A. CRUISE REPORT: I06S (1996) (updated 19 AUG 2014) A.1. HIGHLIGHTS CRUISE SUMMARY INFORMATION WOCE section designation I06S Expedition designation (EXPOCODE) 35MF103_1 (aka: 35MF19960220) Chief Scientists Alain Poisson, Nicolas Metzl, Christian Brunet Dates 1996.FEB.20 - 1996.MAR.31 Ship R/V MARION DUFRESNE Ports of call Durban, South Africa Number of stations 98 30°0.14'S Station Geographic boundaries 24°56.01'E 30°6.6'E 69°2.84'S Floats and drifters deployed none Moorings deployed or recovered none CHIEF SCIENTISTS' CONTACT INFORMATION Alain Poisson Email: apoisson@ccr.jussieu.fr TEL: 33-1-4427-4869 FAX: 33-1-4427-3866 Nicolas Metzl Email: metzl@ccr.jussieu.fr TEL: 33-1-4427-3394 FAX: 33-1-4427-4993 Christian Brunet Email: cbrunet@ccr.jussieu.fr All at: Université Pierre et Marie Curie Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Marines Case 134 4, Place Jussieu Paris Cedex 05, 75252 FRANCE ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I06S • 1996 • Poisson/Metzl/Brunet Sea/Ocean: ANTARCTIC OCEAN INDIAN SECTOR - (30E entre Afrique/continent Antarctique) Objectives: • Estimation du flux a la frontiere Atlantique/Indien, • Etude spacio-temporelle de la circulation zonale dans l'Atlantique, • Etude de la dynamique du systeme Antarctique, • Etude de l'alimentation du "gyre" de Weddel, • Evolution de l'eau de fond de Weddel, • Echange de CO2 a l'interface air-mer. Scientific Authority: LBCM PARIS Universite P. et M. Curie (Paris VI) 4, Place Jussieu- case courrier 134 75252 PARIS CEDEX 05 tél: 33 (0)1 fax: +33 (0)1 44 27 49 93 Ship Fitting-out Authority: IPEV Chief Scientist(s): • POISSON Alain (email: apoisson@ccr.jussieu.fr) • METZL Nicolas (email: metzl@ccr.jussieu.fr) • BRUNET Christian (email: brunet@ccr.jussieu.fr) Participating Bodies UPMC, CNRS, CEA, CNES Discipline(s): • CHIMIE OCEANIQUE • METEOROLOGIE • OCEANOGRAPHIE PHYSIQUE Summary of Measurements: Hydrologie: CTD-O2, XBT, ADCP, thermosalinometre. Geochimie: mesures d'alcalinite, T CO2, pH, oxygene, sels nutritifs, pCO2, barium, fluorescence de surface. Traceurs: C13, C14, O18, T, He3, CFC. Mesures en continu de: temperature, salinite, pression partielle de CO2, oxygene, pH, dans les eaux de surface. Mesures de pression partielle de CO2 dans l'air. Code | Name | Nb.| Responsible -----|---------------------------------|----|-------------- H09 | Water bottle stations | 55 | POISSON Alain H10 | CTD stations | 48 | POISSON Alain H21 | Oxygen | 55 | POISSON Alain H22 | Phosphate | 53 | POISSON Alain H24 | Nitrate | 53 | POISSON Alain H26 | Silicate | 53 | POISSON Alain H27 | Alkalinity | 55 | POISSON Alain H28 | pH | | POISSON Alain H32 | Isotopes | | | Rapport isotopique O18/O16 | 18 | POISSON Alain H73 | Geochemical tracers (eg freons) | 53 | POISSON Alain | 54 stations avec Freons, | | | 30 stations avec Helium | | H74 | Carbon dioxide | | | Carbone inorganique total | 55 | POISSON Alain M71 | Atmospheric chemistry | | POISSON Alain Copyright(c) Ifremer http://www.ifremer.fr/sismer/catal/campagne/campagne.htql?crno=96200020 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I06S • 1996 • Poisson/Metzl/Brunet CTD DATA CONSISTENCY CHECK About the '_check.txt', '_sal.ps' and '_oxy.ps' files: The WHP-Exchange format bottle and/or CTD data from this cruise have been examined by a computer application for contents and consistency. The parameters found for the files are listed, a check is made to see if all CTD files for this cruise contain the same CTD parameters, a check is made to see if there is a one-to-one correspondence between bottle station numbers and CTD station numbers, a check is made to see that pressures increase through each file for each station, and a check is made to locate multiple casts for the same station number in the bottle data. Results of those checks are reported in this '_check.txt' file. When both bottle and CTD data are available, the