TO VIEW PROPERLY YOU MAY NEED TO SET YOUR BROWSER'S CHARACTER ENCODING TO UNICODE 8 Cruise report: AR28_1975b (Updated SEP, 2007) A. Highlights A.1. Cruise Summary Information Section Designation AR28_1975b Expedition designation (ExpoCodes) 74CH19750704 Chief Scientists D.J. Ellett Dates 1975-07-04 - 1975-07-10 Ship RSS Challenger Ports of call Greenock, UK - Oban, UK 57.5000 N Station boundaries -12.2500 W 8.9667 W 56.9917 N Stations 29 CTD stations Floats and drifters deployed 0 Moorings deployed or recovered 1 current meter mooring deployed Author D.J. Ellett SMBA, Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory Cruise Report: RRS CHALLENGER Cruise 10A/1975. Duration: 1312 h 4 July to 0845 h 10 July 1975. All times BST Locality: Rockall Channel, 56° to 58° N. Staff: D.J. Ellett R. Bowers G.G. Coghill D.J. Edelsten A.M. Souter G. Tuttle D.I. Williamson (University of Liverpool, Port Erin) A. Medani (UCW, Aberystwyth) AIMS: 1) To establish a current meter mooring in 57°N, 9°W. 2) To work hydrographic sections from the continental shelf-edge to Anton Dohrn Seamouth and Rockall, and from Rockall Bank towards Malin Head. 3) To make plankton net tows for crab larvae for Dr. Williamson. 4) To obtain bottom samples for the Dept. of Geology, UCW, Aberystwyth. 5) To obtain 50 litre surface water samples for 137 Cs analysis by the Fisheries Radiobiological Laboratory. 6) To transmit messages of vertical temperature profiles to Bracknell. NARRATIVE: CHALLENGER sailed in fine, calm weather from Dunstaffnage at 1312 h 4 July. Surface samples were taken from the Sound of Mull en route to the first station of the Anton Dohrn Seamount section, which was reached at 2320 h. STD lowerings were made at five stations (T to P) before returning at 0845 h 5 July to station R to launch the current meter mooring. This was completed by 1012 h and work along the line of the section was resumed, plankton hauls being made in the vicinity of the 500 m isobath and a Shipek grab sample being obtained at station P. Between 1420 h 5 July and 0120 h 7 July stations 0 to A of the section were completed in continuing calm weather. Plankton hauls and grab samples were obtained or attempted at many of the stations. The Rockall-Malin hydrographic section was begun at 0310 h 7 July and light winds with barely disturbed sea conditions allowed 10 stations (Q to H) to be worked, covering the western two-thirds of the section. At 0745 h 8 July course was set for the buoy station with the aim of checking the mooring and carrying out a short shelf-edge STD section. Two plankton hauls were taken and an echo- sounder watch maintained as the ship crossed the Hebrides Terrace. However, at 1410 h a distress call was received and the ship proceeded to the assistance of the trawler GRANTON HARRIER. Ten survivors were taken off and later flown from CHALLENGER by naval Sea King helicopters to Prestwick. CHALLENGER returned to stand by the derelict vessel, which, during the evening, was boarded and got under tow. By 1430 h 9 July GRANTON HARRIER had been put into running order by a party from CHALLENGER and the tow was cast off, both vessels setting course for Ardrossan which was reached at 0845 h 10 July. RESULTS: Aim 1) The current meter mooring was launched without difficulty on 5 July. The satellite