CRUISE REPORT: PS89 (Updated MAR 2016) Highlights Cruise Summary Information Section Designation PS89 Expedition designation (ExpoCodes) 06AQ20141202 Chief Scientists Olaf Boebel / AWI Dates 2014 DEC 02 - 2015 FEB 01 Ship RV Polarstern Ports of call Cape Town to Cape Town 37° 5' 52" S Geographic Boundaries 9° 3' 24" W 12° 56' E 70° 34' 27" S Stations 44 Floats and drifters deployed 12 floats deployed Moorings deployed or recovered 6 deployed, 6 recovered Contact Information: Dr. Olaf Boebel Climate Sciences • Physical Oceanography of the Polar Seas Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar-und Meeresforschung Bussestraße 24 • D-27570 Bremerhaven • (Room F-215) Tel: +49 (471) 4831-1879 • Fax: +49 (471) 4831-1149 Email: ALFRED-WEGENER-INSTITUT HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM FOR POLAR- UND MEERESFORSCHUNG 689 Berichte 2015 zur Polar- und Meeresforschung Reports on Polar and Marine Research The Expedition PS89 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Weddell Sea in 2014/2015 Edited by Olaf Boebel with contributions of the participants HELMHOLTZ GEMEINSCHAFT Die Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung werden vom Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI) in Bremerhaven, Deutschland, in Fortsetzung der vormaligen Berichte zur Polarforschung herausgegeben. Sie erscheinen in unregelmäßiger Abfolge. Die Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung enthalten Darstellungen und Ergebnisse der vom AWI selbst oder mit seiner Unterstützung durchgeführten Forschungsarbeiten in den Polargebieten und in den Meeren. Die Publikationen umfassen Expeditionsberichte der vom AWI betriebenen Schiffe, Flugzeuge und Stationen, Forschungsergebnisse (inkl. Dissertationen) des Instituts und des Archivs für deutsche Polarforschung, sowie Abstracts und Proceedings von nationalen und internationalen Tagungen und Workshops des AWI. Die Beiträge geben nicht notwendigerweise die Auffassung des AWI wider. Herausgeber Dr. Horst Bornemann Redaktionelle Bearbeitung und Layout Birgit Reimann Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung Am Handeshafen 12 27570 Bremerhaven Germany Der Erstautor bzw. herausgebende Autor eines Bandes der Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung versichert, dass er über alle Rechte am Werk verfügt und überträgt sämtliche Rechte auch im Namen seiner Koautoren an das AWI. Ein einfaches Nutzungsrecht verbleibt, wenn nicht anders angegeben, beim Autor (bei den Autoren). Das AWI beansprucht die Publikation der eingereichten Manuskripte über sein Repositorium ePIC (electronic Publication Information Center, s. Innenseite am Rückdeckel) mit optionalem print-on-demand. Titel: Polarsterns vergeblicher Versuch das Schelfeis nahe der Neumayer-Station III zur Übergabe von Treib- stoff zu erreichen: Ein ca. 500m breiter Kanal im etwa 3 m dicken Meereis der Atka Bucht. © Steffen Spielke, Reederei F. Laeisz G.m.b.H. The Reports on Polar and Marine Research are issued by the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Bremerhaven, Germany, succeeding the former Reports on Polar Research. They are published at irregular intervals. The Reports on Polar and Marine Research contain presentations and results of research activities in polar regions and in the seas either carried out by the AWI or with its support. Publications comprise expedition reports of the ships, aircrafts, and stations operated by the AWI, research results (incl. dissertations) of the Institute and the Archiv für deutsche Polarforschung, as well as abstracts and proceedings of national and international conferences and workshops of the AWI The papers contained in the Reports do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the AWI Editor Dr. Horst Bornemann Editorial editing and layout Birgit Reimann Alfred-Wegener- Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung Am Handeshafen 12 27570 Bremerhaven Germany www.reports. The first or editing author of an issue of Reports on Polar and Marine Research ensures that he possesses all rights of the opus, and transfers all rights to the AWI, inlcuding those associated with the co-authors. The non-exclusive right of use (einfaches Nutzungsrecht) remains with the author unless stated otherwise. The AWI reserves the right to publish the submitted articles in its repository ePIC (electronic Publication Information Center, see inside page of verso) with the option to print-on-demand'. Cover: Polarstern's vain attempt to reach the ice shelf near Neumayer Station III for its refueling: a quarter-mile wide channel into Atka Bay's fast ice of typically 10 feet thickness. © Steffen Spielke, Reederei F. Laeisz G.m.b.H. The Expedition PS89 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Weddell Sea in 2014/2015 Edited by Olaf Boebel with contributions of the participants Please cite or link this publication using the identifiers hdl:10013/epic.45857 or and doi:10.2312/BzPM_0689_2015 or ISSN 1866-3192 PS89 (ANT-XXX/2) 2 December 2014 - 1 February 2015 Cape Town - Cape Town Chief scientist Olaf Boebel Coordinator Rainer Knust Contents Contents 1. Zusammenfassung und Fahrtverlauf 8 Summary and Itinerary 11 2. Weather Conditions During PS89 (ANT-XXX/2) 14 3. Scientific Programmes 16 3.1 Oceanography 16 3.1.1 Implementation of the HAFOS Observation System in the Antarctic 16 3.1.2 Biogeochemical Argo-type floats for SOCCOM (Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modelling) 36 3.1.3 The carbon system of the Southern Meridian GoodHope Section 45 3.1.4 Ocean Acoustics 52 3.1.5 Transport variations of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current 59 3.1.6 Sound levels as received by whale during a ship's passage 63 3.2 Sea Ice Physics 65 3.2.1 Sea ice mass and energy budgets in the Weddell Sea 65 3.3 Biology 83 3.3.1 Sea ice ecology, pelagic food web and top predator studies 83 3.3.2 Cetaceans in ice 99 3.4 Geobiosciences 103 3.4.1 Culture experiments on trace metal incorporation in deep-sea benthic foraminifers from the Southern Ocean 103 Appendix A.1 Teilnehmende Institute / Participating Institutes 104 A.2 Fahrtteilnehmer / Cruise Participants 106 A.3 Schiffsbesatzung / Ship's Crew 107 A.4 Stationsliste / Station List PS89 108 1. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG UND FAHRTVERLAUF Olaf Boebel/AWI Die Antarktisexpedition PS89 mit FS Polarstern sollte ursprünglich von Kapstadt über die AtkaBucht (Neumayer-Station III) in das Weddellmeer und weiter nach Punta Arenas führen. Ein während des logistischen Aufenthaltes in der Atka-Bucht entstandenes, irreparables Problem an der Verstelleinheit des Backbord-Propellers führte jedoch zu signifikanten Einschränkungen in der Leistungs- und Manövrierfähigkeit des Schiffes, die Anlass gaben, die Expedition abzubrechen und über Kapstadt nach Bremerhaven zurückzukehren, um dort die notwendigen Reparaturarbeiten schnellstmöglich durchzuführen. Somit ergab sich ein Expeditionsverlauf Kapstadt - Atka-Bucht - Kapstadt. Die Expedition beinhaltete logistische und wissenschaftliche Vorhaben. Hiervon wurden die logistischen Aufgaben (Versorgung Neumayer-Station III mit Treibstoff und Vorräten) vollständig umgesetzt, während von den geplanten wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten nur der Teil realisiert werden konnte, der vor Anlaufen der Atka-Bucht lag und damit weniger als die Hälfte des geplanten Programms beinhaltete. Die wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten lassen sich in stationsgebundene, meereisbasierte, vom fahrenden Schiff aus durchgeführte sowie helikoptergestützte Arbeiten unterteilen. Folgende stationsgebundene Aufgaben wurden durchgeführt: • Aufnahme von 13 Tiefseepegeln entlang des GoodHope-Schnittes; (geplant: 14) • Aufnahme/Auslage von 6/6 Verankerungen östlich Neumayer-Station III; (geplant: 7/5) • Aufnahme/Auslage von 0/0 Verankerungen westlich Neumayer-Station III; (geplant: 14/11) • Auslegung von 15 Argo-Floats; (geplant 28) • Auslegung von 12 SOCCOM-Floats • Fahren von 94 CTD Stationen mit Rosette • Kalibration von 6 RAFOS-Schallquellen • Analyse von ca. 4000 Wasserproben • Beprobung des Meeresbodens mit dem Multicorer (2). Folgende Arbeiten wurden vom fahrenden Schiff aus durchgeführt: • Erfassung des Vorkommens von Vögeln, Robben und Walen • Erfassung von Temperatur, Salzgehalt und Strömungsprofilen • 18 SUIT-Fänge, davon 8 unter dem Meereis (geplant> 30) • 15 RMT-Fänge, davon 6 in eisbedeckten Gebieten (geplant > 20). Folgende Arbeiten wurden vom Meereis aus durchgeführt: • 5 ROV-Eisstationen (davon 2 auf frei driftendem Meereis, geplant 12) • Auslegung von 12 Meereisbojen (div. Typen, geplant 22) • 3 Eiskernstationen (geplant 6) • 2 Eisdicken-Transekte per Schlitten (geplant 0). Weitere Arbeiten nutzten die Helikopter als Plattform. Insgesamt ergaben sich 116 Flüge mit 84:32 h kumulativer Dauer. Hiervon entfallen u.A.: • 20 Flüge auf Tierbeobachtungen (geplant ca. 60) • 5 Flüge auf EM Bird-Transekte (geplant 15). Weitere wissenschaftliche Flüge erfolgten zur Markierung von Schollen, Erprobung von Geräten, logistischen Unterstützung der eisgebundenen Arbeiten sowie zum Personen- und Materialtransport bei Neumayer III. Die Reise begann am 02. Dezember 2014, 18:00 h Ortszeit in Kapstadt. Die zunächst anstehende Aufnahme der Tiefseepegel verlief problemlos, was auch dem bemerkenswert gut funktionierenden POSIDON IA-System (Sendeeinheit im Brunnenschacht mit USBL-Box) zuzuschreiben ist. Einen großen Fortschritt stellt dabei die PosiSoft-Software dar, mit der sich der Aufstieg der Geräte zuverlässig verfolgen ließ. So konnte noch während des Aufsteigens der Verankerung das Schiff so positioniert werden, dass Tiefseepegel bzw. Verankerung an optimaler Position relativ zum Schiff auftauchten, was weiteres Suchen überflüssig machte und die Aufnahme (u.a. sehr effizient vom Schlauchboot aus) beschleunigte. Im weiteren Expeditionsverlauf wurden entlang der Fahrtroute an den Verankerungspositionen sowie südlich von 55°S in Abständen von 60 nm CTDs gefahren und an ausgewählten Positionen mit biogeochemischen Sensoren ausgestattete Argo-Floats ausgelegt. Begünstigtdurch die sich um Maud Rise herum schnell öffnende Polynjawarder Reisefortschritt entlang des 0°-Schnittes zügig. Am südlichsten Ende dieses Schnittes herrschte jedoch wie schon vor 2 Jahren starker Eisgang, wodurch sich sehr zeitintensive Verankerungsaufnahmen ergaben. Durch parallele Eisstationen konnte der Verlust an Stationszeit jedoch kompensiert werden, sodass der 0°-Schnitt zum 23. Dezember verlassen und die Atka-Bucht wie geplant zum 25. Dezember abends angelaufen werden konnte, um mit den Ladearbeiten zu beginnen. Da der Zugang zum Nordanleger von stark zerklüftetem Meereis blockiert war, sollte versucht werden, den längeren Weg durch das weitgehend unzerklüftete Eis vor dem Nordostanleger freizubrechen (Beginn 26. Dezember 01:00 h). Nach 2%-tägigem Brechen musste dieser Versuch jedoch ca. 1 nm vor dem Nordostanleger am 28. Dezember 16:30 h wegen des oben erwähnten technischen Schaden abgebrochen werden. Alternativ wurde daraufhin am 31. Dezember 2014 10:00 h mit einer Meereisentladung der Feststoffe begonnen. Aufgrund der vorausschauenden Planung und des engagierten Einsatzes von sowohl Stations- als auch Schiffspersonal konnten die Löscharbeiten nach 2 Tagen abgeschlossen werden (Ablegen Atka-Bucht am 1. Januar 2015 16:00 h). Hierauf wurde das Schiff etwa 20 nm nach Westen verlegt, um Brennstoff für die Neumayer-Station III an der dort zugänglichen Schelfeiskante zu löschen. Eine erste Charge konnte zwischen dem 2. Januar 14:00 h und 22:00 h abgegeben werden. Weitere Arbeiten konnten dann aber wegen Wetter- und Eisbedingungen erst am 8. Januar 15:00 h wieder aufgenommen und am 9. Januar 06:30 h endgültig abgeschlossen werden. Der eingeschränkten Eisgängigkeit geschuldet konnte der Rückweg erst am 13. Januar 2015 angetreten werden, nachdem die Wetterlage zumindest kleinräumige Eisaufklärungsflüge erlaubte, um einen Weg durch den dichten Eisgürtel vor der Küste zu finden. Mit Erreichen des offenen Wassers am 15. Januar 2015 06:00 h konnten stationsgebundene Arbeiten wieder aufgenommen werden. Die nach Erreichen des freien Wassers verbliebene Stationszeit konnte jedoch aufgrund der eingeschränkten Manövrierfähigkeit und Eisgängigkeit nur begrenzt wissenschaftlich genutzt werden, da nahe der Eiskante keine zur Beprobung geeigneten Schollen zu finden waren und starker Seegang und Wind soweit möglich vermieden wurden. Während des insgesamt 21 -tägigen Aufenthaltes (vorgesehen 3 Tage) im Bereich der AtkaBucht wurde, soweit die logistischen und meteorologischen Randbedingungen es zuließen, während der Wartezeiten ein Ersatzprogramm von Eisstationen, RMT- und SUIT-Netzfängen, CTD-Stationen sowie Schallquellen-Kalibrationen durchgeführt. Mit diesem Programm konnten am Rande des ursprünglichen Expeditionsplans ergänzende Daten erhoben werden. Zusammenfassend ist festzuhalten, dass während des Zeitraumes, in dem das Schiff voll operabel war, nahezu alle gesteckten Ziele in bewährter Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schiff und Wissenschaft erreicht wurden. Alle geplanten Stationen im Weddellmeerwestlich derAtka-Bucht wurden jedoch aufgrund des Abbruchs der Expedition nicht angelaufen. Wissenschaftliche Projektziele, die auf Arbeiten in diesem Gebiet angewiesen sind, konnten somit nicht erreicht werden und sind auf eine alternative Expedition angewiesen. Die Reise endete am 1. Februar 2015 8:00 h Ortszeit in Kapstadt. Abb. 1.1: Fahrtverlauf der Expedition PS89 (ANT-XXX-2) ins Weddellmeer; Start und Ende der Reise war Kapstadt. Fig 1.1: Cruise plot of expedition PS89 (ANT-XXX-2) to the Weddell Sea; starting and ending in Cape Town. SUMMARY AND ITINERARY The Polarstern expedition PS89 to the Antarctic was initially routed from Cape Town via Atka Bay (Neumayer Station III) through the Weddell Sea to Punta Arenas. However, the pitch control system of the portside propeller of the ship suffered an irreparable damage during our stay atAtka Bay, which we had entered to provide for Neumayer Station III. This failure reduced the vessel's performance and manoeuvrability to such degree that the decision was taken to cease the expedition and return to Bremerhaven via Cape Town to have the necessary repairs undertaken as soon as possible. This resulted in a rerouting of this expedition from Cape Town to Atka Bay and back to Cape Town. The expedition had been dedicated to logistic and scientific purposes. All logistic aims (supply of Neumayer Station III with fuel and goods) were achieved successfully whereas it had only been possible to carry out less than half of the scientific programme, i.e. the part prior to reaching Atka Bay. The scientific work was characterised by station-based, sea ice-based, ship-based and helicopter-borne activities. The station-based work comprised: • Recovery of 13 deep sea pressure gauges along the Good Hope section, (of 14 planned) • Recovery/deployment of 6/6 moorings east of Neumayer Station III (of 7/5 planned) • Recovery/deployment of 0/0 moorings west of Neumayer Station III (of 14/11 planned) • Deployment of 15 Argo floats (of 28 planned) • Deployment of 12 SOCCOM floats (of 12 planned) • 94 CTD casts with rosette • Calibration of 6 RAFOS sound sources • Analyses of approximately 4,000 water samples • Sampling of deep sea bottom using multicore (2). Ship-based research consisted of: • Surveys of birds, seals, and whales • Measurement of temperature, salinity, and current profiles • 18 SUIT hauls, 8 out of those undersea ice (of >30 planned) • 15 RMT hauls, 6 out of those in ice covered areas (of >20 planned) Sea ice-based research included: • 5 ROV ice stations (2 out of those on drifting sea ice, of 12 planned) • Deployment of 12 sea ice buoys (of different types, of 22 planned) • 3 ice core stations (of 6 planned) • 2 ice thickness transects using sledge (of 0 planned) Helicopter-borne work amounted to 116 flights with 84:32 h of cumulative flying time. Out of the 116 flights we carried out: • 20 flights for animal observations (out of approximately 60 planned) • 5 flights for EM bird transects (out of 15 planned). Other flights were undertaken to mark ice floes, for testing of instruments, logistic flights for ice stations, and for transportation of researchers and material to and from Neumayer Station III. The expedition set off on December 2, 2014 at 18:00 LT in Cape Town. The recovery of the deep sea pressure gauges along the route was performed in a timely manner - a fact in large parts to be attributed to the remarkably well operating POSIDONIA system (mobile unit in the moon pool and USBL box). The user interface, PosiSoft, allowed reliable tracking of the ascending moorings and constitutes a significant step forward. Using PosiSoft, the ship could be positioned in an apt position for recovery of moorings and gauges, rendering further searches unnecessary and significantly speeding up the recovery process (most effective from the Zodiac). On the way south CTDs were cast at the mooring sites along the route and every 60 nm south of 55°. Furthermore, bio-geochemically enhanced Argo floats were deployed at selected positions for the SOCCOM project. A rapidly opening polynya around Maud Rise allowed quick travelling along the 0° transect. At the southernmost tip of this transect, however, we met heavy ice coverage similar to the situation we had encountered two years before, rendering the mooring recoveries very timeconsuming. However, the loss of station time could be compensated by introducing ice stations in parallel. Thus, we were able to leave the zero-meridian on 23 December and enter Atka Bay on 25 December, with the intention to start provisioning Neumayer Station III in accordance with the time schedule. Since the berthing site at the "North Pier" was blocked by heavily ridged sea ice, the decision was taken to break the longer way through primarily one-year old sea ice towards the northeasterly berthing site, which started 26 December, 01:00 h. After two and a half days of breaking the ice, this effort came to an end just 1 nm off the "North East Pier" due to the technical failure mentioned above. Due to this circumstance, the unloading of solid provisions was started on 31 December, 10:00 h via the sea-ice. Thanks to the remarkable preparation and commitment of both the station's and the ship's personnel, the loading procedures were completed within two days. Leaving Atka Bay on January 1, 2015, 16:00 h, the ship was positioned about 20 nm to the west, to commence bunkering of fuel for Neumayer Station III. A first share was pumped on 2 January between 14:00 h and 22:00 h. However, due to unfavourable weather and ice conditions, bunkering could only be resumed on 8 January, to be completed by 9 January. Only four days later, on 13 January, we were able to start heading back to Cape Town, when the weather conditions finally allowed reconnaissance flights near the ship to find a suitable way through the thick belt of ice encircling the coast. Having reached open waters on 15 January, 06:00 h, some scientific station work was resumed. The remaining station time however could only be exploited in parts, as the technical impairments constrained our ability to find suitable ice floes near the ice edge or to reach specific locations. During the 21-days-stay in Atka Bay (with 3 days initially planned) the waiting time was filled with a substitution programme of ice stations, RMT hauls, SUIT catches, CTD casts and sound source calibrations, whenever the logistics and meteorological conditions permitted. On the sidelines of the original expedition plan this programme allowed to collect complementary data. In summary, one needs to acknowledge that during the ship's unrestraint operability almost all of the goals set were reached in the usual mutual cooperation of the science and the ship crews. However, with the cancellation of the further expedition, none of the stations planned for the Weddell Sea west of Atka Bay could be reached. Any of the project goals basing on research work in that area could not be achieved and will completely rely on an alternate expedition. The cruise ended on February 1, 2015, 08:00 h LT, in Cape Town. 2. WEATHER CONDITIONS DURING PS89 (ANT-XXX/2) Dipl.-Met. Max Miller, Hartmut Sonnabend DWD During Monday (Dec. 01, 2014) a typical "Cape-Doctor' situation developed in Cape Town and intensified on Tuesday. On Tuesday, December 02, 2014, 18:30 pm Polarstern left Cape Town for the campaign PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). South-easterly winds at Bft 8 to 9 and gusts 10, scattered clouds and 18° C were registered. During the night and near the coast we got wind force 9. Only away from the coast wind abated to Bft 7 on Wednesday morning (Dec. 03). A sea state around 4 m forced some stronger rolling of the vessel. Afterwards we reached the Subtropical High off South Africa and sailed at light and variable winds until Thursday. On Friday (Dec. 05) a first low within the frontal zone hit us only for short times with north-westerly winds Bft 7. While continuing south, several storm lows crossed our track from Sunday evening (Dec. 07) until Thursday (Dec 11). Sea state increased temporarily up to 6 m at wind force 9. On Wednesday evening, Polarstern crossed the centre of a storm at 53° 20'S on the Greenwich Meridian. Stormy northerly winds abated to light and variable and increased rapidly up to Bft 9 again, now from south to southeast. During the night to Sunday (Dec. 14) we reached the ice near 60°S. A secondary low at Bouvet Island intensified and moved southeast. Sailing south along the Greenwich Meridian, Polarstern passed at its west side from Monday (Dec. 15) on. Southerly winds freshened and reached their maximum at Bft 7 to 8 on Wednesday (Dec. 17). From Saturday (Dec. 20) until turn of the year, weak pressure gradient combined with moist air masses were prevailing along DROMLAN coast. Therefore low level clouds temporarily hampered the flight operations. On Christmas Day (Thursday) we reached the large ice field in front of the berth off Neumayer Station III. Off the British Antarctic Station Halley a small low formed on New Year's Day. It moved north, deepened and became stationary northwest of Neumayer Station III. From Saturday (Jan. 03) until Tuesday (Jan. 06) easterly to north-easterly winds freshened up to wind force 7. Afterwards the low weakened and winds abated for two days. However, a new low near South Georgia moved southeast and replaced the latter one from Friday (Jan. 09) onwards. Again we registered strong winds from east to northeast, on Saturday for short times up to force 8. Only on Monday evening (Jan. 12) winds abated and snowfall ended. During the following days Polarstern operated between above mentioned low and a ridge along the eastern DROMLAN coast. North-easterly winds hardly exceeded Bft 5. A low at Bouvet Island moved south, intensified and was located as storm north of the Russian Antarctic Station Novolazarewskaya on Saturday (Jan. 17). We got at its west side with southerly winds Bft 7. On Sunday (Jan. 18) another storm approached and caused only temporarily winds from northeast at force 9 combined with a sea state around 5 m. Already on Sunday evening winds abated Bft 6. But during the following days a swell of 4 m remained while steaming north. During the night to Thursday (Jan. 22) the next storm passed by north of us. Winds increased only for short times up to Bft 7. Due to the high speed of the storm several swells were driven and caused cross sea. On Thursday we sailed the main swell of 5 m. Again a storm approached at the beginning of the final week of the expedition. On Sunday evening (Jan. 25) north-easterly winds freshened up to Bft 7 only for short times. During the night to Monday Polarstern crossed the storm's centre and winds abated clearly. But from Monday morning on south-westerly winds increased Bft 7 to 8 and caused a sea state around 5 m. Later we entered the frontal zone between a low east of the South Sandwich Islands and the subtropical high which forced steady north-westerly winds at Bft 6 to 7 and a swell around 3 m until Thursday (Jan. 29). On Friday the cold front crossed our area. Winds veered southwest to south and abated gradually to Bft 5 on Saturday. On Sunday morning, February 01, 2015, Polarstern reached Cape Town at temporarily gusty winds from southeast. Fig. 2.1 - Fig. 2.4 depict the statistical distributions of wind direction and force, wave height and cloud coverage. Fig. 2.1: Distribution of wind Fig. 2.2: Distribution of wind directions during PS89 force during PS89 Fig. 2.3: Distribution of wave Fig. 2.4: Distribution of cloud heights during PS89 coverage during PS89 3. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMES 3.1 Oceanography 3.1.1 Implementation of the HAFOS Observation System in the Antarctic Olaf Boebel(1), Rainer Graupner(1), (1)AWI Ioana Ivanciu(2), Stefanie Klebe(1), (2)Geomar Katerina Lefering(3), Peter Lemke(1), (3)U of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK Christoph Lerchl(4), Tim Meinhardt(5), (4)Ludwig-Max. Univ. München Matthias Monsees(1), Friederike Rohardt(6) (5)TU Hamburg-Harburg Gerd Rohardt(1), Jan Rohde(7), (6)TU Bergakademie Freiberg Stefanie Spiesecke(1), Karolin Thomisch(1), (7)TU Braunschweig Sarah Zwicker(1) Grant No: AWI-PS89_01 Outline and objectives The ocean is a key element of the global climate system because of its storage and transport of heat, its ability to act as a sink of CO2 and due to the sea ice ocean albedo effect. The response of the ocean to changes in the forcing is both expressed and controlled by its stratification, which is governed by the vertical distribution of temperature and salinity. Previously, shipborne observations were the only means of obtaining vertical profiles of water mass properties with sufficient accuracy, but progress in sensor technology now allows using automated systems since this century as well. The current backbone of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is the Argo system, which is founded on an international array of more than 3,000 profiling floats, the Argo array. However, Argo in its current form is restricted to oceanic regions that are ice free year-round, as the floats need to surface regularly to be localized and to transmit the data via satellite link. HAFOS (Hybrid Antarctic Float Observing System) constitutes an extension of this system into seasonally ice covered waters of the Weddell Gyre, overcoming the limitations through a novel combination of well tested technologies to close the observational gaps in the Antarctic Ocean. To determine trends and fluctuations in the characteristics of the main Antarctic water masses (Warm Deep Water, WDW and Antarctic Bottom Water, ABW), a set of more than a dozen hydrographic moorings (Fig. has been maintained and expanded throughout the past 30 years by AWI. HAFOS builds on this backbone by having added RAFOS sound sources for under-ice tracking of Argo floats since 2002. Near bottom recorders continue the truly climatological time series as sentinels for climate change in the formation areas of bottom waters whereas the profiling floats record the water mass properties in the upper ocean layers. Passive acoustic monitoring allows linking marine mammal distribution in the open ocean to ongoing ecosystem changes, thereby complementing the physical measurements with biosphere observations at its highest trophic level. The effort constitutes the first basin wide monitoring effort (with the exception of the US Navy's SOSUS array) and focuses on a region where year-round observations are notoriously sparse and difficult to obtain. HAFOS complements international efforts to establish an ocean observing systems in the Antarctic as a legacy of the International Polar Year 2007/2008 (IPY) and the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS), which is presently under development under the auspices of the Scientific Committee of Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR). Sound sources and other oceanographic instruments are, by and large, designed for deployment periods of maximal 3 years before they need to be recovered for maintenance and battery replacement. One major goal of Polarstern expedition PS89 (ANT-XXX/2) was to recover and redeploy these moorings to be able to continuing these observations for another 2-3 years. During transits between mooring locations, hydrographic profiles were to be collected and order of 27 NEMO floats should have been released. Combined with currently active floats from AWI and other institutions, it was expected to thereby extend the data density as requested by Argo (1 float every 3° x 3° box, i.e. ca. 150 floats for the area under consideration). Fig. Layout of array of oceanographic deep-sea moorings (squares) throughout the Weddell Sea and along the Greenwich Meridian. Red dots indicate moorings scheduled for turnaround during this expedition. Triangles indicate locations of pressure sensor equipped inverted echosounders (PIES) scheduled for recovery. Work at sea Hydrographic moorings Due to the early termination of the expedition any, activities west of Neumayer Station III had to be cancelled and hence the majority of moorings could not be recovered and redeployed (Table and Fig. East of Neumayer Station III, a total of 6 moorings were recovered (Table and Fig. along and in the vicinity of the Greenwich Meridian. A total of 6 moorings were redeployed (Table and Fig. Tab. Pending mooring recoveries Mooring Latitude Longitude depth (m] Deployment --------- ----------- ----------- --------- ----------------- AWI232-10 69° 00.11'S 00° 00.11'W 3370 19.12.2010 10:20 AWI243-1 68° 00.67'S 34° 00.15'W 4443 31.01.2007 06:15 AWI248-1 65° 58.09'S 12° 15.12'W 5011 27.12.2012 08:50 AWI245-3 69° 03.47'S 17° 23.32'W 4746 28.12.2012 21:04 AWI249-1 70° 53.55'S 28° 53.47'W 4364 30.12.2012 12:41 AWI209-7 66° 36.45'S 27° 07.26'W 4830 01.01.2013 15:05 AWI208-7 65° 37.23'S 36° 25.32'W 4732 03.01.2013 13:20 AWI250-1 68° 28.95'S 44° 06.67'W 4100 05.01.2013 14:53 AWI217-5 64° 22.94'S 45° 52.12'W 4410 09.01.2013 14:16 AWI216-5 63° 53.61'S 49° 05.17'W 3513 10.01.2013 00:17 AWI207-9 63° 43.57'S 50° 51.64'W 2500 12.01.2013 08:23 AWI207-8 63° 43.20'S 50° 49.54'W 2500 06.01.2011 12:26 AWI206-8 63° 15.51'S 51° 49.59'W 917 14.01.2013 05:06 AWI206-7 63° 28.93'S 52° 05.87'W 950 06.01.2011 20:52 AWI251-1 61° 00.88'S 55° 58.53'W 319 15.01.2013 02:11 Tab. Mooring recoveries during PS89 Mooring Latitude Longitude depth [m] Deployment Recovery --------- ----------- ----------- --------- ----------------- ----------------- AWI227-12 59° 02.57'S 00° 04.91'E 4600 11.12.2012 14:41 13.12.2014 07:14 AWI229-10 63° 59.66'S 00° 02.67'W 5172 14.12.2012 12:34 16.12.2014 15:04 AWI230-8 66° 02.12'S 00° 02.98'E 3552 15.12.2012 14:39 18.12.2014 11:21 AWI231-10 66° 30.93'S 00° 00.65'W 4524 17.12.2010 12:00 19.12.2014 09:26 AWI232-11 68° 59.86'S 00° 06.51'W 3319 18.12.2012 06:00 21.12.2014 21:52 AWI244-3 69° 00.35'S 06° 58.97'W 2900 25.12.2012 10:27 17.01.2015 07:28 Tab. Mooring deployments during PS89 Mooring Latitude Longitude depth (m] Deployment --------- ----------- ----------- --------- ----------------- AWI227-13 59° 02.67'S 00° 05.37'E 4600 13.12.2014 16:38 AWI229-11 64° 00.31'S 00° 00.22'W 5165 17.12.2014 11:43 AWI229-12 63° 54.94'S 00° 00.16'E 5172 20.01.2015 11:38 AWI231-11 66° 30.41'S 00° 00.66'W 4472 19.12.2014 17:59 AWI232-12 68° 58.89'S 00° 05.00'W 3360 23.12.2014 09:52 AWI244-4 69° 00.34'S 06° 58.94'W 2900 16.01.2015 14:20 Fig. Map of mooring locations occupied since 2012/13 or earlier. Black dots indicate moorings exchanged or recovered during this expedition (PS89). Note: *) AWI229-12 was deployed during the return leg to Cape Town, hosting a sound source and an acoustic recorder. **) AWI230-8 was recovered only. ***) AWI232-10 was located and released but did not surface. Details regarding the instrumentation of the moorings recovered and deployed are listed in Table and Tab. Instrumentation of recovered moorings Mooring Latitude Water Date/Time Instrument Serial Instrument Record Longitude Depth - deployed Type Number Depth length [m] - recovered [m] (days) [Remarks] --------- ----------- ----- ----------- ---------- ------ ---------- --------- AWI227-12 59° 02.57'S 4600 11.12.2012 PAM 1025 1020 00° 04.91'E 14:41 SBE16 319 4557 731 13.12.2014 07:14 AWI229-10 63° 59.66'S 5172 14.12.2012 AVTP 8050 200 732 00° 02.67'W 12:34 SBE37 9834 200 732 SBE37 447 250 732 16.12.2014 SBE37 237 300 [2] 15:04 SBE37 240 350 732 SBE37 435 400 732 SBE37 9838 450 732 SBE37 438 500 732 SBE37 439 550 732 SBE37 2086 600 732 SBE37 449 650 732 SBE37 245 700 732 RCM11 452 706 732 SOSO 0026 807 [1] PAM 1010 969 [1] RCM11 475 1977 [3] SBE37 9833 5126 [3] RCM11 144 5127 [3] AWI230-8 66° 02.12'S 3552 15.12.2012 AVTP 10491 200 732 00° 02.98'E 14:39 SBE37 2088 200 732 SBE37 2090 300 456 18.12.2014 SBE37 2091 400 732 11:21 SBE37 2092 500 732 SBE37 2093 600 732 SBE37 2094 700 732 AVT 6856 725 732 PAM 1009 949 [1] AVTP 9213 1657 732 SBE37 2095 3508 732 AVT 9179 3509 732 AWI231-10 66° 30.93'S 4524 17.12.2010 AVTP 10541 200 732 00° 00.65'W 12:00 SBE37 2096 200 732 SBE37 2098 250 732 19.12.2014 SBE37 2099 300 732 09:26 SBE37 2100 350 732 SBE37 2101 400 732 SBE37 2385 450 732 SBE37 2234 500 732 SBE37 2386 550 732 SBE37 2389 600 732 SBE37 2391 650 732 SBE37 3813 700 732 AVT 9184 729 732 SOSO 0024 830 [1] RCM11 509 1812 703 SBE37 7726 4413 732 AVT 9180 4414 732 AWI232-11 68° 59.86'S 3319 18.12.2012 AVTP 10925 250 733 00° 06.51'W 06:00 RCM11 469 757 733 21.12.2014 PAM 1011 958 111 21:52 RCM11 512 1765 664 SBE37 7727 3265 733 AVT 10499 3266 [2] AWI244-3 69° 00.35'S 2900 25.12.2012 SOSO 29 806 [1] 06° 58.97'W 10:27 PAM 0001 998 [1] SBE16 2419 2857 751 Remarks: [1]to be processed [2] flooded [3] lost due to broken mooring rope Tab. Instrumentation of deployed moorings Mooring Latitude Water Date Instrument Instrument Instrument Longitude Depth Time Type Serial Depth [m] Number [m] --------- ----------- ----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- AWI227-13 59° 02.67'S 4600 13.12.2014 PAM 1056 1020 00° 05.37'E 16:38 SBE37 8125 4557 AWI229-11 64° 00.31'S 5165 17.12.2014 AVTP 8395 202 00° 00.22'W 11:43 SBE37 8129 203 SBE37 9831 300 SBE37 10943 400 SBE37 10944 500 SBE37 11419 600 SBE37 11420 700 RCM11 501 709 PAM 1057 970 SBE37 227 5121 AWI229-12 63° 54.94'S 5172 20.01.2015 SOSO 0048 798 00° 00.16'E 11:38 PAM 1055 1001 SBE37 228 5167 AWI231-11 66° 30.41'S 4472 19.12.2014 SOSO 0026 851 00° 00.66'W 17:59 PAM 1058 973 SBE37 11421 4429 AWI232-12 68° 58.89'S 3360 23.12.2014 AVT 8367 290 00° 05.00'W 09:52 AVT 9211 798 PAM 1059 999 RCM11 472 1806 SBE37 11422 3306 RCM11 25 3307 AWI244-4 69° 00.34'S 2900 16.01.2015 SOSO 0047 806 06° 58.94'W 14:20 PAM 1061 998 SBE37 12470 2857 Abbreviations: AVTP Aanderaa Current Meter with Temperature- and Pressure Sensor AVT Aanderaa Current Meter with Temperature Sensor DCS Aanderaa Doppler Current Sensor PAM Passive Acoustic Monitor (Type: AURAL or SONOVAULT) PIES Pressure Inverted Echo Sounder RCM11 Aanderaa Doppler Current Meter SBE16 SeaBird Electronics Self Recording CTD to measure Temp., Cond. and Pressure SBE37 SeaBird Electronics, Type: MicroCat, to measure Temperature and Conductivity SOSO Sound Source for SOFAR-Drifter Sound source array A major goal of this expedition was to refurbish the sound sources used for tracking the NEMO floats under the ice. Due to the early termination of this expedition, however, only 3 sources could be replaced. With the originally planned focus of float deployments in the inner Weddell Sea, we had initially decided not to redeploy the north-easternmost source W1 on our southbound leg from Cape Town to Neumayer Station III, while W2 and W1l were replaced as planned. However, based on the decision to launch a large number of floats into the coastal current to compensate for our inability to reach the inner Weddell Sea, WI was redeployed during the northbound leg. Hence our array is unchanged, with 3 sources having been refurbished during this expedition. A summary of sound source activities is given in Tables and as well as Fig. Fig. HAFOS sound source array. White dots with concentric circles: sources launched in 2011 or early with 300 km range. Yellow stars: Sources refurbished during PS89 Tab. Recovery of sound sources during PS89 Mooring Type Water Position Deployment Schedule Recov. Recov total Mission drift Comments SoSo SN depth Recovery [GPS] Time Time drift length [s/day] site Deploy dates [GPS] [SoSo] [s] [days] depth [m] ------- --------- ----- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- ---- ------- ------- ----------- 229-10 Develogic 5172 63°59.66'S 2012-12-14 12:30:16 09:50:10 09:50:08 -2 732 -0.0027 communica- W1 D0026, 807 00°02.65'W 2015-01-16 (UTC) (UTC) tion ok, El.0040 mechanically in very good condition 231-10 Develogic 4456 66°30.93'S 2012-12-16 13:00 11:48:10 11:48:10 0.00 733 0.0000 communica- W2 D0024, 830 00°00.65'W 2014-12-19 11:49:16 11:49:16 tion ok, El.0033 mechanically in very good condition 244-03 R0029 2900 69°00.35'S 2012-12-25 12:40 09:51:30 09:45:03 -387 753 -0.5139 communica- W1l 806 06'58.97'W 2015-01-20 09:52:05 09:45:39 tion Ok, mechanically in very good condition *) Clock set to 12:30 UTC at to deployment; GPS=UTC+16s. Sign of offsets: positive (+): unit is late, negative (-): unit is early. Tab. Deployment of sound sources during PS89 Mooring/ Type/SN water Latitude Longitude Deployment SoSo Schedule Comments SoSo site depth date depth GPS time [m] [m] --------- ------- ----- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----- -------- ---------------------------- W1 D0048, 5209 63°54.94'S 000°00.17'W 2015-01-20 798 12:30 1st Sweep 2015-01-21 1)2)4) 229-12 El0064 W2 D0026, 4472 66°30.41'S 000°00.66'W 2014-12-19 851 13:00 1st Sweep 2014-12-20 2)3)4) 231-11 El.0066 W11 D0047 2900 69°00.34'S 006°58.95'W 2015-01-16 806 12:40 1st Sweep 2014-12-20, 1)2)4) 244-4 1) Tuning for resonance frequency during ANT-XXIX/2; 2) Additional Battery Pack; 3) Recovered resonance tube with new electronics; 4) Firmware V2.2; General comment: GPS = UTC+16s during this expedition. RAFOS source calibration A detailed description of the objectives and approach of tuning the RAFOS sources in-situ is given in the expedition report of ANT-XXIX/2 (Boebel et al., 2014). During this expedition, we tuned newly acquired sources, intended for the refurbishment of the array, directly at sea under hydrographic conditions similar to the deployment site. Differing from the procedure used during ANT 29.2 (3 iterative cuts) we now only used 2 iterative cuts to adjust the resonator tube's length. In total, the frequency response of 9 sound sources was determined using 25 runs: 3 previously tuned systems and 6 new Develogic NTSS sound source systems. Tuning (i.e. shortening) of the 6 new resonator tubes to a resonance frequency near 260 Hz was performed in 5 steps as follows: 1. Determination of frequency response of resonator "off works" by using seven consecutive 5-Hz wide, 80s sweeps covering 225 Hz to 260 Hz. 2. First cut of resonator tube by about 70% of length reduction as estimated to reach target frequency. 3. Determination of frequency response after first cut by using seven 5-Hz wide, 80s sweeps from 225 Hz to 260 Hz. 4. Second and final cut to reach target frequency. 