Last updated: 2000.07.14 A. Cruise Narrative: A.1 Highlights A.1.a WOCE Line Designation: AR10 THE NORTH ATLANTIC TRACER RELEASE EXPERIMENT (NATRE):FINAL SAMPLING LEG A.1.b Expedition Designation: 74AB78_1 (EXPOCODE) A.1.c Chief scientists: A. J. Watson J. R. Ledwell A.1.d Ship: RRS CHARLES DARWIN CRUISE A.1.e Ports of call: Ponta Delgada in the Azores to Lisbon A.1.f Cruise dates: 22/04/1993 - 24/05/1993 Report prepared by: A. J. Watson, K. Van Scoy, J. R. Ledwell, C. S. Law, D. Jones, C. Marquette, T. Donaghue, S. Watts, M. I. Liddicoat, C. Fernandez, J. Bouthilette, D. Ciochetto, J. Donoghue, S. T. Bolmer, K. Tedesco, K. Smith and J. Scott A.2 Cruise Summary We are pleased to acknowledge the assistance of the staff of the RRS Charles Darwin under Captain R. Bourne. Their hard work and professional skills helped ensure that this was a successful and enjoyable cruise. Funding for NATRE is provided by the Natural Environment Research Council in the UK and the National Science Foundation in the USA. PERSONNEL LIST R. A. Bourne Master C. M. Leather C/O P. Newton 2/O R. A. Warner 2/O J. G. Baker R/O I. R. Bennet C/E D. E. Anderson 2/E V. E. Lovell 3/E S. F. Dean 3/E M. Trevaskis CPO T. G. Lewis PO A. Marren SG. 1A S. Jones SG. 1A K. R. Luckhurst SG. 1A J. Miller SG. 1B C. Hubbard S.C.M K. Peters COOK R. Edes STWD A. P. Lee STWD J. P. Taylor STWD I. M. Slater MM. 1A A. J. Watson Chief Scientist C. S. Law Scientist M. I. Liddicoat Scientist K. Van Scoy Scientist S. T. Bolmer Scientist J. Bouthilette Scientist J. Donoghue Scientist T. Donoghue Scientist C. Fernandez Scientist C. Marquette Scientist K. Tedesco Scientist D. Ciochetto Scientist J. Scott Scientist W. K. Smith Scientist D. A. Jones Scientist S. F. Watts Scientist J. R. Ledwell Scientist INTRODUCTION AND CRUISE OBJECTIVES This cruise was the third and last scheduled "tracer documentation" cruise associated with the North Atlantic Tracer Release Experiment (NATRE). The experiment is a major international exercise under the auspices of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment, "Core 3" programme, in which UK, US and Canadian scientists and ships are participating. Its object is to study the rates of both vertical and horizontal mixing in the main pycnocline of the Northeast Atlantic subtropical gyre, using a release of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer, marked by neutrally buoyant floats, and accompanied by an extensive suite of measurements of micro- and fine- structure of the kind more conventionally used to infer rates of vertical mixing. By these means the existing techniques will be validated against a direct and accurate measurement of mixing processes associated with the tracer experiment. The experiment was initiated in April/May 1992 in a two-ship exercise in which the Woods Hole vessel R/V Oceanus released 139kg of tracer and the neutrally buoyant floats, while the Charles Darwin documented the distribution of the tracer in the first month after release (Cruise CD68). Subsequently, at six months after release, the Oceanus returned to the area and documented the distribution of about 25-33% of the tracer during October and November 1992, finding two lengthy streaks extending to about 600km in length and typically 3km wide by 18m thick. An accurate measure of the vertical mixing rate during the April-October period was obtained by comparison of the CD68 data with these Oceanus observations. The task of the present cruise was to document the distribution of the tracer one year after release. In this we were assisted by the Canadian research vessel CSS Hudson, currently in the area conducting microstructure measurements as part of the overall experiment. Dr. James Ledwell, the Principal Scientist on the US component of the experiments, was aboard the Hudson and made some tracer measurements in advance of our cruise, so that we had information on the location of at least some of the tracer before we left port. NARRATIVE Figure 1 shows the overall cruise track, from Ponta Delgada in the Azores to Lisbon. We sailed from Ponta Delgada at 0810 on 22nd April 1993, and made course 204°T for a previously agreed rendezvous with the CSS Hudson, at 26° 50'N, 31° 20'W. Hudson had to make an unscheduled journey to Las Palmas, due to a medical emergency, which set back their programme considerably. The original reason for the early rendezvous was to transfer analytical equipment to speed sample analysis. Dr. James Ledwell, at this time aboard the Hudson, was scheduled to transfer to Darwin but not before about 10th May when the Hudson would leave the NATRE site. We kept a regular radio schedule with the Hudson throughout the period that the two ships were working. We were told that they had succeeded in locating some of the neutrally buoyant SOFAR floats originally released with the tracer, i.e. float 55 at 23° 50'N, 30° 20'W, and float 58 at 21° 20'N, 30° 30'W, in what might be the SE corner of the tracer patch. One float, to which was attached a "Richardson Number" (RiNo) neutrally buoyant float, appeared at that time to be at about 30°N, 37°W, in what might demarcate a NW corner. This position later proved to be incorrect, but nevertheless the assumption that the tracer lay mostly east and south of there was verified. We arrived at the rendezvous in the early hours of 25th April, but continued past the Hudson, having elected to postpone transfer of equipment for a time. After crossing 29°N, we began exploratory casts through the target surface, spacing these approximately 50 miles apart. No tracer was found on the first three casts, but we encountered it on the fourth, which was at the original rendezvous point. It was soon apparent that the tracer had spread into an enormous area of ocean: the concentrations