WHP Cruise Summary Information WOCE section designation SR03 Expedition designations (EXPOCODES) 09AR9501_1; 09AR9604_1; 09AR9601_1 Chief Scientist(s) and their affiliation Nathan Bindoff, Antarctic CRC (9501) Nathan Bindoff, Antarctic CRC (9604) Stephen Rintoul, CSIRO (9601) Dates 1995.07.17 - 1995.09.02 (9501) 1996.01.19 - 1996.03.31 (9604) 1996.08.22 - 1996.09.22 (9601) Ship AURORA AUSTRALIS Ports of call Davis; Casey; Macquarie Island (9604) Macquarie Island (9601) Number of stations 208 (9501); 147 (9604); 71 (9601) Geographic boundaries of the stations 43°59.86'S 09AR9501_1 139°44.93'E 146°20.32'E 65°30.64'S 44°00.01'S 09AR9601_1 139°49.38'E 152°18.29'E 65°44.59'S 44°7.02'S 09AR9604_1 76°1.96'E 150°1.03'E 68°8.43'S Floats and drifters deployed 8 deployed (9604) Moorings deployed or recovered 1 recovered (9604) Contributing Authors M. Rosenberg S. Bray N. Bindoff S. Rintoul N. Johnston S. Bell P. Towler COOPERATIVE RESEARCH CENTRE FOR THE ANTARCTIC AND SOUTHERN OCEAN ENVIRONMENT (ANTARCTIC CRC) Aurora Australis Marine Science Cruises AU9501, AU9604 and AU9601 Oceanographic Field Measurements and Analysis, Inter-cruise Comparisons and Data Quality Notes MARK ROSENBERG Antarctic CRC, GPO Box 252-80, Hobart, Australia STEPHEN BRAY Antarctic CRC, GPO Box 252-80, Hobart, Australia NATHAN BINDOFF Antarctic CRC, GPO Box 252-80, Hobart, Australia STEVE RINTOUL Antarctic CRC, GPO Box 252-80, Hobart, Australia CSIRO Division of Marine Research, Hobart, Australia NEALE JOHNSTON Antarctic CRC, GPO Box 252-80, Hobart, Australia STEVE BELL Antarctic CRC, GPO Box 252-80, Hobart, Australia PHILLIP TOWLER University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia Antarctic CRC Research Report No. 12 ISBN: 1 875796 07 X ISSN: 1320-730X September 1997 Hobart, Australia LIST OF CONTENTS PART 1 AURORA AUSTRALIS MARINE SCIENCE CRUISE AU9501 ABSTRACT 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 CRUISE ITINERARY 1.3 CRUISE SUMMARY 1.3.1 CTD casts and water samples 1.3.2 Principal investigators 1.4 FIELD DATA COLLECTION METHODS 1.4.1 CTD and hydrology measurements CTD Instrumentation CTD instrument and data calibration CTD/hydrology data collection techniques in cold conditions Hydrology analytical methods 1.4.2 Underway measurements 1.4.3 ADCP 1.5 MAJOR PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED 1.5.1 Logistics 1.5.2 CTD sensors 1.5.3 Other equipment 1.6 CTD RESULTS 1.6.1 CTD measurements - data creation and quality Conductivity/salinity Temperature Pressure Dissolved oxygen Fluorescence and P.A.R. data Summary of CTD data creation Summary of CTD data quality 1.6.2 Hydrology data Nutrients Dissolved oxygen PART 2 AURORA AUSTRALIS MARINE SCIENCE CRUISE AU9604 ABSTRACT 2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.2 CRUISE ITINERARY 2.3 CRUISE SUMMARY 2.3.1 CTD casts and water samples 2.3.2 Moorings deployed/recovered 2.3.3 Drifters deployed 2.3.4 Principal investigators 2.4 FIELD DATA COLLECTION METHODS 2.4.1 CTD and hydrology measurements 2.4.2 Underway measurements 2.4.3 ADCP 2.5 MAJOR PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED 2.5.1 Logistics 2.5.2 CTD sensors 2.5.3 Moorings 2.5.4 Other equipment 2.6 CTD RESULTS 2.6.1 CTD measurements - data creation and quality Conductivity/salinity Temperature Pressure Dissolved oxygen Fluorescence and P.A.R. data Summary of CTD data creation Summary of CTD data quality 2.6.2 Hydrology data APPENDIX 2.1 Hydrochemistry Laboratory Report A2.1.1 NUTRIENTS A2.1.2 DISSOLVED OXYGEN A2.1.3 LABORATORIES A2.1.4 TEMPERATURE MONITORING AND CONTROL PART 3 AURORA AUSTRALIS MARINE SCIENCE CRUISE AU9601 ABSTRACT 3.1 INTRODUCTION 3.2 CRUISE ITINERARY 3.3 CRUISE SUMMARY 3.4 FIELD DATA COLLECTION METHODS 3.4.1 CTD and hydrology measurements 3.4.2 Underway measurements 3.4.3 ADCP 3.5 MAJOR PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED 3.6 CTD RESULTS 3.6.1 CTD measurements - data creation and quality Conductivity/salinity Temperature Dissolved oxygen Summary of CTD data creation Summary of CTD data quality 3.6.2 Hydrology data APPENDIX 3.1 Hydrochemistry Laboratory Report A3.1.1 NUTRIENTS A3.1.2 SALINITIES A3.1.3 DISSOLVED OXYGEN A3.1.4 LABORATORIES A3.1.5 TEMPERATURE CONTROL AND MEASUREMENT PART 4 AURORA AUSTRALIS SOUTHERN OCEAN OCEANOGRAPHIC CRUISES, 1991 TO 1996 - INTER-CRUISE COMPARISONS AND DATA QUALITY NOTES 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4.2 INTER-CRUISE DATA COMPARISONS 4.2.1 Salinity Inter-cruise comparisons Small scale variance of salinity signal 4.2.2 Dissolved oxygen 4.2.3 Nutrients Phosphate and nitrate+nitrite Near surface phosphate and nitrate+nitrite Matrix correction Silicate 4.2.4 Pressure 4.2.5 Temperature PART 5 DATA FILE TYPES AND FORMATS 5.1 UNDERWAY MEASUREMENTS 5.1.1 10 second digitised underway measurement data 5.1.2 15 minute averaged underway measurement data 5.2 2 DBAR AVERAGED CTD DATA FILES 5.3 HYDROLOGY DATA FILES 5.4 STATION INFORMATION FILES 5.5 WOCE DATA FORMAT 5.5.1 CTD 2 dbar-averaged data files 5.5.2 Hydrology data files 5.5.3 Conversion of units for dissolved oxygen and nutrients Dissolved oxygen Nutrients 5.5.4 Station information files REFERENCES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LIST OF FIGURES* PART 1 Figure 1.1a-b*: CTD station positions for RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9501 along WOCE transect SR3, and around FORMEX area. Figure 1.2*: Air temperature and wind speed and direction for cruise AU9501. Figure 1.3*: Temperature residual (T(therm) - T(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9501. Figure 1.4*: Conductivity ratio c(btl)/c(cal) versus station number for cruise au9501. Figure 1.5*: Salinity residual (s(btl) - s(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9501. Figure 1.6*: Dissolved oxygen residual (o(btl) - o(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9501. PART 2 Figure 2.1a-b*: Cruise track, CTD station and mooring positions for RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9604. Figure 2.2*: Temperature residual (T(therm) - T(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9604. Figure 2.3*: Conductivity ratio c(btl)/c(cal) versus station number for cruise au9604. Figure 2.4*: Salinity residual (s(btl) - s(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9604. Figure 2.5*: Dissolved oxygen residual (o(btl) - o(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9604. APPENDIX 2.1 Figure A2.1.1a-b*:'Glitch' in nutrient A/D board: (a) real data, and (b) ramped voltage. Figure A2.1.2*: 'Tinytalk' temperature plot, 28/01/96 to 28/03/96, 48 minute time resolution. Figure A2.1.3*: Statistics for tops used in nutrients analyses. Figure A2.1.4*: Worst cases of tops variations for the 3 nutrients channels. Figure A2.1.5*: Nutrient samples run as quality checks. Figure A2.1.6*: Dissolved oxygen standardisations. PART 3 Figure 3.1*: Cruise track and CTD station positions for RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9601. Figure 3.2*: CTD dissolved oxygen data coverage along SR3 transect for cruise AU9601. Figure 3.3*: Temperature residual (T(therm) - T(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9601. Figure 3.4*: Conductivity ratio c(btl)/c(cal) versus station number for cruise au9601. Figure 3.5*: Salinity residual (s(btl) - s(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9601. Figure 3.6*: Dissolved oxygen residual (o(btl) - o(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9601. APPENDIX 3.1 Figure A3.1.1*: 'Tinytalk' temperature plot, 24 minute time resolution. Figure A3.1.2*: Nutrient samples run as quality checks. Figure A3.1.3*: Salinometer standardisation values. PART 4 Figure 4.1a*: Variation south along the SR3 transect of the deep salinity maximum: salinity differences between cruise au9601 and cruises au9101, au9309 and au9407. Figure 4.1b*: Variation south along the SR3 transect of the deep salinity maximum: salinity differences between cruise au9601 and cruises au9404, au9501. Figure 4.2*: Variation south along the SR3 transect of the deep salinity maximum for cruises au9601 (Aurora Australis) and me9706 (Melville), both using Guildline salinometers. Figure 4.3*: V(s) versus V(t) for all cruises along all transects. Figure 4.4*: Variation of V(s) and V(t) for individual stations for cruise au9501, along the SR3 transect. Figure 4.5a*: Dissolved oxygen bottle data comparison for cruises au9404, au9407 and au9501, SR3 data only. Figure 4.5b*: Dissolved oxygen bottle data comparison for cruises au9404, au9604 and au9601, SR3 data only (except for au9604). Figure 4.6a-b*: Bulk plot of nitrate+nitrite versus phosphate. Figure 4.6c*: Bulk plot of nitrate+nitrite versus phosphate. Figure 4.7*: Nitrate+nitrite versus phosphate for Aurora Australis oceanographic cruises, plus Eltanin data from Gordon et al. (1982). Figure 4.8a*: Comparison of vertical silicate concentration profiles between cruises au9601 and au9309, and cruises au9601 and au9407, for selected stations along the SR3 transect. Figure 4.8b*: Comparison of vertical silicate concentration profiles between cruises au9601 and au9404, and cruises au9601 and au9501, for selected stations along theSR3 transect. LIST OF TABLES PART 1 Table 1.1: Summary of cruise itinerary. Table 1.2: Summary of station information for RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9501. Table 1.3: Summary of samples drawn from Niskin bottles at each station. Table 1.4: CTD stations over current meter (CM) and inverted echo sounder (IES) moorings along SR3 transect in the vicinity of the Subantarctic Front. Table 1.5a: Principal investigators (*=cruise participant) for water sampling programmes. Table 1.5b: Scientific personnel (cruise participants). Table 1.6: ADCP logging parameters. Table 1.7: Summary of cautions to CTD data quality. Table 1.8: Surface pressure offsets. Table 1.9: CTD conductivity calibration coefficients. Table 1.10: Station-dependent-corrected conductivity slope term (F2 + F3 . N). Table 1.11: CTD raw data scans, mostly in the vicinity of artificial density inversions, flagged for special treatment. Table 1.12: Missing data points in 2 dbar-averaged files. Table 1.13: 2 dbar averages interpolated from surrounding 2 dbar values. Table 1.14a: Suspect 2 dbar averages. Table 1.14b: Suspect 2 dbar-averaged data from near the surface (applies to all parameters other than dissolved oxygen, except where noted). Table 1.15: Suspect 2 dbar-averaged dissolved oxygen data. Table 1.16: CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients. Table 1.17: Starting values for CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients prior to iteration, and coefficients varied during iteration. Table 1.18: Dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle samples flagged as -9 for dissolved oxygen calibration. Table 1.19: Questionable nutrient sample values (not deleted from hydrology data file). Table 1.20: Stations containing fluorescence (fl) and photosynthetically active radiation (par) 2 dbar-averaged data. Table 1.21: Protected and unprotected reversing thermometers used (serial numbers are listed). Table 1.22: Calibration coefficients and calibration dates for CTD serial numbers 1103 and 1193 (unit nos 7 and 5 respectively) used during RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9501. PART 2 Table 2.1: Summary of cruise itinerary. Table 2.2: Summary of station information for RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9604. Table 2.3: Summary of samples drawn from Niskin bottles at each station. Table 2.4: Bottom pressure recorders, upward looking sonar and current meter moorings deployed/recovered during cruise AU9604. Table 2.5: Argos buoys deployed on cruise au9604. Table 2.6a: Principal investigators (*=cruise participant) for water sampling programmes. Table 2.6b: Scientific personnel (cruise participants). Table 2.7: ADCP logging parameters. Table 2.8: Summary of cautions to CTD data quality. Table 2.9: Surface pressure offsets. Table 2.10: CTD conductivity calibration coefficients. Table 2.11: Station-dependent-corrected conductivity slope term (F2 + F3 . N). Table 2.12: CTD raw data scans flagged for special treatment. Table 2.13: Missing data points in 2 dbar-averaged files. Table 2.14: 2 dbar averages interpolated from surrounding 2 dbar values. Table 2.15a: Suspect 2 dbar averages. Table 2.15b: Suspect 2 dbar-averaged data from near the surface (applies to all parameters other than dissolved oxygen, except where noted). Table 2.16: Suspect 2 dbar-averaged dissolved oxygen data. Table 2.17: CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients. Table 2.18: Starting values for CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients prior to iteration, and coefficients varied during iteration. Table 2.19: Dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle samples flagged as -9 for dissolved oxygen calibration. Table 2.20: Questionable dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle sample values (not deleted from hydrology data file). Table 2.21: Questionable nutrient sample values (not deleted from hydrology data file). Table 2.22: Protected and unprotected reversing thermometers used (serial numbers are listed). Table 2.23: Calibration coefficients and calibration dates for CTD serial numbers 1103 and 1193 (unit nos 7 and 5 respectively) used during RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9604. APPENDIX 2.1 Table A2.1.1: Laboratory temperature recorder statistics. Table A2.1.2: Nutrient samples run as quality checks. Table A2.1.3: Nutrient analysis run numbers on which stations were run. PART 3 Table 3.1: Summary of cruise itinerary. Table 3.2: Summary of station information for RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9601. Table 3.3: Summary of samples drawn from Niskin bottles at each station. Table 3.4: CTD stations over current meter (CM) and inverted echo sounder (IES) moorings along SR3 transect in the vicinity of the Subantarctic Front. Table 3.5a: Principal investigators (*=cruise participant) for water sampling programmes. Table 3.5b: Scientific personnel (cruise participants). Table 3.6: ADCP logging parameters. Table 3.7: Summary of cautions to CTD data quality. Table 3.8: Surface pressure offsets. Table 3.9: CTD conductivity calibration coefficients. Table 3.10: Station-dependent-corrected conductivity slope term (F2 + F3 . N). Table 3.11: CTD raw data scans flagged for special treatment. Table 3.12: Missing data points in 2 dbar-averaged files. Table 3.13: 2 dbar averages interpolated from surrounding 2 dbar values. Table 3.14a: Suspect 2 dbar averages. Table 3.14b: Suspect 2 dbar-averaged data from near the surface (applies to all parameters other than dissolved oxygen, except where noted). Table 3.15: Suspect 2 dbar-averaged dissolved oxygen data. Table 3.16: CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients. Table 3.17: Starting values for CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients prior to iteration, and coefficients varied during iteration. Table 3.18: Dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle samples flagged as -9 for dissolved oxygen calibration. Table 3.19: Questionable dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle sample values (not deleted from hydrology data file). Table 3.20: Questionable nutrient sample values (not deleted from hydrology data file). Table 3.21: Protected and unprotected reversing thermometers used (serial numbers are listed). Table 3.22: Calibration coefficients and calibration dates for CTD serial numbers 1103 and 1193 (unit nos 7 and 5 respectively) used during RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9601. APPENDIX 3.1 Table A3.1.1: Laboratory temperature recorder statistics. Table A3.1.2: Nutrient samples run as quality checks. Table A3.1.3: Comparison of ISS batches P128 and P130. PART 4 Table 4.1: RSV Aurora Australis Southern Ocean oceanographic cruises, 1991 to 1996. Table 4.2: Summary of International Seawater Standard (ISS) batches and salinometers used for salinity sample analyses on cruises. Table 4.3: Vertical variance of CTD salinity and temperature data below 2000 dbar, for given latitude ranges along the SR3 transect. Table 4.4: Mean temperature residual (T(therm) - T(cal)) for different cruises. PART 5 Table 5.1: Example 10 sec digitised underway measurement file (*.alf file). Table 5.2: Example 15 min averaged underway measurement file (*.exp file). Table 5.3: Example 2 dbar averaged CTD data file (*.all file). Table 5.4: Example hydrology data file (*.bot file). Table 5.5: Example CTD station information file (*.sta file). Table 5.6: Definition of quality flags for CTD data. Table 5.7: Definition of quality flags for Niskin bottles. Table 5.8: Definition of quality flags for water samples in *.sea files. Part 1 Aurora Australis Marine Science Cruise AU9501 - Oceanographic Field Measurements and Analysis ABSTRACT Oceanographic measurements were conducted along WOCE Southern Ocean meridional section SR3 between Tasmania and Antarctica, and around the boundary of a square-plan test volume south of the Antarctic Divergence, from July to September 1995. A total of 208 CTD vertical profile stations were taken, 64 of those to near bottom, and the remaining 144 to a depth of 500 m. Over 2300 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, dissolved organic and inorganic carbon, iodate/iodide, primary productivity, and biological parameters, using both a 24 and 12 bottle rosette sampler. Near surface current data were collected using a ship mounted ADCP. Measurement and data processing techniques are summarised, and a summary of the data is presented in graphical and tabular form. 1.1 INTRODUCTION Marine science cruise AU9501, the fourth oceanographic cruise of the Cooperative Research Centre for the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Environment (Antarctic CRC), was conducted aboard the Australian Antarctic Division vessel RSV Aurora Australis from July to September 1995. The first major constituent of the cruise was the collection of oceanographic data relevant to the Australian Southern Ocean WOCE Hydrographic Program, along WOCE section SR3 (Figure 1.1a*). The primary scientific objectives of this program are summarised in Rosenberg et al. (1995a). This was the sixth occupation of section SR3, and the first during a southern winter. Previous occupations of SR3 by the Aurora Australis were in the spring of 1991 (Rintoul and Bullister, submitted), in the autumn of 1993 (Rosenberg et al., 1995a), and in the summers of 1993/94 and 1994/95 (Rosenberg et al., 1995b and 1996). The northern half of the SR3 section was occupied by the SCRIPPS ship R.V. Melville in the autumn of 1994 (principal investigators R.Watts, S. Rintoul, J. Richman, B. Petit, D. Luther, J. Filloux, J. Church, A. Chave). The second major constituent of the cruise was the dual oceanographic and sea ice experiments FORMEX (Formation Experiment: water mass formation near the Antarctic Continental slope) and HIHO-HIHO (Harmonious Ice and Hydrographic Observations - Halide In, Heat Out: sea ice formation processes; Worby et al., 1996). The primary objectives of FORMEX are: 1. to obtain quantitative estimates of the rate of formation of Antarctic surface waters in the ice pack during winter; 2. to obtain quantitative estimates of the transfer of heat between the ocean and atmosphere and the role of advection of surface and circumpolar deep water on these transfers; 3. to investigate processes and mechanisms involved in the mixing of Polar Zone waters with "Complex Zone" waters near the Antarctic shelf. FORMEX CTD measurements were collected to a depth of 500 m every 5 nautical miles around the perimeter of a closed 60x60 nautical mile area within the pack ice (Figure 1.1b*). The closed volume was sampled clockwise 3 times over a 21 day period, with 48 CTD/ADCP profile stations sampled on each of the 3 completed circuits. This report describes the collection of oceanographic data from the SR3 transect and FORMEX, and summarises the chemical analysis and data processing methods employed. All information required for use of the data set is presented in tabular and graphical form. 1.2 CRUISE ITINERARY The cruise commenced with a north to south traverse of section SR3, with a typical station spacing of 30 nautical miles. Station spacing between 49.5°S and 52°S was decreased to less than 20 nautical miles (Table 1.2) to include CTD casts over current meter and inverted echo sounder moorings (Table 1.4), thereby increasing meridional resolution in the vicinity of the Subantarctic Front. The mooring array had been deployed in the autumn of 1995 by the R.V. Melville (principal investigators R.Watts, S. Rintoul, J. Richman, B. Petit, D. Luther, J. Filloux, J. Church, A. Chave). South of ~55°S, periods of very calm conditions were encountered, with winds close to zero and the ocean surface glassy. ADCP measurements from this period will be useful for an examination of ADCP data in the absence of noise created by rolling and pitching of the ship. CTD data from this period will allow closer examination of CTD data quality in the absence of pressure reversals caused by a heaving vessel. The section was interrupted at ~65.1°S, due to thick sea ice and rising northerly winds. The first lap around the FORMEX area was commenced 3 days after the interruption of the SR3 transect, and took 4 days to complete. The ship then traveled south as far as ~65.5°S, with further progress prevented by sea ice conditions. The SR3 section was recommenced at the southernmost latitude, and 3 stations were completed from south to north (Table 1.2). Note that the southermost station was over the continental slope, in a water depth of 1761 m. Back at the FORMEX site, 2 test casts were taken inside the FORMEX area, both to trial a protective cover against cold air for the CTD sensors, and to investigate sensor performance on CTD serial 1193. FORMEX lap 2 then commenced, 6 days after the completion of lap 1, and taking 4.5 days to complete. Lap 3 commenced 1.5 days after the completion of lap 2, and took 3.5 days to complete. The time before and after each FORMEX lap was dedicated to sea ice experiments. The ship then returned to the SR3 section, and CTD measurements at stations 44, 43 and 42 were repeated, owing to conductivity sensor malfunction during the earlier occupation. Before returning to Hobart, a further 4 stations were completed over inverted echo sounder moorings along the SR3 transect in the vicinity of the Subantarctic Front (Table 1.4). No measurements could be taken at the remaining 3 inverted echo sounder locations (mooring numbers I3, I5 and I7) due to rough weather conditions encountered on the northward leg. Table 1.1: Summary of cruise itinerary. Expedition Designation Cruise AU9501 (cruise acronym ABSTAIN), encompassing WOCE section SR3, and FORMEX Chief Scientists Nathan Bindoff, Antarctic CRC Ian Allison, Antarctic Division Ship RSV Aurora Australis Ports of Call - Cruise Dates July 17 to September 2 1995 1.3 CRUISE SUMMARY 1.3.1 CTD casts and water samples In the course of the cruise, 61 CTD casts were completed along the SR3 section (Figure 1.1a*), with most casts reaching to within 17 m of the sea floor (Table 1.2); 144 CTD casts to a depth of 500 m were completed on the 3 FORMEX laps; and 3 additional full depth test casts were completed at various locations. Over 2300 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (orthophosphate, nitrate plus nitrite, and reactive silicate), dissolved organic and inorganic carbon, iodate/iodide, primary productivity, and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler for the SR3 section, and a 12 bottle system (with 6 bottles mounted) for FORMEX. Table 1.3 provides a summary of samples drawn at each station. Principal investigators for the various water sampling programmes are listed in Table 1.5a. For all stations, the different samples were drawn in a fixed sequence (see Rosenberg et al., 1996, for more details, including descriptions of methods for drawing samples). 1.3.2 Principal investigators The principal investigators for the CTD and water sample measurements are listed in Table 1.5a. Cruise participants are listed in Table 1.5b. Figure 1.1a and b*: CTD station positions for RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9501 along WOCE transect SR3, and around FORMEX area. Table 1.2 (following 6 pages): Summary of station information for RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9501. The information shown includes time, date, position and ocean depth for the start of the cast, at the bottom of the cast, and for the end of the cast. The maximum pressure reached for each cast, and the altimeter reading at the bottom of each SR3 cast (i.e. elevation above the sea bed) are also included. Missing ocean depth values are due to noise from the ship's bow thrusters interfering with the echo sounder. For casts which do not reach to within 100 m of the bed (i.e. the altimeter range), or for which the altimeter was not functioning, there is no altimeter value. For station names, TEST is a test cast, and Fx.y is cast number y on FORMEX lap x (Figure 1.1b*). Note that all times are UTC (i.e. GMT). CTD unit 7 (serial no. 1103) was used for stations 1 to 29, 45 to 103, and 106 to 208; CTD unit 5 (serial no. 1193) was used for stations 30 to 44, and 104 to 105. station START maxP BOTTOM END number time date latitude longitude depth(m) (dbar) time latitude longitude depth(m) altimeter time latitude longitude depth(m) 1 TEST 2227 17-JUL-95 44:22.85S 146:10.75E 2387 2306 2345 44:22.66S 146:11.34E 2392 58.4 0046 44:22.50S 146:11.50E 2393 2 SR3 0315 18-JUL-95 43:59.86S 146:19.20E 240 174 0330 43:59.88S 146:19.62E - 14.0 0358 43:59.97S 146:20.32E 210 3 SR3 0538 18-JUL-95 44:07.38S 146:13.72E 1076 1106 0612 44:07.59S 146:14.85E - 16.0 0658 44:07.59S 146:15.67E - 4 SR3 1000 18-JUL-95 44:22.72S 146:10.59E 2407 2348 1103 44:22.65S 146:10.77E - 15.6 1224 44:22.62S 146:10.90E - 5 SR3 1610 18-JUL-95 44:43.18S 146:02.80E 3225 3230 1736 44:43.24S 146:03.31E 3225 17.6 1916 44:43.30S 146:03.67E 3123 6 SR3 0020 19-JUL-95 45:12.82S 145:51.22E 2866 2890 0155 45:12.72S 145:51.11E - 18.0 0317 45:12.66S 145:52.36E 2764 7 SR3 1729 19-JUL-95 45:41.88S 145:39.45E 2017 2056 1838 45:41.88S 145:38.57E 2068 17.6 2005 45:41.66S 145:37.75E 2068 8 SR3 0027 20-JUL-95 46:10.36S 145:27.57E 2744 2748 0148 46:10.18S 145:27.58E 2740 18.1 0311 46:09.89S 145:27.63E 2764 9 SR3 0710 20-JUL-95 46:39.14S 145:15.03E 3348 3392 0835 46:38.93S 145:14.68E - 16.8 1019 46:38.40S 145:14.63E 3368 10 SR3 1413 20-JUL-95 47:08.72S 145:03.10E 3593 3910 1545 47:08.28S 145:04.02E - 15.1 1721 47:07.67S 145:04.28E - 11 SR3 2001 20-JUL-95 47:28.20S 144:54.33E 4300 4344 2145 47:27.01S 144:55.48E - 17.9 2336 47:26.85S 144:56.04E 4068 12 SR3 0318 21-JUL-95 47:59.90S 144:40.57E 4064 4144 0458 47:59.08S 144:40.79E - 5.0 0633 47:58.53S 144:40.99E - 13 SR3 0852 21-JUL-95 48:19.03S 144:31.56E 4003 4170 1040 48:18.35S 144:31.13E - 15.0 1242 48:18.12S 144:31.58E 3936 14 SR3 1525 21-JUL-95 48:46.60S 144:18.95E 4177 4134 1706 48:45.73S 144:19.15E - 16.5 1850 48:44.91S 144:19.14E 4045 15 SR3 2152 21-JUL-95 49:16.19S 144:05.63E 4218 4254 2341 49:15.28S 144:05.86E 4350 11.1 0133 49:14.49S 144:06.13E - 16 SR3 0338 22-JUL-95 49:36.61S 143:56.13E 3686 3836 0518 49:35.98S 143:57.07E - - 0659 49:35.37S 143:57.97E - 17 SR3 0849 22-JUL-95 49:53.24S 143:48.21E 3788 3864 1037 49:52.30S 143:49.92E - 16.0 1215 49:52.06S 143:50.73E - 18 SR3 1414 22-JUL-95 50:09.62S 143:40.72E 3711 3818 1555 50:09.45S 143:41.91E - 17.3 1724 50:09.34S 143:42.88E 3813 19 SR3 1908 22-JUL-95 50:23.92S 143:33.66E 3583 3656 2056 50:24.03S 143:35.08E - 16.7 2241 50:23.60S 143:36.13E 3573 20 SR3 0031 23-JUL-95 50:42.52S 143:26.96E 3655 3556 0157 50:42.42S 143:27.26E - 19.9 0321 50:42.55S 143:27.22E - 21 SR3 0503 23-JUL-95 51:00.00S 143:17.77E 3808 3880 0634 51:00.18S 143:17.62E - 19.8 0811 51:00.12S 143:17.39E - 22 SR3 0952 23-JUL-95 51:15.68S 143:07.69E 3706 3876 1114 51:15.54S 143:08.06E - 15.0 1302 51:14.88S 143:08.68E - 23 SR3 1451 23-JUL-95 51:32.20S 142:59.21E 3778 3788 1624 51:32.31S 143:00.10E 3778 17.0 1810 51:32.00S 143:00.77E 3778 24 SR3 2004 23-JUL-95 51:48.51S 142:50.80E 3757 3674 2127 51:48.64S 142:52.80E 3686 17.4 2307 51:48.61S 142:53.60E 3722 25 SR3 0055 24-JUL-95 52:04.88S 142:42.01E 3512 3514 0243 52:04.80S 142:44.15E - 19.5 0421 52:04.65S 142:45.42E - 26 SR3 0735 24-JUL-95 52:39.55S 142:22.85E 3348 3470 0903 52:39.82S 142:23.97E - 12.0 1025 52:40.05S 142:24.57E - 27 SR3 1301 24-JUL-95 53:07.40S 142:08.25E 3133 3134 1432 53:07.75S 142:08.16E 3133 15.0 1601 53:07.71S 142:07.92E 3113 28 SR3 1936 24-JUL-95 53:34.80S 141:51.81E 2508 2508 2053 53:34.84S 141:52.23E 2508 13.0 2215 53:35.28S 141:52.65E 2661 29 SR3 0107 25-JUL-95 54:03.97S 141:35.63E 2662 2656 0220 54:03.69S 141:35.57E - 15.6 0347 54:03.40S 141:35.70E - 30 SR3 0620 25-JUL-95 54:31.72S 141:19.42E 2815 2844 0730 54:31.48S 141:19.86E - 12.0 0843 54:31.12S 141:19.75E - 31 SR3 1303 25-JUL-95 55:01.23S 141:00.79E 3348 3300 1430 55:01.04S 141:00.34E 3328 15.2 1613 55:01.25S 141:00.74E 3328 32 SR3 2034 25-JUL-95 55:29.86S 140:43.48E 3993 4140 2223 55:29.22S 140:43.15E - 15.0 0010 55:28.78S 140:43.08E - 33 SR3 0258 26-JUL-95 55:55.54S 140:23.88E 3583 3638 0440 55:55.57S 140:24.37E - 15.5 0619 55:55.26S 140:25.04E - 34 SR3 0918 26-JUL-95 56:26.28S 140:06.09E 3890 4162 1115 56:26.41S 140:06.07E - 15.0 1258 56:26.73S 140:05.98E - 35 SR3 1822 26-JUL-95 56:55.51S 139:50.88E 4075 4180 2031 56:55.45S 139:51.85E - 14.3 2208 56:55.60S 139:52.18E 4157 36 SR3 0024 27-JUL-95 57:22.25S 139:51.04E 4075 4058 0212 57:22.17S 139:49.72E - 11.4 0404 57:22.58S 139:48.79E - 37 SR3 0650 27-JUL-95 57:51.42S 139:51.42E 4095 4182 0831 57:51.31S 139:51.89E - 15.0 1000 57:51.39S 139:52.72E - 38 SR3 1524 27-JUL-95 58:20.62S 139:51.08E 3993 4044 1703 58:20.59S 139:51.57E - 12.8 1846 58:20.96S 139:51.62E 3993 39 SR3 2236 27-JUL-95 58:51.45S 139:50.49E 3942 4046 0031 58:51.76S 139:50.71E - 15.9 0215 58:51.72S 139:50.53E - 40 SR3 0539 28-JUL-95 59:21.04S 139:50.89E 4218 4220 0720 59:21.33S 139:51.23E - 15.8 0850 59:21.64S 139:51.76E - 41 SR3 1428 28-JUL-95 59:51.30S 139:50.94E 4587 4540 1632 59:50.24S 139:51.31E - 13.8 1829 59:49.57S 139:52.13E 4587 42 SR3 2320 28-JUL-95 60:21.27S 139:50.24E 4443 4506 0128 60:21.54S 139:49.95E 4443 9.9 0328 60:21.87S 139:49.61E - 43 SR3 0611 29-JUL-95 60:51.27S 139:50.17E 4402 4466 0747 60:51.80S 139:49.52E - 11.3 0928 60:52.30S 139:49.72E - 44 SR3 1431 29-JUL-95 61:21.06S 139:51.01E 4351 4410 1649 61:22.09S 139:50.41E 4351 13.6 1847 61:22.39S 139:50.64E 4351 45 SR3 2326 29-JUL-95 61:50.05S 139:51.60E 4300 3348 0125 61:49.87S 139:54.95E 4300 - 0255 61:50.58S 139:57.90E - 46 SR3 0622 30-JUL-95 62:15.68S 140:00.46E 4054 4082 0758 62:15.84S 140:01.21E 4054 16.4 0936 62:16.32S 140:02.14E - 47 SR3 1424 30-JUL-95 62:49.70S 139:53.68E 3235 3262 1601 62:50.56S 139:54.91E 3275 13.5 1728 62:51.63S 139:55.29E 3255 48 SR3 2112 30-JUL-95 63:17.16S 139:50.37E 3819 3830 2241 63:18.37S 139:49.53E 3819 25.5 0036 63:20.65S 139:47.19E 3819 49 SR3 0450 31-JUL-95 63:49.89S 140:07.79E 3716 3746 0625 63:49.72S 140:11.10E 3716 16.0 0751 63:49.80S 140:14.37E 3716 50 SR3 1733 31-JUL-95 64:26.58S 140:20.49E 3481 3476 1908 64:26.59S 140:20.04E 3471 13.7 2027 64:26.46S 140:19.64E 3471 51 SR3 0318 1-AUG-95 64:46.74S 140:20.35E 3327 3274 0441 64:47.33S 140:18.40E - 16.2 0614 64:48.17S 140:16.84E - 52 SR3 1046 1-AUG-95 65:07.28S 140:19.45E 2583 2582 1201 65:07.55S 140:18.91E - 14.9 1321 65:07.96S 140:18.24E 2563 53 F1.1 1706 4-AUG-95 64:57.01S 140:37.39E 2701 496 1726 64:56.98S 140:36.97E 2713 - 1739 64:56.96S 140:36.63E 2723 54 F1.2 1939 4-AUG-95 65:02.29S 140:37.98E 2598 496 1952 65:02.26S 140:37.62E 2608 - 2011 65:02.22S 140:37.09E 2518 55 F1.3 2213 4-AUG-95 65:06.95S 140:34.41E 2471 500 2231 65:06.91S 140:34.00E 2471 - 2248 65:06.90S 140:33.66E 2501 56 F1.4 0021 5-AUG-95 65:10.43S 140:32.34E 2217 496 0042 65:10.40S 140:31.93E 2232 - 0056 65:10.41S 140:31.67E 2252 57 F1.5 0250 5-AUG-95 65:10.33S 140:21.43E 2383 496 0306 65:10.33S 140:21.26E - - 0318 65:10.33S 140:20.98E 2406 58 F1.6 0454 5-AUG-95 65:09.28S 140:09.12E 2569 496 0510 65:09.30S 140:08.93E - - 0523 65:09.29S 140:08.75E 2569 59 F1.7 0638 5-AUG-95 65:08.05S 139:57.79E 2746 498 0651 65:08.03S 139:57.66E - - 0707 65:07.99S 139:57.50E 2774 60 F1.8 0757 5-AUG-95 65:07.04S 139:47.20E 2538 496 0814 65:06.98S 139:47.10E 2544 - 0830 65:06.95S 139:46.83E 2508 61 F1.9 0953 5-AUG-95 65:05.44S 139:34.91E 2537 496 1008 65:05.45S 139:34.86E - - 1018 65:05.44S 139:34.83E 2539 62 F1.10 1159 5-AUG-95 65:05.16S 139:25.27E 2688 498 1212 65:05.15S 139:25.16E 2703 - 1227 65:05.14S 139:25.13E 2698 63 F1.11 1508 5-AUG-95 65:03.01S 139:12.11E 2911 496 1523 65:03.02S 139:12.06E 2911 - 1534 65:03.00S 139:12.03E 2911 64 F1.12 1733 5-AUG-95 65:01.59S 139:00.64E 2595 496 1748 65:01.59S 139:00.56E 2595 - 1802 65:01.58S 139:00.52E 2589 65 F1.13 1934 5-AUG-95 65:00.31S 138:48.70E 2314 498 1948 65:00.30S 138:48.65E 2314 - 2002 65:00.27S 138:48.67E 2314 66 F1.14 2255 5-AUG-95 64:59.08S 138:37.25E 2524 496 2311 64:59.10S 138:37.16E - - 2331 64:59.09S 138:37.09E 2524 67 F1.15 0348 6-AUG-95 64:57.75S 138:26.05E 2205 498 0402 64:57.75S 138:25.99E 2201 - 0423 64:57.77S 138:25.92E 2201 68 F1.16 0620 6-AUG-95 64:57.01S 138:15.69E 2498 498 0632 64:57.03S 138:15.69E 2500 - 0646 64:57.06S 138:15.60E 2500 69 F1.17 1058 6-AUG-95 64:51.54S 138:17.32E 2630 498 1110 64:51.54S 138:17.57E 2683 - 1128 64:51.53S 138:17.68E 2611 70 F1.18 1500 6-AUG-95 64:46.44S 138:20.80E 2858 498 1512 64:46.41S 138:21.00E 2838 - 1528 64:46.30S 138:21.08E - 71 F1.19 1634 6-AUG-95 64:41.61S 138:23.81E 2858 496 1651 64:41.52S 138:23.88E 2867 - 1708 64:41.41S 138:24.18E 2867 72 F1.20 1805 6-AUG-95 64:37.03S 138:26.85E 2853 496 1820 64:36.98S 138:26.97E 2843 - 1838 64:36.89S 138:27.03E 2843 73 F1.21 1925 6-AUG-95 64:32.33S 138:30.00E 3086 498 1940 64:32.25S 138:30.00E 3096 - 1959 64:32.22S 138:30.05E 3096 74 F1.22 2107 6-AUG-95 64:27.42S 138:33.24E 3188 498 2123 64:27.42S 138:33.27E 3183 - 2139 64:27.35S 138:33.25E 3183 75 F1.23 2235 6-AUG-95 64:22.86S 138:36.08E 3287 496 2252 64:22.85S 138:36.13E 3287 - 2306 64:22.83S 138:36.24E 3287 76 F1.24 0002 7-AUG-95 64:17.79S 138:38.57E 3392 496 0015 64:17.82S 138:38.79E 3402 - 0028 64:17.82S 138:38.98E 3402 77 F1.25 0121 7-AUG-95 64:12.81S 138:40.75E 3480 500 0132 64:12.83S 138:40.83E 3480 - 0151 64:12.79S 138:41.23E 3480 78 F1.26 0322 7-AUG-95 64:08.17S 138:44.91E 3564 498 0337 64:08.13S 138:45.25E 3564 - 0358 64:08.04S 138:45.64E 3571 79 F1.27 0446 7-AUG-95 64:03.24S 138:48.02E 3677 498 0458 64:03.20S 138:48.31E - - 0516 64:03.21S 138:48.61E - 80 F1.28 0553 7-AUG-95 63:58.39S 138:50.63E 3706 500 0610 63:58.50S 138:51.34E - - 0627 63:58.34S 138:52.12E 3737 81 F1.29 0715 7-AUG-95 63:59.61S 139:02.32E 3699 498 0727 63:59.59S 139:02.66E 3700 - 0746 63:59.52S 139:03.19E 3700 82 F1.30 0847 7-AUG-95 64:00.56S 139:13.69E 3618 496 0900 64:00.48S 139:13.91E 3620 - 0915 64:00.54S 139:14.46E 3621 83 F1.31 1027 7-AUG-95 64:02.70S 139:26.35E 3629 498 1038 64:02.67S 139:26.59E 3629 - 1057 64:02.74S 139:26.97E - 84 F1.32 1147 7-AUG-95 64:03.85S 139:36.33E 3614 498 1158 64:03.76S 139:36.71E - - 1209 64:03.67S 139:37.09E 3604 85 F1.33 1306 7-AUG-95 64:05.16S 139:49.29E 3631 498 1319 64:05.06S 139:49.57E - - 1335 64:04.90S 139:49.94E 3635 86 F1.34 1431 7-AUG-95 64:06.24S 139:59.92E 3655 498 1445 64:06.07S 140:00.27E - - 1503 64:05.97S 140:00.56E - 87 F1.35 1539 7-AUG-95 64:07.34S 140:11.71E 3610 500 1552 64:07.24S 140:12.03E - - 1611 64:07.13S 140:12.49E - 88 F1.36 1649 7-AUG-95 64:08.93S 140:23.59E 3612 496 1659 64:08.89S 140:23.77E - - 1712 64:08.76S 140:24.00E 3612 89 F1.37 1740 7-AUG-95 64:10.22S 140:34.32E 3610 496 1753 64:10.21S 140:34.24E 3610 - 1808 64:10.06S 140:34.20E 3610 90 F1.38 1900 7-AUG-95 64:11.54S 140:46.92E 3594 496 1915 64:11.59S 140:46.86E - - 1929 64:11.67S 140:46.75E 3589 91 F1.39 2009 7-AUG-95 64:12.76S 140:58.08E 3597 498 2022 64:12.82S 140:58.11E 3597 - 2042 64:12.93S 140:58.41E 3592 92 F1.40 2117 7-AUG-95 64:13.92S 141:09.21E 3623 498 2130 64:13.87S 141:09.42E 3518 - 2147 64:13.93S 141:09.47E 3518 93 F1.41 2312 7-AUG-95 64:18.78S 141:06.73E 3550 498 2324 64:18.78S 141:06.79E 3550 - 2338 64:18.70S 141:06.75E 3550 94 F1.42 0120 8-AUG-95 64:23.78S 141:03.08E 3467 498 0133 64:23.74S 141:03.34E 3472 - 0145 64:23.71S 141:03.51E 3472 95 F1.43 0236 8-AUG-95 64:28.47S 141:00.15E 3365 496 0246 64:28.43S 141:00.26E - - 0304 64:28.37S 141:00.56E 3369 96 F1.44 0536 8-AUG-95 64:33.28S 140:57.15E 3264 508 0548 64:33.28S 140:57.25E - - 0606 64:33.25S 140:57.55E 3268 97 F1.45 0827 8-AUG-95 64:38.23S 140:54.08E 3100 498 0839 64:38.20S 140:54.09E - - 0902 64:38.18S 140:54.19E 3106 98 F1.46 0957 8-AUG-95 64:42.84S 140:52.30E 2881 496 1008 64:42.83S 140:52.24E 2881 - 1021 64:42.84S 140:52.17E 2880 99 F1.47 1153 8-AUG-95 64:48.04S 140:48.28E 2699 498 1203 64:48.00S 140:48.15E 2696 - 1220 64:47.97S 140:47.96E 2700 100 F1.48 1308 8-AUG-95 64:52.68S 140:45.46E 2602 498 1317 64:52.59S 140:45.33E 2611 - 1332 64:52.57S 140:45.07E 2620 101 SR3 1709 9-AUG-95 65:30.64S 139:44.93E 1761 1736 1757 65:30.63S 139:45.07E 1761 10.7 1850 65:30.64S 139:45.07E 1759 102 SR3 2015 9-AUG-95 65:27.61S 139:47.82E 2074 2072 2114 65:27.66S 139:47.67E 2069 11.6 2213 65:27.71S 139:47.62E 2069 103 SR3 2318 9-AUG-95 65:21.79S 139:56.58E 2551 2538 0010 65:21.80S 139:56.44E 2561 12.8 0104 65:21.80S 139:56.31E 2561 104 TEST 1041 12-AUG-95 64:21.32S 139:16.75E 3583 3582 1154 64:21.39S 139:15.34E - 16.7 1259 64:21.58S 139:13.36E - 105 TEST 1726 12-AUG-95 64:40.88S 138:31.57E 2701 2706 1848 64:40.68S 138:30.29E 2721 11.1 2001 64:40.48S 138:29.10E 2721 106 F2.19 1734 14-AUG-95 64:41.95S 138:22.80E 2767 500 1752 64:41.91S 138:22.49E 2780 - 1811 64:41.88S 138:22.18E 2780 107 F2.20 1945 14-AUG-95 64:37.11S 138:25.50E 2865 496 2005 64:37.08S 138:25.29E - - 2021 64:37.03S 138:25.01E 2870 108 F2.21 2217 14-AUG-95 64:32.28S 138:29.28E 3043 498 2230 64:32.23S 138:29.10E 3037 - 2244 64:32.20S 138:28.95E 3036 109 F2.22 2346 14-AUG-95 64:27.59S 138:34.14E 3225 498 2357 64:27.60S 138:34.00E 3225 - 0019 64:27.59S 138:33.54E 3225 110 F2.23 0320 15-AUG-95 64:22.69S 138:35.08E 3276 498 0337 64:22.67S 138:34.84E 3297 - 0402 64:22.61S 138:34.21E 3328 111 F2.24 0458 15-AUG-95 64:17.74S 138:38.63E 3419 498 0525 64:17.62S 138:37.98E 3409 - 0541 64:17.54S 138:37.54E 3429 112 F2.25 0705 15-AUG-95 64:12.96S 138:41.11E 3471 498 0717 64:12.91S 138:40.82E - - 0734 64:12.87S 138:40.31E - 113 F2.26 0830 15-AUG-95 64:08.07S 138:44.31E 3583 498 0843 64:08.04S 138:44.04E - - 0903 64:07.96S 138:43.53E 3573 114 F2.27 1016 15-AUG-95 64:03.25S 138:47.02E 3686 498 1027 64:03.22S 138:46.87E - - 1041 64:03.21S 138:46.49E 3676 115 F2.28 1151 15-AUG-95 63:58.55S 138:50.14E 3716 498 1201 63:58.54S 138:49.92E - - 1219 63:58.54S 138:49.50E 3706 116 F2.29 1328 15-AUG-95 63:59.70S 139:01.86E 3706 498 1338 63:59.70S 139:01.62E 3696 - 1352 63:59.68S 139:01.36E 3706 117 F2.30 1458 15-AUG-95 64:01.04S 139:13.75E 3634 498 1510 64:01.07S 139:13.54E 3634 - 1528 64:01.04S 139:13.17E 3634 118 F2.31 1626 15-AUG-95 64:02.41S 139:25.20E 3604 498 1638 64:02.43S 139:24.99E 3604 - 1652 64:02.44S 139:24.70E 3604 119 F2.32 1739 15-AUG-95 64:03.69S 139:36.59E 3609 498 1754 64:03.60S 139:36.21E 3635 - 1809 64:03.57S 139:35.86E 3635 120 F2.33 1924 15-AUG-95 64:04.91S 139:48.41E 3634 498 1939 64:04.86S 139:48.09E 3639 - 2002 64:04.77S 139:47.47E 3634 121 F2.34 2106 15-AUG-95 64:06.19S 139:59.58E 3634 498 2122 64:06.10S 139:59.20E 3654 - 2136 64:06.01S 139:58.77E 3654 122 F2.35 2236 15-AUG-95 64:07.57S 140:11.61E 3645 498 2249 64:07.50S 140:11.22E 3634 - 2303 64:07.47S 140:10.84E 3634 123 F2.36 0006 16-AUG-95 64:09.56S 140:23.98E 3614 498 0020 64:09.49S 140:23.39E 3614 - 0033 64:09.42S 140:23.01E 3634 124 F2.37 0127 16-AUG-95 64:10.30S 140:34.55E 3593 504 0140 64:10.26S 140:34.16E 3634 - 0156 64:10.29S 140:33.84E 3634 125 F2.38 0257 16-AUG-95 64:11.44S 140:46.03E 3645 500 0310 64:11.47S 140:45.61E - - 0328 64:11.52S 140:45.10E 3604 126 F2.39 0436 16-AUG-95 64:12.75S 140:57.40E 3604 498 0450 64:12.73S 140:57.12E 3604 - 0511 64:12.81S 140:56.59E 3604 127 F2.40 0621 16-AUG-95 64:14.12S 141:08.89E 3604 498 0634 64:14.13S 141:08.59E 3604 - 0650 64:14.19S 141:08.18E 3604 128 F2.41 0757 16-AUG-95 64:18.81S 141:05.85E 3553 498 0809 64:18.85S 141:05.73E - - 0825 64:18.90S 141:05.50E 3553 129 F2.42 0929 16-AUG-95 64:23.62S 141:02.69E 3450 498 0941 64:23.64S 141:02.61E 3450 - 1000 64:23.61S 141:02.33E 3440 130 F2.43 1108 16-AUG-95 64:28.61S 141:00.02E 3389 498 1117 64:28.58S 141:00.00E 3368 - 1129 64:28.56S 140:59.83E 3358 131 F2.44 1341 16-AUG-95 64:33.27S 140:56.42E 3276 498 1352 64:33.27S 140:56.30E - - 1405 64:33.23S 140:56.08E 3256 132 F2.45 1606 16-AUG-95 64:37.72S 140:53.68E 3092 498 1617 64:37.70S 140:53.42E 3092 - 1631 64:37.63S 140:53.06E 3092 133 F2.46 1750 16-AUG-95 64:43.02S 140:50.58E 2856 498 1806 64:42.99S 140:50.31E 2851 - 1825 64:42.94S 140:49.86E 2851 134 F2.47 2119 16-AUG-95 64:47.72S 140:47.04E 2725 498 2133 64:47.69S 140:46.89E 2719 - 2145 64:47.65S 140:46.58E 2719 135 F2.48 2342 16-AUG-95 64:52.54S 140:44.37E 2600 498 2357 64:52.47S 140:44.16E 2616 - 0012 64:52.45S 140:43.98E 2642 136 F2.1 0337 17-AUG-95 64:57.43S 140:41.82E 2518 498 0347 64:57.28S 140:41.07E 2535 - 0413 64:57.20S 140:40.50E 2550 137 F2.2 0845 17-AUG-95 65:02.08S 140:38.31E 2559 500 0859 65:02.08S 140:38.28E 2580 - 0913 65:02.06S 140:38.18E 2580 138 F2.3 1032 17-AUG-95 65:06.96S 140:35.71E 2406 498 1042 65:06.94S 