5. Determination of frequency response of final tube length by using a single 80s long 5 Hz sweeps from 248 Hz - 263 Hz and a single RAFOS sweep (259.38 Hz - 260.9 Hz, duration 80s). Additionally, the resonance frequency of 3 systems (D00017 and D0018) tuned previously in Hamburg harbour by the manufacturer were determined by sweeping from 230 Hz -265 Hz, in analogy to step 1, along with the resonance frequency of unit D0024 (recovered at W2 during PS89) which had been tuned during ANT-XXVIII/2. Prior to 20 Dec 2014, sound sources were calibrated in deep water using the CTD winch on Polarstern's starboard side, lowering the sound sources horizontally to 200 m. To avoid entangling of the winch's cable, an extra weight of 50 kg was added below the sound source, followed by an acoustic recorder (iCListen, by OceanSonics, Canada) strapped on a rope 6m beneath the sound source. During the prolonged stay at Atka Bay (water depth 200 m) a mobile capstan and the ship's crane at the port side near the stern were used to lower the sound sources to 150 m depth with the iCListen acoustic recorder 25 m beneath the sound source. After repositioning the ship westwards near the Antarctic shelf ice edge with water depths of about 400 m, the sound sources were lowered to 20 Om, with the recorder suspended 25 m beneath the sound source. When no CTD cast was performed at or close to the tuning location, a Microcat CTD Recorder (SM37, SeaBird) was attached near the sound source to the rope to obtain local sound speed. After completion of the tuning procedure, 30-min long recordings from the iCListen HF acoustic recorder were saved from the internal storage to harddisk. Using Adobe Audition, sweeps belonging to a given sound source were manually cut at their boundaries from the displayed spectrogram and saved as single files. Later these single sweeps were merged and saved as a single file containing the complete sweep from 225 Hz to 260 Hz. A custom MATLAB™ script was used to determine the (current) resonance frequency of the highest root-mean-square amplitude. A second MATLAB™ script used the current resonance frequency, current tube length and environmental parameters (e.g. sound velocity at tuning depth, water density) to derive the target resonance length and the excess length to be cut from the current tube. During tuning activities, a marine mammal watch was conducted from the ship's bridge to shut down tuning activities in case marine mammals were to approach the ship closer than 1,000 m. This was not the case. Singly on 31.12.2014 at 12:49, while preparing the sound source for the last calibration run of the day, an Antarctic minke whale was sighted at about 1000 m distance from the ship, moving away. During calibration (13:03 to 13:35) the animal was not resighted. CTD observations CTD casts were conducted pursuing 3 independent objectives: • To extend the spatially highly resolved repeat CTD section along the Greenwich meridian by another 2 years; • To collect temperature and salinitydata at PIES and mooring positionsforthe estimation of the drifts of the moored sensors; • To provide calibration for the biogeochemical Argo floats. Time constraints did not allow repeating the CTDs section's deep casts every 30 nm (56 km) as during previous expeditions. Rather, a spacing of 60 nm had to be chosen. In addition by matching deep cast positions to those of moorings and float deployment, the necessity for additional CTD deep casts was minimized. The rosette assembly comprised a SBE 911 plus CTD system, combined with a carousel type SBE32 with 24 Niskin water samplers of 12 liter volume. Additionally, the assembly was equipped with an oxygen sensor SBE43, a Wetlabs C-Star transmissometer (wave length 650 nm; path length 25 cm), a Wetlabs Eco-FLR fluorometer, and a Benthos/DataSonics altimeter type PSA9I6D. CTD data was logged with Seabird's SeaSaveV7 data acquisition software to a local PC in raw format. ManageCTD, a Matlab™ based script developed at AWI, was employed to execute Seabird's SBEDataProcessing software, producing CTD profiles adjusted to 1-dbar intervals. ManageCTD additionally embedded metadata (header) information extracted from the DShipElectronic Station Book before conducting a preliminary de-spiking and data validation of the profile data. Preprocessed data were saved in OceanDataView compatible format, to provide near realtime visualization of e.g. potential temperature and salinity, particularly to provide enroute (i.e. during the expedition) visualization of the unfolding hydrographic section. The CTD was equipped with double sensors (Table for temperature (SBE3plus) and conductivity (SBE4C). These sensors were calibrated prior to the expedition. Enroute comparison of the calibrated sensors nevertheless revealed differences of about of 0.1 mK in temperature and 1 µS cm-1 in conductivity for in-situ measurements between the sensors. Tab. CTD-Sensor configuration #1 (primary); #2 (secondary); calibrated calibrated ---------------------- --------------- --------------- Temperature (SBE3plus) 2929; Apr. 2013 4127; Jun. 2014 Conductivity (SBE4c) 3885; Apr. 2013 3290; Apr. 2013 During this expedition, data from 38 full ocean depth CTD profiles were collected (Table and Fig. In addition, 2 shallow (52 and 70 m) CTDs were cast for the calibration of a SUIT's CTD-unit and 52 CTDs were cast at hourly intervals (with some interruptions for logistic reasons) at the shelf ice edge. Fig. Left: Map of locations of CTD stations. Labels indicate station and cast numbers as given in the station list. Right: Enlarged map of Atka Bay, with a star indicating the position of the hourly CTD time series. Tab. 3.1.19: List of CTD profiles taken during PS89 Station Date/time Latitude Longitude Water max - Cast depth pres. [m] [dbar] ------- ----------------- ----------- ----------- ---- ------ 1-1 04-Dec-2014 04:57 37 6.168'S 12 45.618 E 4890 4904 2-1 05-Dec-2014 00:56 39 13.662'S 11 20.028 E 5129 5226 3-1 05-Dec-2014 18:12 41 9.882'S 9 55.602 E 4610 4702 4-1 06-Dec-2014 09:05 42 58.542'S 8 30.558 E 3928 70 4-2 06-Dec-2014 10:59 42 58.788'S 8 30.348 E 3931 3969 5-1 07-Dec-2014 03:44 44 39.468'S 7 5.538 E 4585 4655 6-1 07-Dec-2014 18:04 46 12.900'S 5 40.500 E 4831 4877 7-1 08-Dec-2014 07:43 47 40.278'S 4 15.222 E 4541 4587 8-1 08-Dec-2014 23:19 49 2.118'S 2 51.600 E 4218 4239 9-1 09-Dec-2014 14:51 50 15.300'S 1 25.530 E 3893 3902 10-2 10-Dec-2014 03:41 51 25.308'S 0 0.582 E 2683 2678 11-1 10-Dec-2014 11:48 52 28.722'S 0 0.060 E 2598 2558 12-2 10-Dec-2014 21:21 53 31.458'S 0 0.180 E 2647 2596 13-1 11-Dec-2014 08:19 54 15.258'S 0 0.120 E 2734 2721 14-1 11-Dec-2014 15:13 54 59.988'S 0 0.018 E 1705 1663 15-1 11-Dec-2014 23:38 55 59.958'S 0 0.162 E 3685 3695 16-1 12-Dec-2014 08:11 56 55.620'S 0 0.348 E 3646 3670 19-1 12-Dec-2014 23:17 58 0.078'S 0 0.120 E 4528 4574 20-2 13-Dec-2014 11:25 59 2.238'S 0 5.628 E 4639 4683 21-1 14-Dec-2014 03:20 59 59.088'S 0 0.078 E 5375 5451 23-1 14-Dec-2014 16:50 60 59.862'S 0 0.378 E 5393 5467 24-1 15-Dec-2014 07:11 61 59.580'S 0 0.840 E 5368 5454 26-1 16-Dec-2014 00:14 62 59.370'S 0 0.360 E 5311 5391 27-1 16-Dec-2014 11:06 64 1.578'S 0 1.038 E 5193 5271 28-1 18-Dec-2014 01:24 65 0.018'S 0 0.018 E 3735 3748 29-4 18-Dec-2014 18:25 66 1.890'S 0 2.868 E 3615 3621 30-1 19-Dec-2014 02:05 66 27.708'S 0 1.488 E 4500 4538 31-1 20-Dec-2014 00:52 66 58.752'S 0 0.228 E 4710 4762 32-4 20-Dec-2014 15:23 67 34.182'S 0 8.472 E 4154 4123 33-1 21-Dec-2014 02:49 68 0.030'S 0 1.260 E 4513 4557 36-1 22-Dec-2014 23:23 69 0.612'S 0 1.620 E 3369 3373 42-1 03-Jan-2015 00:24 70 34.458'S 9 3.330 W 467 462 40-11 03-Jan-2015 05:17 70 31.398'S 7 57.720 W 232 232 49-1 07-Jan-2015 22:17 70 31.308'S 8 45.462 W 156 162 49-2 07-Jan-2015 23:10 70 31.320'S 8 45.450 W 156 164 49-3 08-Jan-2015 00:09 70 31.278'S 8 45.288 W 154 155 49-4 08-Jan-2015 01:07 70 31.248'S 8 45.330 W 151 155 49-5 08-Jan-2015 02:06 70 31.308'S 8 45.462 W 155 161 49-6 08-Jan-2015 03:09 70 31.308'S 8 45.522 W 158 162 49-7 08-Jan-2015 04:14 70 31.290'S 8 45.438 W 153 159 49-8 08-Jan-2015 05:22 70 31.320'S 8 45.552 W 172 167 49-9 08-Jan-2015 06:22 70 31.350'S 8 45.522 W 174 170 49-10 08-Jan-2015 07:16 70 31.338'S 8 45.552 W 174 169 49-11 08-Jan-2015 08:10 70 31.392'S 8 45.528 W 178 171 49-12 08-Jan-2015 09:12 70 31.380'S 8 45.582 W 179 171 52-1 09-Jan-2015 21:06 70 31.392'S 8 45.582 W 168 173 52-2 09-Jan-2015 22:04 70 31.398'S 8 45.558 W 168 173 52-3 09-Jan-2015 23:04 70 31.392'S 8 45.480 W 164 173 52-4 10-Jan-2015 00:09 70 31.320'S 8 45.420 W 155 161 52-5 10-Jan-2015 01:09 70 31.308'S 8 45.498 W 157 164 52-6 10-Jan-2015 02:08 70 31.308'S 8 45.378 W 154 158 52-7 10-Jan-2015 03:06 70 31.320'S 8 45.390 W 154 158 52-8 10-Jan-2015 04:12 70 31.320'S 8 45.480 W 157 163 52-9 10-Jan-2015 05:09 70 31.350'S 8 45.378 W 157 161 52-10 10-Jan-2015 06:09 70 31.380'S 8 45.390 W 159 167 52-11 10-Jan-2015 07:10 70 31.398'S 8 45.438 W 162 173 52-12 10-Jan-2015 08:04 70 31.380'S 8 45.492 W 163 173 54-1 10-Jan-2015 13:11 70 31.308'S 8 45.498 W 169 164 54-2 10-Jan-2015 14:09 70 31.308'S 8 45.468 W 166 162 54-3 10-Jan-2015 15:07 70 31.290'S 8 45.450 W 164 160 56-1 10-Jan-2015 19:08 70 31.350'S 8 45.450 W *) 167 56-2 10-Jan-2015 20:02 70 31.362'S 8 45.432 W 157 167 56-3 10-Jan-2015 21:04 70 31.338'S 8 45.450 W 157 167 56-4 10-Jan-2015 22:04 70 31.368'S 8 45.360 W 157 164 57-1 11-Jan-2015 01:08 70 31.278'S 8 45.468 W 165 161 57-2 11-Jan-2015 02:07 70 31.290'S 8 45.510 W 167 163 57-3 11-Jan-2015 03:06 70 31.302'S 8 45.498 W 167 163 57-4 11-Jan-2015 04:07 70 31.278'S 8 45.450 W 165 160 57-5 11-Jan-2015 05:06 70 31.362'S 8 45.420 W *) 166 58-1 11-Jan-2015 07:07 70 31.302'S 8 45.420 W *) 161 58-2 11-Jan-2015 08:09 70 31.320'S 8 45.462 W 156 167 57-8 11-Jan-2015 09:06 70 31.320'S 8 45.510 W 158 166 57-9 11-Jan-2015 10:07 70 31.350'S 8 45.528 W 161 170 57-10 11-Jan-2015 11:07 70 31.338'S 8 45.432 W 157 165 57-11 11-Jan-2015 12:11 70 31.338'S 8 45.402 W 156 162 57-12 11-Jan-2015 13:06 70 31.308'S 8 45.468 W 155 163 57-13 11-Jan-2015 14:09 70 31.260'S 8 45.498 W 152 160 57-14 11-Jan-2015 16:09 70 31.302'S 8 45.528 W 156 164 57-15 11-Jan-2015 17:08 70 31.302'S 8 45.510 W 156 163 57-16 11-Jan-2015 19:10 70 31.302'S 8 45.492 W 154 162 57-17 11-Jan-2015 20:09 70 31.308'S 8 45.468 W 155 163 57-18 11-Jan-2015 21:07 70 31.320'S 8 45.510 W 158 166 57-19 11-Jan-2015 22:07 70 31.332'S 8 45.558 W 161 169 57-20 11-Jan-2015 23:06 70 31.350'S 8 45.480 W 159 168 57-21 12-Jan-2015 00:06 70 31.350'S 8 45.492 W 159 169 66-3 16-Jan-2015 10:55 69 0.312'S 6 59.190 W 2949 2944 73-1 18-Jan-2015 04:18 67 39.990'S 1 45.168 W 4508 4548 78-1 19-Jan-2015 05:45 66 2.130'S 0 0.798 E 3642 3639 80-1 20-Jan-2015 07:41 63 55.068'S 0 0.438 E *) 5282 81-1 21-Jan-2015 12:34 61 0.090'S 0 0.138 E 5385 5463 82-1 27-Jan-2015 14:01 49 0.018'S 12 56.052 E 4121 52 82-2 27-Jan-2015 15:40 49 0.000'S 12 55.950 E 4121 4134 *) Due to environmental regulation, the EK60 echosounder was generally switched off while on station, resulting in deep-water soundings occasionally being unavailable when the CTD reached the sea floor. Salinometer measurements To monitor the accuracy and precision of the CTD's conductivity sensors, salinity/conductivity of 281 water samples was determined using an Optimare Precision Salinometer (OPS) for 17 CTD stations (Table between 04.12.2014 and 27.01.2015. Water samples were measured in reference to Standard Water batch no. P152; K15 = 0.99981, valid until date: 2013-05-05. Enroute comparisons between in-situ CTD data and salinometer based salinity measurements of water samples indicated that the conductivity sensors (SBE4c #3290) used in the secondary sensor pair featured the higher accuracies (Fig. In addition, their drifts were smaller than that of the primary sensor for the duration of the expedition. A definitive determination of sensors' drifts however requires post-expedition lab calibrations, for which the sensors will be returned to Seabird Electronics after leg PS89. Hence all results reported hereinafter must be considered preliminary. Fig. Deviation in salinity between OPS measurements and in-situ CTD measurements for samples below 4,000 m depth. The correction for the secondary sensor (blue line) is about -0.0011, and constant over time, contrasting a notable drift of the primary sensor. Tab. Salinity samples from the water sampler and measured with the OPS Stn Cast PRES SAL1 SAL2 OPS OPS-SAL1 OPS-SAL2 --- ---- -------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -------- 1 1 4685,33 34,7295 34,7357 34,7373 0,0078 0,0016 1 1 2532,392 34,8307 34,8356 34,8375 0,0068 0,0019 2 1 5221,684 34,7144 34,7208 34,7295 0,0151 0,0087 2 1 2535,527 34,8325 34,8373 34,8394 0,0069 0,0021 5 1 4650,843 34,6938 34,6999 34,6986 0,0048 -0,0013 5 1 4073,404 34,7125 34,7182 34,7169 0,0044 -0,0013 5 1 3558,331 34,732 34,7374 34,7363 0,0043 -0,0011 5 1 3048,601 34,7545 34,7597 34,7588 0,0043 -0,0009 5 1 2845,22 34,7623 34,7672 34,7672 0,0049 0 5 1 2535,105 34,7769 34,7816 34,7811 0,0042 -0,0005 5 1 2332,578 34,7767 34,7809 34,781 0,0043 1E-04 5 1 2025,961 34,7619 34,7665 34,7654 0,0035 -0,0011 5 1 1821,695 34,7325 34,7369 34,7361 0,0036 -0,0008 5 1 1517,67 34,6379 34,6418 34,6412 0,0033 -0,0006 5 1 1213,912 34,4938 34,4976 34,4989 0,0051 0,0013 5 1 1009,719 34,3919 34,3951 34,3961 0,0042 0,001 5 1 907,022 34,3221 34,3257 34,3252 0,0031 -0,0005 5 1 808,521 34,2781 34,2819 34,2813 0,0032 -0,0006 5 1 605,137 34,1889 34,1924 34,1929 0,004 0,0005 5 1 403,382 34,168 34,1718 34,1702 0,0022 -0,0016 5 1 302,76 34,2272 34,2298 34,2308 0,0036 0,001 5 1 202,306 34,3839 34,39 34,3871 0,0032 -0,0029 5 1 151,313 34,4487 34,4521 34,4541 0,0054 0,002 5 1 101,078 34,426 34,4278 34,431 0,005 0,0032 5 1 75,41 34,4146 34,4176 34,4184 0,0038 0,0008 5 1 50,821 34,0617 34,0607 34,0935 0,0318 0,0328 5 1 24,52 34,0299 34,0337 34,0339 0,004 0,0002 8 1 4236,423 34,6839 34,6901 34,689 0,0051 -0,0011 8 1 3558,288 34,6942 34,7002 34,6993 0,0051 -0,0009 8 1 3352,179 34,6984 34,7039 34,7028 0,0044 -0,0011 8 1 3047,934 34,7138 34,7196 34,7191 0,0053 -0,0005 8 1 2844,892 34,7318 34,737 34,7366 0,0048 -0,0004 8 1 2535,953 34,7465 34,7514 34,7513 0,0048 -1E-04 8 1 2232,269 34,764 34,7688 34,7689 0,0049 0,0001 8 1 2028,088 34,7683 34,773 34,7731 0,0048 1E-04 8 1 1823,47 34,7634 34,7681 34,768 0,0046 -1E-04 8 1 1519,173 34,7308 34,7349 34,7338 0,003 -0,0011 8 1 1212,244 34,6622 34,666 34,6663 0,0041 0,0003 8 1 1010,283 34,5924 34,5964 34,598 0,0056 0,0016 8 1 908,852 34,533 34,5371 34,5372 0,0042 1E-04 8 1 811,834 34,4931 34,4971 34,4963 0,0032 -0,0008 8 1 603,845 34,3489 34,3529 34,3561 0,0072 0,0032 8 1 404,681 34,174 34,1789 34,1774 0,0034 -0,0015 8 1 304,117 34,1124 34,1164 34,1169 0,0045 0,0005 8 1 204,722 34,102 34,1065 34,1074 0,0054 0,0009 8 1 152,457 33,948 33,9517 33,9502 0,0022 -0,0015 8 1 101,675 33,7945 33,798 33,8003 0,0058 0,0023 8 1 74,318 33,7924 33,7961 33,7972 0,0048 0,0011 8 1 56,114 33,7902 33,794 33,7947 0,0045 0,0007 8 1 27,906 33,7902 33,7941 33,7946 0,0044 0,0005 8 1 28,573 33,79 33,7938 33,7946 0,0046 0,0008 11 1 2553,745 34,6796 34,685 34,6847 0,0051 -0,0003 11 1 1215,108 34,7222 34,7264 34,7262 0,004 -0,0002 12 2 2590,594 34,6761 34,6815 34,6804 0,0043 -0,0011 12 2 2232,511 34,6776 34,6826 34,682 0,0044 -0,0006 12 2 2027,24 34,6797 34,6845 34,6837 0,004 -0,0008 12 2 1823,869 34,6821 34,6868 34,6859 0,0038 -0,0009 12 2 1620,535 34,6855 34,69 34,6897 0,0042 -0,0003 12 2 1417,848 34,6917 34,6957 34,6955 0,0038 -0,0002 12 2 1214,154 34,6993 34,7035 34,7034 0,0041 -1E-04 12 2 1011,205 34,7053 34,7094 34,7092 0,0039 -0,0002 12 2 912,104 34,7067 34,7108 34,7111 0,0044 0,0003 12 2 809,978 34,7084 34,7121 34,7122 0,0038 0,0001 12 2 708,457 34,7052 34,7091 34,7085 0,0033 -0,0006 12 2 606,248 34,6957 34,6996 34,6993 0,0036 -0,0003 12 2 504,58 34,6785 34,6822 34,6834 0,0049 0,0012 12 2 405,133 34,6507 34,6547 34,6546 0,0039 -1E-04 12 2 304,615 34,5938 34,5981 34,5951 0,0013 -0,003 12 2 251,958 34,5126 34,5155 34,5157 0,0031 0,0002 12 2 203,916 34,3358 34,3395 34,3387 0,0029 -0,0008 12 2 151,783 34,1413 34,147 34,1499 0,0086 0,0029 12 2 126,581 33,9243 33,9269 33,9137 -0,0106 -0,0132 12 2 101,462 33,8631 33,8668 33,8691 0,006 0,0023 12 2 77,109 33,8609 33,8648 33,8663 0,0054 0,0015 12 2 51,892 33,8574 33,8611 33,8647 0,0073 0,0036 12 2 25,532 33,8562 33,8601 33,8631 0,0069 0,003 16 1 3669,751 34,6492 34,6553 34,6542 0,005 -0,0011 16 1 3279,143 34,6521 34,6578 34,6567 0,0046 -0,0011 16 1 3048,858 34,6538 34,6593 34,658 0,0042 -0,0013 16 1 2845,208 34,6546 34,66 34,6593 0,0047 -0,0007 16 1 2537,206 34,6572 34,6623 34,6622 0,005 -0,0001 16 1 2230,486 34,6608 34,6658 34,6654 0,0046 -0,0004 16 1 2027,846 34,6632 34,6679 34,6679 0,0047 0 16 1 1722,965 34,6672 34,6719 34,672 0,0048 1E-04 16 1 1519,596 34,6707 34,6752 34,6754 0,0047 0,0002 16 1 1214,407 34,6753 34,6795 34,6797 0,0044 0,0002 16 1 1011,356 34,6792 34,6835 34,6833 0,0041 -0,0002 16 1 911,1 34,6808 34,6846 34,6852 0,0044 0,0006 16 1 808,609 34,6824 34,6864 34,6868 0,0044 0,0004 16 1 606,305 34,6792 34,6831 34,6836 0,0044 0,0005 16 1 505,024 34,6831 34,6869 34,6875 0,0044 0,0006 16 1 391,158 34,6843 34,6881 34,6884 0,0041 0,0003 16 1 302,615 34,6348 34,6378 34,6402 0,0054 0,0024 16 1 200,869 34,4726 34,4763 34,4779 0,0053 0,0016 16 1 151,685 34,3799 34,3838 34,385 0,0051 0,0012 16 1 100,758 34,2372 34,2468 34,2595 0,0223 0,0127 16 1 74,818 34,1779 34,1712 34,1762 -0,0017 0,005 16 1 59,947 34,087 34,088 34,0902 0,0032 0,0022 16 1 20,318 34,073 34,0766 34,0782 0,0052 0,0016 16 1 20,994 34,073 34,0759 34,0788 0,0058 0,0029 21 1 5450,653 34,6399 34,6469 34,6461 0,0062 -0,0008 21 1 4900,58 34,6407 34,6473 34,6455 0,0048 -0,0018 21 1 4592,734 34,6418 34,6483 34,6465 0,0047 -0,0018 21 1 4384,752 34,6431 34,6495 34,6477 0,0046 -0,0018 21 1 4075,647 34,6459 34,6522 34,6505 0,0046 -0,0017 21 1 3871,64 34,6477 34,6538 34,6521 0,0044 -0,0017 21 1 3562,539 34,6497 34,6556 34,6536 0,0039 -0,002 21 1 3048,632 34,6524 34,6579 34,6564 0,004 -0,0015 21 1 2028,176 34,6589 34,6638 34,663 0,0041 -0,0008 21 1 1516,638 34,665 34,6697 34,6692 0,0042 -0,0005 21 1 1313,548 34,6675 34,672 34,6725 0,005 0,0005 21 1 1011,476 34,6729 34,677 34,6771 0,0042 0,0001 21 1 911,915 34,6745 34,6786 34,6785 0,004 -0,0001 21 1 807,95 34,6768 34,6808 34,6802 0,0034 -0,0006 21 1 606,377 34,6805 34,6844 34,6838 0,0033 -0,0006 21 1 402,31 34,6826 34,6865 34,6852 0,0026 -0,0013 21 1 202,721 34,6825 34,6863 34,6847 0,0022 -0,0016 21 1 152,417 34,658 34,6647 34,6689 0,0109 0,0042 21 1 101,881 34,3234 34,3407 34,3014 -0,022 -0,0393 21 1 76,784 34,2087 34,2127 34,2112 0,0025 -0,0015 21 1 51,641 34,149 34,1526 34,1502 0,0012 -0,0024 21 1 24,751 33,9894 33,9931 34,0193 0,0299 0,0262 21 1 14,515 33,9342 33,9305 33,9712 0,037 0,0407 21 1 13,017 33,9317 33,936 33,9644 0,0327 0,0284 27 1 5270,853 34,64 34,6471 34,6455 0,0055 -0,0016 27 1 4902,366 34,6412 34,648 34,6469 0,0057 -0,0011 27 1 4593,36 34,6429 34,6496 34,648 0,0051 -0,0016 27 1 4386,773 34,6447 34,6514 34,6497 0,005 -0,0017 27 1 4077,989 34,6473 34,6539 34,6524 0,0051 -0,0015 27 1 3872,555 34,6485 34,655 34,6534 0,0049 -0,0016 27 1 3563,875 34,6503 34,6566 34,655 0,0047 -0,0016 27 1 3051,139 34,6532 34,6591 34,6575 0,0043 -0,0016 27 1 2540,271 34,6568 34,6623 34,6619 0,0051 -0,0004 27 1 2029,575 34,6626 34,6676 34,6674 0,0048 -0,0002 28 1 3747,814 34,6489 34,655 34,6547 0,0058 -0,0003 28 1 3307,272 34,6524 34,6584 34,6576 0,0052 -0,0008 28 1 3051,645 34,654 34,6602 34,659 0,005 -0,0012 28 1 2847,166 34,6556 34,6616 34,6606 0,005 -0,001 28 1 2540,172 34,6585 34,6642 34,6635 0,005 -0,0007 28 1 2233,914 34,6617 34,6673 34,6668 0,0051 -0,0005 28 1 2029,553 34,6649 34,6705 34,6697 0,0048 -0,0008 28 1 1723,914 34,6701 34,6753 34,6749 0,0048 -0,0004 28 1 1520,597 34,6733 34,6785 34,6783 0,005 -0,0002 28 1 1215,741 34,6794 34,6844 34,6841 0,0047 -0,0003 28 1 1012,33 34,6838 34,6882 34,6886 0,0048 0,0004 28 1 911,09 34,6858 34,6905 34,6912 0,0054 0,0007 28 1 809,674 34,6882 34,6926 34,6934 0,0052 0,0008 28 1 607,188 34,6923 34,6961 34,696 0,0037 -0,0001 28 1 505,884 34,6942 34,6985 34,6985 0,0043 0 28 1 404,669 34,6944 34,6988 34,699 0,0046 0,0002 28 1 303,385 34,6964 34,7008 34,7008 0,0044 0 28 1 202,171 34,6906 34,6955 34,6057 -0,0849 -0,0898 28 1 151,758 34,6834 34,6879 34,6876 0,0042 -0,0003 28 1 101,338 34,6624 34,6648 34,6662 0,0038 0,0014 28 1 50,758 34,2834 34,2911 34,3097 0,0263 0,0186 28 1 35,503 34,1402 34,145 34,2157 0,0755 0,0707 28 1 14,752 33,6421 33,6463 33,6635 0,0214 0,0172 28 1 14,751 33,6422 33,6464 33,6844 0,0422 0,038 31 1 4761,53 34,644 34,6511 34,6509 0,0069 -0,0002 31 1 4078,949 34,6487 34,6554 34,6545 0,0058 -0,0009 31 1 3564,693 34,6509 34,6573 34,6564 0,0055 -0,0009 31 1 3050,689 34,6544 34,6604 34,66 0,0056 -0,0004 31 1 2846,713 34,6562 34,6619 34,6624 0,0062 0,0005 31 1 2540,503 34,6594 34,6651 34,6649 0,0055 -0,0002 31 1 2335,944 34,6614 34,6669 34,667 0,0056 0,0001 31 1 2030,001 34,6653 34,6706 34,671 0,0057 0,0004 31 1 1825,848 34,6686 34,6736 34,6746 0,006 0,001 31 1 1520,822 34,6739 34,6789 34,6792 0,0053 0,0003 31 1 1215,345 34,6797 34,6843 34,685 0,0053 0,0007 31 1 1013,228 34,6836 34,6882 34,6888 0,0052 0,0006 31 1 911,115 34,6858 34,6899 34,6915 0,0057 0,0016 31 1 810,115 34,6867 34,6912 34,6924 0,0057 0,0012 31 1 607,023 34,6928 34,6971 34,6978 0,005 0,0007 31 1 404,557 34,6981 34,7021 34,703 0,0049 0,0009 31 1 303,459 34,698 34,7022 34,7026 0,0046 0,0004 31 1 202,575 34,693 34,6972 34,6985 0,0055 0,0013 31 1 151,795 34,6862 34,6904 34,6911 0,0049 0,0007 31 1 101,065 34,6716 34,6759 34,6764 0,0048 0,0005 31 1 75,643 34,6512 34,6563 34,6504 -0,0008 -0,0059 31 1 40,596 34,1396 34,1398 34,1822 0,0426 0,0424 31 1 20,106 33,9733 33,9779 33,9769 0,0036 -0,001 31 1 20,133 33,9728 33,9769 33,9765 0,0037 -0,0004 66 2 2847,454 34,654 34,6604 34,6595 0,0055 -0,0009 66 2 1012,617 34,6806 34,6855 34,6859 0,0053 0,0004 73 1 4547,225 34,646 34,6532 34,6527 0,0067 -0,0005 73 1 4079,424 34,6483 34,6553 34,6537 0,0054 -0,0016 73 1 3565,034 34,6504 34,657 34,6561 0,0057 -0,0009 73 1 3051,94 34,6538 34,6602 34,6593 0,0055 -0,0009 73 1 2847,487 34,6555 34,6615 34,6612 0,0057 -0,0003 73 1 2540,47 34,6587 34,6646 34,6637 0,005 -0,0009 73 1 2336,528 34,6608 34,6667 34,6659 0,0051 -0,0008 73 1 2029,565 34,6651 34,6707 34,6697 0,0046 -0,001 73 1 1825,912 34,6685 34,6736 34,6727 0,0042 -0,0009 73 1 1520,707 34,6737 34,679 34,6777 0,004 -0,0013 73 1 1216,056 34,6795 34,6845 34,6833 0,0038 -0,0012 73 1 1012,835 34,6838 34,6888 34,6871 0,0033 -0,0017 73 1 911,253 34,6855 34,6903 34,6882 0,0027 -0,0021 73 1 810,15 34,687 34,6919 34,6891 0,0021 -0,0028 73 1 606,798 34,692 34,6965 34,6932 0,0012 -0,0033 73 1 404,538 34,6919 34,6964 34,6936 0,0017 -0,0028 73 1 303,649 34,692 34,6967 34,692 0 -0,0047 73 1 202,313 34,6799 34,6844 34,6801 0,0002 -0,0043 73 1 141,764 34,6559 34,6605 34,6509 -0,005 -0,0096 73 1 101,14 34,5928 34,6032 34,5796 -0,0132 -0,0236 73 1 50,625 34,3159 34,3192 34,3121 -0,0038 -0,0071 73 1 25,003 34,1307 34,123 34,1163 -0,0144 -0,0067 73 1 14,883 33,8604 33,8856 33,8185 -0,0419 -0,0671 73 1 14,988 33,8308 33,841 33,8242 -0,0066 -0,0168 78 1 3635,723 34,6491 34,6559 34,6545 0,0054 -0,0014 78 1 3305,743 34,6519 34,6583 34,6554 0,0035 -0,0029 78 1 3050,459 34,6535 34,66 34,6568 0,0033 -0,0032 78 1 2843,745 34,6555 34,6617 34,6576 0,0021 -0,0041 78 1 2539,618 34,6586 34,6646 34,6603 0,0017 -0,0043 78 1 2234,938 34,6614 34,6671 34,6625 0,0011 -0,0046 78 1 2030,232 34,6637 34,6692 34,6641 0,0004 -0,0051 78 1 1724,283 34,6689 34,6741 34,6687 -0,0002 -0,0054 78 1 1520,881 34,6723 34,6776 34,6714 -0,0009 -0,0062 78 1 1216,793 34,6785 34,6837 34,6766 -0,0019 -0,0071 78 1 1013,488 34,6824 34,6874 34,68 -0,0024 -0,0074 78 1 910,298 34,6841 34,6891 34,6909 0,0068 0,0018 78 1 808,504 34,686 34,6909 34,692 0,006 0,0011 78 1 606,642 34,6903 34,695 34,6952 0,0049 0,0002 78 1 506,311 34,6894 34,6941 34,695 0,0056 0,0009 78 1 405,473 34,6889 34,6935 34,6908 0,0019 -0,0027 78 1 303,85 34,6869 34,6914 34,6863 -0,0006 -0,0051 78 1 201,436 34,6782 34,6832 34,6772 -0,001 -0,006 78 1 151,053 34,6602 34,6658 34,6571 -0,0031 -0,0087 78 1 100,215 34,5619 34,5709 34,5664 0,0045 -0,0045 78 1 51,452 34,3133 34,2951 34,3228 0,0095 0,0277 78 1 20,682 33,3444 33,3533 33,4433 0,0989 0,09 78 1 20,745 33,3549 33,356 33,405 0,0501 0,049 78 1 15,122 33,3282 33,332 33,404 0,0758 0,072 80 1 4902,049 34,6405 34,6479 34,6473 0,0068 -0,0006 80 1 1519,955 34,67 34,6752 34,6755 0,0055 0,0003 81 1 5461,819 34,6386 34,6466 34,6463 0,0077 -0,0003 81 1 5106,805 34,6393 34,647 34,6464 0,0071 -0,0006 81 1 4593,489 34,6401 34,6476 34,6463 0,0062 -0,0013 81 1 4078,167 34,6436 34,6509 34,65 0,0064 -0,0009 81 1 3871,611 34,6464 34,6534 34,6523 0,0059 -0,0011 81 1 3563,477 34,6488 34,6555 34,6542 0,0054 -0,0013 81 1 3050,526 34,6511 34,6575 34,6568 0,0057 -0,0007 81 1 2538,305 34,6544 34,6603 34,6603 0,0059 0 81 1 2028,359 34,6585 34,6642 34,6634 0,0049 -0,0008 81 1 1518,3 34,6643 34,6698 34,6695 0,0052 -0,0003 81 1 1011,658 34,6719 34,677 34,6775 0,0056 0,0005 81 1 911,825 34,6739 34,6791 34,6792 0,0053 0,0001 81 1 809,09 34,6754 34,6805 34,6808 0,0054 0,0003 81 1 607,855 34,6798 34,6846 34,6844 0,0046 -0,0002 81 1 405,695 34,6819 34,6869 34,6863 0,0044 -0,0006 81 1 304,356 34,6816 34,6865 34,6866 0,005 1E-04 81 1 204,764 34,6788 34,6838 34,6829 0,0041 -0,0009 81 1 151,081 34,6576 34,6586 34,6621 0,0045 0,0035 81 1 101,372 34,2741 34,2794 34,2622 -0,0119 -0,0172 81 1 75,678 34,1869 34,1915 34,1892 0,0023 -0,0023 81 1 51,124 34,1193 34,1227 34,1209 0,0016 -0,0018 81 1 24,767 33,6711 33,724 33,6684 -0,0027 -0,0556 81 1 14,771 33,6023 33,6063 33,6108 0,0085 0,0045 81 1 14,652 33,6022 33,6069 33,609 0,0068 0,0021 82 2 2536,299 34,746 34,7519 34,7534 0,0074 0,0015 82 2 2280,335 34,747 34,7525 34,7532 0,0062 0,0007 82 2 2025,13 34,7628 34,7685 34,7686 0,0058 1E-04 82 2 1770,775 34,7611 34,7665 34,7667 0,0056 0,0002 82 2 1520,608 34,7458 34,7511 34,7519 0,0061 0,0008 82 2 1265,154 34,6987 34,7037 34,7051 0,0064 0,0014 82 2 1014,546 34,6355 34,6403 34,6391 0,0036 -0,0012 82 2 910,587 34,586 34,5908 34,5915 0,0055 0,0007 82 2 809,081 34,5399 34,5444 34,5436 0,0037 -0,0008 82 2 707,743 34,5071 34,5118 34,5116 0,0045 -0,0002 82 2 605,856 34,4393 34,4438 34,4403 0,001 -0,0035 82 2 504,504 34,3475 34,3523 34,3516 0,0041 -0,0007 82 2 403,204 34,2524 34,2579 34,2542 0,0018 -0,0037 82 2 303,946 34,1717 34,1764 34,1756 0,0039 -0,0008 82 2 251,583 34,1161 34,1204 34,1219 0,0058 0,0015 82 2 202,473 34,0742 34,0814 34,0820 0,0078 0,0006 82 2 151,15 34,0158 34,0203 34,0210 0,0052 0,0007 82 2 126,259 33,886 33,8838 33,8799 -0,0061 -0,0039 82 2 100,175 33,7758 33,7856 33,7938 0,018 0,0082 82 2 75,464 33,7498 33,7542 33,7566 0,0068 0,0024 82 2 49,987 33,7489 33,7535 33,7547 0,0058 0,0012 82 2 14,959 33,7488 33,7534 33,7546 0,0058 0,0012 82 2 14,253 33,749 33,7537 33,7540 0,005 0,0003 Argo float deployments On the southbound leg, one Argo float (type Webb APEX) was deployed for the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI, co ntact point, Table Tab. APEX float deployments on behalf of KNMI Float Deployment Station ID T water Latitude Longitude Water Ship's Ship's Wind Wind type Date (c) keel Depth Speed course Direction Speed Time [UTC] [°C] [m] [kn] [°] [°] [m/s] ----- ------------- ----------- ------ ----------- --------- ------ ------ ------ --------- ----- Apex 12.12.14 1:11 PS89/0015-2 55° 59,98°S 0° 0,08°E 3697.4 1.3 233 230 6 During the northbound leg, 15 Argo floats (type Optimare NEMO) were deployed near the continental shelf into the Antarctic coastal current (Table Tab. 3.11.12: NEMO float deplyoments Nemo Deployment Station ID T water Latitude Longitude Water Ship's Ship's Wind Wind Ser. Date (c) keel Depth Speed course Direction Speed No. Time [UTC] [°C] [m] [kn] [°T] [°T] [m/s] ---- ------------- ----------- -------- ----------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ --------- ----- 293 15.1.15 11:40 PS89/0060-1 -1.6815 69° 46,55'S 10° 06,49'W *) 1.3 286 60 10 291 15.1.15 13:52 PS89/0061-1 -1.638 69° 30,15'S 10° 32,60'W *) 4.8 348 55 10 294 15.1.15 21:00 PS89/0063-1 -1.6135 69° 13,71'S 10° 20,37'W 3979.6 3.2 2 270 2 297 15.1.15 22:39 PS89/0064-1 -1.5096 69° 00,05'S 10° 18,39'W 4513.7 3.6 99 262 4 290 16.1.15 04:17 PS89/0065-1 -1.1126 68° 59,98'S 08° 00,04'W 3543.6 2.5 112 327 3 282 16.1.15 23:41 PS89/0068-1 -1.6591 69° 00,24'S 05° 46,09'W *) 2.6 86 217 6 281 17.1.15 03:01 PS89/0069-1 -1.2644 68° 40,04'S 05° 05,38'W *) 2.7 57 223 10 285 17.1.15 15:03 PS89/0070-3 -1.2802 68° 15,20'S 04° 00,40'W 4093.4 1.2 297 258 14 280 17.1.15 22:07 PS89/0072-1 -1.472 67° 59,93'S 03° 14,23'W 4213.5 2.5 299 284 10 284 18.1.15 06:15 PS89/0073-3 -0.6915 67° 39,92'S 01° 45,17'W *) 1.2 55 47 12 288 18.1.15 09:34 PS89/0074-1 -0.1743 67° 20,17'S 00° 56,43'W *) 2.2 38 60 16 289 18.1.15 13:52 PS89/0075-1 -0.396 67° 00,17'S 00° 00,84'W *) 3.1 320 66 19 286 18.1.15 20:23 PS89/0076-1 0.1834 66° 39,89'S 00° 00,56'E *) 1.1 16 2 11 287 19.1.15 00:35 PS89/0077-1 -0.1823 66° 20,23'S 00° 00,02'W 4021.8 2.8 357 23 14 276 19.1.15 07:45 PS89/0078-3 0.0431 66° 01,31'S 00° 02,30'E *) 1.5 46 18 13 *) Due to environmental regulation, the EK6O echosounder was generally switched off while on station, resulting in deep-water soundings frequently being unavailable at the time of float launch. Operational results Hydrographic moorings Details of the moorings scheduled for recovery, their instrumentation and the length of each associated data record are listed in Table, In general, the instruments performed well, providing, with few exceptions, data for the full deployment period. Tab. Moorings recovered between Cape Town and Neumayer III and on the Greenwich meridian. The date and time of the recovery is the date and time of the first release command Mooring Latitude Water Date Instrument Serial Instrument Record Longitude Depth Time Type Number Depth Length (m) a. deployed (m) (days) b. recovered [Remarks] --------- ---------- ----- ------------ ---------- ------ ---------- --------- AWI229-10 63°59.66'S 5172 14.12.2012 AVTP 8050 200 732 00°02.67'W 12:34 SBE37 9834 200 732 SBE37 447 250 732 16.12.2014 SBE37 237 300 [2] 15:04 SBE37 240 350 732 SBE37 435 400 732 SBE37 9838 450 732 SBE37 438 500 732 SBE37 439 550 732 SBE37 2086 600 732 SBE37 449 650 732 SBE37 245 700 732 RCM 11 452 706 732 SOSO 0026 807 [1] PAM 1010 969 [1] RCM 11 475 1977 [3] SBE37 9833 5126 [3] RCM 11 144 5127 [3] AWI230-8 66°02.12'S 3552 15.12.2012 AVTP 10491 200 732 00°02.98'E 14:39 SBE37 2088 200 732 SBE37 2090 300 456 18.12.2014 SBE37 2091 400 732 11:21 SBE37 2092 500 732 SBE37 2093 600 732 SBE37 2094 700 732 AVT 6856 725 732 PAM 1009 949 [1] AVTP 9213 1657 732 SBE37 2095 3508 732 AVT 9179 3509 732 AWI231-10 66°30.93'S 4524 17.12.2010 AVTP 10541 200 732 00°00.6'5W 12:00 SBE37 2096 200 732 SBE37 2098 250 732 19.12.2014 SBE37 2099 300 732 09:26 SBE37 2100 350 732 SBE37 2101 400 732 SBE37 2385 450 732 SBE37 2234 500 732 SBE37 2386 550 732 SBE37 2389 600 732 SBE37 2391 650 732 SBE37 3813 700 732 AVT 9184 729 732 SOSO 0024 830 [1] RCM 11 509 1812 703 SBE37 7726 4413 732 AVT 9180 4414 732 AWI232-11 68°59.86'S 3319 18.12.2012 AVTP 10925 250 733 00°06.51'W 06:00 RCM 11 469 757 733 PAM 1011 958 [1] 21.12.2014 RCM 11 512 1765 664 21:52 SBE37 7727 3265 733 AVT 10499 3266 [2] AWI244-3 69°00.35'S 2900 25.12.2012 SOSO 29 806 [1] 06°58.97'W 10:27 PAM 0001 998 [1] SBE16 2419 2857 751 Remarks: [1] to be processed; [2] flooded; [3] lost due to broken mooring rope. Tab. Moorings deployed during PS89 Mooring Latitude Water Date Instrument Instrument Instrument Longitude depth Time Type Serial depth (m) Number (m) --------- ---------- ----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- AWI227-13 59°02.67'S 4600 13.12.2014 PAM 1056 1020 00°05.37'E 16:38 SBE37 8125 4557 AWI229-11 64°00.31'S 5165 17.12.2014 AVTP 8395 202 00°00.22'W 11:43 SBE37 8129 203 SBE37 9831 300 SBE37 10943 400 SBE37 10944 500 SBE37 11419 600 SBE37 11420 700 RCM11 501 709 PAM 1057 970 SBE37 227 5121 AWI229-12 63°54.94'S 5172 20.01.2015 SOSO 0048 798 00°00.16'E 11:38 PAM 1055 1001 SBE37 228 5167 AWI231-11 66°30.41'S 4472 19.12.2014 SOSO 0026 851 00°00.66'W 17:59 PAM 1058 973 SBE37 11421 4429 AWI232-12 68°58.89'S 3360 23.12.2014 AVT 8367 290 00°05.00 W 09:52 AVT 9211 798 PAM 1059 999 RCM11 472 1806 SBE37 11422 3306 RCM11 25 3307 AWI244-4 69°00.34'S 2900 16.01.2015 SOSO 0047 806 06°58.94'W 14:20 PAM 1061 998 SBE37 12470 2857 Abbreviations used: AVTP Aanderaa Current Meter with Temperature- and Pressure Sensor AVT Aanderaa Current Meter with Temperature Sensor DCS Aanderaa Doppler Current Sensor PAM Passive Acoustic Monitor (Type: SONOVAULT) RCM11 Aanderaa Doppler Current Meter SBE16 SeaBird Electronics Self Recording CTD to measure Temp., Cond. and Pressure SBE37 SeaBird Electronics, Type: MicroCat, to measure Temperature and Conductivity Fig. Position of mooring deployments during PS89 The Posidonia positioning system A detailed description of mooring recoveries under heavy sea-ice conditions is given in Boebel (2013). Essential to such recoveries is a robust and timely localization of the mooring's transponders by the Posidonia hydroacoustic positioning system. During PS89, only the mobile Posidonia antenna (deployable on station through the ship's well) was available. With this antenna installed in the ship's well, Polarstern cannot move in ice covered area to avoid the risk of damaging the antenna. Deploying the antenna through the ship's well lasts about 45 minutes, a time span during which Polarstern necessarily drifts with the ice floes. For Polarstern to be within the acoustic range (a downward directed cone of an opening angle of about ±60°) of the mooring's transducers at the time of operability of the antenna, the ship hence has to be placed at a location upstream (with regard to the tide and wind driven ice-drift) of a distance equaling drift speed x 45mm. Determining this drift (including an understanding of the tidal cycle's phase) requires at last 2 hours, preferably longer prior to positioning the ship and deploying the antenna. Posidonia's main electronic unit POSIDONIA 6000 had been replaced with the new USBLBOX prior to our expedition. This proved to be a substantial improvement as valid localizations were obtained immediately upon the first interrogating ping. Additionally, after its release, the transponder can be tracked to within ±60° (measured from the vertical), i.e. up to 100 m below the surface under practical conditions. Together with the visualization software Posi View (provided by Ralf Krocker, AWI), the system now meets all requirements necessary for mooring recoveries, even under adverse sea-ice conditions. Nevertheless the current deployment/recovery procedure of the Posidonia antenna is extremely time consuming (lasting a total of 1.5 h at least) during which the ship has to remain immobile. Sea ice borne mooring recoveries Severe ice situations can bar Polarstern from reaching a mooring's location and breaking of the ice nearby to allow the mooring to surface (Boebel, 2013). Under such circumstances, recovering the mooring directly from the floe with limited assistance from the ship is necessary. The approach bases on the notion that once the mooring is released, its floatation will assemble under the sea ice and drift with it. Hence, if the mooring's position at the time of surfacing is known in a sea ice based reference frame, one would have plenty of time to provide access to it through the sea ice. To penetrate the sea ice, a small modified earthmover with a 90 cm diameter drill was mobilized for this expedition. In general, sea ice borne mooring recoveries comprise the following steps: • Locate, release and track the mooring with USBL-BOX and mark the presumed under-ice position on the ice floe. • Place the earthmover on the ice floe and proceed to the marked point. • Drill a hole through the ice and verify that the mooring is close by. • Deploy diver or ROV to retrieve part of the mooring rope through the bore hole. • Recover the mooring without assistance from the ship's winches using a portable capstan and a tripod over the hole to lift heavy instruments. During PS89 we did not encounter conditions that rendered the above approach necessary; However, the overall operation was tested on December 29, 2014 during our stay in Atka Bay. This test of our equipment for sea-ice borne mooring recovery was positive, yet some specific aspects require reconsideration or improvement to reduce the effort and time. Specifically, we gained the following insights: Earthmover/drill and plates: The earthmover has a weight of about 2,000 kg. The chain drive is too small to propel the unit on snow (rather than ice). Standard synthetic plates, used typically in road construction and sized 1 x 2m, were positioned on the snow in front of the earthmover to provide a skid-free foundation for the chain drives. At a minimum 3 plates are needed to be able to repeatedly shift the plate left behind the earthmover to its front. With 5 plates and enough helpers the earthmover can proceed continuously without a stop, see Fig. Fig. The earthmover drives on plates to the drill site. The plates are necessary if the ice floes are covered with high and soft snow. Drilling-operation The drill has a diameter of 90 cm. A total of 4 holes need to be drilled side by side to create an opening large enough to ensure a save diving operation. Deployment of ROV and recovery of instruments might be achieved with 2 holes. The drill can be extended by meter-long segments, allowing drilling ice thicknesses up to 3 meters. However, with the lifting cranes height remaining limited, the ice slush (Fig. near the bottom of the drill well cannot be lifted out of the drilling hole requiring an alternative solution, possibly by pumps. In addition the assembly of the drill and its extension segments too long and proved rather complicate. Fig. Drilling a 90 cm diameter hole. Larger holes need to be created by overlapping several holes. Tripod, rope guidance and portable capstan: Raising the tripod and assembling the rope guidance and capstan (Fig. takes about 1 - 2 hours. Five people were needed for this job. Fig. Left: The tripod (test set-up, ultimately to be placed over the hole for lifting heavy instruments). The area covered by black plates (2 x 2 m) indicating the approximate size of the hole. Right: The rope-guidance at the edge of the hole for the recovery of the mooring rope. Pulling out the rope is supported by the portable capstan (behind the rope-guidance). RAFOS source calibration During calibration runs, all but two sources performed sweeps as scheduled. Two electronics did not transmit all sweeps or truncated sweeps early, requiring their replacement with new electronics. Table lists details on the calibration process. During calibration at 200 m depth, the amplitude of the RAFOS signal from the new sound sources exceeded that of the ship noise, both in spectral as well as in terms of broad band levels as recorded by the iCListen (samplingrate: 4 kHz) suspended below the source. Generally, with increasing resonance frequencies (while approaching the target frequency), peak amplitudes increased, confirming the desired resonance behaviour. Shallow water conditions, however, may have interfered with the determination of the resonance frequency. While it was planned to conduct the final measurement of each sound source in deep water, due to the discontinuing of the cruise and the short time remaining, this was not possible. For sound sources calibrated in shallow waters (see Table it is hence advisable to check the final resonance frequency measurements prior to their deployment during the next expedition. Argo floats Unfortunately, none of the Optimare Nemo floats transmitted any data (so far as of June 2015). When this problem became apparent while still on board on the way back to Cape Town, additional test were performed, revealing that the floats performed the full mission, but aborted communications via Iridium only few seconds after they had attempted to establish satellite communication. This problem reproducibly occurred when the parameter "Transmission Time", a time-out defining the maximum period a float would be transmitting data when uploading multiple profiles, was set to 720 min (rather than 90 min when the system works fine), even though the valid parameter range is reported as 5 min up to "mission_cydcle_time" (4,320 min (3 days) and 14,400 min (10 days) in this case) in the instruments manual (160 6 01 00 000). So far, the manufacturer did not respond to our questions regarding the detailed origin of this behaviour. While the floats thus appear to conduct their mission as intended, they appear incapable of transmitting the data they collected, and hence must be considered lost for all practical terms. Tab. Calibration runs by serial number of sound sources with date of measurement and resulting resonance frequency. Measurement 1 Measurement 2 Measurement 3 start length after 1st cut after final cut ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- Nr Device tuning Date fres Date fres Date fres electronics [Hz] [Hz] [Hz] -- ------ ----------- ---------------- ----- ---------------- ----- -------------- ----- 1 D0043 E10049 09.01.2015 (2) 237,4 10.01.2015 (2) 253,4 - - 2 D0045 E10049/ 31.12.2014 (1,3) 244,8 09.01.2015 (2) 249,8 10.01.2015 (2) 261,2 E10064 07.01.2015 (2) 3 D0047 E10047 13.12.2014 (1) 238,2 14.12.2014 (1) 253 20.12.2014 (1) 260,8 4 D0048 E10064 13.12.2014 (1) 242,1 14.12.2014 (1,3) 252 07.01.2015 (2) 260,2 20.12.2014 (1,3) 31.12.2015 (2) 01.01.2015 (2) 5 D0049 E10049/ 31.12.2014 (2) 232,5 01.01.2015 (2) 244,2 05.01.2014 (2) 260,4 E10064 07.01.2015 (2) 6 D0050 E10049/ 07.01.2015 (2) 239,8 09.01.2015 (2) 252,4 10.01.2015 (2) 261,2 E10064 7 D0017 E10035 15.12.2014 (1) - (3) - - - - 8 D0018 E10038 15.12.2015 (1) 262,2 - - - - 9 D0024 E10033 01.01.2015 (2) 260,2 - - - - 1) deepwater tuning, 2) shallow water tuning (waterdepth <400m), 3) failure of electronics. Fig. Temperature section along the Greenwich Meridian The hourly time series of CTD profiles close to the shelf ice edge (Fig. shows a clear tidal cycle in the hydrographic structure. Fig. Contour plot of the CTD profiles overtime. The period of the low tide sea level are overlaid as dashed blue line. Data management The final records from moored instruments (CTD-recorders and current meters) will be processed after post-expedition calibrations were finished. All data will be stored and available through the PANGAEA data base. P.I.: Olaf Boebel and Gerd Rohardt. The final processing of CTD-data will be conducted after post-expedition calibrations are finished. All data will be stored and available through the PANGAEA data base. AWI P.I.: Gerd Rohardt References Boebel O (ed) (2013) The Expedition of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" to the Antarctic in 2012/13 (ANT-XXIX/2), hdl :1001 3/epic.401 36. 