we observed averaged about 25fM, with column integrals averaging around 2 x 10-9 moles/m2, and given the initial amount released of approximately 1000 moles this indicates a patch ~700km on a side. However the shape was not regular or simple, and the concentration varied widely even on the 10-20km scale. Given that we had very little information at the beginning of the cruise as to where this patch might be centred or what its shape might be, it was thought that it would not be possible to comprehensively document the entire patch. Instead we aimed to get a sufficient number of profiles, from many different areas of the patch, to be confident of a statistically valid description of properties such as the vertical thickness and streakiness. In the event however, we did end by accounting for more than 90% of the tracer. Having approached the region on a course of 204°T we saw no reason to deviate after passing the Hudson, so continued on this heading for the better part of a week, finally running out of the patch at 21° 20'N latitude. We then executed a series of east-west sections spaced approximately 1 apart in latitude, heading northwards, (see cruise track for the working area, Figure 2). This pattern was designed to be complemented by the tracer measurements performed from the Hudson (see Figure 29 for a map of Hudson stations). The pattern was broken at about the time of our RiNo hunt (see below), to make a number of tows using a high-resolution sampling system, and towards the end of the cruise when we "filled in" corners in the north-west and south- east. We finished science at 1200 on 19th May and set course for Lisbon, docking there at 1700 on 24th May. Sampling Casts These were to 500m: on the downcast, the depth of the target isopycnal (actually at sigma 0.3 = 28.050, though we used the previous year's calibration of the BBC microcomputer which gave sigma 0.3 = 28.0395), was noted - it was generally between 300 and 400m depth. On the upcast, bottles were triggered at 10m intervals, starting 120m below the depth of the target surface and ending 120m above it. We found that the time taken for each cast was roughly an hour, which meant that at a spacing of 10 miles or more between casts, the limiting factor on the rate at which we could proceed was not the rate of processing samples in the laboratory, but the wire time and steam time. Stations were spaced initially at 10 mile intervals, but the "standard" spacing was increased to 15 miles after station 22 (Table 1). Stations were grouped into geographical working areas (Figure 3). Tracer and salt samples only were taken from the Niskin bottles, and the work continued 24 hours a day. We found that we could progress about 130 miles per day in this mode, with the ship on station and wire out for about half the time, and steaming at 10kt the other half of the time. Rendezvous with CSS Hudson On 6th May we broke off sampling to rendezvous with the Hudson, chiefly for the purpose of transferring Dr. Ledwell from the Hudson to the Darwin. Hudson at this time was continuing her programme of CTD and "Epsonde" microstructure casts for the overall experiment under the direction of Chief Scientist Neil Oakey of Bedford Institute of Oceanography. The rendezvous was at 1000, at 24° 58'N, 31° 6'W. The Master of the Hudson invited members of the Darwin's company over for lunch which was taken up by nine scientists and ships personnel including the PSO. We extended a reciprocal invitation, which was taken up by Dr. Oakey and several members of the science party aboard Hudson. Gifts were exchanged between the two ships companies. Dr. Ledwell transferred, and we took the opportunity to transfer a SF6 gas standard from the Hudson to the Darwin to cross calibrate our measurements with theirs. We were finished with the transfer and pleasantries at about 1430 and departed to continue our programme. Hunt for the RiNo One of the aims of Hudson was to locate and recover the Richardson Number (RiNo) float deployed by Oceanus at the time of the tracer injection. RiNo is tracked by SOFAR signal, and at close range by means of a 10kHz beacon. We determined last year during cruise CD68 that the Simrad EA500 precision echo-sounder aboard the Darwin was an efficient instrument for sensing these beacons. The task of recovering the RiNo was greatly hampered by what appears to have been a malfunction of the clock on the SOFAR beacon, which initially led the team aboard the Hudson to believe that the float was situated well to the west at about 36°W. Latterly, the best guess for the position of the float was thought to be near 26° 15'N, 29° 30'W. We offered to assist the Hudson in the search they were to undertake for this float after leaving our rendezvous, since the Simrad was thought to have a better range for the 10kHz beacon than the equipment aboard the Hudson. We agreed to search two lines out of a grid of 5 lines, covering a region about 8-18 miles NW of the most likely position of the float. The search began at 1600 on 7th May and lasted until about 1300 the following day. The actual lines originally agreed with Hudson took only 8 hours. These are shown in Figure 4. However, as we were ending this pattern we saw a trace on the Simrad, lasting about 20 minutes, which looked characteristic of a beacon behind the ship. The trace was very faint, appearing and then disappearing without obvious cause. We therefore re-traced and re-retraced our course, running over the section on which the signal had appeared a total of four times, but without seeing it again. We then began a box-search pattern (Figure 5) centred on the location where we considered the source most likely to be, and continued this for 8 hours further, without at any time again seeing the signal. We remain unsure about the source of this signal, but we know of no phenomenon other than a regularly repeating beacon which could give rise to such a trace. Therefore we believe that we must have heard the float we were searching for, but perhaps due to freak acoustic conditions, at a distance very much greater than the normal range of the apparatus. Sled Tows using High-Resolution Carousel Sampler Casts 220 through 223 were tows in which the CTD was mounted on a sled with sequentially filling syringe samplers. 