140:35.59E 2385 - 1054 65:06.87S 140:35.56E 2365 139 F2.4 1209 17-AUG-95 65:12.00S 140:33.18E 2252 500 1219 65:11.94S 140:33.16E 2242 - 1237 65:11.90S 140:33.15E 2232 140 F2.5 1350 17-AUG-95 65:10.41S 140:20.97E 2395 498 1400 65:10.41S 140:20.96E 2395 - 1412 65:10.35S 140:20.92E 2395 141 F2.6 1552 17-AUG-95 65:09.35S 140:09.27E 2559 498 1607 65:09.34S 140:09.33E 2567 - 1626 65:09.27S 140:09.32E 2569 142 F2.7 1754 17-AUG-95 65:08.01S 139:57.91E 2744 498 1808 65:07.98S 139:57.96E 2739 - 1823 65:07.97S 139:58.02E 2739 143 F2.8 2020 17-AUG-95 65:06.90S 139:46.59E 2514 498 2033 65:06.88S 139:46.73E 2529 - 2049 65:06.91S 139:46.81E 2534 144 F2.9 2220 17-AUG-95 65:05.61S 139:34.99E 2511 498 2234 65:05.61S 139:35.08E 2526 - 2249 65:05.56S 139:35.34E 2531 145 F2.10 0505 18-AUG-95 65:04.17S 139:24.01E 3010 498 0517 65:04.14S 139:24.13E - - 0538 65:04.10S 139:24.33E 3030 146 F2.11 0802 18-AUG-95 65:03.01S 139:13.23E 2907 498 0814 65:02.98S 139:13.32E 2917 - 0832 65:02.95S 139:13.38E 2917 147 F2.12 1033 18-AUG-95 65:01.70S 139:01.50E 2617 498 1045 65:01.69S 139:01.57E 2627 - 1058 65:01.65S 139:01.64E 2627 148 F2.13 1432 18-AUG-95 65:00.33S 138:49.09E 2319 500 1446 65:00.31S 138:49.12E 2315 - 1508 65:00.27S 138:49.23E 2313 149 F2.14 1959 18-AUG-95 64:58.96S 138:36.09E 2445 498 2012 64:58.94S 138:36.14E 2440 - 2024 64:58.90S 138:36.12E 2440 150 F2.15 2127 18-AUG-95 64:57.67S 138:25.90E 2215 496 2141 64:57.63S 138:25.88E 2230 - 2154 64:57.63S 138:25.91E 2230 151 F2.16 2254 18-AUG-95 64:55.47S 138:15.13E 2588 498 2307 64:55.52S 138:15.13E 2593 - 2318 64:55.40S 138:15.18E 2598 152 F2.17 0054 19-AUG-95 64:51.06S 138:07.90E 3034 498 0106 64:51.03S 138:07.93E 3034 - 0124 64:50.99S 138:07.99E 3028 153 F2.18 0429 19-AUG-95 64:45.37S 138:15.57E 3163 498 0439 64:45.37S 138:15.67E - - 0453 64:45.33S 138:15.70E 3173 154 F3.18 1501 20-AUG-95 64:46.93S 138:20.56E 2877 500 1512 64:46.96S 138:20.45E 2908 - 1526 64:46.99S 138:20.19E 2918 155 F3.19 1652 20-AUG-95 64:41.94S 138:23.50E 2810 498 1705 64:41.98S 138:23.25E 2805 - 1723 64:42.02S 138:22.93E 2805 156 F3.20 1850 20-AUG-95 64:37.18S 138:26.85E 2851 498 1907 64:37.21S 138:26.52E 2856 - 1923 64:37.24S 138:26.20E 2851 157 F3.21 2024 20-AUG-95 64:32.38S 138:28.80E 3023 498 2039 64:32.41S 138:28.43E 3028 - 2055 64:32.50S 138:28.00E 3033 158 F3.22 2201 20-AUG-95 64:27.46S 138:31.82E 3174 498 2215 64:27.48S 138:31.52E 3174 - 2229 64:27.52S 138:31.06E 3174 159 F3.23 2352 20-AUG-95 64:22.65S 138:34.54E 3297 498 0006 64:22.69S 138:34.00E 3317 - 0025 64:22.74S 138:33.16E 3327 160 F3.24 0136 21-AUG-95 64:18.09S 138:37.29E 3389 498 0148 64:18.15S 138:36.75E 3389 - 0201 64:18.16S 138:36.14E 3389 161 F3.25 0314 21-AUG-95 64:12.97S 138:41.14E 3460 498 0327 64:12.96S 138:40.58E 3450 - 0343 64:13.04S 138:39.84E 3450 162 F3.26 0444 21-AUG-95 64:08.16S 138:44.28E 3573 498 0455 64:08.18S 138:43.86E 3573 - 0514 64:08.22S 138:42.99E 3563 163 F3.27 0622 21-AUG-95 64:03.40S 138:47.13E 3686 498 0632 64:03.43S 138:46.71E 3676 - 0650 64:03.51S 138:46.03E 3676 164 F3.28 0755 21-AUG-95 63:58.65S 138:49.66E 3696 498 0808 63:58.72S 138:49.24E 3696 - 0823 63:58.78S 138:48.69E 3711 165 F3.29 0946 21-AUG-95 63:59.85S 139:01.84E 3696 498 1000 63:59.94S 139:01.39E - - 1019 64:00.03S 139:00.64E 3717 166 F3.30 1129 21-AUG-95 64:01.35S 139:13.29E 3604 498 1143 64:01.46S 139:12.67E 3604 - 1158 64:01.56S 139:12.21E 3604 167 F3.31 1250 21-AUG-95 64:02.61S 139:25.30E 3614 498 1306 64:02.68S 139:24.56E 3604 - 1318 64:02.74S 139:24.17E 3604 168 F3.32 1436 21-AUG-95 64:03.81S 139:35.83E 3634 502 1457 64:03.91S 139:35.43E 3634 - 1510 64:03.99S 139:35.27E 3634 169 F3.33 1625 21-AUG-95 64:04.89S 139:48.28E 3634 498 1637 64:04.90S 139:47.80E 3634 - 1656 64:04.89S 139:47.16E 3634 170 F3.34 1801 21-AUG-95 64:06.24S 139:59.51E 3645 498 1813 64:06.25S 139:59.04E 3645 - 1828 64:06.25S 139:58.43E 3645 171 F3.35 1938 21-AUG-95 64:07.55S 140:10.68E 3604 498 1953 64:07.50S 140:09.96E 3604 - 2007 64:07.42S 140:09.20E 3604 172 F3.36 2130 21-AUG-95 64:08.32S 140:21.48E 3634 500 2144 64:08.25S 140:21.21E 3634 - 2155 64:08.32S 140:20.45E 3604 173 F3.37 2316 21-AUG-95 64:10.53S 140:36.97E 3634 498 2331 64:10.32S 140:36.00E 3604 - 2350 64:10.10S 140:34.58E 3604 174 F3.38 0041 22-AUG-95 64:11.08S 140:44.86E 3604 498 0054 64:10.93S 140:44.11E 3604 - 0115 64:10.78S 140:42.87E 3604 175 F3.39 0305 22-AUG-95 64:12.69S 140:56.98E 3604 498 0316 64:12.61S 140:56.53E 3604 - 0331 64:12.54S 140:55.72E 3604 176 F3.40 0436 22-AUG-95 64:14.02S 141:08.70E 3604 498 0447 64:13.98S 141:08.26E 3604 - 0506 64:13.91S 141:07.60E 3604 177 F3.41 0552 22-AUG-95 64:18.81S 141:05.60E 3563 504 0603 64:18.74S 141:05.35E 3563 - 0622 64:18.64S 141:04.87E 3563 178 F3.42 0719 22-AUG-95 64:23.56S 141:02.71E 3471 496 0730 64:23.49S 141:02.50E 3440 - 0742 64:23.40S 141:02.27E 3405 179 F3.43 0849 22-AUG-95 64:28.42S 140:59.28E 3348 498 0905 64:28.32S 140:59.02E 3348 - 0920 64:28.19S 140:58.74E 3348 180 F3.44 1030 22-AUG-95 64:33.06S 140:56.27E 3286 498 1044 64:32.98S 140:55.99E 3276 - 1057 64:32.84S 140:55.83E 3276 181 F3.45 1210 22-AUG-95 64:37.66S 140:53.70E 3102 498 1222 64:37.61S 140:53.56E 3102 - 1237 64:37.53S 140:53.31E 3092 182 F3.46 1348 22-AUG-95 64:42.79S 140:50.07E 2860 498 1359 64:42.75S 140:49.98E 2860 - 1416 64:42.66S 140:49.72E 2860 183 F3.47 1555 22-AUG-95 64:47.51S 140:47.36E 2741 498 1608 64:47.47S 140:47.24E 2741 - 1621 64:47.43S 140:47.11E 2741 184 F3.48 1728 22-AUG-95 64:52.67S 140:44.57E 2613 498 1740 64:52.62S 140:44.44E 2593 - 1753 64:52.58S 140:44.32E 2603 185 F3.1 1905 22-AUG-95 64:57.69S 140:40.87E 2540 498 1917 64:57.64S 140:40.77E 2545 - 1931 64:57.62S 140:40.68E 2545 186 F3.2 2053 22-AUG-95 65:02.19S 140:38.50E 2581 500 2106 65:02.18S 140:38.36E 2581 - 2122 65:02.14S 140:38.31E 2581 187 F3.3 2244 22-AUG-95 65:07.15S 140:35.33E 2448 498 2257 65:07.12S 140:35.29E 2453 - 2312 65:07.08S 140:35.24E 2458 188 F3.4 0050 23-AUG-95 65:12.06S 140:32.47E 2227 498 0104 65:12.03S 140:32.37E 2227 - 0118 65:11.98S 140:32.27E 2227 189 F3.5 0258 23-AUG-95 65:10.69S 140:20.81E 2387 500 0309 65:10.67S 140:20.67E 2387 - 0327 65:10.61S 140:20.58E 2387 190 F3.6 0434 23-AUG-95 65:09.34S 140:09.38E 2566 498 0444 65:09.32S 140:09.29E 2566 - 0457 65:09.30S 140:09.22E 2564 191 F3.7 0652 23-AUG-95 65:08.00S 139:57.58E 2764 498 0702 65:07.99S 139:57.57E 2764 - 0714 65:07.98S 139:57.51E 2764 192 F3.8 0825 23-AUG-95 65:06.84S 139:46.30E 2493 498 0837 65:06.81S 139:46.23E 2473 - 0855 65:06.81S 139:46.20E 2473 193 F3.9 1003 23-AUG-95 65:05.61S 139:35.49E 2520 532 1017 65:05.60S 139:35.47E 2510 - 1032 65:05.56S 139:35.41E 2510 194 F3.10 1155 23-AUG-95 65:04.12S 139:23.08E 3000 498 1212 65:04.09S 139:23.07E 3009 - 1226 65:04.07S 139:23.03E 3010 195 F3.11 1331 23-AUG-95 65:03.00S 139:12.16E 2915 498 1346 65:02.98S 139:12.27E 2915 - 1402 65:02.92S 139:12.18E 2915 196 F3.12 1512 23-AUG-95 65:01.65S 139:00.33E 2617 498 1526 65:01.62S 139:00.37E 2622 - 1538 65:01.59S 139:00.33E 2622 197 F3.13 1655 23-AUG-95 65:00.33S 138:49.08E 2317 498 1706 65:00.30S 138:49.08E 2312 - 1718 65:00.25S 138:49.05E 2312 198 F3.14 1902 23-AUG-95 64:58.87S 138:37.50E 2522 498 1916 64:58.86S 138:37.47E 2517 - 1930 64:58.86S 138:37.50E 2522 199 F3.15 2110 23-AUG-95 64:57.75S 138:25.71E 2211 498 2120 64:57.77S 138:25.69E - - 2137 64:57.71S 138:25.77E - 200 F3.16 0022 24-AUG-95 64:56.60S 138:14.10E 2576 500 0035 64:56.58S 138:14.09E 2566 - 0050 64:56.55S 138:14.04E 2573 201 F3.17 0254 24-AUG-95 64:51.57S 138:17.44E 2626 500 0305 64:51.58S 138:17.37E 2633 - 0323 64:51.55S 138:17.37E 2640 202 SR3 1840 26-AUG-95 61:20.97S 139:52.00E 4402 4394 2046 61:19.93S 139:53.78E 4402 20.1 2230 61:19.68S 139:54.45E 4402 203 SR3 0253 27-AUG-95 60:51.05S 139:50.80E 4491 4462 0438 60:52.41S 139:49.81E - - 0616 60:53.09S 139:49.96E - 204 SR3 0934 27-AUG-95 60:21.52S 139:50.65E 4505 4502 1112 60:21.24S 139:51.14E - 16.1 1305 60:21.52S 139:51.40E - 205 SR3 1532 29-AUG-95 52:05.57S 143:29.56E 3563 3584 1703 52:06.93S 143:30.40E 3543 15.1 1831 52:08.37S 143:31.36E 3533 206 SR3 2101 29-AUG-95 51:48.87S 143:38.08E 3450 3696 2240 51:48.99S 143:39.64E - 23.1 0027 51:48.67S 143:40.63E - 207 SR3 0257 30-AUG-95 51:32.13S 143:46.77E 3757 3796 0435 51:31.89S 143:47.71E - 15.3 0554 51:31.35S 143:48.27E - 208 SR3 1020 30-AUG-95 51:16.18S 143:54.75E 3757 3828 1206 51:16.51S 143:55.39E - 25.0 1326 51:16.62S 143:56.33E - Table 1.3: Summary of samples drawn from Niskin bottles at each station, including salinity (sal), dissolved oxygen (do), nutrients (nut), dissolved inorganic carbon (dic), dissolved organic carbon (doc), iodate/iodide (i), primary productivity (pp), and the following biological samples: pigments (pig), microscopial protist examination (pro), cyanobacteria counts (cya), lugols iodine fixed plankton counts (lug), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (te), subsample of protist concentrate preserved (vir), and samples for culturing (cul). Note that 1=samples taken, 0=no samples taken, 2=surface sample only (i.e. from shallowest Niskin bottle). -----------biology------------- station sal do nut dic doc i pp pig pro cya lug te vir cul 1 TEST 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 SR3 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 8 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 SR3 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 10 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 12 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 14 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 SR3 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 18 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 20 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 21 SR3 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 25 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 SR3 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 27 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 30 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 31 SR3 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 33 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 SR3 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 35 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 37 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 38 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 SR3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 40 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 41 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 SR3 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 43 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 46 SR3 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 47 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 SR3 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 49 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 50 SR3 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 52 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53-56 F1.1-F1.5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 F1.5 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 58-66 F1.6-1.14 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 F1.15 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 68-77 F1.16-1.25 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 F1.26 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 79-94 F1.27-1.42 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 F1.43 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 96-100 F1.44-1.48 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 SR3 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 102 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 103 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 104 TEST 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 105 TEST 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106-109 F2.19-2.22 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 F2.23 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 111-113 F2.24-2.26 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 114 F2.27 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115-124 F2.28-2.37 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 F2.38 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 126 F2.39 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127-128 F2.40-2.41 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 F2.42 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 F2.43 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 131 F2.44 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132-135 F2.45-2.48 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 F2.1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 137 F2.2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 138 F2.3 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 139-144 F2.4-2.9 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145 F2.10 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 146-151 F2.11-2.16 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 152 F2.17 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 153 F2.18 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 154-159 F3.18-3.23 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160 F3.24 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 F3.25 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 162 F3.26 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 163 F3.27 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 164-173 F3.28-3.37 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 174 F3.38 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 175 F3.39 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 176 F3.40 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 177 F3.41 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 178 F3.42 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 179 F3.43 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180-181 F3.44-3.45 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 182 F3.46 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 183-187 F3.47-3.3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 188-189 F3.4-F3.5 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 F3.6 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 191 F3.7 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 192 F3.8 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 193-200 F3.9-F3.16 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201 F3.17 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 202 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 203 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 205 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 206 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 207 SR3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 208 SR3 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 1.4: CTD stations over current meter (CM) and inverted echo sounder (IES) moorings along SR3 transect in the vicinity of the Subantarctic Front. Note that bottom depths are calculated using a sound speed of 1498 ms-1. For CTD station positions, see Table 1.2. CTD start time bottom mooring station no. depth (m) number 12 03:18, 21/07/95 4064 I1 (IES) 16 03:38, 22/07/95 3686 I2 (IES) 17 08:49, 22/07/95 3788 I4 (IES) 18 14:14, 22/07/95 3711 I6 (IES) 19 19:08, 22/07/95 3583 I8 (CM+IES) 20 00:31, 23/07/95 3655 I9 (CM+IES) 21 05:03, 23/07/95 3808 I10 (CM+IES) 22 09:52, 23/07/95 3706 I12 (IES) 23 14:51, 23/07/95 3778 I14 (IES) 24 20:04, 23/07/95 3757 I16 (IES) 25 00:55, 24/07/95 3512 I18 (IES) 205 15:32, 29/08/95 3563 I17 (IES) 206 21:01, 29/08/95 3450 I15 (IES) 207 02:57, 30/08/95 3757 I13 (IES) 208 10:20, 30/08/95 3757 I11 (IES) Table 1.5a: Principal investigators (*=cruise participant) for water sampling programmes. measurement name affiliation CTD, salinity, O2, nutrients (SR3) Steve Rintoul/*Nathan Bindoff CSIRO/Antarctc CRC CTD, salinity, O2 (FORMEX) *Nathan Bindoff/*Ian Allison Antarctic CRC/Antarctic Division D.O.C. Tom Trull Antarctic CRC iodate/iodide Ed Butler CSIRO primary productivity John Parslow CSIRO biological sampling Harvey Marchant Antarctic Division D.I.C. Bronte Tilbrook CSIRO Table 1.5b: Scientific personnel (cruise participants). name measurement affiliation Nathan Bindoff CTD Antarctic CRC Ross Edwards CTD, trace metals Antarctic CRC Brett Goldsworthy CTD Antarctic CRC Phil Reid CTD Antarctic CRC Mark Rosenberg CTD, moorings Antarctic CRC Chris Zweck CTD Antarctic CRC Steve Bell salinity, oxygen, nutrients Antarctic CRC Stephen Bray salinity, oxygen, nutrients Antarctic CRC Martina Doblin oxygen Antarctic CRC Mick Mackey primary productivity Antarctic CRC Rick van den Enden biological sampling Antarctic Division Ian Jameson biological sampling Antarctic Division Ian Allison voyage leader, sea ice Antarctic Division Petra Heil sea ice Antarctic CRC Ian Knott sea ice, electronics Antarctic CRC Vicky Lytle sea ice Antarctic CRC Rob Massom sea ice Antarctic CRC Anton Rada sea ice Antarctic Division Tony Worby deputy voyage leader, sea ice Antarctic Division Greg Bush upward looking sonar Curtin University Alec Duncan upward looking sonar Curtin University Kevin Bartram ornithology Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union Dion Hobcroft ornithology Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union Peter Gill whale observations Ocean Research Foundation Debbie Thiele whale observations Ocean Research Foundation Pamela Brodie computing Antarctic Division Andrew Climie doctor Antarctic Division Vera Hansper computing Antarctic Division Graham Hosie sea ice biology Antarctic Division Andrew McEldowney gear officer Antarctic Division Tim Pauly hydroacoustics Antarctic Division Tim Ryan underway measurements Antarctic Division Hyong-chul Shin sea ice biology Antarctic Division Wojciech Wierzbicki electronics Antarctic Division Peter Colpo helicopters Helicopter Resources Adrian Pate helicopters Helicopter Resources Rick Piacenza helicopters Helicopter Resources Ian McCarthy weather forecaster Bureau of Meteorology 1.4 FIELD DATA COLLECTION METHODS 1.4.1 CTD and hydrology measurements In this section, CTD and hydrology data collection and processing methods are discussed. Preliminary results of the CTD data calibration, along with data quality information, are presented in Section 1.6. CTD instrumentation and CTD and hydrology data collection techniques are described in detail in Rosenberg et al. (1995b). Water sampling methods are also detailed in previous data reports. CTD Instrumentation Briefly, General Oceanics Mark IIIC (i.e. WOCE upgraded) CTD units were used, with General Oceanics model 1015 pylons, and 10 litre General Oceanics Niskin bottles. A 24 position rosette package was deployed for stations 1 to 52 and 202 to 208 along the SR3 transect, with deep sea reversing thermometers (Gohla- Precision) mounted at rosette positions 2, 12 and 24. A Li-Cor photosynthetically active radiation sensor and Sea-Tech fluorometer were also attached to the package for some casts (Table 1.20). For stations 53 to 201, a 12 position rosette package was deployed. For most FORMEX stations, 6 bottles only were mounted, at alternate rosette positions, and with reversing thermometers at rosette position 2. Extra bottles were mounted for some FORMEX stations for the collection of biological samples (Table 1.3). For stations 101 to 105, 12 Niskin bottles were mounted. CTD instrument and data calibration Complete calibration information for the CTD pressure, platinum temperature and pressure temperature sensors are presented in Table 1.22. Post cruise pressure, platinum temperature and pressure temperature calibrations, performed at the CSIRO Division of Marine Research Calibration Facility, were available for all CTD units. The complete CTD conductivity and the limited CTD dissolved oxygen calibrations, derived respectively from the in situ Niskin bottle salinity and dissolved oxygen samples, are presented in a later section. Manufacturer supplied calibrations were applied to the p.a.r. data, while fluorometer calibrations were performed at the Antarctic Division (Table 1.22). These calibrations are not expected to be correct - correct scaling of fluorescence data requires linkage with primary productivity data, while p.a.r. data requires recalculation using extinction coefficients for the signal strength (B. Griffiths, pers. comm.). The CTD and hydrology data processing and calibration techniques are described in detail in Appendix 2 of Rosenberg et al. (1995b) (referred to as "CTD methodology" for the remainder of the report), with the following updates to the methodology: (i) the 10 seconds of CTD data prior to each bottle firing are averaged to form the CTD upcast for use in calibration (5 seconds was used previously); (ii) for stations 30 to 44, the minimum number of data points required in a 2 dbar bin to form an average was set to 6 (i.e. jmin=6; for other stations, jmin=10); (iii) in the conductivity calibration for stations 30 to 44, an additional term was applied to remove the pressure dependent conductivity residual; (iv) CTD raw data obtained from the CTD logging PC's no longer contain end of record characters after every 128 bytes. CTD/hydrology data collection techniques in cold conditions Extreme cold was experienced for much of the cruise (Figure 1.2*), and most of the time during FORMEX the oceanographic operations were conducted in consolidated sea ice. As a result, new methods had to be developed for deployment of the rosette package. In particular, great care had to be taken to minimize freezing of the CTD sensors. After arriving on station, the ship had to first clear a hole in the sea ice (in thicker ice, this operation took up to 1 hour). During the CTD cast, stern thrusters were used to keep ice clear of the CTD wire. Bow thruster usage was minimized during FORMEX, to ensure good ADCP data whilst on station. Figure 1.2*: Air temperature and wind speed and direction for cruise AU9501 from ship's underway data, including times of various cruise components (SR3 and FORMEX laps 1, 2 and 3). Note that decimal time = 0.0 at midnight of 31st December (so, e.g., midday on 2nd January = 1.5). CTD sensor caps were filled with hypersaline water to depress the freezing point of water on the sensors. To minimize exposure of the sensors to the cold air, the caps were not drained until the package was about to be lowered into the water; and the package was lowered promptly, and while still moving out towards the end of the gantry. Adherence to these steps minimized sensor freezing, however near surface downcast conductivity data were still affected by a thin film of frozen water remaining on the conductivity cell. Upcast data were therefore used for stations 53 to 201. When the package was retrieved, water was often frozen in the Niskin bottle spiggots, and sampling was delayed by approximately 10 to 15 minutes to allow thawing of the spiggots. On several occasions, the flow during sampling for dissolved oxygen was interrupted due to incomplete thawing, causing a long delay between opening of the Niskin bottle vent valve and taking of the sample. Dissolved oxygen samples thus affected were not analysed. Hydrology analytical methods The analytical techniques and data processing routines employed in the Hydrographic Laboratory onboard the ship are discussed in Appendix 3 of Rosenberg et al. (1995b). Note the following changes to the methodology: (i) 150 ml sample bottles were used, and 1.0 ml of reagents 1, 2 and 3 were used; the corresponding calculated value for the total amount of oxygen added with the reagents = 0.017 ml; (ii) a mean volume of 147.00 ml for oxygen sample bottles was applied in the calculation of dissolved oxygen concentration. 1.4.2 Underway measurements Underway data collection is as described in previous data reports; data files are described in Part 5. Note that a sound speed of 1498 ms-1 is used for all depth calculations, and the ship's draught of 7.3 m has been accounted for in final depth values (i.e. depths are values from the surface). Table 1.6: ADCP logging parameters. ping parameters bottom track ping parameters no. of bins: 60 no. of bins: 128 bin length: 8 m bin length: 4 m pulse length: 8 m pulse length: 32 m delay: 4 m ping interval: minimum ping interval: same as profiling pings reference layer averaging: bins 3 to 6 ensemble averaging duration: 3 min. 1.4.3 ADCP The acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) instrumentation is described in Rosenberg et al. (1996). GPS data was collected by a Lowrance receiver for the first half of the cruise, and a Koden receiver for the second half. Note that the Lowrance unit received GPS positions every 2 seconds, and GPS velocities every 2 seconds, with positions and velocities received on alternate seconds; the Koden unit received both GPS positions and velocities every 1 second. ADCP data processing is discussed in more detail in Dunn (a and b, unpublished reports). Logging parameters are summarised in Table 1.6, while data results for this cruise will be discussed in a future report. 1.5 MAJOR PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED 1.5.1 Logistics Rough weather on the return northward leg prevented CTD measurements being taken at 3 of the inverted echo sounder mooring locations (mooring numbers I3, I5 and I7). Time was not available to wait for calmer conditions. 1.5.2 CTD sensors No good CTD dissolved oxygen data was obtained from CTD 1103. The problem, not diagnosed until after the cruise, was traced to an incorrectly wired oxygen sensor bulkhead connector (a factory fault). As a result, usable CTD dissolved oxygen data was only obtained from the limited number of stations where CTD 1193 was used. The conductivity cell for CTD 1193 was faulty, displaying a large transient error when first entering the water (requiring several minutes to drift to a stable value), large hysteresis between the down and upcasts, and significant pressure dependent residuals. Conductivity data was recoverable for stations 30 to 41 (see section 1.6), but was unusable for stations 42 to 44 and 104 to 105. Following station 50, a crack was discovered in the housing window for the photosynthetically active radiation sensor. The sensor was not used for the remainder of the cruise. 1.5.3 Other equipment Very cold conditions were experienced during the cruise (Figure 1.2*). When the air temperature dropped below -20°C, icing of the CTD wire became a problem, causing jamming of the wire in the spooling sheath. On the worst occasion, several turns came off the winch drum, and several hundred metres of wire were badly kinked. The Lowrance GPS receiver, accessed by the ADCP logging system, failed on 13/07/95. The replacement Koden unit came on line on 16/07/95. The missing 3 days of GPS data for the ADCP were obtained from data logged by the Magnavox GPS unit. 1.6 CTD RESULTS This section details information relevant to the creation and quality of the final CTD and hydrology data set. For actual use of the data, the following is important: CTD data - Tables 1.14 and 1.15, and Table 1.7; hydrology data - Table 1.19. Historical data comparisons are made in Part 4 of this report. Data file formats are described in Part 5. 1.6.1 CTD measurements - data creation and quality CTD data calibration and processing methods are described in detail in the CTD methodology (i.e. Appendix 2 of Rosenberg et al., 1995b, with the additions listed in section of this report). Cases for cruise au9501 which vary from this methodology are detailed in this section. CTD data quality is also discussed. For conversion to WOCE data file formats, see Part 5 of this report. The final calibration results for conductivity/salinity and dissolved oxygen, along with the performance check for temperature, are plotted in Figures 1.3* to 1.6*. For temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, the respective residuals (T(therm) - T(cal)), (s(btl) - s(cal)) and (o(btl) - o(cal)) are plotted. For conductivity, the ratio c(btl)/c(cal) is plotted. T(therm) and T(cal) are respectively the protected thermometer and calibrated upcast CTD burst temperature values; s(btl), s(cal), o(btl), o(cal), c(btl) and c(cal), and the mean and standard deviation values in Figures 1.3* to 1.6*, are as defined in the CTD methodology (with additional definitions described below for cases where a pressure dependent residual is removed from conductivity data). Conductivity/salinity An excellent conductivity calibration was obtained for CTD 1103 (stations 1-29, 45-103 and 106-208) - after calibrating against bottle data, low residuals were obtained between CTD and bottle values (Figures 1.4a* and 1.5a*). Note that a new conductivity cell was installed on this CTD at the start of the cruise. Upcast CTD data was used for stations 53 to 103 and 106-201, owing to sensor freezing (as described in section The conductivity cell for CTD 1193 (stations 30-44 and 104-105) was faulty, as described in section 1.5.2. Upcast CTD data were used for these stations, due to the large transient error in conductivity when entering the water, and the significant hysteresis between downcast and upcast conductivity data. The pressure dependent conductivity residual for this cell was removed by the following steps: (a) CTD conductivity was initially calibrated to derive conductivity residuals (c(btl) - c(cal)), where c(btl) and c(cal) are as defined in the CTD methodology, noting that c(cal) is the conductivity value after the initial calibration only i.e. prior to any pressure dependent correction. (b) Next, for each station grouping (Table 1.9), a linear pressure dependent fit was found for the conductivity residuals i.e. for station grouping i, fit parameters alpha-i (Table 1.9) and beta-i were found from (c(btl) - c(cal))n = alpha-i p-n + beta-i (eqn 1.1) where the residuals (c(btl) - c(cal))-n and corresponding pressures p-n (i.e. pressures where Niskin bottles fired) are all the values accepted for conductivity calibration in the station grouping. (c) Lastly, the conductivity calibration was repeated, this time fitting (c(ctd) + alpha-i p) to the bottle values c(btl) in order to remove the linear pressure dependence for each station grouping i (for uncalibrated conductivity c(ctd) as defined in the CTD methodology; and note that the offsets alpha-i were not applied). A good conductivity calibration was obtained for stations 30 to 41 using this method (Figures 1.4b* and 1.5b*). However for stations 42 to 44 and 104 to 105, the conductivity data was not recoverable, owing to rapid deterioration of the cell. The final standard deviation values for the salinity residuals (Figure 1.5*) indicate the CTD salinity data over the whole cruise is accurate to within ±0.002 (PSS78). Temperature The comparison of CTD and thermometer temperatures is shown in Figure 1.3*. The thermometer value used in each case is the mean of the two protected thermometer readings (protected thermometers used are listed in Table 1.21). Note that in the figures*, the "dubious" and "rejected" categories refer to corresponding bottle samples and upcast CTD bursts in the conductivity calibration, rather than to CTD/thermometer temperature values. Platinum temperature sensor performance of CTD's 1103 and 1193 is not consistent, as shown by the different offsets in Figures 1.3a* and b*. For CTD 1193 (Figure 1.3b*), the offset is small (~+0.001°C), indicating a reliable laboratory calibration of the platinum temperature sensor. The offset for CTD 1103 of ~-0.007°C (Figure 1.3a*), using the post cruise temperature calibration, is large. If the pre cruise temperature calibration (September 1994) is applied, the offset is ~+0.007°C, thus a significant calibration drift occurred for this CTD between the two laboratory calibrations. No attempt has been made to correct for this calibration drift, and the post cruise calibration is maintained. Note that over the actual period of the cruise, there was little calibration drift for CTD 1103, other than a possible small drift for stations 202-208 (although these stations were too few in number to confirm the trend). Pressure As described in previous data reports, noise in the pressure signal for CTD 1193 (used for stations 30 to 44 and 104 to 105) was high, with spikes of up to 1 dbar amplitude occurring, and with a large number of missing 2 dbar bins resulting. The number of missing bins was reduced by setting to 6 the minimum number of data points required in a 2 dbar bin to form an average (i.e. jmin=6; for CTD 1103 stations, jmin=10). For remaining missing bins, values were linearly interpolated between surrounding bins, except where the local temperature gradient exceeded 0.005°C between the surrounding bins i.e. temperature gradient > 0.00125 degrees/dbar. For stations 22, 128 and 190, data logging commenced when the CTD was already in the water, so surface pressure offset values were estimated from surrounding stations. For stations 144 and 168, conductivity cell freezing interfered with the automatic estimation of surface pressure offsets (see CTD methodology), so surface pressure offset values were estimated from a manual inspection of the pressure data. Note that for all these stations, any resulting additional error in the CTD pressure data is judged to be small (no more than 0.2 dbar). Dissolved oxygen Usable CTD dissolved oxygen data was only obtained from CTD 1193, stations 30 to 41, as discussed in section 1.5.2. For these stations, downcast oxygen temperature and oxygen current data were merged with the upcast pressure, temperature and conductivity data (upcast dissolved oxygen data is in general not reliable). With this data set, calibration of the dissolved oxygen data then followed the usual methodology. Note that for many of these stations, near surface CTD dissolved oxygen data were bad (Table 1.12). A small additional error in CTD dissolved oxygen data is expected to occur from the merging of downcast oxygen data with upcast pressure, temperature and conductivity data - where horizontal gradients occur, there will be some mismatch of downcast and upcast data as the ship drifts during a CTD cast. At most, this error is not expected to exceed ~3%. The dissolved oxygen residuals are plotted in Figure 1.6*. The final standard deviation values are within ~1.2% of full scale values (where full scale is approximately equal to 250 µmol/l for pressure > 750 dbar, and 350 µmol/l for pressure < 750 dbar). Note that the standard deviation values are a little larger than for previous cruises, indicating a larger spread in the residuals for each station (Figure 1.6). The best calibration was achieved using large values of the order 13.0 for the coefficient K1 (i.e. oxygen current slope), and large negative values of the order -2.0 for the coefficient K3 (i.e. oxygen current bias) (Table 1.16). This, however, is not considered relevant to actual data quality. Fluorescence and P.A.R. data As discussed in section 1.4 above, fluorescence and p.a.r. are effectively uncalibrated. These data should not be used quantitatively other than for linkage with primary productivity data. Table 1.7: Summary of cautions to CTD data quality. station no. CTD parameter caution 1 salinity test cast - all bottles fired at same depth; salinity accuracy reduced 22 pressure surface pressure offset estimated from surrounding stations 31 oxygen dissolved oxygen data could not be calibrated due to bad bottle data 42-44 oxygen no CTD dissolved oxygen data due to bad conductivity data 45 salinity most bottles tripped on the fly, which may introduce small inaccuracy into the conductivity calibration 104-105 all parameters data not used for these stations (test casts only) 128 pressure surface pressure offset estimated from surrounding stations 144 pressure surface pressure offset estimated manually 168 pressure surface pressure offset estimated manually 190 pressure surface pressure offset estimated from surrounding stations 1-29, 45-208 oxygen no CTD dissolved oxygen data due to faulty hardware 30-41 salinity additional correction applied for pressure dependent conductivity residual all CTD1103 stns temperature offset between CTD and reversing thermometer data all stns fluorescence/p.a.r. fluorescence and p.a.r. sensors (where active) are uncalibrated Summary of CTD data creation stations 1-29 and 42-208: no CTD dissolved oxygen data; stations 30-44: all CTD data from upcast (except dissolved oxygen); pressure dependent conductivity residual removed; stations 53-103 and 106-201: all CTD data from upcast; Further information relevant to the creation of the calibrated CTD data is tabulated, as follows: * Surface pressure offsets calculated for each station are listed in Table 1.8. * CTD conductivity calibration coefficients, including the station groupings used for the conductivity calibration, are listed in Tables 1.9 and 1.10. * CTD raw data scans flagged for special treatment are listed in Table 1.11. * Missing 2 dbar data averages are listed in Table 1.12. * 2 dbar bins which are linearly interpolated from surrounding bins are listed in Table 1.13. * Suspect 2 dbar averages are listed in Tables 1.14 and 1.15. * CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients are listed in Table 1.16. The starting values used for the coefficients prior to iteration, and the coefficients varied during the iteration, are listed in Table 1.17. * Stations containing fluorescence and photosynthetically active radiation data are listed in Table 1.20. * The different protected and unprotected thermometers used for the stations are listed in Table 1.21. * Laboratory calibration coefficients for the CTD's are listed in Table 1.22. Summary of CTD data quality CTD data quality cautions for the various parameters are summarised in Table 1.7. 