navigation system, although experiencing teething troubles, was able usefully to confirm the accuracy of position fixes by other means. Due to the distress call on 8 July it did not prove possible to check the mooring at the end of the cruise, but as the weather had been extremely calm in the interim and as no fishing had been taking place at the time of launching, the check was readily foregone. Aim 2) All twenty stations of the Anton Dohrn Seamount section were worked, and ten stations of the Rockall-Malin Head section were completed. The STD results were logged on cassette tapes at each station. The data have yet to be studied in detail, but the mass transport values during this period of settled calm will be of considerable interest. Aim 3) Plankton hauls were made with 50 cm nets at 23 stations by Dr Williamson. Initially, oblique hauls were made from the centre warp aft, but subsequently vertical hauls or stratified tows from the hydrographic wire were found to be preferable. Spiny crab larvae, found in earlier years over the deep water and Rockall Bank, were absent, and plans to rear adults at Dunstaffnage were not realised. Plankton from the hauls was in general sparse, although over the western deep water extensive slicks and foam upon the unusually calm sea surface appeared to indicate plankton blooms in the upper mixed layer, which was of minimal thickness. Aim 4) Grab samples were attempted at fourteen slope and deep water stations and seven samples obtained. The Shipek/hydrowire system is too light for reliable use in deep water, even when calm conditions produce little stray of the wire from the vertical, as on this cruise. Aim 5) Samples for 137 Caesium analysis were obtained on 4-5 July at the ten positions also sampled in March and May. Aim 6) Eleven messages giving details of temperature profiles to 500 m depth were sent to Bracknell during the cruise. The surface mixed layer was usually of 10 m or less depth over the shelf and bank regions, and mostly absent over the deep water. Surface temperatures of 13°-14° C were not unusually high by comparison with 1948-65 means. D.J. Ellett 11 July 1975. PARAMETERS BODC CODE Rank Units Title --------- ---- -------- --------------------------------------------------- PRESPR01 1 Decibars Pressure (spatial co-ordinate) exerted by the water column by profiling pressure sensor and corrected to read zero at sea level SSALPR01 1 Parts per Salinity of the water column by thousand conductivity cell TEMPST01 1 Degrees Temperature of the water column by CTD or STD Celsius Definition of Rank Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data) INSTRUMENTATION The instrument used was a Bissett Berman STD system and the data were logged on a Hewlett Packard 9820. Instrument lowering and raising speeds between 0.5 m/s and 1 m/s. An acoustic pinger was placed above the STD to give an accurate depth measurement, this could then be used to check the STD pressure calibration. An NIO bottle with reversing thermometers was placed above the pinger, within 2m of the STD system. A bottle sample was taken at the bottom of the cast providing the temperature and salinity are uniform at that point. If large temperature or salinity gradients were present then the bottle sample was triggered at a suitable site on the