is SIO98, units are pmol/kg.
It has been discovered that the entry for AR25 06MT39_51 is a duplicate of AR07E 06MT39_5. Both exist separately on the website and in the data directories, however the cruise is the same. While AR07E is online and reformatted, it contains only AR07E data for this cruise. AR25 is completely unformatted (comma sept file) however it includes the AR07E stations within it. It has been decided that these two different data sets will remain online until the AR25 (all inclusive data set) is reformatted. Then the resultant data set will be compared to the AR07E files to ensure that all data is accounted for, at which time AR07E data directory can be taken off line.
Made the following changes to sum file. File passed SUMCHK. renamed headers to fit WHPO format 1- Dist changed to ABOVE BOTTOM 2-WHEEL to WIRE OUT 3-BOTTLE to NO. OF BOTTLES 4-PRES to MAX PRESS 5- was missing PARAMETERS column header, added that and moved COMMENTS over one column. Aligned the following columns: WOCE SECT, DEPTH, COMMENTS
Made the following changes to bottle file. 1- in first header line changed A1/E to AR07E 2-changed BT to BTLNBR 3-aling the QUALT1 header 4- capitalized the All units in 3rd header
Bottle file has been put into WOCE format. Bottle file was converted to exchange and put online.
As per Tom Haine's e-mail, I have corrected 3 incorrect station hemisphere designators in the sumfile and replaced the old version with the newly edited one. (stations 516, 539, 556 all 'E's were changed to 'W's.
CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.
Cruise 06MT39_5 has been placed under ar25_f. In effect, previous ar25_f was moved to ar25_h and ar25_e was moved to ar25_g. These changes were made to leave room for a few other cruises that whpo will receive. According to cruise dates they should be in the right order now. The new ar25_f was copied from NON_WHP/CM_HYDRO_2001.03.09_JCREASE/CURRENT_METER_WOCE_CRUISES.
Sumfile was completely reformatted to match WOCE standards. Columns were realigned. A1/E was replaced with AR07E and ROS/A was replaced with ROS. Expocode was also modified from 06Me039 to 06MT39. Sumfile passes sumchk except for comments that are too long.
I have corrected the dates of this cruise on the index page to reflect the part to part dates contained in the cruise documentation (1997.08.14 - 1997.09.14).
No question, please go ahead and change the status of Meteor 39/5 (06MT38_5 BTL and CTD) from "not public" to "public" so that these data can be included in version 2.0 CD-ROM. I can follow your arguments that due to the huge amount of data we cannot wait for the formal DQE has been done.
Stations 451 to 502 are part of the VEINS programme only (Variability of Exchnages in the Northern Seas) and are not yet public. If you do not need these specific data for the WOCE data base they should be discarded. Only stations 506 to 574 are part of our WOCE programme and could be made public after quality control has been carried out.
Rcvd via email, J. Swift requested that Sy resubmit via FTP.
Steve Diggs, the WHPO Data Manager, is out of town for a few days. I have copied him this note, and hopefully he will respond soon saying that he found your data, they are OKK, etc. I presume you submitted them to the ftp site? Also, we will want to know which of these data are public, and which are not public. -Jim Swift Hello, I submitted some CFC-data collected in the North Atlantic (using the adress to the INCOMING directory. These are all the CFC data measured from the Kiel tracer group of Monika Rhein in the NA. Some of the cruises (R.V. METEOR, R.V. Valdivia) were not WOCE cruises, but from the Kiel 'Sonderforschungsbereich'. First, I submitted these data to J. Bullister. -Olaf Plaehn