Hydrographic Cruise: 316N200309

Date Start/End:
Chief Scientists:
  • (GLODAP) 316N20030922
  • (CCHDO) KN173/1
  • (R2R) KN173-01


Files in the Dataset have been checked for format consistency, and merged into a single, integrated, downloadable file.

Download Entire Dataset Submit Data For This Cruise How to Cite Dataset

Data History

  • 316N200309_bottle.nc Online - 2023-07-24 - Andrew Barna

    File Online Andrew Barna

    316N200309_bottle.nc (download) #1332d
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from bottle exchange file

  • 316N200309_ctd.nc Online - 2023-07-24 - Andrew Barna

    File Online Andrew Barna

    316N200309_ctd.nc (download) #800b6
    Date: 2023-07-24
    Current Status: dataset
    CCHDO-1.0 CF netCDF files converted from ctd exchange file

  • 316N200309hy.txt Created - 2022-08-16 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    316N200309hy.txt (download) #0be07
    Date: 2022-08-16
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • 316N200309_nc_hyd.zip Created - 2022-08-16 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    316N200309_nc_hyd.zip (download) #6b5cf
    Date: 2022-08-16
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • 316N200309_hy1.csv Created - 2022-08-16 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    316N200309_hy1.csv (download) #65c06
    Date: 2022-08-16
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • a20_2003ahy.txt Merge - 2022-08-16 - Andrew Barna

    File Merge Andrew Barna

    a20_2003ahy.txt (download) #9e448
    Date: 2022-08-16
    Current Status: merged
  • a20_2003a_nc_hyd.zip Merge - 2022-08-16 - Andrew Barna

    File Merge Andrew Barna

    a20_2003a_nc_hyd.zip (download) #956a7
    Date: 2022-08-16
    Current Status: merged
  • a20_2003a_hy1.csv Merge - 2022-08-16 - Andrew Barna

    File Merge Andrew Barna

    a20_2003a_hy1.csv (download) #eadb8
    Date: 2022-08-16
    Current Status: merged
  • Bottle data corrections Andrew Barna

    Date: 2022-08-16
    Data Type: Bottle
    Action: Website Update
    316N200309 processing - BTL
    A Barna
       id  submit date    submitted by    file name
    -----  -------------  --------------  -----------------
    11026                                 a20_2003a_hy1.csv
    * Removed decimal zeros from BTL_TIME
    * Fixed tons of flag/data pair issues
    316N200309_hy1.csv and 316N200309_nc_hyd.zip opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    note: converted and put online by E Aitoro
    file                   converted from      software
    ---------------------  ------------------  -----------------------
    316N200309_nc_hyd.zip  316N200309_hy1.csv  hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    316N200309hy.txt       316N200309_hy1.csv  hydro 0.8.2-62-gb1f9390
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                   stamp
    ---------------------  -----------------
    316N200309_hy1.csv     20220816CCHSIOAMB
    316N200309_nc_hyd.zip  20220816CCHSIOAMB
    316N200309hy.txt       20220816CCHSIOAMB
  • 316N200309_nc_ctd.zip Created - 2017-07-12 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    316N200309_nc_ctd.zip (download) #5179b
    Date: 2017-07-12
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • 316N200309_ct1.zip Created - 2017-07-12 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    316N200309_ct1.zip (download) #84139
    Date: 2017-07-12
    Current Status: dataset
    File created in the CCHDO system

  • 316N200309_ct1.zip Merge - 2017-07-12 - SEE

    File Merge SEE

    316N200309_ct1.zip (download) #4ed6a
    Date: 2017-07-12
    Current Status: merged
  • 316N200309_nc_ctd.zip Merge - 2017-07-12 - SEE

    File Merge SEE

    316N200309_nc_ctd.zip (download) #9e555
    Date: 2017-07-12
    Current Status: merged
  • Update header DEPTH in CTD files SEE

    Date: 2017-07-12
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    A20 2003 316N200309 processing - CTD correction - DEPTH header added
    - Added DEPTH header,  previously removed
    	Used 1465_a20_2003a_ct1.zip for DEPTH headers
    file                    converted from       software               
    ----------------------- ---------------- -----------------
    316N200309_nc_ctd.zip 316N200309_ct1.zip 0.8.2-47-g3c55cd3
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp            
    --------------------- -----------------
    316N200309_ct1.zip    20170712CCHSIOSEE
    316N200309_nc_ctd.zip 20170712CCHSIOSEE
    :Updated headers: DEPTH
    opened in JOA with no apparent problems:
    opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
  • a20_2003a_ct1.zip Merge - 2017-06-23 - see

    File Merge see

    a20_2003a_ct1.zip (download) #296b1
    Date: 2017-06-23
    Current Status: merged
  • a20_2003a_nc_ctd.zip Merge - 2017-06-23 - see

    File Merge see

    a20_2003a_nc_ctd.zip (download) #7b381
    Date: 2017-06-23
    Current Status: merged
  • a20_2003act.zip Merge - 2017-06-23 - see

    File Merge see

    a20_2003act.zip (download) #4a41a
    Date: 2017-06-23
    Current Status: merged
  • 2003A20.TXT Merge - 2017-06-23 - see

    File Merge see

    2003A20.TXT (download) #7ad61
    Date: 2017-06-23
    Current Status: merged
  • 2003A20.TXT Merge - 2017-06-23 - see

    File Merge see

    2003A20.TXT (download) #ed3fe
    Date: 2017-06-23
    Current Status: merged
  • Merged CTDBEAMCP data into Exchange file see

    Date: 2017-06-23
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    A20 2003 316N200309 processing - CTD merge CTDBEAMCP into existing Exchange file
    filename          submitted by date       id  
    ----------------  ------------ ---------- -----
    2003A20.TXT       Wilf Gardner 2017-06-12 13489 
           - updated CTDBEAMCP data from Wilf Gardner, new data submitted
                  All files updated,  Station 35 did not have CTDBEAMCP data and fill values instead.
           - removed TRANSM and TRANSM_FLAG_W, no longer needed since CTDBEAMCP is available
           - added header and unit comments
           - added cruise comments
           - changed file names to conform to Exchange format
    	- moved WOCE CTD file to Data History since it does not include CTDBEAMCP
    2003A20.TXT submitted 2017-06-01
    	- moved previous CTDBEAMCP data submission to Data History because an updated version was submitted.
    file                    converted from       software               
    --------------------- ------------------ -----------------
    316N200309_nc_ctd.zip 316N200309_ct1.zip 0.8.2-48-g594e1cb
    Updated Files Manifest
    file                    stamp            
    --------------------- -----------------
    316N200309_ct1.zip    20170623CCHSIOSEE
    316N200309_nc_ctd.zip 20170623CCHSIOSEE
    :Removed parameters: TRANSM, TRANSM_FLAG_W
    :Updated parameters: none
    :Merged parameters: CTDBEAMCP, CTDBEAMCP_FLAG_W
    opened in JOA with no apparent problems:
    opened in ODV with no apparent problems:
  • 2003A20.TXT Online - 2017-06-13 - Carolina Berys

    File Online Carolina Berys

    2003A20.TXT (download) #ed3fe
    Date: 2017-06-13
    Current Status: merged
  • 2003A20.TXT Submission - 2017-06-12 - see