CTD salinity data (and, if available, CTD oxygen data) reported in the bottle data file are subtracted from the corresponding bottle data and the differences are plotted for the entire cruise. Those plots are the' _sal.ps' and '_oxy.ps' files. FOLLOWING PARAMETERS FOUND FOR BOTTLE FILE: EXPOCODE DEPTH SILCAT HELIUM_FLAG_W SECT_ID CTDPRS SILCAT_FLAG_W DELHE3 STNNBR CTDTMP NITRAT DELHE3_FLAG_W CASTNO CTDSAL NITRAT_FLAG_W DELC13 SAMPNO CTDSAL_FLAG_W PHSPHT DELC13_FLAG_W BTLNBR SALNTY PHSPHT_FLAG_W O18O16 BTLNBR_FLAG_W SALNTY_FLAG_W CFC-11 O18O16_FLAG_W DATE CTDOXY CFC-11_FLAG_W TCARBN TIME CTDOXY_FLAG_W CFC-12 TCARBN_FLAG_W LATITUDE OXYGEN CFC-12_FLAG_W ALKALI LONGITUDE OXYGEN_FLAG_W HELIUM ALKALI_FLAG_W THETA All ctd parameters match the parameters in the reference station. Station #1 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #12 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #13 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #15 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #17 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #19 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #21 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #23 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #25 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #27 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #29 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #3 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #31 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #33 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #35 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #37 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #39 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #41 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #43 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #45 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #47 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #5 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #7 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #9 has a CTD file, but does not exist in i06sb_hy1.csv. Station #50 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #52 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #54 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #56 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #58 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #60 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #62 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #64 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #66 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #68 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #69 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #70 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #72 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #74 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #76 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #78 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #80 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #82 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #83 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #84 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #85 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #86 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #87 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #88 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #90 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #91 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #92 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #93 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #94 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #95 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. Station #96 exists