upcast. A surface salinity sample was also taken at the start of the dip. Calibration The STD was not calibrated in the laboratory. The manufacturer's calibration was used and water samples taken to check the calibration and apply corrections where necessary. Temperature The manufacturer's calibration was used to convert the raw data to physical units using the equation below: Temperature (°C) = (10(^6) /Pt - 2238.68)/55.84 where Pt is the temperature period in microseconds These values were then plotted against the water bottle (i.e. reversing thermometer) temperatures and a regression line fitted to the data such that: Temperature(WB) = m x Temperature(STD) + c Then the regression coefficients (m and c) were applied to correct the STD temperature data - these are given in the table below. Salinity The manufacturer's calibration was used to convert the raw data to physical units using the equation below: Salinity (ppt) = (10(^6) /Ps - 4995)/290.6 + 30 where Ps is the salinity period in microseconds These values were then plotted against the STD salinity and a regression line fitted to the data such that: Salinity(WB) = m x Salinity(STD) + c + (m1 x Pressure + c1)/1000 Then the regression coefficients were applied to correct the STD salinity data. The data showed a salinity - pressure dependency, this was corrected by plotting delta-S (i.e. calibrated salinity - calculated salinity) against pressure to determine the slope (m1) and intercept (c1). These were then incorporated into the equation as shown above. The regression coefficients are given in the table below. Pressure The depths from the acoustic pinger were noted where the bottle samples were taken and then used to check the calibration of the pressure sensor - unless calibration values were available from the reversing thermometers. The equation below was used to convert the pressure period to physical units. Pressure = (10(^6) /Pd - 9712)/0.26267 where Pd is the pressure period in microseconds A regression fit was carried out using the calibration values and the slope and intercept determined. The pressure values could then be corrected using: Pressure (CORR) = m x Pressure(STD) + c The fit of the STD data to the water bottle calibration data is given in the table below: Variable Slope (m) Intercept (c) Standard Deviation ---------------- --------- ------------- ------------------ Temperature (°C) 1.0031 0.0127 0.006 Salinity (ppt) 0.8434 5.5336 0.007 Pressure (dbar) 0.5069 -4.6489 3.764 Delta-S 0.0065 -10.4448 8.056 DATA PROCESSING Obvious wild points were edited out of the calibration file and the calibration programs run to obtain values for the slopes and intercepts for temperature, pressure and salinity. These were then applied to the uncalibrated data and sigma-t was calculated. The data values were then sieved to ensure a minimum separation between pressure values of 1 dbar. The data were then visually inspected and major spikes flagged. REFERENCES Sharples, F. (1987). A new data bank of SMBA STD/CTD observations in the Rockall Trough 1975-84. SMBA Marine Physics Group Report No. 36. Graham, J.M., Sharples, F., Meldrum, D.T. and Edwards, A. (1987). STD observations in the Rockall Trough 1975-77. SMBA Marine Physics Group Report No. 39. DML Rockall Trough (Anton Dohrn Seamount) CTD Section