50 samples were collected on each tow, but the distance covered varied from 8 to 65km (Table 2). The package was lowered on the CTD wire from the starboard "A" frame, and "flown" on the target surface by automated control of the winch, using the control system developed by R. Powell of RVS for cruise CD68. The longest tow entailed steaming at approximately 2kt, at which speed the wire angle was considerable (60-70° from the vertical). The tracks towed along are shown in Figure 6 and the along-track concentrations are shown in Figure 7: they reveal a pattern of "plates" of relatively constant concentrations of dimension ~10km, separated by rather sharp boundaries. CTD DATA Calibration Hydrographic data were gathered with an EG&G MkIII CTD, equipped with PRT thermometers and a single conductivity probe. A laboratory temperature calibration performed just rpior to the cruise indicated that the primary PRT was within 0.0005°C of the bath standard. No adjustment was made for a temperature offset. Salinity samples taken on each cast showed the salinity reading from the system to be low by 0.028-0.029psu throughout the cruise. The constants in the acquisition system had already been set to compensate for a raw salinity that was low by 0.018psu. Thus, another 0.011psu were added to the salinity calculated using these constants. The pressure sensor read high by 4.7db at the surface, and this amount was subtracted from all pressures throughout the cruise. A sample profile and a theta/S plot are shown in Figures 8 and 10, respectively. Data Reduction The descent for each cast was selected from the CTD data stream, and made into a separate file named "cd780xxx.dat", where "xxx" represents the number of the cast, from 001 to 241. These raw data were then interpolated to a 1db pressure grid and stored in files called "cd780xxxpi.dat". At the same time the potential temperature theta0.3, and potential density sigma 0.3, both referenced to 300db, were added to the files, in the 4th and 5th columns, respectively. A sixth column reports the number of scans skipped during the original file because the pressure was decreasing. Seldom was this number different from 0, since the weather was light, and the payout rate of the CTD wire was typically 60m/min. The target sigma 0.3 for the tracer release was 28.05kg/m3. Hydrographic properties at this surface were estimated from the CTD data for each cast (Table 3), and vertical gradients in the properties were estimated for casts that went more than 50m below the target surface, as follows. First, the nearest pressure to the target density surface was found, and a window spanning ±50db about this pressure was selected. A quadratic fit of theta0.3 versus sigma 0.3 in this window was performed, and the value of theta0.3 at the target surface was determined from the resulting polynomial. This procedure reduces the uncertainty in finding the target surface created by noise in salinity which propagates to potential density. The salinity at the target density was then found from the potential temperature, using the equation of state. Also, an accurate pressure at the target surface was found by interpolation. Gradients of in situ temperature, dT/dP, and salinity, dS/dP, at the target surface were then determined by making quadratic fits of T(P) and S(P) in the ±50db window about the target surface. The coefficient of thermal expansion, alpha, the change of density with salinity, beta, and the adiabatic lapse rate, gamma, were determined at the target surface. Then, a density gradient, dsigma/dp, the density ratio, R-rho, and the buoyancy frequency, N, were calculated from the following equations: Rho-0 = 1000 + sigma0 rho = 1000 + sigma3 d-sigma/dP = rho-0 [alpha { -dT/dP + gamma } + beta dS/dP ] R-rho = alpha { -dT/dP + gamma } / { -beta dS/dP } N = sqrt { g (d-sigma/dP) / rho } The values for P, theta0.3, S, -dT/dP, -dS/dP, d-sigma/dP, R-rho, and N at the target density surface are given for each cast in Table 4. The CTD casts were sorted into the same groups as the tracer data (Table 5). The data from each group were averaged, and the average data were treated the same way as above to give the properties and gradients for each group (Table 4). The last entry in Table 4 gives the properties and gradients calculated from the average of the deep CTD profiles that went at least 50db deeper than the target surface for the whole cruise. This average CTD profile is tabulated every 10db in Table 3, and is plotted in Figure 9. A typical theta/S relation is plotted in Figure 10 and the mean theta/S relation is plotted in Figure 11. SF6 DATA SF6 Analysis Water samples were analysed using two identical systems (A and B), each of which consisted of a vacuum-sparge front end in which the SF6 was stripped from the water and trapped on Porapak Q at -70°C, followed by chromatographic separation and detection by an Electron Capture Detector (Shimadzu GC8-AIE). Both systems were fully automated requiring minimal input from the operator, and so reducing any errors arising from sample handling and manual valve-switching. Water from the Niskin bottles were sub-sampled into 500ml glass bottles which were flushed three times, and then transferred to the laboratory where they were stored underwater. The