in i06sb_hy1.csv, but does not have a corresponding CTD file. No bottle pressure inversions found. Bottle file pressures are increasing. I06SB_HY1.CSV -> CONTAINS STATIONS WITH MULTIPLE CASTS: station -> 11: 2 casts. | station -> 42: 2 casts. | station -> 69: 2 casts. station -> 14: 2 casts. | station -> 44: 3 casts. | station -> 70: 2 casts. station -> 16: 2 casts. | station -> 46: 2 casts. | station -> 72: 2 casts. station -> 18: 2 casts. | station -> 48: 2 casts. | station -> 74: 2 casts. station -> 20: 2 casts. | station -> 50: 2 casts. | station -> 76: 2 casts. station -> 22: 2 casts. | station -> 52: 2 casts. | station -> 78: 2 casts. station -> 24: 2 casts. | station -> 54: 2 casts. | station -> 8: 2 casts. station -> 26: 2 casts. | station -> 56: 2 casts. | station -> 80: 2 casts. station -> 28: 2 casts. | station -> 58: 2 casts. | station -> 82: 2 casts. station -> 30: 2 casts. | station -> 6: 2 casts. | station -> 83: 2 casts. station -> 32: 2 casts. | station -> 60: 2 casts. | station -> 84: 2 casts. station -> 34: 2 casts. | station -> 62: 3 casts. | station -> 85: 2 casts. station -> 36: 2 casts. | station -> 64: 2 casts. | station -> 86: 2 casts. station -> 38: 2 casts. | station -> 66: 2 casts. | station -> 87: 2 casts. station -> 40: 2 casts. | station -> 68: 2 casts. | ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I06S • 1996 • Poisson/Metzl/Brunet DATA PROCESSING NOTES DATE CONTACT DATA TYPE DATA STATUS SUMMARY -------- ----------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- 02/03/98 Anderson SUM Data Reformatted Notes on i06 reformatting: Files i06_sum.txt and i06_hyd.txt were reformatted to conform with what is, at this time, the WHP formats. This consisted mostly of adding spaces and shifting data. The following are other discrepancies that were found. Some that were obvious were "corrected" others were left as is for someone else to determine what should be done. i06_sum.txt: record 136 longitude input as 29 60.0 - changed to 30 00.0 record 420 max. pressure input as 288?2 - changed to 288.2 records 516, 517, and 518 all had the date as 31393 - changed to 031393 i06_hyd.txt: SAMPNO - these are strange numbers 10, 20 30,40,1750,2000, as if they were desired depths (pressure) for sample. Doesn't cause a problem, just strange. There are even some that have F-20 as a sample no, these are usually the deepest sample(s). Station 12, cast 1 and cast 4 - these casts do not have CTDPRS, CTDTMP, CTDSAL, CTDOXY, THETA, SILCAT, NITRAT or PHSPHT. But they do have SALNTY, OXYGEN, CFC-11, CFC-12, and TCARBN. WOCECVT will not convert them because there are no pressures (depths) Station 25, records 720 to 731, sample 325 bottle 12 to sample 1600 bottle 1. data screwed up. THETA, SALNTY, OXYGEN, and SILCAT columns do not have the correct values. QUALT1 flags not much help in determining what the problem might be. Values aren't even close to what they should be. Some values might be in the wrong columns, but that does not account for everything. Station 28, record 811 (last record in file) is incomplete. The .hyd file stops at sta. 28, but the .sum file indicates there should be 52 stations. In the following stations the cast number in the .sum file does not agree with the cast number in the .hyd file. Station #s | cast #s in .sum | cast #s in .hyd ---------- | --------------- | --------------- 2 | 1 and 3 | 1 and 2 3 | 1 and 3 | 1 and 2 7 | 1 and 3 | 1 and 2 9 | 1 and 3 | 1 and 2 11 | 1 and 3 | 1 and 2 15 | 1 and 3 | 1 and 2 17 | 1 and 3 | 1 and 2 19 | 1 and 3 | 1 and 2 21 | 1 and 3 | 1 and 2 23 | 1 and 3 | 1 and 2 25 | 1 and 3 | 1 and 2 27 | 1 and 3 | 1 and 2 I'm guessing the .hyd is correct and the .sum is incorrect. But I did not change either of them. DATE CONTACT DATA TYPE DATA STATUS SUMMARY -------- ----------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- 09/22/98 Poisson CTD submitted I received the I06S (1996 version) which is complete from Alain Poisson today on CD-ROM. This CD-ROM also contains all of the CTD data for I06-1993, so we can get Sailee/Dave Muus to correct the truncated stations from the aborted I06S effort. 