A. Cruise Narrative: P14N A.1 Highlights WHP Cruise Summary Information WOCE section designation P14N Expedition designation (EXPOCODE) 325023_1 325024_1 Chief Scientist(s) and their affiliation Gunnar I. Roden/U of Washington Dates 1993.JUL..05 - 1993.AUG.11 Leg 1 1993.AUG.14 - 1993.SEP.01 Leg 2 Ship R/V Thomas G. Thompson Ports of call Leg 1: Dutch Harbor, Alaska to Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati Leg 2: Tarawa to Suva, Fiji Number of stations 185 59°00.01' N Geographic boundaries of the stations 178°58.15'E 173°59.37'W 15°58.87' S Floats and drifters deployed 12 Rafos and 12 Alace floats Moorings deployed or recovered none Contributing Authors Gunnar I. Roden, Mark J. Warner, Steven Covey, Wilf Gardner, Mary Jo Richardson A.2 CRUISE SUMMARY INFORMATION A.2.a GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARIES A.2.b STATIONS OCCUPIED The WOCE crusie , P14n, from the Bering Sea to Fiji included top to bottom hydrography, subsurface float deployments, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP), tracer measurements and meteorological observations. P14N starts in the Bering Sea at the shelf break and transects the deep Aleutian Basin, Amchitka Pass, and the Aleutian Trench. From 50 n to 16 S the line follows 179 E, which passes through the wide Northeast pacific and Central Pacific Basins. It also crosses the Hess Rise, the Hawaiian Ridge, the Mid-Pacific Seamounts and the Kirbati-Tuvalu ridge. Station spacing was 30 nm (55 km); the only exception ws near the Aleutians and between 9 N and 5 S, where 15 nm (27 km) spacing was used to resolve better the jet-like current structures. A.2.c FLOATS AND DRIFTERS DEPLOYED deployed 12 Rafos and 12 Alace floats A.2.d MOORINGS DEPLOYED OR RECOVERED A.3 LIST OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS Principal Affiliation Responsibility Investigators ----------------------------------------------------------- Russ Davis SIO ALACE Floats Eric Firing U. Hawaii ADCP Richard Gammon U. Hawaii Freons Peter Hacker U. Hawaii ADCP Frank Millero U. Miami Carbon Dioxide Stephen Riser U. Washington RAFOS Floats Gunnar Roden U. Washington Hydrography and meteorology James Swift SIO Seagoing CTD Support Group Zafer Top U. Miami Tritum, Helium Mark Warner U. Washington Freons Christopher Winn U. Hawaii Carbon Dioxide SIO Scripps Institution of Oceanography U. Hawaii University of Hawaii U. Washington University of Washington A.4 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME AND METHODS A.4.a SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE (Gunnar I. Roden, University of Washington) Researchers aboard the RV Thomas G. Thompson set sail on a WOCE cruise (P14N) in July 1993 to study the region around the Date Line. This region provides a critical link between the energetic western and more sluggish eastern Pacific flow regimes. Three major midlatitude currents decelerate in this region. The Alaska Stream separates from the Aleutian Island arc, weakening in the process. The Subarctic Current and its associated fronts become broader and weaker, and the Kuroshio extension reaches its eastern limit of penetration as a well defined current. In the subtropics, there are multiple branches of eastward flow. In equatorial latitudes, the structure of the linked system of jetlike currents, countercurrents and undercurrents changes significantly near the Date Line. In addition to the flow changes, the currents and water property structures in the abyssal basins of the Bering Sea and Central Pacific, which are crucial to understanding the deep circulation, have not been sampled adequately on previous occasions. A.4.b SCIENTIFIC MEASUREMENTS The WOCE cruise (conducted from July 5 - September 1, 1993) from the Bering Sea to Fiji included top-to-bottom hydrography, subsurface float deployments, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP), tracer measurements and meteorological observations. The principal investigators and their responsibilities are listed in Table 1. Figure A.4.1 shows the stations occupied during the cruise. P14N starts in the Bering Sea at the shelf break and transects the deep Aleutian Basin, Amchitka Pass, and the Aleutian Trench. From 50°N to 16°S the line follows 179°E, which passes through the wide Northeast Pacific and Central Pacific Basins. It also crosses the Hess Rise, the Hawaiian Ridge, the Mid-Pacific Seamounts and the Kiribati-Tuvalu ridge. Station spacing was 30 nm (55 km); the only exception was near the Aleutians and between 9°N and 5°S, where 15 rim. (27 km) spacing was used to resolve better the jet-like current structures. A.4.c BERING SEA AND SUBARCTIC NORTH PACIFIC (59°-42°N) The baroclinic flow relative to the bottom suggests a cyclonic circulation in the Aleutian Basin, westward (10 cm/s) along the northern shelf and eastward (30 cm/s) along the southern rim. The latter resembles a boundary current with speeds of 20 cm/s at 1400 in and a volume transport of 10 Sv. In July 1993 the deep westward Alaska Stream was 100 kin wide and had a double core with speeds up to 54 cm/s (Figure A.4.2). The volume transport relative to 6000 dbar was 38 Sv, of which 14 Sv were below 1000 in. South of 50°N, the flow was dominated by mesoscale eddies, which were superimposed on weak background eastward flow. The upper thermohaline structure throughout the subarctic domain has a thin, warm, low salinity top layer. It also contains a shallow temperature minimum layer, representing mostly remnant winter cooling, and a 100-200 in thick inversion layer in the halocline. This basic structure is interrupted in Amchitka Pass (where strong tidal mixing eliminates the temperature minimum), and it terminates at the subarctic front near 42°N. Between the subarctic fronts and the Aleutians, the Alaska Dome dominates all property distributions. The Dome is centered near 50°N (Figures A.4.3 and A.4.4), and its top lies near 125 m, which is just beneath the winter mixed layer. The density at the top of the Dome is 26.8 kg/m3. This indicates that North Pacific intermediate water might occasionally form there during prolonged polar air outbreaks. One of the most surprising discoveries in the Bering Sea was made by Mark Warner from the University of Washington. At the bottom of the Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea, Warner discovered elevated chlorofluorocarbon levels that indicate, in corroboration with other supporting evidence, recent ventilation of the abyssal waters. The results from the Bering Sea investigation have been published by Warner and Roden (1995) and Roden (1995). A.4.d SUBARCTIC-SUBTROPICAL TRANSITION ZONE (42°-31°N) The subarctic-subtropical transition zone occupies the region between the subarctic and subtropical gyres. The northern and southern boundaries of this zone are formed by the subarctic and subtropical fronts, which contain enhanced eastward jets. Near the Date Line, the circulation and property structures are affected also by the Kuroshio extension, which at times crosses the Line as a well defined current and at other times appears to disperse farther west. The observed property structures in the summer of 1993 reflected this basic zonation. The subarctic front (42°N) was marked by the surfacing of the subarctic halocline, the disappearance of the subsurface temperature minimum, the deepening of the thermocline, and the weakening of the nutricline. The baroclinic jet along the front was about 150 kin wide, reached speeds of 30 cm/ s near the surface, and had an eastward transport of 32 Sv relative to the bottom. The Kuroshio extension was crossed near 35°30°N and had well defined property fronts on its sides. It had a width of 125 kin, a core speed of 44 cm/s, and a volume transport of 34 Sv (about 20 percent of which occurred below 1000 m). The subtropical front was between 3l°-32°N. The associated baroclinic jet was about 100 kin wide, had a maximum speed of 39 cm/s, and had a volume transport of 39 Sv toward the east. The abyssal property distributions between the Aleutians and the Hess Rise indicate uniform conditions with weak vertical gradients. The most notable feature was the abyssal temperature minimum near 4000 in, the axis and temperature of which are about 500 in deeper and O.1°C cooler than in the Bering Sea. A.4.e NORTH PACIFIC TRADEWIND REGION (31°-9°N) The North Pacific tradewind region encompasses the southern branch of the subtropical gyre, roughly between the subtropical and doldrums fronts. It is dominated by easterly tradewinds, strong insolation, excess evaporation over precipitation, and background downward motion induced by the negative curl of the wind stress. The nutricline is deep (150 in), and the surface nutrient concentrations are low. Despite these general characteristics, the thermohaline and current structures in the tradewind region are complex. This is due to the spatial inhomogeneity of atmospheric forcing, baroclinic instabilities of flow, and eddies migrating into the region. The geopotential height distributions in the summer of 1993 (Figure A.4.5) revealed several prominent ridges and troughs in the tradewind region, with a clear indication of the poleward shift of the center of the "corrugated" subtropical gyre. At the surface, the maximum occurred at 16°N; however, the highest peak at 400 dbar was located near 36°N. Banded baroclinic flow structures were associated with the ridge and trough structure of geopotential height. The westward flow from 12°-15°N represents the core of the north equatorial current. This current reached speeds of 44 cm/s near the surface and had a transport of 76 Sv relative to the bottom (about 20 percent of which is below 1000 dbar). The eastward flows were concentrated mainly in the 17°-21°N and 24°-28°N latitude bands with speeds up to 25 cm/s. It is not yet clear if these eastward flows were associated with a meandering subtropical countercurrent, a pair of mesoscale eddies, or a combination of both. A.4.f EQUATORIAL REGION (90°N-90°S) The climatology of the equatorial region shows fast zonal, jet-like currents, countercurrents and undercurrents, as well as tradewind and water mass confluence. Influences from both the western and eastern Pacific are evident near the Date Line. In the summer of 1993 western Pacific influences were dominant, and both the oceanic and atmospheric conditions were highly unusual compared to the climatological norm depicted in most atlases. The first sign of abnormal conditions was the displacement, by about 400 km, of the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NEC) from its expected 5°-8°N latitude range. Instead, it appeared between 2°4°N and merged with the eastward flow along the equator. The northern doldrums salinity minimum was encountered between 2°-4°N, also south of its normal position. There was also the general absence of easterly tradewinds in the equatorial zone between 1°S and 4°N; this resulted in frequent rainy squalls from the north and west. Consequently, surface flow was eastward rather than westward, and mixed layer temperatures around the equator were unusually warm. Advection of low salinity water by the NEC and local rainfall caused low surface salinities at the equator. Between 1°- 4°S, salinities increased again as the surface flow carried salty water from the central Pacific westward, which counteracted to some extent the freshening effect of local rainfall. In the southern doldrums region (between 5°-8°S) the surface flow was eastward, carrying low salinity water from the rainy western to the drier central South Pacific. The boundaries of the opposing flows were marked by well defined upper layer salinity fronts. Beneath the upper layer, the property distributions revealed a dome-like structure that was most pronounced from 100-500 in. The dome was flanked by thermohaline fronts at 10°-4°N; both the North and South Pacific subsurface salinity maxima terminated at these fronts. North Pacific waters penetrated into the South Pacific at mid-depths. At abyssal depths, however, there was clear evidence that cold, saline, high oxygen and low nutrient waters penetrated from the South into the North Pacific (at least as far north as the Hess Rise). The geopotential heights between 4°N and 4°S show a very complex structure with several ridges and troughs. Because the geostrophic control within this latitude belt is weak, a better picture of the flow is obtained by hull mounted and lowered ADCP measurements. According to Firing and Hacker (personal communication), in August 1993 the flow in the top 100 m was asymmetric with respect to the equator, northeastward between 4°N and 1°S, and westward between 1°-4°S. Between 100-300 m, the flow in this latitude belt was eastward and symmetric around the equator; the core of the undercurrent (50 cm/s) was centered near 175 m. Between 300-2000 m, the equatorial flow was westward with speeds up to 20 cm/s, and weak eastward flow was observed from 2000-3500 m. Beneath 3500 m, the flow was again westward, occasionally reaching 5 cm/s. The South Equatorial Countercurrent (determined by ADCP) was encountered between 4°-8°S. The eastward flow reached 20 cm/s at the surface, but it was quite shallow, effectively vanishing below 200 in. A.4.g SOUTH PACIFIC TRADEWIND REGION (9°S-16°S) Southeasterly tradewinds normally encountered throughout the region were replaced in the north in August 1993 by weak westerly and northwesterly winds. Only south of 13°S did the tradewinds reach their normal speeds of 8-10 m/s. At this latitude a well defined front (i.e., the southern doldrums front) was observed. Like its northern counterpart, the southern doldrums front separated the subtropical and equatorial waters. It was marked by a surface salinity front, a sharp poleward deepening and spreading of the thermocline and halocline, and by the equatorward limit of the subpolar intermediate salinity minimum. The currents north of the southern doldrums front consisted of bands of alternating eastward and westward flow, possibly related to mesoscale eddies. The bands were about 100 km wide with surface speeds from 10-30 cm/s. South of this front the flow was dominated by the westward South Equatorial Current, the core of which was located between 13°- 1 5°30°S. The current had speeds of 30- 40 cm/s near the surface and a volume transport of 32 Sv relative to the bottom. Just north of Vanua Levu, Fiji, strong eastward flow was observed along the island slope. Part way through the cruise, the RV Thomas G. Thompson docked at Betio, Tarawa in the Republic of Kiribati to change members of the scientific crew. On learning that the Kiribateses are very interested in the effects of global climate change (as it impacts their low atolls that rise only 4 m above the sea surface), the Chief Scientist invited 10 Kiribatese government ministers to a "state lunch" aboard the vessel, a lecture and a tour of the ship. The purpose of this reception was to familiarize the ministers with the goals of WOCE, to share scientific information with a developing Third World nation, and to promote international goodwill. The Kiribati officials greatly appreciated this gesture and reciprocated by inviting the scientists to a performance of native dances. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The success of this complex cruise is due to the high competence and team spirit of the diverse scientific groups aboard. It is also due to the generous help of Captain Glenn Gomes and the crew of the RV Thomas G. Thompson. Heartfelt thanks go to each person who helped make P14N such a success. REFERENCES Roden, G. 1. 1995. Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea: thermohaline oxygen, nutrient and current structure in July 1993. J. Geophys. Res., Oceans, in press. Warner, M. J. and G. I. Roden. 1995. Chlorofluorocarbon evidence for recent ventilation of the deep Bering Sea, Nature, 373: 409-412. FIGURE LEGENDS (all figs available in PDF version) Figure A.4.1: WOCE P14N station line. Station spacing was at 30 nm intervals; the only exception was near the Aleutians and between 9°N and 5°S where the intervals were 15 nm. Figure A.4.2: Baroclinic flow relative to the bottom in the vicinity of the Aleutians. Eastwardflow is lightly shaded,- westward flow is darkly shaded. Note the strong deep eastward flow north and the westward Alaska Stream south of Amchitka Pass. Figure A.4.3: Temperature and salinity in the upper 1500 m along P14N. Figure A.4.4: Temperature and salinity from 1500-6000 m along P14N. Figure A.4.5: Geopotential height relative to 3000 dbar. A.5 MAJOR PROBLEMS AND GOALS NOT ACHIEVED A.6 OTHER INCIDENTS OF NOTE A.7 LIST OF CRUISE PARTICIPANTS Name Function Affiliation -------------------------------------------------------- Glenn Gomes Ship's Captain UW Gunnar 1. Roden Chief Scientist UW Steven Riser * RAFOS floats UW William Fredericks Scientific Programmer UW Mark Warner Chlorofluorocarbons UW Steven Covey Chlorofluorocarbons UW James Postel CTD watch UW Kathleen Newell CTD watch UW Stanley Moore CTD watch OSU Carlos Lopez CTD watch OSU Frank Delahoyde ODF CTD chief SIO Scott Hiller ODF Electronics SIO James Schmitt ODF Electronics SIO David Bos ODF nutrients SIO Leonard Lopez ODF salinity SIO Barry Nisly ODF oxygen SIO Ronald Patrick ODF oxygen SIO Rebecca Streib ODF nutrients SIO Engin Yergin Tritium/Helium U Miami James Girton ADCP U Hawaii Eric Firing ** ADCP U Hawaii Elodie Kestenare ADCP U Hawaii Daniel Sadler * Carbon dioxide U Hawaii Christopher Carrillo Carbon dioxide U Hawaii Amy Snover Carbon dioxide UW Linda Bingler Carbon dioxide Battelle Douglas Campbell Carbon dioxide U Miami Sonia Olivella ** Carbon dioxide U Miami David Purkerson Carbon dioxide U Miami Sant Ram ** Fiji Gov't Observer Fiji * Alaska to Tarawa leg ** Tarawa to Fiji leg B HYDROGRAPHY Data Submitted by: Oceanographic Data Facility Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla, CA 92093-0214 B.1. DESCRIPTION OF MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES AND CALIBRATIONS BASIC HYDROGRAPHY PROGRAM The basic hydrography program consisted of salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrient (nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and silicate) measurements made from bottles taken on CTD/rosette casts plus pressure, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen from CTD profiles. 204 CTD/rosette casts were made, usually to within 10 meters of the bottom. There were a total of 191 WOCE casts: stations 1-185 and station 900, which was a series of six 18-bottle casts every 4 hours at the same position. Extra casts at stations 651-653 (near a seamount) and 800-803 (1 degree east of the WOCE line and back, along the equator) were also processed. Two test casts and four aborted casts were not included with these final data. 6914 bottles were tripped resulting in 6875 usable bottles. The resulting data set met and in many cases exceeded WHP specifications. The distribution of samples is illustrated in figures 1.0.0 and 1.0.1. Figure 1.0.0 TN023 sample distribution, stas 001-065, 651-653, 066-130 Figure 1.0.1 TN024 sample distribution, stas 131-142, 800-803, 143-170, 900, 171-185 B.1.1. WATER SAMPLING PACKAGE Hydrographic (rosette) casts were performed with a new design of the rosette system consisting of a 36-bottle ODF-designed rosette frame, a General Oceanics (GO) Model 1016 36-place pylon and 36 10-liter Bullister- style PVC bottles. The frame worked well and held the Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP) without sacrificing any of the 36 samplers. The GO pylon had operating problems which could usually be overcome by the operator through the diagnostics routine. The Bullister- style samplers worked well, but had fragile end-cap edges and tight valves. Recommendations for modifications were made and have since been implemented. Underwater electronic components consisted of an ODF-modified NBIS Mark III CTD (ODF #1) and associated sensors, SeaTech transmissometer provided by Texas A&M University (TAMU), RDI LADCP, Benthos altimeter and Benthos pinger. The CTD was mounted horizontally along the bottom of the rosette frame, with the transmissometer, dissolved oxygen and secondary PRT sensors deployed alongside. The LADCP was mounted vertically in the frame inside the bottle rings. The Benthos altimeter provided distance-above- bottom in the CTD data stream. The Benthos pinger was monitored during a cast with a precision depth recorder (PDR) in the ship's laboratory. The rosette system was suspended from a three-conductor electro-mechanical (EM) cable. Power to the CTD and pylon was provided through the cable from the ship. Separate conductors were used for the CTD and pylon signals. Electronic Deep Sea Reversing Thermometers (DSRTs) were used on this leg to monitor for CTD pressure or temperature drift. Each rosette cast was performed to within 10 meters of the bottom, unless the bottom returns from both the pinger and altimeter were extremely poor, or the bottom depth exceeded the range of the instrumentation. Bottles on the rosette were each identified with a unique serial number. Usually these numbers corresponded to the pylon tripping sequence, 1-36, where the first (deepest) Bottle tripped was bottle #1. Averages of CTD data corresponding to the time of bottle closure were associated with the bottle data during a cast. Pressure, depth, temperature, salinity, density and nominally-corrected oxygen were immediately available to facilitate examination and quality control of the bottle data as the sampling and laboratory analyses progressed. The deck watch prepared the rosette approximately 45 minutes prior to a cast. All valves, vents and lanyards were checked for proper orientation. The bottles were cocked and all hardware and connections rechecked. Upon arrival on station, time, position and bottom depth were logged and the deployment begun. The rosette was moved into position under a projecting boom from the rosette room using an air-powered cart on tracks. Two stabilizing tag lines were threaded through rings on the frame. CTD sensor covers were removed, the pinger was turned on and the transmissometer windows were cleaned. Once the CTD acquisition and control system in the ship's laboratory had been initiated by the console operator and the CTD and pylon had passed their diagnostics, the winch operator raised the package and extended the boom over the side of the ship. The package was then quickly lowered into the water, the tag lines removed and the console operator notified by radio that the rosette was at the surface. Recovering the package at the end of deployment was essentially the reverse of the launching. Two tag lines connected to air tuggers and terminating in large snap hooks were manipulated on long poles by the deck watch to snag recovery rings on the rosette frame. The package was then lifted out of the water under tension from the tag lines, the boom retracted, and the rosette lowered onto the cart. Sensor covers were replaced, the pinger turned off and the cart with the rosette moved into the rosette room for sampling. A detailed examination of the bottles and rosette would occur before samples were taken, and any extraordinary situations or circumstances were noted on the sample log for the cast. Routine CTD maintenance included soaking the conductivity and CTD O2 sensors in distilled water between casts to maintain sensor stability. The rosette was stored in the rosette room between casts to insure the CTD was not exposed to direct sunlight or wind, in order to maintain the internal CTD temperature near ambient air temperature. Exceptions to this procedure are noted in Appendix C. Rosette maintenance was performed on a regular basis. O-rings were changed as necessary and bottle maintenance performed each day to insure proper closure and sealing. Valves were inspected for leaks and repaired or replaced. B.1.2. UNDERWATER ELECTRONICS PACKAGES CTD data were collected with a modified NBIS Mark III CTD (ODF CTD #1). This instrument provided pressure, temperature, conductivity and dissolved O2 channels, and additionally measured a second temperature (FSI temperature sensor) as a calibration check. Other data channels included elapsed-time, an altimeter, several power supply voltages and a transmissometer. The instrument supplied a standard 15-byte NBIS-format data stream at a data rate of 25 fps. Modifications to the instrument included a revised dissolved O2 sensor mounting; ODF-designed sensor interfaces for the FSI PRT and the SeaTech transmissometer; implementation of 8-bit and 16-bit multiplexer channels; an elapsed-time channel; instrument ID in the polarity byte and power supply voltages channels. Figure 1.2.0 summarizes the serial numbers of instruments and sensors used during P14N. Station(s) | CTD@ | TAMU | Oxygen | Winch | UofH | ID# | | Sensor | | LADCP ----------------|------|------|--------|---------|------ 1-19 | | | | | Yes ----------------| | | | |------ 20-51 | | | A | | No ----------------| | | | |------ 52-61,651-653 | | 100D | | | ----------------| | |--------| | Yes 62-68 | | | | | ----------------| | | | |------ 69-70,72-80 | | | | | ----------------| |------| | Primary | No 71 | 1 | none | | | ----------------| |------| | |------ 81,82/2-87 | | 151D | | | ----------------| |------| B | | Yes 82/1,88-95 | | | | | ----------------| | | | |------ 96-130 | | | | | No ----------------| | 100D | | |------ 131-150,800-803 | | | | | ----------------| | | |---------| Yes 151-185,900 | | | | Backup | @ ODF CTD #1 sensor serial numbers: ------------------------------------------------- CTD | | Temperature | ID# | Pressure | PRT-1 | PRT-2 | Conductivity ----|----------|-------|-----------|------------- 1 | 131910 | 14304 | FSI-T1320 | 5902-F117 Table 1.2.0 P14N Instrument/Sensor Serial Numbers The O2 sensor was deployed in an ODF-designed pressure-compensated holder assembly mounted separately on the rosette frame and connected to the CTD by an underwater cable. The transmissometer interface was designed and built by ODF using an off-the-shelf 12-bit A/D converter. Although the secondary temperature sensor was located within 6-8 inches of the CTD conductivity sensor, it was not sufficiently close to calculate coherent salinities. It was used as a secondary temperature calibration reference rather than as a redundant sensor, with the intent of eliminating the need for mercury or electronic DSRTs as calibration checks. Standard CTD maintenance procedures included soaking the conductivity sensor in deionized water and placing a cap on the O2 sensor between casts to maintain sensor stability, and protecting the CTD from exposure to direct sunlight or wind to maintain an equilibrated internal temperature. The General Oceanics (GO) 1016 36-place pylon was used in conjunction with the GO pylon deck unit. There were numerous tripping problems caused by the GO pylon/deck unit combination; 80% of these occurred during the first 12 casts. Usually these could be resolved by the console operator via the pylon diagnostics routine. The pylon emitted a confirmation message containing its current notion of bottle trip position, which was an aid in sorting out mis-trips. Using the GO pylon and deck unit also contributed to the magnitude of the variance of salinity differences. The pylon would take a variable amount of time to trip a bottle after the trip had been initiated. The time varied from 8 seconds to over 30 seconds. The acquisition software began averaging data corresponding to the rosette trip as soon as the trip was initiated, ending when the trip confirmed. Consequently, CTD rosette trip data used for the differences contained variable-length averages. B.1.3. NAVIGATION AND BATHYMETRY DATA ACQUISITION Navigation data and underway bathymetry were acquired from the ship's Bathy 2000 or HydroSweep systems via RS-232. Data were logged automatically at one-minute intervals by one of the Sun SPARCstations to provide a time- series of underway position, course, speed and bathymetry data. These data were used for all station positions, PDR depths and bathymetry on vertical sections [Cart80]. B.1.4. CTD DATA ACQUISITION, PROCESSING AND CONTROL SYSTEM The CTD data acquisition, processing and control system consisted of a Sun SPARCstation 2 computer workstation, ODF-built CTD deck unit, General Oceanics 1016 pylon deck unit, CTD and pylon power supplies, and a VCR recorder for real-time analog backup recording of the sea-cable signal. The Sun system consisted of a color display with trackball and keyboard (the CTD console), 18 RS-232 ports, 2.5 GB disk and 8mm cartridge tape. One other Sun SPARCstation 2 system was networked to the data acquisition system, as well as to the rest of the networked computers aboard the Thompson. These systems were available for real-time CTD data display as well as for providing hydrographic data management and backup. Each Sun SPARCstation was equipped with a printer and an 8-color drum plotter. The CTD FSK signal was demodulated and converted to a 9600 baud RS-232C binary data stream by the CTD deck unit. This data stream was fed to the Sun SPARCstation. The pylon deck unit was connected to the data acquisition system through a serial port, allowing the data acquisition system to initiate and confirm bottle trips. A bitmapped color display provided interactive graphical display and control of the CTD rosette sampling system, including real-time raw and processed data, navigation, winch and rosette trip displays. The CTD data