3.1.2 Biogeochemical Argo-type floats for SOCCOM (Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modelling) Daniel Schuller(1), Hannah Zanowski(8) (1)SIO-ODF (2)SIO not on board: Lynne Talley(2), (3)U Washington Steve Riser(3), Andrew Dickson(2), (4)MBARI Kenneth Johnson(4), Emmanuel Boss(5), (5)U Maine Richard A. Feely(6), Lauren Juranek(7), (6)NOAAIPMEL Jorge Sarmiento(8), Robert Key(8) (7)OSU (8)Princeton University Grant No: AWI-PS89_06 Funding: NSF Polar Programs PLR-1425989 and NASA NNXI4AP49G Objectives The Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica is the primary window through which the intermediate, deep, and bottom waters of the ocean interact with the surface and thus the atmosphere. In the past 20 years, observational analyses and model simulations have transformed understanding of the Southern Ocean, suggesting that the ocean south of 30°S, occupying just 30% of the total surface ocean area, has a profound influence on the Earth's climate and ecosystems. Prior results suggest that: • the Southern Ocean accounts for upto half of the annual oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide from the atmosphere; • vertical exchange in the Southern Ocean supplies nutrients that fertilize up to three-quarters of the biological production in the global ocean north of 30°S; • the Southern Ocean accounts for about 75% ± 22% of the excess heat that is transferred from the atmosphere into the ocean each year; and • Southern Ocean winds and buoyancy fluxes are the principal source of energy for driving the global large-scale deep meridional overturning circulation. Model studies also project that changes in the Southern Ocean will have profound influence on future climate trends, with corresponding alteration of the ocean carbon cycle, heat uptake, and ecosystems. Projections include: • due to ocean acidification, the Southern Ocean south of -60°S will become undersaturated with respect to aragonite (a form of calcium carbonate) by -2030 with a potentially large impact on calcifying organisms and Antarctic ecosystems; and • the vertical exchange of deep and surface waters may either increase as winds over the Southern Ocean increase, or decrease as higher rainfall results in more stratification. More vertical exchange would be expected to result in more anthropogenic carbon uptake from the atmosphere, but less storage of carbon through biological cycling, while its impact on heat uptake depends on whether it brings anomalously warm or cold waters to the ocean surface. The SOCCOM (Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modelling) project is implementing sustained observations of the carbon cycle, together with mesoscale eddying models linked to the observations. 180 to 200 autonomous profiling floats with biogeochemical sensors (oxygen, nitrate, pH and optical sensors in addition to temperature/salinity) and seaice avoidance software are being deployed throughout the Southern Ocean over a period of six years. These will extend current seasonally limited observations of biogeochemical properties into nearly continuous coverage in time, with horizontal spatial coverage over the entire Southern Ocean and vertical coverage to 2,000 m. These float deployments must take place from research ships with CTD/rosette sampling in order to collect water samples (to be analyzed for oxygen, nutrients, pH, alkalinity, HPLC, POC) for float profile calibration, and to collect in-situ fluorescence and transmissometer profiles, also for float calibration. The first set of 6 prototype floats with this configuration of biogeochemical sensors was deployed in the Ross Sea and southern South Pacific in March-April, 2014 from GO-SHIP section PI6S on the RV Nathaniel B. Palmer, the floats are operating well, with data reported in near realtime and publicly available from The pH sensor technology, which was developed recently, is proving to be very robust. The T/S data are part of the Argo float data set. All SOCCOM floats and calibration measurements, with the exception of the optical measurements, are supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation Polar Programs. Optical measurements instrumentation on the floats and HPLC/POC calibrations are supported by U.S. NASA. The 12 floats deployed from Polarstern PS89 are the first large-scale SOCCOM deployment, and are the first of our international collaborations. These floats will contribute to the international Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS), and the Argo database. Work at sea Profiling floats Twelve SOCCOM floats were deployed according to Table and Fig. All of these Argo-equivalent floats were equipped with state-of-the-art biogeochemical instrumentation. All but two have sea ice-avoidance software. All but three have pH sensors. Eight were Apex floats built at U. Washington from components purchased from Teledyne/Webb. Four were Navis floats from Sea-Bird Electronics (SBE), and are prototypes for SBE's new biogeochemical float programme. Details of each float's capabilities are provided in Table PS89 deployments were carried out by Dan Schuller (SIO Oceanographic Data Facility) and Hannah Zanowski (Princeton U. graduate student), at the conclusion of the CTD/rosette cast. As of 28 January, 2015, all 12 floats had been deployed, and were reporting good profiles, with the exceptions of 9,125 and 9,260 which have not yet reported, and of the pH sensor on float 0508, which failed on deployment. Several have already encountered sea ice but then successfully re-emerged, with resulting programmed delays in profile reporting. The first 8 floats were deployed along the Greenwich meridian, with locations chosen to sample each major oceanographic regime, based on previous hydrographic sections, and also tracer release and particle release numerical experiments in the Southern Ocean State Estimate (SOSE at SIO; M. Mazloff and J. Wang) and in the Hycom model (RSMAS U. Miami; I. Kamenkovich). The last 4 floats were intended for deployment across the Weddell Sea, but were released at the specified locations when it was decided that Polarstern would return directly to Cape Town. The first two of this group were released far to the south hoping that they would travel westward into the Weddell Sea. The third was released to increase density of the array and to supplement this region with a pH sensor. The fourth was released at the latitude of float 0508 to provide pH measurements in the polar frontal zone. Fig. SOCCOM float deployments from Polarstern PS89 (red x's) with PS89 CTD stations (black dots) (2 December 2014 - 1 February 2015). Light curves are the standard Orsi fronts (subtropical, subantarctic, polar and southern boundary, from north to south). Tab. SOCCOM float deployment details Float Latitude Sensors Station Deployment Deployment ID Longitude # date time ----- --------- ------- ------- ---------- ---------- 0037 39°13.9'S ONE 2-1 5-12-2014 0350Z Navis 11°20.3'E 9313 44°39.5'S ONFp 5-1 7-12-2014 0554Z Apex 07°05.6'E 0508 49°03.2'S IONFp* 8-1 9-12-2014 0100Z Navis 02°52.1'E 9096 53°31.0'S IONFp 12-2 10-12-2014 2234Z Apex 00°00.2'E 0509 56°55.8'S IONFp 16-1 12-12-2014 1100Z Navis 00°00.9'E 7652 59°59.0'S IONF 21-1 14-12-2014 0505Z Apex 00°00.0'E 0511 64°59.7'S IONFp 28-1 18-12-2014 0255Z Navis 00°00.1'E 9094 66°58.7'S IONFp 31-1 20-12-2014 0246Z Apex 00°00.6'W 9275 67°40.0'S IONFp 73-1 18-1-2015 061Z Apex 01°45.2'W 9099 66°01.5'S IONFp 78-1 19-1-2015 0739Z Apex 00°02.0'E 9125 61°00.2'S IONFp 81-1 21-1-2015 1436Z Apex 00°00.1'W 9260 49°00.1'S IONFp 82-2 27-1-2015 1708Z Apex 12°56.1'E I = ice enabled; O = oxygen sensor; N = nitrate sensor; F = FLbb; p = pH *pH sensor failed on deployment Table 3122: SOCCOM float specifications Float Typ(1) max. O2(2) NO3(3) pH optics(4) ice Number depth capable(5) ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ -- --------- ---------- 7652 APEX 1750 √ √ √ √ √ 9094 APEX 1750 √ √ √ √ √ 9096 APEX 1750 √ √ √ √ √ 9099 APEX 1750 √ √ √ √ √ 9125 APEX 1750 √ √ √ √ √ 9260 APEX 1750 √ √ √ √ √ 9275 APEX 1750 √ √ √ √ √ 9313 APEX 1750 √ √ √ √ 0037 Navis 2000 √ √ √ 0509 Navis 2000 √ √ √ √ √ 0511 Navis 2000 √ √ √ √ √ 0508 Navis 2000 √ √ √ √ √ Notes: 1. APEX denotes floats built at UW from components purchased from Teledyne/Webb; Navis denotes floats purchased by UW in ready-to-deploy condition from SBE. 2. O2 sensor on APEX floats is Aanderaa 4330; on Navis floats it is SBE-63. 3. NO3 sensor on APEX floats is MBARI/ISUS; on Navis floats it is Satlantic/SUNA. 4. OPTICS denotes WetLabs FLBB fluorometer and backscatter capability on APEX floats; on Navis floats, the optical sensor is ECO-MCOMC and includes a CDOM fluorometer in addition to chlorophyll fluorometer and backscattering. 5. Ice capability is from field-tested softward developed at UW on APEX floats; on Navis floats it is from contributed software developed at UW but being tested in the field for the first time from this Polarstern set of float deployments. CTD/Rosette Sampling CTD casts were completed at each SOCCOM float deployment location for a total of 12 profiles. Full water column bottle samples were taken by SIO-ODF for pH, alkalinity, nutrients, HPLC and POC at each station. ULPGC sampled and analysed water samples for oxygen and DIC, while AWI sampled and analysed water samples for salinity at these locations. As SOCCOM's reciprocal contribution to the overall PS89 cruise, SIO-ODF collected and analysed nutrient samples on board on all of the CTD/rosette stations (NSF funding). pH and alkalinity samples are being shipped to Andrew Dickson's laboratory at SIO (NSF funding). HPLC and POC samples are being shipped to Emmanuel Boss at U. Maine (NASA funding). Nutrients Summary 1130 samples from SOCCOM and other CTD casts were analysed for nutrients. The cruise started with new pump tubes and they were changed once during the cruise, after station 36-1. Two sets of Primary/Secondary standards were made up over the course of the cruise. The cadmium column efficiency was checked periodically and was greater than 98%. Equipment and Techniques Nutrient analyses (phosphate, silicate, nitrate+nitrite, and nitrite) were performed on a Seal Analytical continuous-flow AutoAnalyzer 3 (AA3). The methods used are described by Gordon et al (1992) Hager et al. (1968), and Atlas et al. (1971). Details of modification of analytical methods used in this cruise are also compatible with the methods described in the nutrient section of the GO-SHIP repeat hydrography manual (Hydes et al., 2010) Nitrate/Nitrite Analysis A modification of the Armstrong et al. (1967) procedure was used for the analysis of nitrate and nitrite. For nitrate analysis, a seawater sample was passed through a cadmium column where the nitrate was reduced to nitrite. This nitrite was then diazotized with sulfanilamide and coupled with N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine to form a red dye. The sample was then passed through a 10mm flowcell and absorbance measured at 540 nm. The procedure was the same for the nitrite analysis but without the cadmium column. Reagents Sulfanilamide Dissolve 10g sulfamilamide in 1.2N HCl and bring to 1 liter volume. Add 2 drops of 40% surfynol 465/485 surfactant. Store at room temperature in a dark poly bottle. Note: 40% Surfynol 465/485 is 20% 465 plus 20% 485 in DIW. N-(1-Naphthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride (N-1-N) Dissolve 1g N-1-N in DIW, bring to 1 liter volume. Add 2 drops 40% surfynol 465/485 surfactant. Store at room temperature in a dark poly bottle. Discard if the solution turns dark reddish brown. Imidazole Buffer Dissolve 13.6g imidazole in -3.8 liters DIW. Stir for at least 30 minutes to completely dissolve. Add 60 ml of CuSO4 + NH4Cl mix (see below). Add 4 drops 40% Surfynol 465/485 surfactant. Let sit overnight before proceeding Using a calibrated pH meter, adjust to pH of 7.83-7.85 with 10% (1.2N) HCl (about 10 ml of acid, depending on exact strength). Bring final solution to 4L with DIW. Store at room temperature. NH4Cl + CuSO4 mix: Dissolve 2 g cupric sulfate in DIW, bring to 100 ml volume (2%) Dissolve 250 g ammonium chloride in DIW, bring to 1 liter volume. Add 5 ml of 2% CuSO4 solution to this NH4Cl stock. This should last many months. Phosphate Analysis Ortho-Phosphate was analyzed using a modification of the Bernhardt and Wilhelms (1967) method. Acidified ammonium molybdate was added to a seawater sample to produce phosphomolybdic acid, which was then reduced to phosphomolybdous acid (a blue compound) following the addition of dihydrazine sulfate. The sample was passed through a 10 mm flowcell and absorbance measured at 820 nm (880 nm after station 10, see section on analytical problems for details). Reagents Ammonium Molybdate H2SO4 sol'n: Pour 420 ml of DIW into a 2 liter Ehrlenmeyer flask or beaker, place this flask or beaker into an ice bath. SLOWLY add 330 ml of conc H2SO4. This solution gets VERY HOT!! Cool in the ice bath. Make up as much as necessary in the above proportions. Dissolve 27 g ammonium molybdate in 250 ml of DIW. Bring to 1 liter volume with the cooled sulfuric acid sol'n. Add 3 drops of 15% DDS surfactant. Store in a dark poly bottle. Dihydrazine Sulfate Dissolve 6.4g dihydazine sulfate in DIW, bring to 1 liter volume and refrigerate. Silicate Analysis Silicate was analyzed using the basic method of Armstrong et al. (1967). Acidified ammonium molybdate was added to a seawater sample to produce silicomolybdic acid which was then reduced to silicomolybdous acid (a blue compound) following the addition of stannous chloride. The sample was passed through a 10mm flowcell and measured at 660 nm. Reagents Tartaric Acid Dissolve 200g tartaric acid in DW and bring to 1 liter volume. Store at room temperature in a poly bottle. Ammonium Molybdate Dissolve 10.8 g Ammonium Molybdate Tetrahydrate in 1,000 ml dilute H2SO4*. *(Dilute H2SO4 = 2.8 ml conc H2SO4 or 6.4 ml of H2SO4 diluted for PO4 moly per liter DW) (dissolve powder, then add H2SO4) Add 3-5 drops 15% SDS surfactant per liter of solution. Stannous Chloride stock: (as needed) Dissolve 40g of stannous chloride in 100 ml 5N HCl. Refrigerate in a poly bottle. NOTE: Minimize oxygen introduction by swirling rather than shaking the solution. Discard if a white solution (oxychloride) forms. working: (every 24 hours) Bring 5 ml of stannous chloride stock to 200 ml final volume with 1.2N HCl. Make up daily -refrigerate when not in use in a dark poly bottle. Sampling Nutrient samples were drawn into 30 mL polypropylene screw-capped centrifuge tubes. The tubes and caps were cleaned with 10% HCl and rinsed 3 times with sample before filling. Samples were analyzed within 12 hours after sample collection, allowing sufficient time for all samples to reach room temperature. The centrifuge tubes fit directly onto the sampler. Data collection and processing Data collection and processing was done with the software (ACCE ver 6.07) provided with the instrument from Seal Analytical. After each run, the charts were reviewed for any problems during the run, any blank was subtracted, and final concentrations (micro moles/liter) were calculated, based on a linear curve fit. Once the run was reviewed and concentrations calculated a text file was created. That text file was reviewed for possible problems and then converted to another text file with only sample identifiers and nutrient concentrations for merging with other bottle data. Standards and Glassware calibration Primary standards for silicate (Na2SiF6), nitrate (KNO3), nitrite (NaNO2), and phosphate (KH2PO4) were obtained from Johnson Matthey Chemical Co. and/or Fisher Scientific. The supplier reports purities of >98%, 99.999%, 97%, and 99.999 respectively. All glass volumetric flasks and pipettes were gravimetrically calibrated prior to the cruise. The primary standards were dried and weighed out to 0.1mg prior to the cruise. The exact weight was noted for future reference. When primary standards were made, the flask volume at 20°C, the weight of the powder, and the temperature of the solution were used to buoyancy- correct the weight, calculate the exact concentration of the solution, and determine how much of the primary was needed for the desired concentrations of secondary standard. Primary and secondary standards were made up twice during the cruise. The new standards were compared to the old before use. All the reagent solutions, primary and secondary standards were made with fresh distilled deionized water (DIW). Standardizations were performed at the beginning of each group of analyses with working standards prepared prior to each run from a secondary. Working standards were made up in low nutrient seawater (LNSW). LNSW was collected off shore of coastal California and treated in the lab. The water was first filtered through a 0.45 micron filter then re-circulated for -8 hours through a 0.2 micron filter, passed a UV lamp and through a second 0.2 micron filter. The actual concentration of nutrients in this water was empirically determined during the standardization calculations. The concentrations (micro-mole per liter) of the working standards used were: uM uM uM uM N+N PO4 SiO3 NO2 ----- --- ---- ---- 0) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1) 15.50 1.2 60 0.50 2) 31.00 2.4 120 1.00 3) 46.50 3.6 180 1.50 Analytical Problems No major analytical problems were noted. No samples were lost. Oxygen Although ULPGC group was responsible for the determination of dissolved oxygen, the SIO-ODF system was made available in order to compare methodologies. The ULPGC system is a potentiometric endpoint detection system whereas the SIO-ODF system uses a photometric endpoint detection based on the absorption of 365 nm wavelength UV light. Potassium iodate standards were swapped between the two groups and used to confirm the calibration concentration of the thiosulfate titrating solution. The results from both groups determined the concentration of thiosulfate to an error on the order of 0.03%, well within the precision of the instruments. On three stations (40, 42, and 66) dissolved oxygen was sampled and analyzed by both groups, each using their own calibrated glass bottles and thiosulfate titration solution. The results are plotted in section 3.1.3, Fig. The results of the three stations indicate a standard deviation of ±0.43 µmol kg-1, an error determination of less than 0.11%, well within the precision of the instruments. These results indicate both groups prepared their potassium iodate standard solution satisfactorily and that both systems are reliable for at-sea determination of dissolved oxygen concentration. Dissolved oxygen values reported for all stations, including SOCCOM stations, are from the ULPGC data. Alkalinity/pH 335 samples from SOCCOM CTD stations were taken for alkalinity/pH. Approximately 10% of samples were duplicates. Samples were drawn from the Niskin bottles, preserved with mercury (II) chloride and packed for shipping via air freight back to SIO (Andrew Dickson). HPLC and POC 36 near-surface samples from SOCCOM CTD stations were taken for HPLC analysis. 1-2 L of sample was filtered in the dark through glass fiber filters. Filters were immediately stored in aluminum foil packages in a Dewar of liquid nitrogen. 36 near-surface samples from SOCCOM CTD stations were also taken for POC analysis. 1-2 L of sample was filtered in the dark through pre-combusted glass fiber filters. Filters were immediately stored in pre-combusted aluminum foil packages in a Dewar of liquid nitrogen. At each station one set each of HPLC and POC samples was a duplicate. Samples were packed for shipping (dry shipper) via air freight back to University of Maine (Emmanuel Boss). Salinity Salinity samples were collected at all depths from the SOCCOM CTD stations. Samples were analyzed by H. Zanowski using AWI's shipboard OPS system. Preliminary (expected) results All floats reporting back to shore successfully. pH sensor malfunctioned on float 0508. Data management SOCCOM will make all ODF nutrient analyses available immediately after collection and onboard quality control, for merging with the other data sets collected on the ship, whether they are collected at float locations or at other stations. We will make all pH/alkalinity data sets available after they are analyzed at Sb. Rosette sample data for SOCCOM float calibration is being assembled and merged by Robert Key at Princeton U. CTD and fluorometer/transmissometer profile data for SOCCOM float calibration is being assembled by Sharon Escher at SIO. For profiles at float locations, including all discrete rosette samples and CTD/fluorometer profiles: it is important that these data be available to us for calibration of the floats, in preliminary form and then later with quality control/calibration. SOCCOM can assist with discrete data merging. It would be highly preferable that the data from these stations be publicly available as soon as possible. SOCCOM would like to post these data on its own website as part of the float programme (R. Key). For datasets collected at other stations, where floats are not deployed, but where SIO ODF has performed nutrient analyses, it would be advantageous to us to have access to the profile data for quality control. For stations with full carbon measurements, it would be highly advantageous to collaborate with ULPGC and AWI to extend the SOCCOM empirical algorithm for carbon profiles based on the float data; the algorithm will be developed by SOCCOM (L. Juranek, Oregon State University; R. Feely, NOAA/PMEL). SOCCOM can assist with discrete data merging and quality control. Data release policy will be according to the Chief Scientist (O. Boebel). References Armstrong FAJ, Stearns CA & Strickland JDH (1967) The measurement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by means of the Technicon Autoanalyzer and associated equipment. Deep-Sea Research, 14, pp.381-389. Atlas EL, Hager SW, Gordon LI & Park PK (1971) A Practical Manual for Use of the Technicon AutoAnalyzer in Seawater Nutrient Analyses Revised. Technical Report 215, Reference 71-22, p.49, Oregon State University, Department of Oceanography. Bernhardt H & Wilhelms A (1967) The continuous determination of low level iron, soluble phosphate and total phosphate with the AutoAnalyzer. Technicon Symposia, I, pp.385-389. Gordon LI, Jennings JC, Ross AA & Krest JIM (1992) A suggested Protocol for Continuous Flow Automated Analysis of Seawater Nutrients in the WOCE Hydrographic Program and the Joint Global Ocean Fluxes Study. Grp. Tech Rpt 92-1, OSU College of Oceanography Descr. Chem Oc. Hager SW, Atlas EL, Gordon LI, Mantyla AW & Park PK (1972) A comparison at sea of manual and autoanalyzer analyses of phosphate, nitrate, and silicate Limnology and Oceanography, 17,pp.931937. Hydes DJ, Aoyama M, Aminot A, Bakker K, Becker 5, Coverly 5, Daniel A, Dickson AG, Grosso O, Kerouel R, Ooijen J van, Sato K, Tanhua T, Woodward EMS & Zhang JZ (2010). Determination of Dissolved Nutrients (N, P, Si) in Seawater with High Precision and Inter-Comparability Using GasSegmented Continuous Flow Analysers, In: GO-SHIP Repeat Hydrography Manual: A Collection of Expert Reports and Guidelines. IOCCP Report No. 14, ICPO Publication Series No 134. 3.1.3 The carbon system of the Southern Meridian GoodHope Section Meichor Gonzalez-Davila(1), (1)IOCAG Magdalena Santana-Casiano(1), (2)AWI Eric Wurz(2) Grant No: AWI-PS89_05 Objectives The role of the Southern Ocean (SO) remains a key issue in our understanding of the global carbon cycle and how it will respond under predicting future climate change. Recent studies have suggested that SO is uptaking around 30 to 40% of the anthropogenic excess CO2 (Cant) followed also by an important and efficient transport of this Cant by intermediate-deep water formation in this area. The uptake and accumulation of Cant is mainly controlled by the ocean circulation and water mass mixing, in particular the deepest penetrations associated with convergence zones. This is why the Southern Ocean is one of the most conspicuous places of the global ocean. The formation of intermediate, deep and bottom water masses together with the upwelling of old waters take place through complex dynamical processes that will be one of the main objectives of the HAFOS project and this research cruise. North of the polar Front (around 51°S) the deep winter ventilation that produces the formation of Sub-Antarctic Mode Water (SAMW) and Antarctic Intermediate Water (AIW) inject Cant down to more than 1,000 m depth. To the south, the intrusion of Cant can reach deep and bottom water below 2,000 m during the complex formation of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). This cruise has provided a new set of carbon dioxide data for this area that will increase our knowledge of the amount of anthropogenic carbon being incorporated by the different water masses and will be compared with previous results for this area in order to compute anthropogenic carbon inventory, the concentration in deep and bottom layers and its storage and evolution. The main objectives of this cruise have been, then: • Contribute to the maintenance of AWI's GoodHope and Weddell Sea sections. • Analyze of the data and compare them with the previous Bonus GoodHope cruise (Meridian section). Special focus on the changes, shortening of the calcium carbonate saturation states and in the variation of the anthropogenic carbon concentration and inventory. • Analysis of the long-term trends and inter-annual variability. • Collaborate with other research groups involved in the cruise. In order to achieve these objectives, the Marine Chemistry group (QUIMA) from the Instituto de Oceanografla y Cambio Global (IOCAG) at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) and one AWI-student assigned to our group have measured at all locations for each CTD cast and along the water column three carbon dioxide parameters: the pH in total scale, the total alkalinity (A1) and the total dissolved inorganic carbon concentration (CT), making the value traceable to the highest standards by using Certified Reference Material for CO2 analyzes. Moreover we have included a continuous surface monitoring of partial pressure of CO2 in order to test its reliability compared with the underwater pCO2 systems already installed in the Polarstern. During the cruise, the QUIMA group analyzed the concentration of dissolved oxygen in each CTD samples by using a potentiometric WINKLER method. Work at sea Three variables of the carbonate system were measured along the water column on board of the Polarstern cruise in order to achieve the highest level of data quality and resolution, to study the consistency of the variables and to account for the objectives above proposed. Moreover, a continuous underway xCO2 sensor PRO-CO2™ was added to measure the partial pressure of CO2 in the surface water following the ship trajectory during the first three weeks of the cruise. The QUIMA group of ULPGC owns a coulometric determination system for total dissolved inorganic carbon, the VINDTA 3C system (MARIANDA™), and an automatic spectrophotemetric pH system developed by the QUIMA group. pH The pH is measured in total scale ([H+]T = [H+]F + [HSO4-], where [H+]F is the free proton concentration), pHT at a constant temperature of 10°C. An automatized system base on the spectrophotometric technique of Clayton and Byrne (1993) with the m-cresol purple as indicator is used (González-Dávila et al., 2003, Santana-Casiano et al., 2007). A new and compact device has been developed following previous one using ocean optics technology and included in a fully automatic computer controlled system that clean, sample, produce a zero and a blank reading for each sample to be analyzed. Reproducibility of the system is better than 0.002 pH units (after 11 analyses). Total Alkalinity and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon A VINDTA 3C system (Mintrop et al., 2000) (, is used for the titration of the potentiometric total alkalinity and total dissolved inorganic carbon with coulometer determination after phosphoric acid addition, with a system precision of ± 1.0 µmol kg-1. For alkalinity determination, 100 ml of seawater is titrated by adding HCl to the seawater past the carbonic acid end point. For the CT determination, a calibrated pipette of 20 ml of seawater is filled automatically by pumping the seawater that it is injected in a scrubber containing 20 drops of phosphoric acid (10% v/v) and the CO2 released is trapped in a cathodic solution that is titrated coulombimetrically until photometric end point. Each analysis takes about 20 minutes and a titration cell usually is valid for around 60 samples. The titration of CRMs, batch #137, for both parameters is used to test the performance of the equipment after the preparation of each titration cell. Calcite and aragonite saturation states The degree of saturation state of seawater with respect to calcite and aragonite was calculated as the ion product of the concentration of calcium and carbonate ions, at the in-situ temperature, salinity and pressure divided by the stoichiometric solubility product (K*sp) for those conditions 2+ 2- Ωcal=[Ca ] [CO ]/K* (1) 3 sp,cal 2+ 2- Ωarg=[Ca ] [CO ]/K* (2) 3 sp,arg where the calcium concentration is estimated from the salinity, and the carbonate ion concentration is calculated from AT and CT, and computed by using CO2sys.xls v12 (Lewis and Wallace, 1998). Dissolved oxygen concentration. The oxygen concentration was determined by using a potentiometric titration system with a Methrom™ 858 system and a platinum electrode following the WOCE protocols. Sampling procedure 500 ml glass bottles are used for the determination of both alkalinity and inorganic carbon. Two 100 ml glass bottles will be used to analyze the pH and dissolved oxygen concentration. The bottles are rinsed twice with seawater and over-filled with seawater. Samples are preserved from the light and analyzed between stations. In shallow stations and in case the samples are not possible to be analyzed for CT in less than 5 hours after sampling, they are poisoned with HgCl2. For oxygen, the bottles were over-filled whilst the temperature is measured in order to account for solubility changes due to temperature variability. Partial pressure of carbon dioxide A continuous xCO2 sensor (PSI CO2-Pro) designed by Pro-Oceanus Systems company in Halifax, Canada was installed in a continuous clean seawater output onboard the Polarstern and close to the continuous underwater pCO2 systems General Oceanic and SubCtech that continuously monitor the molar fraction of CO2 along the trajectory of the vessel, in order to compare the systems. The General Oceanic system uses an equilibrator with a spray chamber while the SubCtech system uses a silicon membrane to determine the equilibrium CO2 concentration. In order to maintain accuracy, the PSI detector module has an automatic zero point calibration (AZPC) that compensates for changes in optical cell performance and significant changes in environmental parameters such as gas stream temperature. An AZPC is performed each 1 hour. Accuracy provided by the company is 1 ppm and precision of 0.01 ppm. Preliminary results In order to achieve the highest standards of accuracy in the water column carbonate system variables and make them traceable to other cruises, a total of 25 Certified Reference Materials, CRMs, for the carbonate system variables were analyzed on board. The CRMs batch #137 was supplied by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) Chemistry lab with certified values of 2231.59 and 2031.90 µmol kg-1 for total alkalinity and total dissolved inorganic carbon concentration, respectively. Fig. shows the results for the analyzes of the Ar as a function of the date the CRMs were analyzed with a average value of 2231.71 µmol kg-1 and a standard deviation of 1.09 µmol kg* Most of the data were inside ±σ, with some of them also inside ±2σ and no one out this range. Fig. shows the results for the analyses of the CRMs for the total dissolved inorganic carbon CT concentration with an average value of 2031.90 ± 1.22 µmol kg-1. From the 25 analyses, 17 of them were inside ±σ standard deviation and other 8 inside the ±2σ, with no one out of these ranges. Fig. Total alkalinity, A values for the 25 Certified Reference Material samples, CRMs, batch #137 analyzed during the Polarstern cruise PS89. The lines indicate the average value and the values at ±σ and ±2σ standard deviation. Fig. Total dissolved inorganic carbon, CT values for the 25 Certified Reference Material samples, CRMs, batch #137 analyzed during the Polarstern cruise PS89. The lines indicate the average value and the values at ±σ and ±2σ standard deviation. During the cruise, two dissolved oxygen concentration systems were available. The one from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography SIO (Section 3.1.2) uses a photometric end-point determination while the QUIMA system uses a potentiometric detection system. The cruise was used to test the reliability of both systems. First of all, the standard lodate solutions used for the calibration of the tiosulfate titrating solution, 5203, was interchanged between the two groups in order to validate its concentration. The results from both groups for each standard showed the concentration of tiosulfate was determined in both cases, with an error less than 0.033%. In a second step, three stations were sampled by both groups using their own calibrated glass bottles. The selected stations were the stations 40, 42 and 66. The results are plotted in Fig. with the red circles representing the values determined by the SIO group and the blue ones, those by the QUIMA group. The results at the three stations indicated that the oxygen concentration was determined with a standard deviation of ±0.43 µmol kg-1 and with and error in the determination of less than 0.11%. The error in the analyze included those due to the sampling, errors in the glass calibrated bottles, errors in the standard solutions and in the detection systems. The results confirm both systems can be accurately used to determine the oxygen concentration of discrete samples. Results for all the CTD stations and especially for those stations defined as SOCCOM stations (Section 3.1.2) will be used for the characterization of the area, the calibration of the SOCCOM floats and for the calculation of organic matter remineralization, oxygen ventilation and anthropogenic carbon concentration. The oceanographic Polarstern cruise PS89 (ANT-XXX/2) concentrated on two areas, the Greenwich Meridian and Atka Bay area. The discussion of the preliminary scientific results from this cruise are hence divided by region in two sections. Fig. Dissolved oxygen determination in three selected stations, St. 40, 42 and 66 determined by two titration systems with two different end-point detection probes, a potentiometric electrode (QUIMA, red circles) and a photometric detector (Sb, blue circles). Cape Town-Greenwich Meridian The Southern Ocean plays an important role in modulating the global climatic system by transporting and storing heat, fresh water, nutrients, and anthropogenic CO2 (e.g., Lovenduski and Gruber, 2005). This region is predicted to be greatly influenced by global change, given that polar marine ecosystems are particularly sensitive to carbonate change (Sarmiento et al., 1998; Orretal., 2005). Fig. shows the sea surface temperature and salinity determined with the continuous underwater system together with the partial pressure of the dissolved CO2 concentration. Values for the surface saturation state of Aragonite determined in discrete samples for each CTD station is also included together with the main oceanographic fronts and domains crossed during the cruise, from north to south: (i) the subtropical domain and the northern and southern subtropical fronts (N- and S-STF), (ii) the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) domain with 3 fronts crossed, the subantarctic front (SAF), the polar front (PF) and the southern ACC front (SACCF), and (iii) the eastern part of the Weddell Sea gyre with the southern boundary (SBdy) separating this domain from the ACC. During the PS89 cruise, the expected trend of decreasing surface temperature towards the south was observed. This temperature gradient was correlated by a decrease in pH T,10 and an increase in the surface inorganic carbon total concentration CT (data not shown) together with important changes in the partial pressure of CO2 in the frontal zones associated to both temperature changes and mixing in the shear area of the frontal zone that favor both the arrival of deeper rich CO2 water and higher biological production that decreases the CO2 levels. The levels of the computed saturation state for Aragonite in the surface waters shows that south the SACCF the values of Ω(arg) were always below 1.5. In the southernmost zones the values were as low as 1.1. In any case, south of the SACCF the organisms which used calcium carbonate as aragonite (pteropodes) are strongly affected by these low values and their shells could be severe damaged. Fig. Sea surface temperature (SST), salinity (SSS), partial pressure of CO2 continuous determined together with values of surface Aragonite saturation state along the cruise track for samples analyzed in the upper 10 m. The figure shows the position of the major frontal zones during the PS89 (ANT-XXX/2) cruise. A total of 30 CTD rosette with 24 bottles fired on each of them were carried out along the meridian GoodHope section during the PS89 cruise with a complete determination of the three carbonate system variables. The carbonate system data are now being treated in order to characterize completely the carbon system of the water masses, defining the buffer capacity and their sensitivity to the increase of CO2 in the ocean. In order to predict the evolution of the carbon cycle in this sensitive area, to quantify the impact of high CO2 on ocean chemistry and marine biology and to determine the consequences for our future climate, the carbonate properties as a function of the different water masses found in the region will be studied and discussed. Moreover the results from these cruises will be compared with those done previously, in particular with that done during the International Polar Year Bonus GoodHope cruise (González-Dávila et al., 2011) in order to study annual variability in the different carbonate indexes. Fig., shows the values determined for the total dissolved inorganic carbon, CT, during the PS89 cruise that will be considered in this study. Atka Bay area The distribution of AT and CT was measured at 4 Ice Stations from 1 m to 20m at 6 depths in order to calculate the saturation grade of aragonite and calcite and the possible effects in the organism living in those conditions. In collaboration with the biological group (Section 3.2.1) six bottles were sampled below the sea ice in 4 stations, station 35, station 40 cast 3 and 4 and station 46. The corresponding saturation state for aragonite is depicted in Fig. The data show a strong variability with the lowest values in station 35, where the Arag reached 1.1 below 5 meters below the sea-ice and the highest in station 46, where the values were 1.6. It is also observed in station 40 an important variability in the determined values in the first 20 meters that can be consequence of tidal effects as it was considered in another experiment. The values determined for Ω(arg) are all of them very close to 1, clearly indicating that the organisms living in these waters and using calcium carbonate in their skeletons could be affected. These aspects together with other studies carried out by the biological group and described in Section 3.2.1. will be discussed and published in collaboration. Fig. Vertical distribution of the total dissolved inorganic carbon concentration in the first 1,000 m (top panel) and in the full domain (low panel) along the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during December 2014. Fig. Saturation state for the calcium carbonate in the form of Aragonite below the sea-ice for the stations 35, 40 cast 3 and 4 and station 46 in the Atka Bay area. In a second set of studies, a Yo-Yo experiment was carried out in open waters close to the sea-ice at 70°31.40'S and 8°45.57'W (Section 3.1.1) in order to study the tidal effect on the pH, AT and CT variables. The Yo-Yo study started on January 7, 2015 at 22:00 hours with 12 casts that finished on January 8, at 9:00 am. Carbonate system variables were determined in the last 11 and 12 casts. The Yo-Yo experiment continued in January 9, 21:00 as station 52 with 12 hourly,casts, as station 54 in January 10, at 13:00 hours with 3 casts, station 56 the same day at 18:00 with 4 casts and finished with station 57 with 21 casts starting on January 11 at 1:00 am and finishing January 12 at 0:00 hours. The 40 total casts were sampled for carbonate system variables. The results from these studies are now being processed. The preliminary data (data not shown) indicated an important effect in all the carbonate system variables that affected the full 160 meter profile of the station that can only be explained considering the changes in the water masses due to the tidal effect. Collaboration with the physical oceanography group at AWI has already been established. Data management Metadata of recorded data will be made available through the cruise report. CTD sampling data for carbon system variables and oxygen will be made available after validation through the PANGAEA database. Results will be used by a PhD student assigned to our group and published in international journals. References Clayton TD, Byrne RH (1993) Spectrophotometric seawater pH measurements: total hydrogen ion concentration scale calibration of m-cresol purple and at-sea results. Deep Sea Res. 140:2115-2129. Gonzalez-Dávila M, Santana-Casiano JIM, Rueda MJ, Llinás O, Gonzalez-Dávila EF (2003) Seasonal and interannual variability of seasurface carbon dioxide species at the European Station for Time Series in the Ocean at the Canary Islands (ESTOC) between 1996 and 2000. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 17(3):1076, doi :10.1 02912002GB001 993. Gonzalez Dávila M, Santana-Casiano JIM, Fine RA, Happell J, Delille B, Speich S (2011) Carbonate system in the water masses of the Southeast Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during February and March 2008. Biogeosciences 8:1401-1413. Lewis E, Wallace DWR (1998) Program Developed for CO2 System Calculations. ORNL/CDIAC-105. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Lovenduski NS, Gruber N (2005) The impact of the Southern Annular Mode on Southern Ocean circulation and biology. Geophysical Research Letters 32:L1 1603, doi: 10.1 029/2005GL022727. Mintrop L, Perez FF, González-Dávila M, Santana-Casiano JIM, Körtzinger A (2000) Alkalinity determination by potentiometry: Intercalibration using three different methods, Ciencias Marinas 26: 23-37. Orr JC, Fabry VJ, Aumont O, Bopp L, Doney SC, Feely RA, Gnanadesikan A, Gruber N, Ishida A, J005 F, Key RM, Lindsay K, Maier-Reimer E, Matear R, Monfray P, Mouchet A, Raymond G, Najja, RG, Plattner G-, Rodgers KB, Sabine CL, Sarmiento JL, Schlitzer R, Slater RD, Totterdell IJ, Weirig MF, Yamanaka Y, Yool A (2005) Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms. Nature 437: doi: 10.1038/nature04095 Santana-Casiano JIM, González-Dávila M, Rueda MJ, Llinás O, González-Dávila EF (2007) The interannual variability of oceanic CO2 parameters in the northeast Atlantic subtropical gyre at the ESTOC site. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21 :GB1 015, doi :10.1 029/2006GB002788. Sarmiento JL, Hughes TMC, Stouffer RJ, Manabe S (1998) Simulated response of the ocean carbon cycle to anthropogenic climate warming. Nature 393:245-249. 3.1.4 Ocean Acoustics Karolin Thomisch, Stefanie Spiesecke, AWI Katharina Lefering, Matthias Monsees, Rainer Graupner, Olaf Boebel; not on board: Ilse van Opzeeland Grant No: AWI-PS89_01 Objectives The restricted accessibility of the Southern Ocean during most of the year limits our expanding of knowledge on many marine mammal species in terms of their distribution patterns, habitat use and behavior. Most of the polar marine mammals produce species-specific vocalizations during a variety of behavioral contexts. Hence, passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) offers a valuable and frequently used tool for marine mammal research, capable of covering large temporal and spatial scales. Especially in remote areas such as the Southern Ocean, moored PAM recorders are the tool of choice as data can be collected year-round, under poor weather conditions, during darkness and in areas with dense ice cover. The HAFOS observing system is a large scale array of oceanographic moorings deployed throughout the Weddell Sea in order to investigate the ocean interior of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Passive acoustic recorders are part of the moored instrumentation, which is recovered, serviced and redeployed during PS89 to retrieve the data collected and to continue the long-term time series. The basin-wide design of the HAFOS observatory and the multi-year scale of data collection allow an unprecedented investigation of the spatio-temporal patterns in marine mammal biodiversity at the different mooring locations. Species-specific habitat usage of marine mammals can be explored by linking acoustic presence data to information on environmental parameters, such as depth or sea ice coverage. Furthermore, the design of the HAFOS array can provide information on the detection range of the various marine mammal sounds which is of vital importance for interpretation of call rates in the context of local acoustic abundances. Work at sea Recovery of moored acoustic recorders Four SonoVault recorders (produced by Develogic GmbH, Hamburg), which had been deployed during ANT-XXIX/2 in December 2012/Jan 2013, were recovered during PS89. An overview of recovered acoustic recorders and all relevant recovery information is provided in Table and recorder positions are shown in Fig. After recovery, the acoustic recorders were rinsed with freshwater and cleaned from biological fouling. The mooring frame which facilitates the integration of the acoustic recorders in line with the oceanographic moorings was removed for easy handling and opening of the recorder for data recovery. To check the status of the recovered recorder, it was connected to a laptop through a serial connection and accessed using a custom-built software for the SonoVaults. The recorders were then left to dry overnight to prevent damage to the electronics from water that retained in the threading of the recorder housing. For that reason, any water within the threading was removed by blowing it out using compressed air while opening the housing. After opening the recorder housing, the internal power supply was disconnected. All SDHCcards, which had been labelled with serial number, module number and SDHC card-slot prior to recorder deployment, were removed and backed up (see below). Mooring AWI232-10 (69°S, 0°E, deployed during ANT-XXVII/2, containing SonoVault recorder SV1003, Table, which had not been accessible during ANT-XXIX/2 due to heavy ice conditions at the mooring position, could again not be recovered during this cruise. While communication was established with the mooring release, it failed to release the mooring, even after repeated commands to this effect. The moorings located in the central Weddell Sea (and hence the acoustic recorders included, Table could not be recovered due to the cancellation of the initially planned cruise track of PS89. Their recovery will be attempted during one of the following cruises to the Weddell Sea. Tab. Overview of SonoVault recorders recovered (white background) during PS89. Recorders shaded grey could not be retrieved during PS89. Mooring Device Water Position Deploy- Deployment Gain Time Setup SN depth ment date [dB] Signal [m] depth Recovery (m] date ------- ------ ----- ---------- ------- ---------- ---- ------ ----------- AWI SN1019 4235 20°58.54'S 736 2012-11-22 30 -- 1), file 247-03 05°59.07'E 2014-11-24 length 300s AWI SV1025 4600 59°02.63'S 1020 2012-12-11 24 -- 1)3)7) 227-12 00°04.92'E 2014-12-13 AWI SV1010 5172 63°59.66'S 969 2012-12-14 24 12:30; 1)3) 229-10 00°02.65'W 2014-12-16 daily AWI SV1009 3552 66°02.12'S 949 2012-12-15 24 -- 1)3) 230-8 00°02.98'E 2014-12-18 AWI SV1003 3344 69°00.11'S 987 2010-12-19 50 -- 1),2) 232-10 00°00.11'W postponed AWI SV1011 3319 68°59.86'S 958 2012-12-18 30 -- 1)3) 232-11 00°06.51'W 2014-12-22 AWI SV0001 2900 69°00.35'S 998 2012-12-25 30 12:40; 1)3) 244-03 06°58.97'W 2015-01-16 daily AWI SV1013 5011 65°58.09'S 1081 2012-12-27 30 14:00; 1)4) 248-01 12°15.12'W postponed daily AWI SV1012 4746 69°03.48'S 1065 2012-12-28 48 13:10; 1)4) 245-03 17°23.32'W postponed daily AWI SV1014 4364 70°53.55'S 1085 2012-12-30 48 13:50; 1)4) 249-01 28°53.47'W postponed daily AWI SV1027 4830 66°36.45'S 226 2013-01-01 48 13:30; 1)4) 209-07 27°07.26'W postponed daily SV1028 4830 66°36.45'S 1007 2013-01-01 48 13:30; 1)4) 27°07.26'W postponed daily SV1029 4830 66°36.45'S 2516 2013-01-01 48 13:30; 1)4) 27°07.26'W postponed daily AWI SV1030 4732 65°37.23'S 956 2013-01-03 48 12:40; 1)4) 208-07 36°25.32'W postponed daily AWI SV1031 4100 68°28.95'S 1041 2013-01-05 48 13:10; 1)4) 250-01 44°06.67'W postponed daily AWI SV1020 4410 64°22.94'S 960 2013-01-09 48 13:50; 1)4) 217-05 45°52.12'W postponed daily AWI AU085LF 2500 63°43.07'S 219 2011-01-06 22 13:10; 4) 207-8 50°49.91'W postponed daily AWI SV1032 2500 63°42.09'S 219 2013-01-12 48 14:10; 4),5) 207-09 50°49.61'W postponed daily SV1033 2500 63°42.09'S 1012 2013-01-12 48 14:10; 4),5) 50°49.61'W postponed daily SV1034 2500 63°42.09'S 2489 2013-01-12 48 14:10; 4),5) 50°49.61'W postponed daily AWI SV1006 950 63°28.84'S 909 2011-01-06 48 -- 1),2) 206-7 52°05.77'W postponed AWI AU232LF 917 63°15.51'S 277 2013-01-14 22 -- 6) 206-08 51°49.59'W postponed SV0002 917 63°15.51'S 907 2013-01-14 48 -- 2) 51°49.59'W postponed AWI SV1008 320 61°00.88'S 212 2013-01-16 48 -- 1)4) 251-01 55°58.53'W postponed AU231LF 320 61°00.88'S 210 2013-01-16 22 -- 6) 55°58.53'W postponed 1) Sampling: 5.3 kHz/24 bit, continuously, file duration 600 S; 2) 96 kHz/24 bit, Subsampling: 5 minutes every 2 hours; 3) CFG: Clock section setting A 4) CFG: Clock section setting B; All: No Precision Clock; 5) sampling: 9.6 kHz/24 bit, continuously, file duration 600 S; 6) Sampling: 32 kHz/16 bit, subsampling: 5 minutes every hour; 7) rope shackles Fig. Locations of acoustic recorders that were recovered and redeployed (red circles) during PS89. The red square and triangle indicate locations where recorders were only deployed or recovered, respectively. Grey dots indicate positions of moorings yet unrecovered. The black star represents the position of the PALA OA observatory. Data retrieval and backup All five units (four recorders were recovered during this cruise, while one recorder, moored off Namibia, had been recovered during the previous cruise leg, PS88) did not respond to communications efforts directly after recovery, i.e., stopped recording prior to recovery. Nevertheless, all units recorded for at least part of their deployment period (Fig.; further details are discussed in section Preliminary technical results. A total of 1.7 TB of passive acoustic data was obtained. The SonoVault recorders stored data on thirty-five 32 GB SDHC cards (allowing a maximum of 1.1 TB of data storage per recorder). After recovery, the SDHC cards were removed from the recorders and the acoustic data were copied using a custom-written shell script. Up to eight SDHC cards were copied simultaneously, with data initially saved to one of two HDD (4 TB) drives which were synchronized after copying was completed. The backup process included the renaming of files based on each files' internal time stamp (WAV-header) to the file name format 'YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS_AWIXXX-ZZ_SVXXXX.wav' (with X representing the IDs of mooring and SonoVault recorder, respectively and Z indicating the consecutive numbering of this mooring (i.e., the number of the current servicing cycle at a respective mooring)). A total of three SDHC cards (i.e., one of recorder SV1009, SV1010 and SV1011 each) that presumably contain acoustic data were inaccessible during the data backup process. Recovery of those data using professional recovery software will be attempted at AWI Bremerhaven in 2015. Fig. Overview of deployment and operational period of acoustic recorders recovered during PS89. Grey bars indicate the deployment periods, while colored bars are indicative for actual recording periods of the recorders. Black bars represent periods during which recorders presumably operated but collected data have not yet been retrieved or backed up due to damaged SD cards. Deployment of moored acoustic recorders A total of four SonoVault recorders were deployed in four moorings during PS89 along the Greenwich meridian (Fig., Table These recorders are equipped with the latest electronics version V4.0. After the 2012/13, the recovery of the first batch of recorders deployed in 2010/11 revealed that electronic noise was apparent in some of the recorders. Therefore, the manufacturer redesigned the analog part of analog/digital front-end which is now placed on a separate board. All new recorders use the firmware version V4.07. Apart from some bug-fixing, additional features, e.g. the writing of log files and the storage of the configuration from the SD Card to the internal FRAM are implemented now in this version. All SonoVaults now deployed use five recording modules (SVR) with hardware version V2.2 and firmware version V4.05. After flashing the microprocessors, all implemented functions (e.g., changing parameter settings, downloading the configuration and retrieval of the system information) were tested. Subsequently, a test recording was started in the laboratory on board. Additionally, a functionality test was conducted over several days on board Polarstern to check the transition between SD cards and recording modules during saving of the recorded data. Data were of good quality and properly written to the SD cards. For all recorders, the electronics proved operational. A calibration of each deployed recorder was performed to ensure the correct calculation of signal levels after recovery. For the calibration a Brühl & Kjaer calibrator (Type 4229) with the custom made adapter SV.PA for the TC 4037 hydrophones was used. The calibration frequency is 251.2 Hz ± 0.1% (ISO 266) and the amplitude (at 1013 hPa) is 153.95 dB SPL. For the calibration measurement the recorder was set to the deployment sampling rate of 6857 Hz at 24bit and a file size of 1 minute. Gain setting was then altered from 0 - 7 (system gain settings, representing 6 dB -48 dB) every minute during the calibration process. All recordings were stored and signal levels were noted. Prior to the deployment, nine 128 GB SDXC cards and twenty-six 32 GB SDHC cards were placed into the SD card slots on each recording module, resulting in a total storage capacity of 1.9 TB per recorder. All SD cards were formatted to FAT32. 128 GB SDXC cards needed to be formatted using the freeware tool 'SDXCformatterFAT32'. On the first SD card (SO) of the first of five recording modules (M0-M4), the recording configuration (e.g., gain setting, sample rate) was stored. Additionally, the module number was copied onto SO of every recording module to make the set of seven SD cards of this module available for storage. The recorders are equipped with batteries (LS33600) and the O-rings were carefully cleaned and greased before closing the housing. All SonoVaults were programmed to record at a sampling rate of 6857 Hz with 24 bit and to store data in files of 600 s duration (Table Internal data storage was structured to store data in folders of 48 files (8h) each. Gain was set to 48 dB in all deployed recorders (Table Tab. Overview of SonoVault recorders that were deployed during PS89 Corr. Deploy- Deployment water Position ment date depth LATITUDE depth /time Gain Time Mooring SV /m LONGITUDE /m (UTC) /dB Signal Setup ------- ------ ----- ----------- ------- ---------- ---- ------ ------------ AWI SV1056 4600 59°02.67'S 1020 2014-12-13 48 -- 6857 Hz; 227-13 000°05.37'E 16:37 24bit AWI SV1057 5165 64°00.32'S 970 2014-12-17 48 -- 6857 Hz; 229-11 000°00.22'W 10:45 24b1t AWI SV1058 4472 66°30.71'S 973 2014-12-19 48 13:10; 6857 Hz; 231-11 000°01.51W 17:32 daily 24b1t AWI SV1059 3360 68°58.89'S 999 2014-12-23 48 -- 6857 Hz; 232-12 000°05.00'W 09:20 24b1t AWI SV1061 2900 69°00.34'S 998 2015-01-16 48 12:40; 6857 Hz; 244-04 006°58.95'W 13:57 daily 24b1t AWI2 SV1055 5209 63°54.94'S 1001 2015-01-20 48 12:30; 6857 Hz; 29-12 000°00.17'W 11:15 daily 24bt; Start: 01.01.2016 12:00 Change in hardware setup of the PALAOA observatory Since 2005, PALAOA ('Perennial Acoustic Observatory in the Antarctic Ocean) is located on the Ekström Ice Shelf (70°31'S, 8°13'W) and collects continuous underwater recordings from a coastal Antarctic environment using a hydrophone deployed at ca. 160 m depths. During the supply of the Neumayer Station III from 28 Dec 2014 until 31 Dec 2014, an aluminum box, containing an acoustic recorder, was installed at the position of the former PALAOA container. It was recessed into the snow and is covered with a wooden board and some snow. The box (80cm x 60cm x 60cm) includes a Reson input module EC6073 for the active hydrophone (Reson TC4032) and a SonoVault electronics module, similar to those used in the moored recorders. For power supply, four 90 Ah, 12V batteries were included, two connected in row for each, the active hydrophone and the recording electronics. Storage capacity is 4.4 TB (35 x 128 GB SDXC). With a sampling rate of 80 kHz at 24bit and a file size of 600s the PALAOA system is expected to run up to 6 months. Servicing will be provided by the overwintering team of Neumayer III at intervals of 4-6 months. Preliminary technical results Four acoustic recorders deployed during ANT-XXIX/2 in 2012 were recovered during PS89, in addition to one recorder already recovered during the previous leg, PS88. One SonoVault recorder deployed during ANT-XXVII/2 in 2010 could not be recovered. Further, the recovery of the moorings in the central Weddell Sea had to be postponed to a later cruise due to the alteration in the destination port of the cruise. Neither the recovered recorders nor the mooring frames exhibited signs of corrosion. The zinc anodes however were heavily corroded and their residue had in parts clustered near the hydrophone, possibly impeding sound reception from some directions. All of the recorders were functional during at least parts of the deployment period with recording periods ranging between 7 and 11 months, resulting in cumulative acoustic recordings of more than 42 months (Fig. However, all SonoVaults had ceased recording prior to recovery. The cause of these failures is yet undetermined. Battery voltage was reduced with respect to new batteries in all of the recovered recorders (Table However, it was still sufficient to theoretically maintain functionality of the recorders which work with a supply voltage range from 7V-33V (Hardware Rev. 3.3). As mentioned before, communication directly after deployment was not possible in any of the recorders. To check the clock drift, the hardware and to post-calibrate the hardware in combination with the hydrophone, a new battery was connected to the hardware. In Table an overview on the hard and software conditions of the recovered recorders is given. The time drift of the real-time-clock, which is powered independently by a lithium cell embedded on the electronics module, was determined. A post calibration of each recovered recorder was performed to ensure the correct calculation of signal levels after recovery. The procedure was the same as for the calibration, but with only the gain setting used during the deployment period. All recordings were stored and signal levels were noted. In general, the SonoVault recordings were of good quality. SV1010 and SV1011 contained pronounced low-frequency noise within the frequency range from 3 to 20 Hz which was likely caused by the electronics itself. Such low-frequent noise occurred throughout the recordings without a clear pattern and may therefore not be related to transitions between SDHC cards or modules during data storage. Regularly pulsed electronic noise, as observed in an earlier generation of the recorders, were detected in SV1011 and SV1009. In SV1011, the pulsed noise was only evident a few days before the recorder stopped operating, therefore, its occurrence may be caused by battery voltage related issues. However, for SV1009, the presence of the electronic noise pulses was not confined to the end of the recording period. The recordings of SV0001 contained electronic noise throughout the entire operational period and no sounds seem to have been recorded. The cause of failed recording in SV0001 have yet to be determined. Tab. Overview of hardware and firmware versions as well as post-recovery conditions of the SonoVault recorders recovered during PS88 and PS89. Device Hardware Version Firmware Version Condition ------------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------------------------------------ remaining Real-time Elec- Battery Commu- clock* Device tronics Analog Recording Analog Recording Voltage nication drift Mooring SN SN Frontend Modules Frontend Modules in V established in ms/d Comments ------- ------ ------- -------- --------- -------- --------- --------- ------------- --------- ---------- AWI SN1019 E11019 Rev 3.3 Rev. 1.5 V3.11 V3.11 destroyed not possible -- a), b), c) 247-03 AWI SV1025 E11025 Rev.3.3 Rev.1.5 V3.11 V3.11_N1 13.8 Only with new +61.47 a), b) 227-12 power source AWI SV1010 E11039 Rev.3.3 Rev.1.2 V3.11 V3.11_A 14.6 Only with new -376,49 a), b) 229-10 power source AWI SV1009 E11041 Rev.3.3 Rev.1.2 V3.11 V3.11_A 9.88 Only with new -51.31 a), b) 230-8 power source AWI SV1011 E11043 Rev.3.3 Rev.1.2 V3.11 V3.l1_A 9.87 Only with new +234.79 a), b) 232-11 power source AWI SV0001 E11035 Rev.3.3 Rev.1.2 V3.11 V3.11_A destroyed not possible -- a), b), c) 244-03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) mechanical condition good; b) no communication established directly after recovery; c) electronics damaged, batteries burned out, SD cards readable Preliminary scientific results For the five acoustic recorders retrieved during PS88 and PS89, long-term spectrograms over the entire recording period were calculated using MATLAB™ (Fig. These long-term spectrogram (totalling approx. 39,000 hours of recordings) provided the basis for a preliminary analysis of the acoustic recorders to investigate data quality of the recordings as well to determine the presence of distinct acoustic events (e.g., temporally dominant frequency bands, repetitive loud events, etc.) during the recording period (Fig. Visual and aural inspection of single files (i.e., 10 minute files) was conducted using Raven Lite 1.0 in order to provide more detailed information on the acoustic presence of different marine mammals. To this end, the selection of single files was largely balanced across the operational period of the respective recorder. For each recorder, the audible marine mammal species were depicted in preliminary biodiversity maps (Fig. to obtain a first overview of spatial differences in species composition. All recorders deployed in the Southern Ocean recorded vocalizations of leopard seals, as well as choruses of Antarctic blue whales and fin whales, respectively (Fig. Antarctic minke whales were acoustically present on all recorders except for the northernmost SonoVault at 59°S (Fig. In contrast, humpback whale calls were recorded at all locations except for the southernmost recording site (Fig. Calls of Ross seals and crabeater seals were only detected at the recorder that was moored closest to the Antarctic continent at 68°S (Fig. The SonoVault that was deployed on the northern edge of the Walvis Ridge in the Southern Angola Basin off Namibia recorded Antarctic blue whale chorus and humpback whale calls (Fig. Furthermore, during most of the 7.5 months recording period, airgun signals and broadband noise, presumably originating from distant ships, were discernible. We like to emphasize that these results base on a first very coarse screening of the passive acoustic data and that it cannot be excluded that the maps presented here do not reflect the full local marine mammal biodiversity. Fig. Long term spectrograms of recorders retrieved during PS89 and PS88 (SVIOI9). Periods highlighted in grey indicate records stored on SD cards unreadable as yet Fig. Preliminary results on acoustic presence of marine mammal species in passive acoustic data recorded by Sono Vaults that were recovered during PS89. Fig. Preliminary results on acoustic presence of marine mammal species in passive acoustic data recorded by Sono Vault deployed at the northern edge of Walvis Ridge off Namibia. Data management All passive acoustic data will be transferred to the AWI silo and made accessible through the Pangaea database. P.I.: Ilse van Opzeeland. 3.1.5 Transport variations of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current Olaf Boebel(1), Ioana Ivanciu(2), (1)AWI Gerd Rohard(1), Matthias Monsees(1) (2)HAFRO not on board: Andreas Macrander(3) (3)IfM-GEOMAR Grant No: AWI-PS89_01 Objectives Pressure Inverted Echo Sounders (PIES) deliver bottom pressure, bottom temperature and travel times of sound signals from the bottom to the sea-surface, effectively providing a measure of average temperature of the water column and sea surface height (SSH). C-PIES additionally provide local current speed 50 m above the bottom by an acoustic DCS current meter. These data are used to evaluate variations of both barotropic and baroclinic geostrophic transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) as part of the AWI programme to observe the decadal variability of the ACC. The PIES are placed along the GoodHope section between South Africa and Antarctica (Fig., which in large parts coincides with ground track # 133 of the Jason (previously TOPEX/Poseidon) satellite mission to allow direct comparison with altimetry SSH. PIES-to-PIES distances are chosen to resolve the major oceanic fronts of this region. Work at sea During PS89, 13 of 14 PIES were recovered successfully, while one PIES (ANT 10 at 49°S) was not released due to severe weather jeopardizing its successful recovery. However, its Posidonia transponder was acoustically contacted and its position confirmed. All PIES were acoustically released by a mobile EG&G 8011A deck unit connected to a hydrophone lowered over the side of the vessel. Release commands were repeated 3-5 times with 2 minutes spacing to ensure that the PIES is not blocked during its own measurement schedule, and to re-trigger release execution after possible resets. Due to the high underwater noise level of Polarstern, acknowledge pings of the PIES were never detected with the exception of the shallowest position ANTI 5-1. All PIES moorings featured an Ixsea ET861 Transponder, which was used to establish the underwater location and aid the recovery with the ship's Posidonia device (see section 3.1.1, Operational results - The Posidonia positioning system). Contrary to previous experiences (see Appendices A.5 & 6 in Fahrbach et al. 2011) the positions obtained via Posidonia proved robust to within -30° under the sea surface. Monitoring the PIES/transponders ascent, the ship was positioned for the PIES to surface at a bearing of 15° and 2 cables distance from the bow, allowing a speedy recovery, mostly by use of the ship's zodiac. Tab. Deployment and revolver information on the GoodHope PIES array. Deployment Recovery -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- PIES SN Mooring Date Position Deployment Mooring Release Position Time offset Recovery DCS SN ID time (GPS) CTD ID date Depth CTD Posidonia Station (UTC) Depth Station Release (Posi- SN book (DWS) book time (UTC) donia) ----------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ----------- PIES #058 ANT 3-3 30.11.2010 37°5.84'S PS77/013-1 ANT 3-3 04.12.2014 37°5.90'S PIES:09:45:12 PS89/001-1 no DCS PS77/ 06:31 12°45.23'E PS89/001-2 07:08 12°45.56'E GMT 09:47:20 ET861 #637 013-3 4904 m 4983 m C-PIES #184 ANT 4-3 05.12.2011 39°13.07'S PS79/035-3 ANT 4-2 05.12.2014 39°13.67'S PIES 13:32:48 PS89/002-I DCS #752 PS79/ 12:07 11°20.04'E PS89/002-2 01:20 11°20.05'E GMT 13:34:00 ET861 #726 035-2 5122 5076 m C-PIES#182 ANT 5-3 02.12.2010 41°9.77'S PS77/015-1 ANT 5-3 05.12.2014 41°9.87'S PIES 20:47:00 PS89/003-1 no DCS PS77/ 08:05 9°55.31'E PS89/003-2 18:32 9°55.61'E GMT 20:48:00 ET861 #469 015-3 4624 m 4605 m PIES #069 ANT 6-1 02.12.2010 42°58.80'S PS77/016-2 ANT 6-1 06.12.2014 42°58.46'S unavailable PS89/004-2 no DCS PS77/ 22:17 8°30.15'E PS89/004-3 11:23 8°30.67'E ET861 #384 016-1 3930 m 3882 m C-PIES #181 ANT 7-4 03.12.2010 44°39.73'S PS77/017-3 ANT 7-4 07.12.2014 44°39.46'S PIES 06:18:48 PS89/005-I DCS #750 PS77/ 18:37 7°5.15'E PS89/005-2 04:00 7°5.60'E GMT 06:18:30 ET861 #639 017-2 4593 m 4540 m C-PIES #183 ANT 8-1 04.12.2010 46°12.97'S PS77/018-2 ANT 8-1 07.12.2014 46°12.91'S PIES 20:28:56 PS89/006-I DCS #751 PS77/ 14:55 5°40.23'E PS89/006-2 18:24 5°40.51'E GMT 20:29:40 ET861 #616 018-1 4786 m 4767 m C-PIES #251 Ant 9-3 05.12.2010 47°39.87'S PS77/019-3 ANT 9-3 08.12.2014 47°40.34'S PIES 11:12:32 PS89/007-I DCS #26 PS77/ 10:20 4°15.22'E PS89/007-2 08:31 4°15.03'E GMT 11:17:10 ET861 #602 019-2 4541 m 4504 m C-PIES #250 ANT 10-2* 06.12.2010 49°0.77'S PS77/020-3 recovery recovery recovery recovery recovery DCS #031 PS77/ 03:58 2°50.05'E pending pending pending pending pending ET861#617 020-2 4056m C-PIES #249 ANT 11-4 07.12.2010 50°15.45'S PS77/021-2 ANT 11-4 09.12.2014 50°15.40'S PIES 16:54:01 PS89/009-I DCS #24 PS77/ 00:13 1°25.18'E PS89/009-2 15:11 1°25.48'E GMT 16:59:00 ET861 #385 021-3 3901 m 3842 m PIES #062 ANT 12-1 07.12.2010 51°25.15'S PS77/022-2 ANT 12-1 10.12.2014 51°25.37'S PIES 02:47:03 PS89/010-2 no DCS PS77/ 10:52 0°0.24'E PS89/0I0-I 01:08 0°0.63'E GMT 02:48:10 ET861#612 022-1 2713m 2638m C-PIES #252 ANT 13-3 08.12.2010 53°31.22'S PS77/026-3 ANT 13-1 10.12.2014 53°31.35'S PIES 20:21:12 PS89/012-2 DCS #32 PS77/ 11:23 0°0.13'E PS89/012-1 18:53 0°0.36'E GMT 20:26:00 ET861 #391 026-2 2642 m 2570 m PIES #191 ANT 14-1 10.12.2010 56°55.71'S PS77/034-2 ANT 14-1 12.12.2014 56°55.65'S PIES 11:12:51 PS89/016-I no DCS PS77 04:15 0°0.01'W PS89/016-2 08:43 0°0.36 E GMT 11:15:00 ET861 #638 /034-1 3673 m 3714 m PIES #189 ANT 15-2 11.12.2010 59°2.37'S PS77/042-2 ANT 15-2 13.12.2014 59°2.27'S PIES 14:12:52 PS89/020-2 no DCS PS77/ 18:51 0°5.29'E PS89/020-3 11:48 0°5.86'E GMT 14:14:15 ET861 #614 042-2 4647 m 4594 m PIES #125 ANT 17-1 14.12.2010 64°0.70'S PS77/053-2 ANT 17-1 17.12.2014 64°0.55'S PIES 14:55:02 PS89/027-I no DCS PS77/ 23:45 0°2.72'W PS89/027-4 12:50 0°3.03'W GMT 14:57:00 ET861 #601 053-1 5201 m 5164 m * PIES auto-release date: 06.04.2017 12:00 UTC REL code: REL 58 GMT+16s=GPS Remarks ANT 4-3 - Only three years of record ANT 6-1 - Connection through thin wire broken, PIES took approximately 3 h to release; no response on "switch on" - PIES opened, memory card removed. ANT 10-2 - Recovery not possible due to bad weather Fig. Location of PIES recoveries during PS89 (white dots) including Jason satellite ground tracks (black line, track 133 marked red) and climatologic locations of major ocean fronts (cyan dots). PIES ANT 10-2 (red dot) was not recovered. Preliminary results Data was downloaded from the PIES directly after recovery via R5232 terminal communication and saved to the ship's network drive. Data was processed according to GSO Technical Report No. 2007-02 (Fig., Fig. Travel time data was derived according to the quartile period, pressure was detided and de-drifted and temperature was offsetted by minimizing temperature differences between initial and final PIES data and CTD bottom temperature measurements (Table All recovered PIES recovered operated flawlessly over the entire deployment period of 3 - 4 years (Table Pressure accuracy and drift is within accepted range of the sensor; also acoustic travel time yields plausible results at most instruments. Fig. ANT 3-3 hourly values of raw pressure data, fitted tides, detided pressure data, and detided and de-drifted pressure data (top to bottom). Fig. ANT 3-3 travel time, pressure and temperature data after processing. The red dots at the start and end of the temperature time series indicate the CTD's bottom temperatures. Tab. Temperature offsets between recovered PIES and deep CTD bottom temperatures Deployment Recovery PIES -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ID Bottom CTD CTD CTD Bottom CTD CTD CTD PIES Stn T(°C) Pres. Date & Position T(°C) Pres. Date & Position Pres. book (dbar) Time (dbar) Time (dbar) ---- ------ ------ ----------- --------- ------ ------ ----------- --------- ------ ANT 1.0263 4933 30-Nov-2010 37.0957 S 1.1279 4904 04-Dec-2014 37.1028'S 5176 3-3 03:38:00 12.7702 E 04:57:00 12.7603 E ANT 1.0207 5226 05-Dec-2014 39.2277'S 5258 4-3 00:56:00 11.3338 E ANT 0.9921 4778 02-Dec-2010 41.1247 S 1.0258 4702 05-Dec-2014 41.1647'S 4750 5-3 05:07:00 9.9623 E 18:12:00 9.9267 E ANT 1.2557 3968 03-Dec-2010 42.9823 S 1.2055 3969 06-Dec-2014 42.9798'S 3986 6-1 00:04:00 8.5013 E 10:59:00 8.5058 E ANT 0.8495 4654 03-Dec-2010 44.6693 S 0.7508 4655 07-Dec-2014 44.6578'S 4679 7-4 20:36:00 7.0920 E 03:44:00 7.0923 E ANT 0.8419 4889 04-Dec-2010 46.2195 S 0.8067 4877 07-Dec-2014 46.2150'S 4901 8-1 16:55:00 5.6831 E 18:04:00 5.6750 E ANT 0.7160 4604 05-Dec-2010 47.6605 S 0.8031 4587 08-Dec-2014 47.6713'S 4623 9-3 12:26:00 4.2555 E 07:43:00 4.2537 E ANT 0.6060 3889 06-Dec-2010 50.2602 S 0.6343 3902 09-Dec-2014 50.2550'S 3948 11-4 22:28:00 1.4440 E 14:51:00 1.4255 E ANT 0.5443 2698 07-Dec-2010 51.4195'S 0.5348 2678 10-Dec-2014 51.4218'S 2717 12-1 12:28:00 0.0055 E 03:41:00 0.0097 E ANT 0.3843 2619 08-Dec-2010 53.5200'S 0.4067 2596 10-Dec-2014 53.5243'S 2645 13-3 12:57:00 0.0008 W 21:21:00 0.0030 E ANT -0.2869 3696 10-Dec-2010 56.9330 S -0.2796 3670 12-Dec-2014 56.9270'S 3686 14-1 06:04:00 0.0030 W 08:11:00 0.0058 E ANT -0.4026 4677 11-Dec-2010 59.0387 S -0.4029 4683 13-Dec-2014 59.0373'S 4701 15-2 20:48:00 0.1057 E 11:25:00 0.0938 E ANT -0.3957 5267 15-Dec-2010 64.0405 S -0.3848 5271 16-Dec-2014 64.0263'S 5291 17-1 02:01:00 0.0030 W 11:06:00 0.0173 E Tab. Overview of data quality from recovered PIES PIES ID Station C-option Duration Data quality Comment Depth book -------- -------- -------------- -------------- ------------- ----------- ANT 3-3 4 years all good ANT 4-3 yes 3 years all good ANT 5-3 4 years all good ANT 6-1 3.5 years TT gap in 2012 ANT 7-4 yes 4 years all good ANT 8-1 yes 4 years all good ANT 9-3 yes 4 years all good warming 0.1°C 4624 dbar ANT 10- not recovered ANT 11-4 yes 4 years all good ANT 12-1 4 years all good ANT 13-3 yes 4 years all good warming 0.02°C 2645 dbar ANT 14-1 4 years all good ANT 15-2 4 years all good ANT 17-1 4 years all good warming 0.02°C 5291 dbar Data management PIES data will be validated and made available through the Pangaea database at AWI within one year of this cruise. P.I.: Olaf Boebel (AWI) and Andreas Macrander (HAFRO) References Fahrbach E (ed), 2011. The Expedition of the Research Vessel "Polarstern' to the Antarctic in 2010/11 (ANT-XXVII2), hdl:10013/epic.38039. 