03/12/99 Diggs HELIUM Submitted, preliminary 06/07/99 Diggs HELIUM/CTD Website Updated; Status changed to Public CTD files were obtained from Poisson last September, and Jean- Baptiste gave use the crude bottle data (Helium only). Data are PUBLIC. 07/28/99 Diggs HELIUM Data Update; corrected misaligned columns There were minor formatting errors in I06S(B) 1996 version (35MF103_1). I corrected the misaligned columns today. 09/29/99 Falkner BA Data Update Needed; quality concerns The quality of the Ba data from most WOCE legs in the Indian Ocean turned out to be quite poor; far worse than attainable analytical precision (+/-20% as opposed to 2%). We recorded many vials which came back with loose caps and evaporation associated with that seems to be the primary problem. The only hope I have of producing a decent data set is to run both Ba and a conservative element simultaneously and then relating that to the original salinity of the sample. We will be taking delivery on a high resolution ICPMS here at OSU sometime this winter which would make the project analytically feasible and economical. I do not presently have the funds in hand to do this and so have archived the samples for the time being. I don't think the WHPO would derive any benefit from the present data set. - KKF 08/25/00 Key DELC14 Submitted The directory this information has been stored in is: 20000825.072602_KEY_I6S The format type is: ASCII The data type is: Other Type of Data Here is the information regarding the 'OTHER' format: French data submitted on request of P. Chapman, see e-mail The Bottle File has the following parameters: STNNBR, CASTNO, BTLNBR, DELC14, C14ERR, C14FLAG KEY, BOB would like the data PUBLIC. And would like the following done to the data: merge, on-line Any additional notes are: File "I6S.C14" 09/29/00 Diggs HELIUM Website Updated; Helium data online Dear Steven Rutz, To date, I have not received any additional data for 35MF103_1. I decided to place the helium data online as a placeholder for the rest of the bottle data. Perhaps, Dr. Poisson can shed some light on this matter for you (and me). thanks, Steve Diggs Dear Alain Poisson and Stephen Diggs, I've been asked about the status of the data from cruise I06SB (WOCE expocode 35MF103_1; also known as CIVA 2). I've searched for the data from this cruise on the WOCE Global Data CD-ROMs (ver. 2.0) and at the WHPO web pages (see addresses below). I've found only 48 CTD stations of an apparent 98 stations and I've found only He for the bottle data. Do more data exist? (I'm not sure what the asterisks mean on the data availability page.) And, if they do exist, are they now available to the public? Please help. Thank you, Steven Rutz National Oceanographic Data Center srutz@nodc.noaa.gov 301-713-3272 ext. 110 http://whpo.ucsd.edu/data/tables/onetime/1tim_ind.htm#I06 http://whpo.ucsd.edu/data/onetime/indian/i06/i06sb/index.htm DATE CONTACT DATA TYPE DATA STATUS SUMMARY -------- ----------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- 10/26/00 Poisson CTD/BTL Data Requested by J. Swift I would very much appreciate your help with the data and information from the WOCE Hydrographic Program "I06" section on the MARION DUFRESNE, Feb 20 - Mar 22, 1996, which we at the WHP Office call by the EXPOCODE 35MF103_1. At the WHP Office we can find only the ".sum" file [covering stations 999, 998, and 1-96], the CTD data for stations 1-48 only, and helium data for the helium stations. We have no CTD data for stations 49-96, and we have no bottle salinity, oxygen, nutrient, or CFC data for any of the stations. We have double-checked the CD-ROM you sent us some time ago and it contains only the ".sum" and CTD data mentioned above from the 1996 cruise. We have double-checked our email and we can find no correspondence about the missing data. 11/06/00 Poisson BTL Submitted 11/08/00 Poisson CTD/BTL Data are Public I am happy that you are able to read the files. Yes, all the CIVA 2 CTD data and also the CIVA 2 bottle data are public. 