SF6 concentration at the target density was obtained within 10 minutes of the CTD landing on deck, allowing alterations in the cruise track to be made relatively rapidly. A volume of 350ml was required for analysis of profile samples, although GC-B was adjusted to facilitate analysis of 50ml samples obtained from the carousel sampler for a period of 4 days towards the end of the cruise. A typical profile cast consisted of 25 samples, which at a rate of 6.75 minutes per sample resulted in a cast analysis time of 90 minutes; in total, 5000 water samples and 500 standards were run by a pool of 10 analysts. The sensitivity of GC-A and B were 0.05 and 0.03fmol/l, respectively, although the background concentration was higher than these values. Samples from each profile were artificially divided, with the "tails" of the profile analysed on the more sensitive GC, and the middle of the profile on the less sensitive system. Duplicate samples from the target density were run on both instruments at the start of each cast analysis to determine an average reproducibility of 3.6% between the two instruments. This reproducibility is a reflection of the difference in calibration between the two instruments as opposed to variability in the efficiency of the analysis. The reproducibility within both GC's was 0.6% (A) and 0.88% (B) for duplicate samples (including background samples). Calibration of each system took approximately 75 minutes every 36-48 hours, requiring certain casts to be run entirely on one system while the other was calibrated. The response of both instruments remained relatively constant (Table 6), except for the initial recovery of GC-A in the first 3 days from a previous contamination event on a recent cruise. Despite continuous analysis for 30 days, both instruments performed extremely well with virtually no down-time and minimal sample back-up. A valve driver board had to be replaced at the start of the cruise when a motor burnt out during start up on GC-A, and occasional maintenance was required to clean up salt crystal deposit in valves and solenoids on both systems. The gland in the 29.4ppt standard cylinder failed, although the calibration fitting programme was able to compensate for the absence of standards in this range. SF6 Data Reduction The SF6 data were calibrated using a linear fit for samples less than 1.3 x 10-14 moles (300ppt in 1ml gas standard), smoothly joined to a cubic fit for higher values: previous work at PML has shown this to be the best polynomial type of fit to cover the range 0 to 5 x 10-13 moles. Calibrated data, identified by Niskin bottle number, were merged on the RVS computer with CTD data from the last frame before the bottle was closed. For each cast, a file was made tabulating pressure, temperature, salinity, sigma 0.3, and SF6 for each bottle. These files constitute a basic data output from the cruise. For further analysis, the SF6 profiles were interpolated onto a regular density grid (27.8 to 28.2 x 0.01) and averaged by regional group (Figure 3) to give statistics on mean concentration, depth and rms width. To obtain meaningful widths in depth (actually pressure) space, correctly referenced to the target surface, the mean pressure versus density profile of the initial sampling cruise CD68 was used to map SF6 from density space into pressure. Individual profiles versus sigma 0.3, these mean profiles versus "CD68" depth, and the statistics of mean depth and rms width relative to the centre of mass are plotted in Figures 12-24. The interpolation could profitably have been continued to 28.3 as data from the lower tail were sometimes missed out of the interpolation. The entire cruise average of casts interpolated from 27.8 to 28.3 is plotted in Figure 26. The centre of mass is at 28.058, 0.008 units lower than the original injection, and the rms width relative to the centre of mass is 31.14m in "CD68" depth space. The width indicates a vertical mixing rate, Kz in the range 0.17 to 0.2cm2/s since the October-November period when the tracer was last sampled. This is significantly larger than the value of 0.11cm2/s for the first 6 months of the experiment, presumably due to larger forcing energy during the winter months. The actual value of Kz will be defined to better accuracy after post-cruise analysis. The average profile is almost a perfect gaussian (see Figure 27). The lateral dispersion of the tracer, expressed as column integral in nmol/m2, is shown in Figure 30 after gridding and contouring the data, using a 0.75 degree radius of integration. The tracer was spread over about 5-6 degrees of latitude and 9-10 degrees of longitude - an area in excess of 150000 square miles. Though still highly variable in space, there were few points within this region that had no tracer at all - in other words, the tracer streaks had combined to "paint in" this area. Integrating under the contours gives a total amount of 937 moles, which is less than 2% different from the 950 moles which were released. Ana alternative way of integrating the tracer, by obtaining an average concentration along the cruise track and multiplying by the overall area covered, gave essentially the same value. However, the margin of error is undoubtedly larger than these figures suggest. Provisionally we estimate that we accounted for 99±10%. TABLE 1: STATION LIST Notes: 1) "Full" casts were 24 bottle casts with approx 10m spacing centred on the target surface. 2) "Short" casts: one or two bottles were fired at the target surface only. 3) "Background" casts (2-4) were used as representative background measurements, the average of which was subtracted from the remainder in all calculations. 4) "Sled" casts (218-223) were tows along the target surface of the WHOI sled with carousel samplers. 