3.1.6 Sound levels as received by whale during a ship's passage Karolin Thomisch, Stefanie Spiesecke, Katharina AWI Lefering, Matthias Monsees, Rainer Graupner, Olaf Boebel; not on board: Ilse van Opzeeland Grant No: AWI-PS89_01 Objectives To minimize risks of collisions between marine mammals and approaching ships, it is important to understand the acoustic perception of an approaching ship from the whale's perspective. As received levels, and their variation with aspect and distance, differ significantly from source level corrected sound fields commonly presented in reports describing a ships acoustic characteristics, and are furthermore difficult to back-calculate from such data for the frequencies and distances of concern, this project aimed for records of received levels in a close-encounter like situation with shallow hydrophone depths, mimicking the location of whale close to the surface. Work at sea To obtain sound levels under such conditions, a hydrophone was deployed twice at shallow depths from a zodiac and received sound levels were measured while RV Polarstern passed nearby. The experiment proceeded as follows: The zodiac was launched on station and positioned nearby, stopping the zodiac's engine. A passive acoustic recorder (ICListen SN U1212, manufactured by OceanSonics, Canada), attached to a rope by cable ties, was lowered to 10 m depth, using an anchor weight about 5 kg. The recorder recorded continuously at 512 kHz, 24 bit. After launch of the zodiac, Polarstern resumed cruising speed (10 kn) and steamed to approximately 1 nm distance from the zodiac where she performed a Williamson turn, heading back onto her track without reduction of speed, subsequently passing the zodiac on a straight track and at a relatively constant speed of 10 knots at a PCA (point of closest approach) of about 0.1 nm (180 m). The acoustic measurements were conducted at 56°55,32'S, 0°0,86'E (12th December 2014) and at 59°2,50' S, 0°6,33' E (13th December 2014). Periods during which RV Polarstern passed by the hydrophone position in a straight line at constant speed lasted for 8 and 7 minutes, respectively (Table Start and end times of these periods were extracted from the station book records of Polarstern via DAVIS-Ship ("DShip"). Geographic positions and heading angle of Polarstern during these "sound profile periods" were downloaded from DAVIS-Ship with a temporal resolution of 1 s. Geographic positions of Polarstern were recorded midships, representing the position of the scientific navigation platform MINS (serving as reference location on RV Polarstern). Geographic positions of the hydrophone were recorded every 10 seconds using a GPS device (GPSmap 62stc, by Garmin) which was located on the zodiac. Potential drift of the hydrophone due to vertical current shear (resulting in divergent positions of zodiac and hydrophone) was considered negligible due to the shallow deployment depth/short rope length of the hydrophone. Tab. Acoustic measurements of RV Polarstern sound emissions during PS89 Date Station Latitude Longitude Profile start Profile end ID (UTC) (UTC) ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------------- ----------- 12.12.2014 PS89 017-1 56°55,32'S 0°0,86 E 10:33 10:41 13.12.2014 PS89 020-4 59°2,50'S 0°6,33 E 13:45 13:52 Fig. Tracks of Polarstern (grey) with relevant recordings periods marked in blue. Drift of zodiac in red. Positions of both at end of relevant recording period are marked by a black triangle. Preliminary results GPS positions of the hydrophone during the sound profile periods were interpolated to 1-second resolution for ship-hydrophone distance and bearing calculations. Acoustic records during the sound profile period were high-pass filter with a Butterworth filter with a cut-off frequency of 40 Hz in order to prevent low-frequency noise originating from wave action influencing the analysis. Amplitudes of instantaneous received sound levels (SPL(rms)) were calculated for 2-second long intervals for each second over the entire frequency range (i.e., 40 - 256,000 Hz). Ambient noise levels, representative for the acoustic environment conditions during sound profiles for each of the two days were calculated as SPLrms over the entire frequency range using the three to five minutes prior to the start time of the sound profile. Listening to these segments confirmed that no ship noise was audible but only the slapping of small waves onto the zodiac. Received sound levels were correlated with distance between ship and hydrophone positions as well as with the angle between the ship's track and the hydrophone position at each time step. The analysis exhibits that the noise floor differed by about 4 dBrms re IpPa between the two events (Fig. It shows a linear increase of sound pressure levels with distance of about 5-6 dB per cable (1/10 nm or 186m), peaking at a level of about 123-125 dB at the time of CPA. The decrease of the sound pressure level occurs at a lesser rate of about 3-4 dB per cable. Fig. Received broad band sound pressure levels (dB(SPL) re 1µPa) as a function of Polarstern's distance from the CPA (closest point of the approach). Values less than zero represent the approach towards, values greater zero the departure from the CPA. Data management Data will be stored in the AWI's permanently storage facility. Data will be made available after publication on basis of individual agreement. 3.2 Sea ice physics 3.2.1 Sea ice mass and energy budgets in the Weddell Sea Marcel Nicolaus(1), Sandra Schwegmann(1), (1)AWI Stefanie Arndt(1), Martin Schiller(1), Thomas (2)DLR Hollands(1), Johannes Kainz(1), (3)FMI not on board: Thomas Busche(2), Wolfgang Dierking(1), Bin Cheng(3) Grant No: AWI-PS89_02 The sea ice physics programme during this cruise was a main contribution to the Sea Ice Physics and Ecology Study (SIPES). SIPES was designed as an inter-disciplinary field study focusing on the inter-connection of sea ice physics, sea ice biology, biological oceanography, and top predator ecology. To achieve this, the sea ice physics programme performed sea ice thickness surveys, under-ice investigations with a remotely operated vehicle, deployments of autonomous stations (buoys), along-track ice observations from the bridge, and measurements of physical properties of the sea ice and its snow cover during ice stations. An overview of all stations, flights, and deployments is given in Fig. and Table The programme continued previous studies of Antarctic sea ice with a focus on three main topics: 1) Sea ice thickness and snow depth surveys were performed in order to describe the state of sea ice coverage on different temporal and spatial scales in the observation area. We obtained data from in-situ measurements, surface transects, airborne measurements (EM-Bird), and through the deployment of autonomous platforms (buoys). All together, the data obtained during the cruise will contribute to improve sea ice mass balance studies from autonomous insitu techniques (buoys), remote sensing products (e.g. CryoSat, SMOS), as well as numerical models (e.g. FESOM). 2) The interaction of solar short-wave radiation and sea ice was studied to enable better estimates of heat fluxes through the ice cover into the upper ocean. With this, we aim to better quantify relationships between physical properties of sea ice and its associated ecosystem. Spectral radiation fluxes through sea ice were mapped using radiometers mounted on a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), allowing insights into the spatial variability of sea-ice and light conditions on floe scales. 3) Snow and surface conditions of sea ice were studied to improve our ability to interpret SAR data from satellites in order to gain additional knowledge about sea ice deformation and dynamical properties. From the combination of in-situ measurements with coordinated satellite data retrievals we aim to directly match both scales of observations. Fig. Overview of all activities of the sea ice physics part of SIPES during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). The inset (top left) enlarges the Neumayer/Atka Bay region. The three bottom panels show the sea ice concentration from AMSR2 for the three given dates during the expedition. Not shown here: Hourly observations of sea ice conditions along the cruise track between 13 December 2014 (60.4°S, 0.0°E) and 17 January 2015 (68.0°S, 3.25°W). Tab. Table of all ship stations and helicopter flights with contributions of the sea ice physics part of SIPES during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). Chapter numbers refer to sub-chapters with additional information, tables, and figures with respect to single methods. Abbreviations: Long.: Geographic Longitude; Lat.: Geographic Latitude; GEM: Ground Electro Magnetics with GEM-2; SDMP: Snow Depth with Magna Probe, SIT: Sea Ice Thickness drilling; SPIT: Snow Pit; ROV: Remotely Operated Vehicle; BUOY: Buoy deployment Date Long. Lat. Station ID EM-Bird GEM SDMP SIT SPIT ROV BUOY -------- ------ ------- ---------- ------- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- 12.12.14 0.100 -57.400 PS89/H007 Test 12.12.14 0.200 -57.400 PS89/H008 Test 18.12.14 -0.800 -65.900 PS89/H015 Test 18.12.14 -0.800 -65.900 PS89/H016 YES 19.12.14 -0.015 -66.513 PS89/H020 YES 19.12.14 -0.015 -66.513 PS89/030-5 YES YES YES 20.12.14 0.104 -67.588 PS89/032-1 YES YES YES YES YES YES 22.12.14 -0.075 -69.015 PS89/035-1 YES YES YES YES YES 24.12.14 -4.000 -69.800 PS89/H046 YES 27.12.14 -7.957 -70.527 PS89/H058 YES 27.12.14 -7.957 -70.527 PS89/040-1 YES YES YES YES YES YES 28.12.14 -8.065 -70.533 PS89/040-2 YES 31.12.14 -8.065 -70.533 PS89/040-5 YES 03.01.15 -8.289 -70.438 PS89/044-1 YES 03.01.15 -8.289 -70.438 PS89/H080 YES 03.01.15 -8.065 -70.533 PS89/045-1 YES 04.01.15 -7.641 -70.558 PS89/046-1 YES YES YES YES YES 09.01.15 -8.732 -70.515 PS89/050-1 YES 11.01.15 -8.732 -70.515 PS89/058-1 YES 17.01.15 -3.600 -68.200 PS89/H111 YES 17.01.15 -3.600 -68.200 PS89/H112 YES Tab. Pangaea labels as used for sea ice physics measurements. The list is a continuation from Polarstern expedition ARK-XXVII/3 (IceArc). Devices / methods in italics were used during this expedition. PANGAEA label Description ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Ship based ICEOBS Ice Observations from ship bridge (along track) OPT Optical measurements (spectral, type Ramses) - Crows nest Helicopter based AEM Airborne EM Ice Thickness Profiler (EM-Bird) Ice station (ICE) ALB Albedo measurements AWS Automatic Weather Station CTD CTD (from ice floe) EMI Electromagnetic Induction Ice Thickness Profiler (EM3I MkII) GEM Ground EM (GEM-2) OLA Optical L-Arm measurements OPT Optical measurements (spectral, type Ramses) ROV ROV SDMP Snow Depth measured with Magna Probe SIC Sea Ice Corer SIT Sea Ice Thickness Drill (Thickness/Freeboard/Snowdepth) SPIT Snow Pit Buoys BUOY-IMB Ice Mass Balance Buoy BUOY-SNOW Snow Depth Buoy BUOY-SVP Surface Velocity Profiler Ice Cores CORE-ARC Archive core CORE-DEN Parameters: Density CORE-DNA Parameters: DNA CORE-LSI Parameters: Lipid Stable Isotope Analyses CORE-MEl Parameters: Meiofauna CORE-OPT Parameters: Bio-optical CORE-RNA Parameters: RNA CORE-SAL Parameters: Salinity, Chlorophyll-a CORE-TEX Parameters: Temperature, Texture Airborne Sea Ice Surveys Objectives The sea-ice thickness distribution in the Weddell Sea is poorly investigated and only few observational data exist so far. Over the last decades, most information has only been obtained from upward-looking sonars and few Polarstern cruises during summer and winter conditions. Satellite data of sea-ice thickness is currently limited to the ICESat period (2003-2009), but there exist programmes to evaluate sea-ice thickness retrievals from CryoSat-2 and thin ice thickness by SMOS. Hence, one of the objectives of the sea ice thickness surveys during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2) was to obtain validation data for satellite retrieval algorithms of Antarctic sea-ice thickness, in particular expanding the data from the winter campaigns in 2013. In addition, airborne and ground based sea-ice thickness measurements are conducted at the same time and location in order to obtain information on the local (ground), regional (airborne) and large scales (satellites) variability from data with different spatial resolutions. Those data aim to reveal the derivation of statistical sea-ice thickness parameter that arises by the comparisons of data from different sensors. Work at sea We used the airborne multi-frequency electromagnetic (AEM) induction sounding system MAiSIE (Multi Sensor Airborne Sea Ice Explorer) to measure total (sea ice + snow) thickness by helicopter surveys. The 4 m long instrument, the EM-Bird, is towed on a 20 m long cable underneath the helicopter and measures the sea-ice thickness in a height of 10-15 m above the surface. Integrated in the EM-Bird system is a laser altimeter, which measures the distance to the surface. Beside its role for sea ice thickness calculation, the laser data allow the calculation of surface roughness and accordingly ridge density and distribution. For the first 4 measurement flights, a KTI9 infrared thermometer was additionally integrated in the EM-Bird. The KTI9 measures the surface temperature in the footprint of the EM signal. These surface temperatures may be used to better discriminate between thin sea ice and open water (e.g. leads, cracks between floes). In addition, it provides reference data for comparisons with passive remote-sensing data products, which use brightness temperatures to analyse surface processes and patterns. Before the last flight, the KTI9 was exchanged with nadir-looking photo camera (Canon EOS SD Mk II). The camera was installed to document the sea-ice conditions along the flight tracks. However, due to an installation fault, no useful images were recorded. Preliminary results In total, we performed 5 survey and 3 test flights with a total length of 1,200 km. Flight operations were significantly hampered by weather conditions with low clouds and low contrast during most times of the cruise. Therefore, flights are spaced by several days and scattered along the cruise track (see Fig. and Table We found predominantly first-year sea ice during the surveys with total thicknesses between 1 m and 6 m on average, depending on the location. Fig. shows the thickness distribution for each flight. For the survey in the beginning and at the end of the expedition (18 and 19 December 2014 and 19 January 2015), each close to the sea-ice edge, the modal total sea ice thickness was 0.8 and 0.9 m. Closer to the coast /ice-shelf edge, it increased to a mode of 1.8 m. The fast-ice in the Atka Bay was much thicker than the drifting pack ice. Modal fast ice thickness was 6.1 m, but the measurements were certainly impacted by the platelet ice below the sea ice. These effects will be studied in detail in during post-processing of these data. It may be expected that an inverse modelling under consideration of the different EM frequencies will give new insights into the role of platelet ice for sea ice close to ice shelves. Fig. Total ice thickness distribution for the AEM surveys during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). All flight tracks are shown in Fig. Tab. List of airborne sea-ice thickness surveys during Polarstern cruise PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). Label Device Date Length (km) ------------- -------------------------------- ---------- -------------- PS89/1007-AEM EM-Bird, Laser altimeter, KT19 12/12/2014 - ,test flight PS89/1008-AEM EM-Bird, Laser altimeter, KT19 12/12/2014 - ,test flight PS89/1015-AEM EM-Bird, Laser altimeter, KT19 18/12/2014 - ,test flight PS89/1016-AEM EM-Bird, Laser altimeter, KT19 18/12/2014 295.2 PS89/1020-AEM EM-Bird, Laser altimeter, KT19 19/12/2014 283.1 PS89/1046-AEM EM-Bird, Laser altimeter, KT19 24/12/2014 277.2 PS89/H058-AEM EM-Bird, Laser altimeter, KT19 27/12/2014 153.2 PS89/1112-AEM EM-Bird, Laser altimeter, Camera 17/01/2015 185.3 Data management The sea-ice thickness and surface temperature data will be released following final processing after the cruise or depending on the completion of competing obligations (e.g. PhD projects), upon publication as soon as the data are available and quality-assessed. Data submission will be to the PANGAEA database and international databases like the Sea Ice Thickness Climate Data Record (Sea Ice CDR). Thickness profiles (snow and sea ice) during ice stations Objectives The thickness of Antarctic sea ice and its snow cover is one of the most important parameters in terms of total mass and energy balance, but sea-ice thickness datasets are sparse. In addition, there are rarely data sets that combine high-resolution thickness information and high spatial coverage. This issue can be overcome by the combination of ground-based (instrument: GEM2) and airborne (instrument: EM-Bird) measurements. This combination aims also to estimate the influence of the different footprints of these instruments on the total (sea ice + snow) thickness distribution. For the validation of this advanced measurement method, drill hole measurements at particular sites shall reveal the actual sea-ice thickness. Those holes have also the function to reveal the sea ice-freeboard relation, which is needed for the calculation of sea-ice thicknesses from remotely sensed sea-ice freeboard. However, the sea ice mass distribution and in particular the energy balance depends also on the snow depth distribution. Therefore, snow depths and sea-ice thicknesses were measured concurrently during GEM-transects. Information about the snow depth along the GEM-2 transects will determine the state of the snow depth distribution but will also help to determine the pure sea-ice thickness from GEM-2 data. For this purpose, snow depth measurements with the Magna Probe followed the same track as the GEM-2 measurements. Work at sea We used the ground-based multi-frequency electromagnetic device GEM-2 to measure the total (sea ice + snow) thickness. The measurement principle is similar to that of the EM-Bird. The device was mounted in a modified plastic sled for thickness transects and pulled over the snow surface either by hand or, for two long transects in the Atka Bay, by a skidoo. During the hand-held GEM-2 thickness surveys, we simultaneously operated a Magna Probe (Snow Hydro, Fairbanks, USA) in order to obtain the snow-depth distribution along the survey track. These measurements were taken every 2 to 5 steps on the track. The GEM-2 was calibrated several times on different sea-ice thicknesses with the help of a wooden ladder. For validation reasons, bore holes were drilled with 5cm-diameter augers along the ROV-grid (see Chapter and at the calibration sites. Those data will also be used in order to determine the sea ice-freeboard relation. Fig. Total ice thickness from GEM-2 skidoo-surveys across the Atka Bay (data compiled from 28.12. and 31.12.2014 surveys). The background shows a TerraSAR-X scene and the EM-Bird survey from 27.12.2014. Preliminary results In total, we performed 4 calibrations, 5 hand-held and 2 skidoo-based GEM-surveys. The surveys amount to about 73 km of profile data. 4 of the 5 hand-held GEM-surveys were combined with Magna Probe snow depth measurements on the same track. This was not done for station PS891058-1 as snow did not exist at the measuring site (due to strong snow drift events before). In addition, snow depth measurements were also performed at ice station PS891030-5. Total sea ice thicknesses ranged from 0.4 m to 5 m with mean (modal) values between 0.9 and 2.9 m (0.5 and 2.9 m). The mean (modal) snow depth ranged from 22.9 cm to 49.5 cm. Fig. shows the sea ice thickness distribution from preliminary results for the skidoo transects across the Atka Bay. In addition, the image shows the flights transect from the EM-Bird across the Atka Bay and a TerraSAR-X scene, which describes the ice conditions below the GEM-transect. Since the GEM and the AEM surveys are more or less on top of each other and both cover a large part of the bay, they are very suitable for the inter-comparison of data from the different sensors. Also the impact of the platelet ice on the signals of both methods can be evaluated by those data. Tab. Ground-based sea ice-thickness and snow depth measurements using different instrumentation (see also Table SIT: sea thickness drillings with augers, GEM: total thickness with GEM-2, SDMP: snow depth with Magna Probe. Date Label Length (km) # Measurements ---------- --------------- ----------- -------------- 19/12/2014 PS89/030-5-SIT - 11 PS89/030-5-SDMP 0.47 199 20/12/2014 PS89/032-1-SIT - 11 PS89/032-1-GEM 1.96 - PS89/032-1-GEM Calibration - PS89/032-1-SDMP 1.96 1230 22/12/2014 PS89/035-1-SIT - 11 PS89/035-1-GEM 2.24 - PS89/035-1-GEM Calibration - PS89/035-1-SDMP 2.24 1482 27/12/2014 PS89/040-1-SIT - 2 PS89/040-1-GEM 2.77 - PS89/040-1-GEM Calibration - PS89/040-1-SDMP 2.77 1185 28/12/2014 PS89/040-2-GEM 22.10 - 31/12/2014 PS89/040-5-GEM 37.10 - 04/01/2015 PS89/046-1-SIT - 10 PS89/046-1-GEM 3.03 - PS89/046-1-GEM Calibration - PS89/046-1-SDMP 3.03 1055 11/01/2015 PS89/058-1-GEM 4.03 - Data management The sea-ice thickness, snow depth and freeboard data will be released following final processing after the cruise or depending on the completion of competing obligations (e.g. PhD projects), upon publication as soon as the data are available and quality-assessed. Data submission will be to the PANGAEA database. Physical properties of (snow and sea ice) during ice stations Objectives Snow stratigraphy and physical snow properties are highly variable even on small horizontal scales. These spatial and temporal variations in the snow pack characteristics (e.g. temperature, density, salinity, stratigraphy) have a crucial impact on the (optical) properties of the sea ice cover below. Therefore, the snow pack on the different ice station during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2) is characterized in detail. Furthermore, the data will be used as ground truth for the interpretation of radar backscatter satellite imagery. Physical properties of sea ice (salinity, temperature, texture) are a backbone data set in sea ice research since the early days. During this expedition, we continue the tradition of sea ice sampling by coring to obtain this basic information. This will help to interpret (in particular) the optical measurements (see Chapter and build a strong link to the biological part of the SIPES project (Chapter 3.3.1). Work at sea All work on physical properties of snow and sea ice was performed during the ice stations (ICE). All sea ice cores were obtained by the sea ice biology group and all information (incl. labels) are summarized in Chapter 3.3.1. Also all optical measurements (Chapter were performed during these stations. In order to relate all activities during, in particular on drifting sea ice, a local coordinate system (in meters) was established. All measurement sites on the floe were recorded with GPS and corrected for sea ice drift. The resulting station maps and x/y coordinates may be used to localize measurements relative to each other, while only one geographic coordinate (latitude, longitude) is recorded for each ice station (Table and Figs. to Weather conditions during each ice station are available through the Polarstern meteorological station. The physical snow parameters as well as the snow stratigraphy were obtained from snow pits. These were taken once per ice station at a representative location of the floe. The measurements were taken on the undisturbed shaded working wall of the snow pit. At first, the temperature was measured every 2 cm from the top (snow-air interface) to the bottom (snowice interface) with a hand-held thermometer (Testo 110). In a next step the different layers in the snow pack and its stratigraphic parameters were described. For each layer the snow grain size and type (e.g. rounded crystals, facetted crystals, depth hoar) is determined by the magnifying glass and a 1-to-3-mm grid card. In addition, every layer was characterized by its hardness with the following categories: fist (F), 4 fingers (4f), 1 finger (1f), pencil (p), and knife (k). Afterwards, the density of each layer was measured volumetrically by removing a tube of snow from each layer (tube weight: 615 g, tube volume: 500 ml) and weighting it with a spring scale. Additional density measurements were performed with a Snow Fork (Toikka, Finland). Snow Fork measurements were performed twice every 2 cm from the top to the bottom. In addition to the density, the Snow Fork measures liquid water content (in Vol.%) through the dielectrical properties of the snow pack. Due to technical issues, the snow fork was only used for stations PS89/040-1, PS89/046-1, and PS89/050-1. Even at these stations the measurements worked only for the top part of the snow pack. In addition, salinity samples were taken from the top and bottom snow layer and were melted (and measured) on the ship (not for all stations, see Table Preliminary results Table gives an overview about the sampled snow pits during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). In total 5 snow pits were sampled with a mean snow thickness of 30.4 ± 21.1 cm. Satellite image coverage could be achieved for four of the five sampled stations (not for station PS89/035-1). This data is expected to increase our understanding of which snow properties influence the X-band radar backscatter and therefore, to validate recent data products (Paul et al., 2014). Beside, the acquired snow pit data is expected to contribute to the results of the entire SIPES working group on board of Polarstern. Fig. shows an example of the snow pit at station PS89/040-1 (27 12 2014). The 61 cm thick snow pack contained 7 different layers with the variety of snow grain types from small (0.5 to 1 mm) rounded crystals (RC) in the top (layer B) down to big (3 to 4 mm) well-developed depth hoar crystals (DH) (layer G) in the bottom. This obvious development of several layers in the snow pack is also shown in the strong temperature gradient from -1°C (top) to -3.2°C (bottom). Tab. Snow pits during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). Possible measurements for each snow pit are temperature (T), volumetric density (D), stratigraphy (Str), Snow Fork density and liquid water content (Sf), and salinity (S). Measurements were performed in all layers (X), top (t) or bottom (b) layers only, or not at all (0). Abbreviation: zs: Snow depth. Label Location zs (cm) T D Str SF S --------------- ----------------------- ------- - - --- -- --- PS89/030-5-SPIT Next to L-Arm site 45 X X X O PS89/032-1-SPIT Next toL-Arm/Coringsite 22 X X X O O PS89/035-1-SPIT Next toROVgrid 8 X X X X O PS89/040-1-SPIT On GEM calibration site 61 X X X X t,b PS89/046-1-SPIT On GEM calibration site 42 X X X X t,b Fig. Example of a snow pit analysis from Station PS89/040-1 (27. 12.2014). Temperature measurements are marked in red, density measurements with the tube in blue (linked by straight lines), density measurements with the Snow Fork in blue, and liquid water content measurements in green. The grey bars indicate the vertical dimension of each layer and its hardness. The stratigraphy for each layer is given in the following sequence (example layer A): Layer label (A), grain size (2), grain type (FC(IIIA1)). Fig. Map of Station PS89/032-1 (20.12.2014). Markers (M) numbers refer to the orientation points for the ROV work. Position (P) numbers refer to surface markings for orientation, but without marker under sea ice. Fig. Map of Station PS89/035-1 (22.12.2014). Markers (M) numbers refer to the orientation points for the ROV work. Position (P) numbers refer to surface markings for orientation, but without marker under sea ice. Fig. Map of Station PS89/040-1 (27.12.2014). Markers (M) numbers refer to the orientation points for the ROV work. Position (P) numbers refer to surface markings for orientation, but without marker under sea ice. Fig. Map of Station PS89/046-1 (04.01.2015). Markers (M) numbers refer to the orientation points for the ROV work. Position (P) numbers refer to surface markings for orientation, but without marker under sea ice. Fig. Map of Station PS89/050-1 (09.01.2015) and PS89/058-1 (11.01.2015). Markers (M) numbers refer to the orientation points for the ROV work. Position (P) numbers refer to surface markings for orientation, but without marker under sea ice. Data management Data will be delivered to PANGAEA within two years after the cruise. Optical properties of sea ice Objectives The amount of solar light transmitted through snow and sea ice plays a major role for the energy budget of ice-covered seas. In addition, the horizontal and vertical distribution of light under sea ice impacts biological processes and biogeochemical fluxes in the sea ice and the uppermost ocean. Due to their different absorption spectra, snow, sea ice, seawater, biota, sediments, and impurities affect the spectral composition of the light in its way from the atmosphere into the ocean. Especially the all-year snow-covered surface of Antarctic sea ice plays a crucial role for the amount of transmitted energy. To describe the influence of different sea ice surface properties (thin/thick snow layer, bare ice), we have performed comprehensive measurements of optical radiation under Antarctic sea ice with different surface layer characteristics during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). Work at sea We measured spectral irradiance and radiance in the wavelength range from 350 to 920 nm with 3.3 nm resolution (mostly visible light) with Ramses spectral radiometers (Trios GmbH, Rastede, Germany). One irradiance sensor was installed above the ice as reference for incoming solar radiation, on radiance and one irradiance sensor were mounted on the ROV (Fig. Radiance measurements (7° field of view) are best suited for studying the spatial variability of optical properties of sea ice. Irradiance measurements (cosine receptor) are best suited for studying the energy budget at the measured point, integrating all incident energy (from above) at this point. The optical measurements were done by operating our Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV, Ocean Modules V8ii, Atvidaberg, Sweden), called Sin, successfully during all 5 ice stations (Fig. and Table The ROV system consisted of a surface unit (incl. power supply, control unit, monitor), a 200m long tether cable, and the ROV itself. The ROV is controlled and moved by eight thrusters (allowing diving speed of up to 1.0 m/s). The speed varied during different profiles and was also depending on under-ice currents. The ROV was equipped with one upward-looking VGA video camera and one forward-looking HD camera (Fig. Both cameras were used for navigation, orientation, and documentation of the dives. All video signals were recorded for the entire diving time. An altimeter (DST Micron Echosounder, Tritech, Aberdeen, UK) and a sonar (Micron DST MK2, Tritech, Aberdeen, UK) were mounted to support navigation and measure the distances to obstacles and markers (see below). The altimeter was particularly used to measure the distance between the radiometers (ROV) and the sea ice. Due to technical issues, the altimeter data were only recorded for the last station. Furthermore, an Ultra-Short-Base-Line positioning system (USBL, Tritech Micron Nay, Aberdeen, UK) was installed next to the ROV control hut through a 15cm-diameter hole (made with a sea ice corer). The transponder was installed on a solid pole right beneath the sea ice to generate a floe-fixed coordinate system for the moving vehicle. In addition, a modular logger system to measure water properties: salinity, temperature, and oxygen content. Finally, the ROV measured and recorded its depth, heading, roll, pitch, and turns constantly. Both cameras and all navigation features are displayed on the 4 screens in the ROV control hut (Fig. The power supply for the ROV and its entire system was covered by the two coupled 3-kW generators. From the radiometers on the ROV, we obtained horizontal transects and vertical profiles of under-ice irradiance and radiance. All data were directly recorded via an interface box into a PC running the sensors' software MSDA_xe. An additional reference irradiance sensor (type SAMIP) was mounted on a tripod on the sea-ice surface measuring incident solar radiation. All sensors were triggered in "burst mode" in intervals of 2 to 10 s, depending on light conditions under the ice. Fig. Photograph of the ROV (left) and a close-up of the sensor side on top. The tether in the background contains the power line and allows for the communication between the vehicle and the ROV control hut (see Fig. All electronics were set up in our new ROV control hut (Fig. The hut measured 3.03 x 2.02 x 2.123 m and weighed 680 kg including the ROV, the tether, all electronics, and a basic set of tools and accessories. The hut was stored on Polarstern's A-deck and lifted by crane either directly onto the sea ice or onto the helicopter deck, from where it was picked up by helicopter and transported onto the sea ice. This operation would have allowed ROV stations in up to 10 nm from the ship. Heavy additional equipment (e.g. generators, wooden boards, corer, augers, ice station tools) amounted to another 600 kg (incl. two Nansen sleds). This equipment was lifted by crane onto the ice and transported by snow scooter, if necessary. Fig. Photograph of the ROV operating site. The big picture shows the ROV control hut with the tether on the right and the reference incoming radiance sensor in the back (next to the penguins). The upper small picture shows the set-up in the control hut with the four operating monitors in the back and the chief pilot in the front. The lower small picture gives an impression of the launch operation of the ROV Three persons operated the ROV: one pilot controlling the ROV, one co-pilot controlling the optical sensors and documenting the dive, and one person outside the hut, mostly handling the tether. The ROV was launched over the floe edge, except for station PS89-035-1, when a 1.5m*1.5m hole was sawn into the ice to launch the ROV. After an initial system check and test dive, the profiles (grid) were marked with numbered, red-white colored poles, hanging under the ice through drill holes. Sea-ice thickness, snow depth, and freeboard were measured at each hole. Additional measurements of total sea-ice thickness as well as snow depth were performed by GEM and Magna Probe transects above the selected grid (see Section For station PS89-035, snow and ice thickness measurements were just done on the grid poles; GEM and Magna Probe transect around the ROV grid only. In addition, most optical measurements were co-located with physical, biological, and biogeochemical sampling of sea ice and water (see Chapter 3.2.2). For the first three ice stations (PS89-032-1, PS89-035-1, PS89-040-1) we managed to operate the ROV in the marked 50m*50m (one marker every lOm) grid. Due to bad light conditions and strong currents, orientation and navigation was much more difficult afterwards. Hence, no similar regular grid could be achieved for station PS89-046-1 and PS89-050-1. Standard profiles were dived in a constant depth (per profile) between 2 and 4m depth, depending on the under-ice topography. Depth profiles (down to 20 to 70m) were performed by following a long line hanging under the ice. At station PS89-046-1, an additional snow-removal experiment was performed. After initial measurements, the snow was removed over an area of approx. 3m*1 Om to measure the difference in light transmittance between snow-covered ice and bare ice. Fig. Overview of the four operation screens. Upper left: Front camera. Upper right: Upward-looking camera. Lower left: Positioning system based on USBL. Lower right: Sonar signal and distance between ROV and sea ice (top right corner) Tab. Sea ice and snow conditions of all ROV stations. Mean sea ice thickness and snow depth are calculated from corresponding GEM and Magna Probe transects along the ROV grid (except for PS89-035-1-ROV). Abbreviations: zi: ice thickness; zs: snow depth; Plat: Platelett ice. Label Profile lines zi (mean) zs (mean) Comment -------------- ----------------------- --------- --------- ------------------------- PS89-032-1-ROV 2 x 50m (grid lines 0.9 m 0.26 m ROV shut-down at 76m => only) end of measurements PS89-035-1-ROV 9 x 50m (in ROV grid, (0.6 m) (0.05 m) Launch through hole incl. grid lines) Power-tube failure; 2 lines to the ice Measurements after edge/brash ice repair PS89-040-1-ROV 4 x 50m (1 grid line, 2.8 m 0.51 m One thruster broke during 3 parallel lines) (+ Plat.) measurements; 5 x 50m to the ice repair on the floe edge (parallel lines) PS89-046-1-ROV Random lines; 1.2 m 0.35 m Bad orientation Repeated lines under (+ Plat.) Snow removal (3m*l0m) snow-free area Tangle with marker pole PS89-050-1-ROV 1 x 50m 2.2 m Drift Strong currents (1 grid line only) (+ Plat.) snow Bad orientation Strong pitch & roll In addition to the ROV-based radiation measurements, two other types of spectral radiation data were recorded: 1) One irradiance sensor was mounted on the crow's nest, next to the meteorological station's radiation sensor (Label: PS89/OPT). This sensor recorded incident solar irradiance spectra from 04.12.2014 08:40 to 22.01.2015 19:00 in 5 min intervals (raster). In addition, this sensor was used as surface reference during SUIT hauls (Section 3.2.2). During these times it was set to burst mode. A total of 155.432 spectra was recorded during the expedition. 2) The ROV sensors were set up for inter-comparison measurements on the "Peildeck" of Polarstern. These measurements may be used, also in combination with the crow's nest sensor, to analyze differences between the sensors. Those differences were found in previous applications, in particular under low solar elevation angles. Preliminary results ROV measurements under the ice were performed during 5 ice stations. Depending on visibility and orientation 500 to 1,000 under-ice spectra were recorded per sensor and station. These spectra may be directly related to their position under the ice and along selected transects or depth profiles. Additional spectra were recorded during dives outside the grid or during general orientation and video dives. These may be included for statistical analyses of under-ice light conditions. Stations PS89-032-1, PS89-035-1, and PS89-040-1 resulted in the best data sets, covering the entire 50m*50m grid. During the cruise, all radiation measurements (spectra) were processed from measured raw data to calibrated fluxes. However, results from sensor inter-comparisons were not applied yet. For the final data analysis and discussion only profile lines are taken into account. Profile lines are defined as (approx.) straight parallel or perpendicular lines in the marked grid (Fig. in a constant depth between 2 and 5 m. Fig. Overview of the ROV site for the five ice stations during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). Left hand: Sketch of the ROV measurement site; right hand: Pictures of the station and its surrounding. The red dots (M) are related to the marker poles hanging under the ice. The light red dots visualize the 10-meter distances in the grid. Position (P) numbers refer to surface markings for orientation (no marker under the ice). The orange dots (A) are related to additional reference attention points to build the grid in which the ROV were moving. Stations PS89-032-1 and PS89-035-1 were performed on drifting sea ice (between 67.5 and 69°S on the Greenwich Meridian); while PS89-040-1, PS89-046-1, and PS89-050-1 were performed under land-fast sea ice (in the area of Atka Bay). The fast ice area was characterized by an additional layer of platelet ice beneath. Thickness and extent of the platelet layer were highly variable. Light regimes differed strongly between moving sea ice, resulting in a mean transmittance of approx. 