11/8/00 Poisson CTD Submitted This email confirms my receipt of your Microsoft Excel files holding the CTD data for CIVA2 CTD stations 49-96. Thank you for these very important WOCE data. I will transfer the data to the WHPO computer, and arrange for what appears to be only a small amount of reformatting of the data. I would greatly appreciate an email from you verifying that these data, and also the CIVA2 bottle data you sent recently, are public. 02/13/01 Diggs BTL Update Request Sent to A. Poisson; QC flag Qs We have been looking at the bottle data for I06S (1996) and there seem to be some problems with the quality code flags. For instance, CTDOXY (CTD Oxygen) has a value of -9.0 on a particular line, but the QC flag is 2 (good). Another example is CTDSAL on the same line actually has a value, but the QC flag indicates that there is no value. Both of these and many other values may be found in the first few lines of the file. The question is whether or not it would be possible to track these QC flag errors down and get another, corrected file. Please let me know. 02/13/01 Uribe CTD/BTL Update Needed; QC flag problems BTL pending because of bad flags, CTDs need to be added Bottle data for this cruise is pending because of bad flags. Request for new data was made. CTDs online are not the most recent version, they need to be added. 03/08/01 Poisson BTL Data Update; fixed flag problems Add a "2" leading each line of the flag column The Number bottle was not included in the flag column; thus the only thing to do is to add a "2" leading each line of this column (e.g.: to add 2*E+14 to each number of the column). Attached is a corrected table. DATE CONTACT DATA TYPE DATA STATUS SUMMARY -------- ----------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- 03/15/01 Muus HELIUM Website Updated; Data merged into online file Helium data merged into bottle file March 2001. Delayed putting on web because of quality code problems. Notes on I06Sb helium data merging March 15 2001: Received helium data from Steve Diggs in November 2000 in following format: (First six lines only) EXPOCODE 35MF103_1 WHP-ID I06S CRUISE DATES 022096 - 032296 199900728WHPOSIOSCD STNNBR CASTNO BTLNBR CTDPRS DELHE3 HELIUM QUALT1 DBAR % NMOL/KG ******* ******* 8 2 18 96.0 -1.72 1.6800 21 8 2 13 198.9 -0.82 1.7000 21 Received corrected SEA file March 13, 2001 from: /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/indian/i06/i06sb/original/ 2001.03.07_I06SB_BOTTLE_POISSON/I06S_Niskin_CIVA_2_20010309.txt 1. Since QUALT1 for DELHE3 are all "2"s, the QUALT1 for HELIUM were all changed from "1"s to "2"s. All entries in the file appear to have reasonable HELIUM values. 2. The new SEA file still has numerous QUALT1 inconsistencies. For example: a) Station 2 Btl #s 9 thru 1 Silicate has "-9.00" for data and Quality Code 4. Numerous other places in this data set have same problem. b) Station 6 Cast 2 Btl #15 Nitrate and Phosphate have apparently good data but Quality Code "0"s. Station 90 Cast 1 Btl #11 & #8 thru #1 have apparently good Alkalinity but Quality Code "0"s. c) Stations 90 and 91 have some bottles Quality Coded "5" but with data reported. Bottle oxygens are coded "3" but other values including some Station 90 freons are coded "2". d) Station 91 Cast 1 Btl #s 21 & 16 nutrients have -9.00 values and Quality Code "1"s. 3. a) The SEA file has the following Stations & Casts not found in the SUMMARY (19990406WHPOSIOSA) file: Station | Cast ------- | ---- 44 | 3 62 | 3 b) The SUMMARY file has the