    File Submission see

    2003A20.TXT (download) #ed3fe
    Date: 2017-06-12
    Current Status: merged
    Replaces previous file submission of same name.  W. Gardner CTDBEAMCP data

  • 2003A20.TXT Online - 2017-06-01 - Carolina Berys

    File Online Carolina Berys

    2003A20.TXT (download) #7ad61
    Date: 2017-06-01
    Current Status: merged
  • 2003A20.TXT Submission - 2017-06-01 - see

    File Submission see

    2003A20.TXT (download) #7ad61
    Date: 2017-06-01
    Current Status: merged
    Wilf Gardner's CTDBEAMCP final data to merge

  • a20_2003ado.txt Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    a20_2003ado.txt (download) #a5e19
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • a20_2003ado.pdf Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    a20_2003ado.pdf (download) #579e1
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • a20_316N200309trk.jpg Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    a20_316N200309trk.jpg (download) #7d135
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • a20_2003asu.txt Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    a20_2003asu.txt (download) #c90d4
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: dataset
    File was created on or before this date

  • a20_316N200309trk.gif Created - 2015-04-23 - CCHDO System

    File Created CCHDO System

    a20_316N200309trk.gif (download) #f373e
    Date: 2015-04-23
    Current Status: merged
    File was created on or before this date

  • Exchange and netCDF files online Rox Lee

    Date: 2014-01-05
    Data Type: Citation
    Action: Website Update
    316N200309 processing - BTL
    R Lee
    .. contents:: :depth: 2
    - Added hash pipe to demark data citation
    .. _merge:
    ==================== ================= =======================
    file                 converted from    software               
    ==================== ================= =======================
    a20_2003a_nc_hyd.zip a20_2003a_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-78-g3e6ecac
    ==================== ================= =======================
    All converted files opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    :working directory:
    :cruise directory:
    Updated Files Manifest
    - a20_2003a_nc_hyd.zip
    - a20_2003a_hy1.csv
  • Exchange, netCDF, WOCE files online Carolina Berys

    Date: 2013-07-26
    Data Type: mcj-update
    Action: Website Update
    316N200309 processing - SUM/BTL - OXYGEN, BTL_TIME, BTL_LAT, BTL_LON
    C Berys
    .. contents:: :depth: 2
    ============================== ============ ========== ========= ===
    filename                       submitted by date       data type id 
    ============================== ============ ========== ========= ===
    A20_20091020_MCJ_update.tar.gz Mary Johnson 2009-11-05 BTL       508
    ============================== ============ ========== ========= ===
    - CTDPRS
    - CTDTMP
    - CTDSAL [1]_
    - SALNTY [1]_
    - CTDOXY [1]_
    - OXYGEN [1]_ [4]_
    - SILCAT [1]_
    - NITRAT [1]_
    - NITRIT [1]_
    - PHSPHT [1]_
    - CFC-11 [1]_
    - CFC-12 [1]_
    - CFC113 [1]_
    - TCARBN [1]_
    - ALKALI [1]_
    - BTL_TIME [3]_ [4]_
    - BTL_LAT [3]_ [4]_
    - BTL_LON [3]_ [4]_
    .. [1] parameter has quality flag column
    .. [2] parameter only has fill values/no reported measured data
    .. [3] not in WOCE bottle file
    .. [4] merged, see merge_
    - Station 89/1 was an on-deck test in port after A20 finished and was removed in this update
    - renamed to a20_2003asu.txt
    - passed sumchk
    - citation information in header changed, no longer marked as preliminary
    .. _merge:
    Merged a20_hy1.csv into a20_2003a_hy1.csv using merge_exchange_bot.rb (J Fields).
    :New parameters: BTL_TIME, BTL_LAT, BTL_LON
    :Updated parameters: OXYGEN
    All comment lines from original file copied back in following merge. a20_2003a_hy1.csv opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    ==================== ================= =======================
    file                 converted from    software               
    ==================== ================= =======================
    a20_2003a_nc_hyd.zip a20_2003a_hy1.csv hydro 0.8.0-10-ge326027
    a20_2003ahy.txt      a20_2003a_hy1.csv exchange_to_wocebot.rb 
    ==================== ================= =======================
    All converted files opened in JOA with no apparent problems.
    :working directory:
    :cruise directory:
    Updated Files Manifest
    - a20_2003asu.txt
    - a20_2003ahy.txt
    - a20_2003a_nc_hyd.zip
    - a20_2003a_hy1.csv
  • Updated NetCDF, Exchange, WOCE files online Carolina Berys

    Date: 2011-11-16
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Website Updated
    a20_ctd.zip and a20_ct1.zip submitted by Mary Johnson on 2009-11-05
    containing WOCE and Exchange CTD data.
    The following changes were made to the submission files:
        added '*' to the end of units line and quality flag line in header
        datestamp changed from '20091030SIO' to '20091030ODFSIOMCJ'
      files zipped and renamed
    NetCDF files created using exctd_to_netcdf.pl (S Diggs)
    Exchange and NetCDF files opened in JOA with no apparent problems
    NOTE: NetCDF files do not contain TRANSM parameter
    Working directory:
  • RH2_Tritium_Submission.xlsx Merge - 2011-06-02 - Carolina Berys

    File Merge Carolina Berys

    RH2_Tritium_Submission.xlsx (download) #8f57e
    Date: 2011-06-02
    Current Status: merged

  • Exchange/NetCDF/WOCE bot files updated Carolina Berys

    Date: 2011-06-02
    Data Type: Tritium
    Action: Website Updated
    RH2_Tritium_Submission.xlsxSubmission submitted by Bill Jenkins (via
    email from Susan Piercy) on 2010-08-12 containing tritium data merged
    into online file using merge_exchange_bot.rb (J Fields)
    The following changes were made to the original file:
    DEPTH units from '' to METERS
    HELIER units from '' to 'NMOL/KG' (55)
    DELHER units from '' to 'PERCNT'
    NEONER units from '' to 'NMOL/KG'
    C14ERR units from '' to '/MILLE'
    PEUK units from 'E6/7' to 'E6/L'
    SYNN changed to SYN
    The following changes were made to the submission file:
    added header information and units line
    added EXPOCODE and SECT_ID
    CTDPRS units from '' to DBAR
    TRITUM units from '' to TU
    TRITER units from '' to TU
    omitted duplicate cast at (Station = 57,Cast = 1, BTLNBR = 4) in
    accordance with email from Bill Jenkins
    The following parameters were merged:
    All comment lines from original file copied back into new file following merge
    NetCDF bottle file created using exbot_to_netcdf.pl (S Diggs), files zipped
    WOCE bottle file created using exchange_to_wocebot.rb (J Fields),
    added cruise information and datestamp to header
    NetCDF and Exchange files opened in JOA with no apparent problems
    Working directory:
  • RH2_Tritium_Submission.xlsx Submission - 2010-08-12 - Bill Jenkins

    File Submission Bill Jenkins

    RH2_Tritium_Submission.xlsx (download) #8f57e
    Date: 2010-08-12
    Current Status: merged
    A20 tritium data

  • RH2_Tritium_Submission.xlsx Submission - 2010-08-12 - Berys, Carolina

    File Submission Berys, Carolina

    RH2_Tritium_Submission.xlsx (download) #8f57e
    Date: 2010-08-12
    Current Status: merged
    Expocode: 316N200309
    Ship: KNORR
    Woce Line: A20
    Note: Tritium data submitted via email by Susan Piercy on behalf of Bill Jenkins on 2010-08-12. Available online in queue, this submission for tracking purposes.

