A. Cruise Narrative PR4, PR2 A.1 Highlights WHP Cruise Summary Information WOCE section designation PR4, PR2 Expedition designation (EXPOCODE) 49RY9206_1 49RY9206_2 49RY9206_3 Chief Scientist Jun'ichi Oyama, Japan Meteorological Agency, 1-3-4, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan Ship R/V Ryofu Maru Ports of call Leg 1: Tokyo, Japan to Rabaul, Papua New Guinea Leg 2: Rabaul, Papua New Guinea to Cebu, Republic of the Philippines Leg 3: Cebu, Republic of the Philippines to Tokyo, Japan Cruise dates Leg 1: June 9, 1992 to June 25, 1992 Leg 2: June 28, 1992 to July 11, 1992 Leg 3: July 16, 1992 to July 29, 1992 Number of stations 27 29° 59.89' N Geographic boundaries 154° 54.02' E 155° 15.13' W 4° 0.61' S Floats and drifters deployed 0 Moorings deployed or recovered 0 A.2 Cruise Summary Information Stations occupied Observations of PR4 were carried out as part of the R/V Ryofu Maru cruise RY9206 Leg 1, and those of PR2 were Leg 2 and Leg 3. Number of Stations A total of 27 CTD/rosette stations for PR4 and 33 stations for PR2 was occupied using a General Oceanics 12 bottle rosette equipped with 12 1.7-liter Niskin water sample bottles, and an NBIS MK III B CTD. No additional sensors were used with the CTD system. Sampling The following water sample measurements were made: salinity, oxygen, nitrate, nitrite and phosphate on all stations. The depths sampled were: 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1250, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000 in meters at every 5 degrees in latitude. On other stations, water samples were taken at shallower depths than 1250m. Surface water samples were collected by a bucket at every station. A.3 List of Principal Investigators The principal investigators responsible for each parameter measured on the cruise are listed in Table 1. (All the correspondence on these data should be addressed to the Director of the Oceanographical Division, Marine Department, Japan Meteorological Agency.) Name Responsibility Affiliation ----------------------------------------- I. Kaneko CTD, S JMA/MD K. Fushimi O2, Nutrients JMA/MD JMA/MD Marine Department, Japan Meteorological Agency A.4 Scientific Programme and Methods A.5 Major Problems and Goals not Achieved A.6 Other Incidents of Note A.7 List of Cruise Participants Date Contact Data Type Data Status Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09/29/99 Buck CTD/BTL/SUM Website Updated Online/Encrypted Ran sumchk, ok. WOCECVT ok. Created: July 14, 1999 by Kevin ExpoCode: 49RY9206/1 Dir: /home/whpo/sdiggs/WHPO/WHOI/DATA/P_RPT/pr04/9206/ Files in this directory: a. 9206l1.sea b. 9206l1.sum a. 9206l1.sea - Observations were made from the .sea file since there was no .hy2 file to use. S/02 Y NUTS Y CFCs N He/Tr N C-14 N b. 9206l1.sum - Sumfile for 49RY9206/1 08/04/00 Saiki CTD/BTL Data are Public I am pleased to inform you that the PIs and participants of the one-time and repeat cruises conducted by the Japan Meteorological Agency's vessels agreed to change most of the data status to public. 08/15/00 Bartolacci CTD/BTL Website Updated data decrypted As per Masaro Saiki the bottle and CTD files for these cruises have been unencrypted and made public. All index files have been updated to reflect this change. 11/27/00 Uribe DOC Submitted 2000.11.27 KJU File contained here is a CRUISE SUMMARY and NOT sumfile. Documentation is online. 2000.10.11 KJU Files were found in incoming directory under whp_reports. This directory was zipped, files were separated and placed under proper cruise. All of them are sum files. Received 1997 August 15th. 04/13/01 Uribe BTL Website Updated CSV File Added Bottle carriage returns were fixed. Bottle file was converted into Exchange format. Website now contains a link to the CSV file. 11/09/01 Uribe CTD Website Updated New CSV file added CTD data has been converted to exchange format using the new WHPO code. Old file has been put inside the original directory and new file has been put online.