Stations Dist. Approx. Station to next Latitute Longitude depth (m) Comment ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- -------------- A 10.0' 57 35.0 N 13 38 W 130 near Rockall B 10.0' 57 34.0 N 13 20 W 210 C 5.0' 57 33.0 N 13 00 W 330 D 7.5' 57 32.5 N 12 52 W 1000 E 12.5' 57 32.0 N 12 38 W 1658 F 12.5' 57 30.5 N 12 15 W 1817 G 10.0' 57 29.5 N 11 51 W 1812 H 7.5' 57 29.0 N 11 32 W 2020 I 7.5' 57 28.0 N 11 19 W 750 J 7.5' 57 27.0 N 11 05 W 550 seamount crest K 7.5' 57 24.0 N 10 52 W 850 L 10.0' 57 22.0 N 10 40 W 2076 M 12.0' 57 18.0 N 10 23 W 2340 N 12.0' 57 14.0 N 10 03 W 2100 O 10.0' 57 09.0 N 09 42 W 1900 P 7.5' 57 06.0 N 09 25 W 1050 Q 7.5' 57 03.0 N 09 13 W 350 R 8.0' 57 00.0 N 09 00 W 135 shelf-edge S 10.0' 56 57.0 N 08 47 W 125 15G 6.25' 56 53.0 N 08 30 W 125 T 5.75' 56 50.2 N 08 20 W 120 14G 5.75' 56 48.5 N 08 10 W surface only 13G 5.75' 56 47.0 N 08 00 W 110 12G 5.75' 56 45.5 N 07 50 W surface only 11G 56 44.0 N 07 40 W 55 Barra Head Distance Barra Head to station A is 203 nautical miles. Stations R to 11G are an overlap with the Sound of Mull to Shelf-edge section (see list c, BODC document reference number 77367). DML Rockall Trough (Sound of Mull to Shelf Break) CTD Section Stations Dist. Approx. Station to next Latitute Longitude depth (m) Comment ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- -------------- 1G (C1) 5.0' 56 40.0 N 06 08 W 190 Off Ardmore Pt. 2G (C2) 3.2' 56 41.0 N 06 17 W 40 3G 3.2' 56 42.5 N 06 22 W - Surface only 4G (C3) 5.0' 56 44.0 N 06 27 W 115 Cairns of Coll 5G 5.0' 56 44.0 N 06 36 W - Surface only 6G (C4) 8.2' 56 44.0 N 06 45 W 35 Hawes Bank 7G (C5) 5.5' 56 44.0 N 07 00 W 145 8G 5.5' 56 44.0 N 07 10 W - Surface only 9G (C6) 5.5' 56 44.0 N 07 20 W 160 10G 5.5' 56 44.0 N 07 30 W 220 11G (C7) 5.8' 56 44.0 N 07 40 W 55 Barra Head 12G 5.8' 56 45.5 N 07 50 W - Surface only 13G (C8) 5.8' 56 47.0 N 08 00 W 110 14G 5.8' 56 48.5 N 08 10 W - Surface only T 6.2' 56 50.2 N 08 20 W 135 15G (C9) 10.0' 56 53.0 N 08 30 W 125 S 8.0' 56 57.0 N 08 47 W 125 16G (C10 & R) 57 00.0 N 09 00 W 135 Shelf-edge This section adjoins the Anton Dohrn Seamount Section (indref 77336), with which the stations R, S and T, given above, form an overlap. DML ROCKALL TROUGH (ADDITIONAL) CTD SECTION STATIONS DML CTD Sections Across the Shelf-Edge a) Extra Stations Inserted Between Anton Dohrn Stations Dist. Approx. Station to next Latitute Longitude depth (m) ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- N 12.0' 57 14.0 N 10 03.0 W 2100 O 5.0' 57 09.0 N 09 42.0 W 1900 P1 5.0' 57 07.5 N 09 33.5 W 1375 P 3.7' 57 06.0 N 09 25.0 W 1050 Q1 3.7' 57 04.5 N 09 19.0 W 800 Q 3.7' 57 03.0 N 09 13.0 W 350 R1 3.7' 57 01.5 N 09 06.5 W 155 R 8.0' 57 00.0 N 09 00.0 W 135 S - 56 57.0 N 08 47.0 W 125 b) NE-SW section, crossing at R Dist. Approx. Station to next Latitute Longitude depth (m) ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- L10 5.0' 57 05.0 N 08 45.0 W 123 L9 5.0' 57 02.5 N 08 52.5 W 125 R 2.7' 57 00.0 N 09 00.0 W 135 L8 2.7' 56 58.5 N 09 04.0 W 145 L7 2.7' 56 57.0 N 09 08.0 W 343 L6 2.7' 56 55.5 N 09 12.0 W 960 L5 5.5' 56 54.0 N 09 16.0 W 1286 L4 5.5' 56 51.0 N 09 24.0 W L3 5.5' 56 48.0 N 09 32.0 W 1720 L2 5.5' 56 45.0 N 09 40.0 W L1 5.5' 56 42.0 N 09 48.0 W 1820 BODC QUALITY CONTROL FLAGS The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle: Flag Description Blank Unqualified ----- --------------------------------------------------- < Below detection limit > In excess of quoted value A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.) B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.) D Thermometric depth E End of CTD Down/Up Cast G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty H Extrapolated value I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.) K Improbable value - unknown quality control source L Improbable value - originator's quality control M Improbable value - BODC quality control N Null value O Improbable value - user quality control P Trace/calm Q Indeterminate R Replacement value S Estimated value T Interpolated value U Uncalibrated W Control value X Excessive difference CCHDO DATA PROCESSING NOTES DATE CONTACT DATA TYPE EVENT -------- ------- --------- ------------------- 09/04/07 Muus CTD Reformatted, online Notes for ELLETT data (ar28 1975-1992) 1. Original data from 2004.03.02_AR28_CTD_HOLLIDAY No quality flags. 2. Justin Fields & Danie Kinkade converted to Exchange format: 2006.06.16_AR28_CTD_RFMT_DBK (ar28_1975a) 2006.08.04_RFMT_AR28_CTD_DBK (ar28_1975b) 2006.08.06_RFMT_AR28_CTD_DBK (ar28_1975c) 2006.08.08_RFMT_AR28_CTD_DBK (ar28_1976a - ar28_1977a) 2006.08.10_RFMT_AR28_CTD_DBK (ar28_1977c - ar28_1992a) 2007.07.12_AR28_CTD_RFMT_JFIELDS (ar28_1975a - ar28_1992a) Added quality flags: "2" CTDPRS formated F9.1 CTDTMP " F9.4 THETA " F9.4 3. dm modified July-August 2007: a) Changed Expocodes to new format (CCSSYYYYMMDD) See n) for list of Expocodes. b) Left originator's THETA in file. Normally not in CTD Exchange files. Compared to theta calculated with JOA. Near surface values vary +/- .003 and deep values vary +/- .001 c) Changed quality flags for ar28_1975c_00008_00001_ct1.csv: CTDPRS, CTDSAL, CTDTMP, THETA, 1111.0,2, 35.2266,2, 7.4700,2, 7.3549,2 1113.0,2, 35.2270,2, 7.4700,2, 7.3547,2 1115.0,2, 35.2285,2, 7.4650,2, 7.3495,2 1117.0,2, 35.2237,2, 7.4567,2, 7.3411,2 1119.0,2, 35.2193,2, 7.4483,2, 7.3326,2 1121.0,2, 35.2150,2, 7.4400,2, 7.3241,2 1123.0,2, 35.4610,3, 7.4300,2, 7.3135,2 CTDSAL FLAG 3 vs 2 1125.0,2, 35.3800,3, 7.4267,2, 7.3101,2 CTDSAL FLAG 3 vs 2 1127.0,2, 35.2990,3, 7.4233,2, 7.3068,2 CTDSAL FLAG 3 vs 2 1129.0,2, 35.2180,2, 7.4200,2, 7.3034,2 1131.0,2, 35.2165,2, 7.3950,2, 7.2784,2 1133.0,2, 33.9363,4, 7.3792,2, 7.2646,2 CTDSAL FLAG 4 vs 2 1135.0,2, 32.6560,4, 7.3633,2, 7.2509,2 CTDSAL FLAG 4 vs 2 1137.0,2, 35.2110,3, 7.3200,2, 7.2033,2 CTDSAL FLAG 3 vs 2 1139.0,2, 35.2180,2, 7.3200,2, 7.2031,2 1141.0,2, 35.2170,2, 7.2967,2, 7.1797,2 1143.0,2, 35.2177,2, 7.2833,2, 7.1663,2 1145.0,2, 35.2185,2, 7.2700,2, 7.1528,2 1147.0,2, 35.2173,2, 7.2700,2, 7.1526,2 1149.0,2, 35.2160,2, 7.2700,2, 7.1524,2 d) Changed quality flags for ar28_1976a_00007_00001_ct1.csv: 217.5,2, 35.3047,2, 9.3400,2, 9.3157,2 222.5,2, 35.3015,2, 9.3300,2, 9.3051,2 227.5,2, 35.2990,2, 9.3300,2, 9.3046,2 232.5,2, 33.4022,4, 9.3300,2, 9.3047,2 CTDSAL FLAG 4 vs 2 237.5,2, 35.2930,2, 9.3300,2, 9.3034,2 242.5,2, 35.3020,2, 9.3000,2, 9.2729,2 247.5,2, 35.2995,2, 9.2900,2, 9.2624,2 252.5,2, 34.8453,4, 9.2700,2, 9.2420,2 CTDSAL FLAG 4 vs 2 257.5,2, 35.2923,2, 9.2500,2, 9.2213,2 262.5,2, 35.2923,2, 9.2367,2, 9.2075,2 267.5,2, 35.2907,2, 9.2267,2, 9.1969,2 272.5,2, 