  • Available under 'as received' Carolina Berys

    Date: 2010-08-12
    Data Type: Tritium
    Action: Website Update
    RH2_Tritium_Submission.xlsx submitted by Susan Piercy on
    behalf of Bill Jenkins on 2010-08-12 available under
    'as received', unprocessed by CCHDO.
  • Available under 'as received' Carolina Berys

    Date: 2010-08-06
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Update
    A20_20091020_MCJ_update.tar.gz containing README, bottle, and CTD files submitted by Mary Johnson on 2009-11-05 available under 'Preliminary/Unprocessed', unprocessed by CCHDO. This release contains updated CTDO and temperature values, as well as transmissometer data, in CTD files.
  • Data Update Mary Johnson

    Date: 2009-11-05
    Data Type: CTD/BTL
    Action: Submitted
    30 October 2009		New release of CCHDO A20/A22-2003 Data
    1.     Replace all the old CTDO data files with the new ones.
    2.     Bottle Oxygen data were wrong in original bottle file submitted.  
    	I would replace ALL ODF parameters, so they jive with our final 
    	submission.2003 CLIVAR A20/A22 CTDO and bottle data files 
    	were re-generated
    2003 CLIVAR A20/A22 CTDO and bottle data files were re-generated
    Oct. 30, 2009.  A review of the data showed problems in the CTD
    data files produced in Feb. 2004 and in the bottle data files
    produced shipboard.  The problems and their resolution are
    addressed below, and fixed in this distribution.
    Temperature data in 2004 were reported as ITS90, when they were
    actually IPTS68 data.  Additionally, a large surface CTD Oxygen
    problem was discovered and fixed.  Apparently there was a program
    bug when both A20 and A22 CTDO files were generated in Feb. 2004.
    Surface CTD Oxygen data were off by tens of umol/kg near-surface
    for both cruises, and well over a hundred umol/kg for many casts.
    Reported CTD Oxygen data did not return to bottle data ranges
    until ~400db (A20) or ~30db (A22) in the Feb. 2004 data files.
    A22 CTD Oxygen data, produced with current ODF CTDO processing
    software, resemble data values from the ship and agree fairly
    well with bottle data.  However, A20 CTD Oxygen data do not agree
    well with deep bottle data or shipboard CTD data.  CTDO processing
    algorithms apparently evolved during A22 in such a way that deep
    CTD Oxygen data produced from shipboard A20 CTD data and corrections
    files are about 1.5-2% high vs. bottle data.  A snapshot of the
    final shipboard A20 CTD Oxygen data was found in other data
    listings generated just after corrections were finalized at the
    end of A20.  These CTD Oxygen data agree much more closely with
    bottle data, and were merged in with the current pressure,
    temperature, salinity and transmissometer data. (As noted, only
    temperature values should differ in these other data.)
    Note that there was NOT a problem with CTD Temperature or Oxygen
    data reported in the bottle data files. A postgresql database
    was the source for the shipboard .sea files; it was never updated
    with CTD Oxygen values while the program was incorrect.  However,
    plots of CTD vs bottle Oxygen data revealed an offset between
    them in umol/kg units, but good agreement in ml/l units.  It
    was discovered that lab temperatures at analysis time were
    erroneously stored in the bottle Oxygen draw temperature slot in
    early versions of the bottle database.  The correct data were
    uploaded into the A20 and A22 databases, and the CTD and bottle
    Oxygen data now agree in umol/kg space as well.  New versions
    of the .sum, .sea and _hy1.csv files were generated in Oct. 2009
    and are also included with this data release.  Note that non-ODF
    data are shipboard status, and probably need to be updated from
    newer data files submitted by the other PIs.
    Uncorrected transmissometer data are now included in these 2009
    CTD data files.  A few surface CTD T/S/O spikes were removed or
    reduced in this distribution by excluding surface data before
    the point where sensors had equilibrated (usually before SBE
    pumps had turned on) from the pressure-series data:
       A20: stations  1, 15, 37/2, 54, 61, 75, 78, 81, 85 and 87
           61/1  CTDO off at surface, ok? by about 20db
           75/1  CTDO low at surface, ok by about 10db
           85/1  CTDO very low at surface, ok by about 14db.
       A22: stations  9, 38, 52, 54/2
    	9/1  CTDS still somewhat noisy, top 10db
           38/1  CTDO a bit low at surface, ok by about 16db 
           52/1  CTDO low at surface, ok by about 22db
           54/2  CTDO low at surface, top 2db only 
    	  NOTE: station 54/2 was overwritten by [deeper] 54/1 at
    		some point before A22 ended.  The shallow-cast
    		data were found in and recovered from another
    		file, and reformatted to CCHDO formats.
    The following extra CTD casts were done because of problems on
    the primary deep cast (where possible, notes from Console Logs
    or ODF documentation are included):
       A20: station 66/1:  "deck unit lost power, sea cable
    		conductor shorted, end cast at 750m [up]"
            station 66/2:  "port side winch/wire, pick up top
    		750+m of water samples from aborted cast 1"
       A22: station 51/3 (deep cast/5052db):  precedes 51/2 in time,
    		"all bottle vents left open, no usable samples
    		taken"  [NOTE: documentation says orig.  51/1 was
    		re-named 51/3. CTD trips reported with 51/3
    		match the original trip data.]  
    	station 51/2: (deep cast/4020db): "repeat cast"
    		[NOTE: all bottle data are reported as cast 2]
    	station 57/2 (deep cast/5033db) - precedes 57/1 in time,
    		"broken sea cable conductor/signal loss resulted
    		in premature termination of 57/1 (renamed 57/2)
    		at 4600db after tripping 3 bottles."
    	station 57/1 (deep cast/5035db) - repeat cast [NOTE:
    		all bottle data are reported as cast 1]
    The following extra CTD casts were for CDOM experiments and have
    not been processed beyond block-averaging; no bottles were tripped
    on these casts, and no sample logs were filed.  Note that these
    casts typically preceded the deep CTD casts in time, despite a
    cast number that was later in sequence.
         A20: stations  37/2  58/2   
         A22: stations  14/2  41/2  54/2
    The following CTD casts with NO bottle data have been eliminated
    in this distribution, with reasons explained below:
         A20: station 89/1  The last station for A20 was 88; this was
    		an on-deck test in port after A20 finished. It
    		should not have been included in any distribution.
         A22: station 51/1	Renamed 51/3; CTD data in files for
    		51/1 and 51/3 are identical; however, CTD trips
    		stored with cast 1 do NOT match up with trips 
    		logged during cast acquisition (39 vs 36 bottles,
    		different depths).
    ODF documentation remains the same, since no PTSO corrections
    were changed.  However, the documented "extra" high-order
    polynomial corrections to CTD Oxygens as a function of Pressure
    were never applied to the A20/A22 data in CTD files, in 2004
    or now.  Polynomial coefficients were calculated in ml/l units,
    but applied to umol/kg values in the CCHDO CTD files, and
    essentially had no effect on the 2004 CTD data.
    These data issues were discussed with Dr. James H. Swift,
    Principal Investigator of the CTD/Hydrographic Support for
    A20/A22.  He agreed that updating the data was appropriate for
    this data set, and suggested we include documentation that
    identified the CTD data files with surface oxygen problems. 
    CTD/Hydrographic Support Principal Investigator:
    	Dr. James H. Swift
    SIO/STS/ODF Data Manager:
    	Kristin M. Sanborn
    SIO/STS/ODF post-cruise Data Analysts for A20/A22 data:
    	Mary Carol Johnson		Parisa Nahavandi
    	mcj@ucsd.edu			pnahavandi@ucsd.edu
  • Data online Danie Bartolocci