1.6.2 Hydrology data Quality control information relevant to the hydrology data is tabulated, as follows: * Dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle samples flagged with the code -9 (rejected for CTD dissolved oxygen calibration) are listed in Table 1.18. * Questionable nutrient Niskin bottle sample values are listed in Table 1.19. Note that questionable values are included in the hydrology data file, whereas bad values have been removed. Also note that there are no questionable dissolved oxygen bottle samples. For station 45, the cast was abandoned at ~1000 m above the bottom on the downcast, due to ice bearing down on the ship. During retrieval, bottles at rosette positions 2 to 19 were tripped while the instrument package was still moving. Nutrients As discussed in previous data reports, additional "dummy" samples drawn from the Niskin bottles were inserted in autoanalyser runs immediately following wash solution vials to artificially mask the suppression effect on subsequent phosphate samples (see section 6.2.1 in Rosenberg et al., 1995b). As a result, no phosphate data was lost. Laboratory temperature on the ship was stable, with lab temperatures at the times of nutrient analyses having a most common value of 18°C. Dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen bottle data for stations 14, 23, 31 and 44 were unusable, as the bottles had not been adequately shaken following the addition of reagents during sampling. Dissolved oxygen bottle values for stations 1 to 21 are ~6µmol/l smaller than for the remaining stations, due to drift of the laboratory standardisation values for the first 21 stations. See Part 4 of this report for a more detailed discussion. Table 1.8: Surface pressure offsets (as defined in the CTD methodology). ** indicates that value is estimated from surrounding stations, or else determined from manual inspection of pressure data. station surface p station surface p station surface p station surface p number offset (dbar) number offset (dbar) number offset (dbar) number offset (dbar) 1 0.99 53 0.13 105 - 157 1.04 2 0.63 54 0.33 106 0.23 158 1.14 3 0.49 55 0.21 107 0.78 159 1.26 4 0.46 56 0.14 108 1.21 160 0.95 5 0.50 57 -0.23 109 1.13 161 0.85 6 0.28 58 -0.24 110 0.78 162 1.04 7 0.18 59 0.05 111 1.08 163 0.97 8 0.45 60 -0.16 112 1.12 164 0.97 9 0.17 61 0.25 113 0.86 165 0.59 10 0.42 62 0.29 114 0.65 166 1.15 11 -0.23 63 0.13 115 1.04 167 0.78 12 0.22 64 -0.14 116 0.97 168 0.78** 13 0.13 65 0.27 117 0.95 169 1.29 14 0.13 66 0.23 118 0.61 170 1.04 15 -0.11 67 -0.06 119 0.77 171 1.21 16 0.14 68 0.35 120 1.17 172 0.97 17 -0.01 69 0.13 121 1.17 173 1.14 18 -0.19 70 0.05 122 1.19 174 0.96 19 0.00 71 -0.11 123 1.12 175 0.96 20 -0.22 72 0.26 124 1.09 176 0.71 21 0.00 73 0.33 125 1.06 177 0.98 22 0.00** 74 0.44 126 0.98 178 0.91 23 -0.57 75 0.12 127 1.13 179 0.78 24 0.05 76 0.23 128 1.00** 180 1.17 25 -0.28 77 0.26 129 0.88 181 0.71 26 -0.45 78 0.57 130 0.66 182 0.70 27 -0.29 79 0.48 131 1.03 183 0.87 28 -0.40 80 0.46 132 0.68 184 0.51 29 -0.47 81 0.32 133 0.98 185 0.86 30 -0.69 82 0.31 134 0.67 186 1.40 31 -0.66 83 0.36 135 1.01 187 0.86 32 -1.26 84 0.26 136 0.82 188 0.73 33 -2.29 85 0.09 137 0.98 189 0.69 34 -1.90 86 0.28 138 0.82 190 0.66** 35 -1.30 87 0.12 139 1.03 191 0.63 36 -0.79 88 0.30 140 0.74 192 0.82 37 -1.15 89 0.29 141 0.96 193 0.81 38 -1.21 90 0.12 142 0.99 194 0.93 39 -1.73 91 0.80 143 0.55 195 1.10 40 -0.98 92 0.18 144 0.45** 196 0.65 41 -0.71 93 0.62 145 0.41 197 1.00 42 -1.08 94 0.40 146 0.72 198 0.70 43 -1.26 95 0.26 147 0.53 199 0.60 44 -0.80 96 0.46 148 0.56 200 0.79 45 0.65 97 0.14 149 0.56 201 0.82 46 0.23 98 0.29 150 0.36 202 0.68 47 -0.06 99 0.73 151 0.82 203 0.70 48 0.19 100 0.26 152 1.16 204 0.27 49 0.09 101 0.29 153 0.69 205 0.60 50 -0.02 102 0.46 154 0.56 206 0.70 51 -0.01 103 0.64 155 0.91 207 0.65 52 -0.30 104 - 156 0.94 208 0.52 Figure 1.3*: Temperature residual (T(therm) - T(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9501 for stations using (a) CTD1103, and (b) CTD 1193. The solid line is the mean of all the residuals; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of all the residuals (see CTD methodology). Note that the "dubious" and "rejected" categories refer to the conductivity calibration. Figure 1.4*: Conductivity ratio c(btl)/c(cal) versus station number for cruise au9501 for stations using (a) CTD1103, and (b) CTD1193. The solid line follows the mean of the residuals for each station; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of the residuals for each station (see CTD methodology). Figure 1.5*: Salinity residual (s(btl) - s(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9501 for stations using (a) CTD1103, and (b) CTD1193. The solid line is the mean of all the residuals; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of all the residuals (see CTD methodology). Figure 1.6*: Dissolved oxygen residual (o(btl) - o(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9501 (CTD1193 stations only). Table 1.9: CTD conductivity calibration coefficients. F1 , F2 and F3 are respectively conductivity bias, slope and station-dependent correction calibration terms. n is the number of samples retained for calibration in each station grouping; sigma is the standard deviation of the conductivity residual for the n samples in the station grouping (see CTD methodology); alpha is the correction applied to CTD conductivities due to pressure dependence of the conductivity residuals for stations 30 to 41 (eqn 1.1). stn grouping F1 F2 F3 n sigma alpha 001 to 003 -.15532800 0.10106622E-02 -.11470793E-08 43 0.001506 004 to 006 -.12422183 0.10097721E-02 -.22838255E-07 66 0.001231 007 to 011 -.11687464 0.10094945E-02 -.12108803E-07 108 0.001224 012 to 013 -.10839249 0.10098253E-02 -.56286375E-07 43 0.001083 014 to 017 -.10910666 0.10089800E-02 0.85821839E-08 85 0.001106 018 to 024 -.10605356 0.10089344E-02 0.58253139E-08 152 0.001306 025 to 026 -.11794039 0.10094659E-02 -.15959792E-08 43 0.001174 027 to 029 -.11923390 0.10095053E-02 -.73952908E-09 65 0.000989 030 to 032 -.84092238E-01 0.94275256E-03 0.65573267E-08 70 0.001063 1.207501E-06 033 to 037 -.83614084E-01 0.94281093E-03 0.34424272E-08 114 0.000946 1.239768E-06 038 to 041 -.84436830E-01 0.94285378E-03 0.28708290E-08 91 0.000948 1.321621E-06 042 to 044 - - - - - - 045 to 047 -.50710766E-01 0.10080721E-02 -.17528905E-07 66 0.000900 048 to 050 -.55259689E-01 0.10074674E-02 -.12693342E-09 69 0.001153 051 to 052 -.51316066E-01 0.10065250E-02 0.14941010E-07 45 0.000960 053 to 056 -.42571330E-01 0.10096393E-02 -.47862704E-07 22 0.000847 057 to 061 -.46105712E-01 0.10066443E-02 0.76930518E-08 28 0.001093 062 to 068 -.36372532E-01 0.10063733E-02 0.69886140E-08 37 0.001138 069 to 071 -.56595171E-01 0.10105745E-02 -.42261552E-07 17 0.001753 072 to 074 -.43002639E-01 0.10087385E-02 -.23044300E-07 15 0.000988 075 to 083 -.46658731E-01 0.10068495E-02 0.30955746E-08 48 0.001327 084 to 086 -.42416890E-01 0.10070047E-02 -.50938148E-09 15 0.000828 087 to 089 -.31545437E-01 0.10082777E-02 -.19533903E-07 17 0.001211 090 to 092 -.28704235E-01 0.10077391E-02 -.13458843E-07 17 0.000965 093 to 094 -.49118959E-01 0.10094562E-02 -.23536990E-07 11 0.000925 095 to 097 -.62152866E-01 0.10025474E-02 0.53099831E-07 14 0.00157 098 to 101 -.14314088E-01 0.10047888E-02 0.12315666E-07 27 0.001345 102 to 103 -.34956256E-01 0.10099761E-02 -.31950269E-07 22 0.001035 104 to 105 - - - - - - 106 to 107 -.23593039E-01 0.10371770E-02 -.28856875E-06 11 0.001335 108 to 109 -.19791365E-01 0.10130541E-02 -.63060262E-07 12 0.001446 110 to 112 -.49023601E-01 0.10131578E-02 -.53759663E-07 15 0.003549 113 to 129 -.40135147E-01 0.10069183E-02 -.85806002E-09 86 0.001647 130 to 132 -.85296545E-02 0.10054166E-02 0.27726516E-08 14 0.001904 133 to 134 -.25781684E-01 0.10052848E-02 0.71546988E-08 12 0.001136 135 to 137 -.42318480E-01 0.10019220E-02 0.34902679E-07 12 0.002036 138 to 140 -.14699730E-01 0.10035095E-02 0.14410654E-07 17 0.001514 141 to 144 -.19358440E-01 0.10084928E-02 -.19248580E-07 24 0.001984 145 to 148 -.28011470E-01 0.10051157E-02 0.68803976E-08 22 0.002432 149 to 151 0.25657995E-01 0.10022988E-02 0.11828427E-07 14 0.002039 152 to 153 -.45270083E-01 0.98897546E-03 0.11541208E-06 11 0.001242 154 to 162 -.31067531E-01 0.10055354E-02 0.36686988E-10 51 0.001819 163 to 167 -.34521659E-01 0.10018974E-02 0.23188345E-07 29 0.002383 168 to 171 -.38682948E-01 0.10051592E-02 0.46065747E-08 19 0.001338 172 to 174 -.38558169E-01 0.10161118E-02 -.58916707E-07 14 0.002094 175 to 177 -.38509621E-01 0.10074843E-02 -.87849944E-08 14 0.000734 178 to 180 -.55547340E-01 0.10069200E-02 -.19492192E-08 18 0.001820 181 to 183 -.33533182E-01 0.99319718E-03 0.69701424E-07 16 0.001522 184 to 188 -.30982703E-01 0.10032052E-02 0.14044956E-07 26 0.001601 189 to 191 -.15491941E-01 0.99199340E-03 0.69487626E-07 16 0.002096 192 to 195 -.28909825E-01 0.10034465E-02 0.11624303E-07 24 0.002599 196 to 197 0.21113085E-01 0.99194842E-03 0.61703687E-07 12 0.003203 198 to 201 -.28802603E-01 0.10147873E-02 -.44840249E-07 21 0.002606 202 to 204 -.73871355E-01 0.10032132E-02 0.20954622E-07 68 0.001897 205 to 208 -.10645228 0.10152894E-02 -.31595576E-07 78 0.001305 Table 1.10: Station-dependent-corrected conductivity slope term (F2 + F3 . N), for station number N, and F2 and F3 the conductivity slope and station-dependent correction calibration terms respectively. stn (F2 + F3 . N) stn (F2 + F3 . N) stn (F2 + F3 . N) stn (F2 + F3 . N) no. no. no. no. 1 0.10106610E-02 53 0.10071026E-02 105 - 157 0.10055412E-02 2 0.10106599E-02 54 0.10070547E-02 106 0.10065887E-02 158 0.10055412E-02 3 0.10106587E-02 55 0.10070069E-02 107 0.10063001E-02 159 0.10055412E-02 4 0.10096808E-02 56 0.10069590E-02 108 0.10062436E-02 160 0.10055413E-02 5 0.10096579E-02 57 0.10070828E-02 109 0.10061805E-02 161 0.10055413E-02 6 0.10096351E-02 58 0.10070905E-02 110 0.10072443E-02 162 0.10055413E-02 7 0.10094098E-02 59 0.10070982E-02 111 0.10071905E-02 163 0.10056771E-02 8 0.10093977E-02 60 0.10071059E-02 112 0.10071368E-02 164 0.10057003E-02 9 0.10093856E-02 61 0.10071136E-02 113 0.10068213E-02 165 0.10057235E-02 10 0.10093735E-02 62 0.10068066E-02 114 0.10068205E-02 166 0.10057467E-02 11 0.10093613E-02 63 0.10068135E-02 115 0.10068196E-02 167 0.10057699E-02 12 0.10091499E-02 64 0.10068205E-02 116 0.10068188E-02 168 0.10059331E-02 13 0.10090936E-02 65 0.10068275E-02 117 0.10068179E-02 169 0.10059377E-02 14 0.10091001E-02 66 0.10068345E-02 118 0.10068170E-02 170 0.10059423E-02 15 0.10091087E-02 67 0.10068415E-02 119 0.10068162E-02 171 0.10059469E-02 16 0.10091173E-02 68 0.10068485E-02 120 0.10068153E-02 172 0.10059781E-02 17 0.10091259E-02 69 0.10076584E-02 121 0.10068145E-02 173 0.10059192E-02 18 0.10090393E-02 70 0.10076162E-02 122 0.10068136E-02 174 0.10058603E-02 19 0.10090451E-02 71 0.10075739E-02 123 0.10068127E-02 175 0.10059469E-02 20 0.10090510E-02 72 0.10070793E-02 124 0.10068119E-02 176 0.10059381E-02 21 0.10090568E-02 73 0.10070563E-02 125 0.10068110E-02 177 0.10059294E-02 22 0.10090626E-02 74 0.10070333E-02 126 0.10068102E-02 178 0.10065731E-02 23 0.10090684E-02 75 0.10070817E-02 127 0.10068093E-02 179 0.10065711E-02 24 0.10090743E-02 76 0.10070848E-02 128 0.10068085E-02 180 0.10065692E-02 25 0.10094260E-02 77 0.10070879E-02 129 0.10068076E-02 181 0.10058131E-02 26 0.10094244E-02 78 0.10070910E-02 130 0.10057770E-02 182 0.10058828E-02 27 0.10094854E-02 79 0.10070941E-02 131 0.10057798E-02 183 0.10059525E-02 28 0.10094846E-02 80 0.10070972E-02 132 0.10057826E-02 184 0.10057895E-02 29 0.10094839E-02 81 0.10071003E-02 133 0.10062364E-02 185 0.10058036E-02 30 0.94294928E-03 82 0.10071034E-02 134 0.10062436E-02 186 0.10058176E-02 31 0.94295584E-03 83 0.10071065E-02 135 0.10066339E-02 187 0.10058317E-02 32 0.94296239E-03 84 0.10069620E-02 136 0.10066688E-02 188 0.10058457E-02 33 0.94292453E-03 85 0.10069614E-02 137 0.10067037E-02 189 0.10051266E-02 34 0.94292798E-03 86 0.10069609E-02 138 0.10054981E-02 190 0.10051960E-02 35 0.94293142E-03 87 0.10065783E-02 139 0.10055126E-02 191 0.10052655E-02 36 0.94293486E-03 88 0.10065588E-02 140 0.10055270E-02 192 0.10056784E-02 37 0.94293830E-03 89 0.10065392E-02 141 0.10057787E-02 193 0.10056900E-02 38 0.94296287E-03 90 0.10065278E-02 142 0.10057595E-02 194 0.10057016E-02 39 0.94296574E-03 91 0.10065143E-02 143 0.10057402E-02 195 0.10057133E-02 40 0.94296861E-03 92 0.10065008E-02 144 0.10057210E-02 196 0.10040423E-02 41 0.94297148E-03 93 0.10072673E-02 145 0.10061134E-02 197 0.10041040E-02 42 - 94 0.10072437E-02 146 0.10061203E-02 198 0.10059090E-02 43 - 95 0.10075919E-02 147 0.10061271E-02 199 0.10058641E-02 44 - 96 0.10076450E-02 148 0.10061340E-02 200 0.10058193E-02 45 0.10072833E-02 97 0.10076981E-02 149 0.10040612E-02 201 0.10057744E-02 46 0.10072658E-02 98 0.10059957E-02 150 0.10040730E-02 202 0.10074460E-02 47 0.10072483E-02 99 0.10060080E-02 151 0.10040849E-02 203 0.10074670E-02 48 0.10074613E-02 100 0.10060203E-02 152 0.10065181E-02 204 0.10074879E-02 49 0.10074612E-02 101 0.10060327E-02 153 0.10066335E-02 205 0.10088123E-02 50 0.10074611E-02 102 0.10067172E-02 154 0.10055411E-02 206 0.10087808E-02 51 0.10072870E-02 103 0.10066853E-02 155 0.10055411E-02 207 0.10087492E-02 52 0.10073019E-02 104 - 156 0.10055411E-02 208 0.10087176E-02 Table 1.11: CTD raw data scans, mostly in the vicinity of artificial density inversions, flagged for special treatment. Note that the pressure listed is approximate only; possible actions taken are either to ignore the raw data scans for all further calculations, or to apply a linear interpolation over the region of the bad data scans. Causes of bad data, listed in the last column, are detailed in the CTD methodology. For the raw scan number ranges, the lowest and highest scan numbers are not included in the ignore or interpolate actions. station approximate raw scan action reason number pressure (dbar) numbers taken 11 829 48358-48395 ignore fouling of cond. cell 16 612 47637-47757 ignore fouling of cond. cell 19 1850 75468-75585 ignore fouling of cond. cell 23 206 16580-16738 ignore wake effect 27 3030 126764-126858 ignore fouling of cond. cell 49 234 21892-21901 ignore fouling of cond. cell 68 458 19625-19640 ignore fouling of cond. cell 81 20 43646-43867 ignore fouling of cond. cell 100 12 33403-33449 ignore fouling of cond. cell 204 186 13007-13104 ignore wake effect 208 2468 100929-100979 ignore fouling of cond. cell Table 1.12: Missing data points in 2 dbar-averaged files. "1" indicates missing data for the indicated parameters: T=temperature; S=salinity, sigma-T, specific volume anomaly and geopotential anomaly; O=dissolved oxygen; PAR= photosynthetically active radiation; F=fluorescence. Note that jmin is the minimum number of data points required in a 2 dbar bin to form the 2 dbar average (see CTD methodology). station pressures (dbar) reason number where data missing T S O PAR F 7 1202 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 16 612 1 1 1 fouling of cond. cell 16 804 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 22 2-26 1 1 1 CTD data logging started at 27 dbar 30 2022, 2844 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 30 2-68 1 bad oxygen data 31 entire profile 1 no bottle data for calibration 32 310 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 33 3638 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 34 322 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 35 14-48 1 bad oxygen data 36 2-26 1 bad oxygen data 37 2324,2686,2974,4182 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 37 2-22,76 1 bad oxygen data 38 2-28 1 bad oxygen data 39 130, 1934 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 39 12-28 1 bad oxygen data 40 244 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 40 18-34 1 bad oxygen data 41 10-28 1 bad oxygen data 42-44 entire profile 1 1 bad conductivity data 43 4466 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 104 entire profile 1 1 1 data not used 105 entire profile 1 1 1 data not used 206 672 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 1-29 entire profile 1 faulty oxygen sensor hardware 45-103 entire profile 1 faulty oxygen sensor hardware 106-208 entire profile 1 faulty oxygen sensor hardware 51-208 entire profile 1 PAR sensor not installed 5-208 entire profile 1 fluorometer not installed Table 1.13: 2 dbar averages interpolated from surrounding 2 dbar values, for the indicated paramaters: T=temperature; S=salinity, sigma-T, specific volume anomaly and geopotential anomaly; O=dissolved oxygen; PAR=photosynthetically active radiation. station interpolated parameters number 2 dbar values interpolated 19 1782, 1850 T, S, PAR 27 3032 T, S, PAR 30 560,608,1122 T, S, PAR 31 3076 T, S, PAR 32 300,440,882,902,2260,2454,3064 T, S, PAR 33 666,856,900 T, S, PAR 34 544 T, S, PAR 35 1466,2072,2960 T, S, PAR 36 1672, 4048 T, S, PAR 37 570,1774,2164 T, S, PAR 38 1428 T, S, PAR 39 948,1380,1526,1566 T, S, PAR 40 676,1926,3196 T, S, PAR 41 4036 T, S, PAR 81 18, 20 T, S 204 2042 T, S 205 1784 T, S Table 1.14a: Suspect 2 dbar averages. Note: for suspect salinity values, the following are also suspect: sigma-T, specific volume anomaly, and geopotential anomaly. station suspect 2 dbar values (dbar) reason number bad questionable Suspect salinity values 2 142 - salinity spike due to wake effect 13 - 304 salinity spike in steep local gradient 14 - 328-330 salinity spike in steep local gradient 16 - 386-388 salinity spike in steep local gradient 19 - 266-268 salinity spike in steep local gradient Table 1.14b: Suspect 2 dbar-averaged data from near the surface (applies to all parameters other than dissolved oxygen, except where noted). stn suspect 2dbar values (dbar) stn suspect 2dbar values (dbar) no. bad questionable comment no. bad questionable comment 1 2,4 - - 48-49 2,4,6 - - 2 2 - - 50-52 2,4 - - 3-7 2,4 - - 72 - 2 temperature ok 8 2,4,6 - - 84 - 2 temperature ok 9-12 2,4 - - 85 - 6 temperature ok 13 2 - - 100 6-12 - temperature ok 14-15 2,4 - - 115 - 2,4 temperature ok 16-19 2 - - 116 - 2 temperature ok 20 2,4 - - 123 - 2,4,8 temperature ok 21 2 - - 153 - 18 temperature ok 23 2,4,6 - - 172 - 10 temperature ok 24 2,4 - - 200 - 2 temperature ok 25 2 - - 201 - 2 temperature ok 26 2,4 - - 202 2 4 - 27-28 2 - - 203 2,4 6,8 - 29 2,4 - - 204 2 4 - 45 2,4,6 - - 205 2 - - 46-47 2,4 - - 206-2072 4 - Table 1.15: Suspect 2 dbar-averaged dissolved oxygen data. stn suspect 2dbar values (dbar) no. bad questionable 32 - 2, 14-28 34 - 2-22 38 - 3906-4044 Table 1.16: CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients. K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 and K6 are respectively oxygen current slope, oxygen sensor time constant, oxygen current bias, temperature correction term, weighting factor, and pressure correction term. dox is equal to 2.8sigma (for sigma as defined by eqn A2.24 in the CTD methodology); n is the number of samples retained for calibration in each station or station grouping. station K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 dox n number 30 12.057 5.0000 -1.570 -0.16340 0.67515 0.16214E-03 0.15525 22 32 13.933 5.0000 -1.999 -0.19355 0.78517 0.93553E-04 0.24321 24 33 10.938 5.0000 -1.510 -0.14316 0.12891 0.33452E-04 0.21989 24 34 13.713 5.0000 -2.051 -0.14829 0.91995 0.11928E-03 0.34838 24 35 14.503 5.0000 -1.990 -0.24202 0.69512 0.74484E-04 0.24419 24 36 24.416 5.0000 -3.394 -0.42081 0.81637 0.75967E-04 0.28902 20 37 12.645 5.0000 -1.703 -0.20725 0.56959 0.58486E-04 0.25036 24 38 12.389 5.0000 -1.872 -0.11335 0.60504 0.11011E-03 0.19553 23 39 12.977 8.0000 -1.700 -0.23495 0.69338 0.64992E-04 0.13824 22 40 16.556 5.0000 -2.359 -0.26428 0.82111 0.92212E-04 0.16173 22 41 12.979 5.0000 -1.746 -0.21918 0.71336 0.97135E-04 0.18931 23 Table 1.17: Starting values for CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients prior to iteration, and coefficients varied during iteration (see CTD methodology). Note that coefficients not varied during iteration are held constant at the starting value. station K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 coefficients number varied 30 12.0500 5.0000 -1.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 32 11.5000 5.0000 -1.440 -0.500E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 33 11.6000 5.0000 -1.600 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 34 12.4000 5.0000 -1.450 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 35 12.7000 5.0000 -1.650 -0.400E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 36 10.8000 5.0000 -0.400 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 37 12.7500 5.0000 -1.650 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 38 12.6500 5.0000 -1.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 39 12.4300 8.0000 -1.650 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 40 14.1000 5.0000 -1.650 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 41 12.6000 5.0000 -1.650 -0.500E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 Table 1.18: Dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle samples flagged as -9 for dissolved oxygen calibration. Note that this does not necessarily indicate a bad bottle sample - in many cases, flagging is due to bad CTD dissolved oxygen data. station rosette number position 30 24,23 36 23,19,18,17 38 24 39 20 40 23,20 41 21 Table 1.19: Questionable nutrient sample values (not deleted from hydrology data file). PHOSPHATE NITRATE SILICATE station rosette station rosette station rosette number position number position number position 5 13 5 13 8 1,2 9 1,5,7 9 1,5,7 27 11,13 29 2,17 29 2,17 29 2 44 13 45 whole stn 46 whole stn Table 1.20: Stations containing fluorescence (fl) and photosynthetically active radiation (par) 2 dbar-averaged data. stations with fl data stations with par data 1 to 4 1 to 50 Table 1.21: Protected and unprotected reversing thermometers used (serial numbers are listed). protected thermometers station rosette position 24 rosette position 12 rosette position 2 numbers thermometers thermometers thermometers 1 to 52 12095,12096 12094 12119,12120 53 to 100 - - 12119,12120 101-105 - 12095,12096 12119,12120 100 to 128 - - 12119,12120 129 to 201 - - 12119,12094 202 to 208 12095,12096 12094 12119,12120 unprotected thermometers station rosette position 12 rosette position 2 numbers thermometers thermometers 1 to 52 11992 11993 53 to 100 - 11993 101-105 - 11993 100 to 128 - 11993 129 to 201 - 11993 202 to 208 11992 11993 Table 1.22: Calibration coefficients and calibration dates for CTD serial numbers 1103 and 1193 (unit nos 7 and 5 respectively) used during RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9501. Note that an additional pressure bias term due to the station dependent surface pressure offset exists for each station (eqn A2.1 in the CTD methodology). Also note that platinum temperature calibrations are for the ITS- 90 scale. CTD serial 1103 (unit no. 7) CTD serial 1193 (unit no. 5) coefficient value of coefficient coefficient value of coefficient pressure calibration coefficients pressure calibration coefficients CSIRO Calibration Facility - 08/11/1995 CSIRO Calibration Facility - 09/11/1995 pcal0 -2.065725e+01 pcal0 -8.810839 pcal1 1.002878e-01 pcal1 1.007713e-01 pcal2 4.951104e-09 pcal2 1.985674e-09 pcal3 4.500981e-14 pcal3 -1.521121e-14 pcal4 -4.514384e-19 pcal4 0.0 platinum temperature calibration coefficients platinum temperature calibration coefficients CSIRO Calibration Facility - 26/09/1995 CSIRO Calibration Facility - 26/09/1995 Tcal0 0.23396e-01 Tcal0 -0.20560e-01 Tcal1 0.49983e-03 Tcal1 0.49936e-03 Tcal2 0.35049e-11 Tcal2 0.27541e-11 platinum temperature calibration coefficients platinum temperature calibration coefficients CSIRO Calibration Facility - 08/11/1995 CSIRO Calibration Facility - 09/11/1995 Tpcal0 1.695615e+02 Tpcal0 1.167581e+02 Tpcal1 -3.240390e-03 Tpcal1 -2.450758e-03 Tpcal2 0.0 Tpcal2 0.0 Tpcal3 0.0 Tpcal3 0.0 coefficients for temperature correction to pressure coefficients for temperature correction to pressure CSIRO Calibration Facility - 08/11/1995 CSIRO Calibration Facility - 09/11/1995 T0 20.00 T0 20.00 S1 -1.319844e-05 S1 -1.474830e-05 S2 -3.465273e-02 S2 -7.847037e-02 preliminary polynomial coefficients applied to fluorescence (fl) (Antarctic Division, January 1996) and photosynthetically active radiation (par) (supplied by manufacturer) raw digitiser counts f0 -1.115084e+01 f1 3.402400e-04 f2 0.0 par0 -4.499860 par1 1.373290e-04 par2 -3.452156e-23 Part 2 Aurora Australis Marine Science Cruise AU9604 - Oceanographic Field Measurements and Analysis ABSTRACT Oceanographic measurements were conducted along a series of meridional and zonal sections along the Antarctic continental shelf and slope region between 80 and 150°E, from January to March 1996. A total of 147 CTD vertical profile stations were taken, most to near bottom. Over 2450 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, chlorofluorocarbons, oxygen 18, primary productivity, and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Near surface current data were collected using a ship mounted ADCP. Measurement and data processing techniques are summarised, and a summary of the data is presented in graphical and tabular form. 2.1 INTRODUCTION Marine science cruise AU9604, the fifth oceanographic cruise of the Cooperative Research Centre for the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Environment (Antarctic CRC), was conducted aboard the Australian Antarctic Division vessel RSV Aurora Australis from January to March 1996. The major constituent of the cruise was a joint oceanographic and biological survey along the continental shelf and slope region of Antarctica between 80 and 150°E (Figure 2.1*). The primary objectives of the oceanographic survey, named MARGINEX (Antarctic Margin Experiment), were: 1. to estimate the rate of formation of surface and Antarctic Bottom Water masses; 2. to define the evolution and modification of Antarctic water masses along the shelf and slope in the experimental region; 3. to estimate the relative importance of air-sea interaction and advection of surface and deep waters on property changes in the major water masses. The biology program comprised of a hydroacoustic survey of krill population in the region, to enable setting of catch limits (principal investigator Steve Nicol, Australian Antarctic Division). The linked oceanography-biology objective was to determine the relationship between the distribution and production of marine biota and the physical and biogeochemical conditions along the Antarctic shelf break. Two bottom-mounted pressure recorders (principal investigators Tom Whitworth, University of Texas A&M, and Dale Pillsbury, Oregon State University) were successfully recovered from the northern and southern ends of the WOCE SR3 meridional section. A current meter mooring (principal investigator Ted Foster, University of Delaware) was also recovered from the eastern end of the MARGINEX study region. Two upward looking sonar moorings (principal investigator Ian Allison, Australian Antarctic Division) were deployed in the vicinity of Davis (Figure 2.1*). Eight drifting buoys were also deployed throughout the voyage. This report describes the collection of oceanographic data from MARGINEX, and summarises the chemical analysis and data processing methods employed. All information required for use of the data set is presented in tabular and graphical form. 2.2 CRUISE ITINERARY In early January 1996, prior to the cruise proper, marine trials were conducted from the Aurora Australis at Port Arthur, and south of Maatsuyker Island. A shallow CTD cast was taken at Port Arthur for calibration of the hydroacoustic equipment, and a deep cast was taken south of Tasmania for testing of CTD instrumentation. At the northern end of the SR3 section, an unsuccessful attempt was made to recover the pressure recorder mooring designated Hobart91b (Table 2.4). The pressure recorder mooring designated Hobart94 was successfully recovered from the same approximate location, and the mooring Hobart96 was deployed as a replacement. The first CTD cast on the cruise proper was taken en route to Davis, to test CTD equipment and measure Niskin bottle CFC blank levels. Following cargo operations at Davis, the two upward looking sonar moorings were deployed, with a CTD cast taken at both mooring locations. CTD legs 1 and 4 were completed, with leg 4 finishing at station 42 near the edge of the Shackleton Ice Shelf. A speculative CTD cast was taken at station 43 to investigate possible ice crystal formation in water flowing over a sill (T. Pauly, pers. comm.). CTD legs 6 and 7 were then completed. After leg 7, a search was made of the old ULS mooring site SONEAR (Bush, 1994). Note that this was the third and final search for SONEAR. The mooring could not be located, so the ship proceeded to Casey for cargo operations. At Casey, a shallow CTD cast (station 65) was taken for calibration of the hydroacoustic equipment in cold water. After Casey, the remaining CTD legs 9, 11, 13, 16 and 18 were completed. Leg 16 was interrupted briefly for pressure recorder mooring work: the mooring Dumont94 was successfully recovered, and the mooring Dumont96 was deployed as a replacement (Table 2.4). Note that the southern end of all the meridional CTD sections were closed on the shelf or at the shelf break, with the exception of leg 18 - this leg had to be terminated early at a depth of ~2100 m on the continental slope, due to thickening sea ice conditions. After completion of MARGINEX, grappling operations commenced to attempt recovery of 3 current meter moorings (Table 2.4). The mooring CM2 was recovered, and a CTD cast (station 145) was taken at the mooring location. Moorings CM1 and CM3 were not found. Two final shallow CTD casts were taken to attempt to sample shuga ice for biological analysis. The ship then proceeded to Macquarie Island for cargo operations, then returned to Hobart. Table 2.1: Summary of cruise itinerary. Expedition Designation Cruise AU9604 (cruise acronym BROKE), encompassing MARGINEX Chief Scientists Nathan Bindoff, Antarctic CRC Steve Nicol, Antarctic Division Ship RSV Aurora Australis Ports of Call Davis Casey Macquarie Island Cruise Dates January 19 to March 31 1996 Figure 2.1a and b*: Cruise track, CTD station and mooring positions for RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9604. Note that positions for pressure recorders are for recovered moorings only. 2.3 CRUISE SUMMARY 2.3.1 CTD casts and water samples In the course of the cruise, 147 CTD casts were completed, 138 of which were along the MARGINEX study region (Figures 2.1a and b*), with most casts reaching to within 20 m of the sea floor (Table 2.2). 8 meridional CTD sections and 9 shorter approximately zonal CTD sections were completed, providing closure for 7 different study areas (Figure 2.1b*). Over 2450 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (orthophosphate, nitrate plus nitrite, and reactive silicate), chlorofluorocarbons, oxygen 18, primary productivity, and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Table 2.3 provides a summary of samples drawn at each station. Principal investigators for the various water sampling programmes are listed in Table 2.6a. For all stations, the different samples were drawn in a fixed sequence (see previous data reports). Table 2.2: Summary of station information for RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9604. The information shown includes time, date, position and ocean depth for the start of the cast, at the bottom of the cast, and for the end of the cast. The maximum pressure reached for each cast, and the altimeter reading at the bottom of each cast (i.e. elevation above the sea bed) are also included. Missing ocean depth values are due to noise from the ship's bow thrusters interfering with the echo sounder. For casts which do not reach to within 100 m of the bed (i.e. the altimeter range), or for which the altimeter was not functioning, there is no altimeter value. For station names, LEGx is the MARGINEX CTD leg number (Figure 2.1b*), TEST is a test cast, CAL is a cast for calibration of the hydroacoustic equipment, ULS is an upward looking sonar mooring site, CM is a current meter mooring site, and BIO is a speculative dip for biological analyses. Note that all times are UTC (i.e. GMT). CTD unit 7 (serial no. 1103) was used for stations 3 to 144; CTD unit 5 (serial no. 1193) was used for stations 1 to 2, and 145 to 147. station START maxP BOTTOM END number time date latitude longitude depth (dbar) time latitude longitude depth altimeter time latitude longitude depth (m) (m) (m) 1 CAL 0604 5-JAN-96 43:08.34S 147:52.26E 27 26 0610 43:08.34S 147:52.26E - 8.1 0619 43:08.34S 147:52.26E - 2 TEST 1436 5-JAN-96 43:26.20S 148:35.20E 3635 3552 160 43:27.10S 148:34.75E - 21.9 1711 43:28.00S 148:34.23E 3604 3 TEST 2112 20-JAN-96 49:54.55S 139:49.87E 3737 3924 2252 49:55.30S 139:50.70E - 32.9 0006 49:55.74S 139:51.17E - 4 ULS 2002 28-JAN-96 68:08.32S 76:02.67E 484 472 2014 68:08.38S 76:02.51E 479 12.6 2037 68:08.43S 76:01.96E 483 5 ULS 1059 29-JAN-96 66:15.50S 77:03.37E 2918 404 1118 66:15.51S 77:03.40E - - 1137 66:15.51S 77:03.41E - 6 LEG1 0331 30-JAN-96 66:14.12S 80:00.21E 396 382 0400 66:14.21S 79:59.71E - 9.5 0444 66:14.33S 79:58.92E 398 7 LEG1 0624 30-JAN-96 66:06.79S 79:59.50E 644 624 0653 66:06.89S 79:58.81E 638 9.7 0737 66:06.87S 79:57.87E 638 8 LEG1 1024 30-JAN-96 66:01.90S 79:59.94E 890 874 1058 66:01.98S 80:00.29E 870 2.5 1147 66:01.86S 80:00.16E 900 9 LEG1 1316 30-JAN-96 66:00.86S 79:59.92E 1208 1206 1407 66:00.60S 79:59.82E 1249 14.7 1516 66:00.25S 79:58.89E 1229 10 LEG1 1640 30-JAN-96 65:56.72S 79:59.60E 1668 1656 1731 65:56.69S 79:59.73E - 11.2 1838 65:56.72S 79:59.11E - 11 LEG1 2018 30-JAN-96 65:55.24S 80:00.29E 2099 2046 2115 65:55.26S 80:00.34E 2089 8.7 2232 65:55.33S 80:00.10E - 12 LEG1 0000 31-JAN-96 65:47.99S 80:00.09E 2457 2522 0108 65:47.99S 79:59.64E - 10.5 0229 65:48.29S 79:59.29E 2457 13 LEG1 0534 31-JAN-96 65:44.55S 79:59.65E 2866 2782 0701 65:44.74S 79:57.14E 2816 14.7 0841 65:45.34S 79:57.48E - 14 LEG1 1153 31-JAN-96 65:38.11S 79:58.89E 3174 3144 1319 65:38.52S 79:58.60E - 24.5 1436 65:39.05S 79:58.41E - 15 LEG1 1701 31-JAN-96 65:21.56S 79:59.92E 3384 3396 1829 65:21.81S 79:58.52E - 13.8 1958 65:21.99S 79:57.64E - 16 LEG1 0255 1-FEB-96 64:51.51S 80:00.14E 3634 168 0309 64:51.45S 79:59.86E - - 0329 64:51.36S 79:59.62E - 17 LEG1 0359 1-FEB-96 64:51.36S 79:59.68E 3634 3640 0526 64:51.10S 79:58.72E - 20.4 0703 64:50.88S 79:57.35E - 18 LEG1 1124 1-FEB-96 64:29.91S 79:59.89E 3634 3668 1303 64:29.12S 80:00.52E - 15.0 1422 64:28.86S 80:00.75E - 19 LEG1 1852 1-FEB-96 64:00.00S 79:59.82E 3686 3706 2020 63:59.68S 79:59.42E - 18.3 2157 63:59.22S 79:59.40E - 20 LEG1 0317 2-FEB-96 63:29.26S 79:59.21E 3737 3756 0447 63:29.22S 79:58.85E - 13.2 0637 63:29.35S 79:58.61E - 21 LEG1 1121 2-FEB-96 63:00.08S 80:00.01E 3583 166 1127 63:00.16S 80:00.18E - - 1146 63:00.09S 80:00.09E - 22 LEG1 1226 2-FEB-96 63:00.13S 79:59.83E 3583 3574 1347 63:00.37S 79:59.83E - 12.0 1508 63:00.79S 80:00.58E - 23 LEG1 2159 2-FEB-96 62:59.97S 81:50.12E 2866 2862 2304 62:59.76S 81:49.48E - 15.1 0023 62:59.42S 81:49.30E - 24 LEG1 0526 3-FEB-96 62:59.98S 83:39.99E 2508 2490 0628 62:59.78S 83:40.09E - 14.4 0754 62:59.65S 83:39.98E 25 LEG1 1531 3-FEB-96 62:59.92S 85:30.09E 3757 3784 1705 62:59.52S 85:30.42E - 14.5 1901 62:58.98S 85:29.65E 3757 26 LEG4 2009 5-FEB-96 62:59.87S 88:03.66E 3788 3800 2137 63:00.64S 88:02.91E - 13.7 2306 63:01.20S 88:02.52E 3840 27 LEG4 0318 6-FEB-96 62:59.92S 89:54.00E 3931 4008 0457 63:00.26S 89:53.45E - 17.1 0647 63:00.63S 89:52.68E 4044 28 LEG4 1114 6-FEB-96 62:59.86S 91:43.78E 4095 3714 1247 63:00.04S 91:44.01E - 13.9 1425 62:59.82S 91:43.32E - 29 LEG4 1909 6-FEB-96 63:00.01S 93:34.02E 3327 170 1917 63:00.00S 93:33.83E - - 1933 62:59.98S 93:33.43E - 30 LEG4 2010 6-FEB-96 62:59.98S 93:33.81E 3327 3318 2134 63:00.34S 93:32.97E - 14.1 2305 63:00.23S 93:31.72E 3327 31 LEG4 0327 7-FEB-96 63:30.10S 93:33.70E 3194 3182 0436 63:30.16S 93:34.06E - 14.3 0604 63:30.25S 93:33.00E - 32 LEG4 1103 7-FEB-96 64:00.01S 93:33.79E 3297 3262 1218 64:00.07S 93:33.86E - 10.9 1350 64:00.30S 93:33.61E - 33 LEG4 1645 7-FEB-96 64:17.45S 93:33.59E 3051 3034 1804 64:17.82S 93:34.18E 3051 15.3 1941 64:17.98S 93:33.30E - 34 LEG4 0058 8-FEB-96 64:38.25S 93:33.84E 2651 2638 0159 64:38.16S 93:33.78E 2651 13.0 0317 64:37.96S 93:33.16E 2651 35 LEG4 0435 8-FEB-96 64:43.97S 93:33.81E 2260 2252 0537 64:43.93S 93:32.61E - 14.0 0655 64:44.03S 93:31.82E 2268 36 LEG4 0812 8-FEB-96 64:46.98S 93:33.22E 1791 1730 0905 64:47.22S 93:32.90E 1730 14.4 1006 64:47.54S 93:31.79E 1669 37 LEG4 1137 8-FEB-96 64:48.06S 93:33.22E 1492 1440 1227 64:48.44S 93:31.62E 1413 17.9 1320 64:48.98S 93:30.22E - 38 LEG4 1427 8-FEB-96 64:48.75S 93:33.40E 1278 1210 1506 64:49.20S 93:32.41E 1229 11.5 1545 64:49.73S 93:31.74E - 39 LEG4 1651 8-FEB-96 64:50.05S 93:32.25E 925 888 1728 64:50.43S 93:30.77E 870 6.6 1815 64:50.91S 93:28.89E 772 40 LEG4 2027 8-FEB-96 64:51.05S 93:32.73E 593 522 2059 64:51.34S 93:32.08E 532 14.3 2136 64:51.59S 93:31.30E 512 41 LEG4 0109 9-FEB-96 65:01.62S 93:32.63E 467 450 0128 65:01.62S 93:32.32E 463 13.6 0156 65:01.71S 93:31.90E 463 42 LEG4 1210 9-FEB-96 66:00.04S 93:33.62E 1228 1198 1253 65:59.88S 93:32.80E 1228 13.6 1341 65:59.85S 93:32.06E 1228 43 CAL 0454 10-FEB-96 64:48.96S 95:44.40E 108 100 0458 64:48.97S 95:44.45E - 13.4 0509 64:48.93S 95:44.20E 112 44 LEG6 0026 11-FEB-96 62:42.58S 96:07.38E 3583 3622 0142 62:42.13S 96:07.42E 3614 14.4 0304 62:41.68S 96:07.15E 3635 45 LEG6 0823 11-FEB-96 62:39.84S 97:56.92E 3839 3886 0955 62:40.34S 97:55.12E - 17.2 1118 62:40.83S 97:53.93E - 46 LEG6 1623 11-FEB-96 62:37.06S 99:47.17E 4095 4124 1805 62:37.32S 99:47.70E 4095 13.2 2000 62:37.45S 99:48.79E 4095 47 LEG6 0021 12-FEB-96 62:34.16S 101:37.59E 4761 4244 0150 62:33.61S 101:37.62E 4761 16.2 0353 62:33.70S 101:36.99E 4761 48 LEG7 0841 13-FEB-96 65:00.15S 104:39.62E 356 344 0857 65:00.19S 104:39.90E - 11.4 0926 65:00.31S 104:39.71E 359 49 LEG7 1102 13-FEB-96 64:53.41S 104:37.66E 630 618 1125 64:53.38S 104:37.53E 635 15.8 1159 64:53.35S 104:37.23E 644 50 LEG7 1256 13-FEB-96 64:50.03S 104:29.44E 955 942 1328 64:49.91S 104:29.16E 955 14.2 1405 64:49.74S 104:28.92E 981 51 LEG7 1608 13-FEB-96 64:47.13S 104:27.18E 1251 1238 1658 64:46.89S 104:26.63E 1251 14.1 1759 64:46.62S 104:25.98E 1254 52 LEG7 1924 13-FEB-96 64:43.78S 104:24.01E 1561 1556 2017 64:43.66S 104:23.76E 1561 13.9 2112 64:43.59S 104:23.76E 1575 53 LEG7 2229 13-FEB-96 64:38.27S 104:25.09E 1817 1786 2315 64:38.24S 104:24.51E 1761 15.0 0015 64:38.16S 104:23.74E 1704 54 LEG7 0241 14-FEB-96 64:27.87S 104:26.01E 2129 2114 0334 64:27.83S 104:25.60E 2109 15.6 0452 64:28.00S 104:24.45E 2048 55 LEG7 0729 14-FEB-96 64:17.68S 104:25.51E 2570 2572 0835 64:17.62S 104:25.69E - 14.4 0953 64:17.68S 104:25.29E 2549 56 LEG7 1106 14-FEB-96 64:15.02S 104:25.76E 2774 2806 1217 64:14.53S 104:26.20E - 18.7 1349 64:13.68S 104:26.68E - 57 LEG7 1926 14-FEB-96 63:54.68S 104:26.00E 3337 3334 2053 63:54.49S 104:25.53E 3327 14.3 2221 63:54.25S 104:25.69E 3357 58 LEG7 0203 15-FEB-96 63:35.75S 104:25.77E 3634 3646 0331 63:35.74S 104:26.06E 3707 14.7 0514 63:35.37S 104:26.14E - 59 LEG7 0940 15-FEB-96 63:17.89S 104:26.05E 3942 3986 1111 63:18.20S 104:26.79E - 13.6 1247 63:18.09S 104:26.67E - 60 LEG7 1619 15-FEB-96 63:00.02S 104:25.99E 3901 166 1628 63:00.07S 104:26.01E - - 1643 63:00.13S 104:26.20E 3891 61 LEG7 1720 15-FEB-96 63:00.11S 104:26.67E 3901 3924 1846 63:00.29S 104:26.70E - 14.6 2028 63:00.52S 104:25.64E 3901 62 LEG7 0155 16-FEB-96 63:06.60S 106:11.15E 3727 3728 0318 63:06.58S 106:11.68E - 13.9 0503 63:06.78S 106:12.15E 3645 63 LEG7 0907 16-FEB-96 63:13.60S 107:56.52E 3327 3360 1031 63:13.90S 107:56.38E - 14.6 1208 63:14.19S 107:56.61E 3358 64 LEG7 1655 16-FEB-96 63:20.44S 109:41.33E 3716 3726 1822 63:20.52S 109:40.91E - 14.9 2004 63:20.45S 109:39.90E 3716 65 CAL 1604 19-FEB-96 66:15.92S 110:31.36E 56 46 1610 66:15.88S 110:31.40E 59 22.5 1616 66:15.85S 110:31.43E 59 66 LEG9 1211 23-FEB-96 65:45.43S 112:15.04E 438 420 1228 65:45.42S 112:15.13E - 14.6 1300 65:45.47S 112:15.06E 438 67 LEG9 1643 23-FEB-96 65:25.11S 112:15.84E 322 312 1659 65:25.03S 112:15.82E 328 11.0 1731 65:24.80S 112:15.32E 348 68 LEG9 1915 23-FEB-96 65:23.87S 112:12.45E 563 578 1940 65:23.74S 112:12.27E 584 33.8 2007 65:23.56S 112:11.93E 676 69 LEG9 2222 23-FEB-96 65:19.65S 112:13.81E 1014 1088 2301 65:19.52S 112:12.66E 1106 14.8 2347 65:19.24S 112:11.48E 1124 70 LEG9 0053 24-FEB-96 65:19.09S 112:14.88E 1222 1182 0144 65:18.94S 112:13.81E - 14.3 0234 65:18.85S 112:12.42E 1142 71 LEG9 0412 24-FEB-96 65:14.00S 112:15.24E 1587 1526 0501 65:14.20S 112:15.04E - 13.4 0607 65:14.51S 112:14.86E - 72 LEG9 0732 24-FEB-96 65:09.30S 112:15.00E 1843 1832 0830 65:09.45S 112:15.92E - 13.0 0942 65:10.55S 112:16.26E - 73 LEG9 1136 24-FEB-96 65:01.63S 112:14.83E 2211 2152 1237 65:01.42S 112:15.91E - 18.0 1351 65:01.66S 112:16.17E - 74 LEG9 1806 24-FEB-96 64:35.07S 112:14.99E 1873 1864 1903 64:35.07S 112:15.45E 1893 16.0 2017 64:35.08S 112:15.76E 1873 75 LEG9 0217 25-FEB-96 64:04.98S 112:15.05E 2518 2542 0315 64:05.02S 112:15.63E - 16.1 0428 64:05.05S 112:15.74E 2560 76 LEG9 1017 25-FEB-96 63:34.98S 112:14.92E 3276 3260 1149 63:35.38S 112:15.51E - 13.0 1313 63:35.33S 112:15.87E - 77 LEG9 1944 25-FEB-96 62:59.97S 112:14.89E 3768 168 1953 62:59.97S 112:15.04E - - 2006 62:59.98S 112:15.28E 3788 78 LEG9 2034 25-FEB-96 62:59.97S 112:16.01E 3768 3810 2206 63:00.05S 112:17.94E - 13.1 2350 63:00.36S 112:19.50E - 79 LEG9 0548 26-FEB-96 63:04.54S 114:05.08E 3604 3618 0719 63:04.81S 114:05.57E - 17.0 0857 63:04.94S 114:04.63E - 80 LEG9 1314 26-FEB-96 63:09.20S 115:55.07E 3512 3494 1443 63:09.55S 115:56.54E - 14.7 1614 63:09.99S 115:57.56E - 81 LEG9 2113 26-FEB-96 63:13.79S 117:45.24E 3512 3526 2243 63:13.80S 117:47.05E - 13.2 0017 63:13.42S 117:48.53E - 82 LEG11 0532 28-FEB-96 65:46.56S 119:07.77E 614 598 0557 65:46.44S 119:08.35E - 13.8 0642 65:46.53S 119:08.00E 614 83 LEG11 1304 28-FEB-96 65:42.55S 120:18.84E 450 438 1331 65:42.75S 120:18.64E 450 15.0 1406 65:43.00S 120:18.12E 450 84 LEG11 1647 28-FEB-96 65:32.50S 120:18.37E 614 574 1713 65:32.56S 120:18.59E 584 19.6 1745 65:32.80S 120:18.41E 522 85 LEG11 1851 28-FEB-96 65:31.39S 120:18.81E 948 948 1934 65:31.53S 120:19.17E 953 13.2 2013 65:31.78S 120:19.08E 829 86 LEG11 2108 28-FEB-96 65:30.72S 120:18.75E 1237 1180 2149 65:30.76S 120:18.87E 1198 15.7 2237 65:30.80S 120:19.02E 1208 87 LEG11 2341 28-FEB-96 65:29.44S 120:19.74E 1848 1824 0030 65:29.55S 120:20.16E 1838 15.4 0122 65:29.74S 120:20.41E 1833 88 LEG11 0232 29-FEB-96 65:28.34S 120:18.70E 2132 2210 0337 65:28.19S 120:18.90E 2212 15.7 0454 65:28.00S 120:19.54E - 89 LEG11 0705 29-FEB-96 65:23.01S 120:18.95E 2764 2762 0816 65:22.89S 120:20.01E - 14.9 0936 65:22.91S 120:21.09E - 90 LEG11 1103 29-FEB-96 65:14.99S 120:18.87E 3071 3066 1225 65:15.00S 120:20.04E - 18.9 1349 65:15.12S 120:21.14E - 91 LEG11 1751 29-FEB-96 64:50.88S 120:18.87E 3061 3064 1913 64:51.31S 120:18.51E 3061 13.8 2034 64:51.91S 120:17.49E 3031 92 LEG11 0027 1-MAR-96 64:26.97S 120:18.62E 3502 3518 0154 64:27.34S 120:17.56E 3497 14.8 0545 64:28.02S 120:16.20E - 93 LEG11 1003 1-MAR-96 64:03.13S 120:18.62E 3430 3414 1135 64:03.67S 120:17.90E 3410 17.1 1303 64:04.15S 120:17.92E 3400 94 LEG11 1637 1-MAR-96 63:38.91S 120:18.84E 3655 3652 1818 63:39.70S 120:19.57E 3635 14.3 1947 63:39.81S 120:19.09E 3620 95 LEG11 2326 1-MAR-96 63:14.78S 120:18.81E 3727 166 2336 63:14.68S 120:18.70E - - 2348 63:14.56S 120:18.59E - 96 LEG11 0023 2-MAR-96 63:14.95S 120:18.93E 3737 3748 0147 63:14.38S 120:19.15E - 12.2 0312 63:14.16S 120:18.67E - 97 LEG11 0830 2-MAR-96 63:15.03S 122:08.91E 3839 3888 0955 63:14.71S 122:10.09E - 14.4 1131 63:14.16S 122:09.54E - 98 LEG11 1646 2-MAR-96 63:14.95S 123:58.77E 3983 4012 1825 63:14.70S 123:59.51E - 14.2 2004 63:14.80S 123:59.78E - 99 LEG11 0009 3-MAR-96 63:15.12S 125:48.76E 4116 4146 0144 63:15.51S 125:50.90E 4111 15.6 0316 63:15.62S 125:52.38E - 100LEG13 0739 4-MAR-96 65:35.88S 128:22.35E 378 372 0757 65:35.91S 128:21.93E - 14.1 0830 65:36.12S 128:21.49E - 101LEG13 1216 4-MAR-96 65:15.98S 128:28.28E 358 352 1235 65:16.20S 128:28.26E 358 14.9 1305 65:16.54S 128:28.51E 374 102LEG13 1605 4-MAR-96 65:11.61S 128:22.11E 614 590 1632 65:11.75S 128:21.45E - 17.4 1709 65:11.69S 128:20.49E 563 103LEG13 1845 4-MAR-96 65:10.70S 128:22.30E 921 952 1923 65:10.69S 128:22.00E 921 16.9 2006 65:10.78S 128:21.38E 911 104LEG13 2132 4-MAR-96 65:09.93S 128:22.20E 1249 1272 2217 65:09.97S 128:21.61E 1269 16.0 2259 65:10.09S 128:21.07E 1229 105LEG13 2346 4-MAR-96 65:08.88S 128:22.51E 1551 1484 0039 65:09.33S 128:22.12E 1474 12.1 0133 65:09.57S 128:21.57E 1423 106LEG13 0241 5-MAR-96 65:05.07S 128:22.56E 1843 1804 0327 65:05.18S 128:22.40E 1843 13.7 0430 65:05.37S 128:22.56E 1823 107LEG13 0729 5-MAR-96 64:50.01S 128:22.64E 1924 1884 0827 64:50.10S 128:23.69E 1894 15.2 0929 64:50.10S 128:24.03E 1894 108LEG13 1221 5-MAR-96 64:40.00S 128:22.53E 2539 2522 1322 64:40.12S 128:22.27E - 15.2 1448 64:40.80S 128:22.15E - 109LEG13 1725 5-MAR-96 64:27.24S 128:22.50E 2682 2678 1824 64:27.55S 128:22.62E 2672 16.9 1930 64:28.06S 128:23.32E 2662 110LEG13 2352 5-MAR-96 64:03.07S 128:22.59E 3583 3606 0112 64:02.98S 128:23.05E - 12.8 0244 64:02.65S 128:23.14E 3583 111LEG13 0714 6-MAR-96 63:39.07S 128:22.46E 