1% (Fig., and fast ice with a varying platelet ice layer beneath, resulting in a mean transmittance of approx. 0.01%. But there was no strong dependency of the surface properties, because the snow cover was optically thick on all stations. Instead, the size of the floe and the associated boarder effect has a strong impact on the vertical and horizontal light distribution beneath the sea ice. Fig. Preliminary results of the example station PS89/032-1 (20.12.2014). (a) Left: Spatial distribution of the transmittance with the scale in fraction. Upper right: Location of the station. Lower right: Normalized histogram of the transmittance. (b) Spatial distribution of ice thickness (+snow) measured with GEM. (c) Spatial distribution of snow depth measured with magna probe. All maps contain the marker points of the ROV grid (M) and all other points of interest at the station. Fig. shows selected spectra of the spectral irradiance under sea ice and spectral transmittance of different ice types, as measured at station PS891035-l (22.12.2014). The transmittance spectra (Fig. show an increased absorption in the range of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400 to 700 nm). This indicates high biological activity (photosynthesis) in sea ice and the water right under the ice. Hence, transmitted fluxes are reduced compared to bare sea ice. The maxima of the transmittance spectra are shifted towards longer wavelength. Beyond the optical properties of sea ice, the ROV transects revealed the distribution of platelet ice under land-fast sea ice. The video recordings may be used for further insights into underice sea ice conditions, as well as for documentation and video-footage of the dives. Finally, the strong link between the ROV and SUIT (Section 3.2.2) sensors and approaches has to be highlighted, covering sea ice conditions on different scales. Fig. Preliminary results (spectra) of station PS89/035- 1 (22.12.2014). (a) Spectral irradiance under sea ice. (b) Spectral transmittance of snow and sea ice. In both figures spectra beneath different surface characteristics (or/and different depths) are shown: Level ice (diving depth: 2.5 m, blue), level ice (diving depth: 10 m, orange), old pressure ridge (diving depth: 5 m, yellow), snow free sea ice (diving depth: 2.5 m, purple), brash ice (2.5 m, green). Data management All ROV data will be released following final processing after the cruise. The processed data will be submitted to the PANGAEA database. Deployments of autonomous ice tethered platforms (buoys) Objectives The investigation of physical sea-ice and snow parameters during station work can only give a snap-shot of the sea ice conditions. In order to obtain also information about the seasonal and inter-annual variability and evolution of the observed ice floes, we deploy autonomous ice tethered platforms (buoys), which measure the sea ice and snow characteristics also beyond the cruise. For that, we use different kinds of buoys. With ice mass-balance buoys (IMBs), the sea ice growth can be derived. Snow depth buoys measure the snow accumulation over the course of the year, and with surface velocity profilers (SVPs) we derive the sea-ice drift. In addition, buoys are partly equipped with air or body temperature and sea level pressure sensors. Combing the data from all these buoys, we will be able to better understand sea-ice processes and feedback mechanisms. Analyzing the drift of several buoys in the same region, deformation and dynamical processes of the pack ice may be derived. Beyond the immediate value for our work, all SVP and snow buoys report their position together with measurements of surface temperature and atmospheric pressure directly into the Global Telecommunication System (GTS). Thus, these data may directly be used for weather prediction and numerical model applications. Work at sea In total, we deployed 6 SVP buoys and 3 sets of Snow Depth Buoys and IMBs in the eastern Weddell Sea (Fig. For the SVPs we used the helicopter. During the first flight we could build up an array out of three buoys, each about 18 km apart from the ship. The other three buoys could not be deployed within an array and will be used for the sea-ice drift calculations only. The Snow Depth Buoy-IMB sets were deployed during sea-ice stations, two in the drift ice zone and one set on the fast ice in the Atka Bay. The fast-ice buoys are expected to break out of the bay and will be released to the drift ice zone by the end of austral summer. Sea-ice thickness, snow depth, and general sea-ice properties were noted down during deployment. Fig. a) Snow depth buoy combined with an IMB (yellow Pelicase), b) SVP buoy Preliminary results The SVP buoys will serve information on the sea-ice drift velocity and its seasonal behavior. Data will be transmitted as long as batteries will work. In case the sea ice doesn't survive the summer season, the SVPs will pass over to the sea and will measure ocean currents, as they are able to swim. Fig. shows the drift velocities from the first three deployed SVP buoys over the measurement period from 03.01. - 24.01.2015. Although the buoys were originally deployed only few km apart from each other, their drift pattern varies already. Buoy PS89/H080-BUOY-SVP-1 drifted only very slowly, mostly with velocities less than 0.05 m/s. The total travelled distance of this buoy was 47 km in 21 days. PS89/H080-BUOY-SVP-2 velocities show a stronger variability. The travelled distance for the 3 week period was 200 km for that buoy. PS89/H080-BUOY-SVP-3 shows the highest drift velocities and highest variability for the drift. Accordingly, it travelled also the longest distance with 270 km for the three week period. Over the next months, the buoys will record further data from which we will calculate the sea-ice drift and deformation variability over the Weddell basin. The snow depth buoys measure the snow accumulation at four spots by sonar sensors. Together with the IMBs, information on the snow depth changes, sea-ice growth and eventually estimates of flooding processes can be expected from the data. Fig. shows an example for snow accumulation for the period 20.12.2014 to 24.02.2015. Due to the short time, there are barely any changes visible yet, neither in the snow depths nor in the meteorological data. Sea-ice growth data from the IMBs will be only processed after the cruise. Then, data will also be combined with findings of former deployments during ANT-XXIX/6 and ANT-XXIX/9 and will help to understand the temporal and spatial variability of snow accumulation, sea-ice growth and eventually help to better understand flooding of Antarctic sea ice. Fig. Drift velocities of SVP a) PS89/H080-BUOY-SVP-1, b) PS89/H080-BUOY-SVP-2 and c) PS89/H080-BUOY-SVP-3. The figure demonstrates the spatial variability of drift velocities. Fig. Snow depth evolution combined with information on meteorological conditions for snow depth buoy 2014S19, deployed on 03.01.2014. Tab. List and initial positions of all deployed buoys during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). Buoy names are identical to their name in, where all data and buoy information is available in real time, and how the buoys report into international networks. Label Latitude Longitude Name Date -------------------- -------- --------- --------- ---------- PS89/032-1-BUOY-SNOW -67.5772 0.1153 2014S17 20/12/2014 PS89/032-1-BUOY-IMB -67.5772 0.1153 2014T3 20/12/2014 PS89/045-1-BUOY-SNOW -70.4380 -8.2890 2015S18 03/01/2015 PS89/040-1-BUOY-IMB -70.5274 -7.9584 2014FMI12 27/12/2014 PS89/044-1-BUOY-SNOW -70.5270 -7.9590 2015S19 03/01/2015 FS89/044-1-BUOY-IMB -70.4380 -8.2890 2014FMI16 03/01/2015 FS89/H080-BUOY-SVP-1 -70.4272 -8.2762 2015F1 03/01/2015 FS89/H080-BUOY-SVP-2 -70.3314 -8.5850 2015P2 03/01/2015 FS89/H080-BUOY-SVP-3 -70.3186 -8.3763 2015P3 03/01/2015 FS89/H101-BUOY-SVP-1 -70.3558 -9.0408 2015P4 13/01/2015 FS89/H101-BUOY-SVP-2 -70.6083 -9.1917 2015P5 13/01/2015 FS89/H111-BUOY-SVP -68.4940 -4.4888 2015P6 17/01/2015 Data management All buoy positions and raw data are available in near real time through the sea-ice portal After the end of their lifetime (end of transmission of data) all data will be finally processed and made available in PANGAEA. All SVP and snow buoys report their position and atmospheric pressure directly into the Global Telecommunication System (GTS). Furthermore, all data are exchanged with international partners through the International Program for Antarctic Buoys. Along track observations of sea ice conditions Objectives Over the last three decades, ship-based visual observations of the state of the sea ice and its snow cover have been performed over all seasons and serve the best-available observational data set of Antarctic sea ice. The recordings follow the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Antarctic Sea Ice Processes and Climate (ASPeCt) protocol and include information on sea-ice concentration, sea-ice thickness and snow depth as well as sea-ice type, surface topography and floe size. Those data are combined with information about meteorological conditions like air temperature, wind speed and cloud coverage. This protocol is a useful method to obtain a broad range of characterization and documentation of different sea-ice states and specific features during the cruise. Work at sea Every full hour during steaming, the sea-ice observations were carried out by trained scientists. The observations follow the ASPeCt protocol (Worby, 1999), with a newly developed software following the ASPeCt standard and being provided on a notebook on the ship's bridge. For every observation, pictures were taken in three different directions. Date, time and position of the observation were obtained from the DSHIP system, along with standard meteorological data (current sea temperature, air temperature, true wind speed, true wind direction, visibility). The characterization of the ice conditions were then estimated by taking the average between observations to port side, ahead and to starboard side. Ice thicknesses of tilted floes were estimated by observing a stick attached to the ships starboard side. Preliminary results We performed hourly sea-ice observations as soon as we passed the first sea ice on 13 December 2014 at 60°22.0'S and 0°5.0'E. The ship left the sea-ice zone on 17 January 2015 at 68°01.0'S and 3°16.3'W. Over the 35 days, we did 214 individual observations. Sea-ice observations were skipped when the ship was stopped, for example at CTD stations and as long as we stayed in front of the shelf ice close to Neumayer III. The mean sea-ice concentration was calculated as 65.3% and the level sea-ice thickness to 0.9 m, which is comparable to the mode of EM-Bird measurements in the pack ice zone (see Chapter Fig. shows the variation of the sea-ice concentration and the sea-ice thickness along the cruise track. The sea-ice concentration varied between fully covered and open water in the polynya close to the shelf ice edge. Sea-ice thicknesses of up to 3 m were observed, but mostly it was between 0.7 m and 1.2 m on average. Fig. Example for pictures made to the portside, ahead and starboard showing different sea ice and weather conditions. Fig. Total sea-ice concentration and total level sea-ice thickness out of ASPeCt observations over travelled distance within the sea ice zone. Data management The visual sea-ice observations will be post-processed after the cruise and will be published together with the taken pictures in PANGAEA within two months after the cruise. References Worby AP (1999) Observing operating in the Antarctic sea ice: A practical guide for conducting sea ice observations from vessels operating in the Antarctic pack ice. Retrieval of satellite remote sensing data Objectives One goal of this part was to improve our ability to interpret synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of sea ice in order to gain additional knowledge about ice type composition and dynamical properties. From the combination of in-situ field measurements with coordinated satellite data acquisitions we aim to directly match both scales of observations. Based on the ASPeCt-Ship observations, additional photographic documentation and coordinate satellite acquisitions over field sites we plan to investigate the influence that ice properties might have on the received radar signal both for X-Band (TerraSAR-X) as well as for C-Band (Sentinel-1). A second goal was the coordinated acquisitions of TerraSAR-X images over buoy arrays deployed during the cruise to compare drift patterns of single buoys and the relative changes of distances between buoys with ice drift and deformation retrieved from a satellite image time series. This will help to validate the drift algorithms and contribute to the analysis of sea ice dynamics and deformation for larger areas at high spatial resolution. Work at sea During the cruise we acquired 12 TerraSAR-X scenes in total. Some of them were acquired for the purpose of ship navigation to further investigate the potential of Near-Real-Time data for supporting navigation of research vessels in the Polar Regions. The other images were acquired as complementary data source for stations or over the fast ice within one or two days. The acquired data is listed in Table Tab. Acquired TerraSAR-X Images during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2) Start Date/Time End Date/Time Sensor Polari- Comment Mode zation ---------------------- ---------------------- --------- ---------- -------------- 2014-12-10 19:55:44,44 10.12.2014 19:55:59,59 ScanSAR Single HH Test scene 2014-12-19 04:31:08,08 19.12.2014 04:31:27,27 ScanSAR Single HH Polarstern 2014-12-20 04:14:24,24 20.12.2014 04:14:33,33 Stripmap Single HH Ice station 2014-12-21 03:57:37,37 21.12.2014 03:57:51,51 ScanSAR Single HH Ice conditions 2014-12-25 20:21:34,34 25.12.2014 20:21:41,41 Stripmap Dual HH/VV Fast ice 2014-12-26 04:06:59,59 26.12.2014 04:07:06,06 Stripmap Single HH Fast ice 2015-01-01 03:58:31,31 01.01.2015 03:58:32,32 Spotlight Single HH Fast ice 2015-01-10 04:32:01,01 10.01.2015 04:32:15,15 ScanSAR Single HH Fast ice 2015-01-10 04:32:19,19 10.01.2015 04:32:36,36 ScanSAR Single HH Ice conditions 2015-01-14 20:55:38,38 14.01.2015 20:55:51,51 ScanSAR Single HH TSX+S-1 2015-01-15 20:38:39,39 15.01.2015 20:38:48,48 Stripmap Single HH No Polarstern 2015-01-17 20:04:32,32 17.01.2015 20:04:46,46 ScanSAR Single HH Polarstern The long stay at Atka Bay allowed us to acquire data in three different imaging modes in these regions, which are supplemented by the respective operationally acquired Sentinel-1 images in this area. For this purpose ESA provided us with the respective orbit plans for our cruise track. The long stay at Atka Bay might provide interesting possibilities for comparisons of different image products and detailed comparisons between C- and X- band. A list of acquired Sentinel-1 data is shown in Table The Sentinel-1 data were received using the Polarview portal for low-resolution images providing a general overview (resolution 375 x 375 m) and for special cases as processed jpeg2000 data from the EOS group at the AWI In preparation to the cargo operations at Neumayer III, Sentinel-1 images were provided for the AWI logistics. In contrast to the original plan we did not track the deployed buoy array. The adaption of the cruise plan and the lack of suitable ice conditions close to the adapted cruise track prevented the deployment of full buoy arrays suitable for studies of deformation. Since we had to return to Cape Town after directly after leaving the Atka Bay without crossing the Weddell Sea, we ordered fewer images than originally granted by DLR. Data management The TerraSAR-X data acquired during the cruise belongs to DLR. It will be available after the retention period via the electronic data catalogue of the DLR based on scientific proposals. The Sentinel-1 data acquired over Polarstern has been acquired by the European Space Agency (ESA) and is freely available for download from their Sentinel-1 Scientific Data Hub SciHub ( without any retention period since the day of acquisition. Tab. Acquired Sentinel-1 Images during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). All scenes were acquired in extra wide swath (EWS) mode with single HH polarization, and Polarstern was in the scene during acquisition. Start Date/Time End Date/Time ---------------- ---------------- 17.12.2014 19:59 17.12.2014 20:03 19.12.2014 19:44 19.12.2014 19:47 20.12.2014 20:23 20.12.2014 20:28 22.12.2014 20:07 22.12.2014 20:11 25.12.2014 20:31 25.12.2014 20:36 26.12.2014 21:12 26.12.2014 21:17 28.12.2014 20:56 28.12.2014 21:01 30.12.2014 20:40 30.12.2014 20:44 31.12.2014 21:20 31.12.2014 21:25 02.01.2015 21:04 02.01.2015 21:07 04.01.2015 20:48 04.01.2015 20:50 07.01.2015 21:12 07.01.2015 21:15 09.01.2015 20:56 09.01.2015 20:58 11.01.2015 20:40 11.01.2015 20:42 12.01.2015 21:21 12.01.2015 21:23 14.01.2015 21:04 14.01.2015 21:07 16.01.2015 20:48 16.01.2015 20:50 3.3 Biology 3.3.1 Sea ice ecology, pelagic food web and top predator studies Hauke Flores(1,2), Jan Andries van Franeker(3), (1)AWI Anton Van de Putte(4), Giulia Castellani(1), (2)UHH Fokje Schaafsma(3), Julia Ehrlich (2), (3)IMARES Martina Vortkamp(1), André Meijboom(3), (4)RBINS Bram Feij(5), Michiel van Dorssen(6) (5)NIOZ (6)van Dorssen Metaalbewerking Grant No: AWI-PS89_02 Objectives Sea ice ecology, pelagic food web and top predator studies during PS89 were a main contribution to the Sea Ice Physics and Ecology Study (SIPES). SIPES was designed as an inter-disciplinary field study focussing on the inter-connection of sea ice physics, sea ice biology, biological oceanography and top predator ecology. Pelagic food webs in the Antarctic sea ice zone can depend significantly on carbon produced by ice-associated microalgae. Future changes in Antarctic sea ice habitats will affect sea ice primary production and habitat structure, with unknown consequences for Antarctic ecosystems. Antarctic krill Euphausia superba and other species feeding in the ice-water interface layer may play a key role in transferring carbon from sea ice into the pelagic food web, up to the trophic level of birds and mammals (Flores et al. 2011, 2012). To better understand potential impacts of changing sea ice habitats for Antarctic ecosystems, the HGF Young Investigators Group Iceflux in cooperation with IMARES (Iceflux-NL), aim to quantify the trophic carbon flux from sea ice into the underice community and investigate the importance of sea ice in the support of living resources. This should be achieved by 1) quantitative sampling of the in-ice, under-ice and pelagic community in relation to environmental parameters; 2) using molecular and isotopic biomarkers to trace sea ice-derived carbon in pelagic food webs; 3) applying sea ice-ocean models to project the flux of sea ice-derived carbon into the under-ice community in space and time, and 4) studying the diet of sea ice-associated organisms. In the Southern Ocean, the exploitation of marine living resources and the conservation of ecosystem health are tightly linked to each other in the management framework of the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). Antarctic krill Euphausia superba is important in this context, both as a major fisheries resource, and as a key carbon source for Antarctic fishes, birds, and mammals. Similar to Antarctic krill, several abundant endothermic top predators have been shown to concentrate in pack-ice habitats in spite of low water column productivity (van Franeker et al. 1997). Investigations on the association of krill and other key species with under-ice habitats were complemented by systematic top predator censuses in order to develop robust statements on the impact of changing sea ice habitats on polar marine resources and conservation objectives. The evolutionary processes supported by gene flow and genetic selection interact with ecological processes as they overlap temporally to some extent. While gene flow has the tendency to homogenise populations, selective pressure may lead to population differentiation over evolutionary time scales. Throughout the life history of marine organisms dispersal and connectivity play crucial roles in short and long term survival, fitness and evolution. Connectivity and dispersal are the result of interacting environmental limitations and dispersal capacity, which is influenced by physical and biological processes. The physical processes relate to hydrodynamics (barriers such as the Antarctic Polar Front (APF), transport routes (through deep-water formation) and geographical features (e.g., shallow land bridge of the Scotia Arc (Arntz et al. 2005; Ingels et al. 2006)). Biological processes include behavior, life-history traits, trophic niche, size and other basic biological characteristics. The Southern Ocean forms a unique environment to study evolutionary patterns over different time scales. During this expedition fish and amphipods samples for molecular analysis were collected. These samples were used for Barcoding (species identification) and phylogeographic and population genetic work at RBINS. Work at sea SUIT sampling A Surface and Under-Ice Trawl (SUIT: van Franeker et al. 2009) was used to sample the pelagic fauna down to 2 m under the ice and in open surface waters. The SUIT had two nets, one 0.3 mm mesh plankton net and a 7 mm mesh shrimp net. During SUIT tows, data from the physical environment were recorded using a bio-environmental sensor array, e.g. water temperature, salinity, ice thickness, and multi-spectral light transmission. Seven SUIT deployments were completed along the 0° meridian from open waters into the closed pack-ice. Six hauls directed at the investigation of the vertical distribution of zooplankton in open waters were conducted near Atka Bay. On the return trajectory from Atka Bay to Cape Town, another 5 hauls were completed in the marginal ice zone and the open Ocean (see appendix Table 3.3.1A1). An overview of the sampling locations is given in Fig. Macrofauna samples from the SUIT shrimp net were sorted to the lowest possible taxonomic level. The catch was entirely preserved frozen (-20°C /-80°C), on ethanol (70%/100%), or on 4% formaldehyde/seawater solution, depending on analytical objectives. In euphausiids, the composition of size and sexual maturity stages was determined 48 hrs after initial preservation in formaldehyde solution. Pelagic sampling A Multiple opening Rectangular Midwater Trawl (M-RMT) was used to sample the pelagic community. During sampling, sampling depth, water temperature and salinity were recorded with a CTD probe attached to the bridle of the net. The standard sampling strata in offshore waters were 800-200 m, 200-50 m, and 50 m to surface. In the coastal waters near Atka Bay, sampling was conducted over the strata 200-100 m, 100-50 m, and 50 m to surface. We conducted 15 depth-stratified hauls with the M-RMT, each sampling 3 distinct depth layers. Five hauls were conducted between 57°S and 66°S on the 0° meridian (Station 18-30), 5 hauls were conducted near Atka Bay (Station 40-59), and 5 hauls were completed after leaving Atka Bay (Station 66-80; (Fig. The catch was sorted by depth stratum and taxon, and size measurements on euphausiids and fish larvae were performed in the analogous procedure described above for SUIT sampling. Polarstern's EK6O echosounder recorded the distribution of acoustic targets continuously during sailing. Our sampling frequencies were 38 kHz, 70 kHz, 120 kHz, and 200 kHz. During station work, the EK6O was switched off to minimize potential risks for marine mammals approaching the ship. All EK6O data were backed up on the ship's mass storage server. For biomarker analysis, Particulate Organic Matter (POM) was collected from filtered seawater obtained from the CTD rosette. Chlorophyll samples were filtered from CTD rosette water samples to calibrate fluorometers built in the ship's CTD, Polarstern's ferry box, and the SUIT's CTD (Table Fig. Overview of stations sampled by the biological sampling of SIPES during PS89. The dashed white line indicates the position of the ice edge at the beginning of the sampling period; the position of the ice edge at the end of the sampling is indicated by a continuous white line. The cruise track is shown as a light-grey line. Table Summary of CTD casts performed and water samples collected. ferry: water sample from inflow of the ship's FerryBox system Chl Date Time Station Gear Position Position Depth max Sampled Lat Lon [m] depth depths [m] [m] ---------- -------- ----------- ------------------------- ---------- --------- ------ ----- ------------------ 07.12.2014 18:04:00 PS89/0006-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 46°12.90'S 5°40.50'E 4831.2 60 15,24,60,100 08.12.2014 07:43:00 PS89/0007-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 47°40.28'S 4°15.22'E 4540.5 50 15,25,50,100 09.12.2014 14:51:00 PS89/0009-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 50°15.30'S 1°25.53'E 3892.5 75 15,50,75,100,ferry 10.12.2014 11:48:00 PS89/0011-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 52°28.72'S 0°0.06'W 2597.6 80 35,50,80,100 11.12.2014 15:13:00 PS89/0014-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 54°59.99'S 0°0.02'W 1704.9 50 25,50,75,100,ferry 12.12.2014 23:17:00 PS89/0019-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 58°0.08'S 0°0.12'E 4528.3 25 15,25,50,100,ferry 14.12.2014 16:50:00 PS89/0023-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 60°59.86'S 0°0.38'W 5393.2 45 15,45,50,100,ferry 16.12.2014 00:14:00 PS89/0026-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 62°59.37'S 0°0.36'E 5310.9 40 9,40,60,100,ferry 19.12.2014 02:05:00 PS89/0030-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 66°27.71'S 0°1.49'W 4500.2 30 15,30,50,100,ferry 21.12.2014 02:49:00 PS89/0033-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 68°0.03'S 0°1.26'W 4512.9 40 5,40,75,120,ferry 22.12.2014 12:15:00 PS89/0035-1 CTD/ice 69°0.14'S 0°4.03'E 50 22.12.2014 23:23:00 PS89/0036-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 69°0.61'S 0°1.62'W 3369.4 25 15,25,50,100,ferry 27.12.2014 11:00:00 PS89/0040-1 CTD/ice 70°5.27'S 7°57.52'W 50 29.12.2014 11:00:00 PS89/0040-3 CTD/ice 70°5.34'S 8°4.54'W 50 30.12.2014 10:50:00 PS89/0040-4 CTD/ice 70°5.27'S 7°57.52'W 50 03.01.2015 00:24:00 PS89/0042-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 70°34.46'S 9°3.33'W 467 20 15,20,50,100,ferry 03.01.2015 05:17:00 PS89/0040-11 CTD/rosette water sampler 70°31.40'S 7°57.72'W 232 60 15,30,60,100,ferry 04.01.2015 10:00:00 PS89/0046-1 CTD/ice 70°5.59'S 7°38.56'W 50 07.01.2015 22:17:00 PS89/0049-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 70°31.31'S 8°45.46'W 156 20 20,ferry 08.01.2015 04:14:00 PS89/0049-7 CTD/rosette water sampler 70°31.29'S 8°45.44'W 153 10 10,ferry 08.01.2015 09:12:00 PS89/0049-12 CTD/rosette water sampler 70°31.38'S 8°45.58'W 179.2 25 25 09.01.2015 21:06:00 PS89/0052-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 70°31.39'S 8°45.58'W 168 30 30,ferry 10.01.2015 00:09:00 PS89/0052-4 CTD/rosette water sampler 70°31.32'S 8°45.42'W 155 15 15,ferry 10.01.2015 04:12:00 PS89/0052-8 CTD/rosette water sampler 70°31.32'S 8°45.48'W 157 15 15,ferry 10.01.2015 08:04:00 PS89/0052-12 CTD/rosette water sampler 70°31.38'S 8°45.49'W 163 50 50,ferry 11.01.2014 19:11:00 PS89/0058-1 CTD/ice 70°30.80'S 8°43.93'W 50 16.01.2015 10:55:00 PS89/0066-2 CTD/rosette water sampler 69°0.31'S 6°59.19'W 2948.8 50 15,25,50,100,ferry 20.01.2015 07:41:00 PS89/0080-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 63°55.07'S 0°0.44'E 5210.2 25 15,25,50,100,ferry 21.01.2015 10:48:00 PS89/0081-1 CTD/rosette water sampler 61°0.02'S 0°0.13'E 5384.6 15 15,25,50,100,ferry Tab. Parameters of SUIT and M-RMT stations. SUIT under ice = stations where SUIT was trawled partly or entirely under ice; EcoRegion = broad biogeographical region: OW = open waters north of the ice edge; SIZ = Sea ice zone; Atka = shelf waters near Atka Bay STATION HAUL GEAR POSlat POSlon STRT_TRAWL END-TRAWL SUIT Eco Comment under Re- ice gion ----------- ---- ----- ------- ------ ---------- ---------- ----- ---- ---------------------------- PS89/0022-1 1 SUIT -60.384 0.093 14.12.2014 14.12.2014 NO OW 1st SUIT station of survey; 08:48 09:18 cable length only estimated visually PS89/0024-2 2 SUIT -61.985 0.030 15.12.2014 15.12.2014 YES SIZ Problem with oxenauge of 09:47 10:17 weight, weight has been pulled up between waypoint 011 and 012. Brown discolour- ation of ice visible. PS89/0027-6 3 SUIT -64.110 -0.046 17.12.2014 17.12.2014 NO SIZ 17:52 18:22 PS89/0029-1 4 SUIT -65.948 -0.040 18.12.2014 18.12.2014 YES SIZ 09:28 09:58 PS89/0030-4 'S SUIT -66.492 0.048 19.12.2014 19.12.2014 YES SIZ 14:09 14:49 PS89/0037-2 6 SUIT -68.977 -0.091 23.12.2014 23.12.2014 YES SIZ Got stuck, hauled in after 11:07 11:17 short time PS89/0038-1 7 SUIT -69.017 -0.818 23.12.2014 23.12.2014 YES SIZ SUIT lost due to broken cable 17:41 17:54 at 17:54,recovered, 1 cod end lost PS89/0053-2 8 SUIT -70.541 -8.941 10.01.2015 10.01.2015 NO Atka Large open water 'puddle' near 10:53 11:33 ice shelf. Surrounding ice . approx 2-3 thick but not close to trawl. PS89/0053-3 9 SUIT -70.538 -8.901 10.01.2015 10.01.2015 NO Atka Large open water 'puddle' near 23:08 23:39 ice shelf. Surrounding ice approx. 2-3 thick but not close to trawl. PS89/0059-1 10 SUIT -70.534 -8.819 12.01.2015 12.01.2015 NO Atka trawl in our puddle near ice 01:12 01:42 shelf. Surrounding ice approx. 2-3 thick approx. 300 m away. PS89/0059-3 11 SUIT -70.518 -8.790 12.01.2015 12.01.2015 NO Atka trawl in our puddle near ice 08:16 08:32 shelf. Surrounding seaice approx. 2-3 thick. PS89/0059-4 12 SUIT -70.516 -8.806 12.01.2015 12.01.2015 NO Atka trawl in our puddle near ice 12:42 13:11 shelf. Surrounding sea ice approx. 2-3 thick. PS89/0059-5 13 SUIT -70.531 -8.790 12.01.2015 12.01.2015 NO Atka trawl in our puddle near ice 20:06 20:41 shelf. Surrounding sea ice approx. 2-3 thick. PS89/0062-1 14 SUIT -69.462 -1.461 15.01.2015 15.01.2015 YES SIZ 10-20cm snow. Note that ice 15:35 16:11 conditions change from waypoint 115 onwards. PS89/0066-5 15 SUIT -69.027 -6.812 16.01.2015 16.01.2015 NO OW 17:27 17:57 PS89/0070-2 16 SUIT -68.259 -3.925 17.01.2015 17.01.2015 YES SIZ Lot of brown discolouration on 14:07 14:41 underside of ice. Peak weight on cable: 44 tons. 10-20 cm snow. PS89/0071-1 17 SUIT -68.203 -3.689 17.01.2015 17.01.2015 YES SIZ Lot of loose ice in between 16:36 17:06 floes, occasionally small open water leads. Note change in cable length. PS89/0080-4 18 SUIT -63.814 -0.009 20.01.2015 20.01.2015 NO OW Last SUIT station! 14:48 15:21 PS89/0018-1 M-RMT -57.44 0.11 12-12-2014 12-12-2014 NO OW 15:45 16:44 PS89/0025-1 M-RMT -62.35 -0.04 15-12-2014 15-12-2014 NO SIZ 14:42 15:12 PS89/0027-5 M-RMT -64.04 -0.07 17-12-2014 17-12-2014 NO SIZ 15:42 16:19 PS89/0029-3 M-RMT -66.02 0.05 18-12-2014 18-12-2014 YES SIZ 14:43 15:19 PS89/0030-2 M-RMT -66.45 -0.06 19-12-2014 19-12-2014 YES SIZ Voltage 316, current 0,02, 04:36 05:08 PS89/0040-2 M-RMT -70.53 -7.89 27-12-2014 27-12-2014 NO Atka next to iceedge, Neumayer 11:29 11:35 PS89/0043-1 M-RMT -70.46 -8.31 03-01-2015 03-01-2015 NO Atka 13:46 13:51 PS89/0053-1 M-RMT -70.54 -8.91 10-01-2015 10-01-2015 NO Atka 09:20 09:26 PS89/0059-2 M-RMT -70.53 -8.81 12-01-2015 12-01-2015 NO Atka 03:02 03:06 PS89/0059-6 M-RMT -70.53 -8.78 12-01-2015 12-01-2015 NO Atka 23:15 23:19 PS89/0062-2 M-RMT -69.47 -10.44 15-01-2015 15-01-2015 YES SIZ Bucket between the nets, all RMT 17:49 18:19 8 nets not complete open, RMTI0k PS89/0066-4 M-RMT -69.02 -6.94 16-01-2015 16-01-2015 NO OW 15:33 16:08 PS89/0070-1 M-RMT -68.25 -3.95 17-01-2015 17-01-2015 YES SIZ Net 3 didn*t released (not in the 11:43 12:13 water and not on deck) PS89/0079-1 M-RMT -65.83 0.05 19-01-2015 19-01-2015 NO OW net not released 11:01 11:37 PS89/0080-3 M-RMT -63.89 0 20-01-2015 20-01-2015 NO OW net 1 open in to the water, it 12:08 13:36 fished from 0- 800 and from 800- 200m depth Sea ice work Our sea ice work was conducted in close collaboration with the AWI sea ice physics group (M. Nicolaus & S. Schwegmann). A total of 8 sea ice stations were sampled during PS89, of which 2 were completed during the southward passage on the 0° meridian (Table The majority of stations (6) focused on the landfast ice of the Atka Bay (Fig. Depending on time availability and weather conditions, the following sampling procedure was completed during sea ice stations: a) We conducted measurements of the under-ice light field using a RAMSES sea ice well away from the drilling hole. At each L-arm site, a bio-optical core was taken straight above one RAMSES measurement point. Additional bio-optical cores were sampled above RAMSES measurement points along ROV transects of the sea ice physics group. b) Various ice cores were taken for analysis of physical, biogeochemical and biological properties: Archive, texture, salinity and chlorophyll a content, particulate organic matter (POM) for biomarker analysis, sea ice infauna, and DNA (eukaryote microbial communities). At each coring site, snow depth, ice thickness and freeboard were noted. c) We lowered a CTD probe equipped with a fluorometer through a coring hole down to 50 m depth, thus obtaining vertical profiles of temperature, salinity and chlorophyll a content in the upper 50 m under the sea ice. d) We collected under-ice waterforthe analysis of the phytoplankton and microzooplankton composition and DNA sequencing with a handheld Kemmerer water sampler lowered to approximately 1 m under the ice. e) At several ice stations in the Atka Bay, an in-situ pump was used to sample zooplankton from the platelet ice layer under the coastal fast-ice. f) In collaboration with Melchior Gonzales-Davila and Magdalena Santana-Casiano we collected additional water samples for carbonate studies at depths of 20 m, 15 m, 10 m,7 m,5 m,3 m, and l m under the ice. Archive and texture cores were stored in the ship's -20°C storage room and transported back to AWI Retained sections of all other cores were carefully melted at 4°C in the ship's temperature-controlled laboratory container. In bio-optical cores, the bottom 10 cm were separated from the rest of the core, and both retained sections were processed for chlorophyll a content in order to determine the relationship of ice algal biomass with the under-ice spectral light properties. Additionally, subsamples from the melted bio-optical core sections were taken for pigment analysis (HPLC), POM, and microscopic analysis. Ice cores for salinity and chlorophyll a content were cut in 10 cm pieces to construct vertical profiles of these parameters. In cores for POM, sea ice infauna and DNA analysis, 10 cm sections from the bottom, the top and the inner part of the core were retained for sample collection. 