    Date: 2009-05-28
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Update
    2009.05.28  DBK
    Remerging notes for a20_2003a bottle file
    An error in the merge_exchange_bot.rb code
    was found after these data were merged.
    This warrented a remerging of all parameters
    once the code was fixed.  All same intermediate
    files from the original merge were used in the
    remerge.  All files were copied to directory:
    REMERGE_2009.05.28.  For notes on previous
    merge (including edits made to all intermediate
    files) please see merging notes below dated
    No additional problems were detected.
    All files were checked in JOA.
    NetCDF files were generated after the parameter
    table was edited to have BRDU in all caps. 
    Previously, our entry for BRDU was BrdU.  Once
    this edit was made, netCDF files were generated
    without any problems.  Files opened in JOA
    without problem.
    A WOCE-formatted file was also generated using
    excange_to_wocebot.rb code.  No errors were
    reported, however the file cannot be format
    checked at this time due to the large number
    of non-WOCE parameters contained in the final
    file.  At this point it is assumed to be in
    proper format.  The first EXPOCODE header
    was edited to be all caps and WHP-ID was
    added, as was a date/name stamp.  
    All files were placed online.  Previous versions
    were renamed and placed in original directory.
    the web update script was run and these notes
    were emailed to Jerry Kappa. 
  • to go online Bill Jenkins

    Date: 2009-05-06
    Data Type: Tritium
    Action: Submitted
    please find attached the
    tritium spreadsheets for A20 and A22 (2003). Please let me know if there
    are any questions about them.
  • Exchange file only Danie Bartolocci

    Date: 2009-04-20
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Updated
    2009.03.28  DBK
    Merging Notes for a20_2003a bottle file
    The following parameters were merged using
    the new merge_exchange_bot.rb created by
    Justin Fields.  Parameters were merged
    into exchange bottle file only at this
    time, the WOCE formatted bottle file
    is not up to date.
    These data were sent by Alex Kozyr
    on 2008.07.28.  Header TALK was
    edited to ALKALI.  Data were
    merged with no problems.
    TDN, DOC:
    These data were sent by Alex Kozyr
    on 2008.02.15. Data were merged with
    no problems.
    DELC14, DELC13:
    Delc14 and error, and delc13 data
    were sent by Bob Key on 2008.04.17
    Header was edited to reflect CCHDO
    parameter names and units were added
    to file before merging.  Missing values
    were edited from -9 to -999 before merging.
    Data were merged with no apparent problems.
    **NOTE:These data were remerged after it was
    brought to our attention that delc13 had
    incorrect precision on our parameter table.
    DELHE3,HELIUM,NEON and their associated
    error and flag values were sent by
    Bill Jenkins on 2007.11.19.  Headers
    names were edited to CCHDO parameter
    names and units were added.  Data
    were merged with no apparent problems.
    **NOTE: It should be noted that the data history
    reflects an entry by Bill Jenkins for TRITUM
    (tritium) data.  This entry pertains to
    the previous occupation of line A20 (1997).
    There were no TRITUM data submitted for this
    cruise.  There was mention of drawing a sample
    for analysis in the bottle sampling protocol
    in the doc file for this cruise, however there
    is no mention that samples were drawn and
    analyzed for tritium.
    BrdU data were sent by Craig Carlson on
    2006.11.  File was edited for use in merge
    code:  line/feed carriage returns were edited into
    file, header parameters and units were edited
    to reflect CCHDO parameter names, missing values
    for data and flags were added to previously blank
    entries. Flags for valid values were edited from
    "1" to "2".  Several stations had incorrect cast
    number associated with the station/cast/sample
    values :  edited station 20/2 to 20/1 for samples
    7, 5, 3.  Stn/cst/samp  37/-9/-9 was deleted as it
    contained no data values.  Five entries of 37/1/-9
    were deleted as they all contained no data at all.
    The duplicate entry for 37/1/6 was deleted as
    neither entry contained data.  After these edits,
    data merged with no apparent problems.
    This file contained DCNS, FUCO, RHAM, ARABI,
    GLAA, GLUC, MAN data sent by Craig Carlson on
    2006.11.20.  File was edited for use in merge
    code:  line feed/carriage returns were added,
    all parameter and units headers were edited
    to reflect CCHDO parameters names, missing
    values and flags were added to previously blank
    entries, flags for valid values were edited from
    "0" to "2", however it was assumed that all values
    possessing a flag "4" were truly accurate and
    were left as-is.  Several stations had incorrect cast
    number associated with the station/cast/sample
    values :  edited station 20/2 to 20/1 for samples
    7, 5, 3.  Stn/cst/samp  37/-9/-9 was deleted as it
    contained no data values.  Five entries of 37/1/-9
    were deleted as they all contained no data at all.
    The duplicate entry for 37/1/6 was deleted as
    neither entry contained data.  Entire file was
    edited after these changes, to contain only data
    necessary for the merge code to operate.  After these
    edits, data merged with no apparent problems.
    BACT, PEUK, SYNN, PROC data sent by Craig Carlson on
    2006.11.20.  File was edited for use in merge
    code:  line feed/carriage returns were added,
    all parameter and units headers were edited
    to reflect CCHDO parameters names, missing
    values and flags were added to previously blank
    entries, flags for valid values were edited from
    "1" to "2", deleted all lines which contained
    no cast, station, sample numbers which also held
    no values for bacteria data, deleted all lines
    which contained duplicate sample numbers and
    black spaces for values.  Edited cast from 2
    to 1 for station 20 samples 7,5,3.  Stations
    63, 64, 65, 51 all contained cast 2 and were
    changed to cast 1 to match original bottle
    and summary files.  Entire file was
    edited after these changes, to contain only data
    necessary for the merge code to operate.  After these
    edits, data merged with no apparent problems.
    CDOM data for 325, 340, 380, 412 nm and spectral
    slope CDOMSL, CDOMSN were submitted by Norm Nelson
    on 2005.04.20.  The header was edited to reflect
    CCHDO parameter names.  Fewer samples were submitted
    in the file than contained in the CCHDO bottle file.
    Missing values were added as such into the bottle file.
    Values for CDOMSL and CDOMSN at station 37 cast 1
    samples 34, 35 were reported as NaN's with flags of "2".
    In order to merge the rest of the data, these values
    were changed to -999.0 with a flag of "5" (not reported).
    An email  was sent to  Norm Nelson requesting further
    advice on how to report these two values.  Data were
    merged with no apparent problems.
    Final file was loaded into JOA without error and plots
    of all parameters were made to identify any errors as
    a result of merging.  None were apparent.
    Final file containing all merged parameters named
    indicates the order in which parameters were
    merged.  This file was renamed a20_2003a_hy1.csv, citation
    information prepended to the top of the file, and file
    was placed back online.
    NOTE:  this file did not convert to netcdf due to unknown
    At this time, the WOCE formatted bottle file is not
    up to date with these merged and added parameters.  I
    will attempt to make as complete a file as possible
    using the new exchange_to_woce conversion code created
    by Justin Fields and indicate to Jerry Kappa when
    this has been successfully completed.
  • Data online Danie Bartolocci