3993 4010 0847 63:39.34S 128:24.88E - 15.4 1040 63:40.08S 128:27.63E - 112LEG13 1452 6-MAR-96 63:15.09S 128:22.44E 4218 164 1459 63:15.18S 128:22.35E 4218 - 1512 63:15.21S 128:22.47E 4218 113LEG13 1605 6-MAR-96 63:15.04S 128:22.42E 4218 4266 1740 63:15.57S 128:22.62E - 13.7 1907 63:16.00S 128:23.23E 4218 114LEG13 0034 7-MAR-96 63:15.10S 130:12.78E 4249 4302 0214 63:14.72S 130:15.07E - 16.5 0402 63:14.46S 130:17.37E - 115LEG13 0855 7-MAR-96 63:15.09S 132:02.61E 4198 4250 1026 63:15.60S 132:04.60E - 13.1 1203 63:16.42S 132:05.41E - 116LEG13 1804 7-MAR-96 63:15.20S 133:53.40E 4208 4260 1937 63:15.61S 133:53.63E 4208 9.6 2107 63:15.63S 133:53.38E 4208 117LEG16 2231 11-MAR-96 63:14.91S 136:26.24E 3993 4036 0010 63:15.17S 136:27.64E - 15.4 0147 63:15.31S 136:29.35E - 118LEG16 0739 12-MAR-96 63:22.42S 138:08.53E 3880 3912 0909 63:22.33S 138:08.43E - 14.7 1043 63:22.48S 138:07.48E - 119LEG16 1733 12-MAR-96 63:29.97S 139:50.98E 3788 164 1745 63:29.96S 139:50.82E - - 1800 63:29.91S 139:50.83E - 120LEG16 1831 12-MAR-96 63:29.86S 139:50.64E 3788 3824 1952 63:29.55S 139:50.58E - 15.1 2115 63:29.22S 139:50.53E 3798 121LEG16 0358 13-MAR-96 63:54.00S 139:51.13E 3727 3750 0516 63:53.62S 139:52.57E - 11.1 0656 63:52.78S 139:54.50E - 122LEG16 1139 13-MAR-96 64:17.95S 139:51.12E 3460 3456 1258 64:17.83S 139:50.59E - 13.1 1430 64:17.40S 139:50.14E - 123LEG16 1911 13-MAR-96 64:41.94S 139:50.91E 2918 2910 2026 64:42.20S 139:52.00E - 15.2 2142 64:42.10S 139:52.41E 2908 124LEG16 0334 14-MAR-96 65:05.08S 139:50.92E 2764 2768 0451 65:05.13S 139:51.87E - 14.4 0624 65:05.23S 139:52.94E - 125LEG16 1015 14-MAR-96 65:22.10S 139:50.89E 2518 2486 1113 65:22.24S 139:49.80E - 14.1 1229 65:22.23S 139:48.88E - 126LEG16 1513 15-MAR-96 65:25.15S 139:50.95E 2150 2292 1612 65:25.09S 139:50.36E - 23.7 1721 65:25.12S 139:49.78E 2294 127LEG16 1824 15-MAR-96 65:25.65S 139:50.79E 1843 2136 1918 65:25.87S 139:50.17E - 22.4 2025 65:26.20S 139:49.24E - 128LEG16 0052 16-MAR-96 65:29.85S 139:50.95E 1535 1480 0139 65:30.15S 139:51.13E - 17.4 0237 65:30.18S 139:51.85E - 129LEG16 0345 16-MAR-96 65:32.74S 139:51.57E 1177 1130 0426 65:32.86S 139:51.97E - 15.2 0515 65:32.91S 139:52.12E - 130LEG16 0800 16-MAR-96 65:33.93S 139:50.84E 942 910 0829 65:33.87S 139:50.25E 932 15.1 0913 65:33.68S 139:49.14E 952 131LEG16 1126 16-MAR-96 65:34.95S 139:50.86E 614 548 1151 65:35.11S 139:50.72E 543 8.8 1230 65:35.49S 139:50.34E 451 132LEG16 1349 16-MAR-96 65:43.03S 139:50.72E 296 288 1407 65:43.12S 139:50.34E 307 16.0 1434 65:43.45S 139:50.10E 307 133LEG18 0511 19-MAR-96 63:29.98S 144:29.99E 3906 3952 0642 63:30.17S 144:29.07E - 13.6 0825 63:30.88S 144:28.15E - 134LEG18 1444 19-MAR-96 63:30.01S 146:20.03E 3890 3926 1627 63:30.70S 146:20.84E - 15.2 1754 63:30.94S 146:20.58E - 135LEG18 2254 19-MAR-96 63:29.95S 148:09.97E 3839 3868 0015 63:29.88S 148:09.85E - 12.9 0144 63:29.90S 148:09.88E - 136LEG18 0627 20-MAR-96 63:30.09S 150:00.10E 3737 166 0645 63:30.13S 150:00.14E - - 0705 63:30.20S 149:59.98E - 137LEG18 0742 20-MAR-96 63:29.95S 149:59.78E 3737 3762 0902 63:30.45S 149:59.91E - 15.9 1039 63:30.94S 150:00.16E - 138LEG18 1503 20-MAR-96 63:54.08S 149:59.98E 3675 3698 1634 63:53.76S 150:00.04E - 12.2 1802 63:53.32S 150:00.05E 3675 139LEG18 2147 20-MAR-96 64:18.04S 149:59.58E 3573 3600 2301 64:18.07S 150:00.37E - 14.9 0024 64:18.20S 150:01.03E 3573 140LEG18 0315 21-MAR-96 64:36.09S 149:59.77E 3481 3490 0440 64:36.66S 150:00.41E - 15.4 0600 64:36.90S 150:00.80E - 141LEG18 1228 21-MAR-96 65:00.13S 149:59.86E 3317 3308 1345 65:00.25S 149:58.12E - 12.6 1516 65:00.49S 149:56.39E - 142LEG18 1910 21-MAR-96 65:23.97S 150:00.19E 2923 2916 2018 65:23.73S 149:59.87E 2918 13.8 2139 65:23.65S 150:00.21E 2918 143LEG18 0000 22-MAR-96 65:36.89S 149:59.88E 2462 2448 0054 65:36.84S 150:00.42E 2462 12.4 0201 65:36.78S 149:59.89E 2467 144LEG18 0854 22-MAR-96 65:43.41S 149:54.54E 2099 2096 0954 65:43.29S 149:54.22E 2099 10.3 1105 65:43.18S 149:54.04E - 145 CM 0856 23-MAR-96 65:55.74S 145:23.86E 796 688 0938 65:56.01S 145:23.92E 676 13.1 1017 65:56.22S 145:23.51E 625 146 BIO 1140 23-MAR-96 65:56.28S 145:41.21E 573 154 1157 65:56.28S 145:41.38E 563 - 1220 65:56.19S 145:41.12E 573 147 BIO 0732 25-MAR-96 65:54.39S 146:56.74E 576 150 0748 65:54.45S 146:56.62E - - 0808 65:54.48S 146:56.63E 545 Table 2.3: Summary of samples drawn from Niskin bottles at each station, including salinity (sal), dissolved oxygen (do), nutrients (nut), chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), 18-O, primary productivity (pp), fast repetition rate fluorometry (frrf), and pigments (pig); Seacat cast information was not available. Note that 1=samples taken, 0=no samples taken, 2=surface sample only (i.e. from shallowest Niskin bottle). station sal do nut CFC 18-O pp frrf pig 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 8 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 16 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 17 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 18 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 19 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 20 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 21 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 23 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 24 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 25 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 26 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 27 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 28 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 30 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 31 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 32 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 33 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 34 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 36 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 37 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 38 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 39 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 40 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 41 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 43 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 45 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 46 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 47 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 48 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 49 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 50 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 51 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 52 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 53 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 54 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 55 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 56 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 57 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 58 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 59 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 60 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 61 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 62 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 63 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 64 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 65 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 67 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 68 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 69 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 70 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 71 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 72 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 73 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 74 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 75 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 76 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 77 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 78 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 79 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 80 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 81 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 82 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 83 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 84 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 85 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 86 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 87 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 89 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 90 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 91 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 92 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 93 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 94 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 95 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 96 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 97 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 98 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 99 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 101 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 102 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 103 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 104 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 105 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 106 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 107 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 108 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 109 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 110 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 112 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 113 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 114 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 115 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 116 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 117 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 118 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 120 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 121 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 122 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 123 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 124 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 125 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 126 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 127 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 128 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 129 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 130 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 131 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 132 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 133 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 134 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 135 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 136 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 137 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 138 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 139 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 140 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 141 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 142 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 143 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 144 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 145 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 146 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Table 2.4: Bottom pressure recorder, upward looking sonar, and current meter moorings deployed/recovered during cruise AU9604. Note that for current meter moorings, mooring locations and water depths are estimates only, and instrument elevations are elevations above the bottom. BOTTOM PRESSURE RECORDERS deployment deployment/recovery latitude longitude CTD bottom number time (UTC) station depth(m) no. instruments deployed Hobart96 06:24, 06/01/96 44°07.019'S 146°12.744'E - 998 Dumont96 00:05, 16/03/96 65°33.71'S 139°51.26'E - 1024 instruments recovered Hobart94 06:11, 06/01/96 44°07.18'S 146°13.134'E - 1028 Dumont94 23:30, 15/03/96 65°33.67'S 139°51.147'E - 1024 unsuccessful recovery attempts Hobart91b 03:13, 06/01/96 44°06.83'S 146°14.03'E - 1024 UPWARD LOOKING SONARS site deployment latitude longitude instrument CTD bottom name time (UTC) depths (m) station depth(m) no. instruments deployed SO-ON 21:56, 28/01/96 68°08.30'S 76°02.37'E 150 (ULS) 4 478 SOFORTH 13:15, 29/01/96 66°15.28'S 77°02.74'E 160 (ULS) 5 2866 210 (CM) CURRENT METER MOORINGS site recovery latitude longitude current meter CTD bottom name time (UTC) elevations (m) station depth(m) no. instruments recovered CM2 08:02, 23/03/96 65°55.72'S 145°24.69'E 100 145 ~740 65 25 (not recovered) 15 2 - water level recorder (not recovered) unsuccessful recovery attempts CM1 24-25/03/96 65°54.11'S 146°55.79'E - - ~600 CM3 24/03/96 66°03.13'S 148°57.93'E - - ~515 2.3.2 Moorings deployed/recovered Two bottom pressure recorders were recovered near the north and south ends of the WOCE SR3 section, and two pressure recorders were deployed as replacements. A further pressure recorder at the north end of SR3 could not be recovered. Two upward looking sonar moorings were deployed in the vicinity of Davis. One current meter mooring was recovered from the eastern end of the MARGINEX study region; two further current meter moorings in the vicinity could not be recovered. Table 2.4 summarizes all mooring locations and deployment/recovery times. 2.3.3 Drifters deployed 8 drifting Argos buoys, manufactured by Turo Technology, were deployed throughout the cruise in the MARGINEX study region (Table 2.5). 2.3.4 Principal investigators The principal investigators for the CTD and water sample measurements are listed in Table 2.6a. Cruise participants are listed in Table 2.6b. Table 2.5: Argos buoys deployed on cruise au9604. Buoy id deployment latitude longitude bottom sea air air no. time (UTC) depth surf. temp. pressure (m) temp. (°C) (hPa) (°C) 27237 12:25,12/02/96 63°38.78'S 101°37.35'E 1325 -0.51 -1.0 985.4 27239 18:48,27/02/96 65°09.18'S 117°44.95'E 1211 -0.51 -5.8 992.4 27236 20:53,03/03/96 65°10.34'S 125°48.44'E 1415 -0.49 -2.1 984.8 27235 14:41,08/03/96 64°38.55'S 135°52.52'E 1214 -0.32 -2.0 989.7 27240 05:03,11/03/96 64°59.87'S 136°26.32'E 1218 -0.13 -2.7 975.0 27238 09:15,18/03/96 65°54.01'S 144°29.60'E 1165 -1.62 -1.3 997.2 24669 10:34,24/03/96 66°02.50'S 148°59.31'E 645 -1.80 -3.2 980.6 24673 08:43,25/03/96 65°53.98'S 147°00.59'E 718 -1.76 -3.4 985.1 Table 2.6a: Principal investigators (*=cruise participant) for rosette water sampling programmes. measurement name affiliation CTD, salinity, O2, nutrients *Nathan Bindoff/Steve Rintoul Antarctic CRC/CSIRO chlorofluorocarbons *Mark Warner University of Washington 18-O Russell Frew Otago University primary productivity John Parslow CSIRO fast repitition rate *Peter Strutton(PhD student) Flinders University fluorometry biological sampling Harvey Marchant/ Antarctic Division *Simon Wright Table 2.6b: Scientific personnel (cruise participants). name measurement affiliation Nathan Bindoff CTD Antarctic CRC Tim Gibson CTD, weather balloons Antarctic CRC Doug Gillespie whale hydroacoustics, CTD Oxford University John Hunter CTD CSIRO Ian Knott CTD, electronics Antarctic CRC Mark Rosenberg CTD, moorings Antarctic CRC Mike Williams CTD Antarctic CRC Stephen Bray salinity, oxygen, nutrients Antarctic CRC Mark Rayner salinity, nutrients CSIRO Phillip Towler oxygen University of Melbourne Steve Covey CFC University of Washington Mark Warner CFC University of Washington Clive Crossley biological sampling Antarctic CRC Rick van den Endenbiological sampling Antarctic Division Paul Scott biological sampling Antarctic Division Peter Strutton biological sampling Flinders University Raechel Waters biological sampling Antarctic Division Simon Wright biological sampling, Antarctic Division deputy voyage leader Toby Bolton krill Flinders University Jon Havenhand krill Flinders University Rob King krill Antarctic Division John Kitchener krill Antarctic Division Steve Nicol krill, voyage leader Antarctic Division Robin Thompson krill Antarctic Division Patti Virtue krill Antarctic Division Ian Higginbottom hydroacoustics Antarctic Division Tim Pauly hydroacoustics Antarctic Division Karen Evans whale observations Antarctic Division Peter Gill whale observations Antarctic Division Jennifer Gillot whale observations Antarctic Division Deb Glasgow whale observations Antarctic Division Claire Green whale observations Antarctic Division Paul Hodda whale observations Antarctic Division Mick Mackey whale observations Antarctic Division Debbie Thiele whale observations Antarctic Division Eric Woehler ornithology Antarctic Division Stephanie Zador ornithology Antarctic Division Pamela Brodie programmer Antarctic Division Chris Boucher electronics Antarctic Division Roy Francis doctor Antarctic Division Gordon Keith programmer Antarctic Division Steve Oakley returnee Antarctic Division Tim Ryan underway measurements Antarctic Division Rob Walker gear officer Antarctic Division 2.4 FIELD DATA COLLECTION METHODS 2.4.1 CTD and hydrology measurements In this section, CTD and hydrology data collection and processing methods are discussed. Preliminary results of the CTD data calibration, along with data quality information, are presented in Section 2.6. CTD instrumentation, CTD and hydrology data collection techniques and water sampling methods are described in detail in previous data reports (Rosenberg et al. 1995a, 1995b, 1996). Briefly, General Oceanics Mark IIIC (i.e. WOCE upgraded) CTD units were used, with a General Oceanics model 1015 pylon, and 10 litre General Oceanics Niskin bottles. A 24 bottle rosette package was used, with deep sea reversing thermometers (Gohla-Precision) mounted at rosette positions 2, 12 and 24. A Li- Cor photosynthetically active radiation (p.a.r.) sensor and Sea-Tech fluorometer were also attached to the package for some casts. Complete calibration information for the CTD pressure, platinum temperature and pressure temperature sensors are presented in Table 2.23, along with fluorometer and p.a.r. calibrations. Note that correct scaling of fluorescence data requires linkage with primary productivity data, while p.a.r. data requires recalculation using extinction coefficients for the signal strength (B. Griffiths, pers. comm.). The complete CTD conductivity and CTD dissolved oxygen calibrations, derived respectively from the in situ Niskin bottle salinity and dissolved oxygen samples, are presented in a later section. The CTD and hydrology data processing and calibration techniques are described in detail in Appendix 2 of Rosenberg et al. (1995b) (referred to as "CTD methodology" for the remainder of the report), with the following updates to the methodology: (i) the 10 seconds of CTD data prior to each bottle firing are averaged to form the CTD upcast for use in calibration (5 seconds was used previously); (ii) in the conductivity calibration for stations 11 to 61 and stations 71 to 144, an additional term was applied to remove the pressure dependent conductivity residual. The analytical techniques and data processing routines employed in the Hydrographic Laboratory onboard the ship are discussed in Appendix 2.1 of this report, and in Appendix 3 of Rosenberg et al. (1995b). Note the following changes to the methodology: (i) 150 ml sample bottles were used, and 1.0 ml of reagents 1, 2 and 3 were used; the corresponding calculated value for the total amount of oxygen added with the reagents = 0.017 ml; (ii) a mean volume of 147.00 ml for oxygen sample bottles was applied in the calculation of dissolved oxygen concentration; (iii) nutrient autoanalyser results were processed by the software package "FASPac" (Astoria-Pacific International); (iv) salinity substandards were measured every 12 samples typically. 2.4.2 Underway measurements Underway data collection is as described in previous data reports; data files are described in Part 5. Note that a sound speed of 1498 ms^-1 is used for all depth calculations, and the ship's draught of 7.3 m has been accounted for in final depth values (i.e. depths are values from the surface). 2.4.3 ADCP The acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) instrumentation is described in previous data reports. GPS data were collected by a Koden receiver for the entire cruise, receiving both GPS positions and velocities every 1 second. ADCP data processing is discussed in more detail in Dunn (a and b, unpublished reports). Logging parameters are summarised in Table 2.7, while data results for this cruise will be discussed in a future report. Table 2.7: ADCP logging parameters. ping parameters bottom track ping parameters bin length: 8 m bin length: 4 m pulse length: 8 m pulse length: 32 m delay: 4 m ping interval: minimum ping interval: same as profiling pings reference layer averaging: bins 8 to 20 ensemble averaging duration: 3 min. 2.5 MAJOR PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED 2.5.1 Logistics On the final CTD leg 18 (Figure 2.1b*), traversed north to south, the section was prematurely terminated in a depth of ~2100 m, well short of the shelf break. Heavy ice together with time and fuel limitations did not allow further ice- breaking which would have been necessary to reach the shelf break. 2.5.2 CTD sensors Following station 81, the CTD dissolved oxygen sensor was replaced. After the cruise, analysis of data collected with the replacement sensor indicated that the oxygen current response of the sensor was poor. Thus CTD dissolved oxygen data for the second half of the cruise was of low quality, and these data were not processed further. For most of the cruise, conductivity calibrations were of a lower quality than for previous cruises. This was due to a combination of unstable salinometer performance and a significant pressure dependent response of both conductivity cells used on CTD 1103 (see section 6 for more details). The fluorometer on the rosette package flooded during station 35, and was unusable for the remainder of the cruise. 2.5.3 Moorings Of the three current meter moorings at the eastern end of the MARGINEX study region, only one was recovered, and only partially so - a current meter and a water level recorder were lost while dragging for the recovered mooring. No precise positions or water depths were available for the moorings, and no ranging equipment was included in the moorings, making the recovery operation a difficult one. The four year pressure recorder mooring Hobart91b (Table 2.4) failed to release from the bottom mooring weight, despite flawless communication with the acoustic release. This failure was identical with that for the two moorings Dumont92a and b, described in Rosenberg et al. 1995b. 2.5.4 Other equipment The ship's gyrocompass malfunctioned on several occasions throughout the cruise, at one stage leaving the ship with no gyro for several days. ADCP data from these times will be poor. 2.6 CTD RESULTS This section details information relevant to the creation and quality of the final CTD and hydrology data set. For actual use of the data, the following is important: CTD data - Tables 2.15 and 2.16, and Table 2.8; hydrology data - Tables 2.20 and 2.21. Historical data comparisons are made in Part 4 of this report. Data file formats are described in Part 5. 2.6.1 CTD measurements - data creation and quality CTD data calibration and processing methods are described in detail in the CTD methodology (i.e. Appendix 2 of Rosenberg et al., 1995b, with the additions listed in section 2.4.1 of this report). Cases for cruise au9604 which vary from this methodology are detailed in this section. CTD data quality is also discussed. For conversion to WOCE data file formats, see Part 5 of this report. The final calibration results for conductivity/salinity and dissolved oxygen, along with the performance check for temperature, are plotted in Figures 2.2* to 2.5*. For temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, the respective residuals (T(therm) - T(cal)), (s(btl) - s(cal)) and (o(btl) - o(cal)) are plotted. For conductivity, the ratio cbtl/ccal is plotted. T(therm) and T(cal) are respectively the protected thermometer and calibrated upcast CTD burst temperature values; s(btl), s(cal), o(btl), o(cal), c(btl) and c(cal), and the mean and standard deviation values in Figures 2.2* to 2.5*, are as defined in the CTD methodology (with additional definitions described below for cases where a pressure dependent residual is removed from conductivity data). Conductivity/salinity The conductivity calibration for CTD 1103 (stations 3 to 144) revealed problems with the salinity measurements for both the CTD and salinometers. A larger than usual conductivity calibration scatter (Figures 2.3* and 2.4*) resulting from poor salinometer performance was superimposed on a pressure dependent conductivity residual resulting from CTD conductivity cell contamination. The pressure dependent conductivity residual was found for both conductivity cells used with CTD 1103, and is assumed to result from a light fouling or contamination of both cells. An extra fit was applied to remove this residual, following the same method as described in Part 1 (section of this report. Note that station grouping for the extra fit parameter _ (defined in eqn 1.1 in Part 1 of this report) was separate from and different to the initial conductivity calibration station grouping (Table 2.10). After application of the pressure dependent conductivity correction, the standard deviation of the salinity calibration scatter decreased from 0.0027 to 0.0024 (PSS78) (Figure 2.4*). This standard deviation value remained high due to unstable performance of all 4 YeoKal salinometers used for salinity sample analysis on the cruise. For the remaining stations using CTD 1193, CTD conductivity cell performance was good. Temperature Platinum temperature sensor performance of the CTD's was stable throughout the entire cruise, with a small offset between thermometer and CTD temperature values (Figure 2.2*). Note that a post cruise temperature calibration was required for CTD 1193, as the pre cruise calibration for this instrument did not appear to be applicable. Pressure For stations 8, 89 and 116, data logging commenced when the CTD was already in the water, so surface pressure offset values were estimated from surrounding stations. For station 68, conductivity cell freezing interfered with the automatic estimation of surface pressure offsets (see CTD methodology), while pressure spiking interfered with pressure offset values for stations 29 and 48; for these stations, surface pressure offset values were estimated from a manual inspection of the pressure data. Note that for all these stations, any resulting additional error in the CTD pressure data is judged to be small (no more than 0.2 dbar). Dissolved oxygen Usable CTD dissolved oxygen data were only obtained for half of the cruise (stations 6 to 80 and station 145). For these stations, the final standard deviation value of the dissolved oxygen residuals (Figure 2.5*) are less than 1% of full scale values (where full scale is approximately equal to 250 µmol/l for pressure > 750 dbar, and 350 µmol/l for pressure < 750 dbar). In most cases, the best calibration was achieved using large values of the order 12.0 for the coefficient K1 (i.e. oxygen current slope), and large negative values of the order -2.0 for the coefficient K3 (i.e. oxygen current bias) (Table 2.17). Fluorescence and P.A.R. Data Fluorescence and p.a.r. are effectively uncalibrated. These data should not be used quantitatively other than for linkage with primary productivity data. Table 2.8: Summary of cautions to CTD data quality. station no. CTD parameter caution 2,3 salinity test cast - all bottles fired at same depth; salinity accuracy reduced 8 salinity CTD conductivity cell behaviour for this station different to surrounding stations - stn 8 calibrated on its own (i.e. not grouped) 8,89,116 pressure surface pressure offset estimated from surrounding stations 29,48,68 pressure surface pressure offset estimated from manual inspection of data 19,24,26 oxygen oxygen calibration fit fairly poor 146,147 salinity conductivity calibration for stn 145 applied to these stations 11-61,71-144 salinity additional correction applied for pressure dependent conductivity residual 81-144 oxygen no CTD dissolved oxygen data due to faulty oxygen sensor all stns fluorescence fluorescence and p.a.r. sensors (where active) /p.a.r. are uncalibrated Summary of CTD data creation Information relevant to the creation of the calibrated CTD data is tabulated, as follows: * Surface pressure offsets calculated for each station are listed in Table 2.9. * CTD conductivity calibration coefficients, including the station groupings used for the conductivity calibration, are listed in Tables 2.10 and 2.11. * CTD raw data scans flagged for special treatment are listed in Table 2.12. * Missing 2 dbar data averages are listed in Table 2.13. * 2 dbar bins which are linearly interpolated from surrounding bins are listed in Table 2.14. * Suspect 2 dbar averages are listed in Tables 2.15 and 2.16. * CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients are listed in Table 2.17. The starting values used for the coefficients prior to iteration, and the coefficients varied during the iteration, are listed in Table 2.18. * The different protected and unprotected thermometers used for the stations are listed in Table 2.22. * Laboratory calibration coefficients for the CTD's are listed in Table 2.23. Summary of CTD data quality CTD data quality cautions for the various parameters are summarised in Table 2.8. Figure 2.2*: Temperature residual (T(therm) - T(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9604. The solid line is the mean of all the residuals; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of all the residuals (see CTD methodology). Note that the "dubious" and "rejected" categories refer to the conductivity calibration. Figure 2.3*: Conductivity ratio c(btl)/c(cal) versus station number for cruise au9604. The solid line follows the mean of the residuals for each station; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of the residuals for each station (see CTD methodology). Figure 2.4*: Salinity residual (s(btl) - s(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9604. The solid line is the mean of all the residuals; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of all the residuals (see CTD methodology). 2.6.2 Hydrology data Quality control information relevant to the hydrology data is tabulated, as follows: * Dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle samples flagged with the code -9 (rejected for CTD dissolved oxygen calibration) are listed in Table 2.19. * Questionable dissolved oxygen and nutrient Niskin bottle sample values are listed in Tables 2.20 and 2.21 respectively. Note that questionable values are included in the hydrology data file, whereas bad values have been removed. Laboratory temperature on the ship was stable, with lab temperatures at the times of nutrient analyses having a most common value of 19.6°C. For stations 23 to 26, autoanalyser peak heights for silicate were measured manually, and a linear fit was applied to the calibration standards. For station 22, bottle salinity values were bad, and were not used in the calibration procedure. For stations 28 and 42, phosphate data were bad. Figure 2.5*: Dissolved oxygen residual (o(btl) - o(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9604. Table 2.9*: Surface pressure offsets (as defined in the CTD methodology). ** indicates that value is estimated from surrounding stations, or else determined from manual inspection of pressure data. stn surface p stn surface p stn surface p stn surface p no. offset (dbar) no. offset (dbar) no. offset (dbar) no. offset (dbar) 1 -0.25 38 -0.09 75 -0.69 112 -0.49 2 -0.61 39 -0.08 76 -0.84 113 -1.02 3 0.37 40 -0.37 77 -0.49 114 -0.76 4 0.11 41 -0.37 78 -0.64 115 -0.96 5 0.95 42 -0.49 79 -0.47 116 -0.90** 6 1.16 43 -0.48 80 -0.18 117 -0.69 7 1.33 44 -0.39 81 -0.33 118 -0.84 8 1.36** 45 0.05 82 -0.89 119 -1.13 9 1.40 46 -0.65 83 -0.92 120 -1.32 10 0.41 47 -0.19 84 -0.56 121 -0.84 11 1.61 48 0.00** 85 -0.51 122 -1.42 12 0.09 49 -0.40 86 -0.47 123 -1.01 13 0.28 50 -0.15 87 -0.35 124 -1.06 14 0.16 51 -0.54 88 -0.75 125 -0.86 15 0.04 52 -0.32 89 -0.77** 126 -0.84 16 -0.06 53 -0.25 90 -0.80 127 -0.75 17 -0.03 54 -0.99 91 -0.74 128 -1.26 18 -0.24 55 -0.46 92 -0.81 129 -0.76 19 -0.22 56 -0.69 93 -0.88 130 -0.17 20 -0.36 57 -1.01 94 -0.64 131 -1.06 21 0.07 58 -0.70 95 -0.75 132 -0.27 22 -0.33 59 -0.51 96 -0.92 133 -0.61 23 -0.34 60 -0.20 97 -0.75 134 -0.84 24 -0.59 61 -1.02 98 -0.39 135 -0.94 25 -0.38 62 0.94 99 -0.45 136 -0.94 26 -0.36 63 -0.45 100 -0.59 137 -1.22 27 -0.26 64 -0.80 101 -0.88 138 -0.97 28 -0.46 65 -0.26 102 -0.65 139 -0.80 29 -0.20** 66 -0.45 103 -0.35 140 -0.87 30 -1.05 67 -0.35 104 -0.40 141 -0.93 31 -0.33 68 -0.50** 105 -0.56 142 -0.70 32 -0.40 69 -0.42 106 -1.07 143 -0.74 33 -0.53 70 -0.16 107 -0.63 144 -0.81 34 -0.30 71 -0.27 108 -1.02 145 0.09 35 -0.53 72 -0.20 109 -0.56 146 0.13 36 -0.41 73 -0.14 110 -1.03 147 -0.45 37 -0.68 74 -0.63 111 -1.14 Table 2.10: CTD conductivity calibration coefficients. F1 , F2 and F3 are respectively conductivity bias, slope and station-dependent correction calibration terms. n is the number of samples retained for calibration in each station grouping; sigma is the standard deviation of the conductivity residual for the n samples in the station grouping (see CTD methodology); alpha is the correction applied to CTD conductivities due to pressure dependence of the conductivity residuals (see eqn 1.1 in Part 1 of this report). stn grouping F1 F2 F3 n sigma alpha 001 to 001 -3.4008230 0.10266676E-02 0 3 0.004993 - 002 to 002 -3.4008230 0.10266676E-02 0 3 0.004993 - 003 to 004 0.55764682 0.99645743E-03 -.28960267E-05 24 0.001263 - 005 to 007 -.52606214E-02 0.10046804E-02 0.95765457E-07 23 0.002064 - 008 to 008 0.44036103E-01 0.10031503E-02 0 11 0.004031 - 009 to 010 -.79348989E-01 0.10082906E-02 -.41941891E-07 31 0.002407 - 011 to 017 -.63365640E-01 0.10072857E-02 0.92934405E-08 98 0.001785 6.30E-07 018 to 019 -.16941205E-01 0.10029438E-02 0.16218103E-06 41 0.001701 6.30E-07 020 to 024 -.34773276E-01 0.10062501E-02 0.27600438E-07 67 0.002006 6.30E-07(stn20) 6.99E-07(stn21-24) 025 to 027 -.42861170E-01 0.10088248E-02 -.72135270E-07 65 0.001325 6.99E-07 028 to 030 -.38426094E-01 0.10043136E-02 0.84881449E-07 45 0.001317 6.99E-07 031 to 033 -.45089981E-01 0.10086500E-02 -.50005682E-07 67 0.001169 8.14E-07 034 to 035 -.16210020E-01 0.10136385E-02 -.22598949E-06 41 0.001225 8.14E-07 036 to 037 -.21369310E-01 0.10091878E-02 -.82466648E-07 31 0.001514 8.14E-07 038 to 040 -.50591527E-02 0.10050644E-02 0.20181984E-07 32 0.001201 8.14E-07 041 to 042 -.45224069E-01 0.10118294E-02 -.10457316E-06 20 0.001213 7.36E-07 043 to 044 -.89106026E-01 0.10309086E-02 -.50554005E-06 26 0.001366 7.36E-07 045 to 047 -.17972448E-02 0.10058200E-02 -.25894965E-08 69 0.001945 7.36E-07 048 to 051 -.11278398E-02 0.10018826E-02 0.75038871E-07 32 0.002178 7.36E-07(stn48-50) 6.06E-07(stn51) 052 to 054 -.22038176E-01 0.10077813E-02 -.29925844E-07 41 0.001056 6.06E-07 055 to 057 -.25708043E-01 0.10036519E-02 0.51001329E-07 63 0.001257 6.06E-07 058 to 060 -.16543813E-01 0.10067962E-02 -.11086368E-07 39 0.001133 6.06E-07 061 to 062 -.47632077E-01 0.10066633E-02 0.10413888E-07 45 0.001201 6.06E-07(stn61) - (stn62) 063 to 064 -.60785919E-02 0.10155002E-02 -.15326305E-06 40 0.001144 - 065 to 066 -.16546893E-01 0.10296772E-02 -.35846498E-06 14 0.001768 - 067 to 068 0.55308088E-02 0.10128742E-02 -.10922184E-06 13 0.003147 - 069 to 074 -.22735305E-01 0.10084174E-02 -.30649004E-07 82 0.001731 - (stn69-70) 10.16E-07(stn71-74) 075 to 076 -.86408281E-01 0.10071895E-02 0.16918503E-07 41 0.001395 10.16E-07 077 to 079 -.19036812E-01 0.10126020E-02 -.82942800E-07 44 0.001222 10.16E-07 080 to 081 -.24748542E-01 0.10069379E-02 -.84236957E-08 43 0.002302 10.16E-07(stn80) 4.09E-07(stn81) 082 to 084 -.35271471E-01 0.10118694E-02 -.62164157E-07 20 0.001201 4.09E-07 085 to 088 -.43779395E-01 0.10081677E-02 -.15567609E-07 56 0.002321 4.09E-07 089 to 091 -.26888057E-01 0.10126024E-02 -.70609756E-07 67 0.002901 4.09E-07(stn89-90) 7.45E-07(stn91) 092 to 093 -.25957370E-01 0.10035524E-02 0.29544867E-07 43 0.001936 7.45E-07 094 to 096 -.18031989E-01 0.10067845E-02 -.75915753E-08 46 0.001427 7.45E-07 097 to 099 0.72025201E-02 0.10024057E-02 0.27868859E-07 65 0.001602 7.45E-07 100 to 101 -.53994702E-01 0.10336150E-02 -.26094479E-06 15 0.002287 7.45E-07(stn100) 9.30E-07(stn101) 102 to 106 -.32221287E-01 0.10092370E-02 -.25813131E-07 54 0.001596 9.30E-07 107 to 108 -.27064708E-01 0.10121597E-02 -.55131810E-07 35 0.001449 9.30E-07 109 to 110 -.41781867E-01 0.10204373E-02 -.12507360E-06 44 0.001598 9.30E-07 111 to 116 -.51999880E-01 0.10066765E-02 0.40501302E-08 96 0.002602 10.39E-07 117 to 120 -.78123279E-01 0.10079076E-02 0.14758557E-08 62 0.001573 10.39E-07 121 to 123 -.30409364E-01 0.10153867E-02 -.74014007E-07 65 0.001666 10.33E-07 124 to 129 -.26783184E-01 0.10070376E-02 -.63658094E-08 97 0.002300 10.33E-07 130 to 132 -.99892436E-01 0.99483839E-03 0.10644714E-06 18 0.001000 10.33E-07(stn130) 6.37E-07(stn131-132) 133 to 134 -.45705617E-01 0.10181827E-02 -.85306942E-07 44 0.001385 6.37E-07 135 to 137 -.56982632E-01 0.99366156E-03 0.10145251E-06 36 0.002465 6.37E-07 138 to 140 -.35961294E-01 0.10126337E-02 -.42141044E-07 67 0.002214 6.37E-07 141 to 142 -.18766667E-01 0.10120811E-02 -.42780742E-07 41 0.001695 6.37E-07 143 to 144 -.40630706E-01 0.98885825E-03 0.12512651E-06 40 0.001301 6.37E-07 145 to 145 0.90433855E-01 0.95596375E-03 0 6 0.000397 - 146 to 146 0.90433855E-01 0.95596375E-03 0 6 0.000397 - 147 to 147 0.90433855E-01 0.95596375E-03 0 6 0.000397 - Table 2.11: Station-dependent-corrected conductivity slope term (F2 + F3 . N), for station number N, and F2 and F3 the conductivity slope and station-dependent correction calibration terms respectively. stn (F2 + F3 . N) stn (F2 + F3 . N) stn (F2 + F3 . N) stn (F2 + F3 . N) no. no. no. no. 1 0.10266676E-02 38 0.10058313E-02 75 0.10084584E-02 112 0.10071301E-02 2 0.10266676E-02 39 0.10058515E-02 76 0.10084753E-02 113 0.10071341E-02 3 0.98776935E-03 40 0.10058717E-02 77 0.10062154E-02 114 0.10071382E-02 4 0.98487332E-03 41 0.10075419E-02 78 0.10061325E-02 115 0.10071422E-02 5 0.10051592E-02 42 0.10074373E-02 79 0.10060495E-02 116 0.10071463E-02 6 0.10052550E-02 43 0.10091704E-02 80 0.10062640E-02 117 0.10080803E-02 7 0.10053508E-02 44 0.10086648E-02 81 0.10062556E-02 118 0.10080818E-02 8 0.10031503E-02 45 0.10057035E-02 82 0.10067720E-02 119 0.10080833E-02 9 0.10079131E-02 46 0.10057009E-02 83 0.10067098E-02 120 0.10080847E-02 10 0.10078712E-02 47 0.10056983E-02 84 0.10066477E-02 121 0.10064310E-02 11 0.10073879E-02 48 0.10054845E-02 85 0.10068445E-02 122 0.10063570E-02 12 0.10073972E-02 49 0.10055595E-02 86 0.10068289E-02 123 0.10062829E-02 13 0.10074065E-02 50 0.10056346E-02 87 0.10068134E-02 124 0.10062482E-02 14 0.10074158E-02 51 0.10057096E-02 88 0.10067978E-02 125 0.10062418E-02 15 0.10074251E-02 52 0.10062251E-02 89 0.10063182E-02 126 0.10062355E-02 16 0.10074344E-02 53 0.10061952E-02 90 0.10062476E-02 127 0.10062291E-02 17 0.10074437E-02 54 0.10061653E-02 91 0.10061770E-02 128 0.10062227E-02 18 0.10058631E-02 55 0.10064570E-02 92 0.10062705E-02 129 0.10062164E-02 19 0.10060253E-02 56 0.10065080E-02 93 0.10063001E-02 130 0.10086765E-02 20 0.10068021E-02 57 0.10065590E-02 94 0.10060709E-02 131 0.10087830E-02 21 0.10068297E-02 58 0.10061532E-02 95 0.10060633E-02 132 0.10088894E-02 22 0.10068573E-02 59 0.10061421E-02 96 0.10060557E-02 133 0.10068369E-02 23 0.10068849E-02 60 0.10061310E-02 97 0.10051090E-02 134 0.10067516E-02 24 0.10069125E-02 61 0.10072986E-02 98 0.10051368E-02 135 0.10073576E-02 25 0.10070214E-02 62 0.10073090E-02 99 0.10051647E-02 136 0.10074591E-02 26 0.10069493E-02 63 0.10058447E-02 100 0.10075206E-02 137 0.10075606E-02 27 0.10068771E-02 64 0.10056914E-02 101 0.10072596E-02 138 0.10068183E-02 28 0.10066903E-02 65 0.10063770E-02 102 0.10066040E-02 139 0.10067761E-02 29 0.10067751E-02 66 0.10060185E-02 103 0.10065782E-02 140 0.10067340E-02 30 0.10068600E-02 67 0.10055564E-02 104 0.10065524E-02 141 0.10060490E-02 31 0.10070999E-02 68 0.10054471E-02 105 0.10065266E-02 142 0.10060063E-02 32 0.10070499E-02 69 0.10063026E-02 106 0.10065008E-02 143 0.10067513E-02 33 0.10069999E-02 70 0.10062720E-02 107 0.10062606E-02 144 0.10068765E-02 34 0.10059549E-02 71 0.10062413E-02 108 0.10062055E-02 145 0.95596375E-03 35 0.10057289E-02 72 0.10062107E-02 109 0.10068043E-02 146 0.95596375E-03 36 0.10062190E-02 73 0.10061800E-02 110 0.10066792E-02 147 0.95596375E-03 37 0.10061365E-02 74 0.10061494E-02 111 0.10071260E-02 Table 2.12: CTD raw data scans flagged for special treatment (see previous data reports for explanation). station approximate raw scan action reason number pressure (dbar) numbers taken 4(downcast) 286 22602-22953 ignore fouling of cond. cell 7(downcast) 146 10608-10626 ignore bad data scans 145(upcast) 571-579,730-741,799-802 