following Stations & Casts labeled CAST TYPE "ROS" but with no data in SEA file: Station Cast | Station Cast | Station Cast | Station Cast ------- ---- | ------- ---- | ------- ---- | ------- ---- 999 1 | 998 1 | 3 1 | 5 1 6 5 | 7 1 | 8 4 | 8 5 9 1 | 12 1 | 13 1 | 15 1 17 1 | 19 1 | 21 1 | 23 1 25 1 | 27 1 | 29 1 | 31 1 33 1 | 35 1 | 37 1 | 39 4 39 5 | 39 1 | 41 1 | 43 1 45 1 | 47 1 | 49 1 | 51 1 53 1 | 55 1 | 57 1 | 59 5 59 1 | 60 4 | 60 5 | 61 1 62 5 | 63 1 | 65 1 | 67 1 71 1 | 73 1 | 75 1 | 77 1 78 5 | 79 1 | 81 1 | 82 5 84 5 | 85 5 | 89 1 | 4. Changed missing data values for DELHE3 from -9.00 to -999.00. DATE CONTACT DATA TYPE DATA STATUS SUMMARY -------- ----------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- 06/27/01 Uribe CTD Website Updated, Exchange File Added CTD exchange files were put online. 12/24/01 Uribe CTD Exchange file made CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online. 01/03/02 Hajrasuliha CTD Internal DQE completed created .ps files. and .*check.txt file. 05/13/02 Kozyr BTL Data Update; Flags updated I missed the flags to change from 4 to 9 in the attached i06sbhy.txt file in previous message for: 46-2-7 tree flags for nutrients are 4 but need 9s 69 (not 61)-1-13 one flag for PHSPHT has to be changed from 4 to 9, and 58-2-18 flag for nitrate has to be changed from 4 to 9. 05/13/02 Kozyr TCO2/ALk Final Data Submitted w/ New flags The attached file is the I06S(b 1996) data set with new TCARBN and TALK flags. I also fixed the problems in many cases throughout the file when flag "4" was assigned to missing data. I agreed with Bob's flags for TCARBN and TALK, although the TALK data are very noisy I have added just one more questionable flag "3" to TALK at 70-1-13 where TALK is obviously hi vs pre. The rest of flags are as to Bob's last message. TCARBN 8-1-22 bit lo vs P mark 3 14-2-24 bit lo vs sig2, sif=3, no3f=4 mark 3 18-2-9 lo vs aou, bad bottle mark 4 20-2-11 hi vs aou, lo vs sig3 mark 3 26-2-3 bit lo vs sig3, cfc11f=cfc12f=3 mark 3 32-1-10 lo vs P mark 3 42-1-18 lo vs P mark 3 42-2-14 lo vs aou mark 3 44-3-11 lo vs sig2 mark 3 48-2-2 lo vs sig2 mark 3 56-1-17 lo vs P, sif, po4f=3, no3f=4 mark 3 56-1-19 lo vs P mark 3 64-2-5 lo vs P mark 3 69-2-23 vlo vs aou, sig2 mark 4 74-1-22 lo vs P mark 3 74-1-24 lo vs P mark 3 74-2-3 lo vs P, sif=3 mark 3 74-2-7 lo vs P, sif=3 mark 3 76-1-13 lo vs P, sif=po4f=4 mark 3 76-2-5 lo vs P mark 3 78-2-11 lo vs P mark 3 82-1-18 bit lo vs P mark 3 82-2-1 lo vs P mark 3 83-2-4 vlo vs P mark 4 84-1-2 lo vs P mark 3 84-2-12 bit lo vs aou mark 3 87-2-5 lo vs P, po4f=4, mark 3 90-1-14 vlo vs P mark 4 91-1-7 lo vs P mark 3 92-1-1 lo vs P mark 3 93-1-7 lo vs P mark 3 ALKALI 14-1-3 bit hi vs P, no3f=4, sif=3 mark 3 14-1-15 hi vs P, no3f=4, sif=3 mark 3 18-2-9 lo vs aou, bad bottle mark 4 18-1-12 bit lo vs P, sif=3 mark 3 24-1-7 bit hi vs P, cfc11f=cfc12f=3 mark 3 24-2-19 lo vs sig2, no3f=po4f=3 mark 3 28-1-14 bit hi vs P, sif=4 mark 3 30-2-13 hi vs P, sig2 mark 3 34-2-1 lo vs P, no3f=sif=3 mark 3 44-3-10 hi vs sig2 mark 3 44-3-21 hi vs sig2 mark 3 46-2-18 hi vs sig2 mark 3 62-1-5 hi vs P, sif=4 mark 3 69-2-23 vlo vs P mark 4 70-1-13 hi vs pre mark 3 72-2-5 hi vs P, sig2 mark 3 76-2-13 hi vs sig2 mark 3 78-2-4 hi vs P mark 3 82-2-1 lo vs P mark 3 83-2-4 vlo vs P, tco2f=4 mark 4 84-1-11 hi vs P mark 3 84-1-15 hi vs P mark 3 86-2-4 vhi vs P mark 4 86-2-6 hi vs P mark 3 88-1-14 hi vs P, no3f=po4f=4 mark 3 90-1-14 hi vs P, tco2f=4 mark 3 95-1-10 bit hi vs P mark 3 I missed a few more flags that should be changed from 4 to 9 at: 46-2-7 two flags 61-1-13 one flag DATE CONTACT DATA TYPE DATA STATUS SUMMARY -------- ----------- ---------- --------------------------------------------- 07/17/02 Diggs CTD Data Update Was able to de-code (and decompress) the newer (year 2000) version of the CTD files. These files are currently located in the following directory: /data/onetime/indian/i06/i06sb/original/2000.11.06_08_CIV A2_CTD_BOTTLE_POISSON/i0-6.ctd As it turns out, they were "stuffit" files (mac), and decompressed fine on my OSX box., even though they were mislabeled with the "*.Z" xtension (usually reserved for UN*X compress files). I also changed the expocode (changing slash to underscore) and corrected the WOCE line ID (from I6 to I06SB). 