Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.
Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite DatasetThe CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (41511)
The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (41511)
The CF source file was updated so this file was regenerated
Generated from (41511)
File created in the CCHDO system
06AQ20080210 processing - BTL 2024-04-19 E Aitoro Submissions id submit date submitted by file name --- ----------- ------------- --------------------- 744 2015-01-29 Robert Key 06AQ20080210.exc.csv * Merged recalibrated nutrients from S. van Heuven and K.Bakker that were provided by Bob Key opened in Ocean Data View with no apparent problems. Updated Files Manifest file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 20240419CCHSIOENA
CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file
this information is already present in dataset documentation
this was merged by Jerry Kappa on 2013-04-17
Sumfile generated from (34239)
06AQ20080210 processing - BTL 2022-08-17 A Barna Submissions id submit date submitted by file name ----- ------------- -------------- -------------------- 24695 06AQ20080210_hy1.csv Changes * Remove row with only fill values: STN 101, cast 5, sample 2 06AQ20080210_hy1.csv and opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions note: converted and put online by E Aitoro file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- 06AQ20080210_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390 06AQ20080210hy.txt 06AQ20080210_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390 Updated Files Manifest file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 06AQ20080210_hy1.csv 20220817CCHSIOAMB 20220817CCHSIOAMB 06AQ20080210hy.txt 20220817CCHSIOAMB
06AQ20080210 processing - BTL 2022-01-28 E Aitoro Changes * changed flags for TCARBN and ALKALI fill values from 4 to 9 * added SAMPNO column 06AQ20080210_hy1.csv, opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Conversions file converted from software ----------------------- -------------------- ----------------- 06AQ20080210_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390 06AQ20080210hy.txt 06AQ20080210_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390 Updated Files Manifest file stamp ----------------------- ----------------- 06AQ20080210_hy1.csv 20220128CCHSIOENA 20220128CCHSIOENA 06AQ20080210hy.txt 20220128CCHSIOENA
File created in the CCHDO system
File created in the CCHDO system
2008 06AQ20080210 processing - CTD/merge - CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,FLUOR,ATTN,CTDNOBS 2016-06-29 SEE Submission filename submitted by date id --------------------------- ------------ ---------- ---- RobertM. Key 2012-07-26 3669 Changes ------- - Reformatted AWI formatted file to Exchange format. - Changed empty fields to -999.0 - Changed -9.9999 values to -999.0 - Added cruise information. - Added parameter information. - Flags were not in original file, therefore no flags in Exchange format. - ATTN (optical beam transmission) included as a parameter although not an official parameter. - CTDSAL header units changed from the submitted PSU to PSS-78. Data values remain unchanged. - Data precision preserved as submited. Conversion ---------- file converted from software ------------------------------ --------------------------- ----------------------- hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3 Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ------------------------------- ----------------- 20160629CCHSIOSEE 20160629CCHSIOSEE :Updated parameters: CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,FLUOR,ATTN,CTDNOBS opened in JOA with no apparent problems: opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
File was created on or before this date
The following data are now available As Received, unprocessed by the CCHDO. 06AQ20080210.exc.csv
Expocode: 06AQ20080210 Ship: Polarstern Woce Line: SR04 Note: Recalibrated nutrient values from S. van Heuven and K.Bakker
============================= 06AQ20080210 processing - BTL ============================= 2014-02-24 R Lee .. contents:: :depth: 2 Submission ========== ==================== ============= ========== ========= ==== filename submitted by date data type id ==================== ============= ========== ========= ==== 06AQ20080210.exc.csv Robert M. Key 2013-08-19 BTL 1049 ==================== ============= ========== ========= ==== Parameters ---------- 06AQ20080210.exc.csv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - CTDPRS - CTDTMP - CTDSAL [1] - CTDOXY [1] - SILCAT [1] - NITRAT [1] - NITRIT [1] - PHSPHT [1] - CFC-11 [1] - CFC-12 [1] - TCARBN [1] - ALKALI [1] - HELIUM [1] - DELHE3 [1] - NEON [1] [3] - NEONER [3] - HELIER - DELHER - THETA [3] Process ======= Changes ------- Conversion ---------- ======================= ==================== ======================= file converted from software ======================= ==================== ======================= 06AQ20080210_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-98-gdc3f96b ======================= ==================== ======================= All converted files opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Directories =========== :working directory: /data/co2clivar/atlantic/a12/a12_06AQ20080210/original/2014.02.24_BTL_RJL :cruise directory: /data/co2clivar/atlantic/a12/a12_06AQ20080210 Updated Files Manifest ====================== ======================= ==================== file stamp ======================= ==================== 06AQ20080210_hy1.csv 201300819PRINUNIVRMK 201300819PRINUNIVRMK ======================= ====================
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 06AQ20080210.exc.csv
Bottle data file with corrected deep DIC flags
Expocode: 06AQ20080210 Ship: Polarstern Woce Line: A12; ANT-XXIV_3 Note: Same as last but corrected a few deep DIC flags
Same as last but corrected a few deep DIC flags
The year is now corrected from 2010 to 2008 in line 8 DATES in the CCHDO as-received file 06AQ20080210.exc.csv.