ignore bad pressure data 145(upcast) 855-858,1137-1140,1404-1408 ignore bad pressure data 145(upcast) 2218-2236,2872-2879 ignore bad pressure data 145(upcast) 5607-5612,5703-5711 ignore bad pressure data 146(upcast) 3097-3100,3151-3155,3260-3263 ignore bad pressure data 146(upcast) 3286-3298,3334-3337,3388-3390 ignore bad pressure data 146(upcast) 3421-3425,3442-3445,3477-3480 ignore bad pressure data 147(upcast) 3036-3039,3142-3146,3158-3163 ignore bad pressure data 147(upcast) 3210-3213 ignore bad pressure data Table 2.13: Missing data points in 2 dbar-averaged files. "1" indicates missing data for the indicated parameters: T=temperature; S=salinity, sigma-T, specific volume anomaly and geopotential anomaly; O=dissolved oxygen; PAR=photosynthetically active radiation; F=fluorescence. Note that jmin is the minimum number of data points required in a 2 dbar bin to form the 2 dbar average (see CTD methodology). station pressures (dbar) reason number where data missing T S O PAR F 1 entire profile 1 no bottles for oxygen calibration 2 entire profile 1 1 no bottles for calibration 3 entire profile 1 bad oxygen data 3 3924 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 4,5 entire profile 1 no bottles for oxygen calibration 8 2 1 1 1 1 CTD not logging 13 618 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 16,21, entire profile 1 no bottles for oxygen calibration 29 17 entire profile 1 bad oxygen data 20 2852-2864 1 bad oxygen data 26 2-58 1 bad oxygen data 35 448 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 38 1210 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 40 522 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 41 2-16 1 bad oxygen data 43 entire profile 1 no bottles for oxygen calibration 43 100 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 44 2032-2104 1 fouling of cond. cell 44 entire profile 1 bad oxygen data 60 entire profile 1 no bottles for oxygen calibration 62 2 1 1 1 bad data 62 950 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 62 952 1 bad oxygen data 64 932-946 1 fouling of cond. cell 65,77 entire profile 1 no bottles for oxygen calibration 72 1832 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 74 18-28 1 bad oxygen data 75 2542 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 79 2-72 1 bad oxygen data 82 2 1 1 bad data 83 438 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 89 2 1 1 1 1 CTD not logging 92 3518 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 97 3888 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 98 2110-3106 1 fouling of cond. cell 123 1904-2180 1 fouling of cond. cell 133 3952 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 134 3926 1 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 141 1804 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2 dbar bin < jmin 81-144 entire profile 1 bad oxygen data 145 326,374,428 1 bad oxygen data 146,147 entire profile 1 no bottles for oxygen calibration 147 2-24 1 fouling of cond. cell 1-3, entire profile 1 fluorometer not installed 14-33 35 entire profile 1 bad fluorometer data 36-147 entire profile 1 fluorometer not installed Table 2.14: 2 dbar averages interpolated from surrounding 2 dbar values, for the indicated parameters. station interpolated parameters number 2 dbar values interpolated 2 3320 T, PAR 133 1482 T, S, PAR 135 1986 T, S, PAR Table 2.15a: Suspect 2 dbar salinity averages (+ temperature where indicated). Note: for suspect salinity values, the following are also suspect: sigma-T, specific volume anomaly, and geopotential anomaly. station suspect 2 dbar values (dbar) reason number bad questionable 3 - 66 salinity spike in steep local gradient 4 - 64,66 salinity spike in steep local gradient 9 - 138 bad data scans 11 - 36,38 salinity spike in steep local gradient 13 - 52,54 salinity spike in steep local gradient 15 - 600 salinity spike in steep local gradient 17 - 198,200 salinity spike in steep local gradient 18 - 150,152 salinity spike in steep local gradient 20 - 2856-2870 possible fouling of conductivity cell 21 - 48 salinity spike in steep local gradient 22 - 52,54 salinity spike in steep local gradient 30 - 8,10 salinity spike in steep local gradient 32 - 170 salinity spike in steep local gradient 36 - 46 salinity spike in steep local gradient 39 - 12,14 salinity spike in steep local gradient 46 - 44,46 salinity spike in steep local gradient 59 - 42,44 salinity spike in steep local gradient 61 - 40,42 salinity spike in steep local gradient 62 - 952 possible fouling of conductivity cell 63 - 108,110 salinity spike in steep local gradient 70 - 14-20 salinity spike in steep local gradient 80 - 32,34 salinity spike in steep local gradient 85 - 36 salinity spike in steep local gradient 93 - 34,64,66 salinity spike in steep local gradient 94 - 34,42-52 salinity spike in steep local gradient 97 - 38,56 salinity spike in steep local gradient 98 - 34,36 salinity spike in steep local gradient 99 - 44,46 salinity spike in steep local gradient 104 - 36,38 salinity spike in steep local gradient 107 - 38 salinity spike in steep local gradient 109 - 32,34,138,168 salinity spike in steep local gradient 110 - 32 salinity spike in steep local gradient 111 - 40-44 salinity spike in steep local gradient 112 - 52-56 salinity spike in steep local gradient 113 - 42 salinity spike in steep local gradient 114 - 50-54 salinity spike in steep local gradient 117 - 54-58 salinity spike in steep local gradient 118 - 64 salinity spike in steep local gradient 119 - 56 salinity spike in steep local gradient (T also) 120 - 48-52 salinity spike in steep local gradient 129 - 696 salinity spike in steep local gradient 133 - 64,66 salinity spike in steep local gradient 137 - 62,64 salinity spike in steep local gradient 140 - 56,58,126 salinity spike in steep local gradient 142 - 34,36 salinity spike in steep local gradient Table 2.15b: Suspect 2 dbar-averaged data from near the surface (applies to all parameters other than dissolved oxygen, except where noted). stn suspect 2dbar values (dbar) stn suspect 2dbar values (dbar) no. bad questionable no. bad questionable 3,4 2 4 67 2 - 5 2,4 - 68 2-60 - (T okay) 6,7 - 2 69 2,4 6 8 - 4 70,71 - 2 10 - 2 (T okay) 74,75 2 4 11,12 - 2 76 - 2-6 13 2 4 79 - 2 14 2,4 6 80 2 4 15 - 2 82 - 4 16 2 4,6 83 - 2 17 - 2,4 84,85 2 4 18,19 - 2 86 - 2 20 - 2-6 87 - 2,4 21 - 2,4 90 - 2 22 - 2 91 2 4 22 - 4 (T okay) 92 - 2,4 23 - 2 94 - 2 24 2 - 96,97 - 2 26 2 4-8 98,99 2 4 27 2 4 100,101 - 2 29 - 2 102 2 4,6 31 2 4 103 - 2 32,33 - 2 104 - 2,4 34 - 2,4 105 - 2 34 - 6 (T okay) 106,107 - 2,4 35 - 2,4 108 2 4 35 - 6 (T okay) 109 2 4 36,37 - 2 110,111 - 2,4 39 - 2 112 2 4 40 - 2,4 (T okay) 113 - 2 41,42 - 2,4 114,115 - 2,4 43 2 4 116-118 - 2 44,45 - 2,4 119 - 2,4 46-48 - 2 120 - 2 49 - 2,4 121 2 4 50 - 2 123 - 2,4 51 - 2,4 124 - 2 52 2 - 125 - 2,4 52 - 4-14 (T okay) 126 2 4 53 2 - 127 2 - 53 - 4-14 (T okay) 128 2 4 54 2 4 129 - 2,4 55 2 - 130 2 4,6 56 2 4 131 - 2 57 - 2,4 132 - 2,4 58,59 - 2 133 2 4,6 60 - 2 (T okay) 134 - 2,4 62 4 6 135 - 2-6 63 2 4 136,137 - 2 64 - 2 138 - 2,4 65 2 4 139 - 2 66 - 2 140 - 2,4 66 - 4-18 (T okay) 141,142 - 2 143, 2 4 144 Table 2.16: Suspect 2 dbar-averaged dissolved oxygen data. stn suspect 2dbar values (dbar) stn suspect 2dbar values (dbar) no. bad questionable no. bad questionable 6 - 16-28 42 - 2-12 9 - 2-12,138,228 45 - 2 9 - 230,262,264 47 - 2,4 11 - 2 48 - 14-56 13 - 2-6 49 - 2-12 14 - 2,4 51 - 2-10 23 - 2-42 54 - 6-10 27 - 2-16 55 - 2-14 28 - 2-6,48-56 56 - 2 30 - 2-6 57 - 2,4 31 - 2-26,54-58 58 - 2-8 32 - 2 62 - 4-8,954-960 33 - 2-8 63 - 2-28 34 - 4-30 64 - 932-946 35 - 2-10 67 - 2,10-58 38 - 2-8,54-60 68 - 2-12 41 - 54-60 75 - 2 Table 2.17: CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients. K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 and K6 are respectively oxygen current slope, oxygen sensor time constant, oxygen current bias, temperature correction term, weighting factor, and pressure correction term. dox is equal to 2.8sigma (for sigma as defined by eqn A2.24 in the CTD methodology); n is the number of samples retained for calibration in each station or station grouping. station K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 dox n number 1-5 - - - - - - - - 6 7.418 5.00 -0.565 -0.06023 1.6962 -0.20179E-04 0.07725 7 7 6.872 5.00 -0.708 -0.13410 0.7181 0.24655E-03 0.14338 10 8 3.642 5.00 0.096 -0.12494 0.5941 -0.10229E-03 0.21158 11 9 7.093 5.00 -0.748 -0.11343 0.6713 0.89483E-04 0.23546 13 10 11.981 5.00 -1.621 -0.17472 0.9308 0.12612E-03 0.10240 17 11 6.451 5.00 -0.560 -0.14690 0.6141 0.67143E-04 0.10334 17 12 17.160 5.00 -2.450 -0.25734 1.0491 0.14873E-03 0.19673 24 13 20.289 5.00 -3.071 -0.25086 1.0967 0.17067E-03 0.19821 23 14 6.458 5.00 -0.699 -0.05269 0.2338 0.98041E-04 0.13005 23 15 14.242 5.00 -2.061 -0.16623 0.9724 0.14757E-03 0.20143 22 16-17 - - - - - - - - 18 14.222 5.00 -2.049 -0.14751 1.0652 0.14078E-03 0.22139 22 19 8.206 5.00 -0.813 -0.17663 0.7010 0.61268E-04 0.21079 19 20 9.633 5.00 -1.285 -0.08468 0.7706 0.13244E-03 0.14319 20 21 - - - - - - - - 22 14.502 5.00 -2.099 -0.16000 0.8689 0.14116E-03 0.22888 23 23 12.887 6.00 -1.907 -0.10053 0.8371 0.16632E-03 0.11743 22 24 13.362 5.00 -1.989 -0.11649 0.9941 0.20188E-03 0.24027 23 25 12.223 5.00 -1.746 -0.09636 0.8988 0.15115E-03 0.15767 21 26 9.611 5.00 -1.041 -0.25649 0.7004 0.80656E-04 0.25574 22 27 7.947 5.00 -0.957 -0.09613 0.6344 0.11430E-03 0.17697 24 28 12.035 5.00 -1.684 -0.15714 0.6915 0.13169E-03 0.29089 24 29 - - - - - - - - 30 11.283 5.00 -1.590 -0.11215 0.5598 0.12912E-03 0.15112 24 31 10.148 5.00 -1.384 -0.08487 0.7658 0.13585E-03 0.14159 24 32 7.618 5.00 -0.916 -0.04725 0.5352 0.11641E-03 0.16382 23 33 35.331 6.00 -5.598 -0.38808 1.0868 0.20304E-03 0.18587 24 34 16.145 5.00 -2.448 -0.16724 0.9970 0.18210E-03 0.18263 23 35 13.675 5.00 -1.902 -0.17720 0.9764 0.12958E-03 0.27098 21 36 14.710 5.00 -2.116 -0.19929 0.9144 0.14117E-03 0.23900 18 37 18.358 5.00 -2.776 -0.21192 0.9571 0.15181E-03 0.17370 17 38 21.256 5.00 -3.387 -0.25768 0.8768 0.25256E-03 0.24543 14 39 10.125 5.00 -1.226 -0.12277 0.7522 -0.16664E-04 0.24269 10 40 8.252 6.00 -1.028 -0.08883 0.2829 0.22137E-03 0.20618 10 41 13.477 5.00 -1.923 -0.14286 0.8308 0.18302E-03 0.09454 8 42 13.110 5.00 -1.792 -0.11370 0.9803 0.15074E-03 0.20964 12 43-44 - - - - - - - - 45 8.231 5.00 -1.044 -0.09496 0.5569 0.12043E-03 0.14826 23 46 9.107 5.00 -1.227 -0.05124 0.3477 0.12590E-03 0.11759 24 47 14.485 5.00 -2.190 -0.12723 1.2218 0.18700E-03 0.12920 21 48 2.745 8.00 1.062 0.37630 0.0352 -0.12314E-03 0.13448 6 49 17.719 8.00 -2.755 -0.19351 1.0108 0.22516E-03 0.11148 9 50 14.718 6.00 -2.083 -0.21094 0.8862 0.15609E-03 0.14124 11 51 12.666 8.00 -1.640 -0.18490 0.8430 0.73093E-04 0.13368 13 52 15.079 5.00 -2.041 -0.23234 0.8909 0.10585E-03 0.22428 14 53 16.435 5.00 -2.359 -0.21402 0.9059 0.12835E-03 0.17349 15 54 8.565 8.00 -1.023 -0.09570 0.5068 0.87403E-04 0.18297 18 55 17.456 5.00 -2.586 -0.18771 0.9519 0.14376E-03 0.14614 19 56 13.541 6.00 -1.848 -0.17231 0.8238 0.11222E-03 0.18034 22 57 17.585 5.00 -2.693 -0.18359 0.9900 0.16884E-03 0.19072 24 58 8.252 5.00 -1.050 -0.04507 0.2405 0.11100E-03 0.17519 23 59 12.812 5.00 -1.830 -0.11619 0.8256 0.13463E-03 0.15943 24 60 - - - - - - - - 61 15.443 8.00 -2.249 -0.15869 0.7950 0.12621E-03 0.16280 24 62 7.552 5.00 -0.872 -0.08247 0.3376 0.89890E-04 0.18896 21 63 7.801 5.00 -0.920 -0.07044 0.3663 0.96123E-04 0.17730 24 64 10.588 8.00 -1.423 -0.09551 0.4398 0.10736E-03 0.10591 24 65 - - - - - - - - 66 15.627 5.00 -2.396 -0.23340 0.7954 0.21008E-03 0.09261 8 67 10.786 5.00 -1.332 -0.12683 0.9951 0.14226E-03 0.17909 5 68 13.291 6.00 -1.900 -0.14946 0.8944 0.24323E-03 0.20779 8 69 25.046 5.00 -4.052 -0.26061 1.0344 0.20912E-03 0.14930 12 70 15.205 5.00 -2.163 -0.21336 0.8850 0.12566E-03 0.20667 11 71 7.230 5.00 -0.591 -0.22886 0.5820 0.37917E-04 0.21003 14 72 11.370 5.00 -1.454 -0.18495 0.7181 0.94158E-04 0.13537 15 73 6.947 8.00 -0.755 -0.08066 0.2406 0.86378E-04 0.14414 18 74 15.394 8.00 -2.287 -0.20745 0.9438 0.18530E-03 0.15400 18 75 7.348 5.00 -0.888 -0.04344 0.3395 0.11707E-03 0.10340 23 76 13.500 10.0 -2.049 -0.06560 1.2992 0.19319E-03 0.11749 23 77 - - - - - - - - 78 10.578 5.00 -1.514 -0.04315 0.8707 0.14700E-03 0.10303 23 79 5.153 5.00 -0.414 -0.08473 0.6596 0.98564E-04 0.16396 21 80 11.496 10.0 -1.606 -0.08090 0.9995 0.14893E-03 0.07288 22 81-144 - - - - - - - - 145 6.980 7.00 -0.716 -0.11934 0.5563 0.12412E-03 0.10894 9 146-147 - - - - - - - - Table 2.18: Starting values for CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients prior to iteration, and coefficients varied during iteration (see CTD methodology). Note that coefficients not varied during iteration are held constant at the starting value. station K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 coefficients number varied 1-5 - - - - - - - 6 9.100 5.0000 -0.200 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 7 6.600 5.0000 -0.800 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 8 6.600 5.0000 -1.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 9 12.400 5.0000 -1.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 10 11.700 5.0000 -1.400 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 11 6.700 5.0000 -0.600 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 12 9.300 5.0000 1.600 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 13 8.400 5.0000 0.400 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 14 8.300 5.0000 -0.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 15 11.300 5.0000 -2.400 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 16-17 - - - - - - - 18 10.500 5.0000 -2.500 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 19 8.200 5.0000 -0.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 20 9.550 5.0000 -1.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 21 - - - - - - - 22 12.600 5.0000 -2.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 23 9.410 6.0000 -2.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 24 11.170 5.0000 -2.300 -0.300E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 25 11.200 5.0000 -2.000 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 26 9.900 5.0000 -1.100 -0.450E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 27 9.300 5.0000 -0.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 28 12.600 5.0000 -1.400 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 29 - - - - - - - 30 13.600 5.0000 -0.800 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 31 10.100 5.0000 -1.400 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 32 12.000 5.0000 0.000 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 33 9.100 5.0000 -2.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 34 13.330 5.0000 -2.300 -0.340E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 35 12.000 5.0000 -2.000 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 36 14.400 5.0000 -1.900 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 37 7.500 5.0000 1.000 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 38 3.900 5.0000 0.500 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 39 7.900 5.0000 -1.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 40 8.900 6.0000 -1.000 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 41 12.400 5.0000 -2.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 42 12.700 5.0000 -1.900 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 43-44 - - - - - - - 45 9.500 5.0000 -0.800 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 46 12.700 5.0000 -0.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 47 13.000 5.0000 -2.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 48 14.610 8.0000 -0.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 49 14.800 8.0000 -2.200 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 50 14.900 6.0000 -2.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 51 14.700 8.0000 -1.000 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 52 14.200 5.0000 -2.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 53 15.400 5.0000 -2.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 54 8.700 8.0000 -1.000 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 55 15.000 5.0000 -2.200 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 56 12.100 6.0000 -1.900 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 57 14.200 5.0000 -2.400 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 58 11.900 5.0000 0.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 59 11.300 5.0000 -2.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 60 - - - - - - - 61 13.750 8.0000 -2.500 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 62 8.400 5.0000 -0.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 63 11.000 5.0000 -2.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 64 11.200 8.0000 -1.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 65 - - - - - - - 66 10.800 5.0000 -1.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 67 10.300 5.0000 -1.500 -0.470E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 68 10.900 6.0000 -2.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 69 11.720 5.0000 -2.200 -0.360E-01 0.740 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 70 13.600 5.0000 -2.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 71 15.000 5.0000 -1.200 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 72 11.700 5.0000 -1.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 73 7.300 8.0000 -0.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 74 12.800 8.0000 -1.800 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 75 9.900 5.0000 -0.200 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 76 12.820 10.0000 -2.300 -0.400E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 77 - - - - - - - 78 10.600 5.0000 -1.500 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 79 6.500 5.0000 -0.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 80 14.500 10.0000 -0.900 -0.600E-01 0.700 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 81-144 - - - - - - - 145 11.400 7.0000 0.000 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 146-147 - - - - - - - Table 2.19: Dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle samples flagged as -9 for dissolved oxygen calibration. Note that this does not necessarily indicate a bad bottle sample - in many cases, flagging is due to bad CTD dissolved oxygen data. station rosette station rosette number position number position 7 4 34 24 9 5 45 21 11 11 47 21,20,19 14 22 56 17 15 22,21 58 20 18 21,19 62 21,20 19 21,20,19,1 67 17 20 22,21,20 70 8 23 24 76 23 24 22 78 22 25 23,21,19 79 24,23,22 26 22,20 80 23,21 32 23 Table 2.20: Questionable dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle sample values (not deleted from hydrology data file). stn rosette no. position 17 14 101 5,3 Table 2.21: Questionable nutrient sample values (not deleted from hydrology data file). PHOSPHATE NITRATE SILICATE station rosette station rosette station rosette number position number position number position 12 9,8 24 7-17 26 6 26 6 26 6 34 22,11,7 40 5 47 6,3 53 20 57 whole stn 58 12 62 7 74 whole stn 79 9-12 96 whole stn 101 12 118 5 118 5 118 5 126 7 133 12 135 21 144 3 144 10 Table 2.22: Protected and unprotected reversing thermometers used (serial numbers are listed). protected thermometers station rosette position 24 rosette position 12 rosette position 2 numbers thermometers thermometers thermometers 1 to 144 12095,12096 12094 12119,12120 145 to 147 12095 12094,12096 12119,12120 unprotected thermometers station rosette position 12 rosette position 2 numbers thermometers thermometers 1 to 92 11992 11993 93 to 147 11993 11992 Table 2.23: Calibration coefficients and calibration dates for CTD serial numbers 1103 and 1193 (unit nos 7 and 5 respectively) used during RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9604. Note that an additional pressure bias term due to the station dependent surface pressure offset exists for each station (eqn A2.1 in the CTD methodology). Also note that platinum temperature calibrations are for the ITS-90 scale. CTD serial 1103 (unit no. 7) CTD serial 1193 (unit no. 5) coefficient value of coefficient coefficient value of coefficient pressure calibration coefficients pressure calibration coefficients CSIRO Calibration Facility - 08/11/1995 CSIRO Calibration Facility - 09/12/1995 pcal0 -2.065725e+01 pcal0 -9.105560 pcal1 1.002878e-01 pcal1 1.008189e-01 pcal2 4.951104e-09 pcal2 2.773686e-10 pcal3 4.500981e-14 pcal3 0.0 pcal4 -4.514384e-19 pcal4 0.0 platinum calibration platinum calibration temperature coefficients temperature coefficients CSIRO Calibration Facility - 26/09/1995 CSIRO Calibration Facility - 26/06/1995 Tcal0 0.23396e-01 Tcal0 -0.46860e-01 Tcal1 0.49983e-03 Tcal1 0.49879e-03 Tcal2 0.35049e-11 Tcal2 0.27541e-11 pressure calibration pressure calibration temperature coefficients temperature coefficients CSIRO Calibration Facility - 10/07/1996 CSIRO Calibration Facility - 09/11/1995 Tpcal0 1.713678e+02 Tpcal0 1.167581e+02 Tpcal1 -4.239208e-03 Tpcal1 -2.450758e-03 Tpcal2 1.481513e-08 Tpcal2 0.0 Tpcal3 0.0 Tpcal3 0.0 coefficients for correction to coefficients for correction to temperature pressure temperature pressure CSIRO Calibration Facility - 10/07/1996 CSIRO Calibration Facility - 09/11/1995 T0 20.00 T0 20.00 S1 -9.196843e-06 S1 -1.474830e-05 S2 -7.818015e-02 S2 -7.847037e-02 preliminary polynomial coefficients applied to fluorescence (fl) (Antarctic Division, January 1996) and photosynthetically active radiation (par) (supplied by manufacturer) raw digitiser counts for fluorometer set to 0-30 mg/m3 range (i.e. prior to 02/02/96): f0 -3.345252e+01 f1 1.020700e-03 f2 0.0 for fluorometer set to 0-10 mg/m3 range (i.e. from 02/02/96 onwards): f0 -1.115084e+01 f1 3.402400e-04 f2 0.0 par0 -4.499860 par1 1.373290e-04 par2 -3.452156e-23 APPENDIX 2.1 Hydrochemistry Laboratory Report Seawater samples were analysed for nutrient concentrations (nitrate plus nitrite, silicate, and phosphate), salinities, and dissolved oxygen concentrations. The methods used are described in Eriksen (1997). A new nutrient autoanalyser data logging system, methods of examining intra-run quality checks (tops), basic inter-run quality checks, and improved temperature control and monitoring were implemented on this cruise. Number of samples analysed: Nutrients (nitrate plus nitrite, silicate, phosphate): 2470 Salinities: 2500 Dissolved oxygens: 2450 A2.1.1 NUTRIENTS General The same TACS cadmium reduction coil was used for all but the first run. Nitrate + nitrite and phosphate were calibrated with first order curves, and silicate with second order. At the end of the cruise samples were run as part of the National Low Level Nutrient Collaborative Trials (NLLNCT). Standards were made fresh every day. They were stored at around 4°C between runs. Tops and nitrites were made fresh every couple of days, and were also stored at around 4°C. New datalogging system A new datalogging system was used for the first time, to replace the old DOS based 'DAPA' program. The system consisted of a Labtronics (Canada) 103 analogue to digital (A/D) board, and a Windows software package by Astoria-Pacific (USA), Faspac 1.2. Data was logged using both the Labtronics/Faspac system, and DAPA. The new program, while having some good points, was far from perfect, as summarised below. Many of the problems were to be fixed in later versions (1.30, 1.31). Some comments on Faspac - Good Points * Generally, easy and quick to get to different parts of the program, and to use; especially when compared to the awkwardness of DAPA. * Real time display of the trace is good. It is easy to look at earlier parts of a run while the run is still in progress. * The display and calculation of calibration standards is excellent. It is real time so this aspect of machine performance can be observed before samples are opened. It is easy to delete outliers, and to see how that affects the correlation of the fitted curve, and the standard deviation of the residual between calculated and observed points. * Real time calculation of concentrations is good, so it's possible to see if sample concentrations look reasonable. * Keeps track of the baseline reasonably well. * Correcting the peak height position for spikes is easy (in contrast to DAPA). - Fatal Points * Crashes, from a number of different areas in different circumstances. A warning box stating that Windows has become unstable generally appears. Mostly time is lost, as data processing needs to be repeated. * Crashes during a run with large sample numbers. Get a 'Peak Num = 6553' error message. Have lost data this way. * Does not handle interpolation of multiple standards correctly. - Bad Points * Problems in 'peak search': - peak smoothing does not function. - does not always find top of peaks. These work in peak search window, but do not work on real data. This is both during a run, or doing a 'rerun' of data. * Starting Faspac causes an oscillating voltage, which is seen on the chart recorder. To reduce the problem, the following steps are performed : Stop run, save run, exit Faspac, close 'Data logger' program, restart data logger and Faspac, 'Resume' run. * Doesn't write Excel files properly. On reading, Excel crashes ('General protection error'). Excel also had difficulty reading text files. Excel 4 was used. * Doesn't have a mouse driven 'Zoom' function. It is possible to zoom in on peaks, but only by inefficiently varying the horizontal and vertical scales. * It is not exactly clear how the special symbol 'W' is used to define the baseline. It depends on the context of other W's nearby. Problems There was a problem with the A/D board (SN 35/91, 'original') at the mid-point voltage, where a 'glitch' was observed. It can be observed by looking at a ramped voltage input from a signal generator (see Figure A2.1.1*). This affected a number of nitrate + nitrite values. The gain of the nitrate detector was reduced so that the maximum signal did not reach the voltage of the 'glitch'. There was a problem with the phosphate channel. On a number of runs, high phosphate values were seen for seawater samples, but not for standards prepared in saline solution. The raw output for standards was the same for different runs, indicating that the seawater samples were being read as high. On the nitrate vs phosphate plot the phosphates were seen to be high, while the nitrates were about normal. The problem seemed to be correlated with ageing of ammonium molybdate stock solution. If fresh ammonium molybdate was used the problem seemed to be reduced. At the end of the cruise some nutrient trial samples were run. The results from these indicated that the phosphate channel was running reasonably well. Affected samples were rerun. On the silicate channel, a precipitate in the ammonium molybdate reagent was observed a few days after preparation of fresh reagent. Generally the solution was replaced to reduce the risk of particles travelling through the system. After a pump tube change there was no response from the nitrate channel. This was traced to a faulty blocked Bran and Luebe tube. On run 7 Faspac crashed. No reliable results were produced for silicates, and only some results from the early part of the run for nitrates and phosphates. The nitrate and phosphate samples were rerun. Silicate, which does not store well, was calculated by hand from the chart. To verify that the hand and Faspac methods of calculation produced similar results, some of the usable nitrate results from Faspac were compared to hand calculated ones, with an average difference of around 0.6% (hand calculations larger). Tops 'Tops' are used as a check of changes in instrument responsiveness during a run. They are the same concentration as the top standard, but are made separately. They are placed at the start of a run and after every block of 12 samples. The tops macro within A9604.XLM was used to extract tops from each *.XLS run file, calculate statistics, and collate these statistics. The rsd % and range % for the nitrate + nitrite, silicate, and phosphate channels are shown in Figure A2.1.3. The nitrate and phosphate channels had average ranges of 2.7% and 1.8% respectively. Variations in silicate were greater, with an average range of 4.2%. The silicates had about 20 runs with tops ranges greater than 5%. These 20 were examined, and some had obvious outliers, some appeared random, and about 7 had a time dependent drift. Examples of the worst cases of tops variations for the three channels are shown in Figure A2.1.4*. In general, correcting for tops variations could affect results by up to 1 - 4%. Corrections were not applied though, as the current method of placing tops does not allow for rigorous corrections to be made. The method of correcting for tops variation would have been to assume the first set of tops gives the correct value, and variation later in the run can be referenced to these. However, the first set of tops may not be correct, and false corrections could be made. A better method would be to use the same solution for the top standard and for tops, and to run reference tops soon after the calibration curve. Thus an absolute concentration could reliably be placed on the tops, and corrections made by comparing tops to the nominal top value. Corrections would only be made once the error in the tops exceeded some set amount. This is because applying a correction between two points is likely to introduce a new source of error. To get an idea of the sources of error, the error in the calibration curve was looked at for two randomly selected runs, 4 and 60. A total of four calibrations were looked at for nitrate + nitrite and phosphate. Second order calculations for silicate were not looked at. Of these four curves, for nitrate and phosphate, the maximum standard error of the slope was 0.6%, and the maximum standard error of the intercept was 1.9%. It was decided not to calculate the calibration errors for every run, thus they are not included in the total error of the samples for this cruise. Quality checks Batches of 30-40 deep seawater samples were taken to be used as quality checks to give an indication of instrument responsiveness between runs (Figure A2.1.5*). Some were run fresh and the others stored frozen (Table A2.1.2). Once the value of a batch was established it could be used to see if a run and its calibration appeared normal. The QC macro in A9604.XLM was used to sort through the run *.XLS files and extract the QC's. The QC names were prefixed by an 's'. As different batches were used this method could not effectively be used to compare runs throughout the cruise. Values could be normalised to the batch averages, but this is not likely to be reliable. Later cruises have used larger batches (~500 10ml tubes) of surface seawater. Nutrient data handling The files produced by Faspac are *.ACF. These contain the traces for all channels, settings information, calibration curves, and calculated concentrations. The original Faspac files were backed up as *.NEW. This was important, as occasionally when Faspac crashed the previously saved copy of the file could not be worked on as it would soon crash, so it was necessary to start from original data. Faspac produced a 'report', a spreadsheet format of nutrient concentrations. It is supposed to produce a format that can be read directly by Excel, however this format caused Excel to crash. The text format could not easily be parsed by Excel. Eventually, data was output as Lotus *.WKS format, imported by Excel, and a macro used to convert the Lotus format to Excel format. Thus for every run there is an *.ACF file, and a corresponding *.XLS file containing the run sequence with concentrations calculated by Faspac. The "Hydro" program was changed to process Faspac runs by reading *.FAS files, extracting the sample number and concentration information, and calling the processed file *.ACM. The information is stored in *.DAT files, along with other data. Thus any *.XLS files to be processed need to be copied as *.FAS files. If only one station in a run is required for processing, then the data needs to be cut and pasted from the *.XLS file into the *.ACM file. Which runs a particular station was run on is shown in Table A2.1.3. This also summarises the reason a station was repeated, and if the original or repeat run was used in the final data. An attempt was made to observe the nutrient content of the saline solution in which standards were made up in. This was done only for the phosphate channel as it has the highest gain. A rise in the baseline was observed when switching from phosphate 'background' solution to phosphate 'colour' solution. This was attributed to phosphate in the saline solution from impurities in the original solid salt, although more work is needed to confirm it is due only to this, and not due to other contributions such as refractive index change. The value was around 0.006 µM. This value was assigned to the 'blank' in the calibration curve. It made very little impact on the final concentrations. A2.1.2 DISSOLVED OXYGEN The dissolved oxygen (D.O.) titration instrument was fairly reliable and determinations were generally within World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) guidelines. Exceptions are given below. Standardisations of sodium thiosulfate solution were within WOCE guidelines but improvements could be made by the addition of a second Dosimat unit. Blanks were not measured within WOCE guidelines. Standardisations The object of the standardisation procedure is to obtain "4 successive titres concordant to within 0.003 mL (of thiosulfate)." This was always achieved but was hampered by continual changing of the Dosimat exchange units. Often 7 or 8 titrations were required. This was time consuming and frustrating. Variations in the sodium thiosulphate titre were often due to bubble formation in the tubing of the exchange units. These are formed by the movement of the burette syringe on removal and replacement of the unit. A second Dosimat would make the standardisation simpler and faster. One unit would be used for the preparation of the standard solution while a titration was carried out on the second unit. Other advantages include: * elimination of the need to continually exchange units reducing wear on the units, reducing the chance of dropping the unit in rough seas and preventing the formation of bubbles in the tubing; * method may still be used on the cruise if one unit breaks down; * stirring rate would remain the same for each titration (currently, the rate must be changed between preparation of the standard solution and the titration). Potassium biiodate was added to the standard solution with the dV/dt knob set to 7.5. The rate is not specified in the current instruction manual. The rate could be set in the "DODO" software. Blank Determinations After concordant standardisation titres were obtained 5 blank determinations were made. These were not within WOCE guidelines. The blanks varied by 0.007 mL (of thiosulfate) for any set of 5 titrations. If 50 mL of water was used for the blank determination the titration did not work. This was increased to 60 mL and the titrations were successful. The measured variation in the blanks leads to an approximate error of 0.1% in the final results. Samples D.O. measurements in the samples were straightforward. Two or three repeats were measured for each crate of D.O. samples. The titre of the second determination was generally 0.003 - 0.006 mL (of thiosulfate) lower than the first. The greater the titre the greater the loss of volatile iodine. After the addition of 1 mL of sulfuric acid to the sample the bottle required about 1 minute of shaking. Instrumentation The Dosimat seized up on two occasions. The first happened during the addition of 15 ml of potassium biiodate to the standard solution. This was a "time-out" error as the Dosimat was delivering the solution while the computer was trying to communicate with it. This was fixed by increasing the time the computer allowed for the addition from 20 to 40 seconds and by setting dV/Dt to 7.5. The second time the Dosimat seized up was when it was switched on when the computer was switched on. If the Dosimat was switched on after the "DODO" program was started this was not a problem. The hydraulic ram was not used. It was more convenient to hold the sample bottles so the pipette tip was just off the bottom. Standardisations are shown in Figure A2.1.6*. A2.1.3 LABORATORIES A number of work spaces were used. Nutrient and salinity analyses were performed in lab 3. The autoanalyser was set up on the forward bench, while the salinometer was set up on the outboard bench near the fume cupboard. Dissolved oxygen analysis and water purification took place in the photolab. A2.1.4 TEMPERATURE MONITORING AND CONTROL Laboratory temperature was recorded by two Tinytalk units, and measured by two mercury thermometers, an electronic thermometer, and the temperature monitor of the PID controller. An 'indoor/outdoor' electronic thermometer was used to measure fridge and freezer temperatures. One Tinytalk was positioned above the salinity crates for the duration of analysis, the other was moved around for shorter checks. One mercury thermometer was positioned above the salinity crates, the other with the DO instrumentation. An electronic thermometer was also used for spot checks. All the temperature measuring devices were placed together at the start of the cruise. The PID temperature was calibrated, and the devices agreed to within 0.5°C. Figure A2.1.1a and b*: 'Glitch' in nutrient A/D board: (a) real data, and (b) ramped voltage. The long term Tinytalk recorded 1800 temperature points at 48 minute intervals. The file is A9604L.DTF, and the numbers have been exported to A9604L.XLS. The average temperature was 19.6 ± 0.4°C. See Figure A2.1.2* and Table A2.1.1. Spatial variations in laboratory temperatures were observed. Among the instrument locations in the nutrient/salinity lab, from bench top to about one metre above the bench, the temperature had a range of 3-4°C. Table A2.1.1: Laboratory temperature recorder statistics. Temperature statistics from Tinytalk average 19.6°C stdev 0.4°C %rsd 1.9 min 18.5°C max 20.7°C range 2.2°C % range 11.3 Temperature control Temperature in the nutrient/salinity laboratory was controlled with the ship's air conditioning and with a heating device. The lab was cooled with 16°C air from the ships air conditioning, with the lab reheaters turned off. Heating was provided by a 'Cal control 9900' proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) controller/sensor controlling two simple fan heaters. The sensor was placed near the salinometer, at the height of the top of the salinometer. The set point was 19.6°C. There was no temperature control in the dissolved oxygen lab besides the ship's air conditioning. Figure A2.1.2*: 'Tinytalk' temperature plot, 28/01/96 to 28/03/96, 48 minute time resolution; logger in film canister punctured to allow air flow, and positioned on middle of bottom shelf opposite fume cupboard in nutrient/salinity lab (lab 3). Figure A2.1.3*: Statistics for tops used in nutrient analyses. Figure A2.1.4*: Worst cases of tops variations for the 3 nutrient channels. Table A2.1.2: Nutrient samples run as quality checks. A9604 nuts Output from QC.XLS, with labels Uses QC macro in A9604.XLM to extract QC's (with s prefix in name) File Run Cup QC name QC batch N S P µM µM µM A9604017.XLS 17 5 s6101 61 32.3 118.1 2.24 A9604018.XLS 18 5 S6101 61 32.1 121.1 2.28 A9604019.XLS 19 5 s6101 61 32.3 118.8 2.26 A9604020.XLS 20 5 S6101 61 32.7 118.5 2.23 A9604021.XLS 21 5 s6101 61 32.2 99.3 2.29 A9604022.XLS 22 5 s6101 61 32.7 117.3 2.27 A9604022.XLS 22 47 S6101 61 32.8 115.8 2.26 A9604022.XLS 22 48 S6101new 61 32.8 50.6 2.24 A9604023.XLS 23 5 s6101 61 32.6 119.7 2.25 A9604024.XLS 24 5 s6101fridge 61 32.8 120.1 2.27 A9604024.XLS 24 6 s6101freezer 61 32.7 96.6 2.25 A9604025.XLS 25 5 S6101 61 32.8 79.1 2.28 A9604026.XLS 26 5 S6101 61 33.3 113.4 2.30 A9604027.XLS 27 5 s6101 61 32.5 108.2 2.25 A9604027.XLS 34 6 s6101 61 32.5 114.0 2.33 A9604028.XLS 27 6 s7102fresh 71 32.8 117.5 2.27 A9604029.XLS 28 5 s7102 71 33.0 115.8 2.40 A9604030.XLS 29 5 s7102 71 32.7 121.5 2.55 A9604030.XLS 30 5 s7102 71 32.9 116.4 2.36 A9604030.XLS 30 96 s7102 71 33.1 112.6 2.41 A9604030.XLS 30 97 s7102 71 33.1 118.4 2.36 A9604030.XLS 30 98 s7102 71 33.2 118.2 2.38 A9604031.XLS 30 99 s7102 71 33.3 119.4 2.43 A9604032.XLS 31 5 s7102 71 32.4 117.6 2.38 A9604033.XLS 32 5 s7102 71 32.7 117.8 2.56 A9604034.XLS 33 5 s7102 71 33.3 117.3 2.59 A9604034.XLS 34 5 s7102 71 32.7 110.5 2.32 A9604035.XLS 35 5 s7102_fg thaw 71 32.1 87.3 2.19 A9604036.XLS 36 5 s7102 fridge 71 32.9 109.5 2.34 thaw A9604037.XLS 37 5 s7102 frdg thaw 71 32.6 115.3 2.35 A9604038.XLS 38 5 s7102 71 33.1 115.0 2.31 A9604039.XLS 39 5 s7102 71 33.0 106.5 2.28 A9604040.XLS 40 5 s7102 71 32.7 113.7 2.27 A9604041.XLS 41 5 s7102 71 32.0 116.2 2.27 A9604042.XLS 42 5 s7102 71 33.0 116.8 2.30 A9604043.XLS 43 5 s7102 71 32.8 116.6 2.30 A9604044.XLS 44 5 s7102 air24h 71 32.4 119.2 2.29 A9604044.XLS 44 6 s7102 frid 71 32.7 116.9 2.29 A9604045.XLS 45 5 s7102 71 32.4 115.7 2.26 A9604046.XLS 46 5 s7102 71 32.2 116.0 2.24 A9604047.XLS 47 5 s7102 71 32.8 118.5 2.28 A9604048.XLS 48 5 s7102 fdg,days 71 32.2 114.4 2.24 A9604048.XLS 49 86 s7102 air 71 33.4 127.5 2.25 A9604049.XLS 50 6 s7102,frd 71 32.6 100.5 2.26 A9604049.XLS 51 5 s7102 71 32.8 106.8 2.18 A9604049.XLS 48 6 s11603 fresh, 116 32.7 