acquisition, processing and control system was prepared by the console watch a few minutes before each deployment. A console operations log was maintained for each deployment, containing a record of every attempt to trip a bottle as well as any pertinent comments. Most CTD console control functions, including starting the data acquisition, were initiated by pointing and clicking a trackball cursor on the display at icons representing functions to perform. The system then presented the operator with short dialog prompts with automatically-generated choices that could either be accepted as default or overridden. The operator was instructed to turn on the CTD and pylon power supplies, then to examine a real-time CTD data display on the screen for stable voltages from the underwater unit. Once this was accomplished, the data acquisition and processing was begun and a time and position automatically associated with the beginning of the cast. A backup analog recording of the CTD signal was made on a VCR tape, which was started at the same time as the data acquisition. A rosette trip display and pylon control window then popped up, giving visual confirmation that the pylon was initializing properly. Various plots and displays were initiated. When all was ready, the console operator informed the deck watch by radio. Once the deck watch had deployed the rosette and informed the console operator that the rosette was at the surface (also confirmed by the computer displays), the console operator or watch leader provided the winch operator with a target depth (wire-out) and maximum lowering rate, normally 60 meters/minute for this package. The package then began its descent. The console operator examined the processed CTD data during descent via interactive plot windows on the display, which could also be run at other workstations on the network. Additionally, the operator decided where to trip bottles on the up-cast, noting this on the console log. The PDR was monitored to insure the bottom depth was known at all times. The watch leader assisted the console operator when the package was ~400 meters above the bottom by monitoring the range to the bottom using the distance between the rosette's pinger signal and its bottom reflection displayed on the PDR. Between 100 and 60 meters above the bottom, depending on bottom conditions, the altimeter typically began signaling a bottom return on the console. The winch and altimeter displays allowed the watch leader to refine the target depth relayed to the winch operator and safely approach to within 10 meters of the bottom. Bottles were tripped by pointing the console trackball cursor at a graphic firing control and clicking a button. The data acquisition system responded with the CTD rosette trip data and a pylon confirmation message in a window. All tripping attempts were noted on the console log. The console operator then directed the winch operator to the next bottle stop. The console operator was also responsible for generating the sample log for the cast. After the last bottle was tripped, the console operator directed the deck watch to bring the rosette on deck. Once on deck, the console operator terminated the data acquisition and turned off the CTD, pylon and VCR recording. The VCR tape was filed. Usually the console operator also brought the sample log to the rosette room and served as the sample cop. B.1.5. CTD LABORATORY CALIBRATION PROCEDURES Pre-cruise laboratory calibrations of the CTD pressure and temperature sensors were used to generate tables of corrections applied by the CTD data acquisition and processing software at sea. These laboratory calibrations were also performed post-cruise. Pressure and temperature calibrations were performed on CTD #1 at the ODF Calibration Facility in La Jolla. The pre-cruise calibration was done in May 1993 before the start of the P17N expedition, and the post-cruise calibration was done in October 1993. The CTD pressure transducer was calibrated in a temperature-controlled water bath to a Ruska Model 2400 Piston Gage pressure reference. Calibration curves were measured at 0.01, 11.74 and 31.22 deg.C to 2 maximum loading pressures (2775 and 6080 db) pre-cruise, and at 1.62 and 32.13 deg.C to 2 maximum loading pressures (1400 and 6080 db) post-cruise. Figure 1.5.0 summarizes the laboratory pressure calibration performed in May 1993 and Figure 1.5.1 summarizes the pressure calibrations done in October 1993. Figure 1.5.0 Pressure calibration for ODF CTD #1, May 1993. Figure 1.5.1 Pressure calibration for ODF CTD #1, October 1993. Additionally, dynamic thermal-response step tests were conducted on the pressure transducer to calibrate dynamic thermal effects. CTD PRT temperatures were calibrated to an NBIS ATB-1250 resistance bridge and Rosemount standard PRT in a temperature-controlled bath. The primary CTD temperature was offset by ~1.5 deg.C to avoid the 0-point discontinuity inherent in the internal digitizing circuitry. Figures 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 summarize the laboratory calibrations performed on the primary PRT during May and October 1993. These laboratory temperature calibrations were referenced to an ITS-90 standard. Temperatures were converted to the IPTS-68 standard during processing in order to calculate other parameters, including salinity and density, which are currently defined in terms of that standard only. Figure 1.5.2 Temperature calibration for ODF CTD #1, May 1993. Figure 1.5.3 Temperature calibration for ODF CTD #1, October 1993. B.1.6. CTD CALIBRATION PROCEDURES This cruise was the second of 2 consecutive Pacific Ocean WOCE cruises using this CTD. A redundant sensor was used as a temperature calibration check while at sea; the FSI PRT sensor was deployed as a second temperature channel and compared with the primary PRT channel on most casts. Comparison of the two PRT sensors did not show any appreciable drift during these expeditions. The response times of the sensors were first matched, then the temperatures compared for a series of standard depths from each CTD down-cast. There was a constant offset maintained between the 2 PRTs throughout both legs. Figure 1.6.0 summarizes the comparison between the primary and secondary PRT channels. Figure 1.6.0 Comparison between the primary and secondary PRT channels. CTD conductivity and dissolved O2 were calibrated to in-situ check samples collected during each rosette cast. The stability of the conductivity calibration also verified that there were no significant shifts in the CTD pressure or temperature. CTD PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE The final pressure and temperature calibrations were verified during post- cruise processing. There was a 1.5 db slope change from 0-6000 db between the pre- and post-cruise cold "deep" pressure laboratory calibrations, as well as an ~1.5 db offset between the 2 calibrations. In order to determine when the shift occurred, start-of-cast out-of-water pressure and temperature data from the cruise were compared with similar data from the pre- and post-cruise laboratory calibrations for temperature. The pressure data from the cruise were within 0.5 db of the pre-cruise laboratory data at all temperatures, so it was decided to leave the pre-cruise pressure calibrations, applied during the cruise, unchanged. The primary temperature sensor (Rosemount Model 171BJ Serial No. 14304) laboratory calibration shows essentially the same curve pre- and post- cruise, with at most a .0004 deg.C shift in the range of 10-27 deg.C; colder and warmer than that range, the curves are essentially identical. It was therefore decided to leave the pre-cruise PRT #1 correction in place for this data set. The secondary temperature sensor (FSI Model OTM-D212 Serial No. 1320) laboratory calibrations pre- and post-cruise showed some differences, but the same temperature ranges were not measured and FSI sensors show greater variability than Rosemount sensors. There did not appear to be any major shift, perhaps an ~1 millidegree shift in the range of 1-20 deg.C. A single rack of electronic DSRT pressure and temperature sensors was also deployed on ~75% of the P14N casts as a further check for pressure and temperature drift. Although factory calibrations only were applied to these electronic data, the comparisons for temperature were quite stable for any specific DSRT. This further verified the absence of any drift in CTD temperature during the cruise. The DSRT-CTD pressure differences were scattered to several times the magnitude of the pre- to post-cruise laboratory calibration shift; they were not useful for monitoring CTD pressure drift. CONDUCTIVITY The CTD rosette trip pressure and temperature were used with the bottle salinity to calculate a bottle conductivity. Differences between the bottle and CTD conductivities were then used to derive a conductivity correction as a linear function of conductivity. Cast-by-cast comparisons showed only minor shifts in the conductivity sensor offset and no slope changes, aside from the expected shift caused by cleaning the sea-slime contaminated sensor with alcohol between stations 47 and 48. Conductivity differences were fit to CTD conductivity for all casts in two groups, 1-47 and 48 to the end of the cruise, to determine the mean conductivity slope. The mean conductivity slope corrections are summarized in figure 1.6.1. Figure 1.6.1 Mean conductivity slope corrections. After applying the conductivity slopes, residual CTD #1 conductivity offset values were calculated and applied for each cast using the deepest bottle conductivities. Some offsets were then manually re-adjusted to account for discontinuous shifts in the conductivity transducer response or bottle salinities, or to maintain deep theta-salinity consistency from cast to cast. Figure 1.6.2 summarizes the final applied conductivity offsets by station number. Figure 1.6.2 CTD conductivity offsets by station number. P14N temperature and conductivity correction coefficients are also tabulated in Appendix A. Figures 1.6.3, 1.6.4 and 1.6.5 summarize the residual differences between bottle and CTD salinities after applying the conductivity corrections. Stations 35-47 are missing from the final differences plots because of problems with CTD conductivity offsets during the up-cast caused by sensor contamination. The conductivity corrections for those casts insure consistency of the down-cast CTD data with bottle data and nearby CTD casts. Figure 1.6.3 Salinity residual differences vs pressure (after correction). Figure 1.6.4 Salinity residual differences vs station # (after correction). Figure 1.6.5 Deep salinity residual differences vs station # (after correction). The CTD conductivity calibration represents a best estimate of the conductivity field throughout the water column. 3 from the mean residual in Figures 1.6.4 and 1.6.5, or +/-0.009 PSU for all salinities and +/-0.001 PSU for deep salinities, represents the limit of repeatability of the bottle salinities (Autosal, rosette, operators and samplers). This limit agrees with station overlays of deep T-S. Within a cast (a single salinometer run), the precision of bottle salinities appears to exceed 0.001 PSU. The precision of the CTD salinities appears to exceed 0.0005 PSU. CTD DISSOLVED OXYGEN There are a number of problems with the response characteristics of the Sensormedics O2 sensor used in the NBIS Mark III CTD, the major ones being a secondary thermal response and a sensitivity to profiling velocity. Because of these problems, up-cast CTD rosette trip data cannot be optimally calibrated to O2 check samples. Instead, down-cast CTD O2 data are derived by matching the up-cast rosette trips along isopycnal surfaces. When down-casts were deemed to be unusable (see Appendix C), up-cast CTD O2 data were processed despite the signal drop-offs typically seen at bottle stops. The differences between CTD O2 data modeled from these derived values and check samples are then minimized using a non-linear least- squares fitting procedure. Figures 1.6.6 and 1.6.7 show the residual differences between the corrected CTD O2 and the bottle O2 (ml/l) for each station. The data from stations 35-47 are missing because of the previously noted problems with CTD conductivity offsetting during up-casts: density surfaces would be difficult to match when one cast direction is unstable. Figure 1.6.6 O2 residual differences vs station # (after correction). Figure 1.6.7 Deep O2 residual differences vs station # (after correction). Note that the mean of the differences is not zero, because the O2 values are weighted by pressure before fitting. The standard deviations of 0.10 ml/l for all oxygens and 0.02 ml/l for deep oxygens are only intended as metrics of the goodness of the fits. ODF makes no claims regarding the precision or accuracy of CTD dissolved O2 data. The general form of the ODF O2 conversion equation follows Brown and Morrison [Brow78] and Millard [Mill82], [Owen85]. ODF does not use a digitized O2 sensor temperature to model the secondary thermal response but instead models membrane and sensor temperatures by low-pass filtering the PRT temperature. In-situ pressure and temperature are filtered to match the sensor response. Time-constants for the pressure response p, and two temperature responses Ts and Tf are fitting parameters. The sensor current, or Oc, gradient is approximated by low-pass filtering 1st-order Oc differences. This term attempts to correct for reduction of species other than O2 at the cathode. The time-constant for this filter, og, is a fitting parameter. Oxygen partial-pressure is then calculated: Opp=[c1Oc+c2]fsat(S,T,P)e(c3Pl+c4Tf+c5Ts+c6___) (1.6.0) where: Opp = Dissolved O2 partial-pressure in atmospheres (atm); Oc = Sensor current (amps); fsat(S,T,P) = O2 saturation partial-pressure at S,T,P (atm); S = Salinity at O2 response-time (PSUs); T = Temperature at O2 response-time (deg.C); P = Pressure at O2 response-time (decibars); Pl = Low-pass filtered pressure (decibars); Tf = Fast low-pass filtered temperature (deg.C); Ts = Slow low-pass filtered temperature (deg.C); ___ = Sensor current gradient (amps/secs). P14N CTD O2 correction coefficients (c1 through c6) are tabulated in Appendix B. B.1.7. CTD DATA PROCESSING ODF CTD processing software consists of over 30 programs running under the Unix operating system. The initial CTD processing program (ctdba) is used either in real-time or with existing raw data sets to: o Convert raw CTD scans into scaled engineering units, and assign the data to logical channels; o Filter specific channels according to specified filtering criteria; o Apply sensor or instrument-specific response-correction models; o Provide periodic averages of the channels corresponding to the output time-series interval; and o Store the output time-series in a CTD-independent format. Once the CTD data are reduced to a standard-format time-series, they can be manipulated in a number of various ways. Channels can be additionally filtered. The time-series can be split up into shorter time-series or pasted together to form longer time-series. A time-series can be transformed into a pressure-series, or a larger-interval time-series. The pressure calibration corrections are applied during reduction of the data to time-series. Temperature, conductivity and oxygen corrections to the series are maintained in separate files and are applied whenever the data are accessed. ODF data acquisition software acquired and processed the CTD data in real- time, providing calibrated, processed data for interactive plotting and reporting during a cast. The 25 hz data from the CTD were filtered, response-corrected and averaged to a 2 hz (0.5 seconds) time-series. Sensor correction and calibration models were applied to pressure, temperature, conductivity and O2. Rosette trip data were extracted from this time-series in response to trip initiation and confirmation signals. The calibrated 2 hz time-series data were stored on disk (as were the 25 hz raw data) and were available in real-time for reporting and graphical display. At the end of the cast, various consistency and calibration checks were performed, and a 2.0 db pressure-series of the down-cast was generated and subsequently used for reports and plots. CTD plots generated automatically at the completion of deployment were checked daily for potential problems. The two PRT temperature sensors were inter-calibrated and checked for sensor drift. The CTD conductivity sensor was monitored by comparing CTD values to check-sample conductivities and by deep T-S comparisons with adjacent stations. The CTD O2 sensor was calibrated to check-sample data. A few casts exhibited conductivity offsets due to biological or particulate artifacts. Some casts were subject to noise in 1 or more channels caused by sea cable or slip-ring problems. For extremely noisy casts, the 2 hz time series were regenerated from the 25 hz data using tighter filtering criteria on the noisy channel(s). This was done for stations 8-40, especially for the CTD O2 channel, which is not typically filtered during the 25 hz to 2 hz averaging process. Otherwise, intermittent noisy data were filtered from the 2 hz data using a spike-removal filter that replaced points exceeding a specified multiple of the standard deviation least- squares polynomial fit of specified order of segments of the data. The filtered points were replaced by the filtering polynomial value. Density inversions can appear in high-gradient regions. Detailed examination of the raw data shows significant mixing occurring in these areas because of ship roll. Although the weather was excellent for most of the cruise, there was rough weather and excessive ship-roll during stations 32-48. In order to minimize density inversions, a ship-roll filter was applied to all casts during pressure-sequencing to disallow pressure reversals. Pressure intervals with no time-series data can optionally be filled by double-parabolic interpolation. When the down-cast CTD data have excessive noise, gaps or offsets, the up- cast data are used instead. CTD data from down- and up-casts are not mixed together in the pressure-series data because they do not represent identical water columns (due to ship movement, wire angles, etc.). The six up-casts used for final P14N data are indicated in Appendix C. Both transmissometers displayed a thermally-induced minimum, centered around 500db, for most of the cruise. Tests or attempted repairs are noted in Appendix C. Transmissometer data have not been processed beyond shipboard conversion from 25 hz to 2 hz time series, and are not included with final ODF CTD data. Wilf Gardner at TAMU should be contacted with any questions regarding transmissometer data. Appendix C contains a table of CTD casts requiring special attention; P14N CTD-related comments, problems and solutions are documented in detail. 1.8. BOTTLE SAMPLING At the end of each rosette deployment water samples were drawn from the bottles in the following order: o CFCs; o Helium; o Oxygen; o Partial Pressure of CO2; o Total CO2; o pH; o Tritium; o Nutrients; o Salinity. The correspondence between individual sample containers and the rosette bottle from which the sample was drawn was recorded on the sample log for the cast. This log also included any comments or anomalous conditions noted about the rosette and bottles. One member of the sampling team was designated the sample cop, whose sole responsibility was to maintain this log and insure that sampling progressed in proper drawing order. Normal sampling practice included opening the drain valve before opening the air vent on the bottle, indicating an air leak if water escaped. This observation together with other diagnostic comments (e.g., "lanyard caught in lid", "valve left open") that might later prove useful in determining sample integrity were routinely noted on the sample log. Drawing oxygen samples also involved taking the sample draw temperature from the bottle. The temperature was noted on the sample log and was sometimes useful in determining leaking or mis-tripped bottles. Once individual samples had been drawn and properly prepared, they were distributed to their respective laboratories for analysis. Oxygen, nutrients and salinity analyses were performed on computer-assisted (PC) analytical equipment networked to Sun SPARCstations for centralized data analysis. The analyst for a specific property was responsible for insuring that their results were updated into the cruise database. There were many tripping problems on this leg. The General Oceanics pylon had firmware/electronics problems throughout the cruise. However, there were no apparent major mechanical flaws. About 39 of the 6914 tripped bottles were coded as leaking because of lanyards hung in the top lids, rather than coded as leaking or did not trip correctly because of pylon problems. The bottles that did not trip as planned were re-associated with the correct CTD level. See Underwater Electronics Packages for further details. ODF suspects bottle 1 leaked slightly, but frequently. The PI disagrees and at his requests, the data coding does not reflect a leaking bottle. See Oxygen Analysis for details. B.1.9. BOTTLE DATA PROCESSING The first stage of bottle data processing consisted of verifying and validating individual samples, and checking the sample log (the sample inventory) for consistency. At this stage, bottle tripping problems were usually resolved, sometimes resulting in changes to the pressure, temperature and other CTD properties associated with the bottle. Note that the rosette bottle number was the primary identification for all samples taken from the bottle, as well as for the CTD data associated with the bottle. All CTD trips were retained (whether confirmed or not), so resolving bottle tripping problems simply consisted of assigning the right rosette bottle number to the right CTD trip level. Diagnostic comments from the sample log were entered into the computer as part of the quality control procedure. Every potential problem indicated in these computer files were investigated. The data were coded with the results of the investigation. The second stage of processing began once all the samples for a cast had been accounted for. All samples for bottles suspected of leaking were checked to see if the property was consistent with the profile for the cast, with adjacent stations, and, where applicable, with the CTD data. All comments from the analysts were examined and turned into appropriate WHP water sample codes. Oxygen flask numbers were verified, as each flask is individually calibrated and significantly affects the calculated O2 concentration. The third stage of processing continued throughout the cruise and until the data set is considered "final". Various property-property plots and vertical sections were examined for both consistency within a cast and consistency with adjacent stations. In conjunction with this process the analysts would review and sometimes revise their data as additional calibration or diagnostic results became available. Assignment of a WHP water sample code to an anomalous sample value was typically achieved through consensus, usually also involving one of the chief scientists. WHP water bottle quality flags were assigned with the following additional interpretations: | 3 | An air leak large enough to produce an observable | effect on a sample is identified by a code of 3 on the | bottle and a code of 4 on the oxygen. (Small air | leaks may have no observable effect, or may only | affect gas samples.) 4 | Bottles tripped at other than the intended depth were | assigned a code of 4. There may be no problems with | the associated water sample data. WHP water sample quality flags were assigned using the following criteria: | 1 | The sample for this measurement was drawn from a | bottle, but the results of the analysis were not (yet) | received. 2 | Acceptable measurement. 3 | Questionable measurement. The data did not fit the | station profile or adjacent station comparisons (or | possibly CTD data comparisons). No notes from the | analyst indicated a problem. The data could be | correct, but are open to interpretation. 4 | Bad measurement. Does not fit the station profile, | adjacent stations or CTD data. There were analytical | notes indicating a problem, but data values were | reported. Sampling and analytical errors were also | coded as 4. 5 | Not reported. There should always be a reason | associated with a code of 5, usually that the sample | was lost, contaminated or rendered unusable. 9 | The sample for this measurement was not drawn. WHP water sample quality flags were assigned to the CTDSAL (CTD salinity) parameter as follows: | 2 | Acceptable measurement. 3 | Questionable measurement. The data did not fit the | bottle data, or there was a CTD conductivity | calibration shift during the up-cast. 4 | Bad measurement. The CTD up-cast data were determined | to be unusable for calculating a salinity. 8 | The CTD salinity was derived from the CTD down cast, | matched on an isopycnal surface. WHP water sample quality flags were assigned to the CTDOXY (CTD O2) parameter as follows: | 2 | Acceptable measurement. 4 | Bad measurement. The CTD data were determined to be | unusable for calculating a dissolved oxygen | concentration. 5 | Not reported. The CTD data could not be reported. 9 | Not sampled. No operational CTD O2 sensor was present | on this cast. Note that all CTDOXY values were derived from the pressure-series CTD data, typically down-casts. CTD data were matched to the up-cast bottle data along isopycnal surfaces. If the CTD salinity was footnoted as bad or questionable, the CTD O2 is blank. Table 1.9.0 shows the number of samples drawn and the number of times each WHP sample quality flag was assigned for each basic hydrographic property: Rosette Samples Stations 1-185,651-653,800-803,900 -----------||----------|--------------------------------------- ||Reported | 1 2 3 4 5 9 -----------||----------|--------------------------------------- Bottle || 6914 | 0 6638 39 217 0 20 CTD Salt || 6914 | 0 6416 0 498 0 0 CTD Oxy || 6416 | 0 6364 46 6 0 498 Salinity || 6887 | 0 6670 81 136 3 24 Oxygen || 6884 | 0 6813 33 38 5 25 Silicate || 6893 | 0 6687 127 79 0 21 Nitrate || 6893 | 0 6570 176 147 0 21 Nitrite || 6893 | 0 6417 364 112 0 21 Phosphate || 6893 | 0 6585 265 43 0 21 Table 1.9.0 Frequency of WHP quality flag assignments. Additionally, all WHP water bottle/sample quality code comments are presented in Appendix D. B.1.10. PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURES All pressures and temperatures for the bottle data tabulations on the rosette casts were obtained by averaging CTD data for a brief interval at the time the bottle was closed on the rosette, then correcting the data based on CTD laboratory calibrations. The temperatures are reported using the International Temperature Scale of 1990. B.1.11. SALINITY ANALYSIS Salinity samples were drawn into 200 ml Kimax high alumina borosilicate bottles after 3 rinses, and were sealed with custom-made plastic insert thimbles and Nalgene screw caps. This assembly provides very low container dissolution and sample evaporation. As loose inserts were found, they were replaced to insure a continued airtight seal. Salinity was determined after a box of samples had equilibrated to laboratory temperature, usually within 8-12 hours of collection. The draw time and equilibration time, as well as per-sample analysis time and temperature were logged. Two Guildline Autosal Model 8400A salinometers (55-654 and 57-396) were used to measure salinities. These were located in a temperature-controlled laboratory. The salinometers were modified by ODF and contained interfaces for computer-aided measurement. A computer (PC) prompted the analyst for control functions (changing sample, flushing) while it made continuous measurements and logged results. The salinometer cell was flushed until successive readings met software criteria for consistency, then two successive measurements were made and averaged for a final result. The salinometer was standardized for each cast with IAPSO Standard Seawater (SSW) Batch P-122, using at least one fresh vial per cast. The estimated accuracy of bottle salinities run at sea is usually better than 0.002 PSU relative to the particular Standard Seawater batch used. PSS-78 salinity [UNES81] was then calculated for each sample from the measured conductivity ratios, and the results merged with the cruise database. Salinometer 57-396 was used on stations 022-025. Salinometer 55-654 was used on all other stations. A thermistor failed in 55-654 prior to 021/01 and was replaced. 6887 salinity measurements were made from the rosette stations. 