The final text version of the cruise report is now online. Updates include: o Final cruise report o Final CFC report o Updated/expanded data processing notes
The final pdf version of the cruise report is now online. Updates include: o Final cruise report o Final CFC report o Updated/expanded data processing notes o CCHDO-generated station track figure Corrections: o Table 3.2, p146 truncated (right hand column missing). Replaced with same table from preliminary report. o Step 2, p. 80 formula missing. Copied formula from preliminary report o Step 2, p. 81 formula missing. Copied formula from preliminary report o Step 1, p. 82 formula missing. Copied formula from preliminary report
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. readme_ant24_3_tracer_ohuhn_IUP_bremen_germany.pdf
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 06AQ20080210.exc.csv Edited according to email from Robert Key <> to <> on 2013-03-20. Year changed on line 8 from 2010 to 2008.
addendum to the cruise report
Expocode: 06AQ20080210 Ship: Polarstern Woce Line: A25 Note: forgot to attach this addendum to the cruise report along with the bottle file, sorry bob
This is the same file I uploaded on 3/28/13 except that the header has been edited and the He data from Huhn & Rhein have been added. BCO-DMO will (does?) have a different version of this file that will include trace metals, biologicals, partical isotopes, etc.
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 06AQ20080210.exc.csv readme_ant24_3_tracer_ohuhn_IUP_bremen_germany.pdf
Expocode: 06AQ20080210 Ship: Polarstern Woce Line: A12 ANT-XXIV_3 Note: This file is the same as the other recently submitted version except that this contains the CFC data and the header has been modified accordingly. Oliver Huhn and Monika also supplied an addition for the cruise report (also attached).
This file is the same as the other recently submitted version except that this contains the CFC data and the header has been modified accordingly. Oliver Huhn and Monika also supplied an addition for the cruise report (also attached).
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 06AQ20080210.exc.csv
This is an updated version of the file I previously uploaded for this cruise. There are numerous minor error fixes and all of the included parameters are "final". Still expected are CFC and H3/He data from Bremen. I sent a request for these data earlier today, but expect they will be proprietary for awhile yet. This file completes my work on this cruise until those data are received. This file should simply replace (rather than parameter update) previous submission. The full parameter set will be available at BODC as a GEOTRACES file. Given this the previous e-mail regarding BCO=DMO submission an U/Th isotopes is now moot.
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. Fah2010a.pdf
Final Cruise Documentation
Expocode: 06AQ20080210 Ship: Polarstern Woce Line: A12 ANT-XXIV_3 Note: Today I'm uploading the final cruise report. Previous version of report was Prelim. Filename is Fah2010a.pdf Steven van Heuven has provided me with a final (but incomplete) version of the bottle data. In the next few days I'll translate flags (from ODV) and reformat. If you could reformat the CTD data we can finish this one up in short time. As a separate chore I'll try to pry loose the missing isotope data, but we shouldn't wait for that.
Today I'm uploading the final cruise report. Previous version of report was Prelim. Filename is Fah2010a.pdf Steven van Heuven has provided me with a final (but incomplete) version of the bottle data. In the next few days I'll translate flags (from ODV) and reformat. If you could reformat the CTD data we can finish this one up in short time. As a separate chore I'll try to obtain the missing isotope data, but we shouldn't wait for that.
I've placed 2 new versions of the cruise report: a12_06AQ20080210do.pdf a12_06AQ20080210do.txt into the co2clivar/atlantic/a12/a12_06AQ20080210/ directory. Both docs include summary pages and CCHDO data processing notes. The pdf version also includes a linked Table of Contents and links to figures, tables and appendices. Both will be available on the cchdo website following the next update script run.
The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. ANT-24-3-cruise-report_PRELIM.pdf
CTD data file for ANT XXIV/3, PANGAEA format
Expocode: 06AQ20080210 Ship: Polarstern Woce Line: A12 and Trans Weddell Note: CTD data file for ANT XXIV/3. This is another of the PANGAEA format files. I'm working with German partners on the bottle file. Have requested final version of the cruise report bob
CTD data file for ANT XXIV/3. This is another of the PANGAEA format files. I'm working with German partners on the bottle file. Have requested final version of the cruise report