Hydrographic Cruise: 06AQANTXV_4

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientist:
  • (CCHDO) 06AQ19980328
  • (CCHDO) ANT 15-4


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite Dataset

Data History

  • File Online Andrew Barna

    06AQ19980328_bottle.nc (download) #9042a
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06AQ19980328_nc_hyd.zip (download) #b4e6f
    Date: 2022-09-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06AQ19980328_hy.txt (download) #736a1
    Date: 2022-09-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Created CCHDO System

    06AQ19980328_hy1.csv (download) #8bf80
    Date: 2022-09-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    sr04_e_nc_hyd.zip (download) #9a20f
    Date: 2022-09-23
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    06AQ19980328.exc.csv (download) #70324
    Date: 2022-09-23
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    06AQ19980328_hy1.csv (download) #ab9bf
    Date: 2022-09-23
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    sr04_ehy.txt (download) #efafb
    Date: 2022-09-23
    Current Status: merged
  • File Merge Andrew Barna

    06AQ19980328.exc.csv (download) #bb14a
    Date: 2022-09-23
    Current Status: merged
  • Bob's Submissions Reconciled Andrew Barna

    Date: 2022-09-23
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Merge
    SR0$ 1998 06AQANTXV_4 processing - BTL
    Andrew Barna
       id date       submit by       file name
    ----- ---------- --------------- --------------------
    3696  2015-01-29 Robert Key      06AQ19980328.exc.csv
    4365  2014-01-08 CCHDO System    06AQ19980328_hy1.csv
    12643 2017-03-02 Roxanne Lee     06AQ19980328.exc.csv
    * Compared all the ASR files for difference, found the latest submission to be a strict super set
    * Promoting latest file from Bob to dataset
    file                    converted from         software               
    ----------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------
    06AQ19980328_bottle.nc  06AQ19980328_hy1.csv   cchdo.hydro
    06AQ19980328_hy.txt     06AQ19980328_hy1.csv   hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    06AQ19980328_nc_hyd.zip 06AQ19980328_hy1.csv   hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp            
    ----------------------- -----------------
    06AQ19980328_hy1.csv    20220923CCHSIOAMB
    06AQ19980328_hy.txt     20220923CCHSIOAMB
    06AQ19980328_nc_hyd.zip 20220923CCHSIOAMB
  • File Merge Rachel Tam

    sr04_e_hy1.csv (download) #b6863
    Date: 2020-09-22
    Current Status: merged
    No data updates when compared to the dataset file.

  • File Online Roxanne Lee

    06AQ19980328.exc.csv (download) #bb14a
    Date: 2017-03-02
    Current Status: merged
  • File Submission Roxanne Lee

    06AQ19980328.exc.csv (download) #bb14a
    Date: 2017-03-02
    Current Status: merged
    Bob's updated bottle file with submission note per email on 2017-02-28: 
    The nutrient flags for Station 5 of 06AQ19980328; ANT-XV_4 should all be set to 2. Do note that the nutrients in this file supercede previous submissions and were prepared as part of a re-calibration effort by the Germans. A copy of the file with these flags fixed and a note added to the header is attached.

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_esu.txt (download) #24565
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_06AQANTXV_4trk.gif (download) #03e7a
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_06AQANTXV_4trk.jpg (download) #5f207
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_ect.zip (download) #c4ec6
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_e_nc_ctd.zip (download) #ff7ea
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_e_ct1.zip (download) #013a7
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_edo.txt (download) #e4c1e
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Created CCHDO System

    sr04_edo.pdf (download) #35a59
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • File Submission Robert Key

    06AQ19980328.exc.csv (download) #70324
    Date: 2015-01-29
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 06AQ19980328
    Ship: Polarstern
    Woce Line: SR04e
    Note: Revised nutrients with multi-year calibration

  • As Received Carolina Berys

    Date: 2015-01-29
    Data Type:
    Action: Data available
    The following data are now available As Received, unprocessed by the CCHDO.
    	06AQ19980328.exc.csv	NUTS
  • File Submission cchdo_admin

    06AQ19980328_hy1.csv (download) #ab9bf
    Date: 2014-01-08
    Current Status: merged
    From CARINA Collection

  • Available under 'Files as received' CCHDO Staff

    Date: 2014-01-08
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Update
    The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO.
  • Notes on parameter PIs added. Justin Fields

    Date: 2010-12-15
    Data Type: Notes
    Action: Bottle File Updated
    Notes on PI were copied from the CARINA collection and added to the exchange bottle file.
  • File Submission Key, Robert M.