380 vials of standard water were used. The temperature stability of the laboratory used to make the measurements was acceptable (usually within 4 deg.C of the salinometer bath temperature). There were no substantial problems noted with the analyses. The salinities were used to calibrate the CTD conductivity sensor. B.1.12. OXYGEN ANALYSIS Samples were collected for dissolved oxygen analyses soon after the rosette sampler was brought on board and after CFC and helium were drawn. Nominal 125 ml volume-calibrated iodine flasks were rinsed twice with minimal agitation, then filled via a drawing tube, and allowed to overflow for at least 3 flask volumes. The sample temperature was measured with a small platinum resistance thermometer embedded in the drawing tube. Draw temperatures were very useful in detecting possible bad trips even as samples were being drawn. Reagents were added to fix the oxygen before stoppering. The flasks were shaken twice to assure thorough dispersion of the MnO(OH)2 precipitate. They were shaken once immediately after drawing, and then again after 20 minutes. The samples were analyzed within 4-36 hours of collection. Dissolved oxygen analyses were performed with an SIO-designed automated oxygen titrator using photometric end-point detection based on the absorption of 365 nm wavelength ultra-violet light. Thiosulfate was dispensed by a Dosimat 665 buret driver fitted with a 1.0 ml buret. ODF uses a whole-bottle modified-Winkler titration following the technique of Carpenter [Carp65] with modifications by Culberson et. al [Culb91], but with higher concentrations of potassium iodate standard (approximately 0.012N) and thiosulfate solution (50 gm/l). Standard solutions prepared from pre-weighed potassium iodate crystals were run at the beginning of each session of analyses, which typically included from 1 to 3 stations. Several standards were made up during the cruise and compared to assure that the results were reproducible, and to preclude the possibility of a weighing error. Reagent/distilled water blanks were determined to account for oxidizing or reducing materials in the reagents. The auto-titrator generally performed very well. The samples were titrated and the data logged by the PC control software. The data were then used to update the cruise database on the Sun SPARCstations. Thiosulfate normalities and blanks, calculated from each standardization and corrected to 20 deg.C, were plotted versus time and were reviewed for possible problems. New thiosulfate normalities were recalculated after the blanks had been smoothed. These normalities were then smoothed, and the oxygen data were recalculated. Oxygens were converted from milliliters per liter to micromoles per kilogram using the in-situ temperature. Ideally, for whole-bottle titrations, the conversion temperature should be the temperature of the water issuing from the bottle spigot. The sample temperatures were measured at the time the samples were drawn from the bottle, but were not used in the conversion from milliliters per liter to micromoles per kilogram because the software was not available. Aberrant drawing temperatures provided an additional flag indicating that a bottle may not have tripped properly. Oxygen flasks were calibrated gravimetrically with degassed deionized water (DIW) to determine flask volumes at ODF's chemistry laboratory. This is done once before using flasks for the first time and periodically thereafter when a suspect bottle volume is detected. All volumetric glassware used in preparing standards is calibrated as well as the 10 ml Dosimat buret used to dispense standard iodate solution. Iodate standards are pre-weighed in ODF's chemistry laboratory to a nominal weight of 0.44xx grams and exact normality calculated at sea. Potassium iodate (KIO3) is obtained from Johnson Matthey Chemical Co. and is reported by the supplier to be > 99.4% pure. All other reagents are "reagent grade" and are tested for levels of oxidizing and reducing impurities prior to use. 6884 oxygen measurements from the rosette stations were made. There is a difference of 0.4 to 3.2 umol/kg in dissolved O2 at the maximum bottle depth for some of the stations. These stations had 2 bottles (bottle 1 and 2) tripped at the maximum bottle depth as scheduled by the PI to assess variability. It appears that the dissolved O2 from bottle 1 was lower if there was a difference between these two bottles; there are some exceptions. No analytical error could explain a lower oxygen. The PI requested that these oxygens be deemed acceptable. ODF suspects bottle 1 leaked slightly, but frequently. In the 1000 meters above bottle 1, there is typically very little change in salinity, and about 10% change in nutrients, but a 25% change in oxygen, making it the most sensitive to leaks in the first few minutes after tripping the bottle. The PI does not agree that the bottle was leaking and at his request, the coding does not reflect a leaking bottle or questionable data. At the following stations, the oxygens of bottle 1 were significantly lower than at bottle 2: 011, 051, 053, 059, 066, 088, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 103, 104, 105, 106, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116, 120, 122, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 139, 140, 141, 142, 801, 802, 143, 803, 144, 145, 146, 148, 152, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 172, 174 At the following stations, the oxygens of bottle 1 were significantly higher than at bottle 2 and adjoining stations: 065, 069, 091, 128, 183 The oxygen data were used to calibrate the CTD O2 sensor. B.1.13. NUTRIENT ANALYSIS Nutrient samples were drawn into 45 ml high density polypropylene, narrow mouth, screw-capped centrifuge tubes which were rinsed three times before filling. Standardizations were performed at the beginning and end of each group of analyses (one cast, usually 36 samples) with a set of an intermediate concentration standard prepared for each run from secondary standards. These secondary standards were in turn prepared aboard ship by dilution from dry, pre-weighed primary standards. Sets of 5-6 different concentrations of shipboard standards were analyzed periodically to determine the deviation from linearity as a function of concentration for each nutrient. Nutrient analyses (phosphate, silicate, nitrate and nitrite) were performed on an ODF-modified 4-channel Technicon AutoAnalyzer II, generally within one hour of the cast. Occasionally some samples were refrigerated at 2 to 6 deg.C for a maximum of 4 hours. The methods used are described by Gordon et al. [Atla71] [Hage72], [Gord92]., The colorimeter output from each of the four channels were digitized and logged automatically by computer (PC), then split into absorbence peaks. All the runs were manually verified. Silicate is analyzed using the technique of Armstrong et al. [Arms67]. Ammonium molybdate is added to a seawater sample to produce silicomolybdic acid which is then reduced to silicomolybdous acid (a blue compound) following the addition of stannous chloride. Tartaric acid is also added to impede PO4 contamination. The sample is passed through a 15 mm flowcell and the absorbence measured at 820nm. ODF's methodology is known to be non-linear at high silicate concentrations (>120 uM); a correction for this non-linearity is applied in ODF's software. Modifications of the Armstrong et al. [Arms67] techniques for nitrate and nitrite analysis are also used. The seawater sample for nitrate analysis is passed through a cadmium column where the nitrate is reduced to nitrite. Sulfanilamide is introduced, reacting with the nitrite, then N-(1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride which couples to form a red azo dye. The reaction product is then passed through a 15 mm flowcell and the absorbence measured at 540 nm. The same technique is employed for nitrite analysis, except the cadmium column is not present, and a 50 mm flowcell is used. Phosphate is analyzed using a modification of the Bernhardt and Wilhelms [Bern67] technique. Ammonium molybdate is added to the sample to produce phosphomolybdic acid, then reduced to phosphomolybdous acid (a blue compound) following the addition of dihydrazine sulfate. The reaction product is heated to ~55 deg.C to enhance color development, then passed through a 50 mm flowcell and the absorbence measured at 820 nm. Nutrients reported in micromoles per kilogram were converted from micromoles per liter by dividing by sample density calculated at 1 atm pressure, in-situ salinity, and an assumed laboratory temperature of 25 deg.C. Na2SiF6, the silicate primary standard, is obtained from Fluka Chemical Company and Fisher Scientific and is reported by the suppliers to be >98% pure. Primary standards for nitrate (KNO3), nitrite (NaNO2), and phosphate (KH2PO4) are obtained from Johnson Matthey Chemical Co. and the supplier reports purities of 99.999%, 97%, and 99.999%, respectively. 6893 nutrient analyses were performed. The AA generally performed well, with minor pump and sampler problems. B.1.14. CFC-11 and CFC-12 MEASUREMENTS (Dr. Mark J. Warner, Mr. Steven Covey, University of Washington SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Samples for CFC analysis were drawn from the 10-liter Niskins into 100-cc ground glass syringes fitted with plastic stopcocks. These samples were the first aliquots drawn from the particular Niskins. There is no evidence of high contamination levels of the CFC samples resulting from the Niskin bottles. The samples were analyzed using a CFC extraction and analysis system of Dr. Richard Gammon of the University of Washington. The analytical procedure and data analysis are described by Bullister and Weiss (1988). Dr. Warner and his technician set up the analytic system in Sitka, Alaska and transited aboard the R.V. Thompson to Dutch Harbor, Alaska to ensure that the instrument was working properly. The CFC concentrations in air were measured approximately twice per day during this expedition. Air was pumped to the main laboratory from the bow through Dekabon tubing. CALIBRATION A working standard, calibrated on the SIO1993 scale, was used to calibrate the response of the electron capture detector of the Shimadzu Mini-2 GC to the CFCs. This standard, Airco cylinder CC88098, contained gas with CFC-11 and CFC-12 concentrations of 267.20 parts per trillion (ppt) and 502.32 ppt, respectively. SAMPLING BLANKS There is always a small amount of contamination of the CFCs in the sampling and analysis of water samples. We have attempted to estimate this level of contamination by taking the mode of measured CFC concentration in samples which should be CFC-free. In this region, measurements of other transient tracers such as carbon-14 indicate that the deep waters are much older than the CFC transient. We have used all samples deeper than than 2000 meters to determine the blanks of 0.0045 picomoles per kilogram (pmol/kg) for CFC-11 and 0.0005 pmol/kg for CFC-12. These concentrations have been subtracted from all the reported dissolved CFC concentrations. DATA In addition to the CFC concentrations which have merged with the .SEA file, the following three tables have been included to complete the data set. The first two are tables of the duplicate samples. The third is a table of the atmospheric CFC concentrations interpolated to each station. Table 1: CFC-11 Concentrations in Replicate Samples STATION SAMPLE CFC-11 1 101 5.412 1 101 5.417 1 105 5.524 1 105 5.495 4 101 0.007 4 101 0.012 4 102 0.010 4 102 0.012 4 103 0.012 4 103 0.013 7 102 0.017 7 102 0.018 9 103 0.009 9 103 0.007 11 103 0.014 11 103 0.015 21 103 0.000 21 103 0.002 23 102 0.004 23 102 -0.002 25 103 -0.001 25 103 0.002 27 125 0.142 27 125 0.145 28 126 0.266 28 126 0.273 29 125 0.335 29 125 0.347 31 127 1.289 31 127 1.285 33 126 0.636 33 126 0.616 43 126 2.045 43 126 2.027 45 132 3.470 45 132 3.536 47 130 3.729 47 130 3.707 49 130 3.201 49 130 3.132 51 130 2.781 51 130 2.710 53 125 2.082 53 125 2.049 55 128 2.431 55 128 2.426 57 128 2.593 57 128 2.514 59 129 2.986 59 129 3.000 61 127 2.989 61 127 3.113 63 126 2.642 63 126 2.672 69 127 2.774 69 127 2.806 71 136 1.779 71 136 1.776 73 132 2.512 73 132 2.465 75 125 1.147 75 125 1.144 77 126 1.815 77 126 1.804 83 129 2.605 83 129 2.566 85 130 2.437 85 130 2.401 89 130 2.342 89 130 2.296 91 124 0.015 91 124 0.015 93 130 2.000 93 130 1.999 95 122 -0.002 95 122 0.007 99 130 2.016 99 130 2.025 101 127 0.051 101 127 0.054 105 127 0.024 105 127 0.019 107 132 1.707 107 132 1.701 111 130 0.885 111 130 0.892 113 132 1.642 113 132 1.655 115 133 1.622 115 133 1.625 117 131 1.263 117 131 1.253 119 129 0.175 119 129 0.168 121 132 1.686 121 132 1.688 123 127 0.071 123 127 0.071 125 126 0.020 125 126 0.022 127 134 1.557 127 134 1.564 129 128 0.314 129 128 0.306 131 130 0.849 131 130 0.868 135 130 1.236 135 130 1.217 137 133 1.566 137 133 1.583 139 126 0.093 139 126 0.090 141 130 1.182 141 130 1.186 143 126 0.193 143 126 0.186 145 130 1.202 145 130 1.195 147 123 0.009 147 123 0.009 149 130 1.140 149 130 1.109 151 130 1.388 151 130 1.393 153 126 0.081 153 126 0.082 155 123 0.006 155 123 0.004 157 132 1.636 157 132 1.596 159 130 1.747 159 130 1.734 163 130 1.335 163 130 1.321 165 126 0.105 165 126 0.107 167 124 0.017 167 124 0.010 169 124 0.006 169 124 0.005 171 129 0.973 171 129 0.973 173 126 0.120 173 126 0.114 175 131 1.697 175 131 1.741 177 121 0.043 177 121 0.045 181 130 1.705 181 130 1.746 800 130 1.574 800 130 1.589 Table 2: CFC-12 CONCENTRATIONS IN REPLICATE SAMPLES Station Sample CFC-12 1 101 2.586 1 101 2.525 4 101 0.005 4 101 0.003 4 102 0.005 4 102 0.004 4 103 0.010 4 103 0.008 7 102 0.010 7 102 0.012 9 103 0.002 9 103 0.002 11 103 0.003 11 103 0.006 21 103 0.003 21 103 -0.003 23 102 0.004 23 102 0.017 29 125 0.152 29 125 0.150 31 127 0.563 31 127 0.564 33 126 0.270 33 126 0.270 41 330 1.682 41 330 1.690 43 126 0.993 43 126 0.976 45 132 1.772 45 132 1.750 47 130 1.859 47 130 1.766 49 130 1.631 49 130 1.560 51 130 1.405 51 130 1.367 53 125 0.972 53 125 0.941 55 128 1.225 55 128 1.251 57 128 1.357 57 128 1.313 59 129 1.524 59 129 1.542 61 127 1.527 61 127 1.590 63 126 1.291 63 126 1.343 69 120 0.008 69 120 0.015 69 127 1.395 69 127 1.417 71 136 0.963 71 136 0.973 73 120 0.004 73 120 0.001 73 132 1.278 73 132 1.273 75 125 0.537 75 125 0.528 77 126 0.856 77 126 0.853 83 129 1.313 83 129 1.295 85 130 1.257 85 130 1.234 89 130 1.182 89 130 1.172 91 124 0.010 91 124 0.004 93 130 1.055 93 130 1.061 95 122 -0.001 95 122 0.001 99 130 1.064 99 130 1.070 101 127 0.021 101 127 0.022 105 127 0.010 105 127 0.010 107 132 0.866 107 132 0.856 111 130 0.422 111 130 0.431 113 132 0.840 113 132 0.851 115 133 0.916 115 133 0.917 117 131 0.636 117 131 0.627 119 129 0.083 119 129 0.079 121 132 0.880 121 132 0.884 123 127 0.037 123 127 0.028 125 126 0.014 125 126 0.016 127 134 0.853 127 134 0.871 129 128 0.164 129 128 0.139 131 130 0.424 131 130 0.417 135 130 0.623 135 130 0.601 137 133 0.859 137 133 0.869 139 126 0.042 139 126 0.048 141 130 0.596 141 130 0.585 143 126 0.102 143 126 0.099 145 130 0.619 145 130 0.603 147 123 0.002 147 123 0.004 149 130 0.590 149 130 0.574 151 130 0.721 151 130 0.724 153 126 0.039 153 126 0.041 155 123 0.002 155 123 0.002 157 132 0.882 157 132 0.863 159 130 0.908 159 130 0.933 163 130 0.675 163 130 0.698 165 126 0.052 165 126 0.061 167 124 0.010 167 124 0.006 169 124 0.002 169 124 0.003 171 129 0.498 171 129 0.502 173 126 0.048 173 126 0.056 175 131 0.905 175 131 0.927 181 130 0.895 181 130 0.917 800 130 0.819 800 130 0.826 Table 3: ATMOSPHERIC CFC CONCENTRATIONS INTERPOLATED TO STATIONS STATION F11 F12 NUMBER PPT PPT 1 275.5 519.6 2 275.4 520.0 3 275.5 519.6 4 275.4 520.0 5 275.4 520.0 6 275.4 520.0 7 275.1 520.2 8 275.1 520.2 9 275.1 520.2 10 275.1 520.2 11 275.1 520.2 12 275.1 520.2 13 275.1 520.8 14 275.1 520.8 15 275.1 520.8 16 275.1 520.8 17 274.6 524.3 18 274.6 524.3 19 274.6 524.3 20 274.6 524.3 21 274.6 524.3 22 274.6 524.3 23 274.6 524.3 24 274.6 524.3 25 274.9 522.9 26 274.8 523.3 27 274.7 522.1 28 274.6 522.2 29 274.9 519.9 30 275.2 519.7 31 275.8 520.1 32 275.0 519.6 33 276.7 520.3 34 276.7 520.3 35 276.7 520.3 36 275.9 519.3 37 275.3 517.8 38 273.9 515.3 39 274.9 513.4 40 274.9 513.4 41 274.9 513.4 42 274.7 513.0 43 274.7 513.0 44 274.6 512.2 45 274.5 511.8 46 273.9 511.5 47 273.8 510.5 48 273.8 510.5 49 273.8 510.5 50 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178 269.6 508.4 179 269.6 508.4 180 269.0 508.6 181 268.5 510.8 182 268.5 510.8 183 268.5 510.8 184 268.4 508.4 185 268.4 508.4 651 273.3 513.2 652 273.3 513.2 653 273.3 513.2 800 270.6 510.0 801 269.7 510.6 802 269.7 510.6 803 269.7 510.6 900 269.7 508.1 Table 4: ATMOSPHERIC CFC MEASUREMENTS Time FREON RUN FREON F12 F11 Date (hhmm) Latitude Longitude NUMBER FLAG PPT PPT 29 Jun 93 2333 56 36.4 N 138 53.6 W 2 0 535.2 270.3 29 Jun 93 2343 56 36.4 N 138 53.6 W 3 0 533.3 269.3 29 Jun 93 2354 56 36.4 N 138 53.6 W 4 0 527.4 269.9 30 Jun 93 0017 56 36.4 N 138 53.6 W 6 0 519.7 269.3 3 Jul 93 0303 54 11.0 N 160 59.7 W 114 0 517.1 274.3 6 Jul 93 0949 55 39.4 N 168 55.4 W 181 0 522.6 268.1 6 Jul 93 0959 55 39.4 N 168 55.4 W 182 0 530.2 270.1 6 Jul 93 1009 55 39.4 N 168 55.4 W 183 0 520.5 268.3 7 Jul 93 0723 59 00.1 N 173 59.8 W 245 0 526.7 269.0 7 Jul 93 0734 59 00.1 N 173 59.8 W 246 0 523.0 268.6 7 Jul 93 0830 59 00.1 N 173 59.8 W 247 0 525.7 269.2 8 Jul 93 2253 55 00.1 N 177 11.7 W 409 0 525.8 268.2 8 Jul 93 2304 55 00.1 N 177 11.7 W 410 0 525.8 268.2 8 Jul 93 2316 55 00.1 N 177 11.7 W 411 0 527.9 268.3 9 Jul 93 1149 53 42.1 N 178 07.6 W 462 0 525.7 268.0 9 Jul 93 1214 53 42.1 N 178 07.6 W 464 0 525.1 268.6 9 Jul 93 1225 53 42.1 N 178 07.6 W 465 0 525.4 268.2 11 Jul 93 0951 50 56.1 N 179 34.3 E 655 0 522.1 269.2 11 Jul 93 1003 50 56.1 N 179 34.3 E 656 0 531.8 267.7 11 Jul 93 1015 50 56.1 N 179 34.3 E 657 0 529.7 268.0 12 Jul 93 0106 50 14.1 N 179 07.9 E 714 0 528.8 267.5 12 Jul 93 0118 50 14.1 N 179 07.9 E 715 0 530.0 267.0 12 Jul 93 0200 50 14.1 N 179 07.9 E 717 0 538.7 267.1 12 Jul 93 2032 48 59.8 N 178 59.8 E 803 0 527.8 268.1 12 Jul 93 2043 48 59.8 N 178 59.8 E 804 0 528.3 269.4 12 Jul 93 2057 48 59.8 N 178 59.8 E 805 0 521.2 268.7 13 Jul 93 2023 47 00.1 N 179 00.0 E 906 0 524.7 267.6 13 Jul 93 2034 47 00.1 N 179 00.0 E 907 0 527.8 267.4 13 Jul 93 2046 47 00.1 N 179 00.0 E 908 0 524.5 267.3 14 Jul 93 0841 45 59.8 N 179 00.2 E 955 0 519.0 268.3 14 Jul 93 0852 45 59.8 N 179 00.2 E 956 0 530.8 268.9 14 Jul 93 0904 45 59.8 N 179 00.2 E 957 0 525.5 269.4 14 Jul 93 2103 45 00.2 N 179 00.2 E 1004 0 529.4 269.8 14 Jul 93 2114 45 00.2 N 179 00.2 E 1005 0 528.0 269.7 14 Jul 93 2126 45 00.2 N 179 00.2 E 1006 0 523.5 273.1 15 Jul 93 1149 43 59.8 N 178 59.7 E 1057 0 522.7 267.0 15 Jul 93 1201 43 59.8 N 178 59.7 E 1058 0 522.7 267.3 15 Jul 93 1213 43 59.8 N 178 59.7 E 1059 0 524.0 267.3 16 Jul 93 1420 42 32.8 N 179 10.6 E 1120 0 519.9 267.5 16 Jul 93 1432 42 32.8 N 179 10.6 E 1121 0 518.4 267.0 16 Jul 93 1443 42 32.8 N 179 10.6 E 1122 0 518.3 266.7 17 Jul 93 1246 41 59.8 N 178 59.8 E 1188 0 516.8 270.5 17 Jul 93 1258 41 59.8 N 178 59.8 E 1189 0 519.8 268.2 17 Jul 93 1310 41 59.8 N 178 59.8 E 1190 0 521.3 268.4 18 Jul 93 1801 39 59.9 N 179 00.2 E 1283 0 516.5 267.5 18 Jul 93 1812 39 59.9 N 179 00.2 E 1284 0 519.3 267.6 18 Jul 93 1823 39 59.9 N 179 00.2 E 1285 0 518.3 267.3 19 Jul 93 0828 38 59.6 N 179 00.2 E 1346 0 517.4 266.2 19 Jul 93 0839 38 59.6 N 179 00.2 E 1347 0 516.7 266.7 19 Jul 93 0850 38 59.6 N 179 00.2 E 1348 0 514.7 267.5 19 Jul 93 2036 38 00.2 N 179 00.0 E 1397 0 514.7 268.0 19 Jul 93 2047 38 00.2 N 179 00.0 E 1398 0 513.9 266.9 19 Jul 93 2058 38 00.2 N 179 00.0 E 1399 0 519.9 266.9 20 Jul 93 1153 36 59.3 N 178 59.6 E 1452 0 519.9 268.7 20 Jul 93 1204 36 59.3 N 178 59.6 E 1453 10000 529.9 273.1F 20 Jul 93 1215 36 59.3 N 178 59.6 E 1454 0 516.9 267.6 21 Jul 93 1113 35 00.3 N 179 00.2 E 1550 0 523.8 268.7 21 Jul 93 1124 35 00.3 N 179 00.2 E 1551 0 520.8 267.8 21 Jul 93 1135 35 00.3 N 179 00.2 E 1552 0 519.7 267.0 22 Jul 93 0620 32 59.3 N 178 59.8 E 1638 0 521.0 267.3 22 Jul 93 0631 32 59.3 N 178 59.8 E 1639 0 520.8 267.6 22 Jul 93 0642 32 59.3 N 178 59.8 E 1640 0 517.1 266.6 22 Jul 93 0654 32 59.3 N 178 59.8 E 1641 0 523.8 267.2 22 Jul 93 1819 31 59.6 N 178 59.7 E 1684 0 519.7 268.8 22 Jul 93 1830 31 59.6 N 178 59.7 E 1685 0 521.6 267.7 22 Jul 93 1841 31 59.6 N 178 59.7 E 1686 0 520.3 267.6 23 Jul 93 1842 29 59.8 N 178 59.7 E 1789 0 519.1 266.0 23 Jul 93 1853 29 59.8 N 178 59.7 E 1790 0 520.2 266.3 23 Jul 93 1904 29 59.8 N 178 59.7 E 1791 0 519.4 266.6 24 Jul 93 1013 29 29.8 N 178 58.5 E 1863 0 517.0 267.4 24 Jul 93 1025 29 29.8 N 178 58.5 E 1864 0 518.2 266.6 24 Jul 93 1036 29 29.8 N 178 58.5 E 1865 0 519.4 266.1 25 Jul 93 0203 27 59.9 N 179 00.0 E 1922 0 517.5 265.8 25 Jul 93 0225 27 59.9 N 179 00.0 E 1924 0 516.5 266.9 25 Jul 93 0237 27 59.9 N 179 00.0 E 1925 0 513.8 265.7 25 Jul 93 0248 27 59.9 N 179 00.0 E 1926 0 518.7 267.0 25 Jul 93 1840 27 02.1 N 178 57.5 E 1983 0 522.2 265.8 25 Jul 93 1851 27 02.1 N 178 57.5 E 1984 0 523.8 266.4 25 Jul 93 1902 27 02.1 N 178 57.5 E 1985 0 519.6 265.7 26 Jul 93 0932 25 59.7 N 179 00.3 E 2032 0 520.1 265.6 26 Jul 93 0943 25 59.7 N 179 00.3 E 2033 0 520.4 265.9 26 Jul 93 0955 25 59.7 N 179 00.3 E 2034 0 517.9 265.8 27 Jul 93 1006 24 00.0 N 178 59.6 E 2123 0 520.5 266.8 27 Jul 93 1017 24 00.0 N 178 59.6 E 2124 0 523.1 266.7 27 Jul 93 1028 24 00.0 N 178 59.6 E 2125 0 520.9 265.7 29 Jul 93 0744 20 00.0 N 179 00.0 E 2305 0 520.3 266.0 29 Jul 93 0755 20 00.0 N 179 00.0 E 2306 0 519.3 266.5 29 Jul 93 0806 20 00.0 N 179 00.0 E 2307 0 515.7 265.7 30 Jul 93 0636 18 00.1 N 178 59.7 E 2397 0 517.8 262.5 30 Jul 93 0648 18 00.1 N 178 59.7 E 2398 0 518.1 264.3 30 Jul 93 0659 18 00.1 N 178 59.7 E 2399 0 518.8 265.2 30 Jul 93 1752 16 59.7 N 179 00.0 E 2446 0 522.5 266.8 30 Jul 93 1803 16 59.7 N 179 00.0 E 2447 0 522.2 265.8 30 Jul 93 1814 16 59.7 N 179 00.0 E 2448 0 521.5 266.3 1 Aug 93 1023 14 00.4 N 178 59.8 E 2610 0 520.1 268.5 1 Aug 93 1045 14 00.4 N 178 59.8 E 2612 0 519.2 266.6 1 Aug 93 1108 14 00.4 N 178 59.8 E 2614 0 520.0 266.6 2 Aug 93 1458 12 22.0 N 179 00.3 E 2700 0 519.3 264.8 2 Aug 93 1509 12 22.0 N 179 00.3 E 2701 0 525.7 265.6 2 Aug 93 1520 12 22.0 N 179 00.3 E 2702 0 520.4 264.7 2 Aug 93 1531 12 22.0 N 179 00.3 E 2703 0 521.7 264.3 3 Aug 93 0547 11 00.2 N 179 00.1 E 2769 0 523.2 265.4 3 Aug 93 0558 11 00.2 N 179 00.1 E 2770 0 511.5 266.2 3 Aug 93 0611 11 00.2 N 179 00.1 E 2771 0 516.8 264.3 3 Aug 93 0626 11 00.2 N 179 00.1 E 2772 0 513.0 264.5 5 Aug 93 0327 08 00.1 N 178 59.5 E 2940 0 522.4 265.2 5 Aug 93 0338 08 00.1 N 178 59.5 E 2941 0 525.2 266.2 5 Aug 93 0349 08 00.1 N 178 59.5 E 2942 0 521.6 266.4 5 Aug 93 1337 07 30.0 N 178 59.6 E 2982 0 519.9 265.9 5 Aug 93 1348 07 30.0 N 178 59.6 E 2983 0 518.6 265.3 5 Aug 93 1359 07 30.0 N 178 59.6 E 2984 0 518.9 266.2 5 Aug 93 2215 07 00.1 N 179 00.1 E 3018 0 516.0 265.7 5 Aug 93 2226 07 00.1 N 179 00.1 E 3019 0 521.8 265.4 5 Aug 93 2238 07 00.1 N 179 00.1 E 3020 0 522.5 263.8 6 Aug 93 1825 06 00.1 N 178 59.9 E 3092 0 516.6 265.3 6 Aug 93 1837 06 00.1 N 178 59.9 E 3093 0 518.4 265.2 6 Aug 93 1848 06 00.1 N 178 59.9 E 3094 0 515.5 265.4 7 Aug 93 0528 05 29.8 N 178 59.8 E 3135 0 520.0 265.1 7 Aug 93 0540 05 29.8 N 178 59.8 E 3136 0 517.9 264.8 7 Aug 93 0551 05 29.8 N 178 59.8 E 3137 20000 508.5F 263.7 7 Aug 93 0613 05 29.8 N 178 59.8 E 3139 0 517.9 265.1 7 Aug 93 1526 04 59.8 N 178 59.9 E 3173 0 527.4 270.5 7 Aug 93 1537 04 59.8 N 178 59.9 E 3174 0 517.8 264.6 7 Aug 93 1548 04 59.8 N 178 59.9 E 3175 0 521.0 269.4 7 Aug 93 1601 04 59.8 N 178 59.9 E 3176 0 519.4 264.9 8 Aug 93 2148 03 29.7 N 179 00.3 E 3293 0 520.7 264.7 8 Aug 93 2213 03 29.7 N 179 00.3 E 3295 0 514.2 264.2 8 Aug 93 2224 03 29.7 N 179 00.3 E 3296 0 517.7 264.5 9 Aug 93 0633 03 05.7 N 178 39.5 E 3332 0 509.6 264.1 9 Aug 93 0645 03 05.7 N 178 39.5 E 3333 0 513.9 264.7 9 Aug 93 0656 03 05.7 N 178 39.5 E 3334 0 512.7 264.0 9 Aug 93 0708 03 05.7 N 178 39.5 E 3335 0 515.6 265.0 14 Aug 93 1636 02 21.7 N 176 56.1 E 3358 0 517.0 263.8 14 Aug 93 1648 02 21.7 N 176 56.1 E 3359 0 514.0 263.1 14 Aug 93 1659 02 21.7 N 176 56.1 E 3360 0 513.9 262.9 15 Aug 93 0427 02 59.8 N 179 01.0 E 3380 0 516.0 263.5 15 Aug 93 0438 02 59.8 N 179 01.0 E 3381 0 516.0 263.7 15 Aug 93 0449 02 59.8 N 179 01.0 E 3382 0 517.6 263.0 15 Aug 93 2055 02 12.4 N 179 00.8 E 3444 0 516.9 263.6 15 Aug 93 2106 02 12.4 N 179 00.8 E 3445 0 517.0 263.4 15 Aug 93 2118 02 12.4 N 179 00.8 E 3446 0 516.1 263.8 16 Aug 93 1924 01 00.4 N 179 00.1 E 3524 0 513.4 264.5 16 Aug 93 1935 01 00.4 N 179 00.1 E 3525 0 515.8 263.2 16 Aug 93 1947 01 00.4 N 179 00.1 E 3526 0 513.8 263.7 17 Aug 93 1611 00 10.8 N 179 00.1 E 3599 0 516.3 261.0 17 Aug 93 1623 00 10.8 N 179 00.1 E 3600 0 517.4 262.5 17 Aug 93 1634 00 10.8 N 179 00.1 E 3601 0 518.9 263.3 17 Aug 93 1646 00 10.8 N 179 00.1 E 3602 0 519.8 263.7 18 Aug 93 1301 00 00.2 N 179 29.9 E 3643 0 514.2 263.3 18 Aug 93 1313 00 00.2 N 179 29.9 E 3644 0 513.6 263.5 18 Aug 93 1324 00 00.2 N 179 29.9 E 3645 0 513.9 264.0 19 Aug 93 1730 01 00.1 S 179 00.0 E 3750 0 514.9 263.8 19 Aug 93 1744 01 00.1 S 179 00.0 E 3751 0 516.2 264.0 19 Aug 93 1755 01 00.1 S 179 00.0 E 3752 0 510.5 263.4 20 Aug 93 0426 01 21.9 S 178 59.5 E 3793 0 515.4 263.4 20 Aug 93 0448 01 21.9 S 178 59.5 E 3795 0 514.7 264.6 20 Aug 93 0523 01 21.9 S 178 59.5 E 3798 0 522.2 269.8 20 Aug 93 1801 01 52.0 S 178 56.3 E 3848 0 513.1 263.2 20 Aug 93 1811 01 52.0 S 178 56.3 E 3849 0 516.0 263.6 20 Aug 93 1835 01 52.0 S 178 56.3 E 3851 0 513.3 264.0 21 Aug 93 1043 02 30.0 S 179 00.0 E 3890 0 521.1 263.0 21 Aug 93 1054 02 30.0 S 179 00.0 E 3891 0 518.7 264.0 21 Aug 93 1106 02 30.0 S 179 00.0 E 3892 0 519.9 263.2 22 Aug 93 1502 03 57.7 S 179 00.1 E 3999 0 517.6 263.8 22 Aug 93 1514 03 57.7 S 179 00.1 E 4000 0 516.2 263.7 22 Aug 93 1525 03 57.7 S 179 00.1 E 4001 0 520.4 265.6 23 Aug 93 1327 05 00.5 S 179 00.0 E 4084 0 510.4 263.4 23 Aug 93 1342 05 00.5 S 179 00.0 E 4085 0 515.5 263.9 23 Aug 93 1353 05 00.5 S 179 00.0 E 4086 0 514.3 263.9 24 Aug 93 0033 06 00.5 S 179 00.3 E 4136 0 513.4 263.9 24 Aug 93 0042 06 00.5 S 179 00.3 E 4137 0 515.8 265.4 24 Aug 93 0115 06 00.5 S 179 00.3 E 4140 0 516.4 264.4 25 Aug 93 0126 08 17.7 S 178 56.4 E 4237 0 511.5 262.8 25 Aug 93 0137 08 17.7 S 178 56.4 E 4238 0 513.0 262.8 25 Aug 93 0149 08 17.7 S 178 56.4 E 4239 0 514.0 263.3 25 Aug 93 1410 08 37.0 S 178 58.4 E 4303 0 513.9 263.0 25 Aug 93 1422 08 37.0 S 178 58.4 E 4304 0 514.0 263.4 25 Aug 93 1433 08 37.0 S 178 58.4 E 4305 0 512.7 263.7 26 Aug 93 0720 09 00.0 S 178 59.9 E 4370 0 517.1 263.4 26 Aug 93 0732 09 00.0 S 178 59.9 E 4371 0 513.6 262.2 26 Aug 93 0743 09 00.0 S 178 59.9 E 4372 0 514.1 262.4 27 Aug 93 1636 12 21.7 S 179 00.0 E 4506 0 510.6 263.2 27 Aug 93 1647 12 21.7 S 179 00.0 E 4507 0 510.9 263.2 27 Aug 93 1659 12 21.7 S 179 00.0 E 4508 0 508.2 263.5 28 Aug 93 0654 13 59.9 S 179 00.0 E 4578 0 520.4 262.7 28 Aug 93 0705 13 59.9 S 179 00.0 E 4579 0 518.1 262.5 28 Aug 93 0717 13 59.9 S 179 00.0 E 4580 0 516.2 262.2 28 Aug 93 1538 14 59.8 S 178 59.7 E 4613 0 514.9 261.5 28 Aug 93 1601 14 59.8 S 178 59.7 E 4615 0 515.1 261.3 28 Aug 93 1612 14 59.8 S 178 59.7 E 4616 0 514.0 260.7 29 Aug 93 0015 16 00.0 S 179 00.0 E 4652 0 513.5 263.0 29 Aug 93 0026 16 00.0 S 179 00.0 E 4653 0 511.8 261.6 29 Aug 93 0037 16 00.0 S 179 00.0 E 4654 0 506.5 258.9 29 Aug 93 0100 16 00.0 S 179 00.0 E 4656 0 518.2 263.4 29 Aug 93 0124 16 00.0 S 179 00.0 E 4658 0 518.8 263.5 REFERENCES Arms67. Armstrong, F. A. J., Stearns, C. R., and Strickland, J. D. H., "The measurement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by means of the Technicon Autoanalyzer and associated equipment," Deep-Sea Research, 14, pp. 381-389 (1967). Atla71. Atlas, E. L., Hager, S. W., Gordon, L. I., and Park, P. K., "A Practical Manual for Use of the Technicon AutoAnalyzer(R) in Seawater Nutrient Analyses Revised," Technical Report 215, Reference 71-22, p. 49, Oregon State University, Department of Oceanography (1971). Bern67. Bernhardt, H. and Wilhelms, A., "The continuous determination of low level iron, soluble phosphate and total phosphate with the AutoAnalyzer," Technicon Symposia, I, pp. 385-389 (1967). Brow78. Brown, N. L. and Morrison, G. K., "WHOI/Brown conductivity, temperature and depth microprofiler," Technical Report No. 78-23, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (1978). Carp65. Carpenter, J. H., "The Chesapeake Bay Institute technique for the Winkler dissolved oxygen method," Limnology and Oceanography, 10, pp. 141-143 (1965). Cart80. Carter, D. J. T., "Computerised Version of Echo-sounding Correction Tables (Third Edition)," Marine Information and Advisory Service, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Wormley, Godalming, Surrey. GU8 5UB. U.K. (1980). Culb91. Culberson, C. H., Knapp, G., Stalcup, M., Williams, R. T., and Zemlyak, F., "A comparison of methods for the determination of dissolved oxygen in seawater," Report WHPO 91-2, WOCE Hydrographic Programme Office (Aug 1991). Gord92. Gordon, L. I., Jennings, J. C., Jr., Ross, A. A., and Krest, J. M., "A suggested Protocol for Continuous Flow Automated Analysis of Seawater Nutrients in the WOCE Hydrographic Program and the Joint Global Ocean Fluxes Study," Grp. Tech Rpt 92-1, OSU College of Oceanography Descr. Chem Oc. (1992). Hage72. Hager, S. W., Atlas, E. L., Gordon, L. D., Mantyla, A. W., and Park, P. K., "A comparison at sea of manual and autoanalyzer analyses of phosphate, nitrate, and silicate," Limnology and Oceanography, 17, pp. 931-937 (1972). Mill82. Millard, R. C., Jr., "CTD calibration and data processing techniques at WHOI using the practical salinity scale," Proc. Int. STD Conference and Workshop, p. 19, Mar. Tech. Soc., La Jolla, Ca. (1982). Owen85. Owens, W. B. and Millard, R. C., Jr., "A new algorithm for CTD oxygen calibration," Journ. of Am. Meteorological Soc., 15, p. 621 (1985). UNES81. UNESCO, "Background papers and supporting data on the Practical Salinity Scale, 1978," UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine Science, No. 37, p. 144 (1981). C. DATA QUALITY EVALUATION C.1 Final CFC Data Quality Evaluation (DQE) (David Wisegarver) Dec 2000 During the initial DQE review of the CFC data, a small number of samples were given QUALT2 flags which differed from the initial QUALT1 flags assigned by the PI. After discussion, the PI concurred with the DQE assigned flags and updated the QUAL1 flags for these samples. The CFC concentrations have been adjusted to the SIO98 calibration Scale (Prinn et al. 2000) so that all of the Pacific WOCE CFC data will be on a common calibration scale. For further information, comments or questions, please, contact the CFC PI for this section (mwarner@ocean.washington.edu) or David Wisegarver (wise@pmel.noaa.gov). Additional information on WOCE CFC synthesis may be available at: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/cfc. *************************************************************************** Prinn, R. G., R. F. Weiss, P. J. Fraser, P. G. Simmonds, D. M. Cunnold, F. N. Alyea, S. O'Doherty, P. Salameh, B. R. Miller, J. Huang, R. H. J. Wang, D. E. Hartley, C. Harth, L. P. Steele, G. Sturrock, P. M. Midgley, and A. McCulloch, A history of chemically and radiatively important gases in air deduced from ALE/GAGE/AGAGE. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 17,751-17,792, 2000. **************************************************************************** APPENDIX A WOCE93-P14N: CTD TEMPERATURE AND CONDUCTIVITY CORRECTIONS SUMMARY PRT ITS-90 Temperature Coefficients Conductivity Coefficients Sta/ Response corT = t2*T2 + t1*T + t0 corC = c1*C + c0 Cast Time (secs) t2 t1 t0 c1 c0 001/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01471 002/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01471 003/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01471 004/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01173 005/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01172 006/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01155 007/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01014 008/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01119 009/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01104 010/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01248 011/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01256 012/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01157 013/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01206 014/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01324 015/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01300 016/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01322 017/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01382 018/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01382 019/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01098 020/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01166 021/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01233 022/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01233 023/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01385 024/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01228 025/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01285 026/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01121 027/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01008 028/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01139 029/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01161 030/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01149 031/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01143 032/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01117 033/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01176 034/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01092 035/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01588 036/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01558 037/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.02042 038/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01599 039/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01593 040/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01254 041/03 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01252 042/02 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01256 043/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01222 044/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01176 045/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01105 046/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01119 047/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -5.07003e-04 0.01049 048/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01491 049/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01415 050/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01352 051/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01450 052/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01480 053/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01492 PRT ITS-90 Temperature Coefficients Conductivity Coefficients Sta/ Response corT = t2*T2 + t1*T + t0 corC = c1*C + c0 Cast Time (secs) t2 t1 t0 c1 c0 054/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01574 055/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01536 056/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01570 057/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01533 058/02 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01442 059/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01374 060/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01434 061/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01552 062/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01531 063/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01657 064/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01468 065/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01468 651/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01510 652/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01510 653/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01593 066/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01497 067/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01573 068/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01593 069/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01509 070/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01423 071/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01524 072/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01540 073/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01429 074/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01417 075/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01597 076/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01381 077/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01419 078/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01474 079/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01505 080/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01513 081/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01504 082/02 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01473 083/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01492 084/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01534 085/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01453 086/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01358 087/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01370 088/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01529 089/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01529 090/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01435 091/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01469 092/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01373 093/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01418 094/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01504 095/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01535 096/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01416 097/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01412 098/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01381 099/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01507 100/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01411 101/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01408 102/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01486 103/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01470 104/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01456 105/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01578 106/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01533 107/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01498 PRT ITS-90 Temperature Coefficients Conductivity Coefficients Sta/ Response corT = t2*T2 + t1*T + t0 corC = c1*C + c0 Cast Time (secs) t2 t1 t0 c1 c0 108/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01517 109/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01487 110/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01563 111/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01577 112/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01557 113/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01605 114/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01607 115/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01517 116/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01514 117/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01616 118/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01533 119/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01651 120/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01537 121/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01541 122/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01489 123/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01532 124/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01577 125/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01619 126/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01560 127/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01559 128/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01600 129/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01524 130/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01494 131/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01509 132/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01630 133/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01564 134/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01515 135/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01493 136/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01484 137/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01638 138/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01635 139/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01552 140/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01502 141/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01482 142/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01463 800/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01514 801/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01505 802/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01635 803/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01522 143/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01503 144/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01513 145/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01645 146/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01514 147/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01534 148/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01556 149/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01566 150/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01558 151/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01726 152/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01669 153/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01633 154/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01796 155/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01643 156/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01655 157/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01606 158/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01581 159/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01587 160/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01820 161/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01726 PRT ITS-90 Temperature Coefficients Conductivity Coefficients Sta/ Response corT = t2*T2 + t1*T + t0 corC = c1*C + c0 Cast Time (secs) t2 t1 t0 c1 c0 162/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01719 163/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01719 164/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01807 165/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01701 166/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01682 167/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01700 168/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01925 169/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01714 170/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01652 900/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01660 900/02 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01660 900/03 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01660 900/04 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01750 900/05 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01660 900/06 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01660 171/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01805 172/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01799 173/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01730 174/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01770 175/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01780 176/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01757 177/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01781 178/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01753 179/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01779 180/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01830 181/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01809 182/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01682 183/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01923 184/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01923 185/01 .30 2.18360e-05 -8.70830e-04 -1.48250 -7.62972e-04 0.01946 APPENDIX B SUMMARY OF WOCE93-P14N CTD OXYGEN TIME CONSTANTS Temperature | Press. | O2 Grad. Fast(tauTF) | Slow(tauTS) | (tauP) | (tauOG) ------------|-------------|--------|--------- 10.0 | 400.0 | 16.0 | 16.0 WOCE93-P14N CTD Oxygen: O2 Conversion Equation Coefficients (refer to Equation 1.6.0) Sta/ Slope Offset Pcoeff TFcoeff TScoeff OGcoeff Cast (c1) (c2) (c3) (c4) (c5) (c6) 001/01 9.03205e-04 2.22160e-01 -3.84902e-04 -5.90926e-04 -1.26245e-02 1.77119e-07 002/01 5.72594e-04 3.49141e-01 -1.32797e-04 2.64532e-02 -1.20655e-02 7.98970e-06 003/01 1.32012e-03 -4.11370e-03 1.52537e-04 -9.27140e-03 -8.87230e-03 -2.30375e-05 004/01 1.46579e-03 -8.26449e-03 1.41945e-04 6.64804e-03 -5.36062e-02 1.55359e-05 005/01 1.31606e-03 -8.09242e-03 1.55040e-04 -7.41188e-03 -8.45274e-03 -2.79246e-05 006/01 1.41301e-03 -1.13434e-02 1.41870e-04 -1.34748e-02 -1.50663e-02 -8.46308e-06 007/01 1.40425e-03 -1.06680e-02 1.49726e-04 1.81415e-03 -4.52019e-02 1.67742e-05 008/01 1.47175e-03 -1.09463e-02 1.43235e-04 1.46446e-03 -5.19462e-02 2.11852e-05 009/01 1.51391e-03 -4.24354e-03 1.30138e-04 1.34116e-02 -7.23143e-02 -4.11079e-06 010/01 1.58514e-03 -7.19497e-03 1.26454e-04 2.29762e-03 -6.75231e-02 9.03354e-06 011/01 1.43484e-03 -3.94853e-03 1.31620e-04 -6.85656e-03 -2.17464e-02 -1.27498e-05 012/01 1.39509e-03 -4.53551e-03 1.50881e-04 -8.47989e-03 -4.00571e-02 1.04195e-05 013/01 1.60686e-03 -6.79621e-03 1.25180e-04 -5.44501e-03 -6.69089e-02 2.49827e-05 014/01 1.81404e-03 -9.76445e-03 1.01950e-04 -2.02382e-02 -8.03046e-02 4.15224e-06 015/01 1.38635e-03 -1.76264e-03 1.39446e-04 -4.37129e-02 1.32884e-02 -2.15239e-05 016/01 1.76679e-03 -4.39388e-03 1.03720e-04 2.45381e-02 -1.19062e-01 1.94149e-05 017/01 2.18024e-03 -4.05469e-03 3.37205e-05 6.72338e-02 -1.86318e-01 -8.45198e-07 018/01 3.14113e-03 -3.44063e-02 3.55666e-05 4.86544e-02 -2.49466e-01 -1.10341e-05 019/01 3.37677e-03 1.07924e-02 -1.22709e-04 5.71378e-03 -2.46256e-01 -1.20876e-05 020/01 1.55267e-03 -7.14250e-04 1.20695e-04 4.01789e-02 -1.13684e-01 1.39800e-06 021/01 1.66923e-03 -1.06858e-02 1.10888e-04 1.42224e-02 -8.22405e-02 -2.62184e-05 022/01 1.50907e-03 -2.62051e-03 1.28559e-04 -5.89131e-03 -4.48084e-02 -7.27151e-07 023/01 1.48722e-03 3.55949e-03 1.26175e-04 1.75391e-01 -2.25150e-01 -2.98670e-06 024/01 1.50886e-03 -9.71791e-03 1.34607e-04 9.78788e-04 -5.39409e-02 5.04931e-06 025/01 1.56139e-03 -1.57741e-02 1.31465e-04 2.04977e-03 -5.55510e-02 9.03188e-06 026/01 1.44395e-03 -4.57876e-03 1.38718e-04 6.67958e-03 -4.78942e-02 7.10847e-06 027/01 1.61450e-03 -1.50110e-02 1.24882e-04 6.28108e-02 -1.21932e-01 -1.27991e-05 028/01 1.46291e-03 -8.05474e-03 1.33087e-04 -8.10795e-03 -1.80865e-02 -4.51925e-06 029/01 1.51751e-03 -1.78650e-02 1.39508e-04 3.60799e-03 -5.45667e-02 4.67986e-06 030/01 1.53479e-03 -8.67512e-03 1.30590e-04 5.40930e-03 -5.77665e-02 6.84732e-06 031/01 1.46665e-03 -3.98645e-03 1.35978e-04 2.24236e-02 -6.75739e-02 2.63481e-06 032/01 1.47891e-03 -6.99981e-03 1.34555e-04 2.45420e-04 -4.87296e-02 3.58205e-06 033/01 1.48420e-03 -1.35228e-02 1.39481e-04 -2.40598e-03 -4.59551e-02 7.62459e-06 034/01 1.48722e-03 -1.26215e-02 1.37551e-04 3.16020e-03 -4.67698e-02 9.76834e-07 035/01 1.39924e-03 -6.86798e-03 1.45087e-04 1.09157e-03 -4.18143e-02 1.26064e-05 036/01 1.45795e-03 -7.24770e-03 1.37400e-04 -4.85302e-03 -4.21070e-02 -1.41104e-05 037/01 1.50667e-03 -1.33665e-02 1.36353e-04 -1.08354e-02 -4.16879e-02 -4.99139e-06 038/01 1.54085e-03 -2.72179e-02 1.40653e-04 -2.13183e-02 -4.37451e-02 -1.07129e-03 039/01 1.43428e-03 -6.71607e-03 1.37720e-04 2.01952e-02 -6.42384e-02 4.55586e-03 040/01 1.41731e-03 -1.86582e-02 1.36557e-04 9.02790e-02 -1.23643e-01 1.27558e-03 041/03 1.42160e-03 -5.80250e-03 1.38602e-04 -2.23784e-03 -3.72004e-02 1.78914e-05 042/02 1.41358e-03 -6.45484e-03 1.42571e-04 -2.59182e-02 -2.01467e-02 -5.09921e-05 043/01 1.27554e-03 -2.44302e-02 1.49638e-04 1.09917e-02 -4.97320e-02 -4.11266e-05 Sta/ Slope Offset Pcoeff TFcoeff TScoeff OGcoeff Cast (c1) (c2) (c3) (c4) (c5) (c6) 044/01 1.33535e-03 -2.02670e-02 1.41479e-04 3.18725e-03 -4.57396e-02 -1.24896e-05 045/01 1.35329e-03 -2.33358e-02 1.42661e-04 -1.87068e-02 -2.71494e-02 1.40182e-06 046/01 1.34308e-03 -1.11694e-02 1.34708e-04 -4.94117e-03 -4.05552e-02 -6.08651e-06 047/01 1.36910e-03 -2.41451e-02 1.41487e-04 -1.40737e-02 -3.43414e-02 -2.08130e-05 048/01 1.33721e-03 -1.89669e-02 1.41666e-04 -2.72464e-02 -2.32334e-02 -3.62274e-05 049/01 1.38967e-03 -3.18922e-02 1.43959e-04 -3.65081e-02 -1.63085e-02 -9.10786e-06 050/01 1.34191e-03 -2.22895e-02 1.39475e-04 2.76679e-02 -6.68612e-02 -3.56350e-03 051/01 1.28737e-03 -1.79837e-02 1.48066e-04 -1.86903e-02 -2.60741e-02 -1.52099e-05 052/01 1.38513e-03 -1.52298e-02 1.29768e-04 -1.85160e-02 -2.57582e-02 -9.60780e-06 053/01 1.36346e-03 -1.50430e-02 1.36254e-04 -4.42351e-02 -8.41339e-03 -8.09282e-06 054/01 1.40336e-03 -1.51155e-02 1.24744e-04 1.03625e-03 -4.04602e-02 -1.25434e-04 055/01 1.31129e-03 -1.45051e-02 1.40911e-04 -1.03987e-02 -2.70662e-02 -7.01822e-05 056/01 1.61712e-03 -2.33579e-02 8.19937e-05 1.82620e-02 -6.21687e-02 4.67180e-04 057/01 8.90025e-04 -4.60093e-03 2.90636e-04 -2.14858e-02 -1.78786e-03 -1.11354e-05 058/02 1.67490e-03 -3.74733e-02 1.09340e-04 7.72602e-04 -4.83049e-02 -3.25427e-06 059/01 1.53224e-03 -1.83441e-02 1.22684e-04 1.08165e-03 -4.00298e-02 -6.73569e-06 060/01 1.45066e-03 -1.22686e-02 1.31045e-04 2.13259e-03 -3.62693e-02 2.75528e-06 061/01 1.41823e-03 -9.92408e-03 1.33886e-04 8.34144e-03 -4.15433e-02 -6.68173e-06 062/01 1.22399e-03 -3.51505e-03 1.44988e-04 -4.67524e-03 -2.68575e-02 -7.25471e-07 063/01 1.26813e-03 -4.99851e-03 1.39135e-04 -6.92374e-03 -2.66440e-02 -2.39521e-05 064/01 1.30550e-03 -2.58439e-03 1.31994e-04 2.26529e-03 -3.36958e-02 1.11635e-06 065/01 1.27209e-03 -7.84301e-03 1.40921e-04 -2.38024e-03 -2.92283e-02 5.58085e-06 651/01 1.32114e-03 7.19183e-03 1.00748e-04 -7.47280e-04 -3.12614e-02 -3.76907e-07 652/01 7.73094e-04 2.44178e-01 7.06524e-05 -4.06143e-03 -1.33186e-02 1.86992e-05 653/01 1.22350e-03 3.62097e-04 1.55069e-04 -1.05097e-02 -2.37170e-02 -7.76838e-06 066/01 1.23995e-03 -7.27635e-04 1.37174e-04 9.48399e-03 -3.50217e-02 -8.03180e-06 067/01 1.23352e-03 -3.98986e-03 1.42774e-04 -9.91599e-04 -2.85333e-02 -1.76272e-06 068/01 1.28078e-03 -6.83198e-03 1.37178e-04 9.23796e-04 -3.15347e-02 1.13084e-05 069/01 1.30080e-03 -9.15587e-03 1.38191e-04 -3.06033e-03 -3.07422e-02 -2.55419e-06 070/01 1.18348e-03 1.10718e-02 1.38930e-04 9.08529e-03 -3.34744e-02 2.57074e-06 071/01 1.27154e-03 -9.75697e-03 1.40473e-04 1.07687e-03 -3.08110e-02 8.01591e-06 072/01 1.25957e-03 1.88982e-03 1.36438e-04 -5.45638e-03 -2.79540e-02 9.49709e-06 073/01 1.23256e-03 -5.00180e-03 1.43909e-04 -1.12971e-05 -2.98514e-02 -5.63255e-06 074/01 1.25925e-03 -8.06268e-03 1.41852e-04 3.44119e-03 -3.24606e-02 -2.11731e-06 075/01 1.20177e-03 5.46644e-03 1.42013e-04 5.81327e-03 -3.22417e-02 5.57132e-06 076/01 1.25593e-03 -8.60245e-03 1.44839e-04 -5.01476e-03 -2.72796e-02 -8.40657e-06 077/01 1.26632e-03 2.07247e-04 1.35896e-04 4.10234e-03 -3.33215e-02 3.22980e-06 078/01 1.30614e-03 -1.15847e-02 1.39190e-04 -1.57525e-03 -3.08534e-02 -5.83214e-06 079/01 1.21633e-03 2.74615e-03 1.41853e-04 -1.89090e-03 -2.73123e-02 4.52448e-06 080/01 1.20280e-03 1.00489e-02 1.39705e-04 -3.52280e-03 -2.62537e-02 -2.61515e-06 081/01 1.32876e-03 -4.92577e-03 1.27576e-04 -2.17015e-03 -3.08878e-02 7.90028e-07 082/02 1.33866e-03 2.35773e-03 1.12194e-04 -5.61629e-04 -3.05231e-02 1.27164e-06 083/01 1.25690e-03 -5.18770e-04 1.35661e-04 7.29867e-04 -2.98770e-02 1.34626e-06 084/01 1.11546e-03 2.16005e-02 1.50721e-04 -7.32188e-04 -2.45277e-02 6.32829e-07 085/01 1.32120e-03 -2.09014e-02 1.41342e-04 3.96614e-03 -3.55466e-02 -5.07134e-06 086/01 1.13816e-03 2.01260e-02 1.41675e-04 -2.83430e-04 -2.59025e-02 1.13692e-06 087/01 1.28052e-03 -1.36163e-02 1.43871e-04 3.49175e-03 -3.40279e-02 -1.26723e-06 088/01 1.26240e-03 -5.97916e-03 1.41448e-04 4.86696e-04 -3.14248e-02 1.43582e-06 089/01 1.22108e-03 3.58836e-03 1.41421e-04 -1.73459e-03 -2.81509e-02 4.69307e-06 090/01 1.37969e-03 -2.56767e-02 1.35350e-04 2.67866e-03 -3.57470e-02 1.81010e-06 091/01 1.15657e-03 1.45345e-02 1.45276e-04 2.34613e-03 -2.88627e-02 4.90029e-06 092/01 1.16082e-03 1.39322e-02 1.44480e-04 -5.57113e-03 -2.44945e-02 -7.16360e-06 093/01 1.12174e-03 3.01718e-02 1.36065e-04 8.99726e-03 -3.45062e-02 -6.04233e-06 094/01 1.24099e-03 5.89048e-03 1.37643e-04 -1.22700e-03 -2.91169e-02 -7.66030e-06 095/01 1.19726e-03 1.53796e-02 1.36862e-04 3.36224e-03 -3.12677e-02 -5.92345e-06 096/01 1.21951e-03 7.64613e-03 1.39862e-04 -6.76038e-03 -2.40886e-02 -1.29340e-06 097/01 1.31550e-03 -2.08747e-02 1.43546e-04 6.92187e-03 -3.93168e-02 3.96047e-06 098/01 1.13593e-03 1.33258e-02 1.52283e-04 1.64983e-03 -2.84370e-02 9.31756e-07 Sta/ Slope Offset Pcoeff TFcoeff TScoeff OGcoeff Cast (c1) (c2) (c3) (c4) (c5) (c6) 099/01 1.18674e-03 7.31378e-03 1.46425e-04 2.48948e-03 -3.12085e-02 -4.31325e-06 100/01 1.22419e-03 3.01573e-03 1.38917e-04 5.88104e-03 -3.45301e-02 3.37750e-07 101/01 1.38230e-03 -3.53842e-02 1.41789e-04 6.97859e-03 -3.93675e-02 -2.65886e-06 102/01 1.17193e-03 9.41886e-03 1.44277e-04 4.16844e-03 -3.20901e-02 2.66147e-06 103/01 1.25105e-03 -1.01816e-02 1.45089e-04 8.48883e-03 -3.78746e-02 -1.83910e-05 104/01 1.29076e-03 -1.45609e-02 1.42622e-04 1.13681e-02 -4.14871e-02 -6.91269e-06 105/01 1.36629e-03 -2.96724e-02 1.41983e-04 4.98631e-03 -3.73722e-02 4.95777e-06 106/01 1.28282e-03 -4.62269e-03 1.37286e-04 6.91485e-03 -3.83464e-02 -2.12213e-06 107/01 1.29151e-03 -4.60149e-03 1.35416e-04 1.05984e-02 -4.09016e-02 2.62981e-05 108/01 1.32724e-03 -1.22670e-02 1.34561e-04 1.76503e-02 -4.74183e-02 3.33893e-06 109/01 1.36337e-03 -2.38269e-02 1.37253e-04 1.26824e-02 -4.33897e-02 2.43166e-06 110/01 1.33306e-03 -1.83185e-02 1.38994e-04 9.89799e-03 -3.99092e-02 6.67721e-06 111/01 1.21528e-03 9.81562e-03 1.38148e-04 -4.13091e-05 -2.70014e-02 1.02391e-05 112/01 1.28661e-03 -9.06819e-03 1.38937e-04 4.43078e-03 -3.39464e-02 1.81740e-05 113/01 1.34473e-03 -2.20543e-02 1.38999e-04 7.05994e-03 -3.72317e-02 -1.33171e-05 114/01 1.22446e-03 -9.87614e-05 1.42649e-04 1.16435e-02 -3.85224e-02 8.43927e-06 115/01 1.21203e-03 5.18587e-03 1.41770e-04 2.36333e-03 -3.09166e-02 -4.86475e-06 116/01 1.18494e-03 1.16754e-02 1.41543e-04 5.94718e-03 -3.16090e-02 6.11824e-06 117/01 1.21576e-03 3.41766e-03 1.41904e-04 2.07316e-03 -2.93877e-02 2.63325e-05 118/01 1.20810e-03 1.20442e-02 1.37295e-04 9.33720e-03 -3.69411e-02 3.56342e-06 119/01 1.26440e-03 -5.22096e-03 1.40183e-04 4.72747e-03 -3.31906e-02 1.04034e-05 120/01 1.18594e-03 1.21507e-02 1.40169e-04 2.52421e-03 -2.81195e-02 8.77609e-06 121/01 1.24576e-03 2.88221e-03 1.38878e-04 -8.72489e-05 -2.98011e-02 5.08300e-07 122/01 1.23449e-03 -2.85981e-03 1.43272e-04 2.54253e-03 -3.05127e-02 -1.57282e-04 123/01 1.30396e-03 -2.05433e-02 1.44131e-04 7.36800e-03 -3.50660e-02 1.08399e-05 124/01 1.25810e-03 -1.07654e-02 1.45498e-04 5.73322e-03 -3.29876e-02 1.67422e-05 125/01 1.23888e-03 3.13520e-03 1.40210e-04 2.88726e-03 -3.19280e-02 5.87782e-06 126/01 1.26775e-03 -7.34129e-03 1.42696e-04 -4.40816e-04 -2.69292e-02 4.99612e-04 127/01 1.30388e-03 -1.48415e-02 1.41011e-04 7.12219e-03 -3.42208e-02 1.93191e-05 128/01 1.23381e-03 -2.16489e-03 1.42935e-04 6.45727e-03 -3.27581e-02 -2.51499e-06 129/01 1.27008e-03 -1.13079e-02 1.45064e-04 1.86981e-03 -3.00282e-02 4.11374e-06 130/01 1.33275e-03 -2.54458e-02 1.44636e-04 1.17075e-03 -3.22555e-02 6.89464e-06 131/01 1.24919e-03 -5.26664e-03 1.39376e-04 -4.60560e-06 -2.82176e-02 1.09252e-05 132/01 1.28513e-03 -1.81230e-02 1.42023e-04 3.81205e-03 -3.07101e-02 1.05167e-05 133/01 1.03037e-03 2.98799e-02 1.51699e-04 7.97126e-03 -2.76810e-02 -3.59970e-06 134/01 1.24807e-03 -6.25029e-03 1.41584e-04 1.40379e-03 -3.02368e-02 1.68866e-05 135/01 1.16672e-03 1.22186e-02 1.41626e-04 1.29891e-03 -2.65178e-02 9.92383e-06 136/01 1.20510e-03 7.04400e-03 1.39119e-04 4.78179e-03 -3.12682e-02 5.43353e-06 137/01 1.33772e-03 -2.21326e-02 1.39391e-04 -3.22693e-03 -2.51407e-02 3.28503e-05 138/01 1.21779e-03 -9.91337e-04 1.42187e-04 3.79770e-03 -3.02053e-02 6.83045e-06 139/01 1.21844e-03 5.43905e-04 1.41501e-04 4.65144e-03 -3.12549e-02 5.54144e-06 140/01 1.18902e-03 7.32504e-03 1.41893e-04 7.08688e-04 -2.64184e-02 8.41317e-06 141/01 1.22122e-03 -2.01888e-03 1.42451e-04 4.20307e-03 -3.05423e-02 1.08956e-05 142/01 1.20357e-03 5.92188e-04 1.43279e-04 1.48358e-03 -2.73691e-02 5.66794e-06 800/01 1.03528e-03 3.06020e-02 1.48961e-04 2.03643e-03 -2.44243e-02 1.41772e-05 801/01 1.23414e-03 -3.44538e-03 1.40974e-04 4.28433e-03 -3.12910e-02 2.22126e-06 802/01 1.20623e-03 -3.87014e-04 1.44031e-04 -1.01085e-04 -2.76020e-02 4.80810e-06 803/01 1.23114e-03 -1.54167e-03 1.41495e-04 1.62174e-03 -2.93205e-02 1.18182e-05 143/01 1.09681e-03 2.92615e-02 1.40924e-04 1.29933e-03 -2.64428e-02 1.78419e-05 144/01 1.23472e-03 -3.46447e-03 1.42150e-04 -1.05678e-04 -2.97241e-02 9.04777e-06 145/01 1.22782e-03 -6.25565e-03 1.43991e-04 1.78259e-03 -2.95610e-02 2.40556e-05 146/01 1.18276e-03 8.23057e-03 1.41232e-04 6.14164e-03 -3.16055e-02 1.17432e-05 147/01 1.27318e-03 -9.67633e-03 1.40114e-04 3.62698e-03 -3.19521e-02 2.60971e-05 148/01 1.20777e-03 1.75645e-04 1.43399e-04 4.13287e-03 -3.05599e-02 2.07173e-05 149/01 1.07452e-03 3.20333e-02 1.42446e-04 -8.62977e-04 -2.32359e-02 1.01253e-05 150/01 1.17509e-03 8.09233e-03 1.42760e-04 5.16926e-03 -3.08457e-02 2.76048e-06 151/01 1.09117e-03 1.64228e-02 1.49160e-04 3.33659e-03 -2.69042e-02 1.17600e-06 152/01 1.18540e-03 3.46043e-03 1.45099e-04 7.46379e-04 -2.82213e-02 6.92384e-06 153/01 1.13234e-03 1.50431e-02 1.45153e-04 5.22553e-04 -2.56371e-02 -7.60410e-06 Sta/ Slope Offset Pcoeff TFcoeff TScoeff OGcoeff Cast (c1) (c2) (c3) (c4) (c5) (c6) 154/01 1.27028e-03 -1.59155e-02 1.44396e-04 -2.27715e-04 -2.84635e-02 2.15370e-05 155/01 1.20945e-03 -2.05977e-03 1.44705e-04 2.97270e-03 -2.95699e-02 -6.62327e-07 156/01 1.11124e-03 1.19104e-02 1.50762e-04 -3.35107e-05 -2.28864e-02 1.60925e-05 157/01 8.82242e-04 7.89678e-02 1.41366e-04 2.13600e-03 -1.92269e-02 3.67099e-05 158/01 1.26632e-03 -2.42087e-02 1.50532e-04 6.75962e-03 -3.39086e-02 3.16454e-05 159/01 1.13751e-03 1.31712e-02 1.44544e-04 8.81022e-04 -2.71418e-02 3.38559e-06 160/01 1.15898e-03 1.05035e-02 1.43325e-04 4.51732e-03 -3.02130e-02 7.51688e-06 161/01 1.23713e-03 -6.17343e-03 1.41944e-04 9.87052e-04 -3.02945e-02 2.84528e-06 162/01 1.20213e-03 -1.28222e-02 1.56889e-04 2.90472e-03 -3.00910e-02 5.80300e-06 163/01 1.37671e-03 -5.30711e-02 1.52153e-04 3.99886e-05 -3.20618e-02 2.96594e-05 164/01 1.20195e-03 -1.03055e-02 1.50586e-04 8.72187e-04 -2.97444e-02 4.76813e-06 165/01 1.25782e-03 -2.12484e-02 1.50230e-04 7.87126e-04 -2.98141e-02 7.04627e-06 166/01 1.20386e-03 -9.98070e-03 1.49459e-04 1.85956e-03 -2.97755e-02 4.50119e-06 167/01 1.28072e-03 -2.75316e-02 1.50431e-04 2.98482e-03 -3.16326e-02 1.06411e-06 168/01 1.59850e-03 -1.40337e-01 1.97758e-04 -1.03149e-03 -3.38631e-02 6.23692e-06 169/01 1.24784e-03 -2.10590e-02 1.51956e-04 -7.22620e-04 -2.77964e-02 1.91056e-05 170/01 1.41247e-03 -5.92518e-02 1.39013e-04 -3.09526e-03 -3.14257e-02 -3.68887e-06 900/01 1.27687e-03 -3.98918e-02 1.69477e-04 -2.35388e-03 -2.75407e-02 4.40311e-05 900/02 1.83352e-03 -2.21349e-01 2.27111e-04 -7.89545e-03 -3.26320e-02 2.77771e-05 900/03 1.34876e-03 -5.75627e-02 1.67688e-04 4.66288e-05 -2.97025e-02 5.64764e-06 900/04 1.28189e-03 -4.21366e-02 1.66359e-04 -8.13028e-04 -2.79085e-02 5.54033e-06 900/05 1.38589e-03 -8.07107e-02 1.89148e-04 -6.26520e-03 -2.88777e-02 -1.23232e-06 900/06 1.38579e-03 -4.38436e-02 1.51204e-04 -4.81162e-03 -2.77283e-02 4.80197e-05 171/01 1.24950e-03 -2.29044e-02 1.51400e-04 1.27019e-03 -3.12167e-02 6.66869e-06 172/01 1.22879e-03 -2.08062e-02 1.53482e-04 -1.24266e-03 -2.90341e-02 1.25611e-05 173/01 1.21793e-03 -1.78822e-02 1.54172e-04 -6.15404e-04 -2.79676e-02 -4.73697e-06 174/01 1.12295e-03 6.10865e-03 1.55146e-04 -1.14759e-03 -2.39925e-02 1.28596e-05 175/01 1.30487e-03 -4.85705e-02 1.65973e-04 -4.87468e-03 -2.63544e-02 1.44546e-05 176/01 9.12150e-04 9.44405e-02 1.14089e-04 2.87463e-03 -2.47375e-02 -1.38497e-05 177/01 1.37500e-03 -6.91816e-02 1.63310e-04 -4.19484e-03 -2.99924e-02 -4.02728e-06 178/01 1.41643e-03 -1.03908e-01 1.97758e-04 -7.04043e-03 -2.88091e-02 -3.77798e-07 179/01 1.51173e-03 -2.92465e-02 5.29643e-05 -1.03786e-04 -3.65830e-02 1.35921e-05 180/01 1.47546e-03 -1.09801e-01 1.92425e-04 -2.51322e-03 -3.41601e-02 3.14606e-06 181/01 1.51154e-03 -4.05728e-02 6.82381e-05 -1.38542e-03 -3.59918e-02 -4.88308e-06 182/01 1.50266e-03 -1.16565e-01 1.86873e-04 1.20339e-03 -3.73481e-02 -2.63478e-06 183/01 1.38423e-03 -7.62286e-02 1.70821e-04 9.32773e-04 -3.45574e-02 -5.14092e-06 184/01 1.11713e-03 2.39450e-02 1.34421e-04 -3.98560e-03 -2.47023e-02 7.70182e-06 185/01 1.52617e-03 -3.19511e-02 3.99528e-05 -4.18924e-03 -3.55629e-02 -1.70735e-05 APPENDIX C WOCE93-P14N: CTD SHIPBOARD AND PROCESSING COMMENTS -------------------------------------------------------- Key to Problem/Comment Abbreviations -------------------------------------------------------- CO | conductivity offset CS | conductivity noisy: frequent spikes down-cast, | shifts middle of up-cast or frequent multiple +/- | shifts on all of up-cast (.003 to .010 mmho/cm) DI | density inversion: data consistent/smooth in time- | series CTD, possibly real HO | high oxygen signal in surface area (from surface | down to max.50db); not seen in up-cast HT | CTD left in sun between casts: internal CTD | temperature unusually high LO | low oxygen signal in surface area (from surface | down to max.50-100db); not seen in up-cast or up- | cast noisy ND | noise in all raw channels, especially oxygen NO | oxygen signal 0/cuts out at surface up to 12db, | then high values down to max.100db OD | short, smooth drop in raw oxygen signal; not seen | in up-cast, possibly real unless otherwise noted ON | oxygen signal noisy SR | rough weather, excessive shiproll SS | probable sea slime on conductivity sensor AT | adjusted initial CTD internal temperature value | for pressure correction DO | despike oxygen DS | despike salinity (change temperature and/or | conductivity) NR | cast not processed, not reported with final data O3 | code 3 oxygen in .ctd file for pressures specified O4 | code 4 oxygen in .ctd file for pressures specified RP | re-process cast from raw data using additional oxy | filter, tighter P/T/C filters S3 | code 3 salinity in .ctd file for pressures | specified T3 | code 3 temperature in .ctd file for pressures | specified TD | truncate down-cast at first bottom approach (2db | shallower than bottom bottle) U3 | code 3 for CTD salinity (up-cast) in .sea file - | not applicable to .ctd file (down-cast) UP | use up-cast Cast Problem/Comment Solution/Action ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 998/01 | TEST cast | NR 001/01 | yoyo 110-83db down | TD 003/01 | -.020 CO/SS 816-2966db | UP | down | 005/01 | -.004 CO/SS 2281-2708db | UP | down | 006/01 | -.075 CO/SS 2315-3673db | UP | down | 008/01 | ND | RP,DO 009/01 | ND | RP,DO 010/01 | yoyo 3842-3649db down | TD 011/01 | -.003 CO/SS 2107-3789db | UP; RP,DO; | down; ND; | | yoyo 3676-3801db: | no action | inflection in oxy at | | 3670db | 012/01 | ND | RP,DO 013/01 | ND | RP,DO 014/01 | ND | RP,DO 015/01 | -.008 CO/SS 2997db down | UP; RP,DO | to bottom; ND | 016/01 | ND,SR | RP,DS,DO; T3/S3/O3 0-28db 017/01 | ND | RP,DO 018/01 | ND | RP,DO 019/01 | ND | RP,DO 020/01 | ND; DI | RP,DO; S3 676-680 db 021/01 | ND | RP,DO 022/01 | ND | RP,DO 023/01 | ND; SS on rosette | RP,DO; cond ok, no action 024/01 | ND; SS on rosette | RP,DO; cond ok, no action 025/01 | ND | RP,DO 026/01 | ND | RP,DO; sprayed off cond | | sensor before cast 027/01 | ND | RP,DO 028/01 | -.002 CO/SS 4698-5521db | UP; RP,DO | down; ND | 029/01 | ND | RP,DO 030/01 | ND | RP,DO 031/01 | ND | RP,DO 032/01 | ND,SR; CO/SS 212-232db | RP,DO; DS 033/01 | ND,SR | RP,DO 034/01 | ND,SR; CS/SS | RP,DO; U3 035/01 | ND,SR; CS/SS | RP,DO; U3 036/01 | ND,SR; CS/SS | RP,DO; U3 037/01 | ND,SR,NO; CS/SS; CO/SS | RP,DO; U3; DS+S3 because | 1824-2094db | 270db long 038/01 | ND,SR,NO; CS/SS | RP,DO; DS,U3 039/01 | ND,SR,NO; CS/SS | RP,DO+O4 0-66db; DS,U3 040/01 | ND,NO,ON,SR - cast | RP,DS,DO+O4 0-78db; U3 | delayed 2 hrs, extremely | | noisy signal; CS/SS | 041/01 | ABORTED cast - cond | NR; reterminated wire | intermittent | 041/02 | ABORTED cast - noisy | NR; changed deck unit; | signal | cleaned transm/altimeter | | connectors 041/03 | CS/SS,SR; DIx2 | DS,U3; S3 260-262 db, | | T3/S3 436 db; replaced | | winch slip-rings after | | sta 41 042/01 | ABORTED cast - transm | NR | problems | 042/02 | CS/SS,SR; ON top 20-40db; | DS,U3; DO+O3 0-34db, | no altimeter this cast | replaced oxy bulkhead | | connector on CTD endcap | | after cast 043/01 | CS/SS,SR; ON top 20-40db | DS,U3; DO+O3 0-40db 044/01 | CS/SS,SR | DS,U3 045/01 | CS/SS,SR | DS,U3 046/01 | CS/SS,SR | DS,U3 047/01 | CS/SS,SR | DS,U3; slimy cond probe | | cleaned with alcohol | | after cast ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cast Problem/Comment Solution/Action ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 048/01 | SR; NO; noisy cond: | DO+O3 0-22db; DS | acclimating after | | cleaning | 049/01 | NO | DO 050/01 | NO | DO+O3 0-98db 051/01 | NO | DO 052/01 | NO | DO 053/01 | NO | DO 054/01 | NO | DO+O4 0-36db 055/01 | NO | DO+O4 0-34db 056/01 | NO | DO+O4 0-66db 057/01 | NO | DO 058/01 | ABORTED cast ~1700db: no | NR; oxy sensor ok, bad | oxy signal | oxy cable replaced after | | cast 058/02 | ON | DO 059/01 | CO/SS 2616-2672db | DS 060/01 | ON ~2900-3200db down | DO 061/01 | ON ~2700-3800db down | DO; new oxy sensor | | installed after cast 065/01 | DI | T3/S3 6 db 652/01 | LO | DO+O3 0-14db 072/01 | | replaced transm bulkhead | | connector on CTD endcap | | prior to cast 082/01 | TEST cast for transm | NR | #100D | 087/01 | ON top 350db | DO 089/01 | ON top 300db; stop cast 3 | DO; oxy looks ok at 508db | mins. at 508db, transm | | temp-equilibration test | 090/01 | OD | O3 1156-1182db 096/01 | DI | T3/S3 206-208 db 097/01 | OD | O3 10-18db 098/01 | ND; transm noisy 1200db | DS,DO | down to bottom | 099/01 | OD; ND | O3 6-12db; DS,DO - | | reterminated wire 2x | | after cast 100/01 | OD | O3 4-22db 104/01 | OD 5480db: lowering rate | O3 5350-5500db | slowed 5478-84db | 105/01 | OD | O3 0-18db 107/01 | HT; DIx2 | AT; T3/S3 130-132 db + | | 140-142 db 111/01 | HT; OD | AT; O3 4-12db 118/01 | DI | T3/S3 98-100 db 121/01 | HT | AT 122/01 | LO | DO+O3 0-66db 123/01 | DI | T3/S3 80-82 db 126/01 | LO, also seen in up as | DO+O3 0-38db | slows for surface | | approach | 129/01 | OD 3594db: winch power | O3 3592-3966db | out, stop cast 13 mins | 132/01 | LO, also seen in up as | DO+O3 0-38db | slows for surface | | approach | 137/01 | LO; stop cast 1.5 mins. | DO+O3 0-38db; oxy ok at | at 3410db | 3410db, no action 140/01 | rosette slimy end of last | | few stas | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cast Problem/Comment Solution/Action ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 141/01 | LO, also seen in up as | DO+O3 0-18db; dried | slows for surface | out/reseated transm | approach; | connectors prior to cast, | | data quality improved 800/01 | DI | T3/S3 4 db 145/01 | LO | DO+O3 0-28db 146/01 | LO | DO+O3 0-40db 147/01 | LO | DO+O3 0-32db 148/01 | LO | DO+O3 0-32db 149/01 | LO | DO+O3 0-34db 150/01 | lost signal 311db up, | cut off 4500m wire after | shorts in 2 wires ~500m | cast | apart in middle of drum | | no bottles above 400db | stas 149/151 bottle oxys | for oxy fit: wire shorted | used for fit above 400db 151/01 | | used backup winch/wire | | beginning this cast 153/01 | HO | DO+O3 0-10db 154/01 | LO | DO+O3 0-50db 157/01 | LO | DO+O3 0-26db 158/01 | LO; double yoyo | DO+O3 0-58db; oxy ok at | 704-597-649-498db | 704db - no action 163/01 | LO, jumps up between | DO+O3 0-56db | 54-58db | 167/01 | slightly HO | O3 5050-5130db 169/01 | LO | DO+O3 0-30db 900/01 | LO | DO+O3 0-36db 900/02 | LO, possibly also in up- | DO+O3 0-34db | cast | 900/06 | LO | DO+O3 0-46db; changed | | transm cable prior to | | cast 184/01 | LO, raw oxy jumps up at | DO+O3 0-98db | 98db | 185/01 | HO | O3 0-34db APPENDIX D BOTTLE QUALITY COMMENTS Remarks for deleted samples, missing samples, and WOCE codes other than 2 from WOCE P14N TN023/024. Investigation of data may include comparison of bottle salinity and oxygen data with CTD data, review of data plots of the station profile and adjoining stations, and rereading of charts (i.e., nutrients). Comments from the Sample Logs and the results of ODF's investigations are included in this report. Units stated in these comments are milliliters per liter for oxygen and micromoles per liter for Silicate, Nitrate, and Phosphate, unless otherwise noted. The first number before the comment is the cast number (CASTNO) times 100 plus the bottle number (BTLNBR). STATION 001 Cast 1 Marine Tech log: "Due to tripping problems, went down for 2nd bottom approach, then up again. 8 bottles tripped on deck." STATION 003 120 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Samples appear to be okay. 112-113 This value offscale for sil. No rerun. Silicate low, footnote silicate bad. 101 Delta-S at 3041db is 0.0035, salinity is 34.655. Salinity agrees with adjoining station, leave as is. Oxygen low, leave as is. NO2 high, rechecked data and NO2 has higher peak. Footnote NO2 questionable. STATION 004 Cast 1 Sample log: "salt and nuts sampled before tritium." This would not affect ODF samples. STATION 005 136 (No Pressure) Nuts log: "no sample." Suspect this was intended, several no-confirms, but no comment that bottle 36 was suppose to have water in it. Data appears to be okay for the rest of the cast, too. 118 Oxygen high, bubble? Analyst indicated a low endpoint, footnote oxygen questionable. 102 Oxygen high. No indication of a problem, footnote oxygen questionable. 101 Delta-S at 3512db is 0.0038, salinity is 34.668. Other samples are acceptable, salinity does not fit WOCE specs, therefore, footnote salinity questionable. STATION 007 Cast 1 There were many "no confirms" on this station. It appears that two bottles were to be tripped at the bottom, but only one did. Pressures appear to have been reassigned correctly, and bottle 36 was not tripped. Footnote bottle did not trip as scheduled. This was done to alert the DQE that there were tripping problems. 136 (No Pressure) Sample log: "Not closed." See Cast 1 tripping comments. 102-135 See Cast 1 tripping comments. Footnote bottle did not trip as scheduled. STATION 008 125 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Marine Tech log: "leaking from end cap. Debris in o-ring." Oxygen .3 ml/l, 2.4 umol/kg high, nuts and salt a little low. Delta-S at 461db is -0.0281, salinity is 34.027. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 120 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other samples are acceptable. 112 Delta-S at 1817db is -0.0077, salinity is 34.552. Gradient area, agrees with adjoining stations vs. pressure. Salinity is lower than adjoining stations when compared using potential temperature. Footnote salinity questionable. 111 Delta-S at 2020db is -0.0115, salinity is 34.573. Gradient area, agrees with adjoining stations vs. pressure. Salinity is lower than adjoining stations when compared using potential temperature. Footnote salinity questionable. 110 Delta-S at 2227db is -0.0056, salinity is 34.600. Gradient area, agrees with adjoining stations vs. pressure. Salinity is lower than adjoining stations when compared using potential temperature. Footnote salinity questionable. 109 Delta-S at 2435db is -0.0065, salinity is 34.614. Gradient area, agrees with adjoining stations vs. pressure. Salinity is lower than adjoining stations when compared using potential temperature. Footnote salinity questionable. 107 Delta-S at 2850db is -0.1089, salinity is 34.535. Salt low. Bad salinity (really bad). Footnote salinity bad, no analysis problem observed. Other samples are acceptable. STATION 009 135 Delta-S at 36db is 0.0318, salinity is 33.104. CTD salinity has a spike in up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. Other samples are acceptable. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 130 Pre-tripped (looks like ~407db). Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 120 Sample log: "Leaks before venting." Marine Tech log: "Air leak - all looks ok." Oxygen and other samples are acceptable. STATION 010 130 Sample log: "leaks before venting. upper o-ring." Marine Tech log: "leaks." Oxygen as well as other samples are acceptable. 120 Sample log: "leaks." Marine Tech log: "leaks." Oxygen as well as other samples are acceptable. 118 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Marine Tech log: "leaks." Oxygen as well as other samples are acceptable. 107 PO4 high. PO4 appears high on charts. No obvious reason. Footnote PO4 questionable. STATION 011 135 Delta-S at 36db is 0.0327, salinity is 33.073. Other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 111 NO3 value looks a bit high. No obvious reason. Footnote NO3 questionable. 101 Oxygen is 0.8 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 012 Cast 1 There were many "no confirms" on this station. It appears that two bottles were to be tripped at the bottom, but only one did. Pressures appear to have been reassigned correctly, and bottle 36 was not tripped. Footnote bottle did not trip as scheduled. This was done to alert the DQE that there were tripping problems. 136 (No Pressure) Nuts.notes: "no3 f1's seem high." Checked charts and comp files. No obvious problems. NO3 higher than adjoining stations, within spec of measurement. Sample log: "Not closed. No water." Marine Tech log: "bottle came up open. Pylon tripping problem." 106 Delta-S at 2818db is 0.0036, salinity is 34.647. Autosal took a few tries to come up with 2 readings that agreed. Footnote salinity bad, other samples are acceptable. 102-135 See Cast 1 tripping comments. Footnote bottle did not trip as scheduled. STATION 013 Cast 1 Intended to change the bottle sequence to verify Freon signal seen in bottom bottles. However, this did not go as scheduled. Pressure have been reassigned and appear to be correct unless noted on individual bottles. Footnote bottle did not trip as scheduled. 136 Silicate low, could have tripped 200db shallower in the water column, but then other data would not fit the station profile or adjoining station comparisons. Footnote silicate bad. 131-136 See Cast 1 tripping comments. Footnote bottle did not trip as scheduled. 130 Samples indicate this bottle tripped between 3050db and 3400db. Delta-S is 1.3456. Footnote bottle leaking and samples bad for this level. ODF recommends deletion of all water samples. 111-129 See Cast 1 tripping comments. Footnote bottle did not trip as scheduled. 110 Sample log: "Not closed. No sample." This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 102 Silicate low, could have tripped 200db shallower in the water column, but then other data would not fit the station profile or adjoining station comparisons. Footnote silicate bad. 101-109 See Cast 1 tripping comments. Footnote bottle did not trip as scheduled. STATION 015 124 Bad salt. No analytical problem noted, footnote salinity bad. Delta-S at 409db is 0.1634, salinity is 34.043. 115 NO3 little low. NO3: "checked. No obvious analytical problem." Within WOCE specs, NO3 is acceptable. 108 PO4 high. Spike in peak, footnote PO4 bad. STATION 016 136 CTDO Processor: "Top 28db CTD oxygen questionable." 118 Oxygen a little high, but agrees with next station, data is acceptable. Nuts: "Checked no3. No obvious problem." NO3 a little low. No notes. NO3 is acceptable. 115 O2 value off. No obvious problem, agrees with previous stations. O2 is acceptable. NO3 value high. No obvious problem. Footnote NO3 questionable. PO4 value off. No obvious problem. Footnote PO4 questionable. STATION 017 125 Sample log: "Helium resampled." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 122 Sample log: "Valve leaks." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 120 NO3 value odd. NO3 appears low compared with station profile, however, agrees with adjoining stations. Footnote NO3 questionable. 118-119 NO3 high. Nuts: "Checked. no obvious reason." Suspect that 120 may be low, footnote no3 questionable. 118 PO4 high, footnote PO4 questionable. Nuts: "Checked. no obvious reason." 103 Sample log: "upper vent open." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 018 136 Sample log: "didn't close." See 35 tripping comment. Footnote bottle no samples taken at 859db. 135 Sample log: "didn't close." Bottles 14-36 did not trip as scheduled. This level is included and assigned with just CTD data just as a stop of the CTD and an attempted trip level at 85db. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 131 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen and other samples are acceptable. 121 Sample log: "vents open." Oxygen and other samples are acceptable. 119 Sample log: "vents open." Oxygen and other samples are acceptable. 115-134 See 114 tripping comment. Footnote bottle did not trip as scheduled. 115 Sil a little high. sil: no obvious reason. Footnote SiO3 questionable. Delta-S at 760db is 0.0069, salinity is 34.271. Autosal took several tries before getting two readings to agree. This is an indication of sample contamination, footnote salinity questionable. Other samples are acceptable. 114 Bottles tripped one level shallower than planned. Pressures were reassigned and samples appear to be okay. Footnote bottle did not trip as scheduled. 113 Sample log: "vents open." Oxygen and other samples are acceptable. 111 Delta-S at 1012db is 0.0091, salinity is 34.374. No analytical problem noted. However, there were a few times the Autosal tried to get two conductivity readings to agree. Suspect there could be a drawing problem. Other samples are acceptable. Footnote salinity questionable. 107 Sample log: "vents open." Oxygen high on station profile, but agrees with Station 017. This is within WOCE specs, data are acceptable. 106 Delta-S at 1519db is 0.0075, salinity is 34.424. Footnote salinity questionable, could be a drawing error with bottle 05. Oxygen is acceptable. 104 Sil 2 micromoles/kg high. Sil: no obvious reason. This level the SiO3 agrees with Station 017. Footnote SiO3 questionable. STATION 019 Cast 1 Sample log: "no time to shake o2's 2nd time." Marine Tech log: "changed pylon before station." Oxygens appear to be acceptable. 131 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other samples are acceptable. 130 (No Pressure) Sample log: "No bottle." 117 Sample log: "Leaked." Oxygen low, nuts and salt high. Pretrip? Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 116 Sample log: "Bottom o-ring caught. No sample." This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 106 Sil ~3 um/l, 1.43 um/kg high. nuts: no obvious reason. Footnote Sil questionable. STATION 020 Cast 1 Sample log: "o2 late second shake." Oxygen agree with CTDO, data are acceptable. 131 Sample log: "dripping bottom seal." Oxygen appears slightly low, CTDO has a lot of structure in this area. Will leave oxygen and bottle codes as acceptable. 122 Sample log: "stopcock drips." Oxygen as well as other samples appear are acceptable. 112 Sample log: "Helium resampled 2X." Does not appear to have affected oxygen sample. 111 Salt low. Same as 112. Looks like misdraw. Delta-S at 1720db is -0.0171, salinity is 34.538. Footnote salinity bad. STATION 021 Cast 1 Excessive standard drift on all salinities. Thermistor on Autosal 55-654 replaced after this run. Footnote salinity bad. 127 PO4 value high. NO3 value high. Sil value off. No obvious analytical problem. See Cast 1 salinity comment. Footnote oxygen and nutrients questionable, salinity bad. 126 Oxy, sil, salt high; NO3, PO4 low. No sample log notes. Pretrip? See Cast 1 salinity comment. Footnote oxygen and nutrients questionable, salinity bad. 121 Sil low; same as 122. Misdraw? Nuts: "No obvious analytical problem." Footnote silicate questionable. Delta-S at 815db is -0.0164, salinity is 34.295. 118 Sil low; same as 119. Misdraw? Nuts: "No obvious analytical problem." Footnote silicate questionable. Delta-S at 1117db is -0.008, salinity is 34.411. STATION 022 132 Sample log: "Leaking from Bottom." Data looks okay. 131 Sample log: "Leaking from Bottom." Data looks okay. 125 Sample log: "Pre-tripped." Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 109 Delta-S at 3255db is -0.0058, salinity is 34.662. No analytical problem noted, but obviously there is a problem, does not fit CTD profile or adjoining station station comparison. Salinity appears to have been misdrawn from 10, footnote salinity bad. Other data are acceptable. 107 Truly Bad Salt. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 106 Sil looks 3 um/l, 4.46 umol/kg high. sil: no obvious peak or calculation problem. Footnote silicate questionable. 104 Truly Bad Salt. Autosal took 6 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 101 Delta-S at 4627db is 0.0058, salinity is 34.694. No analytical problem noted. Salinity does not agree with duplicate trip level or adjoining stations. Footnote salinity bad, other data are acceptable. STATION 023 102 Salinity analyst indicated some kind of problem with salinity run, it appears he restarted the run, but lost sample 2. Footnote salinity lost. STATION 024 102 Delta-S at 5842db is 0.0064, salinity is 34.696. Autosal took 6 tries before getting two readings to agree. NO3 high, PO4 high, but within WOCE specs. Oxygen agrees with station profile and adjoining stations. Suspect that sea slime contaminated salinity samples. Footnote salinity bad, other samples acceptable. 101 Delta-S at 6153db is 0.0048, salinity is 34.695. Autosal took 5 tries before getting two readings to agree. NO3 high, PO4 high, but within WOCE specs. Oxygen agrees with station profile and adjoining stations. Suspect that sea slime contaminated salinity samples. Footnote salinity bad, other samples acceptable. STATION 025 125 Sample log: "o2 1219 from 25; 1218 from 25?" Duplicate oxygen drawn from bottle 25. There is a .04 ml/l, 2 um/kg difference between the two. Footnote oxygen acceptable. 123-130 See 122 CTDO processor comment. Footnote oxygen questionable. 122 Oxy .05 ml/l, 1.0 umol/kg low. Same as 123. Looks like misdraw. Footnote oxygen bad. Other samples are acceptable. CTDO Processor: "After processing ctdoxy: it appears that bottle 122 (913db) is ok, but bottle 123 (813db) is the one double-drawn off 122. Then it seems as if all were drawn one off until perhaps 207db. See the plot of the fit - there's an obvious jump if 813db is left in, but 913 looks just fine for the same oxy value. This should be looked at." As per CTD Processor comment, change flag to acceptable and flag 123-130 as questionable. Initial shipboard comment does not appear to be correct. 119 Delta-S at 1421db is 0.0055, salinity is 34.569. Autosal took 5 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. Other samples are acceptable. 104 Sample log: "drips at bottom o-ring." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 026 133-134 Both (33 & 34) at same level. High gradient surface waters - data shows considerable difference between the two. Console Ops: "Accidentally closed both at same level." STATION 027 127 PO4 slightly low. Could be real. po4: no obvious analytical problem. Other samples are acceptable, PO4 within WOCE specs, okay as is. 116 Delta-S at 2036db is -0.0033, salinity is 34.603. No analytical problem noted, salinity agrees with next station. Other samples are acceptable. Accept salinity as is. 111 Delta-S at 3058db is -0.003, salinity is 34.660. No analytical problem noted, salinity agrees with next station. Other samples are acceptable. Accept salinity as is. 108 Delta-S at 3673db is -0.003, salinity is 34.675. No analytical problem noted, salinity agrees with next station. Other samples are acceptable. Accept salinity as is. 104 Delta-S at 4496db is -0.0039, salinity is 34.682. No analytical problem noted, salinity lower than adjoining stations. Sil is higher than adjoining stations. Footnote salinity and silicate questionable. Other samples are acceptable. 103 Delta-S at 4703db is -0.0037, salinity is 34.683. No analytical problem noted, salinity lower than adjoining stations. Other samples are acceptable. Footnote salinity questionable. STATION 028 131 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 110 Salt low. No salinity analytical problems noted. Autosal took 4 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. Delta-S at 3363db is -0.0101, salinity is 34.660. Other data are acceptable. STATION 029 114 Delta-S at 2239db is -0.0034, salinity is 34.618. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. STATION 030 135 Delta-S at 37db is -0.0316, salinity is 32.923. Spike in CTD salinity, footnote CTD salinity bad. Salinity as well as other data are acceptable. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 131 Sample log: "Leaking at bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 124 Sample log: "Bottom did not close." This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 122 Sample log: "Leaking at spigot." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 108 Sample log: "Leaking at spigot." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 031 Cast 1 Tripping problems a trip was scheduled at ~4300db there was a confirm, but evidently a bottle did not collect water at this level. 136 Sample log: "didn't close." Bottles 14-08 did not trip as scheduled. This level is included and assigned with just CTD data just as a stop of the CTD and an attempted trip level at ~4300db. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 134 Delta-S at 40db is 0.0326, salinity is 32.979. No analytical problem noted. Other data are acceptable. Thermocline, salinity is acceptable. 125-135 See Cast 1 tripping comment. Footnote bottle did not trip as scheduled. 124 Sample log: "got hung up, no water". This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 115 Delta-S at 2034db is -0.0032, salinity is 34.601. No analytical problem noted. Other data are acceptable. Footnote salinity questionable. 114 Delta-S at 2240db is -0.0036, salinity is 34.618. No analytical problem noted. Other data are acceptable. Footnote salinity questionable. 110 Delta-S at 3054db is -0.003, salinity is 34.660. No analytical problem noted. Other data are acceptable. Footnote salinity questionable. 108-123 See Cast 1 tripping comment. Footnote bottle did not trip as scheduled. 106 Salinity was drawn per Sample Log, but salinity analyst did not analyze it or comment on a problem. Footnote salinity lost. STATION 032 135 Delta-S at 38db is -0.0252, salinity is 33.000. Spike in CTD up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. Bottle salinity and other data are acceptable. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 132 Delta-S at 129db is -0.0428, salinity is 33.349. Spike in CTD up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. Bottle salinity and other data are acceptable. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 122 Oxy .2 ml/l, 5.8 umol/kg high. Oxygen: bubble. Footnote oxygen bad. Other data except NO3 are acceptable. 119 Oxy .3 ml/l, 11.9 umol/kg high. No oxygen analytical problems noted. Footnote oxygen questionable, other data except NO3 are acceptable. 101-121 Deep (>1000db) NO3 low, footnote NO3 questionable. STATION 033 124 Sample log: "Bottle not closed." Marine Tech log: "Lower end cap hung up. Lower hose clamp loose." This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples drawn. 105 Sample log: "Leaking." Delta-S at 4908db is -0.0033, salinity is 34.683. Silicate is too high. Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. Footnote salinity and silicate questionable. STATION 034 Cast 1 A bad vial of standard seawater was probably used at the the beginning of the run to standardize the Autosal. The standard dial was changed by -12 units from previous run and -18 units from the next run. The next run was started 10 minutes later while the previous run was completed an hour earlier. The ending standard seawater analysis indicated a drift, however, we will correct this to reflect the 18 units different in the standardization. 116-136 Offset in CTD salinity uptrace, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned at Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 105 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Marine Tech log: "tightened spring tension to 25 lbs before sta." Delta-S at 4902db is -0.003, salinity is 34.683. No analytical problems noted during salinity analysis. Other data are acceptable. Footnote salinity questionable. 102 Oxy .2 ml/l, 8.4 umol/kg high. No oxygen analytical problems noted. Footnote oxygen questionable. Other data are acceptable. STATION 035 Cast 1 Console Ops Log: "Due to possible electronics error, pylon indicated the first bottle tripped was 18." Data verifies that 18 was the deepest bottle, but there are quite a few large salinity differences. 