35.2860,2, 9.2000,2, 9.1697,2 277.5,2, 35.2910,2, 9.1850,2, 9.1542,2 282.5,2, 35.2920,2, 9.1800,2, 9.1486,2 597.5,2, 35.2660,2, 8.6900,2, 8.6247,2 602.5,2, 35.2690,2, 8.6800,2, 8.6142,2 607.5,2, 35.2620,2, 8.6700,2, 8.6037,2 612.5,2, 34.8323,4, 8.6533,2, 8.5869,2 CTDSAL FLAG 4 vs 2 617.5,2, 35.2630,2, 8.6233,2, 8.5561,2 622.5,2, 35.2660,2, 8.6200,2, 8.5522,2 627.5,2, 35.2580,2, 8.6033,2, 8.5350,2 632.5,2, 35.2640,2, 8.5900,2, 8.5212,2 637.5,2, 35.2603,2, 8.5775,2, 8.5082,2 642.5,2, 35.2600,2, 8.5500,2, 8.4803,2 e) ar28_1976a_00012_00001_ct1.csv has different T-S pattern from adjacent stations. Is on slope and was done on April 2. May be spring time effect. Left as is. f) ar28_1978b 2006.08.10_RFMT_AR28_CTD_DBK has file names with 1987b instead of 1978b. Left original files as is and corrected on-line files. g) ar28_1978c and ar28_1978d have same cruise dates in HOLLIDAY 00_README files, July 11 - Sept 17, 1978. First has originator expocode of 74c11b78 (Stations 167-187, Aug 9-11) and second has 74c11d78 (Sta 369-380, Sept 11-13). Cannot find a cruise report in Documentation directory. Combined into one cruise with new Expocode 74CH19780711. h) ar28_1981b cruise report(ch6_81.pdf) says this cruise departed April 6 and returned to Stornoway April 15 at 0740(called Leg A in cruise report) and departed April 16 at 1130(called Leg B). Personnel changes were made. This cruise was originally reported with one expocode (74c681) for Stations 2-11 and 37-56. I split them into 2 cruises with expocodes: 74CH19810406 for Stations 2-11 and 74CH19810416 for Stations 37-56 i) Changed file names for ar28_1981c and ar28_1983b from ar18_198..... to ar28_198..... to match all other exchange file names. j) ar28_1983a has cruise dates "11 May - 30 Jun 1983" in HOLLIDAY 00_README. Cruise report ch7_83.pdf has Leg A "May 11-23, 1983" Leg B "May 23-June 2, 1983" All ctd data is from Leg B so used 74CH19830523 for EXPOCODE. k) Changed quality flags for ar28_1983b_00066_00001_ct1.csv: 602.5,2, 35.3925,2, 9.3000,2, 9.2313,2 607.5,2, 35.3860,2, 9.2900,2, 9.2208,2 612.5,2, 35.3660,3, 9.2700,2, 9.2003,2 CTDSAL FLAG 3 vs 2 617.5,2, 50.9697,4, 9.2500,2, 9.1656,2 CTDSAL FLAG 4 vs 2 622.5,2, 35.3725,3, 9.2350,2, 9.1643,2 CTDSAL FLAG 3 vs 2 627.5,2, 35.3745,2, 9.2200,2, 9.1488,2 632.5,2, 35.3730,2, 9.2200,2, 9.1482,2 l) ar28_1983b Stations 55 and 56 have exactly the same date, time position and bottom depth. Sta 55 20-115db and Sta 56 45-745db. Left as is. m) ar28_1992a Stations have 1 decibar intervals. All previous data was 2 decibar data. Left as is for now. ar28_1992a Station 30 has temperature but no salinity for 2-6db. Used quality flag 9 for CTDSAL & THETA. 3.0,2,-999.0000,9, 10.8565,2,-999.0000,9 4.0,2,-999.0000,9, 10.8515,2,-999.0000,9 5.0,2,-999.0000,9, 10.8535,2,-999.0000,9 6.0,2,-999.0000,9, 10.8511,2,-999.0000,9 7.0,2, 35.2356,2, 10.8517,2, 10.8508,2 00_README flle in ar28_1992a/original/2004.03.02_AR28_CTD_HOLLIDAY has info from a Feb 1991 cruise, not ar28_1992a. n) Following is a comparison of cruise indentifiers: CCHDO DATA PROCESSING NOTES ELLETT name comparisons 20070824/dm Vessel Cruise Dates Cruise Names EXPOCODE Cruise Missing _____________________________________ ______________________ Report Info CCHDO Cruise 00_README CCHDO HOLLIDAY Report Challenger Leg May 1-6, 1975 