TO VIEW PROPERLY YOU MAY NEED TO SET YOUR BROWSER'S CHARACTER ENCODING TO UNICODE 8 OR 16 AND USE YOUR BACK BUTTON TO RE-LOAD CRUISE REPORT: I08S_2003 and I09S_2004 (Updated July 2007) A. HIGHLIGHTS A.1. Cruise Summary Information Section designation I08S I09S ExpoCode 09AR20030103 09AR20041223 Chief Scientists JOHN CHURCH/CSIRO STEVE RINTOUL/CSIRO STEVE NICOL/Antarctic Div. Dates 03 JAN 2003-17 MAR 2003 23 DEC 2004-17 FEB 2005 Ship RSV Aurora Australis RSV Aurora Australis Ports of call Hobart-Mawson-Davis-Mawson Hobart-Davis 55°21.62S 33°26.12S Station boundaries 61°54.68E 104°54E 74°30.61E 142°3.59E 67°36.06S 67°52.8S Stations 64 115 Floats & drifters 0 19 Argo floats, 1 met-bouy deployed Moorings 8 deployed 8 recovered Authors: M. Rosenberg, C. Moy, N. Johnston, B. Wake, K. Berry, A. Moy Chief Scientists' Contact Information: JOHN CHURCH • CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research GPO Box 1538, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia • Phone: 03-6232 5222 STEVE RINTOUL • CSIRO Division of Oceanography • CSIRO Marine Laboratories P.O. Box 1538 • Castray Esplanade • Hobart, Tasmania, 07001 AUSTRALIA Phone: 61-02-32-5393 • STEVE NICOL • Australian Antarctic Marine Living Resources Prog. Australian Antarctic Division Department of Environment and Heritage Channel Highway • Kingston 7050, Tasmania • AUSTRALIA Phone: 03 6232 3324 • Kerguelen Deep Western Boundary Current Experiment and CLIVAR I9 Transect, Marine Science Cruises AU0304 and AU0403 - Oceanographic Field Measurements and Analysis MARK ROSENBERG ACE CRC, Hobart, Australia Project Principal Investigators: YASU FUKAMACHI Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan STEVE RINTOUL CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart, Australia JOHN CHURCH CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart, Australia ABSTRACT Oceanographic measurements in the Southern Ocean Indian Sector to the southwest of Australia were conducted on two cruises, during the southern summers of 2002/2003 and 2004/2005. A CTD transect up the northeastern flank of the Kerguelen Plateau, south across the Princess Elizabeth Trough and onward to the Antarctic continenl shelf was occupied on both cruises. Additional CTD stations were occupied around an experimental krill survey area in the vicinity of Mawson on the first cruise. A full occupation of CLIVAR meridional section I9S was completed on the second cruise. A total of 179 CTD vertical profile stations were taken over the two cruises, most to within 30 m of the bottom. Over 3500 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, CFC's, dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, 18O, methane, selenium and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Full depth current profiles were collected by an LADCP attached to the CTD package, while near surface current data were collected by a ship mounted ADCP. An array of 8 moorings comprising current meters and thermosalinographs were deployed up the northeastern slope of the Kerguelen Plateau in February 2003 during the first cruise, and retrieved on the second cruise in January 2005. A summary of all data and data quality is presented in this report. PART 1 OCEANOGRAPHIC FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND ANALYSIS 1.1. INTRODUCTION Two Southern Ocean oceanographic projects were undertaken and completed aboard the Australian Antarctic Division vessel RSV Aurora Australis on marine science cruises AU0304 and AU0403. The first project was the Kerguelen Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) Experiment, a joint Australian/Japanese project comprising of mooring and CTD work, and conducted over both cruises. The primary oceanographic aim of this experiment is: • to estimate the transport of the Kerguelen Western Boundary Current, including the northward transport of Antarctic Bottom Water east of the Kerguelen Plateau. The second project was a reoccupation of CLIVAR-I9S meridional CTD transect. This transect was initially occupied by the RV Knorr ten years previously (P.I. Mike McCartney, WHOI). The primary oceanographic aims of the I9S repeat are: • to measure changes in water mass properties and inventories throughout the full ocean depth between Australia and Antarctica along 115E; • to estimate the transport of mass, heat and other properties south of Australia, and to compare the results to previous occupations of the I9S line and other sections in the Australian sector; • to identify mechanisms responsible for variability in ocean climate south of Australia; • to use repeat measurements to assess the skill of ocean and coupled models. Part 1 of this reports describes the CTD, Niskin bottle, hull mounted ADCP and underway data and data quality. Part 2 describes the mooring data. AU0304 Cruise AU0304 took place from January to March 2003 (Figure 1.2a), commencing the Kerguelen DWBC Experiment. The first major constituent of the cruise was a krill flux survey north of Mawson (principal investigators Steve Nicol, Graham Hosie and Tim Pauly, Australian Antarctic Division). CTD profiles were measured as part of the survey (Figure 1.2b) (see Voyage 4 2002/2003 Voyage Leader's report for a summary of the programs and work completed on the cruise). The second major constituent of the cruise was the Kerguelen DWBC program. An array of 8 current meter/thermosalinograph moorings was deployed in a line commencing to the northeast of the Kerguelen Plateau, then traversing up the slope to the plateau (Figure 1.1). A CTD transect was done over the mooring array, and then continuing south across the Princess Elizabeth Trough to the Antarctic continental shelf, approximating the WOCE- I8S transect from 1994 (P.I. Mike McCartney, WHOI). AU0403 Cruise AU0403 took place from December 2004 to February 2005 (Figure 1.3). Two CTD transects were completed: CLIVAR-I9S, and a repeat of the Kerguelen Plateau/Princess Elizabeth Trough transect initially done on cruise AU0304. The Kerguelen DWBC mooring array was successfully recovered. 1.2. CRUISE ITINERARIES AND SUMMARIES CTD station details are summarised in Table 1.3; sampling at each station is summarised in Table 1.4; mooring deployment and recovery details are summarised in Table 1.5; drifter deployment details are summarised in Table 1.6. Principal investigators for CTD and water sampling measurements are listed in Table 1.7, while cruise participants are listed in Table 1.8. AU0304 The ship departed south from Hobart on January 3rd 2003, with 3 test/calibration CTD casts taken en route at ~62° 15'S. The first test cast was aborted just below 600 dbar due to an electrical fault in the termination. After retermination, a second test was taken to 1000 dbar. For both these casts an RDI LADCP was fitted to the rosette frame. The third CTD cast, down to 4300 dbar, was a calibration cast for 12 of the microcats to be deployed on the Kerguelen DWBC mooring array. These 12 microcats were attached to the rosette frame, and 6 calibration stops of 30 minutes duration each were made on the upcast, to provide calibration correction data for the microcat temperatures. A Sontek LADCP was also fitted to the rosette frame for this cast to provide a deep water test for the instrument prior to commencement of the scientific programs. The krill/hydroacoustics survey work commenced in the vicinity of Mawson, with a series of repeated north/south transects across a survey box ~50 nautical miles north to south by ~60 miles east to west (Figure 1.2b). Two small CTD transects of 5 stations each were completed along the eastern and western sides of the box. A floating sediment trap (P.I.'s Stéphane Pesant and Anya Waite, University of Western Australia) was deployed on three occasions, doing a CTD at both the deployment and recovery locations. CTD's were repeated around the southeastern part of the box, upstream and downstream from a large iceberg, then the ship proceeded to Mawson. The ship was not supplied with sufficient fuel in Hobart prior to sailing, so additional fuel was taken on from the Polar Bird, also at Mawson. While at anchor in Horseshoe Harbour, a cold water calibration of the sounders was completed, including a shallow CTD to 46 dbar. The ship departed Mawson after four and a half days, and the krill/hydroacoustics was recommenced ENE of Mawson, with a fine scale survey around a krill swarm. A further 9 CTD's were done around this survey area, including CTD's at the deployment and recovery locations of a third floating sediment trap deployment. During this work, 4 of the acoustic releases (the Kaiyo Denshi units) required for the mooring deployments were tested - for each of 2 CTD casts, 2 of the acoustic releases were attached to the CTD package and tested when the package was at depth. On one of the hydroacoustic transects a whale acoustics "ARP" mooring was deployed (P.I. John Hildebrand, Scripps Institution of Oceanography), to be recovered the following season. After completion of the krill program, the ship steamed north to the Kerguelen Plateau region for commencement of the Kerguelen DWBC program. Mooring and CTD work were interleaved over the next few days. Prior to commencement of the mooring work, bathymetry information from the mooring locations was sent to the ship from the RTV Umitaka Maru (P.I. Takashi Ishimaru, Tokyo University of Fisheries). For 2 of the mooring locations in particular, these depths showed significant variation from the Smith and Sandwell topography (Smith and Sandwell, 1997) used for pre cruise planning. Mooring deployments commenced at the southwestern end of the array (Figure 1.1, Table 1.5), with a bathymetric survey conducted at each location prior to deployment. Final adjustments were made to mooring line lengths according to depths found from these surveys. CTD casts were also taken at each mooring location. By this stage of the cruise, significant time had been lost to bad weather, so it was decided to leave the 3 northeasternmost CTD stations (Figure 1.2a) for the transit home. CTD work was continued along the transect line, completing all stations along the mooring array and onto the plateau. Several planned CTD stations on the southward leg across the plateau then across the Princess Elizabeth Trough were omitted due to time constraints. The section was completed on the shelf to the northeast of Davis. After retrieving personnel and cargo from Davis then Mawson, the ship returned to Hobart. En route the 3 CTD's were completed at the northeastern end of the transect. AU0403 The ship departed Fremantle on December 23rd 2004. After a test CTD to ~1000 dbar, the CLIVAR-I9S transect was commenced south of Cape Leeuwin (Figure 1.3). Station 10 down to 5675 dbar was the deepest CTD done by the Aurora Australis to date. No significant time was lost to weather during the transect, however some time was lost due to equipment malfunction, including CTD winch spooling problems and CTD communication problems. 11 Argo floats were deployed on the transect (Table 1.6). Additional instruments were deployed from the trawl deck at some of the CTD stations, including a "fluoromap" fluorometer (P.I. Mark Doubell, Flinders University), a turbulence probe (P.I. Kevin Speer, Florida State University), and 10x10 bacteria/virus sampler (P.I. Justin Seymour, Flinders University) (Table 1.4b). Weather conditions during the transect south were mostly good enough for CTD operations, however conditions were frequently unsuitable for the fluoromap and turbulence probe work. The number of turbulence profile measurements in particular was not as high as desired. The transect was finished ~6 miles into the pack ice, in ~460 m water depth. The heavy pack ice prevented further CTD's to the south. After completion of the I9S transect, the ship steamed northwest to the Kerguelen Plateau region for commencement of the Kerguelen DWBC work. A window of good weather allowed successful and complete recovery of the 8 DWBC moorings in three and a half days. CTD's were done at each mooring location, and the transect was continued to the station at 59°S. At this stage the forecast showed some bad weather approaching, so it was decided to steam back to the northeast to complete the stations at the northeast end of the transect. After completing these, the transect was resumed south of 59°S, continuing southward across the Kerguelen Plateau and Princess Elizabeth Trough, completing all planned stations down to 65.6°S. Heavy pack ice prevented further CTD's along the planned transect. 3 CTD's were done up the slope and onto the shelf ~60 nautical miles west of the planned transect, and an additonal shallow CTD was done on the way in to Davis for the phytoplankton program. Fluoromap and turbulence probe deployments were done at several stations along the whole transect (Table 1.4b), and an ARP mooring was deployed on the northern slope of the Princess Elizabeth Trough (P.I. Jason Gedamke, Australian Antarctic Division). By this stage of the cruise the ship was over a week ahead of schedule, due to the generally good weather conditions and timely recovery of the moorings, and so the port call to Davis was rescheduled to an earlier date. After retrieving personnel and cargo from Davis, a second ARP mooring was deployed on the way out, on the southern slope of the Princess Elizabeth Trough at ~66.2°S. After deploying the ARP, 5 krill trawls were done to catch live krill for return to Hobart. En route back to Hobart, a further 8 Argo floats were deployed. At the last Argo deployment location, close to the proposed "PULSE" mooring site (P.I. Tom Trull) to the southwest of Tasmania, the Argo float included an oxygen sensor. A final CTD was done here for comparison with the Argo oxygen data. Figure 1.1: Kerguelen DWBC Experiment mooring locations, and Kerguelen/Princess Elizabeth Trough CTD stations for cruises AU0304 and AU0403. Table 1.1: Summary of cruise itineraries AU0304 AU0403 Expedition AU0304, voyage 4 2002/2003 AU0403, voyage 3 2004/2005 Designation (cruise acronym KAOS) (cruise acronym ) Chief John Church (CSIRO) Steve Rintoul (CSIRO) Scientists Steve Nicol (Antarctic Div.) Ship RSV Aurora Australis RSV Aurora Australis Ports of Call Hobart Hobart Mawson Davis Davis Mawson (again) Cruise Dates Jan 3rd-Mar 17th, 2003 Dec 23rd 2004-Feb 17th 2005 1.3. FIELD DATA COLLECTION METHODS 1.3.1. CTD instrumentation AU0304 This was the first cruise on the Aurora Australis using the newly purchased Sea-Bird CTD system. SBE9plus CTD serial 703, with dual temperature and conductivity sensors and a single SBE43 dissolved oxygen sensor (on the primary sensor pump line), was used for the entire cruise, mounted on a Sea- Bird 24 bottle rosette frame, together with a SBE32 24 position pylon (Table 1.2). 10 litre General Oceanics Niskin bottles were used for sample collection. Benthos model PSA-900 altimeters, serials 1007 and 1008, were used one at a time throughout the cruise. A Wetlabs fluorometer serial 013 was also mounted on the frame for all casts. CTD data were transmitted up a 6 mm seacable to a SBE11plusV2 deck unit, at a rate of 24 Hz, and data were logged simultaneously on 2 PC's using Sea-Bird data acquisition software "Seasave". Two LADCP's, an RDI and a Sontek, were used in different combinations throughout the cruise, attached to the rosette frame. The Sontek had two transducer sets, looking upward and downward, while the RDI had a single downward looking set. Both LADCP's were powered by a separate battery pack, and data were logged internally and downloaded after each CTD cast. For casts with the Sontek LADCP fitted, 2 Niskin bottles had to be removed for the upward looking transducer set. When both LADCP's were fitted (Table 1.4a) 2 additional Niskin bottles had to be removed, due to weight limitations for the rosette package, leaving 20 bottles. For station 33 onwards, the package was stopped for 5 minutes on the upcast at ~100 m above the bottom, for logging of LADCP bottom track data. LADCP data from the 2 instruments are compared in Thurnherr (2003a and b). Figure 1.2a: CTD station positions and cruise track for cruise AU0304. Figure 1.2b: Cruise track and CTD station positions for krill survey on cruise AU0304. Figure 1.3: CTD station positions and cruise track for cruise AU0403. With the new pumped CTD system, the CTD deployment method was changed from previous cruises. The new deployment method for both cruises AU0304 and AU0403 was as follows: • CTD initially deployed to ~20 m • after confirmation of pump operation, CTD returned to just below the surface (depth dependent on sea state) • after returning to just below the surface, downcast proper commenced Bottle samples for salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate) were collected on most stations (Table 1.4). Samples for various biological parameters were collected from Niskin bottles throughout the cruise. AU0403 SBE9plus CTD serial 703, with the same setup as for AU0304, was used for stations 1 to 41 (Table 1.2); CTD serial 704 was used for station 42 onwards. The frame, pylon and fluorometer were as for AU0304. OIder model Benthos 2110 altimeters were used for most of the cruise (Table 1.2) due to unreliability of the newer PSA-900 model. For station 115, the the PSA-900 was tested again through the fluorometer channel (i.e. no fluorescence data). A Sontek LADCP was fitted to the package for most casts (Table 1.4), with both the upward and downward looking transducers fitted up to station 25. With both transducers fitted, only 22 Niskin bottles were on the package, as for AU0304. After station 35 the upward looking transducers were removed (discussed later in the report), and there were 24 bottles on the package for the remainder of the cruise. For most casts, the package was stopped for 5 minutes on the upcast at ~50 m above the bottom, for logging of LADCP bottom track data. The various bottle samples collected at each station are listed in Table 1.4. CTD sensor calibrations Pre cruise manufacturer supplied calibrations were used for all CTD sensors (March and September 2002 for AU0304, July to August 2004 for AU0403), including the fluorometer (Table 1.10). Complete conductivity and dissolved oxygen calibrations derived from in situ Niskin bottle samples are listed later in the report. Hydrochemistry laboratory methods are discussed in Appendix 1.1. Full details of CTD processing and calibration techniques are given in Appendix 1.2. Table 1.2: CTD sensors, serial numbers and manufacturer specifications. parameter sensor accuracy resolution -------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- AU0304 CTD underwater unit SBE9plus serial 703 pressure Paroscientific Digiquartz serial 88903 1.5 dbar 0.1 dbar primary temperature SBE3plus serial 4208 0.001°C 0.0002°C primary conductivity SBE4C serial 2788 0.003mS/cm 0.0004mS/cm primary pump SBE5T serial 3456 - - oxygen SBE43 serial 0191 - - secondary temperature SBE3plus serial 4245 0.001°C 0.0002°C secondary conductivity SBE4C serial 2821 0.003mS/cm 0.0004mS/cm secondary pump SBE5T serial 3471 - - fluorometer Wetlabs ECO-AFL serial 013 - - altimeter (station 1-39, 52) Benthos PSA-900 serial 1007 - 0.1 m altimeter (station 40-51, 53-64) Benthos PSA-900 serial 1008 - 0.1 m parameter sensor accuracy resolution -------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- AU0403 station 1 to 41 CTD underwater unit SBE9plus serial 703 pressure, temperature, conductivity, oxygen, pump as above for AU0304 station 42 to 115 CTD underwater unit SBE9plus serial 704 pressure Paroscientific Digiquartz serial 89084 1.5 dbar 0.1 dbar primary temperature SBE3plus serial 4248 0.001°C 0.0002°C primary conductivity SBE4C serial 2977 0.003mS/cm 0.0004mS/cm primary pump SBE5T serial 3478 - - oxygen SBE43 serial 0178 - - secondary temperature SBE3plus serial 4246 0.001°C 0.0002°C secondary conductivity SBE4C serial 2808 0.003mS/cm 0.0004mS/cm secondary pump SBE5T serial 3951 - - fluorometer Wetlabs ECO-AFL serial 013 - - altimeter (station 1-6, and 115) Benthos PSA-900 serial 137 - 0.1 m altimeter (station 7-40) Benthos 2110 serial 115 ±5% 0.1 m altimeter (station 41-115) Benthos 2110 serial 142 ±5% 0.1 m Table 1.3a: Summary of station information for cruise AU0304. All times are UTC. In the station naming, "cat" is the cast with microcats attached, "krill" is the krill survey area, "sed" is the floating sediment trap, "swarm" is the krill swarm study, "cal" is the cold water acoustic calibration at Mawson, and "DWBC/PET" is the Kerguelen Deep Western Boundary Current experiment and the Princess Elizabeth Trough section. Note that "maxP" is the maximum pressure of each CTD cast. Values in brackets in the altimeter column are derived from LADCP data. | START | | BOTTOM | END station | depth| maxP | depth altim.