07/26/02 Muus CTD/BTL/SUM Website Updated, Data OnLine CTDSAL, CTDOXY, CTDTMP, CTDPRS, SUM, CTD New sumfile provided by PI is now on-line. Made some format and data corrections as described in notes file. Corrections provided by PI made to bottle file. CTD data for Stations 49 through 96 were added to WOCE ctd zip file. New Exchange files on-line. Details in Notes file sent to Jerry. Notes on I06Sb changes: 1. SUMMARY file from /usr/export/html- public/data/onetime/indian/i06/i06sb/original/2002.05.14_I06SB_POI SSON/Summmary CIVA2 (13-5-02).txt was changed to woce format. (Original file had double tabs as field separators, missing leading zeros in date and time, and had some missing decimal points and "O"s for "0"s in positions.) Changed latitude on sta32 cast 2 from 49 deg to 40 deg and sta 33 cast 1 EN from 49 deg to 41 deg to match adjacent casts and 19990406 sumfile now on web. Station 95 Cast 1 BE longitude changed from 29° to 24° to match BO and EN longitudes for same cast. Changed WOCE SECT from I06S to I06SB. Sumchk on new file ok. 2. A new bottle file was received from A. Poisson at the same time as the SUMMARY file with corrections suggested by WHPO-SIO notes file of March 15, 2001, but the new bottle file has columns left justified instead of right justified and the bottle quality flag is out of place. The corrections given in Alan Poisson's message of May 14, 2002, were made to the web bottle file (20010314WHPOSIODM). WHP-ID changed from I6 to I06SB. Other quality flag errors may still exist. 3. CTD Stations 1 through 96 from: /usr/export/html- public/data/onetime/indian/i06/i06sb/original/2000.11.06_08_CIVA2_ CTD_BOTTLE_POISSON/i0-6.ctd were compressed for the CTD file. WHP- ID changed from I06S to I06SB, blanks in date were replaced by zeros, and NR. OF RECORDS were corrected. Temperature units were "DEG C" vs ITS-68 or ITS-90; changed to "DEG_C". Former CTD zipped file on web contained Stations 1 - 48 only with old sumfile used for exchange file. 4. New exchange bottle and ctd files made. 5. New files checked with Java Ocean Atlas. 05/18/05 Kappa, Jerry Cruise Report Website Updated: New pdf & text versions online • Added new DOC report, Leg 2 • Updated these data processing notes. 05/23/05 Anderson, Sarilee SUM Website Updated: sta 68 lat corrected I made this correction (requested by L. Talley) in the .sum file: there is an error in the sum file for I6SB, in station 68. The latitude should be 56, not 59. this will put it back in order. (sum file http://whpo.ucsd.edu/data/onetime/indian/i06/i06sb/i06sbsu.txt BE line for station 68: latitude differs from BO and EN, and is out of order compared with stations 67 and 69. Therefore suspect a typo.) 06/01/05 Anderson, Sarilee CFCs/SUM Website Updated: corrected files, made exchange file June 1, 2005 i06sbhy.txt and i06sbsu.txt .sum Changed the BE latitude for sta. 29 from 30 to 40 to fit with the other positions for that station. I checked the original file and it had 40. .hyd Sta. 48, cast 2, bottle 20 had values of 0.000 for cfc-11 and cfc-12. The values were obviously incorrect, so I changed them to -9.000 and the Qflags to 9 (re Lynne Talley). Put corrected files online and made new exchange file. Could not make new netcdf file and it is not obvious to me what the problem is. 12/22/05 Key, Robert TCARBN/ALKALI DQE Complete Kozyr will send flags I just finished QC of tco2 and alk for I6S_B. Once CDIAC has checked, Alex will forward the "official" flags. 