ar28_1975a 7A/1975 C775 74CH19750501 74c775 ch7a_75.pdf " Jul 4-10, 1975 ar28_1975b 10A/1975 C1075 74CH19750704 74c1075 ch10a_75.pdf " Nov 7-12, 1975 ar28_1975c 14B/1978 C1475 74CH19751107 74c1475 ch14b_75.pdf " Mar 29-Apr 5, 1976 ar28_1976a 5a/1976 C5a76 74CH19760329 74c5a76 ch5a_76.pdf " May 19-Jun 1, 1976 ar28_1976b 8/1976 C876 74CH19760519 74c876 ch8_76.pdf " Feb 25-Mar 11, 1977 ar28_1977a 4/1977 C477 74CH19770225 74c477 ch4_77.pdf " Apr 14-19, 1977 ar28_1977b 6B/1977 C677 74CH19770414 74c677 ch6b_77.pdf " Aug 20-Sep 3, 1977 ar28_1977c 13/1977 C1377 74CH19770820 74c1377 ch13_77.pdf " Apr 11-21, 1978 ar28_1978a 6/1978 C678 74CH19780411 74c678 ch6_78.pdf " May 31-Jun 10, 1978 ar28_1978b 9/1978 C978(?) 74CH19780531 74c978 ch9_78.pdf " Jul 11-Sep 17, 1978 ar28_1978c NONE 11B78 74CH19780711 74c11b78 NONE YES " Jul 11-Sep 17, 1978 ar28_1978d NONE 11D78 74CH19780711 74c11d78 NONE YES " Nov 4-11, 1978 ar28_1978e 14B/1978 C1478 74CH19781104 74c1478 ch14b_78.pdf " May 10-23, 1979 ar28_1979a 7/1979 C779 74CH19790510 74c779 ch7_79.pdf " Sep 11-16, 1979 ar28_1979b 13/1979 C1379 74CH19790911 74c1379 ch13_79.pdf " Oct 28-Nov 11, 1979 ar28_1979c 16/1979 C1679 74CH19791028 74c1679 ch16_79.pdf " Apr 21-May 6,1980 ar28_1980a 7/1980 C780 74CH19800421 74c780 ch7_80.pdf " Jan 26-Feb 4,1981 ar28_1981a 2/1981 C281 74CH19810126 74c281 ch2_81.pdf " A Apr 6-15, 1981 ar28_1981b_leg_a 6/1981 C681 74CH19810406 74c681 ch6_81.pdf " B Apr 16-21, 1981 ar28_1981b_leg_b 6/1981 C681 74CH19810416 74c681 ch6_81.pdf " Jul 4-14, 1981 ar28_1981c NONE C1081 74CH19810704 74c1081 NONE YES " Oct 6-20, 1981 ar28_1981d 15/81 C1581 74CH19811006 74c1581 ch15_81.pdf " A May 11-23, 1983 ar28_1983a 7/1983 C783 no data 74c783 ch7_83.pdf " B May 23-Jun 2, 1983 ar28_1983a 7/1983 C783 74CH19830523 74c783 ch7_83.pdf " Aug 10-24, 1983 ar28_1983b NONE C1183 74CH19830810 74c1183 NONE YES " Nov 16-Dec 6, 1984 ar28_1984a NONE C1084 74CH19841116 74c1084 NONE YES " Jan 20-Feb 5, 1985 ar28_1985a 1/1985 C185 74CH19850120 74c185 ch1_85.pdf " May 2-16, 1985 ar28_1985b 4/1985 C485 74CH19850502 74c485 ch4_85.pdf " Aug 14-28, 1985 ar28_1985c 8/1985 C885 74CH19850814 74c885 ch8_85.pdf " Jan 8-22, 1987 ar28_1987a 9/87 C987 74CH19870108 74c987 ch9_87.pdf " Apr 24-May 7, 1987 ar28_1987b 14/1987 C1487 74CH19870424 74c1487 ch14_87.pdf " Nov 23-Dec 5, 1987 ar28_1987c 22/1987 C2287 74CH19871123 74c2287 ch22_87.pdf " Jun 6-23, 1988 ar28_1988a 30/1988 C3088 74CH19880606 74c3088 ch30_88.pdf ELLETT name comparisons 20070824/dm Vessel Cruise Dates Cruise Names EXPOCODE Cruise Missing _____________________________________ ______________________ Report Info CCHDO Cruise 00_README CCHDO HOLLIDAY Report Discovery Jan 20-Feb 4, 1989 ar28_1989a 180 D18089 74E319890120 74d18089 d180.pdf Lough Foyle May 5-11, 1989 ar28_1989b 1/1989 LF189 74__19890505 74lf189 lf1_89.pdf YES " " UNK(Sta:Aug5-6,1989) ar28_1989c NONE LF289 74__1989____ 74lf289 NONE YES NODC says 74LF is "Loch Fada". No NODC shipcode for Lough Foyle Charles Darwin Nov 24-Dec 2, 1989 ar28_1989d 44/89 CD4489 74AB19891124 74cd4489 cd44.pdf Challenger Jun 21-Jul 5, 1990 ar28_1990a 67/1990 C6790 74CH19900621 74c6790 ch67_90.pdf " Aug 29-Sep 17, 1990 ar28_1990b 71/1990 C7190 74CH19900829 74c7190 ch71_90.pdf " Sep 25-Oct 6, 1992 ar28_1992a 97/92 _____ 74CH19920925 74c9792 ch97_92.pdf YES