200 ml filtered sea water per cm core section were added to melting sections of sea ice infauna cores. Filters for POM and pigment analysis obtained from melted ice core sections and water samples were frozen at -80°C. Microscopy samples from bio-optical cores, under-ice microzooplankton and sea ice infauna were stored at 2°C on 4% formaldehyde/seawater solution. Tab. List of the ice stations sampled, and number of ice cores taken at each sampling site. For each ice station it is specified if there have been conducted under ice radiation mesurements (L-arm), under-ice water sampling, under-ice zooplankton sampling by using a self-constructed pump (Pump), water column sampling for CO2 and pH measurements (CO2 samples) and under-ice CTD profiles. Ice stations 32-1 and 35-1 were sampled on drifting sea ice floes, whereas stations 40-1 to 58-1 were sampled on fast ice in Atka Bay Stn Position Date N° of L-arm Water Pump CO2 CTD N° cores Samp. Samp. ---- ---------- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- --- 32-1 67°34.66'S 20.12.2014 14 YES NO NO NO NO 0° 8.86'E 35-1 69°0.82'S 22.12.2014 11 YES YES NO YES YES 0°4.03'E 40-1 70°31.60'S 27.12.2014 8 YES NO NO NO YES 7°57.52'W 40-3 70°32.03'S 29.12.2014 2 NO YES YES YES YES 8° 4.54'W 40-4 70°31.60'S 30.12.2014 0 NO YES YES YES YES 7°57.52'W 40-5 70°31.45'S 31.12.2014 3 YES NO NO NO NO 7°58.83'W 46-1 70°33.54'S 04.01.2015 10 YES YES YES YES YES 7°38.56'W 58-1 70°30.80'S 11.01.2015 7 NO NO YES NO YES 8°43.93W Tab. List of ice cores taken during PS89, with relative position on the ice floe (see Nicolauset al., this volume), and corresponding spectral, measurement site (Marker) Station N° LABEL POSITION MARKER ---------- --------------- -------- ------ 32-1 PS89/32-1-OPT-1 (-32-20) L-arm PS89/32-1-OPT-2 (-23-16) M37 PS89/32-1-OPT-3 (-14-9) M33 PS89/32-1-OPT-4 (-7-4) M32 PS89/32-1-OPT-5 (-41-42) M31 PS89/32-1-LSI-1 (-41-42) L-arm PS89/32-1-LSI-2 (41,42) L-arm PS89/32-1-DNA (-41-42) L-arm PS89/32-1-MEI-1 (-41-42) L-arm PS89/32-1-MEI-2 (-41-42) L-arm PS89/32-1-DEN (-41-42) L-arm PS89/32-1-ARC (-41-42) L-arm PS89/32-1-TEX (-41-42) L-arm PS89/32-1-SAL (-22,11) L-arm 35-1 PS89/35-1-OPT-1 (-17,23) Coring PS89/35-1-OPT-2 (-22,ii) M6 PS89/35-1-LSI-i (-22,ii) Coring PS89/35-1-LSI-2 (-22,ii) Coring PS89/35-1-DNA (-22,ii) Coring PS89/35-1-MEI-1 (-22,11) Coring PS89/35-1-MEI-2 (-22,11) Coring PS89/35-1-DEN (-22,11) Coring PS89/35-1-ARC (-22,11) Coring PS89/35-1-TEX (-22,11) Coring PS89/35-1-SAL (-35,13) Coring 40-1 PS89/40-1-BIO-1 (31,9) Cores+L-arm PS89/40-1-BIO-2 (-35,13) M30m PS89/40-1-LSI (-35,13) Cores+L-arm PS89/40-1-MEI (-35,13) Cores+L-arm PS89/40-1-DEN (-35,13) Cores+L-arm PS89/40-1-ARC (-35,13) Cores+L-arm PS89/40-1-TEX (-35,13) Cores+L-arm PS89/40-1-SAL - Cores+L-arm 40-3 PS89/40-3-MEI-1 - - PS89/40-3-MEI-2 - - 40-5 PS89/40-5-OPT - - PS89/40-5-MEI (-44-61) - 46-1 PS89/46-1-OPT-1 (-44-61) L-arm+Cores PS89/46-1-LSI-1 (-44-61) L-arm+Cores PS89/46-1-LSI-2 (-44-61) L-arm+Cores PS89/46-1-DNA (-44-61) L-arm+Cores PS89/46-1-MEI-1 (-44-61) L-arm+Cores PS89/46-1-MEI-2 (-44-61) L-arm+Cores PS89/46-1-SED (-44-61) L-arm+Cores PS89/46-1-ARC (-44-61) L-arm+Cores PS89/46-1-TEX (-44-61) L-arm+Cores PS89/46-1-SAL (41,42) L-arm+Cores Top predator censuses During steaming of the ship, surveys of top predators (all marine birds and mammals) were made from open observation posts installed on the monkey-deck. Standard band transect survey methods were applied, in time blocks of 10 minutes with snapshot methodology for birds in flight, and additional line-transect methods for marine mammals. In addition to the ship-based surveys, helicopters were used for further band-transect censuses in sea ice areas. Flights were conducted at the standard seal survey altitude of 300 ft and speeds of 60 to 80 knots. For unbiased sampling, surveys followed pre-determined straight transect lines to a maximum of 50 nautical miles away from the ship, with parallel outward and return tracks separated by at least 8 nautical miles. Helicopter counts were made in units of approximately 2 to 3 minutes flying time, identified by waypoints made on GPS. Bandwidth used in both ship based and aerial surveys was mostly 300 m (150 m to both sides of transect line), but was adapted according to conditions. Densities of top predators were calculated from the number of densities of birds, seals and whales were then translated into food requirements using well established allometric formulas to calculate species-specific daily energy requirements. Energy requirements were translated to fresh food requirements using an energetic value of 4.5 KJ per gram fresh weight of food. For further methodological details see van Franeker et al. (1997). Data for the purpose of this cruise report could be analysed only for the southward leg to Neumayer III, 2 to 25 December. During this southward leg, 771 ship-based 10 minute counts were made, representing a survey surface of 688.6 km2. Due to frequently poor weather conditions, only three helicopter surveys were made in the ice areas, with a total of 113 waypoint blocks representing a surveyed area of 179.1 km2. Results from ship- and helicopter surveys were combined in the analyses, resulting in 884 count units representing a surface area of 867.7 km2. On the return voyage to Cape Town at least a similar number of ship based observations has been made, but no additional helicopter surveys. Flying over denser sea ice was not possible due to a technical problem of Polarstern, preventing ship support in case of helicopter problems in dense sea ice sectors. In addition to the at-sea density surveys of marine top predators, we conducted an aerial photographic survey of the emperor penguin colony in Atka Bay. The colony was not overflown. Instead, side angle photographs were taken from helicopter at 1,000 ft altitude, circling the colony at a radial distance of about 1,500 m from the concentration of birds. Photographs were analysed using the ITAG software produced by Sacha Viquerat. Fig. Example of environmental data profiles obtained from the SUIT's sensor array at station 30-4. Preliminary results SUIT sampling SUIT sensors data. From the 18 SUIT hauls, 10 were conducted in open water, and 8 were conducted under various types of sea ice, including shattered ice floes in the marginal ice zone north of Atka Bay. Bio-environmental profiles were obtained from each SUIT haul (Fig. The average ice coverage of the under-ice hauls was 90%. Preliminary mean ice draft calculated based on pressure measurements of the SUIT's CTD ranged between 8 cm in the marginal ice zone, and 246 cm in heavy sea ice of the Coastal Current (Fig. C). The surface layer salinity increased towards the south. Near Atka Bay, the salinity was highly variable, which was possibly related to tidal currents. In a first analysis of surface chlorophyll-a content, a characteristic pattern of ice-free regions compared to ice-covered regions could not be identified. More insight on the biological productivity of the system, however, can be expected as soon as spectral data from the SUIT's RAMSES sensor can be related to the chlorophyll a content of sea ice derived from our L-arm measurements and associated ice core sampling. SUIT catch composition. The catch from the 7 mm mesh shrimp net was counted and sorted on board. Fig. A & B show an overview of the species found in the open water and underice hauls on the incoming and returning trajectories to and from Atka bay. In the first open water station, biomass was low and dominated by appendicularians. In ice-covered waters the catch was dominated by the euphausiids Euphausia superba and Thysanoessa macrura, and amphipods of the genus Eusirus. The latter where mainly E. laticarpus and E. microps, except in station 80-4, where E. tridentatus was found. In general species diversity was low compared to 2007/2008, when the open water and under ice surface layer was also investigated in this area (Flores et al. 2011). Euphausia superba shows an increased abundance at stations with thicker ice (Fig. C). Fig. D shows the mean properties of the sea water during trawling. Fig. SUIT catch, sea ice and under-ice water properties during trawling. A) Catch composition per station in percentage of total abundance. B) Abundance of major taxa at each SUIT station. C) Sea ice properties during SUIT hauls. The percentage of the haul that was conducted under ice is shown in grey bars. White bars represent the average ice draft during the haul. D) Mean surface water properties during each haul. Near Atka Bay, the surface layer community was sampled over a 24 hour period to see if there were differences in the occurrence of macrofauna in the surface layer at different times of the day. In general the biomass in Atka Bay was very low (Fig. Although also caught in the morning, E. superba seemed to be more abundant at night. All other species however were coming to the surface only at night time. These species included Euphausia crystallorophias, which is a known coastal species, Eusirus spp., fish larvae and polychaetes. Fig. Abundance of major taxa in the 0-2 m surface layer in Atka Bay per time period. The hauls at time periods 10:00 -12:00 hour and 22:00 - 24:00 hour were conducted on 101 January, while the others were conducted on the 121. Time periods underlain in grey were not sampled. The length frequency distribution of E. superba was analysed at the five stations completed along the southbound transect on the 0° meridian (Fig. Three stations were dominated by juveniles with a modal length around 20 mm. Stations 24-2 and 38-1 where dominated by sub-adults with mean lengths of 31 and 34 mm. This is similar to the length distribution of 2007/2008 (Flores et al. 2012). The catch from station 38-1 also included larval krill (stage furcilia VI). This stage is often found in winter-early spring. There are, however, other studies that have found late stage furcilia in January and even until May (Marr 1962; Melnikov & Spiridonov 1996; Daly 2004). RMT sampling We completed in total 15 M-RMT hauls, mostly in close proximity to SUIT sampling locations (Fig. One haul had to be excluded from analysis due to entanglement of the net. At station 79, depth-stratified sampling was irregular due to malfunctioning of the release mechanism. Technical failure further precluded the analysis of 4 of the 39 remaining net samples (Fig., Fig. In this report we present preliminary data on macrozooplankton and micronekton collected by the RMT-8 nets. Data on siphonophores and chaetognaths were not included in this preliminary analysis. Macrozooplankton communities. On the 0° meridian, cumulative macrozooplankton abundances in any of the 3 depth layers sampled were below 25 ind. 1,000 m-3 at stations north of 65°S. The highest M-RMT catch abundances of this survey (more than 250 ind. 1000 m-3) were obtained in the surface layer at Station 29, south-west of Maud Rise (Fig., Fig. South of 62°S, the macrozooplankton species composition was dominated by the euphausiid Thysanoessa macrura. Other abundant taxa were siphonophores and chaetognaths (both not quantified), pteropods, amphipods and fish larvae. Antarctic krill Euphausia superba was surprisingly rare, its abundances ranging clearly below 2 ind. 1,000 m-3 in any of the 3 depth layers sampled (Fig. The size of T macrura ranged from 7 to 30 mm, with modes at 9 mm in juveniles, 18 mm in males, and 21 mm infernales (Fig. Fig. Length frequency and stage distribution of Euphausia superba per station in percentage of numbers of individuals measured Fig. Taxonomic composition and macrozooplankton abundance in M-RMT catches during the 0° meridian transect towards Neumayer III. The macrozooplankton community was sampled at 3 different depth layers. For figure legend refer to Fig. Fig. Taxonomic composition and macrozooplankton abundance in M-RMT catches near Atka Bay. The macrozooplankton community was sampled at 3 different depth layers. For figure legend refer to Near Atka Bay, the macrozooplankton community was dominated by ice krill Euphausia crystallorophias. Peak abundances occurred both in the surface layer (Station 43: 45 ind. 1,000 m-3), and in the 100-200 m depth layer (Station 59-2: 91 ind. 1000 m-3) (Fig. These 2 stations were also the only stations at which low numbers of Antarctic krill were caught. At the other 3 stations, cumulated macrozooplankton abundances were well below 10 ind. 1000 m-3 in any depth stratum (Fig. There was a marked difference in the size distribution of E. crystallorophias caught in the 0-50 m surface layer at Station 43 versus the 100-200 m depth layer at Station 59. In the surface layer, the size composition was bimodal, with juveniles peaking at 19 mm and females at 30 mm. In the 100-200 m depth layer, the size composition was dominated by males, with a mode at 25 mm (Fig. C, D). These vertical differences in the size distribution of ice krill were in line with similar observations made during PS82 in the Filchner region. After leaving the Atka Bay area, 5 M-RMT stations were completed during the northbound transition to and on the 0° meridian. Unfortunately, only 3 of those stations were fully suitable for quantitative analysis due to technical problems during 2 hauls. Overall macrozooplankton abundances and species composition were similar to the catches during the southbound transect on the 0° meridian (Fig. Thysanoessa macrura was again dominating in terms of abundance, and exhibited a similar size distribution (Fig., Fig. B). Station 79 and 80 were conducted at almost identical locations to Stations 29 and 27, respectively, during the southbound transect at the beginning of the expedition. Interestingly, the pattern of low abundances in the northern stations (27/80) versus high abundances in the southern stations (29/79) was confirmed during the return transect on the 0° meridian (Fig., Fig. Taxonomic composition and macrozooplankton abundance in M-RMT catches on the northbound leg after leaving the Atka Bay area. The macrozooplankton community was sampled at 3 different depth layers. The vertical distribution of three euphausiid species in open and ice covered waters was investigated using SUIT and M-RMT data (Fig. E. superba was most abundant in the surface layer under ice. In deeper layers, abundances were generally low. T macrura was more abundant in deeper waters, especially in the upper 200 meters, with slightly higher abundances in ice-covered waters. These results are consistent with the results of 2007/2008 (Flores et al. 2012), demonstrating that abundances of Antarctic krill in the ice-water interface layer often far exceed integrated abundances of the 0-200 m layer. E. ctystallorophias was mostly found in low numbers nearAtka bay. The highest abundance of this species was caught between 100 and 200 meter depth. Fig. Size composition of Thysanoessa macrura in the sea ice zone on the southbound 0° meridian and the northbound leg after leaving the Atka Bay area, and the size composition of Euphausia crystallorophias at different depth layers at 2 stations near Atka Bay. Fig. Comparison of three euphausiid species sampled at different depth strata in open and ice-covered waters. Note the different scales in the Thysanoessa macrura plots. ICE = ice-covered SUIT stations and corresponding M-RMT stations; OW = open water SUIT stations and corresponding M-RMT stations Larval Fish. In oceanic waters, larval stages of Electrona antarctica and Notelepis coatsi were caught frequently, while Bathylagus antarcticus larvae were caught infrequently. In coastal waters, icefish (Channichthyidae) larvae and unidentified Nototheniids were caught occasioanally. Larval stages of E. antarctica showed peaks at 13 and 25 mm length (Fig. Post-metamorphic and adults stages were also present but without displaying a clear pattern. This is likely due to the small number of these stages that were caught. N. coatsi covered a wide range from 12 up to 73 mm lengths, but most of them were between 28 and 43 mm in size. In coastal waters, the icefish and the unidentified Notothen showed similar size ranges peaking around 19 and 22 mm, respectively (Fig. Fig. Length-frequency distribution of the most frequent oceanic fish, Electrona antarctica, Notolepis coatsi and Bathylagus antarcticus caught during PS89 Fig. Length-frequency distribution of the most frequent coastal fish, Channychtid and Nototheniid fish larvae caught during PS89 Samples for Gene ticAnalysis. Samples of amphipods, fish and other zooplankton were collected for further genetic analysis and will be integrated with other on-going efforts to collect samples of fish and amphipods around the Southern Ocean in order to perform phylogeographic and population genetic analyses (Table Tab. Overview of samples collected for molecular Analysis 100% Ethanol Frozen -20 Frozen -80° Total ------------ ---------- ----------- ----- Amphipods 171 171 Amphipod sp. 1 1 Cyllopus lucasi 9 9 Eusiruslaticarpus 54 54 Eusirus microps 10 10 Eusirusspp. 31 31 Hyperiella sp. 10 10 Hyperoche sp. 1 1 Primno macropa 53 53 Themisto gaudichaudii 1 1 Fish 92 84 46 222 Bathylagus antarcticus 9 3 5 17 Channichthydae spp. 6 6 Electrona antarctica 16 25 32 73 Gymnoscophelus nicholsi 1 1 Gymnoscophelussp. 3 3 Myctophidae spp. 44 44 Notolepis coatsi 54 8 9 71 Notothenioid 1 1 Sea ice work The sampled ice stations presented a very high variability in the majority of site parameters (Table Ice thickness varied between ca 70 cm in sea ice on the 0° meridian, and more than 3 m in coastal fast ice at Atka Bay. The snow conditions were also highly variable, ranging from bare ice to more than 1 m snow cover. Thick snow cover was associated with negative freeboard (see stations 40-3, 40-5, and 48-1). Fig. shows the typical coring grid taken at sites where also under-ice light measurements were performed. Fig. Image of a typical coring grid taken at the L-arm site. The core hole on the right side was used to deploy the sensors attached to a L-arm underneath the ice. The ice cores were taken at the centre of the square in which the light measurements are performed. Picture by André Majboom (IMARES). Tab. List of mean physical properties of the sampled ice for each sea ice station. The last 2 columns give information on the presence of a surface algae layer in the core holes and on the presence of (or signs of the presence of) platelet ice. Stn H (m) H(snow) T (°C) Salinity Freeboard Algae Platelet (cm) (psu) (cm) Layer Ice ---- ----- ------- ------ -------- --------- ----- -------- 32-1 1.21 18 -1.73 11.65 6 NO NO 35-1 0.73 6 -1.66 9.28 7 NO NO 40-1 2.05 17 -2.73 9.04 8 YES YES 40-3 3.51 119 - - -11 NO YES 40-4 - - - - - - - 40-5 1.93 56 -2.1 - -14 NO YES 46-1 1.12 30 -1.24 10.19 -2 NO NO 58-1 2.34 0 - - 26 NO Signs Tab. 3.3.1 lists the number of ice cores taken for the physical, biogeochemical and biological analysis. High variability was also seen in the vertical profiles of in-ice temperature (Fig. and salinity (Fig. The stations in Atka Bay were characterized by the presence of platelet ice or by visible indications at the bottom of the ice cores that there had been platelet ice which was flushed away by the tidal movement of the water, or by the ship's propellers nearby. The only exception is station 46-1, where the ice was melting at the bottom, as was also evident from the temperature profile in Fig. In general, the stations in Atka Bay appeared to host higher biomass in the ice, visible by a brownish layer at the bottom of the cores, compared to the stations taken on ice sea floes. Further detailed analysis on sea-ice biogeochemistry and biological properties in the laboratory at AWI will give a complete picture on the sea-ice biomass. Tab. List of ice cores taken at each ice station for the analysis of physical (textureTEX, Salinity-SAL, Sediment-SED), biogeochemical and biological analysis (Meiofauna-MEIO, DNA) Stn BIO- LSI DNA MEIO SED ARC TEX SAL N° OPT --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- 32-1 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 35-1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 40-1 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 40-3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 40-4 - - - - - - - - 40-5 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 46-1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 58-1 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 The CTD profiles (Fig. provided information on the water characteristics at the ice stations. The variability in the physical properties of the top 50 m of the water column resembled the high variability already found in the sea ice physical properties of sea ice. The sampling site of Station 40-1 was re-visited 4 days later (Station 40-4). At Station 40-1, the CTD profile showed a clear stratification in the upper about 18 m, where the uncalibrated chlorophyll a content reached levels of about 12 mg m-3 (Fig. B). At the same spot four days later, no stratification was apparent, and chlorophyll a concentrations remained generally below 0.5 Mg m3 (Fig. D). This pronounced difference in the vertical structure of the underlying water may have been related to the tidal movement of waters. This result highlights the high variability of the Atka Bay sea ice system, not only on a spatial scale, but also on a temporal scale. At most stations we performed under-ice light field measurements. The high variability of the sampled places offers the possibility to study light transmission through ice of different types and thicknesses as well as through different snow covers. This will help to parameterize the under-ice radiation in relation to different sea-ice physical conditions and, once the further analysis on the chlorophyll a will be completed, with different biomass content. Fig. Temperature vertical profiles in the ice for stations 32-1, 35-1 (dashed line) on the ice floes and for stations 40-1, 40-5 and 46-1 (full line) on the fast ice. Fig. Salinity vertical profiles in the ice for stations 1, 2 (dashed line) on the ice floes and for stations 40-1, 40-5 and 46-1 (full line) on the fast ice Fig. CTD profiles in the 50 m water column under the ice at ice stations Top predator censuses Transect census. The southward leg of PS89 (ANT-XXX/2) was rather unusual in its pattern of food requirements of the top predators. In most earlier transects in this region, it was observed that birds, seals and whales had food requirements in ice covered waters that were much higher than in the open water further north. The background relates to a mix of increased numbers of individuals, larger sizes, and species restricted to life in sea ice. In the observations on this voyage, this pattern still holds for birds and seals. Fig. A shows that flying seabirds, mainly tubenosed species, concentrated in the area of the Antarctic Polar Front around 49 to 50°S. Near and in the ice, penguins take over, with chinstrap penguins Pygoscelis antarctica in the outer zone, and Adélie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae and emperor penguins Aptenodytes forsteri further south. Apart from incidental fur seals Arctocephalus gaze/la in open waters, the crabeater seal Lobodon carcinophagus dominated in the sea ice. It concentrated in the far south but had remarkably low densities in the apparently suitable sea ice between 59°S and 64°S (Fig. B). The overall picture of food requirements of top predators on this voyage (Fig. C) was however dominated by larger whale species such as the fin whale Balaenoptera physalus and the humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae. Far north, these were rather incidental but influential observations, but just north of the ice edge observations became more regular. Deeper in the ice, the usually fairly abundant Antarctic minke whale Balaenoptera bonaerensis was not seen very frequently. The overall impression of top predator abundance in the sea ice was that it was relatively low compared to observations on earlier Polarstern cruises, but more detailed comparisons must await further analysis, including the data of the northward leg in mid-January, when the ice edge was positioned far south around 68°S. Data from that return trip have not been analysed yet, but the general impression is that abundances were still fairly low in denser sea ice. However, in the outer rim of the sea ice and north of it, whales were abundant, with both the Antarctic minke whale and several blue whales Balaenoptera musculus seen feeding around the ice edge, where also the SUIT net made its highest catches of Antarctic krill under the ice. Humpback whales were seen frequently over large parts of the zones that had been covered by sea ice in December. Emperor Penguin colony census. On December 30, aerial photographs were made of the emperor penguin colony in Atka Bay near Neumayer Station III (Fig. Preliminary counts of the photos sum up to approximately 3,200 chicks and 500 adults being present, with an additional presence of 22 Adélie penguins in adult plumage, apparently prospecting for breeding locations, which however are unavailable in the area. The number of emperor penguin chicks was much lower than made from a similar photo survey on 14 Dec 2007, when nearly 11,000 chicks and over 1,000 adults were counted. The lower number of chicks in the seasonally somewhat later 2014 survey cannot be explained by fledging of chicks. Only two fledged chicks were observed near the edge of the fast ice in 2014. In 2007, larger numbers of fledglings were seen only by mid-January. Reproductive success of Emperor penguin colonies is known to be extremely variable and dependent on winter weather, and position of the fastice edge during different critical phases of the breeding cycle. Undoubtedly, food availability will also vary and may have been low in this season or parts of it. Concluding remarks Based on the net catches, the area surveyed was characterized by low zooplankton abundances compared to earlier expeditions. The mere absence of Antarctic krill from pelagic M-RMT samples on the 0° meridian was remarkable. However, the well-known patchiness of zooplankton distribution in combination with the low number of net hauls accomplished during this expedition precludes any large-scale generalisation of this observation. Elevated abundances of juvenile Antarctic krill were only encountered in the ice-water interface layer, confirming earlier findings from the same region suggesting that Antarctic krill is often more abundant under sea ice than in the epipelagic layer. Patterns in top predator distribution resembled those of zooplankton, with elevated abundances of whales associated with relatively high under-ice krill abundances in the marginal ice zone on the northbound leg. Sea ice habitat properties evidently had a decisive impact on the distribution of animals in the investigation area. The high variability of sea ice properties found during our ice station work suggests that km-scale measurements of sea ice properties, such as those performed with SUIT, can be valuable in capturing this variability at more appropriate spatial scales. Fig. Food requirement of top predators averaged by degree of latitude and in relation to average sea ice cover (884 ship based and aerial counts, 4-25 December 2014, Cape Town to Neumayer, largely following the 0° meridian). A. birds, B. birds and seals, C. birds, seals and whales. Fig. Overview of the emperor penguin colony on the fast ice in Atka Bay, with Neumayer Station III visible in the back (A). On the right (B), the first of the five aerial photographs used to count the number of chicks and adults in the colony. Based on details on the pictures, the drawn line shows the separation between counts of different photographs. Data management Almost all sample processing will be carried out in the home laboratories at AWI, IMARES and RBINS. This may take up to three years depending on the parameters as well as analytical methods (chemical measurements and species identifications and quantifications). As soon as the data are available they will be accessible to other cruise participants and research partners on request. Metadata will be shared at the earliest convenience; data will be published depending on the finalization of PhD theses and publications. Metadata will be submitted to PANGAEA, the Antarctic Master Directory (including the Southern Ocean Observation System), the Antarctic Biodiversity Portal, and will be open for external use. References Arntz WE, Thatje S, Gerdes D, Gui JIM, Gutt J, Jacob U, Montiel A, Orejas C, Teixido N (2005) The Antarctic-Magellan connection: macrobenthos ecology on the shelf and upper Slope, a progress report. Scientia Marina 69:237-269. Daly KL (2004) Overwintering growth and development of larval Euphausia superba: an interannual comparison under varying environmental conditions west of the Antarctic Peninsula, Deep-Sea Research Part 1151:2139-2168. Flores H, Van Franeker JA, Siegel V, Haraldsson M, Strass V, Meesters EHWG, Bathmann U, Wolff WJ (2012) The association of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba with the under-ice habitat. PloS one 7:e31775. Flores H, Van Franeker JA, Cisewski B, Leach H, Van de Putte AP, Meesters EHWG, Bathmann U, Wolff WJ (2011) Macrofauna under sea ice and in the open surface layer of the Lazarev Sea, Southern Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58:1948-1961. Ingels J, Vanhove S, De Mesel I, Vanreusel A (2006) The biodiversity and biogeography of the free-living nematode genera Desmodora and Desmodorella (family Desmodoridae) at both sides of the Scotia Arc. Polar Biology 29:936-949. van Franeker JA, Bathmann U, Mathot S (1997) Carbon fluxes to Antarctic top predators. Deep-Sea Research 11 44:435-455. van Franeker JA, Flores H, Van Dorssen M (2009) The Surface and Under Ice Trawl (SUIT), in: Flores, H. (Ed.), Frozen Desert Alive - The Role of Sea Ice for Pelagic Macrofauna and its Predators. PhD thesis. University of Groningen, pp. 181-188. Marr J (1962) The natural history and geography of the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana). Discovery Reports 32:37- 444. Melnikov IA, Spiridonov VA (1996) Antarctic krill under perennial sea ice in the western Weddell Sea. Antarctic Science 8(4):323-329. 3.3.2 Cetaceans in ice Sacha Viquerat, Steve Geelhoed, Nicole ITAW Janinhoff, Shannon McKay, Sebastian Müller, Hans Verdaat not on board: Helena Herr, Ursula Siebert Grant No: AWI-PS89_03 Objectives Our work during this expedition was conducted as part of a project investigating the relationship of cetaceans and sea ice, aiming at density estimates in sea ice covered areas (,,Modellierungen zu Populationsgrößen und räumlicher Verteilung von Zwergwalen im antarktischen Packeis auf der Grundlage von See- und luftgestützten Tiersichtungen; Förderkennzeichen 2811 HSOO2"). Knowledge on the density, distribution and habitat use of cetaceans in the Antarctic is comparably limited. Until today it is unknown to what extent cetaceans use the ice covered waters, though these waters are thought to play an important role in the sea-ice ecosystem and thus to contribute largely to biodiversity in this habitat. Knowledge on cetacean densities in relation to sea ice concentrations is central for understanding impacts of climate change on the Antarctic marine ecosystem as well as for Southern Ocean ecosystem management, including the conservation and management mandate of the International Whaling Commission (IWC). Especially, but not only, data on Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) distribution in ice covered areas of Antarctica are urgently needed and requested by the IWC, as current abundance estimates of cetaceans in Antarctic waters are based on assessments conducted up to the marginal ice zone only. Without surveying for whales across the ice zone it is almost impossible to estimate their entire population sizes (both inside and outside of the ice) and how changes in climate and increasing human presence around the Antarctic will impact on whale populations in the coming decades. Aerial surveys are currently the preferred method for obtaining quantitative data on cetacean occurrence in pack ice regions. Regional estimates of cetacean densities in selected areas of varying sea ice concentrations may allow to compare boundaries and magnitudes of abundances of cetaceans, both inside and outside of the sea ice region and provide valuable information in order to account for potential biases in current abundance estimates. By means of dedicated cetacean sighting surveys, our project aims to contribute to base line data on cetacean occurrence and abundance, especially of Antarctic minke whales in selected areas of the Antarctic. Therefore we conduct aerial as well as ship-based cetacean sighting surveys following standard line-transect distance sampling methodology to obtain estimates of density for selected cetacean species with a special focus on Antarctic minke whales. In addition behavioural observations investigate response behaviour of cetaceans towards vessels in Antarctic waters. Work at sea We conducted dedicated cetacean sighting surveys, using the crow's nest (shipboard survey) and the on-board helicopters (aerial survey) as survey platforms. The same general methodology applied during aerial surveys and ship based surveys. Priority was given to the aerial surveys, but given the size of our team, both survey types could be run in parallel. In addition to the distance sampling surveys, we conducted a tracking study from the crow's nest, i.e. focal follows of detected animal groups with high-powered binoculars ("Big Eyes"), noting down their track (angle and distance to ship) as long as possible. This is a means to evaluate cetacean behaviour, in particular responsive movement by cetaceans towards the ship (this being one of our survey platforms). Aerial Survey We conducted aerial surveys following standard line-transect distance sampling methodology (Buckland et al. 2001) with the two helicopters (BO 105) provided by HeliService on board of Polarstern between December 17, 2014 and January 20, 2015. All surveys were planned in an "ad-hoc" manner. Track lines were designed in a way that they could be surveyed depending on the current position and track of Polarstern as well as on weather conditions, aiming to achieve a good coverage of the survey area and applying basic principles of good survey design following Buckland et al. (2001). All survey flights were conducted at an altitude of 600 feet and a speed of 80-90 knots. Two observers were positioned in the back seats of the helicopter on the right and left side and observed their side, concentrating on the area immediately below the helicopter. A third observer was seated in the front left seat of the helicopter next to the pilot, observing the area to the front, thus focusing on the transect line. The observer seated behind the pilot on the right side of the helicopter was also tasked with running the VOR software (Hiby & Lovell 1998) on a laptop computer, continuously storing GPS data, data on environmental conditions (sea state, cloud cover, glare, ice coverage, sighting conditions) and data on all sightings of marine mammals that were relayed by the observers. The following attributes were collected for each sighting: species, distance to transect (via declination angle and in case of front observations, horizontal angle), group size, group composition, behaviour, cue and potential reaction to the helicopter. Inclinometers were used to measure the declination angle to each sighting when abeam the helicopter, in order to later calculate the distance of the sighting to the transect line. Front observations additionally received a horizontal angle, measured by the front observer using an angle board, in order to calculate the distance to the transect line. The information on a sightings distance to the transect line is the crucial point for the estimation of the effectively covered strip width. If a sighting occurred and the species or group size could not be determined immediately, the survey was paused in order to approach the sighting for closer inspection (closing mode). After identification, the helicopter returned to the transect line and the survey was resumed. Digital photography was used as an additional identification tool to aid in species identification and for Photo-ID purposes of specific cetacean species. Ship based survey We conducted a ship based survey following standard line-transect distance sampling methodology (Buckland et al. 2001) from the crow's nest of Polarstern at 29.5 m elevation above the sea surface. Two observers were positioned on each side of the crow's nest and observed the area to the right and to the left respectively, concentrating on the area directly in front of the ship up to 90° abeam, using binoculars equipped with reticules and an angle board to measure the distance of a sighting to the track line. A third observer was seated inside the cabin of the crow's nest, using the VOR software (Hiby & Lovell 1998), running on a laptop computer, to continuously store GPS data, data on environmental conditions (sea state, glare, ice coverage, sighting conditions) and data on all sightings of marine mammals that were relayed by the observers. For each sighting of a marine mammal in the water, the following data were collected: species, distance to transect (via horizontal angle and declination angle from the horizon), group size, group composition, behaviour, cue and any potential reaction to the presence of Polarstern. Tracking survey There was no opportunity for a tracking survey due to bad weather conditions and ship related problems that drastically changed the course track. Preliminary results Aerial Surveys A total of 14 flights were accomplished, resulting in 24 hours of flying time. The first flight on the 17th of December served as a calibration flight. The survey flights had an average duration of 1 hour and 45 minutes. We covered a total distance of 2,993.85 km on effort during 13 survey flights along the ship course. A total number of 24 cetacean sightings (Minke spec., fin whales and humpback whales, see Table were recorded. Tab. Summary of cetacean sightings during helicopter surveys on PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). Minke spec. combines Antarctic (Balaenoptera bonaerensis), and dwarf (B. acutorostrata) minke whales. Species Number of Number of Sightings Individuals --------------------------------------- --------- ----------- Minke spec. 7 7 Fin whale (B. physalus) 2 4 Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangllae) 15 18 Total 24 29 Ship based Surveys We covered a total distance of 855 km during 55 hours on effort in the crow's nest and observed a total number of 62 cetacean groups comprising 98 individuals between December 7, 2014 and January 21, 2015. We detected 51 individuals of minke whales (pooling Balaenoptera acutorostrata, B. bonaerensis) in 30 sightings. Worth mentioning are three blue whale (B. musculus) detections (Table Tab. 3.322: Summary of cetacean sightings during crow's nest surveys on board of Polarstern during PS89 (ANT-XXX/2). Minke spec. combines Antarctic (Balaenoptera bonaerensis), and dwarf (B. acutorostrata) minke whales. Species Number of Number of Sightings Individuals ------------------------------------------- --------- ----------- Minke spec. 30 51 Blue whale (Baleanoptera musculus) 3 3 Fin whale (B. physalus) 10 16 Hourglass dolphin (Lagenorhynchus cruciger) 1 8 Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) 18 20 Total 62 98 Long periods of unfeasible weather conditions and ship related issues limited our opportunities to conduct surveys. In spite of these circumstances, we were able to collect valuable data from both platforms along the zero meridian contributing to the overall datasets of our study (Fig. Together with data from previous expeditions, the collected data will contribute to our analysis especially of minke whale sea ice relationships in areas south of 60° (Fig. Fig. Cetacean sightings and tracklines covered on effort during crow's nest and helicopter surveys on Polarstern PS89 (ANT-XXX/2) Fig. Cetacean sightings and tracklines in the vicinity of 600 south and beyond covered on effort during crow's nest and helicopter surveys on Polarstern PS89 (ANT-XXX/2) Data management Publication in scientific journals in the fields of marine biology and zoology and presentation on scientific conferences will make the data obtained available for science and public. Survey results will be presented to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission. All datasets will be stored in the Antarctic Marine Mammal Survey Database of the Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research, Büsum, Germany. Pictures taken during the survey suitable for photo ID will be forwarded to the involved institutes. Acknowledgement We would like to thank Captain Wunderlich and the entire crew of Polarstern for their neverending support throughout the whole survey. Our survey would not have been possible without the excellent work, patience and support of the helicopter crew, Lars Vaupel, Martin Steffens, Fabian Gall and Thomas Heim. We are grateful to the meteorological office on board, Max Miller and Hartmut Sonnabend. Their weather forecasts made it possible to conduct this survey in very variable weather conditions. Our work was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture within the project: "Modellierungen zu Populationsgrößen und räumlicher Verteilung von Zwergwalen im antarktischen Packeis auf der Grundlage von See- und luftgestützten Tiersichtungen (Förderkennzeichen 2811H5002)". References Buckland ST, Anderson DR, Burnham KP, Laake JL, Borchers DL, Thomas L (2001) Introduction to distance sampling: estimating abundance of biological populations. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Hiby AR, Lovell P (1998) Using aircraft in tandem formation to estimate abundance of harbour porpoise. Biometrics 54:1280-1289. 3.4 Geobiosciences 3.4.1 Culture experiments on trace metal incorporation in deep-sea benthic foraminifers from the Southern Ocean Erik Wurz(1) (1)AWI not on board: Jutta Wollenburg(1) Grant No: AWI-PS89_04 Objectives The Antarctic Ocean is one of our most important climate amplifiers: First, the production of Antarctic deep water drives the Global Thermohaline Conveyer Belt, thus, climate. Second, the Antarctic deep water during glacial time was/ disputably still is, the largest marine sink of atmospheric CO2. Employment of effective sensitive and in geological sense preserverable proxies to obtain precise information on changes in the polar deep oceans physical to geochemical properties are essential to assess past, modern, and future physical to geochemical changes in bipolar deep-waters. In this respect, analyses on trace metal (Mg/Ca, U/Ca, B/Ca) ratios recorded in tests of foraminifers to estimate calcification temperatures, salinity variations, carbonate ion saturation, pH and alkalinity became common methods. However, for the Southern Ocean deep-sea benthic foraminifera calibration curves constrained by culture experiments are lacking. During this expedition we will retrieve multiple corers from 1,500 m water depth and transfer the retrieved sediments into 15 different aquaria including newly developed high-pressure aquaria. These aquaria will in different experimental set-ups be used to cultivate our most trusted paleodeep-water recorders at different temperatures and in waters with different carbonate chemistries to establish species-specific trace metal calibration curves for the Antarctic Ocean. Work at sea Since our work is focused on epizooic Cibicides-type foraminifers, filter-feeding unilocular animals with maxima abundances in areas of high current activities, we will deploy 2-3 multiple cores at exposed sites with a water depth around 1,500 m. The retrieved cores will be transferred into a cold laboratory running at a site-alike bottom water temperature during the cruise. During the last day on board the sediments and overlaying water will be transferred into transfer-cores and storage systems. These storage systems will be transferred into special cold boxes ensuring a site-alike temperature during the flight to Bremerhaven. In Bremerhaven the sediments will immediately transferred into the respective aquaria and connected to respective supportive sea-water systems. Preliminary results Two multiple corers have been deployed successfully at the positions 69°59,09'S 4°4,54'W and 69°59,26'S 4°4,39'W in a water depth of 2,307 m and 2,311 m, respectively. Cores have been transferred into a 0°C refrigerated cold lab onboard Polarstern. 