5) The SF6 column integral, background subtracted, is in nanomoles per square metre. "est" indicates it was estimated from the concentration at the target surface. 6) Casts 38-65 are numbered differently in the original cast sheets: original numbering is in brackets under "cast type". Cast Date Time GMT Latitude Longitude Cast type SF6 Column Integral ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 22/04/93 19:23 35 55.76N 26 38.05W background 0.00 2 24/04/93 13:36 29 0.32N 30 14.82W background 0.00 3 24/04/93 19:14 28 17.12N 30 36.97W background 0.00 4 25/04/93 00:44 27 33.24N 30 58.01W background 0.00 5 25/04/93 06:26 26 49.86N 31 20.12W full 2.69 6 25/04/93 09:27 26 32.01N 31 27.75W full 3.92 7 25/04/93 11:49 26 22.21N 31 32.92W full 2.04 8 25/04/93 14:00 26 13.14N 31 37.98W full 1.28 9 25/04/93 16:00 26 4.20N 31 42.89W full 0.86 10 25/04/93 18:16 25 54.99N 31 47.06W full 1.72 11 25/04/93 20:42 25 45.90N 31 51.47W full 2.01 12 25/04/93 23:00 25 35.82N 31 56.38W full 2.75 13 26/04/93 01:02 25 26.93N 32 0.83W full 1.19 14 26/04/93 03:07 25 18.23N 32 4.88W full 1.50 15 26/04/93 05:31 25 8.85N 32 9.92W full 0.52 16 26/04/93 08:02 24 59.63N 32 14.25W full 2.59 17 26/04/93 10:48 24 50.34N 32 18.02W full 6.03 18 26/04/93 13:04 24 41.23N 32 22.68W full 4.42 19 26/04/93 15:25 24 32.11N 32 27.71W full 6.23 20 26/04/93 17:39 24 23.11N 32 32.14W full 2.86 21 26/04/93 19:52 24 13.65N 32 36.36W full 0.59 22 26/04/93 22:22 24 4.95N 32 40.88W full 0.87 23 27/04/93 01:03 23 50.89N 32 47.14W full 1.06 24 27/04/93 03:41 23 37.28N 32 53.94W full 0.39 25 27/04/93 06:24 23 23.11N 32 59.93W full 2.74 26 27/04/93 09:08 23 9.27N 33 6.79W full 3.12 27 27/04/93 11:55 22 55.06N 33 13.27W full 0.76 28 27/04/93 14:32 22 41.09N 33 19.71W full 1.22 29 27/04/93 17:05 22 28.21N 33 25.99W full 1.89 30 27/04/93 19:50 22 14.43N 33 32.51W full 2.76 31 27/04/93 22:30 22 0.48N 33 39.01W full 0.82 32 28/04/93 01:08 21 46.66N 33 45.25W full 0.40 33 28/04/93 04:15 21 32.12N 33 51.87W full 0.05 34 28/04/93 06:53 21 19.02N 33 58.91W short 0.00 35 28/04/93 10:43 21 19.29N 33 26.90W short 0.00 36 28/04/93 14:09 21 18.94N 32 54.44W short 0.00 37 28/04/93 17:40 21 19.02N 32 22.36W short ? 38 28/04/93 18:18 21 19.47N 32 22.33W full (37i) 0.39 39 28/04/93 22:04 21 18.96N 31 50.27W short (38) ? 40 28/04/93 22:42 21 19.15N 31 50.21W full (38i) 0.31 41 29/04/93 01:48 21 42.17N 31 49.96W full (39) 0.42 42 29/04/93 05:04 22 6.08N 31 50.24W full (40) 0.08 43 29/04/93 08:23 22 29.97N 31 50.41W full (41) 0.49 44 29/04/93 10:46 22 29.94N 32 4.29W full (42) 0.45 45 29/04/93 13:17 22 30.19N 32 20.10W full (43) 0.82 46 29/04/93 15:53 22 29.95N 32 36.18W full (44) 0.87 47 29/04/93 18:30 22 29.98N 32 52.04W full (45) 0.36 48 29/04/93 21:24 22 30.00N 33 7.87W full (46) 0.91 49 30/04/93 01:17 22 30.15N 33 40.17W full (47) 1.58 50 30/04/93 04:17 22 29.55N 33 55.96W full (48) 0.92 51 30/04/93 07:07 22 29.61N 34 11.94W full (49) 0.32 52 30/04/93 09:47 22 29.77N 34 28.17W full (50) 0.20 53 30/04/93 12:18 22 29.94N 34 43.96W full (51) 0.26 54 30/04/93 14:36 22 29.53N 34 59.84W full (52) 0.16 55 30/04/93 17:00 22 29.87N 35 16.20W full (53) 0.00 56 30/04/93 19:50 22 44.97N 35 16.10W full (54) 0.12 57 30/04/93 22:26 22 59.98N 35 16.04W full (55) 0.02 58 1/05/93 01:01 23 15.37N 35 16.06W full (56) 0.00 59 1/05/93 03:24 23 30.32N 35 16.25W full (57) 0.84 60 1/05/93 06:02 23 29.87N 34 59.76W full (58) 0.09 61 1/05/93 08:35 23 30.05N 34 44.04W full (59) 0.00 62 1/05/93 12:37 23 30.23N 34 12.37W full (60) 0.08 63 1/05/93 15:00 23 30.11N 33 55.54W short (61) 0.00 64 1/05/93 16:58 23 30.12N 33 39.35W short (62) 0.00 65 1/05/93 17:29 23 30.46N 33 39.37W full (63) 0.45 100 1/05/93 19:49 23 30.13N 33 23.00W full 0.02 101 1/05/93 22:21 23 29.87N 33 7.04W full 2.75 102 2/05/93 00:57 23 30.15N 32 50.57W full 0.46 103 2/05/93 03:16 23 37.53N 32 58.18W full 3.58 104 2/05/93 05:27 23 45.03N 32 58.64W full 1.35 105 2/05/93 07:29 23 44.93N 33 6.78W full 2.77 106 2/05/93 09:56 23 37.29N 33 15.21W full 0.79 107 2/05/93 11:42 23 37.57N 33 6.84W full 3.34 108 2/05/93 15:09 23 37.60N 32 39.58W full 0.65 109 2/05/93 18:07 23 30.14N 32 24.00W full 3.15 110 2/05/93 20:48 23 29.98N 32 8.16W full 2.53 111 3/05/93 01:32 23 30.48N 31 51.76W full 2.35 112 3/05/93 04:38 23 30.15N 31 35.33W full 0.93 113 3/05/93 07:15 23 29.91N 31 19.21W full 3.67 114 3/05/93 09:51 23 30.13N 31 3.01W full 1.27 115 3/05/93 12:25 23 30.28N 30 46.78W full 1.33 116 3/05/93 16:37 23 30.02N 30 30.26W full 4.14 117 3/05/93 19:21 23 30.13N 30 14.22W full 1.05 118 3/05/93 22:12 23 29.90N 29 58.16W full 3.39 119 4/05/93 00:47 23 30.31N 29 41.69W full 0.48 120 4/05/93 03:46 23 30.26N 29 25.19W full 0.18 121 4/05/93 06:32 23 29.94N 29 8.74W full 0.23 122 4/05/93 09:08 23 30.13N 28 52.45W full 0.00 123 4/05/93 11:53 23 30.22N 28 36.17W full 0.14 124 4/05/93 14:28 23 30.18N 28 19.51W full 0.45 125 4/05/93 16:59 23 30.15N 28 3.37W full 0.28 126 4/05/93 19:36 23 45.04N 27 59.84W full 0.35 127 4/05/93 22:28 23 59.94N 27 59.82W full 0.27 128 5/05/93 02:52 24 29.94N 27 59.99W full 0.32 129 5/05/93 06:03 24 29.92N 28 16.51W full 0.41 130 5/05/93 08:31 24 30.23N 28 32.88W full 1.85 131 5/05/93 10:40 24 30.12N 28 43.86W full 3.30 132 5/05/93 12:50 24 30.12N 28 54.91W full 3.55 133 5/05/93 15:22 24 30.35N 29 11.29W full 1.79 134 5/05/93 18:16 24 30.02N 29 27.76W full 2.02 135 5/05/93 20:44 24 29.89N 29 44.46W full 8.70 136 5/05/93 23:10 24 29.87N 30 0.42W full 0.49 137 6/05/93 01:37 24 29.82N 30 17.06W full 4.34 138 6/05/93 04:05 24 30.18N 30 33.54W full 3.87 139 6/05/93 06:15 24 29.87N 30 50.15W full 2.01 140 6/05/93 16:19 24 44.97N 31 6.41W full 1.22 141 6/05/93 18:47 24 30.04N 31 6.60W full 3.59 142 6/05/93 21:44 24 45.02N 30 50.01W full 1.28 143 7/05/93 00:14 24 58.27N 30 43.64W full 1.00 144 7/05/93 02:40 25 12.62N 30 36.85W