    Date: 2009-03-28
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Website Update
    2009.03.28  DBK
    Merging Notes for a20_2003a bottle file
    The following parameters were merged using
    the new merge_exchange_bot.rb created by
    Justin Fields.  Parameters were merged
    into exchange bottle file only at this 
    time, the WOCE formatted bottle file
    is not up to date.
    These data were sent by Alex Kozyr
    on 2008.07.28.  Header TALK was 
    edited to ALKALI.  Data were 
    merged with no problems.  
    TDN, DOC:  
    These data were sent by Alex Kozyr
    on 2008.02.15. Data were merged with 
    no problems.  
    DELC14, DELC13:
    Delc14 and error, and delc13 data
    were sent by Bob Key on 2008.04.17
    Header was edited to reflect CCHDO
    parameter names and units were added
    to file before merging.  Missing values
    were edited from -9 to -999 before merging.
    Data were merged with no apparent problems.
    **NOTE:These data were remerged after it was
    brought to our attention that delc13 had
    incorrect precision on our parameter table.
    DELHE3,HELIUM,NEON and their associated
    error and flag values were sent by 
    Bill Jenkins on 2007.11.19.  Headers
    names were edited to CCHDO parameter
    names and units were added.  Data
    were merged with no apparent problems.
    **NOTE: It should be noted that the data history
    reflects an entry by Bill Jenkins for TRITUM
    (tritium) data.  This entry pertains to 
    the previous occupation of line A20 (1997).
    There were no TRITUM data submitted for this
    cruise.  There was mention of drawing a sample
    for analysis in the bottle sampling protocol 
    in the doc file for this cruise, however there
    is no mention that samples were drawn and
    analyzed for tritium.
    BrdU data were sent by Craig Carlson on
    2006.11.  File was edited for use in merge
    code:  line/feed carriage returns were edited into
    file, header parameters and units were edited
    to reflect CCHDO parameter names, missing values
    for data and flags were added to previously blank
    entries. Flags for valid values were edited from
    "1" to "2".  Several stations had incorrect cast
    number associated with the station/cast/sample
    values :  edited station 20/2 to 20/1 for samples
    7, 5, 3.  Stn/cst/samp  37/-9/-9 was deleted as it 
    contained no data values.  Five entries of 37/1/-9 
    were deleted as they all contained no data at all.  
    The duplicate entry for 37/1/6 was deleted as 
    neither entry contained data.  After these edits,
    data merged with no apparent problems.
    This file contained DCNS, FUCO, RHAM, ARABI,
    GLAA, GLUC, MAN data sent by Craig Carlson on
    2006.11.20.  File was edited for use in merge
    code:  line feed/carriage returns were added, 
    all parameter and units headers were edited 
    to reflect CCHDO parameters names, missing 
    values and flags were added to previously blank
    entries, flags for valid values were edited from
    "0" to "2", however it was assumed that all values
    possessing a flag "4" were truly accurrate and 
    were left as-is.  Several stations had incorrect cast
    number associated with the station/cast/sample
    values :  edited station 20/2 to 20/1 for samples
    7, 5, 3.  Stn/cst/samp  37/-9/-9 was deleted as it
    contained no data values.  Five entries of 37/1/-9
    were deleted as they all contained no data at all.
    The duplicate entry for 37/1/6 was deleted as
    neither entry contained data.  Entire file was
    edited after these changes, to contain only data
    necessary for the merge code to operate.  After these 
    edits, data merged with no apparent problems.
    BACT, PEUK, SYNN, PROC data sent by Craig Carlson on
    2006.11.20.  File was edited for use in merge
    code:  line feed/carriage returns were added, 
    all parameter and units headers were edited 
    to reflect CCHDO parameters names, missing 
    values and flags were added to previously blank
    entries, flags for valid values were edited from
    "1" to "2", deleted all lines which contained
    no cast, station, sample numbers which also held
    no values for bacteria data, deleted all lines
    which contained duplicate sample numbers and
    black spaces for values.  Edited cast from 2
    to 1 for station 20 samples 7,5,3.  Stasions
    63, 64, 65, 51 all contained cast 2 and were 
    changed to cast 1 to match original bottle
    and summmary files.  Entire file was
    edited after these changes, to contain only data
    necessary for the merge code to operate.  After these 
    edits, data merged with no apparent problems.
    CDOM data for 325, 340, 380, 412 nm and spectral
    slope CDOMSL, CDOMSN were submitted by Norm Nelson
    on 2005.04.20.  The header was edited to reflect
    CCHDO parameter names.  Fewer samples were submitted
    in the file than contained in the CCHDO bottle file.
    Missing values were added as such into the bottle file.
    Values for CDOMSL and CDOMSN at station 37 cast 1
    samples 34, 35 were reported as NaN's with flags of "2".  
    In order to merge the rest of the data, these values 
    were changed to -999.0 with a flag of "5" (not reported).  
    An email  was sent to  Norm Nelson requesting further 
    advice on how to report these two values.  Data were 
    merged with no apparent problems.
    Final file was loaded into JOA without error and plots
    of all parameters were made to identify any errors as
    a result of merging.  None were apparent.  
    Final file containing all merged parameters named
    indicates the order in which parameters were 
    merged.  This file was renamed a20_2003a_hy1.csv, citation
    information prepended to the top of the file, and file 
    was placed back online.
    NOTE:  this file did not convert to netcdf due to unknown
    At this time, the WOCE formatted bottle file is not 
    up to date with these merged and added parameters.  I 
    will attempt to make as complete a file as possible 
    using the new exchange_to_woce conversion code created
    by Justin Fields and indicate to Jerry Kappa when
    this has been successfully completed.  
  • Correction of 6/23/08 data file Alexander Kozyr

    Date: 2008-07-28
    Data Type: ALKALI
    Action: Submitted
    This is the corrected and final TALK (Alkalinity) data I received from Andrew Dickson on 07/25/2008 and flags for merging into the master file. Please, let me know when the data will be available online after the merging. 
  • Data are final Alexander Kozyr

    Date: 2008-06-23
    Data Type: ALKALI
    Action: Submitted
    Here are the final TALK data from Andrew. I will send the metadata file as soon as I get it from Andrew ti include it in the report. Please, merge the TALK numbers ASAP as these data are due so much behind. 
  • various errors Mary Johnson

    Date: 2008-04-18
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Update Needed
    Errors found by ODF in CTDO data submitted 2003/2004 for CLIVAR A20/A22:
      ?CTDTEMP data reported were IPTS68, but labeled as ITS90
      ?CTDOXY data did not have corrections applied properly, likely
         due to a scripting error.  The top 10-20db are very skewed for 
         most stations, and deep data are occasionally affected as well.
      ?Transmissometer data were not included with the CTD data originally, 
      ?Fluorometer data were not block-averaged and are not reported.
    Corrected CTDO data files were submitted by ODF to CCHDO on 3/18/2008.
    Uncalibrated transmissometer data are also included, pending updates
    by Wilf Gardner (TAMU).  Fluorometer data were collected with the CTD, 
    but not block-averaged; they are not reported.
  • Public Dr. Robert M. Key