136 Sample log: "Dripping out bottom." Oxygen is acceptable, it is not any further off than any other bottles, therefore, it does not appear that comment on Sample Log affected this bottle. 129-136 Offset in CTD salinity uptrace > 1.330 potential temperature, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 129 Oxy .1 ml/l, 1.0 umol/kg high. No oxygen analytical problems noted. Footnote oxygen questionable. Delta-S at 3055db is 0.0081, salinity is 34.646. 119-130 Salinity is lower than adjoining stations, too. Footnote salinity questionable. The lab temperature changed 2 degrees in about an hour. This could cause a problem in the salinity analysis. 115 Sample log: "o2 sampled before helium." The Sample Log comment would affect the helium, oxygen is acceptable. 111 Oxy .09 ml/l, 3.8 umol/kg low. Same level as 112. Footnote oxygen questionable. 110 Salinity appears ~0.005 low compared with adjoining stations. The lab temperature changed 2 degrees in about an hour. This could cause a problem in the salinity analysis. Footnote salinity questionable. 105 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen is acceptable, it is not any further off than any other bottles, therefore, it does not appear that comment on Sample Log affected this bottle. 102 PO4 high. Nuts sheet: PO4 problems. Footnote PO4 bad. Delta-S at 1221db is 0.0075, salinity is 34.435. 101-117 Offset in CTD salinity uptrace > 1.330 potential temperature, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 101 See 102 PO4 comment. Footnote PO4 bad. STATION 036 118 Sample log: "Lanyard caught in bottom. No water: salt and nuts taken from leak." Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. Oxygen not drawn. 101-136 Offset in CTD salinity upcast, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. STATION 037 Cast 1 Offset in CTD salinity uptrace, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 129 Bottle pre-tripped. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 111 PO4 ~07 um/l, 0.04 um/kg high. Nuts sheet: PO4 problems. Footnote PO4 bad. Delta-S at 3055db is -0.0031, salinity is 34.653. No analytical problem noted. Salinity agrees with adjoining stations. See Cast 1 CTD Salinity comment. 106 Sample log: "resampled Helium after o2." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 104 Sample log: "drips." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 102 Sample log: "resampled Helium before o2." Oxygen is ~007 ml/l, 0.3 umol/kg higher than replicate, but this is within specs of the measurement. STATION 038 Cast 1 Offset in CTD salinity uptrace, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. STATION 039 Cast 1 Offset in CTD salinity uptrace, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 135-136 CTDO Processor: "Top 66db CTD oxygen bad." No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 133 Salinity not analyzed, no reason noted as to why. Footnote salinity lost. 132-133 Oxygen is ~4-5 um/kg lower than Station 038 and 040. Footnote oxygen questionable. 131 Oxygen is ~8.0 um/kg higher than Station 038 and 040. Footnote oxygen questionable. 123 Oxy ~15, 5.8 umol/kg high. No oxygen analytical problems noted. Footnote oxygen questionable, other data are acceptable. STATION 040 Cast 1 Offset in CTD salinity uptrace, suspect there was slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Problems with NO2 prior to this run, cannot determine if end or beginning standards are bad. Footnote NO2 questionable. 135-136 CTDO Processor: "Top 78db CTD oxygen bad." No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 134 Sample log: "Leaking; samples lost." Marine Tech log: " pretripped on deck twice prior to cast." No samples were drawn. This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 122 Sample log: "Leaking; samples lost." Marine Tech log: "leaking. o-ring came out of groove." No samples were drawn. 118 Sample log: "Helium sampled and then resampled." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 041 Cast 3 Offset in CTD salinity uptrace, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Cast 1 Marine Tech log: "wire reterminated prior to cast." Cast aborted. Cast 2 Marine Tech log: "cast terminated." Cast aborted. STATION 042 Cast 2 Offset in CTD salinity uptrace, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Nuts.notes: po4 f1's seem low. SW used for stds was 6%. The use of dilute sw caused a change in the salt effect usually seen in PO4. It is not known how this may affect the data. Footnote PO4 questionable. 236 Marine Tech log: "bottle suspect. o-ring, cap out of groove." Oxygen as well as other data except PO4 are within specs. CTDO Processor: "Top 34db CTD oxygen questionable." No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 224 Sample log: "Bottle leaking (lanyard hung). No water." Marine Tech log: "no sample. hung up." This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. STATION 043 Cast 1 Nuts.notes: "po4 f1's seem low." SW used to make stds was 6%. The use of dilute sw altered the salt effect usually seen in PO4. It is not known how the dilution affects the data. Footnote PO4 questionable. Offset in CTD salinity uptrace, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 136 Sample log: "Leaking." Oxygen as well as other data except PO4 are acceptable. CTDO Processor: "Top 40db CTD oxygen questionable." No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 122 Sample log: "Leaking from spigot." Oxygen as well as other data except PO4 are acceptable. STATION 044 Cast 1 Sw used to make stds was diluted to 6%. The use of dilute sw altered the salt effect usually seen in po4. It is not known how the data was affected. Footnote PO4 questionable. PO4 agrees with Station 043, but both are higher than Station 048. Offset in CTD salinity uptrace, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. STATION 045 Cast 1 Offset in CTD salinity uptrace, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Nuts.notes: "no3 f1e seems high." Nuts.notes: "po4 f1s seem low." NO3 possible error in std pipetting. Footnote NO3 questionable. NO2 possible error in std pipetting. Footnote NO2 questionable. Sil-possible error in std pipetting. Footnote Sil questionable. SW used in PO4 stds was 6%. Use of dilute sw caused a change in the salt effect usually seen in po4. It is not known how the data was affected. Footnote PO4 questionable. 134 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen low compared with adjoining stations, but agrees with CTDO. Salinity, and oxygen are acceptable. STATION 046 Cast 1 Offset in CTD salinity uptrace, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Nuts.notes: "po4 f1's look low. sw used to make stds was 6%. The use of dilute sw caused a change in the salt effect usually seen in po4. It is not know how the shift in response affected the data." PO4 low compared with Stas 045, 047 and 048. NO3 low compared with Stas 045 and 047. SIL low compared with adjoining stations. NO3, SIL, PO4, possible error in std pipetting. Footnote NO3,SIL,PO4,NO2 questionable. 115 Delta-S at 2167db is -0.003, salinity is 34.598. No analytical problems noted during salinity run. Gradient area, salinity and oxygen are acceptable. 114 Sample log: "leaks, bottom hook not attached." Gradient area, salinity and oxygen are acceptable. 105 Sample log: "leaks, bottom hook not attached." Gradient area, salinity and oxygen are acceptable. STATION 047 Cast 1 Offset in CTD salinity uptrace, suspect there is slime on the sensor. It was cleaned after Station 047 which corrected the problem. Footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Marine Tech log: "Cond. looks bad on 47. ET cleaned probe with cotton swab. Found sea snot on outside but pretty clean on inside of cond. probe." Nuts.notes: "no3f1e seems high." Checked NO3, high, no obvious reason, possible pipetting error. Footnote NO3 and NO2 questionable. Sil possible std pipetting error. Footnote SIL questionable. nuts.notes: "po4 f1's look low." SW used to make stds was 6%. The use of dilute sw caused a change in the salt effect usually seen in PO4. It is not known how this affected the data. Footnote PO4 questionable. 101 Oxygen: "Forgot acid, sample lost." STATION 048 135-136 CTDO Processor: "Top 22db CTD oxygen questionable." 135 Sample log: "vent open." Oxygen as well as other samples are acceptable. 125 Delta-S at 513db is -0.0216, salinity is 33.934. No analytical problems noted. Salinity is low compared with adjoining stations. Other data are acceptable. Footnote salinity questionable. 102 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other samples are acceptable. Replicate with 01. STATION 049 Cast 1 Sw used to make stds was 6%. The use of dilute sw caused a shift in the salt effect usually seen in PO4. It is not known how this shift affected the data. Footnote PO4 questionable. PO4 is higher than adjoining stations. 135 Delta-S at 3db is 0.1025, salinity is 34.280. Spike in CTD up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. Salinity as well as other data except PO4 are acceptable. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 134 Delta-S at 40db is -0.0311, salinity is 34.305. Spike in CTD up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Salinity as well as other data except PO4 are acceptable. 133 PO4 low. PO4 agrees with adjoining stations. See Cast 1 PO4 comments. Footnote PO4 questionable. 127-128 PO4 high. PO4 agrees with adjoining stations. See Cast 1 PO4 comments. Footnote PO4 questionable. 116 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom (o-ring)." Leaky bottle. sample log entry incorrect. Nuts samples taken. Footnote bottle leaking, nutrient samples bad, salinity and oxygen not drawn. 109 NO3 high. PO4 low. No analytical problems noted for nitrate. Footnote NO3 questionable. STATION 050 136 Marine Tech log: "top o-ring rolled out." Sample log: "leaked before venting." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 133-136 CTDO Processor: "Top 98db CTD oxygen questionable." 104 Sample log: "lanyard on therm rack partially hung up." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 102 Marine Tech log: "crack in outer o-ring ridge. slow leak." Sample log: "Leaking." Oxygen as well as other data agree with 01 replicate. STATION 051 101 PO4 slightly low (.01) Within specs of the measurement, data is acceptable. Oxygen is 0.5 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 053 132 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 104 Sample Log Noted "Therm rack came up sideways." 101 PO4 0.02 low. Replicates 01 and 02 agree, .02 is within specs of measurement. Oxygen is 0.4 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 054 136 (No Pressure) Marine Tech log: "bottle intentionally not tripped." 134-135 CTDO Processor: "Top 36db CTD oxygen bad." STATION 055 136 CTDO Processor: "Top 34db CTD oxygen bad." 135 Delta-S at 36db is -0.0379, salinity is 34.827. No analytical problems noted, other data are acceptable. Footnote salinity questionable. 118 Delta-S at 1116db is 0.0101, salinity is 34.313. No analytical problems noted, other data are acceptable. Footnote salinity questionable. 104 Sample log: "nipple leaks." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 056 136 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 134-136 CTDO Processor: "Top 66db CTD oxygen bad." STATION 057 127-129 CTD Processor: "3 btls all the same at different pressures 96-156 db??." No analytical problem noted in Oxygen. Silicate also fairly uniform. Oxygen is acceptable. STATION 058 Marine Tech log: "aborted cast, bad o2 cable. replaced." STATION 059 101 Oxygen is 0.5 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 060 117 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101-125 CTD Processor: "Salinities on the cast are low compared to nearby casts. 36 samples run in 50 minutes does seem a little fast for a good rinse and fill between samples." Salinities are within specs of the measurement, however, salinities analyzed on this expedition have a better agreement with the CTD and adjoining stations than this cast. Footnote salinities as questionable, they are usable but just not as good as they could be. STATION 061 111 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 062 110 Sample log: "Lanyard hung up. No water." This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 104 Delta-S at 4471db is -0.003, salinity is 34.684. No analytical problem noted, accept salinity. Other data are acceptable. STATION 063 130 Sample log: "unsnapped at bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 117 Sample log: "leaks." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 108 Oxy slightly high ~07 ml/l, 1.2 umol/kg. Checked CTDO, no similar feature. No analytical problem noted, footnote oxygen questionable. Oxygen does agree with adjoining stations, appears high on station profile. Other data are acceptable. STATION 065 101 Oxygen is 0.6 umol/kg high compared with bottle 02, bottle 2 is 1.6db shallower, but these two bottles are at a similar potential temperature. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 651 136 Sample log: "leaking before venting - o-ring." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 135 Leaked. Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 114 (No Pressure) No water. Lids broke. No sample. 109 Sample log: "lanyard caught in top, leaking". Oxy, salt high; Nuts low. Footnote bottle leaking, sample bad. Delta-S at 1110db is 0.0266, salinity is 34.417. STATION 652 118-119 CTDO Processor: "Top 14db CTD oxygen questionable." STATION 653 130 Sample log: "unlatched." Not sure what was meant by the comment on Sample Log. Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 116 Delta-S at 752db is -0.0080, salinity is 34.0946. Autosal took 3 tries before getting two readings to agree. Footnote salinity bad. 109 Sil slightly low. Footnote silicate questionable. STATION 066 136 Sample log: "leaker- upper cap." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 067 111 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 109 Sample log: "Lanyard caught in upper lid." Caught lanyard. All values off. Delta-S at 3348db is -0.0263, salinity is 34.646. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 104 Sample log: "Leaking from spigot." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 068 136 Sample log: "O-ring caught in top." Oxygen ~11 ml/l, 4.9 umol/kg lower than duplicate trip, 35. Other samples agree with duplicate trip, footnote oxygen bad. No other gas samples collected so no need to footnote bottle. 109 Sample log: "Lanyard caught in top." Delta-S at 3354db is -0.0098, salinity is 34.663. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. ODF recommends deletion of water samples. 105 Delta-S at 4578db is -0.0058, salinity is 34.684. No problem indicated during salinity analysis, all other samples are acceptable. Salinity does not agree with adjoining stations. Footnote salinity questionable. 104 Delta-S at 4886db is -0.0056, salinity is 34.686. No problem indicated during salinity analysis, all other samples are acceptable. Salinity does not agree with adjoining stations. Footnote salinity questionable. STATION 069 123 CTD Processor: "btl o2 high at 710db." Oxygen appears 10 umol/kg high compared with adjoining Stations 067, 070 and 071. Footnote oxygen questionable. 101 Oxygen is 0.4 umol/kg high compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 070 108 PO4 low. Footnote PO4 questionable. 104 Sample log: "stopcock leaks." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 071 110 Sil low. Footnote silicate questionable. 106 Sample log: "Bottle open. No water." This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. STATION 072 Cast 1 Marine Tech log: "bulkhead connector, transmissometer replaced." 135 Spike in CTD profile. Footnote CTD salinity bad. Delta-S at 37db is 0.0811, salinity is 35.089. After further examination, the bottle salinity appears low vs. adjoining stations (71, 73, 74). It is high vs CTD salinity. The salinity is similar to sample 34. Suspect a drawing error, remove flag from CTD salinity. Flag bottle salinity as questionable. 124 See 123 Oxygen comment. Footnote oxygen questionable. 123 CTD Processor: "btl o2 low at 711db." Oxygen agrees with adjoining stations. However, 124 oxygen appears high. 117 CTD Processor: "btl o2 high at 1825db." Oxygen analyst made a comment regarding the end-point. Oxygen appears ~2.5-4.7 umol/kg high compared with Stations 071 and 073. Footnote oxygen questionable. 104 Sample log: "therm rack sideways." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Sample log: "redrew o2 sample." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 073 105 Sample log: "leaked before venting." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 104 Sample log: "stopcock leaks." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxy .35 ml/l, 14.5 umol/kg high. Footnote oxygen bad, does not agree with duplicate trip (O2). No analytical oxygen problems noted. STATION 075 132 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 117 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 104 Delta-S at 5200db is -0.003, salinity is 34.692. No analytical problems noted. Salinity is acceptable. STATION 076 120 Sil low compared with adjoining stations. Footnote silicate questionable. 118 Oxy may be slightly high ~1 ml/l, 7.7 umol/kg. Checked vs. CTDO, gradient. Footnote oxygen questionable. 117 Oxy may be slightly high ~1 ml/l, 8.4 umol/kg. Checked vs. CTDO, gradient. Footnote oxygen questionable. 115 Oxy may be slightly high ~04 ml/l, 2.4 umol/kg. Checked vs. CTDO, gradient. Footnote oxygen questionable. STATION 077 Cast 1 Int. and deep NO3 systematically ~3 um/l .05 umol/kg high. Footnote NO3 questionable. NO3: possible air bubble in system. 129 Delta-S at 259db is 0.0347, salinity is 34.869. No analytical problems noted. Gradient area, salinity as well as other parameters are acceptable. 117 Sample log: "Bottle leaked." "Major leaker." Footnote bottle leaking, oxygen not sampled, other samples bad. 110 Sil ~3 um/l, 4.46 umol/kg high (either-or 09) Sil slightly low. Footnote silicate questionable. 109 Sil ~3 um/l, 4.25 umol/kg high (either-or 10) Sil slightly low. Footnote silicate questionable. STATION 078 136 Sample log: "Top o-ring not seated." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 117 Sample log: "Leaking from top." NO3 too low. Footnote NO3 bad. 104 Sample log: "therm: looks like wrong depth." Data are acceptable, thermometer malfunction. STATION 079 122 Sample log: "leaky spigot." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 111 PO4 odd. no obvious reason. PO4 is .02 higher than adjoining stations which is within specs of measurement. PO4 is acceptable. 110 NO3 slightly low. Footnote NO3 questionable. 103-104 PO4 slightly high. Footnote PO4 questionable. STATION 080 136 Marine Tech log: "new spring and spring lanyard. old spring" had bare metal exposed." Data are acceptable. STATION 081 Cast 1 Marine Tech log: "LADCP put in rosette. New transmissometer SN 151D replaced old transmissometer SN 100D." 111 Sample log: "Bottle leaking (o-ring). No samples taken." Sample log is in error. Samples were taken for nutrients, but should be disregarded. Footnote bottle leaking, nutrients bad, no salinity or oxygen drawn. STATION 082 236 Sample log: "no salts, no nuts. Not enough water." No nuts. Not enough water? Ran out of water before nuts and salts. 226 Sample log: "slow leak from stopcock." Oxygen as well as other data except NO3 are acceptable. 201-235 Cd column needed replacement. NO3 high, footnote NO3 bad. STATION 083 130-132 NO2 values seem high. Air bubble? Footnote NO2 questionable. 120 Salt same as 119. Duplicate draw? Footnote salinity bad. 111 Lanyard caught. Oxy not affected. Sample log: "Lanyard caught in top. Bottle leaked." Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad except for oxygen. 109 Sample log: "Lanyard caught in top. Bottle leaked." Lanyard caught. Oxy not affected. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad except for oxygen. STATION 084 124 O2 log: "Over-titrate option crashed PC, @ sample 24." Oxy lost. Computer hangup. STATION 085 126 Sample log: "leaker. bottom o-ring." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 120 PO4 low. Footnote PO4 questionable. STATION 086 116 Salt same as 117. Looks like misdraw. Delta-S at 2010db is -0.0161, salinity is 34.602. Footnote salinity bad, ODF recommends deletion of salinity. 112 Sample log: "Bottle leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. Delta-S at 2818db is -0.0032, salinity is 34.656. 107 PO4 value looks odd. No obvious analytical reason. PO4 is .02 lower than adjoining stations, within specs and acceptable. 105 Sample log: "Bottle leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 087 122 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 106 Duplicate salt draw of 105. Footnote salinity bad. 101 Oxygen: "Computer crashed, oxygen lost." STATION 088 114 Sample log: "could be contaminated. (Why?)" Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 107 PO4 high. Footnote PO4 questionable. 101 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen .02 ml/l, 1.0 umol/kg lower than replicate (02) sample, within 1% data are acceptable. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 089 136 Sample log: "vent open." Data are acceptable. 122 Sil high. Footnote sil questionable. This feature seen in sta 85-93. Could be real. CTD o2 substantiates this. 120 PO4 low. This feature seen in sta 85-93. Could be real. Footnote PO4 questionable. CTD o2 substantiates this. STATION 091 105 Sample log: "leaking, top o-ring." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 0.9 umol/kg high compared with bottle 02, bottle 2 is 1.5db shallower, potential temperature is different Oxygen is 0.8 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 092 131 Looks like misdraw. Dup salt draw from 130. Footnote salinity bad. 122 PO4 high. Footnote PO4 questionable. 104 Sample log: "therm rack sideways." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 103 PO4 high. Footnote PO4 questionable. STATION 093 120 Sample log: "leaked when vented." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 094 122 Sample log: "slight leak." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 120 Nuts log: "trip problems. no3, po4, sil low." Sample log: "Leaking from bottom. " Major leaker. Only nuts sampled. Ran out of water. Footnote bottle leaking, nutrients bad, oxygen and salinity not drawn. 105 Oxy same as 104. Looks like misdraw. Footnote oxygen bad. 104 Sample log: "stopcock leaks." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 1.6 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 095 Cast 1 NO2: Large drift during run. Footnote NO2 bad. Salts are all +.003 high. Footnote salinity questionable, out of spec. Suspect bad vial of standard seawater. Sample log: "late 2nd shake for o2 samples." 104 Sample log: "therm temp not recorded." Oxygen as well as other data except salinity are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 0.9 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 096 Cast 1 NO2: Bad standards, as well as bubbles stuck in flowcell. Footnote NO2 questionable. 127 Sample log: "lid put in and delay before pickling." Oxygen as well as other data except NO2 are acceptable. 126 Salt local max seems high. Corresponds with local oxygen max. Seems high compared to subsequent stations. Sdiff = -.0005 psu. Looks real. 114 Sample log: "air bubble in flask after pickling." Oxy high. Bubble. Footnote oxygen bad. 101 Oxygen is 1.9 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 097 120 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 106 Sample log: "Pretripped." Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 103 Nuts log: "trip prob? looks like Sample log: "Lanyard hung in endcap." Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 101 Oxygen is 1.2 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 098 134 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 120 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 1.4 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 099 101 Oxygen is 1.3 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 100 136 Sample log: "lower cap drip." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 134 Sample log: "upper cap leak." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 124 Sample log: "opened before helium drawn." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 101 Cast 1 NO2: Big drift during run. End standards bad, as well as bubbles in flowcell. Footnote NO2 questionable. STATION 102 Cast 1 Sample log: "therm rack sideways." 136 Sample log: "slight air leak." Marine Tech log: "torn o- ring." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 131 Marine Tech log: "possible leak." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 124 Sample log: "o2 drawn twice. Accidentally dumped 1st sample." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 120 Sample log: "air leak from top." Marine Tech log: "Possible leak. Bottom end cap slightly dented." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 114 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Marine Tech log: "Leaked. Possibly lower lanyard twisted around handle." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 103 136 Sample log: "leaks." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 109 Dup salt draw (110). Salt misdraw. Same as 110. Delta-S at 3354db is -0.0068, salinity is 34.671. Footnote salinity bad. 101 Oxygen is 1.8 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 104 Cast 1 Nuts: "Silicate had an air bubble in line. All samples may have been affected." Attempts to recalculate data did not yield good plots. Nutrient analyst indicates the bubble occurred between samples 21 through 10. Footnote silicate bad. 103 CTDO Processor: "From 5350db to 550db CTD oxygen questionable." 101 Oxygen is 0.4 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 105 Cast 1 nuts.notes: sil problems? checked. No obvious problems. 136 Sample log: "o-ring did not seat at top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. CTDO Processor: "Top 18db CTD oxygen questionable." 134 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 122 Nuts log: "mistrip?" Oxygen also looks high on station profile, however, it agrees with next two stations NO3 is ~6 um/l, ~45 um/kg low on station profile, but agrees with next few stations. PO4 and SiO3 are within measurement specs therefore acceptable. Salinity agrees with adjoining stations and CTD. 117 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 104 Sample log: "Leaking." Leaker - salt, oxy bad. Delta-S at 5178db is -0.0054, salinity is 34.696. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 101 Oxygen is 1.3 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 106 134 Top O-ring damaged. Air-leak. Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 128 Sample log: "air leak on top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 102 Salt low. No salinity analytical problems noted. Delta-S at 5823db is -0.0056, salinity is 34.697. Footnote salinity questionable. 101 Oxygen is 1.8 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 107 111 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Bad salt (wrong sample) Delta-S at 6008db is -0.0428, salinity is 34.660. Footnote salinity bad. STATION 108 117 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 109 135 Sample log: "Lanyard caught in top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 133 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 126 Sample log: "leaking from bottom (slight)." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 122 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 104 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 110 115 Salt misdrawn from 14. Delta-S at 2226db is 0.006, salinity is 34.653. Other samples appear to be okay. Footnote salinity bad. 101 Oxygen is 0.8 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 111 125 PO4 slightly high on station profile. PO4 high compared with adjoining stations. There is a slight feature in other parameters, but footnote PO4 questionable. 124 PO4 slightly high on station profile. PO4 high compared with adjoining stations. There is a slight feature in other parameters, but footnote PO4 questionable. 120 CTD Processor: "btl o2 high at 1013db." Oxygen analyst indicates a large bubble in the sample. Evidentally, this had an effect on the sample. Footnote oxygen questionable. 101 Oxygen is 1.7 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. CTD Oxygen and adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 113 117 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 108 Sample log: "Spigot opened and closed before o2 drawn." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 1.0 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 114 101 Oxygen is 0.8 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 115 Cast 1 Marine Tech log:"at surface 3 bottles open. 2 bottles tripped Trip arm between 34 & 35." GO Pylon problems. All trips were off by 2. Reassignment of pressures appears correct. Footnote bottles did not trip as scheduled. 136 Sample log: "didn't close." Bottles 01-36 did not trip as scheduled. This level is included and assigned with just CTD data just as a stop of the CTD and an attempted trip level at 5600db. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 121 Sample log: "valves open." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 120 Nuts log: "po4, sil low. leak?" Sample log: "valves open." Oxygen is high compared with Sta 114 and low compared with Sta 116, PO4 and Sil are within specs of measurements. Code data and bottle as acceptable. 109 Sample Log: "Lanyard from 108 hung in lid. Bottle leaked." Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. STATION 116 Cast 1 Marine Tech log: "36 test trips on deck. OK but slow trip at 2 or 3 spots e.g. 15-16." 133 Sample log: "Upper o-ring out of groove." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 117 Marine Tech log: "air leak. top lid twisted 90 degrees off." Sample log: "air leak." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 1.2 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. CTD Oxygen and adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 117 122 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxy .04 ml/l, 0.8 umol/kg low. No oxygen analytical problems noted. There is a difference of .03 to .05 ml/l, 0.8 to 3.x umol/kg in some of the stations where 2 bottles were tripped at the greatest depth as scheduled by the PI to assess variability. It appears that bottle 1 (one) was always lower if there was a difference between these two bottles. No analytical error could explain a lower oxygen, therefore at the request of the PI these oxygen values are coded acceptable. STATION 118 136 Sample log: "Did not close. Check nuts to sort depths and find skipped sample." Bottle didn't close. Bottles 03-36 did not trip as scheduled. This level is included and assigned with just CTD data just as a stop of the CTD and an attempted trip level at 5500db. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 133 Sample log: "upper o-ring did not seat." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 103-135 CTDO Processor: "btl pressure assignments wrong: 103-105 belong one level higher: 5500db is the missed level, not 4578. Plots of o2/sil/no3 seem to improve greatly with this reassignment." Code bottle did not trip correctly, data is acceptable unless otherwise noted. Footnote bottles did not trip as scheduled. STATION 119 134 Delta-S at 70db is -0.0198, salinity is 34.460. Spike in CTD data, footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Bottle salinity agrees with adjoining stations, salinity as well as other data are acceptable. 133 Sample log: "Missing o-ring." Delta-S at 101db is -0.0324, salinity is 34.711. Spike in CTD data, footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Bottle salinity agrees with adjoining stations, salinity as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxy .05 ml/l, 1.8 umol/kg low, no analytical problem noted. Bottle 02 is 86db shallower, but at the same potential temperature. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. Other data are acceptable. STATION 120 133 Delta-S at 98db is -0.0401, salinity is 34.513. Spike in CTD salinity up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree. However, salinity agrees with adjoining stations. 124 CTD Processor: "btl o2 low at 711db." Oxygen does appear low, ~4 umol/kg compared with adjoining stations. Footnote oxygen questionable. 112 NO3 low. Footnote NO3 questionable, other data are acceptable. 108 CTD processor: "btl o2 high at 3965db." Oxygen appears to agree with Stations 118-121, but the the potential temperature is either slightly higher or lower. It is high, ~4 umol/kg, compared with Station 122 where the potential temperature is almost the same. Footnote oxygen questionable. 101 Oxygen is 1.2 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. CTD Oxygen and adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 121 101 O2 log: "flask 1134 was opened and acidified before noted that stir motor no good. This sample sat open during replacement of motor." Oxygen .04 ml/l, 1.5 umol/kg low compared with CTDO and adjoining stations. Footnote oxygen bad, other data are acceptable. STATION 122 Cast 1 Cd column changed and not broken in. Footnote NO3 bad, high. 135-136 CTDO Processor: "Top 66db CTD oxygen questionable." 133 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data except NO3 are acceptable. 116 Sample log: "spigot leaking." Oxygen as well as other data except NO3 are acceptable. 112 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data except NO3 are acceptable. 105 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data except NO3 are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 0.8 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. CTD Oxygen and adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 123 Cast 1 nuts: "Cd column not equilibrated." Footnote NO3 bad, high. 133 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data except NO3 are acceptable. 128 Sample log: "leaking from vent." Oxygen as well as other data except NO3 are acceptable. 102 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data except NO3 are acceptable. STATION 124 136 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 122 Sample log: "bottom valve leaking, top valve not seated." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 114 Sample log: "slow leak bottom valve." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 125 136 Sample log: "Top o-ring popped-out." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 135 O2 log: "Overtitrate option crashed system, oxygen lost." 105 Sample log: "air leak." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxy .03 ml/l, 1.5 umol/kg low. Oxygen lower than duplicate trip (02), other data are acceptable. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 126 136 Sample log: "Top o-ring popped out." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. CTDO Processor: "Top 38db CTD oxygen questionable." 126 Sample log: "2 bottles (25 & 26) tripped at 700M." See 125 comment. 125 Sample log: "2 bottles (25 & 26) tripped at 700M." Data agree with each other. 105 Sample log: "air leak." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 1.0 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 127 122 Sample log: "leaks at spigot." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 103 Sample log: "Caught lanyard." Bottle not closed (lanyard hung). Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 101 Oxygen is 1.8 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 128 Cast 1 NO2: Bubbles in flowcell and beginning baselines bad. Footnote NO2 questionable. 128 Sample log: "Leaking from vent." O2 and salinity agree with CTD. PO4 and NO3 appear low, but Sil agrees with station profile and adjoining stations. Data are acceptable. 122 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data agree are acceptable. 105 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data agree are acceptable. 101 Oxy .1 ml/l, 4.7 umol/kg high. Oxygen higher than duplicate trip, CTDO and adjoining stations. No analytical problems noted. Other data are acceptable. Oxygen is 0.8 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 129 Cast 1 NO2: Suspect contamination, Footnote NO2 questionable. 128 Sample log: "Vent not closed." Oxygen as well as other data except NO2 are acceptable. 122 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data except NO2 are acceptable. 120 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data except NO2 are acceptable. 109 CTDO Processor: "From 3592db to 3966db CTD oxygen questionable." 101 Bottle leaked or closed near surface. Nuts log: "Ron says not right trip 1". Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. See Cast 1 NO2 comment, however, NO2 should be coded as bad because of the bottle problem. STATION 130 Cast 1 NO2: Bad end standards, bubbles during run; however peaks do look real. Suspect contamination, footnote NO2 questionable. 133 Sample log: "bad top o-ring seal." Oxygen as well as other data except NO2 are acceptable. 106 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data except NO2 are acceptable. 101 Oxy .04 ml/l, 1.5 umol/kg low. Oxygen lower than duplicate trip (02), other data are acceptable. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 131 126 Sample log: "slight leak." Oxygen agrees with CTDO although it appears ~5 ml/l, ~20 umol/kg low, salinity agrees with CTD. NO3 appears ~2. um/l, 2.1 um/kg high, PO4 .1 um/l, .14 um/kg high, Sil is acceptable. Suspect this feature is real. Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 105 Lanyard caught. Sample log: "Lanyard caught in top." Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 104 Sample log: "Bottom lanyard caught in lid. No sample." This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 101 Oxygen is 1.8 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 132 136 CTDO Processor: "Top 38db CTD oxygen questionable." 135 Delta-S at 39db is 0.0403, salinity is 34.006. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. Other data are acceptable. 120 Sample log: "Leaking." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 105 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom (o-ring)." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 133 134 Delta-S at 61db is 0.0263, salinity is 34.403. Salinity as well as other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 122 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 116 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 111 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 109 Sample log: "leaking from vent." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 1.5 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. CTD Oxygen and adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 134 131 Delta-S at 159db is -0.0648, salinity is 34.818. Spike in CTD data, footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Salinity as well as other data are acceptable. 128 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other samples are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 1.4 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. CTD Oxygen and adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 135 136 Delta-S at 2db is 0.0821, salinity is 33.891. Salinity as well as other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 126 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 116 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 112 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 111 Sample log: "Leaking from top o-ring." Salt and PO4 same as 112. Oxy close. Sample log indicates leaking. Mistrip? Delta-S at 3041db is -0.0048, salinity is 34.666. Salinity and oxygen are low, all other data are acceptable. Footnote bottle leaking, salinity and oxygen bad. 102 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Nuts Log: "no. 2 leaky?" Data agrees with adjoining station and duplicate trip (01). Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 136 134 Sample log: "Leaking." Delta-S at 68db is 0.0356, salinity is 34.848. Gradient area, salinity and oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 133 Delta-S at 98db is -0.0964, salinity is 35.065. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 116 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 111 Sample log: "air leak." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 0.7 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. CTD Oxygen and adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 137 136 CTDO Processor: "Top 30db CTD oxygen questionable." 135-136 Sample log: "slime strands over bottles." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 134 Sample log: "slime strands over bottles." Sample log: "Leaking." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 133 Sample log: "slime strands over bottles." Oxygen as well as other data except salinity are acceptable. Delta-S at 91db is 0.0568, salinity is 35.111. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 132 Sample log: "slime strands over bottles." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 131 Sample log: "slime strands over bottles." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 104 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 138 112 Sample log: "overshot depth at 12." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 139 134 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Delta-S at 68db is 0.0601, salinity is 34.643. Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 122 Sample log: "slow leak on draw valve." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 114 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxy .08 ml/l, 3.2 umol/kg low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 140 Cast 1 Marine Tech log: "checked pinger batteries, found ok (faint PDR trace...) slime in water may be responsible for messy transmissometer data. Much slime on rosette. rinsed cond. probe w/ DI. looked ok. started cart out before ADCP unhook, pulled RS232 cable connection loose in lab. Stopped before damage to wires." 134 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Delta-S at 74db is 0.0297, salinity is 34.838. Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 1.2 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 141 Cast 1 Marine Tech log: "dried out and reseated transmissometer connections looks better." Marine Tech log: "rosette tapped ship coming out of water on recovery." 136 CTDO Processor: "Top 18db CTD oxygen questionable." 133 Delta-S at 91db is -0.0811, salinity is 35.189. Spike in CTD trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Salinity as well as other data are acceptable 130 Salt looks like 129. Misdraw? Salinity inversion seen in CTD trace as well as difference between the down and up trace. Salinity is lower than adjoining stations comparisons. Footnote salinity questionable. Other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 2.3 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. CTD Oxygen and adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 142 130 Delta-S at 203db is -0.0407, salinity is 35.011. Spike in CTD salinity up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Bottle salinity as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxy .04 ml/l, 1.9 umol/kg low. See Station 117 bottle 01 oxygen comment. CTD Oxygen and adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 800 129 Delta-S at 214db is -0.0381, salinity is 35.014. Footnote salinity questionable, other data are acceptable. 119 Bottle pre-tripped. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 118 No salinity analytical problems noted. Delta-S at 1420db is 0.0338, salinity is 34.627. Footnote salinity questionable, other data are acceptable. 102 O2 log: "OT option crashed o2 program." Oxy value lost. Computer crashed. 101 CTD Processor: "btl o2 low at btm (btl 101)-not exclusive to this cast." Oxygen .08 ml/l, 3.6 umol/kg low compared with adjoining stations also low compared with CTD. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 801 133 Salt same (32 & 33). Misdraw? This feature shows in adjoining stations and the salinity agrees with the CTD in these shallow waters. 132 Salt same (32 & 33). Misdraw? This feature shows in adjoining stations and the salinity agrees with the CTD in these shallow waters. 113 Sil value looks odd. no obvious reason. Silicate agrees with adjoining stations. 105 Nuts same as 106. Misdraw. Footnote nutrients bad. 101 Oxygen is 0.5 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. Adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 802 134 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 133 Delta-S at 99db is -0.0589, salinity is 35.251. Feature in CTD data, bottle could have tripped deeper in water column (not more than 20 m), suspect data are acceptable. 126-127 COL log: "duplicates." Data are acceptable, duplicate trip was scheduled. 104 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 2.0 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. Adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 803 113 Lanyard caught in lid. NO3 ~7 um/l, .02 um/kg low, SiO3 ~15 um/l, .35 um/kg low, PO4 is reasonable, O2 also agrees with adjoining stations. Delta-S at 2414db is 0.0078, salinity is 34.663. Footnote bottle leaking and samples bad. 101 Oxygen is 0.9 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. Adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 143 136 Sample log: "vents not closed." Oxygen as well as other data except salinity are acceptable. Delta-S at 4db is -0.0158, salinity is 34.122. No salinity analytical problems noted. Footnote salinity questionable. 134 Sample log: "vents not closed." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 133 Sample log: "vents not closed." Delta-S at 67db is 0.045, salinity is 34.722. Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 See Station 117 bottle 01 oxygen comment. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 144 135 Sample log: "Lanyard caught in end-cap (leaking)." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 0.8 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 145 136 CTDO Processor: "Top 28db CTD oxygen questionable." 114 Sample log: "lower cap." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 103 Sample log: "air leak on top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 1.6 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 146 135-136 CTDO Processor: "Top 40db CTD oxygen questionable." 130 Delta-S at 204db is -0.0297, salinity is 35.112. Spike in CTD salinity up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. Bottle salinity and other data are acceptable. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 101 Oxygen is 0.6 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 147 136 CTDO Processor: "Top 32db CTD oxygen questionable." 109 Nuts log: "leaker bottle?" Lanyard caught in top lid. Delta-S at 3658db is 0.0131, salinity is 34.696. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. STATION 148 136 CTDO Processor: "Top 32db CTD oxygen questionable." 134 Delta-S at 68db is 0.0252, salinity is 35.202. Bottle salinity as well as other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 101 Oxygen is 2.0 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 149 136 CTDO Processor: "Top 34db CTD oxygen questionable." 133 Sample log: "upper o-ring not seated." Oxygen as well as other data except salinity are acceptable. Delta-S at 98db is 0.0522, salinity is 35.360. Footnote salinity bad. 113 Sample log: "double trip at 2600." Data is acceptable. 101 Oxy .04 low. No obvious reason. Similar feature, lower oxygen, seen in previous stations. O2 is acceptable. STATION 150 Cast 1 Marine Tech log: "CTD wire went bad ~500 M from surface on up cast. cut off ~4500 M wire because of 2 shorts in middle of drum. Switched winches to have enough wire." Console Ops Log: "Lost signal approx. 330db up & terminated upcast at that point; ended up cutting off 4500m wire because shorts in 2 wires about 500m apart in middle of drum." 111 Nuts Log: "leaked from bottom cap." Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Leaker. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. STATION 151 101 Oxy 0.03 ml/l, 1.1 umol/kg low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 152 131 Delta-S at 153db is -0.0397, salinity is 35.679. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, could be salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity questionable. 110 NO3 low. No obvious reason. Footnote NO3 questionable. 101 Oxygen is 1.8 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 153 136 CTDO Processor: "Top 10db CTD oxygen questionable." 135 Delta-S at 31db is 0.0489, salinity is 34.741. Data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 132 Delta-S at 120db is 0.0488, salinity is 35.581. Spike in CTD salinity up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Other data are acceptable. 131 Delta-S at 150db is 0.0342, salinity is 35.920. Spike in CTD salinity up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Other data are acceptable. 108 Delta-S at 3652db is -0.003, salinity is 34.683. Salinities from 3000db to 4860db are lower than adjoining stations and CTD. This salinity value is out of WOCE specs, the others are within spec. No analytical problem noted. Footnote salinity questionable. STATION 154 135-136 CTDO Processor: "Top 50db CTD oxygen questionable." 132 Sample log: "Bottle not closed. No sample." This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 123 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 114 CTD Processor: "btl o2 high at 2429db (btl 114)-doesn't match , upcast either." Oxygen is ~4.6 umol/kg high compared with Stations 153 and 155. No analytical problems noted. Footnote oxygen questionable. 104 Sample Log Noted "?" with respect to therm listings. 101 Oxygen is 0.7 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. CTD Oxygen and adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 155 130 Delta-S at 207db is -0.0303, salinity is 35.097. Autosal took 4 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. Other data are acceptable. 123 Sample log: "top cap unseated." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 120 Sample log: "loose top cap." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 109 Sample log: "Lanyard caught in top valve." Nuts log: "bad sample. leak?" Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 107 Sample log: "Lanyard caught in top cap." Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 101 Oxygen is 1.0 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 156 123 Marine Tech log: "replaced top end cap." Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 157 136 CTDO Processor: "Top 26db CTD oxygen questionable." 124 Marine Tech log: "Slight leak. Dripping (small drips around o-ring)." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 102 Bottle appears to have tripped at 5167db with bottle 3. Leave as is, and let PI or DQE decide with non-ODF data. 101 Marine Tech log: "number 1 took a dry hit. Looks ok." Data does not agree with duplicate trip (02); Sil higher. Footnote Sil questionable. Let PI or DQE decide on quality of data. Bottle 02 actually agrees with bottle 03. Oxygen is 1.6 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip and low compared with adjoining stations. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 158 136 Delta-S at 3db is -0.1136, salinity is 34.468. Salinity low compared with adjoining stations. Footnote salinity bad, other data are acceptable. 135-136 CTDO Processor: "Top 58db CTD oxygen questionable." 133 Delta-S at 91db is 0.0323, salinity is 35.220. Salinity and other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 131 Delta-S at 151db is 0.0321, salinity is 35.900. Spike in CTD up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. Salinity and other data are acceptable. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 109 Sample log: "Lanyard caught in top." Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 102 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." O2 ~023 ml/l, 1.0 umol/kg lower than duplicate trip (01), within 1% of specs of measurement. Data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 1.0 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. Adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 159 132 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 124 Sample log: "slow leak from bottom." O2 ~3 um/l, 10.9 umol/kg low, PO4 ~1 um/l, 0.12 umol/kg high, NO3 ~2. um/l, 1.9 umol/kg high, Sil ~3. um/l, 4.8 umol/kg high, salinity agrees with adjoining stations and CTD. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 101 Oxy .04 ml/l, 1.7 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip (02) and adjoining stations. Other data are acceptable. Adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 160 136 Sample log: "Bottle not closed (no sample)." This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 132 Sample log: "Bad O-ring, leaking from vent." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 120 Nuts log: "bad sample. Leak?" Data are acceptable. 114 Sample log: "Bottle leaking." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 112 Sample log: "Bottle leaking from valve." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 161 124 Sample log: "slow o-ring leak on bottom." Data are acceptable. 116 Delta-S at 1810db is 0.014, salinity is 34.636. Appears to be a drawing error with salinity from 15. Footnote salinity bad. STATION 162 133 Delta-S at 60db is -0.0346, salinity is 34.435. Bottle salinity as well as other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 129 Delta-S at 200db is -0.0289, salinity is 35.364. Bottle salinity as well as other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 106 NO2: Possible contamination. Footnote NO2 questionable. 101 Oxygen is 0.4 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. Adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 163 135-136 CTDO Processor: "Top 56db CTD oxygen questionable." 104 Sample log: "Bottle leaking." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 164 101 Oxygen is 0.6 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. Adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 165 134 Delta-S at 67db is 0.25, salinity is 34.729. Bottle salinity and other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 130 Delta-S at 207db is -0.034, salinity is 35.385. Bottle salinity and other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 101 Oxygen is 1.9 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. Adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 166 107 CTD Processor: "btl o2 high at 3961db (compared to ctd and nearby discrete). Oxygen is ~7 umol/kg high compared to Station 165 similar potemp. Footnote oxygen questionable. 106 CTD Processor: "btl o2 high at 4266db (compared to ctd and nearby discrete)." Oxygen is ~2.8 umol/kg high compared to Station 167 similar potemp. Oxygen is high compared with Station 165, potemp 0.04 higher. Footnote oxygen questionable. 104 Sample log: "Bottle leaking." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 PO4 high, within specs, but deep values are low compared with adjoining stations which is just within spec. Oxygen is 2.3 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. CTD Oxygen and adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 167 134 Delta-S at 61db is 0.0754, salinity is 34.490. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 133 Delta-S at 91db is 0.0597, salinity is 35.523. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 130 Delta-S at 201db is -0.0591, salinity is 35.567. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 112 COL: no confirm, no trip. Appears to be okay, tried and apparently succeeded on second tripping try. 106 Sample log: "Not closed. No sample." No water. This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. 101 Oxygen is 1.7 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. Adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 168 136 Salt values (35 & 36) the same. CTD trace indicates a constant salinity. Bottle salinity as well as other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 135 Salt values (35 & 36) the same. CTD trace indicates a constant salinity. Bottle salinity as well as other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 128 Delta-S at 184db is 0.0284, salinity is 35.895. Spike in CTD salinity up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Bottle salinity as well as other data are acceptable. 127 Delta-S at 204db is -0.0267, salinity is 35.592. Spike in CTD salinity up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Bottle salinity as well as other data are acceptable. 110 Looks like a leaker. No notes on sample log. O2 ~2 ml/l, 2.4 um/kg high, NO3 ~1. um/l, .41 um/kg low, PO4 ~09 um/l, .06 um/kg low, Sil agrees with adjoining station. Salinity ~002 high. CTD plot shows a feature at that level. Footnote bottle leaking and data bad. STATION 169 Cast 1 NO2: Big drift during run. Footnote NO2 questionable. 136 CTDO Processor: "Top 30db CTD oxygen questionable." 114 Sample log: "Bottle leaking." Oxygen as well as other data except NO2 are acceptable. STATION 170 130 Sample log: "bad top o-ring." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 104 Sample log: "bottom leaks." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 900 6all Marine Tech log: "changed transmissometer cable for this cast." 617-618 CTDO Processor: "Top 46db CTD oxygen questionable." 612 Delta-S at 205db is 0.0271, salinity is 35.501. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 507 Sample log: "Lanyard caught in top (leaking)." Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. ODF recommends deletion of all samples. Delta-S at 806db is 0.0581, salinity is 34.576. 503 Sample log: "Top vent open." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. Cast 4 Sample log: "therm rack came up sideways." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 316 Sample log: "Bottle leaking." Delta-S at 60db is -0.047, salinity is 35.248. Oxygen as well as nutrients are acceptable. 309 Sample log: "Vent was open." Oxygen as well as nutrients are acceptable. 307 Sample log: "Vent was open." Oxygen as well as nutrients are acceptable. Delta-S at 809db is -0.0358, salinity is 34.484. 301-318 Salts contaminated (not rinsed). Footnote salinity bad. 218 Sample log: "Bottle leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 217-218 CTDO Processor: "Top 34db CTD oxygen questionable." 216 Delta-S at 61db is 0.0468, salinity is 34.455. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 202 NO2 much too high. Footnote NO2 bad. 117-118 CTDO Processor: "Top 36db CTD oxygen questionable." 116 Sample log: "This bottle has a big chip breaking off top end cap." Delta-S at 61db is -0.0756, salinity is 34.482. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 115 Delta-S at 91db is 0.046, salinity is 35.838. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 104 Marine Tech log: "cleaned some stuff off bottom of lid which was probably the cause of the leak/drip." Sample log: "Bottle leaked after venting." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 171 135 Delta-S at 31db is 0.0256, salinity is 34.331. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. Other data are acceptable. 134 Delta-S at 61db is 0.2541, salinity is 34.859. Autosal took 5 tries to get two readings to agree, but salinity agrees with adjoining stations. Bottle salinity as well as other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 117 Sample log: "Vent open." Footnote bottle leaked, samples bad. 115 Sample log: "vent open." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 172 133 Delta-S at 61db is 0.0853, salinity is 34.968. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. Other data are acceptable. 132 Sample log: "lower cap slight leak." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 128 Sample log: "upper o-ring." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 117 Sample log: "Bottle leaking." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 1.4 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. CTD Oxygen and adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 173 Cast 1 NO2: Bubble in flowcell, large drift during run. Footnote NO2 bad. 134 Delta-S at 67db is 0.0343, salinity is 35.014. Other data except NO2 are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 131 Delta-S at 157db is 0.0259, salinity is 36.042. Gradient area, spike in CTD up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. Other data except NO2 are acceptable. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. 130 Delta-S at 207db is -0.0273, salinity is 35.578. Other data except NO2 are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 117 Sample log: "Bottle leaking." Oxygen as well as other data except NO2 are acceptable. STATION 174 134 Sample log: "top o-ring rolled off." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 132 Delta-S at 66db is 0.1117, salinity is 34.825. Bottle salinity as well as other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 117 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Marine Tech log: "tightened spring." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 101 Oxygen is 0.4 umol/kg low compared with duplicate trip. Adjoining stations also indicate this is low. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 175 132 Sample log: "bottom o-ring." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 130 Delta-S at 200db is -0.0581, salinity is 35.778. Bottle salinity and other data agree with adjoining stations, data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 108 Sample log: "Lost bottom o-ring. No water." This level is included and assigned with just CTD data. This was done so the DQE has additional information to double-check that pressure assignments were done correctly. Footnote bottle no samples taken. STATION 176 132 Sample log: "lower cap." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. STATION 177 133 Delta-S at 91db is 0.1506, salinity is 35.036. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. Other data are acceptable. 108 PO4 .40 um/l, .02 um/kg low. NO3 1.0 um/l, .05 um/kg high. KP error? nuts: "checked. No obvious analytical problem." This was a reading error in NO3 and there must have been an error which is no fixed in PO4. Data are acceptable. 103 Sample log: "Lanyard caught in top." Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. STATION 178 111 Sample log: "Lanyard caught in top." Leaked. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 107 Sample log: "Leaking from top." Delta-S at 2214db is 0.0029, salinity is 34.643. Oxygen draw temperature a little low, but oxygen appears to be okay. Code data as acceptable. STATION 179 130 Delta-S at 146db is -0.2307, salinity is 35.911. No salinity analytical problems noted. Footnote salinity bad, does not agree with adjoining stations. STATION 180 107 Lanyard caught in top. Leaked. Lanyard caught. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. 104 Sample Log Noted "Therm rack sideways." 103 Lanyard caught in top. Leaked. Lanyard caught. Footnote bottle leaking, samples bad. STATION 181 132 Delta-S at 100db is 0.031, salinity is 35.329. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 130 Sample log: "slow drip." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 120 Delta-S at 351db is -0.0572, salinity is 35.020. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree, suspect salt crystal contamination, footnote salinity bad. 114 Delta-S at 659db is 0.0144, salinity is 34.404. Salinity is a little high, adjoining stations do not indicate this feature. Footnote salinity questionable and other data acceptable. STATION 182 133 Delta-S at 95db is -0.2115, salinity is 35.110. See 129 salinity comment, suspect this salinity was drawn from bottle 34. Footnote salinity bad. 132 Delta-S at 125db is -0.5171, salinity is 35.422. See 129 salinity comment, suspect this salinity was drawn from bottle 33. Footnote salinity bad. 131 Delta-S at 154db is -0.0904, salinity is 35.991. See 129 salinity comment, suspect this salinity was drawn from bottle 32. Footnote salinity bad. 130 Delta-S at 204db is 0.0618, salinity is 36.086. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree. See 129 salinity comment, suspect this salinity was drawn from bottle 31. Footnote salinity bad. 129 Delta-S at 256db is 0.3016, salinity is 36.010. Autosal took 3 tries to get two readings to agree. Suspect a drawing error and that a salinity was not drawn from this bottle. A salinity was drawn twice from bottle 34 and this one was missed. Footnote salinity bad. STATION 183 101 Oxygen is 0.4 umol/kg high compared with duplicate trip. Adjoining stations also indicate this is high. ODF suggests oxygen is questionable. PI has deemed oxygen acceptable. STATION 184 133-136 CTDO Processor: "Top 98db CTD oxygen questionable." 133 Delta-S at 95db is 0.1408, salinity is 35.272. Footnote salinity questionable, other data are acceptable. 130 Delta-S at 205db is -0.1097, salinity is 35.698. Station profile plot indicates a higher NO3 and PO4 and lower SiO3. NO3 is higher than adjoining station comparison. PO4 is higher than adjoining stations, but that is within the specs of the measurement. Footnote salinity, and nitrate questionable. 110 No salinity analytical problems noted. Sil um/l low too. Delta-S at 1822db is -0.0145, salinity is 34.594. Oxygen, phosphate and nitrate are acceptable. Footnote salinity and silicate questionable. STATION 185 134-136 CTDO Processor: "Top 34db CTD oxygen questionable." 132 Delta-S at 84db is 0.1121, salinity is 35.448. Other data are acceptable. Gradient area, water mixing during bottle trip. 120 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Delta-S is .0162, spike in CTD up trace, footnote CTD salinity bad. No CTDO is calculated because the CTD Salinity is coded bad. Other data are acceptable. 104 Sample log: "Leaking from bottom." Oxygen as well as other data are acceptable. 103 Sil low ~3 um/l, 6.5 um/kg. Footnote silicate questionable. APPENDIX E CRUISE UPDATES WEEKLY REPORT 1 1993 JUL 10 Left Dutch Harbor on 5 July and headed northwest to 59 N, 174 W. Made an instrument test station on the way, by lowering the CTD and tripping 12 Rosette bottles each at 2260 m, 500 m and 100 m to check on repeatability of results, with good success. Minor difficulties with the pylon were resolved quickly. From 59 N, 174 W the ship turned SSW toward Amchitka Pass, making the first high- resolution, top-to-bottom hydrographic section through the deep Bering Sea. There is a hint of measurable freons and increased oxygens below about 3300 m. suggesting possible ventilation of the bottom waters. If this preliminary finding is upheld by further careful analysis, it will require revising some previously held notions about deep water formation in the Bering Sea. - Roden WEEKLY REPORT 2 1993 JUL 18 Left the Bering Sea through Amchitka Pass, transected the subarctic domain and crossed the subarctic front at 41-30 N. The subarctic front was marked by the outcrop of the subarctic halocline, the disappearance of the sub-surface temperature minimum and the rapid southward descent of the sound channel axis. As expected, there was a marked decrease in silicate concentrations when crossing from the Bering Sea into the North Pacific. In Amchitka Pass, strong currents and tidal mixing caused low surface temperatures and sharply reduced the intensity of the oxygen minimum. The weather was good during the first 12 days and we averaged 4 stations a day. Then we were beset by winds of 40 - 50 kn and seas of 20 - 30 ft. This resulted in only a single station per day. The outlook is for improving weather and already the winds have decreased to 30 kn and the seas subsided to under 20 ft and the spirit aboard is high. There have been no major equipment problems so far. - Roden WEEKLY REPORT 3 1993 JUL 26 Transected the subarctic-subtropical transition zone and encountered Kuroshio origin waters near 35.30 N. Preliminary geostrophic calculations indicate an eastward current component of about 40 cm/s. It is not yet clear, whether this is a branch of the Kuroshio or an energetic eddy shed by it. The subtropical front was crossed at about 31.30 N. It was marked by a temperature difference of 3 C, a salinity difference of 0.6 psu and an eastward flow component of about 30 cm/s. The front was located about 180 nm north of the tradewind boundary, which occurred near 28.30 N. The weather during the last week has been exceptionally good and the work is progressing on schedule and the equipment is working satisfactorily. In these remote subtropical latitudes the night sky is very clear, with a beautiful display of the Milky Way and thousands upon thousands of bright stars visible to the unaided eye. Venus is so bright that when it is near the horizon, it can be mistaken for a ship's light. - Roden. WEEKLY REPORT 4 1993 AUG 1 Reached latitude 15 N today on the transect through the subtropical gyre. A preliminary examination of the section completed so far showed several regions of strong zonal flow components. Maximum geostrophic speeds were 54 cm/s in the Alaska Stream, 30 cm/s in the subarctic current near 42 N, 48 cm/s in the Kuroshio extension near 35.30N, and 41 cm/s in the vicinity of the subtropical front near 32 N. Several mesoscale eddies with speeds in the 20-30 cm/s range were observed also. The light transmissometer does not work well in tropical latitudes. It shows consistently a prominent minimum between 400 and 1200 m. First I thought it might be real, but after a week of thinking I could not come up with a plausible answer. Then I noticed that the feature occurred only on the downtrace, not the uptrace. Finally, we decided to stop the CTD at 700 m, where the minimum was most pronounced and see what happens. Sure enough, in about 5 minutes, the minimum disappeared. This obviously is a temperature compensation effect on the instrument. One obviously can design any kind of transmission minimum trace by simply varying the lowering speed. This clearly is not acceptable. So I urge all WOCE participants using the light transmissometer in tropical latitudes to take the results with two grains of salt and lots of water. -Roden WEEKLY REPORT 5 1993 AUG 8 Working in the doldrums at a rate of 4 to 5 stations a day, spaced at intervals of 15 nm. A very sharp transition between the North Pacific intermediate salinity minimum and the subsurface salinity maximum from the South Pacific occurred at 11 N. The doldrum trough started at 9 N and at 5 N we are still in it. So far, there has not been any sign of a well defined north equatorial counter current, but I expect to encounter it soon. There is a conspicuous absence of seabirds at this longitude. Between 50 N and 5 N I have seen only a dozen birds or so. Flying fish are very scarce here, too, and only an occasional school of mahi-mahi and tuna has been sighted. Squid, however, are plentiful.- Roden WEEKLY REPORT 6 1993 AUG 14 After 38 days at sea put into Tarawa on 11 August to change some of the scientific and ship's crew. We have completed 130 stations so far, without the loss of a single station due to weather. In Tarawa, invited 10 government ministers aboard the ship for lunch, stated the intent of our visit, the goal of our research and explained to them the scope of WOCE. They greatly appreciated this information and I found this is the least we could do for them for granting us clearance to do research in their economic interest zone. The government officials reciprocated this courtesy by inviting us for a first class performance of their traditional songs and dances of war, fishing and young people's yearnings. An expedition is more than just scientists counting the number of completed stations and administrators counting the total of leftover cents. It also involves person-to-person contact, the building of goodwill between nations and the sharing of scientific information with them for the betterment of their economic status. - Roden WEEKLY REPORT NO.7 1993 AUG 22 Crossed the equator on the way south and added five stations along the equator to understand better the circulation and property distributions. At the equator itself, strong eastward flow was observed both at the surface and the core of the undercurrent, with a minimum in between. The weather at the equator was unsettled, with frequent heavy showers and generally light and variable winds, except neat squall lines, where they were brisk. The thermohaline structure between 2 N and 2 S is exceedingly complex in the upper 1500 m, with many step- like features, apparently created by a combination of shear induced turbulence and frontal interleaving. Between 5 and 3 N general eastward flow was observed. After taking 150 stations, the CTD wire developed multiple shorts and 4300 m had to be cut off, leaving 4500 m on the drum. Fortunately we have another winch with 8500 m of CTD wire aboard, so this will not affect our top-to-bottom sampling. At latitude 0 degrees, longitude 180 degrees we had a traditional golden shellback ceremony, initiating 12 neophytes, this P.I. included, into the realm of King Neptune and Queen Amphitrite - Roden WEEKLY REPORT 8 1993 AUG 29 After working stations from the frigid waters of the northern Bering Sea to the balmy South Pacific, covering more than 11000 km, took the last station of P14N in view of Vanua Levu island, Fiji. A fishing net blocked our way, so found it prudent to shift the station 2 miles north, to avoid entangling the CTD in the net. All together, we have made 199 CTD casts to the bottom, took 40 tritium/helium samples, determined chlorofluorocarbons at 125 stations and C02 and alkalinity at 73 stations, deployed 12 Rafos and 12 Alace floats, lowered the ADCP, depth permitting, more than 100 times and kept a detailed meteorological log at each station. With the exception of the light transmis- someter, which failed in the tropics, all the instruments worked well. The successful conclusion of a cruise of such complexity is due to the high competence and the team spirit of the diverse scientific groups aboard and to the unstingy help of the Captain and crew of the R/V Thomas G. Thompson. To each and all of them, I give my heartfelt thanks. - Roden LIGHT TRANSMISSION PROBLEM (Wilf Gardner, Mary Jo Richardson) 1993 AUG 19 In a recent report on WOCE P14N progress Gunner Roden commented on a prominent minimum in light transmission between 400 and 1200 m which occurred on the downtrace, but not on the uptrace with the CTD. We have been aware of this problem (disaffectionately known as "the nose") and have been working with the manufacturer--"Pl4N thought we had isolated the problem to excessive heating of the transmissometer by exposure to the sun prior to deployment because during an equatorial cruise last year, 30 profiles out of 130 contained the transmission minimum, and 29 of them were made during daylight hours. We relayed this information to ODF personnel, but they still had the problem when the rosette was completely protected from the sun between deployments. The problem still seems related to temperature differentials and may involve moisture condensation. In any case, the minimum is not repeated on the upcast after the instrument has been at relatively constant temperatures for a long period of time. For that reason, we use the upcast data when the minimum occurs. This makes our data processing more time consuming, because we also use temperature- time algorithms on time-based (rather than pressure- based) data, but ODF has been very helpful in providing the necessary information to produce accurate data. These data have resulted in the publication of two theses and several papers. We understand that this problem does not occur with the 2000 m transmissometers and have encouraged SeaTech to resolve the problem with the deep units ASAP. WHPO Data Processing Notes Date Contact Data Type Data Status Summary ================================================================================ 02/04/98 Top TRITUM Submitted 02/06/98 Top TRITUM More Data Rcvd 08/17/98 Roden CTD/BTL Data are Public 11/24/98 Diggs CTD/BTL* Public except: CFCs/He/Tr (*S/O, NUTs) Your data (both bottle and ctd) files are now unencryted on the WHPO website. The CFCs, Helium and Tritium values have been removed and we would like to know if these parameters should be included in the public bottle files. 02/07/99 Anderson NUTs/S/O DQE Begun 02/10/99 Anderson SUM/BTL Reformatted by WHPO I have reformatted P12 (S04, SR03, PR12). Arnold is DQEing that line now. I have reformatted P14N. George will DQE that line next. .sum * Changed EXPOCODE from 325023/1 and 325024/1 to 325023_1 and 325024_1. * Adding and/deleting columns to make conform with the WHPO standard format. * Added time stamp. *Ran over sumchk with no errors. .sea * Changed EXPOCODE from 325023/1-24/1 to 325023_1-24_1. * Format looks ok * Added time stamp. * Ran over wocecvt with no errors. 04/06/99 Bartolacci BTL Data Update Changed date from 082285 TO 082993 to 082293 TO 082993 moved current .hy file to original/p14nhy_moved1999.04.06.txt moved current .su file to original/p14nsu_moved1999.04.06.txt_ANDERSON/P12 or P14N. 01/11/00 Bartolacci BTL Data Update; file w/ non-pub params reformatted Because it appears that Sarliee reformatted a version of the bottle file that had parameters "masked out" (which means that they were replaced with 9's) and not encrypted, and the old file which contained all the original values was not clearly marked, the file called p14nhy_ALL_PARAMETERS_1998.11.24.txt was reformatted according to her comments below, run thru wocecvt with no errors and renamed p14nhy_ALL_PARAMETERS_1998.11.24_edt.txt. This file which appears to have all current values in it was then copied to p14nhy_2000.01.11_usd_to_mask.txt. This file was copied once, had helium and tritium data masked out and was moved to the parent directory and renamed p14nhy.txt. p14nhy_2000.01.11_usd_to_mask.txt was also encrypted to make the new nonpublic version of the entire data set, renamed p14nhy.asc and moved to the parent directory. p14nhy_2000.01.11_usd_to_mask.txt is the most recent version of the bottle file at this date in time! 01/11/00 Bartolacci CFCs Data are Public 04/19/00 Bartolacci DELC14 Website Updated P14N Changed to indicate no samples collected. 05/09/00 Kozyr CO2 Final Data Rcvd @ WHPO TCARBN, ALKALI, and pHI have put the final CO2-related data file for the Pacific Ocean WOCE Section P14N to the WHPO ftp INCOMING area. There are three CO2 parameters in the file: Total CO2, Total Alkalinity, and pH (measured @25deg.C) with quality flags. Please let me know if you received the data okay. I still owe you P6E,W,C carbon data, but I do not have any words from Doug Wallace yet. Marilyn Roberts from NOAA/PMEL will send you their data from P16N, P18, and P14S15S cruises soon. So, we almost done for the Pacific. 06/30/00 Bartolacci CO2 Website Updated new carbon data merged/onlineBottle: (tcarbn, alkali, ph, qualt1, qualt2) Carbon data sent by Alex Kozyr on 2000.05.09 was merged into current bottle file. Original data file sent by Kozyr had incorrect header on both TCARBN and ALKALI and needed editing (as per his email). One version of merged bottle file was encrypted and one version had he/tr data masked out (public file). All files and tables were updated to reflect the new values. Merging notes are located in README file in "original" subdirectory for this line. 08/23/00 Warner DOC Doc Update cfc reports submittedThe directory this information has been stored in is: 20000823.165536_WARNER_P14N The format type is: ASCII The data type is: DOCFile Other Type of Data Here is the information regarding the 'OTHER' format: Submitting only CFC data with Sample = 100*Castno + BottleNo The Bottle File has the following parameters: CFC-11, CFC-12 WARNER, MARK would like the data PUBLIC. And would like the following done to the data: Merge data, update data files 04/11/01 Crease Cruise ID Clarification Request Maintain current Expocodes; see note:They seem to have numbered cruises from launch in1991. As the ship schedule for 1993 shows them as two separate cruises (both under Roden) it makes sense to go with the 23 24 numbering you have Jerry. 06/19/01 Swift CTDTMP Update Needed An oceanographically-insignificant error in CTDTMP data for this cruise has been found (ca. -0.00024*T - 0.00036 degC). A data update is forthcoming. In the interim the corrected data files can be obtained from: ftp://odf.ucsd.edu/pub/HydroData/woce/crs 06/20/01 Johnson CTD Data Update; Processing error corrected revised data available by ftp ODF has discovered a small error in the algorithm used to convert ITS90 temperature calibration data to IPTS68. This error affects reported Mark III CTD temperature data for most cruises that occurred in 1992-1999. A complete list of affected data sets appears below. ODF temperature calibrations are reported on the ITS90 temperature scale. ODF internally maintains these calibrations for CTD data processing on the IPTS68 scale. The error involved converting ITS90 calibrations to IPTS68. The amount of error is close to linear with temperature: approximately -0.00024 degC/degC, with a -0.00036 degC offset at 0 degC. Previously reported data were low by 0.00756 degC at 30 degC, decreasing to 0.00036 degC low at 0 degC. Data reported as ITS90 were also affected by a similar amount. CTD conductivity calibrations have been recalculated to account for the temperature change. Reported CTD salinity and oxygen data were not significantly affected. Revised final data sets have been prepared and will be available soon from ODF (ftp://odf.ucsd.edu/pub/HydroData). The data will eventually be updated on the whpo.ucsd.edu website as well. IPTS68 temperatures are reported for PCM11 and Antarktis X/5, as originally submitted to their chief scientists. ITS90 temperatures are reported for all other cruises. Changes in the final data vs. previous release (other than temperature and negligible differences in salinity/oxygen): S04P: 694/03 CTD data were not reported, but CTD values were reported with the bottle data. No conductivity correction was applied to these values in the original .sea file. This release uses the same conductivity correction as the two nearest casts to correct salinity. AO94: Eight CTD casts were fit for ctdoxy (previously uncalibrated) and resubmitted to the P.I. since the original release. The WHP- format bottle file was not regenerated. The CTDOXY for the following stations should be significantly different than the original .sea file values: 009/01 013/02 017/01 018/01 026/04 033/01 036/01 036/02 I09N: The 243/01 original CTD data file was not rewritten after updating the ctdoxy fit. This release uses the correct ctdoxy data for the .ctd file. The original .sea file was written after the update occurred, so the ctdoxy values reported with bottle data should be minimally different. ====================================================================== DATA SETS AFFECTED: WOCE Final Data - NEW RELEASE AVAILABLE: WOCE Section ID P.I. Cruise Dates ------------------------------------------------------------ S04P (Koshlyakov/Richman) Feb.-Apr. 1992 P14C (Roemmich) Sept. 1992 PCM11 (Rudnick) Sept. 1992 P16A/P17A (JUNO1) (Reid) Oct.-Nov. 1992 P17E/P19S (JUNO2) (Swift) Dec. 1992 - Jan. 1993 P19C (Talley) Feb.-Apr. 1993 P17N (Musgrave) May-June 1993 P14N (Roden) July-Aug. 1993 P31 (Roemmich) Jan.-Feb. 1994 A15/AR15 (Smethie) Apr.-May 1994 I09N (Gordon) Jan.-Mar. 1995 I08N/I05E (Talley) Mar.-Apr. 1995 I03 (Nowlin) Apr.-June 1995 I04/I05W/I07C (Toole) June-July 1995 I07N (Olson) July-Aug. 1995 I10 (Bray/Sprintall) Nov. 1995 ICM03 (Whitworth) Jan.-Feb. 1997 non-WOCE Final Data - NEW RELEASE AVAILABLE: Cruise Name P.I. Cruise Dates ------------------------------------------------------------ Antarktis X/5 (Peterson) Aug.-Sept. 1992 Arctic Ocean 94 (Swift) July-Sept. 1994 Preliminary Data - WILL BE CORRECTED FOR FINAL RELEASE ONLY NOT YET AVAILABLE: Cruise Name P.I. Cruise Dates ------------------------------------------------------------ WOCE-S04I (Whitworth) May-July 1996 Arctic Ocean 97 (Swift) Sept.-Oct. 1997 HNRO7 (Talley) June-July 1999 KH36 (Talley) July-Sept. 1999 "Final" Data from cruise dates prior to 1992, or cruises which did not use NBIS CTDs, are NOT AFFECTED. post-1991 Preliminary Data NOT AFFECTED: Cruise Name P.I. Cruise Dates ------------------------------------------------------------ Arctic Ocean 96 (Swift) July-Sept. 1996 WOCE-A24 (ACCE) (Talley) May-July 1997 XP99 (Talley) Aug.-Sept. 1999 KH38 (Talley) Feb.-Mar. 2000 XP00 (Talley) June-July 2000 06/22/01 Uribe CTD/BTL Website Updated CSV File AddedCTD and Bottle files in exchange format have been put online 08/29/01 Top NEON Data are Public Status changed to PublicZafer - Is it safe to assume that all WOCE One-Time Survey neon data from you are now public? Jim Yes they are. Zafer 09/26/01 Top He/Tr Data are Public Status changed to Public From: Zafer Top Steve: Yes, you did bug me before about this! All data should have been public since 1998, and if they haven't then they should be! From Steve Diggs: I was asked the following question regarding Roden's 1993 cruise from Fiji aboard the Thompson: "Steve, The table says P14N HeTr are still Non-Public and has both an encrypted file and a public bottle file. Data History has note from Zafer Top saying neon data is public (Aug 29, 2001) but can see no mention of Helium or Tritium. Do I need to merge the CFCs into both the Public and Non-Public Bottle files or is there chance that the data is now all public? Dave" So, are your He/Tr data for P14N public, or would you like for them to be held as encrypted data? Please let me know and sorry if we've bugged you about this before. 10/01/01 Muus BTL/CFC Data Merged into BTL file CFC's merged into BTL, CSV File Added, He/Tr now publicMerged July 2001 CFCs into bottle file, made new exchange file and placed both on web. Helium and Tritium are now public. Notes on P14N CFC merging Sept 28, 2001. D. Muus 1. New CFC-11 and CFC-12 from: /usr/export/html- public/data/onetime/pacific/p14/p14n/original/20010709_CFC_UPDT_WI SEGARVER_P14N/20010709.173146_WISEGARVER_P14N/20010709.173146_WISE GARVER_P14N_p14n_CFC_DQE.dat merged into encrypted SEA file taken from web Sept 26, 2001 (20000628WHPOSIODMB) 2. Helium & Tritium data confirmed public by Zafer Top Sept 26, 2001, so newly merged file need not be encrypted. All "1"s in QUALT1 changed to "9"s and QUALT2 replaced by new QUALT1 prior to merging. 3. Exchange file checked using Java Ocean Atlas. 01/15/02 Uribe CTD Website Updated CSV File AddedCTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online. 03/22/02 Anderson NUTs/S/O Cannot do DQE JK emailed J.Swift for alternatesI checked my files at ODF for information on P14N. It would appear that I never got to the DQE work on this cruise. I got the files and was ready to roll, when I got pulled off ODF work to work for my present boss. His funding was restored to a level where I could work for him full time and he insisted on it. I don't know if there is anyone else who could work on this cruise, but I certainly couldn't get to it before August. I can talk to Jim about this if you like, but doing the DQE work on this cruise soon isn't likely. 06/10/02 Kappa DOC Cruise Documentation Updated: Added ODF Hydrography Report; List of Cruise Participants; sections on Scientific Programme and Methods, floats deployed, navigation, bathymetry, and ADCP; CFC Report and CFC DQE report; acknowledgments; References; WHPO Data Processing Notes; and a PDF version of this ascii cruise report with figures, and links between the table of contents and relevent text, and between references to figures in the text and the figures themselves.