full 0.72 145 7/05/93 04:54 25 26.47N 30 29.98W full 0.39 146 7/05/93 07:12 25 39.96N 30 23.01W full 3.46 147 7/05/93 09:30 25 53.79N 30 16.13W full 0.09 148 7/05/93 11:52 26 7.81N 30 9.63W full 0.00 149 7/05/93 14:11 26 7.89N 29 53.16W full 0.18 150 7/05/93 17:44 26 21.70N 29 35.85W short 151 8/05/93 09:54 26 22.09N 29 35.00W full 0.16 152 8/05/93 12:52 26 22.45N 29 52.44W full 0.05 153 8/05/93 15:12 26 22.27N 30 9.20W full 0.00 154 8/05/93 17:37 26 22.20N 30 26.05W full 0.04 155 8/05/93 20:15 26 22.08N 30 46.86W full 0.12 156 8/05/93 22:37 26 8.94N 30 53.88W full 0.00 157 9/05/93 00:53 25 54.57N 31 0.29W full 0.01 158 9/05/93 03:12 25 41.18N 31 7.24W full 0.00 159 9/05/93 05:27 25 27.04N 31 14.19W full 1.22 160 9/05/93 07:35 25 13.08N 31 20.52W full 3.44 161 9/05/93 10:14 24 59.22N 31 27.05W full 2.08 162 9/05/93 12:26 24 45.92N 31 34.06W full 5.14 163 9/05/93 18:09 24 29.95N 31 41.57W full 4.51 164 9/05/93 20:39 24 29.94N 31 57.76W full 2.91 165 9/05/93 23:06 24 30.19N 32 14.39W full 1.55 166 10/05/93 01:26 24 30.02N 32 30.90W full 0.60 167 10/05/93 03:45 24 29.86N 32 47.17W full 4.57 168 10/05/93 05:50 24 29.91N 32 58.05W full 4.48 169 10/05/93 07:48 24 29.88N 33 9.10W full 4.57 170 10/05/93 09:44 24 30.10N 33 19.79W full 5.58 171 10/05/93 11:40 24 30.07N 33 30.76W full 5.02 172 10/05/93 13:41 24 30.07N 33 41.89W full 5.01 173 10/05/93 15:37 24 30.22N 33 52.90W full 5.13 174 10/05/93 17:40 24 30.26N 34 4.20W full 3.99 175 10/05/93 19:32 24 30.18N 34 15.10W full 5.86 176 10/05/93 21:35 24 29.95N 34 26.12W full 4.27 177 10/05/93 23:23 24 29.97N 34 37.15W full 5.80 178 11/05/93 01:13 24 30.07N 34 47.81W full 3.18 179 11/05/93 03:04 24 30.22N 34 58.95W full 0.81 180 11/05/93 05:33 24 30.13N 35 15.35W full 0.08 181 11/05/93 07:51 24 30.15N 35 31.96W full 0.82 182 11/05/93 10:12 24 29.70N 35 48.40W full 3.02 183 11/05/93 12:25 24 29.81N 36 4.34W full 0.65 184 11/05/93 14:51 24 29.66N 36 20.84W full 1.23 185 11/05/93 17:01 24 29.79N 36 37.34W full 0.79 186 11/05/93 19:14 24 29.93N 36 53.64W full 0.03 est. 187 11/05/93 21:29 24 29.84N 37 10.30W full 0.15 188 11/05/93 23:55 24 44.42N 37 10.58W full 0.08 est. 189 12/05/93 02:41 24 59.21N 36 54.85W full 0.21 190 12/05/93 05:10 25 14.43N 36 53.99W full 0.11 191 12/05/93 08:15 25 29.73N 36 38.03W full 0.34 192 12/05/93 10:40 25 44.79N 36 37.70W full 0.28 193 12/05/93 13:33 25 59.73N 36 37.64W full 1.93 194 12/05/93 16:06 26 15.06N 36 37.91W full 1.98 195 12/05/93 18:33 26 29.69N 36 37.57W full 1.35 196 12/05/93 21:05 26 44.87N 36 37.67W full 0.01 197 12/05/93 23:33 27 0.01N 36 37.79W full 0.00 198 13/05/93 02:44 27 15.18N 36 20.85W full 0.05 199 13/05/93 05:46 27 29.86N 36 4.58W full 5.34 200 13/05/93 08:24 27 40.58N 35 51.54W full 0.84 201 13/05/93 10:59 27 40.90N 35 34.65W full 1.27 202 13/05/93 13:09 27 40.90N 35 17.97W full 0.57 203 13/05/93 15:28 27 40.87N 35 0.17W full 0.64 204 13/05/93 17:49 27 40.65N 34 42.33W full 0.35 205 13/05/93 20:10 27 25.86N 34 37.53W full 1.70 206 13/05/93 22:18 27 12.58N 34 33.90W full 0.82 207 14/05/93 00:23 27 0.10N 34 30.00W full 1.59 208 14/05/93 02:42 26 45.05N 34 29.84W full 0.81 209 14/05/93 04:56 26 30.18N 34 30.03W full 0.61 210 14/05/93 07:06 26 29.82N 34 46.78W full 0.47 211 14/05/93 09:16 26 30.18N 35 3.49W full 1.42 212 14/05/93 11:31 26 30.25N 35 20.35W full 0.36 213 14/05/93 13:45 26 30.00N 35 35.99W full 1.72 214 14/05/93 17:12 26 0.16N 35 36.96W full 3.57 215 14/05/93 19:28 25 45.11N 35 36.88W full 5.07 216 14/05/93 21:46 25 30.09N 35 36.97W full 2.13 217 15/05/93 01:22 25 7.46N 35 15.12W full 1.29 218 15/05/93 08:00 24 15.07N 34 24.98W sled (test) 219 15/05/93 09:15 24 14.62N 34 24.78W sled (aborted) 220 15/05/93 10:50 24 15.89N 34 24.65W sled tow 221 15/05/93 16:00 24 19.73N 34 24.60W sled tow 222 16/05/93 02:51 24 53.49N 34 22.51W sled tow 223 16/05/93 21:10 23 37.08N 32 39.92W sled tow 224 17/05/93 22:28 22 31.87N 31 16.76W full 1.38 225 18/05/93 00:44 22 27.30N 31 2.35W full 0.84 226 18/05/93 03:00 22 21.79N 30 46.99W full 1.07 227 18/05/93 05:13 22 16.28N 30 31.72W full 0.81 228 18/05/93 07:21 22 1.42N 0 31.76W full 0.88 229 18/05/93 09:37 21 46.39N 30 31.61W full 1.12 230 18/05/93 11:49 21 31.90N 30 31.26W full 0.37 231 18/05/93 13:54 21 20.62N 30 31.87W full 0.00 232 18/05/93 16:08 21 31.29N 30 21.39W full 0.00 233 18/05/93 18:15 21 41.67N 30 9.95W full 0.00 234 18/05/93 20:39 21 52.09N 29 58.33W full 0.00 235 18/05/93 22:49 22 1.94N 29 46.81W short 0.00 236 19/05/93 00:46 22 12.61N 29 36.14W short 0.00 237 19/05/93 02:41 22 23.16N 29 24.42W short 0.00 238 19/05/93 04:40 22 34.12N 29 12.82W short 0.05 est. 239 19/05/93 06:35 22 44.04N 29 1.53W short 0.07 est. 240 19/05/93 09:03 22 58.36N 28 45.93W short 0.63 est. 241 19/05/93 11:35 23 12.60N 28 30.50W short 0.62 est. TABLE II: Sled tow data Cast Day, Time Position Day, Time Positon Start Lat Long End Lat Long ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 220 5/15, 11:13 24°15.8N 34°25.2W 5/15, 14:23 24°20.2N 34°24.6W 221 5/15, 16:33 24°20.4N 34°24.1W 5/16, 00:33 24°37.2N 34°22.9W 222 5/16, 03:08 24°53.3N 34°22.1W 5/16, 11:08 24°32.2N 34°23.8W 223 5/16, 21:30 23°36.7N 32°39.9W 5/17, 11:16 23°07.1N 32°57.5W TABLE III: Cruise-mean CTD profile, interpolated to 10m intervals. P (dbar) T (°C) S (PSU) theta-0.3 (°C) sigma 0.