    Date: 2008-04-04
    Data Type: C13/14
    Action: Submitted
    I resubmitted the data to you today (2 files) via the web site. Format of these may be easier for you to merge and the data now has the QC flags.
  • Second submission Alexander Kozyr

    Date: 2008-02-15
    Data Type: DOC/TDN
    Action: Submitted
    Status: public
    Name: Kozyr, Alex
    Institute: CDIAC/ORNL
    Country: USA
    Expo:316N200309 Line: A20_2003
    Date: 2003-09-22 
    Action:Merge Data, Place Online
    Notes:Here are the DOC and TDN data. I've submitted DOC measurements before for this cruise but do not see these numbers mearged yet, so I send them again.
  • added to all online files Danie Bartolocci

    Date: 2008-01-15
    Data Type: Citatations
    Action: Website Updated
    Citations have been added to all online files for a20_2003a.   
    File was pre-pended to the comment lines
    at the beginning of the bottle exchange file and zipped together with all other product files (all ctd, and bottle
    netcdf).  All files are online.
  • upper 300 m Craig Carlson

    Date: 2007-12-19
    Data Type: TDN
    Action: Submitted
    Name: Carlson, Craig
    Institute: UCSB
    Country: USA
    Expo:316N200309 Line: A20
    Date: 2003-09-01 
    Action:Merge Data
    Notes:Attached are total dissolved nitrogen data determined for the upper 300 m.   These data are used in combination with nitrate and nitrite to calculate DON.  TDN is reported because that's the parameter actually measured.  These are ancillary data to the larger DOC data sets already submitted.
  • data are public Prof. William J. Jenkins

    Date: 2007-11-19
    Data Type: HELIUM
    Action: submitted
    Helium Submission.csv Type:  Status: public
    Name: Jenkins, William J
    Institute: WHOI
    Country: USA
    Expo:316N200309 Line: A20
    Date: 2003-09-22 
    Action:Place Online
  • Data are Final William Jenkins

    Date: 2006-12-13
    Data Type: Helium/Neon
    Action: Submitted
    Please find attached a spreadsheet containing the helium isotope, helium and neon analytical results for A20_2003, A22_2003, and P02_2004. Hopefully the tables are self-explanatory, but please let me know if there are any questions. I will be working on and sending the accompanying tritium data in the near future, and will then work on sending you the A20_1997 and A22_1997 data.
    File: RH2 Tritium Submission.csv  Type:  Status: Public
    Name: Jenkins, William 
    Institute: WHOI 
    Country: USA
    Expo:316N200309 Line: A20
    Date: 09/2003
    Action:Place Data Online
  • Dissolved combined Neutral Sugar data for A20 Craig Carlson

    Date: 2006-11-25
    Data Type: DCNS
    Action: Submitted
    File: A20_DCNS_11-20-06.txt  Type: txt Status: Public
    Name: Carlson, Craig 
    Institute: University of California Santa Barbara 
    Country: USA
    Expo:316N200309 Line: A20-2003
    Date: 10/2003
    Action:Place Data Online
    Dissolved combined Neutral Sugar data for A20
  • Bacterial production data from A20 Craig Carlson

    Date: 2006-11-25
    Data Type: BrdU
    Action: Submitted
    File: A20_BrdU_11-20-06.txt  Type: txt Status: Public
    Name: carlson, Craig 
    Institute: university of California Santa Barbara 
    Country: uSA
    Expo:316N200309 Line: A20-2003
    Date: 03/10
    Action:Place Data Online
    Bacterial production data from A20
  • Microbial Abundance data Craig Carlson

    Date: 2006-11-25
    Data Type: BACT
    Action: Submitted
    File: A20_BACT_11-20-06.txt  Type: txt Status: Public
    Name: Carlson, Craig 
    Institute: University of California Santa Barbara 
    Country: uSA
    Expo:316N200309 Line: A20_2003
    Date: 03/10
    Action:Place Data Online
    Microbial Abundance data from A20
  • Data status summary Alexander Kozyr

    Date: 2006-11-15
    Data Type: CO2
    Action: Submitted
    Here are the latest update on the Carbon Data status at CCHDO and CDIAC.
    TCO2 - OK;
    TALK - no final data from Dickson;
    DOC - final data were not merged in the exchange file at CCHDO.
  • Microbe concentrations/Neutral sugars Craig Carlson

    Date: 2006-11-09
    Data Type: BACT
    Action: Submitted
    Here are several additional ancillary data that accompany the core CDOM data (already submitted) for A20 and A22.     They include concentrations of microbes in the upper 250 m, bromodioxyuridine incorporation rates (proxy for microbial production) and concentrations of dissolved combined neutral sugars for A20.  I have also included brief standard operating procedures for each parameter. Again these are level III ancillary data to the bigger CDOM data set. These data analyses are extremely labor intensive to generate and were just recently completed, QC'd and finalized. I am not sure how they are to be incorporated into the larger data sets but wanted to make sure data center received these final data.
  • No exchange file yet Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2006-05-31
    Data Type: DOC
    Action: Website Updated:
    May 31, 2006
    a20_2003a, 316N200309
    Merged the DOC sent by C. Carlson on Oct. 25, 2005 into the online file.  There were no apparent problems.   
    The WOCE to EXCHANGE STILL needs to have DOC added, so I DID NOT MAKE A NEW EXCHANGE file.  
  • DOC report Craig Carlson

    Date: 2006-05-22
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Submitted
    Here is the documentation for DOC collection and analyses.  Let me know if you need any other info
  • by email Jane Dunworth

    Date: 2006-02-14
    Data Type: C13/C14
    Action: Submitted
    Jenkins is still processing the tritium, and hasn't begun the helium.
  • Data Processing Pending William Jenkins

    Date: 2006-02-07
    Data Type: HELIUM
    Action: Analysis Completed
    We have also completed the helium analyses for the A20 and A22 cruises, and I hope to submit those results shortly. I had hoped to complete the data processing prior to the Ocean Sciences meeting, but may have to do it afterward.
  • DOC data report Craig Carlson

    Date: 2005-10-25
    Data Type: DOC
    Action: Submitted
    Here is the documentation for DOC collection and analyses.  Let me know if you need any other info.
  • final data w/ Qual flags Craig Carlson

    Date: 2005-10-25
    Data Type: DOC
    Action: Submitted
    The DOC data for A20 and A22 are finally complete.  The long delay was largely due to the fact that for a long stretch our machines were down  but all the problems have been resolved and all the samples were run when the machines were stable and performing well.  Attached are final DOC data and the quality flags for the A20 and A22 lines.  For a while we have been trying to submit via the web but have not been able through the submit page so I thought I would forward the files directly to you.  Because this page is not working I am not sure if you need any other info associated with this data...so if you need mor info please let me know.
    The final DOC data in these files are reported as µmol / L.  I assigned quality flags according to the WHP codes.  There were a few samples from each line that were misplaced or missing so I have entered a 5 as a quality flag for those sample.
  • documentation also provided John Toole