    06AQ19980328_hy1.csv (download) #ab9bf
    Date: 2009-09-08
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 06AQ19980328
    Ship: Polarstern
    Woce Line: SR04e
    Note: WOCE cruise that was part of CARINA. Previously submitted file had a typo in the year for one station. Corrected here, simply replace existing file with this new version

  • remerge Warner's DQE'd CFCs James Swift

    Date: 2006-11-02
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Data Update
    t was decided at today's CCHDO meeting to merge or remerge CFCs for all WHP cruises in Mark Warner's CFC DQE file (Southern Ocean WHO lines).  This will assure all that the CFCs for these cruises are indeed updated as intended.  Danie and Sarilee will attend to this promptly.  Danie will see that the sections of greatest urgency to Lynne receive top priority.
    The list of cruises in Mark's file was as follows:
    A21:		EXPOCODE: 06MT11_5
    A23:		EXPOCODE: 74JC10_1
    S03_S04I:	EXPOCODE: 09AR9404_1
    S04I:		EXPOCODE: 320696_3
    SR04_ANTXV4:	EXPOCODE: 06ANT15_4
    It may be that the CFCs for the following cruises from the list above have already been updated:
    >   sr04antxv4
    >   s04p
    >   a23
    >   a21
    But, to be certain, the CCHDO will update them as well.
    As far as why these cruises did not get updated with Mark's DQE'd CFCs, we have no idea.  Sorry.  All of the other ocean basins' CFCs were updated years ago.
    Jim Swift
  • new pdf & text versions online Jerry Kappa

    Date: 2005-05-27
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
    Previous online report was only CTD calibrations.  New report, from hard copy submitted by H. Witte, contains: a cruise narrative, reports on tracers, atmosphere investigations, and marine biology.  Also includes figures, tables, and these data processing notes.  PDF and Text versions made.
  • Key has new data files Robert Key

    Date: 2005-05-26
    Data Type: CFCs/HeTr/TCO2
    Action: Data Update:
    The bottle data file available on-line for this cruise just has T,S.O2,nuts. I have been in contact with Mario Hoppema, Wolfgang Roether and Birgit Kline. With their help, I now have values (and flags) for:
    CFC-11,12,113, CCl4
    H3,He3,He-4 (with errors)
    Neon (with errors)
    Roether says that he had previously submitted the data to WHPO and that it just hadn't been posted. Regardless, let me know what you don't have and I'll send it along. I'm still trying to verify responsible PIs for the new values. Documentation for this cruise says that C13 was collected, but I haven't been able to dig anything up on this.
  • made new station track w/ 6 missing stations Jerry Kappa

    Date: 2005-05-26
    Data Type: STATRK
    Action: Data Update:
    I hand corrected the old station track to include with the cruise report.  It contains the 6 stations missing from the earlier station track.  
  • new station track online Stephen C. Diggs

    Date: 2005-05-23
    Data Type: STATRK
    Action: Website Updated:
    Updated Map on website from entries in SUMFILE corrected by S. Anderson.
  • Station Track incorrect Jerry Kappa

    Date: 2005-05-20
    Data Type: STATRK
    Action: Data Update:
    I noticed that our station plot for sr04_e has an error in it.  I've attached a pdf showing approximately how it should look:  the northernmost leg should curve east, not west.
    This may mean the the values in the .sum file are incorrect, too.
    Can one of you fix this and send me a ps. file of  the new station track?
  • Hannelore Witte

    Date: 2005-04-26
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Submitted Hard Copy of report
    Report is German and English.  will need to be scanned and converted to text and PDF files.
  • Hannelore Witte

    Date: 2005-04-14
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Submitted summary
    as attachment I send you the summery of the cruise report of ANTXV/4. The whole cruise report is only a hard copy. If you want it also, please let me know.
  • Data Online Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2005-02-18
    Data Type: CFCs/HeTr/CO2
    Action: Website Updated:
    Merged the TCO2, CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC113, CCL4, TRITUM, TRITER, HELIUM, HELIER, DELHE3, DELHER, NEON, and NEONER into the online file.  
    Data were submitted by Bob Key on Feb. 16, 2005.  There were no apparent problems.
  • latest data from Roether Robert Key