13 of 15 aquaria could be filled with cores from the multiple corers. During the cruise, sediment cores have been successfully provided with bottom-layer water from Niskin-bottles combined with a CTD and a suspension of Spirulina sp. Algea for food supply. A hose, connected to an air pumping device and submerged at the water surface of each aquarium ensured water circulation and oxygen supply. With this aquaria setup the sediment-associated meiobenthic community has been kept alive until the arrival of Polarstern in CapeTown. Data management This work is part of a bipolar DFG-project on the incorporation of trace metals in benthic deepsea foraminifera. The results will be published in international journals within approx. 2 years after the expedition. A.1 TEILNEHMENDE INSTITUTE / PARTICIPATING INSTITUTES Address --------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- AWI Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helm holtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung Am Handelshafen 12 27570 Bremerhaven / Germany DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst Seeschifffahrtsberatung Bernhard-Nocht Strasse 76 20359 Hamburg / Germany GEOMAR GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel Wischhofstr. 1-3 24148 Kiel / Germany HAFRO Marine Research Institute Skulagata 4 121 Reykjavik / Iceland Heliservice HeliService International GmbH, Deutschland Am Luneort 15 27572 Bremerhaven / Germany ITAW Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation Werftstr. 6 25761 Büsum / Germany IMARES IMARES Wageningen UR PO Box 167 1790 AD DEN BURG / The Netherlands IOCAG Instituto de Oceanografia y Cambio Global Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Campus Universitario de Tafira Edificio de Ciencias Básicas 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria / Spain Ludwig-Max. Ludwig-Max. Univ. München Univ. München Professor-Huber-Platz 2 80539 München / Germany Laeisz Reederei F. Laeisz (Bremerhaven) GmbH Brückenstrasse 25 27568 Bremerhaven / Germany MBARI Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute 7700 Sandholdt Road Moss Landing, CA 95039 / USA NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research PO Box 59 1790 AB Den Burg Texel / The Netherlands NOAA/PMEL NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 / USA Oregon State Oregon State University 104 CEOAS Admin Bldg. Corvallis, OR 97331 / USA Princeton Princeton University 306A Sayre Hall 08544 Princeton, NJ / USA RBINS Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Rue Vautier 29 Brussels 1000 / Belgium SIO Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California, San Diego Oceans and Atmosphere Section Physical Oceanography Curricular Group 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0230 / USA SIO-ODF Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California, San Diego Ocean Data Facility 8855 Biological Grade San Diego, CA 92037 / USA TU Hamburg-Harburg TU Hamburg-Harburg Schwarzenbergstraße 95 21073 Hamburg, Germany TU Braunschweig TU Braunschweig Pockelsstraße 11 38106 Braunschweig / Germany UHH Universität Hamburg Biologiezentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Institut Martin-Luther-King Platz 3 20146 Hamburg / Germany U Maine University of Maine 458 Aubert Hall School of Marine Sciences Orono, ME 04469 / USA U of Strathclyde U of Strathclyde 16 Richmond St Glasgow GI IXQ / United Kingdom U Washington University of Washington School of Oceanography Box 355351 Seattle, WA 98195 / USA van Dorssen Metaalbe- van Dorssen Metaalbewerking werking Stoompoort 7-I 1792 CT Oudeschild / The Netherland A.2 FAHRTTEILNEHMER / CRUISE PARTICIPANTS Name Vorname/ Institut/ Beruf/ First Name Institute Profession --------------- ----------- --------------------- ------------- Arndt Stefanie AWI Student Boebel Olaf AWI Oceanographer Castellani Giulia AWI Physicist Ehrlich Julia UHH Student Feij Bram NIOZ Captain Flores Hauke AWUI, UHH Biologist Gall Fabian HeliTransair Technician Geelhoed Steve ITAW Biologist González-Dávila Melchor IOCAG Chemist Graupner Rainer AWI Technician Heim Thomas HeliTransair Pilot Hollands Thomas AWI Ecologist Ivanciu Ioana GEOMAR Student Janinhoff Nicole ITAW Biologist Kainz Johannes AWI Student Klebe Stefanie AWI Technician Lefering Katerina U of Strathclyde Student Lemke Peter AWI Oceanographer Lerchl Christoph Ludwig-Max. Univ. Student München McKay Shannon ITAW Biologist Meijboom André IMARES Techniker Meinhardt Tim TU Hamburg-Harburg Student Miller Max DWD Meteorologist Monsees Matthias AWI Technician Müller Sebastian ITAW Biologist Nicolaus Marcel AWI Physicist Rohardt Friederike TU Bergakademie Student Freiburg Rohardt Gerd AWI Oceanographer Rohde Jan TU Braunschweig Student Santana-Casiano Magdalena IOCAG Chemist Schaafsma Fokje IMARES Student Schiller Martin AWI Technician Schuller Daniel SIO-ODF Technician Schwegmann Sandra AWI Physicist Sonnabend Hartmut DWD Technician Spiesecke Stefanie AWI Technician Steffens Marling HeliTransair Technician Thomisch Karolin AWI Student van de Putte Anton RBINS Biologist van Dorssen Michiel van Dorssen Techniker Metaalbewerking van Franeker Jan Andries IMARES Biologist Vaupel Lars HeliTransair Pilot Verdaat Hans ITAW Biologist Viquerat Sacha ITAW Biologist Vortkamp Martina AWI Technician Wurz Eric AWI Student Zanowski Hannah Princetown University Student Zwicker Sarah AWI Student A.3 SCHIFFSBESATZUNG / SHIP'S CREW Name Rank --------------------- --------- 1 Wunderlich, Thomas Master 2 Spielke, Steffen 1st Offc. 3 Ziemann, Olaf Ch.Eng. 4 Kentges, Felix 2nd Offc. 5 Lauber, Felix 2nd Offc. 6 Stolze, Henrik 2nd Offc. 7 Spilok, Norbert Doctor 8 Hofmann, Jörg Comm.Offc 9 Schnürch, Helmut 2nd Eng. 10 Westphal, Henning 2nd Eng. 11 Rusch, Torben 3rd Eng. 12 Brehme, Andreas Elec.Eng. 13 Dimmler, Werner ELO 14 Feiertag, Thomas ELO 15 Ganter, Armin ELO 16 Winter, Andreas ELO 17 Schröter, Rene Boatsw. 18 Neisner, Winfried Carpenter 19 Burzan, Gerd-Ekkeh. A.B. 20 Clasen, Nils A.B. 21 Gladow, Lothar A.B. 22 Hartwig-Lab., Andreas A.B. 23 Kretzschmar, Uwe A.B. 24 Müller, Steffen A.B. 25 Schröder, Horst A.B. 26 Schröder, Norbert A.B. 27 Sedlak, Andreas A.B. 28 Beth, Detlef Storek. 29 Dinse, Horst Mot-man 30 Fritz, Günter Mot-man 31 Krösche, Eckard Mot-man 32 Plehn, Markus Mot-man 33 Watzel, Bernhard Mot-man 34 Meißner, Jörg Cook 35 Tupy, Mario Cooksmate 36 Völske, Thomas Cooksmate 37 Luoto, Eija 1.Stwdess 38 Westphal, Kerstin Stwdss/N. 39 Chen, Quan Lun 2.Steward 40 Hischke, Peggy 2.Stwdess 41 Hu, Guo Yong 2.Steward 42 Mack, Ulrich 2.Steward 43 Wartenberg, Irma 2.Stwdess 44 Ruan, Hui Guang Laundrym. A.4 STATIONSLISTE / STATION LIST PS89 Station Date Time Gear Action Position Position Water Lat Lon depth (m) ---------- ---------- -------- ------ ------------- ---------- ----------- --------- PS89/1-1 04.12.2014 04:57:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 37°6.17'S 12°45.62 E 4890.0 max depth PS89/1-2 04.12.2014 07:07:01 PIES on ground/ 37°5.77'S 12°45.23'E 4993.2 max depth PS89/2-1 05.12.2014 00:56:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 39°13.66'S 11°20.03 E 5128.7 max depth PS89/2-2 05.12.2014 03:41:00 PIES on ground/ 39°13.68'S 11°20.21 E 5128.5 max depth PS89/2-3 05.12.2014 03:49:01 SOCCOM on ground/ 39°13.74'S 11°20.28 E 5130.2 max depth PS89/3-1 05.12.2014 18:12:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 41° 9.88'S 9°55.60'E 4610.0 max depth PS89/3-2 05.12.2014 18:32:01 PIES on ground/ 41° 9.88'S 9°55.60'E 4621.7 max depth PS89/4-1 06.12.2014 09:05:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 42°58.54'S 8°30.56'E 3928.0 max depth PS89/4-2 06.12.2014 10:59:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 42°58.79'S 8°30.35'E 3930.7 max depth PS89/4-3 06.12.2014 11:20:00 PIES on ground/ 42°58.81'S 8°30.31 E 3932.0 max depth PS89/5-1 07.12.2014 03:44:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 44°39.47'S 7°5.54 E 4585.2 max depth PS89/5-2 07.12.2014 04:22:00 PIES on ground/ 44°39.48'S 7°5.57'E 4590.0 max depth PS89/5-3 07.12.2014 05:54:59 SOCCOM on ground/ 44°39.52'S 7°5.58'E 4595.5 max depth PS89/6-1 07.12.2014 18:04:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 48°12.90'S 5°40.50'E 4831.2 max depth PS89/6-2 07.12.2014 18:36:00 PIES on ground/ 46°12.9l'S 5°40.51'E 4800.0 max depth PS89/7-1 08.12.2014 07:43:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 47°40.28'S 4°15.22'E 4540.5 max depth PS89/7-2 08.12.2014 08:30:00 PIES on ground/ 47°40.26'S 4°15.13'E 4538.5 max depth PS89/8-1 08.12.2014 23:19:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 49°2.12'S 2°51.60'E 4218.2 max depth PS89/8-2 09.12.2014 01:02:59 SOCCOM on ground/ 49°3.18'S 2°52.10'E 4248.5 max depth PS89/9-1 09.12.2014 14:51:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 50°15.30'S 1°25.53'E 3892.5 max depth PS89/9-2 09.12.2014 15:23:01 PIES on ground/ 50°15.40'S 1°25.47'E 3895.7 max depth PS89/10-1 10.12.2014 02:23:00 PIES on ground/ 51°25.35'S 0°0.92'E 2709.4 max depth PS89/10-2 10.12.2014 03:41:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 51°25.31'S 0°0.58'E 2683.0 max depth PS89/11-1 10.12.2014 11:48:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 52°28.72'S 0°0.06'W 2597.6 max depth PS89/12-1 10.12.2014 19:07:00 PIES on ground/ 53°31.35'S 0°0.36'E 2640.6 max depth PS89/12-2 10.12.2014 21:21:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 53°31.46'S 0°0.18'E 2647.1 max depth PS89/12-3 10.12.2014 22:34:59 SOCCOM on ground/ 53°30.96'S 0°0.20'E 2644.7 max depth PS89/13-1 11.12.2014 08:19:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 54°15.26'S 0°0.12'W 2733.5 max depth PS89/14-1 11.12.2014 15:13:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 54°59.99'S 0°0.02'W 1704.9 max depth PS89/15-1 11.12.2014 23:38:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 55°59.96'S 0°0.16'E 3685.1 max depth PS89/15-2 12.12.2014 01:17:59 FLOAT on ground/ 56°0.30S 0°0.17'W 3860.7 max depth PS89/16-1 12.12.2014 08:11:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 56°55.62'S 0°0.35'E 3646.3 max depth PS89/16-2 12.12.2014 08:42:00 PIES on ground/ 56°55.63'S 0°0.36'E 3646.3 max depth PS89/17-1 12.12.2014 10:32:00 HYDRO on ground/ 56°55.19'S 0°1.02'E 3600.5 max depth PS89/17-1 12.12.2014 10:33:00 HYDRO profile start 56°55.32'S 0°0.86'E 3593.7 PS89/17-1 12.12.2014 10:41:00 HYDRO profile end 56°56.48'S 0°0.24'W 3702.5 PS89/16-3 12.12.2014 11:00:59 SOCCOM on ground/ 56°56.83'S 0°0.30'W 3764.7 max depth PS89/18-1 12.12.2014 15:23:00 RMT profile start 57°26.66'S 0°4.77'E 3838.0 PS89/18-1 12.12.2014 17:30:01 RMT profile end 57°24.39'S 0°14.55'E 4508.4 PS89/19-1 12.12.2014 23:17:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 58°0.08'S 0°0.12'E 4528.3 max depth PS89/20-1 13.12.2014 07:15:00 MOR on ground/ 59°2.60'S 0°4.90 E 4647.6 max depth PS89/20-2 13.12.2014 11:25:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 59°2.24'S 0°5.63 E 4639.0 max depth PS89/20-3 13.12.2014 11:47:00 PIES on ground/ 59°2.25'S 0°5.76 E 4637.8 max depth PS89/20-4 13.12.2014 13:45:00 HYDRO profile start 59°2.50'S 0°6.33 E 4633.2 PS89/20-4 13.12.2014 13:52:00 HYDRO profile end 59°1.46S 0°5.0l'E 4614.0 PS89/20-5 13.12.2014 16:38:00 MOR on ground/ 59°2.67'S 0°5.37'E 4645.9 max depth PS89/20-6 13.12.2014 17:25:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 59°3.37'S 0°4.60'E 4660.2 max depth PS89/20-7 13.12.2014 18:23:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 59°334'S 0°4.43'E 4661.5 max depth PS89/21-1 14.12.2014 03:20:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 59°59.09'S 0°0.08'E 5374.5 max depth PS89/21-2 14.12.2014 05:05:59 SOCCOM on ground/ 59°59.01'S 0°0.03'E 5373.7 max depth PS89/22-1 14.12.2014 08:48:00 SUIT profile start 60°22.91'S 0°5.75'E 5374.2 PS89/22-1 14.12.2014 09:18:00 SUIT profile end 60°22.63'S 0°8.15'E 5375.8 PS89/23-1 14.12.2014 16:50:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 60°59.86'S 0°0.38'W 5393.2 max depth PS89/23-2 14.12.2014 19:32:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 61° 0.38S 0°0.70'W max depth PS89/23-3 14.12.2014 20:29:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 61° 0.15S 0°0.44'W max depth PS89/24-1 15.12.2014 07:11:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 61°59.58'S 0°0.84'E 5368.1 max depth PS89/24-2 15.12.2014 09:47:00 SUIT profile start 61°59.30'S 0°1.08'E 5368.8 PS89/24-2 15.12.2014 10:17:00 SUIT profile end 61°59.31S 0°1.02'W 5367.4 PS89/25-1 15.12.2014 14:43:00 RMT profile start 62°21.24S 0°2.60'W 5357.0 PS89/25-1 15.12.2014 15:40:00 RMT profile end 62°23.54'S 0°2.89'W 5353.5 PS89/25-2 15.12.2014 16:30:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 62°23.98'S 0°2.52'W 5353.0 max depth PS89/25-3 15.12.2014 17:28:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 62°24.09'S 0°1.89'W max depth PS89/26-1 16.12.2014 00:14:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 62°59.37'S 0°0.36'E 5310.9 max depth PS89/27-1 16.12.2014 11:06:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 64°1.58S 0°1.04'W 5192.7 max depth PS89/27-2 16.12.2014 18:27:00 MOR on ground/ 63°59.57'S 0°2.34'W max depth PS89/27-3 17.12.2014 11:43:59 MOR on ground/ 64°0.31S 0°0.22'W max depth PS89/27-4 17.12.2014 14:38:00 PIES on ground/ 64°0.99's 0°3.47'W max depth PS89/27-5 17.12.2014 15:42:00 RMT profile start 64°2.54'S 0°4.35'W 5194.5 PS89/27-5 17.12.2014 16:42:00 RMT profile end 64°5.24S 0°3.47'W 5190.5 PS89/27-6 17.12.2014 17:53:00 SUIT profile start 64°7.06'S 0°2.29'W PS89/27-6 17.12.2014 18:22:00 SUIT profile end 64°8.10S 0°0.95'W 5185.5 PS89/28-1 18.12.2014 01:24:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 65°0.02'S 0°0.02'E 3735.4 max depth PS89/28-2 18.12.2014 02:59:59 SOCCOM on ground/ 64°59.68'S 0°0.09'E 3780.0 max depth PS89/29-1 18.12.2014 09:28:01 SUIT profile start 65°57.18'S 0°2.15'W 3575.6 PS89/29-1 18.12.2014 09:58:00 SUIT profile end 65°58.37'S 0°2.75'W 3576.9 PS89/29-2 18.12.2014 11:21:00 MOR on ground/ 68°1.84'S 0°3.00'E max depth PS89/29-3 18.12.2014 14:52:00 RMT profile start 68°1.26'S 0°2.76'E 3671.0 PS89/29-3 18.12.2014 15:50:00 RMT profile end 68°3.56'S 0°2.80'E 3567.1 PS89/29-4 18.12.2014 18:25:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 68°1.89'S 0°2.87'E 3614.9 max depth PS89/30-1 19.12.2014 02:05:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 68°27.71'S 0°1.49'W 4500.2 max depth PS89/30-2 19.12.2014 04:36:00 RMT profile start 68°26.76'S 0°3.36'W 4377.4 PS89/30-2 19.12.2014 05:39:00 RMT profile end 68°27.66'S 0°9.30'W 4312.5 PS89/30-3 19.12.2014 09:24:00 MOR on ground/ 68°30.68'S 0°0.68'W max depth PS89/30-4 19.12.2014 14:09:00 SUIT profile start 68°29.48'S 0°2.12'E PS89/30-4 19.12.2014 14:50:00 SUIT profile end 68°29.41'S 0°2.61'W PS89/30-6 19.12.2014 17:59:00 MOR on ground/ 68°30.41'S 0°0.66'W max depth PS89/30-5 19.12.2014 18:01:00 ICE on ground/ 68°30.41'S 0°0.66'W max depth PS89/31-1 20.12.2014 00:52:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 68°58.75'S 0°0.23W 4709.8 max depth PS89/31-2 20.12.2014 02:46:59 SOCCOM on ground/ 68°58.73'S 0°0.74W 4700.0 max depth PS89/32-2 20.12.2014 12:09:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 67°34.81'S 0°8.34'E max depth PS89/32-3 20.12.2014 12:55:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 67°34.62'S 0°8.70'E max depth PS89/32-4 20.12.2014 15:23:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 67°34.18'S 0°8.47'E 4153.5 max depth PS89/32-1 20.12.2014 20:00:00 ICE on ground/ 67°34.76'S 0°6.31 E max depth PS89/33-1 21.12.2014 02:49:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 68°0.03'S 0°1.26'W 4512.9 max depth PS89/34-1 21.12.2014 21:52:00 MOR on ground/ 68°59.70'S 0°6.15'W max depth PS89/35-2 22.12.2014 17:19:59 MOR on ground/ 69°0.19'S 0°2.43'W max depth PS89/35-1 22.12.2014 20:00:00 ICE on ground/ 69°0.17'S 0°1.57'W max depth PS89/36-1 22.12.2014 23:23:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 69°0.61'S 0°1.62'W 3369.4 max depth PS89/37-1 23.12.2014 09:52:01 MOR on ground/ 68°58.89'S 0°5.00'W max depth PS89/37-2 23.12.2014 11:16:00 SUIT profile end 68°58.72'S 0°4.34'W 3408.4 PS89/38-1 23.12.2014 17:42:00 SUIT profile start 69°1.30'S 0°50.06'W 2939.2 PS89/38-1 23.12.2014 17:55:02 SUIT profile end 69°1.60'S 0°51.15'W 2945.5 PS89/39-1 24.12.2014 14:21:00 MUC on ground/ 69°59.09'S 4°4.54'W 2309.8 max depth PS89/39-2 24.12.2014 16:26:00 MUC on ground/ 69°59.26'S 4°4.39'W 2315.1 max depth PS89/41-1 27.12.2014 11:29:01 RMT profile start 70°31.61'S 7°53.15'W 255.9 PS89/41-1 27.12.2014 11:49:00 RMT profile end 70°31.17'S 7°55.12'W 245.8 PS89/40-1 27.12.2014 19:50:00 ICE on ground/ 70°31.58'S 7°57.44'W 240.6 max depth PS89/40-2 28.12.2014 10:30:00 ICE on ground/ 70°31.98'S 8°3.91'W 217.0 max depth PS89/40-3 29.12.2014 10:54:00 ICE on ground/ 70°31.98'S 8°4.32'W 214.0 max depth PS89/40-4 31.12.2014 10:11:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°31.98'S 8°4.32'W 201.0 max depth PS89/40-5 31.12.2014 11:14:00 ICE on ground/ 70°31.98'S 8°4.33'W 201.0 max depth PS89/40-6 31.12.2014 11:34:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°31.98'S 8°4.33'W 205.0 max depth PS89/40-7 31.12.2014 12:54:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°31.98'S 8°4.33'W 203.0 max depth PS89/40-8 01.01.2015 13:43:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°31.99'S 8°4.31'W 201.0 max depth PS89/40-9 01.01.2015 14:47:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°31.99'S 8°4.31'W 202.0 max depth PS89/40-10 01.01.2015 15:38:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°31.99'S 8°4.31'W 202.0 max depth PS89/42-1 03.01.2015 00:24:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°34.46'S 9°3.33'W 467.0 max depth PS89/40-11 03.01.2015 05:17:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.40'S 7°57.72'W 232.0 max depth PS89/43-1 03.01.2015 13:50:00 RMT profile start 70°27.47'S 8°18.76'W 355.0 PS89/43-1 03.01.2015 14:19:00 RMT profile end 70°27.09'S 8°15.92'W 395.6 PS89/44-1 03.01.2015 18:20:00 ICE on ground/ 70°26.27'S 8°17.34'W 437.2 max depth PS89/45-1 03.01.2015 20:12:00 ICE on ground/ 70°31.58'S 7°57.80'W 239.8 max depth PS89/46-1 04.01.2015 08:04:00 ICE on ground/ 70°33.49'S 7°38.44'W max depth PS89/47-1 05.01.2015 08:51:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°22.52'S 8°8.23'W 759.0 max depth PS89/48-1 07.01.2015 14:13:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°31.96'S 8°50.79'W 363.0 max depth PS89/48-2 07.01.2015 15:10:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°31.98'S 8°50.76'W 361.0 max depth PS89/48-3 07.01.2015 16:54:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°32.03'S 8°50.60'W 360.0 max depth PS89/48-4 07.01.2015 17:51:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°32.21'S 8°50.48'W 358.0 max depth PS89/49-1 07.01.2015 22:17:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.31'S 8°45.46'W 156.0 max depth PS89/49-2 07.01.2015 23:10:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.32'S 8°45.45'W 156.0 max depth PS89/49-3 08.01.2015 00:09:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.28'S 8°45.29'W 154.0 max depth PS89/49-4 08.01.2015 01:07:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.25'S 8°45.33'W 151.0 max depth PS89/49-5 08.01.2015 02:06:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.31'S 8°45.46'W 155.0 max depth PS89/49-6 08.01.2015 03:09:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.31'S 8°45.52'W 158.0 max depth PS89/49-7 08.01.2015 04:14:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.29'S 8°45.44'W 153.0 max depth PS89/49-8 08.01.2015 05:22:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.32'S 8°45.55'W 171.9 max depth PS89/49-9 08.01.2015 06:22:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.35'S 8°45.52'W 174.1 max depth PS89/49-10 08.01.2015 07:16:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.34'S 8°45.55'W 174.0 max depth PS89/49-11 08.01.2015 08:10:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.39'S 8°45.53'W 177.5 max depth PS89/49-12 08.01.2015 09:12:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.38'S 8°45.58'W 179.2 max depth PS89/50-1 09.01.2015 10:35:00 ICE on ground/ 70°30.87'S 8°43.89'W 99.0 max depth PS89/51-1 09.01.2015 17:03:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°30.62'S 8°51.75'W 420.0 max depth PS89/51-2 09.01.2015 18:18:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°31.10'S 8°51.31'W 395.0 max depth PS89/51-3 09.01.2015 19:25:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°31.43'S 8°51.18'W 388.0 max depth PS89/52-1 09.01.2015 21:06:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.39'S 8°45.58'W 168.0 max depth PS89/52-2 09.01.2015 22:04:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.40'S 8°45.56'W 168.0 max depth PS89/52-3 09.01.2015 23:04:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.39'S 8°45.48'W 164.0 max depth PS89/52-4 10.01.2015 00:09:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.32'S 8°45.42'W 155.0 max depth PS89/52-5 10.01.2015 01:09:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.31'S 8°45.50'W 157.0 max depth PS89/52-6 10.01.2015 02:08:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.31'S 8°45.38'W 154.0 max depth PS89/52-7 10.01.2015 03:06:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.32'S 8°45.39'W 154.0 max depth PS89/52-8 10.01.2015 04:12:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.32'S 8°45.48'W 157.0 max depth PS89/52-9 10.01.2015 05:09:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.35'S 8°45.38'W 157.0 max depth PS89/52-10 10.01.2015 06:09:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.38'S 8°45.39'W 159.0 max depth PS89/52-11 10.01.2015 07:10:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.40'S 8°45.44'W 162.0 max depth PS89/52-12 10.01.2015 08:04:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.38'S 8°45.49'W 163.0 max depth PS89/53-1 10.01.2015 09:21:00 RMT profile start 70°32.31'S 8°55.03'W 434.0 PS89/53-1 10.01.2015 09:37:00 RMT profile end 70°32.20'S 8°53.27'W 426.0 PS89/53-2 10.01.2015 10:53:01 SUIT profile start 70°32.38'S 8°55.75'W 437.0 PS89/53-2 10.01.2015 11:33:00 SUIT profile end 70°32.10'S 8°51.25'W 387.3 PS89/54-1 10.01.2015 13:11:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.31'S 8°45.50'W 168.5 max depth PS89/54-2 10.01.2015 14:09:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.31'S 8°45.47'W 166.4 max depth PS89/54-3 10.01.2015 15:07:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.29'S 8°45.45'W 163.6 max depth PS89/55-1 10.01.2015 15:54:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°30.25'S 8°51.69'W 440.2 max depth PS89/55-2 10.01.2015 16:52:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°30.39'S 8°51.40'W 436.4 max depth PS89/55-3 10.01.2015 17:40:00 SOSO-C on ground/ 70°30.64'S 8°51.29'W 420.4 max depth PS89/56-1 10.01.2015 19:08:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.35'S 8°45.45'W max depth PS89/56-2 10.01.2015 20:02:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.36'S 8°45.43'W 157.0 max depth PS89/56-3 10.01.2015 21:04:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.34'S 8°45.45'W 157.0 max depth PS89/56-4 10.01.2015 22:04:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.37'S 8°45.36'W 157.0 max depth PS89/53-3 10.01.2015 23:08:01 SUIT profile start 70°32.19'S 8°53.23'W 439.3 PS89/53-3 10.01.2015 23:38:00 SUIT profile end 70°31.94'S 8°49.50'W 353.4 PS89/57-1 11.01.2015 01:08:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.28'S 8°45.47'W 164.6 max depth PS89/57-2 11.01.2015 02:07:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.29'S 8°45.51'W 166.5 max depth PS89/57-3 11.01.2015 03:06:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.30'S 8°45.50'W 167.1 max depth PS89/57-4 11.01.2015 04:07:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.28'S 8°45.45'W 164.6 max depth PS89/57-5 11.01.2015 05:06:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.36'S 8°45.42'W max depth PS89/57-6 11.01.2015 07:06:59 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.30'S 8°45.42'W max depth PS89/57-7 11.01.2015 08:09:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.32'S 8°45.46'W 156.0 max depth PS89/57-8 11.01.2015 09:06:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.32'S 8°45.51'W 158.0 max depth PS89/57-9 11.01.2015 10:07:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.35'S 8°45.53'W 161.0 max depth PS89/57-10 11.01.2015 11:07:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.34'S 8°45.43'W 157.0 max depth PS89/57-11 11.01.2015 12:11:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.34'S 8°45.40'W 156.0 max depth PS89/57-12 11.01.2015 13:06:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.31'S 8°45.47'W 155.0 max depth PS89/57-13 11.01.2015 14:09:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.26'S 8°45.50'W 152.0 max depth PS89/57-14 11.01.2015 16:09:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.30'S 8°45.53'W 156.0 max depth PS89/57-15 11.01.2015 17:08:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.30'S 8°45.51'W 156.0 max depth PS89/58-1 11.01.2015 17:59:00 ICE on ground/ 70°30.87'S 8°43.90'W 99.0 max depth PS89/57-16 11.01.2015 19:10:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.30'S 8°45.49'W 154.0 max depth PS89/57-17 11.01.2015 20:09:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.31'S 8°45.47'W 155.0 max depth PS89/57-18 11.01.2015 21:07:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.32'S 8°45.51'W 158.0 max depth PS89/57-19 11.01.2015 22:07:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.33'S 8°45.56'W 161.0 max depth PS89/57-20 11.01.2015 23:06:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.35'S 8°45.48'W 159.0 max depth PS89/57-21 12.01.2015 00:06:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 70°31.35'S 8°45.49'W 159.0 max depth PS89/59-1 12.01.2015 01:12:00 SUIT profile start 70°31.89'S 8°48.63'W 304.0 PS89/59-1 12.01.2015 01:42:00 SUIT profile end 70°30.88'S 8°46.64'W 167.0 PS89/59-2 12.01.2015 03:02:00 RMT profile start 70°32.07'S 8°48.57'W 310.0 PS89/59-2 12.01.2015 03:20:00 RMT profile end 70°31.61'S 8°47.03'W 286.0 PS89/59-3 12.01.2015 08:16:01 SUIT profile start 70°30.89'S 8°47.06'W 220.0 PS89/59-3 12.01.2015 08:31:00 SUIT profile end 70°30.55'S 8°46.03'W 116.0 PS89/59-4 12.01.2015 12:42:00 SUIT profile start 70°30.87'S 8°47.80'W 267.0 PS89/59-4 12.01.2015 13:11:00 SUIT profile end 70°30.39'S 8°45.54'W 117.4 PS89/59-5 12.01.2015 20:06:01 SUIT profile start 70°31.56'S 8°47.01'W 302.5 PS89/59-5 12.01.2015 20:41:00 SUIT profile end 70°30.28'S 8°45.02'W 130.7 PS89/59-6 12.01.2015 23:15:01 RMT profile start 70°32.11'S 8°46.70'W 317.5 PS89/59-6 12.01.2015 23:27:00 RMT profile end 70°31.78'S 8°46.10'W 245.6 PS89/60-1 15.01.2015 11:40:59 FLOAT on ground/ 69°46.55'S 10°6.49'W 1860.0 max depth PS89/61-1 15.01.2015 13:55:59 FLOAT on ground/ 69°29.99'S 10°32.49'W max depth PS89/62-1 15.01.2015 15:36:00 SUIT profile start 69°27.59'S 10°27.09'W 3772.9 PS89/62-1 15.01.2015 16:11:00 SUIT profile end 69°26.87'S 10°23.60'W 3648.5 PS89/62-2 15.01.2015 17:49:01 RMT profile start 69°28.09'S 10°26.54'W 3790.0 PS89/62-2 15.01.2015 18:46:00 RMT profile end 69°27.03'S 10°20.91'W 3621.9 PS89/63-1 15.01.2015 21:01:59 FLOAT on ground/ 69°13.66'S 10°20.37'W 3977.6 max depth PS89/64-1 15.01.2015 22:39:59 FLOAT on ground/ 69°0.05'S 10°18.39'W 4513.7 max depth PS89/65-1 16.01.2015 04:18:59 FLOAT on ground/ 68°59.99'S 7°59.94'W 3544.5 max depth PS89/66-1 16.01.2015 07:28:00 MOR on ground/ 69°0.39'S 8°59.43'W max depth PS89/66-2 16.01.2015 10:55:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 69°0.31'S 8°59.19'W 2948.8 max depth PS89/66-3 16.01.2015 14:20:00 MOR on ground/ 69°0.34'S 8°58.95'W 2946.2 max depth PS89/66-4 16.01.2015 15:33:01 RMT profile start 69°0.91's 8°56.13'W 2870.9 PS89/66-4 16.01.2015 16:33:01 RMT profile end 69°1.44'S 8°49.98'W 2806.1 PS89/66-5 16.01.2015 17:27:01 SUIT profile start 69°1.76'S 6°47.97'W 2804.7 PS89/66-5 16.01.2015 17:57:00 SUIT profile end 69°2.34'S 8°45.18'W 2792.5 PS89/67-1 16.01.2015 20:01:00 MUC on ground/ 69°2.31'S 8°35.95'W max depth PS89/68-1 16.01.2015 23:42:59 FLOAT on ground/ 69°0.24'S 5°45.97'W max depth PS89/69-1 17.01.2015 03:03:59 FLOAT on ground/ 68°39.92'S 5°5.12'W max depth PS89/70-1 17.01.2015 11:44:01 RMT profile start 68°15.07'S 3°56.83'W 4094.8 PS89/70-1 17.01.2015 12:45:00 RMT profile end 68°15.48'S 4°3.23'W 4084.8 PS89/70-2 17.01.2015 14:07:00 SUIT profile start 68°15.48'S 3°56.07'W 4086.8 PS89/70-2 17.01.2015 14:42:00 SUIT profile end 68°15.35'S 4°0.08'W 4091.8 PS89/70-3 17.01.2015 15:03:59 FLOAT on ground/ 68°15.20'S 4°0.40'W 4093.4 max depth PS89/71-1 17.01.2015 16:35:01 SUIT profile start 68°12.21'S 3°42.05'W 4124.7 PS89/71-1 17.01.2015 17:06:00 SUIT profile end 68°12.29'S 3°45.56'W 4130.9 PS89/72-1 17.01.2015 22:08:59 FLOAT on ground/ 67°59.92'S 3°14.33'W 4214.4 max depth PS89/73-1 18.01.2015 04:18:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 67°39.99'S 1°45.17'W max depth PS89/73-2 18.01.2015 06:11:59 FLOAT on ground/ 67°39.96'S 1°45.36'W max depth PS89/73-3 18.01.2015 06:16:59 FLOAT on ground/ 67°39.91'S 1°45.11'W max depth PS89/74-1 18.01.2015 09:35:59 FLOAT on ground/ 67°20.14'S 0°56.37'W max depth PS89/75-1 18.01.2015 13:52:59 FLOAT on ground/ 67°0.17'S 0°0.84'W 4500.0 max depth PS89/76-1 18.01.2015 20:23:59 FLOAT on ground/ 68°39.89'S 0°0.56'E max depth PS89/77-1 19.01.2015 00:36:59 FLOAT on ground/ 68°20.17'S 0°0.02'W 4022.0 max depth PS89/78-1 19.01.2015 05:45:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 68°2.13'S 0°0.80'E 3642.3 max depth PS89/78-2 19.01.2015 07:39:59 FLOAT on ground/ 68°1.50'S 0°2.03'E max depth PS89/78-3 19.01.2015 07:46:59 FLOAT on ground/ 68°1.29'S 0°2.34'E 3677.8 max depth PS89/79-1 19.01.2015 10:16:00 RMT profile start 65°51.44'S 0°2.05'E 3613.2 PS89/79-1 19.01.2015 11:45:00 RMT profile end 65°47.99'S 0°3.34'E 3654.7 PS89/80-1 20.01.2015 07:41:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 63°55.07'S 0°0.44'E max depth PS89/80-2 20.01.2015 11:39:00 MOR on ground/ 63°54.94'S 0°0.17'E max depth PS89/80-3 20.01.2015 12:10:00 RMT profile start 63°53.64'S 0°0.15'E 5208.0 PS89/80-3 20.01.2015 14:05:00 RMT profile end 63°49.49'S 0°0.61'W 5216.3 PS89/80-4 20.01.2015 14:49:00 SUIT profile start 63°48.59'S 0°0.49'W 5218.2 PS89/80-4 20.01.2015 15:22:00 SUIT profile end 63°47.51'S 0°0.12'W 5220.3 PS89/81-1 21.01.2015 12:34:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 61°0.09'S 0°0.14'W 5384.5 max depth PS89/81-2 21.01.2015 14:38:59 SOCCOM on ground/ 61°0.12'S 0°0.08'W 5384.0 max depth PS89/82-1 27.01.2015 14:01:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 49°0.02'S 12°56.05'E 4120.5 max depth PS89/82-2 27.01.2015 15:40:00 CTD/RO on ground/ 49°0.00'S 12°55.95'E 4120.6 max depth PS89/82-3 27.01.2015 17:08:59 FLOAT on ground/ 49°0.07'S 12°56.09'E 4124.3 max depth Die Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung (ISSN 1866-3192) werden beginnend mit dem Band 569 (2008) als Open-Access-Publikation herausgegeben. Ein Verzeichnis aller Bände ein- schließlich der Druckausgaben (ISSN 1618-3193, Band 377-568, von 2000 bis 2008) sowie der früheren Berichte zur Polarforschung (ISSN 0176-5027, Band 1-376, von 1981 bis 2000) befindet sich im electronic Publication Informa- tion Center (ePIC) des Alfred-Wegener-Instituts, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI); see http://epic.awide. Durch Auswahl "Reports on Polar- and Marine Research" (via "browse"/"type") wird eine Liste der Publikationen, sortiert nach Bandnummer, innerhalb der absteigenden chronologischen Reihenfolge der Jahrgänge mit Verweis auf das jeweilige pdf-Symbol zum Herunterladen angezeigt. The Reports on Polar and Marine Research (ISSN 1866-3192) are available as open access publications since 2008. A table of all volumes including the printed issues (ISSN 1618-3193, Vol. 1-376, from 2000 until 2008), as well as the earlier Reports on Polar Research (ISSN 01765027, Vol. 1-376, from 1981 until 2000) is provided by the electronic Publication Information Center (ePIC) of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helm holtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI); see URL To generate a list of all Reports, use the URL and select "browse"/ "type" to browse "Reports on Polar and Marine Research". A chronological list in declining order will be presented, and pdficons displayed for downloading. Zuletzt erschienene Ausgaben: Recently published issues: 689 (2015) The Expedition PS89 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Weddell Sea in 2014/2015, edited by Olaf Boebel 688 (2015) The Expedition PS87 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Arctic Ocean in 2014, edited by Rüdiger Stein 687 (2015) The Expedition PS85 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Fram Strait in 2014, edited by Ingo Schewe 686 (2015) Russian-German Cooperation CARBOPERM: Field campaigns to Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island in 2014, edited by Georg Schwamborn and Sebastian Wetterich 685 (2015) The Expedition PS86 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Arctic Ocean in 2014, edited by Antje Boetius 684 (2015) Russian-German Cooperation SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA: The Expedition Lena 2012, edited by Thomas Opel 683 (2014) The Expedition PS83 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Atlantic Ocean in 2014, edited by Hartwig Deneke 682 (2014) Handschriftliche Bemerkungen in Alfred Wegeners Exemplar von: Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane, 1. Auflage 1915, herausgegeben von Reinhard A. Krause 681 (2014) Und sie bewegen sich doch ... Alfred Wegener (1880 - 1930): 100 Jahre Theorie der Kontinentverschiebung - eine Reflexion, von Reinhard A. Krause 680 (2014) The Expedition PS82 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the southern Weddell Sea in 2013/2014, edited by Rainer Knust and Michael Schröder 679 (2014) The Expedition of the Research Vessel 'Polarstern' to the Antarctic in 2013 (ANT-XXIX/6), edited by Peter Lemke ALFRED-WEGENER-INSTITUT HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM FOR POLAR- UND MEERESFORSCHUNG BREMERHAVEN Am Handelshafen 12 27570 Bremerhaven Telefon 04714831-0 Telefax 04714831-1149 www.awide HELMHOLTZ GEMEINSCHAFT CCHDO DATA PROCESSING NOTES • File Merge CCHDO Staff (download) #c0dce Date: 2016-01-08 Current Status: merged • File Online CCHDO Staff (download) #c0dce Date: 2016-01-07 Current Status: merged • File Submission SE (download) #c0dce Date: 2016-01-07 Current Status: merged Notes File downloaded from Pangaea. Ship: Polar Stern aliases:PS89, A12, ,ANT-XXX/2 Expocode: 06AQ20141202 PIs : Rohardt, Gerd System Message: Submitter requests file be attached to cruise 1198 • CTD exchange and netcdf formats online SEE Date: 2016-01-07 Data Type: CTD Action: WEBSITE Update Note: A12 2014 06AQ20141202 processing - CTD/merge - CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,XMISS,FLUOR,CTDNOBS 2016-01-07 SEE Submission filename submitted by date id ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ----- SEE (From Pangaea) 2016-01-07 12055 NOTES: - Downloaded from Pangaea. - This is preliminary file. Changes ------- - reformatted from Alfred Wegener Institute Pangaea format to Exchange format. - Changed parameter name Attenuation to XMISS, kept units as 'ARBITRARY'. - Changed CTDSAL units from PSU to PSS-78. - Added flags to all parameters except CTDNOBS: _FLAG_W = 2 for CTDPRS, CTDTMP, CTDSAL _FLAG_W = 1 for CTDOXY, FLURO, XMISS - Converted CTDOXY from UMOL/L to UMOL/KG. - changed blank values to -999 COMMENTS ADDED -------------- Added relevant comments from original data set. Comments added during reformatting to Exchange: DATE: YYYYMMDD; unknown time-zone reference; unknown positon in water column during cast TIME: HHMM; unknown time-zone reference; unknown positon in water column during cast LATITUDE: degrees_North, unknown position in water column during cast LONGITUDE: degrees_East, unknown position in water column during cast DEPTH: meters CTDSAL parameter units changed from the submitted PSU to PSS-78. Data values remain unchanged Attenuation parameter name changed from the submitted Attenuation to the Exchange XMISS. Data values remain unchanged CTDOXY not calibrated, CCHDO assigned CTDOXY_FLAGS_W=1 Flags were not included in original data, CCHDO added flags as per Bob Key Data precision preserved as submitted Converted CTDOXY from UMOL/L to UMOL/KG using the following: gsw.rho: Calculates in-situ density from Absolute Salinity and Conservative Temperature, using the computationally-efficient 48-term expression for density in terms of SA, CT and p (McDougall et al., 2011). TEOS-10, gsw.rho(SA,CT,0) used for conversion Exchange values rounded to 4 decimal places. Python equation used: oxy_dens0umolpkg = float(CTDOXYumolpL) / (gsw.rho(SA,CT,np.zeros(CTDOXYumolpL.size))/1000.) Conversion ---------- file converted from software ------------------------------ --------------------------- ----------------------- hydro 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3 Updated Files Manifest ---------------------- file stamp ------------------------------- ----------------- 20160107CCHSIOSEE 20160107CCHSIOSEE :Updated parameters: CTDPRS,CTDTMP,CTDSAL,CTDOXY,XMISS,FLUOR,CTDNOBS opened in JOA with no apparent problems: opened in ODV with no apparent problems: • File Merge CCHDO Staff 06AQ20141202_do.pdf (download) #8cc1c Date: 2015-10-29 Current Status: dataset • Cruise Report Online Jerry Kappa Date: 2015-10-29 Data Type: CrsRpt Action: Website Update Note: The final pdf version of the cruise report is ready to go online. It contains all of the PI-provided data reports, linked table of contents and linked figures, tables, sections and chapters. • File Submission Jerry Kappa 06AQ20141202_do.pdf (download) #8cc1c Date: 2015-10-28 Current Status: dataset Notes The final pdf version of the cruise report is ready to go online. It contains all of the PI-provided data reports, linked table of contents and linked figures, tables, sections and chapters. System Message: Submitter requests file be attached to cruise 1198 • File Online CCHDO Staff 06AQ20141202.exc.csv (download) #6302a Date: 2015-10-01 Current Status: unprocessed • File Submission Robert M. Key 06AQ20141202.exc.csv (download) #6302a Date: 2015-10-01 Current Status: unprocessed Notes Data grouping for this is SOCCOM. References to PANGAEA must be retained, particularly with the CTD data. Sharon probably has nc versions of these CTD data. Please hold the CTD data until I have talked to Sharon once more. All other data can go on-line. We need to talk via phone about the documentation files and issuance of DOI(s). At some point we may eventually get the carbon data mentioned in the bottle file header. System Message: Submitter requests file be attached to cruise 1198 • Available under 'Data As Received' Robert Key Date: 2015-10-01 Data Type: Bottle Action: Website Update Note: 06AQ20141202.exc.csv available as received, submitted 2015-10-01 by Robert Key