Data provided by Heather Graven, Imperial College London, 2022 James Cook, Cruise JC159; A09.5 24S EXPOCODE: 740H20180228 DATES: 20180228 - 20180410 D14C measurements were conducted at the NERC Radiocarbon Facility and at NOSAMS. An offset of +6.8 per mil was applied to the NERC data, calculated by the mean difference in measured D14C in 26 replicate samples measured at NOSAMS and at NERC. NOSAMS data are reported for these 26 replicate samples, NERC data are reported for all other samples. d13C data are reported for NOSAMS only. Support for the NERC measurements was provided by NERC grant NE/P019242/1 (TICTOC) with additional support from the NERC Radiocarbon Facility.