    Date: 2005-08-22
    Data Type: Underway
    Action: Submitted
    The attached matlab-format file holds all the underway data collected on this leg.  The two .txt files hold documentation as provided me by the Knorr's science tech.  Not all variables listed in the documentation were actually logged.  Hopefully the variable names in the mat file are understandable.  Please forward to Shawn as appropriate, and let me know if anyone has any questions.
  • Final CDOM Data from A20_2003 & A22_2003 Norman Nelson

    Date: 2005-04-20
    Data Type: CDOM
    Action: Submitted
    Final CDOM Data from 2003's A20 and A22 lines.
  • Data Update: Debbie Willey

    Date: 2005-03-09
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Submitted
    The file:  A20_2003_CFCs.csv - 116259 bytes
         has been saved as:  20050309.085410_WILLEY_A20_A20_2003_CFCs.csv
         in the directory:  20050309.085410_WILLEY_A20
    The data disposition is:
    The bottle file has the following parameters:
         CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CCL4
    The file format is:
         WHP Exchange 
    The archive type is:
         NONE - Individual File 
    The data type(s) is:
         Bottle Data (hyd)
    The file contains these water sample identifiers:
         Cast Number (CASTNO)
         Station Number (STATNO)
         Bottle Number (BTLNBR)
    WILLEY, DEBRA would like the following action(s) taken on the data:
         Merge Data
    Any additional notes are:
         This is a RE-submission of the CFC values that were originally sent on 11/11/2004.  Corrections were made to stations 38 and 40.
  • will re-submit Debbie Willey

    Date: 2005-03-07
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Data Update Needed:
    Last week, William Smethie sent changes to the A20 (2003) CFC data for stations 38 and 40.  Today when I began to make changes to my files, I realized that I needed to do some work to make the appropriate changes to station 38...  There are several bottles where both RSMAS and Lamont took samples (i.e., duplicates).  These are usually averaged and given a flag of 6, or in the case where one lab's sample is questionable and one is good, the good one is used.  This means that rather than flagging all of station 38 CFCs with a quality byte of 3, there are several bottles where the RSMAS data can be used. So, in a nutshell, I will be re-submitting data for station 38 this week, as soon as I make the changes.  
  • questionable data points William Smethie

    Date: 2005-03-04
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Data Update needed
    Since submission of the final CFC data for the repeat of WOCE line A20 (Kn173/1), Sept 22 - Oct 20, 2003, we have found some data points that are questionable and should be flagged as such.  All CFC data for station 38 and for bottles 24, 26, 32, 34, 35, 36 of station 40 should be flagged as questionable.
  • Data are Final & OnLine Alexander Kozyr

    Date: 2004-12-17
    Data Type: TCARBN
    Action: Data Status Check
    A20 and A22 (2003):
    I have the final TCO2 data from Marilyn Roberts, I merged these data into WHPO format, made our QA-QC work, and sent the data to CCHDO on June 22, I have automatic confirmation on 
    receiving these data. I've checked CCHDO web site for A20/A22 and noticed that the final TCO2 data were incorporated to the bottle data files. 
    Andrew Dickson is still working on his Total Alkalinity data for A20/A22 sections. I've sent Andrew a message a few days ago with question about a status of his TALK data, but did not have a reply yet. The TALK numbers in CCHDO bottle data file are preliminary and will be adjusted as soon as I get the data from Andrew and work on merging and QC.
  • WOCE/Exchange/NetCDF files onlie Sarilee Anderson

    Date: 2004-11-24
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Website Updated:
    RCS for a20_2003a  
    Debra Willey submitted final cfc11, cfc12, cfc113, and ccl4 data on Nov. 11, 2004.  These final data have been merged into the data file.  
    Sta. 37, cast 1, bottle 12 had a value of 2.000 and a Q flag of 0 for ccl4.  Debra checked and sent a new value of 0.429 and a Q flag of 2.     
    Also a problem with sta. 23, cast 1, bottle 36.  Cfc12 value is way out of acceptable range and exchange program would not accept, even though the Q flag was 4 (bad measurement).  I had to edit the value into both the .hyd and .csv files.
    Made new exchange and netcdf files and put online.
  • Debbie Willey

    Date: 2004-11-11
    Data Type: CFCs
    Action: Submitted
    This is information regarding line: A20 2003
    ExpoCode: 316N200309
    Cruise Date: 2003/09/22 - 2003/10/20
    Email address: dwilley@rsmas.miami.edu
    Institution: UNIVERSITY
    Country: USA
    The file:  A20_2003_CFCs_FINAL_headers.dat - 183300 bytes
    has been saved as:  20041111.130455_WILLEY_A20 2003_A20_2003_CFCs_FINAL_headers.dat
    in the directory:  20041111.130455_WILLEY_A20 2003
    The data disposition is:
    The bottle file has the following parameters:
         CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CCL4
    The file format is:
         Plain Text (ASCII) 
    The archive type is:
         NONE - Individual File 
    The data type(s) is:
         Bottle Data (hyd)
    The file contains these water sample identifiers:
         Cast Number (CASTNO)
         Station Number (STATNO)
         Bottle Number (BTLNBR)
    WILLEY, DEBRA would like the following action(s) taken on the data:
         Merge Data
         Place Data Online
    Any additional notes are:
    Ascii file of CFCs from A20 2003.  Generally, odd stations were sampled and analyzed by UM/RSMAS and even stations sampled and analyzed by Lamont.    
  • pdf & txt cruise reports online Ana Davis

    Date: 2004-08-17
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Website Updated:
  • Data Online Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2004-07-13
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Website Updated:
    Edits made to CTD files for a20_2003a:
    - Edited all station file header line parameters "No. Headers" to "NO. HEADERS"
    - Edited date parameter in headers of station files 30, 33, 36, 45, 58, and 66 to match sumfile date.
    - Ran wctcvt with no errors.
    - Converted files to both exchange and netcdf with no errors.
    NOTE- station file 89 cast 1 is an empty file.  This is true of original file obtained from data originator as well.  Inquiry on this station file will be sent to data originator. At present it will be removed from the ctd zip file and converted format files online.
  • Data Online Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2004-07-08
    Data Type: TCARBN
    Action: Website Updated:
    I have merged the new DIC values sent by Alex Kozyr, into the A20_2003a bottle file.  No other edits were made to the bottle file.  Data merged with no errors.  File was format checked with wocecvt and moved to parent directory.  Old file was renamed and moved to original directory.
    exchange and netcdf files were generated.  All opened in JOA with no errors.
  • as per A.Kozyr's email Danie Bartolacci

    Date: 2004-06-29
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Data file corrected
    I have fixed the error found by Alex Kozyr in the A20_2003a bottle file described in the email below.  The original data PI's file did not have this error in it and the entire sample/bottle line of data was replaced with the original line.  It is unclear at this point what caused the erroneous values in the online woce file.
    The new file was checked with wocecvt to find no errors and was placed online.  original file was renamed and moved to the original directory.
  • Question with sta 23, btl 36 Alexander Kozyr

    Date: 2004-06-23
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Data Update needed
    There is a problem in the a20_2003ahy.txt file with station 23 bottle 36 line which reads like this:
         23       1      36      36     3.2     3.2 25.1581 36.4222   207.1 
    25.1574 36.4297   206.6    0.65    0.15    0.00    0.03   9.919   
    0.4612036.300  2381.522222222244422.0              
    Could you please check this out and let me know what are the correct data for this bottle, or may be we should get this bottle out of set.
  • Data are Final Alexander Kozyr