| depth number | date time latitude longitude (m) |(dbar)| time latitude longitude (m) (m) | time latitude longitude (m) --------------|----------------------------------------------- |------|------------------------------------------|---------------------------------- 001 test | 11 Jan 2003 0715 61 14.28S 106 01.04E 4240 | 627 | 0740 61 14.09S 106 01.39E - - | 0740 61 14.09S 106 01.39E - 002 test | 11 Jan 2003 1111 61 15.05S 104 53.47E 4250 | 1008 | 1142 61 14.94S 104 53.78E - - | 1218 61 15.15S 104 54.00E - 003 cat | 11 Jan 2003 1642 61 15.84S 103 20.83E 4280 | 4307 | 1807 61 15.65S 103 19.88E 4280 (<4) | 2150 61 15.78S 103 18.94E 4280 004 krill | 15 Jan 2003 1730 66 55.03S 064 30.13E 341 | 313 | 1751 66 55.06S 064 29.73E 336 17.9 | 1819 66 55.05S 064 28.94E 326 005 krill | 15 Jan 2003 2044 66 42.55S 064 29.40E 2199 | 2185 | 2136 66 42.55S 064 28.35E 2221 27.8 | 2249 66 42.46S 064 26.86E 2178 006 krill | 16 Jan 2003 0120 66 29.95S 064 29.83E 2687 | 2678 | 0217 66 29.98S 064 29.76E 2690 23.7 | 0318 66 29.99S 064 29.41E 2697 007 krill | 16 Jan 2003 0459 66 16.66S 064 30.21E 2637 | 2610 | 0553 66 16.51S 064 29.99E 2600 26.8 | 0640 66 16.33S 064 29.93E 2570 008 krill | 16 Jan 2003 0806 66 05.05S 064 30.00E 2805 | 2810 | 0858 66 05.02S 064 29.62E 2820 26.2 | 0954 66 05.03S 064 29.17E 2800 009 sed | 16 Jan 2003 1925 66 44.26S 064 29.85E 1789 | 502 | 1935 66 44.22S 064 29.81E 1808 - | 2003 66 44.21S 064 29.58E 1858 010 sed | 19 Jan 2003 0914 66 43.76S 064 15.54E 2111 | 502 | 0935 66 43.59S 064 15.24E 2090 - | 0958 66 43.49S 064 15.27E 2094 011 sed | 21 Jan 2003 1412 66 04.88S 062 33.69E 2970 | 510 | 1428 66 04.96S 062 33.72E 2976 - | 1505 66 04.92S 062 33.40E 2980 012 krill | 24 Jan 2003 1026 66 17.53S 061 55.65E 2772 | 2762 | 1124 66 17.45S 061 55.43E 2770 28.0 | 1233 66 17.46S 061 55.05E 2794 013 krill | 24 Jan 2003 1545 66 05.01S 061 55.98E 3086 | 3059 | 1638 66 05.10S 061 55.22E 3069 27.8 | 1754 66 05.26S 061 54.68E 3062 014 krill | 25 Jan 2003 0119 66 54.93S 061 56.04E 454 | 421 | 0127 66 54.94S 061 56.13E 448 23.1 | 0205 66 54.95S 061 55.81E 464 015 krill | 25 Jan 2003 0358 66 42.50S 061 56.27E 359 | 363 | 0406 66 42.48S 061 56.15E 373 18.1 | 0433 66 42.51S 061 55.61E 399 016 krill | 25 Jan 2003 0625 66 30.04S 061 55.85E 1370 | 1336 | 0658 66 30.31S 061 55.58E 1303 17.4 | 0741 66 30.54S 061 55.27E 1204 017 sed | 25 Jan 2003 1206 66 04.30S 062 11.50E 3061 | 503 | 1222 66 04.29S 062 11.69E 3063 - | 1249 66 04.33S 062 11.83E 3061 018 krill | 30 Jan 2003 1248 66 29.94S 064 30.50E 2682 | 2655 | 1340 66 29.74S 064 31.06E 2650 22.4 | 1444 66 29.75S 064 31.27E 2641 019 krill | 30 Jan 2003 1652 66 42.95S 064 28.68E 2183 | 1003 | 1719 66 42.95S 064 28.56E 2193 - | 1756 66 42.90S 064 28.29E 2194 020 krill | 30 Jan 2003 1933 66 48.24S 064 27.58E 924 | 935 | 1955 66 48.29S 064 27.57E 928 29.2 | 2043 66 48.00S 064 27.60E 912 021 krill | 30 Jan 2003 2205 66 55.01S 064 29.97E 340 | 312 | 2212 66 54.99S 064 29.98E 339 18.6 | 2230 66 54.97S 064 29.84E 341 022 swarm | 31 Jan 2003 0041 66 47.17S 064 59.77E 1605 | 1559 | 0114 66 47.34S 064 59.75E 1557 18.5 | 0202 66 47.52S 065 00.00E 1481 023 cal | 04 Feb 2003 1428 67 36.06S 062 51.95E 36 | 46 | 1430 67 36.05S 062 51.95E 36 5.9 | 1433 67 36.05S 062 51.95E 37 024 swarm/sed | 08 Feb 2003 2002 66 31.00S 069 45.72E 1974 | 1937 | 2040 66 31.02S 069 45.20E 1957 19.5 | 2133 66 31.17S 069 44.57E 1938 025 swarm | 09 Feb 2003 0023 66 30.46S 069 36.16E 1881 | 505 | 0033 66 30.41S 069 36.07E 1894 - | 0104 66 30.30S 069 35.85E 1891 026 swarm | 09 Feb 2003 0415 66 30.99S 069 55.96E 2034 | 507 | 0428 66 30.95S 069 55.75E 2034 - | 0458 66 30.87S 069 55.57E 2038 027 sed | 12 Feb 2003 0608 66 38.49S 069 10.13E 1629 | 502 | 0623 66 38.48S 069 10.06E 1633 - | 0645 66 38.42S 069 09.78E 1639 028 swarm | 12 Feb 2003 1130 66 34.27S 069 36.01E 1761 | 608 | 1150 66 34.20S 069 35.59E - - | 1222 66 34.38S 069 35.22E - 029 swarm | 12 Feb 2003 1740 66 34.37S 069 44.28E 1839 | 503 | 1757 66 34.43S 069 43.89E - - | 1821 66 34.29S 069 43.17E 1821 030 swarm | 12 Feb 2003 1932 66 31.08S 069 45.59E 1965 | 1925 | 2012 66 31.07S 069 44.88E 1945 19.0 | 2053 66 31.24S 069 44.24E 1926 031 swarm | 12 Feb 2003 2159 66 27.80S 069 47.80E 2130 | 504 | 2215 66 27.84S 069 47.94E 2129 - | 2237 66 27.72S 069 48.03E 2131 032 swarm | 12 Feb 2003 2339 66 24.33S 069 48.68E 2192 | 507 | 2356 66 24.27S 069 48.82E 2194 - | 0017 66 24.24S 069 48.91E 2201 033 DWBC/PET | 16 Feb 2003 0128 57 54.61S 082 57.00E 2842 | 2851 | 0229 57 54.44S 082 57.58E 2853 17.6 | 0356 57 53.82S 082 58.35E - 034 DWBC/PET | 16 Feb 2003 1146 57 47.02S 083 13.28E 3821 | 3927 | 1257 57 46.72S 083 13.11E 3873 12.0 | 1502 57 46.02S 083 13.51E 3985 035 DWBC/PET | 16 Feb 2003 1756 57 45.19S 083 24.30E 4495 | 4571 | 1927 57 44.55S 083 24.36E 4479 18.6 | 2115 57 44.61S 083 24.90E 4445 036 DWBC/PET | 17 Feb 2003 1510 57 39.32S 083 37.71E 4277 | 4415 | 1700 57 38.52S 083 38.94E - 12.8 | 1903 57 37.55S 083 39.52E - 037 DWBC/PET | 18 Feb 2003 1228 57 32.16S 083 51.84E - | 4503 | 1350 57 32.42S 083 52.45E - 12.5 | 1520 57 32.52S 083 53.10E - 038 DWBC/PET | 19 Feb 2003 0013 57 18.16S 084 19.92E 4632 | 4725 | 0141 57 18.87S 084 21.52E 4631 (<4) | 0342 57 19.12S 084 23.12E 4632 039 DWBC/PET | 21 Feb 2003 0720 56 59.71S 084 46.77E 4720 | 4706 | 0902 56 58.95S 084 47.22E 4721 (108)| 1116 56 58.39S 084 47.66E 4717 040 DWBC/PET | 21 Feb 2003 1322 56 53.23S 085 08.70E 4530 | 4599 | 1436 56 53.21S 085 08.62E 4541 13.0 | 1606 56 53.08S 085 08.96E 4517 041 DWBC/PET | 21 Feb 2003 1849 56 41.41S 085 32.65E 4752 | 4832 | 2010 56 42.28S 085 34.33E 4752 17.7 | 2210 56 43.36S 085 36.65E 4749 042 DWBC/PET | 22 Feb 2003 0030 56 26.28S 085 58.46E 4739 | 4827 | 0152 56 26.33S 085 59.20E 4739 18.0 | 0352 56 26.71S 086 00.20E 4739 043 DWBC/PET | 22 Feb 2003 0626 56 10.85S 086 27.07E 4741 | 4824 | 0801 56 10.11S 086 27.59E 4739 13.9 | 1017 56 09.09S 086 28.01E 4735 044 DWBC/PET | 23 Feb 2003 1134 58 06.09S 082 40.10E 2330 | 2321 | 1219 58 05.91S 082 39.60E 2323 8.0 | 1320 58 05.61S 082 39.24E 2317 045 DWBC/PET | 23 Feb 2003 1516 58 19.57S 082 18.77E 2141 | 2130 | 1543 58 19.37S 082 18.85E 2142 14.6 | 1640 58 19.02S 082 19.07E 2151 046 DWBC/PET | 23 Feb 2003 1858 58 29.43S 081 59.71E 1653 | 1623 | 1933 58 29.46S 081 59.76E 1653 26.1 | 2042 58 29.05S 082 00.08E 1663 047 DWBC/PET | 23 Feb 2003 2237 58 37.19S 081 43.11E 1465 | 1425 | 2310 58 37.17S 081 43.83E 1458 (28) | 0006 58 37.25S 081 44.64E 1447 048 DWBC/PET | 24 Feb 2003 0423 59 19.67S 081 38.52E 1813 | 1774 | 0501 59 19.59S 081 38.74E 1814 - | 0608 59 19.32S 081 39.13E 1813 049 DWBC/PET | 24 Feb 2003 1024 60 03.04S 081 32.14E 1575 | 1537 | 1055 60 03.05S 081 32.08E 1573 30.3 | 1153 60 02.87S 081 32.09E 1573 050 DWBC/PET | 24 Feb 2003 2118 61 06.93S 081 25.48E 2100 | 2101 | 2159 61 06.62S 081 25.95E 2102 0.0 | 2308 61 06.32S 081 26.56E 2103 051 DWBC/PET | 25 Feb 2003 0534 61 50.64S 081 23.06E 2100 | 2083 | 0618 61 50.55S 081 23.09E 2100 20.0 | 0718 61 50.30S 081 23.29E 2100 052 DWBC/PET | 25 Feb 2003 1118 62 33.09S 081 14.22E 2003 | 1971 | 1152 62 33.12S 081 14.21E 2002 (36) | 1253 62 32.90S 081 14.21E 2008 053 DWBC/PET | 25 Feb 2003 1533 62 59.66S 081 07.31E 3283 | 3304 | 1643 62 59.87S 081 07.63E 3285 14.1 | 1825 63 00.35S 081 08.28E 3294 054 DWBC/PET | 25 Feb 2003 2248 63 34.73S 080 56.13E 3645 | 3670 | 2358 63 34.99S 080 55.88E 3651 25.5 | 0136 63 35.04S 080 56.81E 3655 055 DWBC/PET | 26 Feb 2003 0420 64 03.83S 080 48.68E 3670 | 3700 | 0537 64 04.17S 080 48.03E 3671 15.6 | 0723 64 04.74S 080 47.19E 3678 056 DEBC/PET | 28 Feb 2003 0622 64 36.04S 080 38.99E 3638 | 3668 | 0737 64 36.27S 080 39.07E 3639 16.3 | 0915 64 36.43S 080 39.51E 3640 057 DWBC/PET | 28 Feb 2003 1205 65 07.83S 080 30.80E 3509 | 3523 | 1306 65 07.97S 080 31.44E 3510 17.9 | 1451 65 08.18S 080 32.24E 3510 058 DWBC/PET | 28 Feb 2003 1858 65 39.56S 080 21.55E 2533 | 2503 | 1935 65 39.62S 080 21.30E 2555 (132)| 2052 65 39.93S 080 20.93E 2612 059 DWBC/PET | 28 Feb 2003 2303 65 55.13S 080 17.65E 1122 | 1081 | 2323 65 55.19S 080 17.50E 1109 24.5 | 0007 65 55.53S 080 17.45E 1112 060 DWBC/PET | 01 Mar 2003 0240 66 11.31S 080 12.48E 358 | 342 | 0249 66 11.28S 080 12.51E 360 11.5 | 0319 66 11.12S 080 12.82E 362 061 DWBC/PET | 01 Mar 2003 0558 66 24.87S 080 03.79E 228 | 208 | 0602 66 24.87S 080 03.74E 226 13.6 | 0625 66 24.71S 080 03.79E 228 062 DWBC/PET | 09 Mar 2003 0041 55 50.74S 087 00.08E 4716 | 4835 | 0209 55 50.16S 087 01.62E - 19.2 | 0351 55 49.32S 087 03.62E 4759 063 DWBC/PET | 09 Mar 2003 0637 55 36.80S 087 29.45E 4554 | 4741 | 0810 55 36.28S 087 30.23E - 17.7 | 1001 55 36.09S 087 30.15E 4670 064 DWBC/PET | 09 Mar 2003 1217 55 21.62S 087 52.24E 4457 | 4543 | 1347 55 22.11S 087 52.84E - 18.0 | 1538 55 22.47S 087 52.95E 4470 Table 1.3b: Summary of station information for cruise AU0403. All times are UTC. In the station naming, "I9S" is the CLIVAR I9S transect, "DWBC/PET" is the Kerguelen Deep Western Boundary Current experiment and the Princess Elizabeth Trough section, "fluoro" is a cast for fluorescence data, and "PULSE" is near the future PULSE mooring site. Note that "maxP" is the maximum pressure of each CTD cast. | START | | BOTTOM | END station | depth| maxP | depth altim.| depth number | date time latitude longitude (m) |(dbar)| time latitude longitude (m) (m) | time latitude longitude (m) --------------|------------------------------------------------|------|------------------------------------------|---------------------------------- 001 test | 24 Dec 2004 0535 33 26.12S 114 14.69E 980 | 974 | 0601 33 26.24S 114 14.45E 985 20.2 | 0702 33 26.27S 114 14.02E 992 002 I9S | 24 Dec 2004 1827 34 49.15S 114 59.74E 144 | 131 | 1831 34 49.17S 114 59.70E 144 17.1 | 1901 34 49.15S 114 59.01E 143 003 I9S | 24 Dec 2004 2125 34 57.58S 114 59.78E 274 | 261 | 2134 34 57.62S 114 59.74E 283 17.8 | 2204 34 57.68S 114 59.35E 323 004 I9S | 24 Dec 2004 2349 35 02.87S 114 59.96E - | 575 | 0006 35 02.88S 114 59.89E - - | 0040 35 02.90S 114 59.67E - 005 I9S | 25 Dec 2004 0212 35 11.81S 115 00.08E 1507 | 1471 | 0243 35 11.66S 114 59.96E 1481 75.4 | 0342 35 11.59S 114 59.73E 1461 006 I9S | 25 Dec 2004 2020 35 30.71S 114 59.90E 2380 | 2455 | 2117 35 30.93S 114 59.48E 2405 0.0 | 2245 35 31.10S 114 59.07E 2433 007 I9S | 26 Dec 2004 0148 35 38.95S 115 00.40E - | 5180 | 0337 35 39.31S 114 59.65E 5099 18.1 | 0543 35 39.31S 114 59.20E 5040 008 I9S | 26 Dec 2004 0931 36 00.37S 114 59.21E 5197 | 5348 | 1122 36 01.19S 114 59.15E 5249 6.2 | 1325 36 01.73S 114 58.92E 5212 009 I9S | 26 Dec 2004 1828 36 31.85S 114 59.81E 5334 | 5118 | 2017 36 33.64S 114 59.57E 5023 3.8 | 0103 36 37.46S 114 58.74E 4687 010 I9S | 27 Dec 2004 0456 37 02.42S 115 00.93E - | 5675 | 0714 37 03.09S 115 01.25E 5596 37.0 | 1122 37 04.52S 115 02.62E 5440 011 I9S | 27 Dec 2004 1549 37 29.92S 115 00.43E 5056 | 5273 | 1742 37 30.38S 115 00.87E 5161 40.2 | 0016 37 32.33S 115 01.20E 5190 012 I9S | 28 Dec 2004 0442 38 00.02S 114 59.60E 4786 | 4909 | 0616 38 00.17S 114 59.94E 4786 35.5 | 0927 38 00.60S 115 00.42E 4799 013 I9S | 28 Dec 2004 1420 38 29.75S 115 00.37E 4665 | 4760 | 1534 38 29.41S 115 00.29E 4683 36.4 | 1820 38 28.68S 115 00.22E 4696 014 I9S | 28 Dec 2004 2252 39 06.44S 115 00.19E 4721 | 4862 | 0027 39 05.65S 114 59.89E 4681 28.2 | 0250 39 04.63S 114 59.71E 4594 015 I9S | 29 Dec 2004 0737 39 41.91S 114 59.95E 4743 | 4813 | 0909 39 42.02S 114 59.68E 4712 15.9 | 1120 39 42.50S 114 59.57E 4665 016 I9S | 29 Dec 2004 1501 40 17.77S 115 00.03E 4665 | 4861 | 1636 40 17.51S 115 00.36E 4727 23.5 | 1855 40 16.97S 115 00.55E 4721 017 I9S | 30 Dec 2004 0018 40 52.79S 115 00.38E 4612 | 4711 | 0131 40 52.81S 115 00.31E 4612 21.8 | 0429 40 52.63S 115 00.34E 4620 018 I9S | 30 Dec 2004 1407 41 31.16S 115 00.27E 4569 | 4662 | 1529 41 31.44S 115 00.40E 4563 18.8 | 1724 41 31.75S 115 00.71E 4529 019 I9S | 30 Dec 2004 2049 41 59.89S 115 00.30E 4454 | 4642 | 2211 41 59.44S 115 00.53E 4532 23.0 | 0022 41 58.76S 115 00.78E 4459 020 I9S | 31 Dec 2004 0339 42 30.13S 114 59.87E 4304 | 4403 | 0444 42 30.08S 114 59.82E 4301 25.0 | 0633 42 30.34S 114 59.68E 4282 021 I9S | 31 Dec 2004 0958 42 59.82S 115 00.10E 4286 | 4473 | 1111 42 59.85S 115 00.20E 4281 8.1 | 1304 43 00.02S 114 59.92E 4278 022 I9S | 31 Dec 2004 1613 43 29.75S 115 00.03E 4433 | 4451 | 1746 43 29.66S 115 01.18E 4353 41.6 | 1940 43 29.62S 115 02.44E 4294 023 I9S | 31 Dec 2004 2342 43 59.59S 115 00.20E 4299 | 4403 | 0055 43 59.56S 115 01.36E 4350 19.1 | 0235 43 59.62S 115 02.80E 4270 024 I9S | 01 Jan 2005 0552 44 29.59S 115 00.29E 4307 | 4460 | 0711 44 29.35S 115 01.33E 4400 16.6 | 0911 44 28.96S 115 02.37E 4314 025 I9S | 01 Jan 2005 1225 45 00.44S 114 59.27E 4188 | 4312 | 1341 45 00.14S 114 59.27E 4179 18.0 | 1519 44 59.33S 114 59.50E 4242 026 I9S | 01 Jan 2005 1833 45 30.05S 114 59.77E 4164 | 4242 | 1946 45 29.90S 114 59.51E 4167 28.3 | 2138 45 30.07S 114 58.75E 4221 027 I9S | 02 Jan 2005 0045 46 01.19S 115 02.58E 4119 | 4246 | 0155 46 01.03S 115 02.95E 4093 27.0 | 0322 46 00.63S 115 03.34E 4132 028 I9S | 02 Jan 2005 0637 46 31.09S 114 59.63E 4008 | 4067 | 0804 46 31.09S 115 00.91E 4002 19.0 | 0958 46 30.74S 115 02.41E 3966 029 I9S | 02 Jan 2005 1340 47 00.34S 114 59.33E 3848 | 3873 | 1450 47 00.03S 114 59.90E 3832 22.8 | 1617 46 59.76S 115 00.26E 3868 030 I9S | 02 Jan 2005 1946 47 30.61S 115 00.12E 3788 | 3912 | 2056 47 30.29S 115 00.23E 3726 25.6 | 2238 47 30.07S 115 00.55E 3718 031 I9S | 03 Jan 2005 0213 48 00.12S 115 01.04E 3597 | 3654 | 0335 47 59.44S 115 01.84E 3628 25.8 | 0459 47 58.60S 115 02.08E 3618 032 I9S | 04 Jan 2005 0645 48 28.52S 115 01.75E 3948 | 4022 | 0803 48 28.10S 115 01.83E 3908 19.0 | 0944 48 27.80S 115 01.81E 3887 033 I9S | 04 Jan 2005 1352 48 59.99S 115 00.47E 3830 | 3737 | 1519 48 59.53S 115 00.83E 3680 32.4 | 1650 48 59.05S 115 01.23E 3943 034 I9S | 04 Jan 2005 2038 49 30.58S 115 00.11E 3383 | 3454 | 2139 49 30.42S 115 00.88E 3437 19.0 | 0004 49 30.26S 115 02.83E 3419 035 I9S | 05 Jan 2005 0421 49 59.68S 115 00.73E 3756 | 3855 | 0540 49 59.36S 115 01.91E 3951 - | 0726 49 59.29S 115 02.78E 3971 036 I9S | 05 Jan 2005 1054 50 29.18S 115 01.65E 2980 | 3054 | 1150 50 29.08S 115 02.59E 3116 22.5 | 1313 50 29.08S 115 03.23E 3042 037 I9S | 05 Jan 2005 1722 51 00.13S 115 00.46E 3977 | 4030 | 1843 51 00.37S 115 02.19E 4005 19.4 | 2025 51 00.74S 115 04.19E 4303 038 I9S | 06 Jan 2005 0259 51 28.73S 114 59.93E 3535 | 3586 | 0417 51 28.51S 115 00.23E 3495 15.7 | 0623 51 28.04S 115 00.43E 3535 039 I9S | 06 Jan 2005 1157 51 58.67S 114 59.78E 3640 | 3699 | 1313 51 58.68S 115 00.41E 3663 29.2 | 1409 51 58.74S 115 00.52E 3637 040 I9S | 06 Jan 2005 1821 52 36.63S 114 59.66E 3832 | 3840 | 2000 52 36.50S 115 00.40E 3785 0.0 | 2203 52 36.44S 115 00.52E 3810 041 I9S | 07 Jan 2005 0318 53 12.04S 114 59.83E 3955 | 3985 | 0438 53 11.99S 114 59.94E 3960 28.6 | 0650 53 12.19S 115 00.64E 3991 042 I9S | 07 Jan 2005 1055 53 48.55S 114 59.20E - | 4151 | 1211 53 48.73S 114 58.99E 4096 22.2 | 1350 53 48.93S 114 59.09E 4041 043 I9S | 08 Jan 2005 1357 54 24.20S 114 58.24E - | 4248 | 1515 54 23.75S 114 58.50E 4194 25.7 | 1651 54 23.26S 114 59.06E 4213 044 I9S | 08 Jan 2005 2105 54 59.94S 115 00.32E 4431 | 4484 | 2218 54 59.39S 115 00.62E 4424 16.1 | 0009 54 59.04S 115 01.17E 4423 045 I9S | 09 Jan 2005 0426 55 35.86S 115 02.28E 4573 | 4704 | 0557 55 35.81S 115 02.90E 4535 17.4 | 0742 55 35.79S 115 04.06E 4466 046 I9S | 09 Jan 2005 1117 56 11.17S 114 59.85E - | 4586 | 1244 56 11.49S 114 59.64E 4520 24.2 | 1436 56 11.87S 114 59.47E 4575 047 I9S | 09 Jan 2005 1813 56 48.14S 115 00.78E 4494 | 4598 | 1943 56 48.63S 115 03.41E 4530 12.6 | 2212 56 49.25S 115 05.56E 4530 048 I9S | 10 Jan 2005 0130 57 24.05S 114 59.12E 4547 | 4622 | 0251 57 24.31S 115 00.08E 4557 16.1 | 0457 57 24.74S 115 00.85E 4547 049 I9S | 10 Jan 2005 0826 57 59.95S 115 00.22E 4557 | 4628 | 0955 58 00.29S 115 00.78E 4560 22.6 | 1157 58 00.67S 115 00.56E 4568 050 I9S | 10 Jan 2005 2005 58 36.17S 114 59.68E 4547 | 4611 | 2140 58 36.86S 114 59.30E 4540 14.9 | 2337 58 37.55S 114 58.73E 4537 051 I9S | 11 Jan 2005 0520 59 11.91S 114 59.89E 4525 | 4592 | 0651 59 12.11S 114 59.02E 4524 22.8 | 0850 59 12.07S 114 58.21E 4520 052 I9S | 11 Jan 2005 1237 59 48.54S 115 02.07E 4475 | 4562 | 1352 59 48.64S 115 01.60E 4485 22.2 | 1608 59 48.71S 115 00.49E 4485 053 I9S | 11 Jan 2005 2358 60 23.95S 114 59.11E 4455 | 4532 | 0116 60 23.68S 114 59.06E 4460 13.4 | 0316 60 23.35S 114 58.34E 4455 054 I9S | 12 Jan 2005 0718 61 00.55S 115 01.10E 4385 | 4464 | 0845 61 00.46S 115 01.69E 4385 13.9 | 1116 61 00.28S 115 02.18E 4375 055 I9S | 12 Jan 2005 1427 61 30.11S 115 00.87E 4315 | 4403 | 1539 61 30.48S 115 00.67E 4325 14.4 | 1735 61 31.21S 115 00.04E 4340 056 I9S | 12 Jan 2005 2100 62 00.43S 114 59.66E 4305 | 4289 | 2221 62 00.65S 114 58.84E 4225 14.9 | 0007 62 01.04S 114 58.04E 4215 057 I9S | 13 Jan 2005 0328 62 25.06S 114 25.66E 4040 | 4103 | 0445 62 25.02S 114 26.41E 4050 12.7 | 0630 62 24.88S 114 27.56E 4040 058 I9S | 13 Jan 2005 0932 62 50.80S 113 47.68E 3790 | 3842 | 1035 62 50.83S 113 46.82E 3790 23.4 | 1223 62 50.73S 113 46.21E 3810 059 I9S | 13 Jan 2005 1526 63 16.25S 113 12.24E 3570 | 3595 | 1625 63 16.22S 113 12.14E 3560 13.9 | 1814 63 16.13S 113 11.89E 3580 060 I9S | 13 Jan 2005 2113 63 41.40S 112 35.95E 3300 | 3338 | 2213 63 41.33S 112 35.65E 3315 14.2 | 0002 63 41.43S 112 35.83E 3315 061 I9S | 14 Jan 2005 0431 64 06.45S 112 04.29E 2285 | 2295 | 0512 64 06.42S 112 03.99E 2290 14.6 | 0627 64 06.79S 112 03.43E 2320 062 I9S | 14 Jan 2005 0808 64 17.03S 111 46.11E 2545 | 2513 | 0858 64 17.12S 111 45.92E 2488 14.1 | 1028 64 17.33S 111 46.07E 2510 063 I9S | 14 Jan 2005 1243 64 31.30S 111 25.22E 2895 | 2894 | 1330 64 31.25S 111 25.16E 2865 12.8 | 1526 64 30.79S 111 23.90E 2905 064 I9S | 14 Jan 2005 1821 64 45.01S 111 55.13E 2260 | 2279 | 1903 64 45.01S 111 55.04E 2280 13.9 | 2039 64 45.20S 111 55.46E 2275 065 I9S | 14 Jan 2005 2256 64 57.73S 112 09.60E 2300 | 2317 | 2332 64 57.91S 112 09.47E 2320 14.2 | 0105 64 58.18S 112 09.71E 2350 066 I9S | 15 Jan 2005 0233 65 07.78S 112 22.55E 1800 | 1802 | 0302 65 07.87S 112 22.39E 1795 14.5 | 0427 65 08.30S 112 21.79E 1825 067 I9S | 15 Jan 2005 0541 65 13.39S 112 27.47E 1405 | 1329 | 0606 65 13.54S 112 27.27E 1335 19.0 | 0705 65 13.87S 112 26.30E 1365 068 I9S | 15 Jan 2005 0838 65 17.26S 112 29.29E 1165 | 1117 | 0858 65 17.30S 112 28.85E 1090 10.2 | 0944 65 17.45S 112 27.70E 1105 069 I9S | 15 Jan 2005 1131 65 23.54S 112 32.02E 460 | 435 | 1143 65 23.62S 112 31.66E 440 10.6 | 1219 65 23.96S 112 30.56E 400 070 DWBC/PET | 20 Jan 2005 1100 57 03.04S 084 48.52E 4717 | 4806 | 1222 57 03.66S 084 50.68E 4719 12.9 | 1441 57 04.41S 084 53.77E 4719 071 DWBC/PET | 20 Jan 2005 1916 57 20.78S 084 19.55E 4609 | 4680 | 2032 57 20.89S 084 19.70E 4607 17.2 | 2254 57 20.70S 084 19.96E 4609 072 DWBC/PET | 21 Jan 2005 1033 57 33.10S 083 53.02E 4426 | 4474 | 1148 57 33.33S 083 53.01E 4420 20.8 | 1354 57 33.41S 083 52.63E 4420 073 DWBC/PET | 21 Jan 2005 1523 57 37.76S 083 41.11E 4403 | 4449 | 1636 57 37.66S 083 40.65E 4397 19.0 | 1858 57 37.10S 083 40.09E 4405 074 DWBC/PET | 22 Jan 2005 0856 57 45.79S 083 22.16E 4579 | 4637 | 1013 57 45.35S 083 21.00E 4568 15.8 | 1211 57 44.56S 083 19.13E 4558 075 DWBC/PET | 22 Jan 2005 1329 57 46.53S 083 13.97E 3902 | 3959 | 1436 57 46.09S 083 12.48E 3914 19.7 | 1629 57 45.04S 083 10.40E 4000 076 DWBC/PET | 22 Jan 2005 1826 57 53.74S 082 58.79E 2908 | 2903 | 1920 57 53.54S 082 58.38E 2901 18.2 | 2100 57 53.16S 082 58.11E 2917 077 DWBC/PET | 23 Jan 2005 1012 58 06.77S 082 38.30E 2296 | 2279 | 1056 58 06.55S 082 38.27E 2297 22.8 | 1209 58 06.34S 082 37.77E 2287 078 DWBC/PET | 23 Jan 2005 1405 58 19.52S 082 18.45E 2136 | 2126 | 1445 58 19.33S 082 18.55E 2140 17.8 | 1606 58 19.12S 082 18.35E 2141 079 DWBC/PET | 23 Jan 2005 1756 58 29.06S 081 59.06E 1648 | 1624 | 1829 58 28.88S 081 58.82E 1646 17.6 | 1941 58 28.39S 081 58.69E 1650 080 DWBC/PET | 23 Jan 2005 2124 58 37.09S 081 42.43E 1478 | 1452 | 2154 58 36.93S 081 42.28E 1476 18.6 | 2305 58 36.84S 081 42.53E 1473 081 DWBC/PET | 24 Jan 2005 0526 58 58.14S 081 40.52E 1588 | 1559 | 0602 58 58.08S 081 41.10E 1577 17.0 | 0658 58 58.18S 081 41.19E 1574 082 DWBC/PET | 25 Jan 2005 1052 56 11.17S 086 26.94E 4742 | 4817 | 1208 56 11.44S 086 27.71E 4736 23.0 | 1425 56 11.94S 086 29.92E 4744 083 DWBC/PET | 25 Jan 2005 2211 55 21.43S 087 52.61E 4495 | 4572 | 2330 55 21.10S 087 52.65E 4530 21.5 | 0152 55 21.12S 087 53.32E 4611 084 DWBC/PET | 26 Jan 2005 1250 55 35.86S 087 26.40E 4574 | 4681 | 1407 55 35.69S 087 26.47E 4601 21.8 | 1600 55 35.79S 087 26.88E 4607 085 DWBC/PET | 26 Jan 2005 1945 55 51.88S 086 59.47E 4680 | 4792 | 2126 55 51.62S 086 58.97E 4701 18.0 | 2338 55 51.30S 086 58.00E 4737 086 DWBC/PET | 28 Jan 2005 0848 56 26.39S 085 57.71E 4745 | 4831 | 1012 56 26.31S 085 57.83E 4747 14.4 | 1219 56 26.35S 085 58.01E 4745 087 DWBC/PET | 28 Jan 2005 1426 56 40.58S 085 32.42E 4749 | 4828 | 1552 56 40.49S 085 32.80E 4753 22.0 | 1754 56 40.48S 085 33.68E 4749 088 DWBC/PET | 28 Jan 2005 2027 56 52.92S 085 08.68E 4530 | 4661 | 2140 56 52.00S 085 08.35E 4545 11.8 | 2345 56 51.13S 085 07.78E 4561 089 DWBC/PET | 29 Jan 2005 1545 59 19.49S 081 38.32E 1811 | 1789 | 1624 59 19.46S 081 38.29E 1815 18.6 | 1733 59 19.17S 081 37.99E 1815 090 DWBC/PET | 29 Jan 2005 2037 59 41.23S 081 35.17E 1805 | 1798 | 2106 59 41.14S 081 35.26E 1815 13.9 | 2205 59 41.06S 081 34.96E 1790 091 DWBC/PET | 30 Jan 2005 0022 60 02.83S 081 32.45E 1570 | 1554 | 0049 60 02.88S 081 32.33E 1572 9.7 | 0141 60 02.84S 081 32.13E 1559 092 DWBC/PET | 30 Jan 2005 0348 60 24.27S 081 29.91E 1596 | 1577 | 0419 60 24.28S 081 29.96E 1595 13.9 | 0513 60 24.30S 081 30.06E 1595 093 DWBC/PET | 30 Jan 2005 0710 60 45.49S 081 27.25E 1717 | 1691 | 0746 60 45.45S 081 27.35E 1715 21.9 | 0849 60 45.49S 081 27.51E 1719 094 DWBC/PET | 30 Jan 2005 1233 61 06.53S 081 24.64E 2107 | 2080 | 1313 61 06.52S 081 24.52E 2103 23.5 | 1417 61 06.76S 081 24.56E 2103 095 DWBC/PET | 30 Jan 2005 1645 61 28.72S 081 22.46E 2182 | 2172 | 1734 61 28.83S 081 22.44E 2178 13.0 | 1902 61 28.95S 081 23.15E 2182 096 DWBC/PET | 30 Jan 2005 2147 61 49.81S 081 20.12E 2093 | 2084 | 2221 61 50.02S 081 19.93E 2091 9.2 | 2352 61 50.51S 081 19.43E 2088 097 DWBC/PET | 31 Jan 2005 0205 62 11.64S 081 17.15E 1732 | 1718 | 0239 62 11.71S 081 17.28E 1731 8.2 | 0347 62 12.00S 081 17.59E 1730 098 DWBC/PET | 31 Jan 2005 0547 62 33.50S 081 17.27E 2021 | 1997 | 0629 62 33.64S 081 17.39E 2001 17.1 | 0738 62 33.53S 081 17.14E 2011 099 DWBC/PET | 31 Jan 2005 1042 62 44.33S 081 12.20E 2587 | 2582 | 1129 62 44.31S 081 11.89E 2591 22.8 | 1258 62 44.00S 081 11.48E 2510 100 DWBC/PET | 31 Jan 2005 1508 63 00.34S 081 06.94E 3291 | 3314 | 1554 63 00.37S 081 06.56E 3291 13.4 | 1727 63 00.93S 081 05.66E 3306 101 DWBC/PET | 31 Jan 2005 1943 63 14.54S 081 01.87E 3410 | 3437 | 2045 63 14.69S 081 02.13E 3412 12.8 | 2235 63 14.43S 081 01.97E 3412 102 DWBC/PET | 01 Feb 2005 0117 63 34.70S 080 56.63E 3645 | 3678 | 0213 63 34.67S 080 56.35E 3645 10.6 | 0357 63 34.11S 080 56.49E 3636 103 DWBC/PET | 01 Feb 2005 0530 63 48.67S 080 51.84E 3685 | 3721 | 0637 63 48.41S 080 51.98E 3682 12.1 | 0809 63 48.16S 080 51.08E 3685 104 DWBC/PET | 01 Feb 2005 0941 64 03.64S 080 49.00E 3670 | 3705 | 1042 64 03.43S 080 48.82E 3674 14.0 | 1231 64 03.17S 080 47.90E 3676 105 DWBC/PET | 01 Feb 2005 1416 64 20.82S 080 44.33E 3655 | 3692 | 1515 64 20.61S 080 44.11E 3659 11.5 | 1641 64 20.26S 080 45.17E 3661 106 DWBC/PET | 01 Feb 2005 1915 64 36.51S 080 39.94E 3647 | 3675 | 2019 64 36.50S 080 40.33E 3639 10.9 | 2204 64 36.52S 080 40.47E 3641 107 DWBC/PET | 01 Feb 2005 2354 64 51.86S 080 35.19E 3626 | 3657 | 0055 64 52.16S 080 34.98E 3624 11.3 | 0230 64 52.37S 080 34.10E 3624 108 DWBC/PET | 02 Feb 2005 0411 65 07.57S 080 29.57E 3505 | 3532 | 0510 65 07.67S 080 29.51E 3509 10.9 | 0636 65 07.64S 080 30.04E 3507 109 DWBC/PET | 02 Feb 2005 0828 65 23.18S 080 25.78E 3282 | 3294 | 0921 65 23.05S 080 25.92E 3283 14.1 | 1102 65 22.66S 080 26.20E 3283 110 DWBC/PET | 02 Feb 2005 1327 65 38.89S 080 21.77E 2671 | 2731 | 1412 65 38.91S 080 20.86E 2696 9.4 | 1527 65 39.45S 080 20.38E 2720 111 DWBC/PET | 03 Feb 2005 1101 66 38.23S 077 31.65E 1120 | 1154 | 1122 66 38.22S 077 31.46E 1109 6.3 | 1212 66 38.25S 077 31.07E 1113 112 DWBC/PET | 03 Feb 2005 1327 66 42.28S 077 42.74E 652 | 627 | 1341 66 42.31S 077 42.58E 648 14.1 | 1412 66 42.47S 077 42.29E 634 113 DWBC/PET | 03 Feb 2005 1607 66 51.15S 077 42.75E 245 | 227 | 1613 66 51.17S 077 42.77E 245 14.4 | 1636 66 51.08S 077 42.94E 246 114 fluoro | 04 Feb 2005 0457 67 52.80S 077 10.55E 424 | 401 | 0507 67 52.79S 077 10.60E 423 14.6 | 0538 67 52.70S 077 10.22E 422 115 PULSE | 15 Feb 2005 0235 46 59.95S 142 00.25E 3453 | 3533 | 0328 46 59.99S 142 00.40E 3452 28.7 | 0510 46 59.92S 142 00.62E 3476 Table 1.4a: Cruise AU0304 summary of samples drawn from Niskin bottles at each station, including salinity (sal), dissolved oxygen (do), and nutrients (nut). Note that 1=samples taken, 0=no samples taken. Additional sensors fitted to the package are also listed, including Sontek LADCP (Son), and RDI LADCP (RDI). For these, 1=instrument switched on, 0=instrument switched off or not fitted. A fluorometer was fitted to the package for all casts. station sal do nut Son RDI station sal do nut Son RDI ------- --- -- --- --- --- ----------- --- -- --- --- --- 1 test 0 0 0 0 1 33 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 2 test 1 0 0 0 1 34 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 3 cat 1 0 0 1 0 35 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 4 krill 1 1 1 0 0 36 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 5 krill 1 1 1 1 0 37 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 6 krill 1 1 1 1 1 38 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 7 krill 1 1 1 0 1 39 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 8 krill 1 1 1 1 1 40 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 9 sed 1 1 1 0 0 41 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 10 sed 1 1 1 0 0 42 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 11 krill 1 1 1 0 0 43 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 12 krill 1 1 1 1 1 44 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 13 krill 1 1 1 1 1 45 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 14 krill 1 1 1 1 1 46 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 15 krill 1 1 1 1 1 47 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 16 krill 1 1 1 1 1 48 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 17 sed 1 1 1 1 0 49 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 18 krill 1 1 1 1 0 50 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 19 krill 1 1 1 1 0 51 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 20 krill 1 1 1 1 0 52 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 21 krill 1 1 1 0 1 53 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 22 swarm 1 1 1 0 1 54 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 23 cal 0 0 0 0 0 55 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 24 swarm 1 1 1 0 1 56 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 25 swarm 1 1 1 0 1 57 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 26 swarm 1 1 1 0 1 58 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 27 sed 1 1 1 1 1 59 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 28 swarm 1 1 1 0 1 60 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 29 swarm 1 1 1 0 1 61 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 30 swarm 1 1 1 1 1 62 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 31 swarm 1 1 1 0 