    Date: 2005-02-16
    Data Type: CFCs/HeTr/CO2
    Action: Submitted
    The new data for this cruise are attached. I only included what you don't have. As usual, my software doesn't worry about number of decimal places and truncates trailing decimal zeros. The flags are as assigned by the data generators (Roether, Hoppema and perhaps others) and follow WOCE convention. tracer"e" are errors and tracer"f" are flags. The header is not WOCE, but I don't think you'll have any problem. You should get a 1 to 1 match to the hydro file. I did a quick check and these appear to be first class data.
  • requested data files from Key Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2005-02-15
    Data Type: CFCs/HeTr/CO2
    Action: Update Needed:
    I don't see any of that data here.  Send it along and I will merge it this week.
  • latest sum & btl files w/ tracers Wolfgang Roether

    Date: 2005-01-31
    Data Type: BTL/SUM
    Action: Submitted to Bob Key
    Dear Bob (Key),
    Here are the tracer data that you asked for. Specifically: The first file is an ASCII table with all the bottle data of the cruise, as explained on p. 1 of the second file. I also enclose our station data for the cruise (Lat/long/water depth/date) , which might solve your problem  with incoherent station information. If however the discrepancy remains unsolved, you should adress Mario because ANT 15-4 was an AWI cruise so they must have the real information.
    Comment: All our tracer data should have been submitted to WHPO, but the above file is the best info there is.  Flags are according to WOCE requirements. There are two flag-words of 12 digits each at the end of each sample line (see table on p. 1 of the seond file what the individual flags refer to). The table includes errors for tritium and the helium/neon species, but not for the CFCs. Their errors are as follows:
    CFC-11, CFC-12 < 1% (all data)
    CFC-113 < 1.5 to 2% or O.002pmol/kg, whichever is greater 
    CCl4 < 2.5% , but additional uncertainty of  +- 0.18 pmol (or less) for Stas. 3-6.
    Part of the helium samples were taken in a non-traditional way (sucking water into an evacuated ampoule), such data are denoted by a 7 as the last digit in the second flag word (regular copper samples have an 8 at that position). Intercalibrations have been made, and the errors given in the big table account for that. Part of the vaccuum samples had some air contamination, if small enough a correction was made using the neon value, in which case no neon value is given in the table.
  • New exchange file w/ corrected longitudes Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2005-01-13
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Updated:
    Made new exchange file for the ctd's to reflect the changes made to the longitudes in the .sum file on Jan. 11, 2005.  
    A new NETCDF file and corrected station position map need to be generated.
  • corrected some long. indicators Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2005-01-11
    Data Type: SUM
    Action: Website Updated:
    RCS for sr04_e  06AQANTXV_4
    Corrected some of the longitude hemisphere indicators from W to E.  Checked original .SUM file sent by H. Witte which also indicated that the stations in question should be E not W.
  • Key has TCARBN data from Hoppema Robert Key

    Date: 2005-01-10
    Data Type: CFCs/HeTr/CO2
    Action: Data Update:
    I have recently been in contact with Mario Hoppema regarding data from this cruise. He sent me a new data file which contains TCO2 measurements which he now considers "public". He also believes that his data were submitted to WHPO quite awhile back. There is also the possibility that Roether has submitted his CFC and perhaps H3/He3 results from this cruise.
    Before I bother Wolfgang, could you see if you have anything which is not on-line. If you don't have the TCO2, I'll send it as soon as I've merged the values. If you don't have the CFC and/or H3/He3 let me know and I'll get in touch with Wolfgang. Since Wolfgang is now retired, we need to bump priority on these data before they're lost.
  • some lat/long values wrong? Robert Key

    Date: 2005-01-10
    Data Type: TCARBN
    Action: Data Question:
    This is just a guess at this point based on a file I recently received from Mario Hoppema  (PI for the tco2) for this cruise.
    It appears that both the WHPO SUM and exchange files have errors in the longitudes for stations which fall along the main S-N transect at the end of the cruise. I've attached a figure which shows the difference. I don't know for sure which is correct, but the ship probably went into Capetown which would favor the Hoppema file. Whichever is correct, it's just a sign change (or W to E) for the ones that are wrong. I'd appreciate a note if my guess is wrong and the WHPO locations are indeed correct.
    The Hoppema file also has about twice the number of bottle records as the one at WHPO. I haven't yet figured this out, but will keep you posted.
  • Exchange file online Karla Uribe