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.00 22.238 37.382 22.297 27.239 20.00 22.182 37.384 22.239 27.257 30.00 22.138 37.387 22.192 27.274 40.00 22.082 37.391 22.134 27.293 50.00 22.013 37.391 22.063 27.313 60.00 21.901 37.382 21.949 27.339 70.00 21.753 37.365 21.799 27.369 80.00 21.590 37.346 21.634 27.401 90.00 21.442 37.326 21.484 27.429 100.00 21.327 37.313 21.366 27.452 110.00 21.209 37.295 21.246 27.472 120.00 21.050 37.263 21.086 27.493 130.00 20.867 37.225 20.900 27.515 140.00 20.651 37.177 20.681 27.540 150.00 20.345 37.106 20.373 27.570 160.00 19.994 37.028 20.020 27.606 170.00 19.580 36.933 19.604 27.645 180.00 19.144 36.838 19.166 27.689 190.00 18.718 36.745 18.738 27.731 200.00 18.377 36.675 18.395 27.766 210.00 18.085 36.617 18.101 27.797 220.00 17.825 36.567 17.839 27.825 230.00 17.578 36.520 17.590 27.852 240.00 17.339 36.476 17.349 27.878 250.00 17.112 36.434 17.120 27.902 260.00 16.892 36.394 16.899 27.925 270.00 16.671 36.352 16.676 27.947 280.00 16.462 36.314 16.465 27.969 290.00 16.255 36.276 16.257 27.989 300.00 16.048 36.238 16.048 28.010 310.00 15.854 36.203 15.853 28.029 320.00 15.668 36.171 15.665 28.048 330.00 15.471 36.136 15.466 28.067 340.00 15.284 36.104 15.278 28.086 350.00 15.094 36.072 15.086 28.105 360.00 14.908 36.041 14.899 28.123 370.00 14.721 36.010 14.710 28.142 380.00 14.535 35.980 14.522 28.160 390.00 14.357 35.952 14.343 28.179 400.00 14.181 35.925 14.166 28.196 410.00 14.017 35.901 14.000 28.213 420.00 13.853 35.876 13.835 28.230 430.00 13.693 35.852 13.674 28.246 440.00 13.536 35.829 13.515 28.262 450.00 13.377 35.806 13.355 28.278 460.00 13.218 35.783 13.196 28.295 470.00 13.062 35.762 13.038 28.311 480.00 12.913 35.742 12.888 28.326 TABLE IV Hydrographic properties at the target surface Group Count P theta S -dT/dp -dS/dp dsigma/dp R-rho N Dbar °C PSU 10-3 ppm/ 10-3 10-3s-1 dbar °C/dbar dbar-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A 7 339.3 15.592 36.151 17.1 2.88 1.79 1.81 4.15 B 18 312.6 15.624 36.161 22.0 3.96 2.10 1.69 4.49 C 15 327.1 15.594 36.151 20.5 3.64 2.00 1.72 4.39 D 17 332.3 15.657 36.170 20.4 3.56 2.04 1.75 4.43 E 8 292.5 15.676 36.176 19.5 3.49 1.90 1.71 4.27 F 9 298.5 15.724 36.191 20.4 3.67 1.97 1.70 4.35 G 6 304.4 15.665 36.173 18.7 3.21 1.92 1.78 4.30 H 11 294.2 15.761 36.202 17.6 3.12 1.75 1.73 4.10 I 18 322.2 15.662 36.172 18.9 3.29 1.91 1.76 4.28 J 15 319.4 15.657 36.170 20.0 3.50 2.00 1.74 4.38 K 9 325.6 15.607 36.155 18.4 3.17 1.87 1.77 4.24 L 8 343.7 15.589 36.150 17.6 3.00 1.84 1.80 4.20 M 19 348.6 15.632 36.163 18.2 3.12 1.88 1.79 4.25 N 7 293.6 15.631 36.163 22.7 4.05 2.18 1.70 4.58 All 166 321.2 15.640 36.165 19.4 3.40 1.93 1.74 4.31 TABLE V: Regional Groups of Stations. Group Casts --------------------------- A 5 - 10 B 27 - 33, 38, 41 - 49 C 50 - 62, 65, 100 D 21 - 26, 101 - 111 E 112 - 119 F 120 - 128 G 129 - 134 H 147 - 149, 151 - 158 I 12 - 20, 159 - 167 J 168 - 182 K 183 - 191 L 191 - 198 M 199 - 217 N 224 - 230 TABLE VI: GC calibration File Date Time Std Stds Fit* A B C Max Loop Error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GC A 2SA 24/4 1015 1 1.6-1.1 L/C -0.000 0.047 340.5 111.28 24SA 27/4 0400 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00004 0.011 358.7 205.29 34SA 28/4 0940 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00004 0.0088 361.8 96.72 47SA 30/4 0000 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00003 0.0159 361.2 406.29 57SA 1/5 0400 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00003 0.0165 372.1 417.46 111SA 3/5 0100 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00003 0.0104 365.34 136.2 128SA 5/5 0400 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00007 0.0103 348.3 345.37 140SA 6/5 1030 1 1.6-1.2 L/C -0.000002 0.0517 358.67 466.5 140SAS 6/5 1300 1/3 1.4-1.1 C 0.000001 0.00009 121.41 186.6 151SA 7/5 2000 1/3 1.4-1.1 L/C 0.000003 -0.0091 126.88 216.45 C 0.000003 -0.0083 129.07 157SA 9/5 0100 1 1.6-1.2 C 0.000021 0.0065 352.45 313.88 163SA 9/5 1600 1 1.6-1.1 L/C -0.000006 0.0733 363.87 446.69 180SA 11/5 0630 1 1.6-1.1 L/C -0.000002 0.0541 372.40 1823.3 189SA 12/5 0250 1 1.6-1.1 L/C 0.0000003 0.0382 383.5 114.13 208SA 14/5 0300 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00006 0.0137 376.47 281.97 224SA 16/5 2110 1 1.6-1.2 L/C -0.000004 0.0635 380.79 255.04 228SA 18/5 1300 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.000063 0.0535 368.93 291.64 GC B 3SB 24/4 1700 1 1.6-1.1 L/C -0.0000 0.187 704.17 1337.9 19SB 26/4 1820 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00018 0.0113 712.22 980.0 39SB 29/4 0200 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.002 0.0125 710.33 1066.4 59SB 1/5 0800 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00015 0.0232 707.73 377.08 111SB 3/5 0000 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00022 0.0026 695.4 1673.0 128SB 5/5 0125 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00024 -0.0010 691.19 1960 140SB** 6/5 1000 1 1.4-1.1 C -0.00003 0.1562 643.62 1717.7 140SBS 6/5 1300 1/3 1.4-1.1 C 0.000002 0.0050 222.48 176.54 150SBS 7/5 2100 1/3 1.4-1.1 C 0.000002 0.0047 234.83 244.38 163SB 9/5 1600 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00181 0.093 699.95 673.62 179SB 11/5 0300 1 1.6-1.1 L/C 0.000034 0.159 703.04 742.65 199SB 13/5 0600 1 1.6-1.2 L/C -0.000045 0.190 702.44 402.65 220SB 15/5 1255 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.00055 0.0089 701.11 874.16 223SB 17/5 0830 1 1.6-1.2 L/C 0.000249 0.0113 699.42 1527.56 230SB 18/5 0815 1 1.6-1.2 L/C -0.00006 0.2403 688.63 1724.73 L/C - linear cubic C - cubic ** Calibrated across cubic range only APPENDIX 1: CTD CALIBRATIONS CTD System During the cruise 202 CTD casts were completed using an RVS Neil Brown MkIII CTD (s/n 01-1195) and WHOI 24 bottle rosette pylon and frame. Despite a few breakdowns at the start of the cruise the system worked very well and only three hours were lost when the CTD cable was re-terminated. Also 5 casts were completed using the sled and winch control system. CTD Calibration Temperature: The CTD temperature calibration was found to have drifted by less than one milli-degrees from last year's NATRE cruise and was therefore left unchanged. Pressure: The pressure reading had increased by 4.7 decibars compared with last year and this was subtracted from the