1 63 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 32 swarm 1 1 1 0 1 64 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 Table 1.4b: Cruise AU0403 summary of samples drawn from Niskin bottles at each station, including salinity (sal), dissolved oxygen (do), nutrients (nut), chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), dissolved inorganic carbon and alkalinity (dic/alk), oxygen-18 (18O), methane (CH(4)), selenium species (SE), and biological parameters/pigments (pig). Note that 1=samples taken, 0=no samples taken. The Sontek LADCP (LADCP) status is also listed: 2=both transducer sets fitted and logging, 1=downward looking transducer set only fitted and logging, 0=instrument not logging or not fitted. The fluorometer was fitted to the package for all casts (not connected for CTD 115). Additional profiling casts done from the trawl deck at each station include fluoromap fluorometer (flmap), turbulence probe (turbo), and 10x10 bacteria/virus sampler (10x10). station sal do nut CFC dic/ 18O CH4 sel pig LADCP flmap turbo 10 alk x10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 test 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 I9S 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 4 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 5 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 7 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 8 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 9 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 10 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 11 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 12 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 13 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 14 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 15 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 16 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 17 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 18 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 19 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 20 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 21 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 22 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 23 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 25 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 26 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 27 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 29 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 31 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 33 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 35 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 36 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 37 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 38 I9S 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 39 I9S 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 station sal do nut CFC dic/ 18O CH4 sel pig LADCP flmap turbo 10 alk x10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 42 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 43 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 44 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 45 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 46 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 47 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 48 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 49 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 50 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 51 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 52 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 53 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 54 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 55 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 56 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 57 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 58 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 59 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 60 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 61 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 62 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 63 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 64 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 65 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 66 I9S 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 67 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 68 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 69 I9S 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 70 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 71 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 72 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 73 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 74 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 75 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 76 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 77 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 78 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 79 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 80 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 station sal do nut CFC dic/ 18O CH4 sel pig LADCP flmap turbo 10 alk x10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 82 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 83 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 84 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 85 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 86 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 87 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 88 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 89 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 90 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 91 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 92 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 93 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 94 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 95 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 96 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 97 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 98 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 99 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 100 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 101 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 102 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 103 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 104 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 105 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 106 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 107 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 108 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 109 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 110 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 111 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 112 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 113 DWBC/PET 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 114 fluoro 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 115 PULSE 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Table 1.5: Summary of Kerguelen DWBC mooring deployments and recoveries. Note: for deployments, "release time" is the time the final component was released from the trawl deck; for recoveries, "release time" is the time the release command was sent to the acoustic release at the base of the mooring. Mooring positions are the estimated landing sites. DEPLOYMENTS (AU0304) Position mooring latitude longitude depth (m) release time (UTC) CTD KERGUELEN1 57° 03.120'S 84° 47.676'E 4725 1804, 19/02/2003 39 KERGUELEN2 57° 17.754'S 84° 20.550'E 4639 1217, 19/02/2003 38 KERGUELEN3 57° 32.520'S 83° 52.182'E 4433 1938, 18/02/2003 37 KERGUELEN4 57° 39.684'S 83° 37.050'E 4273 0050, 18/02/2003 36 KERGUELEN5 57° 45.864'S 83° 23.238'E 4575 0746, 18/02/2003 35 KERGUELEN6 57° 49.596'S 83° 16.038'E 3480 1035, 16/02/2003 34 KERGUELEN7 57° 56.520'S 83° 01.878'E 2858 0024, 16/02/2003 33 KERGUELEN8 58° 07.614'S 82° 37.374'E 2259 1800, 15/02/2003 44 RECOVERIES (AU0403) Position mooring latitude longitude depth (m) release time (UTC) CTD KERGUELEN1 57° 03.120'S 84° 47.676'E 4725 0133, 20/01/2005 70 KERGUELEN2 57° 17.754'S 84° 20.550'E 4639 0054, 21/01/2005 71 KERGUELEN3 57° 32.520'S 83° 52.182'E 4433 0712, 21/01/2005 72 KERGUELEN4 57° 39.684'S 83° 37.050'E 4273 0016, 22/01/2005 73 KERGUELEN5 57° 45.864'S 83° 23.238'E 4575 0439, 22/01/2005 74 KERGUELEN6 57° 49.596'S 83° 16.038'E 3480 2341, 22/01/2005 75 KERGUELEN7 57° 56.520'S 83° 01.878'E 2858 0403, 23/01/2005 76 KERGUELEN8 58° 07.614'S 82° 37.374'E 2259 0752, 23/01/2005 77 Table 1.6: Summary of drifter deployments. (AU0403) drifter Position mooring latitude longitude depth (m) release time (UTC) CTD ARGO167 36° 01.74'S 114° 58.92'E 5212.4 1325, 26/12/2004 8 ARGO168 38° 00.59'S 115° 00.30'E 4799.0 0927, 28/12/2004 12 ARGO168 44° 59.32'S 114° 59.51'E 4286.7 1528, 01/01/2005 25 ARGO168 47° 58.39'S 115° 01.58'E 3610.7 0515, 03/01/2005 31 ARGO168 49° 59.25'S 115° 02.41'E 3986.5 0735, 05/01/2005 35 ARGO168 51° 58.52'S 114° 59.93'E 3618.9 1429, 06/01/2005 39 ARGO168 53° 48.77'S 114° 58.98'E 4082.2 1400, 07/01/2005 42 ARGO168 56° 12.76'S 114° 58.81'E 4568.0 1445, 09/01/2005 46 ARGO168 58° 00.23'S 114° 59.57'E 4560.5 1230, 10/01/2005 49 ARGO168 59° 48.96'S 115° 00.83'E 4478.9 1615, 11/01/2005 52 ARGO184 61° 00.50'S 115° 02.86'E 4384.6 1125, 12/01/2005 54 ARGO168 57° 59.21'S 120° 00.13'E 4602.5 2040, 11/02/2005 - ARGO179 56° 30.30'S 124° 26.51'E 4673.1 0730, 12/02/2005 - ARGO179 54° 52.59'S 128° 36.19'E 4449.9 2040, 12/02/2005 - ARGO180 53° 06.17'S 132° 23.48'E 3716.5 0950, 13/02/2005 - ARGO180 51° 13.39'S 135° 53.72'E 3253.6 2220, 13/02/2005 - ARGO180 49° 15.30'S 139° 05.81'E 3083.5 1157, 14/02/2005 - ARGO180 47° 12.05'S 142° 03.59'E 4261.6 0059, 15/02/2005 - ARGO184 46° 59.28'S 142° 00.58'E 3741.5 0529, 15/02/2005 115 Technocea met- buoy serial 46020 62° 00.03'S 88° 02.61'E 3903 2143, 08/02/2005 - Table 1.7: Principal investigators (*=cruise participant) for CTD water sampling programs. MEASUREMENT NAME AFFILIATION AU0304 CTD, salinity, O2, nutrients *John Church CSIRO biological sampling Simon Wright Antarctic Division AU0403 CTD, salinity, O2, nutrients *Steve Rintoul, John Church CSIRO D.I.C., alkalinity Bronte Tilbrook CSIRO CFC Shuichi Watanabe JAMSTEC 18O Shigeru Aoki Hokkaido University methane Osamu Yoshida Tokyo Institute of Technology selenium *Bronwyn Wake CSIRO biological sampling Laurent Seuront, *Raechel Waters Flinders University Table 1.8a: Scientific personnel (cruise participants) for cruise AU0304. Shigeru Aoki CTD, moorings National Institute of Polar Research, JPN John Church CTD CSIRO Clodagh Curran hydrochemistry Antarctic CRC Yasu Fukamachi CTD, moorings Hokkaido University Neale Johnston hydrochemistry CSIRO Dan McLaughlan CTD, moorings CSIRO Mark Rosenberg CTD, moorings Antarctic CRC Serguei Sokolov CTD, LADCP CSIRO Andreas Thurnherr CTD, LADCP Florida State University Shinsuke Toyoda CTD, moorings Hokkaido University Bronwyn Wake hydrochemistry Antarctic CRC Luke Finley krill Antarctic Division Edwina Hollander krill Antarctic Division Brian Hunt krill, CPR Antarctic Division So Kawaguchi krill Antarctic Division John Kitchener krill, CPR Antarctic Division Ichwan Nasution krill Agency for Marine & Fisheries Research, Indonesia Steve Romaine hydroacoustics IOS, Canada Patti Virtue krill IASOS David Wanless hydroacoustics Antarctic Division Mahadi Mohammad phytoplankton Universiti Sains Malaysia Wan Maznah Wan Omar phytoplankton Universiti Sains Malaysia Sazlina Salleh phytoplankton Universiti Sains Malaysia Vera Subariah phytoplankton State University of Papua Zul Yasin phytoplankton Universiti Sains Malaysia Catherine Bell whales University of Adelaide Paul Hodda whales Australian Whale Conservation Society Shannon McKay whales Deakin University Julie Oswald whale hydroacoustics Scripps Institute of Oceanography Vic Peddemors whales Univ. of Durban-Westville, S. Africa Kate Stafford whale hydroacoustics NOAA Alice Ewing birds IASOS Peter Lansley birds IASOS Christel Heeman floating sediment traps, diatoms Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany Stephane Pesant floating sediment traps, diatoms University of Western Australia Maya Whiteley floating sediment traps, diatoms University of Western Australia John Birss doctor Antarctic Division Andrew Cawthorn gear officer Antarctic Division Mirjana Jambrecina dotzapper Antarctic Division Ruth Lawless deputy voyage leader Antarctic Division Steve Nicol voyage leader, krill Antarctic Division Alan Poole electronics Antarctic Division Bryan Scott computing Antarctic Division Graeme Snow communications Antarctic Division Tony Veness electronics Antarctic Division Table 1.8b: Scientific personnel (cruise participants) for cruise AU0403. Kate Berry hydrochemistry CSIRO Jacqui Foster carbon, krill Marine Discovery Centre, Woodbridge Yasu Fukamachi CTD, moorings, LADCP Hokkaido University Judy Horsburgh carbon IASOS Eric Howarth CTD, turbulence probe Florida State University Kazu Kusahara CTD, moorings Hokkaido University Anna Kuswardani CTD Agency for Marine & Fisheries Research, Indonesia Peter Lazarevich CTD, turbulence probe Florida State University Lusia Manu CTD Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia Andrew Moy hydrochemistry ACE CRC Clodagh Moy hydrochemistry ACE CRC Steve Rintoul CTD, voyage leader CSIRO Mark Rosenberg CTD, moorings, deputy voyage leader ACE CRC Katsunori Sagishima CFC Marine Works Japan Ken'ichi Sasaki CFC JAMSTEC, Japan Rick Smith CTD, Argo floats CSIRO Serguei Sokolov CTD, LADCP CSIRO Bronwyn Wake selenium, krill CSIRO Mark Doubell phytoplankton Flinders University David Poulsen phytoplankton Flinders University Justin Rowntree phytoplankton, krill Flinders University Justin Seymour phytoplankton Flinders University Raechel Waters phytoplankton, krill Flinders University David Andrew birds free agent Andrew Stafford birds free agent Cath Deacon doctor Antarctic Division Chris Kuplis communications Antarctic Division Tim Shaw electronics ACE CRC Graeme Snow communications Antarctic Division Peter Wiley computing Antarctic Division Figure 1.4a and b: AU0304 hull mounted ADCP 30 minute ensemble data, for (a) whole cruise track, and (b) Kerguelen DWBC, PET and krill survey. Figure 1.4c and d: AU0403 hull mounted ADCP 30 minute ensemble data, for (c) whole cruise track, and (d) Kerguelen DWBC and PET. Figure 1.5a: AU0304 apparent ADCP vertical current shear, calculated from uncorrected (i.e. ship speed included) ADCP velocities. The data are divided into different speed classes, according to ship speed during the 30 minute ensembles. For each speed class, the profile is an average over the entire cruise. Figure 1.5b: AU0403 apparent ADCP vertical current shear, calculated from uncorrected (i.e. ship speed included) ADCP velocities. The data are divided into different speed classes, according to ship speed during the 30 minute ensembles. For each speed class, the profile is an average over the entire cruise. Figure 1.6a and b: AU0304 comparison between: (a) CTD and underway temperature data, and (b) CTD and underway salinity data, including bestfit lines. Note: dls refers to underway data. Figure 1.6c and d: AU0403 comparison between (c) CTD and underway temperature data, and (d) CTD and underway salinity data, including bestfit lines. Note: dls refers to underway data. 1.3.2. ADCP The hull mounted ADCP on the Aurora Australis is described in Rosenberg (unpublished report, 1999), with the following updates: (i) There is no longer a Fugro differential GPS system - all GPS data, including heading, come from the Ashtech 3D system. (ii) Triggering of the 12 kHz sounder and the higher frequency hydroacoustics array are now separate, resulting in a higher ping rate for the ADCP (linked to the higher frequency hydroacoustics array). Logging parameters for both cruises are summarised in Table 1.9. Current vectors for both cruises are plotted in Figures 1.4a to d; the apparent vertical current shear error for different ship speed classes, discussed in Rosenberg (unpublished report, 1999), is plotted in Figures 1.5a and b. Table 1.9: ADCP logging and calibration parameters for cruises AU0304 and AU0403. ping parameters bottom track ping parameters ---------------------- -------------------------------------- no. of bins: 60 no. of bins: 128 bin length: 8 m bin length: 4 m pulse length: 8 m pulse length: 32 m delay: 4 m ping interval: minimum ping interval: same as profiling pings reference layer averaging: bins 8 to 20 XROT: 822 ensemble averaging duration: 3 min. (for logged data) 30 min. (for final processed data) calibration cruise α (± standard deviation) 1+β (± standard deviation) no. of calibration sites AU0304 2.346 ± 0.568 1.0712 ± 0.011 375 AU0403 2.408 ± 0.535 1.0687 ± 0.011 183 1.3.3. Underway measurements Underway data were logged to an Oracle database on the ship. For more information, see the AADC (Antarctic Division Data Centre) website, and the cruise dotzapper (i.e. data quality controller) report for AU0304: Marine Science Support Data Quality Report, RSV Aurora Australis Season Voyage 4 2002-2003, Mim Jambrecina, January 2003, Antarctic Division unpublished report. (report at web address Note that AU0403 underway data have not been dotzapped (except for the 12 kHz depth data). For both cruises, a sound speed of 1490 ms^-1 was used for ocean depth calculation, and the ship's draught of 7.3 m was accounted for. For AU0304, underway data were dumped from the AADC website. Underway data for AU0403 were supplied by Peter Wiley (AAD Marine Science Support). Data are in the following files: AU0304 1 min. instantaneous values, text format: kaos.ora 1 min. instantaneous values, matlab format: kaosora.mat AU0403 1 min. average values, text format: i9_unzapped.ora 1 min. average values, matlab format: i9_unzappedora.mat (except for depth, which is 1 min. instantaneous values) Note that for AU0403 data, all wind data are suspect due to anemometer vane damage. A correction was applied to the underway sea surface temperature and salinity data, derived by comparing the underway data with CTD temperature and salinity data at 8 dbar (Figure 1.6a to d). The following corrections were applied: for AU0304: T = T(dls) - 0.017 (eqn 1.1) S = S(dls) + 0.029 (eqn 1.2) for AU0403: T = 1.002 T(dls) - 0.050 (eqn 1.3) S = 0.996 S(dls) + 0.163 (eqn 1.4) for corrected underway temperature and salinity T and S respectively, and uncorrected values T(dls) and S(dls). 1.3.4. Moorings and drifters Mooring deployments and recoveries are summarised in Table 1.5. Mooring data are described in detail in Part 2 of this report. Drifter deployments are summarised in Table 1.6. 1.4. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED AU0304 • Significant time was lost to bad weather, and to shortage of fuel and the resulting time spent obtaining fuel from the Polar Bird at Mawson. Many of the planned CTD's southward across the southern Kerguelen Plateau and Princess Elizabeth Trough were omitted due to the resulting time constraints. • Logging of 12 kHz sounder data seized up on several occasions. As a result, some of the bathymetry during the deployments of moorings 4 and 5 is missing. • The CTD seacable electric termination failed during the downcast of the first test cast (CTD 1), and electric retermination was required. • During the inital deployment attempt for CTD 39, overtensioning of the winch resulted in slippage of the mechanical termination and breakage of the electric termination; a full retermination was required. • There was difficulty throughout the cruise obtaining stable data from the Benthos PSA-900 altimeters. On two occasions, at CTD 38 and CTD 50, altimeter problems resulted in the package touching the bottom. • Unstable altimeter readings prevented a confirmed approach to the bottom for several stations (details given section 1.5 of this report). • For the first 9 stations, the top Niskin caps were cocked incorrectly, preventing sufficient flushing of the bottles during the cast. This was obvious from the shallower bottle samples in the steep vertical gradients (details given in section 1.5). • Some CTD winch spooling problems occurred throughout the cruise. After CTD 43, the spooler from the aft winch was installed for use on the forward winch. AU0403 • CTD winch spooling problems were significant throughout the cruise, with a cumulative time loss of one full day. • For the first part of the cruise the CTD gantry was problematic, due to a badly adjusted proximity switch. This caused significant delays at several stations. • Severe rolling of the ship during CTD operations was experienced for much of the I9S transect, due to offset of current and wind headings. CTD deployments and recoveries were difficult on occasion, and the CTD wire was often kinked due to wire snatching with the ship roll as the CTD entered the water. The CTD room flooded on occasion due to the rolling, most seriously during CTD 49 - on this occasion, much of the CTD room electronics were shorted, including the gantry, and CTD recovery at the end of the cast was delayed for an hour while the gantry electronics were repaired. • A full seacable retermination was required before CTD 18, when a broken strand was noticed near the top of the wire during the initial deployment attempt. Two further full reterminations were carried out after CTD's 28 and 39. An electrical retermination only was carried out after CTD 38. • Both available CTD frame lifting bridles were bent during the cruise, during either the deployment or recovery operations. Repeat straightening was not possible, and as a result most CTD's for the cruise were carried out with the frame hanging at an angle (~5 to 10 degrees). • For many CTD stations, difficulties communicating with the rosette pylon were experienced. The fault was traced to a faulty pylon-to-CTD cable, and then again to the first replacement pylon-to-CTD cable. Details of data losses and data degradation due to this problem are given in section 1.5. • During CTD 9, the ship's thrusters struggled to maintain heading, and vessel drift was fast. At the bottom of the cast the bathymetry changed rapidly, with the sea bed "chasing" the package on the upcast from ~5200 dbar up to ~4900 dbar. • During CTD 13 and CTD 48, the ship lost heading, resulting in a large wire angle and towing of the CTD behind the ship. On each occasion a Niskin bottle was lost from the package. • During CTD 4, 5 and 35, downcasts were stopped early due to hazard from the rapidly changing bathymetry over steep slopes. CTD 5 was stopped at 75 m above the bottom. For CTD 4, the bottom of the downcast was an elevation greater than 192 m above the sea bed i.e. out of range of the LADCP. For CTD 35, there were no LADCP data so it is not known where the sea bed was relative to the bottom of the cast. • The PSA-900 altimeter used for the first few CTD's failed by station 6. The package touched the bottom during station 6, with no response from the altimeter. • The package touched the bottom again during station 40, due to a winch driving error. • The upper and lower bottle locating rings on the CTD frame were slightly out of adjustment, and on several occasions bottles returned to the deck hanging from the frame by the saftey rope. Samples from these bottles were bad (see section 1.5). • The LADCP battery housing leaked on two occasions, first during CTD 22, then again during CTD 25 after an initial repair attempt. The leakage caused battery shorting and damage to a bulkhead connector. The LADCP could not be used for stations 26 to 39, during the second repair attempt. • A new Lachat nutrient analyser was used for the first time on this cruise, and data quality problems were encountered. Further details are given in section 1.5 and Appendix 1.1. 