    Date: 2002-03-04
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Website Updated:
    CTD and bottle have been converted to exchange and put online. Data was checked in JOA and no apparent problems were noticeable.
  • Reformatted data online, see note: Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2001-12-19
    Data Type: CTD/BTL/SUM/DOC
    Action: Website Updated:
    I have created an idex page for these data, reformatted all files and placed all files online. Correspondence  will need to be initiated with the data PI Hannelore Witte in order to solve minor format and parameter questions, however all files are in WOCE format.
    All original files reside in the original directory, a station track map still needs to be generated for this cruise.
    2001.12.17  DMB
    Reformatting notes for SR04_e 06AQANTXV_4.  Data sent by Hannelor Witte in July, 2001.
    SUM:	Added Following parameter columns to file: EXPOCODE- 06AQANTXV_4 
    CAST TYPE- added CTD, because original sumfile header indicated file was a list of CTD stations for this cruise, however since bottle data do exist, stations in the sumfile that contain bottle data should get ROS instead of CTD.  This is a minor point however (as per J. Swift) and does not affect the formatting of the file.
    CODE- added UN, since no cast codes were given and only one line per cast exists.
    NAV- added UNK, since no nav information was given.
    Removed following columns, *note these should be confirmed with data PI as to relevance:
    SN- this column was had a value of 1360 throughout the entire file.  possibly some serial number?  As per J. Swift this column can remain deleted from WHP file.
    Confirm what WAT.  DEPTH is.  Currently WAT.  was removed from the DEPTH header.  As per J. Swift, WAT (water) depth can be removed from header.
    Realigned all columns to adhere to woce format.
    changed DATE from 03 31 1998 (mm<space>dd<space>yyyy) format to 033198 (mmddyy) format.
    changed UTC time from hh<space>mm format to hhmm format.
    Added hemisphere character designator and removed all negative signs in latitudes and longitudes.
    Added ship name cruise name and leg designator to first header line.
    Added name/date stamp.
    Ran sumchk with no errors.
    Renamed file sr04_esu.txt
    BOT:	Edited parameter header line to proper WOCE alignment.
    changed expocode 06AQANTXV/4 to 06AQANTXV_4.
    Added name/date stamp.
    Ran wocecvt with no errors.  Several pressure inversions and duplicate depths do exist.
    Renamed file sr04_ehy.txt
    CTD:	Changed expocode 06AQANTXV/4 to 06AQANTXV_4 in all station files.
    ran wctcvt with no errors, however TRANSMS header is unrecognized by diagnostic code.  Format passed diagnostic code.
    zipped up files remaning zip file to sr04_ect.zip
  • station track made Adel Hajrasuliha

    Date: 2001-12-19
    Data Type: STATRK
    Action: Doc Update
    Images created for the station track map. .JPG and .GIF
  • Data Online Stephen C. Diggs

    Date: 2001-12-04
    Data Type: CTD/BTL/SUM
    Action: Website Updated:
    New cruise! Submitted by Hannalore Witte on 7/25/2001. Data are in sr04_e/original. Need information, i.e. who is the PI?
    I just found a cruise that apparently has been languishing in the INCOMING area for a while, since last July 25,2001.  Hannalore Witte went through the proper procedures and submitted them using the old webform.
    I have hand-edited the woce_lines.txt file and added it to the RCSable lines.  It's been RCS'd, and resides in the data area under
    The CTD files are 'close' to WOCE format, the bottle file seems dead-on, and the SUMfile is way off.
  • Hannelore Witte

    Date: 2001-07-25
    Data Type: CTD/BTL/SUM
    Action: Submitted
    The directory this information has been stored in is: 20010725.005322_WITTE_SR4
    The format type is:  ASCII
    The data type is: Sumfile BottleFile CTDFile DOCFile
    The Bottle File has the following parameters:
    The Bottle File contains:
    CastNumber StationNumber BottleNumber
    WITTE, HANNELORE would like the data PUBLIC.
    And would like the following done to the data:  place data on-line