126.2 2.26 fdg A9604050.XLS 49 5 s11603 116 32.5 125.2 2.23 A9604050.XLS 49 87 s11603 frsh, 116 32.9 136.7 2.26 fdg A9604051.XLS 50 5 s11603,air 116 32.2 121.6 2.31 A9604051.XLS 51 6 s11603 116 33.2 119.3 2.24 A9604051.XLS 51 60 s11603 116 33.3 125.0 2.19 A9604052.XLS 52 5 s11603 116 32.8 128.5 2.34 A9604052.XLS 52 58 s11603 116 32.7 122.7 2.37 A9604053.XLS 53 5 s11603 116 32.4 96.6 2.32 A9604053.XLS 53 59 s11603 116 33.0 115.5 2.35 A9604053.XLS 53 96 s11603 116 32.3 113.2 2.35 A9604054.XLS 54 5 s11603 116 33.2 113.9 2.33 A9604054.XLS 54 59 s11603 116 33.1 122.2 2.32 A9604055.XLS 55 5 s11603 116 32.3 124.0 2.31 A9604055.XLS 55 59 s11603 116 32.2 118.3 2.30 A9604055.XLS 55 95 s11603 116 32.6 122.3 2.30 A9604056.XLS 56 5 s11603 116 32.8 110.0 2.29 A9604056.XLS 56 59 s11603 116 32.0 122.6 2.30 A9604057.XLS 57 5 s11603 116 33.0 87.1 2.31 A9604058.XLS 58 5 s11603 116 32.6 129.2 2.34 A9604058.XLS 58 95 s11603 116 33.7 124.4 2.30 A9604059.XLS 59 60 s11603 116 32.0 125.2 2.27 A9604059.XLS 60 5 s11603 116 32.0 124.5 2.29 A9604059.XLS 60 121 s11603 116 32.5 125.1 2.23 A9604059.XLS 62 5 s11603 116 31.5 89.2 2.24 A9604060.XLS 62 59 s11603 116 32.6 86.3 2.24 A9604060.XLS 59 5 s13002 fresh 130 31.4 90.7 2.22 A9604060.XLS 59 62 s13002 fsh 130 31.2 92.7 2.20 A9604060.XLS 59 63 s13002 fsh 130 31.5 92.6 2.20 A9604060.XLS 60 122 s13002 130 31.4 90.8 2.22 A9604061.XLS 60 123 s13002 130 31.9 90.8 2.23 A9604061.XLS 60 124 s13002 130 32.0 90.8 2.20 A9604062.XLS 61 5 s13002 130 32.8 88.4 2.20 A9604062.XLS 61 60 s13002 130 32.5 89.9 2.21 A9604062.XLS 62 96 s13002 130 32.1 90.5 2.25 A9604063.XLS 63 5 s13002 130 31.8 89.3 2.24 A9604063.XLS 63 95 s13002 130 32.1 86.4 2.23 A9604064.XLS 64 5 s13002 130 32.3 85.4 2.24 A9604064.XLS 64 94 s13002 130 31.7 89.0 2.21 A9604065.XLS 65 58 s13002 130 33.5 72.5 2.24 A9604066.XLS 66 5 s13002 4h 130 32.2 85.4 2.24 A9604066.XLS 66 59 s13002 5h 130 31.1 89.4 2.24 A9604067.XLS 67 5 s13002 4h 130 32.6 83.8 2.26 A9604067.XLS 67 58 s13002 130 32.1 87.7 2.21 A9604067.XLS 67 95 s13002 130 31.8 88.2 2.22 A9604068.XLS 68 5 s13002 130 32.3 86.8 2.24 A9604068.XLS 68 59 s13002 130 32.0 91.3 2.23 A9604069.XLS 69 5 s13002 R 130 32.2 90.5 2.24 A9604069.XLS 69 59 s13002 '139' 130 31.8 86.6 2.23 A9604069.XLS 69 96 s13002 '139' 130 32.1 87.5 2.17 A9604070.XLS 70 5 s13002 130 31.4 81.8 2.24 A9604070.XLS 70 95 s13002 4h 130 31.5 85.1 2.22 A9604071.XLS 71 5 s13002 130 31.2 64.2 2.22 A9604071.XLS 71 96 s13002 130 32.0 90.4 2.20 A9604071.XLS 73 5 s13002 130 31.7 86.8 2.28 A9604071.XLS 73 59 s13002 130 31.4 88.4 2.27 A9604071.XLS 71 6 s14102 141 31.7 101.3 2.21 A9604071.XLS 71 97 s14102 141 32.1 101.6 2.22 A9604071.XLS 71 98 s14102 141 32.1 101.1 2.25 A9604073.XLS 71 100 s14102 141 32.6 101.4 2.18 A9604073.XLS 71 101 s14102 141 31.9 100.7 2.21 A9604073.XLS 73 6 s14102 141 32.3 96.2 2.33 A9604073.XLS 73 60 s14102 141 31.7 100.0 2.32 A9604073.XLS 73 97 s14102 141 31.9 101.0 2.28 A9604074.XLS 74 5 s14102 141 32.4 89.8 2.30 A9604074.XLS 74 91 s14102 141 32.3 97.3 2.25 A9604075.XLS 75 5 s14102 2h 141 32.0 84.8 2.45 A9604075.XLS 75 74 s14102 141 32.8 101.5 2.47 A9604076.XLS 76 5 s14102 1h 141 32.1 61.5 2.26 A9604076.XLS 76 59 s14102 2h 141 32.2 100.9 2.28 A9604077.XLS 77 5 s14102 141 33.0 76.3 2.28 A9604077.XLS 77 99 s14102 141 31.7 87.4 2.31 A9604078.XLS 78 5 s14102 141 31.9 99.4 2.28 A9604078.XLS 78 67 s14102 141 32.6 96.9 2.30 A9604078.XLS 78 104 s14102 141 32.1 98.2 2.30 A9604079.XLS 79 5 s14102 141 31.7 88.4 2.23 A9604079.XLS 79 113 s14102 141 32.6 101.6 2.23 A9604080.XLS 80 5 s14102 141 32.4 63.5 2.24 A9604080.XLS 80 92 s14102 141 32.7 91.6 2.17 A9604081.XLS 81 5 s14102 141 32.3 93.9 2.24 A9604081.XLS 81 111 s14102 141 32.5 97.4 2.21 A9604082.XLS 82 5 s14102 141 30.1 96.7 2.26 Figure A2.1.5*: Nutrient samples run as quality checks. Figure A2.1.6*: Dissolved oxygen standardisations. Table A2.1.3: Nutrient analysis run numbers on which stations were run. A9604 nuts run vs stn Shows problems Stn Run Run Probs Stn Run Run Probs Stn Run Run Probs first repeat first repeat first repeat 1 ns 50 11 77 Ph 99 42 2 ns 51 11 78 Ph N 100 45 3 1 Ph 52 12 79 Ph 101 47 4 ns 53 22 102 47 5 ns 54 13 103 48 6 2 55 13 104 48 7 2 56 14 105 49 8 2 57 23 106 49 9 2 58 15 107 49 10 2 59 16 108 50 11 2 60 ns 109 51 12 3 61 Ph 61 23 110 44 13 3 62 Ph 62 17 111 45 14 3 62 Ph 63 18 112 ns 15 3 63 Ph 64 24 113 51 16 ns 65 ns 114 46 17 4 64 Ph 66 24 115 47 18 4 66 Ph 67 28 82 Ph 116 53 19 4 67 Ph 68 28 79 Ph 117 53 20 4 70 Ph 69 28 77 Ph 118 55 21 ns 70 28 77 Ph 119 ns 22 5 70 P? 71 27 120 55 23 7 25 Sx Ph 72 27 121 52 24 7 25 Sx Ph 73 29 79 Ph 122 56 25 7 26 Sx Ph 74 31 78 Ph 123 57 26 7 26 Sx Ph 75 30 80 Ph 124 54 27 8 71 Ph N 76 30 80 Ph 125 56 28 8 75 Ph 77 ns 126 60 29 ns 78 34 81 Ph 127 60 30 9 73 Ph N 79 32 76 Ph 128 59 31 9 74 Ph N 80 33 58 S Ph 129 60 32 5 81 35 130 59 33 11 81 Ph N 82 34 131 60 34 12 78 Ph 83 35 132 60 35 6 84 37 133 63 36 14 85 37 134 64 37 6 86 39 135 65 38 6 87 39 136 ns 39 18 88 36 137 67 40 18 89 37 138 68 41 19 90 41 139 69 42 7 29 Sx Ph 91 43 58 S 140 69 43 ns 92 38 141 71 44 19 93 39 142 73 45 20 94 43 143 72 46 21 95 ns 144 74 47 21 96 40 145 75 81 Ph 48 10 77 Ph 97 41 146 ns 49 11 77 Ph 98 43 147 ns N Nitrate + nitrite S Silicate P Phosphate h high x Lost data ns No sample Bold indicates channel/s of repeated station used in final data. Part 3 Aurora Australis Marine Science Cruise AU9601 - Oceanographic Field Measurements and Analysis ABSTRACT Oceanographic measurements were conducted along WOCE Southern Ocean meridional section SR3 between Tasmania and Antarctica from August to September 1996. A total of 71 CTD vertical profile stations were taken, most to near bottom. Over 1500 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, carbon isotopes, primary productivity, and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Near surface current data were collected using a ship mounted ADCP. Measurement and data processing techniques are summarised, and a summary of the data is presented in graphical and tabular form. 3.1 INTRODUCTION Marine science cruise AU9601, the sixth oceanographic cruise of the Cooperative Research Centre for the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Environment (Antarctic CRC), was conducted aboard the RSV Aurora Australis from August to September 1996. The major constituent of the cruise was the collection of oceanographic data relevant to the Australian Southern Ocean WOCE Hydrographic Program, along WOCE section SR3 (Figure 3.1*). This was the seventh occupation of section SR3 (and the last by the Aurora Australis under the WOCE program), and the second during a southern winter. Previous occupations of SR3 are summarised in Part 1 of this report. A further occupation of the northern half of SR3 took place in March to April of 1997 by the SCRIPPS ship R.V. Melville (principal investigators R.Watts, S. Rintoul, J. Richman, B. Petit, D. Luther, J. Filloux, J. Church, A. Chave). This report describes the collection of oceanographic data from the SR3 section, and summarises the chemical analysis and data processing methods employed. All information required for use of the data set is presented in tabular and graphical form. 3.2 CRUISE ITINERARY En route to Macquarie Island at the start of the cruise, the ship steamed in a straight line over the Tasmanian continental shelf for calibration tests of the ADCP. Three test CTD casts were also taken en route. Following cargo operations at Macquarie Island, the ship steamed southwest towards the southern end of the SR3 transect, taking a deep and a shallow test CTD cast on the way. A full day was spent penetrating southward into the ice before commencing the SR3 transect at the Antarctic shelf break east of Dumont D'Urville (Figure 3.1*). The transect was then completed on the northward journey back to Hobart. Station spacing was decreased in the region of the Subantarctic Front, with casts taken over a series of inverted echo sounder and current meter moorings. The transect proper was interrupted briefly here for completion of several CTD casts over the eastern group of moorings in the larger mooring array (Figure 3.1*) (Table 3.4). Further north, the SR3 station at latitude ~47.15°S was shifted ~5 nautical miles west of the transect line to avoid the pronounced steep bathymetry encountered at this latitude on previous cruises. Following completion of the SR3 transect, two further casts were taken to test another CTD before returning to Hobart. 3.3 CRUISE SUMMARY In the course of the cruise, 71 CTD casts were completed along the SR3 section (Figure 3.1*) (Table 3.2), plus additional test locations, with most casts reaching to within 20 m of the sea floor (Table 3.2). Over 1500 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (orthophosphate, nitrate plus nitrite, and reactive silicate), dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, carbon isotopes (14-C and 13-C), primary productivity, and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Table 3.3 summarises samples drawn at each station. For all stations, the different samples were drawn in a fixed sequence (see previous data reports). Casts taken over mooring locations are summarised in Table 3.4. Principal investigators for the various water sampling programmes and cruise participants are listed in Tables 3.5a and b. Table 3.1: Summary of cruise itinerary. Expedition Designation Cruise AU9601 (cruise acronym WASTE), encompassing WOCE section SR3 Chief Scientist Steve Rintoul, CSIRO Ship RSV Aurora Australis Ports of Call Macquarie Island Cruise Dates August 22 to September 22 1996 Figure 3.1*: Cruise track and CTD station positions for RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9601. Table 3.2: Summary of station information for RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9601. The information shown includes time, date, position and ocean depth for the start of the cast, at the bottom of the cast, and for the end of the cast. The maximum pressure reached for each cast, and the altimeter reading at the bottom of each cast (i.e. elevation above the sea bed) are also included. Missing ocean depth values are due to noise from the ship's bow thrusters interfering with the echo sounder. For casts which do not reach to within 100 m of the bed (i.e. the altimeter range), or for which the altimeter was not functioning, there is no altimeter value. For station names, TEST is a test cast and EL is the eastern line (the meridional section over the eastern part of the mooring array). Note that all times are UTC (i.e. GMT). CTD unit 7 (serial no. 1103) was used for stations 4 to 69; CTD unit 5 (serial no. 1193) was used for stations 1 to 2 and 70 to 71; CTD unit 6 (serial no. 2568) was used for station 3. station START maxP BOTTOM END number time date latitude longitude depth (dbar) time latitude longitude depth altimeter time latitude longitude depth (m) (m) (m) 1 TEST 0715 24-AUG-96 50:48.64S 155:26.04E 4597 1026 0757 50:49.31S 155:27.15E 4604 - 0829 50:49.72S 155:27.89E 4589 2 TEST 0903 25-AUG-96 54:47.52S 159:02.91E 4607 154 0912 54:47.62S 159:03.13E - - 0917 54:47.67S 159:03.19E 4607 3 TEST 1048 25-AUG-96 54:56.43S 158:56.37E 3071 840 1137 54:56.48S 158:57.54E - - 1156 54:56.43S 158:57.67E - 4 TEST 0536 27-AUG-96 58:14.95S 152:18.29E 2355 2564 0702 58:15.12S 152:17.62E - 30.1 0814 58:15.03S 152:17.35E - 5 TEST 0230 29-AUG-96 62:50.62S 142:10.90E 3993 344 0252 62:50.62S 142:11.17E - - 0304 62:50.67S 142:11.37E - 6 SR3 0726 30-AUG-96 65:44.59S 141:51.94E 761 764 0812 65:44.37S 141:51.07E 773 8.7 0904 65:44.04S 141:50.28E 768 7 SR3 0554 31-AUG-96 65:34.50S 141:34.66E 1019 970 0636 65:34.30S 141:34.24E 973 7.5 0727 65:34.09S 141:33.73E 951 8 SR3 0922 31-AUG-96 65:30.25S 141:35.62E 1491 1486 1017 65:30.10S 141:35.08E 1505 9.4 1114 65:29.89S 141:34.48E 1494 9 SR3 1252 31-AUG-96 65:25.68S 141:37.33E 2125 2100 1402 65:25.45S 141:36.58E 2099 8.8 1521 65:25.15S 141:35.43E 2077 10 SR3 1844 31-AUG-96 65:10.53S 141:41.76E 2594 2544 2001 65:10.37S 141:40.14E 2529 10.3 2115 65:10.20S 141:38.34E 2551 11 SR3 0106 1-SEP-96 64:52.96S 141:51.58E 2965 2950 0241 64:52.77S 141:48.58E - 10.0 0414 64:52.54S 141:45.55E 2920 12 SR3 0949 1-SEP-96 64:30.67S 141:20.56E 3506 3518 1136 64:30.10S 141:16.15E 3481 4.6 1329 64:29.44S 141:11.59E 3462 13 SR3 2219 1-SEP-96 63:53.74S 140:39.16E 3716 3746 2356 63:52.72S 140:38.22E 3732 11.6 0127 63:51.87S 140:38.40E 3726 14 SR3 0622 2-SEP-96 63:22.44S 140:18.76E 3801 3836 0757 63:21.22S 140:21.04E 3801 13.1 0944 63:20.08S 140:22.33E 3801 15 SR3 1442 2-SEP-96 62:51.01S 139:52.91E 3225 3262 1613 62:50.88S 139:53.65E 3246 11.7 1729 62:50.76S 139:54.28E 3251 16 SR3 2115 2-SEP-96 62:21.73S 139:50.56E 3952 3988 2254 62:21.45S 139:49.95E - 9.9 0032 62:21.81S 139:49.38E 3963 17 SR3 0403 3-SEP-96 61:50.89S 139:51.19E 4300 4344 0543 61:51.33S 139:50.61E - 11.0 0731 61:52.07S 139:50.25E - 18 SR3 2101 3-SEP-96 61:21.18S 139:50.16E 4336 4392 2253 61:21.76S 139:49.39E - 15.5 0031 61:22.25S 139:49.42E - 19 SR3 0348 4-SEP-96 60:50.89S 139:50.83E 4392 4460 0527 60:51.16S 139:49.81E - 3.6 0657 60:51.19S 139:49.78E - 20 SR3 0956 4-SEP-96 60:20.95S 139:51.04E 4443 4488 1134 60:21.13S 139:51.04E - 18.0 1312 60:21.36S 139:51.30E - 21 SR3 1847 4-SEP-96 59:51.21S 139:51.34E 4474 4534 2038 59:51.85S 139:51.84E - 15.3 2233 59:52.24S 139:52.74E - 22 SR3 1547 5-SEP-96 59:21.15S 139:50.92E 4146 4174 1730 59:21.99S 139:51.21E - 15.3 1902 59:22.30S 139:51.51E - 23 SR3 2254 5-SEP-96 58:50.88S 139:50.56E 3911 3962 0026 58:51.22S 139:50.50E - 15.4 0146 58:51.42S 139:51.24E - 24 SR3 1247 6-SEP-96 58:21.01S 139:51.16E 3942 4084 1422 58:22.00S 139:51.25E - 18.8 1554 58:22.23S 139:50.38E - 25 SR3 1901 6-SEP-96 57:50.97S 139:51.00E 4090 4168 2052 57:51.67S 139:51.69E - 15.3 2227 57:52.14S 139:52.12E - 26 SR3 0714 7-SEP-96 57:20.92S 139:52.03E 4100 4212 0859 57:21.07S 139:52.35E - 16.9 1047 57:21.00S 139:51.26E - 27 SR3 1328 7-SEP-96 56:55.95S 139:51.10E 4100 4272 1514 56:55.93S 139:52.32E - 19.5 1641 56:55.89S 139:52.98E - 28 SR3 2324 7-SEP-96 56:25.80S 140:05.89E 3910 3950 0105 56:25.45S 140:07.06E - 15.3 0228 56:25.06S 140:07.39E - 29 SR3 0602 8-SEP-96 55:55.80S 140:24.49E 3730 3640 0751 55:55.11S 140:25.27E - 16.5 0930 55:54.72S 140:25.78E - 30 SR3 1738 8-SEP-96 55:29.97S 140:44.03E 3890 3900 1919 55:29.57S 140:44.95E - 16.1 2054 55:29.13S 140:45.64E - 31 SR3 0004 9-SEP-96 55:00.93S 141:01.35E 3225 3238 0131 55:00.55S 141:01.78E - 12.4 0250 55:00.33S 141:01.88E - 32 SR3 0603 9-SEP-96 54:31.92S 141:19.86E 2815 2896 0734 54:32.61S 141:19.04E - 14.5 0857 54:32.91S 141:19.33E - 33 SR3 1207 9-SEP-96 54:03.91S 141:36.09E 2559 2666 1205 54:03.92S 141:36.06E - 16.9 1429 54:04.21S 141:36.90E - 34 SR3 1736 9-SEP-96 53:34.68S 141:51.63E 2503 2672 1901 53:34.20S 141:49.77E - 18.3 2025 53:33.50S 141:48.66E - 35 SR3 2308 9-SEP-96 53:07.98S 142:08.17E 3122 3244 0039 53:08.43S 142:10.83E - 23.5 0155 53:08.45S 142:12.03E - 36 SR3 0510 10-SEP-96 52:40.03S 142:23.22E 3378 3396 0641 52:40.15S 142:24.16E - 16.8 0807 52:40.16S 142:24.31E - 37 SR3 1010 10-SEP-96 52:21.93S 142:31.92E 3481 3608 1146 52:21.93S 142:32.61E - 20.4 1308 52:22.36S 142:33.11E - 38 SR3 1521 10-SEP-96 52:04.98S 142:42.34E 3481 3544 1652 52:05.62S 142:42.69E - 15.2 1814 52:05.89S 142:43.00E - 39 SR3 0344 11-SEP-96 51:48.52S 142:50.68E 3686 3782 0530 51:48.49S 142:50.71E - 16.0 0655 51:48.60S 142:51.04E - 40 SR3 0843 11-SEP-96 51:32.14S 142:59.19E 3686 3834 1035 51:32.07S 142:59.26E - 18.8 1214 51:32.16S 142:59.35E - 41 SR3 1422 11-SEP-96 51:15.70S 143:07.74E 3737 3832 1548 51:15.76S 143:07.71E - 16.2 1713 51:15.76S 143:07.93E - 42 SR3 0348 12-SEP-96 51:00.49S 143:16.03E 3870 3884 0517 50:59.68S 143:16.84E - 18.1 0643 50:58.99S 143:17.54E - 43 SR3 0904 12-SEP-96 50:40.89S 143:25.14E 3583 3556 1048 50:40.16S 143:29.77E - 16.7 1219 50:39.58S 143:32.34E - 44 SR3 2111 12-SEP-96 50:23.87S 143:32.09E 3580 3580 2258 50:23.71S 143:33.09E - 16.5 0022 50:23.82S 143:33.30E - 45 SR3 0253 13-SEP-96 50:09.63S 143:40.07E 3563 3740 0436 50:09.18S 143:40.57E - 17.9 0602 50:08.77S 143:40.54E - 46 SR3 0827 13-SEP-96 49:53.17S 143:48.27E 3768 3788 1010 49:53.08S 143:48.40E - 23.1 1130 49:52.99S 143:47.92E - 47 EL 1443 13-SEP-96 49:53.16S 144:33.90E 3768 3888 1610 49:53.13S 144:34.54E - 18.5 1735 49:53.32S 144:34.66E - 48 EL 2037 13-SEP-96 50:08.79S 144:27.34E 3730 3884 2233 50:08.76S 144:27.33E - 15.9 0002 50:08.72S 144:27.38E - 49 EL 0344 14-SEP-96 50:26.09S 144:17.95E 3420 3198 0515 50:25.96S 144:18.28E - 13.0 0633 50:25.56S 144:19.02E - 50 EL 1400 14-SEP-96 51:15.87S 143:54.24E 3737 3794 1532 51:15.82S 143:54.22E - 17.2 1654 51:15.81S 143:54.34E - 51 EL 1855 14-SEP-96 51:32.25S 143:46.65E 3686 3780 2040 51:32.29S 143:46.60E - 17.9 2211 51:32.25S 143:46.75E - 52 EL 0028 15-SEP-96 51:48.85S 143:37.95E 3481 3646 0159 51:48.82S 143:37.89E - 5.8 0319 51:48.84S 143:38.16E - 53 EL 0552 15-SEP-96 52:05.55S 143:29.43E 3532 3564 0726 52:05.52S 143:29.52E - 16.9 0847 52:05.38S 143:29.52E - 54 SR3 0507 16-SEP-96 49:36.47S 143:55.95E 3665 3730 0645 49:36.56S 143:55.93E - 18.9 0808 49:36.61S 143:56.02E - 55 SR3 1046 16-SEP-96 49:16.03S 144:06.03E 4382 4422 1256 49:16.99S 144:05.71E - 18.5 1430 49:17.44S 144:06.22E - 56 SR3 1822 16-SEP-96 48:47.05S 144:18.94E 4180 4148 1959 48:48.15S 144:19.39E - 15.0 2126 48:48.75S 144:19.74E - 57 SR3 0829 17-SEP-96 48:19.01S 144:32.00E 4000 4126 1001 48:19.79S 144:32.23E - 15.1 1143 48:20.58S 144:32.43E - 58 SR3 1414 17-SEP-96 47:59.94S 144:40.33E 4116 4412 1621 47:59.79S 144:40.25E - 17.3 1750 47:59.94S 144:40.45E - 59 SR3 1058 18-SEP-96 47:28.12S 144:53.80E 4440 4384 1302 47:28.05S 144:52.12E - 25.6 1438 47:28.18S 144:50.88E - 60 SR3 1704 18-SEP-96 47:09.25S 144:54.19E 4790 4882 1904 47:09.67S 144:53.08E - 20.8 2053 47:09.91S 144:52.51E - 61 SR3 0034 19-SEP-96 46:39.04S 145:15.19E 3378 3434 0219 46:39.61S 145:15.01E - 21.1 0341 46:39.75S 145:14.89E - 62 SR3 0701 19-SEP-96 46:10.00S 145:28.15E 2723 2754 1016 46:11.83S 145:28.41E - 14.6 1134 46:12.61S 145:28.57E - 63 SR3 1833 19-SEP-96 45:42.01S 145:39.82E 2017 2098 1945 45:42.55S 145:39.82E - 15.6 2045 45:42.93S 145:39.93E - 64 SR3 2355 19-SEP-96 45:13.02S 145:50.89E 2851 2892 0120 45:12.70S 145:49.78E 2887 14.7 0232 45:12.76S 145:49.69E - 65 SR3 1141 20-SEP-96 44:42.99S 146:03.04E 3195 3222 1323 44:42.73S 146:03.82E 3195 17.0 1441 44:42.43S 146:04.75E 3220 66 SR3 1649 20-SEP-96 44:22.99S 146:11.37E 2333 2348 1800 44:23.05S 146:11.82E 2333 17.1 1907 44:23.13S 146:11.95E 2333 67 SR3 2106 20-SEP-96 44:07.05S 146:13.33E 1003 1000 2145 44:06.94S 146:13.29E 1003 17.5 2219 44:06.90S 146:13.39E 1003 68 SR3 2312 20-SEP-96 44:03.21S 146:17.21E 522 478 2347 44:03.24S 146:18.09E 481 17.4 0016 44:03.40S 146:18.52E 481 69 SR3 0105 21-SEP-96 44:00.04S 146:19.17E 236 190 0124 44:00.03S 146:19.48E 200 12.0 0142 44:00.01S 146:19.83E 179 70 TEST 1004 21-SEP-96 44:39.59S 147:00.22E 2457 318 1014 44:39.59S 147:00.37E - - 1024 44:39.57S 147:00.47E - 71 TEST 1248 21-SEP-96 44:37.02S 147:00.21E 2559 2564 1415 44:37.13S 147:00.82E - 28.5 1534 44:37.41S 147:00.97E - Table 3.3: Summary of samples drawn from Niskin bottles at each station, including salinity (sal), dissolved oxygen (do), nutrients (nut), dissolved inorganic carbon (dic), alkalinity (alk), carbon isotopes (Ctope), fluorometry (fl), and pigments (pig); Seacat casts are also listed. Note that 1=samples taken, 0=no samples taken, 2=surface sample only (i.e. from shallowest Niskin bottle or from seawater outlet). station sal do nut dic alk Ctope fl pig SEACAT 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 10 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 16 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 17 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 19 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 20 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 23 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 25 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 26 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 27 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 28 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 29 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 31 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 32 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 33 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 1 1 34 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 35 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 36 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 37 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 38 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 1 1 39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 41 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 42 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 43 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 44 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 45 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 46 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 47 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 48 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 49 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 50 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 51 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 52 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 53 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 54 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 55 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 56 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 1 57 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 58 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 59 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 60 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 61 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 62 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 63 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 64 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 65 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 66 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 1 67 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 68 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 69 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 71 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 3.4: CTD stations over current meter (CM) and inverted echo sounder (IES) moorings along SR3 transect in the vicinity of the Subantarctic Front. Note that bottom depths (at the start of each CTD cast) are calculated using a sound speed of 1498 ms^-1. For CTD station positions, see Table 3.2. CTD start time bottom mooring station depth (m) number no. 38 15:21, 10/09/96 3481 I18 (IES) 39 03:44, 11/09/96 3686 I16 (IES) 40 08:43, 11/09/96 3686 I14 (IES) 41 14:22, 11/09/96 3737 I12 (IES) 42 03:48, 12/09/96 3870 I10 (CM+IES) 43 09:04, 12/09/96 3583 I9 (CM+IES) 44 21:11, 12/09/96 3580 I8 (CM+IES) 45 02:53, 13/09/96 3563 I6 (IES) 46 08:27, 13/09/96 3768 I4 (IES) 47 14:43, 13/09/96 3768 I3 (IES) 48 20:37, 13/09/96 3730 I5 (IES) 49 03:44, 14/09/96 3420 I7 (IES) 50 14:00, 14/09/96 3737 I11 (IES) 51 18:55, 14/09/96 3686 I13 (IES) 52 00:28, 15/09/96 3481 I15 (IES) 53 05:52, 15/09/96 3532 I17 (IES) 54 05:07, 16/09/96 3665 I2 (IES) 58 14:14, 17/09/96 4116 I1 (IES) Table 3.5a: Principal investigators (*=cruise participant) for rosette water sampling programmes. measurement name affiliation CTD, salinity, O2, nutrients *Steve Rintoul/Nathan Bindoff CSIRO/Antarctic CRC D.I.C., alkalinity, carbon isotopes *Bronte Tilbrook CSIRO fluorometry *Peter Strutton(PhD student) Flinders University biological sampling Harvey Marchant/*Simon Wright Antarctic Division Table 3.5b: Scientific personnel (cruise participants). name measurement affiliation Muhammad Evri CTD BPPT (Indonesia) Helen Phillips CTD Antarctic CRC Steve Rintoul CTD CSIRO Marie Robert CTD Antarctic CRC Mark Rosenberg CTD Antarctic CRC Serguei Sokolov CTD CSIRO Annie Wong CTD Antarctic CRC Fadli Syamsudin CTD BPPT (Indonesia) Stephen Bray salinity, oxygen, nutrients Antarctic CRC Ana Costalunga oxygen Antarctic CRC Neale Johnston salinity, oxygen, nutrients Antarctic CRC Rebecca Esmay D.I.C., alkalinity, C isotopes CSIRO Mark Pretty D.I.C., alkalinity, C isotopes CSIRO Bronte Tilbrook D.I.C., alkalinity, C isotopes CSIRO Alison Walker D.I.C., alkalinity, C isotopes CSIRO Raechel Waters biological sampling Antarctic Division Simon Wright biological sampling, Antarctic Division voyage leader Simon Evans programmer Antarctic Division Robert Geier programmer Antarctic Division Stewart Graham doctor Antarctic Division Alan Poole electronics CSIRO Sandra Potter deputy voyage leader, fishing Antarctic Division Peter Strutton underway data, fluorometry Antarctic Division/Flinders University Andrew Tabor gear officer, fishing Antarctic Division Wojciech Wierzbicki electronics Antarctic Division Karen Wilson fishing Marine Studies Centre (Tasmania) Steve Oakley returnee Antarctic Division 3.4 FIELD DATA COLLECTION METHODS 3.4.1 CTD and hydrology measurements CTD and hydrology instrumentation, data collection and processing methods are as described in Part 2 of this report. The hydrology laboratory report for this cruise can be found in Appendix 3.1. Preliminary results of the CTD data calibration, along with data quality information, are presented in Section 3.6. Calibration information for CTD sensors are presented in Table 3.22. Note that no photosynthetically active radiation (p.a.r.) sensor or fluorometer were attached to the rosette package for this cruise. P.a.r. and fluorescence data were collected by a Seabird "Seacat" CTD, which was deployed separately (Table 3.3) (these data are not discussed further in this report). The following updates apply to the CTD data processing and hydrology analytical techniques: (i) in the conductivity calibration for stations 10 to 21, an additional term was applied to remove the pressure dependent conductivity residual; (ii) salinity bottle samples were analysed using a Guildline Autosal model 8400B (YeoKal salinometers had been used on all previous cruises); substandard measurements were not required, owing to the stability of the Autosal; international seawater standards were measured at the start and end of each day's analysis. 3.4.2 Underway measurements Underway data collection is as described in previous data reports; data files are described in Part 5. Note that a sound speed of 1498 ms^-1 is used for all depth calculations. 3.4.3 ADCP The acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) instrumentation is described in previous data reports. Logging parameters are summarised in Table 3.6, while data results for this cruise will be discussed in a future report. Table 3.6: ADCP logging parameters. ping parameters bottom track ping parameters no. of bins: 60 no. of bins: 128 bin length: 8 m bin length: 4 m pulse length: 8 m pulse length: 32 m delay: 4 m ping interval: minimum ping interval: same as profiling pings reference layer averaging: bins 8 to 13 ensemble averaging duration: 3 min. 3.5 MAJOR PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED After completion of station 6 at the southernmost end of the SR3 transect, the ship encountered thick pack ice while attempting to head northward. At one point the ship became stuck on top of an ice pressure ridge. Ballast waters were shifted and the vessel was freed after a total delay of 15 hours. No major logistical problems were encountered for the remainder of the voyage, with all scheduled work being completed. The only significant problem with the instrumentation was the large amount of unusable CTD dissolved oxygen data. These bad data often occurred near the bottom of casts. Figure 3.2* summarises the spatial coverage of good CTD dissolved oxygen data (note that bottle dissolved oxygen data is good for the entire transect). 3.6 CTD RESULTS This section details information relevant to the creation and quality of the final CTD and hydrology data set. For actual use of the data, the following is important: CTD data - Tables 3.14 and 3.15, and Table 3.7; hydrology data - Tables 3.19 and 3.20. Historical data comparisons are made in Part 4 of this report. Data file formats are described in Part 5. 3.6.1 CTD measurements - data creation and quality The final calibration results for conductivity/salinity and dissolved oxygen, along with the performance check for temperature, are plotted in Figures 3.3* to 3.6* (see Part 1 of this report for further details of the parameters plotted). For conversion to WOCE data file formats, see Part 5 of this report. Figure 3.2*: CTD dissolved oxygen data coverage along SR3 transect for cruise AU9601. Conductivity/salinity The conductivity calibration for CTD 1103 (stations 4 to 69) was of high quality (Figures 3.4* and 3.5*), due in part to stable performance of the new Guildline salinometer. Note that for stations 10 to 21, the CTD conductivity cell was slightly fouled (the fouling was not discovered until after completion of station 21). This fouling resulted in a pressure dependent conductivity residual after initial calibration. An extra fit (Table 3.9) was applied to remove this residual, following the same method as described in Part 1 (section of this report. A small discontinuity of the order 0.0018 (PSS78) may exist in the CTD salinity data between stations 1-23 and stations 24-69 due to differences in International Standard Seawater batches, as described in section 3.6.2 below. For test stations 1 and 2 using CTD 1193, CTD salinity accuracy is diminished (accurate to ~0.01 (PSS78)) as the only salinity samples available for calibration were collected from a single depth at station 1. For the test stations 3, 70 and 71, no bottle data are available for calibration of the CTD. At ~580 dbar on the downcast of station 62, the ship's engine shutdown and all power was lost, leaving the ship adrift. The downcast was resumed approximately 2 hours later without retrieving the CTD. A small discontinuity at ~580 dbar may therefore be present in all parameters due to any local horizontal gradients. Temperature Platinum temperature sensor performance of the CTD's was stable throughout the cruise, with a moderate mean offset between thermometer and CTD temperature values (Figure 3.3*). Dissolved oxygen The final standard deviation value of the dissolved oxygen residuals (Figure 3.6*) is less than 1% of full scale values (where full scale is approximately equal to 250 µmol/l for pressure > 750 dbar, and 350 µmol/l for pressure < 750 dbar). Unusual calibration coefficient values were found for some stations (Table 3.17), in particular for station 30 where the coefficient K5 >> 1. CTD dissolved oxygen calibration for this station was of a lower quality than for other stations. Summary of CTD data creation Information relevant to the creation of the calibrated CTD data is tabulated, as follows: * Surface pressure offsets calculated for each station are listed in Table 3.8. * CTD conductivity calibration coefficients, including the station groupings used for the conductivity calibration, are listed in Tables 3.9 and 3.10. * CTD raw data scans flagged for special treatment are listed in Table 3.11. * Missing 2 dbar data averages are listed in Table 3.12. * 2 dbar bins which are linearly interpolated from surrounding bins are listed in Table 3.13. * Suspect 2 dbar averages are listed in Tables 3.14 and 3.15. * CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients are listed in Table 3.16. The starting values used for the coefficients prior to iteration, and the coefficients varied during the iteration, are listed in Table 3.17. * The different protected and unprotected thermometers used for the stations are listed in Table 3.21. * The pressure and temperature laboratory calibration coefficients for the CTD's used are listed in Table 3.22. Summary of CTD data quality CTD data quality cautions for the various parameters are summarised in Table 3.7. Table 3.7: Summary of cautions to CTD data quality. station no. CTD parameter caution 1,2 salinity test cast - all bottles fired at same depth; salinity accuracy reduced 10-21 salinity additional correction applied for pressure dependent conductivity residual 30 oxygen oxygen calibration fit fairly poor 62 all ship broke down - will be a discontinuity in downcast due to horizontal drift 1-23/24-69 salinity discontinuity in salinity data of 0.0018 (PSS78) between the 2 station groups due to ISS batch difference 1-40 oxygen values larger than for remaining stations by ~4µmol/l 3.6.2 Hydrology data Quality control information relevant to the hydrology data is tabulated, as follows: * Dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle samples flagged with the code -9 (rejected for CTD dissolved oxygen calibration) are listed in Table 3.18. * Questionable dissolved oxygen and nutrient Niskin bottle sample values are listed in Tables 3.19 and 3.20 respectively. Note that questionable values are included in the hydrology data file, whereas bad values have been removed. Laboratory temperature on the ship was stable, with lab temperatures at the times of nutrient analyses having a most common value of 20°C. International Standard Seawater (ISS) batch P128 (18th July 1995)) was used for salinity sample anaylses of stations 1-23, while batch P130 (21st March 1996) was used for stations 24-69. Standardisation values on the salinometer were consistently different for these two ISS batches, indicating a problem with one of the batches. A discontinuity is therefore present in salinity bottle values, with station 24-69 values higher than station 1-23 values by 0.0018±0.0003 (PSS78). It is not known which ISS batch is at fault. For dissoved oxygen data, stations 1 to 40 bottle values (and therefore CTD values also) are ~4µmol/l larger than for the remaining stations 41 to 69. Note that a jump in standardisation values for the laboratory analyses occurred between stations 40 and 41, accounting for the two groups of dissolved oxygen data. See Part 4 of this report for a more detailed discussion. For stations 16 and 17 nutrient data, autoanalyser peak heights were measured manually. Figure 3.3*: Temperature residual (T(therm) - T(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9601. The solid line is the mean of all the residuals; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of all the residuals (see CTD methodology). Note that the "dubious" and "rejected" categories refer to the conductivity calibration. Figure 3.4*: Conductivity ratio c(btl)/c(cal) versus station number for cruise au9601. The solid line follows the mean of the residuals for each station; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of the residuals for each station (see CTD methodology). Figure 3.5*: Salinity residual (s(btl) - s(cal)) versus station number for cruise au9601. The solid line is the mean of all the residuals; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of all the residuals (see CTD methodology). Figure 3.6*: Dissolved oxygen residual (o(btl) - o(cal) versus station number for cruise au9601. The solid line follows the mean residual for each station; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of the residuals for each station (see CTD methodology). Table 3.8: Surface pressure offsets (as defined in the CTD methodology). stn surface p stn surface p stn surface p stn surface p no. offset (dbar) no. offset (dbar) no. offset (dbar) no. offset (dbar) 1 0.78 19 -2.68 37 -2.92 55 -2.66 2 0.61 20 -3.07 38 -2.84 56 -2.70 3 0.77 21 -2.73 39 -2.42 57 -3.18 4 -2.55 22 -2.20 40 -2.50 58 -3.08 5 -2.06 23 -2.71 41 -3.00 59 -2.69 6 -2.41 24 -2.60 42 -2.03 60 -2.77 7 -2.31 25 -2.65 43 -2.61 61 -3.19 8 -2.16 26 -2.85 44 -2.95 62 -2.81 9 -2.27 27 -2.69 45 -2.78 63 -3.15 10 -2.67 28 -2.52 46 -2.64 64 -3.01 11 -2.57 29 -2.99 47 -2.96 65 -3.02 12 -2.83 30 -2.89 48 -2.68 66 -3.13 13 -2.71 31 -3.25 49 -3.11 67 -3.13 14 -2.68 32 -2.88 50 -2.59 68 -3.35 15 -2.80 33 -3.28 51 -2.74 69 -3.15 16 -2.54 34 -2.59 52 -3.07 70 0.89 17 -2.70 35 -3.05 53 -3.31 71 0.41 18 -2.67 36 -2.69 54 -2.47 Table 3.9: CTD conductivity calibration coefficients. F1 , F2 and F3 are respectively conductivity bias, slope and station-dependent correction calibration terms. n is the number of samples retained for calibration in each station grouping; sigma is the standard deviation of the conductivity residual for the n samples in the station grouping (see CTD methodology); alpha is the correction applied to CTD conductivities due to pressure dependence of the conductivity residuals (see eqn 1.1 in Part 1 of this report). stn grouping F1 F2 F3 n sigma alpha 001 to 001 -.74396631 0.98848575E-03 0 19 0.000758 - 002 to 002 -.74396631 0.98848575E-03 0 19 0.000758 - 003 to 003 - - - - - - 004 to 009 0.38105131E-01 0.10026968E-02 -.17129059E-07 109 0.001151 - 010 to 012 0.29464364E-01 0.10029643E-02 -.42023366E-07 63 0.001082 -1.72220E-06 013 to 014 0.22334088E-01 0.10031561E-02 -.28439980E-07 38 0.000808 -2.89414E-06 015 to 017 0.25912709E-01 0.10022619E-02 0.54122684E-07 71 0.000975 -3.23843E-06 018 to 021 0.17743922E-01 0.10042234E-02 -.38849067E-07 89 0.001224 -1.25810E-06 022 to 023 0.10979836E-02 0.10062176E-02 -.14796191E-07 45 0.000810 - 024 to 033 -.12532344E-01 0.10063905E-02 -.61267260E-10 224 0.000741 - 034 to 037 0.20512016E-02 0.10060457E-02 -.32684513E-08 83 0.000750 - 038 to 040 -.27578964E-01 0.10069364E-02 -.12822740E-08 60 0.000879 - 041 to 042 -.24668828E-01 0.10063144E-02 0.13021786E-07 41 0.000940 - 043 to 047 -.19096958E-01 0.10068804E-02 -.42245725E-08 106 0.000944 - 048 to 049 -.20424480E-01 0.10065386E-02 0.38684723E-08 40 0.000814 - 050 to 053 -.34297624E-01 0.10072630E-02 -.15337700E-08 86 0.001002 - 054 to 056 -.18440140E-01 0.10073180E-02 -.11331976E-07 61 0.000756 - 057 to 059 -.19465081E-01 0.10061536E-02 0.94647529E-08 68 0.000993 - 060 to 061 -.17832191E-01 0.10045096E-02 0.35861141E-07 45 0.001197 - 062 to 065 -.18907083E-01 0.10069848E-02 -.42532668E-08 89 0.000932 - 066 to 069 -.19880267E-01 0.10067129E-02 0.65647745E-09 45 0.001026 - 070 to 070 -.74396631 0.98848575E-03 0 19 0.000758 - 071 to 071 -.74396631 0.98848575E-03 0 19 0.000758 - Table 3.10: Station-dependent-corrected conductivity slope term (F2 + F3 . N), for station number N, and F2 and F3 the conductivity slope and station-dependent correction calibration terms respectively. stn (F2 + F3 . N) stn (F2 + F3 . N) stn (F2 + F3 . N) stn (F2 + F3 . N) no. no. no. no. 1 0.98848575E-03 19 0.10034853E-02 37 0.10059247E-02 55 0.10066947E-02 2 0.98848575E-03 20 0.10034465E-02 38 0.10068877E-02 56 0.10066834E-02 3 - 21 0.10034076E-02 39 0.10068864E-02 57 0.10066931E-02 4 0.10026283E-02 22 0.10058920E-02 40 0.10068851E-02 58 0.10067025E-02 5 0.10026112E-02 23 0.10058772E-02 41 0.10068483E-02 59 0.10067120E-02 6 0.10025940E-02 24 0.10063891E-02 42 0.10068613E-02 60 0.10066612E-02 7 0.10025769E-02 25 0.10063890E-02 43 0.10066988E-02 61 0.10066971E-02 8 0.10025598E-02 26 0.10063890E-02 44 0.10066946E-02 62 0.10067211E-02 9 0.10025426E-02 27 0.10063889E-02 45 0.10066903E-02 63 0.10067169E-02 10 0.10025441E-02 28 0.10063888E-02 46 0.10066861E-02 64 0.10067126E-02 11 0.10025021E-02 29 0.10063888E-02 47 0.10066819E-02 65 0.10067084E-02 12 0.10024601E-02 30 0.10063887E-02 48 0.10067243E-02 66 0.10067563E-02 13 0.10027864E-02 31 0.10063886E-02 49 0.10067281E-02 67 0.10067569E-02 14 0.10027579E-02 32 0.10063886E-02 50 0.10071863E-02 68 0.10067576E-02 15 0.10030737E-02 33 0.10063885E-02 51 0.10071848E-02 69 0.10067582E-02 16 0.10031278E-02 34 0.10059345E-02 52 0.10071833E-02 70 0.98848575E-03 17 0.10031819E-02 35 0.10059313E-02 53 0.10071817E-02 71 0.98848575E-03 18 0.10035242E-02 36 0.10059280E-02 54 0.10067060E-02 Table 3.11: CTD raw data scans flagged for special treatment (see previous data reports for explanation). station approximate raw scan action reason number pressure (dbar) numbers taken 4 98 14011-14220, ignore wake effect in steep gradient 14392-14422 4 106 15123-15275 ignore wake effect in steep gradient 5 6-41 8352-13559 ignore preliminary dip to 41 dbar 5 110 17848-18017 ignore wake effect in steep gradient 6 3-30 2605-8552 ignore preliminary dip to 30 dbar 6 11-16 2633-9148 ignore fouling of cond. cell 7 8-22 2313-6115 ignore preliminary dip to 22 dbar 8 9-28 1534-5118 ignore preliminary dip to 28 dbar 9 9-40 6951-13639 ignore preliminary dip to 40 dbar 11 10-158 11617-31172 ignore preliminary dip to 158 dbar 12 9-31 3185-8956 ignore preliminary dip to 31 dbar 14 9-25 1987-6352 ignore preliminary dip to 25 dbar 17 9-33 3939-9105 ignore preliminary dip to 33 dbar 19 7-39 4544-9809 ignore preliminary dip to 39 dbar 20 8-35 3049-7411 ignore preliminary dip to 35 dbar 28 1302-1354 74227-76421 ignore fouling of cond. cell 29 8-30 5451-9404 ignore preliminary dip to 30 dbar 34 576 57543-57686 ignore fouling of cond. cell 58 329 30437-30772 ignore fouling of cond. cell 62 199 19731-19995 ignore fouling of cond. cell 66 226 22795-22871 ignore fouling of cond. cell 71 81471-7,81548- ignore bad data 81620,81683-5 71 81780-2,81753- ignore bad data 81768 71 125721-3, ignore bad data 126067-126114 Table 3.12: Missing data points in 2 dbar-averaged files. "1" indicates missing data for the indicated parameters: T=temperature; S=salinity, sigma-T, specific volume anomaly and geopotential anomaly; O=dissolved oxygen. Note that jmin is the minimum number of data points required in a 2 dbar bin to form the 2 dbar average (see CTD methodology). station pressures (dbar) reason number where data