1.5. CTD AND BOTTLE DATA RESULTS CTD and Niskin bottle data quality are discussed in this section. Full details of the CTD data processing and calibration techniques are described in Appendix 1.2. Data file formats are described in Appendix 1.3. When using the data, the following data quality tables are important: Table 1.15 - questionable CTD data Table 1.16 - questionable nutrient data In general, the CTD data quality for these cruises using the Sea-Bird CTD system is improved compared to previous cruises using the Neil Brown type CTD's, in particular for CTD dissolved oxygen data. A small disadvantage of the new CTD system is the required deployment methodology (described above in section 1.3), which means the top few dbar of data are missed. However this near surface data was often suspect anyway for the old Neil Brown type CTD's, due to transient sensor errors when entering the water. 1.5.1. CTD data Conductivity/salinity The conductivity calibration and equivalent salinity results for both cruises are plotted in Figures 1.7 and 1.8, and the derived conductivity calibration coefficients are listed in Tables 1.12 and 1.13. AU0304 The conductivity cell on CTD703 (used for the entire cruise) calibrated very well (Figures 1.7a and 1.8a), with CTD salinity accurate to well within 0.002 (PSS78). Note that the primary conductivity/temperature sensor pair was used for the final data. Close inspection of the vertical profiles of the bottle-CTD salinity difference values reveals a slight negative biasing of the order 0.001 (PSS78) for stations 39 and 53, and a slight positive biasing of the same magnitude for station 48. TS plot comparisons for these stations with surrounding stations indicates the biasing is most likely due to salinometer instabilities. For stations 38 and 50 where the CTD touched the bottom, close inspection of conductivity and temperature data does not show any significant difference before and after touchdown. AU0403 The conductivity cells on CTD703 (stations 1 to 41) and CTD704 (stations 42 to 115) calibrated very well (Figures 1.7b and 1.8b), with CTD salinity accurate to well within 0.0015 (PSS78). For this cruise, a small calibration drift over the cruise was evident for the primary conductivity sensor, so the secondary conductivity/temperature sensor pair was used for the final data. Inspection of vertical profiles of the bottle-CTD salinity difference values reveals a slight negative biasing of the order 0.001 (PSS78) for stations 35, 42 and 53, and of the order 0.002 (PSS78) for station 54; and a slight positive biasing of the order 0.001 (PSS78) for station 36. As for AU0304, this is most likely due to salinometer instabilities. During the downcast of CTD 9, 11 and 14, transmission faults resulted in bad conductivity/salinity data from 222 to 246 dbar for CTD 9, 208 to 218 dbar for CTD 11, and 202 to 224 dbar for CTD 14. For stations 6 and 40 where the CTD touched the bottom, there is no significant offset in conductivity and temperature data before and after bottom contact. Temperature As mentioned above, primary temperature was used for final AU0304 data, while secondary temperature was used for final AU0403 data. Primary and secondary temperature data (t(p) and t(s) respectively) are compared for both cruises in Figures 1.9a and b. CTD upcast burst data, obtained at each Niskin bottle stop, are used for the comparison. From the figures, there is a very small pressure dependency of t(p)-t(s) for CTD704 (of the order 0.0005°C over 5000 dbar) , and a much stronger dependency for CTD703 (of the order 0.002°C over 5000 dbar). Without some temperature standard for comparison, it cannot be determined which of the 2 CTD703 temperature sensors has the strong pressure dependency; and indeed for CTD704, it cannot be determined whether the 2 temperature sensors have the same pressure dependency, or no pressure dependency. As a result, all temperature data from below ~2000 dbar for both cruises can only be considered accurate to 0.002°C. For shallower data (above ~1500 dbar), temperature accuracy is 0.001°C. Clearly, use of an independent temperature standard such as an SBE35 would improve temperature accuracy e.g. CTD work by the RV Mirai (Uchida and Fukasawa, 2005). For CTD704 (AU0403 stations 42 to 115), several bad data scans occurred for secondary temperature during each cast, due to a hardware problem. The problem was manifest as 2 consecutive data scans being plus and minus the expected value. These bad scans (typicaly 5 or 10 per station) were removed by a despiking routine. Pressure On previous cruises using General Oceanics Neil Brown type CTD's, noise in the pressure signal often resulted in pressure spiking up to 1 dbar in magnitude, resulting in vertical "jumps" when removing pressure reversals in preparation for 2 dbar averaging. There was no equivalent pressure noise for the Sea-Bird CTD's, and when creating 2 dbar bin averages using a minimum required attendance of 8 data scans per bin, there were no missing 2 dbar bins for the data from cruises AU0304 and AU0403. Surface pressure offsets for each cast (Table 1.11) were obtained from inspection of the data before the package entered the water. Dissolved oxygen The CTD oxygen calibration results for both cruises are plotted in Figure 1.10, and the derived calibration coefficients are listed in Table 1.18. CTD oxygen data using the new SBE43 sensors are significantly improved compared with previous cruises, and overall the calibrated CTD oxygen agrees with the bottle data to well within 1% of full scale (where full scale is ~380 µmol/l above 750 dbar, and ~270 µmol/l below 750 dbar), with exceptions discussed below. Near surface CTD oxygen data, typically suspect for previous cruises, is much improved, owing to the pumped system of the Sea-Bird CTD's. When calibrating the CTD oxygen data, in the case of deeper stations, calibrating the whole profile as a single fit against bottle data in general leaves small residuals between calibrated CTD and bottle oxygen near the bottom of the profile. This suggests there is a subtle difference in response of the oxygen sensor according to depth, not accounted for by any of the calibration coefficients. Consequently, for casts deeper than 1400 dbar the profiles were split into a shallow and deep part for separate calculation of calibration coefficients, with a linear interpolation between the 2 calibrations around the split point. Casts shallower than 1400 dbar were calibrated as whole profile fits. Complete details of this calibration methodology are given in Appendix 1.2. AU0304 • For most stations, there is a suspicious increase in CTD oxygen data from the surface down to the base of the mixed layer. This increase is mostly of the order ~4 µmol/l, and is assumed to be an equilibration issue with the sensor, with insufficient time given for the sensor to "warm up" after turning on the power prior to each cast. As a result, near surface CTD oxygen data for this cruise should only be considered accurate to 2%. • For station 4, CTD oxygen data for the top part of the profile could not be fitted against the bottle samples, and data were rejected for 2 to 118 dbar. • For station 24, there were insufficient bottles below 50 dbar, and the CTD oxygen data were therefore rejected for 52 to 1936 dbar. • For station 28, CTD oxygen data were rejected for 180 to 606 dbar, again due to lack of bottle samples. • For station 56, CTD oxygen data were rejected for 1000 to 1002 dbar, due to a kink in the data resulting from power cycling of the deck unit. • Additional near surface CTD oxygen data rejected were for station 6 (2 to 12 dbar), station 150 (2 to 150 dbar), and station 59 (2 to 98 dbar). Suspect near surface data retained in the data files are listed in Table 1.15. AU0403 • For several stations, pylon communication problems resulted in missing bottle samples, and in the worst cases sections of vertical CTD oxygen profile data could not be calibrated. As a result, CTD oxygen data are missing for: station 38, 2 to 78 dbar station 63, 2 to 984 dbar station 39, whole profile station 68, 2 to 296 dbar station 41, 2 to 342 dbar station 73, 2 to 478 dbar station 51, 2 to 100 dbar • For station 7, CTD oxygen sensor data were bad below 3222 dbar. For station 44, oxygen sensor data were bad below 4396 dbar. • For station 38, not enough samples were available for a split profile calibration fit (Appendix 1.2), so a whole profile fit was done. • For stations 75, 110 and 114, the CTD to bottle oxygen fit is not so good near the surface, with a difference of ~2 to 3% at the shallowest bottle. Fluorescence All fluorescence data have a calibration as supplied by the manufacturer (Table 1.10). In general, these data should only be used quantitatively if linked to primary productivity data derived from Niskin bottles samples. For AU0403 station 29, the sensor cover was accidentally left on the fluorometer, and fluorescence values are very high. The profile shape however appears to be okay. Additional CTD data processing/quality notes AU0304 • For stations 3, 39, 47, 48, 52 and 58, downcasts had to be stopped before "seeing" the bottom with the altimeter, due to unreliability of the altimeter. For station 48 there were no LADCP data, and the final elevation above the bottom is unknown. • Station 56 - The downcast was paused at 1000 dbar and the power was cycled to try and get the altimeter to work. The altimeter came on again and logging was recommenced as a different file. AU0403 • Station 4 - The final elevation above the bottom at the bottom of the cast is > 192 m (i.e. outside LADCP range). • Station 10 - The cast was started 2 miles south of the planned location, to avoid the steep slope and to give maximum depth for attempts at fixing the CTD winch spooling. • Station 16 - At the 1250 dbar bottle stop on the upcast, data acquisition was accidentally stopped (instead of firing the bottle). Logging was restarted to a new file. • Station 22 - After inital deployment to 20 dbar and commencement of pump operation, the CTD was not brought back to just below the surface - the top 20 dbar of data are therefore missing. • Station 35 - The final elevation above the bottom at the bottom of the cast is unknown. • Station 61 - The cast was commenced ~1 mile southwest of the planned location, due to the presence of an iceberg. • Station 81 - The CTD was lifted out of the water prematurely, before bottle 24 was fired. It was lowered back down to 10 dbar to fire the bottle. • Data losses/degradation due to communication problems with the rosette pylon are as follows. One or more Niskin bottles didn't close for stations 41, 51, 63, 68, 73, 75 and 76. For several stations, some bottle samples are bad due to uncertainty of bottle closing depth, stations 38 and 39 being the worst affected. Given the generally stable performance of the CTD conductivity cell, the number of good salinity samples obtained from these and surrounding stations means that CTD salinity data quality is not degraded. The more significant data degradation is the poorer vertical definition of CFC and nutrient profiles. For CTD oxygen, data cannot be calibrated for sections of the profile where several oxygen samples are missing, and as a result some CTD oxygen data is missing for several stations, as detailed in section above. 1.5.2. Niskin bottle data Questionable nutrient samples are listed in Table 1.16, and questionable bottle oxygen samples are listed in Table 1.17. International Standard Seawater batch numbers used for salinity analyses are detailed in Appendix 1.1. Nitrate+nitrite versus phosphate data are shown in Figure 1.11. For AU0304, and for southern stations for AU0403, shallow samples are clearly depleted in phosphate. This feature has been observed on previous cruises during the austral summer (Part 4 in Rosenberg et al., 1997), and is believed to be real. AU0304 • For the first 9 stations, several bottle samples were bad for all parameters, due to inadequate flushing of the Niskin bottles caused by incorrect cocking of the Niskin top caps. The following samples were affected: station 4, Niskin 24, 23, 22, 21, 18 and 16 station 6, Niskin 24, 21, 20, 29, 18 and 16 station 7, Niskin 24 and 21 station 8, Niskin 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 station 9, Niskin 9. • From intercruise comparisons (relevant Appendix not yet completed), phosphate data for AU0304 appears to be mostly low, by ~2 to 4%. • Problems were encountered with the nitrate channel on the Alpkem autoanalyser, and a significant number of nitrate+nitrate values have been flagged as questionable (Table 1.16). AU0403 • At station 1, the last 2 rosette positions were not fired due to operator error - thus there were no samples for Niskin 24 (no Niskin 23 due to LADCP). • For station 8, unstable salinometer behaviour resulted in suspect salinity samples for rosette positions 5 to 18. • For station 26, salinity bottle samples are suspect for rosette positions 15 to 20, most likely due to the salinometer. • For stations 31 to 55, a problem occurred with the dissolved oxygen instrument standardisation. The oxygen values for these stations were corrected after sample analysis (details given in Appendix 1.1). • Duplicate oxygen samples were taken at several stations, as follows: station 6 to 23 - bottom 8 bottles station 24 to 31 - 8 bottles, spanning the oxygen minimum station 35 to 37 and 40 to 49 - 4 bottles, spanning the oxygen minimum station 58 to 61 - bottom 4 bottles The duplicate samples were analysed using a different technique, on the Lachat nutrient analyser. These results did not warrant further analysis (R. Cowley, CSIRO, personal communication). • At several stations, 1 or more Niskins were dislodged from the frame. On 2 occasions bottles were lost (station 13 Niskin 17, and station 48 Niskin 108). For remaining cases, the bottles returned to deck hanging from a safety rope, and samples were taken. All these samples were bad for all paramaters, as follows: station 17, Niskin 16 station 19, Niskin 12 station 20, Niskin 16 and 12 station 31, Niskin 104 station 48, Niskin 24 (oxygen data retained for this bottle, but flagged as questionable) • For station 82, the endcaps were lost from Niskin 107 when a spring lanyard broke during the cast. • Problems were encountered with accuracy of nutrient measurments using the new Lachat analyser, particularly for phosphate, and at low concentrations. After much experimentation with the equipment and a marked improvement in data accuracy, many samples were rerun using the duplicates. See Appendix 1.1 for further details. Figure 1.7a and b: Conductivity ratio c(btl)/c(cal) versus station number for (a) cruise AU0304, and (b) cruise AU0403. The solid line follows the mean of the residuals for each station; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of the residuals for each station. c(cal) = calibrated CTD conductivity from the CTD upcast burst data; c(btl) = 'in situ' Niskin bottle conductivity, found by using CTD pressure and temperature from the CTD upcast burst data in the conversion of Niskin bottle salinity to conductivity. Figure 1.8a and b: Salinity residual (s(btl) - s(cal)) versus station number for (a) cruise AU0304, and (b) cruise AU0403. The solid line is the mean of all the residuals; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of all the residuals. s(cal) = calibrated CTD salinity; s(btl) = Niskin bottle salinity value. Figure 1.9: Difference between primary and secondary temperature sensor (tp - ts) for CTD upcast burst data from Niskin bottle stops, for (a) cruise AU0304, and (b) cruise AU0403. Figure 1.10a and b: Dissolved oxygen residual (o((btl)) - o(cal)) versus station number for (a) cruise AU0304, and (b) cruise AU0403. The solid line follows the mean residual for each station; the broken lines are ± the standard deviation of the residuals for each station. o(cal)=calibrated downcast CTD dissolved oxygen; o(btl)=Niskin bottle dissolved oxygen value. Note: values outside vertical axes plotted on axes limits. Figure 1.11: Nitrate+nitrite versus phosphate data for AU0304 and AU0403. Table 1.10: Calibration coefficients and calibration dates for CTD's used during cruises AU0304 and AU0403. Note that platinum temperature calibrations are for the ITS-90 scale. AU0304, CTD serial number 703 (all calibrations supplied by manufacturer) coefficient value of coefficient coefficient value of coefficient ----------- -------------------- ----------- -------------------- Primary Temperature, serial 4208, 18/09/2002 Secondary Temperature, serial 4245, 04/09/2002 G : 4.36431101e-003 G : 4.38201522e-003 H : 6.46864899e-004 H : 6.45520809e-004 I : 2.24097114e-005 I : 2.25045727e-005 J : 1.78556443e-006 J : 1.85646207e-006 F0 : 1000.000 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 Offset : 0.0000 Primary Conductivity, serial 2788, 18/09/2002 Secondary Conductivity, serial 2821, 24/09/2002 G : -9.73289151e+000 G : -1.05979689e+001 H : 1.43026028e+000 H : 1.43865878e+000 I : -1.27776424e-003 I : -4.12365989e-004 J : 1.76869992e-004 J : 1.06979561e-004 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 Offset : 0.00000 Pressure, serial 88903, 22/03/2002 Oxygen, serial 0191, 24/09/2002 C1 : -4.989485e+004 Soc : 4.7260e-001 C2 : -1.030675e+000 Boc : 0.0000 C3 : 1.388810e-002 Offset : -0.4841 D1 : 3.863300e-002 Tcor : 0.0046 D2 : 0.000000e+000 Pcor : 1.35e-004 T1 : 3.010350e+001 Tau : 0.0 T2 : -5.657137e-004 T3 : 3.998260e-006 Fluorometer, serial 013, 27/11/2002 T4 : 2.345400e-009 Vblank : 0.0970 T5 : 0.000000e+000 Scale factor : 1.28667000e+001 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.40000 AD590M : 1.276320e-002 AD590B : -9.834109e+000 Primary Temperature, serial 4208, 23/07/2004 Secondary Temperature, serial 4245, 23/07/2004 G : 4.36424125e-003 G : 4.38186967e-003 H : 6.46711671e-004 H : 6.45201467e-004 I : 2.23037791e-005 I : 2.22699049e-005 J : 1.76166534e-006 J : 1.80088365e-006 F0 : 1000.000 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 Offset : 0.0000 AU0403, CTD serial number 703 (all calibrations supplied by manufacturer) Primary Conductivity, serial 2788, 23/07/2004 Secondary Conductivity, serial 2821, 23/07/2004 G : -9.73488518e+000 G : -1.05940111e+001 H : 1.42981499e+000 H : 1.43567822e+000 I : -9.36650117e-004 I : 6.80159176e-004 J : 1.55796390e-004 J : 3.43281772e-005 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 Offset : 0.00000 Table 1.10: (continued) coefficient value of coefficient coefficient value of coefficient Pressure, serial 88903, 23/07/2004 Oxygen, serial 0191, 11/08/2004 C1 : -4.989485e+004 Soc : 4.7130e-001 C2 : -1.030675e+000 Boc : 0.0000 C3 : 1.388810e-002 Offset : -0.4921 D1 : 3.863300e-002 Tcor : 0.0012 D2 : 0.000000e+000 Pcor : 1.35e-004 T1 : 3.010350e+001 Tau : 0.0 T2 : -5.657137e-004 T3 : 3.998260e-006 Fluorometer, serial 013, 27/11/2002 T4 : 2.345400e-009 Vblank : 0.0970 T5 : 0.000000e+000 Scale factor : 1.28667000e+001 Slope : 1.00013000 Offset : -0.14160 AD590M : 1.276320e-002 AD590B : -9.834109e+000 Primary Temperature, serial 4248, 04/08/2004 Secondary Temperature, serial 4246, 23/07/2004 G : 4.38733870e-003 G : 3.97919382e-003 H : 6.51075969e-004 H : 6.21868034e-004 I : 2.33753796e-005 I : 1.87739784e-005 J : 1.88807486e-006 J : 1.60756924e-006 F0 : 1000.000 F0 : 1000.000 Slope : 1.00000000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.0000 Offset : 0.0000 Primary Conductivity, serial 2977, 29/07/2004 Secondary Conductivity, serial 2808, 23/07/2004 G : -1.07267718e+001 G : -9.29883054e+000 H : 1.48472457e+000 H : 1.43077133e+000 I : 3.84843342e-006 I : -1.73862736e-003 J : 7.45463011e-005 J : 2.09562861e-004 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CTcor : 3.2500e-006 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 CPcor : -9.57000000e-008 Slope : 1.00000000 Slope : 1.00000000 Offset : 0.00000 Offset : 0.00000 Table 1.10: (continued) AU0403, CTD serial number 704 (all calibrations supplied by manufacturer) Pressure, serial 89084, 23/07/2004 Oxygen, serial 0178, 26/07/2004 C1 : -5.337692e+004 Soc : 5.2230e-001 C2 : -5.768735e-001 Boc : 0.0000 C3 : 1.541700e-002 Offset : -0.4914 D1 : 3.853800e-002 Tcor : 0.0021 D2 : 0.000000e+000 Pcor : 1.35e-004 T1 : 2.984003e+001 Tau : 0.0 T2 : -4.090591e-004 T3 : 3.693030e-006 Fluorometer, serial 013, 27/11/2002 T4 : 3.386020e-009 Vblank : 0.0970 T5 : 0.000000e+000 Scale factor : 1.28667000e+001 Slope : 1.00002000 Offset : -0.2038 AD590M : 1.283280e-002 AD590B : -9.705663e+000 Table 1.11: Surface pressure offsets (i.e. poff, in dbar). For each station, these values are subtracted from the pressure calibration "offset" value from Table 1.10. stn poff stn poff stn poff stn poff stn poff stn poff ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- AU0304 1 0.40 12 0.54 23 0.49 34 0.75 45 0.84 56 0.51 2 0.61 13 0.63 24 0.60 35 0.76 46 0.78 57 0.58 3 0.54 14 0.52 25 0.80 36 0.43 47 0.71 58 0.41 4 0.38 15 0.56 26 0.73 37 0.45 48 0.60 59 0.70 5 0.56 16 0.65 27 0.49 38 0.59 49 0.51 60 0.73 6 0.62 17 0.62 28 0.52 39 0.50 50 0.58 61 0.70 7 0.63 18 0.60 29 0.58 40 0.58 51 0.56 62 0.20 8 0.62 19 0.78 30 0.50 41 0.58 52 0.54 63 0.51 9 0.50 20 0.72 31 0.61 42 0.60 53 0.42 64 0.55 10 0.45 21 0.74 32 0.58 43 0.75 54 0.55 11 0.48 22 0.73 33 0.59 44 0.68 55 0.69 AU0403 1 -0.23 21 -0.39 41 -0.46 61 -0.71 81 -0.72 101 -0.84 2 -0.35 22 -0.31 42 -0.57 62 -0.75 82 -0.63 102 -0.91 3 -0.31 23 -0.38 43 -0.70 63 -0.62 83 -0.65 103 -0.81 4 -0.32 24 -0.51 44 -0.70 64 -0.67 84 -0.57 104 -0.92 5 -0.39 25 -0.47 45 -0.68 65 -0.76 85 -0.90 105 -0.85 6 -0.31 26 -0.49 46 -0.78 66 -0.77 86 -0.65 106 -0.77 7 -0.33 27 -0.47 47 -0.69 67 -0.77 87 -0.70 107 -0.80 8 -0.29 28 -0.56 48 -0.91 68 -0.85 88 -0.72 108 -0.84 9 -0.38 29 -0.53 49 -0.88 69 -0.82 89 -0.75 109 -0.80 10 -0.33 30 -0.55 50 -0.96 70 -0.91 90 -0.65 110 -0.80 11 -0.31 31 -0.55 51 -0.93 71 -0.94 91 -0.66 111 -0.76 12 -0.42 32 -0.41 52 -0.98 72 -0.85 92 -0.65 112 -0.78 13 -0.40 33 -0.41 53 -0.88 73 -0.98 93 -0.65 113 -0.76 14 -0.44 34 -0.47 54 -0.88 74 -0.90 94 -0.65 114 -0.67 15 -0.39 35 -0.43 55 -0.91 75 -0.95 95 -0.54 115 -0.50 16 -0.41 36 -0.53 56 -0.85 76 -0.97 96 -0.70 17 -0.37 37 -0.60 57 -0.79 77 -0.75 97 -0.70 18 -0.32 38 -0.54 58 -0.80 78 -0.81 98 -0.78 19 -0.25 39 -0.36 59 -0.74 79 -0.80 99 -0.81 20 -0.30 40 -0.50 60 -0.75 80 -0.92 100 -0.90 Table 1.12: CTD conductivity calibration coefficients. F(1) , F(2) and F(3) are respectively conductivity bias, slope and station-dependent correction calibration terms. n is the number of samples retained for calibration in each station grouping; σ is the standard deviation of the conductivity residual for the n samples in the station grouping. stn grouping F(1) F(2) F(3) n σ AU0304 001 to 005 0.26824171E-01 0.99934872E-03 -0.40325085E-07 64 0.001526 006 to 011 0.31760098E-01 0.99902297E-03 0.48684554E-08 68 0.002284 012 to 017 0.72281193E-02 0.99978699E-03 0.10257699E-07 92 0.000972 018 to 022 0.15168448E-01 0.99975290E-03 -0.53038789E-08 62 0.000890 023 to 037 0.91014635E-02 0.99991884E-03 -0.51725072E-09 162 0.000733 038 to 041 -0.21634762E-01 0.10004787E-02 0.99194221E-08 75 0.000624 042 to 053 -0.28794659E-02 0.10003642E-02 -0.13906388E-08 221 0.000603 054 to 061 0.64509870E-02 0.99993332E-03 0.12626363E-08 128 0.000689 062 to 064 -0.12962177E-01 0.10008478E-02 -0.34637609E-08 64 0.000392 AU0403 001 to 012 0.36219872E-03 0.10000481E-02 -0.71998658E-08 172 0.001039 013 to 042 -0.45210967E-02 0.10001321E-02 0.81030400E-09 544 0.000617 043 to 047 -0.97050752E-02 0.10005678E-02 -0.53223310E-08 106 0.000447 048 to 060 0.43608906E-02 0.99991775E-03 -0.13633889E-08 264 0.000645 061 to 080 0.76180204E-02 0.99975569E-03 -0.14602137E-09 342 0.000543 081 to 100 0.13750652E-02 0.99993603E-03 0.50105062E-09 379 0.000485 101 to 110 0.15500617E-01 0.99975569E-03 -0.24143746E-08 196 0.000715 111 to 115 0.11337715E-02 0.10009367E-02 -0.81076349E-08 60 0.001910 Table 1.13: Station-dependent-corrected conductivity slope term (F(2)+F(3)•N), for station number N, and F(2) and