data. Salinity: Salinity samples were taken from 24 casts (Table A1). An average offset of 28ppm was found from the first 10 casts and this was added to the CTD data. The last 10 casts showed that the CTD remained in calibration for the rest of the cruise. Table A1: Salinity calibrations using Autosal. Note CTD was re-calibrated after station 53. Archived data for stations 1-53 were re-calculated using the new calibration. Cast Number Samples Reading 1 23 0.0348 2 24 0.031 4 23 0.0289 10 24 0.0288 13 24 0.0277 22 24 0.0272 27 24 0.0282 31 24 0.0264 45 19 0.0262 48 23 0.0256 53 24 -0.001 60 16 -0.0011 100 22 -0.0011 115 18 -0.0005 147 24 -0.0002 151 24 -0.0013 156 24 -0.002 163 24 0.0004 176 24 0.0001 205 24 -0.0014 APPENDIX 2: CONFIGURATION AND USE OF THE ROSETTE SYSTEM 24 5-litre Niskin bottles were needed to sample vertical distribution of SF6. A 43" rosette frame and a 60" cage were borrowed from the WHOI CTD group. There was an upper section to the cage that housed a General Oceanics pylon, rosette and Niskin bottles. The lower section housed a Neil Brown CTD hung vertically from an "A" bracket below the pylon. The vertical distance from the T and C probes to the centre of the Niskin bottles was 112cm. Three sets of shock cords were wrapped around the lower section of the CTD and to three legs of the cage 120° apart. A 31" shock cord was wrapped around the CTD and a 15" shock cord was wrapped around the cage leg. Hooks were taken out of the ends of one of the shock cords, and the hooks from the other were inserted into it. The cords were wrapped in vulcanising tape and a tie wrap was put on the end of the cords near where they went around the CTD. This turned out not to be a good idea. All of the stretch of the shock cord was taken in the short length of cord that was not taped. One of the cords gave out near the end of the cruise and was replaced by a new cord and not wrapped in tape. This new one showed no signs of strain whereas the wrapped ones showed cracking and necking down after the first couple of casts. About 525lbs of weight, in the form of 28lb slugs of lead from the WHOI Stockroom, were added to the bottom ring and vertical pipes of the lower cage. These were held in place by hose clamps. Adding this weight enabled the cage to be lowered at about 30m/min to about 50m, and then the speed slowly increased to about 60m/min while maintaining a tension on the CTD wire of between 500 and 1000lbs. Considerable corrosion appeared on the rosette rings and the aluminium stanchion on which the rosette was mounted after the first few casts. More and larger anodes were added to both rosette rings and the stanchion and this seemed to alleviate the problem. APPENDIX 3: CAROUSEL PUMP AND VALVE For the fall 1992 and spring 1993 sampling cruises, OC253 and CD78, a carousel with more syringes was needed due to the spreading of the SF6 patch. A 50-port valve was built by McLane for the greater number of samples required. Along with this, new software was written to run this valve and pump combination. When the valve was first tested before OC253, the valve would not mechanically return to the home, valve position 1, although it indicated it was home in the software. There are two microswitches in the valve. One counts revolutions and the other counts valve position. It was thought that if the microswitch that indicated valve position was wired, fine adjustments could be made to align the valve mechanically. This did not work. On OC253 in order to "fool" the software into thinking the valve was home, the pump would first be programmed for deployment. The valve would then have to be mechanically turned with a screwdriver to align it to the home position. This was difficult to do due to the position and stiffness of the valve. Before CD78, two things were done to make the valve more user-friendly. Firstly, the microswitch to indicate revolutions was hooked back up so that when the valve was commanded to go home, it obeyed. Second, new software was written for the 50-port valve called PUMP1_47.BAS. It had menu commands to enable small adjustments to the valve from the keyboard to align the valve in the home position. It was found that due to backlash of the stepping motor, trying to move the valve one step of the motor wouldn't work. The software was modified to make the stepper motor go twenty steps, which is a small movement compared to one valve position. This worked fine. The software version to do this is called PUMPADJ.BAS, and is installed into the tattletale in place of PUMP1_47.BAS. The pump and 50-port valve system, on the sled, was used four times on CD78, with the sled towed at 2 to 2.5kts. In addition to a depressor weight of 500lbs, hung below the sled, about 300lbs of lead weight, in the form of 28lb slugs, were added to the sled frame. The resulting wire angle was around 45° at 2.3kts. The direction of tow was constrained by the need to have the wind on the starboard side. An effective sampling programme with the carousel system will usually require towing from the stern. With the exception of a couple of syringes which only partially filled, the pump and valve worked well. It was again started by a lanyard switch hooked to a General Oceanics pylon. When that position was tripped from the deck unit, two pins on the pump electronics housing were shorted to enable the pump. Mechanical alignment of the valve to the home position was not a problem on this cruise either. At the end of each cast, the valve returned almost to its proper position; when the alignment pin was inserted, a small amount of force on the pin was all that was needed to put the valve in the proper place for deployment. Therefore, though we had the capability to align the valve using the computer keyboard, it was not needed.