    Date: 2004-06-21
    Data Type: TCARBN
    Action: Submitted
    I have submitted 2 files to WHPO with the corrected TCO2 values for merging to the master file. I hope you like the format of the files. The quality flags changed a bit too, so please merge the flags as well. However, I have a few questions to the TCO2 PI regrading some quality flags, so they might change in a future. TALK corrected values will be sent to CDIAC in a few weeks by Andrew Dickson per our conversation today. 
    The file:	a20tco2_whpo.txt - 131976 bytes
    has been saved as:	20040621.084208_KOZYR_A20_a20tco2_whpo.txt
    in the directory:	20040621.084208_KOZYR_A20
    The data disposition is:
    The bottle file has the following parameters:
    The file format is:
    	WOCE Format (ASCII) 
    The archive type is:
    	NONE - Individual File 
    The data type(s) is:
    	Bottle Data (hyd)
    The file contains these water sample identifiers:
    	Cast Number (CASTNO)
    	Station Number (STATNO)
    	Bottle Number (BTLNBR)
    	Sample Number (SAMPNO)
    KOZYR, ALEX would like the following action(s) taken on the data:
    	Merge Data
    Any additional notes are:
    	This is a file with corrected parameters of TCO2 for section A20. A22 is comming soon.
  • Received data from Marilyn Roberts Alexander Kozyr

    Date: 2004-06-10
    Data Type: TCARBN
    Action: DQE begun
    I wanted to let you know that I received the DIC measurements for Repeat Sections A20 and A22 from Marilyn Roberts, PMEL. These measurement were adjusted for CRM measurements and went through preliminary quality control at PMEL. I will have done our routine quality evaluation for these data and will send you new data as soon as I finish.
  • Data Recalculated Marilyn Roberts

    Date: 2004-05-24
    Data Type: TCARBN Report
    Action: Submitted TCARBN Data & Report
    I have submitted my final A20/A22 data to  WHP, and have included 
    revised documentation with it.  The documentation includes discussion of 
    the final data processing, including recalculation of the TCARBN files 
    using bottle salinities, as well as our secondary standards (CRMs) 
    corrections.  (the Documentation section) has the original cruise report.  
  • PDF & ASCII Versions Jerry Kappa

    Date: 2004-04-14
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Processed
    04/14/04  Kappa     DOC        Updated Cruise Report as follows:
              Produced an ASCI version of the original PDF report
              Added WHPO/CCHDO Summary pages to PDF and ASCI reports
              Added internal links to figures and WHPO/CCHDO sections in PDF report
              Added he WHPO/CCHDO-generated Station Location Plot to PDF report
              Added these Data Processing Notes to the PDF and ASCI reports
  • Data online Stephen C. Diggs

    Date: 2004-02-20
    Data Type: CTD/BTL/SUM
    Action: Website Updated:
    The CTD data for A22 (2003) are now available on-line through all links from the whpo.ucsd.edu webpage.  In addition, ted and I have fixed all of the normal links so that both the A20 and A22 cruises (both versions of each) are accessible from all of the normal links on the WHPO website.
  • now 316N200309 (was 316N173/1) Stephen C. Diggs

    Date: 2004-02-11
    Data Type: Cruise ID
    Action: Expocode Changed
    The A20 data is formally online at a new location:
    You'll notice that the expocode for the WHPO website is now 316N200309 (was 316N173/1). This is consistent with the way the WHPO/CCHDO now keeps records and assigns expedition codes. Each cruise has an NODC shipcode, then the 4-digit year and the 2-digit month taken from the first date of the cruise. We realize that this may cause problems for individuals who refer to A20 by the old expocode.
  • CTD files Reformatted/SUM file probs preclude making exchange file Stephen C. Diggs

    Date: 2004-02-11
    Data Type: CTD/SUM
    Action: Data Update:
    I have placed the A20 2003 data online with a webpage. Once we've straightened out the datahist and table generation situation, we will be able to place this page in the online tables for the Atlantic.
    WEBPAGE: http://whpo.ucsd.edu/data/co2clivar/atlantic/a20/a20_2003a/index.htm
    WOCE Formatted Files: 
    CTD files were format corrected to include the new WHPO generated expocode as was the sumfile. the bottle file had incorrect NO_DATA values and was reformatted as well. The new expocode was included in the bottle file for consistency.
    WHP-Exchange files: 
    The Sumfile from ODF has minor formatting issues which preclude the translation of the bottle and CTD data into WHP-Exchange. I will attend to these problems when I return on Tuesday, 2/17/04.
  • includes PI names Frank Delahoyde

    Date: 2004-02-11
    Data Type: BTL
    Action: Preliminary data submitted
    These data were provided by:
    -----------------   ----                    --------------
    Chief Scientist     John Toole-WHOI         jtoole@whoi.edu
    Co-Chief Scientist  Alison McDonnald-WHOI   amacdonald@whoi.edu 
    CTDO/S/O2/Nutrients James Swift-SIO         jswift@ucsd.edu
    DIC                 Dick Feely- PMEL        feely@pmel.noaa.gov
    CFC                 William Smethie-LDEO    bsmeth@ldeo.columbia.edu
    TALK                Andrew Dickson-SIO      adickson@ucsd.edu
    CDOM, DOC, DON      Craig Carlson-UCSB      carlson@lifesci.ucsb.edu
    He/Tr               William Jenkins-WHOI    wjenkins@whoi.edu
    Surface C14         Ann McNichol-WHOI       amcnichol@whoi.edu      
    Surface C14         Robert Key-Princeton    key@princeton.edu
    C13 profiles        Paul Quay-UW            pdquay@u.washington.edu
    The data included in these files are preliminary, and are subject to final calibration and processing. They have been made available for public access as soon as possible following their collection. Users should maintain caution in their interpretation and use. Following American Geophysical Union recommendations, the data should be cited as: "data provider(s), cruise name or cruise ID, data file name(s), CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office, La Jolla, CA, USA, and data file date." For further information, please contact one of the parties listed above or whpo@ucsd.edu. Users are also requested to acknowledge the NSF/NOAA-funded U.S. Repeat Hydrography Program in publications resulting from their use.
  • Frank Delahoyde

    Date: 2004-02-04
    Data Type: Cruise Report
    Action: Submitted
  • note from s.diggs to delahoyde Frank Delahoyde

    Date: 2004-01-28
    Data Type: ctd/sea/sum
    Action: Submitted
    Thanks for the A20/A22 2003 data along with the PDF documentation and 
    the CTD 2 decibar downcast data.
    You may put the files in the following location:
    Please let me know once all files have been copied into that directory.
  • CTD files include the following headers Frank Delahoyde

    Date: 2003-10-29
    Data Type: CTD
    Action: Submitted
    Format for A22 2db pressure-series downcast CTD data:
    Pressure (decibars)
    Temperature (ITS-90 Deg C)
    Salinity (PSS-78)
    Dissolved O2 (uM/kg)
    Potential Temperature (ITS-90 Deg C)
    Sigma Theta
    Transmissometer (0-5Volts)