F(3) the conductivity slope and station-dependent correction calibration terms respectively. stn (F(2)+F(3)•N) stn (F(2)+F(3)•N) stn (F(2)+F(3)•N) stn (F(2)+F(3)•N) nbr nbr nbr nbr ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ AU0304 1 0.99930839E-03 17 0.99994624E-03 33 0.99992059E-03 49 0.10002536E-02 2 0.99926807E-03 18 0.99960116E-03 34 0.99991854E-03 50 0.10002521E-02 3 0.99922774E-03 19 0.99959536E-03 35 0.99991648E-03 51 0.10002506E-02 4 0.99918742E-03 20 0.99958957E-03 36 0.99991443E-03 52 0.10002491E-02 5 0.99914709E-03 21 0.99958377E-03 37 0.99991237E-03 53 0.10002476E-02 6 0.99905218E-03 22 0.99957797E-03 38 0.10007687E-02 54 0.99987974E-03 7 0.99905705E-03 23 0.99994114E-03 39 0.10007757E-02 55 0.99987824E-03 8 0.99906192E-03 24 0.99993909E-03 40 0.10007827E-02 56 0.99987674E-03 9 0.99906679E-03 25 0.99993703E-03 41 0.10007897E-02 57 0.99987523E-03 10 0.99907166E-03 26 0.99993498E-03 42 0.10002640E-02 58 0.99987373E-03 11 0.99907653E-03 27 0.99993292E-03 43 0.10002625E-02 59 0.99987222E-03 12 0.99989590E-03 28 0.99993087E-03 44 0.10002610E-02 60 0.99987072E-03 13 0.99990597E-03 29 0.99992881E-03 45 0.10002595E-02 61 0.99986922E-03 14 0.99991604E-03 30 0.99992676E-03 46 0.10002580E-02 62 0.10007126E-02 15 0.99992611E-03 31 0.99992470E-03 47 0.10002566E-02 63 0.10007090E-02 16 0.99993617E-03 32 0.99992265E-03 48 0.10002551E-02 64 0.10007054E-02 AU0403 1 0.10000409E-02 30 0.10001715E-02 59 0.99976759E-03 88 0.99999276E-03 2 0.10000337E-02 31 0.10001725E-02 60 0.99976555E-03 89 0.99999336E-03 3 0.10000265E-02 32 0.10001734E-02 61 0.99972952E-03 90 0.99999396E-03 4 0.10000193E-02 33 0.10001744E-02 62 0.99972967E-03 91 0.99999457E-03 5 0.10000121E-02 34 0.10001753E-02 63 0.99972983E-03 92 0.99999517E-03 6 0.10000049E-02 35 0.10001763E-02 64 0.99972998E-03 93 0.99999577E-03 7 0.99999772E-03 36 0.10001773E-02 65 0.99973013E-03 94 0.99999638E-03 8 0.99999052E-03 37 0.10001782E-02 66 0.99973029E-03 95 0.99999698E-03 9 0.99998332E-03 38 0.10001792E-02 67 0.99973044E-03 96 0.99999758E-03 10 0.99997612E-03 39 0.10001801E-02 68 0.99973059E-03 97 0.99999819E-03 11 0.99996893E-03 40 0.10001811E-02 69 0.99973074E-03 98 0.99999879E-03 12 0.99996173E-03 41 0.10001820E-02 70 0.99973090E-03 99 0.99999939E-03 13 0.10001552E-02 42 0.10001830E-02 71 0.99973105E-03 100 0.99999999E-03 14 0.10001562E-02 43 0.10005414E-02 72 0.99973120E-03 101 0.99961286E-03 15 0.10001572E-02 44 0.10005382E-02 73 0.99973136E-03 102 0.99961083E-03 16 0.10001581E-02 45 0.10005350E-02 74 0.99973151E-03 103 0.99960881E-03 17 0.10001591E-02 46 0.10005318E-02 75 0.99973166E-03 104 0.99960678E-03 18 0.10001600E-02 47 0.10005285E-02 76 0.99973182E-03 105 0.99960475E-03 19 0.10001610E-02 48 0.99979003E-03 77 0.99973197E-03 106 0.99960273E-03 20 0.10001619E-02 49 0.99978799E-03 78 0.99973212E-03 107 0.99960070E-03 21 0.10001629E-02 50 0.99978595E-03 79 0.99973228E-03 108 0.99959867E-03 22 0.10001639E-02 51 0.99978391E-03 80 0.99973243E-03 109 0.99959665E-03 23 0.10001648E-02 52 0.99978187E-03 81 0.99998853E-03 110 0.99959462E-03 24 0.10001658E-02 53 0.99977983E-03 82 0.99998914E-03 111 0.10000368E-02 25 0.10001667E-02 54 0.99977779E-03 83 0.99998974E-03 112 0.10000287E-02 26 0.10001677E-02 55 0.99977575E-03 84 0.99999034E-03 113 0.10000206E-02 27 0.10001686E-02 56 0.99977371E-03 85 0.99999095E-03 114 0.10000125E-02 28 0.10001696E-02 57 0.99977167E-03 86 0.99999155E-03 115 0.10000044E-02 29 0.10001706E-02 58 0.99976963E-03 87 0.99999215E-03 Table 1.14: Missing data points in 2 dbar-averaged files. "1" indicates missing data for the indicated parameters: T=temperature; S=salinity and conductivity; O=oxygen; F=fluorescence. station pressure (dbar) no where data missing T S O F AU0304 1-3 whole station 1 4 2-118 1 6 2-12 1 11-12 2 1 1 1 1 14 2 1 1 1 1 18 2 1 1 1 1 23 2-44 1 24 2 1 1 1 1 24 52-1936 1 26 2-24 1 1 1 1 28 2 1 1 1 1 28 180-606 1 29 2 1 1 1 1 35 2 1 1 1 1 39 2 1 1 1 1 41-42 2 1 1 1 1 50 2 1 1 1 1 52 2 1 1 1 1 52 1862 1 56 1000-1002 1 56 1004 1 1 1 1 58 2-150 1 59 2-98 1 station pressure (dbar) no where data missing T S O F AU0403 1 2-4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2-6 1 1 1 1 4-5 2-4 1 1 1 1 6 2, 888-890 1 1 1 1 7 2-4, 162, 174-176 1 1 1 1 7 3222-518 1 8 2 1 1 1 1 9 2-4 1 1 1 1 9 222-246 1 11 2-4 1 1 1 1 11 208-218 1 12 2-4, 4910 1 1 1 1 13 2 1 1 1 1 14 2-4 1 1 1 1 14 202-224 1 15-18 2 1 1 1 1 19 2-4 1 1 1 1 20 2-8 1 1 1 1 21 2, 4474 1 1 1 1 22 2-20 1 1 1 1 23 2-8 1 1 1 1 24 2 1 1 1 1 26 2-6 1 1 1 1 27 2-4 1 1 1 1 28-29 2 1 1 1 1 30 2-4 1 1 1 1 31 2-8 1 1 1 1 32 2 1 1 1 1 33-34 2-4 1 1 1 1 35-38 2 1 1 1 1 38 4-78 1 39 2-12 1 1 1 1 39 whole station 1 40 2-4 1 1 1 1 41 2 1 1 1 1 41 4-342 1 42-43 2-4 1 1 1 1 44 2 1 1 1 1 44 4396-4484 1 45-46 2-4 1 1 1 1 47 2-6 1 1 1 1 48 2 1 1 1 1 49 2-8 1 1 1 1 station pressure (dbar) no where data missing T S O F AU0403 50-52 2-4 1 1 1 1 51 6-100 1 53 2-6 1 1 1 1 54 2-4 1 1 1 1 55 2-8 1 1 1 1 56 2-6 1 1 1 1 57 2 1 1 1 1 58 2-6 1 1 1 1 59 2-6, 3596 1 1 1 1 60 2-4 1 1 1 1 61 2 1 1 1 1 62 2-6 1 1 1 1 63 2-4 1 1 1 1 63 6-984 1 64 2-4 1 1 1 1 65 2 1 1 1 1 66 2-4 1 1 1 1 67 2 1 1 1 1 68 2-4 1 1 1 1 68 6-296 1 69-70 2-4 1 1 1 1 71 2-12 1 1 1 1 72-78 2-4 1 1 1 1 73 6-478 1 80-81 2-4 1 1 1 1 82 2-10 1 1 1 1 83 2-4 1 1 1 1 84 2-8 1 1 1 1 85 2-4 1 1 1 1 86-87 2-8 1 1 1 1 88 2-4 1 1 1 1 89 2-8 1 1 1 1 90-92 2-4 1 1 1 1 93-95 2-8 1 1 1 1 96-97 2-4 1 1 1 1 98 2-8, 1998 1 1 1 1 99 2-10 1 1 1 1 station pressure (dbar) no where data missing T S O F AU0403 100 2-8 1 1 1 1 101 2 1 1 1 1 102 2-4 1 1 1 1 103 2-6 1 1 1 1 104-105 2-8 1 1 1 1 106 2 1 1 1 1 107 2-4 1 1 1 1 109-111 2-8 1 1 1 1 112 2-12 1 1 1 1 113 2 1 1 1 1 114 2-4 1 1 1 1 115 2-4 1 1 1 1 115 whole station 1 Table 1.15: Suspect CTD 2 dbar averages (not deleted from the CTD 2dbar average files) for the indicated parameters: T=temperature; S=salinity and conductivity; O=oxygen; F=fluorsecence. station questionable 2 dbar number value(dbar) parameters AU0304 5 2-46 O 8 2-10 O 10 2-30 O 11 2-24 O 12 2-44 O 15 2 S 18 2-50 O 25 2 S 26 26-40 O 36 2 S 48 2 S AU0403 29 whole station F Table 1.16a: Suspect nutrient sample values (not deleted from bottle data file) for cruise AU0304, out by ~2 to 4% of full scale value. Note additionally that from intercruise comparisons, AU0304 phosphates appear to be mostly low by ~2 to 4%. PHOSPHATE NITRATE SILICATE Stn Rosette Stn Rosette Stn Rosette # position # position # position --- -------- --- ------------- --- -------- 5 whole station 6 whole station 11 15 17 whole station 20 5 30 17 33 1,4,9,15 34 4 35 whole station 36 5,6 38 18 39 6,9 40 5,11 44 6,9 45 5 47 whole station 49 whole station 50 5 50 whole station 51 4,5 54 3,8 55 5 55 1 58 whole station 63 11 Table 1.16b: Suspect nutrient sample values (not deleted from bottle data file) for cruise AU0403. Note: listing is by rosette position, not Niskin bottle number. PHOSPHATE NITRATE SILICATE Stn Rosette Stn Rosette Stn Rosette # position # position # position --- -------- --- ------------- --- -------- 11 4 12 6 13 9 24 20 37 10 40 9 42 3 48 19 50 17 50 2,3,15 50 12 56 7,8 65 15 90 9 102 8 103 3 105 1 105 12 106 7,15 Table 1.17: Suspect dissolved oxygen bottle values (not deleted from bottle data file). AU0304 station number rosette position 11 21 60 1 AU0403 48 24 Table 1.18a: CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients for cruise AU0304: slope, bias, tcor ((= temperature correction term), and pcor ( = pressure correction term). dox is equal to 2.8σ , for σ as defined in Appendix 1.2. Note that coefficients are given for both the shallow and deep part of the profile, according to the profile split used for calibration (see Appendix 1.2 for methodology). ----------------------shallow------------------------ --------------------------deep------------------ stn slope bias tcor pcor dox slope bias tcor pcor dox 1 - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - 4 0.164465 0.434553 -0.020273 0.000030 0.111125 0.164465 0.434553 -0.020273 0.000030 0.111125 5 0.591783 -0.478937 0.021298 0.000174 0.206837 0.199493 0.253860 -0.126415 0.000065 0.032301 6 0.483370 -0.266693 -0.015773 0.000141 0.221302 0.414866 -0.091854 -0.065904 0.000074 0.042642 7 0.565883 -0.413125 0.013840 0.000169 0.147084 0.534069 -0.274655 -0.087431 0.000069 0.027401 8 0.747892 -0.784341 0.026249 0.000275 0.159305 0.564617 -0.245300 -0.222759 0.000003 0.058158 9 0.620084 -0.515371 0.002871 0.000120 0.253182 0.620084 -0.515371 0.002871 0.000120 0.253182 10 0.797408 -0.867825 0.042757 0.000294 0.281813 0.797408 -0.867825 0.042757 0.000294 0.281813 11 0.840665 -1.019923 -0.000941 0.000741 0.238001 0.840665 -1.019923 -0.000941 0.000741 0.238001 12 0.254008 0.215361 -0.090502 0.000028 0.172637 0.706026 -0.585963 0.037058 0.000109 0.109880 13 0.648545 -0.551958 0.017475 0.000186 0.182479 0.712024 -0.495660 -0.146131 0.000034 0.024061 14 0.706402 -0.679651 -0.000525 0.000080 0.086629 0.706402 -0.679651 -0.000525 0.000080 0.086629 15 0.316592 0.225089 0.054649 0.000065 0.111702 0.316592 0.225089 0.054649 0.000065 0.111702 16 0.694956 -0.630198 0.016248 0.000161 0.153623 0.694956 -0.630198 0.016248 0.000161 0.153623 17 0.826580 -0.912457 0.013722 0.000415 0.231529 0.826580 -0.912457 0.013722 0.000415 0.231529 18 0.506080 -0.298977 -0.016447 0.000138 0.067146 0.704009 -0.594369 -0.023405 0.000100 0.078726 19 0.781771 -0.840607 0.004906 0.000326 0.137162 0.781771 -0.840607 0.004906 0.000326 0.137162 20 0.618077 -0.509751 0.043047 0.000192 0.127267 0.618077 -0.509751 0.043047 0.000192 0.127267 21 0.411513 0.019539 0.047804 0.000087 0.106108 0.411513 0.019539 0.047804 0.000087 0.106108 22 0.698139 -0.623850 0.012253 0.000168 0.135608 1.008015 -1.086143 -0.128956 0.000034 0.064799 23 - - - - - - - - - - 24 0.730531 -0.699200 0.029755 0.001292 0.023989 0.698416 -0.602454 0.019449 0.000134 0.051476 25 0.719139 -0.680359 0.006835 0.000244 0.113209 0.719139 -0.680359 0.006835 0.000244 0.113209 26 0.892388 -1.010245 0.020243 0.000426 0.100122 0.892388 -1.010245 0.020243 0.000426 0.100122 27 0.712366 -0.637307 0.018220 0.000185 0.097229 0.712366 -0.637307 0.018220 0.000185 0.097229 28 0.736709 -0.670287 0.006560 0.000093 0.177979 0.736709 -0.670287 0.006560 0.000093 0.177979 29 0.801689 -0.797691 0.009859 0.000218 0.102628 0.801689 -0.797691 0.009859 0.000218 0.102628 30 0.712044 -0.624114 -0.002095 0.000148 0.103813 1.282525 -1.676573 0.329698 0.000332 0.026386 31 0.786994 -0.826490 0.002738 0.000414 0.062255 0.786994 -0.826490 0.002738 0.000414 0.062255 32 0.785535 -0.822121 0.003683 0.000401 0.063664 0.785535 -0.822121 0.003683 0.000401 0.063664 33 0.628794 -0.476235 0.004340 0.000148 0.188891 0.508064 -0.288628 0.047871 0.000118 0.046844 34 0.538314 -0.354858 0.053439 0.000144 0.108975 0.560588 -0.340210 0.000372 0.000102 0.035858 35 0.594355 -0.408541 0.013758 0.000117 0.088204 0.580283 -0.394331 0.033635 0.000117 0.030665 36 0.632093 -0.431718 -0.010804 0.000102 0.100138 0.463238 -0.169716 0.005093 0.000085 0.017513 37 0.620869 -0.445488 0.036509 0.000121 0.089635 0.466477 -0.166484 -0.003569 0.000081 0.016934 38 0.636835 -0.469608 0.013746 0.000120 0.118347 0.474856 -0.201355 0.008722 0.000091 0.023035 39 0.634398 -0.446498 0.008881 0.000111 0.134757 0.673711 -0.539202 0.045459 0.000131 0.036286 40 0.630468 -0.447082 -0.006792 0.000115 0.106360 0.618746 -0.441339 0.021675 0.000115 0.040158 41 0.481707 -0.310467 0.071194 0.000172 0.133679 0.618096 -0.464283 0.040371 0.000129 0.034260 42 0.578361 -0.417485 0.029807 0.000148 0.188705 0.701665 -0.597057 0.035186 0.000142 0.037021 43 0.614754 -0.444552 0.016952 0.000124 0.136641 0.571559 -0.372529 0.016964 0.000113 0.051503 44 0.638302 -0.520284 0.057262 0.000183 0.141687 0.598007 -0.403376 0.023015 0.000115 0.024050 45 0.628812 -0.508133 0.052525 0.000181 0.107167 0.794380 -0.707851 0.011249 0.000130 0.017285 46 0.621056 -0.501226 0.049831 0.000204 0.125788 0.596839 -0.406052 0.022117 0.000117 0.019175 47 0.632124 -0.499421 0.026768 0.000190 0.103366 0.521464 -0.442252 0.145860 0.000299 0.013560 48 0.652279 -0.562205 0.038681 0.000245 0.155750 0.797417 -0.703913 -0.005566 0.000127 0.014116 49 0.558937 -0.488090 0.125640 0.000299 0.155283 0.797243 -0.704198 -0.002106 0.000126 0.016200 50 0.666948 -0.541150 0.027069 0.000158 0.159580 0.595568 -0.406992 0.022675 0.000119 0.017310 51 0.662750 -0.500146 0.014725 0.000118 0.131057 0.394650 -0.108807 0.041633 0.000112 0.028019 52 0.661303 -0.537564 0.042947 0.000150 0.072802 0.394670 -0.108757 0.041353 0.000110 0.031043 53 0.672956 -0.551897 0.050186 0.000132 0.139343 0.708890 -0.586981 0.026370 0.000127 0.030298 54 0.630695 -0.491693 0.042219 0.000148 0.097875 0.507536 -0.289908 0.057826 0.000118 0.034234 55 0.615743 -0.537644 0.119796 0.000209 0.092330 0.517412 -0.273392 0.011453 0.000098 0.038544 56 0.707454 -0.746200 0.207747 0.000310 0.100185 0.807623 -0.681252 -0.019230 0.000096 0.042046 57 0.774917 -0.762243 0.096391 0.000217 0.087275 0.056481 0.530054 -0.063496 0.000020 0.089434 58 0.488164 -0.210709 -0.039804 0.000093 0.080119 0.734774 -0.610204 -0.075524 0.000103 0.044503 59 0.280125 0.173253 -0.081488 0.000033 0.111412 0.280125 0.173253 -0.081488 0.000033 0.111412 60 0.104132 0.866672 0.120603 0.000001 0.091614 0.104132 0.866672 0.120603 0.000001 0.091614 61 0.740391 -0.892195 -0.179166 0.000024 0.115308 0.740391 -0.892195 -0.179166 0.000024 0.115308 62 0.523299 -0.327477 0.049909 0.000145 0.127904 0.207066 0.247635 -0.009254 0.000051 0.041979 63 0.630011 -0.438406 0.016675 0.000106 0.244034 0.551870 -0.319826 0.019229 0.000100 0.036045 64 0.656355 -0.477715 0.001211 0.000112 0.174852 0.620450 -0.430754 0.013645 0.000110 0.046200 Table 1.18b: CTD dissolved oxygen calibration coefficients for cruise AU0403 (definitions as per Table 1.18a). ----------------------shallow------------------------ --------------------------deep------------------ stn slope bias tcor pcor dox slope bias tcor pcor dox 1 0.455224 -0.242060 0.008951 0.000287 0.111315 0.455224 -0.242060 0.008951 0.000287 0.111315 2 0.647529 -0.689988 0.009215 0.000270 0.088685 0.647529 -0.689988 0.009215 0.000270 0.088685 3 0.654540 -0.549864 0.000476 0.000059 0.098137 0.654540 -0.549864 0.000476 0.000059 0.098137 4 0.425036 -0.049252 0.002865 0.000034 0.074939 0.425036 -0.049252 0.002865 0.000034 0.074939 5 0.467746 -0.207165 0.006237 0.000177 0.112375 0.491721 -0.220927 0.006103 0.000133 0.033557 6 0.479152 -0.187529 0.003622 0.000128 0.142692 0.348902 -0.216781 0.133405 0.000303 0.079216 7 0.490931 -0.208037 0.003073 0.000138 0.068831 0.307821 0.009759 0.010005 0.000132 0.039836 8 0.579704 -0.278918 0.001755 0.000164 0.113936 0.389052 0.007181 -0.024681 0.000102 0.075983 9 0.571178 -0.233728 0.002752 0.000133 0.147652 0.552676 -0.152542 -0.037563 0.000108 0.042532 10 0.590116 -0.245772 0.002444 0.000137 0.140882 0.623528 -0.352290 0.049722 0.000183 0.044671 11 0.683350 -0.349296 -0.004127 0.000154 0.156095 0.721983 -0.441982 0.032029 0.000186 0.028380 12 0.643945 -0.293554 -0.000859 0.000146 0.161540 0.706982 -0.332937 -0.017208 0.000129 0.037702 13 0.697776 -0.352383 -0.004332 0.000152 0.080708 0.708435 -0.377599 0.010934 0.000154 0.026728 14 0.640653 -0.278001 -0.000312 0.000137 0.140627 0.657442 -0.366766 0.042733 0.000182 0.033512 15 0.654989 -0.299939 -0.000917 0.000145 0.094725 0.753871 -0.374546 -0.017601 0.000130 0.049476 16 0.686381 -0.319138 -0.004715 0.000131 0.072024 0.769820 -0.479334 0.028494 0.000186 0.009194 17 0.675952 -0.318696 -0.003485 0.000142 0.145403 0.747815 -0.405635 0.002753 0.000150 0.029861 18 0.684500 -0.334235 -0.003011 0.000149 0.133178 0.761064 -0.390680 -0.013598 0.000133 0.048750 19 0.726566 -0.375571 -0.006653 0.000149 0.135502 0.741702 -0.392567 -0.002360 0.000146 0.030577 20 0.699265 -0.352845 -0.004821 0.000159 0.081000 0.709094 -0.346311 -0.003694 0.000136 0.052106 21 0.636967 -0.231258 -0.003774 0.000090 0.129243 0.689579 -0.327512 -0.001874 0.000137 0.040089 22 0.698725 -0.345072 -0.004900 0.000150 0.086831 0.688278 -0.315222 -0.005983 0.000130 0.046434 23 0.699301 -0.350417 -0.005026 0.000154 0.149369 0.727160 -0.333541 -0.019721 0.000118 0.068561 24 0.713576 -0.352606 -0.006888 0.000137 0.103434 0.638471 -0.211756 -0.026440 0.000099 0.072375 25 0.672401 -0.304653 -0.003474 0.000131 0.096769 0.683019 -0.317936 -0.004166 0.000135 0.037279 26 0.700833 -0.340212 -0.005479 0.000138 0.062249 0.786165 -0.444992 -0.002732 0.000151 0.027413 27 0.706370 -0.359121 -0.004837 0.000157 0.076687 0.681482 -0.337050 0.010007 0.000145 0.037868 28 0.696476 -0.331940 -0.005645 0.000132 0.075092 0.690826 -0.281713 -0.025473 0.000109 0.034746 29 0.718616 -0.367561 -0.006348 0.000151 0.139418 0.590611 -0.216612 0.001489 0.000129 0.052383 30 0.727175 -0.374917 -0.007569 0.000150 0.051170 0.779562 -0.426080 -0.008223 0.000142 0.032667 31 0.773194 -0.413146 -0.013848 0.000143 0.076225 0.687773 -0.316613 -0.006086 0.000132 0.038853 32 0.695566 -0.333853 -0.003604 0.000140 0.116712 0.590112 -0.211067 0.005611 0.000124 0.028003 33 0.704955 -0.359812 -0.003520 0.000162 0.078193 0.784802 -0.417419 -0.015307 0.000135 0.044369 34 0.776663 -0.438838 -0.012209 0.000172 0.108014 0.689217 -0.314949 -0.008760 0.000132 0.037067 35 0.695799 -0.335660 -0.004437 0.000143 0.070250 0.772312 -0.388623 -0.022209 0.000124 0.034364 36 0.727924 -0.370560 -0.008716 0.000149 0.076952 0.592579 -0.210530 0.002370 0.000129 0.029637 37 0.712101 -0.353056 -0.007921 0.000147 0.087546 0.844048 -0.526277 -0.002074 0.000170 0.026348 38 0.567260 -0.305702 0.098200 0.000221 0.047889 0.567260 -0.305702 0.098200 0.000221 0.047889 39 0.829221 -0.440073 -0.090244 0.000078 1.527730 0.600683 -0.160160 -0.040466 0.000101 0.298201 40 0.707933 -0.345682 -0.007165 0.000145 0.035549 0.691056 -0.309723 -0.011320 0.000127 0.031284 41 0.597767 -0.221713 0.000712 0.000143 0.061633 0.606084 -0.185015 -0.019756 0.000104 0.023630 42 0.534136 -0.260247 0.003256 0.000144 0.099443 0.498130 -0.201567 0.001247 0.000133 0.013785 43 0.550737 -0.280405 -0.001969 0.000144 0.084171 0.498618 -0.202408 -0.000173 0.000133 0.013242 44 0.544226 -0.272138 -0.000760 0.000142 0.099344 0.495999 -0.203312 0.001810 0.000135 0.011926 45 0.550171 -0.283740 -0.000811 0.000148 0.111551 0.496530 -0.202470 0.001238 0.000134 0.023482 46 0.531531 -0.257415 0.004232 0.000142 0.136868 0.500212 -0.200432 -0.002961 0.000131 0.037829 47 0.530896 -0.252814 0.003108 0.000139 0.077233 0.492789 -0.204663 0.006334 0.000140 0.048044 48 0.555602 -0.294382 -0.000737 0.000153 0.132678 0.497005 -0.202379 0.002695 0.000134 0.029071 49 0.539488 -0.265925 0.001554 0.000143 0.076056 0.497940 -0.203397 0.001938 0.000134 0.034319 Table 1.18b continued ----------------------shallow------------------------ --------------------------deep------------------ stn slope bias tcor pcor dox slope bias tcor pcor dox 50 0.549889 -0.279155 -0.003666 0.000147 0.119519 0.492471 -0.205166 0.010208 0.000140 0.035856 51 0.515380 -0.202744 -0.019163 0.000121 0.070243 0.405181 -0.095368 0.031519 0.000134 0.032198 52 0.551618 -0.282959 -0.001500 0.000147 0.138877 0.502438 -0.199688 -0.004856 0.000129 0.013578 53 0.548278 -0.281666 0.003833 0.000150 0.087136 0.502290 -0.199580 -0.005755 0.000130 0.027484 54 0.554180 -0.282513 -0.001751 0.000145 0.068942 0.502494 -0.199387 -0.001488 0.000129 0.026302 55 0.554111 -0.290755 0.004068 0.000151 0.139962 0.499786 -0.201475 0.000836 0.000133 0.022866 56 0.566456 -0.328267 0.020524 0.000170 0.116246 0.497248 -0.203304 0.012568 0.000137 0.032201 57 0.568051 -0.313974 0.004977 0.000158 0.086296 0.590597 -0.312314 -0.029454 0.000132 0.067221 58 0.513687 -0.169791 -0.048663 0.000097 0.076721 0.501801 -0.198826 -0.003509 0.000130 0.021089 59 0.580363 -0.346485 0.025894 0.000172 0.048722 0.500714 -0.200485 0.001400 0.000135 0.027665 60 0.584073 -0.361613 0.034480 0.000185 0.053835 0.412312 -0.085746 0.044692 0.000137 0.059432 61 0.578588 -0.335231 0.017254 0.000168 0.090093 0.520287 -0.144641 -0.174129 0.000053 0.021136 62 0.643653 -0.486365 0.078697 0.000250 0.041225 0.209786 0.261151 -0.015459 0.000081 0.069417 63 0.885718 -0.929763 0.176822 0.000398 0.005963 0.500574 -0.199147 0.002004 0.000135 0.023526 64 0.610624 -0.403360 0.049940 0.000196 0.116761 0.502860 -0.197189 -0.000902 0.000132 0.025604 65 0.646474 -0.471180 0.059967 0.000224 0.075792 0.297300 0.095962 0.052544 0.000130 0.034858 66 0.596926 -0.360745 0.014445 0.000173 0.087870 0.096463 0.395124 0.056491 0.000133 0.020478 67 0.539652 -0.241473 -0.009578 0.000120 0.086672 0.539273 -0.240762 -0.009698 0.000120 0.087000 68 0.216020 0.319022 -0.069516 0.000014 0.084413 0.216020 0.319022 -0.069516 0.000014 0.084413 69 0.709666 -0.587211 0.005579 0.000252 0.077977 0.709666 -0.587211 0.005579 0.000252 0.077977 70 0.574408 -0.312803 -0.005889 0.000149 0.143732 0.509075 -0.197269 -0.013139 0.000122 0.029349 71 0.567755 -0.285630 -0.005918 0.000138 0.078649 0.502553 -0.199081 0.008539 0.000132 0.028743 72 0.545454 -0.276088 0.017129 0.000151 0.057328 0.505958 -0.197323 -0.001155 0.000129 0.022006 73 0.670958 -0.296197 -0.119198 0.000049 0.046910 0.586499 -0.388230 0.098258 0.000201 0.071340 74 0.563011 -0.267075 -0.008502 0.000127 0.068071 0.505812 -0.196265 0.007454 0.000129 0.032346 75 0.482058 -0.137622 -0.018146 0.000108 0.050532 0.380967 0.023668 -0.029241 0.000086 0.041574 76 0.551317 -0.287923 0.014802 0.000165 0.084661 0.592640 -0.309421 -0.020151 0.000134 0.037241 77 0.547953 -0.251322 -0.005852 0.000130 0.055534 0.500008 -0.199668 0.012116 0.000139 0.014927 78 0.538636 -0.279480 0.032013 0.000157 0.090875 0.500430 -0.199348 0.010281 0.000136 0.009841 79 0.547560 -0.287823 0.026904 0.000155 0.048481 0.501248 -0.198168 0.008303 0.000135 0.013795 80 0.559534 -0.290721 0.008132 0.000158 0.098499 0.499817 -0.198679 0.011998 0.000135 0.022599 81 0.562045 -0.308331 0.017339 0.000174 0.176953 0.503019 -0.198077 0.009951 0.000130 0.023113 82 0.568468 -0.290304 -0.006495 0.000144 0.082744 0.326587 0.071307 0.004445 0.000091 0.035544 83 0.554353 -0.277444 0.002752 0.000147 0.085432 0.505397 -0.197998 0.003512 0.000129 0.026921 84 0.513629 -0.234855 0.022097 0.000143 0.110991 0.504642 -0.197817 0.001379 0.000130 0.010122 85 0.509093 -0.229020 0.019243 0.000161 0.121645 0.636419 -0.445674 0.055846 0.000203 0.035537 86 0.554810 -0.270419 -0.000377 0.000140 0.046687 0.506312 -0.197874 0.001746 0.000128 0.027913 87 0.556403 -0.264527 -0.004537 0.000132 0.058725 0.378488 0.010982 -0.011293 0.000093 0.024861 88 0.553666 -0.265969 -0.002596 0.000137 0.057976 0.580216 -0.306725 -0.004301 0.000145 0.035206 89 0.549181 -0.266636 0.006188 0.000140 0.053301 0.503339 -0.195234 0.001562 0.000135 0.039751 90 0.569747 -0.294977 -0.002564 0.000150 0.096326 0.503131 -0.196889 0.006189 0.000130 0.009269 91 0.555158 -0.292485 0.020121 0.000156 0.085408 0.500328 -0.198917 0.011155 0.000137 0.020386 92 0.562602 -0.286247 0.004606 0.000145 0.031452 0.501828 -0.197904 0.009966 0.000134 0.016907 93 0.564857 -0.322011 0.036258 0.000168 0.095914 0.501268 -0.198908 0.012384 0.000134 0.014821 94 0.556055 -0.315099 0.040842 0.000170 0.075959 0.501276 -0.198445 0.008151 0.000135 0.012502 95 0.556100 -0.288784 0.014948 0.000151 0.071594 0.500820 -0.199396 0.010339 0.000136 0.018808 96 0.563048 -0.303435 0.016720 0.000159 0.050074 0.504163 -0.195555 0.000592 0.000132 0.017161 97 0.553779 -0.297370 0.031691 0.000149 0.076029 0.807620 -0.588251 -0.044973 0.000134 0.045034 98 0.558122 -0.289230 0.013731 0.000150 0.053339 0.801349 -0.596137 -0.046273 0.000154 0.014669 99 0.578842 -0.319928 0.011039 0.000151 0.042213 0.500283 -0.199424 0.010379 0.000136 0.010412 100 0.564341 -0.309293 0.021542 0.000157 0.032680 0.500483 -0.200664 0.010703 0.000137 0.021075 101 0.563344 -0.284508 -0.002485 0.000148 0.115782 0.976664 -0.864653 -0.049588 0.000206 0.047911 102 0.571524 -0.296747 -0.002905 0.000150 0.130189 0.506124 -0.194975 0.002469 0.000129 0.033498 103 0.553123 -0.259748 -0.005418 0.000132 0.123599 0.504052 -0.195933 0.006414 0.000132 0.022921 104 0.573906 -0.317006 0.016846 0.000161 0.127765 0.589423 -0.310438 -0.013350 0.000138 0.025052 105 0.575003 -0.293738 -0.007192 0.000141 0.130551 0.503769 -0.194284 0.002154 0.000131 0.025007 106 0.570248 -0.313088 0.013484 0.000168 0.107875 0.504847 -0.194241 