Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
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Sumfile generated from (42244)
Report for R/V Sonne 128
Generated from (42244)
Generated from (42244)
Generated from (42244)
File created in the CCHDO system
1998 06BE128 processing - BTL 2024-10-07 A Dos Santos Submissions id file name submit by date ---- ------------- --------- ---- 2623 ir01w_dsu.txt 7935 ir01w_dhy.txt Changes: * File constructed from 2623_ir01w_dsu.txt (Sum) and 7935_ir01w_dhy.txt (Sea) files * Mapping of each column taken from 7935_ir01w_dhy.txt file From Sum file: * STNNBR created from column 1 (station number) * DATE created from columns 2, 3 ,4 (Year, Month, Day) * TIME created from column 5 (Hour: Minutes in Decimal System) * LATITUDE created from column 6 (latitude: minutes in decimals) * LONGITUDE created from column 7 (longitude: minutes in decimals) * DEPTH created from column 8 (Water Depth (m)) From Sea file: * BTLNBR and SAMPNO created from column 2 (bottle number) * CTDPRS created from column 3 (depth(dbar)) with units DBAR * CTDTMP created from column 4 (In-Situ Temperature (°C)) * SALNTY created from column 5 (salinity (psu)) * CFC-12 created from column 6 (CFC-12 (pmol/kg)), with units as PMOL/KG. * CFC-11 created from column 7 (CFC-11 (pmol/kg)), with units as PMOL/KG. * CFC-12_FLAG_W and CFC-11_FLAG_W created by splitting column 8 (WOCE quality flagging) Unit changes: * CTDTMP units changed from °C to ITS-90 * SALNTY units changed from psu to PSS-78 Data Transformations: * TIME converted from Hour: Minutes in Decimal System to hhmm format with zero padding Note: Column 9 from SUM file (Depth of CTD Profile (m)) not included opened in ODV with no apparent problems: Updated Files Manifest file stamp ----------------- ----------------- 20241007CCHSIOADS
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
2000.12.21 KJU Files from directory sonne128 were moved from ftp-incoming.2000.10.23/ This cruise took place January 7 - January 29th 1998. The data provided was temperature, salinity, CFC11 and CFC12. The expocode is 06BE128 and is a German cruise. The doc file contained is a DQE report for CFC's. (actually PI data report, not DQE - jkappa) All of the files are unformatted. Directory ir01w_d was created for this data.