Hydrographic Cruise: 06AQANTX_7

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:
  • (CCHDO) 06AQ19921203
  • (CCHDO) ANT 10-7


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

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Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    06AQANTX_7_bottle.nc (download) #3fd24
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06AQANTX_7hy.txt (download) #fd4b4
    Date: 2022-08-11
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06AQANTX_7_nc_hyd.zip (download) #928ae
    Date: 2022-08-11
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06AQANTX_7_hy1.csv (download) #96c7a
    Date: 2022-08-11
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    sr04_dhy.txt (download) #c7453
    Date: 2022-08-11
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    sr04_d_hy1.csv (download) #d6a48
    Date: 2022-08-11
    Current Status: merged
  • Bottle data corrections Andrew Barna

    Date: 2022-08-11
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Website Update
    06AQANTX_7 processing - BTL
    A Barna
      id  submit date    submitted by    file name
    ----  -------------  --------------  --------------
    1876                                 sr04_d_hy1.csv
    * Removed empty (only fill value) rows:
      * STN 12, cast 2, sample 19
      * STN 12, cast 2, sample 11
    06AQANTX_7_hy1.csv and 06AQANTX_7_nc_hyd.zip opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    note: converted and put online by E Aitoro
    file                   converted from      software
    ---------------------  ------------------  -----------------------
    06AQANTX_7_nc_hyd.zip  06AQANTX_7_hy1.csv  hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    06AQANTX_7hy.txt       06AQANTX_7_hy1.csv  hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                   stamp
    ---------------------  -----------------
    06AQANTX_7_hy1.csv     20220811CCHSIOAMB
    06AQANTX_7_nc_hyd.zip  20220811CCHSIOAMB
    06AQANTX_7hy.txt       20220811CCHSIOAMB
  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_ddo.txt (download) #2889d
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_dsu.txt (download) #4126c
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06AQ19921203_ct1.zip (download) #235cf
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_dhy.asc (download) #c0a7d
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_06AQANTX_7trk.gif (download) #5e7b6
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_ddo.pdf (download) #2d2e3
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_06AQANTX_7trk.jpg (download) #d6976
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • Exchange CTD data file online Andrew Barna

    Date: 2011-08-24
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Updated
    New Exchange CTD data has been added to 06AQANTX_7.
    The CTD data was taken from the 25 years of Polarstern Hydrography CD and reformatted into exchange by Andrew Shen. The data were checked using JOA5 and ODV4.
  • Exchange CTD data file, pdf doc online Andrew Barna

    Date: 2011-08-23
    Data Type: CTD/Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated
    The CTD and PDF Documentation both came from the 25 Years of Polarstern Hydrography CD.
    The CTD data has been reformatted into changed by Andrew Shen, the resulting file was checked in both ODV4 and JOA5.
    The documentation is unchanged from the CD.
  • Data are Public, online Stephen C. Diggs

    Date: 2004-11-30
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
    I have unencrypted the SR04 data and it is now available online.  
  • pdf, txt versions online Rachel Tibbetts

    Date: 2002-06-03
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
    New pdf & txt docs online
  • BTL, SUM online ... SUM has error, PI to be contacted Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 1999-06-18
    Data Type: SUM, BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
    I've put sr04_d (06AQANTX_7) on line.  There is a .sum file (with one error in it -- PI needs to be contacted), and a bottle file containing: salinity oxygen, silicate, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, total carbon and ammonium. The bottle file is encrypted pending word from the PI.  I haven't been able to locate an ctd file or an electronic doc file for this line yet, and will write the PI for this information/data.