0.001899 0.000130 0.028634 107 0.565393 -0.289341 0.007462 0.000144 0.108955 0.507999 -0.191848 -0.008782 0.000126 0.034845 108 0.537817 -0.230634 -0.004715 0.000118 0.138037 0.505489 -0.193466 -0.001698 0.000129 0.051044 109 0.573872 -0.309529 0.002589 0.000162 0.105308 0.410790 -0.035973 -0.024129 0.000103 0.039840 110 0.499832 -0.167327 -0.017377 0.000113 0.109564 0.592103 -0.309097 -0.028209 0.000132 0.036409 111 0.516802 -0.188138 -0.007852 0.000096 0.098296 0.516802 -0.188138 -0.007852 0.000096 0.098296 112 0.394353 -0.001832 -0.042050 0.000128 0.122009 0.394353 -0.001832 -0.042050 0.000128 0.122009 113 0.565776 -0.321734 -0.031486 0.000170 0.138440 0.565776 -0.321734 -0.031486 0.000170 0.138440 114 0.590920 -0.321274 0.003933 0.000158 0.074437 0.590920 -0.321274 0.003933 0.000158 0.074437 115 0.543490 -0.278874 0.003946 0.000163 0.110781 0.496588 -0.208467 0.009673 0.000136 0.025507 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX 1.1 HYDROCHEMISTRY CRUISE LABORATORY REPORTS A1.1.1 AU0304 HYDROCHEMISTRY LABORATORY REPORT (Clodagh Moy, Neale Johnston and Bronwyn Wake) Seawater samples from the CTD were analysed for salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients (nitrate plus nitrite, silicate and orthophosphate). Samples were collected from 64 stations in total. Additional samples were also analysed for some scientists on board, as described below. The methods used are described in the CSIRO hydrochemistry manual (Cowley, 2001). PERSONNEL Clodagh Curran, Hydrochemist, Antarctic CRC Neale Johnston, Hydrochemist, CSIRO Bronwyn Wake, Volunteer, PhD student IASOS. NUMBER OF SAMPLES ANALYSED Salinities : 1060 Dissolved Oxygen : 1028 Nutrients : 1021 SALINITY Salinity analyses were performed by Clodagh Curran in lab 3, next to the electronics lab. Guildline salinometer SN62549 was initially setup in the lab, however due to a faulty transformer it was replaced by SN62548 shortly after leaving Hobart. SN62548 was used for the remainder of the cruise. Ocean Scientific IAPSO standard seawater was used to standardise the salinometer. Two sets of standards, P140 and P141, were used to standardise the instrument. P140 was used for most of the cruise. Measured against its nominal value, P140 showed no difference (i.e. 2R of <0.0 0000) for 10 out of 12 standardisations. There were two occasions where there was a significant change in the measured value during a run. Some problems occurred between stations 23 and 24, where there was a break in analysis for a number of days. There was a significant jump in the standardisation set value, and P140 at the end of the run had changed considerably from its standardisation value at the beginning of the run i.e. a change from 1.99982 to 1.99992, equivalent to a salinity change of 0.002 (PSS78) over the run. After discovering some growth on the cell, it was thoroughly cleaned with 4% bleach from the ship's galley, flushing 4 times till clean. The following day a run was done, and the standard at the end of the run showed no change from the initial standardisation. The salinometer remained stable for the rest of the cruise. Near the end of the cruise P141 was introduced, as P140 was low in stock. The standards were compared on two occasions by standardising the instrument with one standard, and measuring the other standard. Results for both P140 and P141 agreed with their nominal values. A PID temperature controller was used to control the temperature of the lab. On a number of occasions the temperature in the lab rose above 20 degrees. When this occurred analysis was stopped, and the chief Engineer was notified immediately. The temperature of the air entering the lab from the ship's vents was then decreased. A close eye was kept on the lab temperature at all times. Files updated: A0304_equipment.xls, Extra_samples_a0304.xls sal62548.xls sal_std_check.xls sal62549.xls DISSOLVED OXYGEN Dissolved oxygen analyses were performed by Bronwyn Wake (and Neale Johnston on a number of occasions) in the photo lab. There were no major problems with the DO system, apart from some temperature problems in the lab. The temperature varied between 13 and 18 degrees over the course of the cruise. Standardisation and blank values were collated and plotted from this and previous cruises, to help identify outlying or suspicious values. The average standardisation value and average standard deviation was 4.484 ±0.001 ml of thiosulfate, equivalent to 237.8 µmol/l of oxygen. The average blank value and average standard deviation was 0.007 ±0.001 ml of thiosulfate. Files updated: A0304_DO chemical cal.xls, DO_reag_use_stocktake.xls, do_std&blank.xls, do.xls NUTRIENTS Nutrients were analysed by Neale Johnston, and Clodagh Curran where necessary, to keep the instrument running over a 24 hour period. Phosphate, silicate and nitrate plus nitrite were analysed as per CSIRO methods. CSIRO's solenoid switching valve system was used to alternate the carrier between artificial seawater, low nutrient seawater and MQ (i.e. Milli-Q) water as well as from colour reagents to MQ for each chemistry for baseline correction. Standards were made up every couple of days in low nutrient seawater (collected from Maria Island, filtered and autoclaved before going on the cruise). If standards were stored for longer than about 3 days, the silicate polymerisation was a problem. The carrier for the standard runs was artificial seawater (39g sodium chloride per litre in MQ). The software used for data collection was Winflow, and the software used for processing was written by Rebecca Cowley (CSIRO). A standard run included baseline correction using the switching valves (which took approximately 45 mins), a carryover correction, a set of standards, low and high SRM's (Standard Reference Material from Ocean Scientific prepared in autoclaved seawater) and QC's (LNSW spiked with nutrients) followed by samples, and then the standards, SRM's and QC's were repeated. A run normally took about 3 hours to complete. The A/D converter caused a problem when a LTC1047 chip on the phosphate channel malfunctioned. This A/D converter was originally a detector for the digital detectors, and included both a cell and a reference channel. The reference channel is redundant when the system is used as an A/D converter, thus a spare chip was available (from this reference channel). On occasion the phosphate channel did not register a signal when a run was first started. When this occured the power to the A/D box was turned off for about 10 seconds and then the run restarted. This solved the problem each time. It is not known whether this was related to the problem with the LTC1047 chip. On several occasions the software failed to activate the sampler, but on each occasion stopping and restarting the run fixed the problem. The nitrate/nitrite channel seemed to truncate the baseline. It was possible to overcome this by starting the run on an artificially low baseline, however this is not a satisfactory solution. Investigation is required as to whether the problem is caused by the detector, or by the nitrate/nitrite channel on the A/D converter. The phosphate analysis had problems due to inconsistent flow in the ascorbic acid line. This may have been caused by some of the platen holders being acid damaged in the past. It was overcome by changing the pump tube from orange yellow to an orange white to ensure the ascorbic acid was in excess. It is recommended that new platen holders be put in, and also that the side rails be checked in case they are slightly bent. It has been noted by some users that there is a problem with the rails on the larger pumps, and Ismatec now produce some pumps with heavier gauge rails. Towards the end of the cruise it was noted that one of the cadmium coils could not be conditioned to work to a satisfactory level, possibly due to it being exposed to the atmosphere over time after each new coil was removed, even though originally all coils were stored under nitrogen. It is recommended that the cadmium lengths are stored under nitrogen in individual whirlpak bags. There were problems running some of Stephane's samples that were in fresh water. This was due to the source of the fresh water - from the ship's urn (not MQ water). GENERAL DATA HANDLING Plots were made of analyte versus station to check for suspicious data or wrongly entered data. They were based on the data in the csv file, and could be opened via the macro CSV in A0304.XLM. Data were backed up to 250MB Iomega zip disk. LABORATORIES The salinometer and nutrient systems were both in lab 3. The salinometer was on the forward bench near the door, with enough space for two salinity crates next to the bulkhead. The data computer was on the other side of the salinometer. The nutrient system was next to the computer along the forward bench towards the starboard side. There was bench space free in front of the porthole for sample preparation, and the fume cupboard was used to make reagents etc. The wet lab was used to make standards, as the fridge containing them was conveniently located in there together with the small freezer. The DO system was on the starboard bench in the photo lab, and the MQ system was as usual on the forward bulkhead of the photo lab. TEMPERATURE MONITORING AND CONTROL Temperature in lab 3 was controlled by a CAL Controls Ltd 'CAL 9900' proportional derivative plus integral (PID) temperature controller. The temperature from the air vents fluctuated between 11 and 18 degrees, however due to the small size of lab 3 and the heat from the instruments, the temperature on some occasions reach above the set temperature of 20 degrees. During most of the cruise the lab door was open, which helped maintain the temperature at or below 20 degrees. On a few occasions the lab temperature exceeded this and analysis was halted till the chief engineer reduced the ship's air temperature entering the lab via the air vents. The photo lab had no temperature controller. The photo lab was heated by the ships air conditioning, however regular access to the trawl deck by other groups allowed a lot of cold air to accumulate in and around the photo lab. Thus the temperature fluctuated between 13 and 18 degrees over the cruise. As long as both the standardisation and sample analyses were performed at the same temperature, the low temperature did not effect the results. On a number of occasions the photo lab light was turned off and the sample box lid was removed to help speed up stabilization of the samples to room temperature. For future cruises a temperature controller similar to the one used for lab 3 is recommended. Temperature in the laboratories was also recorded by two Tinytalk units. One was positioned beside the salinometer, while the other was positioned beside the DO system. A digital thermometer was used to estimate the temperature of the dissolved oxygen samples during stabilization to room temperature. 'Indoor/outdoor' electronic thermometers were used to measure the fridge and freezer. The air temperature about the salinometer was generally 20.0 ±1°C. PURIFIED WATER The MQ system was set up in the photo lab, as usual. The system appeared to function ok, however air locks were experienced from time to time, slowing the process of reaching optimum quality. A number of groups used the MQ system, and about 400 l of water were produced for this cruise. The filters did not require changing. ADDITIONAL SAMPLES ANALYSED. The following additional samples were analysed for other scientists on board au0304: salinity: 5 samples (Stephane Pesant) nutrients: ~50 samples (Stephane Pesant) 30 samples (Christel Heeman) A1.1.2. AU0403 HYDROCHEMISTRY LABORATORY REPORT (Clodagh Moy, Kate Berry and Andrew Moy) Seawater samples from the CTD were analysed for salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients (nitrate plus nitrite, silicate and orthophosphate). Samples were collected from 115 stations in total. Additional nutrient samples were also analysed for scientists from IASOS and the Australian Antarctic Division. Analysis procedures, except for procedures developed for the new Lachat nutrient system, are described in Eriksen (1997), Cowley and Johnston (1999) and Cowley (2001), with general updates described in Moy (in prep.). Personnel Clodagh Moy (nee Curran), Hydro Chemist, ACE CRC Kate Berry, Hydro Chemist, CSIRO Andrew Moy, Volunteer, PhD student IASOS. NUMBER OF SAMPLES ANALYSED Salinities : 2448 Dissolved Oxygen : 2436 Nutrients : 2704 SALINITY Clodagh Moy analysed salinities with a Guildine Autosal Salinometer, SN62549, setup in the wet lab on the aft bench near the starboard side porthole. This salinometer was used throughout the whole voyage. The spare salinometer, SN62548 was setup on the aft bench on the port side in case it was needed. A new multi-wrist shaker for shaking the salinity samples was purchased before the cruise to reduce repetitive strain injuries. It was setup between the two salinometers on the aft bench. Four salinity crates were stacked two high, each side of SN62549, to help equilibrate to room temperature. Ocean Scientific IAPSO standard seawater was used to standardise the salinometer. A batch of 10 standards, together with the protective packaging they came in, were setup behind one side of the salinity crates to equilibrate to room temperature. A total of 90 bottles of IAPSO standard seawater over 32 standardisations were used on the voyage. Samples were analysed from shallowest to deepest in a CTD cast i.e. from bottle 24 to bottle 1. The trim value, or standardisation value, is set on the salinometer during standardisation with IAPSO standard seawater. If the instrument and temperature control is stable there should be minimal change to the trim value day to day. During AU0403 the trim value remained a constant 2.43 _ 0.02 (std dev) over 32 standardisations. The trim value however has decreased significantly since the last voyage. This needs to be investigated by an electrician in Hobart. Standard Seawater batch number P141 (12th Jun 2002), which was near the end of its shelf life, was used to standardise the instrument from station 1 to 10. P143 (26th Feb 2003) was used from station 10-16, and for the rest of the voyage P144 (23rd Sep 2003) was used. The salinometer remained very stable during the voyage due to good lab temperature control. However on two occasions, analysing stations 16 and 41, it was difficult to control the temperature and analysis was stopped overnight while the lab temperature stabilised. During analysis of station 27, there were flow problems in the cell. There seemed to be a blockage in the tubing from the pump into the cell causing low flow through the cell. After checking the pump tubing and tubing into the salinometer for blockage, a blockage was found on the inlet to the salinometer. The tubing from the inlet to the pump to the inlet to the salinometer was changed and analysis continued. Low flow through the cell occurred again during station 57, with the pump motor fluctuating, in turn causing a fluctuation in the flow. The spare pump was installed, but again the motor fluctuated. The power plug was changed, but still no change. Tim Shaw (the AAD electronics person on board) had a look at the two pumps and power plugs, and the only noticeable problem with the pumps was slight corrosion on the power inlet. Tim installed a power controller box to maintain a constant power supply and monitor any drawing of current by the pumps if they were failing. The power controller was used for the rest of the voyage with no further pump problems. There were a number of samples with leaking lids. This was caused either by a loose sample bottle lid (not tightened by the sampler), or by a chip in the thread of the sample bottle. Where there was a damaged bottle, it was replaced with a new one together with a new lid. On a few occasions there were also samples with either too little or too much sample in them due to samplers either over or under filling the bottles. The multi-wrist shaker went well during the voyage. It was set on continuous shaking at speed 4. Sixteen samples from the first crate to be analysed at the beginning of the shift were screwed in place before standardization. Then as the samples were analysed the next sample in the crate was screwed in place and so on till the day's crates were analysed. This meant that each sample was shaken for about 45 minutes. Samples were well homogenised, and stability of the readings was improved, without slowing down the overall analysis. Files updated: A0403_equipment.xls, Salinometer_stability.xls. DISSOLVED OXYGEN Dissolved oxygen analyses were performed by Andrew Moy using the automated oxygen titration DODO. The DODO system was setup on the starboard sink nearest the portholes in the wet lab. A new peristaltic pump was used to flush waste to drain from the burettes in the hydraulic ram. It worked well. Standardisations were conducted every second day of analysis, or when a new batch of Sodium Thiosulphate was used. A record of Standardisations and Blanks was maintained during the voyage together with a comparison of duplicate titrations. They can be found in the files DO_std&blank_timeseries.xls and DO_duplicate_samples.xls. The mean Blank from Station 1-114 was 0.005±0.001ml of Sodium Thiosulphate. Standardisations changed minimally from station 1 to 30, the average being 4.454_0.027ml of Sodium Thiosulphate. However there was a significant shift in the standardisations from station 31 to 55, the average being 4.401±0.007ml of Sodium Thiosulphate. This corresponded to a 1.3% shift in results. Mark and Steve brought the dissolved oxygen offset to our attention, when they compared the voyage data to a previous WOCE I9S Voyage on the Knorr, 10 years previous. Due to the tight dissolved oxygen profiles produced on the voyage thus far, this small offset was very noticeable. Every aspect of the Dissolved oxygen analysis was examined for any obvious reason to explain the offset. It was quickly realized that the Biiodate Standard was changed after Station 30. Immediately, the suspect Biiodate Standard was changed to a new batch and a Standardisation completed. The Standardisation shifted back to where it was before Station 31. During the CLIVAR I9S transect, Kate was also running duplicate DO samples on the Lachat nutrient autoanalyser to compare the two methods for Rebecca Cowley at CSIRO. There were two crates of DO sample bottles set aside for this as their volumes were calibrated accurately by Rebecca before departure. During stations 23-27, 2 other crates were used to collect the duplicate samples by mistake, 8 samples per station. The samples were of no use to Kate as there were no sample bottle volumes for them. Andrew happened to analyse these duplicates during the low Biiodate Standardisation. After examination of the results for both the original samples taken before the low standardization and comparing them with the duplicates which happened to be analysed during the low standardization, there was a difference of 1.3% similar to the offset in standardizations. The results can be seen in DO_duplicate crates.xls. It was decided then to correct Stations 31- 55 with this offset of 1.3%, since the profiles were so tight. After correction of the data, the profiles compared very well to the Knorr data. During analysis of the samples, duplicate aliquots were analysed for 1-2 samples in a cast. For 193 duplicates analysed, the mean % difference was 0.07±0.13%. A new Metrohm Dosimat was purchased before the voyage, but due to problems with the old DODO system prior to the voyage a comparison of the two systems was unable to be completed in time. The old DODO system was fixed prior to shipping to Fremantle to meet the Aurora Australis. The comparison could not be performed on the voyage due to time constraints and lack of reagents. Files updated: A0403_NUTS&DO_reagcal.xls, DO_std&blank_timeseries.xls, DO_duplicate samples.xls, DO_duplicate crates.xls NUTRIENTS The Lachat nutrient analyser from CSIRO in Hobart was used to analyse 2452 samples for silicate, phosphate and nitrate + nitrite (NOx) in the ranges Si 0-140µM P 0-3µM NOx 0-35µM Lachat operation The silicate and NOx channels ran well at first, but the phosphate results showed poor precision, with peak areas for replicates see-sawing up and down by up to 5%. - this problem could not be fixed for some time. The phosphate problem seemed to be flow related, but changing pump tubes, checking flows and trimming the ends from tubing produced only limited improvement. The phosphate also spiked badly at first, and this problem was fixed by adding an extra 2m of backpressure coil after the detector. After CTD 69, the pump tubes were moved to different positions on the pump and the phosphate improved markedly, and was reliable for the rest of the voyage. The nitrate had begun to show the same problem at about CTD 50 and remained unreliable, with some runs showing problems with variability. The position of the pump tubes on the pump appears to be crucial, and some scoring on the rollers of the first pump was noticed where the green pump tube had been positioned. The pump was changed to the spare at CTD 80, and later, after making more space, both pumps were used, with the tubes well spaced out along the rollers. However the nitrate remained variable. Changing pump tubes sometimes made the variability worse. No difference was found between using the green pump tube to push or pull the sample through the solenoid valves. It was used to pull, so that the sample was in contact with only teflon tubing before analysis. Once the phosphate was working well, all the affected runs were repeated except where the spare sample had already been used. The worst of the nitrate runs were repeated too. Variability in the remaining wobbly nitrate runs (CTDs 55- 57, 76-78, 82, 84,105-110) is of the order of 1%. One wobbly phosphate run remained, CTD 9. Tip: If the phosphate baseline is noisy or wavering, it may be due to a small blockage in the mixer for the two reagents - pull out the ends of teflon tubing one by one and let them flow or trim the ends. On some days, twice as much colour reagent as ascorbic acid was consumed, and on others the amounts were even. This made no difference to response, but a different design for mixing the reagents might be more reliable. DILUTER The diluter was used at first but the valve leaked, introducing bubbles into the samples, especially for phosphate. As there was no spare valve, standards were prepared manually from CTD43. The main advantage of the diluter was the ability to quantify on two standard ranges in the same run, which was useful early on when profiles included very low and high silicate samples. As the cruise proceeded to the south, there were no very low samples, so only the 0- 140µM standard range was used for silicate. HYDRO An old version of Hydro was used to be sure of getting the right results for the DODO dissolved oxygen method. A separate hydro version was used at first to enter the results from the Lachat, but once repeat runs were started this could no longer be done as the format of the .csv files used in hydro does not support this. A format such as Omnion 2 may be more useful, where the data is in columns in the .csv file and can be easily replaced with repeat data if necessary. ACCURACY Hiski Kippo's nutstats program worked well, though it was hard to print out, but no doubt this will be improved in future. None of the SRMs (Standard Reference Materials) reflected their true value, as can be seen in the table below. Perhaps this is due to mixing effects, as Bec has proposed. The standards used on this trip were prepared and tested on October 26, and they were acceptably similar to the last batch of standards. The LNSW that was provided for this trip contained 4.1µM Si, 0.1µM P and 0µM NOx, and this was used to prepare all standards and SRMs as well as the Bulk QC sample. As Bec has pointed out, the % error in Hiski's program has the sign reversed. I have corrected this in the following