missing T S O 1,2 entire profile 1 no bottles for oxygen calibration 3 entire profile 1 1 1 no calibration data 4 2 1 1 bad data 4 entire profile 1 CTD oxygen hardware fault 5 2,4 1 1 bad data 5 2-14 1 bad data 6 2 1 1 bad data 7 2-8 1 1 bad data 7 2,22-32,46-72 1 bad data 8 2-58 1 bad data 9 2-8 1 1 bad data 9 2-12,98-116 1 bad data 10 226-248,278-298,324-328 1 bad data 10 626-630,688-696,730-738 1 bad data 10 852-bottom 1 bad data 11 2 1 1 bad data 11 2-16 1 bad data 12 2,4 1 1 bad data 14 2,4 1 1 bad data 15-18 2 1 1 bad data 12-18 entire profile 1 bad data 19 2-14,3898-3902,4090-4092 1 bad data 19 4242-bottom 1 bad data 20 2 1 1 bad data 20 2-14,2998-3008,3640-3660 1 bad data 20 4222-4244,4310-bottom 1 bad data 21 2 1 1 bad data 21 2-38,558-bottom 1 bad data 22 2 1 1 bad data 22 2-30,566-bottom 1 bad data 23 2,4 1 1 bad data 23 2,44-66,2478-bottom 1 bad data 24 2,4 1 1 bad data 24 2-38,2728-2872,3524-bottom 1 bad data 25 2-36,406-438,3680-3682 1 bad data 25 3780-3786,4096-4102,4162-4168 1 bad data 26 2-98,3142-bottom 1 bad data 27 2-38,2728-bottom 1 bad data 28 2 1 1 bad data 28 1304-1318 1 1 fouling of conductivity cell 28 2-36,1304-1318,3738-3762 1 bad data 28 2392-2398,2738-2762 1 bad data 29 354-bottom 1 bad data 30 2 1 1 bad data 30 2,3580-bottom 1 bad data 31 2,4 1 1 bad data 31 2-36 1 bad data 32 2 1 1 bad data 32 2-30 1 bad data 33 2-32 1 bad data 34 2 1 1 1 bad data 36 2 1 1 1 bad data 37 4-24,3588-bottom 1 bad data 38 2 1 1 1 bad data 39 2,4 1 bad data 39 3782 1 1 1 no. of data pts in 2dbar bin < jmin 40 2 1 1 1 bad data 41 3678 1 bad data 42 2 1 1 1 bad data 45 2 1 1 bad data 45 2,3184-bottom 1 bad data 46 2,3252-bottom 1 bad data 47,48 2 1 1 bad data 48 3400-bottom 1 bad data 49 2,4 1 1 bad data 50 2 1 1 bad data 50 2,3352-bottom 1 bad data 52-54 2 1 1 bad data 52 2,4 1 bad data 53 2 1 bad data 54 2-34 1 bad data 58 2 1 1 bad data 58 2,4 1 bad data 60 2 1 bad data 62 2 1 1 bad data 62 2-10 1 bad data 64 2 1 1 1 bad data 67 2 1 1 bad data 69 2 1 1 bad data 69 2-32 1 bad data 70 entire profile 1 1 1 no calibration data 71 entire profile 1 1 1 no calibration data Table 3.13: 2 dbar averages interpolated from surrounding 2 dbar values, for the indicated parameters. station interpolated parameters number 2 dbar values interpolated 20 3692 T, S Table 3.14a: Suspect 2 dbar salinity averages (+ temperature where indicated). Note: for suspect salinity values, the following are also suspect: sigma-T, specific volume anomaly, and geopotential anomaly. station suspect 2 dbar values (dbar) reason number bad questionable 4 - 90,92 salinity spike in steep local gradient 5 - 98,100,106 salinity spike in steep local gradient 5 - 114,116,120 salinity spike in steep local gradient 6 - 6-10 possible fouling of conductivity cell 7 - 800-804,820,828 salinity spike in steep local gradient 7 826 - salinity spike in steep local gradient 14 70 - salinity spike in steep local gradient 15 76 - salinity spike in steep local gradient 15 - 78,80 salinity spike in steep local gradient 17 110 - salinity spike in steep local gradient 19 - 136-142 salinity spike in steep local gradient 20 - 100-106,114 salinity spike in steep local gradient 20 - 128,130,136 salinity spike in steep local gradient 22 - 150,152,162,164 salinity spike in steep local gradient 39 144 - salinity spike in steep local gradient 43 656,692 - salinity spike in steep local gradient 52 - 178,292 salinity spike in steep local gradient 60 - 1160,1276-1280 salinity spike in steep local gradient 60 - 1322-1326 salinity spike in steep local gradient 65 - 1010,1014 salinity spike in steep local gradient 65 1012 - salinity spike in steep local gradient Table 3.14b: Suspect 2 dbar-averaged data from near the surface (applies to all parameters other than dissolved oxygen, except where noted). stn suspect 2dbar values (dbar) stn suspect 2dbar values (dbar) no. bad questionable no. bad questionable 4 - 4-10 44 - 2 5 - 6 46 2 - 6 - 6-10 47 - 4 8 2 - 48 4 - 11 - 4 50 4 - 12 - 6,8 52 4 - 16 - 4 (T okay) 53 - 4 18 - 4,6 54 - 4 19 2-6 - 56 2 - 20 4,6 - 58 - 4 21 4-8 10-14 59 2 - 22 4 - 60 - 2 (T okay) 24 6 - 61 - 2 25 - 2 62 - 4 26 - 2,4 63 - 2 27 - 2 65 - 2 29 2 - 66 2 4 35 2 4,6 67 - 4 37 - 2-6 68 - 2,4 41 - 2 69 - 4 42 4 6-10 Table 3.15: Suspect 2 dbar-averaged dissolved oxygen data. stn suspect 2dbar values (dbar) stn suspect 2dbar values (dbar) no. bad questionable no. bad questionable 6 - 4 40 - 4,6 20 - 58-62,80-82 41 - 2 23 6-18 - 42 - 4,6,12-34 29 - 2-8 43 - 2 30 - 4-56,2176-3578 44 2-10 - 34 - 4-8 46 - 4-10 35 - 38,40,52,54,68 50 - 12-32 36 - 4 51 - 2-6 37 - 34,36 56 - 2 38 - 14-18 57 - 2-34 39 - 12-24 60 - 4-10 Table 3.16: CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients. K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 and K6 are respectively oxygen current slope, oxygen sensor time constant, oxygen current bias, temperature correction term, weighting factor, and pressure correction term. dox is equal to 2.8sigma (for sigma as defined by eqn A2.24 in the CTD methodology); n is the number of samples retained for calibration in each station or station grouping. station K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 dox n number 1-4 - - - - - - - - 5 7.977 5.00 -0.903 -0.15206 0.65057 0.19386E-03 0.08607 4 6 2.216 5.00 0.250 -0.13008 0.25629 0.53099E-04 0.14567 24 7 0.922 5.00 0.502 -0.12390 0.11961 0.12705E-04 0.14944 22 8 0.942 5.00 0.632 -0.22443 0.48146 0.19279E-04 0.16980 19 9 3.650 8.00 0.315 -0.31208 0.74841 0.45625E-04 0.14580 24 10 1.181 5.00 0.484 -0.10030 0.20991 -0.46710E-04 0.11310 10 11 7.372 8.00 -0.984 -0.03645 0.12896 0.13085E-03 0.13112 18 12-18 - - - - - - - - 19 9.970 5.00 -1.309 -0.13446 0.71125 0.10492E-03 0.12424 20 20 10.893 5.00 -1.574 -0.10461 0.68169 0.10988E-03 0.22049 20 21 8.782 7.00 -1.164 -0.10375 0.27859 0.23859E-03 0.07780 8 22 10.780 8.00 -1.159 -0.18501 0.74659 -0.30282E-03 0.13646 8 23 13.095 5.00 -1.881 -0.14275 0.71999 0.12092E-03 0.24383 18 24 13.788 8.00 -2.059 -0.15753 0.45006 0.11444E-03 0.12085 21 25 15.839 8.50 -2.414 -0.17273 0.61228 0.12524E-03 0.21887 21 26 10.964 6.00 -1.593 -0.08905 0.50065 0.13016E-03 0.14554 18 27 14.482 6.00 -2.076 -0.17650 0.51565 0.63161E-04 0.11809 22 28 11.079 6.00 -1.659 -0.04909 1.23120 0.15427E-03 0.15871 23 29 11.232 8.00 -1.723 -0.02111 0.71090 0.28299E-03 0.23383 7 30 12.399 5.00 -1.917 -0.04067 3.41140 0.21041E-03 0.24999 15 31 13.137 5.00 -1.984 -0.09521 0.92360 0.14840E-03 0.13421 23 32 12.151 5.00 -1.818 -0.07098 0.31861 0.12694E-03 0.22956 21 33 11.447 5.00 -1.684 -0.06222 0.20779 0.12393E-03 0.10320 22 34 14.974 7.00 -2.250 -0.14137 0.93157 0.14922E-03 0.19063 22 35 13.503 5.00 -2.034 -0.10348 1.55730 0.18499E-03 0.18944 23 36 13.167 5.00 -1.952 -0.11089 0.93079 0.14698E-03 0.15666 22 37 12.810 5.00 -1.897 -0.09934 0.92874 0.14852E-03 0.14493 22 38 13.964 5.00 -2.049 -0.14110 1.10950 0.14467E-03 0.18674 22 39 12.315 5.00 -1.779 -0.11737 1.15650 0.14835E-03 0.18201 22 40 12.799 5.00 -1.872 -0.10613 0.84008 0.12872E-03 0.17978 22 41 13.666 5.00 -2.016 -0.12765 0.92883 0.13385E-03 0.20248 23 42 13.239 5.00 -1.985 -0.11293 0.88499 0.15201E-03 0.25177 24 43 12.990 5.00 -1.931 -0.11076 0.91703 0.15071E-03 0.23118 24 44 12.650 8.00 -1.860 -0.10660 0.91335 0.13240E-03 0.17877 23 45 11.968 5.00 -1.835 -0.05606 0.39845 0.16464E-03 0.17434 20 46 11.624 5.00 -1.703 -0.08886 0.93062 0.15078E-03 0.11577 20 47 11.238 5.00 -1.651 -0.07039 0.76785 0.14245E-03 0.11352 23 48 10.654 5.00 -1.527 -0.07438 0.89526 0.14189E-03 0.11396 20 49 10.460 5.00 -1.513 -0.06562 1.00040 0.15150E-03 0.20295 22 50 13.487 5.00 -2.003 -0.13628 1.12640 0.16671E-03 0.09998 22 51 11.429 5.00 -1.674 -0.07639 0.87000 0.14268E-03 0.11557 24 52 13.893 5.00 -2.011 -0.16381 1.21440 0.15485E-03 0.16197 22 53 11.973 5.00 -1.723 -0.09890 0.99061 0.13249E-03 0.16167 24 54 8.123 5.00 -1.096 -0.03568 0.97237 0.12951E-03 0.12116 22 55 10.257 5.00 -1.441 -0.07503 0.92291 0.12490E-03 0.18500 24 56 13.329 5.00 -2.015 -0.10473 0.80404 0.14212E-03 0.12378 22 57 11.954 5.00 -1.764 -0.09596 0.91435 0.14067E-03 0.12476 24 58 14.906 5.00 -2.207 -0.15879 1.00730 0.13214E-03 0.17453 23 59 12.717 8.00 -1.914 -0.09111 0.77570 0.14559E-03 0.21816 24 60 14.505 5.00 -2.192 -0.13230 0.92839 0.14503E-03 0.13844 22 61 11.118 5.00 -1.613 -0.08351 0.90790 0.14216E-03 0.11000 24 62 10.148 5.00 -1.437 -0.08017 1.05690 0.15153E-03 0.14261 23 63 9.048 5.00 -1.232 -0.06994 1.18910 0.11739E-03 0.13847 19 64 11.613 8.00 -1.851 -0.05570 0.79147 0.15911E-03 0.15317 22 65 10.876 5.00 -1.562 -0.07559 0.92785 0.14065E-03 0.13997 23 66 10.325 5.00 -1.345 -0.11909 1.18150 0.10524E-03 0.15732 23 67 10.556 5.00 -1.583 -0.05825 0.93328 0.18770E-03 0.19300 11 68-69 5.606 5.00 -0.384 -0.03367 0.95645 0.57658E-04 0.11008 15 Table 3.17: Starting values for CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients prior to iteration, and coefficients varied during iteration (see CTD methodology). Note that coefficients not varied during iteration are held constant at the starting value. station K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 coefficients number varied 1-4 - - - - - - - 5 8.900 5.0000 -0.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 6 5.200 5.0000 1.000 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 7 4.000 5.0000 1.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 8 3.600 5.0000 1.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 9 3.400 8.0000 0.900 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 10 2.100 5.0000 0.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 11 7.420 8.0000 -0.960 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 12-18 - - - - - - - 19 10.240 5.0000 -1.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 20 12.500 5.0000 -1.300 -0.400E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 21 10.800 7.0000 -0.800 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 22 9.800 8.0000 -0.900 -0.450E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 23 12.700 5.0000 -1.500 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 24 8.300 8.0000 -0.350 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 25 15.600 8.5000 -2.200 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 26 11.900 6.0000 -1.400 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 27 13.900 6.0000 -1.900 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 28 11.200 6.0000 -1.600 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 29 11.200 8.0000 -1.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 30 12.150 5.0000 -1.800 -0.370E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 31 14.100 5.0000 -1.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 32 13.800 5.0000 -1.400 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 33 12.900 5.0000 -1.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 34 14.000 7.0000 -1.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 35 14.900 5.0000 -1.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 36 13.800 5.0000 -1.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 37 14.100 5.0000 -1.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 38 14.900 5.0000 -2.100 -0.360E-01 0.900 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 39 13.500 5.0000 -1.900 -0.380E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 40 13.110 5.0000 -1.600 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 41 14.100 5.0000 -2.000 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 42 13.700 5.0000 -1.800 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 43 13.600 5.0000 -1.800 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 44 13.550 8.0000 -1.850 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 45 12.300 5.0000 -1.800 -0.400E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 46 12.900 5.0000 -1.450 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 47 12.500 5.0000 -1.200 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 48 12.000 5.0000 -1.050 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 49 12.600 5.0000 -1.400 -0.360E-01 0.770 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 50 14.400 5.0000 -2.100 -0.550E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 51 12.900 5.0000 -1.400 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 52 14.500 5.0000 -2.000 -0.700E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 53 12.800 5.0000 -1.500 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 54 8.000 5.0000 -1.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 55 11.700 5.0000 -1.200 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 56 13.800 5.0000 -2.000 -0.360E-01 0.550 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 57 13.000 5.0000 -1.700 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 58 16.200 5.0000 -2.350 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 59 14.300 8.0000 -1.800 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 60 14.500 5.0000 -2.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 61 12.300 5.0000 -1.300 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 62 11.600 5.0000 -1.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 63 10.700 5.0000 -1.100 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 64 11.400 8.0000 -1.900 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 65 12.500 5.0000 -1.200 -0.360E-01 0.740 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 66 11.400 5.0000 -1.200 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 67 10.000 5.0000 -1.800 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 68-69 5.600 5.0000 -0.400 -0.360E-01 0.750 0.15000E-03 k1 k3 K4 K5 K6 Table 3.18: Dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle samples flagged as -9 for dissolved oxygen calibration. Note that this does not necessarily indicate a bad bottle sample - in many cases, flagging is due to bad CTD dissolved oxygen data. station rosette station rosette number position number position 7 21,9 38 8 8 24,23,22,21,20 39 21,19 10 24,21,13,11-1 40 17 11 24,21,20,19,18,6 41 18 18 24,20 45 18,3,2,1 19 24,5,2,1 46 15,3,2,1 20 24,21,2,1 47 12 21 24,15-1 48 19,3,2,1 22 20,15-1 49 20 23 6,5,4,3,2,1 50 2,1 24 24,2,1 52 21,20 25 24,20,18 54 24,19 26 24,23,22,21,2,1 56 19,18 27 24,1 58 23 28 24 62 24 29 17-1 63 5,4,3,2,1 30 23,19,7,5,4,3,2,1 64 7,4 31 24 65 18 32 24 66 19 33 24,19 67 14 34 18 69 12 37 24,1 Table 3.19: Questionable dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle sample values (not deleted from hydrology data file). stn rosette no. position 11 6 13 23 19 5 38 8 64 7,4 Table 3.20: Questionable nutrient sample values (not deleted from hydrology data file). PHOSPHATE NITRATE SILICATE station rosette station rosette station rosette number position number position number position 6 15,14,13 6 8 7 7,5 10 6 13 23 13 23 13 23 24 3 24 3 26 2 27 9 27 9 29 22 29 22 31 4 31 4 32 4 35 2 38 9 60 4 Table 3.21: Protected and unprotected reversing thermometers used (serial numbers are listed). protected thermometers station rosette position 24 rosette position 12 rosette position 2 numbers thermometers thermometers thermometers 1 to 70 12095,12096 12094 12119,12120 71 12095 (pos. 24); 12096 (pos.17); 12094 (pos.12); 12120 (pos. 7); 12119 (pos. 2) unprotected thermometers station rosette position 12 rosette position 2 numbers thermometers thermometers 1 to 27 11993 11992 28 to 71 11992 11993 Table 3.22: Calibration coefficients and calibration dates for CTD serial numbers 1103 and 1193 (unit nos 7 and 5 respectively) used during RSV Aurora Australis cruise AU9601. Note that an additional pressure bias term due to the station dependent surface pressure offset exists for each station (eqn A2.1 in the CTD methodology). Also note that platinum temperature calibrations are for the ITS-90 scale. CTD serial 1103 (unit no. 7) CTD serial 1193 (unit no. 5) coefficient value of coefficient coefficient value of coefficient pressure calibration coefficients pressure calibration coefficients CSIRO Calibration Facility - 10/07/1996 CSIRO Calibration Facility - 05/07/1996 pcal0 -1.851190e+01 pcal0 -1.107604e+01 pcal1 1.002735e-01 pcal1 1.008327e-01 pcal2 6.097416e-09 pcal2 0.0 pcal3 0.0 pcal3 0.0 pcal4 0.0 pcal4 0.0 platinum calibration platinum calibration temperature coefficients temperature coefficients CSIRO Calibration Facility - 27/06/1996 CSIRO Calibration Facility - 26/06/1996 Tcal0 0.28797e-01 Tcal0 -0.46860e-01 Tcal1 0.49988e-03 Tcal1 0.49879e-03 Tcal2 0.35049e-11 Tcal2 0.27541e-11 pressure calibration pressure calibration temperature coefficients temperature coefficients CSIRO Calibration Facility - 10/07/1996 CSIRO Calibration Facility - 05/07/1996 Tpcal0 1.713678e+02 Tpcal0 1.299013e+02 Tpcal1 -4.239208e-03 Tpcal1 -2.541029e-03 Tpcal2 1.481513e-08 Tpcal2 -7.814892e-09 Tpcal3 0.0 Tpcal3 0.0 coefficients for correction to coefficients for correction to temperature pressure temperature pressure CSIRO Calibration Facility - 10/07/1996 CSIRO Calibration Facility - 05/07/1996 T0 20.00 T0 20.00 S1 -9.196843e-06 S1 -1.578863e-05 S2 -7.818015e-02 S2 -6.349700e-02 APPENDIX 3.1 Hydrochemistry Laboratory Report Seawater samples were analysed for nutrient concentrations (nitrate plus nitrite, silicate, and phosphate), salinities, and dissolved oxygen concentrations. The methods used are described in Eriksen (1997). A new type of salinometer, improvements to nutrient autoanalyser chemistries, improvements to inter-run quality checks, and improvements to dissolved oxygen methods were implemented on this cruise. Number of samples analysed: Nutrients (nitrate plus nitrite, silicate, phosphate) : 1520 Salinities : 1560 Dissolved oxygens : 1610 A3.1.1 NUTRIENTS The Alpkem auto-analyser performed well on this cruise as did the new version (1.31) of Faspac software. Phosphate, silicate and nitrate + nitrite were analysed for all sites. Nitrate and nitrite were not analysed separately as only three channels could be run concurrently. A 20 L carbuoy of seawater was filtered through a GFF filter, mixed and sub sampled into 10 ml tubes, then frozen immediately. At least two of these samples were run with each run and used as an in-house quality control. It was found that this sample was stable for the duration of the trip. See Figure A3.1.2* and Table A3.1.2. The sample racks were covered with aluminium foil when in the sampler, making sure that it was not in contact with the sample. This served to reduce splashing, sample carryover and the possibility of airborne contamination. On a couple of occasions there was a shift in the baseline on one or more of the channels. This was generally due to either foreign matter or a bubble becoming lodged in the flow cell. For these runs the affected peaks were either measured manually from the chart or repeated. The temperature of the laboratory near the Auto-analyser was stable, remaining in the range of 19.5° to 20.5° for the voyage. All channels were run without the colour reagent for at least six sites (approximately 150 samples) to calculate an average background matrix correction. For both nitrate + nitrite and silicate channels there was no significant background matrix, but for phosphate a background matrix of 0.088 µmol/l was measured. There has been no correction applied to the phosphate results: this facilitates comparisons with previous cruise results as no corrections have been applied in the past (see Part 4 of this report). Some modifications were made to the methodology used in previous cruises, as follows. Nitrate + Nitrite The nitrate + nitrite channel was unstable for the first ten runs, with the bubble pattern breaking down in the cadmium tube. This resulted in poor peak shape and inconsistent results for the QC (quality check) and duplicate samples. The cadmium tube was replaced with a new tube and the duplicate samples were run for the nitrate + nitrite results only. The new cadmium tube resulted in a much better flow pattern with no problems with either duplicate or QC samples. Sample :- Flow rate 0.32 ml/min Nitrogen :- Flow rate 0.23 ml/min Reagent 1 :- Imidazole ( 4.25 g/L) + Hydrochloric acid (1.15 ml/L) + Brij (0.5 ml/L) Flow rate 0.32 ml/min Reagent 2 :- Sulphanilamide (3.12 g/L) + Hydrochloric acid (31 ml/L) + Brij (0.5 ml/L) Flow rate 0.16 ml/min Reagent 3 :- N-1 Naphthylethylene di-amine di-hydrochloride (0.31 g/L) + Brij (0.5 ml/L) Flow rate 0.16 ml/min Debubbler :- Flow rate 0.42 ml/min Phosphate The reagent for the phosphate was changed from a single mixed reagent to two reagents. The ammonium molybdate and sulphuric acid were in reagent one and the ascorbic acid and antimony potassium tartrate were in reagent two. This was done to prolong the working life of the reagents from about 8 hours to at least 24 hours. It also made it easier to do the background matrix correction run. The pH of the system was lowered slightly from what had been used in the past because the buffering effect of the seawater resulted in the pH of the system being raised to a level where the silicate may have interfered with the phosphate chemistry. On the first couple of runs there was a great deal of peak diffusion, with the trace not coming back to baseline between samples. The system was rebuilt with all tubing connections being checked and redone if necessary. This did not fix the problem to any degree. It was noticed that the heating coil being used was for a silicate channel. This was changed for a phosphate module, which fixed the problem. Although it seems that the heating coils are constructed of the same type of tubing (PEEK) with the phosphate coil being of greater length (which would not account for the problem), and although the sales rep advised that there was no difference that he was aware of, it appears to be the source of the problem. It was noticed that while there was a need for wetting agent to be used for the system to run smoothly, an excess of the wetting agent caused the baseline both to become noisy and to gradually shift. The wetting agent currently in use is dowfax, which is lauryl sulphate based. It may be worth using straight lauryl sulphate which is in use in other laboratories - it has been noted to depress the sensitivity if in excess, but not to affect the baseline. On one occasion the Eppendorf syringe used to add the sulphuric acid appeared to have affected the baseline noise level, possibly by plasticisers or contamination being introduced to the reagent. After replacing the syringe the baseline noise returned to its previous level. Sample :- Flow rate 0. 80 ml/min Air :- Flow rate 0.23 ml/min Reagent 1 :- Dowfax (2 ml/L) Flow rate 0.80 ml/min Reagent 2 :- Ammonium molybdate (5.04 g/L) + Sulphuric acid (56 ml/L) Flow rate 0.23 ml/min Reagent 3 :- Ascorbic acid ( 4.56 g/L) + Antimony potassium tartrate (0.1275 g/L) Flow rate 0.23 ml/min Debubbler :- Flow rate 0. 42 ml/min Silicate The silicate channel did not give any problems for the duration of the cruise, the only modification to the system being that no acetone was used in the reagent. The silicate channel is currently being heated to 37°C to stabilise the baseline and improve the duplicate and replicate results. Some more work needs to be done to rule out interferences, such as from phosphate, or other possible errors. Sample :- Flow rate 0.23 ml/min Air :- Flow rate 0.23 ml/min Reagent 1 :- Ammonium molybdate (10 g/L) + Sulphuric acid (2.8 ml/L) + Dowfax (1 ml/L) Flow rate 0.42 ml/min Reagent 2 :- Oxalic acid (50 g/L) + Dowfax (0.5 ml/L) Flow rate 0.32 ml/min Reagent 3 :- Ascorbic acid (17.6 g/L) Flow rate 0.42 ml/min Debubbler :- Flow rate 0.60 ml/min Sampler :- Total pumping rate of artificial seawater into the sampler = 3.39 ml/min Total pumping rate of artificial seawater out of the sampler 5.78 ml/min Artificial Seawater :- Sodium Chloride (39 g/L) The oscillating baseline problem which occurs when Faspac is started is still present. Some work was done looking at grounding of detectors and computers, looking at the wiring of ground to the A/D board, and at further shielding, with no success. The 'glitch' problem with the A/D board at the mid-point voltage was fixed by purchasing a new A/D board from Labtronics. Although the 'glitch' is still present, it is now negligible. The version of data logging software used, Faspac 1.31, was an improvement on that used on cruise AU9604 (Faspac 1.2). It did not crash, and produced Excel files which did not cause Excel to crash. The Excel files had a text format, which the output from Faspac 1.2 did not have, so Hydro was modified to convert the cells to numbers, using the 'VALUE' command. The method of making tops was improved. Previously, standards were made up in six 100 ml volumetric flasks, and tops were made up in a 500 ml volumetric flask. The top standard and the 'tops' were nominally the same concentration, but small differences were possible since they were made up separately. Now all the standards but the top standard are made up as previously. The top standard is made in a 500 ml volumetric flask, and this is also used to make the 'tops'. Thus the 'tops' and top standard have the same source, and the only variation should be due to the process of pouring into 10 ml sample tubes. A comparison was made between the top standard made in a 100 ml flask and a 500 ml flask. No difference was seen. The advantage of making the top standard and 'tops' together is that if a run is found to be unstable, corrections can be made by equating 'tops' values with the top standard. As usual 'tops' were used to monitor intra-run stability of the system. All the tops for all three channels were examined manually by the operator and found to be satisfactory. A variation from normal data processing was used. As usual Faspac produced .ACF files, and exported data as .XLS files. Normally the .XLS files represent runs, and can have tops extracted to examine run stability, or have the error in the calibration curve. However on this cruise data was cut and pasted from these .XLS files, thus destroying the integrity of run information. If further examination of the data were required it would be necessary to repeat the export process from Faspac. Care would be needed to separate the new intact .XLS files from the old fragmented .XLS files. A3.1.2 SALINITIES A Guildline 'Autosal' salinometer, SN 62549, was used. This was the first time the CRC had used this instrument. The reliability of the instrument was excellent, in contrast to experience with Yeo-Kal salinometers. The instrument was stable enough so that a secondary 'substandard' was not necessary. A peristaltic pump from Ocean Scientific was used to pump in samples. Pump speeds 1, 2, or 3 were used. There was no difference to the result between these pump speeds if the samples were temperature equilibrated. The salinometer has a capability of logging data directly to a computer, but this was not used as an interface was not built in time. The "Hydro" program was modified so that the double conductivity ratio given by the Guildline salinometer could be entered and converted to salinity. The biggest problem was with bubbles forming on the electrodes of the conductivity cell. These collected mostly in the first and last electrodes. We had been advised by Guildline that the bubbles had no effect, and by Ocean Scientific that a few bubbles would have no effect, but that a lot of bubbles might. Causes of error would be restricting electrical current flow, and changing the volume of seawater within the cell. A quick test showed that a few bubbles made no difference, and CSIRO users have also found this. However, it is not clear to what extent bubbles may eventually affect results, and the cell was debubbled after every crate of 24 samples, and before every standardisation. The cell was debubbled by rinsing with ethanol or ethanol with Brij. Both were equally effective. The ethanol was found to corrode the inlet and outlet tubes of the peristaltic pump, so the inbuilt air pump was used for pumping ethanol. Methanol was also tried, but was not as effective as ethanol. Two sets of standards were used, P128 and P130. The standards were compared by standardising the instrument with one standard, measuring the other standard, and comparing it with its nominal value. It was found that P128 read 0.0018 ± 0.0003 (PSS78) higher than P130. The cause of this difference is not known. If the cause is that P128 is more concentrated than its nominal value, then any samples measured with the salinometer standardised with P128 would appear lower than they really are. It is also assumed that any errors in standardisation will result in an offset across the range of measured salinities. If this is also true, then any samples measured with the salinometer standardised with P128 would appear 0.0018 (PSS78) lower than they really are. This would mean a correction of 0.0018 (PSS78) would need to be added on (no correction was applied to the data). The standardisation values are in Figure A3.1.3*. The comparison of P128 and P130 is in Table A3.1.3. A crate of 24 samples were analysed for calibration of the underway thermosalinograph. This was entered into Hydro as station 300. A3.1.3 DISSOLVED OXYGEN Dissolved oxygen analyses generally went well. Problems are described below. By using the READVOLT.BAS program the factors which most affected the current across the electrodes could be observed. It was seen that the position of the beaker and the stirring rate had profound effects, whereas the addition of sodium thiosulfate or potassium biiodate had only moderate effects. This indicated that effort was needed to keep the stirring rate and position of electrodes in the beaker constant. The magnetic stirrer which had previously been used for the salinity substandard was used for stirring during preparation of the biiodate standard. This meant that the stirring rate control knob on the Dosimat could be left at the same value. Previously stirring of the biiodate standard had been done with the Dosimat magnetic stirrer, so that the actual titration speed always varied slightly, as the stirring rate of standards and samples is different. The "Newwink" program was modified so that blanks could be done entirely with the single Dosimat base unit. Previously, the 1 mL of biiodate had been added using a manual dispenser. "Hydro" was modified in the handling of sample repeats. It now has the first value as the default value. As with other cruises there were problems with standardising to WOCE precision. One of the Optifix dispensers had had some extra tubing placed on the end of the tip. Taking this off seemed to improve precision. As has been noted previously, a second Dosimat base unit for dispensing standards would improve the procedure. Standardisations are shown in Figure A2.1.6* of Appendix 2.1. A3.1.4 LABORATORIES Nutrients, salinities, and dissolved oxygens were analysed in the wet lab, with water purification in the 'photolab.' Nutrients and salinities were performed on the aft bench, on the inboard and outboard sides respectively. Dissolved oxygens were performed over the inboard sink. A3.1.5 TEMPERATURE CONTROL AND MEASUREMENT There were two temperature control units. The first was the lab air conditioner. This was set at around 19°C. The second was the PID temperature controller, which had a set point of 20.1°C. The temperature sensor was placed above the salinity crates. The ships air conditioning outlets above the instruments were taped closed. The sea door access to the trawl deck was kept shut. Laboratory temperature was recorded by two Tinytalk units, and measured by two mercury thermometers, an electronic thermometer, and the temperature monitor of the PID controller. An 'indoor/outdoor' electronic thermometer was used to measure fridge and freezer temperatures. One Tinytalk was positioned above the salinity crates for the duration of analysis, the other was moved around for shorter checks. One mercury thermometer was positioned above the salinity crates, the other with the DO instrumentation. An electronic thermometer was also used for spot checks. All the temperature measuring devices were placed together at the start of the cruise. The PID temperature was calibrated, and the devices agreed to within 0.5°C. The mercury thermometer with the DO instrumentation was in the range of 19.5 to 20.5°C. The long term Tinytalk recorded 1342 temperature points at 24 minute intervals. The average temperature was 20.9 ± 0.4°C. See Figure A3.1.1* and Table A3.1.1. There was some spatial variation, which had a range of ± 2°C among the instrument locations. This was from the bench top to the height of the top of the salinometer. Table A3.1.1: Laboratory temperature recorder statistics. Temperature statistics from Tinytalk average 20.9 stdev 0.4 %rsd 1.7 min 19.6 max 22.0 range 2.4 % range 11.5 Figure A3.1.1*: 'Tinytalk' temperature plot, 24 minute time resolution. Table A3.1.2: Nutrient samples run as quality checks. A9601 QC's extracted Run NO3+NO2 Sil Phos Volts uM Volts uM Volts uM average 30.52 39.32 1.97 stdev 0.54 0.70 0.05 %rsd 1.8 1.8 2.7 min 29.47 37.57 1.88 max 31.94 40.91 2.11 range 2.46 3.33 0.23 range% 8.1 8.5 11.6 A9601004.ACM 4 2.62 31.0 2.66 39.9 2.49 1.98 A9601004.ACM 4 2.59 30.6 2.66 40.0 2.49 1.97 A9601005.ACM 5 2.53 30.9 2.66 39.8 2.48 1.96 A9601005.ACM 5 2.47 30.1 2.66 39.8 2.48 1.96 A9601006.ACM 6 2.55 31.0 2.59 40.3 1.93 A9601006.ACM 6 2.49 30.1 2.58 40.0 1.92 A9601007.ACM 7 5.31 30.8 2.58 38.9 2.42 1.98 A9601007.ACM 7 5.22 30.2 2.60 39.2 2.47 2.04 A9601008.ACM 8 5.21 30.2 2.58 38.5 2.42 1.97 A9601008.ACM 8 5.45 31.9 2.62 39.5 2.44 2.00 A9601010.ACM 10 5.57 30.7 2.51 39.0 2.47 2.05 A9601010.ACM 10 5.65 31.2 2.55 40.0 2.52 2.10 A9601015.ACM 15 5.84 31.4 2.67 39.3 2.78 2.11 A9601015.ACM 15 5.76 31.0 2.65 39.7 2.78 1.94 A9601015.ACM 15 5.74 30.8 2.69 40.5 2.79 1.95 A9601016.ACM 16 5.71 30.2 2.56 38.8 2.62 1.94 A9601016.ACM 16 5.87 31.2 2.60 39.9 2.71 2.03 A9601016.ACM 16 5.66 29.9 2.58 39.3 2.58 1.89 A9601016.ACM 16 5.79 30.7 2.65 40.9 2.67 2.00 A9601017.ACM 17 5.57 31.4 2.51 38.1 2.69 1.97 A9601017.ACM 17 5.55 31.3 2.49 37.6 2.67 1.95 A9601019.ACM 19 5.57 29.5 2.33 38.9 2.61 1.91 A9601019.ACM 19 5.71 30.4 2.32 38.6 2.66 1.97 A9601021.ACM 21 5.63 30.4 2.51 38.8 2.56 1.89 A9601021.ACM 21 5.59 30.1 2.50 38.6 2.56 1.89 A9601022.ACM 22 5.71 30.4 2.44 39.1 2.57 1.90 A9601022.ACM 22 5.68 30.2 2.43 38.8 2.54 1.88 A9601023.ACM 23 5.40 30.2 2.52 38.4 2.64 1.95 A9601023.ACM 23 5.34 29.8 2.53 38.6 2.62 1.93 A9601051.ACM 51 5.66 30.0 2.71 39.2 2.67 2.00 A9601051.ACM 51 5.66 30.0 2.71 39.2 2.66 1.99 A9601051.ACM 51 5.65 30.0 2.66 39.9 2.49 1.98 A9601051.ACM 51 5.62 29.8 2.66 40.0 2.49 1.97 A9601052.ACM 52 5.67 30.5 2.66 39.9 2.80 2.01 A9601052.ACM 52 5.72 30.8 2.66 40.0 2.82 2.03 A9601053.ACM 53 5.68 30.4 2.58 38.9 2.75 2.01 A9601053.ACM 53 5.68 30.4 2.60 39.2 2.74 1.99 A9601053.ACM 53 5.70 30.5 2.62 39.5 2.78 1.97 A9601053.ACM 53 5.69 30.5 2.60 39.1 2.76 1.94 Figure A3.1.2*: Nutrient samples run as quality checks. Figure A3.1.3*: Salinometer standardisation values. Table A3.1.3*: Comparison of ISS batches P128 and P130. Part 4 Aurora Australis Southern Ocean Oceanographic Cruises, 1991 to 1996 - Inter-cruise Comparisons and Data Quality Notes 4.1 INTRODUCTION Marine science cruise AU9601 aboard the RSV Aurora Australis was the seventh and last in a series of oceanographic cruises from 1991 to 1996, taking CTD measurements along Southern Ocean transects, mostly under the WOCE program (Table 4.1). In this part of the report, brief data comparisons are made between the cruises, and data quality notes relevant to the cruise set are discussed. Table 4.1: RSV Aurora Australis Southern Ocean oceanographic cruises, 1991 to 1996. Note the following: PET=Princess Elizabeth Trough section, FORMEX=Formation Experiment, MARGINEX=Antarctic Margin Experiment; au9309 and au9391 were part of the same cruise; the southern end of SR3 was occupied as part of MARGINEX. cruise transect occupation date direction of occupation au9101 SR3 (WOCE) October 1991 2/3 north to south, 1/3 south to north au9309 SR3 (WOCE) March 1993 north to south au9391 P11 (WOCE) April 1993 west to east then north to south au9407 SR3 (WOCE) January 1994 north to south au9407 PET January 1994 south to north au9404 S4 (WOCE) Dec. 1994 - Jan. 1995 west to east au9404 SR3 (WOCE) January-February 1995 south to north au9501 SR3 (WOCE) July-August 1995 north to south au9501 FORMEX August 1995 - au9604 MARGINEX January-March 1996 - au9601 SR3 (WOCE) August-September 1996 south to north 4.2 INTER-CRUISE DATA COMPARISONS In this section, a brief comparison of salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrient data is made between the seven cruises. Most of the discussion refers to data from the SR3 section. The primary aim of the comparison is to assess the inter-cruise compatibility of measurements and data quality for the entire data set. Comparisons with earlier data sets are discussed in Rosenberg et al. (1995a). 4.2.1 Salinity Inter-cruise comparisons Inter-cruise salinity comparisons in earlier data reports (Rosenberg et al., 1995a, 1995b and 1996) revealed significant variation in salinity measurements for the different cruises. The YeoKal salinometers used (Table 4.2) were identified as the most likely source of error. For cruise AU9601, the last cruise in the series, a Guildline salinometer was used for the first time, with a manufacturer-quoted salinity accuracy of 0.001 (PSS78) as compared to 0.003 (PSS78) for the YeoKal instruments. As a result, high quality CTD salinity data were obtained for this cruise (see Part 3 of this report). To assess inter- cruise errors in salinity measurements, salinity data from each cruise are compared to data from AU9601. Specifically, the meridional variation of the salinity maximum (i.e. for Lower Circumpolar Deep Water as defined by Gordon, 1967) along the SR3 section for each cruise is compared to the equivalent values for AU9601 (Figures 4.1a* and b*). For the comparison, 2 dbar-averaged CTD data are used i.e. CTD salinity at the nearest 2 dbar bin to the salinity maximum for each station. Note that in the Figure 4.1* comparison of cruises au9601 and au9101, au9601 data are linearly interpolated to the au9101 station positions. For the other cruises in the figure, salinity differences are only formed between station pairs which are separated by less than 1.5 nautical miles of latitude. Table 4.2: Summary of International Standard Seawater (ISS) batches and salinometers used for salinity sample analyses on cruises, including RV Melville cruise me9706. cruise ISS batch number (+ date) station numbers au9101 P115 (6th Feb. 1991) 1-35 au9309 P121 (8th Sept. 1992) 1-63 au9391 P121 (8th Sept. 1992) 1-64 au9407 P123 (10th June 1993) 1-79 au9407 P121 (8th Sept. 1992) 80-102 au9404 P123 (10th June 1993) 1-85 au9404 P121 (8th Sept. 1992) 86-107 au9501 P126 (29th Nov. 1994) 1-208 au9604 P128 (18th July 1995) 1-25, 69-74, 110-145 au9604 P126 (29th Nov. 1994) 26-68, 75-109 au9601 P128 (18th July 1995) 1-23 au9601 P130 (21st March 1996) 24-69 me9706 P130 (21st March 1996) 2-49 cruise salinometer serial number station numbers au9101 601003 (YeoKal) 1-35 au9309 601003 (YeoKal) 1-63 au9391 601003 (YeoKal) 1-64 au9407 601855 (YeoKal) 1-86 au9407 601003 (YeoKal) 87-102 au9404 601855 (YeoKal) 1-107 au9501 601830 (YeoKal) 1-208 au9604 601003 (YeoKal) 1-23, 43-47, 139-141 au9604 601439 (YeoKal) 24-25 au9604 601855 (YeoKal) 26-42, 48-68, 142-145 au9604 601440 (YeoKal) 69-138 au9601 62549 (Guildline) 1-69 me9706 62549 (Guildline) 2-30 me9706 62548 (Guildline) 31-49 The following approximate mean salinity differences for data along the SR3 transect at the deep salinity maximum are evident from Figures 4.1 and 4.2*: cruise comparison approximate mean salinity difference (PSS78) au9601-au9101 -0.005 (south of ~49.5°S) au9601-au9309 -0.008 au9601-au9407 -0.001 au9601-au9404 -0.004 au9601-au9501 0.001 au9601-au9604 insufficient data for comparison au9601-me9706 -0.002 These values summarise the inter-cruise compatibility of salinity data. No significant correlation is evident between ISS batch numbers used and the observed salinity differences between cruises, and the salinometers remain the most likely source of error. A further partial occupation of the SR3 transect down to 57°S was made by the RV Melville in March to April 1997 (cruise me9706, principal investigators R.Watts, S. Rintoul, J. Richman, B. Petit, D. Luther, J. Filloux, J. Church, A. Chave). Guildline salinometers were used for salinity analyses (Table 4.2), with the hope of determining whether inter-cruise compatibility improves using these more stable salinometers. Comparing the meridional variation of the deep water salinity maximum for cruises au9601 and me9706 (Figure 4.2*), a mean difference au9601- me9706 of ~-0.002 is clearly observed. This difference is less variable than for other cruises (Figure 4.1), due to stable performance of the Guildlines. Nevertherless this difference is clearly significant, and indicates that 0.002 (PSS78) is at the limit of achievable salinity accuracy when comparing different cruises. Small scale variance of salinity signal Close examination of vertical CTD profiles reveals a small scale structuring, at vertical scales of the order 2 dbar, which is not consistent between different cruises. To assess whether this variability is a real oceanic feature, salinity and temperature vertical profile data variance was investigated for all cruises, as follows. Vertical salinity and temperature 2 dbar-averaged profiles were smoothed by calculating a running mean of width 12 dbar (i.e. ±3 pressure bins), centered on each pressure bin. A mean "variance" V around the smoothed profiles was then calculated for each vertical salinity profile (and similarly for temperature): (eqn 4.1)* See equation in PDF file. for s(smooth) the smoothed salinity, the ith 2 dbar pressure bin, and n equal to the number of 2 dbar pressure bins from 2002 dbar to the bottom of the profile. Note that only data below 2000 dbar were examined, to avoid steep vertical gradients and regions of high mixing. To allow a realistic comparison between different cruises, equivalent station positions along the SR3 transect were investigated. Variances were calculated for stations lying within the two latitude ranges 45 to 50°S and 54 to 58°S - choice of these two latitude ranges excludes stations lying within the major frontal regions where greater inter-cruise variability might occur. (Note that cruise au9391 is an exception, as it lies along the P11 transect - for this cruise, significant horizontal frontal structure was observed in the 54 to 58°S latitude range, and the results are not directly comparable to SR3 data.) The results in Table 4.3 show values of V(s) and V(t) (for salinity and temperature respectively) averaged over the specified station groups for each cruise. Table 4.3: Vertical variance of CTD salinity and temperature data below 2000 dbar, for given latitude ranges along the SR3 transect (with the exception of cruise au9391, along the P11 transect). For the CTD's, "B" and "C" indicate a MarkIIIB and MarkIIIC respectively. "c-cell" is the condition of the CTD conductivity cell. latitude 45°S to 50°S latitude 54°S to 58°S cruise stn CTD c-cell mean V(s) mean V(t) stn CTD c-cell mean V(s) mean V(t) nos. no. (PSS78) (°C) nos. no. (PSS78) (°C) au9309 6-15 1197B used 0.00031 0.00089 25-33 1197B used 0.00031 0.00082 au9391 19-28 1073B used 0.00022 0.00065 37-44 1073B used 0.00024 0.00079 au9407 7-22 2568C used 0.00026 0.00086 34-45 2568C used 0.00025 0.00072 au9404 92-102 1193C suspect 0.00025 0.00087 74-80 1193C suspect 0.00038 0.00076 au9501 6-17 1103C new 0.00047 0.00078 30-37 1193C suspect 0.00023 0.00070 au9601 46,54-64 1103C new 0.00045 0.00083 25-33 1103C new 0.00041 0.00071 me9706 3-4,6-7,40-43 1013B new 0.00024 0.00087 19-26 1013B new 0.00028 0.00078 V(s) values are unlikely to be affected by pressure noise. Firstly, if any noise is present in the raw pressure signal, this would be averaged out in the 2 dbar binning. Moreover for CTD 1103, where the highest V(s) values occur, the pressure signal is significantly less noisy than for other instruments. Secondly, for casts taken in either calm conditions or in the ice, and where pressure reversals are therefore minimal, no drop in V(s) values are evident. V(t) values within each latitude range are fairly consistent between cruises compared with V(s) values, which show much more variation. In particular, V(t) values are consistently lower in the 54-58°S region than in the 45-50°S region - this suggests that the fine structure is a real measurement, not an electronic artifact of the instrumentation. The magnitude of V(s) appears to be dependent on: * the magnitude of V(t); * the condition of the conductivity cell; * the particular instrument in use. Firstly, inspection of individual stations reveals that when V(s) exceeds a certain threshold level, there is a strong dependence of V(s) on the magnitude of V(t) (Figure 4.3*). Below this value, there is no significant dependence. This however does not account for the high inter-cruise variation of V(s) evident in Table 4.3. The results for cruise au9501 (Figure 4.4*) demonstrate a dependence of V(s) on the condition of the conductivity cell: V(s) is significantly higher for the 45-50°S latitude range where a new cell is in use, compared to the southern stations where a suspect cell was used. In addition, comparing the 54-58°S values for cruises au9501 and au9601, V(t) values are comparable, whereas V(s) is much lower for the suspect conductivity cell. In fact from Figure 4.3, there is a different dependency of V(s) on V(t) for the suspect conductivity cell. Lastly, there also appears to be a dependence of V(s) on the instrument in use. The most striking difference is between V(s) values for cruises me9706 and au9601, even though new conductivity cells were used in both cases (and note that V(t) values for the two cruises are comparable). Apparently some instruments are more responsive than others - this may be related to differences between MarkIIIB and MarkIIIC CTD's, or simply differences between individual instruments. To summarise, new conductivity cells appear to be more responsive to fine structure in the water column, however the quantitative value of small scale vertical salinity variations may also depend on the CTD in use. In more extreme cases, this fine structure includes small vertical density inversions, with typical magnitudes in the range 0.001 to 0.005 kg.m^-3. 4.2.2 Dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen bottle data along the SR3 transect for cruises au9407 and onwards are compared in Figures 4.5a and b. For all these cruises, oxygen bottle samples were analysed using the automated titration system developed by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Knapp et al., 1990). Data from the earlier cruises au9101, au9309 and au9391, where samples were analysed using a manual titration method (Eriksen and Terhell, in prep.), are discussed in previous data reports (Rosenberg et al., 1995a and b). Note that in Figure 4.5*, axes limits do not include the entire data set, focussing rather on deep and intermediate water masses to allow easier visual comparison between cruises. Also note that for cruise au9604, data from the longitude range 128 to 150°E are plotted to provide more points for comparison. In summary, the following dissolved oxygen data appear to be consistent: au9407 au9404 au9501 stations 22 and onwards au9604 au9601 stations 41 and onwards The following inconsistencies are apparent: au9501 stations 1-21: values smaller by ~6µmol/l au9601 stations 1-40: values larger by ~4µmol/l Note that the above deviation values are approximate averages only - deviations for individual samples may vary slightly with the magnitude of dissolved oxygen concentration. Examination of standardisation values for the laboratory analyses reveals the source of error: for cruise au9501, a drift in standardisation values was noted up until station 21, however restandardisations were not carried out; for cruise au9601, a jump in standardisation values occurred after station 40 (see Appendix 3.1). Clearly, standardisation values for dissolved oxygen analyses must be examined more closely during future cruises. 4.2.3 Nutrients Phosphate and nitrate+nitrite Phosphate and nitrate+nitrite data for cruises au9404 and onwards are compared in Figure 4.6* while data for all cruises are summarised in Figure 4.7*. Note that the inconsistent results for cruise au9101 (Figure 4.7*), due to higher phosphate values, are discussed in Rosenberg et al. (1995a). The nitrate+nitrite to phosphate ratio is mostly consistent for cruises au9309 and au9407 (Figure 4.7*), and for cruises au9404, au9501 and au9604 (Figures 4.6a* and b*); however the ratio differs for cruise au9601 (Figure 4.6c*). Comparison of vertical nutrient profiles at equivalent station positions for different cruises reveals that the difference is due to phosphate, rather than nitrate+nitrite data. Phosphate values for au9601 are lower than the values for other cruises by ~0.1µmol/l. As discussed in Appendix 3.1 of this report, the phosphate carryover effect is believed to have been minimised for cruise au9601 by alterations to the analysis techniques. For au9601, the autoanalyser peaks for phosphate analyses very nearly return to the baseline level from where peak integration occurs, minimising any carryover error. For previous cruises, autoanalyser peaks for phosphate analyses do not return all the way to the baseline level. This carryover error artificially increases peak height values, and could be a cause for slightly higher phosphates for previous cruises compared to au9601. Note that the offset is unlikely to be a constant - there may be a dependence on phosphate concentration, and on instrument settings. Phosphate measurements on future cruises using the same techniques as for cruise au9601 will confirm whether the observed difference of ~0.1µmol/l in Figure 4.6c* does indeed represent an error in all the previous cruises. Near surface phosphate and nitrate+nitrite From Figure 4.6b*, the near surface nutrient data for au9604 clearly differs from the remaining data. Moreover, the lower the near surface nutrient value, the greater the deviation from the bestfit line. From inspection of all the cruises (Figure 4.7*), this feature is apparent for data collected in Antarctic waters (i.e. south of the Polar Front) during the austral summer i.e. cruises au9407, au9404 and au9604. In addition, the feature can be seen in summer data collected by the Eltanin (Gordon et al., 1982) (Figure 4.7*) along a meridional transect at 132°E. There are two possible explanations for the feature: (a) the phosphate carryover error, discussed in previous data reports (see section 6.2.1 in Rosenberg et al., 1995b), results in depressed phosphate values near the surface; this error is amplified where vertical phosphate gradients are steep, as is the case for near surface Antarctic waters during an austral summer; (b) alternatively, the feature is real, indicating a stronger depletion of phosphate relative to nitrate+nitrite by biological activity in Antarctic waters during the summer. Note that for cruises au9407 and au9404, many surface phosphate samples were bad due to the phosphate carryover effect, and much of the relevant nitrate+nitrite to phosphate ratio data are missing for these cruises. Whether explanation a or b applies is inconclusive. As already discussed, the phosphate carryover error is believed to have been minimised for cruise au9601. Thus to confirm whether the near surface phosphate depletion is an error or a real feature, more summertime Antarctic zone nutrient data are needed using the analysis techniques of cruise au9601. Matrix correction For analysis of nutrients, samples are initially run against nutrient standards (see Appendix 3, Rosenberg et al., 1995b). The colour reagent is then removed, and samples are run again against the nutrient standards. The peak observed when run without the colour reagent is due mainly to a "matrix effect" (i.e. a detector response due to refractive properties of the sample water), and should be corrected for. The size of the matrix effect is dependent on chemistry and detection wavelength. Ideally, the magnitude of the effect should be checked for each nutrient sample. For cruise au9601, the effect was negligible for nitrate+nitrite and silicate analyses, however a significant effect was observed for phosphates. A mean magnitude of the matrix effect for phosphates was obtained by measuring the effect for two vertical phosphate profiles, from the north and south ends of the transect. The value, equal to 0.088 µmol/l, should be subtracted from au9601 phosphate if the matrix effect correction is desired. Note that the matrix effect was not investigated for previous cruises, so to maintain consistency of the entire data set, the correction has not been applied to cruise au9601. Silicate Silicate data along the SR3 transect for cruises au9309 and onwards are compared in Figure 4.8. Note that most of the comparisons are for stations outside the strong frontal regions. Most of the silicate data for the different cruises agree to within 5 µmol/l, and in general no consistent offset between cruises is evident. 4.2.4 Pressure Small differences in the quality of CTD pressure data between different cruises occurs according to the CTD instrument in use. The two fundamental differences in instruments are as follows: (i) MarkIIIB CTD's employ a stainless steel type strain gauge for measuring pressure; there is no pressure temperature correction, and separate downcast and upcast laboratory calibrations are used to compensate for hysteresis of the pressure response. The more accurate WOCE upgraded MarkIIIC CTD's use a titanium type strain gauge, and include a pressure temperature correction - the hysteresis of these sensors is small compared with the stainless steel type, and a downcast laboratory calibration only is applied to all pressure data. The manufacturer quoted accuracies of pressure data from the two types of pressure sensor are ±6.5 dbar for the Mark IIIB units (used for cruises au9101, au9309 and au9391), and ±1.2 dbar for the Mark IIIC's (used for all remaining cruises). (ii) The level of noise in the raw pressure signal differs for the different instruments. In general, the titanium type sensors in the MarkIIIC's display a higher noise level than the stainless steel type in the MarkIIIB's (Millard et al., 1993), and a small error may be introduced into surface pressure offset values, as described in previous data reports. Of the MarkIIIC's used, CTD 1193 was noisiest and CTD 2568 a little less so; both however were significantly noisier than CTD 1103. This pressure signal noise, up to 1 dbar in amplitude for CTD 1193, can result on occasion in 2 dbar pressure bins (for the pressure monotonically increasing data files) with too few raw data points for the formation of a 2 dbar average (see CTD methodology in Rosenberg et al. 1995b for pressure calculations). For details on individual cruises, and information on which instruments were used, see the data reports for each cruise. 4.2.5 Temperature Comparison of calibrated CTD platinum temperature data T(cal) to mercury reversing thermometer measurements T(therm) on all the cruises allows the inter-cruise compatibility of temperatures to be assessed. Note that the same laboratory calibrations were applied to the reversing thermometers for all cruises, although a different set of thermometers was used for cruises au9309/au9391. Reversing thermometer calibrations are assumed to remain stable over the entire period. Moreover, the thermometer to CTD comparison for different cruises shows the same variation for the different thermometers used, supporting the assumption of stable thermometer calibrations. Thus any temperature errors are attributed to calibration problems for the CTD platinum temperature. For cruise au9101, insufficient thermometer measurements were made for a check of CTD temperature. Although manufacturer quoted accuracies for the reversing thermometers are only of the order 0.01°C, thermometer resolution is usually significantly better; and given the reasonably large number of data points obtained, it is estimated that CTD temperature performance can be assessed to an accuracy of ~0.003°C. Mean differences (T(therm) - T(cal)) are summarised in Table 4.4. The following CTD temperature calibration problems are evident: (i) For the first half of cruise au9309, the CTD temperature is incompatible with other cruises by >0.01°C. (ii) For cruise au9501 where CTD 1103 was used, there is a CTD temperature calibration error of ~0.007°C (the post cruise CTD temperature calibration was used). Pre and post cruise temperature calibrations were significantly different, and a temperature error occurs when either calibration is applied (see au9501 data report). (iii) For cruise au9601, the difference value of ~0.005°C is large enough to be significant. In this case, a pre cruise calibration was used. (iv) For cruise au9407, the temperature calibration is good, except for an apparent non-linearity at lower temperatures (stations 61-82). See Rosenberg et al. (1995b) for more details. (v) For cruise au9404, a CTD temperature calibration error was apparent for CTD 1193 (stations 19-106). A constant correction of -0.007°C was applied to all CTD temperature data. Some error may however remain due to this assumption of a constant offset. Table 4.4: Mean and standard deviation of temperature residual (T(therm) - T(cal)) for different cruises. cruise (station nos.) CTD no. mean of standard dev. no. of (T(therm) - T(cal)) of (T(therm) - T(cal)) samples (deg. C) (deg. C) au9309 (1-35) 1197 -0.0139 0.0110 51 au9309 (36-63)/au9391 (1-63) 1073 -0.0022 0.0109 121 au9407 (1-60 and 83-102 only) 2568 0.0014 0.0131 95 au9404 (1-106) 1193/1103 0.0017 0.0090 243 au9501 (1-29,46-103,106-208) 1103 -0.0071 0.0078 155 au9501 (30-45) 1193 0.0011 0.0041 33 au9604 (1-147) 1103/1193 0.0019 0.0068 289 au9601 (1-71) 1103/1193 0.0046 0.0050 187 Figure 4.1a*: Variation south along the SR3 transect of the deep salinity maximum: salinity differences between cruise au9601 and cruises au9101, au9309 and au9407. For au9101 comparison, au9601 values are linear interpolations between station positions; for cruises au9309 and au9407 comparisons, differences are only formed between station pairs separated by no more than 1.5 nautical miles of latitude. Figure 4.1b*: Variation south along the SR3 transect of the deep salinity maximum: salinity differences between cruise au9601 and cruises au9404, au9501. Differences are only formed between station pairs separated by no more than 1.5 nautical miles of latitude. Figure 4.2*: Variation south along the SR3 transect of the deep salinity maximum for cruises au9601 (Aurora Australis) and me9706 (Melville), both using Guildline salinometers. Figure 4.3*: V(s) versus V(t) for all cruises along all transects. Note that all stations are plotted, except for a small number with large V(t) values. Figure 4.4*: Variation of V(s) and V(t) for individual stations for cruise au9501, along the SR3 transect. Figure 4.5a*: Dissolved oxygen bottle data comparison for cruises au9404, au9407 and au9501, SR3 data only. Note that scale is expanded i.e. not all data are on the plot. Figure 4.5b*: Dissolved oxygen bottle data comparison for cruises au9404, au9604 and au9601, SR3 data only (except for au9604, where data from the longitude range 128 to 150 °E are plotted). Note that scale is expanded i.e. not all data are on the plot. Figure 4.6* (previous page and this page): Bulk plot of nitrate+nitrite versus phosphate for: (a) all au9501 and au9404 data along the SR3 transect, together with linear best fit lines; (b) all au9501 and au9604 data along all transects, with linear best fit line for au9501; (c) all au9501 and au9601 data along the SR3 transect, together with linear best fit lines. Figure 4.7*: Nitrate+nitrite versus phosphate for Aurora Australis oceanographic cruises, plus Eltanin data from Gordon et al. (1982). The linear best fit line for cruise au9501 is included on each plot. Figure 4.8a*: Comparison of vertical silicate concentration profiles between cruises au9601 and au9309, and cruises au9601 and au9407, for selected stations along the SR3 transect. Note that data below 4000 dbar are not included in the plots. Figure 4.8b*: Comparison of vertical silicate concentration profiles between cruises au9601 and au9404, and cruises au9601 and au9501, for selected stations along the SR3 transect. Note that data below 4000 dbar are not included in the plots. Part 5 Data File Types and Formats 5.1 UNDERWAY MEASUREMENTS The underway measurements for the cruise, as logged automatically by the ship's data logging system, and quality controlled by human operator (Ryan, 1995), are contained in column formatted ascii files. The two file types contain 10 sec digitised data, and 15 min averaged data. In both cases, missing data or data flagged as bad are replaced by the null value -999. The files are padded out to commence on the first digitising interval of the first day in the file, and ending at the last digitising interval on the last day in the file. 5.1.1 10 second digitised underway measurement data Data at the minimum digitised interval of 10 sec. are contained in files named *.alf (Table 5.1), where the data filename prefix corresponds to the cruise acronym. A two line header is followed by the data as follows: column parameter 1 decimal time (0.0=midnight on December 31st, therefore, for example, 1.5=midday on January 2nd) 2 day 3 month 4 year 5 hour 6 minute 7 second 8 latitude (decimal degrees, +ve=north, -ve=south) 9 longitude (decimal degrees, +ve=east, -ve=west) 10 depth (m) 11 sea surface temperature (°C) (measured at the seawater inlet at 7 m depth) 12 air pressure (hPa) (included for cruises au9501, au9604 and au9601) 13 wind speed (knots) (included for cruise au9501 only) 14 wind direction (deg. true) (included for cruise au9501 only) 15 roll (included for cruise au9501 only) 16 pitch (included for cruise au9501 only) Note that all times are UTC. Table 5.1: Example 10 sec digitised underway measurement file (*.alf file). Aurora Australis data - GPS pos. (deg), depth (m), sea surface temp (deg C) decimaltime day mn yr hr m s lat lon depth SST 70.00000004 12 3 1993 0 0 0 -999.0000 -999.0000 -999.0 -999.00 70.00011578 12 3 1993 0 0 10 -999.0000 -999.0000 -999.0 -999.00 70.00023148 12 3 1993 0 0 20 -44.0044 146.3534 284.6 15.20 70.00034722 12 3 1993 0 0 30 -44.0044 146.3529 -999.0 15.20 70.00046296 12 3 1993 0 0 40 -44.0044 146.3530 283.5 15.20 70.00057870 12 3 1993 0 0 50 -44.0044 146.3523 287.4 15.20 70.00069444 12 3 1993 0 1 0 -44.0043 146.3519 282.2 15.20 70.00081019 12 3 1993 0 1 10 -44.0044 146.3515 282.4 15.20 5.1.2 15 minute averaged underway measurement data 15 minute averaged data are contained in files named *.exp (Table 5.2), where the data filename prefix corresponds to the cruise acronym. Note that wind direction and ship's heading are instantaneous values. All times represent the centre of the averaging interval. A two line header is followed by the data as follows: column parameter 1 decimal time (as for 10 sec digitised files) 2 latitude (as for 10 sec digitised files) 3 longitude (as for 10 sec digitised files) 4 air pressure (hPa) 5 wind speed (knots) 6 wind direction (deg. true) 7 port air temperature (°C) 8 starboard air temperature (°C) 9 port relative humidity (%) 10 starboard relative humidity (%) 11 quantum radiation (_mol/s/m^2) 12 ship speed (knots) (speed through the water) 13 ship heading (deg. true) 14 ship roll (deg.) 15 ship pitch (deg.) 16 sea surface salinity (parts per thousand) (from seawater inlet at 7 m depth) 17 sea surface temperature (°C) (at seawater inlet, 7 m depth) 18 average fluorescence (arbitrary units) (from seawater inlet at 7 m depth) 19 seawater flow (l/min) (flow rate at seawater inlet) Note that all times are UTC. 5.2 2 DBAR AVERAGED CTD DATA FILES The final format in which CTD data is distributed is as 2 dbar averaged data, contained in column formatted ascii files, named *.all (Table 5.3) (the file name prefix is discussed in Appendix 2 of Rosenberg et al., 1995b). Averaging bins are centered on even pressure values, starting at 2 dbar. A 15 line header is followed by the data, as follows: column parameter 1 pressure (dbar) 2 temperature (°C) (ITS-90) 3 salinity (PSS78) 4 sigma-T = density-1000 (kg.m^-3) 5 specific volume anomaly x 10^8(m^3.kg^-1) 6 geopotential anomaly (J.kg^-1) 7 dissolved oxygen (µmol.l^-1) 8 number of data points used in the 2 dbar averaging bin 9 standard deviation of temperature values in the 2 dbar bin 10 standard deviation of conductivity values in the 2 dbar bin 11 fluorescence (mg.m^-3) (uncalibrated) 12 photosynthetically active radiation (µmol.s^-1.m^2) (uncalibrated) All files start at the 2 dbar pressure level, incrementing by 2 dbar for each new data line. Missing data are filled by blank characters (this most often applies to dissolved oxygen data). Table 5.2: Example 15 min averaged underway measurement file (*.exp file). Aurora Australis DLS data: dumped by EXPORT. Column units: days,deg,deg,hPa,knots,degTrue,degC,degC,%,%,umol/s/m2, knots,degTrue,deg,deg,ppt,degC, - ,l/min decimaltime lat long airP windsp windd poairT stairT pohum sthum qrad shipspd shiphdg roll pitch ssSAL ssT avfluo seaflow 70.00520833 -44.00310 146.33583 1022.2 19.6 293 14.2 14.2 93 88 -999 6.56 235.5 1.185341 0.486591 35.175 15.20 -999.000 9.95 70.01562500 -44.00076 146.31305 1022.3 22.1 290 14.2 14.3 92 87 -999 1.15 235.5 1.295333 0.346111 35.165 15.10 -999.000 9.97 70.02604167 -44.00056 146.31239 1022.3 20.6 305 14.0 14.0 94 89 -999 0.00 235.5 2.568000 0.287667 35.159 15.10 -999.000 9.98 70.03645833 -44.00036 146.31232 1022.2 20.6 298 14.1 14.0 94 89 -999 0.00 235.5 1.303000 0.274444 35.165 15.10 -999.000 9.99 70.04687500 -44.00000 146.31136 1022.2 20.1 298 14.0 14.0 95 90 -999 0.00 234.5 1.380111 0.433667 35.166 15.10 -999.000 9.99 70.05729167 -43.99958 146.31143 1022.2 20.7 288 14.1 14.1 94 89 222 0.00 234.5 1.801667 0.464667 35.165 15.10 -999.000 9.97 70.06770833 -43.99918 146.31229 1022.3 18.5 295 13.8 14.1 96 90 170 0.00 234.5 1.619333 0.398334 35.164 15.20 -999.000 9.99 5.2 2 DBAR AVERAGED CTD DATA FILES The final format in which CTD data is distributed is as 2 dbar averaged data, contained in column formatted ascii files, named *.all (Table 5.3) (the file name prefix is discussed in Appendix 2 of Rosenberg et al., 1995b). Averaging bins are centered on even pressure values, starting at 2 dbar. A 15 line header is followed by the data, as follows: column parameter 1 pressure (dbar) 2 temperature (°C) (ITS-90) 3 salinity (PSS78) 4 sigma-T = density-1000 (kg.m^-3) 5 specific volume anomaly x 10^8(m^3.kg^-1) 6 geopotential anomaly (J.kg^-1) 7 dissolved oxygen (µmol.l^-1) 8 number of data points used in the 2 dbar averaging bin 9 standard deviation of temperature values in the 2 dbar bin 10 standard deviation of conductivity values in the 2 dbar bin 11 fluorescence (mg.m^-3) (uncalibrated) 12 photosynthetically active radiation (µmol.s^-1.m^2) (uncalibrated) All files start at the 2 dbar pressure level, incrementing by 2 dbar for each new data line. Missing data are filled by blank characters (this most often applies to dissolved oxygen data). Table 5.3: Example 2 dbar averaged CTD data file (*.all file). SHIP : R.V. Aurora Australis STATION NUMBER : 4 DATE : 02-JAN-1994 (DAY NUMBER 2) START TIME : 1020 UTC = Z BOTTOM TIME : 1100 UTC = Z FINISH TIME : 1222 UTC = Z CRUISE : Au94/07 START POSITION : 44:07.03S 146:13.35E BOTTOM POSITION : 44:07.14S 146:13.71E FINISH POSITION : 44:06.61S 146:13.95E MAXIMUM PRESSURE: 1038 DECIBARS BOTTOM DEPTH : 1015 METRES PRESS TEMP SAL SIGMA T S.V.A. G.A D.O. fluorescence p.a.r. (T-90) 2.0 11.899 34.773 26.432 158.69 0.032 277.6 30 0.001 0.007 0.95569E+01 -0.49498E+00 4.0 11.899 34.778 26.436 158.41 0.063 280.3 30 0.001 0.001 0.10817E+02 -0.63459E+00 6.0 11.903 34.779 26.436 158.46 0.095 281.1 45 0.001 0.002 0.90911E+01 -0.60488E+00 8.0 11.903 34.778 26.435 158.55 0.127 278.0 41 0.000 0.000 0.80700E+01 -0.58265E+00 10.0 11.903 34.778 26.435 158.60 0.159 278.6 32 0.001 0.001 0.75122E+01 -0.66496E+00 12.0 11.904 34.778 26.435 158.66 0.190 280.2 32 0.001 0.001 0.72758E+01 -0.55944E+00 14.0 11.905 34.778 26.435 158.72 0.222 281.5 40 0.000 0.000 0.73697E+01 -0.62194E+00 16.0 11.907 34.779 26.435 158.76 0.254 277.5 34 0.002 0.002 0.69932E+01 -0.56719E+00 18.0 11.908 34.780 26.435 158.77 0.286 275.7 25 0.002 0.002 0.68356E+01 -0.63807E+00 5.3 HYDROLOGY DATA FILES Files named *.bot (where the filename prefix is the the cruise code e.g. a9407) are column formatted ascii files containing the hydrology data, together with CTD upcast burst data (Table 5.4). The columns contain the following values: column parameter 1 station number 2 CTD pressure (dbar) 3 CTD temperature (°C) 4 reversing thermometer temperature (°C) 5 CTD conductivity (mS.cm^-1) 6 CTD salinity (PSS78) 7 bottle salinity (PSS78) 8 ortho phosphate concentration (µmol.l^-1) 9 nitrate + nitrite concentration (µmol.l^-1) 10 reactive silicate concentration (µmol.l^-1) 11 bottle dissolved oxygen concentration (µmol.l^-1) 12 bottle quality flag (-1=rejected, 0=suspect, 1=good) 13 niskin bottle number Missing data values are filled by a decimal point (surrounded by blank characters). Parameters 2,3,5 and 6 are mean values from the upcast CTD burst data at the time of bottle firing, where each burst contains the data 10 sec previous to the time of bottle firing. Parameters 7 to 11 are laboratory values for the hydrology analyses. Parameter 12, the bottle quality flag, is relevant to the calibration of CTD salinities - bottles flagged 1 and 0 are used for calibration, while those flagged -1 are rejected. Criteria for flagging of the bottle data are discussed elsewhere (Appendix 2 of Rosenberg et al., 1995b). Parameter 13, the niskin bottle number, is a unique identifier for each bottle. Note that the bottle number does not always correspond with rosette position. Table 5.4: Example hydrology data file (*.bot file). 2 8.556 15.155 15.154 43.109 35.032 35.031 0.29 8.80 7.7 247.10 1 11 2 25.593 15.111 . 43.076 35.034 35.035 0.28 0.20 3.7 248.50 1 9 2 50.992 15.105 . 43.085 35.038 35.038 0.27 0.30 2.2 249.10 1 8 2 73.718 14.188 . 42.227 35.068 35.077 0.48 4.40 2.8 228.70 -1 7 2 98.376 12.840 . 40.910 35.055 35.051 0.66 7.70 2.5 227.60 -1 6 2 123.524 12.490 . 40.618 35.089 35.081 0.76 9.60 3.0 223.10 -1 5 2 148.516 11.904 . 40.025 35.052 35.067 0.85 11.10 3.4 223.30 -1 4 2 200.278 11.085 . 39.174 34.963 34.965 0.90 13.30 4.0 226.40 -1 3 2 247.807 10.678 10.691 38.758 34.914 34.914 1.02 13.90 4.1 230.40 0 2 2 289.188 9.625 . 37.640 34.769 34.794 1.13 15.80 4.8 232.40 -1 1 3 8.609 15.984 15.958 44.199 35.274 35.275 . 0.20 1.6 270.80 1 16 3 21.504 15.975 . 44.198 35.276 35.275 0.25 0.20 1.5 266.60 1 15 3 48.210 15.935 . 44.171 35.277 35.276 0.25 0.40 0.7 264.60 1 14 3 73.795 15.897 . 44.140 35.273 35.270 0.27 0.80 1.6 238.30 -1 13 3 98.905 14.011 . 42.238 35.229 35.236 0.63 7.50 2.3 . -1 12 3 148.674 12.557 . 40.763 35.155 35.155 0.81 10.90 4.1 216.00 0 11 3 197.813 11.432 . 39.575 35.033 35.033 0.92 12.80 3.9 227.30 1 10 3 298.658 10.110 . 38.158 34.828 34.831 1.10 15.40 4.6 230.70 1 9 3 396.295 9.214 . 37.238 34.702 34.703 1.28 18.70 6.0 226.20 -1 8 3 496.675 8.371 . 36.405 34.604 34.603 1.52 22.50 9.3 210.60 1 7 3 597.207 7.385 . 35.469 34.524 34.524 1.71 25.90 14.6 199.30 1 6 3 697.115 6.587 . 34.751 34.487 34.486 1.90 28.30 20.6 195.30 1 5 3 778.707 5.739 . 33.995 34.458 34.458 2.05 30.50 27.8 . 1 4 3 900.509 4.315 . 32.710 34.381 34.382 2.20 32.70 33.6 198.50 1 3 3 1000.091 4.027 4.029 32.574 34.471 34.471 2.34 34.30 49.6 171.00 1 302 3 1113.395 3.403 . 32.110 34.517 34.522 2.42 35.40 61.3 169.90 -1 1 4 23.926 15.341 . 43.397 35.121 35.120 0.26 0.10 0.6 230.60 1 23 4 49.736 15.198 . 43.231 35.088 35.087 0.26 0.30 0.6 229.10 1 22 4 99.651 13.388 . 41.599 35.202 35.200 0.77 9.00 2.6 200.60 1 21 4 148.952 12.164 . 40.341 35.114 35.122 0.86 12.90 3.8 221.80 -1 20 4 196.847 11.114 . 39.222 34.985 34.980 0.95 11.40 3.6 233.30 -1 119 4 298.033 9.997 . 38.028 34.804 34.803 1.02 13.80 . 254.10 -1 118 4 384.198 9.235 . 37.228 34.676 34.677 . . . 256.20 -1 17 4 495.853 8.452 . 36.455 34.578 34.577 1.43 20.70 8.1 232.70 -1 16 5.4 STATION INFORMATION FILES Station information files, named *.sta (Table 5.5) (where the filename prefix is the cruise code), contain position, time, bottom depth and maximum pressure of cast for CTD stations. The CTD instrument number is specified in the file header. Position and time (UTC) are specified at the start, bottom and end of the cast, while the bottom depth is for the start of the cast. Note that small inconsistencies may exist between bottom depth and maximum pressure, due to drift of the vessel between the start and bottom of the cast. In addition, a single value is used for the sound velocity in seawater for echo sounder calculations (1498 m.s^-1), which may cause small errors in water depth values. Table 5.5: Example CTD station information file (*.sta file). RSV Aurora Australis Cruise : Au93/09 CTD station list (CTD unit 4) stat start bottom max P bottom end no. time date latitude longitude depth(m) (dbar) time latitude longitude time latitude longitude 1 2032 11-MAR-93 44:06.73S 146:14.35E 1000 956 2118 44:06.37S 146:14.35E 2154 44:06.19S 146:14.60E 2 0027 12-MAR-93 44:00.06S 146:18.61E 300 289 0042 44:00.03S 146:18.77E 0115 43:59.97S 146:18.64E 3 0513 12-MAR-93 44:07.51S 146:14.89E 1100 1115 0549 44:07.48S 146:15.06E 0632 44:07.39S 146:15.23E 4 0854 12-MAR-93 44:27.89S 146:07.94E 2340 2335 0938 44:27.52S 146:07.30E 1028 44:27.32S 146:07.51E 5 1437 12-MAR-93 44:56.71S 145:56.67E 3380 3465 1606 44:56.10S 145:56.52E 1727 44:55.56S 145:56.36E 5.5 WOCE DATA FORMAT This section is relevant only to data submitted to the WHP Office. For WOCE format data, file format descriptions as detailed above should be ignored. Data files submitted to the WHP Office are in the standard WOCE format as specified in Joyce and Corry (1994). 5.5.1 CTD 2 dbar-averaged data files * CTD 2 dbar-averaged file format is as per Table 4.7 of Joyce and Corry (1994), except that measurements are centered on even pressure bins (with first value at 2 dbar). * CTD temperature and salinity are reported to the third decimal place only. * Files are named as in the CTD methodology, except that for WOCE format data the suffix ".all" is replaced with ".ctd". * The quality flags for CTD data are defined in Table 5.6. Data quality information is detailed in earlier sections of this report. 5.5.2 Hydrology data files * Hydrology data file format is as per Table 4.5 of Joyce and Corry (1994), with quality flags defined in Tables 5.7 and 5.8. * Files are named as in the CTD methodology, except that for WOCE format data the suffix ".bot" is replaced by ".sea". * The total value of nitrate+nitrite only is listed. * Silicate and nitrate+nitrite are reported to the first decimal place only. * CTD temperature (including theta), CTD salinity and bottle salinity are all reported to the third decimal place only. * CTD temperature (including theta), CTD pressure and CTD salinity are all derived from upcast CTD burst data; CTD dissolved oxygen is derived from downcast 2 dbar-averaged data. * Raw CTD pressure values are not reported. * SAMPNO is equal to the rosette position of the Niskin bottle. * Salinity samples rejected for conductivity calibration, as per eqn A2.20 in Rosenberg et al. (1995b), are not flagged in the .sea file. * Dissolved oxygen samples rejected for CTD dissolved oxygen calibration, as per Tables 1.18, 2.19 and 3.18 in Parts 1, 2 and 3 respectively of this report, are not flagged in the .sea file. 5.5.3 Conversion of units for dissolved oxygen and nutrients Dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle data For the WOCE format files, all Niskin bottle dissolved oxygen concentration values have been converted from volumetric units µmol/l to gravimetric units µmol/kg, as follows. Concentration C(k) in µmol/kg is given by C(k) = 1000 C(l) / rho(theta,s,0) (eqn 5.1) where C(l) is the concentration in µmol/l, 1000 is a conversion factor, and rho(theta,s,0) is the potential density at zero pressure and at the potential temperature theta, where potential temperature is given by theta = theta(T,s,p) (eqn 5.2) for the in situ temperature T, salinity s and pressure p values at which the Niskin bottle was fired. Note that T, s and p are upcast CTD burst data averages. CTD data In the WOCE format files, CTD dissolved oxygen data are converted to µmol/kg by the same method as above, except that T, s and p in eqns 5.1 and 5.2 are CTD 2 dbar-averaged data. Nutrients For the WOCE format files, all Niskin bottle nutrient concentration values have been converted from volumetric units µmol/l to gravimetric units µmol/kg using C(k) = 1000 C(l) / rho(T(l),s,0) (eqn 5.3) where 1000 is a conversion factor, and rho(T(l),s,0) is the water density in the hydrology laboratory at the laboratory temperature T(l) and at zero pressure. Note that the following values were used for T(l) : cruise au9501, T(l)=18.0°C cruise au9604, T(l)=19.6°C cruise au9601, T(l)=20.0°C Upcast CTD burst data averages are used for s. Table 5.6: Definition of quality flags for CTD data (after Table 4.10 in Joyce and Corry, 1994). These flags apply both to CTD data in the 2 dbar-averaged *.ctd files, and to upcast CTD burst data in the *.sea files. flag definition 1 not calibrated with water samples 2 acceptable measurement 3 questionable measurement 4 bad measurement 5 measurement not reported 6 interpolated over >2 dbar interval 7 despiked 8 this flag not used 9 parameter not sampled Table 5.7: Definition of quality flags for Niskin bottles (i.e. parameter BTLNBR in *.sea files) (after Table 4.8 in Joyce and Corry, 1994). flag definition 1 this flag is not used 2 no problems noted 3 bottle leaking 4 bottle did not trip correctly 5 not reported 6,7,8 these flags are not used 9 samples not drawn from this bottle Table 5.8: Definition of quality flags for water samples in *.sea files (after Table 4.9 in Joyce and Corry, 1994). flag definition 1 this flag is not used 2 acceptable measurement 3 questionable measurement 4 bad measurement 5 measurement not reported 6 mean of replicate measurements 7 manual autoanalyser peak measurement 8 this flag not used 9 parameter not sampled 5.5.4 Station information files * File format is as per section 3.3 of Joyce and Corry (1994), and files are named as in the CTD methodology, except that for WOCE format data the suffix ".sta" is replaced by ".sum". * All depths are calculated using a uniform speed of sound through the water column of 1498 ms^-1. Reported depths are as measured from the water surface. Missing depths are due to interference of the ship's bow thrusters with the echo sounder signal. * An altimeter attached to the base of the rosette frame (approximately at the same vertical position as the CTD sensors) measures the elevation (or height above the bottom) in metres. The elevation value at each station is recorded manually from the CTD data stream display at the bottom of each CTD downcast. Motion of the ship due to waves can cause an error in these manually recorded values of up to ±3 m. * Lineout (i.e. meter wheel readings of the CTD winch) were unavailable. REFERENCES Bush, G., 1994. Deployment of upward looking sonar buoys. Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia, Report No. C94-4 (unpublished). Dunn, J., 1995a. ADCP processing system. CSIRO Division of Oceanography (unpublished report). Dunn, J., 1995b. Processing of ADCP data at CSIRO Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Division of Oceanography (unpublished report). Eriksen, R., 1997. A practical manual for the determination of salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients in seawater. Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre, Research Report No. 11, January 1997. 83 pp. Eriksen, R. and Terhell, D., (in prep.). A Comparison ofManual and Automated Methods for the Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Seawater. Antarctic CRC Research Report, Hobart. Gordon, A.L., 1967. Structure of Antarctic waters between 20°W and 170°W. Antarctic Map Folio Series, Folio 6, Bushnell, V. (ed.). American Geophysical Society, New York. Gordon, A.L. and Molinelli, E.J. and Baker, T.N., 1982. Southern Ocean Atlas (1982). Columbia University Press, New York. 35 pp + 248 pl. Knapp, G.P., Stalcup, M.C., and Stanley, R.J., 1990. Automated Oxygen Titration and Salinity Determination. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Technical Report WHOI-90-35. Joyce, T. and Corry, C. (editors), 1994. Requirements for WOCE Hydrographic Programme Data Reporting. WHP Office Report WHPO 90-1, Revision 2, WOCE Report No. 67/91, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 144 pp. (unpublished manuscript). Millard, R., Bond, G. and Toole, J., 1993. Implementation of a titanium strain gauge pressure transducer for CTD applications. Deep-Sea Research I, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp1009-1021. Rintoul, S.R. and Bullister, J.L. (submitted). A late winter section between Tasmania and Antarctica: Circulation, transport and water mass formation. Rosenberg, M., Eriksen, R. and Rintoul, S., 1995a. Aurora Australis marine science cruise AU9309/AU9391 - oceanographic field measurements and analysis. Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre, Research Report No. 2, March 1995. 103 pp. Rosenberg, M., Eriksen, R., Bell, S., Bindoff, N. and Rintoul, S., 1995b. Aurora Australis marine science cruise AU9407 - oceanographic field measurements and analysis. Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre, Research Report No. 6, July 1995. 97 pp. Rosenberg, M., Eriksen, R., Bell, S. and Rintoul, S., 1996. Aurora Australis marine science cruise AU9404 - oceanographic field measurements and analysis. Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre, Research Report No. 8, July 1996. 53 pp. Ryan, T., 1995.Data Quality Manual for the data logged instrumentation aboard the RSV Aurora Australis. Australian Antarctic Division, unpublished manuscript, second edition, April 1995. Worby, A.P., Bindoff, N.L., Lytle, V.I., Allison, I. and Massom, R.A., 1996. Winter ocean/sea ice interactions studied in the East Antarctic. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. Volume 77 No. 46. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to all scientific personnel who participated in the cruises, and to the crew of the RSV Aurora Australis. The work was supported by the Department of Environment, Sport and Territories through the CSIRO Climate Change Research Program, the Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre, and the Australian Antarctic Division. * All figures shown in PDF file.