10/09/07 Jean-Baptiste, TRITUM Submitted to go online At last here are the tritium data for the two I06S cruises (1993 and 1996). 01/20/14 Key, Bob O18 Submitted to go online Second French woce era occupation of I06S Deep O18 values for station 82 had value of 9 and flag of 2 rather than values/flag of -999/9. fixed 01/23/14 Staff, CCHDO BTL Website Update Available under 'Files as received' The following files are now available online under 'Files as received', unprocessed by the CCHDO. 35MF19960220.exc.csv 08/06/14 Lee, Rox BTL Website Update Exchange and netCDF files online ========================== 35MF103_1 processing - BTL ========================== 2014-07-15 R Lee .. contents:: :depth: 2 Submission ========== ==================== ============= ========== ========= ==== filename submitted by date data type id ==================== ============= ========== ========= ==== 35MF19960220.exc.csv Robert M. Key 2014-01-20 O18 1126 ==================== ============= ========== ========= ==== Parameters ---------- 35MF19960220.exc.csv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - CTDPRS - CTDTMP - SALNTY [1]_ - OXYGEN [1]_ - SILCAT [1]_ - NITRAT [1]_ - PHSPHT [1]_ - CFC-11 [1]_ - CFC-12 [1]_ - TCARBN [1]_ - ALKALI [1]_ - TRITUM [1]_ - TRITER - HELIUM [1]_ - DELHE3 [1]_ - DELC13 [1]_ - DELO18 [1]_ [3]_ - DELHER - THETA [3]_ .. [1] parameter has quality flag column .. [3] not in WOCE bottle file Process ======= Changes ------- - Changed ALKALI reasonable data points flag 1 and 0 to flag 2 - per email from Alex Kozyr 20140805^M - Changed ALKALI empty data values flag 1 to flag 9 - per email from Alex Kozyr 20140805^M - Changed SALNTY data values from flag 9 to flag 2 - per email from Bob Key 20140806 35MF19960220.exc.csv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Conversion ---------- ======================= ==================== ======================== file converted from software ======================= ==================== ======================== 35MF19960220_nc_hyd.zip 35MF19960220_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-169-gfbc1a28 ======================= ==================== ======================== All converted files opened in JOA with no apparent problems. Directories =========== :working directory: /data/onetime/indian/i06/i06sb/original/2014.08.06_BTL_RJL :cruise directory: /data/onetime/indian/i06/i06sb Updated Files Manifest ====================== ======================= ================= file stamp ======================= ================= 35MF19960220_nc_hyd.zip 20140805SIOCCHRJL 35MF19960220_hy1.csv 20140806SIOCCHRJL ======================= ================= 08/19/14 Kappa, Jerry CrsRpt Website Update New PDF & TXT docs online Cruise start date changed from 1996.FEB.01 to 1996.FEB.20 as per email exchange between Carsten Schirnick and Bob Key: Am 12.08.2014 um 16:37 schrieb Robert Key : > Hi Carsten, > > Yes, I think that is the best procedure. Steven has completed the Indian so it shouldn’t influence his work. > So, to summarize: > > PUname old expocode corrected code > "i6sbsv” 35MF19960201 -> 35MF19960220 > > I will alter my filenames to match. Then, the only place where the 0201 still exists in the first page of the final cruise report at CCHDO. Given that the first station is only a few miles from the sailing port of Durbin, it is a bit surprising that someone didn’t catch this earlier. The last station was near Antarctica on Mar 22 so the end date of 3/31 shown on the first page of the report is probably OK. > bob > > > > On Aug 11, 2014, at 11:01 AM, Carsten Schirnick wrote: > > Hi Bob, > > it is apparently a good idea to change the expocode (back?) to 35MF19960220 > All of the plot files I have checked randomly in various crossovers do indeed include "35MF19960220" as expocode label in the plot. Hence I assume that I can silently proceed and revert to 35MF19960220 as expocode for this cruise. > > Best regards, > > Carsten