table. Accuracy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Si high SRM 30µM P high SRM 3µM NOx high SRM 30µM --------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- Batch mean % error Batch mean % error Batch mean % error 1-69 30.1 0.34 1-69 2.929 -2.41 1-69 29.91 -0.29 70-114 31.04 3.37 70-114 2.88 -4.16 70-114 29.78 -0.74 repeats 2.881 -4.12 repeats 29.84 -0.53 Si low SRM 10µM P low SRM 1µM NOx low SRM 10µM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Batch mean % error Batch mean % error Batch mean % error --------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- 1-69 10.3 3.03 1-69 0.963 -3.88 1-69 9.92 -0.76 70-114 10.56 5.26 70-114 0.957 -4.55 70-114 9.90 -1.02 repeats 0.967 -3.42 repeats 9.97 -0.33 In future, the SRM result should be used in the stats (value plus LNSW value) without subtracting a blank - subtracting a blank introduces twice the error into the results. Precision 10L of LNSW were spiked with standards to make a Bulk QC sample for precision measurements. Hiski's statistics for the Bulk QC are below: Precision --------------------------------------------------- Batch | Mean | CV% -------|-----------------------|------------------- | Si | P | NOx | Si | P | NOx 1_69 | 30.09 | 2.619 | 28.82 | 0.62 | 3.27 | 0.92 70_114 | 30.98 | 2.581 | 28.84 | 0.35 | 1.45 | 0.48 Repeats| | 2.590 | 28.78 | | 1.56 | 0.54 The problems with phosphate precision are reflected in the higher CV% for runs 1-69. Detection limits Detection limits were calculated from 14 replicates of a Cal 0 standard. Silicate: 0.060µM Phosphate: 0.032µM NOx: 0.036µM DO EXPERIMENTS DOs on the Lachat were easy to do, although changing back to nutrients always produced a problem of some sort. 230 samples were analysed for DO both on the Lachat and by DODO (Andrew Moy). Andrew also analysed a batch of samples and standards immediately after they had been run on the Lachat. The results have been given to Bec for analysis. CONCLUSIONS While the Lachat analyser used on AU0403 was generally easy to use, the precision of the data needs to be examined carefully. Variability was exaggerated by the high concentrations of the samples on AU0403, so that a 3% difference was very noticeable. A comparison between the Lachat and the Alpkem will require accuracy and precision data from Alpkem runs. This should be available for AU0304 and AU0103, but it may not have been processed. These data should be processed using Hiski's nutstats program, to provide a meaningful comparison of the two instruments. Future work will also include comparing precision data from AU0403 with that for other Lachat runs, for example from the Southern Surveyor. The phosphate problem was first noticed when Steve Rintoul plotted I9 data against data from the Knorr for the same transect 10 years ago. The silicate and nitrate data for the early stations matched well, but the phosphate varied widely around the Knorr values. Once the phosphate problem was solved, phosphate analyses were repeated for all of I9 and some of PET, and nitrate analyses were repeated for many stations to include the best data possible. Temperature monitoring and control The salinometer remained very stable during the voyage. This was mainly due to good temperature control of the laboratory with an AAD PID temperature controller, an AAD Atlas Air - Mini air-conditioner permanently installed in the wet lab, and the ship's steam heater. The steam heater fan was used to circulate air around the lab, without opening the steam valve. A wall fan was also installed near the floor on the portside island bench near the salinometer to help air flow circulation. On two occasions there was however difficultly in maintaining good temperature control. This was due to changes in the ship's heating/cooling system, which affected the laboratory temperature. Before analysis of station 16, the air temperature in the laboratory was above 21°C. This affected the salinometer bath temperature causing fluctuations in the 2R readings. Analysis was stopped overnight while the air conditioner temperature was lowered. The air vents in the ceiling were taped off to prevent further fluctuations by the ship's air temperature controller. During analysis of station 41, the reading again began to fluctuate and the water bath temperature rose. The air conditioner's lowest set temperature was 17°C, thus as the air temperature outside dropped significantly the air conditioner became a source of heat rather than cold. As it was no longer needed to cool the laboratory, it was switched off. Analysis was stopped overnight till the temperature stabilized. Two new Easylog USB temperature loggers recorded the laboratory temperature. One was positioned beside the pump on the salinometer, while the other was positioned on the hydraulic ram of the DO system. The Easylog temperature loggers were easy to use as they were USB compatible and were easy to setup and download. A temperature profile was printed out every 11 days and showed the laboratory temperature to be stable at 20.0 +/- 1°C. 'Indoor/outdoor' electronic thermometers were used to measure the fridge and freezer temperature. PURIFIED WATER The MQ system was set up on Voyage 1 in the photo lab without filter cartridges in it. Before departing Fremantle the filter cartridges were installed and the system was primed, however there was a problem with the RO system, with a lack of reject flow. The problem was eventually traced to a blockage in the needle valve. Overall the pre-treatment and carbon filters were changed twice during the voyage when the RO product water quality red light was on for over 5mins. The total about of water used was 1400L. ADDITIONAL SAMPLES ANALYSED. Apart from the oceanographic program, a number of nutrient samples were also analysed on board the ship, as follows: Donna Roberts (IASOS): 20 Heard Island samples. Krystina (IASOS student): 118 Lagoon samples. Imojen Pearce (AAD student): 157 Samples from Davis Station. APPENDIX 1.2 CTD AND HYDROCHEMISTRY DATA PROCESSING AND CALIBRATION TECHNIQUES A1.2.1 INTRODUCTION This Appendix details the data processing and calibration techniques used in the production of the final CTD data set i.e. the CTD 2 dbar-averaged data, and the bottle data file. Logging of the data at sea is discussed in the main text of this report. The different sections in this Appendix, and the description within each section, are ordered to match the steps in the data processing flow. The data processing software is in Fortran and Matlab, plus preliminary stages using Sea-Bird post processing routines. The data processing methodology described here is a major update to the processing for previous cruises (Rosenberg et al., 1995), due to replacement of the old Neil Brown type CTD's with a Sea-Bird CTD system. Despite this change in instrumentation, many of the central processing methods remain unchanged. A1.2.2 DATA FILE TYPES The various data files used throughout the data processing/calibration (and produced by it) are outlined below. A complete description of final data file formats is given in Appendix 1.3. A1.2.2.1 CTD data files Several types of CTD data file are referred to in this Appendix: (i) cnv CTD files, which contain 25 Hz CTD data extracted from the complete raw binary 25 Hz data logged by the data acquisition software, converted to engineering units, and then with initial data processing steps applied using the Sea-Bird post processing software; (ii) cnn CTD files, as above for the cnv files, and then with the conductivity calibration applied; (iii) 2 dbar-averaged CTD files, with the CTD data averaged over 2 dbar bins, starting at 2 dbar and centered on each even 2 dbar value. CTD filenames are of the form (e.g. a04034090.all), where: v = vessel (e.g. "a" for Aurora Australis) yy = year (e.g. "04" for 2004) cc = cruise number (e.g. 03) u = CTD instrument number ("3" for serial 703, "4" for serial 704) sss = station number (e.g. 090) xxx = file type, as follows: cnv = 24 Hz CTD data cnn = 24 Hz CTD data after initial conductivity calibration all = CTD 2 dbar-averaged data A1.2.2.2 Bottle data file The final bottle data file contains the Niskin bottle data (salinity, nutrients and dissolved oxygen) output from the hydrochemistry data processing programs (see Appendix 1.1), merged with the averages calculated from upcast CTD burst data from each Niskin bottle stop. The file is named (e.g., where v, yy and cc are as above. During the CTD data calibration procedure, intermediate bottle data files are produced, named calibx.dat:nn, where x = 1 or 2 (primary or secondary sensors respectively), and nn (e.g. 01) is the file version number. In general, later version numbers are for more advanced stages in the bottle data file quality control. A1.2.2.3 Station information file This file contains station information, including position, time, depth, maximum pressure etc. The file is named vyycc.sta (e.g. a0403.sta), where v, yy and cc are as above. A1.2.3 CALCULATION OF PARAMETERS Raw temperature, conductivity and pressure counts output by the CTD are converted to engineering units in the initial processing stage (see section A1.2.5.1 below), with the calibration coefficients in Table 1.10 of the main text applied in the conversion formulae (see Sea-Bird manual). All temperature values are in terms of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). Raw oxygen sensor signal values are voltages. Salinity is calculated from the conductivity, temperature and pressure using the practical salinity scale of 1978 (PSS78), via the algorithm SAL78 (Fofonoff and Millard, 1983). The Fofonoff and Millard routines are also used for back- calculation of conductivity from salinity, temperature and pressure (for calculation of Niskin bottle sample conductivities). Note that temperatures expressed on the ITS-90 scale must first be converted to IPTS-68 (International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968) for input into these routines. The conversion factor used is (Saunders, 1990): T(68) = 1.00024 T(90) (eqn A1.2.1) CTD oxygen calculations are described in section A1.2.10 below. For additional sensors (e.g. altimeter, fluorometer, P.A.R., transmissometer), manufacturer supplied sensor calibrations are applied. No further calibration is applied to these additional sensor values. A1.2.4 STATION HEADER INFORMATION The following station information is contained in both the station information file, and in the header of each 2 dbar-averaged CTD file: Position: All station position information is derived from the JRC GPS receiver data in the quality controlled underway measurement data set (see reports referenced in section 1.3.3 of the main text). Bottom depth: Depth data come from the quality controlled Simrad EA200 12 kHz sounder data. Times: All times are ultimately derived from a central time server on the ship. For each CTD: start time = time at commencement of downcast proper (see section 1.3.1 in the main text) bottom time = time at the maximum pressure of the cast end time = time when CTD leaves the water Maximum pressure: This the maximum pressure value reached during the cast. Altimeter: This is the minimum reliable altimeter value measured near the bottom of the cast. Note that the due to variations in bottom topography, time of minimum altimeter reading does not necessarily correspond exactly with the time of maximum pressure reading. A1.2.5 INITIAL PROCESSING STEPS USING SEA-BIRD POST PROCESSING PROGRAMS The complete binary CTD files logged at 24 Hz during data acquisition are initially run through a series of data processing steps on a PC, using the Sea- Bird post processing software. Raw data counts are converted to engineering units, surface pressure offsets applied, various sensor lags, corrections and filters are applied, and pressure reversals are flagged. Programs and processing steps applied are as follows. A1.2.5.1 Program 1: "Data Conversion" This program is used to extract the desired parameters from the raw logged data files, and to convert data counts to engineering units. Parameters extracted are scan number, pressure, primary and secondary temperature and conductivity, oxygen signal voltage, and any additional sensors (e.g. altimeter 1 and 2, fluorometer, P.A.R., transmissometer). For cruises AU0304 and AU0403 in this report, the additional sensors were an altimeter and a fluorometer. Initially, the program is run on the first ~30,000 scans of data (or a sufficient number to include data up to commencement of the downcast). Surface pressure offset at the start of the cast (i.e. just prior to entering the water) is determined from the output file, and the scan number for the commencement of the downcast proper (as noted on the CTD sheet at the time of logging) is checked and ammended if necessary. For each station, the pressure offset coefficient in the configuration file is ammended to include the surface pressure offset, and the program is run again to convert the desired data to engineering units. Data scans prior to commencement of the downcast proper are omitted. A cnv CTD data file for each station is output. For application of the remaining Sea-Bird post processing programs, this cnv file is updated with each processing step. A1.2.5.2 Program 2: "Align CTD" This program is used to apply a sensor lag adjustment to the oxygen sensor data of +5 seconds, relative to the pressure data. Note that no conductivity sensor lags are applied here: both primary and secondary conductivity data are advanced +0.073 seconds relative to temperature by the deck unit at the time of logging. A1.2.5.3 Program 3: "Cell Thermal Mass" This program removes conductivity cell thermal mass effects from the measured conductivity values. See the SBE Data Processing help information for details of the recursive filter used. Input constant values used were alpha (thermal anomaly amplitude) = 0.03, and 1/beta (thermal anomaly time constant) = 7.0. A1.2.5.4 Program 4: "Filter" This program applies a low pass filter with a time constant of 0.15 seconds to the pressure data. For a full description of the filter, see the SBE Data Processing software help information. A1.2.5.5 Program 5: "Loop Edit" This program is used to flag (not remove) pressure reversals. A minimum CTD velocity of 0 is used to find pressure reversals. Note also that for the downcast and upcast, pressure values equal to the previous value are also flagged. At a later stage of the processing, when 2 dbar averages are formed, these flagged values are omitted to form a pressure monotonic file. A1.2.5.6 Program 6: "Derive" This program is used for an initial calculation of uncalibrated salinity and oxygen. These values are all recalculated at a later stage of the processing, after calibration against Niskin bottle data. A1.2.5.7 Program 7: "Sea Plot" This program is used for a quick look at cnv file data, to identify any obvious data spikes/sensor malfunctions. The most obvious spikes are flagged. All remaining data processing is performed in a unix envirnoment, using fortran and matlab programs. A1.2.6 FORMATION OF CTD UPCAST BURST DATA Upcast CTD burst data files for each station are formed from the upcast part of the cnv CTD file. For each bottle firing, 10 seconds of data centered around the bottle firing time are extracted and written to a file vyyccusss.ros (for vyyccusss defined as above). For 24 Hz data, there are 240 data scans in each upcast burst. Note that bottle firing times are derived from scan numbers recorded by the data acquisition software at each firing. Scan numbers at firing times are also recorded on the CTD log sheet at each station, as a backup in case of data acquisition problems. The mean of each upcast burst of CTD data is calculated and written to the file vyyccusss.btl for each station. These mean values from the burst data are used for comparison with the salinity and dissolved oxygen bottle samples, for the subsequent calibration of the CTD conductivity and dissolved oxygen sensors. A1.2.7 FORMATION OF INTERMEDIATE BOTTLE DATA FILE The averaged upcast CTD burst data from all stations are collected in the template bottle data files calib1.dat and calib2.dat, for respectively primary and secondary temperature/conductivity (and calculated salinity) sensor data. Note that CTD salinity data at this stage are from the initial salinity calculations in the Sea-Bird software. These salinity values are not used for calibration purposes. Intermediate bottle data files calib1.dat:01 and calib2.dat:01 (i.e. version 1 intermediate file, for respectively primary and secondary sensor data) are formed by merging the hydrochemistry data (salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients) with the upcast CTD burst data in calib1.dat and calib2.dat. Prior to calibration of the CTD conductivity and dissolved oxygen data, the Niskin bottle data undergo preliminary quality control. Salinity data which are obviously bad are given the quality flag -1 (i.e. bottle not used in the calibration of CTD conductivity) in the intermediate bottle data files. Reasons for rejecting salinity bottle data at this stage include bad samples due to leaking of incorrectly tripped Niskin bottles, mixed up samples due to a misfiring rosette pylon, samples drawn out of sequence from Niskin bottles, significant salinometer problems, etc. Dissolved oxygen bottle data pass through an initial quality control similar to salinity bottle data, except that bad dissolved oxygen bottle values are removed from the bottle data files. Questionable values (not removed) are noted (e.g. Table 1.17 in the main text). Nutrient data are quality controlled at a later stage, following calibration of all the CTD data. For cruises using the Lachat nutrient analyser (i.e. AU0403 onwards), nutrient data are merged into the bottle data file at a later stage, after calibration of the conductivity. A1.2.8 CALIBRATION OF CTD CONDUCTIVITY For the CTD conductivity data, calibrations are carried out by comparing the upcast CTD burst data with the Niskin bottle data, then applying the resulting calibrations to the downcast CTD data. The conductivity calibration follows the method of Millard and Yang (1993). For groups of consecutive stations, a conductivity slope and bias term are found to fit the CTD conductivity from the upcast burst data to the Niskin bottle data; a linear station-dependent slope correction (Millard and Yang, 1993) is applied within each station group to account for calibration drift. The SeaBird 911 manual claims a slope term only is required, however data from these and other cruises indicate improved calibration results when a bias term is also used. The relative stability of the Sea-Bird conductivity cells between stations, compared with sensors on the older type CTD's used on previous cruises, means that observed calibration drift or variability can often be attributed to salinometer analyses. Data from the entire water column are used in the conductivity calibration. Also note that no correction is made for the vertical separation of the Niskin bottles and the CTD sensors (of the order 1 m); and the International Standard Seawater (ISS) is assumed to be correct i.e. no corrections are made for any variations in ISS batch numbers. A1.2.8.1 Determination of CTD conductivity calibration coefficients The following definitions apply for the conductivity calibration: c(ctd) = uncalibrated CTD conductivity from the upcast burst data c(cal) = calibrated CTD conductivity from the upcast burst data c(btl) = 'in situ' Niskin bottle conductivity, found by using CTD pressure and temperature from the burst data in the conversion of Niskin bottle salinity to conductivity F(1) = conductivity bias term F(2) = conductivity slope term F(3) = station-dependent conductivity slope correction N = station number CTD conductivities are calibrated by the equation c(cal) = (1000 c(ctd)) . (F(2) + F(3) . N) + F(1) (eqn A1.2.2) Niskin bottle salinity data are first converted to 'in situ' conductivities c(btl). The ratio c(btl)/c(cal) for all bottle samples is then plotted against station number, along with the mean and standard deviation of the ratio for each station (Figure 1.7 in the main text is the version of this plot for the final calibrated data). Groups of consecutive stations are selected to follow approximately linear trends in the drift of the station-mean c(btl)/c(cal) (Table 1.12 in the main text). For each of these groups, the three calibration coefficients F(1), F(2) and F(3) are found by a least squares fit: F(1), F(2) and F(3) in eqn A1.2.2 are all varied to minimize the variance σ^2 of the conductivity residual (c(btl)-c(cal)), where σ^2 is defined by σ^2 = Σ (c(btl) - c(cal))^2 / (n - 1) (eqn A1.2.3) for n equal to the total number of bottle samples in the station grouping. Note that samples with a previously assigned quality code of -1 (sections A1.2.7) are excluded from the above calculations. In addition, samples for which | (c(btl) - c(cal)) | > 2.8σ (eqn A1.2.4) are also flagged with the quality code -1, and excluded from the final calculation of the conductivity calibration coefficients F(1), F(2) and F(3). Samples rejected at this stage often include those collected in steep vertical temperature and salinity gradients, and not already rejected. This process is often iterative, as more bad salinity bottle samples are found, station groupings adjusted, and upcast CTD burst conductivity data are flagged. During the iteration, different intermediate bottle data files are named calib1.dat:nn and calib2.dat:nn (for primary and secondary sensors respectively), where nn is the file version number. Additionally, during this stage of the processing a decision is made which of the CTD temperature/conductivity sensor pair data to use i.e. primary or secondary sensor data. In general, primary and secondary sensor data are not mixed (i.e. primary T is not mixed with secondary C, and primary C is not mixed with secondary T), as notionally the primary and secondary sensors are not measuring the same parcel of water pumped past the sensors. A1.2.8.2 Application of CTD conductivity calibration coefficients The set of coefficients F(1), F(2) and F(3) found for each station (Tables 1.12 and 1.13 in the main text) are first used to calibrate the upcast CTD conductivity burst data in the intermediate bottle data file. The conductivity calibration is applied to the mean value for each burst only (as opposed to each raw data scan in the burst). Upcast CTD salinity burst values are recalculated from the calibrated CTD burst mean values of conductivity, temperature and pressure. Next, the conductivity calibration is applied to the 24 Hz conductivity data in the cnv CTD files, to produce the cnn CTD files. A1.2.8.3. Processing flow The intermediate bottle file data, containing upcast CTD burst data means and Niskin bottle data, are used to determine the conductivity calibration coefficients F(1), F(2) and F(3). Station groupings are determined from the bias drift of the conductivity cell/salinometer comparison with time (section A1.2.8.1). For each station group, the following occurs: 1. 3 iterations are made of the least squares fitting procedure (section A1.2.8.1) to calculate F(1), F(2) and F(3), each iteration beginning with the latest value for the coefficients; 2. bottles are rejected according to the criterion of eqn A1.2.4; 3. steps 1 and 2 are repeated until no further bottle rejection occurs. For each station group, there is a single value for each of the 3 coefficients F(1), F(2) and F(3) (Table 1.12 in the main text); following the station- dependent correction, an individual corrected slope term (F(2) + F(3).N) (as in eqn A1.2.2) applies to each station (Table 1.13 in the main text). When final values of the coefficients have been obtained, the conductivity calibration is applied to both the upcast CTD burst data and the 24 Hz CTD data in the cnv files (section A1.2.8.2). Finally, plots are made of both the ratio c(btl)/c(cal) and the residual (s(btl) - s(cal)) versus station number (Figures 1.7 and 1.8 in the main text), where s(btl) is the Niskin bottle salinity and s(cal) is the calibrated CTD salinity from the upcast burst data (section A1.2.8.2). Following calibration of the CTD conductivity, the mean of the salinity residuals (s(btl) - s(cal)) for the entire data set is equal to 0 (for a good data set). The standard deviation about 0 of the salinity residual (section A1.2.13) provides an indicator for the quality of the data set. With good CTD and salinometer performance, this standard deviation should be significantly less than 0.002 (PSS78). A1.2.9. CREATION OF 2 DBAR-AVERAGED FILES Downcast data from each 24 Hz cnn CTD file (i.e. with calibrated conductivity) are written to a pressure monotonically increasing file, omitting scans previously flagged as a pressure reversal (section A1.2.5.5), and omitting scans previously flagged as bad (section A1.2.5.7). The pressure monotonic data are then sorted into 2 dbar pressure bins, with each bin centered on the even integral pressure value, starting at 2 dbar, as follows. A data scan is placed into the ith 2 dbar pressure bin if pmid(i) - 1 < p ≤ pmid(i) + 1 (eqn A1.2.5) where pmid(i) is the ith 2 dbar pressure bin centre, and p is the pressure value for the data scan. Data scans previously flagged as bad (section A1.2.5.7), After sorting, the temperature, conductivity, oxygen voltage and additional sensor values (i.e. fluorescence, P.A.R., transmittance) in each 2 dbar bin are averaged and written to the 2 dbar-averaged file. There is no pressure centering of these parameters i.e. for the ith 2 dbar pressure bin, the parameters are assigned to the even integral pressure value at the centre of the bin. Note that if the number of points in a bin is less than 8, no averages are calculated for that bin. Also note that data from only one of the temperature/conductivity sensor pairs are used, as per section A1.2.8.1 above. The salinity s(a(v)) for each 2 dbar bin is calculated from T(a(v)), c(a(v)) and pmid, where T(a(v)) and c(a(v)) are respectively the temperature and conductivity averages for the bin. Note that T(a(v)) is first converted from the ITS-90 scale to the IPTS-68 scale using eqn A1.2.1. A1.2.10. CALIBRATION OF CTD DISSOLVED OXYGEN CTD dissolved oxygen data are calibrated using the downcast raw CTD oxygen voltages. Downcast 2 dbar-averaged CTD data are matched with the Niskin bottle dissolved oxygen samples on equivalent pressures. The calibration is based on the method of Owens and Millard (1985). In general, single whole profile fits for deeper stations leave a significant residual between bottle and calibrated CTD values near the bottom. So separate calibration fits are down for the shallow and deep parts of the CTD profiles, using the following scheme (and where maxp = maximum pressure of the cast): (i) for casts where maxp ≥ 4000 dbar • profile split at 2000 dbar • shallow fit done for top down to 1 bottle below 2000 dbar • deep fit done for 1 bottle above 2000 dbar down to bottom • in final calculation of 2 dbar CTD oxygen values, shallow and deep fits linearly "blended" over the pressure window 1800 to 2200 dbar i.e. ±200 dbar around the split point (ii) for casts where 1800 ≤ maxp < 4000 dbar • profile split at 1500 dbar • shallow fit done for top down to 1 bottle below 1500 dbar • deep fit done for 1 bottle above 1500 dbar down to bottom • in final calculation of 2 dbar CTD oxygen values, shallow and deep fits linearly "blended" over the pressure interval 1350 to 1650 dbar i.e. ±150 dbar around the split point (iii) for casts where 1400 ≤ maxp < 1800 dbar • profile split at 1000 dbar • shallow fit done for top down to 1 bottle below 1000 dbar • deep fit done for 1 bottle above 1000 dbar down to bottom • in final calculation of 2 dbar CTD oxygen values, shallow and deep fits linearly "blended" over the pressure interval 900 to 1100 dbar i.e. ±100 dbar around the split point (iv) for casts where maxp < 1400 dbar • single whole profile fit Note that a minimum of 4 bottles is required to run the fitting routine. All calibration calculations are performed on dissolved oxygen (i.e. Niskin bottle and CTD dissolved oxygen values, and oxygen saturation values) in units of ml/l; all values are reported in units of µmol/l. The conversion factor used is ( µmol/l ) = 44.6595 x (ml/l). The following definitions apply for the dissolved oxygen calibration: o(cal) = calibrated CTD dissolved oxygen o(v) = raw CTD oxygen voltage T = CTD temperature s = CTD salinity p = CTD pressure slope = oxygen signal slope bias = oxygen signal bias tcor = temperature correction term pcor = pressure correction term o(btl) = Niskin bottle dissolved oxygen value All the above CTD parameters are 2 dbar-averaged data. CTD dissolved oxygen is calibrated using a simplification (i.e. time constant and weighting factor set equal to 0) of the sensor model of Owens and Millard (1985), as follows: o(cal) = [ slope . ( o(v) + bias ) ] . oxsat(T,s) . exp( tcor . T + pcor . p ) (eqn A1.2.6) where the oxygen saturation value oxsat is calculated at T and s using the formula of Weiss (1970): oxsat(T,s) = exp{A(1) + A(2).(100/T(K)) + A(3).ln(T(K)/100) + A(4).(T(K)/100) + s.[B(1) + B(2).(T(K)/100) (eqn A1.2.7) + B(3).(T(K)/100)^2] } for T(K) equal to the CTD temperature in degrees Kelvin (= T + 273.16), and the additional coefficients having the values (Weiss, 1970): A(1)l = -173.4292 B(1) = -0.033096 A(2) = 249.6339 B(2) = 0.014259 A(3) = 143.3483 B(3) = -0.0017 A(4) = -21.8492 Note that the CTD temperature T in equations A1.2.6 and A1.2.7 is first converted from the ITS-90 scale to the IPTS-68 scale using the approximation of Saunders (1990) (i.e. eqn A1.2.1). CTD dissolved oxygen is calibrated for individual stations. For each individual station the 4 calibration coefficients (slope, bias, tcor and pcor) in eqn A1.2.6 are found by varying all 4 coefficients in order to minimize the variance σ^2 of the dissolved oxygen residual o(btl) - o(cal), where σ^2 is defined by σ^2 = Σ (o(btl) - o(cal))^2 / (n-1) (eqn A1.2.8) for n equal to the total number of bottle samples at the station (or in the station grouping). A non-linear least squares fitting routine, utilising the subroutines MRQMIN, MRQCOF, COVSRT and GAUSSJ in Press et al. (1986), is applied to find the 4 coefficients. In application of the routine, convergence is judged to have occurred when Σ (o(btl) - o(cal))^2 / (0.6)^2 < 0.96 n (eqn A1.2.9) or else after a maximum of 5 iterations. Note that when calculating σ^2 for each Niskin bottle sample, the pressure from the upcast CTD burst data (i.e. the pressure assigned to the bottle sample) is used in eqn A1.2.6, while all other parameters are from the downcast data (at the nearest equivalent 2 dbar pressure value). Downcast CTD pressure is used in eqn A1.2.6 when the resulting calibration is being applied to finalise the entire 2 dbar dissolved oxygen data. Also note that there is no automatic rejection of dissolved oxygen bottle data analogous to eqn A1.2.4 in the conductivity calibration. Prior to calibration, bad oxygen bottle data are excluded. When matching upcast bottle data with equivalent downcast CTD data, mismatches can occur due to temporal differences between the downcast and upcast profiles, particularly in sharp local features and gradients in the upper water column. Calibrations for individual stations are significantly improved by exclusion of these worst cases from calibration fits. The fit for a station (or group of stations) is usually not considered satisfactory until 2.8σ < 0.3 (for σ defined as in eqn A1.2.8). The oxygen residuals (o(btl) - o(cal)) are plotted against station number (Figure 1.10 in the main text). The mean of the residuals for an entire cruise should be very close to 0. In general, a standard deviation of the residuals < 1% of full scale (see section in the main text) is a good result. CTD 2 dbar-averaged dissolved oxygen values are calculated for a station using the values for slope, bias, tcor and pcor found for the station, and applying the scheme described above for melding calibrations from the shallow and deep part of the profile. When calculating oxygen for each 2 dbar bin using eqns A1.2.6 and A1.2.7, the 2 dbar bin values for temperature, salinity and pressure are used. A1.2.11 QUALITY CONTROL OF 2 DBAR-AVERAGED DATA Plots of the 2 dbar-averaged CTD data are inspected to identify additional bad or suspicious data. Suspect data are most commonly due to sensor hardware malfunction, fouling of the conductivity cell, insufficient or no oxygen bottle samples (for oxygen data), and transient effects near the surface (much less prevalent than for the Neil Brown type CTD's used on previous cruises). Obvious bad values are removed from the data, and questionable values are noted (Table 1.15 in the main text). A1.2.12 QUALITY CONTROL OF NUTRIENT DATA Nutrient data are checked using plots of individual station profiles, overlaying profiles from groups of consecutive stations, looking at bulk plots (nitrate+nitrite versus phosphate), and where possible comparing values with any available historical data. Nutrient data which are obviously bad are removed from the bottle data file. Questionable values are noted (Table 1.16 in the main text). On occasion, autoanalyser errors may necessitate the flagging of an entire station as questionable. A1.2.13 RESIDUALS FOR CTD CALIBRATION COMPARISONS TO BOTTLE DATA Final residuals for (s(btl) - s(cal)) and (o(btl) - o(cal)) (where s(btl) and o(btl) are respectively Niskin bottle salinity and oxygen values, and s(cal) and o(cal) are respectively final calibrated CTD salinity and oxygen values), are plotted for a cruise, and standard deviations of the residuals calculated from n x(std)= {[Σ(x(i)-x(mean))^2] / (n-1)}^1/2 (eqn A1.2.10) i=1 where x(std) is the standard deviation of x (for x equal to the salinity or dissolved oxygen residual). For salinity, the summation in eqn A1.2.10 does not include points rejected for the CTD conductivity calibration. Similarly for dissolved oxygen, the summation does not include points rejected for the CTD dissolved oxygen calibration. Thus n is equal to the total number of data points x(i) not rejected for the relevant calibration, with mean value x(mean) of the all the x(i) values (i.e. mean for all the stations in the plot). These calculated standard deviation values are important indicators for the quality of the CTD data set. APPENDIX 1.3 DATA FILE TYPES AND FORMATS A1.3.1 CTD DATA • CTD serial 703 was used for all of cruise AU0304, and for stations 1 to 41 of cruise AU0403. CTD serial 704 was used for stations 42 to 115 of cruise AU0403. • CTD data are in text files named *.all, containing 2-dbar averaged data. An example of file naming convention: a03043020.all a = Aurora Australis 03 = year 04 = cruise number 3 = CTD instrument number (3 for serial 703, 4 for serial 704) 020 = CTD station number • The files consist of a 15 line header with station information (all times are UTC), followed by the data in column format, as follows: column 1 - pressure (dbar) column 2 - temperature (degrees C, ITS-90 scale) column 3 - conductivity (mS/cm) column 4 - salinity (PSS78) column 5 - dissolved oxygen (µmol/l) column 6 - fluorescence (volts) column 7 - no. of data points used in the 2 dbar bin • All files start at 2 dbar, and there is a line for each 2 dbar value. Any missing 2 dbar data are filled by the null value -9. • All CTD data are downcast data. • Any missing header information is filled by blanks. A1.3.2 NISKIN BOTTLE DATA • Bottle data are contained in the text files and (for cruises AU0304 and AU0403 respectively), with the following columns: column 1 - station number column 2 - ctd pressure (dbar) column 3 - ctd temperature (deg. C, ITS-90 scale) column 4 - digital reversing thermometer temperature (no thermometer data for these cruises) column 5 - ctd conductivity (mS/cm) column 6 - ctd salinity (PSS78) column 7 - bottle salinity (PSS78) column 8 - phosphate (µmol/l) column 9 - nitrate (µmol/l) (i.e. total nitrate+nitrite) column 10 - silicate (µmol/l) column 11 - bottle dissolved oxygen (µmol/l) column 12 - bottle flag (1=good,0=suspicious,-1=bad, relevant to bottle or CTD salinity values for CTD conductivity calibration) column 13 - Niskin bottle number • Columns 2, 3, 5 and 6 are all the averages of upcast CTD burst data (i.e. averages of the 10 seconds of CTD data centered around each bottle firing). • Any missing data are filled by the null value -9. A1.3.3 STATION INFORMATION A summary of the station information is contained in the text files a0304.sta and a0403.sta (for cruises AU0304 and AU0403 respectively). This station information is also included in the matlab files a0304.mat and a0403.mat. The station information files contain position, time, bottom depth, maximum pressure and minimm altimeter value for CTD stations. Position, time (UTC) and bottom depth are specified at the start, bottom and end of the cast. Decimal time is also included for the start, bottom and end of the cast, defined as below in the matlab files. A1.3.4 MATLAB FORMAT • CTD 2 dbar data are contained in the matlab files a0304.mat and a0403.mat (both including header information), and bottle data are contained in the matlab files a0304bot.mat and a0403bot.mat. • In the matlab files, column number for each array corresponds with CTD station number. • In the matlab files, NaN is a null value. • In the bottle file, the rows 1 to 24 are the shallowest to deepest Niskins respectively. • For the files a0304.mat and a0403.mat, the array names have the following meaning: (all times are UTC) "start" refers to start of cast "bottom" refers to bottom of cast "end" refers to end of cast "decimal time" is decimal days: for AU0304, this is measured from 2400 on 31st Dec. 2002 (so, for example, midday on 2nd January 2001 = decimal time 1.5); for AU0403, it's measured from 2400 on 31st Dec. 2003. "lat" is latitude (decimal degrees, where -ve = south) "lon" is longitude (decimal degrees, where +ve = east) "time" is hhmmss time botd = ocean depth (m) maxp = maximum pressure of the CTD cast (dbar) lastbin = deepest 2 dbar pressure bin (for AU0403 only) altimeter = minimum reliable altimeter reading of the CTD cast (m) press_alt = pressure value (dbar) at the minimum altimeter reading ctdunit = instrument serial number station = station number date = ddmmyyyy date at the start of the cast "ctd" is the upcast CTD burst data, for the parameters: cond = conductivity fluoro = fluorescence npts = number of data points used in the 2 dbar bin ox = dissolved oxygen (µmol/l) press = pressure (dbar) sal = salinity (PSS78) temp = temperature (deg.C T90) • For the files a0304bot.mat and a0403bot.mat, the array names have the following meaning: "ctd" refers to upcast CTD burst data, for the parameters: cond = conductivity (mS/cm) press = pressure (dbar) (also called hyd_press) sal = salinity 9PSS78) temp = temperature (deg.C T90) "hyd" refers to bottle data, for the parameters: ox = dissolved oxygen (µmol/l) sal = salinity (PSS78) flag = the bottle flagged described under the bottle data section niskin = Niskin bottle number nitrate,phosphate,silicate = µmol/l station = station number therm = digital reversing thermometer temperature (no data for these cruises) A1.3.5 WOCE DATA FORMAT The data are also available as WOCE format files, following the standard WOCE format as described in Joyce and Corry (1994). A1.3.5.1 CTD 2 dbar-averaged data files • Data are contained in the files *.ctd • CTD 2 dbar-averaged file format for AU0304 is as per Table 4.7 of Joyce and Corry (1994). Data for AU0403 are in "WHP-exchange" format (see WHPO website at for description of the format). In both cases, measurements are centered on even pressure bins, with the first value at 2 dbar. • The quality flags for CTD data are defined in Table A1.3.1. A1.3.5.2 Bottle data files • Data for the two cruises are contained in the files a0304.sea and a0403.sea. • a0304.sea format is as per Table 4.5 of Joyce and Corry (1994); a0403.sea is in WHP-Exchange format. Quality flags are defined in Tables A1.3.2 and A1.3.3. • The total value of nitrate+nitrite only is listed. • For AU0304, silicate is reported to the first decimal place only; for AU0403, silicate and nitrate+nitrite are reported to the first decimal place only. • CTD temperature (including theta), CTD pressure and CTD salinity are all derived from upcast CTD burst data; CTD dissolved oxygen is derived from downcast 2 dbar-averaged data. • SAMPNO is equal to the rosette position of the Niskin bottle. • Salinity samples rejected for conductivity calibration, as per eqn A1.2.4 in Appendix 1.2, are not flagged in the .sea file. A1.3.5.3 Conversion of units for dissolved oxygen and nutrients A1. Dissolved oxygen Niskin bottle data For the WOCE format files, all Niskin bottle dissolved oxygen concentration values have been converted from volumetric units µmol/l to gravimetric units µmol/kg, as follows. Concentration C(k) in µmol/kg is given by C(k) = 1000 C(l) / ρ(θ,s,0) (eqn A1.3.1) where C(l) is the concentration in µmol/l, 1000 is a conversion factor, and ρ(θ,s,0) is the potential density at zero pressure and at the potential temperature _, where potential temperature is given by θ = ρ(T,s,p) (eqn A1.3.2) for the in situ temperature T, salinity s and pressure p values at which the Niskin bottle was fired. Note that T, s and p are upcast CTD burst data averages. CTD data In the WOCE format files, CTD dissolved oxygen data are converted to µmol/kg by the same method as above, except that T, s and p in eqns A1.3.1 and A1.3.2 are CTD 2 dbar-averaged data. A1. Nutrients For the WOCE format files, all Niskin bottle nutrient concentration values have been converted from volumetric units µmol/l to gravimetric units µmol/kg using C(k) = 1000 C(l) / ρ(T(l),s,0) (eqn A1.3.3) where 1000 is a conversion factor, and ρ(T(l),s,0) is the water density in the hydrochemistry laboratory at the laboratory temperature T(l) = 20.0°C, and at zero pressure. Upcast CTD burst data averages are used for s. Table A1.3.1: Definition of quality flags for CTD data (after Table 4.10 in Joyce and Corry, 1994). These flags apply both to CTD data in the 2 dbar-averaged *.ctd files, and to upcast CTD burst data in the *.sea files. flag definition flag definition ---- ------------------------ ---- ---------------------------------- 2 acceptable measurement 5 measurement not reported 3 questionable measurement 6 interpolated over >2 dbar interval 4 bad measurement 7 despiked 9 parameter not sampled Table A1.3.2: Definition of quality flags for Niskin bottles (i.e. parameter BTLNBR in *.sea files) (after Table 4.8 in Joyce and Corry, 1994). flag definition ---- ---------------------------------- 2 no problems noted 3 bottle leaking 4 bottle did not trip correctly 5 not reported 9 samples not drawn from this bottle Table A1.3.3: Definition of quality flags for water samples in *.sea files (after Table 4.9 in Joyce and Corry, 1994). flag definition ---- ------------------------ 2 acceptable measurement 3 questionable measurement 4 bad measurement 5 measurement not reported 9 parameter not sampled A1.3.5.4 Station information file • Data for the two cruises are contained in the files a0304.sum and a0403.sum, with the file format as per section 3.3 of Joyce and Corry (1994). • Depth and altimeter readings are as described previously in the report. • Wire out (i.e. meter wheel readings of the CTD winch) were unavailable. A1.3.6 ADCP DATA ADCP data are available as 30 ensemble averages, contained in the following files: au030401.cny and au040301.cny- text format, all data au0304_slow35.cny and au0403_slow35.cny - text format, "on station" data i.e. data for which ship speed ≤ 0.35 m/s a0304dop.mat and a0403dop.mat - matlab format, all data a0304dop_slow35.mat and a0403dop_slow35.mat - matlab format, "on station" data i.e. data for which ship speed ≤ 0.35 m/s Full file format description is given in the text files README_au0304_adcp and README_au0403_adcp, included with the data. A1.3.7 UNDERWAY DATA See section 1.3.3 in the main text of this report. Full file format descriptions are given in the text files README_au0304_underway and README_au0403_underway, included with the data. REFERENCES Cowley, R., 2001. A practical manual for the determination of salinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients in seawater. CSIRO Division of Marine Research report, 2001. Cowley, R. and Johnston, N., 1999. Investigations into the chemistry used for orthophosphate analysis in seawater. CSIRO Division of Marine Research report, July 1999. Eriksen, R., 1997. A practical manual for the determination of salinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients in seawater. Antarctic CRC Research Report No. 11, January 1997, 83 pp. Fofonoff, N.P. and Millard, R.C., Jr., 1983. Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine Science, No. 44. 53 pp. Joyce, T. and Corry, C. (editors), 1994. Requirements for WOCE Hydrographic Programme Data Reporting. WHP Office Report WHPO 90-1, Revision 2, WOCE Report No. 67/91, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 144 pp. (unpublished manuscript). Millard, R.C. and Yang, K., 1993. CTD calibration and processing methods used at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Technical Report No. 93-44. 96 pp. Moy, C. M, in preparation. Hydrochemistry Procedural Manual. ACE CRC. Owens, W.B. and Millard, R.C., Jr., 1985. A new algorithm for CTD oxygen calibration. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 15: 621-631. Press, W.H., Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A. and Vetterling, W.T., 1986. Numerical Recipes. The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge University Press. 818 pp. Rosenberg, M., Eriksen, R., Bell, S., Bindoff, N. and Rintoul, S., 1995. Aurora Australis marine science cruise AU9407 - oceanographic field measurements and analysis. Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre, Research Report No. 6, July 1995. 97 pp. Rosenberg, M., unpublished. Aurora Australis ADCP data status. Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre, unpublished report, November 1999. 51 pp. Rosenberg, M., Bray, S., Bindoff, N., Rintoul, S., Johnston, N., Bell, S. and Towler, P., 1997. Aurora Australis marine science cruises AU9501, AU9604 and AU9601 - oceanographic field measurements and analysis, inter-cruise comparisons and data quality notes. Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre, Research Report No. 12, September 1997. 150 pp. Saunders, P.M., 1990. The International Temperature Scale of 1990. ITS-90. WOCE Newsletter, 10, IOS, Wormley, UK. Smith, W.H.F. and Sandwell, D.T., 1997. Global seafloor topograhy from satellite altimetry and ship depth soundings. Science, Vol. 277, pp1957- 1962. Thurnherr, A.M., 2003a. RDI LADCP Cruise Report, Aurora Australis, Voyage 4, 2003. Unpublished draft cruise report, March 2003. Thurnherr, A.M., 2003b. RDI LADCP Cruise Report, Aurora Australis, Voyage 4, 2003, Update. Unpublished draft cruise report, October 2003. Uchida, H. and Fukasawa, M., 2005. WHP P6, A10, I3/I4 Revisit Data Book. Blue Earth Global Expedition 2003 (BEAGLE2003), Volume 2. JAMSTEC, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, 2005. 129 pp. Weiss, R.F., 1970. The solubility of nitrogen, oxygen and argon in water and seawater. Deep-Sea Research. 17: 721-735. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to all scientific personnel who participated in the cruise, and to the crew of the RSV Aurora Australis. The work was supported by the Australian government's Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) Program through the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC and the former Antarctic CRC, the Australian Antarctic Division (ASAC Project Numbers 2312 and 2572), and by the Australian Greenhouse Office of the Department of Environment and Heritage through the CSIRO Climate Change Science Program; and by Grant-in-Aid 14403006 for scientific research from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture.